12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 5, 1921 REAL ESTATE. Suburban Humes. 11330 ST. MART'S STATION. ' near Beaverton; almost 44 acres, a - . amall 8-roora house, red barn. chicken bouse, some smau iruu trees and berries, fenced with wire fencing; city water piped to the house; c&sb $300, balance $20 per month. 3100 RYAN STATIOX. 4-room bunga low, Dath, fireplace, gas, eiec- tricity, city water; city carfare; phone, garage, screened chicken house; half acre with choice or chard, full bearing strawberries. loganberries, SPLENDID view, on good road, only two minutes' walk to station; cash $1000, terms. $3300 Beaverton district, 2 acres; 5 room bungalow, screened-in Sorch 10x24, gas; barn, chicken ouse, family orchard, running water In the house; 10 different kinds of berries; cash $800, bal ance terms; only 10 minutes' walk to station. ' 110,000 NEAR BEAVERTON STATION. 17 ACRES 'IN BEAVERTON, 20 min utes' drive to Portland; 6-room house, ami-modern, oiled and papered, vDutch Kitchen, bath, hot and cold water; ga rage, barn, chicken houses, orchard; 3 acres in asparagus, 1 aero in onion seed, some rhubarb and garlic; every foot In a high state of cultivation. This will soon pay for Itself, a. owner can pro duce books showing gross Income of 94000 last year. This Is one of the prise ranches of BEAVERTON. Caah balance terms. I Do yon want a suburban home? The; aoove are personally appraised ana selected from 100 listings. Bee us before you buy. PHOTOS AT OFFICE. Office open Sunday. 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. M. B. DeJOlCE COMPANY. 221 Henry Bids;. Broadway 1681. MULTNOMAH Is the place for you to pick out a choice building site before all the pretty places are taken. Investigate. This Is the best suburb of the city on the west side of the' river; only 20 minutes from the fcualness center by comfortable eiectrlc service and 15 minute over the Terwil liper boulevard by auto. Be your own landlord: pay rent to youreelf; a very smalt amount of money win start you. if you have a little grit and some Independence. 1 make a specialty of MULTNOMAH property: have built ud this district and shall be glad of the privilege of showing you around. In our addition of Lunalilo lone 8 new house are at the present time under course of construction by the owners, who have purchased the land and are building their own residences. ver 40 new homes are rUInx around Multnomah and many more will be com me need during the next few weeks. BEN KIESLAND. Iealer la Multnomah Property Exclusively. 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park St. Main SS0. . VACANT AND IN FINE ORDER. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RJLNOH IN '.. HEART OF CITY: one-half acre with more fruit than you ever eaw on any other one-half acre; fine big trees; splen didly equipped with double-decked chicken house and fine pens: bir garden In; a dandy plastered six-room house with sleeping porch; and it is In spick -- and span condition. Go out to 841 81th t. S. E. and look It over, or let us show you. 41200. and the terms wilt .surprise you. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. Mft Chamiher of Commerce. Main A BEAUTIFUL 2-ACRE HO'ME. - All In cultivation, some fruit and ber ries. 6-room very modern home, with all built -ins. cement basement and fire place, garage, chicken house for 8O0 chickens and brooder house; close to school and car and on good road THIS IS A BARGAIN FOR $5750, terms. Come in and see the picture. Ask for F. C. Aiarsnaii, wttn FRANK U McGUIRE. SOS Abmeton Bldg. . Main 1068. Third St., bet. Wafhtnpton and Stark. "BL'KBAN'K" BUNGALOW. - A little dandy, with large living room, bedroom and kitchen. Now being plas tered. Nearly three acres of rich, deep . soil, free from rocks or gravel. This tract fronts on Barr road, one-fourth mile west of Barker road. The price Is $2500. $250 cash and $-.5 per month. If this is too much for you let us know ana we will ouiid a cheaper house on terms to suit. STRONG A CO., Realtors, flOfl Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOUSEBOAT AT WILLAMETTE MOOR AGE. 4 rooms, with bath, sleeping porch, electricity, gas and running water, com pletely furnished, row boat, woodshed, awnings and flowers, only one block from car; $1100, $600 down. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. SUBURBAN' HOME FOR SALE. 1 acre with new 5-room house and small barn; 6 cherry trees, 3 prune trees, other small berries; on rock road: Port, gas In house: Inside finish work not completed; location mile south and west of Aloha, Or. Price for a few days only $1200. terms. By owner, R. B. Stumbaugh. Beaverton. Or. Rt. 4. box 3.S2-A FINE HOUSES EEKERS. READ THIS. A magnificent country home of 2 acres, beautifully landscaped, all shrub bery and flowers Imaginable, picnic park, beautiful walks, a spacious bungalow of 8 rooms and room for more; street car at your door; an ele-gant property for $22,500, and might take some trade. See owner, Mr. Wells, 606 Couch bldg.. Main 29. S1G-HTLY TRACT of ground with large nouse; aDout ji fruit trees; wonderful view of the Tualatin valiev and the Coast range mountains, facing on im proved county blvd. : all modern utilities In the street: only $3oO. An additional tract of nearly an acre, adjoining, can be purchased for fl."0. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. MODERN 5-room bungalow, full basement. ugnis ana nun nun water; garage; hen nery for 200 fowls; m acrea, 1 acre of fruit and berrlps; close to Potland, car and school, $5000. terms or trade for farm, close to Portland. Mr. Hare, with . A. J. De FOR EST & CO., Realtors. -0 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. BARGAIN 7c FARE. 5-room bungalow, full basement, fire place, gas, electric lights, acre finest soil, 10 fruit 'trees, berries, garden planted; S chicken houses, some chick ens; y block to car; only 23 minutes to 1st and Alder for 7c. Price only $3700. GIBSON (REALTOR). MARSHALL 12. WHY PAY RENT if you can buy a good lot ior aown ana siu per month? Bull Run water, gas, electricity avail able, commutation fare 9c on O. E. R. R.. between Multnomah and Maple wood. 3 to 6 blocks from Shahapata station. Lots $250 to $450. William Borsch, Ma plewood. Phone Main 2182. lk ACRES 72D STREET. About 7 blocks from city limits and 12 dwcki irom Aiount icott carl tne; city water, gas and electric lights in street; price $t)2M, liberal terms. BROWN A GRANT, 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broadway 8222. FOR RENT POULTRY YARD. For three years, acre and half at Columbia City. Or.; good dwelling, barn, water, orchard, garden. 3 large, modern chicken houeea. capacity for 500 laying hens; on block from R. R. station and highway. Address "Max," box 410 Columbia City, Or. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 2 acres on 82d st., 4-room house; a-c re orchard, acre berries; price only $C00, $o00 cash, balance terms. GIBSON (REALTOR). MARSHALL 12. 1 2 MILES east of MontavllU at Ascot station, o-room bouse, strictly modern, bath, furnace, fireplace, own water sys tem, house worth $3300, my price with 2 acres, $3150. Owner. Main 34H8. I TWO SPLENDID suburban homes with H ana l acre: win trade for city home. v nai nave you - RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. S'.H Chamber of Commerce. Main 564. MULTNOMAH. $3250 $1000 ca?h. balance terms; 5- room moaern nungaiow. l block from station. Main 4.'fta. Mrs. Ryan. NEWLYWEDS. NOTICE THIS! New 3-r. cottage bungalow, cloe to elec, sta. and Oswego lake; ll."i0; l acre. McFarland. Failing bid lt.MLt.MA.N s country place, 30 acres. hautitui grove, large creek and springs; hard surface road and electric station ; close to city. E 724. Oregonlan. 1 ACRES in Gresham; all set in choice rruit ana o ernes. eirictiy modern 6-rm. bungalow, com plo to ly furnished; garage SSiMtn. trm! Tabor 2G7. I WiiN you buy or ell property be sure your sgeuc id a reaner. jcvery real tv arrest is not one. When In doubt phono Broadway 1902. Portland Realty B o a rd. 1 1700 CASH Good Lake View home, mod ern: H ffce. garage. Close to elec. line; $3iKK. MoFarlanci. Failing bldg. ONE ACRE fark Rose, all in cultivation ami tearag. gooa tmngatow; 1 blk. from Sandy. $4200. terms. Tabor 270. I$10 CASH Krand new 3-r. bungalow near uiwo jane ana iec. sta.: flTj. Me. Far-land. M. 3CT2. Falling bldg. I ) ACRE, small buugalow, fruit, berries, rarnen: Hawtnorue car line; $4V0. Tabor 24T4. IHER& Is YoUR CHANCtf to buy modern house and Z acres at a reasonable price; eiev terms. Owner. Auto. (t6-47. Il HAVE some beautiful 4 and -acre .tea, west slle; will baud to suit; easy terms. Main 2U12. I ACRE tract rear Cweeo lake. $110. $4;10, pn. acre: $jo flown, $15 month. Mr?rarUfid. Lake Grove S-. Sunday. luisWSLrO iae lot, reasonable, cash, or terms. T tit, orogonlan. 1 iaj REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOME ON ELECTRIC LINE. 20 mi lea from Portland, countr road 8 miles from Hillsboro, 20 acres, 8 under cultivation. 6-room house, bath, toilet, laundry tuba, work shop, two sleeping rooms overhead, tools and Implemen ts, equipment (gasoline) for pumping water, awing wood, etc., chicken house, or- cnara, z trees each of apples, peaches, bearing, -also small fruits, berries; very much furniture, range, etc., goes with the place, also arrow in ar croo. Price $5000, cash $3000, balance mortgage at u per cent, liberal time. This is a chance of a lifetime. FRED W. NEWELL, 407 Henry Bldg. Broadway 6030. COUNTRY HOME. 1H acres on Oregon City K. D.; a very fine home, 6 rooms, large attic, modern and up to tire min ute; large chicken house, will ac commodate 600 fowls; electric l'Khit, garage; all kinds of fruit and berries, nice garden; lots of shade ; don't fall to see this ; price $8500. PETERSON A YORK. ' 437 Northwestern Bank Bldg. . Main 8003. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES. Secure a home in our Beaverton-Reed-vtlle acreage, rich, well located and most accessible: 30 minutes out on State high way and electric line; big red cars; in iracia irom i to so acres; prices rtisuu a Die and terms easy. Also have houses, ranrtna from 2 to rooms each, with any acreage wanted, We are seliina our own orooerties. main ly, and others In that locality; hence have the largest offering on the market. TUB SUAVY-i1 ifiAJi COMfAAI, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. "SUBURBAN HOMES. 2 acres in cultivation; 26 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, 4-room house, barn chicKen house; Oregon City car une S3000. half cash. 4 acres In cultivation; lots of fruit and berries. 4-room house, barn, outbuild ings; Oregon City car line; $4000, half cash. 1 acre. Improved, fruit, granes. berries 7-room modern house, elec. lights, gas, modern plumbing; Oregon City car line (OVUU, LIU. 1 1 CttSIl. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 165 4th st. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 'Modern bungalow, newly painted, five rooms, sleeping porcn, an on one zioor casement, xirepiace, Kector n eating sys tem, sraa. electric llsrhts. Bull Hun wa ter: about half acre of ground, garden, all kinds of berries, natural trees and shrubbery. Located 1 block west and 1 block north of Evergreen station on Ore gon City line. 30 minutes' ride from 1st, Alder sta. Price $tfooU. See owner at the place or at room a, union station. CLOSE-IN HOMESITE. 5 acres on macadamized road ; near the Pavement and on Red Electric line. Close to Fulton or North and South Portland car line. Nice sijrhtly ground Overlooking the Willamette river. East facine: could be divided in several home sites. Good location for hospital, sani tarium or similar institution. urif rea at a real bargain. Personally inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg., realtor. OSWEGO LAKE HOMES. Spend the day in Lake Grove park on . beautfiul Oswego lake, boating, bathing, fishing and rood buvs. $ 975 6 rooms, water, light gas, garden. $i7 1 acre ana new 3-room. $1480 Large cor. acre, new cottage. $2100 Bunxalow. 4 rooms, one acre. lltfOO Acre, view of lake and ML Hood 1 500 Lake view, laree homeslte. Camp sites for rent. See owner. 600 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. COURTNEY STATION Wonderful 2 acre home; every desirable improvement; about hi acre grapes, all other fruits in full bearing: finest shrubbery, large. modern 0-room bungalow, garage, out buildings; a home really worth about S15.0O0: owner will sacrifice for SU500, reasonable terms; might take .strictly modern home up to $4ouo as part. G. G. McCORMIC sTO., 242 Washington st. lain 8220. A SUBURBAN HOME will save you 75 per cent of living cost. Here is your chance. 2 acres and good house, barn and orchard, right at city door, all for I30H). Its a snap: one- third cash, bal. like rent. See It Mon day. Also a choice acre at Ryan sta tion on Oregon electric. NEIL AN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg 5th and Stark sis. $500 DOWN. LOOK! HERE'S A REAL SACRIFICE. One acre at beautiful Firland, only 6 miles from Portland postoltice; assorted orchard and berries, modern 6-room house and bath: chicken house and ga rage. For a quick sale owner will sac rifice;' $500 down. Terms on balance. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. Main 1068. "SUBURBAN HOME.' 7 acres In cultivation, running water, fruit, berries, 7-room house, barn and outbuildings; 2 good cows, 2 hogs, .chickens, tools; price $3500; good terms. One acre choice garden land, wire fence, 6-room bungalow fireplace, Dutch kitchen, garage, barn, etc. Close to railway station, school, church, store, $2100, $750 rash, balance easy. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 1666 4th st ONE ACRE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. FOR SALE OR LEASE. One acre, all In cultivation; modern , bungalow, furnace, cement basement, water, electric lights, bath and toilet; near Oswego and car line; beautiful view; price $t500, or will lease for one year at $50 per month. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405 Panama Bldg. Main 9404. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. 1 1-3 a. with a nearly new modern 6-r. bungalow, large attic, barn, chicken house, fruit, berries, near station on O. City car, 25 ml. from city. This is one of the most up-to-date homes list ed. Has large rooms, elect, lights, L. travs, nice view. See Rock at 4o3 Couch bldg. Son. Tabor 3000. "EXTRA NICE HOMESITE." 6 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit and berries, 6-room house and barn, close to river, on west side; 20 minutes by auto from city; high and sightly. Price $5000, $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. This is exceptional value. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 165 4th st LA REVIEW VILLAS plat 4; new tract just being opened ; here s a sample: Large homeslte 100x210 feet, with clear running brook, fine soli, no rock, piped water, lights; only $525; $50 down. $10 per month; price includes rockiifg of roads; get In on the ground floor. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark, owner. 1-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. New 5-room bungalow, fireplace. elect, lights, gas. Bull Run water. 1 acre of ground, close to station and 9c fare; nonresident owner will sacrifice at $300; terms. R. F. FEEMSTER, 417 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful stone 1-story home, Eng lish style architecture. U-acre. 7 rooms, all modern conveniences. 2 blocks from Oregon City car, 25 minutes to town. 4 blocks to Pacific highway. Call Main 3324 or Oak Grove 11-J. TUALITAN VALLEY HOME. 10 acres in fruit, berries, grapes and vegetables, beautiful house on place, 2 cottages, chickens, greenhouse, all for $12,000, with reasonable terms. J. O. GRAY CO., 718 DEKL'M BLDG. GARDEN HOME. New bungalow, neat and clean, ga rage, chicken house, fruit trees, acre, water, gas; $3100, terms; will sell furni ture; leaving city; quick sale. Main M5; Sunday Sell. 2500. OWNER sacrificing $3000 equity; choice, well-located suburban home; modern buildings; 24 acres commercial fruit and berries and poultry; cash, terms or exchange considered. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermena bldg. NEW BUNGALOW, $2100; attractive new 4-room bungalow ; water, lights, plumb ing, large homeslte, 132x300; rocked road. Just right for newlyweds. Very small first payment. See owner, 600 Concord mg., ana stark sts. 20-ACRE SUBURBAN KQME BY OWNER. Six-room house, good barn and other outbuildings, i and orchard; black loam soil; including personal property, at a bargain. Write to John J. Cramer, Harrisburg. Or. A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. One acre and a verjft modern fi-roora bungalow, on good road, 45 minutes out, watnr system alone cost $1500; price 945C0, on very easy terms. 314 Couch bldg, THREE-ACRE HOME. Near Garden Home, 6-room house, gas, water, running stream all year; will sell furniture; move right In; $37"0, terms. Main 5426. Sunday Sell, 2509. 1125 Gasco bldg MILES east of MontavllU. at Ascot station, 6-room house, strictly modern, bath, furnace, fireplace, own water sys tem; house worth $3500; my price with 2 acrec $3150. Owner. Main 3488. LARGE half acre, nicely located 4-room I house, variety fruit, berries, city w aterS. ge; close in uregon Electric; macad-, amioed road; $16oo; easy term a Mar-' shs'l 1874. ONE-HALF ACRE corner on auto road; 6-room house, full cement basement fine garage, chicken house, gas, electricity, city water, all kinds of fruit and gar on: o vi ner. Main zoo-L HERE'S A DANDY AT OSWEGO LAKE. 1 Big homesite, roca roaa, lights, water, together with fine spring brook; remem ber, only $550, on easy terms. Owner SPO Concord bldg., 2d and Stark . i$1175 CLEAN 5-r. cottage. Oswego, close ts highway: 50x100 lot; H cash. McFar- land, realtor. Failing bld& REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH STATION. 8.7 acres, with 6-room bungalow, city water, gas and electricity; auto road on two sides; fine for subdivision; only 6 minutes to station; $4500, terms. One acre with beautiful 7-room bunga low, bath, fireplace, furnace, great as sortment of bearing fruits; reasonable terms. Dandy new 4-room bungalow, bath, all modern, for $2150, $500 down. Half acre with 4-room bungalow, bear ing fruit, only $1630. SEE NED BURKE, Multnomah Sta., Sunday or Week Days Main 1903. $200. LITTLE farm hi acre, fine soil. light, water, gas, auto road, 7 c fare, I a,u aown. a uregonian. 4-ROOM bungalow and half acre. Garden Home. $1000; terms. Call Main 1000 Monaay. 7-ROOM Colonial home at Rtverwood : house facing paved, a rive. 116 ft- river i or Sale Business Property. STORE ROOM AND APARTMENTS. 6 living rooms and store room, occu pied by grocery first floor, 6-room apart- I mem secona xioor; garage connecieu with b-uilding; corner lot, 65x100; plenty of room on lot for another building. Price $5000; liberal terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broadway 8222. BUSINESS PROPERTY. n.OSR IX nv EAST AIDE. Lot 47x03, building 40x00, all occupied. I montniy income o? ; price -ou; terms; property earning over 12 per cent net. 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broad way 322. lUUxlOO E. WATER ST.. BETWEEN HAWTHORN B AND MORRISON BRIDGET ON TRACKAGE: REASON ABLE TERMS. OWNER. BO 633, OREGONIAN. FUR Ai-E Good income property; bldg. AN 721, Oregonlan. brick 1 Homestead, Relinquishments. " EHLE'S HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS ARE FOUNDED ON MEKIT. 12 YEARS OF IT. T mtA n thin 100 Twr rent. Have ter- sonaily cruised with care hundreds of J these u. Be c claims ana seiecieu b i comparative few which measure up to the standard required for success; wealth in natural resources: commercial timber or good land ; accessibility ; favorable location; schools; good roads; towns and railways near, etc., making it prac tical for a man to establish indepen dence of jobs and employers; make a good Ivilng on his claim getting out mining poles, coruwooa, ties, snaaes. nltnh. etc.. etc.. and save rent. fuel. light, economize on clothing and have I his own vegetables, poultry, eggs, iruu and berries, milk, cream, butter, etc., as well as meat and fish for the pleasure of getting it. Be independent; make more money and gain property worth several thousand dollars and abundant "health and contentment out in God's fresh air and sunshine, during the seven months' residence required each year for three years. REMEMBER. TIMBER 1 GOING SKY HIGH. Can you" beat it? If so. how and whpro' I have filed In Douglas county and will move onto my place this month. Can show you places just .as desirable this trip leaving Portland Sunday, June 12. Let me tell you all about it. See me- any afternoon or evening this week. Sunday included. Take Fulton ear at Second and Morrison to Virginia st. f! s. eble. 1471 Macadam Rd. (Timber Locator.) HdMKSTEAlW WORTH LOOKING UP. 640-acre relinquishment; acres gooa tillable land, oO acres cleared; gooa wen water, abundance or pasture; nouse; price for locating on this place,' $350. 640 - acre relinquishment; 60 acres cleared. 10 acres more of brush grubbed but not burned; 2 wells and spring; good house; price for locating, $3uu. 820-acre relinquishment; 200 acres good tillable land; good grass and outran? on the balance; fenced on one side; can get 250 acres more adjoining; price for locating, oU. Kaipn Acmey lbuq iura- pany, h'll Corbett bldg. am LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or I Roseburg district, rarming or timoer land; am in a position to give you as good, if not better, service than anyone in the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm, 316 Board of Trade bldg. COPY govt, maps showing western Oregon I nomesteaa ianus, i. uur cnrgi n reasonable and our services the best on locations. Kererence given. M. J. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exch. Bldg., Portland. RELINQUISHMENT, 67 acres, 3 miles ftcPHn. a miles amall town, o-room nouse. some furniture, barn, chicken house, 3 acres cleared. Address owner, J. L Gharst. Beaver. Or.' rt' ANT to meet party with car who would be Interested in locating aomeeteau southern Oregon. Phone Main 1075. 10-ACRE homestead relinquishment, will trade for late model Ford. Call bun., J. E. Lynch, Mllwaukie. 34-J. RKi.TVOlTlSHMENT for trade or sale; good alfalfa lana, on rt. rt. tan nrgaa way 3383. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. FIRST-CLASS ORCHARD. Ten and 11 years, apples, high-grade I trees. White Salmon valley, opposite! Hood River, Or. Beautiful sloping land, rood elevation, on county road, 22 acres. bearing orchard cared for by experts I every year, il you want somernmg ex tra call in for particulars. The trees I are loaded with Spitzenberg, Yellow New town and Ortlev apples; a prospective crop of about 6000 boxes now growing. In addition you will get a half in terest In packing house plant with an other large orchard adjoining. A com fortable residence with wide porches commanding a magnmcent view of Alt. Hood goes with the deal: spring water. family orchard, plenty of timber and pasture for stock in the 40 acres next to orchard, making 62 acres tn all, $10,000 I casn will nandie, Daiance liberal terms at o per cent. Total price lo.ooo. F. McFARLAND REALTY CO., Realtors. Failing btdg. Portland, Or. BEST fruit and dairy in Clarke Co.; 43 acres, all in crop, 10 acres prunes, 2 acres apples, 13 cows, 1 bull, good team; all farm tools and machinery; $20,000, half cash. On paved highway in Clarke t Co., best fruit land in northwest: 434 acres, 25 acres in crop, good buildings, fine water; $12,000, half cash, or will take house $3000 and $3000 cash, balance 4ft years at 6 per cent. ATKINSON A PORTER, 705 Main St. . Vancouver, Wash. ORCHARDS fully developed in tracts of iu or acres located near White Sal mon, one or the best apple-growing belts, producing at this time high-grade apples under full cultivation and care of manager. Owing to dissolving part- ueramp in a curamunity noiaing tnese tracts of 10 and 20 acres each will be sold separately. For particular inauire c ri. irtes. wnite Suimon. or S. T. Hills. administrator, 1723 L. C. Smith plug., oeaixie. ORCHARD TRACT. For sale, 25 acres in the famous Or chard at Fargo station, in Marlon coun ty; splendid berry land, especially adapt ed for logan and other berriest will be sold on very easy terms of payment. For further information call or write Ochoco Land Co., b06 N. W. Bank bldg., Port- iana. ORCHARD TRACT for sale, 25 acres in the famous Fargo orcnara at rargo station, in Marlon county; splendid berry land, especially aaapatea ior logan ana other berries: will be sold on very easy terms of pay ment. For further information, call or write ucnoco Lana io.j hub Northwest ern Bank bldg., Portland. FIVE ACRES bearing walnuts and cher ries, near Amity, 13 years old; worth 1 souu, iorcea 10 sen or sizou. u 724, wregonian. For Sale Acreage. 820 ACRES Canada land; 310 acres growing wneai, nan goes wun me piace. wheat looking fine; may make 60 bushels per acre; $4000 Improvements; only $40 acre ; u"u casn, Daiance easy terms. Further particulars, write Earl Grant, , iidruns, aha., iansaa. BY OWNER 1 or 2 acres on Portland- Hillsboro-Pacifie highway, 15 miles from center of Portland. 2 miles from Hills boro; all under cultivation; close to elec tric station ; good place for suburban home Fine home being built adjoining. $000 per acre. Terms. Tabor 7144. 10 AREc REKDVILLE $200 DOWN. Four miles Beaverton, easy walk either, car, electricity near, wood enough to pay for the property; best soil; $1700. J. C. CORBIN CO.. . Realtors, Lewis Bldg. . TEN ACRES near Beaverton, no bldgs., . will take light car and small amount cash as down payment, bal. easy. J. Eugene Hedges. Realtor. 201 W. Park. I have auto, glad to show you. 160 ACRES good land, 30 mi. from Port land ; million timber, $16 acre; terms; might take small house or auto. Owner, East 62S. 10 ACHES deep rich land, about two cleared ; east of Lents, close to hard surface. t)wner, B 708, Oregonlan. ACRES, $300 per acre, near Hillsboro. all fn cultivation, crop in; no buildings. A. Yanskey, route 2. HlUsboro, Or. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit, G131 03d st. S. E. Thomas Allen, city. DESIRABLE. 1 to -acre tracts, close in. East 2170 REAL ESTATE. For 8a le A creage. NEAR HILLSBORO. OR. 10 acres, all under cult., mile from elect, sta., school and highway; 7-room house, barn, chinken bouse: U Dean fruit traM. aooft utraw berry nlan some loganberries, 2 acres potatoes, ftOOO tomato plants, 2000 cauliliower ana cau Dage plants; creek on tne Dounaary m Included with place, good cow, plo harrow, mnwins marhlne. hay rake, d roller, wagon and furniture. .Vrlce for everything $3600: $1000 cash. Or will sell the place without the equipment. inspected by brooks. TWO Af-RFS OP BERRIES. 3 flrrM tn town with BfOOd payroll, 7 blocks from station and school, all under cultivation, Ihk acres strawberries, H acre loganberries, currants, rnuoaro, etc.; 38 bearing fruH trees, 6-room house, -barn, rarae-e. rhlcken house, storehouse; exceptionally fin soil; 70 miles from Portland. Price $2200: $1000 cash, consider property in Portland of same value. Photo at office. Inquire for air. .uunter. 5 acres. 10 miles south Portland by auto, mile from Oregon Electric sta tion, l acre under cultivation, an can ot cultivated: halanoa In wood: good well, young bearing fruit trees, 5-room ceiled house, large barn, chicken house, wood house. Price $1800; $600 cash, balance $io per month. Inspected oy tfrooks. VERT CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 6 acres, 8 miles from 82d st. East, be tween the Base Lino and sanay doui vard: best of black loam soil, all und cultivation. mile from electric sta tion; small orchard, 8-room house, barn. garage, chicken nouse. gasoline engi and water system, wire fences. An ex coptlonally fine piece of land. Price $3600; $1000 cash. VERT SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 5 acres, east of Portland limits miles. Near Base Line road: level land, 2 hi, acres under cultivation, balance light ciearlnjr:-new 8-room house and good ga rage; lots of wire for-fencing land and chicken runs. Owner away and will give very low price and easy terms. Ask for Air. Hunter. SIX MILES FROM PORTLAND. 10 acres, north of Gresham and joining a good town, with good Bchool; best of loam soli; all under cultivation; street to place; barn on property. Nice level land, well adanted for berries: city co veniences there. Price $3500; $500 cas! very easy terms, o per cent; only o mil xrom city limits. 12 acres. 17 miles south of center Portland, 2 blocks from Red Electric station ; good macadamized road, near Capitol highway; 4 mile to school: ail can be cultivated; now in fir timber 4-room box house; $o00 cash, balance years at 7 per cent. ' 5 ACRES, 92D STREET. Very close in. A mile from car: mac adamlsed street; all can be cultivated when cleared; now in timber; 4 blocks to school; just out of city limits; gas and city water in front of property; no gravel or rock, .inspected by iunter. H acres. 3 miles east of Hillsboro. 1 miles from Electric station, mile from school ; fine soil, main graveled road ny property; all under cultivation; close to stores and lots of work. Price $1200 iuu oasn. Easy terms on balance at, per cent. Inspected by Brooks. ONLY $100 DOWN. S acres 1 mile east of Portland, 8 blocks from station, 9c fare; city water ana gas can be had;'l acre clover. Good place for chicken ranch. We want an offer on this place. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg., Realtor. Over fioO small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. FINE COUNTRY HOME. 20 acres, all in cultivation except 2H acres pasture; miles north of New berg, Or., on good hard-surfaced road good 7-room house, good barn an chicken house; city water piped in house and barn; mile to 8th grade school and church; 4' acres ruil-bearing logan berries, Stt acres in full bearing Ital Ian prunes, family orchard, strawberries and black caps; all spring work about compteiea; an iarm equipment goes wit the place. This is a real Income nlace ana tne price is right and if taken be fore June 10, 1021, will include all crops. reason xor seinng, sickness in lamiiy. a. juuinw, owner. R. F. D. No. 3, box No. 46. ' Newberg. Or. AURORA PROPERTY FOR SALEv One hundred acres first-class aardon or onion iana. locatea just soutn oi Ail rora. Or.: few acres clear, balance Heh brush and some good timber; small dwelling and barn on premises and most ly all fenced. This nlace is also excellent for pasture and berries. For quick sale aoove property priced at io per acre, naif cash. Daiance time to suit, vvc in teres t. Also amall tract of 6.15 acres with large two-story dwelling, situate almost rig nt in town or Aurora and close ti school: all In cultivation, fruit and ber ries: aa exceuent nome place; price s-toiKJ. part casn. terms. Appiv to own , 4'w Panama Ding, ynnne Main 7W.Y 5, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 ner month buva a R-acre tract In this addition of 600 acres; down the- Columbia river on the Ore eon side, close to Columbia hlghwsyxand river: une transportation, railroad, river. auto stage a,nd truck; beautiful lying iana. rree rrom rocK ana gravel: some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams; fine loca tiosL for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES PBFKL, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. IRRIGATED LANDS UNDER " WARM SPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA. CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING, HOGS AND POULTRY. VERT LIBERAL TERMS. WRITE OREGON A WESTERN COL. CO.. ONTARIO, OREGON. "BURBANK" 2K-ACRB TRACTS. Rich, deeo soil, free from rocks and gravel, fronting on Barr road, one-fourth mile west of Barker rad. Look for our sign, choose your tract, some are partly cleared, pay us du aown and move onto the land. Your choice of any of these fine tracts for $1260, $50 down and $15 per month. You can't make money faster than to secure a contract and move on one of these tracts and lm prove it. 5TROWU ft cu., Keaitors, 608 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. 160 ACRES, 12 milea from Goldendale. Wash. : 10 cleared, balance cut over: 8-room box house; no waste land on it; all could be cultivated ; less than mile from new graded school; saw mill within 40 rods; volcanic ash soil; as good fruit Is raised around It as In Hood River dis trict. Can raise any kind of grain; al falfa does well, growing 6 to 6 feet high. Will take $3000 for it; $500 down, terms on baL, or will trade for house of same value in Portland. Call up Tabor 9207. Owner. 310 Marguerite ave. $50 PER ACRE: WORTH $100 ACRE. An estate or zau acres must oe sold at once; 200 acres under cultivation, very poor set of farm buildings, family orchard, woven wire fences, lo cated south of Albany on the Pacific highway, 2 miles of town. Terms to the right party. WlhLAMHTTH VALLEY LAND CO., - 403 First National Bank Bldg., Albany, Or. ACREAGE With family orchard in full bearing and berries. Terms to suit your pocketbook; Bull Run water and gas, close to city, school and car: buy now and get this year's crop. $1000 an acre. reduced from $1250. Mr. Hare, with A- J- DeFORKST A CO., Realtors. 820 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. $500 CASH BALANCE EASY. buys 2 acres near Division St.; good house, city water, gas, elec available. 20 full bearing fruit trees, berries. BURKHABDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. BASE LINE ROAD. Beautiful suburban home sites, lust east 01 Montaviua. on ase Lane road one lot to one acre, water ud gas. Drive out today, rou will see our sign. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 1 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROCKWOOD acres, on both sides of mac adam road; s minutes walk from sta tion, black soil, fine view, right for acre tracts, tt acres clear, $400 per acre, your terms or exchange for houses in city. Sellwood 771. 1 ACRE, $700. Near Buckley avenue, st. e, school and car line; good terms. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-8-6-7 Board of Trsde Bldg. 5 ACRES all cleared, very best of soil, ideal place for berries and poultry. Close to Gllll's station on Bull Run electric. Price only $1500. Terms. See ' Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1 85ft. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low" price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. LOCKWOOD ACREAGE. One or more acres close to station and Base Line road. All cleared. Only $-no per acre. Terms. See Mr. Boehm. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165a. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. EXTRA GOOD 30 ACRES. All but about 6 acres In high state of cultivation and a good part of this 6 acres la fine onion land and the other is extra good soil and is tn clover. This acreage is crossed by ft nice running, lasting stream and whichis a big asset and hard to find. TThere are no buildings, but several choice building sites, and owner might be induced to move a nearly new small nearby house on this land. This property Is located on good road, near paved highway, school, church, good station on electric line and in one of the very best close-in high-class west side dis tricts and only about 25 minutes' ride from Portland. Owner has instructed me to cut the price and sell the property and I can offer this very choice property at about one-half what small acreage tracts sell for in this district, and can make terms both easy and attractive. Might divide. Can be cut in three tracts , with running water on each. This property was formerly se lected and purchased by one of Portland's first citizens with a view of making It his home and who has since died. If you are hunting the best acreage at the best price, don't overlook this. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. "BURBANK" WOODED TRACT. Special sale of timbered tracts, con taining all kinds of trees, 2H acres of deep, rich soil in each tract, fronting on good hard road. This land fronts the Barr road, one-half mile west of the Barker road. It is priced to sell at $1150 per tract. As an "opener" we offer your choice of lots 9, 12, 13 or 14, "Burbank," for $1000; terms $50 down, $15 per month. Look for our sign, choose your tract and come in with a deposit. This offer good this week only. STRONG & CO.. Realtors. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE $3500, with terms, 2 acres. o-room bungalow, gas, telephone, well in house, firewood near by, garage, store house, woodshed, poultry house ; also 24x40 building used for dwelling, large well, pumping plant, gas engine, equip ment for irrigating place, crops in, asst. fruit trees, berries, flowers, shrubs, large asparagus bed; also cow and chick ens, 10 minutes from Pacific highway and St. Mary a station, on Red Electric, board walk to house, 25 minutes by auto irom .Portland. Phone lso. 155, line 24, Beaverton, Or. Owner, C. L. Benson, Bor 10. R. R. 4. FOR SALE; 12 acres: 11 in cultivation, all in croo: aood orchard and berries. 1 acre in garden, beet of soil, good young cow. iresn in June, cnicaens. nay. woon. toois. o-room nouse, large front porcn gas ana en one in. city water br door tine location hi mile south of Tobias, on a. f. electric line and state highway 30-mlnute ride to Portland; good train and stage service. Price $(000. half down balance terms at 6 per cent. L $54, oregonlan. A GOOD CHEAP PLACE. 10 acres, 16 miles West Portland, near Hillsboro; mile from electric statioa and school ; good black loam soil, 2 acres in potatoes, corn, beans, 2 acres very easy to plow, no waste land, place all level and seeded to clover and other grass, wire fences, 5-room house, 2 chicken houses; price $2250; $1550 cash, balance for 2 years. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg.. Realtor. JUST ON THE MARKET. At sightly point on Section Line road about hi mile east of 82d st. Beautiful level tract of garden land, In high state of cultivation, almost 1 acre: Bull Run water; $l0b0, $110 cash. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A FINE LITTLE CHICKEN RANCH! 2 acrea on 824 st. ; 4-room house; city water ana gas. 'la rruit trees, cherries, ad Dies and orunes: 250 berries, rood ear- den and trarden tools. 300 fine chickens. good chicken house 54x16. brooder house 12x14. oroooer 1200 capacity, 2-20-egg in cubator; priced to sell. $3250. $1000 caeh. SM I TH - W A GO N ER CO. . STOCK EX. PRICED RIGHT. Acres near Powell Valley road, about 3 miles east of 82d street ; part clear; $1600, $160 cash. Don't overlook una. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 21-ACRE FARM. $300. Near Sherwood. 18 miles from Port land, close to paved highway and on good road; an exceptionally fine piece of land; 6 acres cultivated, small house, barn and chicken house; only $2500 for all; easy terms. R. F. FEB.MSTER. 417 Abington Bldg. 1-ACRE COUNTRY HOME SITE. One great big, beautiful acre, covered with stately grove of native trees, out Powell Valley road, 3 miles. east of 82d street; $400, $50 cash. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACRES, 2 blocks St. Johns car. adjoin ing new City Park; an ldea.1 Investment: price $4500; terms 500 cash, baL any reasonable way. See Mr. Graham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. GET THIS. Just outside city limits, out Section Line road, almost one acre of high-class soil, level and in cultivation, tsun itun water; $ynu, shju casn. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 17 ACRES of rich, productive soil, closi to Columbia river, price $6K0, 1180 down balance $100 per year, with o per cen Interest; on a good road, very easy to clear. If you are looking for land It will pay you to investigate tnis. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FACING POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Beautiful 1-acre home site, near store and school, in well settled, thrtvin community; just west of Buckley ave nue; J10HO. K. n. uurvr ke. i . rteaiior, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NE ACRE, cleared, fenced, nine or te young bearing assorted rruit, on corner fronting on hard surfaced street put down last fall, two blocks from electric station, ten trains eacn way; graue acre is ideal, two feet above street. If Interested call owner, Main 5205. 1 ACRE. BUCKLEY AVENUE. Snlendid home site, good road, about 1 miles outPide of city limits. Bull Run water;. $mh, good terms. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $10 PER ACRE. 87 acres. S. W. hi of S. W. i . sec. Two. 10 north, range 2 west. Cowlitz Co.. Wash. ; easy terms. Hilton R- White. 8U6 Oregon St.. San Die-so. Cal ACR E COUN TR V HOM E with larae bungalow near Multnomah sta., on the Ore Elec.. which owner is compelled to aarrince. r particulars can at 40 PL ATT BLJXi.. 127 Park st. FINE 20 acre tract, all under cultivation 11 mi ea rrom courinnuse. on aooa roan at 60 cents on the dollar and some terms. Elmer r. nenneii wo., reniiors, ie-j-i Board of Traae. Main 74.. 40 ACRES first-growth timber, lots of poles, line iana, ciose 10 sawmill ana school, 7 miles from Molalla, $1500. Owner, 499 E. 12th st. N. Phone East 4070. FOR SALE Five acres, part cleared; run- nine water: no gravel; good berrv chicken ranch; take good horse ajt part payment; price J-ean, uattie ground. Wash.. R. 1. 60 ACRES good land, 30 mi. from Port land; million timoer; sin acre; terms. Might take small house or auto. Owner, East 8228. TWO ACRES under cultivation, about 20 minutes out on Fourth-street electric. Bull Run water and gas; $2500; easy terms. Will divide, r 7a, oregonlan. $50 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. 2 acres fronting on Barr road; part clear; deep, ncn sou, rree rrom gravel $1250. Strong A Co.. 806 Cham. Com. WHEN you buy or sell property be sure your agent is a realtor. Every realty agent is not one. wnen tn aoubt phone Broadway 1002. Portland Realty Board. 10 ACRES near Buckley ave. and Barr road; cuv water, gooa sou; tazov; win divide. Owner. 615 By. Exch. bldg. Phone Mar, loyj. 320 ACRES for sale or trade. $4500: will take used car up to $500 or trade for house and lot or acreage. Columbia 760 between 5 and 6 P. M. ACRE. NATURAL .TREES $10. Payments;- beautiful tract; no assess ments; city water; Alberta car. R, W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. ISO -A.CRES logged-off land on Clackamas river, near railroad, 19 miles from Port land; good soil; $40 an acre, easy terms, or tradft. S. E. Smith. Sellwood 22B7. BEAUTIFUL 2 aereu in t:ity, nice Income; 3 houses rented ; garages, outbuildings, etc.; every variety of berries and fruit grown in Oregon: $0500. Auto. 627-82. 5 ACRES. Near Garden Home, 4-room cottage, electric light, gas, well, cheap at $3U00. McDoneil, East 410, realtor. A REALTOR must and does protect those who buy or sell property through him. No irresponsible realty agent can be a member of the Portland Realty Board. ACRES ALBERTA CAR $10. ' Payments; no assessments. R. W. Cary, 1319 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. $ 500 W EST MO RE LA N D $ 500. 60x100; ail improvements In and paid. R, F. FEEMSTER, 417 Abington Bid. REAL ESTATE. For Sle Acreage. (INTERURBAN) COUNTRY HOME, ' $1900 1 acre, good five-room house and poultry buildings; land Is well cultivated, plenty fruit and ber ries. Located convenient to sta tion. T1GARD HOME, NEAR STATION. $4300 10 "acres, beautifully situated on good auto road, convenient to Capital highway. Land la the best of soil; it is in clover, oats, potatoes and pasture. Seven room house. Large poultry house, barn and other buildings, some fruit. There Is a special reason for this low price. HILLSBORO 20 ACRES. $6500 Highly cultivated and Improved with good buildings. Includes fine growing crops, four extra good cows,, big m9t check monthly, team, harness, farming imple ments and about 160. .chickens. Can take good house part pay ment. NEAR CAPITAL HIGHWAY. $5300 Very choice smooth va.lley land, all In wheat and oats, 12 miles from center of Portland. SmaJl hrujse, large barn and orchard. Crp Included And Immediate possession. EAST FROM VANCOUVER, WASH. $5000 20 acrea, all good land, 64 acres genu lire beaver dam, buildings, orchard and growing crops. Same Location. $20,000 72 acres, 30 acres gen bine beav er dam, good house, onion house and barn for dairy. Includes equipment and stock, large milk check monthly. See Grant Ho berg. GEO. E. Bdwy. 5173. ENCLEHART CO.. 624 Henry Bld- 20 ACRES. $5000; cash $3000, bal ance terms; 13 acres In crop and fruit; good buildings; 8 miles Vancouver, 1 mile good school: extra good well water and good soil, no rock or gravel; 8 cows. 2 heifers, 1 horse, 4 do a. chickens, 4 pigs, all farm tools. ?tt acres, $5000; only $1500 cash, balance terms; all In fruit and garden ; good house, small barn; fine location, on good road, 1 mile school, 3 miles Vancouver. 1 acre, $3500, terms; in Van couver; all in fruit; elec. lights, ' city water, concrete walk, good street. ATKINSON A PORTER, 705 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. TJP COLUMBIA RIVER HIGH WAY, 24 MILES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40-ACRE RANCH, ONLY $4000. s 2 horses, 2 good heifers, 2 wag ons, plows, cultivators, rake, other necessary tools and implements, about $1000 worth of personal Sroperty, house, barn, garage, lfccksmlth shop and tools, 2 good springs, 3 acres strawberries, blackcaps, 8 acrea spuds, 4 acres sweet corn, 15 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture and timber. $1250 cash, balance terms to suit. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. A REAL BARGAIN. 5 to 10 acrea cleared land, within 25 minutes of postof f ice, good high way. City water, very desirable for suburban home. $650 per acre. . East 422L A MODERN gentleman s residence, 10- CB.rei on wext side, si t-eaee district, 6 minutes' drive to heart of city and walking diPtance; surrounded by ample and beautiful grounds, providing maxi mum of patety for children; 14 rooms, three baths, hardwood floors, white enameled throughout; In fact, every mniipm convenience for solid comfort. and aleo possessing that home-like air so necessary lor satisraction wnn one surroundings; price $30,000; any reason able first payment will be accepted; bal ance can be paid on novel and very in teresting terms; possession July 1: owner leaving city; no agents. Y 713. Oregonlan. TEN ACRES APPLE ORCHARD. Here is 10 acres, all in apples, nine yeeara old and in first-class condition; it la In four of the best varieties. New town, Pippin, Winter Banana and John athan. This tract is located near The Dalles In the town of Boyd. This is a b:g bargain at $4500. See F. C Marshall, with FRANK U McGUIRE. 205 Abington bid. Min IOCS. Third .. bet. Waah. and Stark. 5-ACRb: runch mile from Vancouver iliv limits, srnnd road.. U )od road,, mile to c.r. near school. Boll, aandy loam, no gravel, 4 acres cleared, 1 acre atrawberrle, younjr appie, cherry and peach orchard, grape. nd berries. 4-room bunjfiiiow with long living room. CrotM, Imple ment and tools included at onls" j:i!00. Liberal terms. Main J50:i, ilci.lure Fchmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange - 'bldg. MMKRK YOU ENJOY LIFE. On the Ore. City car line near sta tion, 5 a. with 5-r, bungalow, barn, irit nmn.rtv cost S7000 5 yrs. aeo:will take lots in gnnA dist., small in citv uo to t.1000 in exchange, prfn. xrtnno for few days only. Rock. 403 Cfllich bldg. Mar. 33M. Sun Tabor RKST RHYS AND EXCHANGES. 160 acrea. 100 cleared, good Improve tnentfl. 10 COWS. 6 heifers. 6 CaWeS, i horses, 75 chickens, 2 hogsr all Imple ments and tools necessary to work the ranch: 2 miles from town, mile from pavement; only $75 per acre, terms; on account of sickness this must be sold at once. Socolofsky, balem. ur. CHICKEN FARM. 6 acres, all In cultivation: running water, 8 acres fruit, 4-room house. basement, electric lights, close to ran w.v .tnrion and Willamette river, school, church. 6 stores, bank, P. O.; $3100, $2004) cash, balance to suit. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 15'. 4th St. ) irRKa K'EIR RKAVERTON $1100. Nice level land, all cleared and fenced. shack and well, 1 mne irom station, tii. from scchool. 20 minutes drive from courthouse. Price $1100; terms $200 cash. $20 monthly. LUEDDEMANX COMPANY, "13 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU have the money and reaJly mean business, we oner you n r.n. i,nc. pretty level 10 acres, excellent son, fenced 2 sides and cross-fenced, beauti ful section of country, very olose in, full price $S00. A rare opportunity and offer. Reason, to close an estate. C. L. Becker, 133 1st St. 11 ACRES, 2-ROOM HOUSE $1000. Located 30 miles from Portland, fine fruit and berry land or mixed farming; 1 acre cleared, spring near house, close to station and P. O. Price $1000, reason able terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 13 Chamber of Commerce. $3.10 PER. ACRE. 10 acres, under the plow, out B Line road, near store, school and car. line; only $500 cash. , R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. iOI-2-3-1-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COLU-MBIA HIGHWAY. A S-acre tract right on the Sandy river and Columbia highway: a beauti ful location for summer home; price RUMMELL A RITMMELL, 274 Btark St ACRES on good paved road. 5-room house, family orchard. strawberries raspberrlea, water, electric llghta will be in next August when line comes through: price $3250, terma AC 728. oregonlan. BARGAIN for quick action. Eight lots. Ideal Ior trues garoemns;, lucnieu iuut blocks to electric station, close in; wM sacrifice at $050: on terms or $850 cash. This is a fine building site. G. A. Sarles, 433 Northwestern Bank bldg. 40 ACRES. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 0 acres cultivation, bal. pasture and timber. 1000 cords wood: small bouse, barn water piped to house. 200 ft. from highway and depot, $2000; terms. C. W. Mlllership. 15'4 4th st. Main 5275. FOR SALE 10 acres, all tillable, on south bank or uiacKamas river, idoui mue east of highway bridFe at Park Place. Price $4500; easy terma A. McAlman, Marshall 1105 10- ACRES. NEWBERG, $3,100. Improved, new bungalow, vacant, own er back east, must sell, any reasonable terms, less for cash. Mr. Colt, 520 Cham, of Com., 4th and Stsrk. V4 ACRES. $2000. at end or Hawthorne ave. line: jo, less ior i.nn. vBrin, u. u Ky. Exch, bldg. Phone Mar. 15Si HE A L ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. RIGHT ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 15 acres right on the beautiful high way, 20 miles from Portland, with an attractive 6-room plastered bungalow, dandy large living room with fine fire place; wonderful view; garage, barn, chicken house; part of land now in crop; some nice timber; family orchard In full bearing, some berries; with the place go 2 milch cows, 1 heifer and 20 chickens; only $7000; terms. W. B. Hlnkle. with John E. Howard (REAL TOR. 318 Chamber of Commerce NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 4 '-4 acres, all In cultivation with 2 acres of the finest bottom land, right at the station, only 18 miles 6ut, on the highway. 150 fruit treea In bearing and the best of condition, quantities of berries. Place beautifully kept; lots of roses ana growing garden; 4-room house and other buildings; cider press, and many Incidentals go with the place. i-rice oniy 3umj, siuuu win nanme. JOHN E. HOWARD. REALTOR, 818 Chamber of Commerce. - BENSONIG HEIGHTS. 2 acres. Just 7 mile from court house on Cornell road; half-mile from school. Dandy llttla 3-room house with all built-in features. Fine place to raine chickens; has fruit and berries; large garuen in. isnciL well and numn back porch. If you're looking for acreage you can't beat this, price oniy $i50u; terms. See Mr. Glrard, 436 Cham, of Com. PARK ROSE ACRE 1 acre, all In culti vation, only 2 blocks from the car; a very pretty modern home, hardwood floors, built-in effects, fine fireplace, beautiful buffet In dining room, 3 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, dandy garage, lawn, flowers and shrubbery, barn, shop, chicken house, all kinds of berries in bearing; a bargain at $"S0O; terms. W. B. Hlnkle. with John E. Howard (REALTOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce. ON PAVED HIGHWAY, 2, 3. 5. 10 and 20 acre tracts on Portland-Hillsboro paved highway, 15 miles out; some with bear ing fruit and berries; electric station op posite thee tracts; prices range from $450 to $1000 per acre; H cah, balance to suit. We can show you the best acreage tracts around Portland, either With or without Improvements. G. O. MrCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St. Msln 220. M ONTA N A LA N D. 160 acres good Montana farm land, two-thirds under cultivation, orchards and hay land; log cabin, 3 hay barns and two other buildings; best of drink ing water and a good trout stream on the place. For further Information, phone or write MTLDRKD HASTRTCH, Pellwood 210. f)34 Clinton Ft. SUBURBAN home. Oregon Cily line S acres on the hard surface hiKhway, all in cultivation: has a good, larire house with city water, barn, garage and chick en house; fine orchard of 75 trees In bearing; all kinds of berries, horse and farm tools; why pay $1000 an acre when you can buy this place for $(1,100? $2000 will handle. John E. Howard, (REALTOR), 1S Chamber of Commerce. tnrigHted lntls. IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE OR TRAD3. 73 acre, fine irrigated ranch, highly Improved; private water system, unlimited supply; Ideally located; 12 acres early potatoes; commence digging by June l.r: ex cellent crops of sweet potatoes, enapes. pennuts, alfalfa, came loupes and corn (trowing; mi fine highway, close to town. Will ac cept good business property or good residence. One of the very beet lrricited ranches in the Yaki ma valley. Must be seen to be ap preciated. BE I.NOEPEXBENT ON IRRI GATED LAVD. No floods, no drouths, big crops and no failures: 4 acre feet of water: Ideal soil; early strawberries all sold at big price; raises asparagus, grapes, broom corn, canteloupes. peanuts, any thing that grows in the temperate rone except citrus fruits: .Ingle 10-scre tracts sold s. high as $7028 worth of produce last year: we can show you this: best of transportation facilities: raw land from $75 to $180 per acre: oan sell vou land in excellent alfalfa as low as $180, Including paid-up water right; can handle on small payments and take some trade. If at all interested in Irrigated land or farming. Investigate theM op. portunitU'S. BEE E A RLE C. MILLER. WITH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Realtors, Jd and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. inn irnps rirMt.ria.aH unimproved Irriga ble land, H4 miles rrom center oi rasoo along main pipe line. $100 per acre. I Similar land further from town Is sell- I ln at 1125. C. Andersen. 4i turn sc. Portland. Phone Marshall 6442. l-o pi,:r achm Good house, barn, orch- ara. spring, garaen. uii.uv... uiv-i Realtor, railing Ding. For Krtle Karma. REAL GOOD BARGAINS. 40 acres, small amount cleared; 8-room house, large barn, all fenced and cross-fenced, with fol lowing personal properly: Team, wagon and harness, mower, rake, disc, harrow, plow and plenty of small tools; 10 cows, chickens and pigs, separator and furniture In the houae; price $42.10. or will trade for grocery store In country town; this place la five miles from a good town. AN EXCEPTIONAL SNAP 0 acres, some cleared ; 4-room new house, barn and garage; 2 cows, 1 heifer, 8a chickens: good timber; will sell all for $2200, with terma TANDY FARM BUY. One of the best no's In Clarke county, right on paved highway, close to town, irhoots; running water on this place; 80 acrea cleared; 8-room house. large barn and new silo, root house and hog house, chicken house and yard; chickens. S cows, 2 heifers, reg istered Jersey bull calf: plows, harrows, disc, potato hlller. culti vator, cream separator, drag saw, rood team, wagon and harness, 2 hogs; price $10.o00; will take Port land home to $4,100, balance a long time at very small Interest- WE HAVE SOME GOOD BUTS IN SMALL ACRr'AGK TRACTS CLOSE IN. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., 407 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. a DAROAIN. an acres. 10 acrea under plow, about $0 acrea tillable when cleared, balance pasture Wltn some Iiraorr, .-mum good large new barn, some other build in., fine stream of water through place. fine spring water to house, family fruit land nearly level. In good district. H mile to school. R. F. D. dally, on county road- 4 '4 miles from Washougal. Wash. Price $2500. good terma Might trade ior good house of equal value. GEO. Y. MOODY CO.. Washougal, Wash. FARMS. aa .ere. in cleared, reed lying tract. all fenced, good barn, orchard, machine shed; price .uuou, i-tou oown. on .r.M A cleared, good bam. houae. orchard, well, running water. Price cibnn frtOh down. These tracta lie good. close In. I have lots nice stock places between Gresham ana Sandy, or. WRITE GEO. BEERS, Sandy. Or. Thone M. 'C-YTn i rWOlCR FARM. At Tualatin, 13 miles from Portland on good road, 40 acrea 84 acres In high state of cultivation, acre pasture, lots of fruit and berries, good 7-room plas tered hOUSe, 2 Ua.ni". .arage aui .w. outbuildings, fully stocked and equipped, 10 milch cowa, 2 good horses, chlckena, o v.Af. fhia farm has been run as a dairy for 80 years. -Price $11,500; terma. R. M. GATrJVtouu e v-v..., iu-.: im nv. FOR SALE 8V4 acrea level creek bottom land; gooa ior ir.i ,v .aiu,. v v...w., ranch; 15 milea from Salem, one mile to school, church, railroad depot; good water, small 2-room house; this land la worth at least jnu per aero; uuni owner. AR 728. Oregonlan. 771 ACRES, houae, barn, 7 acres spucls. grain crops, team. u. , 14 acrea, modern bungalow, nice barn, level: all In crops. $70o0. Auto road. 1-3 mile elec. depot Main 3tii2. Mc Farland. Realtor. Falling bldg 110 ACRES, all or part. $125 a, 11 mi. out Vancouver. FRED LAWSOV CO.. 41 a Cham. Com. ,c ac-hb-. House, barn, hennery, orchard. crops $4000. Main 8672. McFarland, Realtor. Failing- omg. 15 ACRES Modern home, fine water sys tem, fruit, timber, rich son; near south ern Pacific. Sellwood 233, TT() ACRES, in ofparT 1 121 acre; U miles out. Vancoucer. Fred Lawaon Co., 416 Chamber of Commerce. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, good soil. iniaoie: ecnooi, easy terms. J. R. Sharps. S.TVj inird st. l6 ACRES, level, fenced, ciear; good 4-rm. house, near Wlllamina; terma: loganberry land. J. rt. wnarp. -Sj inira sr. 40 ACRES, improved. 20 miles out. Colum bia highway, 17.100. $2000 cash, no agents. AC T43. Oregonlan. ' 20 ACRES Dandy farm, good buildings. orchard, crop, $5000. McFarland, Realtor, Failing hldg. 100 ACRES, atock and machinery, crip. $3500, terma IIS Piatt bldg. REAL ETATE "Vor Sale 1 arm. RANCH, FOB CITT FROrERTT. One of the finest ranches In Eastern Oregon. 2v0 acres. 1'0 acres csn be cultivated. 4oo acres can be irrigated. Water rights go with ranch. Hanth couuweie.y fenced, slock, horses, tonla, Imple ments and all equipment now on ranch go with It; i houe. barn, blacksmith shop; It milea lo town, 12 miles from Dakar, Or. Plenty of water for stock ami ir rigation. K you are Inmrened in a large ranch, this one will ap peal to you. will accept 70o0 in trade and $ouu cam a first pay ment, balance easy terms at 1" Intercut. A reduced price of -i per acre Just received. Now is the time to buy a rsnoh, when prices are low. Call tor particu lars. OTTO A HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. lO-ACKE SAC'lUrK'H. ONLY 7.M) CASH. Owing to sickness, owner must ssr rlflce tills stocked aud equipped i1'-,', home, located only S bike, from " highway. 1 V miles Irom town, 5-ro.in house newly painted. 2 barns, hen hou.e hoghouse, etc.. 3 fine cows, good team. hols. 60 hens, 2 plows, cultivator, h.r row buggy, wagon, all small tools new 'rel'm separator; alo .11 furniture. In- orcnara oi ra in.-, -v. - h, also a large pasture that goes with th's. Another advantage Is It a person de .Ire. work, there Is plenty to be hd close by. Owner niul sell this a. therefore price of only $30. Including everything, only I7f.0 c.ih. bal. very y. V, L. Et'HY. Ilcaltor. R1TTBH, LOWK A CO.. 501 .I J I 7 Hoard cf Tni'le Itldg . . . ... ....i. i nere T-" , ,i l l- . il'Vl'l' h A KM. 120 acres, rich sandy loam, l iver bottom- no overflow. Works perfectly the year around. Last year ll hu. osla p.-r ecre; 60 acrea In grain and clover, u acrea in corn and potatoes, ft acre. r.mi dan gra. V, acre In l.-rrles. i fine springs, many natural advantages. Klgnt party can make wonderful farm home, on Lewi, river, good fi-hlng. "'"' birds and wild berries: ft-room cottage, birn and silo. Price J;JV . ".'"Xl jo-year federal loan. $4.. Ml. tall 61 J Abington bldg. today. HI to 1- " or phone Main 31-o for appointment ny t"ne' SIDNEY G. LATHROr. M A ningionriMis. Sl-KCIAL PIUCI-; KtiR UL11CK SAI.k.. 10 acres. 2 acres potatoes. 2 corn, a garden: fruit and berries: 2', oats, tim othy and clover; 1 ' pasture; all lev'l and A-l soil; H-room house, large barn fitted for slock; other outbids, all in flrst-clsss shape. Facing on p aved roa.i. Ideal location; lease on adjoining i acres fsld to Oct. I. H'lM. ow In ost. and vetch, some furniture, all tools, cow Hood 4-pnss. Chevrolet. Immediate pot session, $4,100. terms or trade for bunga low or grocery In Portland. Mr. Jlare wita A. J. DeFOR EST A CO, Realtors. ;0 Henry Hl.lr Rdwy. pfln. , KlUtTIlbi THIS Our. 10.1 acrea. 80 acre, cultivated. 10 acres slashed, 0 acrea very easily clesred. aoij cords wood cut and aold at 15 per cord (this goes wllh place). 1500 ford,'12 cut; small family orchard, fair house and barn, fenced and cross-fenc.d. cows. 5 sows, team mules. 100 chickens, harness and snulpment. located on mail and milk route, 2 miles Reedv l,e, 1 miles Portland. AVe have the place at the extreme low figure jf DO ' most any old terms. Tske trsde to 15000. Here Is sn opportunity to make a cleaning at the other fellow s . pense. See Drake, with ""nuns'l R u mmell. 274 Htark St. Main I72H. ""H.KUU FOLKS IS A HRACTlKyi. 10 ACRB 1IOMB FACING OOOU AUTO ROAD. Only 1 mile to store, churches, school and railroad, nearly n.w 0-room plastered bungalow, cement basement, fine burn, tool shed. 2 large poultry houses snd runs, young family orchard. 1 sre rasp berries, 1 acre atrawberrles. 1 acre pas ture, balance in crop and garden; tl.1 hens and 475 young chicks, hatched In Msrch; 11 cords of ln-lnch. wood. Immediate possession. All for 14500 about half cash. This Is a fine home. STEWART A JOHNSON. S1H Northwestern Hank Hldg " H t U HU Y. LOOK VP THIS 4.12 ACRES. We have 4.12 acres with 310 acres un der cultivation. 12 aerea orchard, place well-fenced, red shot soil, located be tween Lafayette and Carlton, amhlll Co., fl-room plastered house with belli and toilet, running water, barn 0il20, machine ahed. bunk house, etc. Moat or this Is In crop, which Is included, we are offering this for quick sale at onljr $100 per acre. Any reasonitble terma Ft YD L. EDDY, Realtor. HlTTHH I.OWM A. CO.. tOI-2-3-1-7 Board of Trade Hldg. ONE YEARS CROP SOLD FOIt MOItB THAN THE -"Mr ir l ri r. i.a.u. WH ERE? WESTERN CANADA Avail yourselves now of the opportun ity offered free, to lesrn how to on your own farm and enlarge your present farm operations for yourselves and sons. Along the llnejof the Cauadisn nallon. al railways, choice land for grain grow ing and mixed farming can be secured on liberal terms which you can easily meet. Low homesrrkera' ratea and personally conducted excursions. Writs DEW 1 i r FOSTER. Canadian National Hallways. dept C2I. Marquetts bMg.. Ch'csgo, II , STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres, 112 In cultivation, H acre, pasture, almost cleared, live alream. 15 seres oata. 10 acres wheat, 5 seres vetch. 1(4 potatoes. 114 logsnlierrle. good se. lection of fruit snd berries. 2 large Eng. walnuts. 6-room house, 4"x40 barn, fine young team. 5 cows, 1 bull. 1 hog, .5 hens, good line machinery snd tools. 1J miles front courthouse. raved road. $12,000, eay terms. L. o. ocrber, 7t Swetland bldg. Vain 777a. KLAMATH COUNTY RANril 140 acres. Improved wun ni - ow 100 acrea cultivated, mors plow land. In Langell valley Irrigation Project. be Irrigated from Horsefly dam nl Lnltei States reclamation service. Choice sioclt and dslry farm, watered by five Prl"", sdjacent to range. Price lio.ooo. Will take half cash, balance trade Deal di rectly with owner. 11. K. Wlnnard, Lo- rella. Oregon. 100 ACHES. 4.1 In cultivation, 20 In crop, .nnd hnilBA inn Dam mu uini buildings, geod well iitlfl creek, fully eoillpped with all kinds of farming tools; also household goods. 4 cows, a flock of chickens, all goes In. located miles from Csrrnls. Wash. Trl.-. $3.Vn. will take $1000 cash and balance on easy terms. TALI.MALHir; nr.nL.11 Kca Itors. nm nciirr ui.in nu'UGAi-ED STOCK RANCH. V40 acres, weetern Montana, all Irrig able except about M0 acres In timber. Surplus water. Fair buildings Elegant outside rangs Just right for 200 head of cattle. Price has been reduced tn $40 per acre and owner will take good hardware or furniture stock at Invoice price for part or all. Write Hopkins Born 10 First ave.. Spokane, w ssh. bV. 0'NEII-.VI seres 320 u n A er t li. plow; seianie mam drive barn and hnra atahla fnr 10 hMil of hoiw. Tl In, potato houae. bunk. houiM. blarkmith hop. lrw dwelim houiw: llvlnc water on the plare, abont R0 mtnutf from courthouse. Portlantl; lvlnir between Powell Valley rn1 and Etac1a car line: ran be rtivlrted. Tabor n o 4 o renldcnre ,rm Oremn et. " 34 A run TIM H BR. Thla 84 acree in loratrrl Juwt eaet of Gresham. It U all covered with. lari lHt-e-rowth timber; flnent buckehot eotl, lie level carllne aton one tie. The, timber will pay for land. Trice only UO0 per acre: H ch. V T(. KPPT. Realtor. R1TTKTV IsOWB A CO.. SfM-2-3-3-7 Hoard rt Trade niiTf. A GOIN1 "O-aore farm iMockm an 4 Jyfst torK ana cnii.im-ni in ninrn, $187. AO an acre for everything. Trmt or trade for home In Portland to $000. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFORKST A CO.. Realtor. FA KM SAOitlKirK. 40 acres, all In cultivation except two, area. all in cron. ronren. level. line eoi . K-room houpe. some furniture. g-od barn. plenty fruit and herrlew, live prlnif, 1- cow, aome rarm machinery, on aooi aravi-1 road 27 miles from Portland : $4000, terms. I.. O. Gerber, 714 Swetiand bide Main 7776. 25 ACRES, near New hers;, 4 mile from paved blKhway. electric station, school and stores. IS acres cult, snd In cron. S acres In berrlea. In first-class condition, all kinds fruit and garden truck; new 5-room bunsralow. brn. etc : vou can't best this In this locality for $5000; easy terms. P. R. Jesse. 5'J7 Corbett bAe. IftO REAL SOIL; n wants lend: fine crek and sprmro. Duiiainas: 1" ciearea. kmi easily cleared; heavy rattle fed. county road, nelahbnnp: McMinn vllle count rv; all plow land; loort. ani Corbett bid. 09 ACRES- six miles sontti of Lebanon. AS in cultivation, wen renca; a moa oar. or will trade. ( Owner. Tabor 630S. IDEAL rt-acre chlrkcti ranch. 25 miles from Portland, on rnitea ubiiwbv. to trsrie for city or suburban home. Call at 190 N. Irtth or PhAn HrnadwsT 1 4 FOR RALK SO ar.rs near Camas. Wash 1 good buildlnirs; water; o seres ciesrei; lots of cordwood ; price $:,0(rA. Write H. & Watxlff, fL 1, Camas. Wash. pli.ilkn Uurand Dlano, nnc-i chine. 6 chair., bed.. In fact, a com pletely furnished houee The Place is all lnycrop consisllng uf 1 ""T "i 1 acre oats, acres clover, bal. Deels. i.rrot. and family g.rden: full bearing