The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 12, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 39

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Ftyniahed Apartments.
Resident and summer home for tran-j
lent aI tourist; handsomest furnished
apts. In the city; no objection- to child
under 2 years: ft. to 5-rpom apts.. with
sleeping porch; we also have bachelor
apta. and service; single rooms and bath
for refined gentlemen; references re
quired. Marshall 2830. 166 St. Clair St.,
corner Washington. ' m
APARTMENT for rent, furniture for sale.
Complete furnishings of 4-room apt. with
' privilege of renting same: furniture is
practically new and of such distinctive
election as to please the most fastidious;
apartment is located In Nob Hill dis
trict, is on 4th floor with 3 exposures;
shown only by appointment. Cull Kast
399 2. or Tabor 3130 on Su nday.
ave.. near -3d and Washington sts. ;
high-class apartment house: one 3-room
beautifully furnished in wicker furni
ture, with good rugs; fine view; outside
balcony; must be seen to be apprecialed.
Call Main 383.
MODERN. completely furnished apart
nual; 5 rooms and bath; all outside
rooms; lots of light and air: large front
porsrfi : fireplace, with gas radiant fire.
' 2d floor, w. s. location, easy walking
distance: adults only. 341 Montgomery,
corner Broadway.
THREB large outside rooms, beautifully
furnished; large private bath. , large
porch, all clean and well lighted; elec
tricity, heat, water, phone; tenant fur
nish own linen and silver: employed
couple preferred; $40 per month. - SuO
Union ave.. near Beach.
FlfLh and Columbia Sis.
Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank!
tore: good surroundings, strictly mod
cm 2 and 3-room furnished apu.. out
side, with French doors and balcony.
Permanent and transient
Lovely outside front apts., 3 rooms and
Bleeping porch, exceptionally clean, iur
nished in blue and willow, for June. July-
August; references required. Marshall
K1 Union Ave North
Three-room apts.. 3.10 and $10: private
bath, steam heat, hot and coid water:
phone service: 15 minutes' walk to 5tn
ana Aider. Rose nty car. Kast ::-p.
FOR RENT for summer school period,
comfortable, completely furnished five-
room apartment, moderate rent to people
with first-class references uan uroan
way 5646 Saturday or Sunday to i
434 Harrison St. -Strictly
modern 2 and 3-room apts.
newly papered in tapestry; outside
kitchen and tiled bathrooms. $50 and
tap; adults. Main 1052.
THE GLENN Hawthorne and Glenn ave
nues. Classy 4-room corner apt., hard
wood floors, to parties buying furnf
ture: very complete; beautifully fur.
nished: a bargain. Tabor Witt. Apart
ment 307. ,
208 18th.. near Taylor. Max. 128.
Nicely furnished 6-room apta. for resi
dent or transient and tourist: no ob-
Jection to children; walking distance.
LARGE light front S-room apt., convent
ent to Kenton and St. Johns and Vancou
ver industries; on Kenton carllne. 20
minutes to town; adults. $22.50. Al
bina ave at Lombard st. Wdln. 2642.
None better In all Portland; light, airy
and clean: all outside rooms.
Elegant 6-room duplex apartment; will
srivs lease, oee Jit. .ciimb. anc.iD.u
Fries & Co.. Realtors. 81 Fourth st.
272 Broadway. 1 3-room apt., well
furnished : 2 wall beds. Phone, heat and
hot water. Outside rooms. Also one
4-room unfurnished corner apt.
Nicely furn. 3-room apt.. strictly
modern, 2 disappearing beds, private
balcony. 251 12th st.
4T0U Hawthorne ave.. near Grand ave.
Beautifully clean, strictly modern 3-roora
furn. apts.. $35 a montn np. cast pp.:
i-room furnished ant., white enamel
woodwork: walking distance. W. Park
and Columbia.
4-room furnished apartment ' for rent.
June 15, for 2ft or 3 montha; rent rea
sonable. Phone Mar. 1881.
39 Trinity Place. Mar. 1950.
260 V. 20TH.,
8 rms. furnished, with private balcony.
Bd V. 1179.
LAURETTE 229 Eleventh, near Main: 3
roora completely furnished apt., 3 min.
ntes walk from Meier & Frank. Main
83117. -
Corner 10th and Salmon: 2, 3 and 4
room apta; permanent or transient; also
single rooms. Main 6641. "
WILL share 6-room furnished flat with
young couple; suitable room for 1 or 2
gentlemen; west side; walking distance.
For Information call Autc-. Mi-96.
WANTED Respectable, motherly woman
with some means to share home with
single business woman. AP 701, Ore
gonlan. ARLINB APTS..
2 and 3-room apta. All clean and
modern at reasonable rent. Bdwy. 1S12.
Steain heat. $30 to $40, Including phone
and lights. Adults only. The Lincoln.
4th and Lincoln.
6INGLE sooms, 2 and 3-room apts.. fur
nished; hot and coid water, steam heat
each room: $12 per month up. 409 N.
1'lih at Phone R.lwv. 1 54A
KKW FRONT room. furn. yaDL,
kltcnenelle, llgni. pnone, gas, nam in
cluded, $25 a month; walking distance
569 Main St., behind Multnomah club.
JTOR RENT A 5-room apartnient In new
brick building at 13!H V4 Sandy blvd.
between 50th and Mst sts. Inquire at
1389 Sandy blvd., or call Bdwy. 6092.
SUNNYSIDE APTS., fine furnished 3-room
apt., ready Monday; all outside: modern,
high-class house: no children; $45
monthly. Call Tabor 3300.
THREE-ROOM furnished apt., vacant the
15th, at tne Knickerbocker, nth and
Harrison. Main 1320.
Three-room front apt., strictly modern.
Morton apts.
S-room furn. apt. 697 Wash at. Mall
JCICELY furnislied 3-room apt., with bath,
Guild apts.. 394 Guild SC. between 23d
and 24th. off Thurman.
RL1N E APTS., 17th and Lovejoy. 2 and
3-room apta, all clean and modern; rea
sonable rent. Bdwy. 1812.
DENMSON apts.. Belmont at 34th, mod
ern furnished outside rooms, newly reno
vated: phones Included. Tabor 548.
2 and 3-room strictly modern, elevator,
tile bath, nth and Montgomery. M. 359.
Modern two-room apts.. light,
phone. low rent. Main 7392.
MEREDITH, modern apartment, walking
distance, free phone, steam heat, hot
water. 22d and AVashtnyton. Main 7134.
COLLEGE, modern apartment, walking
distance, free phone, steam heat and hot
water. Th:rd and College. Mar. 5555.
JX'RN. apt., large, room, kitchenette, dress
ing room, bath connected, first floor. 487
Taylor st
1 2-room and 1 3-room modern fur
nish e dapallroomslislUBndal ry.
WANT busine.-s woman to share my apt.
Separate rooms. Expense $15. Call East
4 7H6.
$32 FOht 2-ROOM lurnu-hed front apart
ment; free light and phone. 402 ft
Third st.
THE PENROSE. 14!) Grand ave., at Bel
mont: large front 3-room apartment;
also 2-room suite: available June 15.
2-ROOM apt., large, airy,
pletely furnished. 680Vk
Columbis 617.
clean, corn
Lombard st.
WASHINGTON HIGH apartment, 4-room
nicely furnished apartment, $40 per mo.
East 3182.
furnished 3-rm.
apt. with bath, 4 outside rooma. 189 N
23d. Marshall 2945.
iiARSHAI.L APTS. Nicely furnished 3
room apt., private phone and bath. 624
Marshall St. Broadway 3&51. .
IRVINGTON 3 ulcely Iurnlshe all out
side h. k. rooms, with all conveniences.
East 48j. '
2-ROOM APT., convenient and reasonable.
Col. 313. 1717 Portsmouth ave.
3 ROOMS, private bath, ratea.
2190. 414 4th st
ROSELV.N APTS.. 110 N. 21st. 2-room
modern, furnished apartments.
FUKN1SHED basement apt., kitchenette,
living rjnm and bath. $25. Bdwy. 4140.
HANDSOME 3 or 4-room apt., large porch.
clean, desirable. 730 Hoyt St.
5-ROOM apt., telephone, bath. 67 N. 20th
st. Bdwy. 4123
DURFiY APTS Modern 3-rm. furnished
apt, with bath, phone. East . 34111.
GRAND OAK APTS.. strictly modern. 2
and 3 rooma: close In. East 33U2.
iTiTw YORK apartments, furnished, cor.
7th and belmor.t. F.aat 238.
COMFORTABLE 3-room apt.. Walking dls-
tance. 240 E. 16th. East 472.
Moving for less, Phone Bdwy. 3445.
Furnished Apartments.
175. West side, walking distance
adults only; all . outside rooms, front
porch and sleeping parch, 3 bedrooms,
plenty of heat and hot water. Steady
tenant can deliver possession by 17th
or tnis month. 1
Smith-Wagoner Co. Stock Exc-h
Large and very clean, suitable for two
to rour persona 4-4 Columbia at. Alain
iIL ,
'A $90 APT. FOR t'jiy
S40: beautifully furnished apartment
good piano, balcony, 2 large rooms, light
ana cool; everything clean ana new
Main 3816. "
PAGE APTS. East Rth and Blrnside; walk
ing distance, white brick bldg.. 3 large
rooms, bav window, corner, newly lur
nished, bath, kitchen and bedroom, old
Ivory; free phone; $00; others 40 ,and
4 io
4 MODERN nicely furnished rooms, lower
uoor oi a private nome, waia.."
fanea 4-15 Mh at s nr caM Marshall
J"-;:, tan ne seen touay. or iwe u -
after 7 P. M.
Rfrleflv first -claaa aoartmentS. 8 O
rooms, with bath, furnished or unfur
nished: fireplace, many other features; to io. 303 Harrison, war. 100. -
ENTIRE upper floor of 2 very large rooms
and kitchenette, comfortably rurnisnea
beautifully .clean. In attractive home:
adults only; employed people preferred.
East 2548. 711 E. Ankeny.
KViR kHVT Three-room furnished apart
ment; modern conveniences; within ten
minutes' walking distance of downtown
district. Only $25. Call at 511 Columbia
st., corner or littn. .
WILL sublet foe long period to careful
couple; my well and personally rur
nished apt-; four large attraetlve rooms:
piano and other deeirabie features; $5:
west side. V 737. Oregonlan.
i.-rii? bf.vt A nicely furnished room
apartment with electrical conveniences,
with or without garage. For further
Information call Tabor 738 Detora
A. M. or any time after Sunday.
$2S: light. -cool, well-furnished apart
ment. 1 large room and kitchenette.
Ivory woodwork, duofold davenport, etc..
first floor, large yard. Main .ism.
SUBLET 5-room modern apartment. Part
or whole; piano, sleeping porcn. one
building, west side, walking distance;
3 months or longer; references. Mar
shall 24o2.
3 AND 3-ROOM very attractive apart
ments, clean and airy, rates reasonable;
nrlvate bath. Nob Hill diatrlct. Mar
shall 2il'.'. 149 N. 23d St.
Privately and well furnished four-room
ant to sublet; piano. Alain 7020 or Main
NICELY furnished 3-room apartment, light
and telephone. $38: hot- water heat:
adults, references. 140ift 6andy Blvd,
Cor. 51st street.
SUB-LET apartment for summer at a sac
rifice to family with fine references; 5
light, airy, completely furnished rooms.
NICE 2-room apartment, furnished, newly
. tinted, light, phone, furnace heat. Cail
before noon. 554 B. Madison, corner of
13th st.
$35 .MODERN four-room lower: very com
fortable: private bath. L52 East 20th at.,
cor. Belmont.
Unfinished Apartments.
ft -room unfurnished apartment with a
real bedroom and 1 built-in bed. and an
outside balcony, overlooking the city.
Call Main 33,
3-ROOM apartment for. rent, unfurnished;
will be reaay ior occupancy juiis
Ivory finished throughout with beautiful
tapestry wails: rent reasonable; adults
only. Arbor Court, 14th and Columbia.
Main 7337,
ave.,-near 23d and waanington, nun
clan apartment house: one unfurnished
four-room apartment with disappearing
bed In living room, also bedroom. Call
Main 3SS3. ,
Large 4-room apartment, in first-class
condition; newly painted and tinted; gas
range and refrigerator furnished; come
and see It. Bdwy. 4936.
Very desirable S-room unfurnished
front apt., facing park. 425 West Park.
Main 2729 or Marshall 423,
Large, modern 4-room corner apt.,
completely renovated: white woodwork;
walking ostance; 9iuus. puwt. -oi.
MODERN 6-room apartment flat, west
side, walking aistance. separaL en
trance, hardwood flooral Call before
noon. Main 2778.
"Merlin." Broadway and Grant, three
large rooms, bath. 2 dressing close,ta, fine
view, only montn
S-ROOM unfurnished apt.. 6th floor; very
desirable; all newiy paimeo. ruuui
6t80. .
2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. Clean and mod
ern, at reasonable rent. Arnne a pis.,
21st and Lovejoy. Bdwy. 1812
5-ROOM APT, 2 bedrooms, front and back
porches, gas stove, moaern; win iw va
cant June 2(1. Reference. 561 Qlisan.
NICE larcA front rooms,
water. electric
lights and fl
ree phone. 242 Killlngsworth.
Wdln. 5892.
3 OR 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apts..
summer rates, vaveny louii, . .oni
and Clinton.
TWO 4-KOO.M apts., unfurnished, lights.
phone, walking distance. 124 asl tsurn-
sltie. cast lll.v
apartment. ' Bd'
modern 4 and 5-room
wy. 33(10.
PARTNOMAHr 3 and 4 noma.
distance; aduita .'uo c. i.wn.
DAVTu.N APTS. Modern 6-room apart
ment. $70. 662 jlanders. aawy. a:.ii.
ROOMS., hardwood floor and breakfast
nook. Call Woodlawn 3943
WELLINGTON COURT. 521 Everett: four
and nve-room apts.. lnciuaing teiepnone
601 EAST ULKiNSmn.
OX B large 2-room apt.: thie Is a nice one.
The Kexrora. aiain o.'S. .
ROO.MS. toilet and bath. 648Sj Thur
man. near 20th. Apt. C. Mar. 4J61.
2 NICE, clean
apartment rooms for rent.
3.1 N. itn.
1 UNFURNISHED 5-room apartment. The
Wilmar. 742 Everett st. Main 5184.
MAYO APTS., 503ft Union ave.; 3-room
unfurnished apt. Phone East 5749.
NEW. beautiful modern
nished apt.. $85. Main
F1NE large apt., high-class neighborhood,
$40. 721 Hawthorne. East 8266.
4-ROOM unfurnished apartment. E. 3252.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment.
- Strictlv first-class, furnished or unfur
nished, 1 and 3-room apartments, close
In, .j0 to $1
433 Columbia. Mar-
FOR RENT 3-room furnished or unfur
nished apt.; also 4-room unfurnished
apt. after 15th. Barker Apartments, 685
Irving. -
JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington, one fur
nished and one unfurnished apt.
FINE 3-room, bath and dressing room,
hardwood floors, newly kalsomlned.
East 3782. .
3-ROOM unfurnished and one 2-room fur
nished, with private bath. Windsor
apts., 181 E. 14th. East 2007.
GARFIELD, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch.
361 Falling, block west Union .
MODERN cosy flat with furniture fox
sale cheap if taken at once. Access to
ft mo. rent. Near Mult. club. Fireplace,
3 bedrooms, one rents for $20. Mar. 1376.
MODERN, very desirable upper flat, 5
rooms and porch; fuel furnished, also gas
range and heater. 394 San Rafael, near
Union, close In. Inquire 399 Hancock.
FOUR-ROOM fiaL bath. Dutch kitchen,
gas stove and heater, furnace, folding
bed in dining room. $30. Call Wdln. 3763.
6-ROOM flat, strictly modern, all tinted'
new, stoves connected, $37.50; water
paid. Phone East 500.
6-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view,
fireplace, furnace, $40. 389 16th St.
South. Montgomery Vlnney.
FLAT for rent, cjjbse In, west side $15.60
per month in advance. Inquire 219
(.umbermenl bldg.
5-ROOM lower flat, water lights, 3257
three months In advaace, unfurnished.
476 Vancouver ave.
$2S 50 4-ROOM flat. 424ft Sandy blvd.,
corner 52d St.. Rose City. Park.
S-ROOM flat, large airy rooms: restricted
district: vacant June 15. Wdln. 4150.
FOR RENT 6-room flat for a long term.
549 Powell St. Ean 1986.
FIVE rooms, pleasant corner; coils In fur
nace; date rent 15th. Owner, E. 8007.
NICE clean 4-room flat at Willbrldge.
East .1914.
$20 3-ROCM flat. 621 Overton; walking
distance. East 1904.
4-ROOM flat, close in. Apply 255 Cherry,
flat NO. 3. ater o ciock.
$40 5 ROOMS. fireplace, furnace, gas
heater, water, and garage. East 7277.
4- ROOM upper flat, modern. 1042 Bel
mont. Sunnyslde car. Tabor 1065,
5- ROOM modern upper flat, close In, west
side. Marshall 2580.
5-ROOM upper flati
-room basement.
435 Williams ave.
MODERN airy rooms, furnace, newly re
finished. $35. Monday. Main 9012.
3-R0Ol flat. 293 San Rafael, $35.
UNFURNISHED 4-room modern lower
flat: cabinet kitchen, white enameled.
fireplace, cement basement, with wash
trays, gas range, hot water heater: rent
reasonable. Apply 512 . Dayisst.
VERY attractive lower flat, o large rooms
nice lawn, fine view, desirable neighbor-
hood: $40 with heat, water and gas
range. -Mar, 3978. 9BI Front.
$45 FOR 5-ROOM unfurnished flat, light,
heat and hot water free; gas range;
private entrance. 4U2 1-3 Third st.
4-ROOM unfurnished
flat, modern. 393
Frempnt street.
Famished Flats.
A DANDY HOME Rent only $25, beauti
ful new furniture for sale at a rea4 bar
rain: absolutely clean, modern flat. '
minutes' walk downtown, desirably lo
cated just oft from Broadway. Mar
shall 864.
CLEAN, modern, cheerful, attractive four
rooms. Bleeping porcn. oatn, iront Dai
cony, fine view, private basement space,
west side, walking distance, near Carni
val park. Adults; references. 464 Hall,
near lath.
IRVINGTON For 3 mbnths, lower 4-room
flat, completely furnished, except linen;
$75, Includes care of lawn, garbage re
moval, water, telephone and fireplace
fucL jast o64ti. or Marsnaii oioi.
NEW, UP-TO-DATE furniture for sale to
clean, -modern flat, near White Temple
church, 2 rooma Vented. Thla ta a bar
gain for anyone wanting a nice home
with cheap rent. Main 2207.
WILL rent for summer months or longer,
nicely furnished 5-room lower flat in
desirable Ideal -est side location. Phone
Marshall 2C78 Sunday or week days
after 6-P. M.
FIVE nice, lieU, airy rooms and bath.
newly furnished; 2 sleeping rooms. Rltcn
en. gas and electricity, $45: near car
line; no small children. 55 .East 27th st.
South. '
COZY flat for rent, furniture for sale at
big aacriflce; party leaving city; cneap
rent; must sell today. Automatic 521-41.
462 Vj Sixth sL
$45--MODERN four rooms, nicely fur-
nffthed. clean ana iignt; sleeping parcu,
private bath, garage. 152 KU 20th st-.
cor. Belmont.
5 ROOMS, sewing machine, electric lights
and water, $25; 3 rooms, in. 42.
67th st. S. E., ft block north of Kern
Park station.
FLAT 3 outside rooms, clean, well fur
nished, gas, electricity, pnone. launary
room, large lawn; adults only. East
STiS. , .
4-ROOM furnished flat, modern conven
iences. 2ns',. Tillamook. inquire on
premises or Wakefield, Fries A Co.,
4tn st
WELL-FURXISHBD upper llat. 1 block to
carllne. lG-minute walk to Business cen
ter: phone, water and care of garbage,
adults only. 542 Belmont, cor. E. 12th.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat, nicely
rurnlshed. best location. . aouiu omr.
Call between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Sun
day. 171 18th st
FOR RENT 6-room flat, completely fur
nished, modern an centrally locatea,
references required; no children.
6th St.. near Yamhill. ,
ATTRACTIVE furnished 6-room flat. Nob
Hill district; walking uisi&nuc,
784 Glisan st. qr Main 1.13H.
4-ROOM rial, furnace heat Included, no
furnace to take care ol. - -wo cuiiunra
wanted. Woodlawn 1864.
WEST SIDE close in attractively furnished
5-room flat, fine view. Aonress oniy,
References. 625 j Montgomery St.
6-ROOM furnished flat, with or without
garage. 330. call irom o to ii .
740 Minnesota ave.
FCRNlHED 5-rqom flat lor wo montns.
45 Tier montsr; reierences exenanaeu.
a-RouM nnner flat, furnished, moaern,
adults only; garage, juiz uk iotn au
North. Call mornings.
NICELY furnished 3-room upper flat, Hol-
laday Add.; nice lawn: waiaing- ins
tance: adults: refs. 895 E. 2d st. Nortn.
$35 LOWER flat. 2 large, light, cool rms.
ana kitcnen, pnvaio uaiu.
iHiirf. block to SS car. 671 Belmont..
NICELY furnished 3-room flat, splendid
location, one oioca; to ninuiuo
985 East Market st.
4-ROOM apartment, furnished, west siae.
close In. rfb children; reierences requircu.
Victorian apartments. Main 2473.
lRvtvr.Tflv Four rooms, sleeping porch
verv well furnlsnea. lnciuaing piano, wu
Weldler st.
r-rvzv A. room furnished flat, walking dis
tance: one 332.50. one $30. Call Monday,
444 Rodney ave.. corner imamoo. room, bedroom, kitchen and bath.
walking distance; $.17.50. 555 W. Taylor.
IRVINGTON; verv attractive 5-room flat;
completely furnished except linen: has
sleeping porcn. lan r.-ast i'-o.
MODERN 4-room flat, furnisned: adults
only: references. 353 Sacramento
Phone Sll-na
4-ROOM upper flat, furnished except for
table and bed linen; no silver; lu, tail
779 Overlook blvd.
K MODERN four-room lower: very com
fortable: private bath. 152 East 20th St..
cor. Belmont.
8-ROOM furnished flat. 57U East Salmon.
bet. 13th and, 14th; modern; references:
aauits; .
vnvt rf-T 5-room furnished flat, gas,
light and piano; adults only. , 1326 Bel
COSY new 8-room modern flat: private
bath; references. Sellwood 24
SMALL furnished flat, 1043 Gantenbein
ave.. corner Aioerta.
5-ROOM furnished flat, $40.
st. Tabor 8352.
315 Alberta
MODERN 4-room ..furnished flat.
Commercial street. Phone 319-01.
A LOWER 5-room furnished flat: modern,
close In: garage if wanted. East 8342,
8-ROOM furnished flat, modern; no chil
dren. 500 . 22d st. ,
4-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale.
433 Larrabee st.
SIX-ROOM furnished flat with
porch: after 10 A. M. Mar. 31 46.
MY HOMhi Refined family; can give best
references: require same, c. o"o
FURNISHED modern 4-room flat, walk
ing distance, east Bioe. wmn. m'v.
4-ROOM flat. Sunnyside car, newly tinted;
adults, liiil'i E. 45th.
MODERN C room furnished, 908
Commercial. woodlawn 181.
FLAT FOIt RENT, furniture for sale at
188 17th street.
5-ROOM ftot for rent, furniture for
cheap, close In. Call East 1784.
-ROOM upper flat, furnished,
lams ave.
435 Wlll-
Housekeepliig Rooms. '
1 LARGE room, 14x26, basement house
keeping apartment; large cool room for
summer.' 493 Yamhill sL
THREE furnished H. K. rooms, with wood
and water, gas; near American Can Co.
523 North 2lith st.
CHEAP h. k. rooms, children welcome:
free phone, bath, laundry room 186
Sherman. Marshall 8983.
DOUBLE, single, clean, nicely furnished
h. k. or sleeping room, -walking distance.
4S2ft Washington.
NEAT, trim 1 and 2-room apta.. ground
floor, separate entrances, a ana o
weekly. 170 10th st.
WEST SIDE, nicely furnished housekeep
ing room, su; ngnis, gas, pnone jnciua
ed. Marshall 3023.
CLEAN, steamheated n. k.
room. $12 a
montn HP. 11 ldtn m..
FRONT h. k apts., 4 blocks to public
market. Corner 5th. 305 ft Jefferson st.
$3.50 WE3K up, furnished h. k. rooma
2-ROOM housekeeping suite, nicely fur
nish e d Tasollai)ieJiyMarKeT. st
$5 WEEK JP. completely furnished -h. k.
uttes. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson.
LARGE fronFH. K. room, first floor. 428
Burnaiqe at tutn. 3u. pqwy. iaat.
3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart
ment. $6perwelcJ 350 14th:
ONE SMALL housekeeping room.
Knott St.. near w uiiams ave.
2 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms. Phone,
light, gas inumaeu. o-tp xiassaip.
2 SINGLE housekeeping rooms and kitch
enette, close in. rents right. Mar. 2045.
2 NICE clean i. 1 rooms lor rent.
North lutn.
MANOR hotel. 271ft Morrison, cor. 4lh;
h. k. ana sleeping rooms. -
1 ROOM and kitchen, thoroughly clean
177, nth .Nortn.
NICE, clean, 3d-floor h.'k. rooms; $10 a
montn. ttJ- rianuera. wcni sioe. .
FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
garage. 14 10 .E.ast iisan.
FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. $1.75 per
week up. mectnc ugnts. o.oss jai su
Corbett St.
CLEAN funished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. 372ft riawtnorne.
FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeep-
Ing rooms for rnt. 63 1 noyt st.
ROOMS Furnislied for .housekeeping;
gas, light, phone, water. Auto. 522-79.
FOR RENT Housekeeping
quire at Morris hotels
LARGE H. K. ROOM, $20; 2 closets, new
mattress, call o40 jm. ltitn. jvo children.
THE MAPLB. 30 "N. 17th, near Washing.
ton; 1 and 2 housekeeping rooms.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. rent
reasonable, call 4-iw ej. couch.
2 ROOMS, also room with kitchenette, elec
tric light, cheap. Bdwy. 11133.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent.
Mill st. .Marshall 2772.
ONE LARGE, clean housekeeping room.
fine launary. 414 Mill street. -
OUK.FLNG rooms. Call iUin 26G3.
Housekeeping Rooms.
2 WELl.FliRyiSHED clean h. k. room
first floor, with kitchen, running water,
bath, in Irvington. suitable for 3 or 4
nennle: 3 h. k. rooms on eecond floor,
with bath convenient; no objection to
small child: rent reasonable. 412 East
9th st. N.. near Broadway car.
9.pnnu anl newlv renovated, light, gas.
hot and cold water, phone service, clean
linen furnished. o a ween; sieepma
rnnmi t.1 n week. Grand Union hOtei,
2S7J. E. Burnside, between Union and
Grand aves. -
TWO LARGE rooms and kitchenette, on
first floor, exceptionally pieasani aim
puunihl alar, one ainerle room. AutO-
518-13. 501 Harrison, 2 blocks from 14th
and Montgomery.
VT-RYISHirn h k mnnil 71 E. 11th
-.Av'm- rn Ural 'floor with Private en
trance, water In rooms; price $7.50;
electric lights, free baths, gas for cook
Ing. Phone cast o83.
1 LARGE, clean, weil-iurnished house
keeping room, second floor; also one
third floor, with balcony: everything
furnished: rent very reasonable, lbl rv
223 at., corner yving
vtTRISHED h. .k. rooma 1 room wit
kitchenette, hot and cold water: prlvat
phone, electric lights, steam heat: five
minutes' walk to town. 291 Columbia.
near 5th.-
H. K. ROOMS, light, phone, beat, catn
$20 per montn; 1 Sleeping room fi-.-"
per month; everything -new -and clean
Aim T.- flth Phnni
warning uibuuli-c, . --..- -
East 3244. '
nv-E invKT.v nmu AND KITCHEN
FT1RMSHED housekeeDing rooms, sing
or double, gas. walking distance, free
nhnn lictita and hnthl reasonable Ten
848 Vi Morrison at. Phone Broadway 1644
WRT.I.-PTTRN'ISH ED and thoroughl
cleaned larirS 2-room housekeeping apt.
nice, homelike place, every convenience.
507 Clay St., near lotn. Jiar. jou-.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: light,
water, phone and gas lor cooking iur
nished: summer rates. 343 10th st.
corner Market, after Sunday.
WHY GO on east side for cheap rent
Vnn on . t An WPsf Sine: dBHCe U H
with fireplace, kitchenette, $5 week.
208 Washington etreet.
2 AND 3-ROOM housekeeping apatments,
e Mq ann we 1 Furn snea; very icawu-
able rates., 892 Vi E. Burnside, corner
Grand ave.
TWO LARUE front rooms and kitchen.
single h. k. or togetner. .o" nee.,
close to nostoffice. Phone 9 to 12 today,
Broadway 4414.
TWO LARGE housekeeping rooms, wate
today fceiween 10 and 12. Rent $20. 413
Morrtg ornery at., cor, litn.
l.ROnu modern house. Irvington. iwa
car; 4S per mo. jno garage. v
E. 8t St. N.
b-jttjnti.'ji-ii.h hfiMkMninf room for rent.
33 and up,
- 1 n Bhnn, V.aat fti7. 230
vrtxi pe'T ThrM large, clean n
rooms, rurnsnea, on grounra now,
car line. 'J savier bl. -ti.
3 ROOMS, newly furnished, heat, "gn,j
hot and cold water ana leieyuuuc
N. 18th, St.
THREE and two housekeeping rooms tor
rent. $4 and $3.50 week; Iront rooms.
166 N. 10th street
1 9 D Ct X mn.lorn. n. k. ADai'tment:
"-room h. k.. water. .electric light. 635
E. Morrison at 17th. East 3723.
FURNISHED rooms with h. k. privileges
In modern flat; rent reasonable: walking
distance. 40Vft E. Couch st.
VICE clean front H. K. rooms, eiecinc
lights: free phone. 242 Killingsworth.
Wdln. 5892
lie? mnvRn v'lh and Marshall Fur
nl.hed h. k. rooms. $15 up. Including
hot water, electric lights, laundry room
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
LARGE, front, upstairs sleeping room with
alcove, closet and sleeping porch; over
looking citv: modern conveniences. Port
land Heights district; Council Crest car,
. walk un Market street to No b04
Main 6851
A iur,'. clean, downstairs frnn
apartments, newly papered; $30 monrlr;
no objection to one child. 500 Jefferson
street., near 14th. Main 6288.
a RKAIITIFUL. clean, light, airy 2-room
ai.iie complete, for housekeeping: gas
ranire- electric light. china cabinets.
light and phone free; summer rate, t
Marshall 3214
pi EieivT room, furnished for nouse-
keanin? or sleeping, near bath; gas
light, linen; for one gentleman, $4 per
week. 4ol iutn st. puum.
, r,.t.- ..DiHa hnusekeeDing rooms
" close In, west side, $15 month. No chil
dren or pets. t-an iorciioou.
Water st.
2 AND 3-ROOM- furnlsnea apt. in pr i.
home for employed people: children
cared for during the day. Phone Auto
matic 332-87. 35 Halsey.
to car line, free water, lights, pnone
onH lanndrv MMvenlencee; also iront
sleeping room. 290 Graham ave.
NICELY furnished room for one or two
gentlemen; hot and cold water, bath:
opens on front pocch. facing park. 3j1
w. farK. aiar. l
tx- iawr's hi, me. 215 11th st.. one
Ki.-k Central library. Main 8678. One
lane, cheerful room. 2 or 3 adults
housekeeping privilege.
HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchenette
for 1 or 2 werklng people: new paper
and- paint. ::lo Fargo,
ave. and Williams.
between Union
BE GLAD to show you 2 cosy sunsniny
housekeeping rooms, choice location, near
Laurelhurst J'ara. mobiiu ,
only. 31 B. 28th St
LOWER floor housekeeping rooms, running
water: reasonable to wors.ui wuiic -v
17th st., corner of Yamntli.
nrvR pkvt y-ronm nartlv furnisned n. k.
apt., clean, sunny inuauw, ......
reasonable, rnonf ocu. op.
vi v Piilll.Y awav ror summer, want
family share expense luige uuusc, s'""i
close in. ast
i.-ta nt ,n,in.s eas stove, electricity.
Walking aistance: auuns. neai
wav. 360 Benton St. East 7081.
CLEAN H. K. room, electric light, gas.
bath and pnone; warning uivo.
Clackamas. East 8051.
FURNISHED for h. k., 2 upper rooms and
2 sleeping porcnes. eyoo oii.u-ao.
pi-uvKHKn hnnseUeeoing rooms, mod
ern, tree teiepnone. i u
matlc 2i-4u.
IDEAL sleeping porch with 2 clean, cosily
furnishea rooms, waiaiuK
fined couple, $25. 468 Hall st.
3-ROOM, large, clean-modern H. K. apt.
for X or 4 neOPie KOOU nMiueuvo u,oii,i.i.
687 Glisan. Mar. 3911.
FIRST-CLASS large furnished room, very
reasonable: use of kitchen. 401ft 12th.
t. Main 4015. .
LARGE clean rooms, pantry and kitchen.
good air ana sunsnine. eiuriu i.uui113
Preferred. Call 403 12th St.
ROOMS and kitchenette, lurnisnea or
unfurnished; phone, lights, water, garage
free. 'Tabor 2J2S,
TWO front rooms, first Poor, ajo; room
. ... t-n- BinulA room ll.-i
ana Kiiciicneno. - ..o - - - - --- -
65.7 Flanders
TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur-
nisnea; not aim tun ...
372 6th St. Close in.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
free electricity, -o, owi . .....
bor 3325.
3 FURNISHED connecting H. K. rooms,
small sleeping porcn. on . o-
East 1S65.
NEAT single housekeeping room. $8 per
. . .. n,v -S nee weak. At 2U6
monui,1"""16 - - -
13th st. .
TWO CLEAN, airy room, water and
lights; Close in. u jer nctn. as.
Kelly "street.
2 II. K. ROOMS, 170 13th St. Rent reason-
FURNISHED housekeeping rjoms.
Tavlor St. r-none aiaiu ojqi-
2 SPLENDID completely furn. h. k. rooms.
$20. i8. Cast Jiam St. .'mnuni.
1 FURNISHED h. k. room with, kitchen
ette. 444 n:. tsroaaway.
THREE comfortablo housekeeping rooms
In nrlvate nome. esbhwoou iu. -
FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 and 2-room
Ota 604 Ulisan. .rnone marsuan Aiji.
LARGE, airy, steam-heated housekeeping
rooms; reasonaoie. w uommoia ai..
CLEAN, desirable housekeeping room.
cheap rent, z-v ftonnioinjL
ONE SINGLE housekeeping apL 341 Mall
FOR RENT 1 or 2 rooms. 65 East 9th
st. Phone nast --oi- .
3 FUfctNlSHED rooms, including modern
kitchen: adults only. Tabor 6618.
304 CLAY Furnished, room; gentleman
prererrea. call today or mornings.
8 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
close in. 4'I9 East 12th.
2 CONNECTED h. k. rooms: adults only;
reasonable. 690 E. Burnside. -
CLEAN," cheerful room within walking
distance: summer rates. 694 Everett at
TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
reasonable; walking distance. 372 JHlh
THREE furnished, pleasant rooms to
adults. 555 Yamhill st. Main 4415.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, close
in., ready about July 1. East 810T.
H. K. ROOM. $10 a month; gaa, free elec,
phone, bath. 392 4th St.
HOUSEKEEPING rooma I73ft N. 21st
10-ROOM house with garage,
st. East 5110.
170 N. 22d
f LAURELHURST. new 8-room npuae; call
weeioa u Lou j uavu si.
I AO E. lo-th and Davis $40
Rooms nice and large, cement base
ment, wash trays, nice lot, year's leases!
moi! E Flanders St.
MODERN 7-room house, sleeping
porch, best district, 1 block to car. S
Ml 875 K P1KK OPEN.
For rent, 5-room old cottage near E
2Mh st. and the Ankeny car bams; eiec
trie lights, gas and plumbing; price $2v"
Call Mar. 5963 Sunday, Main "967 week
CLOSE IN RENT 1 36. 50.
On Belmont street, only 10 minutes to
west side, 6 rooms and bath; three
large bedrooms: newly tinted. Main
'6550. or cail 208 Chamber of Commerce
MODERN 6-rm. house with furnace, No.
630.t 25th ave. S. E.. near 63d St., 1 blk
south of Hawthorne car. $23 a month,
Pee BEN R1ESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg.
12T Park st.
NEW . UP-TO-DATE 6-room Rose City
Park bungalow. 711 East 57th St.. North,
Call Sunday between 11 and 3, or phone
332-04: .after Sunday phone Main 2486.
win give lease to responsible paiu-
S-ROOM house, modern. Cos.. fine lawn
lots of shade and cherries; Just tinted
and renovated. 320 E. 33d St. Call sat
. and Sunday. 1 blk. south of Hawthorne
ave. S42.Q0 per montn
NICE 8-room bungalow. 15-minute wal
Burnside bridge, near ureinurst; win
lease lor 1 or 2 years, 6 montns in ar
vance. $65 per month; .furnished, $7i
BD 727, Oregonlan.
FOR. RENT OR SALE Modern 6-room
house, furnace, fireplace, good district,
rental and interest per montn.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow and
garage. 1 block from car, f rutt ana Der
ries, $40. Call Monday aborning 8 to 12.
HOUSE in Rose City Park, 1 block from
car- line; house modern in every way
upstairs bedrooms; ior lniormauo
phone East 3090.
TWO-STORY house with lawn and frui
trees: walking distance; rent ?Ji. 31
Graham avenue; take Williams avenue
SAVE fare: 15 min. walk to Morrison st
o-room. partly furnished or unrurnisne-
house at 742 4th St., with or without
lease. Take NS car to Hooker st
FOUR-ROOM house, partly modern, at
675 E. 82d st. N. : good garden, chlcke
yard and barn; some fruit.. Price $30.
Call Tabor 5679. Call after 12.
MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace
large yard, adults only, references. 9o8
Vancouver ave.. $45. Woodlawn 196,
ROSE CITY 5-room modern bungalow
garage; to responsible party; $oa. o,
E. 39th st. N. Taor 467-6.
ALBERTA- 5 rooms, bath, gas and elec
trie lights, $25 per montn. pnone vvooa
lawn 158.
tlftAT MULTNOMAH, a neat shack with
small garden. see r . 11. pownder on
Buckingham Heights.
7-ROOM house, like new. East 23d and
ladison, rent $45, open 2 to 4 Sunday.
1'none East 0949.
SeVen-foom Hawthorne home; double
garage. Call at 628 Henry bldg.
FOR RENT 6-room house and an acre o
ground at Metzger station, on the o. .
Price $16. .Mar. 713.
15 davs' storage free.
Furniture moving for less. Bdwy. 2445
9-ROOM house with garage. $32.60. party
who will buy garden. 492 mast 28th, st
van alter iv.
UNFURNISHED cottage, VI rooms and
bath, $15 a month. Inquire 324 Chap
man st. Phone Main 2j2.
MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis
tance hauling a specialty, o. r w. Truck
Service Co., 40 2d St. Phone Bdwy. 5121
WIBN moving," city or country, get the
oest at lowesc price, ureeu irans. -r
Main 1261. 202 Alder st.
6-ROOM strictly modern house, adults
only. 409 E. 37th St. Call at 425 Eas
39th or phone Auto. 215-47.
UNFURNISHED 7-room house and garage
on 57th ave. and 71st st. lWJu. Phone
. Automatic 613-33.
SMALL 4-room bungalow, modern. $20
garden space; paved st. 411ft bith st
MODERN 9-room bungalow: good neigh
borhood: garage;-$00. 1204 Mixter at.
Tabor 2S61. "
$35. 4-ROOM cottage, large lot. garden in
walking distance. 86 E. lutn st. ast
7-ROOMS, modern house, yard, walking
distance. o36 Market. '
5-ROOM houser west side, walking dis-
tance. Call Marshall 49S.
FIYE-RM. new bungalow. Rose City Park,
rent $50: will lease. Tabor 1803.
MODERN 6-room, walking distance.
First st. Phone 31U-OI.
FOR RENT Modern S-room house; adults
only. u.)o ortnrup.
-ROOM house, 2 lots, fruit, berries. Wood
lawn. Main 622L
b-ROOM modern house, close In.
at l. East l2tn st.
MODERN, 7 rooms and sleeping porch
$ti5. 1164 Ladd ave.
FURNISHED 9-room, west side -home;
lease 2 years or more. Auto. 213-43.
HOUSE for rent. 616 Patton Road.
Furnished Houses.
-ROOM furnished house, east side, will
rent to September 1; $b0 per month.
7-room furnished house, 22d and Flan
ders; will rent for 3 months for $00 per
month if owner can keep 1 bedroom ana
small room off same. Mr. Pomroy.'
620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4S80.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished home. 4 bed
rnnma 2 I rpn nr" irtnd Diano. Vic.
trola, garage, children's play house and
yard in rear, all kinds of fruit and
berries, ft block of ground; for ren!
July 1 to September 1; references re
qired Phone Woodlawn ,1213
MODERN 8-room ksiuse with GARAGE.
Nicely furnished, including piano. Will
rent toreliable tenanta for year.
FOBt RENT Beautifully furnished living
room. Kltcnenetle, ana nail oearuom.
Nob Hill home, surrounded by mngnin-
cent trees and lovely lawn. 594 Everett
St. Phone -Broadway 3.vs-.
FVR Ft F VP 5-room modern furnished cot.
tage, bath, pantry, electric ngnts ana
gna: vard. fruit trees. 1ft blocks from
Milwaukle car line. Price $40. 55
Tolman ave.
FURNISHED bungalow on Portland
Heights, modern, wnn narawooa iipors.
oriental rugs, neoy orana piano, urai
class references required. Main 1156.
FOB RENT 6-room bungalow, finely fur
nished; sou a .montn; nawinorne ais
triflt. Apply 1392 Hawthorne ave. Farns
worth and Gouldstone. Tabor 6234.
IRVINGTON Attractive 7-room modern
residence, tnorougniy clean; rent juij
and August to responsible adult family;
references. East 2733
WILL rent my 6-rm. upstairs riat, j-tam-
lly house, during entire montn or juiy.
completely and modernly furnished; $00.
AL 731. oregonian.
FROM June 23 to August 23. six-room.
well-rurnlsnea nome.. coov-wnu ji i
restricted district. Call Auto. 331-17
mornings. 9 to i-.
AT BARSTOW station on Oregon Electric,
9c fare: o-room ounsaiow, ucclicu7
new, and half acrej rent $20. Phone
Marshall 1877
FOR RENT A 6-room house on car line;
bath. built-lns. lies umnaione .
Phone Sellwood 3459.
ROOM furnished house for rent, adults
on v: Irvington aisinci. ooo v aaw.
Phone Sell. 2916 for appointment.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Attractive house.
large View porcn, ureyiacea, iut
months. T 738. Oregonian.
ROOM modem house for rent, furnished,
$25 per month. 189 W. Wygant st., SL
jonns car.
FOR RENT Furnished. 90-day lease: 7
rooms, moaern, xjcn.u...fc .,.
to car. 598 East 4lltn st. .-v. labor biw.
TTRACTIVELY furnished 8-room house
near park on wwi wuc. y
distance. Main 4.V59.
FOR RENT Alodern furnished house, ML
Scott. Auto oo-o.
IRVINGTON Pleasant, convenient home,
summer montns. .ioo e.- mn cor, pqwy.
ROOM furnished house to rent for 2
months. 1005 Slsl St. iortn.
URNISHED bungalow. 788 'Overton at
near 24th; garage; win lease. oo.
FOR RENT HoelDing cottage t ea-
view, wasn. i-tione cast im,,
NEW 8-ROOM bungalow, rurnisnea, $90
Der month, rnone cast ouao.
ELL furnished 4-room house, basement.
bath and garage. Call Tabor 4j3.
COMPLETELY furnished six-room bunga-
ow arter uiic 11. ecu, m,..
FOR RENT Furnished 5-room house. Call
Sell. 28bt alter 1 a. su. ouuuay.
MY HOME for rent, furnished. Sellwood
FURNISHED O-room house, for rent. 315
Knott" street. '
FIVE rooms, rent $35. with lease; 3 rms.
, to rent. Broadway 1633.
Furnished Houwes.
7-ROOM furnished house, east side; will
rent to Sept. 1. $60 per montn.
T ...l-l.a hnna -n( plan
ders: will rent for 8 months for $50
per month if owner can keep 1 bedroom
and small room off same. Mr. Pomroy.
NICELY furnished 4-room cottage, mod
ern, nice garden, piano; want renters
to buy our 11 laying hens cheap, also
load of wood Just delivered; will buy
chickens back when I return, navo iu
l..v. nn htiainess. Expect to hi
gone 6 months or more. Rent $25 mo.
Phone Wdln. 2113. 432 Emerson st
1 u. hlorks east of Union ave.. near Kil
FOR RENT July 1. for one year. 8-room
handsomely furnished home with 2 fire
places, electric range. 2 pianos, large
vlctrola. sleeping porch and garage,
sightly corner 100x100; lawn, flowers and
shrubbery; went side. Nob Hill- district,
reference- required. Phone Main 1521
from 9 to 6. Main 3237. Ask for Mr. Os
borne. -
FOR LEASE Immediate possession, fur
nished home, refined neighborhood. Pied
mont addition, 3 to 5 bedrooms, mod
ern conveniences, gas. coal, wood range,
fireplace, furnace, adults only, references
shown by appointment only. Call 212
Railway Exchange Bldg., cor. 3d and
SCENIC lodge cokages, 524 Heights Ter
race; Hall- street car to 13th. 2 blocks
west. Dandy 2 and S-room cottages,
newly kalsomlned and papered, clean:
camp among the trees in heart of city;
See to appreciate; don't mis it: reason
able r?nt.
ELEGANTLY furnished home in Alameda
Park for rent to adults for two or three
montha: available June 15 or before.
, Owner wouldf reserve one room. This Is
a new home In best residence disyicf.
refernces exchanged. Phone Woodlawn
Ablngton Bldg. "35 Yrs. In Portland.
FOR RENT Partly furnished cottage.
fruit trees, chicken run, garage; not
modern, but clean and airy; located No.
50 E. 88th St. Four blocks north of Mt.
Tabor car line. Owner at place today.
10 to 1 o'clock.
IRVINGTON. strictly modern home for
July and August, h." w. floors, oriental
rugs, victrola. piano, sun room, 2 sleep
ing porches, lawn, shrubs, garage, $300.
6.10 E. 16th st. N. East 6189.
6 LARGE well-furnlshed rooms, furnace.
stationary tubs, wood-coal range, gas
stovej bath, electricity, walking dis
tance; also near best car service, $55.
126 East 18th. East 4470
Near Hawthorne ave.. June 20 to
Sept. 1, furnished, modern 5-room bun
galow, convenient; adults; references.
Tabor 8643, '
BEAUTIFUL, thoroughly modern, com-
pletely furnished, 8-room home, Alameaa
district, for July and August. Call af
ternoons 7R2 E. 27th N.
FROM June 20 to Sept. 1, our home of 7
rooms, modern, overlooking river, 20
minutes from center of city, $40 a mo.
to right party. Sellwood 1562.
BUSINESS woman will share finely-located
six-room home with couple, or will sen
furniture. Information 172 Park St..
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room house.
furnace, nice yard, ft mock irom car
line. Rose City Park adults preferred,
Sfi.V Tahor LM124.
WANTED Congenial young couple to
share modem furnlsnea bungalow; Tent
$50, Includes everything: references ex
changed. 1186 E. Lincoln. '
8-ROOM furnished house, fruit, no ob
jection to babies. $46 per montn includ
ing water. 1199 ft Hawthorne, near
40th st. 1
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room house lot
10 months, possession Jul
v 1. In Rose
City Park. Reierences.
736. Oregonlan.
I Address BJ
Furnished house. Heights home with
garage, for July and August. Refer-
e n ces req uired. Main 8009.
5-ROOM furnished cottage near Jefferson
high school, on Sumner St., nan diock
to Mississippi car line. Auto, phone
817-0(1.- 152 E. Sumner St.
SMALL furnished vhouse for rent. lawn.
flowers, garden, two blocks Trom M. w.
car $15 per month. 6336 86th st. after
10 A. M.
RENT FURNISHED 5-room bungalow.
5404 69th st. S. E.. $.1.1 per month, otto
& Harkson. 413 Chamber of Commerce.
FURNISHED West side, close In; will
rent lower floor of private home to re
fined adults for summer or longer. Call
Monday between 9 to 1. Main 4763.
MODERN, well-furnlshed 8-room attrac
tive home on Portland neignts for one
year. May be seen by appointment. Call
Main 049 between 5 and 8 o'clock P. M.
COMPLETELY, furnlahed 8-rbom house
wltn garage, snauea groumis, until rep
tember. 64o3 92d at. S. E. Mt. Scott
car. Aut. 625-42, .
5-ROOM furnished bungaiot; lease $
imontha. $40 per month; responsible ceu
ple: piano, vacuum cleaner, sewing ma
chlne, elc. 601 Going St.
5-ROO.M furnished house with sleeping
porch, modern, July, Aug., oept. Aauits.
References. 883 E. 55th st. N. Phone
Auto. 323-58.
NICE 6-room furnished house, modern,
big yard, w alking distance. 327 a. J in
St., west side.
ROOMS, furnished, lower floor, modern
home, to adults only, up to Sept. 1. 257
East 32d st. Tabor 984.
FOR RENT Until September, 1, furnished
house, Westmoreland; 6 rooms, pnona
Sellwood 2934.
MODKRN - 5-room bungalow, completely
furnished, piano, gas, electric anu sew
ing machine. Wdln. 65.
CHEAP' rent, 18-room house partly fur
nished, some tenants, all or part, uuo
' Harvard. Phone Col. 591.
BEAUTIFUL 6-room house, Mt. Tabor;
$50 to right party. Tabor 382. or
will sell.
FOR RENT Summer months, 6-room fur
nished house wltn sleeping porcn. isu
Division, corner 24th.
7-ROOM house, clean, well furnished, ga
rage, fruit, riowers. waiaing aistance;
adiilts only. East 858.
3-ROOM modern house
for rent, fur
188 W. Wygant
nished, $2o per montn.
st. St. Johns car.
MODERN cottage, furnished. 5 rooms and
sun porch, large lot, iruit, garaen, cnica
en house. 1536 B. Burnside. Tabor 1871.
ROOM bungalow reasonable. 1173 East
Yamhill. Call between 12 and 6 P. M.
ATTRACTIVE bungalow. Roe City Park.
July. August; no ciniureu, 1W1.UI.BI..W
people only. Tabor 3939.
LARGE west side home with garage, fur-
nlsbed or partly rurnisnea. in riciiai.w.
district, for rent L 740, Oregonian.
EIGHT-ROOM house in Nob Hill dint.
Donald G. woouwara, agent, xi bvuvum
ATTRACTIVE 6-room bungalow to rent
to one who win puy iurniLurc. iw.i
NICELY furnished 4 rooms, first f,oor,
private nome, nice )m, auuns uu.j,
nermanent tenants. Wdln. , 1759.
$40 MO. FOR three mo., well furnished 6-
room house; iwano, a win. t unuu ,
adult". Marshall 29o6,
ROOMS furnished house for 3 months
with piano. 803 Cook ave. near Wil
-ROOM furnished house. Sunnyside, com
pletely rerinisneq insiue. luii jo n.. ju.
to 6 P. M. Tabor .8772. 173 E. 32d St.
-ROOM house, piano and garage, berries
and cherries. 3aa ugeue St., near uuiou
ave. Main 7817.
FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, completely
furnishea, garase. mao fi."ni
road, corner 70th street.
-D-iienitiim for sale, house for rent,
nice location, Nob Hill. Call Bdwy. 932.
-ROOM house, close In, well furnished.
piano: nice yaru reasonaoie. i.i .
Burnside. East 1498.
ROOM furnished house, suitable for
family, convenient for keeping severaL:
roomers. Broadway 1473. 669 Savier stf:
ROOM modern house, beautifully fur
nished; $90 per month. Nob Hilt district.
C 689, oregsnian.
ROOM furnished house after June 14.
$50. 350 E. 37th St.. Hawthorne Add.
1CELY located furnished 7-room house.
Sell. 2733.
ROOM furnished house: no silver or
linen. 673 Clackamas, cor. I9th: $75.
FOR RENT Small furnisned nouse at
3823 42d st. inquire at 1-31 rrancis ave.
FIVE-ROOM bungalow. $30
a month;
dults only, j-none qh-q.
25 2-ROOM modern iurnutnea nouse.
lights and water, ot .waraet street.
FURNISHED house for rent. June 15 to
Stot 1: $.0 per mo. rnoni num. miu. lor Bent lurniture for Sale.
ROOM house and garage for rent, $12
month, furniture ior aaie, alio casn.
G. E. Martin. 350 East 6th st
15 NICE 5-room modern bungalow ror
rent, eew furniture ror sale cneap. ovua
99th ave. Auto 642-20. '
FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale,
house ror rem, oargaiu .j.r. u- bwi
Oak. cor. 12th. Call after 10 A. M.
GOOD furniture of 5 rooms and porch.
Close in, rooms pay rent. an alter
Monday. 348 loiumpia sire-i
FIHST-CLASS furniture, of 7-room house
for sale, all or separate. House for
rent. 472 Union ave. N. East 1881.
8-ROOM lower flat lo party buying furni
ture, west side. Mais 9398.
Houses fur Rent rurnitU2eJorSaleLj
S-rnem strictly modern flat, very best
furniture. Nob Hill. For particular peo
ple; $750 with terms.
S22-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3993.
8-ROOM house, completely furnished: lc
trola, vacuum cleaner., 13 oriental rugs,
pictures, table and bed linen, all lor
$1000; will accept comparatively small
cash pavment; liberal terms to accept
able people; good opportunity to rent
rooms; at home Sunday. 1929 Garfield
ave. Woodlawn
LARGE close In 8-room residence lor icas.
furnishings for sale, be auufu ly fur
nished; very cheap at $1650. 814 Sloe
Excha n ge bldg. Main 7510 .
FOR SALE At a sacrifice, l.rnlture of
7-room house, three apartments; rent 01
house $30; 15 minutes from town. .-
llnams ave.
with bath, all fur.
nished, near 15th and Washington, west
side. House rent l month. $160 casn
for all. Phone East 6228. i
Summer Resorts.
FOR RENT Seaside cottage, turnisneo.
modern conveniences, sleep ; '
street paved, ocean view three sides, on
new board walk corner Eighth ae.
very desirable; reference! required, see
. Mr. Walker on? premises.
GEARHART 8-room house, furnishea.
beach lot facing oan: $:;.WO: purchaser
assumes street improvements. C. u.
Woodwotth. 214 Spalding bldg.. Port
land. Main 7191.
r 1-- Va:.rlv completed, attractive
ITUIV BAl.l 'V" Ir..m
S-room'bungaio-w on ssa si.. V, "
ocean. 'near 7th ave.; modern plumbing
and dassv appearance; sieepina
Box 22. Seaside. Or.
DANCE HALL at Bar View, one or tne
most L..pu!ar resorts on the . beacn,
50x70 leet, reasonable rent and part
ea In reliable miltles. Call at
Corl.ett bldg. and see Mr. Ackley.
GEARHART PARK One large kitcnen
with cooking ulensns ana
ma- norch with 3 beds; water in kitchen
good location. Until Aug. 31
O 730,
SEASIDE, new well-f urnlsliea coi...r-.
large attractive living roum, "- '""
electric lights. 1 block from the board
walk, for season; references P c!"r' "
furnished. Call Monday, Marshall .3-4.
luo 1st AVE.. SEASIDE dr.. cosy noo
cottages; rurnisnea s-roum
electr.c lights, fuel, complete except lin
en, silverware, by week or month. . .
OCEAN PARK. WASH Centrally locaieu
between ocean and bay; we 1 tniA
6-rm. cottage. 3 bedrooms, large Parlor
with fireplace, for ucasun; rel. uwy.
FOR JULY and August. $laO. tne .rn
cottage on the ridge. Seavlew, Wssh.. .
rooms, comfortably furnished; mounts In
water, sanitary. Telephone East 14J4.
forenoon, or 6 to 8 f.
FOR SALE or rent, nice comfortable sea
view Washington cottage: frn "n iH?
ocean. Call East 4iw. " " --
Schuvler street.
7-HOOM furnished house, fac ng o. e an.
running water, rirepiace.
Scavicw, till Sept. 1. $13o. Write M.
Walton. Seavlew, Wash.
Cottagea. Urge and small: every con
.venfrnce; near beach: reasonable. Ad-
. dress l..o .'.in
WILL lease lots for summer n "''"
proposition; on river '""" ' ...
hea.h. fine location. Address Box -61,
Seaside. Or.
LONG BEACH -" ' 7 " rent
t on. 8-room lurnisne., ..-- . -----by
season. $75. Address Box 165. Long
Beach. Wash.
rurc ' A ..- Vllchen.
nished rront room sou - .
for 2 refined '" 1 blk' from b"cU'
East 6327
SIX -ROOM COTTAGE for June, August or
September -SM .f ' .. , u ci.,,. i,i nr l a hnr
620 Third
airoci fluum. ot" .
sv,, rent, comfortable 2-room nicely
furnished apartment for season, near
ocean- reasonable. Call Main 19117.
SMALL furnished cottage, nice ana clenn.
grassy yard, running water, on blvd.
near ocean. Seavlew. until bept. 1. $80.
M. Walton, scavicw.
WANTED To rent, a small cottage
Seaside or Gearhart for July and Au-
ust oe vsry imb"h.o. -
GEARHART Modern cottage, completely
furn shed (except unco an., r....
15 to July 31. Window 6. First National
M a i-sliall .-."!.
uL-imlU.; OR. New two-room iurniaii'-w
fcSEAMl'r.. vn. ' Haht. water;
readv about 15th. Fourth ave.,
end footbridge. M. L. Hayes.
cottages: iwu o.-..-.
MAN2 ANITA beach for rent, 5-room b-ach
"cottage, fully furnished: season $L!0or
by month. Apply
and 8 P. M. Eaton.
Main 2321
8-ROOM house, modern, furnace and l .,
1-vear lease; furniture for sale, beds
new 2 months ago. Near Good bamarl-
- tan hospital. Marshall J.'Pl.
rr...v--c ...,ii iniv l.
tern fur
"nr.hed cottage it Seaside. block from
1 ocean,
on paveu street, ni
SEASIDE Four-roomed cottage. 1014 3d
ave to rent for season, also three-room
"ottage next door, both nicely furnished.
Wyard, box 7"4. acasiuc
GEARHART 4-room furnished collage
for rent for season, or will sell cheap
foT cash. Call Wdln. 834 Monday and
FOR SALE At Rhododendron, on the Mb
Hood road, a furnished collage right on
lie bank of Still creek. $650. W 747. Ore-
KOR RENT .snamroca coiiu"
'away Or. furnished, by month or sea
son Write Mrs. J. T. Conway, Oswego.
Or. Phone Local 218.
AtTTEaRHART. rooms and apartment for
I rent on main street. R. M. Robson. Gear-
hart. Or.. Box 504,
FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage al Cannon
Beach for balance of June, $10 per week.
Sell. 19. ,
DANCE HALL for rent for season at pop
ular Oregon beach resort; rent reason
able. PhoneEast (141.
ViivvivtTi heach. for rent August, 5.
room beach cottage, fully furnlahed $50
by month. Apply Eaton, Main 2327
" j ,-i v i va CAMP. OSWEOO LAKE
Summer cottages for rent by month
or season. See caretaker on grounds.
FOR RENT for the season, furnished cot
tage ocean rarK, it-,, r...
quired. Mrs. Culllson. 413 E. Clay st.
BEAVIEW Comfortable collage, hoi. co.a
water, bath, four beds; season.
Rox 96 Seaview. Wash.
GEARHART Completely furnisned -room
cottage; sun porch, electricity, urepiace
rent or sale reasonable. Mr. 24(12.
"757T7T ut-vr cottages at Cannon Beach
cOBe to stores, for July and Augusi. or
particulars, write ma ...-".
SEASIDE 7 rooms. 1ft blocks Deacn,
hath, toilet, hot and cold waler, $300,
first October. Wdln. 45 iO-
NEWLY FURNISHED 7-room house, ga
ra.e; Ideal for man and wife, home
449 Montgomery st.
GEARHART For sale or rent, modern 7
room house, sun parlor, sleeping porch
Ocean view. A 735, Oregonlan.
CANNON BEACH secure your
.la one 16x32 home.
bartlculnrs. C. L. Wlngnrd. 5.13 Morrison
. M... ,it HKACll 4-room cottage, on
the Tldge. fine location, $160 for season
Woodlawn 2541.
777; tcvt Lone- Reach. Washington
maU, completely furnished cottage for
July. Men. ion
AT ROCKAWAV BEACH, to rent for Ju i.y.
$40. or season $85. Cottage completely
furnished for 4. Phone East 4a-j.
COTTAGES for rent, all kinds and sues
Write or call onMrs. 8. Snyder, corner
ad st. and 3d ave.. Seaside. Or.
COTTAGE Cannon Beach; ocean view,
accommodates, four; June and July. Main
ROCK AWAY B E ACHN'e w f urn is he.
tages near ocean. Box 81. Kock
furnished cot-
FURNISHED cottagea, box 102, jvewton
station Long Beach., Wash. Phone
Auto. 233-41.
ROOMS anl board at Stop ana nest inn at
Cannon Beach. Write I. a. Schram.
Eayla. Or. !
SEAVIEW 6-rooni house, garage, flre
place, modern, bath room; on boulevard.
K 7411, uri-Kuii'""
ARTISTIC 8-room bungalow
oceah view; $150 for season.
I 8ea-Hi.le.
Call Sell-
wood 1102.
FOR SALE Lots 16 and 11. block J.
Rocks way. 200 Concord b.dg.
SIX-ROOM fur. cottage, fireplace, bath.
Ocean Park. Wash. Mar. 3613.
rsEASIDE 5-rooin furnished cottage on
ther Idge. ai ""
EEAVIEW. Wash. 6-rpom cottage for
rent, rurnisneu.
Main 113.
SEASIDE 3-room furnished modern cot
l'.l a season- huuu.ii.u
HERMQSA Park, Shelter Nook cottage, J
rooml. modern. Main 6221.
SMALL cottage at Gearhart for rent
Phone East S.'O.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
light, bath. rone. 288 14th.
TWO FURNISHED cottages on ridge; run
ning water. Seavlew. Wash. Mar. 728.
GEARHART. Glendennlng cottage. 8
nished. for sale -or rent. Lewis. Br.
OCEAN CREST, h. k. apta Phone 614-10.
Address ocean crest, nocKawsy. nr.
CANNON BEACH cottage for rent. Phoiia
Sellwood 1025. '
FURNISHED cottage. Bay Ocean, suuun.
Call Woodlawn 34o8.
Summer rtesorta.
AN IDEAL stopping pla. e at Seaside. The
Pine Lodge." large, commodious summer
home. 1 block from ocean. 2 blocks from
Broadwsv; large lobby, 2 f Ir.plsc. a,
bath, shower bath nil tennis court.
Urge grounds: rates, $'-' per dav up. wuh
kitchen privileges. Mrs. Flora Fergu
son, manager
The Ocean Club Mamion at Classic
Ridge beacli. Nehalem, Oregon fvla I il
Ismook train), oprns July 1. Prices res
sonable. For rcservstl'.ns address O. t.
M. or J. H.. L. H. Edwards, luuVt 4th
a, j
street at Mornron. Main
FOR KENT for season, near llo.kiisv,
modern bungalow, 4 room and bath. .
rurnlshed complete except linen and
silverware: equipped altll every con
venience, including large garage; 1 block
from beach, 1 l.lo. k Irom iiia-n auto
hlghw ay Tabor 34117.
SUMMER cottage of five room., nicely
furnished. located at Long Ilea, n
Wash.; fiirnu-hes beautiful view of
ocean: rent reasonable Mrs. l r
He,l.-n. 405 Alta st. Phone Columbia
"THE BROWN NEST," First Sea-
' side, Oregon. Reservations made In ad
vance for room and board by day or
week. Special t-stes to small partlrs.
Address .viable West or Alberta Greene,
Sende, Hrecon -
FOR KENT Newly bum 4-rouin collage,
furnished, $100 for season. ,
For rent 5-room cottage, furnished,
$135 for season; Iota of flowers and line
PO. BOX 2MJ'2'0?EAr,, W K
Directly facing onan. Suif bathing.
Large shndy grounds. Rooms 1 1 doy
Slid UP. H li.M."Hbl n 'U .-r.r r.r.i . .--
TENTS. $10 week. Hotel uck
land, or N. B. Inn. Long Heat
W ash.
Foil KENT At Bar View, or., nest S-n".
cottage, completely furnished: good view.
neur coast guard station, HOP for sea-
son, June U to Sept. 15. Inquire l. C.
K.I lis. Ha rlllaldl. Or.
BEAUTI l-'UL 4-room l.i-.u li 'ullage n'"'
lake. Manhattan bea.-h. Call Sell. M'w.
Morr and ItiiHlnrwa Places.
In live cliv of looo population In the
heart of Willamette valley; best loca
tion In city; floe opening for the fol
lowing: " hardware, clot. ilng. furnltuie
and undertaker or restaurant and con.
Excellent opening for either drv goods
or hardware store. In small town of
loon population; with large prosperous
surrounding farming community; In Wil
lamette va.ley. Inquire of AV 8i6. Ore-
Foil RENT Half of big store; best loca
tion In the north end. -
11 North Second 8treet.
Near Burnwt'ic.
STORE, fine location, shoes, army goons.
loggers' cl. .Hung and general nide.
241-243 Couch street. Tlione East 84.13
or Bro ad way 727 .
FOIt RENT Hloreroom. 1971 Kast Stark
st 18x30 feet, all shelves up. back room
isi.20 It., suitable for any kind of busl-
nessJ :
FINE top Uoor, N. U hi al, good light.
50x1(10. D. C. Wax, 2 N. Sill. Brosd-
FOR DEM R A BI.E p.ire In fireproof ware
house phone Brosdwav 3715
CORN Ell store, 354 'lrst st.
Apply 252
Stark st.
VACANT lot. tuituble for storage. Jefferson
near Second 252 Stark st.
for rent
ork. A II
electrical or plumb-
irecod isn.
Full HUNT - I'a
able for baby
t of SU'--shop.
csl..-cially ull
Washington M.
TO LET --One-half of grocery store for
meat market. Automatic .'.-'' 33
PRIVATE office. v.ell furnislied. use of re
ception room, port use of stenographer's
time, in one of best office buildings;
state business and reference s. BD 738,
(iregonlnn. .
Sl'lTi-1 of ri is. verv fine I... a I ion f
a dentist. Corner W'M h snd Belmont sti
Call Mrs. Shaver. 1153ft Helmont st.
ATTORNEY wants sgreeabe parly to
share suite and expellee. Corbclt bldg.
P 7'.'8. ( "r.-gonliin.
FURNISHED office room with phone and
use of typewriter. $16 50 per month.
11129 Chamber of Commerce bldg. '
FRONT nifties, modern. In Ili.nway Li
change bldg Apply room 812 ,
DESK room, with telephone and sono
graphic servlrc Phone ll.lwv 3715
EXCELLENT oulaliio
I'll. doer l.l.lg
offices for rrnb
ONE OFFICE for rent.
.rlliiger hldg.
in w-ll-cMab-".H
N l'h "t.
llshed second - ha nil store.
3(10 I1A I. LOSS. W 74
, i ir.-gonlan.
DESK room in office ft
way Exchange Itl.lg.
r r nl. i 21 IUI1-
OFFIt'KS Foil RENT FUedner bldg.,
( i erllnger hldg,. Globe bid t.
DESK room. Willi typcwnl.T and fin
nhone. nt 12" Chamber of Commerce
FOR RENT Piano, must give ri-fei encil
A-l condition. Sell. 131.V
ni'sivrss opiiinTrMTir.
FOR SALE Motion picture theater al a
sacrifice for cash In a busy summer re
sort town; running every nighi: good
i. : must sell at once. Invest!-.
gate. Box EE. Newport.
( r.
Concrete, full of storage and plenty
repair work: good lease. $J Co will han
dle It. Room 401 in hum bldg.
11, WHICH IU -
our time will
D .".77, Orego-
secured, and some oi y
make you some mom y.
Just what you have been looking for:
only $600 cash, balance easv teriua. See
Mr. Scott, with McF.irl.nnl. Falling hldg.
$11011 HL'YS dandy corner grocery, rent
with 3 living rooms. $35.
518 Chamber of Commerce.
For sale at Invoice, about 95": owner
claims $150 mouth clear profit. Call
Room 401 Dekum bldg.
WE HAVE one of the b.-st pool rooms and
soft drink parlors In North Portland. If
Interested see our list. McFarlaml,
Falling hlilK.
Partner wanted. Join experienced mill
In a very profitable business K.-qulri-a
$6li(i0, fully secured 4'U I'ekum bldg
J55,, K EST A UR A NT, Washington St. lo
cation, averaging $45 a day. Well
equipped: $830 cash will handle. HAR
PER ar MORRIS, 418 Ry. Ex. bldg.
WANTEIi To rent, m.-r ry -go-round for
Fourth of July, or will play for percent
age. 8000 to 1(1.000 people. Call Main
5794. between 1 slid 2 P. M.
SEVEV-PAliSENGElt car. now running
for hire, (or eale, together with the
business; snap for -omcone. E. L. Mot
ley. Houlton. Or. Phone 15s W.
$3110 CASH will put you In p..ssei.on of
a nice little millinery store, rent $20. Ilv.
log room. , .
BUSHl'K. 518 ChamlW of Commerce.
LAUNDRY In live valley town doing a
good cash. all-th-yesr-roiind buslnes-;
cheat rent with living rooins; will teach
the business. AV 757. Oregonlan. .
4 -,U CASH big restaurant, county seal,
whole outfit 9i0. worth double, will
show by auto. Main 3672.
McFARI.ANP, R-sltor. Falling Bldr
$5o(l AND 2 HOURS a day liive.tirt In new
estaunsneo ins nu i .. . i u. ...a ..a-....-.-...
make yqU $50 per week clear. Give phoue
number. T 731. Oregonlan.
PATENTED household ncies.I'v. In.lud
Ing patent, dies: NiHIO finished articles
for sale or'trade by lnentor. BF 115.
Oregon lan.
STORE BLDG. 24x48. corner lot. 6 living
vrooms above, Rein park, only $lt"io.
Mui-t sell to satisfy mortgage. Auto
matlc 612-6U. ,
FOR SALE Two warehouses and go.M hay
and grain PU-mee, nuinirni to
monk dairy trade. McNainar & bun, Wil
li i m i n a , Or
Three men to form company, $.1oiM)
each. Customers guaranteed. F 738, ore.
RESTAURANT for sale, good ..' si.l"
location; owner must leave. riuy n
now for $14oo. Inquire 219 Lumber
mens bldg.
WANTED A nice respectable buslii"
man to take run cnarse or a grocery
store snd postofflce. Phone Tsl.of I'M
FOR SALE Soft n i Ink. cigars and to
bacco, cara room;. guou locaiiun. e
Sixth st.
1500 AND INVOICE, grocery, con f--ct Ion -
- . ' Ill ( ' - . 1
erv; rent only sia.
Couch Bldg. Main 15
409-4 1 0
GARAGE for 100 cars fine modern build
ing; sell st invoice; t-siou. oie niotk
Exchange hldg.
WANTED to lease acreage from owner in
or near slt creeg. v yo.. or utass vai-
ley. Tex AN 574. Oregonlan.
GOOD east side cigar and imn
near bn.lge; rent S4U. i-rtm s.-oiai casn.
Owner East 3117 5.
ALTO repair, busy location; $8.i0; all 111,
work 2 or a men can no; a gonu innu
ern place. 314 Slnclt Enhange bl.lg
NEWSPAPER barg.iln: one of the best
propositions In Oregon; a i. inn casn Illsl
painenb AV 839, Urgeoulan.