11 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 5, 1921 gg -g-a. 1 - I -.&. ' -I' gES- i .i .i. i i i i i i i i - i ROSE CITT PARK. ' 15150 A discount or $700 on this property; 6 rooms and Bleep ing porch; hardwood floors, fire place, all built-in features, full ce ment basement and furnace; lo cated right In the heart of Rose City, under the hill; lot Is 70x100 and has beautiful lawn and flow ers. If It is a snap you are look ing for. then don't look any longer. Drive out to our branch office Sunday and we can show you some real buys. Remember, we are head quarters for Rose City bungalows. This can be handled on any rea sonable terms. HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 84. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. SOME GOOD BARGAINS. S7500 7 rooms and large sleeping porch, modern. 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors, furnace, double garage, fine grounds 100x160; terms 1530 East Tavlor st. $48007 rooms, modern; 1504 East Tay lor st.; garage, fruit, fine loc&' tlon: 60x1 ; terms. 141007 rooms, modern; 140 East 5Sth st.; tine view; fruit, etc; 30x100 terms. 13550 5 rooms, modern: 241 East 50th st., 1, block north Hawthorne ave. : terms. $6000 7 rooms, modern; 701 East 45th st. N. ; furnace, garage, eta ; 5 Ox luu: terms. Reduced prices on those fine lots at East ,15th. 36th. 57th and East Taylor sts. : see us Quickly. L. E. STEINM ETZ, 4"H Gerllnger bldg. Main 60U1 or Tabor JJ224. ROSE CITT PARK. $250 cash, balance like rent; a thoroughly modern 5-room bunga low, just off Sandy; hardwood floors, furnace and garage, full lot. paved street, under the bill; $5750. HILLER BROS., REALTORS, 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg.' ilain 88. Branch Office: 60th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. $7000. WALNUT PARK. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. 1107 RODNEY AVE. VACANT. NEAR FIVE CAR LINES. VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. FINE PINING ROOM. KITCHEN. ONE SMALL BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR. BEDROOMS AND BATH SECOND FLOOR. FIREPLACE, FURNACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. LARGE AT TIC. BARGAIN IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST HALF CASH. POIND EX TER,- 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 771. BIGGEST SACRIFICE IN IRVINGTON. 1 NEED MONEY. If you want a bargain, something for less than it Is worth, then see my house; 7 rooms, strictly modern, with furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors and every modern convenience; everything in the finest condition and vacant; 1 must have money and am going to get It; I have cut my price $1000 and am ask ing today $5375. and $100 bonded; need sl'huo. call owner. Tabor 10. A REAL HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. $4100 6 ROOMS $4100. This 6-room house is locate In the choicest Hawthorne district and Is In excellent condition Inside and out; fin ished In tapestry paper; has buffet, Dutch kitchen, expensive light fixtures, Boynton furnace and fine garage. Priced at $500 under Its present value. Let us show you. J. A. HUBBELL. 10f Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8R!)2. "WHY RENT? $250 First Payment, Bal. Rent. ,A new 4-room bungalow in restricted district! fireplace, built-ins, hardwood floors, cement basement, for only $4300. 50x100 ft. lot. 505 Couch bldg. Main 52H. Open Sunday. ROSE CITY. 550(1 TERMS. 424 EAST 45TH ST.. NORTH. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. MODERN HARDWOOD FLOORS. FUR NACE. GARAGE. FULL BASEMENT. WIRED FOR ELECTRIC STOVE. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 18O0. RES. EAST 6771. $7000. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. (.38 GLENN AVE.. NORTH. Fine, modern 6-room house; garage, sleeping porch; a real home In a fine location. Terms can be arranged. See Mr. De Graff. , PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank Bldg. TAKE CAR OR LOT. 0-r. cottage, bungalow. 50x100 ft. lot, paved, paid. 3 blks. to Irvtngton car; will take car or good lot with small cash payment; easy terms on bal. We have several bargains In good locations on which owners will take a car or lot. Call Mar. 3:152. E. 2371 Sun. HOLLADA Y BARGAIN. A modern 6-room house, corner lot, 50x100 feet, nice lawn. Convenient to Holladay school and branch library. - A very desirable close-In home. Walking distance. Will sell carpets and part of the furniture. Call owner. East 4032. IRVINGTON ENGLISH COLONIAL. BARGAIN BARGAIN. Original design, artistic finish, just aoout perfect; z fireplaces. 2 bathrooms, sunroom, garage, choice location; owner leaving city, .vain H07W. East 304. FOR SALE By owner, large 5-room mod ern plastered house, lot 50x100; variety of young fruit trees, berries, roses and other shrubbery. Price $2830; $750 cash. Will take car as part payment, balance nae rent. Columbia l4l'S. $5000 MODERN BUNGALOW $5000. 5 rooms and s'eeping porch, with fur nace, garage, fireplace, hardwood floors. lawn In; what else could you ask? 897 weidler, near Broadway car. Very easy terms. uwner. Main OL'31. Tabor 1930 BELOW COST, for quick action: 5-r.. brk. nook, attic, comer lot. in Alameda, blk. to car, modern new bungalow; owner is sacri ficing for $6fW0. 403 Couch bldg.. Mar. ja'.J. Sun. E. 2371. SIX ROOMS Close to Franklin high; very modern and only $3000: three bedrooms, full cement basement; this house is greatly sacrificed at this price. Call Mr. Wishard, Main 69SS. WOODSTOCK $3000. terms: the classiest little bungalow on this carllne; fireplace, furnace. bul!t-fns. laree. sunny rooms. SEE OU R AGENT. 209 Falling bldg. Main 6.:27. A VERY good bungalow and handy for car men; four rooms, two bedrooms, white enamel interior, many special fea tures: only $19O0 and $300 down, bal ance to suit. Mr. Rich. Main 7487. 5-ROOM bungalow. 1127 E. 25th St. N. Owner telegraphed to get offer. Was $.!250: mtg. $1100. This is a comfort able bungalow. 2 blocks to Alberta car, nice lawn and shrubbery. Wdln. 6260. $J."0 CASH. $20 monthly, buys 6-room plastered house with plumbing and l-asement. one block Montavllla car. at 873 67th N.. $1700. 420 Henry bldg. Broadway 5549. East 1193. OVERLOOK Nitty little bungalow; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, wash trays, garage. SEE BRTCE HOLMAN. REALTOR. Main .i27. 209 Falling Bldg. IRVINGTON 1-rm. bungalow with sleep rsg porch: strictly modem, large attic (ment basement. 5Oxl00 lot. Price $.'37n. $SOO down. 29-40 R. Ralph Ack ley. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. FP R SALE 7-room house. Rose City Park, 125-ft. frontage, modern, full base ment, furnace, 2 fireplaces, garage, all kinds of family fruit, price $7500, terms. Nn agents. Call Tabor 2305. NEW 6-ROOM house, modern in every way: lot SoxIOO; near Sunnyside cars; well worth looking at. Terms. Fred G. Lawson & Co.. 416 Ch. Com. bldg. DO YOU READ "HOUSE BEAUTIFUL" OR "HOUSE AND GARDEN?" Then ride out to see the English cottage at E. 40th and Klickitat sts. IRVINGTON $7000. Charming home, near 24th and Brazee; all oak floors, large sleeping porch. Ivory woodwork, sun room. garage. Eist 394. Main S078 $2950 ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Cosy 4-room bungalow, lot 100x150, flKwers. fruit, berries, garden, 'hard at. S02 E. 81st st. N R. C. car. HAVE you a large, modern nouse to ex change for a 6-r. bungalow, comer lot all modern, in Westmoreland? If so call Monday at 301 Ry. Exchange. Main 7931 HAWTHORNE $4000. terms: 5 rooms and oictimiik fulfil, n. w. noors. nrepiace, furnace, cement bosement. wash trays: 1 block to car. Main 6427, BRAND new 4-rm. bungalow, 50x100 cor ner, paved street, alley, good basement. $2830. very easy terms. 23-30 R. Ralph Arklev. 527 Corbett bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5-room modern bungalow; $500 down. 641 E. 50th st. N. Sellwood 851. HOUSE and two lots: lots of fruit; paved street: .worth the money. E. E. Cump- ston. Sellwood 30.13. $:i.".00 WEST SIDE GREAT SNAP! Bungalow, real snappy, modem. You'll buy on sight. Easy terms. Tabor 864. 6-ROOM house Hardwood floors. Union ave. $4500. Business location. Lot worth price. Main 4789. A. O. TEEPE CO. TWO OFFICES: 270 STARK ST.. NEAR 4TH: MAIN 3092. BRANCH. 40TH AND 8 ANDY; TABOR K5S6. BRANCH OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. Folks. I want the privilege of showing you some' of the best buys In Rose City Park and Laurelhurst. I have been selling property In those districts for years know the history of nearly every house. Those who want to sell naturally list their property with me. This organization has a number of salesmen whose business It is simply to show you the property they are under positive Instruc tions not to urge anyone to buy. The houses must sell themselves. Sunday we have our office at '40th and Sandy blvd. open for the benefit of those who cannot look at property any other day. Drive out today or call Tabor 9586 and one of our salesmen will call for you. It Is needless for us to list below a number of our properties. Call at either of our offices, where we have photographs and com plete descriptions. I cat assure you we have any number of houses at less than pre-war prices and you can never, never expect them to go for less. Some can be handled or as little as $500 cash. We'll even help you make your down payment. And. by the way. we have some . wonderfully attractive new bun galows selling for as little as $4500, with hardwood floors, fire place, garage, etc., on a corner lot In Rose City, with all assessments paid. Drive out today. Let' get ac quainted. FOR A REAL HOME ' SEE A. O. TEEPE CO. TWO OFFICES: 370 STARK ST., NEAR 4TH; MAIN S092. 40TH AND SANDY; TABOR 9586. BRANCH OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. ROSE CITT PARK. 5-room bungalow with every modern feature. Including garage , and furnace, exceptionally large living room, large plateglass win dow, breakfast nook. This bun galow faces east on one of Rose City's best streets. The owner could not make his payments and has moved out- The house is now vacant and it cost him $5800. If you will make us an offer for hia equity we can get you a real bar gain. It must be soldi HILLER BROS., REALTORS, 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 88. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. ROSE CTTT BARGAIN. $500 DOWN $50 PER MO. Here Is one of the best-built bungalows In this district. Just off the Alameda drive; everything , modern, from hardwood floors to bullt-lns and fireplace, also ga rage; large floored attic; all room large and airy. J. L. HART-MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 308. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. VACANT! VACANT! VACANT! $500 IS ALL YOU NEED $5O0. $3250 MODERN HAWTHORNE $3250. ARE YOU STILL RENTING? Six-room bungalow type. 4 rooms and bath first floor, 2 bedrooms upstairs; good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas, lot 40x100, hard-surfaced street and sewer, nearly all paid; house could not be built for price asked; quick posses sion; see this today; it is a bargain. Sunday, Marshall 3963; week days,. Main 7967. MARTELS A WILLIAMS. REALTORS, 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. I am Just completing a modern bun galow on Mount Tabor that has a beau tiful view of Mt. Hood and 81 the snow capped mountains. If you want to see a well planned bungalow that has all the modern conveniences I want you to jook at tnis one. GEORGE E. WELLER, Builder. 228 Cham, of Com. Building. Main 5231. Tabor 1950. AMONG THE FIRST ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $150 down. $25 monthly buvs a 4 room rustic cottage, with about 8-10 oi an acre oi ground, all kinds of na tive trees and some fruit and berries. It Is In a district with a future, and we are quite confident, it Is the best value for the money on the entire heights. Price $3920. plus bonded street wora. rrea w. oerman t;o.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. THIS IS A REAL CRIME and you will say so when you see this 7-room modern house in the Hawthorne aisiricc AT $4500. City Improvements all paid; full ce ment basement, laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floors, built-ins, plumbing, electric lights and gas: now If vnn wnnt a house at the right price, phone the owner, laDor oimi. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3800 $600 CASH. Here Is a snan in a new ft-rnnm hnn galow. finished in old ivory and tapestry ii . ao nrepiace, narawooa Zloors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement and 50x100 ft. lot; street paved and paid. A big bargain for so small a down pavment- J. A. HUBBELL. 10R9 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S02. WELL-BUILT 5-room bungalow: large rooms, oak floors, fireplace, all built-lns: now finishing interior work; will paint, also install furnace to suit buyer; come and Inspect at 1347 East ISth st. (West moreland), one of the best districts in city; designed and built by owner. Will be sold at a great bargain. SUNNYSIDE CORNER. $4200 for this modern 6-roem bunga low: hardwood floors: Dutch kitchen: fireplace, bookcases, buffet: corner lot: garage; improvements In paid; 2 blocks SS car; 3 blocks Gleccoe school. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3993. WAVERLY HEIGHTS Very exclusive dis trict and fine location, on paved street; this bungalow is new and has every feature that can be asked for. hardwood floors, basement garage. Call Dopple maier. Main 74S7. ENGLISH colonial. Laurelhurst. owner. 6 rooms, sun parlor, library, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen; improvements paid; best buy in Laurelhurst. $5950; will take good car or lot as part pay in ent. Tabor 61 84 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW A BEAUTY! All oak floors, central hall, large liv ing room, ivory woodwork, fireplace, garage, beautiful flowers. $7250: terms. Neuhausen. Realtor. East 394. M. 8078. MT TABOR $3500. terms; nifty 5-room bungalow; nne location, near Glencoe echool. close to car. See It today. BRUCE HOLMAN. REALTOR. Main 6327. 209 Falling Bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $5750, terms, worth much more; choice location, near Brazee: 6 attractive rooms, all oak floors, fireplace, garage. East 394. Main 8078. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN 7-room house, close-In corner lot; garage; all Improvements In and , paid: $3100: $650 cash will handle. Phone 520-l. IRVINGTON bungalow, 5-rm. h. w. floors, fireplace, furnace. 50x100 lot. paved street, near car: $4200. 30-45 R. Ralph Ackley. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO.. REALTORS. 830 N. W. BANK. MAIN 8078. EAST 394. $5830 BUYS a very modern 5-room bunga low in best part of Rose City, about $200Q cash. Call Main 7036 today. No agents. IN THE HEART of Piedmont, a real home for $5750. part cash. Phone Main 7036 for sppointment. No agents. BUNGALOW IN LAURELHURST. New modern 5-room, ready for occu pancy. 1260 E. Alder. Main 8594. MODERN 4-room bungalow, St. Johns dis trict, $1800; small payment down, bal ance monthly Phone Columbia 594. MODERN 5-room R. C. bungalow, vacant, garage; any old terms. Owner, auto matic 326-72. RICHMOND bargain: 7 rooms, modern, close to car. 1188 Ivon street. Auto. LAURELHURST bungalow home, attrac tive 8-rm., near park. Owner, Auto. 223-11. LARGE, comfortable, furnished home on east side, Auto. 213-43. 220O Sunnyside snap! Easy terms, neat cottage, paved at., blk. car. Tabor 864. "A HOME FOR EVER BODY ,.nnic these OVER. $1700 $400 down: 4-room bungalow; built-lns: 50x100 corner; fruit. - berries; garage. $1900 50x100 corner; 5-room; garage; fruit $2000 Close In: 6-room; Ivory; GOOD. $2100 50x100; fruit, berries, chicken run: 5-room cottage: fine shape. I217S 5-room neat cottage; will sell Peninsula I xurnisnea; a uiuvn-v $230050x100; 6-room home; fine shape; Li. Hlnclr Mr- 7 fruit. $2400 Near In; $300 DOWN; 6-room 2-story. , . . 13150 FURNISHED: double constructed 4-room bungalow: 50x100; BAR GAIN. $3200 Nifty 4-room bungalow, 2 bed-1 rooms; white ivory; Dutch kich-1 en, all built-ins; full cement base-I ment; ouxruu corner $3500 NEW 5-ROOM MODERN BUN- . large living- , .dining, 'S bedrooms, breakfast nook; hardwood floors, bookcases. I buffet, all built-lns; 50x100 cor- MARSH T McCABE CO., REALTORS. S22-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $5800 An exceptions bargain offered in this bungalow for quick sale; has 6 rooms and sleeping porch and every modern feature, including garage; It is about 4 years old and is very attractive, it is Just what you have been shown for $500 to $7000; faces east on 17th at., 2 blocks from Irv ington car; can be handled on rea sonable terms. Call us up and take a look at It: then compare it with others you have seen. HILLER BROS., REALTORS, 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main. 88. Branch Office: , 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. 1 ' OPEN FOR INSPECTION. TODAY FROM 12 TO P. M. That beautiful, brand new mod ern creation In homes, corner Floral ave. and Couch St., Laurel hurst, 2 blks. north of Laurelhurst Park, 8 splendid rooms and bil liard room, hardwood floors throughout, double garage. A perfect home of distinction In a most beautiful setting. A homo for "people wh ocare." J. W. CROSSLEY, Realtor. "Better Types of Homes. Main 6073. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN 7 t or ace TUTO AT ONCE. $2850 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $2850 . . . . . , . . . - , - , V 1- L- V( C I 7-room, well-constructed house, batn and 1 bedroom first floor, 8 bedrooms I second floor; good Dasemeni, piuiuuius. electric lights, gas; hard-surfaced street I paid; near car; mis is a oars'", -tion Is fine and terms easy. Sunday. Marshall 51)63; week days. Main 7967. uiRiE-iji Br wtr.T.TAMS. Realtors. 820 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 7967. NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW; cunn CASH. Alberta bungalow. Just 2 years old; 1 5 rooms fully modern, ponsnea naiu- .,.a rinnrfl 'nreMV flrenlace. built-lnS. lots of windows, white enamel Dutch I kitchen, cement basement, trays, faces i east, full lot, lattice tence. i m vfttntinnftllv nice home, reduced from tsnnn m 3673- tROO cash. Owner will be aiad to show this today. Go see 1 for yourself. No. 1001 E. 22d st. N. O. A. PEARCE CO. $5500. inr AViTOTflV KT VACANT. WE'ST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. jrur.I. I.OT. 50x100: 2-STORY. 7 RMS AK-r SLEEPING PORCH. 4 BED ROOMS. FIREPLACE. FULL CON foi-TE PiSRMKVT. FURNACE. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. , TERMS. $3000 CASH. BALANCE MORTGAGE. MAIN 1800. RES. EAST 67.1. rose CITY PARK. Seven-room bungalow, with garage, on I 49th., half block from sanay. ii lof tiest street below the hill; thoroughly I rlrr. ivorv finish With tapestry pa ne.- nuarter-sawed oak floors, steam I heat, with thermostat control; hot and cold shower, built-in steam bath; at-1 tractive house and grounas; soouu. un less you have half cash don't bother to call Tabor zoo.:. " RV OWNER, $4650. GROVELAND d.OV KKAB FRANKLIN HIGH. Beautiful new 6-room bungalow, $1000 under value: no reasonaoie oner win i be refused this week. Some terms. See I owner at 382 E. 54th st. S., where Haw thorne car turns off 54th onto Lincoln. -u-a.,.irl view: fruit trees, all hard wood floors downstairs except kitchen. Street caved and paid for. We need the money. .t.no a.nnnvr HOUSE $4200. On corner lot, 7 nice rooms downstairs, wnvtmi unstairs. full cement base- mni and fine furnace. Located in I Sunnyside district, close to school and car line; garage. This home is In good condition outside and In and should sell quickly. . WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO, Realtors. -Rdwv. 2980. 85 4th St. WILL TAKE ONE OR TWO SMALL HOUSES ON THIS FINE umAHTTFIIL IRVINGTON HOME. T rooms, strictlv modern, fine base ment, furnace, fireplace hardwood floors; all built-lns and In fine condition; price $7500 and Is a bargain. I would take as part pay smaller houses; might con sider well-locaieo. lots; Buouiii nii jrw have. AN 578, oregonian. $650 CASH DOWN. 5-Room Bungalow, $3150. On MV and East Ankeny car line, 5 tnmi and hath, flreblace and bullt-lns; full .basement 50x100 ft. lot. one block to car. 300 coucn oiag. Alain uvx. men Sunday. VERY EASY TERMS. $2250 NEAR ANKENY CAR BARNS. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Near car barns and car; good plumb lnir. electric lights, gas. all improve ments paid; small payment down. Sun VTonhnll 5963: week davs. Main ' t. . , - onn mi , I 7967. Maneis s w imams, o.u vuamuer of Commerce bldg. WEST SIDE HOME. 6-room modern house, garage, just a I few feet from Washington street, near f 22d st right m tne center or Dries: buildings. Price $6750; terms. This is a I bargain ; the lot is worth more than price asked. E. J. GEISER. 417 Cham, of Com. KF.VTO.N Nifiv 5-room bungalow, mod ern except basement; it is surely a One neighborhood, located between two other classy bungalows and among the cool nrs: price terms. Deo BRUCE HOLMAN. REALTOR. Main 6327. 209 Falling Bldg. IRVINGTON SWELL HOME SACRIFICED. Located near 23a ana Brasee, b oeau- tlful, large rooms, sun porch, ivory and mahogany finish. 75x100 lot. Owner will discount S3000 for quick sale. Neuhausen Realtor, 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S078. ' $3750 ON 42D ST. Six years old. very well built, eigne rooms; xour Dearooms, i fine location, numerous Dulit-lns. fire place, laundry trays, - full cement base-I ment; abundance of fruit: only $700 1 down. w. H. Kay. Main 7487. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room residence In excellent condition, on East 12th,- near Morrison. price, $7300: terms to responsible par- ties. Phone East 52 1 5. WEST PIEDMONT $2300: easy down navment: 4 rooms and bath: oOxinn lot. fine garage. 5 large fruit trees; will take In a car or vacant lot as part payment. I Main 6327. IRVINGTON BARGAIN, $i500. terms, near 17th and Brazee, charming home, ivorv finish, center hall, double garage. 7 East 394. Main buis. jNeunausen. its-1 altor. I 7 ROOMS, not modern but small expense; wmiM make beautiful home: call and It today, 3 to 5 P. M. ; J10O0 cash will I O handle. 495 Going, comer E. 10th st. N. FURNISHED 4-room house, one-half acre, with fruit and garden all In; small pay ment down; can move in at once. 3634 72d.st. 8. E. ; Hawthorne car. WHEN you buy or sell property be sure your agent Is a realtor. Every realty agent is not one. When In doubt phone Hrnaoway jmiz. rortianq neany rJoara. RICHMOND 6-room home right on car line: $32uu, terms; wouia consider car or vacant lots as part payment. Main 327. 209 falling oing. HOMES The pick of Portland. $5300 to $10,000: open for inspection today. See R. T. street s aav. in r.ew Today col umns adjoining. BUY FROM owner, well-built 5-room k.,-..lnn- 704 V.. Aftth IV Unmm PI - u $4800; $500 cash; will be open 12 noon to 8 P. M. Sunday. Sellwood 6S3. ROSE CITY PARK. K-mom bungalow, built-ins. furnace, i garage, hardwood floors. M block to Sandy: terms. Tabor B935. 4-RM. COTTAGE on Williams ave., 50x120 lot. paved St., alley, fruit and berries. Price only $2000. terms. Ralph Ack ley. 527 coroett oiag. m-au rt. ALAMEDA PARK, $6500; easy terms; cen ter hall, oak floors, fireplace, garage. near 80th and Bryce. Neuhausen. Real- tor. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. I CORNER LOT. 17th and Powell. 130 front age. S. P. track, 120 on Powell: 2 7-room houses, all street snd sewer Improve- I 6 ments paio. raouo oeix, ovu. NEAR LAURELHURST. $3750 buys 7-rra, home, 2 blks. from Laurelhurst Park, near 39th at. All Imp. paid; 50x100 lot. $1000 cash, balance to suit. HERB IS VALUE 1 HAWTHORNS CAR. $4200 buys 5-rxn. bungalow among the firs in Groveland Park; all imp. in and paid; large attic, hdw. floors, fire- .. place; all the built-ins; walking dis tance' to grade and high schools. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. $4300 Easy terms, 5-rm. bungalow, 2 rms. finished in attic; 1 blk. to Haw . thorne avenue, west of 39th. Furnace, fireplace, built-lns, all imp. in and pd. Lot 50x90. Garage. A BARGAIN! NEAR DIVISION STREET. $31506 rms. and si. porch; modern conveniences, macadam st. $500 cash, balance to suit. LET US SHOW YOU! . MONTAVTLLA. $2500 5 rooms, modern plumbing, newly painted and tinted; 50x90 lot, cement basement. Make us an offer ' on the terms. Only 2 blocks from car. HAWTHORNE CAR.' $2100 5 rms., elec and gas; 80x100, fruit and berries; garage. $000 cash. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 rms., bet. Hawthorne and Belmont, . west of 50th. For quick sale owner will take $3700. Leaving city. Terms. We cannot advertise them all. Many more to select from If you do .not see what you want here. Courteous sales men with automobiles at your service. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 413 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Mala 7027. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. SEE THESE TODAY ALL BARGAINS. 6628 53d ave. S. E. ; attractive 4-room home with 2 sleeping porches; white enamel plumbing; Dutch kitchen; nice lot with garage and berries; price $1730, with $400 cash. 4704 42d ave. S. E.; good 6-room home with exceptionally fine bathroom equip ment; lot 100x100, with 17 full bearing fruit trees; price $2400, with $330 cash , 134U Burrage st. Peninsula; beautiful 4-room bungalow with attic: excellent condition; fine 60x100- lot with 5 fruit trees and berries: Dr ce $3000. $12u casn. S20fl 53d ave. S. E. : $2550. good terms neat hnnnlnw an A in rood condition, with full basement: lot 80x100, with abundance of fruit and berries; 2 splen did chicken bouses. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. BURNED OUT AND ONLY HALF INSURED. Tou, too, very likely have forgotten to Increase your fire insurance to fully cover the present-day value of what you own. And therefore you are under-insured against fire. You are worth more tnrlv hut protected less, until you in crease your Insurance policy. It is very important that you snouiu properly pro tect yourself . with sufficient Insurance to cover loss. It is the wise and safe thing to do. w B. Mr.DONALD CO.. Marshall 2391. Yeon Bldg. A I.I. KINDS OF INSURANCE. Losses adjusted and claims paid direct from our olxice. $3600 A BEAUTIFUL 7-room bun galow on paved street. 1 block . from car and stores on 82d st. ; terms, $600 down, balance to suit. HILLER BROS., REALTORS, 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 88. Branch Office: EOth and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. A PERFECT BUNGALOW FOR LITTLE M U C 1 . 5 beautiful rooms and breakfast sook, complete with furnace, fireplace, nara wood floors and garage, tapestry pa per, fixtures and shades; you can make no mistake, inscpect this home at once. Price $4)400. $1000 cash, bal. $40 per month and int. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg, FOR SALE BY OWNER. 97 u, feet by 100 feet, or can divide: 4-room house with gas and water in, woodshed, garage; east front, paved sts. and sewers in, bonded; lu-it. alley. Dear ing fruit and nut trees, berries, flow ra Into (if crarrlen room nn building restrictions; 2Vs blocks to Broadway or Alberta cars; no trade. Terms or casn only. 959 E. 29th st. N., bet. Prescott and Going. OVERLOOK OVERLOOK. A 7-room bungalow: 1 bedroom down stairs, .3 bedrooms up; lurnace. nre nlace. all built-lns. oak floors, cemen basement, wash travs. etc. 50x100 lot ou rn o-r cttv Improvements in and n-aid : all new screens, linoleum in bath and kitchen go. FKICB jsai TERMS. This home Is in elegant con dition and a dandv buy. RUM M ELL & KIMMKLL.. 274 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK. $4950 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch; large rooms, J? rencn aoors, nara wood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet all in white ivory: full basement, fur nace; A VERY NIFTY PLACE on 50x loo lot: garage. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marsnall avvs. GO SEE THIS. (U15 67th st. S. E.: this beautiful four. room bungalow with full cement base ment, as clean as a whistle, on lot 40x 120. lota of fruit and Derries; price -iuu 1700 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. S16 Chamber com. Main at)4. BUNGALOW SNAP. Cosv 5-room bungalow in good neigh borhood, pleasant living ana aining room, Dutch kltcnen, J Dearooms, iirepiace, full cement basement, hardwood floors, 50x1 20-foot lot, garage; $3750, $1000 down. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 1230 DOWN AND $25 PER MONTH buy tnis nome in Deaumui mu i&our uis trict; four-room house, in good con dition: almost two lots; shade and fruit trees and berries: this place is above the hill, In good section, rignt on car line. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. nIV - I. rrt-i STlV GT rBT TV tlOMR V A I .. rw. - . .V ntfi; M Vu . UES DEPENDS NOT ALONE ON THE STRUCTURE BUT ENVIRONMENT AND NEIGHBORLY ASPIRATIONS WISE BUYERS SEEK THAT COM BINATION; ONE SUCH CORNER IN ALAMEDA, GOOD TERMS. J1AB. IBS, BEKRV BEKKI. IRVINGTON CORNER. MODERN SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW. 7..X10O corner, close in. -o to sivuu cash, easy terms. KHJlriAKU w. JS-A-Sr. Realtor. RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-i-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE district and on paved street; o years old: a wonaertui buy; In fact, pre-war price; many bullt-lns. W nrepiace. mree oeurooms. iuii basement, two blocks to car; $400 down; large fireplace, three bedrooms, full would consider light car or close-in acreage. Call Graham. Main HHH3. ROSE CITY PARK. A rooms: very large living room, din ing room ana Dreatuast room: Tencn doors, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, in fact this is a beautiful cor. close to car. It is a beauty. Call J. RuBplNa, ffll rtanway kx. LAURELHURST. 8 ROOMS, UP TO DATE. $9200. 1185 E. DAVIS ST. WEST SIDE HOME $6500. Well-built 7-room house in good condi tion: furnace and fireplace: lot 47x100; paved street. 25th and Raleigh. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 starK street. Main 831. - ROOM home in Hawthorne dlst.. built- in aucneu nu iwm, wmeui basement, garage, pavea sr., price 4tuo. $500 cash, jno agenia. t.au saain iuao today. - ltuum nouse, iui liuiwo, iruit trees, chicken houses, -garage, fenced, under cultivation. 5 blocks from Mount Scott car, price $4000, terms, part cash and trade. Apply 5515 66th it. S. E. MY HOME in Hawthorne, known as Groveland Park, lor $4ou; tnis bunga low has everything possible to put in a home and only five years old; on paved street Call Mr. Kay. Main 6983. 2 YEARS RENT WILL BUY A HOUSE BOAT. BUILT -1U UtlVtHK. AH tJUSr AND CONVENIENT AS ANY MODERN BUNGALOW, EASY TERMS. J. BUN- NETT, SELLWUUU zo-'l. NEAR Jefferson high, only $1800 and $200 down; we must sen our nttie nome and are willing to stand the loss; bath. toilet, basement and lota or berries, Call Mr. Kay. Main 6983. ROSE CITI, og twin St.. near aroanway well-built 5-room bdngalow, 50x100 lot, hardwood floors, fireplace and many built-ins; some fruit; $4000; reasonable down payment. Mr. Graham, Main 74S7. 6-ROOM house, one acre, fruit, berries. chicken nouse, pavea street: n. &vtn; $500 will handle, balance $3000 at 5 per cent, or will trade. Auto. 226-32. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful bungalow, near Laurelhurst roark: splendid location; beautiful lot. Chas. Gmmm. 1225 E. Ash st. OWNER, leaving city, wishes to sell mod ern o-room pungaiow; oesi ox conaiuon. 600 E. 48th St. North. - ROOM modern house, Alberta, sacrifice. wain. ouj. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. This home is a new offering and Is a most unusual and distinctive home; large central hallvand liv ing room and sun room; very beau tiful dining room; most complete kitchen and pantry; 3 bedrooms (one unusually large), sleeping porch, tile baths, one equipped with shower on second floor; two maids' rooms and bath third floor; Gasco furnace; finest plumbing; floors In living, dining, sun rooms, also reception hall, are all a dark green tile: large grounds, beauti ful shrubbery. Appointment ar ranged. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER, East 7978. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. ONLY $3900. Hardwood floors, tapestry paper and tinted, fireplace, bookcases, buffet and Dutch kitchen, extra fine enamel finish, on paved street and everything paid; $1000 will handle this. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. $2800 t-ROOM modern Alberta bungalow. narawooa noors. duiic-io uiuioi. fine kitchen; easy terms. $3200 5-room bungalow, two nice lots, large chicken house, concrete ga rage, lots of berries. A real home place. Easy terms. $37506 rooms and sleeping porch. Sun nyside -district, concrete garage, large lot. This Is true value. You should own your own home. $5500 8 rooms and sleeping porch, west side, south fine view, large cor ner lot, exceptional value; $1000 cash, balance like rent. We have a good. conservative listing. Prices are low. You should call us for appointment. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., Broadway 943. 284 Oak St. NICE HOME. CLOSE IN. One 6-r. modern residence; been built about 7 yrs. ; also a 9-r. resi dence, modern; both on one lot. 50x100 corner, close to Waehinrton high school. These places bring In a revenue of $100 per month. beeJdes 5 rooms for yourself: nice lawn and shrubbery and In a well-kept condition. Price $10,000, easy terms. PETERSON A YORK, 437 ,N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8005. - HOLLADAY ADDITION. $5000. Fine 5-room modern bungalow; has large living room and dining room, extra nice built-in effects and hardwood floors, screened-ln sleeping porch, furnace, fire place and garage, full cement basement, 50x100 lot Improvements In and paid: four blocks to Broadway car: easy terms: would consider goed lot In Rose City Park or Laurelhurst as pan pay ment J. L. KARNOPP & Co., Main 675. 319 Railway Kxch. Bldg. PALATINE HILL. WORTH $20.000 PRICE $15,000. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, and two acres of ground; 2 fine sleeping porchei tile bath, tile shower, tile floor 1 kitchen: finest kind of hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and the very latest hiillt-in features. The finest view around Portland: one-third cash down. A REAL SACRIFICE. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama Blrtg! Main 9404, BEAUTTFTTLLT furnished house on wt side, offered at very low price ror im mediate sale. For further particulars call . M"RS. BNOW. BDWY. 484.' 320 Lumbermens Bldg. LOTS LOTS LOTS ROCK ' BOTTOM PRICES $ 430 Piedmont, 60x100. $ 450 Woodlawn, 50x100. $ 850 Alameda. 32(1 and Skidmore. ' $ 5.V1 Rose City. 60x100. $1000 Laurelhurst. fine location. . $1350 Laurelhurst park view lot $1600 Irvington. 94x88 comer. CHAS. RINGLER CO., 225 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Brand new bunga low, with garage: this beautiful bun galow Is now complete and ready for sale; It Is of no use to try to enumerate all the modern conveniences, so you better come and see for yourself: loca tion 510 E.- 42d st N. ; terms and price are absolutely right; buy today and move In tomorrow. C. "J. Johnson. builder and owner. Auto.. 312-69. A FINE 6-room with concrete basement and furnace. In the pink or conamon near Washington high and grammar schools, "walking distance from west side, and onlv $3800. $1000 cash: this should Interest you: onlv for a few days. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Marshall 829. or E. 218-4. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW 8NAP. K.ronm nlftv bungalow, has large liv ing room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms and bath, lots of built Ins. hardwood floor In living room: ce ment basement; good garage; price $2750 $500 down. e JOHNSON-DODSON CO., Main 8787. , tm ooo A REAL home. 575 E. 23d stl N, near ivnoLL o rooms -Mtiiu - Ing porch, two fireplaces, maid's room, double garage, line grounas. Easy terms -to right people. This house has just been refinlshed and Is In every way rirst-ciass. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., Broadway 943. 2 oaH Bt. NEAR EAST BROADWAY. 9-room, most up-to-date, home. Owner built for himself. All select material. 100x150 grounda. Fruit and berries of 11 kinds. Select shrubbery. Fine view. Good neighborhood. Everything that makes a home pleasant Price reason able. McDoneil. realtor, nasi tu. AWORKING MAN'S HOME. HAVE YOTTR GARDEN AND CHICKENS. flnna 4-room house on 100x100 eorner Mount Scott district; a big value at the price of $lono. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. BY OWNER. Jl-mom house furnished or unfurnished, lot 150x100; gas, electric lights, bath, city water, fruit, berries, chicken run, vegetable garden all In cultivation; a profitable place ana a nargain. x. White. 1497 Lancaster st. BY OWNFR $3000. In Woodstock. 50x100, 5 large rooms, floored attic, basement, full cement wall, fruit and garden and 80x100 adjoining; $1560 cash. $20 per month or small Initial payment and J40 per month, belt 2080. 5522 44th St. S. E FOR ABOUT $500 cash and $25 per month a new 5-room bungalow on Dekum ave. Has gas, fireplace, full lot. Owner must sell this week. . Call East 7155 Monday. ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Strictly modern six-room house, with sleeping porch, garage ana all conven iences; see this bargain today; owner on premises. 51st St.. corner bandy biva. SACRIFICE. "Why build a $5000 home when you can buy the equivalent from me at $2850? This strictly modem house was taken on a mortgage " and I must have the money at once, woodlawn 2.10 . MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Richmond 5-room bungalow, excellent condition: furnace, fireplace, garage: 7 years old; newly painted: near car, 84th St.: only $4000; some terms. 'Sellwood 2706. ROSE CITY PARK. Must sen 7-room bungalow: Ideal lo cation. 1 blocks from Sandy; everything modern; it win pay you to investigate if you are looking for a real home; reasonable terms. Phone Auto. 315-34. $2700 BUNGALOW $2700. Snappy, up to the minute. 5 rooms; built-in closets, attic, full cement base ment, bath: see to appreciate: only $500 will handle: payments to suit. Room 409 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms, ivory finish. French doors, beaucuui nxtures, run ce ment basement, furnace, A-l condition. garage, street ana sewer in ana paia. Rose City car; $4750. 711. Half cash. East WEST SIDE. Nob Hill district. 8 rooms, all modern, $10 600. This is $3000 below value. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO., Bdwy. 1658. Ask- for Fnlford. MUST sell 5-room new bungalow: break fast nooK, narawooa noors, nrepiace, garage, wallpaper. Ivory woodwork: paved street; $500 down. 879 E. 7th st. N. NEW. MODERN 7-room bungalow, one block: on nara-sunacw, nrepiace, xuu cement basement. 10 bearing fruit trees, berries and shrubs; price $4000, on terms. 827-76. $2850 NEW BUNGALOW. tnt finished: best buy In Portland: complete In every detail: easy terms: shn'-i bv appointment. Umbdenstock A Lariuu Co., 210 Ultson I'.dz. Bdwy. 1658. NEW LISTINGS IN DISTINCTIVE HOMES. Priced from $6500 to $11,000. IRVINGTON. $11,000. Stucco home on 102x102 corner in ex clusive Irvington; 7 rooms; all ap pointments of the finest: massive and ultra beautiful built-in features; a home of true refinement. . ALAMEDA PARK. $10,000. A strikingly beautiful, massive 8 room bungalow In lovely Alameda Park; replete with wonderful built-in effects: dressers in bedrooms with heavy beveled mirrors, white enamel finish: and hard wood floors throughout: this home Is one of the most attractive and splendid ly constructed in the district. Call Main 1008 for an appointment. Dunckley ave. LAURELHURST. $8500. In peaceful Laurelhurst. the Ides home spot, is this exceptionally artis tic 5-room ultra modern bungalow. Im maculate in all Its details and embody ing beauty and comfort to toe utmost E. 43d JK. LADD'S ADDITION. $8000. Beautiful Ladd's addition, home of 1 rooms. Locust st. ROSHJ CITT. $6500. A truly gem bungalow In Rose City, 7 rooms; 1 H -story type, hardwood floors, massive bullt-lns. best material and construction. Let us show you this so you can appreciate ita beauty. v NOTE. We have somi of the choicest homes In Portland listed with us for sale. Our courteous, efficient salesmen always at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. AN UNUSUAL opportunity offered to se cure a beautiful Willamette Heights home, 75x110; south and east front, corner, grounds laid out In attractive manner; unsurpassed view of mountains and river. Extra large living room, dining room and Dutch kitchen, S large light bedrooms, bath room with shower, sleeping porch on second floor; large attic with finished room, hot water heat, full cement basement, with con crete fruit room. Owner here from California will sacrifice If sold this week. For appointment phone Tabor 7699. DUTCH COLONIAL. , Irvington; large lotf central hall, large living room, off of which Is open terrsce; lovely dining room, breakfast room and most complete kitchen, 3 sleeping rooms (full length of living room), finest tile bathroom; a most charming home. By appointment MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER, East 7976. WE HAVE a large list of houses an, bungalows, priced right, in all parts oi tne city. we will be pleased to J lace our auto at your disposal and rive you around until we satisfy vou. We can get payments as low as $200 down and balance $25 per month for a good house. No obligation to buy. If you are serious and really wanting to get a nome we can De of service to you, and ask that you feel free in calling on us. What you want can be found. Just pnone mat s an. tsowy. S3uh. NORTHWEST MORTGAGE CO. 436 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HAVE TOU FAILED to get the home that you want at price that suits you? We have lorn exceptional bargains listed every of our offerings is worth the money. Let us show you the HOME YOU WANT. STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO., REALTORS, 331 Stark st Bdwy. 5358. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. We are proud of our listings under $430U. come out and look them over. You will not be obligated. Yes. new ones, right up to the minute In every detail. very liberal terms. Why pa rent when you can have the comfort of a cool, cneery bungalow you can call your own. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., -Realtors. Cor. 8th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463 FIVE-ROOM BEATJTT. A most exclusive bungalow !n an ex elusive district; must be seen to be appreciated: offered at a most attrac tive price for immediate aale. For fur ther particulars call MR3. SNOW. B7JWT. 4884. $4300 Bungalow. 6 rms.; 100x150 grounds garage. Dam, cnicKen nouse, fruit garden: car line: good St.. east side. $4300 Washington high school district bungalow, o r.; moaern; pavea st E. 20tn. $2850 E. Burnslde comer lot; fruit, ber ries, garaen; gooa o-r. nome. $2300 E. Alder 5-r. cottage. $2750 Milwaukle 100x150. fruit and shrubbery; 4-r. cottage; easy terms. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. DO YOU want this fine 8-room residence on E. 10th near Going St.. has 2 batn and toilets, furnace and wash trays abundance of fruit: handy to 3 car lines in fine condition; $4200 and only $1hiw cash; a money-maker If you should wisb to rent it. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Marshall 829, or E. 2184. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 100x100 CORNER GARDEN. FRUIT. Located in a good suburban district where you can have all the comforts of both city and country life. Dandy 7 room modern house that was built for a home. A real buy at the price of fouoo. Some terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama Bldg. Main 0404. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. VACANT. New. five rooms, hardwood floors, love ly Dutch kitchen, plenty windows, ce ment porches, very classy, large attic, full cement basement furnace, fireplace, corner lot garage, very best construc tion: come, see it Take Sellwod car to Clayborn ave., or phone Sellwood 2706: some terms. ROSE CITY. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. SSO.VL ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM BUN GALOW: BEAUTIFUL LONG LIVING ROOM WITH MASSIVE FIREPLACE, MIRROR DOOR, HARDWOOD FLOORS, DUTCH KITCHEN, FURNACE. a. CRETE DRIVEWAY. FINE LOCATION. LIBERAL TERMS. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. IRVINGTON HOME. Fine home, ready for occupancy, no cleaning or repairing; o rooms wiin aen and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, Gasco furnace and good garage. Open for inspection from 2 to 5 P. M. or by appointment. Take Broadway car to 22d and go south to 739 Wasco, or phone Tabor 8374. HAVE a beautiful Irvington 8-room hnma Just occupied last September. Low finances and business depression force me to sell it at once at a sacri fice. Hardwood floors all over the house and everything else in keeping. I am the owner. Buy from me and save money. Phone Auto. 828-52. DO TOU NEED A LARGER HOME? One of the most beautiful Colonial Heights homes, 8 rooms, strictly mod ern, lot 67x100 feet, garage, etc. City improvements paid, beautiful view. Will traae xor Dungaiow or sacnuce lor saie. Make orrer. RUMMELD sr RUMMELL. 274 Stark Bt ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow on comer lot, only 1 block from car; all m A-l conamon; owner leaving city and will sell now. $4250; terms if desired. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark sts. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow style, ground lOOx 100 young fruit trees and berry bushes planted and growing: a fine place to raise chickens atid have garden; only $1250. The ground alone Is worth that Tabor 153. 1835 Sandy boulevard. DO YOU want a good buy? I am going tn haii mv Diace. J c- oiara bl, o- room bungalow, garage, 60x100 lot, nice lawn and roses, nara-aunaccu bucoi, corner; this house is modem: will sell right for I am bound to sell. Phone Tabor 811. SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE. . 7-room house, corner lot very nice location, central east side: owner Is a widow and does not live here, will make easy terms. t F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg. ALAMEDA bungalow. 7 rooms: up to date throughout, wiin one or two luis. pa rage: owner on place Sunday A. M. 756 E 25th st. N.. one block from 24th and Fremont Cleveland Co.. 308 Bd. of Trade, or phone Woodlawn 4931 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. T have to offer 2 small homes, both In excellent condition. One has lovely central hall, large living room, dining room, butler's pantry and kitchen; second floor, 8 sleeping rooms, bath and open porch; all linoleum, drapes, fine electric range and radiantflre heater. Gasro furnace; large lot finest shrubbery. The other is all In old Ivory, with living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor and 3 sleep ing rooms ana bath second floor; lovely large porches.. Both have unsurpassed view. Immediate possession can be given. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7978. WEST SIDE. Two 6-room houses, modern in every respect, can be sold separately, KEAR NEY street Just oft of 23d, exceedingly reasonable. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 7- room house, modern, in A-l condi tion, full lot. shade and fruit trees, on Thurman street, low price, liberal terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. . 6-room bungalow, fireplace. I bed rooms, basement, corner lot, 50x100. hard-surfaced street, price $3300, cash $500, balance monthly payments. East 44th street. Just off Hawthorne. MOUNT TABOR. 8- room house, garage, lot 50x160, many large fruit trees, small berries. East Taylor, near 53th street, very low price, easy terms. FRED W. NEWELL, 407 Henry Bldg. Broadway 50311. IRVINGTON HOME. A small home but most attrac tive, with large living room, lovely dining room, kitchen with break fast nook. hardwood floora throughout. 2 fireplaces, lovely lighting fixtures, wall covering, etc.; garage as part of house. By appointment MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER, East 7970. $10,500 WONDERFUL bungalow. eWitantly ftnlshed. containing every modern convenience, located In exclusive view location; large grounds, fruit trees, berries and garage. $15,000 Irvington bungalow with acre of ground; fruit trees and garden. $8500 Laurelhurst 8-room home and garage; fine location and rare bar gain. $6750 Laurelhurst home, 1-3 below value. $7900 Irvington colonial home. $7350 New modern bungalow and ga rage. CHAS. RINGLER CO.. 223 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Typical California bungalow of 6 room In excellent condition: old ivory finish, finest hardwood floors, full cement basement By ap pointment MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7U76. FINE home in Mount Scott district. 8 large rooms, bath, electric lights, gas, big lawn, shade trees, fruit trees, berry bushes, abundance of heautfiul roses am! other flowers, two . big corner lots, 4 blocks to big Arleta school, street cars, 3 blocks on cement wa.ks. Buy this de sirable property from owner and save big sale commissions. Price $4500. A substantial first payment and $23 a month on balance at 6 per cent. Will take outside clear acreage as first pay ment. Phone Aut. U10-77, or address AJ 708, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY. 7-room modern bungalow style home. - Large living room and dining room 1 combination. All the built-in features. Cove ceiling, Dutch kitchen, 3 sleeptn rooms, sewing room, large reccntlo hail, fine fireplace, cement basemen laundry tubs: garage. Home is only years old and In fine condition. Lt-avin town, must sell. $39541. $300 down, terms on balance. Immediate pusses sion. Tahor 155. HERE IT IS! 14O0 CASH M"fl. $.1300. ATTRACTIVE MODERN TYPICAL BUNGALOW WITH FUR NACK. 5 ROOMS FIRST FLOOR FINISHED ON SECOND; RECEPTION HALL, BEAM CEILINGS, DUTCH KITCHEN. LOCATED ON CORNER OF E 81.KT AVE. S. E.. ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF E. 52D ST. S. P ; 4U DOWN, BALANCE LIKE RENT. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2i7. UNIVERSITY PARK CORNER. $2700. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, with electric ngnts, gas. rurnace, nrepiace, run Dasement. bjxiuu lot; plenty fruit and shrubbery; terms. J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. Main 67,1. 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. 6-rnom house on E. Everett at.. Just off bandy road, basement, bath, har surface and other Improvements In snd paid for. Price only $3200, $350 will handle, easy term on balance. JOHN K. HOWARD, REALTOR, 318 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON" COTTAGE. Full toxloo corner lot on Tillamook st. and onlv 1 block from Irvington car beautiful trees and roses. Five nice airy rooms and full basement. This Is the best buy In town. Price I1-1h. but must have $2200 cssh. Shown hv ap pointment on:y. A K i3Q. oregonl $0750 LAURELHURST HOME 750. 1-8 Below Value. 'Laurelhurst ave.. best locstlon: rooms; strictly modern; Improvements paid; fine lawn, shrubbery and fruit trees. CHAS. RINGLER CO., 223 Henry Bldg. CLOSE IN ON W EST SIDE Good 8-room house, close In on Tenth St., walking distance from business cen ter, for quick sale at ."iO00, $2O0 cash will handle. Investigate this, as it posi tively Is the beat buy in town. AM tot, Oregon lHn LAURELHURST ONE OF LAURELHURS-TS FINEST 6-ROOM BUNGAIyOWS OFFERED AT AN ATTRACTIVE PRICE. 1OCATED AT 40 MEIKLS PLACE. INVEST! GATE THIS. R. SO.MKBVIT.T.E. BDWT ?4T. - t r-. D- IKT fV IT KT C t I 1 1 Good modern 7-room house with bard- wood floors, furnace, fireplace, full base ment. close to school snd within walking distance to business center, t'ro e ,o"0, $-I."IO cash, balance like rnt Shown by appointment onlv. All Hi. iiregnnian RICHMOND. 5-room art bungalow; ivory enameled tapestry paper, rirepsce. lurnace. Tun cement basement: 50x100 lot: $.1S0, tiooo down, balance terms. 504 Mar guerite ave. LEAVING city, must sell 7-room modern home. 4 large bedrooms, concrete snower, 2 lots on choice corner; opposite new city park, (7250. 1117 Thompson St. Tahor 328. ; VACANT 7 ROOMS. 7oxlOO. $1000 cash, balance terms. With small expense you can make this beautiful home. See It today, 8 to 3 P. M. 495 Going St.. cor. E. loth St. N FOR SALE by owner. 7-room modern house: nrepiace. rurnace. iuii cement hNment few bu It-Ins: exce ent con dltlon. For full particulars call Tabor vj.s::. MODERN 4-room house, elec, gas, sewer, cement basement, ooxiuo lot wiin now era, apples and berries, $400 down, rest oft easy terms, loo-: fciast rioyt. STRICTLY modern 6-room bungalow, all built-lns, lurnace, cement basement, iuii lot. sewer In and paid: $36on; $400 cash, balance like rent. 37 E. SHth st. SIX-ROOM furnished house; 75x100 lot; fa rage, fruit trees ana snrunoery, lasim. 1000 cash, bal. terms. Phons Auto. 612-72. MODERN 4-room bungalow for rent. $30. furniture lor sale, jjou casn. i..4 r,. Willow st. TaJte M. V. car to E. 60th St., walk 3 blocks north. LESS THAN COST. New R. C. pk. 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, at less thsn builder's cost. Tabor 864. $3400 2 GOO houses on 28lh St.. near -ine; snap; mum veil, m cuueior svou car part payment Phone Maddock, Main 13.13. MODERN, 7 rooms, hardwood both floors. plate glass, lurnace, nrepiace. z or s lots. Wdln. 4268. Ownet Suburban Homes. RIVERDALE DISTRICT. Owing to poor health I am compelled to sell my fine home on Palatine hill; almost 2 acres artistically landscaped; beautiful trees, shrubbery snd flowers beyond description; all kinds of fruit, large and small; modern borne with large rooms, 2 bath rooms: wide porches, hot water heat, large gsrsge; modern greenhouse 10x40, fully equipped; all city conveniences, wonderful view. FRED MAILLOUX, Main 9535. Portland. Or. RIVER FRONTAGE. Four acres at Rockspur, red car, 7 miles out 255 feet river front; 6-room bungalow, fireplace, furnace; also 3 room bungalow; IU000; easy terma, J. C. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 Lewis Bldg $1483, BUNGALOW Corner acre. part clearea, line son, 10c laro, eioo casn, .0 monthly, owner. :n i-d, itregonian. $500 FOR 14 acres, level, good soil, at station, 00 mtnuies vui, saw uvwu. uwuer, N 718. urafonia4si ON COLUMBIA' RIVER HIGHWAY. 7V4 acrea, 1 mils from school and I station, on the pavement. 2M bearing cherry trees, lit- acres strawberries, 2 1 acrea loganberriea. 1 acre rsspberrl-s; I all old plants and la full bearing: the I owners expect to take In S30OH from to I fruit this yesr. Good monrn noue. with cement basement, furnace, fir.,-1 place, best of white enamel plumhmg Very Urge rooms, all finished In enam.-l. mshosany doors snd beveled inirrnn waterfall snd creek on the plsce; on. of the show places of the entire countn . offered for a short time at a real Imt (atn. MODFRN PfBUnnAN HOME. WANT PORTLAND HOUSE. Nearly 4 acres. 1U mites south rrt land, at electric station, on macadamx road. All under cultivation. 20 fru. trees; t acre strawberries, other beriu good plastered 5-room buflttalow, vn , bssement. white enamel PtUmblllK. el trie lights, water system. cre th-ouf place. included wltn piece: i tow. chickens, A very conveniently locate place; price $H3no, consider Portlao home of less value snd sonie cafh. I'm sonally Inspected. Photos at office. WELL-FURNISHED CAPITOL HILL. U acre. U mile from Btstlon. A bio. M to school, 8 bearing fruit trees, some b--r rles; roses and shrubbery: attractive room house, with ass sna cur ""i" electric lights acro street. InrluoV with place; Gas range, heater, chair- table, rug. bed spring and msltresi.1 couch, tools, etc. Price $1400, s casLJ balance 3 years at 6 per cent. FURNITURE INCLUDED. Nearly 2 acres, i blocks from electri station. 10 miles from center of rortlsn 30 minutes out; good car service; g-" land, some young fruit trees: 4-roi. house, with Portland gas-. The r-U In well furnished and Included at J7n $3o cash, or will make discount so ' keep the furniture. NFARI.T ALL IN BERRIFS. 2 acres, east of Alberta car, 15 hlocVeJ on graveled street, all under eultlvatlo' best of black loam soil. I mils to cli school; city water on property, nice lev, land, the Income from t lie berries f--1020 was over 175 clear. Price $2i'"-'' $1000 cash, balance easy terms. 3-rooi boujse. AT MULTNOMAH STATION. K sere, with lots of betrles. 5 b'ork J from station, good 8-room plastered bun I galow, best of plumbing, garage. cnx-K-house. gss. city water, electric llslil- I'rlce $2700, $700 cash. Inspected t i Kemp. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On s macadamised road, beat of so! no rock or gravel; very close to elect n line. 9c commutation fare, city wale gas snd electric llgbts: nlcs sight) ground: price $700 per sere up. on ver easy terms, or will sell half acre trael.l Ask for Air. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerllnger Bldg. Over 300 Small Places Nsr Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. CAPITOL HILL! ONE -FOURTH ACIitl 5:011 total price. $20 down ! $3 per month. On the w-est side of ths river, wlf no bridges to cross, splendid i acr- 2 blks to car. all cleared, rich soil, n gravel; city water to tract; telephon gas, . electricity avnllnble; 4 Mks t public school: GliKAT CI.KAN-V SALE! THIS IS A WONPEH Kl'L l 1'ORTUNITY! Buy tills and build yoi DKEAM HOME. See Charles W. Koil ders, with FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Ablngton blilg. Main 1068. 3d St.. b.-t. Wash, snd Stark. AT A SACRIFICE FOR SHORT TIME. RESTRICTED RIVER FRONT. RKI.C OR LEASE WOVEY-MAKEIl A.VP IIFWTIFrl HOME. WOPKK.N II ROOMS AMI B 4 THS. WITH 1 OR 17 ACRES. AI RES GRAPES. CHERRY AND Al'PLl UICCHAKD. COLONIAL MODERN T ROOMS AN1 BATH. ACRE OR MORE. IMPROVED ACRPHGR. ALT, THFFl 3 MILKS CITY LIMITS. VORTLAMl FOR APPOINTMENT PHONIC OWNt. OAK Glti'VK I-W. 7-llliOM, baMt-miut, clly cotivrnU-iii- on paved rued, 2 blocks to car; S ar land: barn; $700 cash and rent-In. terms. Six rooms, modern bssement. fru berries, gunlen: acre; outhldgs; 2 blkl to car. s.ioii cash with rent-like terms. Four rooms, bi.sement. llshts and wat - In; garage- all new: W acre. 8 blks. car, paved road to city: furnished or u i furnished $300 cash, rent-like terms. 11 Mare, wltn A. J. Dc FOREST ft CO., Realtors. 320 Henry HIQg Hdwv .vn. MODERN HI NGALliW, 1 ACHE. e-room bungalow with full rente 1 basement, haih, sleeping porch, flrrpla and all bullt-lns, large living rot, French doors snd brass hardware: fi acre, all In cultivation, with fruit, flo, ers and berries; 1 block to car ami -i to Base Line road. AN KXCKI'TloNA I HI V AT $2iHI, with terms. See F. Marshall, wltn FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton BIrig. Main Wl Third St., ht Ua-hlnerton snl SHIRLEY COI RT. $1000 H-ACHE TRACTS $1000. ONLY lot DOWN. Fine, rich soil, no gravel; city wat rlty carfare; close to schools, stores s- churches; located nt K3d and East V sts.; 10 per cent down and $13 mint i owners will lend you money to bull come In and we will gladly show y these slrhily half-acre tracts. HENIiERSON-ilANKl S CO., 476 Henry HMg llrosdway 4734 FIVE acrt-s or l-ss on Park drive, st 11 bert school, on carllne. All In cr' fruit snd berries; a well-appearing ' room house, bssement, oily water a lights: extra rood nutbl'lg. for ro snd stock, f2.'ou cssh and reasons! terms. Mr. Hare, with A. J. D. KORHST CO.. Realtors. 820 Henry Bl.lg TMwy. snan MODERN BUNGALOW. NEW. WITT I FINISHED, GAKAUK. WITH 5 A'RI OR UP TO 22 THIS IS MY H"V BUT I MI'KT FELL ALL OR PAR ril'I.MS MAIN 1441, EVENINtiS, fcA, 7304. lMntOVEO TWO-ACRE BUY. 73 fruit trees, some berries, onlv fr Mocks to car 8-room house with f eleelrolty and w ater available, ha - IK SOLD THIS WEEK OWNER Will INCLUDE A FINE JERSb.Y COW THE PRICE OF I29IIO, with terms. A for r . Marsnall, wltn FRANK U McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton HMg. Main l"' FOUR-ROOM Jiiil'SM AND ia-ACKL. f 1 1 H Hi, Multnomah station, a great buy; et' trlclty in house, lias and water: S- down. bal. easy; cut nut your rent a buy tnis. A lease Is being negotiated. Interested act quickly. O. W. IAIIR CO.. Main 6203. 407 McKay Bldg. pnttniT r..iNi mil ON CAPITOL highway, at Rerlha sistl 4 lots, new, nearly finished 3-room m ern burgalow. with bullt-lns. flrepis I full cement basement, laundry trays, c water. f.as. electricity; aoout one bl' from S. P. electric depot. postolTlce s tore: will pell unfinished or will fin to suit hover. This is s perfect locall- I price $ii8uo nniaiied. Deal with own M;iln it ; NEW 4-lllilj.M Still IIUAN HOME. On quarter acre, bath and toilet. l ana running water, garden an in, mil from Fulton, on Boone's Ferry rot A 6ACRIFICE AT $1800, EASY TER 3' See F. C, Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton BMg. Main 1"' Third St., bet. Washington and tin- FOR SALE A new 8-room bungalow. lots, city water and gas; beautiful vlrl Two carllnes, 10 mln. from center city. 7'mn, $1500. rart cash. At Cspl Hill, pnone Mar. 4u-,i. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. 8 acres and 0-room modern bungale J gas, water, plumbing, fireplace, garai a beautiful place, close in on Lsu ave, near Powell alley road; $4000. reasonable terms. See Mr. Grut Title Trust Co SUBURBAN HOME $1200. Neat 3-room cottage, comhlnat1 living and dining, large bedrocl kitchenette, large screened porch; rage; lot SOxllHI; terms. 78d ave., 60lh st. Call Auto. 6:13-13. ACRES at Ryan. Oregon electric, 8 h! from car and city school, with mod bungalow and small house, city wat gas, garden, the whole Including gartt and chicken houses. Owner. Phone M- sliail 32:16, or X 701, oregonlan. A LITTLE farm In town, two beaut cultivated acres, new 3-ronm mod bungalow, R. C. car. Owner leavlr reasonable. Terms. See todsy. Own Woodlawn 10. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMK.1 and acreage, well located, near carlli from $1MH up. Inquire 3d bouse north Ttlsley s t atlon, on Ore gon Cli y car J A REALTOR -must and does protect th who buy or sell property through hi No Irresponsible realty agent can he member of the Portland Realty Pna BEAUTIFUL O1 acres on Fos-ter ro spring, creek, orchard, 4-room house a outbuildings. $6300, or sell 1 acres 43 cash. B IKu. Oregonlan,