The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 12, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 38

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lHAVE you a car and don't know how to
irive it 7 if so, 1 will teach you. can
Main 3506. A. K. P.. apt. 15.
I J I A VE 15 years experience in railroad
on ices as agent ana teiegrapner, also
experienced car driver: will accept any
honest employment where a dependable CAPABLE. trustworthy young woman
man Is required. W 750. Oregonian. I wants work; doctor's or dentist's office t.,w.V,r- ml.l,l!a.B,l mur. I IlOV'T Irv Ia trt o fill nr... I HO StenOg. . UrfKOIllftn,
WANTED Man and wife to work fori
room and hmtrri Wife tn do housework.
man to milk cow and do some chores
night and morning. On car line. Phone
ft 72 -03.
MAN A."I WiKB to represent a large
eastern manufacturing company; abso
lute necessity: nationally advertised, D
ft!. Oregonian.
"VV'ANT more money? One or two hours'
work In spare time at home. Commerce I
Advertising Service, box ess. uailas. ur.
rilX PKKSONS to qualify to advertise silk I
nose special; Pig money; steady, wan i
at24S Harrison rt. 3 to a Sunday.
WANTED Janitor and wife for 2-story
owk building. Cail Mon. afternoon. L4 I
it n st.
IK YOC want to earn $3 to $ per day I
call E. 7th St. S.. A. M. to 1 P. M.
YOUNG man. 20 years old, with
mechanical Inclination and abil
ity, desires position ; have com
pleted manual training course in
high school and 2 yeara mechani
cal engineering at O. A. C.
Have worked In lumber mills and
shipyards and am not afraid of
hard work; excellent references.
Phone Columbia -365.
MUSICAL, director, composer-pianist of
wide experience and acmowledgea anil
ity is at liberty: continental. American
experience best theaters, opera, musical
comedy, pictures, vaudeville. Handle
orchestra anv size or work single. Phone
Broadway 4010. evening 10-W. Oak
COOK open for a posit'on after June IX
would like to cook f Jr a small crew "of
men in camp, ranch or club; am ex
perienced and capable. Address Mrs.
-Lucy Sherwood. 8U South Ilia sL. Cor
vallis. Or.
MARRIED man wants ranch work, under
stands all branches of farming, a years
experience, capable of taking charge;
age 36 years, must have furnished living
quarters; can furnish beat of references.
Address John J. Bannick, box 11, On
a lank a. Wash-
KXPF.RIENCED cook for small hoteL Co
lumbia 03 1.
SALESMAN" capable of managing a crew
ana taking full charge or selling cam-
paign wanted. No limit to what can
be made. Good legitimate proposition.
Attractive selling article. Musi Invest
S 1 5i , which will be secured sa tisf ac-
toriiy. Call in person.
43H Chamber of Commerce Rldg.
TOOTING man for desirable permanent po
rtion In Seattle office: reliable, estab
lished company: salary $150 to $200 and
nonus to rignt man: only ambitious man
with executive ability, who can invest
32.iM) to $5000 with services, consid
ered; state fully education and refer
ences In first letter. P. O. box 871, Se
attle, v asn.
A COOK, married, to help couple open up
a restaurant or lunch counter in some
promising location as working partners;
If you know of a good location any
where and hare a little capital Join me
1 have a complete little outfit. 50-50
basis; will bear closest investigation. AV
pis, Oregonian.
L D LMCUT .... ...l.U .... t...nlr
This position must be rilled at once; re- 4- c.- h"vc h ' ' ewu, runwiiu
WIDOWER, 3S, with boy aged 8. wants
position where he can have boy with
him; prefer country estate; good auto
driver and mechanic; experienced farm
and gardening; best of references. E
n-. oreconian.
"VHU By sawmill man with years
' practical experience, wno is tnor
oug:y familiar with both cargo and
rail ; a mill to operate on salary and
percentage oasis; bet of reference
J -. Oregonian.
HARDWARE man with 7 years' experi
ence wants position with large concern
in or out oi city. Have had two years
road experience. Call Automatic 230-07
or write A 731, Oregonian.
EASTERN machinist, all-around repair
man, wants employment In state of
Oregon or Wash. J. Huhnke, 105 East
inn st. foruana, ur. .rnone wood
lawn 170s.
MOVING picture operator, non-union, 4
;r"i expenesce. wan is position, uooa
references. n or out of city, but prefer!
city, can Automatic 23U-U7 or write
1 i-43. Oregonian.
Have you an opening for an Al lum-I
oerman. wholesale or re Lai 1 preferred?!
Will furnish references. Y 750, Ore
! PAINTERS and decorators. We don't pre
tend to be the cheapest, out we employ
skilled mechanics and use the best ma
terial. If this appeals to you phone Tab.
9563. Can do your work at once. Peans
A Hollebeck.
WANTED All my old friends and all
others to know I am again located in
Portland, prepared to do your garden
work, general yard or house cleaning
or anything: workmanship guaraniceu.
Telephone Main 3s;, ask for KQfs.
CAPABLE voana- woman with small
daughter will go to beach, assist wit
housework and cookinv. or as mother"
helper; exchange services for expenses.
H i32, Oregonian
COLLEGE woman who has recently com
pleted I-a Salle accountancy course de
sires position in accountant's or audit
or's office: salary of minor Importance.
F 743. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl willing to go to beach
for summer, wants place as second girl
or maid for general housework ; city
rererenccs. Call East 07-::, oetween
and b P. M.
WANTED bv a reliable middle-aged lad
position as housekeeper In gentleman
home; good home more than big wages,
or to take charge of rooming nouse.
730, Oregonian.
SWITCHBOARD operator exp. In hotel,
wholesale house, aot. house and depart.
store wishes situation ; can handle any
board; personality pleasing; satisfaction
guaranteed. AV S32, oregonian.
YOUNG married man. 20 years old, with
high-clasa ' banking. accounting and
salesman experience, desires position;
will leave city. Phone- Marshall 0t51 or
address box A 744. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers. Stenographer. Office.
quires small investment. Great Northern
l ransportatlon Co., inc., t9 v . liurn-
bjALKSMAX wanted for half interest in j
old-established office; business man with
car preferred. F bv-S. O regonian.
PARTNER Mut bw live wire; big re
turns; $000 will handle. BC 7-5. orego
ETKAINED, experienced male nurse; work
any hours. Kenwood 3. evenings.
'ART I Ed to join in organizing Mexican
colony. Phone Broadway 11M..
REFINED young couple wish position In
private nome; man is competent cnaur
1 eur, etc., and wife experienced gover
ness or maid : willing: to leave city.
Phone Marshall or address O 733,
preferred, as turner, tand sawver anil I
so a per man, work any place in mill.
Address F. W. Hamilton, 1010 Center
st., racoma. wash .
MIDDLE-AGED man with experience
iianuiinc merchandise, stockroom
snipping, clerk in store or hotel, seeks
situation; best reference!. Phoae Mar
shall I Nil.
WANTED Position as manager of gen-
erai merchandise or commissary; have
had years of experience In store and I
office work; best of references. B 750,
LUMBERMAN would like connection with
company where thorough knowledge of
grades and manufacturing. together
with reliability and Industry, will count.
.What have you? Y 733. Oregonian.
17. B 71fl. OREGONIAN,
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private!
lamny or any kind or driving or repair
worn; goou carerui driver and me
chanic; best of reference: 7 yean ex-
nrlenc 8 T1Q Ore eon Inn
YOUNG man. Seventh-day Adventist, ob
serving Saturdays and, working on Sun
days, of good appearance and excep
tional moral character, energetic and
willing to learn, desires permanent of
fice position; am a graduate bookkeeper
.and typewriter operator and will do the
best of my ability to meet your business
requirements; references, W 745, Ort
gonian. .
YOUNO man 24 yeara of age. mar
ried, desires position as bookkeep
er, stenographer or general office
work; best of references,- moder
ate salary; will leave city. Y 613,
EXPERIENCED young lady wishes poi
lion in store.' where reliability and cou
tesv am annreclated : knowledge
stenography. Main 3175. Addieas June
Turner, .."is 13th at.
A REFINED, capable woman desires
housekeeping for refined elderly gen
tleman ; small wages; Al references.
AL 13. Oregonian. '
MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position to
care for children, or companion and
nurse to convalescent child, or elderly
person. Main 3719.
NEAT, reliable woman would like positio
as workine- housekeeper in hotel: coun
try or small town preferred; references.
T 727, Oregonian.
TWO GIRLS want positions together, pre
fer waitinir table in camp: both SXpe
rlenced and steady. Room 315 Edison
hotel. '
WANTED Housekeeping position by el
derlv lfldv home mnre than wages: Can
not care for , children. Mar. 3320. untii
10 A. M. and after 0 P. M.
WANTED A position with a local firm.
by an emcient man oi iu years tiem'
experience, including two years of bank
ing; can furnish A-l references; nom
inal salary. Age 31. married. Wood
lawn 4ti00 or P 040 Oregonian.
S. O. S.
Bookkeeping or clerical work; compe
tent, extensive experience; temporary,
Sermanent; in or out city; good penman.
D 745, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 24 years of age, desires
position as bookkeeper, or win ao oinei
work In connection. Phone Broadway
GENERAL clerk and typist desires posi
tion; experienced; age 25. single; excel
lent references; will leave city. F 735,
WANTED By experienced accountant, fet
of books to keep in spare time. a
717. Oregonian
lumber, bank or hotel: will commence
at small salary. BP 744, Oregonian.
OUXG man. 27. desires counect'on with
firm where perseerance and ability
count; experienced general office work
and selling; willing and able to use own
initiative. jj, oregonian.
YOUNG man with general office experience
wishes' position; aiao can a 1st window
trimmer. BO fi95. Oregonian.
CAPABLE lady wishes place in C. S. home,
can manage and go ahead, good plain
cook, or clerk in drugstore or oakery
Col. 1417.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wil. exchange
housework for room in amail plain work
ingman's family: must be walking: dis
tance to town. HU m. uregonian.
YOUNG woman with 3 small children
wishes position as housekeeper In coun
try where there are no children. E 5if0,
A HIGH-SCHOOL girl would like to tak
care or children and ao ngni nouse
work for summer, Sundays off. R. Nee,
b5 M a son s t .
LADY would like small apt. house or
housekeeping rooms to manage for apt.
and small salary; can give bonus it nec
essary. w llio, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED kindergarten teacher de
Hire' nnslt ion as govern eu during lUtTI'
mer; references given. Write Miss Lulu
Carr. East Helena. Jiont
ELDERLY woman will work in small plain
family where all are employed for $3
a week, f i.. oregonian.
MARRIED woman, take care of rooms in
exchange for housekeeping rooms. Ad
dress W 743, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants position as soda foun
tain dispenser at HUisboro. Or.; some
experience. M 744, Oregonian.
ried man, wants outside work for sum
mer: experienced in landscape garden
ing, care of shrubbery and fruit; good
references furnished. AV 841, Oregonian.
your suit for 45 cents, while you wait. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, competent.
Joy, ths tailor, 104 4th, near Stark.
experienced : references.
Main 3384.
E-X -SERVICE man wants work on ranch
in eastern Oregon or ashington during
haying and harvest; state wage Ad
dress R, J. Calvert, box 1163, Winlock-Wajth.
i loUNG man. experienced stenographer.
desires position. Bflwy. 4it.
MAN WITH light (1021) Ford delivery
wants to contract for your work; also
Al heavy duty truck driver and shop
man, li D a.i i, Oregonian. -
POSITION as salesman in city and sur
rounding territory handling stoves,
ranges -and hardware. State salary and
requirements. O 570. Oregonian.
LUMBER retail salesman would like to
sell on salary ana commission oasis.
Y 73S, Oregonian,
lUlOH school boy must have work vaca
tion to neio lamuv : Tamer sick: nave
done office work. Auto. G40-oS. F.
OL'XG man. high school graduate, dc
sires employment in office pr urm where
advancement is possible. L 750, Ore-
XXM PETENT. A-l automobile mechanic.
now employed in large repair shop an
foreman, wishes to make change. V iJJ.
ENGINEER wants position as steam, elec ,
or refrigeration, bldg. engineer or bldg.
supt., 20 years experience; can give the
ost or references Tor ability and cnar-
acter. -m i 3. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED driver and mechanic will
drive your car on your pleasure trip or
tour to caitrornia or anywhere : best
references. Phone Tabor 6308. or address
4.t3 Kayt 38th st. North.
WAXTBD Job taking care of crusher
plant with one or more crushers: good
all round man. A. J. Jackson. 6410 58th
ave. S. S. Phone 625-48.
PROGRESSIVE accountant wishes book
keeping or clerical position : general
knowledge, conscientious, accurate; ref
erences. K 750, Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wants light work where I SCHOOL teacher wants care of one or
PARTY with no children wishes 1 or 2
small .children to care for. Call labor
240. .
HIGH school girl wishes to go to beach
Tabor 445.
1RST-CLASS candy and ice-cream maker
wishes steady position in retail chno.
Oscar Powell, 223 Jefferson st., Albany, i
ttl'XG man wii-hes position as helper to
man doing electrical wiring. If you
wilt call Tabor 2iiu I can give my qual
iflcations for the position.
A N AN D WIFE, age 3o, want steady
work on ranch, small camp ur country
place. Main -K;...
'AtNTINU. tinting ana paperhanging.
Jiimes & Uaither. Call Karnes. Wdln.
0. or Gaither. Mar. 27IKJ.
WANT Bteadv work with tome contrac
tor to do plumbing, steam and hot water
heating. A rite box 2..". Gladstone. Or.
First -class work, reasonable. Broad -
A INT I NO and tinting. Credit if desired:
reasonable price. Benjamin. Broadway
OPTION wanted bv young married man
experienced in shipping and general uf-
nce worn. ra Dor iujt.
AN and wife want work on ranch or
apartment house or camp. 6303 l4th fii.
m. yi. j aeons.
Lawns Cared For and Mad.
Main liK2. Res. Main 451 3.
ANT work In garage as helper: have
had some experience and course in good
auto school. V 74". Oregonian.
NITOR wants position, apartment house
and office experience, steam engineer; do
all repairing. Mahall o505.
ANTED Bv registered druggist, relief
work nights and Sundays. X 745. Ore
AN WANTS position as
mall apartment house.
n 5.
janitor in a
Main 0058.
XPEKil ENCED auto mechanic want?
work In garage; will go out of city. P
XPERI ENCED Filipino houseboy wants
worK in nice xamiiy ; have good refer-
nces. w i .i.i, oregonian.
PKIUEXCED railroad cierk. stenog
rapher and telegraph operator; refer-
nee rurnisned. v t.. Oregonian.
$f per day. & hours. 201 Worcester bldg
Main 44"7.
SPECI A LIZE in paperhanging; reaon-
nie prices; wont guaranteed. Aut,
Work done bv flrst-clas, reliable me
chanics. Snyder. Marshall 2041.
TO mechanic, married, age 20, eight
ears ail-around experience, winhes per
manent position. AV 843. Oregonian.
lOOK KEEPER, accountant, thoroughly
competent and rename; good references.
i tregonian.
experienced in church work, wants posl-
on now or later, (j oai, uregonian. noy. ag 14, wants work on
ranch: mother a widow and needs my
eip. uaie i. ampoen, mi Jersey,
OTEL clerk, experienced: phone call
iexanoer Hotel. Bflwy. 2M'.i.
KVANT work, pipe work preferred. Phone
tllLKER. experienced, open for position
up to iw cows, v uregonian
IROOMS tinted, $2 up; painting reasonable.
Automatic b.J-i'j.
r VAN TED Woodcutting contract; larger
inp ofurr, v t tregonm n.
.ARPKNTER. A-l finisher, day work or
contract finishing. Phone Sell wood 424.
EWER connections, rain drains, cess
pools and plumbing. East 324.
LANDSCAPE gardening, lawns made. Mr.
Park. East TSn.
V" ANTED Steady hauling. 2',, -ton truck.
T.ihnr 835.
VA NTED Lawn mowing, home garden
ing or odd jobs': 6c per hour. E. S427.
'A P. PET. linoleum laying, furniture re
palring. rcreens put up. Aut. 5 1 3-65.
NY KIND of cement work wanted. Broad,
way 2300.
UGH school toy 15 yrs. old wants any
kind .of work. Tabor SS50. '
"IX IT Carpenter, jobbing, repairing all
kinds; quick service. Woodlawn )V1S,
-IOTEL or camp cook, country preferred.
Arthur Benedict. 52 4 N. 2d st.
A PER HANGING, painting and tinting;
paperhanging. ;:0 cts. roll. Mar. 24S.
UGH SCHOOL boy, 17. wants work ou
farm. A 742. Oregonian.
Main iitiS
fast and accurate work.
IRST-CLASS florist want position.
W. Sabransky. route I, city.
I1GH school graduate desires work of
any kind. Wdln. 1222.
AINTING, paperhanging. best workman
ship, best prices, references. East 7S42.
he can have room and board and some 1
wages; well experienced, good references.
i-. oregonian.
JANITOR with steam engineers' litense. I
capable to manage apartment house.
seeks situation; best references. Phone I
'.Marshall 1SQ4.
YOiTNG man pianist of wide experience
desires steady engagement; an all-around i
musician; will leave town.' B 738, 0e-
BLACKSMITH. first-clasi all around.
years of experience in forging and gen
eral work, steady man wants position In I
city or lumber camp. BJ 2i. Oregonian
RESPONSIBLE party. 34, wants work in
grocery or hardware store in afternoons:
references; reasonable wages. Ben Van
Metre. Auto. 631-43.
O. A. C bOfH. mech. eng. ex-service, ex
perienced truck driver, some repairing.
What have you? J. C. Healin, Fairview,
FOR competent culinary help for camps
mi;i ooaroing nouse?, country hotels
and restaurants, call Hantten, Auto-
mn tic .ii'N-j.t.
NEW FORD car a n 1 my services. What
have you to offer. Ben v an Metre.
iiA.N with 20 years experience as car
penter and concrete man; references.
AMBITIOUS young man, general mecha
some selling and clerical experience.
neeris steady position. Wdln. 4066.
FOR ESTIMATING and first-clnss concrete
work, garage driveways a specialty, call
Marshall 374H.
SAW FILER now open for position, either
oand or circular; AL references. BU 74!i,
f 'regnnlan.
COLJEGK student, renned, intelligent, de
sires position ; can typewrite; available
after June 23 AV K'o. oregonian.
! BOX NAILER wants chance to bid on box
nailing anywhere. H. G. Armstrong,
MrMtnnvUle. I r.
two children at the beach.
Broadway 5500.
Please call
EXPERIENCED woman wants to take
care of children afternoons. 2 P. M. to
5 P. M. Phone Woodlawn 1438.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position In
gentleman s home. German, bwiss or
Austrian. 55 Northrup st.
EXPERIENCED girl wants housework.
country or small town preferred. S. iu. J
Ostrander. Wash., box 77.
A COMPETENT woman would like cook
Ing or helper in camp or hotel, or dish
washer. Call 533-70, E 730, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
Responsible young newspaper woman
from eaist desires connection. Proven
abilitvi coov writing, special artlelcs,
Javouts. sales promotion literature, gen
eral publicity. Experienced selling ad
vertising space. Accustomed meeting
public. Pleasing personality; mature
judgment. W'ill make good. B 744,
REFINED young lady who has
had experience in physician's
and dentist's office wishes posi
tion immediately. Phone Sell
wood 2375w
TOUNO lady, possessing tact, cour
tesy and ability to meet the pub
lic, desires position.. Some steno
graphic experience.
Address H 676, Oregonian.
FXPERIENCED cook-housekeeper, with
gin i l, wants worn, counujr or vuy.
Tobar 040ri. Sunday. .
NURSE-.MAID to care for children, some
experience (not in city); wages ?4j. OS
East 84th St. N.
EXPERIENCED woman wants Monday
and Thursday laundry work, or cleaning;
references. Call woodlawn 3wa.
EXPERIENCED trimmer, men's and la
dies' hats, in city or out. O izi, ure
gonian. .
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, toeiiwooo
GRADUATE klndergartner wants posi
tion as nurse maid ; rererences given.
AV S31. Oregonian.
YOUNG widow, with one child, wishes
positton in widowers home. Mrs. Kruger,
Troutdale. Qr. R. 2. box OS.
YOUNG woman with boy 10 desires posi
tion as housekeeper on ranch. P 736.
Ore gonlan.
WANTED A. home in a small family:
light work; small wages; more lor a
home. Tabor 910.
CAPABLE, experienced stenographer de
sires secretarial position. J? i4ii, ore
gojiian. V
YOUNG kdy desires position as ste
nographer or general office work. j-none
East 4S1S
CAPABLE, refined woman, age 34. wisnes
positton in motherless nome or compan
ion to Invalid. X 746. Oregonian.
CARPENTER Experienced, will do your
work right. Ask for Williams. Phone
East 2643.
MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for children
afternoons and evenings wnire motner is
absent; best references. Tabor 1530.
EXPERIENCED janitor, apartment house;
ph'mber. electrician; single man. Main
JAPANESE boy. Janitor, hall boy or bus
boy; any kind or work considered. Auto.
516-6'.. Eddie.
YOUNG man. experienced fireman and
truck driver, want work, but will do
anything. F 726, Oregonian.
PERMANENT position as companion to
elderlv person; can uo practical nursing.
WUI SETTS "curtains done up like new.
W 1 1 1 call. East 8518.
YOUNG LADY violinist open for engage
ments, solo, orchestra or general play
ing. T 720. Oregonian.
HAVE two 3 -ton ' dump t tucks, would
like to have work for. contract or day.
go anywhere. C 48. Oregonian.
BOY. IN. not afraid of work, wants per-
. manent worK oi any kind. O io0, ore
EXPERT plumber wants work, large or YOUNG woman, teacher, wishes to ac
i YOUNG woman with 2-year-old boy
wishes petition in email lamuy. f o-',
LADY, piano accompanist, sight reader.
for orcnestra or nouriy. practice, iin
East Madison yt.
pmrtl! jobs, contract or day work.
company family to beach for summer;
will care for children. M 740. Oregonian.
4 OR 5-PIECE orchestra wishes contrnct
for summer: first-class music. Call
Sell wood 105 5.
PRINTER Good all round, city or coun
try, ads or job; have family; state
wages. C 750, Oregonian.
REGISTERED optometrist, good salesman:
beset of reference. H. Singer, 325 Weidler
st. Phone East 7iN0.
HAVE your garden work done py experi
enced men; do joo too gmau; no joo too
large. Phone Main 37.Y Mr. Baldwin
EVENING work as clerk in store or
cashier In restaurant. o 4 1, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants work by day or hour.
Sel 1 wood 2032-
LADY wants housecleaning. washing, other
work : good worn guaranteed, wain. 03m
GOOD typist desires copywork at home.
Envelopes 3 per lww. isn steaay
circular work each month ; own type
writer ' Abstract work a specialty.
Mar 260.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced , in law.
secretarial work and office management,
qualffied to handle the most difficult
work; excellent references. Marshall
rii 1ST WORTHY young woman with
knowledge of bookkeeping, stenography
and typing desires position, not afraid
of work. Would go out of the city.
Y 744, Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY, experienced bookkeeper
and typist, wants position ; best refer
ences; permanent or temporary. Sell
wood 372L .
EXPERIENCED law stenographer de
sires position; efficient; good English;
satisfactory references; will accept posi-
t i on out or city, p oregonian
LADY would lhke small set of books, ass't.
bookkeeper or any kind of office work,
temporary or half dayet considered; mod
erate salary. East 3278.
GOOD typist and general office girl wants
2 weeks' position; can arrange to suit
vacations; 4 years' switchboard exp.
J 744, Oregonian. ;
YOUNG lady with good lumber experience
desires out-of-town position, stenographj
or invoicing. BP 730, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenograpner desires po
sition, moderate salary. W 736. Ore
THOROUGHLY competent and reliable
stenographer, eight yeara experience.
desires immediate position. Mar. .iQ2S.
MAKE dresses of all description, new;
suits into one piece dresses; alterations
of all kinds and up to date; gentlemen's
silk shirts to order, and summer B. V.
P.; all work guaranteed. Marsnan
PLAIN sewing at your home, odds and
ends, etc. Experienced. Main 3312.
N arses.
A RESTFUL, homelike place for semi-
ln valid, convalescent sir nostetrlcal case
best of care by practical nurse of IS
yeara' experience. For Information call
31 am bl'.j.
EXPERT infant nurse with long expert
ence. be. rf references wants a Derma
netn position to take care of infant. C
74 B. Oregonian.
SWEDISH massage treatments in your
own home; ladies only; physicians rec
ommendations. Woodlawn 078 for ap
REFINED trained nurse wishes care of
Invalid or elderly patient; reasonable
pay, tt u t .m. uregon la n. .
GENERAL duty or permanent position,
not necessarily all nursing, by expert
enced reliable undergraduate. Mar. 340.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants en
t gagament; excellent references. Wood
lawn 3 241.
HOMELIKE surroundings, competent care
lor invalids or convalescents. Mrs. vase.
i li i h;ast Madison st.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes permanent po
. sltion or as housekeeper where there is
no otner woman, jl m, uregon i an.
NURSE wishes position in doctor's of
flee. Apt. 3. East 006.
RESPECTABLE young girl wishes position
as nurse girl. Marshall 1230
EXPERIENCED, practical nurse;
reasonapie. i-troaoway jit3.
NURSB will take charge of children at
coast, $10 per week. AC i27. Oregonian
EXPERIENCED practical nurse.
wood lstii.
WlLL care for an Invalid or old person
in my nome. w ooaiawn 3 0.
PRACTICAL nurse would like permanent
case witn lady. Main 1821.
PRACTICAL nursing by day
nces reasonable. Main 74?4.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes case; terms rea
sonable. Woodlawn 5326.
NURSE will care sick lady In or out city.
w ooaiawn o.i.'o.
PRACTICAL nurse wants case; will take
maternity cases. Main 1821.
TRAINED NURSE takes all kinds of
cases at reasonable terms. Mar. 340.
Honsc keepers.
BY A REFINED middle-aged American
lady, a position as housekeeper In a
gentleman's modern home, where good
service would be appreciated, or would
care for an Invalid. Address for full
particulars or interview, 3 745, Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper or companion
i or one or two; no cnuuren; good nome
and small wages; in city. 6S20 Wood
stock ave.
WANTED Housekeeping by middle-aged
woman wun Doy 11; a place with no
children preferred, in country or city.
Call or address Mary Long, 332 1st st,
REFINED young lady with 3-yr.-oId boy
wishes position as housekeeper for one
or two gentlemen. D 503. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS housekeeper, unincumbered,
wishes position in widowers or bachelors
home. AE 515. Oregonian. .
WIDOW, unincumbered, wants position as
housekeeper in widower a home; refer
ences exchanged. G 000. Oregonian.
HOTEL housekeeper wishes position or
win manage rooming or apartment
house; highest references. East 82.
LADY wishes position as housekeeper.
can or write witn iuu particulars, lit
17th st. North, room 4.
Information and
.Rental Bureau.
Reliable, np-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats
with definite information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find thlt
bureau of great value tn helping losm
get properly and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
List your houses, flats or apartments
with us; quick results and good tenants.
63 Fourth St., Opp. Multnoniah HoteL
Phone Broadway 3715.
WANTED June 21. Will pay small rent
and give furnished home good care dur
ing owner's absence; tf-12 months: Pied
mont or Irvington preferred; good ref
erencea. V 741, Oregonian.
YOUNG couple desires furnished 2-room
apt. or H. K. suite by June 20; refer
ences exchanged; west side preferred.
ji a ran a a ji.
WANTED On or before July, by two
adults, unfurnished flat or apartment;
preferably Irvington district. Phone
East 10$rt between hours of 1 and 8 P. M.
3 OR 4-ROOM apartment in district ad
jacent to Mississippi or Williams ave.
car lines; occupancy to commence July
1. P 730, Oregonian.
ROOM with privilege of doing hand laun
dry work in basement: must he clean;
have yard,' gas, electricity and telephone
SUITABLE for studio, where I can also
sleep; must be west side, close in. rea
sonable. Call Sunday. Mrs, each.
Marshall 5220.
YOUNG man wants home with family of
pleasant young peo pie. E 740. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
MIDDLE-AGED man, lower limbs partial
ly paralysed; requires no help, wants
comfortable room and hoard with room
and bath on first floor; reasonable. V 734,
Or- gonlan .
Furnished Rooms In Private Family
SPACIOUS, comfortable, restful modern
room in a beautiful home, choicest
neighborhood. larao grounds, shade,
bath, telephone, walking distance. t
blocks from Hawtnorne car. iu
lady or gentleman. East 4S08. il E
EXTRA large front room with dressing
room and closet in modern Rose City
home; newly furnished; furnace heat; no
other roomers. .Meals across street If
desired; 1 or 2 persons employed; 2 blks.
south of Sandy boulevard and car. 852
M. 4 2d st. N. . .
On 4Sth st.. In cool nose uty i ara.
An airy bedroom and a grand sleeping
porch with view of all Portland, for
two employed girls or women; kitchen
privileges If desired. Call me. Phone
Tabor llftl.
WEST SIDE nice clean room, for 1 or 2
gentlemen; reasonable: electric lights,
bath, phone; big clothes closet: private
entrance; near library; 5 minutes' walk
to business district. 228 10th st. Phone
Main "5758.
FIRST-CLASS cool room in Nob Hill, pri
vate home, walking distance, iront cor
ner room, twin beds, home conveniences,
gentlemen. Mar. 3801 after P. M. to-
CORNER front room in beautifully fur
nished private home tor l or - gentle
men; $20. 71 Trinity place, walking
distance. Broadway 2540. .
DESIRABLE room In private lamuy.
west side, walking distance; suiisdib
for couple or lady employed. No other
roomers. Three in family. Phone Mar.
1 505.
WEST SIDE, newly furnished ivory enam
eled front room in modern come to r
fined lady; good location. 'Main OtoO.
380 lltfl st.
Rooms With Hoard In Private lamMy.
MAN AND WIFE fond of children,
large home, idea I home life, lots
of fruit and playground, desire one
or two children to care for. BJ
720, Oregonian.
CHI Li R EN under Id ears boarded tn
coun try. 10 miles out. during summer;
good food and conscientious care by
sympathetic tenrher; tutoring if desired:
terms reasonable; week -en da arranged
for mothers if dt-slrcd. AE 70.- Ore
gonlan. .
CHILDREN .wantnl. roiintrv home. n'r
city; ideal pla kf nund !r children ; frch
nulk, fruits and egc tables ; best or
care; references. Broadway 43tlV after
Sunday. ,
COUNTRY home wiih n the city, can glva
every comfort to I wo business gentle,
men or man and wife: breakfast and
evening dinner if desired: H kinds of
fr u 1 ta nd flea hi p K a. T.ibnr .V77. a
WANTED 1 or 2 children to board In pri
vate home, going to beach 3 weeks dur
ing summer; Very best care Phone Aut.
515-74. or writ" North 221 st
ROOM and bNird, Koe Cliv Park. 1 blk.
from car line; prefer man employed ;
home privileges. Phone Tabor 8..51,
Monday. .
NICELY lurnifthed room for geiitlentan In
private home; Just mother and on.
very close in: west side. 34Si Colum
bla Phone 522-84.
FOR RENT Sleeping room in private fam
ily; bath, phone and otner privileges.
East side; reasonable rate to desirable
tenant. East 5001 Monday. ,
NICELY furnished front room, suitable
for 1 or 2 ladies; board If desired; walk
ing distance. Phone Mar. 1257. 50 4
King street.
THREE rooms for rent, all linens fur
nished, clean, each nice wasn oasin.
nice clean home. Woodlawn 4545.
SPLENDID room, all conveniences, in
fine location, with garage U desireu.
East 1137.
WELL-FUR N1SII ED room. cioe in, for
gentleman: use or nnone ana oam. .mm
11th st., apL E. Phone Marshall 41.
ROOM and board In U-autHul Ml. Tabor
home. 9U5 pvr month; ideal irrmnciwriu
for to; garaue If desired. Phone Ta
bor M42, ,
WANTED Mn roomer, new house, noi
room, ciopft to Alberta car. au ninn
day or later. tilft Alberta st. W din.
5 1 It.v
TWO Gllil.S. cm ployed, to occupy front
room, ncw.y tinted, walking distanca.
good car service, near library; home
prtvt 1 e g r a K 734. Oregon i an.
Roo Mand hn,ird for 2 gentlemen or a
couple empl.ived. In private- famin,
modern com eiitem-en. all privileges. .10
E. Hiirncide, walking distance. K.
BOARD and room for 2 children a novo ana
4 135 per month; good care; new home,
good yard. Apply 714 Kearney st., cor,
22d, upper .
ROOM and board ftr 2 in Swedish family;
all home prlvil.Rfs: 2 blocks from Sun
nvslde car; on East 3th. Oli E. Alder.
East 3137. '
LARGE iront rtnm with board, nullah
frr 2 employed ; very modern ; walking
d 1st a u re. J-'ine loca l Ion. East 5715.
MOTHER wishes to place her 2 girls, 6
and o, with some good iamny to Doara
who have no children. Bdwy 4710,
apt. 5.
YOUNG man woukl like room and board
with private family. C. S. preferred. Call
East 100 Sunday between 0 and 12.
HOME wanted for boy, 12 years, on farm.
BJ, oregonian.
Housekeeping Room.
BY LADY of refinement, 1 room and smaU
kitchenette in private family for verj
light housekeeping; furnished or partly
furnished; must be clean and airy; weal
side preferred. S 741, Oregonian.
WANTED July 1 to 15, downtown mod
ern furnished room with Kitchenette.
E 735. Oregonian.
AVAXTED Room and dinners in a Chrls-
tlan home by
good references.
young woman wtlh
BJ 730. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires room, two meals;
private family; state terms. T 72,
LIGHT housekeeping room in private fam
ily. Call Mar. 2020 Monday morning
WANT Position as housekeeper in
widower s home; no children. F 734,
RESPECTABLE woman with boy 10 de
sires position as housekeeper. 4
Main, room 2.
NEAT, strong girl wants housework, small
family. East 4035. Call after 1 P. M
LADY wants position as housekeeper In
widower s home. ot0 Commercial st.
YOUNG WOMAN wants housework where
she can take her baby. Address AJ 748,
i-V EARMOLD girl wants housework for
summer, city or country, uaii aul ooth
st. w, n;.
RELIABLE woman wants place to go to
the beach, light housework or care of
cniid. r 7i, oregonian.
WOMAN cook wants position, hotel, res
taurant, cafeteria. P 72. Oregonian.
Housed can lug.
EUREKA House Cleaning Co., all kinds
ot cleaning and vacuum work done
special prices on floor waxing. Phone
jn-.i i.
WASHING, Ironing and house cleaning ;
reierences. call Wdln. 4002.
WANTED To rent 6 -room house c
not more than $30, by June 15;
Phone Tabor 3100
r flat.
ANTED To rent, 5-room modern un
furnished bungalow for a year, begin
ning July 1; lamily of three adults: if
priced right and neighborhood and local
ity quiet would buy on or before end of
the year. BF 713. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent by the year, someone's
unfurnished, handy, strictly modern 7
room or larger, city or suburban home;
large grounds, first-floor bedrooms will
be appreciated;, best references. AC 081.
WANTED To rent, furnished houte or
bungalow, 5 to 7 rooms, modern, near
carline, and not too far out; need not be
very fine, but muM be -clean; small
family of adults; references furnished.
Call East 2507, evenings.
U varied experience, desires permanent po
sition. BU fto.i. oregonian.
k vpkki E " ('ED bookkeeoer-stenogra
oher wants work; go anywnere. Main
TEM PORARY position as cashier, general
office work or pnysician s assistant.
Mrs. Foote, Main 3370.
FIFTH term high school ot commerce
girl would like general office work ior
the summer. au laoor jqo.
education, desires position. .Marshall b-M,
Room 310.
STENOGRAPHER with experience as sec
retary desires permanent position. Kef.
erences. East 587S.
WOMAN wants work by day in private
family; good refer ences. Auto. 044-31.
LADY TEACHER, piano, wishes pupils at
their home, woodlawn -i3. .
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants per
manent or temporary position. aiain
EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card
writer washes position with firm In or
out of citv. AK i44. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED landscape gardener
wishes wont on new iswns py contract;
city references. M iS&oregonlan.
ESTIMATES given on house painting;
pure paint; references. Call after o P. M.
Phone East 5707.
LADY barber wants work.
E 745, Ore-
COLoRED lady wants day work.
East 3237.
WILL take washing home, table linens,
a specialty. Tabor 3708.
WOMAN wants work by the day. Wood
lawn lOO.
VERY experienced woman wants all-round
day work; expert laundress, caw -W4.
BOY 15 WISHES work on farm during va
ra tton. Address kodi. is. Clarke.
Washburn st.. .Portland.
MEN'S family washing -hand laundered by
expert. 4Q2 4th st. Mar. oo.VJ.
JAPANESE chauffeur, careful and reli
able, useful in private iamny, wants
position. Shido, phone .12-S0.
YOUNG lady must have work of any kind.
M 740. Oregonian.
Reasonable rates. First-class only.
WOMAN wants work by the hour.
Automatic 2i4-4-.
WOMAN wants bundle washing to take
home. Phone bJ-i--..
COLORED man and wife want work as
chauffeur or nutier and nouse maid, or
first-class cooks. Y .30, Oregonian.
WANTED Woman, aged 38, after July 4,
LAUNDRY done at my home; five years'
experience, fnone Hroadwray i;o0.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work for
Mon.. Tues. and Wed. Broadway mi
position as cook ln small family in city WOMAN wants bundle washing to take
or at beach. BC 733. Oregonian. home. Phone 6-.---.
CARPENTER wants work by day or con
tract; estimates furntsnea. Marshall S17.
RELIABLE woman wants day work:
do anything.. .Mar :nn3. apt. 3.
ESTIMATES furnished on painting; prices
reasonaoie. worn guaranteeq. ivast tisys.
ALL-AROUND butcher wants positton city
or country town, r oregonian.
CARPENTER wants work, day or con-
tract. -nr. lampnen. marsnan emm.
YOUNG Japanese wants position as house
boy. Japanese -Mission, rna-oa.
CARPET. linoleum lafing, furniture re-
pamng. screens put up. aui. aia-ca.
CURTAINS hand laundered; work guaran-
teeq. wooniawn urt-i.
A COLOR ED woman wants days' work by
the nour. tail taoor ;:.ij.
REFINED lady wants work collecting; a.-
ary or commission, sen wood 21 7.i.
EXPERIENCED woman wants days' work
or chambermaid. Call Broadway 12.7.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid must have
work; will work extra. Bdwy. lfifiS.
PLCMBER First-class work done; large
or small jua. ihuut
JAPANESE woman wants housework In
private family. B 74. Oregonian.
.OOMS tinted 3; outside painting, lead
ARPENTER contracts to
house. Manny. Sell. 2421.
build your
V. F. WHITMORE, furniture hospital. 20 5U a. rnon. nqwy. 440
VANT to do painting or decorating for
auto. P i4n. oregonian.
000 TO INVEST with services. What
have you to offerT AR 735, Oregonian.
;OOD cook wants steady work. D
i Oregon lan.
VORhl wauted for 2'4-ton truck with flat
bcU. , We Haul any Ui inf. idwy, 212,
PAINTER wants painting and tinting.
Phone 3.ii-i l.
TYPIST wishes copying work spare time;
ra tea reasonaoie. East 4234.
BRICKLAYER. buildings, boiiers, fire
pi a ce s n yOunJibjJcJcwctr
CARPENTER wants worjt by day or con
tract. pruu "j
COMPETENT, Industrious woman wants
day work; references. Woodlawn 232g.
EXPERIENCED woman cook wants res-
ta grant or hotel work. 320 2d. Room 20.
CONTRACTING basements, cesspools and G1T. elevator work; experienced.
cement work, laii Automatic 61S-3f.
PAINTING done with best lead and oil.
also tmtlng. Automatic 622-06.
GOOD laundress wishes work for Monday.
oooiRwn .iMn.
AN O. A, C. GIRL wishes to trade ac
curate, conscientious office work for
reasonable pay. Call Tabor I20l.
A VEAT " reliable young girl wishes Dosl-
tion &a general office girl, with typing
and some shorthand. Call Xapor U2ji.
AN EXPERIENCED comptometer operator
wishes position with reliable firm; best
of references. East 3300. apt. 4.
YOUNG lady wishes position as switch
board operator or general office work.
Auto. -20. ,
f ncps.
lady wishes office work;
P 73t, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sltion; good references. East 4032.
Dainty summer dresses to order, rea
sonable prices; alterations and refit
ting. 1120 Division st. Tabor SH2.
SUMMER sewing, remodeling suits In
homes; summer rate. Call dressmaker.
Tabor 302. Sunday, all week.
HEMSTITCHING and fashionable dress
making at reasonable rates. Suite b47
Morgan Building. Main 7046.
HEMSTITCHING, dressmaking and fancy
lingerie. Newly opened shop. 350
Ankney. near Broadway.
EMBROIDERY, linens hemmed. Infants'
wear, undergarments, plain house aprons.
Aut. 640-14.
MORE engagements- by day. thoroughly
experienced dressmaker; remodel, design
reatiO n a bl e. Bdwy. 1567.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailoress: ref
erences. Mrs. Honychurch, 50S Alder st.
Broadway 5031.
RESPONSIBLE party wants to lease by
July 1 or sooner 5 or 6-room modern
house or bungalow, good neighborhood,
east side, no children; references. Sen
wood 1219.
WANTED A 5 or 6-room modern house
with all Improvements in ; rnuut be a
swap; have lot and 1 1510 cash as first
payment: give description, location
price In first letter. R 740. Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE persons desire modern un
furnished 4 or 5-room fiat or oungaiow;
references. Marshall 2111.
BuNinesti Placrft.
WANTED 13 to 20 unfurnished rooms
west side. E 746. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, merry-go-round for
Fourth of July, or will play for percent
age, 8000 to 10,000 people. Call Main
5704, between 1 and 2 P. M.
BEAUTIFUL room, private oath, excellent
location: lawn. 84 N. 21at st., corner
v ii'i.:i .V ftirniMhed room for gentleman ;
all modern conveniences. 307 East 7th
street North.
TWO LARGE outside rooms. 1 blk. from
two cars, close In; modern conveniences.
Call 7QO Kearney or phon e Main 3S13.
WElX furnished, sieam-hvated rodan.
Nob Hill district, walking distance,
Broadway 345. Reasonable ,
COMFORTABLE room lor gentlemen
walking distance center of city
Eat Firsr st. North, near Hollanay av
$11, CLEAN front room, light, airy, baih.
telephone, walking distance; gcntlvinan
preferred. East 7147.
FUKXISHEI) room. Ladd's addition, with
or without garage; references. East
I FRONT room, all modern conveniences,
steam heat ; gentlemen oniy.
B roa d w ay 30S3. 1S X. 21st st.
NICE, large, clean room, lavatory con
nected, use of piano and phone; gentle
men only: walking distance. East H5.
LRGE, comfortable front room, desirable
went side district, walking distance.
Marshall 73S
WELL-FURNISH ED room, running water;
walking distance; use of music and liv
ing rooms. East 23!.
STRICTLY private home for gentleman
or ladv; modern conveniences and home
comforts; references. Broadway 172.
1 SLEEPING room, 1 separate sleeping
porch, 1 -room apt- 655 Wash, ft.
Furnished Rooms.
Washington at 13th. Rates by the
week S3.GU and up: hot and cold ru
ning water, hot water heating system,
tub and shower baths.
FOR RENT Furnished room in mooei n
home, gentlemen only. Call after Sun
day, 12oo E. Lincoln.
VERY comfortable room for one. or two
gentlemen; A-l neighborhood; walking
distance. Mar. 47l.
2-ROOM apartment, well f urniblud. In
steam-heated flat, rooms large, facing
front. 715 Johnson, corner 22d.
$125 PER DAY. Stt PER WK. AND I'
2-room suite with private bath, newly
ftirnmhpil 'mndern. accommodate 3 or
people, 4 blocks from Portland hotel
on Broadway; rates by week or montn
Main 2500. 1
AMCRU hotri, 25 Washington st,
Large lobby, automatic elevator, phon
and running water in each room; rooms
with or without pain, per we. u
excellent home-cooked meais next qoor.
HOTEL CONRAD1NB, 22 North 10th st
hinrbu nnrth of Washington St.: pieai
ant rooms and suites at very reasonable
rates, by day or week.
Newly furnished, very clean, up-to
date service at pre-war prices.
EDW. F. GODDAKD, Manager.
Attractive rooms and suites at reason
able rate by week or montn.
9 V Ttroadwav: newlv furnished mod
ern rooms. $1 per day up, $5 per week
up; private baths.
th v. st PAUL. 130 4th at., a respectabi
downtown hotel; transient toe up, pri
vate bath S2; low rales to pcrmaoQ
STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms, first
class beds: walking distance, rsoo in
transient or permanent guests; summe
rates. Bdwy. 201a.
Ideally located in tne very center oi
the theater and shopping district. Specla
summer rates now in eftcct.
WANTED To rent moderate-priced house.
A or 6 rooms, partly furnished or un
furnished, by responsible people: have
one child, age 10 months; prefer Sunny
side or Hawthorne. Call Tabor 511M.
$5 REWARD to a party giving informa
tion of a 4 or 5-room modern bunga
low in Piedmont or Alberta district;
rent reasonable. Call Marshall 6030.
WANTED By young couple, modern 4 or
a -room bungalow with fireplace ; f ur-
nished or partly furnished; rent not to
exceed $45; references. Phone 320-07.
1 CAN RENT your home to desirable peo
ple at once; list it with Mr. Pomroy,
, 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 480. 1
FOR JULY 1, up-to-date 5 or 6-room
house or bungalow, unturnlshed, in good
district, preferably on west side, not
over $00. W. C. Reed. 632 Morrison st.
WANTED By July 1, 6 or 7-room mod
ern unfurnished home in the Glencoe
. grade school district or Mount Tabor.
Phone Tabor 2024.
$5 REWARD to a party giving informa
tion ot a or a -room moaern oungaiow
in Piedmont or Alberta district; rent
reasonable. Call Mar. 6036.
WANTED At t once, modern house, 10 or
more rooms, unfurnished; furnace; with
in easy walking distance business dis
trict. Automatic 510-40.
ROOM and board wanted by couple em
ployed, where a 14-months-oid child
would be taken care ot. BJ 744, Oregonian.
WANTED By responsible couple, a small
house or 5-room flat tn Nub Hill dis
trict or Willamette Heights; state loca
tion and rpnt. AL 730. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent, 6-room house, close to
Jefferson high, close to car. AE 517,
132 UNION AVE., corner E. Morrison,
clean, light, airy, sleeping ana nouse
keeping roams, under new nianagemen
East 5077.
PLEASANT room, desirable. Rose Cit
Park: gentleman preferred; breakfast if
necessary. Tabor 70.2.
LA RGiS fornt room furnished, clean, suit
able for 2, . a week. -1M I4tn st. cor
ner ofVColumhia.
VERY nicely furnished room, suitable fo
2 gentlemen or man ana wire. .ij lit
street, corner Main st.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St.. at 10th
$1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phon
and baths. Lignt ano airy
NICE clean sleeping rooms at reasonable
rates. 171 West Park st. Westonia
residential hotel, rooms en suite
single; rates reasonable.
NICE large room In modern home, tuit
able for 1 or 2; also small room with
sleeping porch. 431 w est Park.
LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2 50
up; close to dental coneg anu z mocks
from steel bridge. East 840.
THREE furnished rooms and sleeping
porch; private nam; rent s'o. Answe
F 750, Oregonian.
A LARGE airy room in apt., five minutes
from Wash., to one or two girls. Main
WANTED Lady to share furnished room
in a home, west side, close in, rent rea-
sonable. Main n.tu.
112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot.
11 per day, a per weeK and up.
TO SUBLET. 1 room. 3 months; fashion
able apartment house, close in. Call
Tabor 93.
RELIABLE young couple wishes to rent
a 4 or o-room nouse. uau woodlawn
3115 Sunday.
W A NTED To ren t 5 or 6-room modern
bungalow in good district, with garage,
$35.50. Tele. Tabor 8016 after 8 P. M.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, also hem
stitching, 7 cents a yard; work guaran
teed. Tel. Main 5046.
EXPERIENCED dressmaking of all kinds
reasonable. 1144 Union ave. N.
FOR GOOD dressmaking reasonable, call
East 4575.
WANT to ren t a h ouse, 5 oi
prefer south of Kusseit st.
6 rooms
PERMANENT tenant wants 5 or 6-room
house or bungalow; good care guaran
teed. Phone Broadway 3562.
WANTED 1 0-room house centrally lo
cated; willing take over rooming house.
2HH Clay st.
DRESSMAKING anr: tailoring; also re
modeling by day. Tabor 3213
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing. Hazel Skin.
ner, 405 Raleigh bldg. Main 808.
LADIES' garments altered and refitted. L
Reubin. tailor. 408 Bush A Lane bldg.
GOWNS, suits, coats made to order. JLaiab
Hutchinson s::i Morgan piug.
MAN. WITH 2-ton truck, wants any kind
of work. Woodawn 4700.
LAUNDRY done beautifully at my home.
jiain in-vz.
CAMP cooks and helpers now organizing
at 242 Ankeny st.
MATIC 626-36.
ALL-AROUND BUTCHER wants situation,
first-class cutter. 020 Kelly. Main 6000.
WOMAN wants day work. Main 5S49.
WANTED Work by the hour. Aut. 642-10.
$500" WITH services, li 378, Oregon iiou
1 LADY want work by day, Woodiawa 176a,
DRESSMAKING All kinds. reasonable
422H Morrison St.. room p. upstairs
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by day. Automatic 223-58.
FASHIONABLE dressmaker and tailoress;
gowns, suits and coats. East 7778.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants work by
day. Woodlawn 3003.
FIVE or six-room bungalow, with ga
rage; desirable neighborhood. Phone
T a b or S473. O 734. O rego n ia n.
WANTED By responsible adults. 4 or 6
room house, reasonable. H 731. Ore
5-ROOM modern house by June 27; must
be reasonable ; prefer Piedmont Park
vicinity. Aut. 326-54.
WANTED 5-room oungaiow,- furnished,
with piano and garage; must be close In.
AL 6S6, Oregonian.
FOUR or 5-room modern furnished, clcse
in ; references Y 732. Oregonian.
WANT to lease house on Portland Heights.
Phone Main 7457. -
UNFURNISHED house. 4 or 5 rooms; will
take good care, c. s. Call Tabor 806.
BUNGALOW with parage. Call East 34--
NEAT steam-heated sleeping or house
- keeping room; $3.23 per week. 445 Co
lumbia st.
CLEAN sleeping room, by day, week' or
month; walking distance. 4S2, Wash
lngton st
75c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, bathi
free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson
LARGE clean sleeping room by week or
month, can broauwayju.i.
LARGE desirable rooms, modern residence.
327 Sixth street.
BUSH MARK. Wash. St., cor. 17th; clean.
modern rooma, aiso apts.. reasonapie.
1-ROOM cottage, furnished or not. close
in; pretty. Marshall 3214.
FINE sleeping room. $3 week,
w a y. Marshall 3258.
327 Broad-
DESIRABLE furnished room in high-class
apt, for one or two women, cawy. jiHiu.
LARGE light h. k. room. 223 H Pine dt.,
between First and Second.
FURNISHED rooms, 4liO Jefferson. Jean-
nette apartments. f
ROOMS $3.50 week up. 400 Morrison.
Cn furnished Rooms.
THREE large, unfurnished rooms. light.
not waitr hhu ua..n, oiaij udoi u.ui
St., Portland.
3 PLEASANT unfurnished rooms. $30
month, including water, ugni ana pnone.
Phone East 5407 week days.
Famished Rooms In Private Family.
57 12TH ST. Garage and large room for
two men.
CLEAN, pleasant front room, 1 block to
iU.w morue on, j ai,m ae jugai boov.
virKi.Y furnished front sleeping room,
modern, walking distance, private en
trance; rent reasonable. 432 E rlne st
NICELY furnished room and sleeping
porch for gentleman or lady employed
references. East 8413.
LA KG E room in modern home ; excel lent
board; suitable for one or two gcntie
meti. Tabor 4 .
BEAUTIFUL large room with board In
iri it to family. Near Broadway and
Irvington car line. East 73JS.
ROOM AND 1 1 iTaRD in 1 o v c I new home.
Just completed; use of garage if d cured,
1'h o ne 3'5-5i
CO.MF KTA BLK furnished room with
hoard, near Broadway bridge. 4'8 Hen
ton st .
RGoM with board for small child; best of
care given; no other children. i'linne
Tabor 1 1 3. .
ON E OK imu pea.-ant rooms with board
In modern home; pliasant location.
J1 0 n Tabor4 2 16. .
LOVELY large front bedroom, with hot
and cold water and excellent hom cook
ing for gentleman; close In. Hd wy. 4314.
GooD ho lite for "children between 2 and
u yea's, $5. 6 W, Going at. Wood
law n 4.M. .
WILL tare for tly in bvautuul Nub Hi. I
home with Urge yard, close In, Mala
6 7 5. .
W 1 L I . rIo rooiu and care to fluid between,
2 and 5 year, old on Xarm near Portland.
l'honi. 332-I.
CHILDREN cared lor III my Immo by the
day, week or monih. East 5m1,
PRIVATE pome for cnildrcn; 2U years'
perlrncft. 714 Everett stM.irh a 11 21 n.
RutM S with board, con tn. 553 Kat
Couch St. Phone East 8t''.'P.
Kinney. R. 2
country, lady boarder. Kiia
Gervals, or.
CHILDREN boarded
Hathcy. Aut. 332
FINE Urge room, good board; garage,
suitable for 2. Tabor 5P3H
MCE rooms, wood table, central, near
1 ub. rea nonah.e. Mam 2-M0.
CLEAN. comlortaMe room, Ju like home.
Two mea.s. Walking distune. K. (-!.
FURNISHED room with board,
st. Main 3s:u
407 CUy
NEWLV furnished
Close In. East 5'
room In modern home.
GOOD room,
hnr 3 453.
board and garage. Call Ta-
1 ROOM for rent, walking distance from
town; rates reasonable. V 742. Ore-
FOR RENT Sleepiug room and kit. h n
privileges, private family. 1300 Mallory
ave . $13.MV
FURNISHED front room. 5 blocks from
Meier & Frank's: best bed in town. 331
Madison. Mar. 137
LIGHT airy, cheerful front room, or
first floor, close in; very reasonable.
40S Main st.
CLEAN, light, single
wk. 40S Main.
room, close in; $2
NICELY furnished corner front room;
verv reasonable. Aut- 547-33.
NICELY lurnibhed large room. cloe in.
Phone East 13.
COM PORTA RLE room in home-like apt.
Use of kitchenette. Main 2236.
ONE ROOM and sleeping .porch, convenient
for 2 adults, nil)1, noyi
FURNISHED room. $10 a month.
Washington st. Broadway 5576.
LIGHT, airy sleeping room; private natn.
references required. Sell wood 24IL.
CLEAN furnished room. 320 V. Salmon tt .
between Six tn ano nrnanw .
NICE furnished room for rent, fi5amonth
1 K. Anaeny. van r-. qh-i.
PRIVATE family, will honnl 1 or 3 small
g iris; brat rare Selw o o 1 1 11 5
FOR 1 OR 2 in nice home, witn con
genial folks. Kasi 507.
LA Iti E si n tile and double rooms, best
table board. A ulo. 230-21.
1 urnUhed Apart men is.
ATTRACTIVE front ult of rooms, sleep
ing porch, fireplace, electric lights,
plate, garage if desired. Tabor hi. 50.
1441 E. Morrison.
514 J KKFKKSt N 2 and 3-room apart
mrntM nutwido rooms and laritft kitchen
and pantry; Ufcual conveniences; $30 up;
adults ,
WANTED A nice. i et.pcr (a li working
lady to share apartment with me in prl
at'e residence; two bedrooms. Phone
Tabor 2n.Y ' ,
For rent, reasonable, Iwo-ruum
niched apt. Call Kat 4'i'.
MULTNOM AH AP I S , 225 Market st..
near Second; under new management;
completely f urniblud 3-room apts.; rea
sonable .
FOR RENT In prnste family. 2-room
partlv furnished apt ;" clean, sunny and
dei. i table ; rent reahonable. Phone Sell
wood 0511- -
260 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con-
veniences. walking oisiance. jiam jj.f..
NICELY furnished sleeping; hot ana coia
water. 2u ruin m.
46 N. 21ST LARUE, lignt. niceiy lur-
nlshed room: running,
W A L K 1 N IMBlA.n r. .. -
IN IRVINGTON. large Tront room in pri
vate family. East 4442.
FIRST-CLASS room and piano for muhic
teacher, rea'-onaoie. r- i "" .
HAVE one large room with kitchen prlvl-
eee. .-i'M .! n pi. ' '
WELL furnished room w ith good board.
walking distance. f- n
CLEAk' bright room witn private ramiiy.
Use of piano, .w mn, n-
FURNISHED lower front room.
llirhls. . ram st.. i v iw-
C'LKAN COS Y ROOM; $10. Just off Wash
ROOM ith meals, private family, sleep
ing norm, spienuiu i "ou. .""'li . m
FURNISHED room, private bath and lava-
torv: reasonaoie: ri. i i m. uirKuniHn,
LARGE room with private entrance for 2
people. $12.M apiece. Call Auto, ft 23 -77.
Rooms With Board.
WILL hublet mv 3-room and batn apt.,
completely furnished, until July 1st. t
responsible, petaons. Phone Main tf&23
or Main 3Mt
ON E NICE 3 rot. m apart men t and one Z
rootn apart n lent, Just vacated ; only 10
minutes waik from Broadway. Cail
Bdwy. 4030 .
WILL sublet 2-room. w el I -f u r nished apart
ment for summer months at reduced
rent; references required. East ll&L.
Mai n3 l.7.
l.- SlobERN fnur looms, nicely fur
nished, clean and light; sleeping porch,
pilvute bath, garage. K2 Last 20th at.,
cor Belmont,
W ILL .hare beauiilully minished down
town apt. with congenial girl. Reier
ences exchanged. Marshall 3232.
-RotiM apartment for rent on flrM floor,
good furniture, everything lurnlshid, reryt.
1 1 1 I,nw ntotale.
5-RvOM fiKniflud apt. 1 block east end
liroadwav bridge; no children. 340 Ben
ton. tfJ lo
FURNISHED apt. The Kearney 4 roomi
and bath. I2 Kearney st.. $."0. Catl
Hroadwav 247. --
IoYeLY 4-room apartment for rent; very
reasonable to partv bmtng $J0 worth
of rin ii it ure. Ta b.r 7'.' -'7 m
3-RkM "apt. 1 steam h-tit. private bath,
phon-. nrHge if desired. WUin. 4lil.
r.asi oi n
AND 3-ROOM apartment, furnhed re.
sonable. close In. bunday and Monday.
Sell. 2 110.
Two of the best-known residential
h-.t.ii .in lbs Pacific coast-
American Dlan. with or without bath,
$2.50 a day up; rates by day or monlii.
Meals served to transients.
JEANNE IAht r"urnlsned room with
Or Wunout OJara ior uunun anu
lady ipurlita, permanent or transient.
Special features wnniu uib nuiauuu
of tbe minimum wage earner; 12 psr
week and u: . 23 14th st. Main 34l
NORTON1A HOTEL, Portland's downtown
high-class iamny nwui; ruuuis vun
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you all the comforts oi a numi
reasnname rate..
70S Wash. St.: American plan; rooms
with bath $2.30 per day up; rates by
week or month. Meals to transients.
HAVE accommodations for 1 to 4 men
who want a nome wnn tne oesi ainn oi
food;. easy walking distance. 533 Munt-
gomery st. Mar. hm.
ROOM and board tor buainess girls; all
modem conveniences; waiKing aistancs
H per week. Auto 210-74. 12 E. 7th st.
MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice rooms
and board; modern conveniences; walk
Ing distance.
ROOMS In family hotel; all modern con
venlences: reasonaoie rates. oeo Atont-
gomery sC
OR RENT Large pleaxant front room
in modern home; breakfast If decred.
Tabor S424.
PLACE for summer in country for 2 girls
Referen ces. f fa-t. oregonian.
ROOM and board very reasonable; Scan
dinavia n preferred- 253 Beech st.
SLEEPING room with board. Call East
4573. 247 ( larKainn m.
ILL care for children in my home by
the day, week or month. East 3046.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
CHILD to board under 3. $25; mother's
care. 20 E. ii'tn. v ooastocK car.
MODERN, o,uiet Christian home for
elderly woman. -au n-i. oak Grove.
ICE country home and mothers care
for one or two children. Tabor 631.
ANTED To care for one or two cU
dren under 5 years old. Sellwood 2071
ILL care for babv tn stood home.
JUavls u Bdy. 7,
!-ROOM nicely furnhed apt., clean as a
pin. ngni aim iuhhii. .v.., u-.
3 1 15. ------,
FURNITURE of 4-room Hat. flat for rent;
w-t side, walking distance, i'hone Mala
3 1 Ml.
TO SUBLET, I It: hi, airy 3-room furnished
apartment with piano and 3 beds; clo
1 n. K ; s t 01 7T ,
FURNISH I.I 3 -room apartment, clean,
good service, splendid location, west side.
Marshall 4 13.
W Kl.L-FU RN I Sll kl 3-room front apart -nient,
swell residence district, west side,
you will like It. Murshal' 44 3.
AVALt N Klrt-class modern 3 and 4 rm,
front spartments with porch; big build
ing Ksst TOQW
FR" 'NT room Hparlment,
nished; ahnoluteiy .clean
verythmg fur
Kast h7l7
UNION AVE and Klilingw-iri h,
nil complete, ronrrft- joiiltling.
NEWLY RENOVATED 2-room and balh
apartment at Fairmont. 2M llih st.
THE LAM",RK 2 and 3 room
n e w 1 y furnished Jss 10th st.
3-Ron.M furnished apt., walking dikUnct
Women preferred. Nlr. 1132
Furn iwhed 3-mnm apt. Mar, 2'0
JULIANA APTS. 43 Trinity pace. 2 and
3-room furnished npts Mar. i3
8-ROOM furnished apt., furniture for salt;
ess y terms Ibiwy. 7LT.
FOR RENT My pisno, raaonable to re
wponsible party. Main 4017.
ROOMS and sleeping porch ; delight! ul
for coup'e for sum mer. in:; mn,
low. y
apartment ; no children ; rent
1 Thurman.
CLASSIC APTS., Ui2 G Isan, 2 ronitm.
hath, larire 'irejing room nny. 20a.
-RooM modern, includes phone. No
knmiN npts. Hdwv, 40l.
ELBRIDGE AITS, 174 N. 21st a
3 - room fnrn is nen a prs. nn wy.
COY 3-room a part men t, t heap. id E.
loth. Sen, iw. itoiann, u. w. k atore.
TWO-ROOM neatly furnished a pu 402
Krist Utirnlde ; reasons til e rent.
3-KoOM furnished apartment, central lo-
catmn, weyt pimp jiain
3-ROOM, nicely
Woodlawn l v.s.
furnished apartment.
3-KOOJI apartment for rent, furniture for
sa ip. i an 1'inn'iwai ii. 'i, niin'i.i v on : v.
ROOM apartment, iergs front rooms,
yi7. 272 Williams ave.
A BASEMENT apt., prival
for 1 or 2 men. r.
e bath, sultab,e
M orrison.
1C1, okAA 2 vud 3-room ay La. 13 Ux.