TIIE SUNDAY ' OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 12, 1021 It KAL ESTATE. For Salt House. A. O. TEEPE CO. ROSE CITT PARK AND LAL'RELHURST. Office 40th and Sandy. Open. Today, Folks, I want the privilege of hoW: lng you some or the Best Duys in rjn i-.Tv bibii i.hitrki.hurST. have been selling property In those dis tricts lor year Know ine ni'Lur? w .- .Lrv hnn.it Those who win to eell naturally list their property with me. This organlration has a number of Kief men whose business It Is simply to .ow vou the nroDertv tney are unuei Bosllive Instructions not to urge anyone t buy the nouses must sen ijiciumib. stundav we have our ROSE CITT 1 u- nnA T.AITRKI.HITRST oftce ope for the benefit of those who cannot look at property any other day. Drive out today or phone Tabor 95S6 and one of the salesmen win can. lor you. It Isn't necessary for me to list ..mhr nf Adr hnn.ea here. Call lther of our offices, where we hav MAinrrnnti and cnmDlete descrlptinos. have particularly In mind an exception ally attractive little bungalow with ga so- on a corner lot. with all assess ments paid, that can be handled for at n.i trnn ifnwn. and the Drice Is only $4000. Another colonial home of ( rooms is offered for 14. do. lou a ex pect to pav IttOOO. Ifs located Just off Alameda drive. And over In Laurel burst we are offering a bungalow of superior merit with hardwood floors in every room, French doors between living and dining rooms, solarium alcove off dining room, tiled bath .tiled drain, ga -. TjwtiH near the park. A rear' 120 rou'd have paid $7500. Price is only $6000, And In other parts of the city we have some exceptionally attractive nuya. li,inr ln eame Info mv office Of colonial home over in the Richmond dls t-iot . ntendiri home and the prici Is onlv I39.-.0. I want to particularly call your attention to a little bungalow in the Hawthorne district we are offer ing for J3S0O. and it can be handled os almost any kind of a reasonable pay ment. Right here I want to let you know that we will help you make your initial pavment if necessary. When you once get acquainted with us you'll appreciate the downright attentive service and the positive leek of annoying persuasiveness it s m pleasure to aeai nere. TiRTVie niT TflDAT OR PHONE TA BOR 95S8. LETS GET ACQUAINTED. A rJ. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark Street. Main 3092. Rote Citv and Laurelhnrst Office: 40th and Sandy. Tabor 8586. -A HOME FOR EVERTBODT." $?10O JflOO down: 6-room cottage. 50x 100. fruit, berries, chicken run 12300 8-room. cottage. 50x100, fine shape, fruit, berries; one-half hlM-b car. 13150 5-room bungalow, garage; mod ern. $3250 t-room bungalow: all bullt-lns 60x100; bargain; 1A blocks car. HAWTHORNE ONLY 34nn. Five-room bungalow: dandy location; full cement basement, Dutch kitchen, fruit, berries. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. tr.nn- 1700 down: reception hall. Mv. in riinlne Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, two bedrooms; 50x100; sewered. siy.snnM DWELLING 440fl. On Flanders: good location: full ce ment basjement. furnace, trays. Tirepmce, one bedroom down, double, plumbing; 50x100. MARSH MrPABK CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling BMg. Trhll 3!3. MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Pre-war price and terms. We have an 8-room houae. lot "0x100. on a corner in the Mount Tabor district. Improved with an abun dance of fine fruit. The house is In need of some repairs, but must be sold. The price Is $2750. $100 cash and 30 a month, including interest. This price and terms we know is a surprise to you and you will be agreeably surprised when you look at the property. Phone as for appointment. HfLLER BROS.. REALTORS. 514 Railway Kxch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday, Tabor 8485. POSITIVE BARGAIN. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Would you like a nearly new modern bungalow, with the living and dining rooms finished In solid eastern oak? Well here it Is. The panels In the dining room, the window casings, the -mouldings and the doors are made of solid oak. It has a beautiful solid oak buffet, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, two lovely bedrooms, large plateglass windows, furnace and full cement basement. A home you would expect to Buy In Laureinurst tor sjoyo. The price of this home is only t-tv very easy terms. Let us show you. .1 A HI'BBELL. TOW HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR S2. DUTCH COLONIAL. Trvington: large lot: central hall, large living room, off of which is open terrace: lovely dining room, breakfast room and most complete kitchen. 3 sleeping rooms (full length of living room), finest tile bathroom: a most charming home By appointment. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER. East 7976. SUNNTSIDE BARGAIN Good, substantial, unincumbered 7-room house with furnace and fireplace and several fruit trees. Located close In near car line and In good neighborhood. Will sell for less than such a house could be built for and will make terms both easy and attractive. A good buy. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Only 150 ft. from Sandy boulevard, buy direct from owner, modern 5-room bungalow, with all built-in features; 2 bedrooms, with wardrobe and closet to ach, fireplace, furnace. good attic, cement basement, hardwood floors in sitting and dining room. Bedroom scraped and finished, fixtures, shades and beautiful paper. Can be purchased on terms, new and ready for immediate occupancy. would consider a lati model, light 6. or good 4-cyllnder auto mobile. Call Tabor 27IS9 for price and terms. HAWTHORNE. 5TH ST. IDEAL. VIEW HOMRS ItO.500 Bungalow, one of the best-bnllt modern homes in Portland, con taining everything desfred: large grounds. 7.1X144, fruit, berries, garden: a home worth owning. e uiureinurfq, -rm. mod. home. $ 8.500 Laurelhurst. 8-rm. and earn. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, tiie oatn, nne location, f fcS.V) Irvington: strictly modern home. aj.iou r-ortlana Hgts., mod. bungalow. CHAS. RINGLER & Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 131 E. 32d Street. Modern 6-room cottage, ivory finish tapestry walls, built-ins. inclosed back porch. 4 rooms on first floor, two up: concrete hasement; garage; east facing: price. $3C0; will make terms; no agents. l-ri c. d-a st. tauor 4li. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. $4750 Portland-Hgts. Bungalow. $4730. Close In, Market-st. Drive. Hillside view. large, roomv rooms: fireplaces, 2 sleeping porches, 2 bedrooms and maids oedroom; cement basement. lurnace. paveu si.; a decided bargain. CIiAS. RINGLER & Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON ENGLISH COLONIAL. BARGAIN BARGAIN. $I0.;"W). Original design, artistic finish, Just about perfect: 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms. sunroom, garage, cnoice location; near jsnon. uwner leaving city. Main 8078 East 30. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. What I believe to be the best In Irv ington for $7500; 7 large, airy rooms, 4 nice, pleasant bedrooms; will be sold to day; see it. HARRT BECK WITH, Main "n Realtor. 104 sth St. WILL sell or rtui large modern house, zfulshed or unfurnished, clean, ready to eecupy; gar.ee. fruit, berries. MO E. Salmon St.. also will sell or rent four-room furnished cottage at Seavlew Wash., splendid fireplace, corner lot, 50x100 on new driveway. Tabor 917s I NEED THE MONEY ays owner of 4-room cottage on 120-fl lot. "so sell my house for $1000 and get $500 cash, bal. $15 per month." f say , Itis a good buy. See It today. Main WEST SIDE. 5-room cottage In fine condition. 25x 100 lot; a very neat little home; cheap at 26.-Q. McDonell. East 41. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY BEFORE BUYING SEE T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO.. REALTORS 830 M. W. BANK. MAIN 8078. EAST 894. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SOME GOOD HOUSE BUYS. $2200 $150 cash. $23 monthly buys "-room house, bath. gas. electri lights, 50x100 lot. paved street. 21 blocks- from car, good garage, vacant, move right In. $2350 $5o cash. $25 monthly buys 6 roora house with bath, gas, elec tric lights, etc., 75x100 lot, good street. 3 blocks from MU Tabor car; a very good value. $2600, $1200 cash. JO monthly, buys 6-room rjlastered house In Wood- lawn, 3 blocks from car; bath electric lights, etc.; concrete foundation, lots of fruit and very large lot. This- will not last lonir. $2630 $300 cash. $20 monthly buys new 4 -room modern bungalow, with 100x100 ground. 5 blocks from car. In rood district, vacant. 12950 $1610 cash, $20 monthly buys 4 room and sleeping porch, com pletely furni.shed, 100 by 122 4 ground, gas, electric lights, bath, toilet, etc. Place is in good con dltlon; bearing fruit and all kinds of berries. A very com plete little home. FRED" W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS 732 Chamber of Commerce. - IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $5800 An exceptional bargain offered in this bungalow for quick sale. Has 6 rooms and sleeping porch and every modern feature. Including garage; it is about 4 years old and is very attractive, it Is Just what-you have been shown for $6500 to $7000; faces east on 37th street. 2 blocks from Irving ton csr. can be handled on rea sonable terma Call us up and take a look at It, then compare it with others you have seen. HfLLER BROS.. REALTORS. 614 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday, Tabor 8485. CLOSE IN 7-RM. HOUSE. $3800. $500 DOWN $40 PER MO. Close to Laurelhurst and car line, on 28th st.. paved and every thing in and paid; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; full ce ment basement, .furnace and laun dry trays. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. ROSE CITT PARK. $4760 Just off the Alameda drive, on 48th street: an exception ally well constructed 5-room mod ern bungalow, fireplace, furnace, all built-in features, full basement, large lot, well improved, all city Improvements In and "paid. Terms $00 cash, balance less than rent. HTLI.ER BROS.. REALTORS. 514 Rallwav Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday, Tabor 8485. $4300 BUNGALOW. 6 rm.. 100x100. garage, barn, chicken house, front garden, good district, near car line. $4300 Washington high school district. bungalow. 6-rm., modern, paved St.. E. 20th st. $2850 East Burnside. corner lot. good fl-rm. house, fruit, berries. $2300 East Alder St., 5-rm. cottage. $270 Milwaukle, 100x150. trult, berries; good 4-rm. cottage. $4000 Oswego lake, furnished bungalow. $4000 Modern 6-rm. house. Clinton st. .Tess Harrlneton. Sell. 1040. with CHAS. R1NGLBR Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. IRVINGT.OX BUNGALOW. Typical California bungalow of 6 rooms In excellent condition: old ivory finish, finest hardwood floors, full cement basement. By ap pointment. MRS. HARRT PRTCB PALMER. East 7976. 6-ROOM 1-STORY BUNGALOW. In Overlook, $.2-0. $750 belgw value; surrounded by beautiful homes, on a corner lot, garage, hardwood floors throughout, beautiful built-in features, Dutch kitchen, sun room, cement base ment, furnace, trays, double constructed. 2 years old. every bit of work done by a first-elas carpenter. The value, ar tistic design, pleasant surroundings and completeness of this home cannot be duplicated anywhere In the city. SEE BRUCE HOLMAN. Realtor, Main 6327. 20l Falling Bldg NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR $33.-0 $500 CASH. Here Is the biggest snap of the vvenr In a new double-cortstructed. 5-room bungalow, located on macadam streel has real fireplace, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement base ment, wash trays. 50xl00-ft. lot: owner needs the money; let us end your house hunting. J. A. HUBBELL. 1080 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 88")?. DOCTOR SAYS "CHANGE CLIMATE. In order to comply I am offering my beautiful we.it aide home for sale: 7 spacious rooms, practically modern, fine condition, beaunrul location on Clay, near 13th.' You will save $75 per month In carfare and rent. Price $6750. Terms to suit. See my realtor. MR. RTPPEY, 610-11 McKay Bldg. Main 6229 days. r.ast z'.nn evenings. ROSE CITY PARK. $5800. I 5-room bungalow with full floored at tic, double constructed, best of ma terial and workmanship, plate glass windows, very attractive and modern to the letter: nice shrubs: garage: one block to car. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W, Bank hide. Marshall 2243. ROSEI.AWN. I A dream home for $3990; only $1000 cash; an ad will not tell the run beauty of this home; see it and you will want it. Its a real home-nest. HARRY BECK WITH. Main 6869. REALTOR. 104 Rth St EAST BURNSIDE STREET HOME. Seven rooms and sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace. This house has been newly painted and is in fine condition Close to high and grade schools. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Realtor. 230 Stark St. Main 8150. IRVINGTON WHO WANTS A BARGAIN? 6 rooms, cement, basement, furnace, stove, gas water heater, all for $4500: $500 cash, balance time. Near 2 car lines. East 394. Main 8078. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. 18-ROOM house on good corner, street paved, on Peninsula, near saw mills and ship yards. partly furnished: good home and good Income. By owner; no reasonable offer refused. . 696 Harvard St. Phone Col. 591. TACO.MA and E. 17th, Sellwood: 6-room house and 50x100 lot. $2800; $500 cash or wll-1 trade. What have you? Mr. Pomrov. THOMSON THOMSON." Realtors. 20 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4RS0. OVERLOOK 6-room. nifty bungalow, cor ner, garage. i,ei me snow you this, it is a wonderful home and you cannot help but appreciate it. Call Mr. Pome roy. Main 6327. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, u, block from car. blocKs Irom school. .WxlOO lot. This Is ftae home; $2700. $300 cash will handle. Must be sold today. 357 Staf ford st. $100 DOWN, $15 MONTH. 4-room shack. 100x100 ground, fruit trees, berries, sidewalks, gas. HARRT BECKWITH. Main 6869. Realtor. 104 5th St. ALA.MEDA PARK BUNGALOW SNAP. $)00; 5 rooms, breakfast nook, attic, oak floors, fireplace, cement basement, furnace, garage. East 394. Main 807S. 830 N. W. Bank b'.dg. HAVE a lovely new house, will sell or exchange very reasonable, if you have a clear city lot or diamond, an automobile truck or anything of value that I can use. Call Sellwood 2896. ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL. . Center hall. Ivory finish. French doors, oak floors, art paper, tile bathroom, sun room, lovely yard, garage. Sacri flcij. Enst 394. Main 8078. LOOK! TWO HOUSE BARGAINS. One house of 5 rooms, one of 2 rooms. Only $2250, $.100 cash, balance like rent Call Marshall -.l..l'. Sunday East 2371. 0-KOOM house, modern; 3 lota, 14 fruit irees, grapes; ornamental Iront; paved street; half block to car. E 750, Ore gonlan. -ROOM modern bungalow, H. W. floors furnace, fireplace, built-ins, garage- a beautiful home in a beautiful district Call Tabor 64. "'airici. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. $8500. Large lot, east facing, near Knott Neuhausen, Realtor, East 394. Main 8078. LEAVING city July 1st, will sell R. c cholce-iocatea nome at a bargain 6 large rooms; terms. Tabor 2676. BUNGALOW at Jennitiga Lodge, on paved roau, :. lmuuk. i rum car line, BChOoL church store. H. H. Peterson. o ROOMS, in Nob hill district; fireplace, fjrna.ee and .".u-; new paint and kal somtne; $KS'M. Call. Bd'vy . 3W3. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. DEKUM A JORDO.V. REAL BARGAINS. $6750 Laurefhurst; 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, hard wod floors throughout, full cement basement, furnace, etc.; modern In every respect; only two blocks to park: three blocks to street car; all improvements in and paid; $1500 cash will handle; vacant; can give immediate possession. $5250 Souh of Hawthorne ave.; 6 room modern bungalow, modern In every respect; hardwood floors, fireplace, lull cement basement, furnace, fine lawn, roses and shrubbery; all Improvements In and paid: this is vacant; can give immediate possession; $1500 cash will handle. LET US SHOW THEM.- DEKUM & JORDAN, REALTORS, 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sta, Main 2233. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. This home Is a new offering and is a most unusual and distinctive home: large central hall and liv ing room and sun room ; very beau tiful dining room: most complete kitchen and pantry: 3 bedrooms (one unusually large), sleeping porch, tile baths, one equipped with shower on second floor: two maid's rooms and bath third floor: fiasco furnace; finest plumbing: floors In living, dining, sun rooms, also reception hall, are all a dark green tile: large grounds, beauti ful shrubbery. Appointment ar ranged. MRS. HARRT PRTCB PALMER. East 7976. ROSE CITT PARK. $5130 A discount of $700 on this property: 6-room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-in features, full censrnt basement, furnace; looking right In the heart of Rose City, under the hill; lot 70x100. has beauti ful lawn and Howers. If at is a snap you are looking, for. then don't look any longer. Drive out to our branch office Sunday and we can show you some real buys. Remember we are headquarters for Rose City bungalows. This can be handled on any reasonable terma HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 614 Rallwav Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. -Open Sunday, Tabor 8485. $3.80(1 BEST BUT IN CITT. A 6-room English Colonial house with sun oarlor. sewing -room. cabinet kitchen, large living room, fumflce. fire place, oak floors, an built-in, iuii ce ment basement, wash trays, etc.. 10ftx 100 ft. lot. garage; adjoining Alameda Park. Price only usuu. Iiwu aown, ba.ance like rent. 3000 NEW ROSE-MERE BUNGALOW. X K-rnnm nilnralow. I ooren Hlllc. ce ment basement, wash trays, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, all bullt-lns. cabinet kltrhan. breakfast nook. finished In (vnrv anil whltA enamel. 45x100 lot. ga rage, citv improvements in and paid. Easy terms. BENNETT BENNETT. 274 Stark St. tjOOO FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3000. New 5-room bungalow with all bullt-lns. fireplace, cement base ment, full lot. some fine fruit trees, street graded, sidewalks In and paid for. We will sell on easy terms', this Is one of the best bun galows we have seen for the pric asked. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., REALTORS 85 Fourth st. Bdwy. 2980. IRVINGTON HOME. A small home but most attrac tive, with large living room, lovely dining room, kitchen with break fast nook. hardwood floor throughout, two firepaces. lovely lighting fixtures, wall covering, etc.; garage as part of house. By appointment. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER. East 7976. WOULD TOU like a modern Bunga low on a 100x100 lot? We have one for $3500. Vt block from car, close in on east side. This place has lots of fruit, and Is in perfect condition. Reasonable terms. , HTLI.ER BROS.. REALTORS. 814 Rallwav Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday, Tabor 8485. , HOUSE HUNTERS, LOOK. A 6-ROOM FATRLT MODERN HOUSE ON SIONKOE ST.. IN GOOD SHAPE: TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. $3300, WORTH MUKE. J TSU, OKEGCJNIAN. OWNER LEAVING WILL SACRIFICE strictly modern home in splendid condi tion; large living room, library, dining room. DreaKtast room, Kitchen, five bed rooms and bathroom, extra toilet and lavatory; old ivory finish, hardwood floors, large fireplace, furnace; large ga- flowers: Ideal location, Portland heights; 6 house could not be duplicated for price asaen ior property, it is a real bargain at $9800; terms. Owner, Marshall 2486. CLOSE-IN COTTAGE right here In walking distance. It has a rooms, modern oatn, ngnts and gas, full basement, newly painted and new roor: city improvements all in and paid- handy to school, stores, street cars and only a few minutes' walk to the center of the city. Only $3000, pay down $500, take possession, and pay out balance like rent, and soon the little cottage win oe your own. it Deals paying rent. r or inspection see owner, ,ast 6UJ4, 7-ROOM house with 2 lot for quick sale at $2630. This is a bargain, cut from $3500. Eor quick sale. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark Sta. 0-ROOM house for sale In Hawthorne dis trict; 50xl00-ft. lot: 3 bedrooms with ex tra large closets and bath upstairs; liv- I in? room, aining room ana kitchen and lartre servants nail downstairs: hard. wood floors, several plate glass windows, fireplace, bookcase, buffet and built-in refrigerator; no agents. s.l 47th st,, south of Hawthorne. Tabor 5500. $3."i00, TERMS Cosy little brown bunga low, & rooms, large living room, fire place, bookcases, dining room, Dutch kitchen, pa?s pantry, 2 large bedrooms, basement, furnace, trays, full lot, fruit, flowers, lawn, 2 blocks to car. pleasant neighborhood : a home you will never want to part with. Owner going to I Alaska. Call Main 632 EXCELLENT BUYS. Well-arranged double house, 10 rooms. In desirable neighborhood, one block from car line. Price $5500. Have three desirable tt-room houses ; can be purchased on reasonable terma; $3500 each. HARVEY "WELLS & COMPANY. Main 4564. 602 Gasco Bldg. ALAMEDA $500. Reduced to make immediate sale; takes very little money to handle and only $50 month, including interest; will sell furniture at a bargain; don't mitts seeing this today. HARRY BECKWITH, Main 6869. Realtor. 104 !Sth St. PIEDMONT SACRIFICE! Price $5500 Cash $800. 7-room modern home, in good location; large lot with alley; all built-ins; fine finish throughout; furnace; 3 bedrooms; attractive exterior. SPEED REALTY CO.. 807 Panama Bldg. Main 7264. WILL take $550 for my $750 equity in a 5 -room modern cottage. 66tf E. 12th aL North. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS. THE WEEK'S BEST BARGAINS. NEAR PORTSMOUTH 6-room splen did home, with pantry and fruit room: cement foundation and full basement, sanitary wash trays: lot 100x100, H'ith several full bearing fruit trees, berries and roses. Price only $4300, with prac tically your own terms. THIS IS A REAL HOME Nifty 5 room bungalow. In good location and in excellent condition: lot OoxloO, with o fruit trees and berries. This Is a real buy at $oU00. A GOOD HOME Splendid little. 4 room home with breakfast nook; wnlti enamel plumbing, in excellent condl tion: nice corner lot wim -berries; $175U, $500 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., --REALTORS, 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5024. WEST RIDE. Two 6-room houses, modern in every respect, can be sold separately, Kearney street, just oil ija, et'"' - onabie. ,., vtghts. 7-room- house, modern, In A-l condl ...11 inr aHaH ami fruit trees, 01 Thurman street, low price, liberal terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT.-it-room house, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, haaement corner lot. 50x100, hard sur faced street, price $3500. balance month ly payments. East 44th. Just off Haw thorne. fl-mnm house. araraxe. lot 50x160, many large fruit trees, small be"'", East Taylor, near oom mreti, ly low price, easy terma. FRED W. NEWELL. 407 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5010. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $4500, $1000 down, balance like rent, absolutely the best buy for the money, 5 rms. and den. all modern conveniences, furnace, fire place, garage. Come, let us show it to you. It U only 2 blka. Iroin our branch office al 4oih and Sandy blvd. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. -.Ai;U Vnrn Khei nOUSC. r.Qh :t moms and toilet. 1 block to car. $2100, $600 cash. 8-room house, .1., s-'-'imi. s.750 cash, a xu'fruit trees. 1 block to school, 3 to car. $ouu, $aou cash. 4-room house. $lu5o, $150 cash. 3-room . house, $2455. all cash. 3-room bungalow, steam heat, basement. lot bllxl2o, alley. -1... on DHVed street. itiiu. $50 cash. 6-room home, 3 bed rooms, 14, fruit trees, paved street. Wo blocks from car. Fred V. Spears, 65th st. S. E. Auto. Ol'.'-J"- HAS A WONDERFUL VIEW iAatif,ii T.mnm huntralow type home. with large finished attic besides, on 150X 100 terraced grounds; splendid district, -1 i:ninn 1-0 nrtred to sell quick- ly at $4750; $500 cash, balance $40 per month, including interest. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, Broadway 4731. 410 Henry Bldg. DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST. i-n .ll A . HtJ.YlE.. On a large, sightly lot with a fine view of the city and park, consisting of nine commodious rooma, una , CK tion hall, extra large living room, dining ... ... rnnm unt breakfast room; fia 'convenient Dutch kitchen, 4 large h-.t-,.ma tii,i hathronm withi beautiful fixtures. Come out and see this. Open for r - lii-ru 1.: rniifh aL. ln&uecuun iivihuuib. T. B. Winship, Tabor 2124. XA-I.'s;-r veil ii-: Almost new. close In: eight large annrnnm and H CeOing POTCn, hardwood floors, finish and fixtures of the best: arrangement is Ideal, large u-itn ,-hntra shrubbery; property may 'be purchased at three-fourths of reasonable terms; we have o.Jier 'west side modern homes at attractive nri.-ea. O. W. Bryan. 509 Chamber of inmmarra hide. Main 11M13. "rose city pa::x niftk bungalow. $50UU 1UUU Dvn.i. i?it, rmma and sleeping porch; white , .i..,,vhA,it Krpnrh doors, hard wood floors, all built-in, completely .,rii-Ti- furnace, garage; beautiiul oox MARSH & McCABE CO REALTORS, a-i-S-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 393. ONE ACRE, brand new 4-room bungalow and sleeping porcn. ua-.ii, a o...; ,ir ,-hicken coops, wood shed, gardeni lawn and oats, k-d and Maple, near Woodstock school. A grand " niaJ-a for an elderly couple. $3450; $1000 cash. bal. terms. A reduction for cusa N. I. Nordouist. owner, tejllwood 1-tl. i ii-ni,!.Hi:RST HOME. Living room with pretty fireplace, dining room. French doors ami uu- norch, Dutcn Kiicnen. o , ..v,... f...... .,-,irni, with mirror doors, fin,PM lOl OOXLVai. ounic i.u.v. This Is' a dandy' home. Call Ta,bor 631 for appointment, or Main t.'-li New five-room bungalow wltTt braK-- fast nook. hardwood lioora, vum-i. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laun dry travs. full lot. hard surface street; near car and schools. fWSO. 3o -a mo including Interest. Mam lrt.l. irt)9 Ch. of Com. bldg. Res. Marshall Xl.. iuvi-i;thn jsuou Maw 7-room bungalow, large living i i,.i r,.nma tile bath, hardwood floors throughout; very best of material and workmanship. Open today from 1 to 6, 594 Hi. -"tn sit i.. i"i- Stanton. A. S. Malmquist, owner and builder. Enst 22. S-J3II0. 5 rooms; good condition; newly pa pered; nice lot ouxiuo; iota kkiuvu l.rri. fruit: near car and school: some cash and 25 month. 0 per cent Interest. HARRY BECk'VVITH. Main 6SII9. REALTOR. 1"4 6th St. $5250 HAIGHT AVE. 6 large rooms with dandy sleeping porch heated; extra toilet In basement, good 'garage; alley; in vicinity of Jef ferson high. HENRI vv. uui'imai', "Ji"' --" 243 Stark St. SEE IRVINGTON select list of buy In New loaar cmumna auju......a. Open for inspection today. CRESTON addition, modern bungalow, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, wash trays all improvements, near graue am. msu school and carline: $3500. easy terms or furnished $3900. Nice neighborhood. Aut. 014-41 uiU-TUIIPVE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, with attic: this is verv pretty, hardwood floor, fireplace, pretty breakfast nook; 2 bedrooms, ga- race IT VOU waill l ic, uv.,.u. T.hnr 5319. Main 7031. - ROOM hou.se. s.e eping P0""',.""""" with six lots. 38 bearing IruU trM - j harries, chicken houses and runs i, roaes. etc $5000. Owner leaving city, 'must sell. Auto H44-14. cor SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room residence In excellent ii, in on East ltn. near Aiorrison. Sr'ee $7500; terms to responsible par ' Phone East 5275. ties. FOR SALE near Piedmont car barns. 5 Fkn corner lot 90x100. Price $1650; small payment down, $20 per month, including Interest. Phono Wood- lawn 44T4. 'tjT.-HYlOND HOME $4000. Five rooms with attic, excellent condi tion; furnace, V. ' , easy term.. Main $.'.000. 7Mw.Tr. rtnme. E. 37th. north of Sandy; modern throughout; worth 00, take caah and $2400 2 yra. Tabor l -ifi or 310 Couch bldK. T.AITRELHURST. Dta. nfe the 5-room bungalow t nnn T.' - . 4- Cnlien DeilUC UU1II1B save WlfD f " . , $400 commission ana put i. .uwu yum f urnisnmgs "..,,,1,. citi.I.V FURNISHED. a mnmi in Irvington Park, cosy little home near school, park and car, leav PJ ,v am sacrificing. 1171 Glen ave. N Auto 310-OS. By owner. PARTLAN'D HEIGHTS. 8 rooms, modern, vVrv low price; terms; owner. BP 704, Oreeonian. FOR SALE. Modern 7-room house with double ga- rage. on rorner iui -i-Ji. u ai. ukivorh building see my tt-room modern bungalow, $3000, $1300 cash, ttttl E. 73d N.. 2 DiQCKS aoum V.. o CORNER lots, 2-room cottage, lots of " berries, on hard-surfaced road. E. W. Phillios. owner, 6204 55th ave. S. E. FOR SLE by owner, 5-room house with built-on sleeping porch; terms. 148 E. 34th st. . IRVINGTON Modern 5-room cottage. 25 xlOO lot, excellent district. Price $3150, easv terms. Main 0400. $3000 7-ROOM house for $2250 cash this week. Call at 679 Haig st. or phone Sellwood 3158. FOR SALE i-room modern house, corner lot. 556 E. Emerson st., corner 13th. STRICTLY modern bungalow, block from i.ftiirelhurst Park. Owner. Tabor 1436, FOR SALE: 5-room bungalow, Alberta. Owner, xaoor NEW BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, between 37th and 39th. Cora ave.. for sale by owner. 2 LOTS and 4 houses, corner Front and Hooker. Inquire 275 Hooker. I ,5-ROO.M. modem bungalow. Rose City, $600 ca?h and easy terms. 318 Piatt bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. COE A. McKENNA 4 CO., REALTORS (Meaning reliability). . $2500; $350 down: lovely new honeymoon bungalow, white enamel, four rooms with a dainty breakfast nook, large living room, - line bath, concrete basement, large lot, 2 blocks to carline. $3400: $.300 down: 50x147 lot: four fine rooms and vtic; large basement: big garden: fireplace, too; close to Columbia Park; bargain. $4850, $750 down; RoseClty Park; 6-rm. bungalow; oak floors; ivory finish woodwork; concrete basement; fireplace; good neigh borhood, $5,800: Laurelhurst: charming 5 room bungalow; ail modern; a most unusual price for this lo cality considering the beauty of the home. COE A. McKENNA & CO, REALTORS ' (Meaning reliability). 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. bungalows for autos, ruse city park, one of the prettiest 5-room bungalows in rose city. cor ner lot. below the hill and close to sandy blvd. practi cally new. all hardwood floors. beautiful fireplace, furnace: all the built-in fea tures: very artistic. take a car and some cash as first rAlMEM. SUNNTSIDE. $3350 MODERN 5-ROOM BUNG A - LOW: EXCELLENT CONDITIO, HARDWOOD FLOORS. 22il E. 34TH STREET. BETWEEN HAWTHORNE AND SUNNYS1DB CARS. CAR AND LITTLE CASH FIRST PAYMENT. IRVINGTON. ONE OF THE FINEST BUNGALOWS IN IRVINGTON. CONSIDER ONLY JUNE CAR. R. SO.MERVILLE. BDWT. 2478. REALTOR. 320 U. S. NATL. BANK BLDG. ROSE CITT PARK. The chance you have been look ing for to get a new house. $500 under the market. Yes, that is just what this ia The price is $5750. and you can get it for $3250. It is located in the heart of Rose City, with all improvements in and paid. Terms $1000 cash, and balance to suit. Don't say you cannot find a bargain any longer, but come and see this. HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 614 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday, Tabor 84 65. ALBERTA ST. BARGAIN. A cozv 5-room buniralow. has bard wood floors. French doors and is all white enamel inside. This -beautifu. little home has Just been freshly painted msiae ana out. has street paving. ment sidewalks and sewer in and paid for. An abundance of flowers, berries and fruit. Price $3500. liberal term: See WEBSTER L. KINCAID. Realtor. 401 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 4735. SUNNTSIDE. 15500. Strictly modern 7-room residence on Belmont street, hardwood floors, splen did built-in features, fireplace, large homey living and dining room and den modern kitchen. 3 bedrooms, bath and large double sleeping porch upstairs: full concrete basement, good furnace. It you need a comfortable home where you can rent 2 or 3 attractive bedrooms, see this. Terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RPTTER, LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A DANDY HOME. Good bungaiow, 5 rooms and glassed-ln sleeping porch, all on one floor, strictly modern, nice, clean and good repair, good location, large living rm. fireplace, bookca-ses. built-in buffet. hardwood floors, linen cioset. Dutch kitchen, wood lift, .full cement basement, good furnace, wash trays, etc.; assessments paid E. 52d at. 2d block north of Hawthorne ave., only $4800. Terms. L. E. STEINMETZ. 4H6 Gerlinger Bldtr. Main emu and Tabor 3224. 1 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 14200. New modern little bungalow In Irving ton's choicest bungalow district, fire place, every modern buiit-ln feature, neat Dutch kitchen, concrete basement, furnace, laundry trays, nice lawn and shrubbery. This Is a very unusual value and, should be inspected before you build or buy elsewhere, RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE A CO. 2Q1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RARE BARGAIN. A beautiful new 5-room and attic: finished in old Ivory: latest decorations, hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, full basement, cement porch, lot 52x170, with 7 bearing fruit trees. This is built by the owner and there is no 5 per cent real estate commission to pay. It Is a real home In a fine neighbor hood 7053 Powell Vallev. Tienr 71st st. WILL TAKE ONE OR TWO SMALL HOUSES ON THIS FINE BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms, strictly modern, fine base ment, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors: all bullt-lns and in fine condition: price $7500 and is a bargain. I would take as part pay smaller houses: might consider well-located lots: submit what you "have. AN 578. Oregonian. VERY EASY TERMS. $2250 NEAR ANKENT CAR BARNS. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Near car barns and car; good plumb ing, electric lights, gas. all Improve ments paid; small payment down. Sun days. Marshal 5963: week davs. Main 7967. Marlels & Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce blng. HAWTHORNE. $3800 $600 CASH. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW: MOVE RIGHT IN THIS LITTLE DREAM. HA RDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE, BUFFET. DUTCH KITCHEN. ALL IMP. IN AND PAID. R. SOMKRVILLE. BDWT 2478 ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow. 14 block from Konton car line and paved street. 5 blocks north of Peninsula park: has large living room, paneled dfnin; room, laundry trays, etc. Owner must leave city and wlil sacrifice for $31(M). This is a good buy for someone. Onlv $500 down. 143 E. Stafford. Wdln. 4425. WEST SIDE HOME. Bargain tt-room modern house, ga rage, just a few feet from WaPhintrton St., near 22d st., right in the center of brick buildings. Price $07.V. trms. This is a Bplervdid buy. lot is worth more than prico aked for property. E. J. GEI6ER. 417 Cham, of Tom. WHY MORTGAGE TOUR IXCOME FOR TEN OR 12 YEARS AHEAD? ONE FOURTH OF THE MONEY WIIt BUY A HOUSEROAT. MODERN. CONVEN IENT, CLOSE IN. LET ME BUILD YOU ONE TO ORDER ON EASY TERMS. J. BUXNETT. IS HOLGATE MOOR AGE. SELL. 2H27. . $;;5(0 FINE BUNGALOW, fireplace, ce ment Das I. enam. piumDing. west sine snap! Ideal location, among beautiful homes, nice new. easy terms. TABOR R4. MAIN 4803. O. C. GOLDENBERG, (REALTOR). Ahlngton bldg. "35 Yrs. In Portland." FOR SALE Will be soid at great bargain on terms to suit: that newly refinished 7-room house, 4!5 E. Pine t.. corner loth; open for inspection 8 to 9:30 A.M. and 5 to s r. i nanv: no not miss it. OWNER ON PRSM ISES. $3f-00 ALMOST new 7-room semi-mod. ; $500 cah. Double garage, splendid lo cation: lot i'OxlOO. 2 blksj. from car. . street ewer in, paid. Must pell quickly. J. P. McKenna. Realtor. 1101 Belmont at 30th. Tabor 64!'.:. ALBERTA. $2300, $1000 cash, balance terms; If rou want a good 6-room house on a 50x100 lot, with chicken nouse, come and see 1109 E. 16th st. N. ; sacrifice, as am leav ing city. No agents. J2S00 BUNGALOW. new. modern; 4 rooms, full basement: corner lot, 75x100: 57th and Davis; $1000 cash, balance to suit. Inquire Monday for Nixon (owner), 42S Washington. Broadway 1330. SACRIFICE TERMS OR CASH. $700 buys equity in 6-r. house: va cant: bal. $S75; paved st., gas. elec. no assessments, good, location. 5423 82d st. Today or Monday. $2400 A 5-ROOM cottage, mod. plumb ing, rn Sunnyside. 2 blks. from Belmont. Now vacant. $4O0 cash. bal. like rent. J P. McKenna, Realtor. 1151 Belmont at ftflth. Tabor 64't. ATTENTION. DOCTORS. Large fine modern home. lot 120x100. nice home or suitable for sanitarium. See It Sunday or evenings. 140 E. 28th st. " HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7-room modern house, just painted and rn excellent condition. Bargain if sold this week. 240 E. 50th st. FOR SAL13 By owner, new 7-room Lau relhurst bungalow, no agent. F Urii. Oreeonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. J. A. WICKMAN CO., Active Homesellers. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT SPECIALS. Here are a few of our SMALL DOWN PAYMENT listings. READ them care fully. CALL US, let us show you. THb. uher your best down payment: $2000 ROSE CITY DISTRICT -room douhle constructed bunealow. $4300 HAWTHORNE CARLINE Mod ern. 5 rooms and breakfast nook nothing lacking here except fur nace. Onlv $2;0 down. $3S00 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Never occupied; 5 rnnnw an breakfast nnnk: onlv S500 dow $4500 ROSE CITY PARK Brand NEW GARAGE; a real love BUNGA LOW: onlv 1500 down. $3500 MONT A VILLA E. Stark t.. on Pavement: ft room on one floo $2650 JIT. SCOTT 5-room BUNG A LOW; no mortgage or assess ments to assume. . WE HAVE MANY OTHER good buy for small down payments. In ROSK CITY PARK, LAUREL HURST, HAWTHORNE .and IRVING TON we have many good buys for pa ments from $1000 up. We have many buys that we will RECOMMEND. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS, "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 683 and 1094 JUUiO 4-ROOM bunaalow. full ceme basement with wash travs. full enamel plumbing, hardwood firs. l'utcn Klthcen. Holmes fll pearlng bed In dining room, good buy. Lot 33 ft. front. $320 5-room bungalow: concrete g rage. llaixlol lot. nicely im proved with large chicken hons. berries. A real home. 11 S3 Boise st. $2800 4-room bungalow. Piedmont dls trlit Paved street, close to ca We can make easy terms these places and consider them good buys. It will be worth w-hlle to see them. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO Bdwv. 943. 284 Oak St HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungalow. In A-l condition insiae and out; vacant; $.ioo oasn. $.ov. 6-room house, furnace: excellent buy, gooa terms. o'.. 5-room bungalow with every concelv- aoie built-in, splendid gurace, $4200 7-room bungalow, finest bullt-ln rurnace. garage, near avenue, fine lot terms. $4O0. Ix you are looklnar for a moderate! priced home it will pay you to see us ut-ii're nuytng. HAWTHORNE REALTT CO.. Realtors t or. .ihtn and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463 LAURELHURST. CHOICE LOCATION. Strictly modern 8-room house. Good oak floor, fireplace, every built-in con venience. large living and dinini; room den and Dutch kitchen on first floor 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor. All newly finished in old ivory through out. Full concrete basement, furnace. laundry trays, etc.. garage with concret tioor ann driveway. Level 30x100 io Price $ih'o. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. , (READ) 7 ROOMS (READ) FURNISHED. Located near 24th and Hawthorne living room, dining room.' kitchen, I: and 2 bedrooms first floor; 2 large rooms and attic second floor. Flnishe In white: beautiful vard and shrubbery. v radiators, l in each room and a fin hot-water beating plant worth J12O0 1 basement. Furnished complete with $800 p.ayer-piano. case -full of records: a goes for $4900. This won t last long. O. W. TARR CO., Main 6203. 407 McKay Bldg. cunnay r.. diii, , ROSE CTTT JEWEL: T RMS. $6500 for $4750. Genuine Snap! Furn.. firepl., slpg. pr.. eleg. built 1ns. f. c. bast.. 50x100. Paved, conv. to" car; $1000 cash. Sunday' all day. Tabor stu Main 4S3. O. C. GOLDEN BERG. Realtor. Ablngton bldg. -33 yr. in Portland." BIGGEST SACRIFICE IN IRVINGTON I NEED MONET. If you want a bargain, something fo less than It is worth, then sea mv house 7 rooms, strictly modern, with furnace llreplace, hardwood floors and every mouern convenience: everything in th finest condition and vacant; I must have money and am going to get it: I nave cut my price $1000 and am ask ing today $5375 and $100 bonded; need 1 an owner, ranor N1N!. BUNGALOW $.-,A DOWN. PRICE $2600. 4 rooms and bath, fireplace, Dutch .Kiicnen, concrete oasemenr, cemen waiKs. lawn, nowers and shrubbery: on pavea street, 3 DtoeKs from car little home, Easv terms. cosy RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOW E ft CO. 21 -2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CTTY DISTRlrT Cute little bungalow. 4 rooms. 2 had rooms, tapestry paper In living room, uum-in iiiicnen, good oatn, basement chicken house and run. nice lot. fruit grapes, roses, lawn. Why rent when you can buy a nice little home on very small down payment, balance like rent. Come out and see It. - 735 E. 77th N. Tabor 7114. WOODSTOCK foreclosure sacrifice. Large 6-room modern house, corner lot. loox loo. nice fruit, lawn and flowers. Makes splendid home or good investment if one wants to improve and resell. Take Woodstock car to 57th five., go 3 blocks east to 5629 44th st. $3700. terms. Or liberal .discount for cash. C. P. Morse owner, wo n. 4:w. MON TA VILLA BUNGALOW. By Ownei" a Room Garage. FJne location. 2 blocks to school and car; trees, roses, neoge out you Judge best by looking this place over. $.13O0. $2000 cash. bal. Including In terest as little as $18 per month. 26 E. 78th St.. bet. Pine and Ash. ALBERTA district. Modern fl-room bungalow:, cement basement, stationary tuns, furnsce. cement garage, fireplace built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, enameled bath room, sleeping porrh. & rooms lower floor. 1 mom upstairs, floored attic. 50x100 It: 14 blocks to car line. CTiose to school. .". 2.vx cash Wdln. f22rt. S2Vifl 4-rm. nifty bung. (new), large at tip, i acre, on paved rd., near GMsan sr., nlk. cnr. Here you can raise veg etahles. fruit. berries and chickens, which is H your living. $000 cash will do. TABOR R4. MAIN 403. G. C. GOLDENBERG (REALTOR). Ahington bldg. "3". Yrs. in Portland.' FOR SALE BY OWNER BIG SACRIFICE. Vw strictly modern n-rorm bungalow, hardwood floors, beautiful light fix tures, furnace, cement ba5ement. all ivorv enamel, beautiful home for some one at a bargain. AH large rooms. A'ho fine gnrsge. See owner at WW Weldler 4207r -R. ARTISTIC MOD. HOME SELLWOOD CARMEN! LOOK! F. C. bast., best plumbing, full lot. Paved st. Only $600 cash. Tabor 804. Main 403. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Realtor. Ahington Mdg. vrs. in Portland.' 14-00 5-ROOM bung., cor. lot, garace street sewer in, paid:, $QOO ca9h. $40 month. Including interest. Close to car and school. Big bargain. J. P. Mc- Kenna. Realtor, 1151 Belmont at 39th Tabor B4fq. 5-ROOM HOUSE, modern, furnished com plete except linens. Water, phone and fine garden included In rent: 2 blocka from car line. Location. ISth and Go ing streets. Phono Woodlawn 2354 for appointment $2650 7-ROOM. furnace, f. c. bas't, mod ern. 50x100, fruit, blk. Alberta car, worth $4000, Jtiooo cash. A TABOR R04. MATN 4S01. G. C. GOLDENBERG ("REALTOR"). Ahington bldg. "35 Yrs. In Portland." FOR SALE by owner 7-room houne. full cement basement, fireplace, lot 50x100 or 100x100. Fine fruit tree, garage. 2 blocks from Mississippi car line; walk ing distance from Jefferson high. Terms. "Woodlawn 2065. FOR SALE or rent by June 20. one 6 room house, s&ml-modern. with barn and chicken houses: easy payment. Take St. Johns car to Columbia blvd. Call at 13:t0 Power st. Col. TiiVS. ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Large living room, ivory enamel, tap estry paper, full cement basement: fue. nace, fireplace; large garden: $3000; terms. 504 Marguerite ave., owner. IRVIN GTO.V. Strictly modern, on corner; 6 room, garage, piano. From June 20 to SepL 1. East 11SS. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5O0 INITIAL PAYMENT, ft ROOMS. GARAGE. LINOLEUM. VELOUR DRAPER1E9. E. 041. 'RT OWNER LEAVING CITY. Beautiful Rose City Park bungalow. 6 rooms, built-in features, hardwood floors, garage. 7Hft E. 4tth st. North. $40.00 NEW 6-room bungalow, oak floors. fireplace, OUlil-ios guuu iicinuuurnwu , natural shade trees: near car. Strat ton. 217 Abington bldg. 4-ROOM bungalow, bath and basement. brand-new, aouuie consirui-ieu, ioi aux 124; comer 84th st. and 70th ave. Owner. Auto. 627-15. $2500. terms. FOR QUICK SALE A real home; new. snappy, convenient, oesi ronaiuon ; in vestigate. 1210 E. Pine. Owner. Terms. JUST being finished, in Rose City Park. modern 7-room oungaiow ana garage, at 685 E. Slat st. N.; owner. Auto. 317-70. REAL ESTATE. For hale Houses. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. T have to offer 2 small homes, both in excellent condition. One has lovely central hall, large living room, dining room, butler a pantry and kitchen : second floor. 8 sleeping rooms, bath and open porch; ail linoleum, drapes, fine electric range and radiant fire heater, Gasco furnace; large lot, finest shrubbrry. The other is all In old ivory, with living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor and 3 sleep ing rooms and bath second floor; lovely large porches. Both have unsurpassed view. Immediate possesion can be gtvn. AIRS. HARRY PRICE FALiiUR. East TUTU. A MODERN irentTeman's residence, lo cated on west side, gilt-edge district, 5 jninutea' drive to heart of city and walking distance; surrounded bv ample and beautiful around, providing msxl mum of safety lor children; 14 rooms, three baihs. hardwood floorn. white enameled throughout ; in fact, every modern convenience for solid comfort and a.'ao poxsemi-ne that home-like at so necessary for satisfaction with on's surroundings; price $.in.4NHi; nv res eor.able first Pavmenr will be acented balance can be raid on novel and verv interesting terms: d oases on July I owner leaving city: no agents, li 740. Oregonlan, MODERN JJl'NGALOW $750 CASH. Strictly modern 5-room bunga'ow walking distance to Jefferon Huh school, bet hardwood floor. evt-r Dum-in convenience, concrete basement launary trays, garage with conrr-tf driveway: 50x100 lot, new iawn. iargt aitlC. J Tic $43(K. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE CO 201-2--.-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg, VACANT! VACANT! VACANT. SH) IS AM, YOU NKKD $50 $ 3 250 IODKR.V HAWTHORN K S .1 : hix-rooni bungalow type, 4 rooms snt bain first floor. 2 bedrooms unstalrs good bseinent. nlumhintr. elrotrh- liL-ht gas, lot 4txl00. hard Purfwced street and Hewr, nearly all paid ; houte could not oe ouiir ror price asked; quick posiinn see this tortHV, it is a bMrgain. Hundny, Aiarsnan ,vja. wrk davs Main 71MI7. MA Rl ELS A WILLIAMS. REALTORS, E20 Chamber of Commerce HMg $1 100 IRVINGTOV 11 100 Built by present owner for permanent Tiome; plate glass windows, double con structed, three sets of French doors living room is 14x32 with fireplace, the den also has gas fireplace, tile sink, one bedroom; tile bath on first floor, two brtrooms, sowing room and bath on sec ond floor; hardwood flonm Ihrniiirhmit See this perfect home at 501 East 25th at bet. Thompson and Brazee. Tabur -n.n owner. LA'DD ADDITION. Leaving city. Two-story house for snie at a bamain. 7 rooms and slern ing porch. Kull basement and attic; 2 toilets; hardwood fioors. In bet of con nmo-n inside and out. Could not built today for $K.-,0O. Will include t'JH worth or furniture and sell for $7o Good terms. Deal with owner at once. Phone Soil. :TtU. BUNG A I.UW-(I LA lUi E ROOMS Large lot. .WxLtl; living room 17x2rt den 13x15. 2 bedrooms 13-15 each, break fast room, dandy kitchen and dininu room, with two burrets: something dlf ferent: Just being finished; select your own papering and painting. This will be a complete home and oid cheaply, fall iai. i4iH, or come anq lok it over to day. I will make ' u the rl g h t p rice 12JM) Laddington court, Laurelhurst owner. HEART OF IRVINGTON. Business keeps me from occupying the house I have built for a permanent home tn this Ideal location. An In vestment in Irvinnjtoh Is as good as one can make in residential properly. 1 have 8 spacious moms. 2 baths, hard wood floors. Everything the verv best throughout. This is no contract house. Has been built by day labor. For ap pointmrnt call Tabor 743. FURNISHED I ( L' N G A LO W 3o.-0. Attractive 5-room bungalow, every built-in feature, Dutch kitchen, large porches, garage, neat lawn and shrub bery, 40x120 lot; near good school and car line. Trmw RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE? CO. 201 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Rldg SOMETHING beautiful, substantial and tasty, at 20S E. 21st st., near Haw thorne. In Colonial Heights; walking distance; new 5-room bungalow, up-to-dxte. Of course. It has laige living and dining rooms, beautiful hedrooms, a darling kitchen and breukfasi nook, halls and everything built-in : garage and beautiful grounds. Terms Is de sired. Owner. A WONDERFUL Overlook bungalow may be had for a reasonable nnwn payment, bal. $20 per month and 0 pr cent in terest. Come out and make us offer for owner's equity as he la going to Cali fornia BR soon as school in out. GEO. F CRON. with ALBERT H A R ALA. SOL Mississippi Ave Wdln. 1201. Res. Wdln. 2795. $:;;;., House nesr Franklin High sohool: newly renovated. Ivory woodwork throughout : " rooms downstairs, pa pered. 3 finished attic rooms. c!cl mined. full cement basement. garNje. cement runway: new linoleum In bath and kitchen, shades st all windows 3220 E. 51st st. During week call Dr. Johnson. Broadway 4:"d. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. "Beautiful new 6-room Irvlngfm bun ga'ow all large rooms, entrance hall and breakfast nook, all buiit-ln fea tures, fireplace and furnace, full ce ment basement. 2 large moms and Israe hall can be f inland upstairs; garage; or. paved street and car line. All Im provements in and paid. No agents. East SWELL. HUN t A LOW .t-rooin lamornia bungalow, all iinisnea in sim- "" bath. gas. electricity. Dutch kitchen; acre ground: 7 blocks from Harden Home station with fare. Sacrifice this nearly new bungalow for $27. 0. f ftmi cash. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington st. Main R22Q. ' ROSE CITY PARK HARtiAIN. A-room house on East Everett at., Jul off Sandy road, baaement, bath, hard- surface and otner imprnvmnn hi nu .paid for. Price only $32M; $:I50 will han dle, easy terms on balance. John E. How- rd, realtor, aitr numoer "i WEST SIDE 2-famlly flat, ft and 7 rooms each, modern. In the Nob Hill district, on Johnson near 21th St.; lot 50x100; pries $10, OHO. JOHN FLNOER. 420 Chamber of Commerce HMg. SEE I SEE! READ! READ! v WON DE K FU L O I I'd RTUN1T V income: 4 ft-ats. hawthorne ave. 14. ACCEPT PART TRADE MAIN 403. G. C. GOLDEN BE R! (REALTOR). Ablnnrton bldg. 'M5 Yrs. In Portland." A COSY LITTLE Bl'Nt.ALOW FOR A i TI LK MU.M1I. Kenton, 5-room modern, full lot. paved street, clone to car ana scnooi; me same house next door Is $5250, ours is $3251) See our agent, 2"U Falling bldg. Main 632' FURNISHED HARGAlN! ftix rooms. 3 bedrooms, paved street, fruit trees, berries, 1 block to car, S ta achool; piano, gas range, atove, carpets, etc complete, only $3f00. and terms. HARRY liECK. WITH. Main Realtor. 104 5th St. BEAUTIFUL VERNON CORNER 75x100. Pave ana pui", iwntm, iiie,iace, fruit and shade trc. loses; Irvington nd Alberta cars; -:., terma. i. v . Cary, 1210 r. vv. hhtik uiog. ives. Main 1.177. BY OWNER Now vacant key next door: A rooms, mooern ; nw aini ai t.n m ,i ave. S E. ; $2500, $300 cash, balance $J0 per month and interest; will taka late model Ford or Chevrolet touring as part Phone Aaito. 618-77, IRVINGTON BARGAIN; fine corner home, all oak floors, 2 fireplaces, extra large bedroom, ivory woodwork, garage, $S5o, terms. Choice location. Neuhausen. realtor. Main S07S. Eu.t P4. FOR SALE BY OWNER. CHEAP. Modern 7-room house, full basement, cedent floor, furnace, trays, 2 toilets, electricity, garage, lot 50xloo. "j:t Hkld more street. Phone Woodlawn 0121. ' BY O W N E R. 6-room bungalow with every modern convenience; in most select neighborhood In Laurelhurst, directly opposite park; no agents. No. 6 Enst 3!fh st.. near Ash. KOSE CITY BUNGALOW . rooms, mod ern, furnace, fireplace, bullt-lns, on a beautiful corner lot In a fine cnnimu. nlty. paved street, on the hill, clos to car and school. Main ti3-7. 3-KUOM modern buiiRalow, basement; $Mon yrof) down, on ensy terms, fruit. Call 2 it'th st. 8. E. Owner, Suburban Homes. 7-ROOM Colonial home al Riverwood; house facing- pared drive; 110 ft. river front. Alain 3477. GOOD modern house, two acres of rood oil: reasonable price, very easy term. Owner. Auto, fl-fl-47. BEAUTIFUL, suburban horn, on Powell Valley road, modern, with citv con conveniences. Call owner, 63-0. JR EAT, FSTATK Suburban Home. WTLLA M ETTPJ RIVFR FRONT A OK. acres, south of Portland, 1 nul to electric station, u mile school, good macada miacd road; 2 ' acrea rsrlr. nea, some loganberries, l? acre at r w- oerries, 4 rows grapes 1 40 feet long. I ot'H ring rruit trea. Very ttr. -live room plastered house with cement be- ment, fi replace. t.; brn. elm house. Included With place very c pieie ime or machinery, gs engine, co inicKens. horse, pig. This land l under cultivation and In fruit and - laniea. i n t Irrigated by pumi'.t.k'l innii v niMiuetie river, rru'c r.ir ev thing $475(1. on terms. If Inukint for real home you will appreciate tins iJ.ace. I iuspecteu py Hunter. VERY MODERN PLACFJ 1 sere, on River road, pear Milws-ik'e l block from station, f reon t it v J i n - 11 Under cultivation: ioia of fruit; room plastered houwe, cement basemen? hite enamel plumbing. gs. eieci lights and city water ail in. Launl-v trays. Chhken house and lumber f" garage. Offered at a real trgnwi alight consider house fur part vaiuc. noon modern wry One acre. Jo miles west ot i'urtland, Mocks from electric station. 2 bio. ks t school; woven wire fences: all under cul tivaiion; 30 fruit trees, gsrdn and be' riea. Uood a-room plastered house r fireplace and rumblnir; barn, 2 eiih k houses, w ood shed, n: Uwn with t'- ers and shrubbery. This properly is A-l condition. I'rtce $.hk cah. FURNITURE INCLUDED. H acre, all In bearing fruit tree an 1 perries; 2 bmcka from city car Ime; blocks to school : good 5-room pite board btingMlow with best enamel p unit j Ing. cly w ater, gas and electric l,t all In ; chit ken hus lux l ; with ways; houa has all the built-ins and In fine condition. tnJ wu, bt.aiu J5 per nionih. llrooka. EVERT KIND HEARING FRUIT 5 acres. 6 mil south I'ori.an 1 court hours, all under cuitivst'on eept a. itne shade trees: over - -i aer in bearing fruit, 115 trees, every kin 1( eara old, in fin condition, also i kinds beri- and grappa, in at a d am i r road; K blocks to school; rf 'k on pise large chicken hou-r for Ihni thicken. small brn and huu.e and two small on houses. Tru e $:..'iOi. ha f cash. b.ia ni easy terms; only iU minulcs ouU it pec ted by Hunter. 12 1-5 acres. 5 mi lea southeast Portland : A acrea under eullival ion bearing fruit trees; 1 mile to a hoo good loam soil; 7-roAm log hungali rock foundation, with bas'tnent, 2 stria barns, g:mic and chicken house. Vru $J7M. fHioll cash, which include cfo Inspected by Nelson, JOHN FEROUNOV, ELT0R. CKKL1NOKH HLlXl. Large it Farm Dealer on TaclTe Cn Over 500 .small l'ia ea Ner fort n Get Our Exunslve Classified Lists, FOR SALE Sul'Utban or cnuntiy gentl. men's home, near Capital state hisiiwa overlooking two nlla and ni"Untn ranges; "Million Dollar Vii w ,M T a t m it h new and strictly modern 0-ron bungalow finished In Ivory, large f lt place, furnace, pollsiird oak floors, bill, in featuies, flnu garage, tenant hour chicken house with fenced-in pat spring water with city pressure ; 5 acrea in baring fruit, only u mils electric earn; splendid opportunn y secure fine country home combined wit I income. J. A. WENDFL. Newherg. Or M I'LTN't M A H Is the place for you to investigate wh considering building a home. Choi sightly tracts ranging from a lot to acre at low pric s on ea-y terms. 1 ve-tinate now w hile prices ar low a bofore all the chuce locations are co pered. My agent. Mr. Newman, Is the sround ail tiny Min!ay daya t'V appointment. Call him at Ma U72 SundaNs and weekd.iyi.. HEN ItlKSLANir Exclusive Sales Ag-nt of Multnnm.ih l'roperty, 404 riatt Hldg. U'7 Park m. -Hot IM houso on paved road. 2 Mo from car; Hull Run water. k., electri It y, Jf acre land, barn; $(00 handles; f mediate possession. 4 rooms, basement, garage, furnish or unfurnished. 3 hlks. to car, paved ro to city; '4 acre, J.'.oii d-.wn, 6 ronma. haenent. nmil-rn, 2 blks. ear. acre, l.'mu down or trd f one or more acrea on Oregon City r line. A. J. De FOREST CO., Roaltora 32u H.-nry HMg. Hdw y. oswi:;o lake homes. Now Is tha time to secure ynur su urban home at beautiful o- go l i We have a number of iartliuUrly ti buys. $ 075'for 5 rooms, some fruit. S 1 275 for acre and 3 ronma. HMl for lartfe corner and new rotta $2Ho for 4 rms., modern, and a r. $J!l50 for ha If acre and 2 rms, Ilioder $ l.'.MO for large lake front. Also campsit.-a f..r nut. .Call own 500 Concord bldg.. 2d "fi,"rk kin e m:Tu u ha n hTimks. One-haif ai re with a H mom bungatr bullt-ln kltf hen. fin-place, furnace, par furnlMied. ready to move Into; nr s' turn and paved road ; have a beaut r 5-aere trait with modem 7-ronm hou springs and all kind of fruit on 1 place ; a IsO natural trees ; ha ve ma others. Mrs. F. M. Younits, third hoi north RiMoy station. r- on City line; not at hoiiitj on Thursday. iSund. 1 I'. M CLOhK-IN HO.MKMTE. 5 grrea on inacadamlitd road pavement and on the red electric. cl to Fulton, on North and fouth Portia car line; nice sightly ground overlook! tha Willamette rivor; east lacm. cn be divided Into several honiesiiei iniitn for hospital, sanitarium liar institution Offered at a real b t.ln Personally Inspected. John F Kuon, ierltner bb'g Keit 5 ACHES Willi . INM'Mli. On car lino, close to achool, city cl venl-nces. W acre of everbearing atra berries, 70 assorted fruit trees, every l ii intensified crop. 2 first-class t hlckens. tools. Iiirht truck, dai i.rm hunualow. Ma. terma or tr ior city or auburban grocery. Mr. lUl nh A. .T. Do FOREST CO., Realtors S20 Henry Hidg. unwv. e v. w a conn huv look at this. 1 h a modern &-roorn bunsalnw, an acra r rnnd land. With a good n,.nt of berries and grapes, fruit various kinds: if interested owr Take Or-'gj't. City r to Meidrum I Ion. 1 lilocK Wjl, -m wuuiu. i Mondenbaugll A I. It K It T A l'IMKU I. One-acre tract, city water, garden, t-- kn...,. chicken nouse and runway ei.-. f all kinds and grapes. Price $1 i .i.O dish. bal. $10 per month : w o take Ford touring car as part paym Take Alberta car, east on bunpiuo at 47lh. .1. nu'Oernn. it.1 vim WANT u. real home for turn- mnA svinter. better look at No. 1, lamette Moorage; $ rooms, slpg. por I fireplace, china cupboard. Ice cnost. e trw -tove. wood h i-d. largQ floor, ai moorage, very reasonable terms. Al I shall 4 It. HOME BUY, lHH. Suburban cottage In good rrtr rooms, basement, work shop, thh bouse, some furniture, garden, wa hunts, gas. auto road, car lin", 9 t easy icrins. 5"0 Concord bidg., 6m and Stnrk. iiooo WILL put ('U In a 6-rom ho furnished, in a valley town. milr r.r.(nrfic. store nd highway. barn and chicken houses and 5 acr fall wheat. Harve-t is neginntng in tn enuntrv. Call Mar. ttll.'i. O Gronqulst, Hillsdale, r., Route siicurl.v tract near Mulliminah sta.. lunre 7-rm. house; over Pt large beat fruit tret-s. Prop-rty faces on impn country road. $30Hl, on eay terms. inl Pl,.tt HM. I-T Tark P 17."i0 CASH .'i-rni. nioilcrn houa nir I Htn.. )ri'on City r. 2 lots, tJwo; lj.i moniniy, vr i-fnu 3llU cash, (l-riu. hou IOOiIOO lot oW-i- sta.. 1 " Mln 3UTi. iltt'.r... I R.-nlliir. Pulling M'lg-. vt:vv iii:i;alu JH'.mi. Fine cornr icn, with nr S-r hunuHlow. electric llnhti. fi.hln boating; vry trrmn: uva your r ownr, duu coucura uiux., oecoaa ytarU sis MTKANtiKI'S. CuMK hKi; W U. ttv. br.t .elertlon ot fsriiis suburban property t rral . ban urn:!. Will hlp you get starti-d. 1 Jtlrd. rhamlifr of I'onimrnr. Kes't CHOK'K Sl'KUKHAN HOMES and a. reae. well licated. near car from ll0i up. Inquire 3d house nort I'.l.ley nation, on Oregon City CO.MKORTAB1.K f.-rm. cottan at ( 9 1 J ,3; . Ot'x lov lot; caau. uf in .ltoaltor. Kalllns; bids'. ruK and k-room bunsaiow for bv owner. J. H. Bellan. Oak till station. Oregon City car. cm iinWN will B1 you one l el , Dined water. liKhU, 120 far. t K I77. Ofttonin. t-'ii DOWN. $1U monthly, takes one 1 ai . " - i. - - - Realtor. Falling Mdg. .n.--r . ti.-.t Cut vour r-nt: 1 'a ac minutes out, for liuu; till down. Oel j tiii. orgonM n. BKAUTIKIL, -room bungalow. 11 Ryan station: or trd city prop R 71-t. Pr-tfonlan. 1170 CUTTAtifci. 5 rooms, big loL. w lights, gaa, garden, auto road, to I M dewaa K 7. Oreoolaa.