6 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTT.AXD, JUNE 12, 1921 SEVEN AMERICANS IN RUSSIAN PRISONS Food Furnished by Soviets In sufficient to Sustain Life. PLIGHT GROWING WORSE Captain Marion C. Cooper of Jack sonville, Fla-, 'Who Succeeds in Escaping, Tells of Starvation. "WARSAW. (By the Associated Press.) The plight of seven Ameri cans, one of them a woman, held by the bolsheviki In .prisons on various charges, is worse today than at any time since they were taken into cus tody, in the opinion of Captain Merion C Cooper of Jacksonville. Fla., who escaped recently from one of the camps near Moscow. Captain Cooper at the time of his capture was com mander of the Kosciuszko air squad .. ron of the Polish army. Life in a bolshevik camp Is a mat ter of physical endurance as to the length of time one is able to hold out if compelled to live upon the food furnished by. the Soviets, Captain Cooper said. All of the Americans would have died long ago. Cooper be lieves, if it hadn't been for outside aid from time to time. Captain Cooper said he was on the verge of starvation several times, members of a British railway mis sion who were also prisoners coming to his rescue with food in one in stance and, on other' occasions, eat ables having been sent him by for eign welfare organizations. Food Hation Meaiser and Poor. The food ration of the average camp follows: Morning Imitation coffee, half pound black bread, spoonful sugar. Noon Two spoonfuls cooked mush made of cereal resembling birdseed Night Cup of hot soup. A small amount of potatoes and a piece of meat usually not larger than an egg, were served on an average of about twice a month. The black bread, according to Cooper, who, as an aviator with the First American army, was captured by the Germans during the St. Mihlel drive, is far worse than the bread served by the Germans even during the last few weeks of the war. Mrs. Marguerite E. Harrison of Baltimore, a writer, arrested nearly two years ago. is in the prison where foreigners under investigation by the extraordinary commission are held. Conditions in this place are said by the prisoners to be the worst of any prison in all Russia. Estey (unidentified) and William Flick, moving-picture operators, were in the same prison near VMoscow where Mrs. Harrison is confined. Soldier In Prison Hospital. Thomas Hazelwood of San Fran cisc, a United States soldier cap tured in Siberia, was In a prison hoe pitaL Hazelwood has never been sentenced, as - he has been under medical treatment most of the time for frequent attacks of Illness. X. P. Kalemantiano, a graduate of the University of Chicago, accused of being a spy,, has been held nearly three years, most of this time having been in solitary confinement. Origi nally, Kalemantiano was sentenced to be shot. Cooper heard, but later this was commuted to 20 years' im prisonment and at last accounts the sentence has been reduced to five years. Kalemantiano claims that he went to Russia strictly in connection with business. Another American held by the bol sheviki is Royal C. Keely, a oivil en gineer, arrested early last year afte uc nan cumpieiea an industrial sur vey or Kussia for the soviet govern ment. According to various persons who have come from Rnssia during the last year Keely was imprisoned because he aroused the wrath of the Soviets by writing the "plain truth in ms reports, annougn they were submitted to no one excepting soviet authorities. Recent reports said Keely had been sentenced to two years- imprisonment. Red Cross Man Arrested. The last American to bo arrested was tmraeu nupatrick of Vnlontown, Fa., taken last fall in the Crimea wnere ne Bad gone as an American Red Cross worker. Kiipatrick is ac cused of being a military observer for me united States government Kil Patrick and Cooper were prisoners to gether three months. Kiipatrick con tenas ne has never had a trial and mat no nas Deen denied the privilege of outside assistance. -Kiipatrick told me that lie was rosacea in Humanitarian work in the Crimea as an official of the American Red Crosa and that h ear: ried an American passport giving him the right to travel in the capacity of a welfare worker," Captain Cooper "He said he fert that death would come within the next few months if compelled to exist upon the ration issued by- the soviet authorities. So far as I know none of the Americans was receiving outside aid at the time i last neara or mem, and the condi lion or eacn. judging from what I neara rrom time to time, was most pitiful. "Kiipatrick wi in poor condition when I saw him last, though still keeping up his nerve, and he felt thoroughly confident that the Amer ican government and the American Red Cross would do all possible in his behalf. "I was in the same hospital with Hazelwood for a time and he told me several time8 that lje had been force to sign many papers, all writ ten in Russian, which had not even been translated to him." Cooper was charged with being a counter-revolutionist and was a pris oner nine months. He escaped from Moscow to Riga, traveling most of the distance on foot. "PRINCE OF LEEDS" TITLE Son of Princess Anastasla Warmly Welcomed In Greece. ATHEXa The Greek newspapers found much diversion in -the arrival here by airplane of young William B. Leeds, son of Princess Anastasia. They are calling the youth, who it soon to marry Princess Xenia, the 17-year-old daughter of Kins: Con stantine's sister Marie, "Sir William Leeds." and it has been suggested that the king- may confer a dukedom on him in return for the fortune he may Inherit. References are being made to him in the newspapers as "the duke of Piraeus" and "the prince of Leeds." We hope," says a humorous writer in the Athena, "that the young prince will dispose of his millions as charit ably as his mother. It is a wonder ful thing to be a prince or a duke, but It is better to be a millionaire. Let us hope that the national assem bly, with Its usual liberal opinions, will vote a bill by which Mr. Leeds will become an official prince of Greece, but only on condtion that he gives us all his money." TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WE GIV'E a loner price with prompt serv- ice on line platinum wora or anymins; in gold Jewelry because we have our own factory right on the premises. DAVIDS. JEWELERS & OPTICIANS. 343 WASHINGTON ST. AT BROADWAY MEETING NOTICES. DANCE TOR PUBLIC. Everyone invited to the dance of your lifetime given by the live wire council. Anchor Council. No. 741, Security Benefit association. Tuesday night. June 14. W. O. W. hall. l'S 11th St. Did yon see that snappy drill team In the' flo ral parade and those pretty girls) In red dresses carrying the anchor ot roses that won Hrst prize? Well, that Is the bunch that Hives this dance. Every dance is a prize winner; that is the reason we have the largest crowds' and best times ot any fraternal socletv of its kind in th citv. Admission 35 cents. EUREKA COUNCIL. NO. CCH. SECL-RITT BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Regular Tieetlng Monday evening. lune 13. East Side w. u ,V. hall East lh and Alder. Beautiful tableaux. with big clas initiation. Cap tain Fisher, chairman of June entertainment com mittee, has prepared splendid treat for pleasure of members after council meeting. Dont miss it or you'll be sorry. Captain Kisher has some good stunts up his sleeve for the rest of the month's entertainment. so be on the lookout for them. M. L. JOHNSON. Sec. K1KKPATRICK COUN CIL. NO. 3-.-J7. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Business meeting Fri day night, followed -by special programme, large class initiation. Members are requested te make a special effort to get one ,nHirlafe mnA .1 n nnnr The race Is on. Captain Warner's elephant Is still leading; ste the fun. Our splen did degree team and beautiful initiatory services. Remember we insure the whole family from 1 to io years of age. Choice of eight policies. WASHINGTON COMMAS DEKY, NO. 13. K. T. A spe cial conclave will be held Tuesday evening. June 13. at 7 o'clock sharp. The Order of the Red Cross will be conferred. Candi dates please report at 7 oclock sharp. So journing Sir Knights cordially Invited. G. P. EISMAN. Recorder, MASONIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Employers needing help of any description telephone Bdwy. 3238. Only Masonic helo furnished from this of fice. No charge to employer or employe. N H Atchloon Mgr.. Masonic headquar ters. Multnomah hotel. DANCING At Moose hatl every Tues day. Thursday and Saturday evening. Plenty of fana Cool hall. Butterfield-SonU-Prast Moose orchestra. PO R TTjA X D TEXT. -VO, 1 Regular review Thurs day evening. June lo. Iiaccabee hall. Wash lngton st. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. TYSON K.IXSUL.L.. R. K, danci.no At Moose hall every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday evening. Plenty ot tana. Cool hall. Butterfield songsi Prasp s Moose orchestra. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: You are all Invited to go on a river excursion give by the Women of Moogeheart Legion on the boat Swan on Sunday, June IU. Boat leaves foot of Yamhill st. at !l:30 A. M. returns 7:30 P. -M. Dancing all day long. Tickets II. including war tax and dancln privilege. Come with us and have a good time. BETTER babies' day will be held at St. Johns library Wednesday. June 13. 1U A. M.. under the auspices of th Visiting Nurse association. Dr. C. W, Moore, medical director of Child's Wei fare society will conduct the clinic. Come and brlngyour baby. IVAXBOE .HOMESTEAD B. A. T. Regular business meeting Wednesday, June 15. at W. O. W. Hall. Tenth and Taylor streets. 8:00 o clock sharp. PEARL OWENS. Broadway 2747. Correspondent. OREOOS ASSEMBLY". NO, 1. lITED ARTISAN'S, will e-lve card nartv and dance Thursday evening. June in. at v. t. w. hall. 12JS 11th st. Tnion music: good floor committee. Admission cents. e-veryttoaj invited. E. E. VAN AL.ST1.MS. Bee. ROYAL CIRCLE, NO. 529. W. OP W. 500 party given Wednesday eve.. June lo, W. O. W- hull. 128 11th st. X good prizes. Come and bring your friends. MAKUArtKI V Jl.it 1 11 CI -W It ROYAL NEIGHBORS OP AMERICA. Marguerite Camp, No. 1440, meets every Tuesday evening. 114 Grand ave.. East Side Business Men s clubrooms. NELLIE CHL.PAN. Recorder. Lodge emblems and jewels; school pins and rines. frat iewelrv made to order In our own factory right on the premises una a large stock carried constantly on hand. You 11 be glad you came. DAVIDS, Jeweler and Opticians, 94S Washington St.. at Broadway. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new designa Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 Sixth st- FRIEDLANDER'S for lodgs emblems. class pins and medals SIO Washington st. DIED. ' WELCH In this city! 334 Adams street June 10. George W. Welch, aged 50 veara Remains are at the funeral par lors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. 5S02-U4 92d street S. E.. in Lenta CLINTON In this city. June 9. William Clinton, aged 35 years. Remains are at the tuners! parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co: GN02-04 82d street S. E.. in Lenta SUNDIN In this city. .Tune . Otto Sun- din, aged 35 years The remains are at funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy sr Co., 0H02-01 vd st. B. h., in Lenta PEARSON In this city. June 11, Oust ave Pearson, late of St. Helens. Or. The re mains are at Pinley's mortuary, Mont gomery at otn. FUNERAL NOTICES. SAMPLE In this city. June 40. Prea M aged 27 years, late of Umatilla. Or. husband of Muriel Sample, father of Maurics Joe of Umatilla. Or., son of Mr. and Mrs J. O. Sample, brother of Mra C. F. Murdsck of this city and Mrs. V. A. Nelson of Hubbard. Or. The funeral services will be held Monday, June 13, at 11 A. M., at Pinley's mor tuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends In vited. Concluding service at Riverview cemetery. EVANS At the residence of her brother. Oscar B. Lent, 9817 5th avenue S. E . June 10, Rosa A Evans, aged 52 years, beloved wife of Phillip T. Evans. The funeral service will be conducted Mon day. June 13. at 10:80 A. II.. In the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy sV Co., 5H02-04 U2d st. S. E.. In Lents. Friends Invited to attend. Interment Multnomah cemetery. OLSON In this city. June 9. 1021. Gustav Olson, aged; es years, late of St. Paul, Minn1, beloved uncle of John. William, Gust. Aaron. Cebbe and Charles Dudeen and Mrs. Werner Peterson. Funeral ser vices will be conducted Monday. June 13, at 3 P. M., from Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell st. at Union ave. Friends Invited. Interment at Rose City Park cemetery. HANSEN June 11. at the family resi dence uw r-rescott st., feter H.. aged 57 years, husband of Signs Hansen, father of John and Henry Hansen. Mrs J. F. Dickey and Mra H. A. Tymer of Portland. The funeral services will be held Monday, June 13, at 2:30 P. M.. at Flnley's mortuary, Montgomery at 3th. Friends invited. Concluding service at Mount Scott cemetery. EBELING In this city, June 10. Anna atbeiinr, agea years, mother of Louis and George Ebeling and Mra Augusta Kiesendahl of Portland. The funeral ser vices will be held Monday, June 13. at 1 P. M., at Flnley's mortuary. Mont gomery at Sth. Friends invited. Con cluding services at Portland crema torium. HALEY At the residence, 1604 Woolsey sc.. Thurs., June , Ella, aged 87 years, wife of Howard Haley, mother of Frank i R. of Oakland, CaL Funeral services will ' De nets at iu:ou a. m. .Monday. June 13, at the residence. Interment in Riverview cemetery. The body Is at the parlors ot Liianiucrs vo. until u A. .1. Jtoitday. TRONGUE Funeral services of the late August James Trongue will be held Mon day. June 13. at the graveside at Os wego cemetery at 4 P. M. Remains will be at funeral parlors of A. D. Ken wort ny & Co., 5802-04 U2d street S. E.. in Lenta, anui .oi tr. .u. - MARTIN In this city. Marie F. Martin, aged 40 years, beloved wife of Roy P. Martin. Funeral services will be held at the Portland crematorium Monday, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Remains at P. L. Lerts' funeral parlors. East llth and Clay sts. ROACH Faneral services of the late Mary Crawford Roach, aged 64. will be held Tuesday. June 14. at 2:30 P. M.. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy A Co., 5802-04 02d st.. S. E.. in Lenta Friends invited. Interment Mount1 Scott cemetery. sV- Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed .may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R BLACK, nubile accountant - auditor. Income tag service. Concord T blds., -d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ATTORNEYS. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lie 34 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ARMY GOODS. U. S. ARMY GOODS for sale, wholesale and retail; prices reduced. H. Horen- stein, 250 id st. or 204 1st st. Main i5i3. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver, platinum bought. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S baths, Portland; steam, showers, plunges, tubs, all lor 33c; tell your friends. Fourth and Washington. CHIROPRACTIC steam baths and mas sages, loth floor Brcadway bldg. Mar- shall 31S7. Dr. Laura K. Downing. BUILDING MATERIALS. COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD. Can't buckle, needs no battens; Oregon made. OHSFELDT, 143 First st. CARPET SWEKPERS. AUTHORIZED Blssell carpet sweeper re pairman. All parts lurnlsnea. mi Mor rison. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE 1RW1.N-HOUSON COM I' AN Y, 387 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1234. CHIROPRACTIC. DR. McMAHON'S chiropractic speaks for Itself. Portland, 12th year. Phones. CHI ROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Eatelle and Florello and De- wane De Veny, the only scientific chi- opodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder sts. Phone Main 1301. FEET HURT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg., Sth and Washington. Main 1U3L DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8782. CLEANERS AND PRESSERS. REGAL CLEANERS t1vldattErs Cleaning and dyeing a specialty. V1J North Sixth Pt., Portland, Or. COLLECTION'S. NETH &. CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1706. No collections,, no charges. Estab. li00. CONTRACTORS AND BCILWKRS. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. House construction and general jobbing. we j-arK st. Phone Mam 3u::. W. F. HART, designer and builder of at tractive homes. Plans drafted, estimates given. Phone Tabor 8250. Residence, Ml Kast soth North. A-l BUILDING CONTRACTOR HOMES. JOBBfNG. WOODLAWN 6019. DANCING. MISS DOROTHY RASMl'SSEN Ballroom and stage dancing. S10 Eilers bldg., . Washington, bet. 4th and 5th. Main U23. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS. Boof Protected rrtosn Lcaks-ov s. s't . s0 E5C PERT A .Vi STATION Alt Y ENGINEER. IV. d j.jo JOHN B. GASK1LL. stationary engineer, ;'?.''.r"'d 'r and Sprmeo runs. experienced with electricity and sprin- 1445 falwan. I'hone Tabor 6987. kling systems. Phone Woodlawn 3777. DKNTISTKY. , TKAPE.WARKb. OHBUON TKAUEiiAKK BUREAU, 601 nn n " r UDlpUT Liekum bids- U. S., foreign trademarks Uni Di Li nnlUnl transfer and storage. corT;! OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Automalle 2119. D RAVAGE? AND STORAUB. uFNTInTkY DR-A. W. KKENE. 331V4 Motor and IJorse Equipment. ULIlllullll Washington, street Without Furniture Moving and Packing. pain. lAtest nerve-blncking- system - Baesasei HaT?" "r?,B"Vx,p j'" PHONE BDWY. 3309 HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable . and satisfactory. Royal Hat Wks . 2"3 1st "EN'C.IN'KK.KS AND Mill ll'PPIl.-i- SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Tr- s'PPLIhS. Packing Moving Storage. THE PKEHLESS PACIFIC CO., Money loaned on goods In storase. M-70-73 FRONT ST. 33 Fourth st., rrppr. Multnomah Hotel. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Phone Broadway 371fi. . gMOTORSREWOUND Rpa?red 7" IS!5 TjiLj BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE DTjPLEX EXPRESS. NICHOLAS ELECTRIC WORKS. ' Furniture Movtnc a Specialty. Phons 621-27. 226 Main St. l!th and Yamhill. Main 3.M6. Yfczt. H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO.. OREIION TRANSFER CO., r!!C'S 1 ' Portland, Or. Re. 474 Glisan Street. V0C"V1 winding and electric repairing FIVE WAREHOUSES. JV'tr' Si a specialty. New or used mo- 6TORAOE. CARTAGE. ftJSl tors. Broadway 104S, A 104ft PHONE BROADWAY 1281. - ' 30 DAYS' free storage; furniture moving IRON WORKS. trucks $2 per nr. and up. Open evenings - pHOKIX ,HON WORKS, and Sundays. Call Broadway 1207.. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boiler. r. i r,iti..itir. makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of- ROSB CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAI flee end works. Hawthorns ave. aad Eaat Tth and Grant Sts. Both phones. East Third st Day and night Bervice; 3 veterinarians. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERS' AND MILL SI PPLIKS. ROPE AND BINDER TW INE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-SB-7-9 Front. Portland Cordage Co., Mlh and Northrup. HTS AND CAPS I'LDIBKRS' Sl'I'PLIES AND PIPE. u ...-t.p u.. . ' ' T THE PEKRLKSS PACIFIC CO., INC., THANHAl'SKR HAT CO., 53-fl. Front St. 08-70-72 FRONT ST , RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. THE M. L. KLfNE CO.. 84-8H-S7-SD Front. HIKES, WOO I. AND CASCARA BARK. PRODCCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KAHN BROTHERS. liiS Front at. EVERDING & FARRELL, 140 Front St. " FUNERAL NOCTCES. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. WILSON The funeral services of the late FINI.RY'S MORTUARY Franh D. Wilson will be held Monday. J i'lUIVlUAIVl June 19, at 2:30 P. M.. at the chapel of MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAtN 9. Miller Tracey. under the auspices of Pb'CUCe UNDERTAKING CO the K. of P. lodg.. Interment River- OrvElYCOTMrd snd Cay. Main 4152 v .w erne ery. BREEZE & SNOOK ltr FUNERAL CARS. A D 7F1 1 FR Pfl 5s,:: Williams Ave. LIMOUSINKS for funeral service. JONES ' -LkLLI1 VV Phone East 1088. AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 11. : FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FLORISTS. VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Phone Sellwood SOT Portland Crematorium. EAST FOURTEENTH AND HVJUKK Ask tar Booklet TOMBS Slnrle or in Family Sections. Handsomely arranged. Built Co endure. Permanent csrs. Cot no more in RIVERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Ws have Mausoleums In a I principal cities in state, they contain th only sanitary tombs in Oregon. PORTLAND 'MAUSOLEUM CO. 638 Pittock Block. Phone Bdwy. 3JSL MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Isa Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st M., west aide. Lady assistant. Main SoUl. Auto. 578-85. HOLM AN & SON (Walter J. Holman.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and, Everett sts. Phone Bloadway 2133. Auto. 321-33. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (P. S. DUNNING. INC.) The family sets the price." 414 E. ALDER Phone East 5200. 225-23. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnoman St.. Irvington Dist. East 54. LERCH. UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 8M 2A St, 1BUL - Aula. U8-21. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. K. T. WEBB, MILWAUK1E. OR. MUSIC TEACHERS. OREGON Conservatory (school) ot Musia 2d floor Kussel bids- (over the "Lion"). ' entrance lUi'ii 4th St.. cor, of Morrison. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2333. 148 13th st. OPTOMETRISTS. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED . with modern Instruments, glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed; out of the high-rent district, no overhead exp. A. E. HL'KWITZ. Optometrist, 223 1st st PAINTING AND KALSOMLNING. C. R. NELSON A CO., PAINTING AND KALSOMINLNG. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. ROOF PAINTING AND REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONE SELL WOOD 1UU3. PAINTING and kalsomlning and roof re pairing at moderate prices; work guar anteed. Phone East 403. PAINTING. ,C. H. TERR1LL. house and sign painter. -papering, Linimg. 4Q, J,. a,tn. lap, -m t, PA1XTS. WALL PAPER, ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. 230 SEffOND ST. UHL BROS.- INC. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over period of 74 years. - All communici tlon strictly confidential ; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. WUNN & CO., Ho ban bldg., 5S4 Alarhet st., San Francisco; Chicago Office, Kdoro 81U Tower bldg.; Washington Office. Room 103, Ki3 First; New York Office. Woolworth bldg. PATENTS Send sketch or moae. for pre liminary examination. Booklet free Highest references, best result: prompt D as assured. Watson E. Coleman. Pt ent Lawyer. 624 F St.. Washington. D, C. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PliVSICIANS. DR. R. A PHILUUJS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, akin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonstla, moles, birth marks. PLl'MHINO BtPPLIKS. MBI.N'U supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 18S 4th st. Main 71)7. PRINTERS. PRINTING F- w- BALTEtS & COMPAXf I lllll I UVJ First and Oak. Main 165. 511-63. ROOF -PAINTING AND REPAIRING. ROOFS repaired and painted; gutters cleaned. Roof -Security. Inc. mfg. WEBFOOT PAINT: references given. 226 Board of Trade bldg. Main 571. Main 5044. SCALP AND FACIAL TRKATMKNT. SCALP AND FACIAL SPECIALIST Baldness, diseases of the sea Id hair successfully-treated; face massages facial imperfections scientifically cor rected. DR. EVELYN H. TREIXIES. Suite 4U0 Morgan Bldg. Main 4484. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINES We have the lamest stock ot used macmnes In the clty From 110 to (12 50. We rant 1 MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St. Main 269 Largest rose growers tn the - Northwest. Flowers for all occasions .' artistically arranged. .Personal attention given wedding, reception, tea and table decorations. Floral tributes promptly attenaea to. SWETLAMVS FLOWER SHOP. Morrison 8t., bet 3d and 4th Tel. Main 419. Smiths Flower Stop Portland's Droffresalve fioHat- " xv ctaitze in funeral designa 141 Sixth. "i"""'" tfiaici at. j i now, s. jnain And Floral Designa nmnousea No Branch Stores. 25 years on Morrison street, bet. 4th and otn. Alain 7TUU NOB HILL FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred BurkhardL) N. E. cor. 23d and Glisan. Main 1359. PFflP! FLORAL SHOP ItUI Ltu 245 Alder. Marshall 5022 TONSKTH FLORAL CO.. 2S7 Waahineton sr., oet. 4tn ana otn. wain oiuz. a. not MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS (W 4th st op p. Oty Hall. NEP BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QUALITY MEMORIALS E-Trl!RP sVWNE STS. PHONE E.743 RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Daily or Sunday. One tlm lie pr ITd bame advt. two consec utive time tSe per line Same ad vt. 3 conseca- live time .SOe per line Same advt. 6 or 7 con secutive times 63c per line One tnontb $2.fru st iiae (Six moiitlia. . .$2.25 a line per moath (Change of copy allowed monthly.) The above rate appliea to adver tisements under all ciaetdftcutlon excepting ''Situations Wanted- jUale" aud "Situations Wanted Female' which fat tte per lino for each insertion. IS' ad taken for less than two Hnes. Count five average words to the line. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "Situations Want ed") will be taken over the tele phone If the advertiser Is a sub scriber to either phone. The Oregon ian will receive copy . by mall provided sufficient remit tance for definite number of fcxtues Is sent. Acknowledgment will be forwarded promptly. o prices will be quoted over th phone, but statements will be ren dered the following day. Adver tisements arj taken for The Daily Oregonian until 7 :30 P. M ; for The Sunday Oregonian antU CP, M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates I1 cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 37K from ( A. M to i P. M. The society has full charfte of the city pj'jnd at its home. 635 Columbia bou levard. Pbone any time. Woqdlawo 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up NEW TODAY. UTAIU1BBO 1812, ON TUESDAY NEXT WR SHALL SK.LL FOR MRS. BIRD. WHO IS HETIRMSO TO CHICAGO, THK FIRST-CLASS K U R I T V R K. RI IJS, ETC, OF HER FORMER PRI- I A1K K E S I U K N V K. W K H A1K MOVED THESE GOOD TO Ol II SALESROOMS FOR ION VE.MESCE OF Al'CTION SALE, comprising twe first-class auarter-sawed oak book cases with art-frlass doors, fumed oak library suite, via, table, rockers and chairs, willow rockers and chairs. very massive andiron and lire et, tabourettes, large Wilton rug, size 11-3x12 in neutral color, also Axmin- ster and body Brussels rufts; also mahoitany library table, rocker "and arm chair, parlor desk, electric table lamp, pictures, davenport in orocaaea plush, mantel clock, Dufold bed (lav enport in Spanish leather. Morris cha'r. odd rockers, etc.; fumed oak dining-room suite, as follows: pedes tal table. bufCet and set of chairs with leather seats; RARE OLD BLl'E DIXVER WARE. WILLOW PAT TFKX, 1A0 PIECENt also quarter sawed oak dining-room suite In wax finish, via., pedestal table, buffet and set of chairs; full size genuine brass bed, complete with good springs and silk floes mattress, new style suite in French frosted brown finish, viz., full size bedstead and dresser, spring and mattress. Ivory and Vernis iarfn beds, dressers and chiffoniers in oak and mahogany, bedroom rockers and chairs, grass rirgs, small rugs, stands, Buck wood and coal range with gas attachment, first-class oak kitchen cabinet with sliding metal top. gas range, utensils, etc.; also rare old Hawkin rifle which was through the Mexican war. was brought across the plains in lt49 by the Dlehl family of Santa Barbara, CaL Auctioneer's Note Please call tomorrow and irisnect the above goods at your leisure. You will find them just as advertised and well worthy of your attention. AICTIU.V OS TtESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT IVOTE Attend our anrtiona and bT at your swi price. Olbrn nave doi lar here, why not yout Thin la the a net ton bonne of welcome, whether Jon bur or not. ON WEDNESDAY JUNE 15, NEXT AT IO A. St.. THREE CARLOADS OP SAWMILL MACHINERY TO HE SILD FOR EHEIftHT AND OTHER ( HARliKS. PLACE OF SALE NORTH END OK THE NORTH BANK DOCK. FOR FILL PARTICULARS AND IX- SPECTION CALL AT ROOM 4. NORTH BANK. STATION, ELEVENTH. AND HOYT STREETS. By Order ROB I'. CROSBIE, Comptroller, S, P. s; S. Bj. Co. Dated May 10, 1931. ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 AT THE MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANS FUR CO.'S WAREHOUSES. NINTH AND HOYT STREETS, STOR AGE AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD HOODS, ETC., ETC. SALE AT IO O'CLOCK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22. WE BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR CASH OR WILL TAKE YOl R FUR NITURE ON CONSIGNMENT FOR AUCTION. PHONE .MAIN 3332. W. C. BAKER &W. H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, PYTHIAN BUILDING. Yamhill and Went Park Sts. (Far. merly Masonic Temple Building). Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 187. Frank E. Watkins, Msnsaer. Member Portland Kealty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. 253 Stark St. Pbsae Mala 1644. MORTGAGE LOANS . .west Interest rates i installment re faysnents, if desired. Buiiulnar loans mails. No delay la closing. A. H. BIRRELL-6ILL CO. Paraterly A. XL Blrrell Co. tls-Zia Morthnestera Bass Buildla Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON BARGAIN New, modern six-room house, com plete, for sale below cost. Easy terms. E. 2432. OWNER. CLAY & MOKSE. INC Drajmea and WarehouaeineB Kroadway 3470 We shall have another lot of good, VaiffRM 4K?o- twViv? XlW Twen clean household goods to offer you. &l"veV These goods can be seen Wednesday ViZ f jtZll'JU.lZ'iw afternoon A l;rmi VTHIIHn 4 v A'i and other pictures. FIVE EL EC arternoon. a i y-i i.v thihsda y AI thk, F A x T o VEX Tll.A 1 1; a. in. i XEW TODAY. Auction Sales AT HOUSE 1180-171 SECOND STRKKT, SEAR MOKK1SOX STHKET, . i LARGEST Al'CTION HOl'SE IX THIS NOK 1 H KST. I MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND i FRIDAY AT 10 A.M. OIR SALESROOMS ARE CROWDED TO THE DOOHS WITH OOI, ISE FI L' HOI'SKKlRMSHIMiS OK ALL KllKSCRlPTIOVS, ( ONSIliNKI) FOR SALE TO THE lllliHKVI' IIIUilr.H, COMPRISING DIMMi MITES, 1.1 V-I.VU-ROOH PIECES, HEDKOOM KI R MSHIXOS, CARPE'IS, HlliK, LIN OLEUM. STEEL. RAMiKS, AS HAM.ES, DISHES, COOKIXi ITEN SILSand other -ffect. ATTEND OIK SALES AND HIV AT lOIR OWN. PRICE. WE POSITIVELY CARRY THE LARG EST ASSORTMENT OF -HIGH-CLASS USED FURNITURE IN THE CITY, WHICH WE SELL AT PRIVATE SALE Including t'PRIOHT PIAXOS. TA1.K I M A C H I X E S, OVERSTl FEED DAVENPORTS AMD CHAIRS. LIBRARY Fl RXISHlXiS. PERIOD and Colomal Dixixi; siites In MAHOIiAMV, WALM'T nd OAK BEDROOM FrRXlSHIXC.S In MA. HOCJAXV, OLD IVORY and IJOLDKX OAK, large line of HRASS and EX AMELED niODS. new. and second hand SI'RIX.S and MA'ri'RESSES. WILTON, AXMIX.HTER and Bill J SELM ROOM-SIZE HI CiS and CAR PETS; also FIUER and ;RASS Ill liS in various sizes, about 100 STEEL AND UAH RAXIiES of the very best makes. HAS WATER HEATERS, RE FR1UEKATORS, etc.; also OFFICE FURNITURE Including ROLL AND FLAT-TOP DESKS. TYPEWRITER DESKS, OF FICE CHAIHS. BOOKKEEPE HS' DESKS, metal and oak FILIXIi CAB IXET!;. electric DESK LAMPS, wire baskets, etc. If in need of anything In our line, we solicit your inspec tion. If we can suit you In the goods, we know our price is right. T ON TUESDAY NEXT, JUNE 14 COMMENCING AT li30 P. M. ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE 27212 STARK STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH Comprising "JACOR DOLL" FPRIOWT PIXO, EDISON" PHONOiKAFH. TWO NATIONAL CASH H Ef.IS'l sCttS, FAXS, ROLL-TOP DESK, cig.'ir cases. l.AR-K REERM.ER A'I'OII. Ml 1,1X11) TABLES, 225 VIENW CHAIRS, I l- RRELLA CHECK RACKS, IN-FOOT STEAM TABLE with OotB, PASTRY TA IILE With PLATE- i LASS SHELVES, LA1K.E i AS HANt.E. HOT PLATES, ii A S PLATES. RAKE OVEN, MEAT BLOCK, large assort ment of cooking utensils. SILVER WARE, (iLASSWAIIE, DISHES, about (IN) HEAVY ALIMIXI'VI THAVS.TWO COFFEE I RXS, LAIK.E A X M I X STER Ric;, DRAI1-:hies and other nu-mer-ous lots. The "PURITAN" is a weli known first-class cafeteria. The goods are all in first-class condition, haa an equipment for about 3u0 oco ple. Sale starts promptly at 1:J0 Tuesday. J. T. WTLSON, ATCTIONEER, FULL VALUE is received for every dollar spent building the REDIMADE way Sectional Hone and (iragt. 100 in Quality Anprsrssr, Economy nad tatlsfutloa Best Unlit Sectional Bllllrtinas Built on the Pacific Coast "BUILT TO ENDURE" REDIMADE BUILDING CO., I'ort land. Oregon. E. llth and Market. Phune E. 5114 or ,vst Side Office. 405 Commonwealth 31dg., 6th and Ankeny. Bdwy. 45. IRVINGTON Two new beautiful resi dences, one 7 and one 8 rooms; modern in every de tail and well constructed; Jirst completeH b owner; moder ately priced; terms. 625 K. 18th st. N. Woodlawn 4841' SUMMER HOTEL SITE ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY'. Sam J.Gorman 210 Lewis Bids. Bdwy. 4074. -UUA. ut I T' fl- - vrw TortAV. TO LEASE . FOR TERM OF YEARS AUTOMOBILE SHOW ROOMS WITH REPAIR SHOP EITHER IN WHOLE OR PART T I s. w. Corner Tenth and Hoyt ert I T500 sq. ft. Reasonable rental. 2S. E. corner Broadway and Hoyt sts.. 10,000 sq. ft. Exceptional re- , tall advantage. ! I 3S. W. corner Ninth and Couch ets.. 10.000 sq. rt. 4N. E. corner Twelfth and Flanders sts. 50 ft. by 100 ft. Repair, shop. $100 per month. 5 Mezzanine floor, heart of retail dis trict, approx. 4000 sq. ft.. 40 feet of window display. Long lease. W. W. FERGUSON- LEASES, 914 WILCOX Bt'ILDIXG. MAIN 5I.'IK L JNGTON PORTLAND'S MODEL HOME SECTION Buy yoirr homelte In Irvington now. Drive out and inspect block bound ed by East Twenty-second, East Twenty-third, Stanton and Siskiyou, or, if you tike trees, see half block on south side of .Stanton, between East Twentieth and East Twentjr-flrst, theD sua ut for LOW PRICES AND EASY TERMS RITTER, LOWE SCO. 301-3-S-7 Boat of Trade Bids;. LAURELHURST THIS BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW commands a view of the park and the greater part of this district. Just completed by skilled mechanics whose every effort has been to build a home or superior construction, it la only by seeintr this bungalow that you can appreciate the artistic cabinet work, complete conveniences and com fortable a rranpernent. A special low price or S i) so 0 has Just been arlven us You can take possession at once Phone for appointment. OTTO & HARKSON 413 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Mais) :tlK. WANT INCOME PROPERTY Have client for in come property up to $125,000. R. F. BRYAN 509 Chamber of Commerce Building DESIRABLE LEASE At 88 Tenth St., Near Stark WITH Stt YEARS TO RUIf. Splendid Location For. Auto Sales Room, Accessory Display Fire Salesroom Restaurant Can Glre PamnnIoi Short Notice. C.H.COLBURN Rrnidirsr 32:11. IRVINGTON NEW BEAUTIFUL DUTCH COLONIAL Consisting; of aeven rooms, two fire places, tiled bath with expensive plumbing; all rooms finished In Ivory and white enamel; papered. hardwoo'J floors throughout This Is a fine horrid and the price is right. 492 East Eighteenth Bluet. $9500 E. Nelson OWNER AND RITLDEaV labor aM. NKW TOIY. j j j I .. ) I CHOICE -West Side LOTS We offer for immedi ate sale twenty-four (24) choice lots in the Nob Hill District at l3 times the Asses sor's 1920 valuation. These lots are in Blocks Eleven (11), Eighteen (18), and Twenty-f T (25), Goldsmith's AdJn, and face on Overton, Pet tygrrove, 20th and 27th tU. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 FOURTH ST. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tJLr IWESTOVERl I VIEW I HOMESITES j 1 UNEXCELLED I IN I THE WORLD I For Sale Harold Jungck 5 Secretary. I International Realty Associates f rrrrocK block, bdvtt. no Tiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii? IRVINGTON BUNGALOW ElfillT-ROOM RT'N'fi KtXtXV kllll II.Y Monnix IN EVERY RESPECT. Heavy hardwood floors thronrhnnl. Tiled bath, l'orrnlaln tub. Hot-water heat. Knurl heater. This Is one of the best-hullt homes In the ci'V, I nm leaving the citv and will sacrlflcr Vou have Kot to see the Inside of this horns to appreciate it. be OWNER No. H70 E. Fifteenth Strref North. ft FOR SALE OR l.KAE I A rlella-M f ill summer home and yesr- round rotr'Ht. Located on the blulf" of tlie Sandy river, half mile north f the town of Kan. . A mnirnlf u'nt view with lurina; trulls leading; to th best flshinR- In (lie Sandy and t'eilar creek. Furnished house with hi a fireplace, plprd wltn" pure sprinu water. All kinds of fruit. Eurnlshe.t acrommodut ions for nine people, be sides a four-room house uiifurnlNhi'd. Ills: barn and Karaite. Will lease by season or year. STRONG CO., Rraltors. ana Chnmber of Commeree Bids;. TO LEVSE "SPECIALS" fisrasf or Salesrtiom, downtown, w sot side. ,:0xl00. Three sioitb. 1 01 h street, butldlns; irnder construe! ton. One Score, opposite Olds. Wortnian A Klnu. posst-ssiun September 1". fine for suit house, millinei v. etc ftOloo Hulldlau on I rackaur, tvrai sine, .sniim iiium--ment, &th and Kventl, coiner. Klne .Hparr, llth snd Kutnsld". any II"'. brick hulldlna. t,nrnae, close to Mu and Hoyt, low rem. Will llulld. 14ui and Hoyt streets. One-glory liullriina. lhree Fine Irfifls, one with large " ton elevator. H. O. TERRY. ! Hrowdwsy. MnlnDUm A EXCELLENT BUYS Well-Arranged Double House, Ten Rooms. In Desirable Neighbor hood, One Block Krom Carline. Price $5500 Have Three Desirable -Itoom Houses. Can lis t'urrnased on Uca- onable Terms. $3500 Each Harvey Wells & Co. Mnln 4.-.B4. tins (iiura Rid a. BEST IN IRVINGTON Arllalle, Commodious, Cossplete. Hardwood Floors, Sunroom, Sleeping Torch, Gal age. ONLY $7000 W. II. RO. tllNI orlllrlfr Hunk ItulMlng. 1 HAVE FOR SALE ( THE BEAUTIFUL HOME IN NOB HILL DISTRICT . of well-known buslne man. Flr- -lass appointments. Later grounds. Very reasonable terms. 1'rica I-'j. '""J. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR MS Hark HirvcU Uaia li.