f f KrA. FfiTATE f REAL ESTATE. I ggM- Ar-TATE. VTW TODAT. : ! NFW TODAY; ' I NEW TODAY. TODAT. ""L. JS ZZESSE ialr 13th Near YAMHILL 50x100. Assessor's valuation $16,066. Old 8 -room house, rental value ?50; on the edge nt hnsiness district. To close L estate, sacrifice price of $9000 N. 16th STREET Near Glisan, 50x100. Asses sor's valuation $8540. 12-room house, rental value $50. Bar grain at $6000 N. 23d STREET Near Washington; eight-room house, rental value $50. Lot worth more than price asked 23d is a future business street. $7500 E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. THE HOMESTEAD 665 ACRES ON WEST This beautiful farm, less than 50 miles from Portland, in cludes all the essentials of a h'fthlv diversified paying farm, together with the requisites of a gentleman's estate. Over five miles of substantial wire fenc ing, 400 acres in crops, excellent, pasture and woodland. An ex cellent duck lake of about ten acres offers unusual opportu nity for this sport. Now available as a private estate. An opportunity to pur chase euch a large tract in such splendid condition and location, is seldom offered at the-moderate price asked for this property. See photos. ARTHUR E. PETERSON Owner, At Imperial Hotel Monday, Jane 13, or Write Me, SALT&M. ORJdUO.tr. FOR SALE BY OWNER . A WONDERFUL VIEW HOME ON ALAMEDA DRIYE, ROSE CITY If Yon Want Real Home. Look TTI Over, for It la Priced to Sell. 60x100 LOT Klve wonderful rooms down stairs. Two rooms and sleep ing room upstairs. Hardwood floors, fireplace, sun-nook. Large cement basement and furnace. Extra large garage. It can't be described, so look it over. Built bv owner last year. Price $9850. . A. W. MOLIN Owner, 1338 Alameda Drive. Ta-bor 677. Phone Riverdale PALATINE HILL BUILDING SITES WONDERFUL PLACES Fer the new home that you are I going to build a little later. Information gladly given. . Mrs. Helen S.Turner 1006 Spalding Bldg. Main 866. Residence, Riverdale M. 7271. FOR SALE OR LEASE Twe-artory brick garage, central eat Bide. Non-resident owner, desirous of disposing of 'building or leasing same for a term of years. For par ticulars inquire of C. A. WAGNER CO. Main SI 50. No. 230 Stark St. FLUFF RUGS from old carpet, woolen clothing. r? rcg-8. all sizes; country mail orders given prompt attention ; feather pil lows renovated. Send for booklet. CARPET CLEANING Largest, finest equipped carpet clean ing, refitting works in state of Oregon. MATTRESSES Old Mattresses Made New. Separate Fireproof Building. 1072 E. Lincoln St. 9x12 rugs steam cleaned $1.50. Western Fluff Rug Co. 54-60 UNION AVE. N. Bast 8516. 237-07. East 6953. LAURELHIRST. Don't fail to see this new, high-class colonial home. First floor center entrance hall, living; room 15x27, sun room and dining- room, breakfast room. Dutch kitchen. Second floor Three bedrooms, two balconies, tile bath, rich bevel-plate French doors. Tile fireplace, hardwood floors; fine view. Superior workmanship. 1200 irnder market. See J. Gordh, designer and builder, 293 Vi San fUXael street. SIDE HIGHWAY 1 1 ii ,n, niiftTAii nininil mir 25,000 West Side Apart ment Site 128x100 on S. K. corner Chapman and Yamhill streets. Three 7 room houses and four flat build ing on property. Compare this with any other property in that district at 140,000. Terms. ;i4,ooo Union - Avenue Corner- Store rooms on ground floor and two flats upstairs. Also six-room modern house adjoin ing. Two garages. A-l shape. Income $180 per month. Terms. $10,000 Thurman - Street Snap Store building on ground floor and flats upstairs. Best buy on street. Income $160 a month. Easy terms. 7500 East Side Snap Store bunding, and three flats upstairs. Will pay 1150 per month. See this. For Then and Hundreds of Splendid Business Opportunities, H'ii,tfH;Wi.HiW?l'H'lje V "EBUSINESS PROP CHEAPER HEAT LANDMAN'S INSTANTANEOUS GAS HOT WATER HEATER f iw 111 heat any is I r e d room or Eibuilding cheaper sand better than 2 wood or coal. NO 1ABOH. NO DIRT. NO Fl'MES, t NO DANGER OF S FIRK. S NO BASEMENT,- Fl'RNAl E OK. CHIMNEY RE. (tllHED, Costs about J 30 per oom to in stall. See demon stration plant at 406 Vancouver Avenue PHONE EAST 60.1ft. illlllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHf: I BEAUTIFUL! I WEST SIDE I I HOME I ON I Cornell Road I Eleven rooms, two baths, hot- water heat; doable garage: beautifully landscaped grounds. Home and grounds in the fin- est of condition, and posses- sion can be given promptly. Reasonable terms. Shown by appointment only. I Harold Jungck Realtor, PI ft nek Block. Broadway 110. Tmiiimiiiiiimiiiimimimiiiiiiiiiimir OREGON FARM MORTGAGES If you desire an Investment of dependability and unusual yield, you will find nothing sosatisfact ory as Pacific Coast Mortgage Company's Farm mortgages. Decide today to Invest your surplus- funds in safe, high yielding Farm Mortgages. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO. 31i By. Kxch. Bldg. Main 67? Gentleman9 s Country Place A natural park of thirty acres, with large creek and springs; highway and electric station on ground. One of the most beautiful home sitee near Port land. $15,000. O 585 Oregonian. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Seven rooms, strictly modern; hard wood floors throughout. Everything to make a real home. Call and in spect it. I am positively leaving trrn city and will sacrifice. No. 678 E. 14th st. North. See owner. No. 670 E. loth North. -DANDY GARAGE SITE- ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. Sam J. Gorman 210 Lewis Bids;. Bdiry. 4074. Old Established Millinery Business STOCK AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. Good Location. Rent Reasonable. BP 728. OREGONIAN. tOU MORTGAGE LOANS. ) Oregon Investment Mortgage C 422 Cham or ot Cemmerc, :ofi:i-m - f.tf m 2 . A 9 i A SB TIIE HOMES THE PICK OF PORTLANq 64 S Thompson St. About $10,000. Unlocked today. Ivory and ma hogany finish, oak library, bil liard room, two baths, two fire places. Easy terms. Not an other such a find in Portland. 775 Mnltnomah St., 5800. Un locked today. Modern; corner; garage; 6 rooms. Easy terms. Make us your best offer. S08 E. Coach St., !SSOO. Look It Through, Sure. Easy terms. Immediate possession. 575 E. 14th No. Unlocked today. $7500. with 50 ft. .Can include 100x100 corner, or 175 x 100. Really built. "Hot-water heat. Colonial, 700O. Very com plete, very modern, very well built. Unusually large ivory living room. Alameda park, below the hill. 88."fl. A wonderful ly built Irvington home, beautifully pa pered living room. 16x22: tri ple bevel-plate French doors, leaded art-glass bookcases and buffet: 3 bedr. and encl. si. po. Attic equally well finished. The pink of condition, like new. -By appointment only. 8S.100. Near-new bungalow. 898 Weidler St., near 29th. Large rooms, classy and very com plete. Small down payment, easv terms, less than rent. Owner pleased to show you through. SOOO. Irrlngton. Hot- Water Heat. Ultra modern. Hardwood floors throughout. Large liv ing room. Really built Owner must leave. OTHERS. R. T. STREET GOOD HOMES REALTOR. Office ft 04 East Broadway, Eaat 804. Ke., Eaat 42S0. uiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiu I Portland f Heights f I HOME I i FOR SALE BY . . OWNER I Nine-room house, tin- excelled view, spacious landscape grounds; P or t land's choicest neighborhood. E E Call Snnday, Main 8SS Week S days. Main 1370, Gordon. nimimiiimiiiiiimniiiiiiiimmiiimiK FOR SALE COMBINED STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH NEAR SHANIKO. One of the Finest Ilanrbra In Eastern Oregon. $15 PER ACRE. Fifteen hundred acres in hay and grain cultivation; seven hundred acres more can be plowed; 6800 acres of good pasture land; over 60 good living springs, well distributed. Only eight miles from railroad. Fine new barn just completed. Comfortable ranch house; also owner's cottage just fin ished. Over 40 miles of fencing on the place.' Suitable for colony, com pany or individual ownership. Owner wishes to retire on account of health. Buy now while land is cheap. Write or call on A. S. BENNETT. The Dalles, Or., for further information. Special Sale ON BEDDING PLANTS AT LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST Fifth and Yamhill, Also svt GREENHOUSE 004 Nehalem Arena. THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME . Half acre' level ground, on upper drive, .fortiana fieignio. $10.000.00 Shown by Appointment Only. K. E. BOWMAN & CO. Exclusive Agents, 210 C. of C. Bldg. Ladles Sere year old carpets, ran sai weelen elothlnc. Let as nuke a . rnaja for yen. The eldest sod beat-eqnlpped fee tory. JTluff and m russ wotsb sues: carpau retittsd; Wall russ steaa elssasd. SLfrU. W ml cllvr. IU E. Eighth St. Phone East ISM. SALESMEN WANTED To sell Aerial Cutlery direct to consumer. Territorial rights re served. Previous experience unnecessary. We train our men to become general agents and supervise the work of the en tire state. Applicants must ! be of good character and industri ous. No lost time on this job. Write Immediately and close up territory with C. F. JAEGER, President, AERIAL CUTLERY MFG. CO. ' - Marinette, WiBConain. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Uaited States Hank Bulldlna mini irinwi omuiiii .nn u .mj,it, f"j 1000017 (EQQQI SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, IKVINb IUH - UUNbALUW $1250.00 BUY FROM OWNER AND SAVE AGENT'S COMMISSION. 630E.27THN. Five beautiful rooms, extra large living room, 14x27; double construct ed oak floors, b 6 s t of plumbing, built-lns, gas furnace, garage, etc A home of distinction, individuality and artistic refinement. Built by Stokes Zeller Co.. whose 30 years' reputation for honest value is the best possible guarantee to the b u y e r. Reduced from $8000 for quick sale. Open dally from 2 to- 5 or by appointment. J. T. CLARK NORTONIA HOTEL. REAL ESTATE. I AM FORCED TO SELL THE FOLLOW ING: L. 2 B. 10. Cole's addition S 768 L. 6 B. 7, Green's addition L. 4 and 5 B. 1. Juno L. 5 B. 5. Rosemary Park L. 9, 10 and 11 B. 108. Sellwood. L. tt B. 2. Southmoreland L. 8 B. 3, Southmoreland L. 0 B. 3, Southmoreland L. 8 B. 4, Southmoreland L. 3. 4 and 5 B. IT, Taborslde... 800 4S7 187 1200 3K 4(10 600 600 600 2.-.0 L. a a. 12. 'l aoorsiae. . . L. 5 B. 146, Woodstock TOO 1 acre south of Multnomah, small house 0o0 46.80x214 ft. Meldrum Sta. on Ore gon City line 823 10 acres planted to fruit. Hood River county 500 G acres on Long Beach, 5-rra. house and barn 1750 55 seres Cowlitz county. Wash,... 1200 40 acres Clarke county. Wash 650 40 acres Yamhill county. Or 850 SO acres Yamhill county. Or 700 20 acres Washington county. Or... 1.100 23 acres Cowlitz county, Wash.... 6.V) For full information about any of these properties, see OWNER at 404 PLATT BLDG., 127 Park St. BARGAIN for cash; 4 blocks from Broad way, near Williams ave., 100x150, three houses in good repair; all improvements paid; well-kept lawn, shrubbery, shade and fruit trees; Rood tenants on prop erty. McOlure A Sehmauch Co.. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. $423 CASH, balance terms; 5-room mod ern bungalow, bath and half basement, on macadamized road, 1 block from car. McClure & Sehmauch Co., 806 Railway Exchange bldg. 7 LOTS on pavement at Sheridan, Or., Incumbered, 300, take $230. Beeman tractor, like new, $230. Excelsior Motor cycle and side car (1918), 230. J. M. Brown. 333 Harrison St. Marshall 133. OLDS 6. 1021, brand new, will trade as first payment on bungalow on paved st. near car line. 348 Couch st. B. 3043. For Male Flat and Apartment Property. 17500 Extra well constructed very mod ern duplex residence In close-in east side location, rent S5, Terms $2000 cash. tll.000 Extra . well constructed 4 flats, choice lot. rents lnO; buiKlng alone worth above the price; terms. $28 000 Modern apartment house, clearing $4700; take $10,000 cash, bal ance trade and mortgage. $60,000 cash will give possession of modern apartment property clearing l.mOOO; the finest In the city; wonder ful chance. See OTIS C. BECK. Income Property Specialist, , 523 Henry bldg. WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE. A real money maker. In business sec tion ot city, occupying 00x100 ground: 63 modern light and attractive apart ments; unusually well furnished: income $1500 net: rent $500; good lease: lease and furniture, or building and furniture tor sale. For further particulars call MRS. SNOW. BROADWAY 4664. WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE. One of the best close-in locations in the city; walking distance; doing first class business; 24 apartments: Income tiiOO net; strictly a high-class place, appealing to the high-class tenants. $SOOO will handle. For appointment and further particulars call MRS. SNOW. BROADWAY 4664. BRICK apartment property for sale, west side, corner. 20 rooms and best of furni ture included; 4 3. 3 4. 3 2 and 1 1-room apt." hardwood floors and doors, cement stair steps, very modern, always full of good tenants and is also a nice home; price Is right $16.000 $6000 down pay , ment bal. 7 per cent. This Is a splendid Investment, paving over la per cent. ve have several other large brick apts. ie your own landlord. Barney Johnson & Co realtors. 17(1 10th si. Main 3160. V,T..L-T, a d A DTff R VTS TV CITY 16 3-room. 28 4-room apartments, brick bldg- fine location. Nets about 20 per cent on investment, $125,000. 68 2 8 and 4-room apartments, Al lo cation. Priced at $125,000, terms. Large net Income. Will stand Investigation. Full particulars gladly given. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3903. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT: MODERN WEST SIDE BRICK APARTMENT BITLDING: OVER 150 ROOMS: NETS Setter than isoo a month: $6- OOO CASH. ERNEST COOVER. 209 FAILING BLDG "TrrrS ,iiaa pirn MOXTrT 1'0-room apt. house, modern, well located, $S0.000. only $30,000 down, balance 10 years. 6. See Baker. 517 unam. oi rt'ILL SELL to Japanese or anyone, -room apartment house. 228 Harrison st Price $5500; must sell on account of sickness; no agents' fees. Call East 53HS. Must sell Monday TOUR chance: owner must sell apartment house; account ofslckness; will trade for city property or small acreage near citv act quick: locate now for 1825 fair. A "3. Oregonian. LEAVING city: will eell very cheap, new close-in double fiat bu.ldlng, renting for 100 monthly. BD 74(1. Oregonian. For Sale Beach Property. jg50 FOR SALE, small 4-room cottage. new ana piasierea. l city water, elec. light and garage, payed it - It's a bargain. G. H. Dammeler. 40S McKay bldg THE SEASON at Seaside is open and we have a lew nice - offering at reasonable prices, from $1600 t0 FINANCE SERVICE COM PANT. in Wilcox bldg. Main 4441. frontage; some meadow, some tlnvber and some cranberry bog; $100 per acre. Owner. 615 Ry. Bxch. bldg. Phone M a rshall laS5. SEAV1EW, Wash., very desirable e-room furnished house; water, itcu on the ocean ridge known as Jackson s cottage: lot borders on ocean, $1500. 4003 34th ave. 617-66 SALTAIR COTTAGE. $700. terms; well built. rooms, Bunic auii.u.c, stove 2 large porches, choice lot 50x00, near beach and R. R. station. 830 N. W. Ranlf bldg. main W'li. lasi a-t SIX-ROOM house and 4-room house for sale. 620 Third street, south. Seaside. Owner on premises Sunday and Mon day. FOR SALE 3-room house, 50x100 lot, at Seaside. Or.: 1 block from ocean on paved st; $1300. Part cash. Phone East !5. Call Monday. FOR SALE Lot 9. block 33. Bayocean Verv cheap. Fine, sightly lot. E. L. Bushnell. Orchards. Wash. GEARHART For sale or rent, modern 7 room house, sun parlor, sleeping porch, ocean view. A 733. Oregonian. GEARHART, Ridge, Fouilhoux cottage for sale. $4350. Completely furnished. Lewis, .Broadway aopj FOR SALE Beautiful furnished beach home at Nea Kah Nie. BJ 739, Ore gonian. 2 MANHATTAN BEACH lots; good loca tion; no reasonable offer refused. 246 N. 17th. WILL sell or trade, value $223. good lot v V. V.nl, Tlannh What hftVA vnu T .i. Kn 9T.K. Cnrvallls. Or 5R00 BEAUTIFUL 7-rm. cottage, board walk, Seaside, furnished. Main 4789. PGR SALE Beautiful cottage, Manhat tan peatzn, t.Mv. aauu. go-. LARGE lot, Nehalem beach, $100, by W..At,n 1R1T owugi. TO BUY or rent small cottage at Sea side, near ocean. AV &14. a PORTLAND, JUNE 12, GOINfi TO THE BEACH? . SACRIFICE. READ THIS. $1080. J500 DOWN. TWO BEACH HOUSES. One large 5-room, unusually well built beach home, furnished; another room could be finished: also a 4-room old cottage partly furnished: 100x100 with a good fence around same: Ideally located, 2 blocks from the beach at Long Beach, 4 blocks north of Beach Center station; rent one house and occupy the other; will discount $200 for all cash Photograph In office. See FRANK L McGUIRE. Abington bldg. Main 1068. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. FINE BEACH LOTS. SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lots, all together, two facing the Pacific ocean; board walk; county road and railroad run in front of property. The other two lots adjoin the two above and face on the road in the rear. All are near the de pot, hotel and Rockaway; size of lots is 25 feet by about 70 feet, and are excep tionally well adapted for business or residence; price $125 and $150 each Address ir 7231Oregonlajv- BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDINO. Lots sre well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address . AP 648. Oregonian. GEARHART PARK COTTAGE Com. pletely furnished; ail ready for occu pancy; on the ridge facing directly on the ocean: best location at Gearhart; streets paved on both sides: 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, lavatories in each bedroom, lots of porch room, partly glass inclosed; fine large yard; photo at our office: a real sacrifice price to close estate. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. ao F'ourrn st. SEASIDfcl COTTAGE FOR SALE. Best cottage at Seaside, situated on rise with beautiful view of ocean and Necanlcum river; all conveniences, elec tric lights, bathroom and lavatory up stairs and down: 8 rooms and sleeping porch: lovely grounds, natural trees and shrubbery; house snd six lots In enclos ure. Call owner. East 556. For Sale Lots. 205x133 FEET. CORNER. $1675. $25 month. 10 per cent down, beautiful shade trees, a natural park, wonderful building sites, on Shaver street, near Broadway car. Wilshlre addition. just opened. ' Branch office open every day until 8 P. M. Take Broad way car to Bryce ave., go east four blocks. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. LOTS LOTS LOTS. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. $ 450 Piedmont. 50x100. $ 450 Woodlawn. corner, 50x100. $ 830 Alameda. 32d and Skldmore. $ 550 Rose City. 53d St., 50x100. $ 300 Rose Cttv, 6Sth st., 50x110. $1350 Laurelhurst Park, view lot. $1000 Laurelhurst, Floral ave. $1050100x100 corner, Richmond car. $1600 Irvington, fine corner. 88x84. opp. a blocft of elegant homes. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bids. IRVINGTON LOT BUYS. $1000 14th, Stanton to Siskiyou. $1250 15th, next store, near Brazee. $ 600 14th N. Klickitat (no paving). $17V0 Cor. 18th and Klickitat. $123 20th. 130 ft. south of Knott. $2100 75x100. 14th. E. face, next Knott. $1500 88x100, Clackamas, near 22d st, $1750 N. W. cor, lKth and Klickitat. $1750 S. W. cor. 12th and Tillamook. Snap N. W. cor. loth and Schuyler. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON REALTOR HAWTHORNE SNAP. Here are three lots located on East 46th st. and all within 154 blocks from Hawthorne carllne. One 50x100 and two 50x75. All three go for $2100 cash, free and clear of all Incumbrance. Let us show you this snnD. J. A. HUBBELL, 1080 HAWTHORNE AVE, TABOR 8S92. 645x100 FEET, being blocks 3 and 4, Har lem, near Bertha, 600 feet soutn ol Dosch on 4th st. line; same distance from paved highway; Bull Run- water: fine building site; Just outside city lim its; dirt cheap at $3500; half cash or small auto taken in part. B 734, Ore gonian LAURELHURST LOT BARGAIN. SEE DELAHUNTY. THE LAURELHURST SPECIALIST. Come out today. Office on the grounds. East 30th and Glisan. Call Tabor 3433. Evenings. East 7738. YOUR REAL ESTATE BOND. Your bond should bs filed before you transact any real estate business. ANYTHING IN THE BONDING LINE SMITH -WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE BLPO. BEAUTIFULLY wooded lot near Jeffer son high and Peninsula park: 60x100: $500; $50 cash, $10 monthly; also 60x155 (large as two lots), $700: easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. UNRESTRICTED. Two dandy lots; 100x100; only $500; will divide. HARRY BECK WITH, Main 6R60. Realtor. 104 5th St. OWN YOUR HOME $1 DOWN. $1 week: big beautiful lots. $250 to $350; Alberta car: clQ.se to school. R. W. Carv, 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. Residence. M a in 1377. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at extremelv low prices. See J. A. Mc carty. 270 Vi Stark. Main 1700. Eve- nings. Tabor wj7. WE HAVE a beautiful lot on Grand ave., near Ainsworth, one block from Union ave. car, $630; terms $65 cash, $10 per month. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 O. of C. bldg. T urn TT-T TIT-T, CT 50x100, $850. all improvement paid. 1 block to R. C. car. JOHXSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. CORNER lots with all street improvements In and paid, 600 to $1200 each; inside lots in proportion; fine street car serv ice: in Westmoreland. For terms see Ladd Estate Co.. Realtors. 24S Stark st. GREAT BARGAINS Valuable 100x100. Belmont sr.. $3250: terms; worth $6000. Also 83x100, walking distance, 22d and E. Pine, $1450 cash; worth $4000. Phone East 6228. r CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. Choice corner 2 lots. Alberta district; no incumbrance: sacrifice. D 750. ORKGONIAN. FOR SALE Lots 23, 24. block 8, College Place. St. Johns. Paving in and paid for. Will sacrifice. Call Portland hotel phar macy EASTMORfiLAND lOrtxlflO ft., best part Eastmoreland: every thtnsr m and paid; S2000, terms. Rummell & Rummell. 274 Stark st. BEAUTIFUL LOTS CEMENT WALKS. $1 down. $1 week. Alberta oar. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Residence. Main 1377. $1 DOWN. 1 WEEK. $250" buys big beautiful lot: pitch tent: save rent. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. APARTMENT site. 100x106 ft.. 21st and Johnson sts. Price only $SO0O. reasona ble terms. Rummell & Rummell. 274 Stark pt. CHOICE lots in Rose City district, close to Sandy boulevard;- everything paid; $450; very easy terms. Tabor 153. 1835 Sandy Divo LOT ON East Glisan, near 42d St.. Lau relhurst addition, cheap for cash. Phone 324-13. ALAMEDA LOTS from $700 and up. Terms. Rummell & Rummell. 2i4 Stark st. n.KtaCl -A A A AJVA. $575. including street imp.; weH located. .tfcingMar. 2243. Mr. Pownder. ROSE CITY PARK A dandy lot. 50x100 ft., city improvements paid. $S00. Rum mell flc rtumrne-u. t ouiii ROSE CITY. N. E. corner 41st and Tilla . mook. $1100; next to corner. $800. Ta- bor p-i. CLOSE-IN west side business or apartment house site, ovxiv, "sai grove. A. M. Howell, Sell. 169. IRVINGTON lot, $(150. 13th St.. near SisKiyou; everyminB vva. Woooiawn ,oo. rw4.,. f50 IRVINGTON PARK Sidewalks and "curbs in and paid. Rummell & Riun- mell. 274 stara at. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. See J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark St . M.m 1700. Evenings. Tabor 5057. F1SE LOT in Griawold tract adjoining overioos; taive kvwva A""..- a. l niun: i) ua i ot- BEAUTIFUL WestoveT location, price right, make offer. Rummell & Rum- ROSE CITY, 50 ft. south Thompson, on 44th. west Going. $1050. Tabor 6441. FOR SALE 50x100 lot. Mallory and Rus sell sts.; terms lauor BY OWNER Alameda Park lots; cheap. K a a A - M O P -M . ACRE in city, o blocks to car, $S00; $50 down. $10 a month. AR 725. Oregonian. LAURELHURST lots, oOxlOO. oheao for cash. Phone 324-13. ' $2000 LAURELHURST LOT. $1200 cash. D 531, Oregonian. 1921 RITTER. LOWE CO.'S COLUMN OF LOT BARGAINS. Here they are specially picked from oono irincr mnHtlv owned by out- of-town clients who want to sacrifice for cash. Go out today and loon mem ovei then see us. The bargains are being snapped up. Better get busy. LAURELHURST. $ 852 Royal Court, fac N, 60 ft. E. of B. 41st. 1100 Floral, fac. W.. 200 ft. N. of B. Irving. , 1100 Hassalo. fac S-, 128 ft. W. of K. 39th. 1500 Hazelfern, fac S., 200 ft. B. of Imperial. 1500 E. Ash. fac S.. 200 ft E. of B. 41st. ; 1500 E. Ankney, fac S- 100 ft B. of E. 39th. 1850 E. Davis, fac. N., 350 ft. W. Of E. 3lth. U6&X100. 2000 s. W. cor. E. 41st and Hoyt A beautiful view lot. 2000 E. 33d, fac. W., 100 ft. N. Holla day. 50x140. 2350 N. W. cor. B. 4,2d and Glisan. 2 lots. 8000 S. W. corner Floral and B. Ever ett. 8300 so., ft 3700 Davis, fac. N.. 850 ft. W. of B. 39th, fac. np Laddington Court 133x100, or will sell 66x100 'or $1850. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $ 630 E. 17th. fac. a.. 100 ft N. of Failing. 600 s. E. cor. E. 16th and Shaver. Paved. 850 E.'16th N., fac W.. third lot N. of Failing st 700 Weidler. fac N.. 60 ft B. Of B. 2ftth N. 800 Hancock st. fac N 200 ft W. of E. 35th N. 1000 E. 27th N.. fac W.. 100 ft N. of Stanton. 1000 Hancock St., fac N 130 ft. B. Of K. SAth 1100 E. 30th N., fac W., 100 ft 8. of XABI1COCK St. 1100 E. 14th N.. fac W.. 100 ft N. Stanton 1200 E. 9th N., fac E., 150 ft S. of Siskiyou. 1200 E. 15th N., fac. E. 150 ft. N. of Stanton st. 1200 E. 22d N.. fac W.. 60 ft S. of Stanton. 1250 E. 18th fac W., 150 ft. N. of Klickitat 1250 E. 14th st. fac. W.. 250 ft N. 'of Thompson. 140 E. 21st N fac E.. 100 ft a of .... Siskiyou st 1400 E. 20th N.. fac E.. 100 ft N. . of Stanton st 1400 s E. corner E. 2Sth N. and Eugene. 1450 E. 20th. fac W.. 200 ft N. of Stanton. 1600 s. W. cor. E. 10th and Braiee. 1700 E. 24th. fac 50 ft N. of Knott. 1700 E. 17th N., fac E.. 150 ft N. of Siskiyou. 1700 E. 28th N...fac W.. bet. Eugene . and Thompson sts.. 50x195. 1750 E. 13th a. fac. W.. 150 ft S. of Knott at. 65x100. 2000 E. 17th N.. fac. E.. 175 ft N. of Klickitat. 73x100. 2000 Tillamook st.. fac. N.. 200 ft E. of E. 28th st. N.. 100x100. 2000 N. E. cor. E. 28th N. and Thompson sts., 63x193. 2100 S. W. cor. E, 14th and Stanton. 2500 s. E. cor. E. 9 th and Brazee. 100x100. 2500 N. W, cor. E. 7th and E. Broad- 2800 E." 19th N., fac. W., 75 feet S. of Brazee. 75x100. 2800 s. E. cor. E. 2Sth N. and Thomp son sts.. 75x193. 8500 N. E. cor. E. 14th N. and Stanton 100x100. 4250 S. E. cor. E. 19th and Thompson streets. 4000 N. E. cor. E. 12th and Thompson sta, 125x100. 6500 N. E. cor. E. 14th N. and Han cock, 100x100. 8500 E. 33d N fao. E., being S. W. cor. Thompson, about, 3 acres. ROSE CITY PARK. 350 N. W. cor. E. 75th and Falling. One blk. N. of Sandy 830 S. V. cor. E. 60th N. and Thomp son. 100x100. 450 E. 6th.r fac. W., 100 ft S of Beech. 600 Brazee. fac S.. 100 ft E. of S 02d N. 600 E. 53d N.. fac W.. 150 ft a of Kllckltar 600 E. 49th N.. fac E.. 200 ft N of Siskiyou. 650 E. 52d N.. fac E., 100 ft N. of C.A1JOU. 700 E. 79th. fac. W.. SO ft S of Sandy. 75x100. . . 750 N. E. cor. E. 66th and' Stanton i50 N. E. cor E. 6th and Stanton. nvxiuo. 800 E. 37th N.. fac E.. 150 ft R ot Stanton. . 800 B. 38th N., fac. W., 100 ft. 8. of stanton. 850 E. 49th. fac W.. 60 ft N Stanton. of 850 Uroadway. fac. N., 230 ft. W. of aim st. 850 E. 40th, fac E.. 100 ft N Knott. 800 Hancock, fac N.. 200 ft W E. 36th. 900 E. 40lh., fac W., 150 ft S. Klickitat of 1000 E. 40th N.. fac E.. 200 ft N. of Hancock. 1000 E. 39 th. fac E. 200 ft N. of oroanway. 1050 E. 45th N.. fac E.. about 69 ft S. of Wisteria. 1100 13. 52d a.. fac. E.. 150 ft. N. of SISKIYOU, 190X100. 1100 E. 40th N., fac. W. 100 ft N. of Brazee. 3(1x100. 1200 E. 40th N., fac. E., 100 ft. N. of 1250 N. E. cor. E. 48th N. and Han cock. 1500 N. W. cor. E. 72d and Sandy at Fremont 55x100. 2000 E. 3Xth N.. tsc. E.. 100 ft a of Tillamook. 100x100. 2300 N. E. cor. E. 37th and Tilla mook. 100x100. ALAMEDA. 750 Skldmore, fac N 60 ft E. of Glenn. 1000 S. E. cor. Glenn and Skldmore. 1100 B. 26th N.. fac E, 50 ft. N. of r romonc st. 1500 Hamblet fac S. 60 ft, E. of E 24th N. . 1700 N. B. cor. E. 22d. The Alameda. 2500 N. W. cor. E. 26th N. and Dunck- ley. 100x100. 8000 N. W. corner B. S3d N. and lunckley ave. 14 lots. KENTON. 150 Maryland ave., 235 feet S. of Bryant 450 Baldwin. 100 ft E. of Minnesota, fac. N. 600 Morgan, fac, a. 100 ft w. of Albina. 1000 Watts, fac. a. 330 ft B. of Der by. Paved. , HAWTHORNE. 850 E. 63d. fac W.. 145 ft N. of B. Sherman. 850 K. 53d. fac W.. . 140 ft N. of Division, 1300 S. W. cor. E. 24th and Caruthers. 1300 Glenn ave.. fac E.. about one block N. of Hawthorne ave. 1500 Ladds' Add.. Locust fac. E., 200 ft. N. of Hazel. 1500 Ladd's Add., Locust fac E., 200 Hazel, in Ladd's Add. 1650 Palm, fac. N.. 64 ft. E. of Mul berry. 64x80 with alley. 1000 E. 21st. fac W.. 60 ft N. of Market 1850 S. E. cor. Mulberry and Palm. 64x80. 2000 Elliott ave.. fac. N. W.. 115 ft N. E. of Central Park. 40x128. 2000 Hawthorne ave.. fac S.. 65 ft W. of B. 23d. 34x131. 2000 S. W. cor. B. 23d and E. Madison 2200 N. W. cor. E. 21st and E. Mar ket sts.. 55x100. 2500 Ladd ave., fac. E.. 32S ft S. of Hawthorne. 60x128. 500 S. E. cor. Mulberry and Palm its.. 80x128. MT. TABOR. 600 B. Alder st, fac N, 100 ft W. of B. 45th st 2050 h Yamhill st, near Mt Tabor Park. 7500 sq. ft 97aa n ide of E. Morrison st, begin ning abt 120 ft B. of ,65th st 100x100. Make offer. MONT AVI LLA. 200 B. 63d fac. E., 250 ft 8. f S0 E.as8th.'. fae. W 50 ft N. Halsey. 800 B. 73d N., fac. E.. 150 ft N. Of Halsey st 60x114. ."S E Irving, fac N., 100 ft B. of E. 70th st 400 E. Hoyt st, fac a, 100 ft E. of E. 67th N. 450 E. 70th N., fax. H., 228 ft N. of E. Glisan st BOO E. 80th., fac H., 250 ft N. of E. Burnside. B50 e. 85th st, fae. W., S00 ft N. ef B. Burnside. 100x100. 600 K. 71st, fao. W., 100 ft N. of Oregon. X000 S. W. cor. E.' 75th and Pacific 106x100. , RITTER, LOWE CO, Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Writs All Kinds of Insurance. PBNINSULaV, 250 Humboldt fac N., 100 ft B. of Concord. . 850 Bowdoin it, fac S. S3 1-8 ft B. of Hodge. , 400 Syracuse, fae. 8., 100 ft E. or Montelth. 430 Wvgant Just W. of Patton, fac. B. 650 Sumner, fac. N., ISO ft W. of Patton. 650 Portsmouth, fac W.. 150 ft S. of Cecelia. Paved. . 650 Alberta, fac. S., 400 ft W. of Denver st 678 Webster, fac S., 230 ft E. of Concord, 650 Webster, fac. S., 50 ft W. of Concord st 730 Atlantic, fae. B.. 150 ft S. Ains worth. Fine river view. 800 Portsmouth, fac. 8. B., 243 ft R of Houghton, running thence to Exeter t. 50x130. Paved.. 800 s. E. cor. Greeley and Pekum sts. 1200 Howdoin st, fac. S., 119 SU E. of Portsmouth ave. 100x100. 1200 N. W. cor. Curtis and Saratoga with alley. 100x109. WEST SIDE. 800 Corbett, fac. E.. 100 ft. N. of Custer. 3000 Cornell road. fac. N. B.. about 200 ft W. of Summit Court SELLWOOD. 625 E. 21st, fac. E., 200 ft. N. of Hybee. 750 EHstmoreland, B. 84th., fac K., 2K2 ft. S. of Bybee. 800 K. 32d., fac. K., 92 ft N. of Tolman. 1500 N. w. cor. E. ISth and Bybee. 1300 Mall. fac. N., 40 ft K. Of JS. 9th. 100v7S. 2000 Sp.okane ave., fac. N., 100 ft W. of K. 1.1th. 100x100. 8000 Grand ave.. fac. W.. bt. Beacon and Ifrooklyn. Two lots. Fine river view. ALBINA AND WOODLAWN. 800 B. 27th St. N., fac W., 800 ft. N. of Ainsworth. 500 Holland St., tic 8., 150 ft W. of Williams ave. 550 E. 25th st N., fac W., 160 ft. S of Wygant. 650 E. 15th st. N., fac. W.. 200 ft It. of Alberta. 600 S. K. cor. Grand and Ashley st. 600 E. 33d st. N, fac. E., 90 ft. S. of KillingHWorth ave. 100x100. 750 E. 29th st, fac. W., 120 ft. N. of Going st. 250 E. 3Mh st, fac. W., 100 ft 8.' of Going. 800 B. 23d st N fac. B., 100 ft N. of Liberty st. 350 N. V. cor. B. 23d and Emerson sts. .11x100. 875 B. 35th st. N., fac E. 100 ft S. of Prescott. 400 s. w. cor. E. 12th st. N. and Church sts. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Ws Write All Kinds of'lnsurance. 50x100 FEET. ON ALAMEDA DRIVE $300. Wilshlre addition, just opened, take Broadway car to Bryre ave., go east 4 bjks.. hundred choice locations, at low prices and terms. Branch office open every day until 8 P. M. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Csm. bldg. Main 2u8. 7724 square feet, E. 19th $ 4". Corner K. ISth .ion Corner E. 17th, block car 6"0 East 10th .""( Westmoreland, on car fcoo Westmoreland. 75x100 loil Alameda. 50x118 "'' Alameda, extra view 2''"( E. 26th. near Fremont 7"0 Irvinirton. on loth 1. Olmstead Park, on Dunckley 1 Olmstead Park, double view .. Piedmont, dandy 1 E. 39th, near Sandy 1 E. 18th, near Alberta Wiberff Heights, view J. C. CORBI.V CO., .103-6-7 Lewis B A. H, lUUrtKLI.-GlI.L CO. MORE LOTS AT RIGHT PRICKS. $830 30x1(10 on E. Morrison, near K. 42d St., only one block to csrllne. $850 50x100. E. 60th st. south of Stark. fine view : a snap. $830 30x120. near Interstate snd Kill- Ingsworth. Nice large lot. $800 33x100. Kerby. near Skldmore. nice district, hard-surface sts. $750 5(x10o. e. 63d st.. near the Alameda. Good and cheap. . A. H. BIRRELL-GU.I, CO. 216 y W. Bank Bldg. -V.tr. 4114 BIO PN'AP. OfK) ROSSMEliE LOT. 50x100 ft. en 41st St., between Thompson and Brasee. ail Im provements Included In price. See this, it is surely a snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office 40th and 6andy blvd. LOTS. Very choice Westover Terrace. Ala meda Park, Olmstead Park snd Rose City Park ranging In price acccordlng to location and beauty. For further particulars call Mrs. Snow, Bdwy. 4664. ALAMSDA PARK LOTS. We have a few bargains left. They range from $750 to $:h0 Insides and cor ners, all streets paid. If you have use for a lot In the near future, see us at once as there are onlv a few left. JOHXSO.V-POU.SO.V CO.. 6.13 N. W. Bank Bldg Main .17'7. THE BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND. N. W. corner of Grand and Prescott, 100x10(1. all Improvements in and paid. This $4500 property for $2500. J. C. CORB1N CO.. 305-H-7 Lewis bldg. LOT BARGAIN in beautiful Evergreen; 2 blocks from station. Oregon City line; near Pacific highway; 2imxinn for $"75; lOOxKM) for $4(5. Opposite $10,000 resi dence; high, trees and shrubs. Owner, no agents Sellwood 335fK WE A HE offering our sightly located lot In Council Crest park for S475. $3O0 down, balance. $10 per month! assess ments paid. Phone Sellwood 1414, after 6 P. M. FOR SALE 2 beautiful building lots In Berkeley addition for sale very cheap, or will trade. A. R. Eastman. Sllverton. Oregon IRVI.NGTON LOTS GREAT BARGAINS - MrxloO, 73x10(1, 10x1f. T. B. NEL7HAUEN CO.. REALTORS. 830 N. W. BANK. MAIN 807S. E. 394 BEST BUY IN TOWN. Beautiful garden, quarter acre all fenced, with big chicken-house: near St. Johns street car; $1Q.ru. Bdwy. 3196. 15 BUILDIN'1 LOTS In good dixtrict on 43d st. Seller's contracts. Liberty bonds. Second mortgage privileges to builders. J H. McMahon. 26"6 E. 43. T.-ihor 3.161. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAINS 1 lols. n,xr car line and Hamblet ave. Sell separately, one corner. East 894. Main 8078. LOTS, near boulevard. Hyde Park addi tion. Trade for automobile In good condition. Ford considered. Roadster or touring. Call Alllo. 622-74. GOOD corner lot. 50x100, on Woodstock Car line. cor. 41st ave. and 42d St.. fac ing Gladstone Phone owner. Columbia 591. Add. 696 Harvard st. IRVINGTON. One of the best Inside lots on 19th and Hancock sts. for sale by owner. Price J20O0. rnone r.ast i i. FULL-SIZE lot In Peninsula district near Willamette Diva., s-aju, easy terms. Mar. 49 $350 1 BI.K. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. KOvlOO ,AMiuin,nt, n.iH Ta bor 6559. LARGE vacant lot 52x104 feet on Salmon street, across from M. A. A. c. Owner, B. M. Clayton, ucth mm, vaan. CHEAP One or two lots on 67th st, lj blocks north of Sandy. By owner. A 7'9, Oregonian. AKCHEK PLACE. 50x100 lot. all uatd; S40(l. xour own wihw. vwncr, j aoor 2(176. K. c. JOxluu mi, nortn ot Alameda Drive, ail paiu, ijju. vwner, laoor 2076. LAURELHURST Beautiful 60x100 corner, 39th and Multnomah. Everything paid Owner. East 2.1.12. IN ROSE CITY, lot 50 by 100. 1 block from Sandy blvd. For quick sale. $040. Call Main 2995. BARGAIN Two lots, 114 feet on Sandy boulevard: lou leer, on e,. ojin St.. N., $13iin. Owner: no agents. Sell. 3330 ALAMEDA Large odd-snape corner, 1 hilt car. Phone 320-16 37TH AND Tillamook. 50x101. ssaH frost: 11 paia: sumo. lautjr .no. u ACRE at K. S2d and Mill sua, A for cash. Call Main 7621. LARGE lot for sale If sold at once. W 744, uregonian. 108x100; FINE orchard in Woodiawn; ripe c herrles; $700. Phone Bdwy. 393. FOR SALE Lot In Vancouver, S blocks from car line; iov. r id-j, wregonian. LOTS FOR SALE, cheap. E. E. Crump. ston. Sellwood 8033. 2 LOTS, near car line, one corner lot witb fruit tree. Woodlawn 1216. BUILDERS. INVESTORS! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE! Wonderful lot bargains. The lowest prices ever recor-lvd In the entire history of Portland. Choice residence and busi ness lols. ROSE CITY PARK. $1100 SOxllKi. N. E. corner of E. 49tn and ll.ilsey sts. t 80030x100 on the rajt side of E. 47t(l street, 25 feet south of ltroadway, hard-surfaced, f 800 .MUKKI on West side of E. 45th, 2(o feet north of titanton, haid- urf.iccd. I 600 5(1x111(1 in the east side of East 0l,t, 130 foot north of Brazes, f 478 SDxK'O on the eaat side of E. Slat st . Km :t. north of fciekiyou. f 450 1'KlxKKI on the west sl.le of F."t 7:11 st., 130 feel south of bkid- nmrc. BEAUTIFUL ALA M EPA. $1200 5(ixl(Hl on the north side of Punk. ley ave., 153 feet south of Re gent's drlvr ALAMEDA PARK. $1150 38i-ixlit( oi; south side of Bryce ave.. 5(1 ft. east of 2'lth st. Hi PI.I.ADA V IKVINGTi N. $1000 50x1(1(1 on the south side of Siski you. 1(10 feet east of L. 33d it. $1800 3(1x10(1. N. K. cor.ler of L. 3lt and Broadwuy, bard - surfaced. Terms. t 00O .Vixluo on north side of Schuyler St., lllll feet WOt Of 31st St, paved st . r.i Id. LAI HEI.ll lfiST. $1300 30x1(10 on the nnrth side of Ft Davia st.. 13(1 feet west of E. 39th. central E. Portland. $1200 ."MlxKMI in the northwest corner of K. 2(h st. and Oregon, Im provement pflld PUNNYSlllE liA WTHORNE $1050 ."iiixliKi on the south nic of Fast Stephen. S'., 1(1(1 feet West Of E. 34th st.. hard-suifai -d. $1000 IlixKIU on thel north side of F. Main st.. Kill feet west of E. 3Utk . St., paved t!rol $ 850 12x1(1(1 on tne southwest rorner of E. 3Mh st. and Sherman St., paved. $ 630 15x67 on the north side of Mixlrr St.. 15U feet east of il'.'th. $ 7j0 4;tx7ll, sou(hrai.t corner of E 41st snd Taylor sts.. hard-surfaced. sewer in snd pd This Is a snap. AI.BEHTA! ALBERTA! LuTS! $ SOD Kliixluil, southeast corner E. 231 and Ainsworth ave. $ 530 5oxluo on tho southeast rorner of E. 34th and killlnK.worth. . ALllEH I A. $ 550 10x100 on west side of 82d st, ... "'" " ""r'h of Brainard st. 475 3(1x1011 on the southwest corner of E. loth and Killingsworth, easy terms. $75 3(1x1(11) on the south side of KI1- llngHwor'.h, 30 feet east of E. 1 Hh. $ 330 5(1x100 on west side of K. .Lid, . '''ot north of Ainsworlh ave. $ 2o0 .1(1x100 on the west si, I., of East 2.,lh St., 230 feet aoulh ot Ains- w-orth ave. Mount scott district. $ JoO 5(1x100 on the east si Ic of 50th it, 150 feet south of 43ih ave. RICHMOND. 800 50x90. south, ast cor. 21th and . Woodward ave. Hard-surf-ice. 700 3(1x911 on rn side of 2(lth st . 50 ft. south of Woodward ave. Hard surface. oor)I-AWN'. $ 250 30x100 on n. side of Morgan st , . ft- nr IS'h t. $ 700 I.-X97 on the west side of K. 27th, 4 feet north of Woodward ivt paved st., sewer In and paid. . PENINSULA! READ TH Is: $ 600 5(1x100 on west side of rtoton sve., 120 ft. north of Tortland bouleva rl. $ 600 SiixIihi on the west aide of Wllhur St., fin fel north of Portland boulevard. 0O 66 2-3x1(1(1 on the north side of Amhurst St.. 100 feet west of Van Houten st. For above and hundreds of splendid see J, Logle Richardson, the Lot MAX with FRANK I,. McCI'IRE. .., T" Buy Your Lot. Arlington Bldg. M-ln 10M. .... 'AniiiA in every nart or th. 160x116 FEET. '.(73. $15 MONTH. $9 7 50 down. Wilshlre. 1os east of Alameda Park, on Shaver st.. corry-r; all cleared but few fir trees; good garden soil: this new tract JuM opened ; all slse tracts. Branch ofilce open every day until 8 P. M. Take Hroads car to Bryce ave.. go at 4 lilka. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Chamoer of Commarca Bide. Main 201. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. CHOICE VIEW LOTS. $30 UP. Only 8 blocks south of Hawthorne ave, on E 2ilth and E. 27th sta, be tween Stephens and Harrison sts.; choice view lots In this beautiful close-In re. trlcted district (restricted for 23 years) for one-half their real value; prices $s;,o to $ltMl. on terms of no per cent cash, balance tasy monthly payments; s-w. era, sidewalks, curbs and water included In price; 6 tier cent discount for cash, JlENDKllSt i.N -HANK US CO.. HKALTuliS. 828 Henry r.ldg. Hroadway 4754 .NOTICE Til SI'IMTI.ATOHS AND I VV KSTdll-l TOt'R ori'liliTl.NITr TO make sorne easy money without laklns; anv chances JUST THINK OF IT. Peslltlful lot near l.nitrelhursf Park for limn; another for $IJMt; Ihla Is just like hndlng money. Fur bargains in r.ArrtFn hurst LOIS SKB I'KHIIUNTV at office on (he property, K. 30th and Gllean. Come out toilay; open evenings. 1'hone Tlmr a i;i a for auto. COME tiLT TODAY. Take Irvington ear to E. I6th and Freemont at me hlg sign and select that lot for your future home. I f.'.O to I,) for Inside, $lo,0 to $1,100 for oorners; $100 cash, $10 a month. All improve ments paid, all conveniences. Only a few left, bee the new homes under coa atructlon. JOHNSOV-nODSON CO., C3 V. W. Hank Bids Main .17T w-ACRPl TRACTS. $600 ON TKRVS. ON THE PENINSULA. Clear snd In cultivation with arl elty utilities; greatest bargains ever offered la city property. BUILD YOrRSBI.F A HOME. COB A- McKF.NNA CO., Realtors. 82 FOURTH ST. $100 DOWN. $25 PER MONTH. Acre lots (over KV4 city lots) between Irvington Park and Columbia blvd. Al berta ear to 30th and Ainsworth. thence 2 blocks north J. O. Klrod. owner 23 Stark at (2d floor Gordon bldg ), Broad way 1188. IRVING-TON- DISTRICT. 32x1. V). $100 down, $10 a month. Tries $1250. with all Improvements paid. Faclns on Freemont near K. I.ith, one-half block to oar. 4 blocks from school, 6 blocks to new City park. JUHNSON'-DODSOV ro, 6.13 V. W Hank Bl.lg Main 87T. Kill! SALK CHEVP. Very choice !nt 73 ft. frontage by 100 ft. deep, In center of LaurJehurst; over looking park. Fine view of mountain. For particulars cull or address J. C. MCCARTHY. 270'.. Stark St Phone Main 1700. Nights snd Sunday. T-ibor 503T, UAWTHOK.NL car, half ACKli. tuu. Four lots, or half acre, loeatei 8 hlks south of Division st., near E. 6iat st , 1 block to Hawthorne car.; price $800 cash. HENPERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 H-nry Bldg Broadway 4TM S(ix2lo 4S.-.0. rnnt own tkiims. On E. 8oth st. and 4ls.t av. N re strictions; have a garden; keep eow and chickens. jOHNsox-noreov ro., em N. W. Bunk BUI Main 377. LOT 30x139. PARK S1DK Last available level park frontage on Arlington HelArhta. 2 new homes to be erected adjoining this property this sum mer; worth double smount ssked. Ad- dress C 749, Oregonian. Tabor 7604 OWNER will sell cheap, lots 10, 12snd 14. block 4, Richmond addition; high, dry and level, all modern Improvements, large fruit and walnut treea. Look at lots and make offer. Charlie Knapp, Grand Ronde. Or. SACRIFICE PRKE I1SO0 FACTORY WARKHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert Candy fac tory on O.-W. R. .N. tracks. Holladar avenue, near E. 24la. Mr. Carsy. Mala 74S7. A REAL sacrifice. 2 corner lota 60x100 each st 65th snd 66th snd Tillamook, near school and Rosa City Park rarltna. Fine view of Mt Hood. $330 each, on terms. Wm. W. Kl;worth. owner. 14ul St. Pnul ave., Tnenm-i, Y ash. LOTS NEAR Reed college and golf links With every improvem-i.i inn natural B'l- vantage st an average pries of about $S00. Terms. May wa show you Kaat moreland? Ladd Estate Co., Rsalters, 246 Stark St. i tw-itvv ti xvv.Ktc 60x100; cement walks: Alberta rsr: eloss to school; better pitch tent than par rent R. W Cary. 1211 N. W. Bank bids, slain 1043. 4