t r THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 5, 1921 BAPTISTS OPEN NEW ASSEMBLY GROUNDS AT COLUMBIA CITY L Young Folk Today Start Campaign to Raise $10,000 to Finance Project. Summer Meeting Will be Held From July 27 to August 8. TWO HUNDRED Baptist young-persons from Portland and vicinity serobly grounds at Columbia City, Or., Memorial day as a step In preparation fcrr.the summer assembly of Oregon Baptist young- persons to be held there July 27-August g. The young folk will start today on a ten -day campaign to raise 110,000 throughout the" state to finance the project of the new assembly grounds. This organization last year met at Gladstone Park, and while there made persistent requests for a permanent place of meeting. This plan has spread throughout the Baptist churches of Oregon until recently when a part of the Sommerstrom ship yards was purchased for Baptist as sembly grounds. The grounds consist of five acres of gently sloping land, making a rise from the Columbia's bank. Docking and wharf facilities make the grounds easily accessible by boat. The Spokane, Portland & Se attle railroad has a station within one-half mile of the premises, and the Columbia highway extends to the west of the land but a few hundred yards. As this place is only an hour's run by auto or train from Portland it bids fair to become not only a place for the Baptist young people's gath ering, but church excursions, summer conferences and schools of missions will find In it all of the benefits to be had from water frontage and mour.. tain scenery, just adjacent to Portland. In the original purchase of the Ore gon Baptist convention from the Som merstroms the Baptists acquired a large building. 125 feet long by 60 feet In width. The ground floor, which Is unenclosed, will be used for out-door assembly purposes, end the upstairs will be made into a "Boys barracks." Negotiations now in operation will give the Baptists use of the Palace hoteL a 4-room hotel for the con venience of girls and married people. At the entrance of the grounds is the office building, a six-room substantial structure formerly used as tne emer gency hospital. This will be used for administration purposes. All the buildings have electric lights and san itary equipments. The date of the Baptist summer as sembly has been officially fixed' as July 27-August 8. Rev. O. C. Wright, D. D., executive secretary of- the Ore gon Baptist State convention, and Rev. W. T. MJlliken, D. D., of Salem, have completed the programme. Rev. W. B. Hinson, D. D., of Portland, Rev. Henry Topping of Japan, Rev. S. J. Reid, D. D., of Portland, and many ol the Baptist pastors of Oregon will ap pear uDon the programme. Rev. T. H. Hagen, director religious education, and young people's work. from Seattle, Rev. T. B. Frazelle, D. ten churches,' each soloist to sing the Bible-Sunday song written by Mrs. Ella Orton of 6404 Eighty-ninth street Southeast. This song is to have for Its tune "Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground." The daily vacation Bible school, in the Interests of which this advertising is being done, will be held at the Arleta school from June 21 to July 8, Inclusive. EX DEA VOItERS TO ASSEMBLE Multnomah Societies to Hold Con vent Ion Jane 24 to 2 6 Christian Endeavorers of Multno man county plan to hold the biggest convention they have ever had, on June 24, 25 and 26, in Portland. The first meeting will bo Friday evening, June 24, at 7:30 o'clock, opening with a song service and address by an emi nent New York worker, and Saturday afternoon will be occupied with in termediate and senior sports, includ ing track meet, in Laurelhurst park. followed by a basket supper. At 7:30 Saturday evening a bust ness meeting will be held In the church, at which time the seniors and intermediates will elect their officers for the coming year and transact other business. Immediately follow ing there will be a rousing pep ses si on, with speeches by the delegates who are going from Portland to New xork this month. Flans are being made to have a brief, illustrated lec ture by one of the best-known lectur ers of the country. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock de grees will be conferred on those who have been successful in passing their examinations for the Oregon Educa tional college, and there will be many of these, as Christian Endeavor expert classes were well attended during the winter. Endeavorers are working hard to secure the first, or courtier degree, as well as the higher degrees One of the main features of the con vention will be the following commit tee conferences to be held ait 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon: Presidents, alumni, 'intermediate. Junior, quiet-hour, pray. er-meeting, social, lookout, mission ary, social service and educational. Experienced leaders are being secured for these conferences and an opportu nity will be given to all to attend the two or three In which they are most interested. At 6 o'clock, following these con ferences, light refreshments will be served at the church and a social hour enjoyed before the Union Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:15. At the evening meeting the new officers for tne year will be installed and a devo tional service held. Excellent music and speakers are Deing arranged for the entire conven tion. Rev. Edward K. Earle. missionary of the Universal Church of the Mas ter, has returned from London, Eng- D.. of Philadelphia, Dr. H. fc. iraue, ' land, where he demonstrated to the editnr of Baptist teaching training I British Scientific and Psychic Re- books of Philadelphia, will attend, search society, through psychology, and It is expected that Rev. H. Still- "The Continuity of Life," Rev. Mr. well of Cleveland, O.. superintendent I Earle will repeat his work in this nf evangelism, and Rev. A. M. Petty, city tonight at the local church D.--D., widely known as an inspira-I Maccabee hall, Washington street, at tional speaker throughout tne aemon- i o o ciock. lnation. will be present. The recreations in connection with Rev. .Arthur Chllson. aenlor m!H the assembly will be under the direc- I gionarv of the Friend, church in tion of Rev. J. C. Austin, who has British East Africa, Is In the city and specialized on this phase of work, will speak during the quarterly meet Plans already are being made to have ing in progress at the First Friends asphalt handball and tennis courts church. East Thirty-fifth and Main available for this year's use. As the I streets. A great missionary rally assembly Is conducted upon me co- will be held at the church this after operative basis It will not cost the at- I noon at 3 o'clock, at which time Mr. tendants more than II a day lor ooara I chllson will give & missionary ad and room. ' I dress. The public is invited. Mnr. Itihl Schools to Onen. Portland held a few dailv vacation T.h Fir' Spiritual Science church Rlhlft Fchoolo last summer. Quite a will hold services today at 6 P. M. .v.. nt .hrch. in tn conduct and 8 P. M., Goodnough hall. No. 206, them this year. It has been found Fifth and Yamhill streets. Lectures that the daily vacation Bible school f ""V " tt"u not only offers a splendid opportunity Emma Lister. Subject "Medium- to "provide religious instruction to 8n'P d Palmistry Not Similar Pro- children on week days, but that it aiso i c.v""' Increases the attendance In Sunday V schools. Two intermediate schools I "Reaping and Sowing the Knowl- are planned for Mount Scott and edge of Good' will be the subject of Lents. Five hundred children are be- discourse at the Independent Bible Ing- prepared for in the school which Spiritualistic society and church at will be conducted by the churches in 8 o'clock tonight. Thursday night the Arleta school. at the same place, 44 East Twelfth On the nights of June 13 and lo at I street, corner of Sherman, a genera! 7:45 In the First Presbyterian church demonstration meeting will be held. house there will be an institute for BP mm m7mmmmmmM . "Minim f, - tr- r - M&zi j l" H- s - m r 1mA vl . v, : 4t I pHw ' ' R if 'illlMf!:iki I SMamL 11 B 1 r J if PWfJi a revival campaign, June 6-1S, in a large tent which has been erected next to the Sellwood community house. The First Spiritualist church. East Seventh and Haasalo streets, holds which hold their sessions at 9:30 and 11:00. Reading rooms are maintained in the downtown districts at 1133 North western Bank building and 33 North Third street, where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science utera- services every Sunday at 3 P. M. and 1 ture may De read or purchased. The n t tr ni-iii t 1 . t A . t f '. 8 P. M. Children's lyceum at 4:30 P. M. Mrs. Lillian Smith, pastor. Message circles are held at the close of afternoon meeting. Special violin and vocal solos in the evening. Mes sages by Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Downes. The Busy Bee social club will give a card party In the parlors of the church next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents the person. Dr. Stansfield to Discuss Habits of Inner Life. Evening Sermon Topic Will Deal With American Disarmament. Tito of the buildings acquired by Oregon Baptists for summer assembly and other church activities at Columbia City, Or. Above Office building to be used for ad ministration purposes. Below Hotel which will nouse Rlrl and married people nt the assembly. McMinnville Man to Speak at White Temple. Pulpit In Evening to Be Filled by Dr. B. B. Sotcllffe. the consideration of the complete or ganization and methods used in such schools. June 13, general organiza. tion and outline of the daily pro gramme will be discussed. June 15, I practical methods of class work, Bible Instruction, music, craft ana hand work will be considered. There will be opportunity for questions and free discussion so that the individual cases can be helped. The speakers will he (White Temple). Dr. Myron W, rrriiZTnta of eTin. wlU speak Rev. John W. Hoyt. Presbyterian Bible th's morning at 11 o'clock. This even school missionary, who had much ex- I ing at 8 o'clock Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe Derlence in this work in Philadelphia: I will Preach on "Naaman.the Svrlan Rev. 21. G. Everett, at whose church Tfae templ(J quartet wm ,urnlsh musi0 Christian Churches Plan Day for Children. ' Special Exercises Will Be Held In Interest of Blloslons. there was a last summer; Miss Georgia Parker and Mrs. Handsaker. who had such a sue cessf ul school in Arleta, and others. Many Attend Classes. The unity of the church in the fun at both services. The celebration of the Lord's supper will take place at the close of the morning service. Dr. Sutcliffe has accepted the cal to occupy the pulpit of White- Temple until a permanent pastor is installed, damentals of the Christian religion He nag become weu known in church Is seen in tne representative cnarac- 1 circies of the northwest through his ler 01 in auu enue atieiiu.uB irui uuiiu work ln organizing Bible classes. He union Bible classes. This is particu- was sent to SeatUo and Portland by larly true concerning the Friday tne Mood Bible lnsUtute of Chicago night meeting, at which the Sunday ,, ,,. A. , ,, . J W I 11 1 1 n .1 ! .1 I " w tiomlnatlons rather to hear the lesson text expounded and to receive help in The pulpit of the University Park presenting the lesson to their Sunday Baptist church will be occupied in schools. the evening by Rev. S. A. Leonafd, Mr. Sutcliffe, who Is conducting the pioneer Baptist minister of Oregon, classes, has expressed himself' greatly At the morning service the pastor, G. pleased with the manner in which the I R. Schlauch, will discuss the question people of Portland are showing their "Why Were the Jews God's Chosen Interest in the popular study of thelPeoDle? xsioie. nis appointments zor next .-.1. 1 1 ,j - . v. niAnMAM T 1 1 ... church at 8 P. M. Monday; Rose City J f . VJ? J,r h PaTk Methodist at 8 P. M. Tuesday; B.aPt'st church will render The Life r.,ow, .t-i ., ) u u of David Livingstone" in song and Wadnesdav: Vernon Presbvterlan at "ory tonight. The Lord's supped will 8 P. M. Thursday, and Friday. First b observed at the close of the sermon Baptist (White Temple), at 7:13 P. M. f-aB """"'" for the Sundav school lesson and at I 8 :K for the regular course In popular In the East Side Baptist church Bible study. The 8:15 class at the this morning at 11 ociock, tne pas WEite Temple Friday night will also tor; Dr. W. B. Hinson, will preach be-a rally of all those interested in from the subject "How to See God, this Bible work in Portland, when re- which will be followed by the com ports will be heard from the various I munion service. The ordinance of classes and plans made for the future. I believer's baptism will also be ad- Mlnlaterlai Amaoria tin- FWt. ministered at today s service. The regular meetinir of th Portland This evening at 7:45 Dr. Hinson's ui.i.ri.i m k. v,.M .. topic will be "God on His Defense. usual at 10:30 A. M. in the Y. M. C. A. Dr' K1"8011 wl'l Preach at Lewiston, auditorium Mondav. June 6. The an- "ano, luesday and Wednesday next, nul election of officers will be held returning; to occupy his pulpit next anfl it is hoped here will be a very Sunday. lafjre . attendance. Rev. L. Myron Tne regular monthly conference of Boozer. D. D student Dastor at the I the Sunday school officers and teach- Origon Agricultural college. Corvallis, er will occur Thursday evening with win give the address of the morning, supper at o:ju. his suDject Deing The meed and Op portunity for Religious w ork in State "Going Forward But "Where to'" Colleges." There will be a meeting wm be the subject of the sermon by of.the evangellstio committee of the William G. Eliot Jr. this morning at asjoc ation at 9:4o. to which any per- 10:30 at th6 church of Our Father " - " I (unitarian). Broadway and Yamhill. Bible Campalcrn Planned. I The sermon will treat of the nature Today Is being observed as Bible I of true progress and deal with many school day by the ten churches in- fallacies about it. The regular meet eluded ln the territory over which the I ing of the board of trustees will be coming Arleta daily vacation Bible I held on Friday Instead of Thursday. scaooi win nave iniiuence. ah tne 1 " ministers have been asked to preach I The First Church of Psychic a sermon on Bioie study at one of the I science, us Aiaer street, near services of this day. The following Eleventh, will hold services tonight ministers have set aside next Sunday I at 8 o'clock, when Dr. W. W. Aber morning as the time for this address: I will give a discourse on the subject Mrs. J. J. Handsaker, Mr. 'inley and "The Law 01 itetrioution." After the E." O. Shepherd. Efforts are being I lecture he will give a demonstration made -to place a soloist la. each, of the - of blindfold messages. CHILDREN'S day will be observed at the First Christian church this morning in the Bible school session at 10 o'clock. A programme bearing the title "Churoh Bells Around the World," will be rendered by the pupils of the school under the direction ot Mrs. J. F. Faust, the school's mission ary superintendent. A special offering has been planned for the occasion, the purpose being the Christianizing of the unevangellzed and uncivilized in habitants of the great mission sta tions. The chief thought in the chil dren's day exercise will be that Chris tian people who have been so willing to give for the relief of physical needs of the world's unfortunates will be even more willing to help in the re demption of minds and hearts. . "A Miracle of Might" will be the sermon subject or tev. ttaroid a. Griffis at the preaching period at 11 o'clock. In the evening at 7:4o th church quartet, recently reorganize because of removals of the members from the city, will give a special musi cal offering, following which the pas tor will speak on the theme, "The Charm of an Exalted Religion." "The New Church," the second ser. mon in a series, will be given by Rev. Joseph Boyd at Church of Christ, Rod ney at Knott. This evening a mission ary programme for children's day will be presented by the Bible school. "Church Bells Around the World" is the title of the exercises which have beeruprepared-by Xucy King De Moss. . t GARDINER. Or., June 4. (Special. Rev. J. L. Beatty, for eight months pastor of the Methodist church of Gardiner left June 2 for Klamath Falls where he will resume a former position as chief ranger at the south entrance of Crater Lake national park Among his duties are the registration of all tourists entering and leaving the park and the Issuing of automo bile permits at the south entrance. The park season lasts through the months of July, August and Sep tember. Christian Education Move Meets Hasty Support. Entire Communftles In South Rally In Support of Cause. ASHVILLE, Tenn.. June 4. Ac cording to a local leader in the Christian education movement of the Methodist Episcopal church, south. the concerted efforts of Protestant denominations to increase their edu cational holdings is meeting hearty support throughout the south. Not only the denominations directly in- te rested, but entire communities are rallying to the cause of Christian education. It is said that Jackson, Tenn.. Meth odists have added .850,000 to their church quota, after having already given 850,000 in order to secure the location of the proposed Methodist Girls school in the Memphis confer ence for that city. Jackson non- Methodist citizens have agreed to raise $250,000 as soon as the Metho dists have completed their fund ajid have taken steps - to assure the school's establishment there. Memphis, Tenn., has just raised 8600,000 within the last few weeks to secure the location of a Presbyterian college in that city. The business men of Dallas, Tex., so appreciate the value and added prestige to their city in having Southern Methodist university in their midst that they opened up their purse strings last fall during the financial depression and poured out $1,000,000 there to keep the Institution from closing, as its financial status was about to compel it. Within the past month the busi ness men of Abilene, Tex., a small town of 10,000 people In the de pressed cattle-raising section, placed notes ln the bank for $350,000 for the, immediate beginning of a new Metho dist school to be located there. The chamber of commerce of Sher man, Tex., has made a standing offer to the Methodists of the Sherman dis trict to give $1 to the school for each $6 the Methodists of the conference put into their girls' institution there, Kidd Key college. This means at least $30,000 added to the $210,000 which the conference is proposing to raise for the school. Sherman is a cotton community center with two other colleges, which it supports im partially. Its population is only 12, 000. Birmingham, Ala., has just begun, a community campaign to provide $500,000 to $700,000 for Birmingham Southern university. Through an every-roember canvass inaugurated Sunday, May 29, South ern Methodists put on a drive to se cure $33,000,000 throughout the church for the strengthening of ' their 9a schools and colleges. Methodism in this section is organized to raise its share of the big fund. . Methodist Ministry Course Undergoes Revision. Important Changes Made in Books for Students of Church. India Missionary Speaks at St. James' Church. Lutherans to Bear of Work Done by Their Church ln Foreign Land. ft ISS AGNES SCHADE of Raja- 1VA mundry, India, a missionary of the United Lutheran church, will speak at 11 o'clock in the St. James' Lutheran church. West Park and Jef ferson streets. This evening at 7:45 o'clock Rev. W. E. Brinkman will preach the sermon. The Sunday school will hold its session ln the chapel at 9:50 A. M. The Luther league -so cieties will meet for devotional serv ices at 6:45. "The Mission of Nehe mlah" is the topic for discussion. The church council will meet at the parsonage Monday evening at 8 o'clock. "Following Christ'' will be the Ber- mon theme by Rev. M. A. Christensen, pastor of Our Savior's Lutheran church. He will also read a report of the convention held In Silverton May 26-June 1. In the evening the young people of the church will meet in the Luther league at 8 o'clock. In the St. Paul's Lutheran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets. Rev. A. Krause, pastor, three services will be held. At 10:30 A. M. the pastor will preach on the gospel of the day and his subject will be: The Mas tor's Call," and at 7:30 P. M. his sub ject is: "Slight Not the Master's In vitation." Devotional service and Bible study takes place at 5 P. M., and young people's meeting and social gathering at 6 P. M. The Sunday school with classes for all ages meets at 9:30 A. M. The choirs rehearse Wednesday and Friday at 8 P. M, The Sunday school of the Clay Street Evangelical church at Tenth and Clay street, west side, will com mence its regular session at 9:30 ln the auditorium of the church. Chil dren's day will be duly celebrated in the Sunday school with a programme of the children, followed with the morning service at 10:45, when the pastor will preach a missionary ser mon. The missionary offering will go for Japan and for China. The Young People's alliance will meet at 7 o'clock and will be in charge of Otto Wodtli. At 8 o'clock the pastor, Rev. Jacob Stocker. will speak on "The Deliverance of Cre ation and the Better Day." The Scientific Christian Spiritualist church will hold services at 473 East Everett street, its new home. The afternoon services at 3 o'clock will be conducted by Rev. R. M. Singleton, the pastor. Test circles for messages will be held at 6 P. M. by Mrs. Alice Holman, "Mother" Sherwood, E. L. Campbell and others. Evening serv ices will be held at 8 o'clock. The Scripture lesson will be conducted by the pastor. Spirit messages will be delivered at each service. There will be a healing service at the church every evening during the week from 7 to 8 o'clock. The heal ing hour will be conducted by Rev. Charles R. Miller. . 1 CHICAGO, June 4. Important y changes have Deen made in tne books to be read in the course of study for the 3000 Methodist Epls copal young ministers who are study ing while they preach, and the stu dents at ten theological institutes, who are preparing for the ministry. according to information received at Methodist headquarters here. Among the recommendations, the most remarkable change made by the bishops at their annual meeting In Portland, Or., Is the adoption of the volume of the church and industrial reconstruction dealing with social problems, issued by the interdenomi national committee on the war and the religious outlook, and a volume on modern premillennialism by H. F. Rail, which combats this doctrine. Professor Rail Is a member of the faculty of Garrett Biblical Institute of Northwestern university. The study course. Including books to be read by the 3000 young minis ters and the students at Methodist theological seminaries, is ln charge of a commission created by the gen eral conference of the church, the chairman of which is Bishop Edwin Hughes of Boston. The commission, once in four . years, prepares the course of studies to be followed. This has just been passed on and approved by the bishops who recommend sev eral changes. While Methodist authors predomi nate, the course includes volumes by Dr. R. H. Pattison. Professor W. N. Clarke, Colgate university, Baptists; by Dr. Washington Gladen and Pro- DOCTRINE and duty, character and conduct are to have a full con sideration in Dr. Stansfield's sermons today at the First Methodist church. This morning, personal religion Is to have consideration in this subject: "Habits of the Inner Life Conscience, Duty, Prayer, Communion." The morning sermon is to deal specifically with the secret and dynamic of Chris tian character and conduct the inner life. The evening sermon at 7:45 o'clock is to be .on American disarmament, upon conference with three or five of the first nations of the world. This, the suggestion of General Bliss, ex chief of staff of the United States army, will receive a frank discussion in the light of Christian ethics and present-day world facts. The big event at First church this week is the musical play, "The Min ister's Wife's New Bonnet," to be given by members of the choral choir under the stage direction of Mrs. H. K. Miller, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The entertainment will be in the Ox ford parlors and only 300 tickets will be issued so as not to overtax te capacity of the house. At the Woodlawn Methodist church Superintendent E. R. Martin of the American Sunday school union"will be speaker at the morning service and Rev. W. W. Youngson, D. D., will preach at 8 P. M. The pastor. Rev. J. H. Irvine, will visit his son. Pro fessor Paul Irvine, who is superin tendent of schools at Redmond, Or.. 1 and assist ln the closing exercises of the school year. "Can I Make It?" or "Where Do We Go From Here?" will be Mr. Mace's subject in the Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal church, Powell and East Fortieth streets, this morn ing. The Epworth league meeting, will be held at 7 P. M. The subject will be "Thy Kingdom Come ln My Coun try." Hobert Kelly will lead. The following Epworth league offi cers will-be installed during the morn ing service: President, Hobert Kelly; first vice-president, Miss Aletha Beck; second vice-president, Ray mond Thompson; third vice-president. Miss Helen Glover; fourth vice-president, Miss Merlon Thompson: secre tary. Miss Lois ' Van Zandingham; treasurer, Herbert Jasper. Mr. Mace will preach in the West moreland chapel. Milwaukle and South avenue, at 8 P. M. At the 11 o'clock service at Cen tral Methodist church the annual meeting of the Woman's foreign mis sionary society will be held. Mrs. Maclean will be the speaker. The pastor will preach at 8 o'clock ln the evening. The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 A. M. and the Epworth league at 7 P. M. public is Invited to attend the church services and use the reading rooms. The churches are located as fol lows: First, Nineteenth and Everett streets; Second, East Sixth and Hol laday avenue; Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets; Fourth, Vancouver evenue and Emerson street; Fifth, Sixty-second street and Forty-second avenue Southeast; Sixth, Pythian tem ple; Seventh, 403 Smith avenue, St. Johns. The evening services at Anabel Community church, Fifty-sixth street and Thirty-seventh avenue Southeast, begin now at 7:45 for the summer months. The pastor will speak ln the morning on "An Eye Single." and In the evening the theme will be "Justifying the Ways of God With Men." Congregational singing Is led by a chorus- choir. H. Edward Mills will address the Realization league at 148 Thirteenth street, at 11 A. M. on "Little Faith, and How It Does Great Things." The Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer, as or ganized by Mr. Rawson. meets at 201 Central building. Tentn and jvioer, In the morning at Piedmont Pres byterian church the service will be trlven over to communion and ao mission of members Rev. J. Francis Morgan will preach from the subject. Christian Attitude." This is pri marily a children's communion as a forerunner to Children s day. ai though adult members will also be received. In the evening the subject of Rev. Morgan's sermon will be "Helpers. Monday night the teachers council meetlne will be held Next Sunday will be Children's day, and preparations are being made for an iiiterestiner Drogramme. The Women's - Missionary society will give a silver tea at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. N. Cudworth, 1321 Maliory street. Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor of Mizpah Presbyterian church, will be the speaker at the men s resort meet ing Sunday at 4 P. M. Miss Savllla Dennison, soprano, will sing a special solo, and lead in a song. The orches tra will have special music, and there will be a song service by the men at the opening of the meeting. Murray and Mrs. McCallister. selec tions by young women's chorus, vio lin solo by Thomas Galbraith. A reading by Miss Grace l'ldcoe anil short talk on "The Joys of Summer Days," by Rev. Edward Constant, will be included. "Fortifications for a Disarmed World" will be the topic of Rev. E. K. Flint's sermon this morning at the Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. The churches of the nation have been asked for a united voice on disarmament. Sunday night at Atkinson Memo rial emphasizes the community Idea with a gospel message and a pro gramme of moving pictures and Il lustrated songs. Tonight's sermon w'll be on "Why a New Bible?" At the Laurelhurst Congregational church this morning at 11 o'clock W'lliam Woodward of the board of education will speak on "The Im portance of Religious Education." At this service J. O. Leake will sing a song to the tune of "Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground," by Mrs. Ella Orton of Lents. Christian Endeavor will be held at :30 P.M. Congregational Church In stalls Voice Amplifiers. Sermon and Concert to Be Ileard Six Blocks Away. At the First Norwegian-Danish Methodist Episcopal church, Hoyt and Eighteenth streets. C. August Peter son, the pastor, will preach at 11 A. M. on "The Man With Only One Talent," and at 8 P. M. on "The First Miracle of Jesus; or. Water Made Into Wine." At the Sellwood Methodist church this will be music day. At 11 o'clock Rev. W. S. Gordon will speak on "Har mony and Discord, and there will be special musical numbers. In the evening at o ciock a cnorus choir will render the sacred cantata. The Great Light," by Finley Lyon, which will occupy the entire evening. Those taking leading parts are: Soprano. Mrs. Bessie Caine Carson. Miss Helen Gordon and Miss Florence Manny; contralto, Mrs. D. W. Sander cock, Mrs. G. A. Simon and Miss Llla Marcy; tenor, F. C. streyfeller, 1. r. Frink and H. L. German; bass, A. E. Lambert, D. S. Manny and M. A. Crail; accompanist. Miss Sylvia Rlckson. The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 A. M., the junior league at 3 P. M. and the Epworth league at 7 P. M. The mid-week service is wednes day at 7:30 P. M. Take a Sellwood fessor Williston Walker. Yale uni- w, r ! r'n-..n 1,.... t wain. uu co.-w P. Smyth and Dr. A. V. G. Allen. Etiis- copalians, and by Professor A. C. Jlc Giffert, who is a Presbyterian. The work of the students Is directed by the commission, under a director, Dr. Allan MacRossie of New York, and by over a hundred boards of ex aminers in different parts of the church composed of nearly 1500 mem bers. Bishop Sumner to Preach Baccalaureate Sermons. Seniors of St. Helen's Hall and Franklin High to Attend. BACCALAUREATE sermons will be the feature at St. Stephen's pro cathedral today. Holy communion will be at 7:45 A. M., and church school at 9:45 A. M. Morning prayer and baccalaureate sermon for the graduation class of St. Helen's hall will be held at 11 A. M., and evening prayer and baccalaureate sermon for the graduating class of Franklin High school at 7:45 P. M. Both morning and evening sermons will be preached by the Right Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop of the diocese of .The 'young people's society wi.l"non taxpayers everywhere. meet ln the parish house at 6:30 P. M. Miss Hilda McLay will lead. The brotherhood of St. Andrew will hold a corporate communion at 7:45 A. M. The regular monthly meeting of the cathedral chapter will be held ln the parish house at 8 P. M. tomorrow. A service of special Interest is to be held at Centenary-Wilbur Metho dist church this evening. A sacred concert under the direction of Pro fessor J. MacMlllan Mulr, will occupy the hour. Vocal and instrumental solos, male quartets and other num bers constitute the vrogramme. Dr. Wemmet will occupy the pulpit this morning and will speak on the subject, "Salvation Through Vision." The campaign for the raising of $10,000 for church building improve ments is progressing encouragingly, and interesting reports will be made by the committee at the services today. At the Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal church the Rev. M. T. Wire, pastor of' the Oregon City Methodist Episcopal church and son of one of the honored pioneer preachers of the Oregon conference .will deliver the sermon. In the evening the pastor. Dr. C. W. Huett will speak on "World Peace," and will show the tremendous costs of past wars, the fearful burden they have imposed upon the present gen eration and the imperative necessity for calling a halt to the policy of competitive armaments which are still casting a shadow over the world and imposing intolerable burdens DURING the last week there have been dally experiments with the voice transmitters and amplifiers that have been installed In the tower of the First Congregational church. This electric device carries the voice clearly and fully for six blocks. The trumpet, flute, clarinet, dulclna ano other stops of the organ carry Just as clearly. The amplifiers are being tuned so as to carry the bass stops of the organ. When this Is done anyone playing the organ of the First Congregational church can give a concert that can be heard any where within a radius of six blocks. Dr. McElveen has arranged a Port land church Rose Festival service for June 12. At this service Mayor Baker, Dr. T. L. Eliot, Rev. Floyd Dorris, Rabbi Wise and Norman F. Coleman will take Dart. The Rose Festival committe has asked Dr. McElveen to preach. His topic will be "Portland, the Garden City." "A .June Day Sermon" Is to be reached in the Congregational church this morning. The floral dec orations and music will be ln. har mcny with the sermon theme. Tonieht the Portland Oratorio so cletv of 75 voices, aided by the quar. tet of the First church, will give, under the direction of Joseph Finley, ten of the great choruses and four of the great solos of Mendelssohn's oratorio. "The Elijah." 11 is possiDie that this sacred concert will be heard through the transmitters by tnos who a r a en iovinir the balmy air out doors in the neighboring park. The following programme will be given. 7 aft P. M. Brief ornan recital, "Bi earole" (Hofmann). "Moonllgbr Crry singer), "Prayer from Lohengrin" (Wag n.-i rhnrus. "Helo. Lord" : aoloa ant chorua. "Bow Thine Ear." Mrs. Steele, Mi Dreesel and chorua; invocation; aolo. le People. Rend Tour Hearu." "If With All lour Hearta." Mr. Crosby; chorua. "Yet Doth the Lord"; acrlpture re.dlne. I Kings xvlil:17-40; choru "Blessed Are the Mn That Fear him' ntfertnrV! chorUS. "Baal. We Cry Thee": aolo and chorua. , "Call Him Loud er," Mr. Robinson and chorua: aolo, "Draa Near All Te People," "Lord. Ood of Abra ham." Mr. Robinson; aolo. "Hear. Te Is rael." Mrs. Steele: chorua. "Be No ic-.M": hrief address. "F.lllah. the Trou hi.umi ProDhet." Dr. McElveen; ladles' double trios, ."Lift Thlna Eyes": aolo, "O, Rest in the Lord," Mlaa Dressel; quartet, "O, Come Everyone inat inireiem chorus. "He, Watching Over Israel": pray rr and baoedlcuon; postiuae, Corda." First Presbyterian Church to Receive New Members. Dr. Bowman Will 9nak This Eve ning; on "The Humility of the lariat Mind." "Sursum At St. David's parish church this morning the rector. Rev. Thomas Jen kins, will preach on "Persons Who Haven't Time for the Kingdom of uoa. - and' in tne evening at 7:30 o'clock he will preach on "The Church Which Is the Body of Christ. " Tomorrow the monthly vestry meet ing will be held. The monthly meeting of the wo man's auxiliary has been postponed until June 29. Next Friday the bishop will visit the parish for confirmation, with services at 8 P. M. . . Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Suffield, wide ly known evangelists, wm conduct "God the Only Cause and Creator," Science Topic. All Cnnrches to Hold Services at 11 oClock This Morning. ( (i OD; the Only Cause and Crea VJ tor," Is the subject of the lesson-sermon ln Churches of Christ, Scientist, today. All Christian Science churches hold regular Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock, and all but . Fifth and Sev enth churches hold Sunday evening service at 8:00. Wednesday evening meetings are held in all the churches at 8 o'clock. These meetings include testimonies of Christian Science heal ing. Sunday school is maintained for pu pils up to the age of 20 years and the sessions are held at 9:45 and 11 in all churches except Third and Fifth, Trfct will mark the 29th anniver sary of Sunnyside Congregational church, as well as Dr. stauD s pastor ate there. Home-coming Sunday and children's day will be celebrated in connection. The day's celebrations will Degin with exercises by the Sunday scnooi at 9:45 In the auditorium of the church. At 11 o'clock the pastor will preach the anniversary sermon, "Retrospect and Prospect of 29 Years of Work," and special music win pe featured by the choir. The choir will be assisted in the morning services by the G. A. R. quartet, consisting of Messrs. Henwood. Hamilton. Varner and Chambers. The soloists or me day will be Miss Amy Warren. Miss Frances case, miss oieivm nu jh. Ferris. Miss Martha Reynolds will preside at the organ and Professor Holllngsworth will direct the sing At 3 o'clock the Junior Endeavor and at 6:30 the Intermediate and Senior Endeavor societies will have snecial anniversary programmes. The history of Christian Endeavorism will be reviewed. Th day's celebration will be con eluded with a sacred concert by the choir at 7:45 and a short address by the pastor on "A Handful of itemi nisr-.enees." An attractive little souvenir win be given to all attending the morn ing services. Wednesday evening the Interde nominational Bible class will study the fifth chapter of Revelation, Dr. Staub leading. , Today is the annual children's fes tival at the Highland Congregational church. A special programme 19 to be carried out this morning, the dif ferent parts of which, singing, speak ing and other exercises, will be taken by members of the Sunday school and others. This will be at 10:30 Instead of the usual service hour. In the evening there will be a summer con cert under the direction of Mrs. W. Caldwell. The numbers will include solos by Mrs. W. Lofquist. 'Mrs. D. Dotson, W. H. Kilpack, duet by Mrs. COMMUNION services will be held this morning In the First Presby terlan church when many new mem bers will be received. "The Humil ity of the Christ Mind" will be the toplo of Dr. Bowman's evening- ser mon. Service begins at 7:30, with Mr. Coursen's organ recital, which will consist of (a) "Adagio," by Ds La Tombelle; (b) "Lamentations," by GullmanL The choir will sing at the morn ing service "Here. O, My Lord, I Ses Thee Face to Face," by Berwald, and "Come Unto Me." by Coenen-Rees, and ln the evening "Ho, Every Ons That Thlrteth," by Dunham. Mrs, Blanche Williams Segersten will sing "Like as the Heart Desircth," by Allitsen. Dr. Bowman will continue the study of the personalities of the prophets at the midweek service Thursday night when the prophets to be considered aro Zephanarah, .Va lium, Habakuk. Joel and Obadlah. Children's day services with grad uation exercises of the various 01 partments of the Sunday school will take the place of the regular morn ing service next Sunday, June 12. in connection with which the rite of In fant baptism will be adminiMfr.-.i 1 1 r Bowman will preach a sermon to the children. The Warren vesper class of tlio First Presbyterian church will hold the usual popular service at 4 o iioi l ln Room E. The full orchestra will render several overtures, und II. II. Dlrksen will be soloist. Tho doors are open to visitors. The presence of Mr. and Mrs. Boudlnot Seely, .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fuller and Miss M--Lennon added a keen Interest to the meeting of last Sunday. Miss Mc- Lennon will leave shortly to enter the missionary field ln Mexico. There will be communion service this morning at Westminster Presby terian church. Preceding the com munion the newly elected elders and deacons will be ordained and In stalled. There will beseven elders and 12 deacons to be Installed. Just before the communion words by Dr. E. H. Pence new members will bowel corned. Special music for Sunday will be: lu:.10 Anthem, "Holy Pplrlt. Come. O Come" (C G. Martln: offertory. "EflSgle in F Minor" fS. K Houeau; communion anthem "O llread ol 1.11 v rora lleavcn (Cesar Kranck). 7:-(3 Quartet, "O Saving Victim" (O. RomiImI); offertory, "Melodie" fFr&ns Liszt): nuartet, "U Gladsome Light' (Ar thur Sullivan). On the evenings of June 13 and IS this church, with others of the city, will have a conference at the First Presbyterian church In the Interests of daily vacation Bible schools. On June 27 Westminster and the First Methodist Episcopal Scout church will open a dally vacation Bible school to be continued for two weeks. All boys and girls In the neighborhood of these churches ars welcome. Instruction will begin daily at 9 A. M. and close at noon. On next Sunday. June 12, the Bible school will have charge of the morn ing service, with a Children's day programme, the main feature of which will be a cantata, "God's Flowerland." At the Central Tresbyterlan church this morning, the pastor. Dr. Walter Henry Nugent, will discuss the sub ject, "Should the Nations Reduce Their Armaments?" The large chorus, under the direction of J. Will- am Belcher, will ulna. In the eve ning the Whitney boys' chorus will render a sacred concert. Miss Bessie I. Klrkwood, who was recently elected to the position of pastor's assistant, has accepted and will begin work with the church Sep tember 1. She Is a graduate of the San Francisco Theological seminary. Itext Sunday will be observed as Children's day by a special pro gramme ln connection with the morn ing worship. Dr. Nugent delivered the com mencement address at the graduation exercises of the Gresham Union high school Friday evening. At the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church this morning at 11 o'clock. the Rev. Henry White, pastor, will speak on "The New Covenant." At this service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed, the rite of baptism will be administered and new members will be received The evening service will begin at f o'clock instead of 7:30, 8 o'clock b.-liiK the regular hour for evening service throughout the summer months. Next Sunday evening Mr. WIil; will observe Bible feVhool day hy using for his theme "The Mom in teresting Book ln the World; How It Grips People and Natlonx" L. o. Leake will sing "Seeking the Light." the words of which were written specially for Bible School day l, Mrs. Ella Orton on 6404 Eighty-ninth treet Southeast. The tune to-which these words will beset is "TenunK Tonight on the Old Campground." Sunday, June 12. will be observed as Children's day by this church. The pulpit of the Mizpah Presby terian church, corner East Nine teenth and Division streets, will be occupied both morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. D. A. Thompson. His theme at 11 o'clock Is: "Be Rec- nciled to Thy Brother," the sixth sermon In the series on "The Sermon n the Mount The Magna Charts of Christian Freedom." The themo for the evenlpg sermon will be "Unknown Paths." The chorus of high school students will sing at 'the evening service. The topic for the Thursday evening Bible study will Include the miracles of Jesus healing the man sick of alsy. The topic for the Christian En- (Coaciuded on 1-aga 7 J