THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JUNE 5. 1921 10 REAL ESTATE. For fiale -Houses. J. A. WICKilAX CO., REALTORS. ACTIVE UOMSSELLERS. We will not co into detail on th merits of the following homes, but wish in assure you tnat eacn one is a oso lutely MODERN In every detail. EVERY THING the JUNE BRIDE could pos lbly desire. COMPARE these with others. Most of them have GARAGE. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 5 rooms on E. Halsev st $6000 5 rooms; NEW; never occupied. jbjihj 7 rooms, E. ooth st- N. 14750 6 rooms. K. 43th. il. N. $7500 7 rooms. BUNGALOW, ROSE CITY 8 finest CORNER. LAUREL HURST. $10.000 COMPLETELY FURNISHED, rooms on E. ANKENY ST. Jusi a few steps to LAURELHURST PAftil. 101)0 5 rooms on E. Pine st. $7000 6 rooms on E. Pine st. 98300 6 rooms on E. Hoyt St. $8500 COMPLETELY FURNISHED rooms, large attic. IRVING TON. $8500 rooms. E. 7th St.. N. Gas range and heater &o with this. Thesa have all been InsDected (per- onally) and we RECOMMEND each one ol them to be exceptionally good ouya J. A. wiuk SLA .n tu., lieanors. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1094. ALL GOOD HOMES. H A V,"PH DRVP1 l"!Ak. 14400 s-room modern house. 50x100 lot $400 7 -room house, fiae condition; both have all modern conveniences. BICHSION'I) CAR. $5000 Extra good 6-room house: six closets, tine bathroom, sleeping porch, steam-heating plant, good lot. shrubbery and flowers, paved street: $1300 cash. Take Imme diate possession. MONTAVIL.LA CAB. $2700 and $27;vo 2 new. nifty houses MnnA cement walk, east front lots any small payment on either house to substantial parties. GEO. E. ENxiLEHART CO.. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg, HKiH THIS SNAP. House of 7 rooms, pantry, front and pack porches, newly painted; wooasnea, bath, patent toilet, hot and cold water, electric lights, telephone; the land is 97x 90 feet, fine soil. 6 large full-bearing prune trees, garden planted; chicken house; house Insured $1000, paid in full for 6 years; cannot build the house for $2500; good location, in the city oi at berg. Or.; price $1900, $1250, balance easy terms at b per cent. QUICK SALES LAND CO., Fhone Black 190. . Newberg, Or. W. T. Lewis, Manager. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. $7800. Charming colonial, heart of Irvlngton; concrete porch, large living room across front, large fireplace ana dookcissos, lovelr dininr room, perfect kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 wonderful bedrooms and tiled bath; Gasco furnace; full lot garage. - EAST 419. MODERN BUNGALOW. FURNISHED. OWNER LEAVING TOWN. $750 CASH HANDLES. Balance $50 per month Including Int. 5 beautiful rooms, fireplace and hard wood floors, good furniture. Includes Vlctorola. ice box and davenport, all rots, pans and dishes, must sell as la 4000; party having more cash to pay down can make offer. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751.- 410 Henry Bldg. DUPLEX HOUSE WALNUT PARK. Particularly adapted to two small families; 8 rooms nad sleeping porch, 2 bath rooms, splendid furnace, instan taneous gas water heater, radiant fire, 50x100 lot and garage, best of car serv ice; price $8750; owner will consider smaller house In part payment. . BROWN A GRANT, 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broadway 8222. A COSY LITTLE HOME. A 5-room small bungalow, newly painted Inside and out. enamel kitchen and bath, lot 5OxS0. garage, S blocks ' south of Franklin high school: go to Creston station, then east to 54th st. at 8312. $1900, $400 cash, $15 per month and 6 per cent Interest. Owner, 313 Mason St. " SNAP. CLOSE IN Save carfare. 6 rms. with large hall, bath and pantry, gas , sind wood range and 2 large kitchen cabinets Included: full cement basement and furnace. S8 East Davis, near loth, half block to Rose City carline: 13750. $750 cash, balance long time. Phone R. R. R.. Main 172. or call 14o second st. A REAL HOME. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. B rooms with modern conveniences and bullt-ins. Full basement, floored attic and garage. GOOD TERMS, tee It at 1284 East Davis. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. BEST IN ROSE CITY. Splendid modern bungalow on corner lot: not yet complete, but ready In 15 days. Jpuy now ana nictate ine unisn of youK new home. Only $4850. You must come quickly. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $150 DOWN. And $25 per month puts you In posses sion of a dandy 4-room home on 50x100 lot, progressive district, lots of fruit and roses- priced to sell at $1750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry BMg. OWNER must sell 6-room modern house and garage. 573 East 25th st- This place has 2 fine cherry trees, black berries and shrubbery; owner will be In Portland, June 6, or for information . write Mr. H. W. Graham, care Willard eervlce station. Pendleton. Or. IRVINGTON. Six rooms, stinroom and large sleep ing porch; hardwood floors upstairs and down, good garage; best location, two blocks Broadway car; only $7000. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank BMg. $1350 $300 CASH; 4-room, house and - complete bathroom: lot 40x100, fenced, chicken house; this place vacant now. $1500 $300 cash: 4 rooms and bath; 87x100 lot, fenced; $850. all cash. 4-room house, vacant now. Fred W. Spear. 5520 Both St. S K. Ant. 619-19. $150 DOWN 5 rooms, plastered, electric lights, gas, patent toilet, sink, base ment, paved street, sewer In and every thing paid. Small lot but very small price, $1350. House Is In fine condition. Splendid neighborhood. Mississippi ave. car. 147 Beech. Marsh. 748. FORTLANrpHEIGHTS Semi-bungalow. 8 rooms, sunroom and sleeping porch: va cant: 2 sets plumbing: fireplace, furnace , garage; 200x80 ft.; only $6300. $1500 down, balance like rent, . Owner. 823, Chamber Commerce bldg. 1 MURRAY MEAD SPECIAL. Beautiful view lot, approximately 77 X115 ft. in this choice district. This is sacrifice at $160. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors. Main 583 and 1094. 264 Stark St. $5250 ALAMEDA PARK $5250. Modern 5-room bungalow, garage, street improvements Included. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 2xl00 ON UNION AVE. No. 470-472 Union; good garage or apt. site; resi dence and store bldg. on at present -i bringing $S0 per month rent. Will sell on easy terms. Inquire 133 Grand ave. "WALNUT PARK Near Jefferson high, modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace, fur nace, paved street, near car. Part cash, balance $45 per month. No agents. Call Main 7036 today. IBEAUTIFULLY finished 5-room bungalow, modern in every respect: in east Irving ton; owner compelled to leave city rea son for selling; price $3950, terms. 1072 Lambert place. Phone Auto. 313-39. . .NEAR PENINSULA PARK and ii- block , from carline and paved street, 5-room modern bungalow: must leave Portland and will sell for $3200, $600 cash. 145 E. Stafford. BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, large rooms, llowers, etc, Phons owner. East 306$. -OWNER give clear title, modern 5-room LlRVlNUTON 5, 6 and 7-room bungalows, bungalow, built- ins. furnace, garage: r for sale by owner and builder. A C $4150, terms. Call mornings and eve- nmg: s. 1042 E. druthers st. IL C. CHOICE located modern home, six rooms and sleeping porch: immediate possession: for quick sale, $6200, terms. . Tabor 2676. J SPLENDID INViCSTiiENT Luplex house, seven rooms each, one block from busi ness section between two car lines, large lot, fruit trees; owners must sell. East " ' 5s:iS. -. sj-ROOM modern house with hardwood floors and fireplace, near Peninsula Park; ' reasonable price and terms: can give pos- '' ' session Immediately. Woodlawn 454 ilODERN 5-room house. 90x100; 1 block from carline, corner lot; chicken house- taxes all paid, sewer in and part paid! Call Woodlawn 1Q06. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 8 rooms, modern, very low price; terms; owner. BF 704, Oregonian. i'lVE rooms, bath, basement, gas, electric. Close In: needs a little repairing. Aftei - 4 P. M- 64 Enst 27th st. 7-ROOM home, 3 lota orchard, garden. - Call Auto. 310-17. MODERN 5-room R. C. bung., vacant; ga ' , rage; any old terms. Owner. 32il-72. FOR SALE, by owner. 2-stsry, 6-roora t house on corner, garage. Tabor 8944. tf'J MODERN 8 rooma hardwood floora, $7500, terms; owner, if 713, Oregonian REAL ESTATE. For tale Bouses. LAURELHURST. A beautiful Laurelhurst bunga low, commanding --a view of the park and the greater part of this district. Just completed by skilled mechanics, whose every effort has been to build a home of superior construction. It Is only by seeing this bungajow that you can appre ciate the artistic cabinet work, complete conveniences and com fortable arrangement. A special low price of 11500 has Just been given us, Tou can take posses sion at once. Good terms can be given. Phone for appointment. NEAR BROADWAT BRIDGE. Walking distance of west side; 0 rooms, full cement basement furnace, large (cement floor) ga rage, everything in finest condition.- Valuable property; 5000. $1000 cash. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce, ilain 6398. "GOOD HOUSE BUYS." Sellwood. 7-room modern house, bun gaiow type, like new. basement, furnace, Jot 90x100 ft., $4000: $1500 cash, balance easy. lhis Is a. snap. Sunnyslde, 6-room modern house, fur' nace, Iirenlace. lot 50x100 ft., on Tayl west of 28th- $4500; $1000 cash; snap. Woodstock, 5-room modern cottage, lot 30X100 ft., $2800; $850 cash, naiam easy. Rose City Park, 7-room modern house, bungalow type, 2 sleeping porcnes, xur nace. firenlace: Hist St.. 4500: terms. Wood lawn, 3 -room cottage, $1500. Make vour own terms. R. M. GATE WOOD at CO.. lOSVj 4th St. ALAMEDA PARK CORNER BUNGALOW An exceptionally fine 6-room bunga low with living room 30 ft. long, hard wood floors throughout. anc furnace, tile bathroom with block tub and shower, tile sink and breakfast nook, cement porch, corner lot. all Im provements in and paid. 20-ft garage. it you want a mgn-ciass bungalow ai a sacrifice price look thia one over Sun day at the 8. W. corner of IS. 2Utu s and ijryce &ve. f or sale py owner. CHANCE OF LIFETIME. ROSE CITY. 1100 DOWN HANDLES. Balance $50 per month; beautiful modern bungalow. 2 lovely bedroom and bath with fine .fixtures, bright bunt-in kitchen, with Dreaklast nook, large combination living and dining room, hardwood floors and fireplace a real buy at S43du. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON NEW. 641 E. 18th N. open today. 7 large rooms; 2 fireplaces, tiled bath. Ivory enamel, attractive paper, double garage; splendid value; $10,000, $1000 cash, $100 monthly. E, J. MAUTZ. E. 603L B. 5522. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3950. Nicely built, with hardwood floors, In living and dining room; beautiful fire place, built-in bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitcnen, J. bedroom lirst lloor, a secona, basement; near Peninsula park; under- priced at vj.iV. with, nwii cash. JOHNSON-DODtSON CO., Branch Office Cor. Lombard and Al- bina avenue, or 633 N.' W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OWNER leaving for east desirous of selling nis nome oeiow prevent cost of construe tlon: 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce meat basement, liuud hot water heater. few bullt-ins: modern and in excellent condition; new lighting fixtures; also new shrubbery and located 584 E. 38tb st. N. : price $o0; terms It desired. r-none 3i4-'J3 RARE BARGAIN. A beautiful new 6-rooms and attic; finished In old ivory: latest decorations. hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, full basement, cement porch, lot 62x170, with 7 bearing fruit trees. This is built by the owner and there is no 6 fer cent real estate commission to pay. t Is a real home in a fine neighborhood. 7QOJ Powell valley, nearrist at. IRVINGTON. . A strictly modern pressed brick house. 7 rooms besides den, sewing room, two closets in each bedroom, two Datns; tne basement is second to none: garage: lot 60x100 ft. To reproduce this prop erty would cost sie.uou; price fuuuu, terms. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO., 165 4th st S-ROOM house, modern located on east Flanders st.. 1 block from 23th-st car- line. In fine location on corner lot, 50x100 ft. lot. Improvements all in and paid. Party leaving the city and is making a big sacrifice for a quick sale. Let us show this to you. Price fooo. Taiimadge Realty Co., realtors. 019 Henry Didg. J,asy terms. BY OWNER Now vacant, 5 rooms, modern, clean and attractive, 50x100 or more If desired. House surrounded by lawn. You will like location at 4438 40th ave. S. E. Key next aoor. sjouu, pius sewer, souu cash, balance $20 per month and inter est. Phone Automatic 618-77, EXTRA large 6-room bungalow, full base ment; garage; hennery and runs; H acre assorted fruits and berries; on corner. A good buy at $3600. $800 cash. Mr. liare, with A. J. DcFOREST A CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. BIO SACRIFICE. $4750 IRVINGTON HOME 14750. 6-room modern, beautiful lawn and Trult; owner leaving city, must sell; act quickly if you want this bargain. Main o;4. WOODSTOCK Good buy, $550 down; rooms, new. modern, electricity, gas. bath, toilet, cement basement; sidewalks in, paia; xruit, trees, perries, etc.; 1 ft blocks car: $2800; lot 60x100., Ward, mil wooasioca ave. o. a. TWO flats, appearance-of beautiful home good investment as well; fine yard, view of mountains; . price only $5750; $1500 casu, Bumiit-B lerius. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. .Main 3787. 6-ROOM modern, aore ol ground, well Im . proved: fruit, berries, garden, etc.;- one block from car; 851 E. 39th st. S. ; house and grounds in good condition; can be seen mornings; $7000 net; terms.. . $2700 MT. TABOR $300. 7-room modern house, excent base ment: two lots: half block to can fruit anu. Dernes: close to ecuooi; cut xor cash 136 E. 01st St. S. 3-KOOM house, plastered: good attic, toi let, electric iignts. gas. pnone. good gar den, lots of berries. 3 cords wood, 2 tons briquettes go with place: also some fur- nlture. Wdln. 5464. 297 E. Baldwin st HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," Illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints. $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY 924 Northwestern Bank Blag. PIEDMONT. $5000. Elgbt-room bouse, tile bath, laundry travs, furnace, 2 blocks to car. $35 Portland blvd. E. SUNN1SIDE bargain, $4500, extra fine modern o-room resiaence, lot 50x100, Saved street, on Yamhill st. See this y all means. H II. STAUB. 1027 Belmont, Tabor 219. BARGAIN BY OWNER 73 by 100 Joining Alameda PaA. 4 room house, modern. Make me offer. Phone Wdln. 4483. BH8 E. 83d st. N. FOR SALE Double flat, 5 rooms an"3 bath each. 406 Ross st- near Broad way bridge; renting $50. Price $4500. Phone East 4072. ROSE CITY bungalow, furnished or un furnished: 4 rooms, modern; fruit, flow ers, garden; $3150: terma Immediate posses?lon. 650 E. 78th st. N. 7-ROOMS. modern. 100x100 corner; pave ments in and paid: 2 blocks from Irvlng ton car; leaving city; terms. 554 Pres- . cott jt. MODERN 4-room bungalow, paved street, near car, large lot. garage. This week $2400, terms. Owner. 1119 Montana ave. FOR SALE. Modern 7-room house with double s& rage, on corner lot at -o.i c. lotn st. A C Mnlmqtilst. 590 East 5th St. N. East 22. DANDY cottage and lot 240x124, near school, church and carline. 8019 E. 65th st. Will sell cheap for cash. A BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow in Rose City, at a real sacrifice. Phone Main 1734. " NEW HOUSE, 5 rooms and bath, good basement; Bull Run water, gaa, high grade plumbing. Tabor 685L LAURELHURST. Kew colonial, 6 rooms, garage, a sac- rifice. Owner, Tabor 9452. FOR SALE by owner, cheap, In Irving ton, modern 6-room house, full sized lot, fruit trees and berries. East 8195. GOOD 7-room house on carline: .$2500 terms; cheaper for :aah. Aut. 610-36. Mt' Scott FOK SALE, or trade for smaller property, 8-room modern bungalow, 5 bedrooms, furnace. 80x90 lot. Sellwood 2110. FOR SALE. 6-room house, near Broadway bridge, east side, cheap for cash. Phone East 993. WEST SIDE 7-room modern, close in on Park street, lot 35x100: price $5500. John S ! n ger. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. V ACRE, cozy 4-room bungalow: firenlace. bookcases, buffet, gaa and city water. If 7Q7, Oregonian. 7-ROOM house In Hollad-ay's Add., $4200, terms. Owner. Woodiaws 1267. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. KORVALCT ANT THEN SOME. $5500. with reasonable terms; easily worth $7500: owner must sacrifice to make quick sale: beau tiful English colonial. 100x100 cor ner, adj. Alameda. Just at edge of city, near Broadway car: less than two years old. double constructed, modern and beautifully finished; six main rooms, also sun parlor, breakfast nook, sewing room: ma ple floor. French doors, two flre placea. extra large windows, three bedrooms with large closets, white enamel kitchen, bullt-lna, full cement-basement with furnace: lawn. . young fruit and shade trees, ga- rage; owner living on premises. Invites inspection by reliable buyer. Tel. Woodlawn $857. IRVINGTON home In very choice lo cation, large grounds, with front age on 2 streets, 11 rooma 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, large billiard room, hot water heat, double garage; offered at a most attrac- - tive price for immediate sale. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7976. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VACANT. A splendid home of 7 rooms and sleep Ins rjorrh. modern in every degree, fin lshed in Ivory enamel and In absolutely perrect condition, oeautnui view, seieci neighborhood. Call at 650 Ravensview drive for key.- Phone Main 4099 Bunaay, week days Bdwy. 2328. NEW IRVINGTON. 939 E. 18th N., open today, 6 rooms, garage: 2 fireplaces, en ameled and papered. Fine trees and yard. Best construction. Price based on present low costs; $S500, $1000 caBh. $73 monthly. E. J. MAUTZ. E. S03L B. Sbl2. MR. HOMESEEKER A REAL BARGAIN. A large, light rooms. 2 screened-ln sleeping porches and lavatory down; 3 Dearooms, oatn ana steeping porcn up, nice yard and shade trees, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, hard surfaced streets in and paid for, one block to car. Easily worth Ij-oou; spe cially priced $4650. Easy terms. C. H. Woodward. 100 Ablngton bldg. Main 5933. ORDERED TO SELL BUNGALOW, ti no nowN. Balance $50 per month. Jncl. Int.: 5 beautiful rooma ready to move into; good district, close to car; has hardwood floora fireplace, cement basement, love ly built-in kitchen with breakfast nook; a real opportunity at $4200. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW BARGAIN. S rooms and bath first floor, and two nice bedrooms second floor; plpeless furnace, hardwood IiOors in living room dlnLng room and one bedroom; nice lighting fixtures and Duiit-ins; nouse is same as new and would cost $5000 to build; price $4500; easy terms. BROWN & GRANT, 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broadway 8222. $7850. Laurelhurst 6-room bungalow, new and modern, walls artistically decorated, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, built-in buffet complete cabinet kitchen and breakfast nook; latest sanitary plumbing -fixtures, tile bath; electric fixtures, shades, good basement, furnace, garage. This place Is very complete. For appointment Tabor 8334. Building at 1118 East Couch. E. Nelson, owner. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. ' 7-room modern chouse on corner lot paved streets, house Just painted and In excellent condition; hardwood floors, full cement basement, good furnace, garage, pear school. Price $5000; $2000 cash. L. A. MATHISEN CO 201 Alisky Building. Main 7621. IRVINGTON. A strictly modern pressed brick house, 7 rooms besides den, sewing room, two closets in each bedroom two baths; the basement is second to none; garage; lot 50x100 ft To repioduce this prop erty would cost $16,000; price $9000, terma R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 165H 4th st FOR SALE Five-room plastered house with attic, good woodsned, gas, ngnts, gas range, partly furnished, 8 bearing fruit trees; lot 60x100; cement walks; 4 blocks to car. Price $1100. $500 cash. Owner will sacrifice, going east, owner, Mr. A. Seaton, 215 i'essenden st, St Johns. IRVINGTON 8-ROOM HOME. $5800, TERMS. Near 17th and Stanton sts. : hardwood floors, fireplace, full lot and garage. East 41S. FOR SALE S-room modern house with all conveniences, with 4 lots and garage for 4 cars; also 4 large trees with berries and shrubbery; will sell individ ual lot or all very reasonably. Inquire of owner, WS car, 1161 Holgate, corner 89th st. GOING TO CHICAGO TUESDAY. Wish to sell at once, beautiful 5-rm. bungalow, modern and In splendid con dition; full lot; on Upper Drive; will take $1000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. ACANT 6-room modern house, corner lot luuxiuo with fine lawn, trult and shrubs. Take Woodstock" car to 57th ave- go 3 blocks east to 6629 44th st S. E. Price $3700, easy terms; or big discount for cash. C. P. Morse, owner. Phone Woodlawn 498, week days. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. Modern 5-room bungalow and attic, oak floora, fireplace, bullt-ins, cement basement, rooms all light; $3950; $1000 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. . Main 3787. ROOMS. FIREPLACE. NOT MODERN. 75x100 corner: paved: fruit Could be made a beautiful home with small ex pense: Vernon district; $3950, terma R. W. Cary, 121S N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. FOR SALE by owner. 7-room double con- structea house ana garage; large bath room, pantry and fireplace: house can be used for two families; kitchenette up stairs; iuu zeet to street car; price $4O00. 1Q63 E. 19th st North. Woodlawn 180. SMALL home overlooking river, sur rounded by large -fine houses, lots of berries and roses, pretty lawn, improve ments in; near Sellwood park. By owner, home Sundays and evenings. 494 Rex ave. ROOM cottage for sale, built two years ago, very desirable location. Just oppo site the Oaks; take Fulton car to cross roads, north one block, east one block. Oswego local within 100 leet of. house. Main 3878. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. One of the cosiest bungalows in Rons City Park, nicely located, dogwood grove. cnoice roses, moaern. o rooms, has bullt ins. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. garage. 552 E. 45th N. East 2871, ROOM bungalow, Hawthorne district; almost new: hardwood floors. French doors, old Ivory finish, breakfast nook, fireplace, garage; leaving town; must sell. Owner. Main 5433. Res. Tabor 7127. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER. Modern 6-room. fireplace, full cement basement and walks, paved street, Bmall garage; perfect condition, vacant; $3500, terma 1114 E. Sherman, near 37th. BEAUTIFUL Woodlawn home. Ave rooms and sleeping porch; all modern; fine furnace and garage: $3700; terms; consider a late model Dodge car or Ford truck. 1360 E. itn ortn. SL'NNYSIDE bargain, $3650, very neat. well ouiii, moaern o-room oungalow, close 39th st, one block from car. Look at thia H. H. STAUB. V'"7 Belmont. Tabor 213. ALBERTA New 4-room bungalow, Dutch finished In old Ivory, full basement and ! attic; by owner; $3900. 1062 K.. 14th st N. Woodlawn 4579. ROOM plastered house, garage and chick en coop; lot 60x100: $1200: $100 down and $15 per month and Interest; good .reduction for cash. 6834 41st ave. S. E. Owner at 2816 71st S. E. Sell. 1231. - FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, full sized lot; large rooms; good district, on car line: fruit and garden: am leaving citv. must sell: terms $3300, '$1000 cash- Phone senwooa lioi. FOR SALE By owner, Laurelhurst bunga low, California style; locatea on Kast Burnslde, near Park. Price $7500. Terma Call Tabor 6861. IRVINGTON SNAP-744500, $500 cash, bal- ance mommy; o rooms, xurnace, cement basemept, near car and school. East 394. -Main 8078. 830 N. W. Bank biqg. 4000 WEST SIDE; 467 10TH ST.. 7 ftooaio, OA 1 n, UA.-, c i.r, v I I, 2 FIREPLACES, CEMENT BASE MENT; LOT 50x100. $2530 $200 CASH, $20 MO. New 4-room modern house, 100x100 lot, fruit, berries, garden. Take Wood stock car. 64th ave, 61st st. ' FOR SALE Completely furnished four- room bungalow, clean ana cosy, a lew fruit trees, berries, garden In, 1 4S3 Fern Bt. Woodlawn car. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Four-room mod ern bungajow, $750 down, balance terms. Ideal home. Just finished. See owner on property. Sunday 10 to 4. Main 2250. NEW MODERN Rose City bungalow. Own er. 351 E. 50th st Tabor &H. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. f COE A. McKENNA & CO.. , Realtors Meaning Reliability. ROSE CITT PARK SNAP Located in the most beautiful nart of this choice district, this lovely5-room bungalow is the erjttom nf &1I modern construction In dwellings', containing all sorts of convenient features framed in a sorten tng tint of old ivory finish and a dell cats blending of decorative wallpaper two charming bedrooms, a living room lending a long perspective, giving grace : and dignity to the furniture ana nans Inn: a bathroom of surgical cleanliness, and a kitchen with every convenience within reach of the industrious house wife: dininr room of sumassing motif. restfal and Intimate: " among other things are full concrete basement, full sixed lot, double garage, coxy-nook fire place, and only one blocit from car line fumaceloo: the equal' of this Is Im "possible to find and we advise your -"quick decision; price $4950; $1500 cash. LAURELHURST IDEAL, RESIDENCE Giving a panoramic stretch of view surpassingly beautiful; fully measuring up to the scenic surroundings is tne charming six-room home finished in discriminating taste, rooms each sepa rately distinctive but forming a coionui whole; entering the. large living room one .is immediately conscious of comfort,- the eye being greeted with easy color groupings, a massive fireplace of artistic construction, oak floors eloquent ly finishing the Inspection: -the dining room. In miniature the counterpart oi some ancestral hall, is finished in tones appropriate for this important meal time meeting place of the family, and the den Is nothing but ease and com fort and all that goes to make for re laxation; the kitchen, wide, airy, ngnt . and clean, invites the worker In culinary art by its many convenient bullt-ins: ' graceful stairway leading to the three bedrooms upstairs gives access to an unoer hall, from which the bed cham - bers are each separated but closely allied in decorative effect; It is needless to mention that this very desirable home has cement basement, furnace, wasn trays, - full lot, and many attractions too numerous to mention here; price x-bduo, and worth it; easy terma IRVINGTON $4300 In these days of Keen competition one has to offer a bar gain for the consideration of home buy ers, and here is an eight-room bouse, only one block from the car line, which tn our expert Judgment Is far below actual value and may be obtained on the easiest kind of terms: this is not new bungalow, but a substantial home meriting quick purchase for a large family .who are anxious to locate In some approved district such as this; fireplace, furnace, garage, fruit trees, sleeping porch, concrete basement, paved streets, and a 50x100 lot; Just as you re solve to Inquire about this, others are making the same decision, so speed Is essential; siuou down, balance easy terms. RICHMOND $3300: $500 down and move- in tomorrow: acting as your guide and counsellor, chasing down the elu sive bargain, taking the griefs and shouldering the burdens of house-hunt ing, we at some time or other stumble onto a good one, and here, Just for you to pick up the want ads and read, is your perplexity at an end; six rooms; .fine district: full basement: newly fin ished inside and out; tapestry walls; . while you are balancing it over In your mind someone is liable to step In and block your swing, so hurry; you won't be disappointed; read the price and terms over again, then phone. V COE A. McKENNA ft CO., Realtors Meaning Reliability. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. HOUSE BARGAINS. Rose, City i rooms 'and bath, beauti ful lawn and flowers. $1050, $500 cash, balance less than rent Let us show you. Willamette boulevard Just about the prettiest home and 4 lots on the mar ket today. A family orchard and gar den. All for $4750. "$1000 cash, bal ance easy terms. Rose City Modern cottage, 5 beauti ful rooms two blocks from car. This bargain must be seen. Let us show you. $2975. $600 cash, balance like rent RYAN REALTY CO Realtora Successor to M. J. Clohessy ,415-16 Ablngton Bldg. . 2 NEW STJNNYSTDE BUNGALOWS PRICES $5300 AND $5700 Located at East 82d and Morrison streets. These bungalows are up-to-date in every particular on a corner lot with garage in basement You can move Into them in 20 days. If taken at once buyer can select own. decorations. Good' terms and easy payment See owner on ground or phone Tabor 1811, also Sellwood 1.934, 6UNNYSIDB. $5500. Strictly modern 7-room residence on Belmont St.; hardwood floors, splendid built-in features, fireplace, large, homey living and dining room and den, modern kitchen. 3 'bedrooms, bath and large double sleeping porch upstairs; full con crete "-basement, good furnace. If you need a comfortable home where yon can rent 2 or 3 bedrooms, see this. Terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE Ik CO.. 2P1-2-3-S-7 Board of Trade Bid ig. VALUABLE PROPERTY ON DIVISION. $500 DOWN HANDLES. $50 per month Including the Interest, move right in, this fine large home on 150x100 corner, with pavement in and paid for, at a snap; aged owner must sell, many fruit . trees, lots of shrub bery; only $7500. With three 30x100 lota Close in on Division . INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FURNISHED. B-room bungalow. Complete with -Queen Anne dining set: birds-eye maple .bedroom set- good range. Radio gas beaters, and all necessary kitchen uten sils. House In best condition, good neighborhood. Price only $3900 with forms if needed. I can recommend thia HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. ' Main 669. 104 Sth St. - HAS A WONDERFUL VIEW. $500 DOWN HANDLES. Beautiful 7-room bungalow type home with large finished attic besides on 150 xlOO - terraced grounds, splendid dis trict, close to TTnlon ave.: priced to sell quickly at $4750. $500 cash. bal. $40 per month, lncl. Inst. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. . 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE or trade Have equity In fine 8-room Portland home, 100x100, con tract payable $50 per month Including Interest' Will take $1500 cash and real estate of like value, and assign you my contract Immediate possession. Ought to rent for $50 or mora This is a beautiful home. 830 Kalght ave. Phone owner Sunday. 461-R Vancouver, week days Main 7-114 Portland. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A clasay 7-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, every Imaginable bullt-ln feature, e-'-'In-t kitchen, break fast nook, cement, basement, washjtrays, fine plumbing, 50x100 lot, garage and runway; city improvements paid; on 43d St.. N. of Sandy blvd. Price $6500. $1000 down, balanne like rent. Rummell & Rummell. 274 Stark st. BEAUTIFUL HOME HAWTHORNE. Near 24th, 3 rooms, closet and pantry on 1st floor: 3, rooms and attic 2d floor. Bath and toilet; full basement; lot 50 . by 100. Fruit, berries and flowers. The house will come up tn your expectation. O. W. TARR CO 407 McKay Bldg. Main 0203. Sundays E. 61)18. $4300. TERMS. Comer lot. 2 blks. to ear: fl-r. bunga low; fireplace, furnace, buffet, cement basement garage. This Is in Westmore land, close to Reed college and golf links; value $5000. J. ROBINS. Main 7!W1. Tabor 5319, 304 Ry Ex . BARGAIN IN HAWTHORNE. ONLY $850 DOWN. T large airy rooms, strictly modem. Ivory enamel finish, tapestry paper: full cement basement furnace, fireplace; lots of roses; corner lot 55x100; garage; 2 blocks to car; price $5200; jio agents. Owner Aut. 230-33. PORTLAND HEIGHTS home, magnificent . 7-room house, hardwood floors, full ce ment basement, hot water vapor furnace, . fireplace, plate glass windows, modern In every respect, fruit, shade trees,. roses; an Ideal home for a permanent residence. The price is inviting. Call room 824 Hotel Multnomah. Monday after 3 P. M. FOR SALE in Sellwood addition, 4 rooms snd bath, shingled, plastered house, gas, electric lights, hot water, full plumbing, cement wash trays, good variety of fruit, cement sidewalks and sewer tn and paid, 50x100 -lot. Price 11900, reasonable terms. Sellwood 8442, owner. LAURELHURST Dutch colonial home, 8 hedrooma sewing, tiled bath. Inlaid ' floora tapestry paper, house is perfectly equipped, garage, full lot. Terma Owner, 1210 E. Pine. Tabor 4528. BY OWNER, $2400 cash $2600 terms: J room cottage, electricity, gas, good plumbing, built-in buffet, panel dining room, beam celling; lot 83x67; close in. H block to Richmond car. 630 S. 18th st. S. " $4200 MODERN 8-room house; full cement basement, sewer con., corner lot 100x100; berries and fruit; $2000 cash. $25 month, 6 per cent 241 E. 84th st N 3 blocks M. V. car. FIVE-ROOM modern house, $1550: will take auto as part payment 6402 89th . -street S. E FOR SALE 5-room bungalow. Sewer In, Z blocks Uontavllla-ear. 218 E. 63d st Nt REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. DEKUM & JORDAN. REAL HOMES AT RIGHT PRICES. ' $7500 ROSE CITY PARK On the brow of the hill, with that wonderful view; 7-room modern bungalow, large -living room, sun parlor, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, bedroom and bath on first floor; 2 bedrooms and large closets on second floor; the entire " downstairs has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, etc.; modern In every respect; uon t tail to see mis; terms. $6750 LAURELHURST 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors upstairs and down; tiled floor In bathroom: fireplace, furnace, , laundry trays; modern In every respect: only 2 blocks from park and clubhouse: terms. $5250 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS Mod ern bungalow. 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet and bookcases; full cement basement, furnace, etc. t fine lawn, roses and shrubs; price includes all Improvements in ana pain ior; tnis is a oeautuut nome. XIoOO cash will handle. $5000 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hot water heating system; all Im provements in and paid for; clear at nil Inminhra nr r' XI f.itO rnoh will handle. $2300 ARDETA PARK 1 block from Mount Scott car line; also busi ness district and school; 6 rooma bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, gas: $500 cash, balance e-a per month. DEKUM ft JORDAN, REALTORS. 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark Sta Main 2233. BROOKLYN! $250 DOWN I $1750 $250 down: good value in a 5- room comfortable bungalow cot tage: white enamel olumbing, electricity, gas, paved st. Hens paid; close to car and school. eacon st MT. SCOTT SPECIAL! $2100 $500 DOWN! A great home twir gain Is offered vou todav: 7 light. airy rooms with every modern convenience. A very attractive. - clean and homey place, right on car line, on corner: cool trees lawn. etc. 60th ave. HURRY toil THIS I FRANK if JcGUIRH To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet Washington and Stark. LADD AVE. HOME. East front, 2-story house, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, attic 28x48, full base ment, laundry, furnace, fireplace, oak floor, 2 toileta Built substantially eight years ago on a $2200 lot Street im provements paid. Interior beautifully finished, outside freshly painted. Every thing spick and span. Possession In time to pick the strawberries if you buy my rurniture at hair what I paid for it 18 months ago. If not sold this week I shall raise the price to nearer pres ent value and rent the property. Phone owner. Henwooq Bn79. IRVINGTON 12-ROOM RESIDENCE. New and modern, colonial design, spa cious rooms finished In finest selected mahogany and oak; walls artistically decorated; hardwood floors throughout 6 bedrooms, sewing room. sleeDlng Dorch, sunroom, etc., large finished attic, full cement basement modern laundry, tile bathrooms, 8 toilets; latest sanitary plumbing fixtures, large grounds, beau tiful shrubbery, flowers and lawn: one of the best built and most artistic homes in Portland; -workmanship and materials guaranteed. By owner; reasonable terms. O 629. Oregonian . NEW IRVINGTON HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful new 5-room modern bunga low, fireplace, furnace, etectrlo fixtures, window shades, etc., large unfinished at tic, cement basement, garage, high and sightly corner lot. E. 17th and Skidmore sts: Inside woodwork finished In ivory and mahogany, beautiful tapestry paper on ball, living and dining rooms: this Is one of the grandest view properties on the east side: terms If desired. See thia Open Sunday from noon till 5 P. M. T AGO ART, Owner. 1102 Spalding bldg. - TO CLOSE AN ESTATE I offer for sale on Williams ave.,' close in, 100x100, now occupied by 8 houses, 2 6 and 1 8: present in come $1020; splendid site for apartment For price and terms J 716, OREGONIAN. ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM HOME. 100x100 GROUND. Concrete basement, large living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom and bath downstairs; 2 bedrooms up stairs: large poultry house, suitable for 200 Chickens, brooder house. 16 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries; level lots, graveled streets: price $5000, terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. '. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 4 rooms and reception hall, plastered, full plumbing, electricity, gas, full base ment 60x100 lot, garage with cement walls and floor, plenty of fruit, good lo cation; price only $2500; very small down pavment balance like rent GEO. F. CROW, with HESGARD & HARALA, 801 Mississippi Ave. -Wdln. 1201. Res., Wdln. !785, DANDY NEW BUNGALOW. B-rm. modern, all conveniences, only $600 cash to handle; total price $3800. This is worth $4500 and is a bargain for someone; located in the fastest growing district In Portland. See thia at once. You will agree to its value. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027, A DAINTY MODERN BUNGALOW 1500 CASH HANDLES. Balance $25 oer month and Interest: has 2 cosy bedrooms, beautiful built-in kitchen with breakfast nook ana large combination living and dining room; here is your home; even has garage; priced to sell quick at $3250. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. MUCH BELOW VALL'H. Owner of this very distinctive home Is leaving the city and for quick sale is making a real sacrifice. There are 7 rooms and breakfast nook; absolutely modern throughout; will be pleased to show this at any time or you can drive by and see it aC 1260 EJ. Glisan st and If interested call P. R. Jesse, Main 7141 for appointment. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $4200. Modern. 5 rooms, close In: every built In feature, concrete basement, laundry trava. furnace, nice lawn and shrubbery. ThLs Is an unusual value. Before you build or buy you should see this. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 01-2-5-l5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOLLA-DAY'S ADD. SNAP. Nicely located within easy walking distance, good, comfortable. 7-room house (four sleeping rooms). furnace, good plumbing. We can sell this property having real value at very close price and on easy terms. Price $4750. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. IRVINGTON REDUCED. A wonderful housa Your full money's worth. Reduced from $7500 to $6500. Save $1000. 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 60x100 lot Garage. A real buy. HARRY BECKWITH Realtor Main 6869, 104 Sth St 488 TACOMA AVE- 6-rm. .house; $500 will handle. 1173 Atlantlo and Killlngsworth, new - home; go see it; Just ready to tint; $1500 will handle. Mr. Pomroy. THOMSON & THOMSON, Realtors. 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 48SO. WEST SIDE ONLY $3750 ONLY. $750 cash. bal. monthly for this 6-room bung. 5 blks. from Montgomery-Ward Co; the house is on 23d and Roosevelt; a real buy for a workingman. ' J. ROBINS. Main 7931. Tabor 5319. 304 Ry. Ex. FOR SALE By owner, neat 4-room cot tage with white bathroom, pantry and storeroom; fruit and berries: on paved street; 2x blocks from Alberta car. Gas and electricity, $1850. Terms. 1141 E. 15th st N. , ABOUT $500 cash and $20 per month and Interest buys a 7-room home near Jef ferson high. Price $2850. .It has 8 bedrooma and bath, fireplace and paved street. Call East 7155 Monday. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bargain from own er. 7-room semi-bungalow. Paved streets, level lot double garage. $3500 - cash will handle. 745 Montgomery drive. Main 678L BY OWNER Corner bungalow, 5 rooma fireplace, furnace, nuut-in ourret, ivory finish; lovely kitchen with breakfast nook, large bathroom, sunny bedrooms with extra large closets, $1000 will han dle: Miss, car line. Wdln. 936. $3475 TERMS. - Modern 6-room bouse, bath and toilet. In good condition, full basement, street made; Kelly school district TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. WELL built Mt. Tabor home. beautiful view." 50x100 lot; nice garage;' $3100. Tabor 1665. Owner; no ugeuts. ' rooms. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 15-ROOM hotel, good Oregon town, nicely furnished, fine garden, chicken house,, etc., doing good business; dandy nice place, selline account death; building, ground and furnishings. Including all stock, chickens, etc, $8500, terma List 24. M-room resort hotel. 1 block from beach; fine little place, well furnished, on Roosevelt highway, building, ground and furnishings, $4500, terma List 15. 20-room resort hotel, fine, well fur nished place; 8-room modern furnlshefl house, lots of bungalows and tents, store and postoffioe; open year round; does large business, 29 acres land, wonderful place for good resort people. Particu lars this office. List 16. 28-room resort hotel, Rockaway beach, newly furnished, dandy place; does gou , business year round; fine home, open all the time; building, ground and furnish ings complete. Particulars this office. List 82. , , 28-room modern brick commercial hotel. In Oregon's most beautiful dis trict, not far from Portland: fine oppor tunity for good hotel people to get in easy. Don't miss this chance, building, ground and furnishings on easy terms to good hotel man. List 43. 1 45-room commercial hotel, good Wash ington town, fine lobby, well furnished, mostly new, doing capacity business, about SO miles from Portland, clears $500 month. This property has been pe.sou ally Inspected by this office manage ment and can cheerfully recommend it as being a fine place of business and an excellent proposition; owner wishes to re tire. Photo this office; $4000 handles building, ground and furnishings com plete; it's, a dandy. List 93. Have some fine propositions In apartment-house leases and income property. We handle only legitimate places of -business. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO., 817 Northwestern Bank .Bldg. A REAL SWEET BUNGALOW. Painted in white with green roof, green shutters, artistic, lattice - work, rose holders and flower boxes. Liv ing room across the front of house with lots of sunshine. Finest art elec tric fixtures, French doors to dining room. A dream of a kitchen with everything clean and handy, Including breakfast nook. Good bath; two fine bedrooms and room for one more in attic. A well built house in a good neighborhood and not expensive. Im mediate possession. Arrange for ap pointment. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. Main 6869. 104 Sth St. (READ) 7 ROOMS (READ.) FURNISHED. Located near 24th and Hawthorne: liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, bath and 2 bedrooms 1st floor; 2 large rooms and attic 2d floor. Finished in white; beau tiful yard and shrubbery 9 radiators, 1 In each room and a fine hot-water heat ing plant worth $1200 In basement Fur nished complete with $800 player-piano. Case full of records; all goes for $4900. This won't last long. O. W. TARR CO Matn 8203. 407 McKay Bldg. Sunday E. 6918. LAURELHURST. CHOICE LOCATION. Strictly modern 8-room house: good oak floors, fireplace, every bullt-ln con venience, large living and dining room, den and Dutch kitchen on first floor: 4 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor: all new ly finished in old Ivory throughout; full basement furnace, laundry trays, etc.. garage, concrete floor and driveway level 50x100 lot: price $7500. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade B:dg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW, SttnOO. Rtriotiv modern 5-room bungalow with large attic. 1008 E. Couch, near Floral ave- 8 blocks or park; narawooi floors throughout, tile fireplace, til bath with pedestal lavatory, tile drai board In kitchen, breakfast nook: wood work In old Ivory and white enamel, bullt-ln features with genuine mahng any trim; 8-ft runway to garage; bull by day - labor, no contract work. Fo sale by owner and builder only; save commission. Tabor 927. ROSE CITY PARK. Only 150 feet from Sandy blvd.; buy direct from owner; moaern o-room uuu galow with all built-in features: 2 bed rooms with wardrobe and closet In each fireplace, furnace; good attic: cemen basement; hardwood floors in living anc dining rooms; bedrooms scraped and fin ished; fixtures, shades and beautiful pa per;, can be bought on terms: $5500 -nt,1 consider a late model light 6 o good 4 cylinder automobile. Call Tabor 27w vow BRinT ROSE CITY. 'If this choice home suits you It may be occupied at once: nas live rooma at tic. full basement. Is modern through At ineimiine furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, cement floor in basement It fronts on attractive street, peveu m paid in full and has good garage. Fo Immediate sale owner offers this Ilm little property for .$4750. A. H BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 218 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. FINE HOME BARGAIN, 8 rooms and sleeping porch: French doors, hardwood rioors, ouiu-ms in u inD- mnm Hintnir room and kitchen: goot basement, furnace and fireplace; 50x100 lot and garage: on Glenn vnu; ""c surrounded by nice homea Price $6900 good terms. ...-, BROWN GRANT. 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg, Broadway 3222. A r-JTRTTOT'T Tt F:TTTY. Thi, iitti em is the. finest Calrforn! v,...i. ,,ilH In Hawthorne: A - cement porches, heavy beveled plate glass throughout: one of the most ar tistic buffets. A Pullman klchenette, with every conceivable built-in: n housecleanlng here. ThN Is no war- built bungalow. Terms. $4200. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO Real tors Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. WE BELIEVE YOU LIKE BARGAINS. $300 DOWN. Ah? 19ft r,or month, lncl. Int.. PUtl you In possession of a beautiful 7-room home on 100x100 lot with garage; has 9 lovelv bedrooms and bath on first floor, large basement Call at once, only INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry BMg, PIEDMONT RESIDENCE. Comfortable 6-room residence. 4 bed - . -j ,at.i. iinstalrs. concrete base ment: 6 minutes' walk from Jefferson h gh; 100 ft. to car . RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. y)l-2-3-fi-7 Board of Trade BMg. t .inn'S ADDITION. 0-room house, 1 year old. has living room, dining room, at-n, mauru an, bath downstairs, 8 bedrooms upstairs; hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement: double garage, $2000 will handle: will take lot as part payment. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. a ROOMS 11500. it., exit niitmhing. cement basement. i.t aiwino n.-W. car shoDS. good view. If you can pay $600 down, bal ance like rent, you 11 nuy mis. GEO. F. CROW, with HESGARD & HARALA, ant MIsslsslDoi Ave. Wdln. 1201. Res. Wdln. 2785. ROSE CITY BARGAIN, a BRAIITIFUL ROOMS. Here Is a wonderful home for a large family, Just a blocks irom oanoy on paved St., strictly modern, priced below value at $5500. easy terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry BMg. R ROOMS VACANT. All plastered, full plumbing, full base ment, 50x100 lot, abundance of fruit improvements an In and paia. only 1950. $600 down, balance easy. Geo. F Crow, 801 Mississippi ave. 1201 or residence Wdln. 27S5. Wdln. gy OWNER Hawthorne 5-room bunga low. Reception nan, iutca aucneii. breakfast room, floored attic, full base ment. 45x106, fruit -trees, rose hedge, garage, paved -streets, 2 blocks from schools. Price $3700. Aut. 215-47. 8-ROOM house, bath. electric lights, to gether Vim ORB aci-e Ul e'uuuu. siiua, one block off Sellwood car and Mllwau kle avenue. 15 minutes' ride on gar. Will sell on very liberal terma Mr. Bowea Marshall 891', PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6-room house, colonial type, for sale by owner; nearly complete, vt 111 iinisn to suit purchaser. Open Sunday. 723 Patton road, near Montgomery drive. SAVE commission! Buy direct from own er, o-room nouse anu garage, iu aouu condition. Richmond district Phone Sellwood 214 PORTSMOUTH; 6-room modern house, lot 68x110; cniCKen nouse, oerries ana roqu gardea, $2300: $500 cash, balance on easy terms. Columbia 40. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL 8-room mod ern house, :xiui, garane; a uargain; small cash payment, balance as rent Zimmerman. Main 8052. FOR SALE Five-room, plastered bouse, - electric light, gas and all plumbing In, 50x100 lot, berries snd fruit trees, $2100, terms. Inquire at 656 Tenino ave. 8-ROO.M house in good residence district, corner lot, full basement with furnace, attic and Dutch kitchen. Fhone Tabor 8341 FOR SALE by owner, 5-room modern bun galow, Hawthorne dist- very reasona ble price. 355 East 47th st Call Tabor 2158. GOOD 4-room cottage with attic and basement. Peninsula park district 11500. Easy terms. Phone Wdln. 8798. FOR SALE Beautiful home In Walnut Park; price SiOOO. Phone 2.1-u. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Holmes. READ THESE OFFERINGS CAREFULLY. Come In Monday morning and let me tell you more about them. They are all extra big values. NUMBER ONE Furnished ready for housekeeping, Close In on east Belmont 8 rooms, 4 . on main floor, full basement, good lot and garaga All city improvements in and paid. First floor newly white en ameled. Very nicely furnished. Only $4500 for complete outfit NUMBER TWO Beautiful bungalow in Hawthorne. Elegantly furnished. It has 6 rooma 6 rooms on main floor, full cement base ment This bungalow lias every duhi ln convenience. Is neat and clean as a pin, good lot all city Improvements are In and paid. You will find this an ele gant little home, all ready for house keeping. $4950 for complete outfit NUMBER THREE Darling little bungalow in Arleta, Ele gantly furnished. This little bungalow only has 3 rooma but you should see the conveniences built Into those three rooma It has modern bath, lights and gas, fine Dutch kitchen, beautiful K fireplace. It is double constructed. Is new, neat and clean, ready for house keeping. On good corner lot. Imme diate possession. Only 12750 for com plete outfit. Pay $750 don, move in and pay balance like rent. NUMBER FOUR Elegant home In beautiful Irvlngton. This home has 0 rooms, reception hull and den. Full cement basement, mo.l ern bath, lights and gas. Good Fox itir nace. The house Is In fine, clean con dition. City Improvements are all In and paid. Beautiful lot with fru't. flowers, garden and berrlea and is ab solutely s snap for $4750. NUMBER FIVE. Modern home In Hawthorne. This home has 0 rooms and every modorn convenience imaginable la built in. It has hardwood floora fireplace and fur nace heat book canes, beautiful buffet .elegant Dutch kitchen. Nothing was left out to make this home comfortable and convenient in every detail. All city Improvements are In and paid. This home Is a real snap for $4S50. If yon can spare $1S50 cash, balance you can pay out $25 per month and interest Do not hesitate coming In and letting me tell you more about these homes. They are all extra good values, and I have several others in all parts of the city. Come in Monday or any other week day and see E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg Main 2S58. $3500 A VERY pretty 5-room mod ern bungalow. In excellent condi tion: lot 100x100. Improved with flowors, several large fruit trees, berries and grapes. This place la fenced, half block from car, stores and park; reasonable terma HILLER BROS., REALTORS. $14 Ry. Exch, Bldg. Main 8(5. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. Tabor 81S5. Open Sunday. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME. SS750. Located close In on west side, beauti ful view of city and river; has large living room with fireplace, built-in book cases and writing desk, beamed ceiling and paneled dining room large Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath down stairs, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch up stairs; full basement, hardwood floors, furnace. Will sell furniture for $1250; $2250 will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 77. MODERN BUNGALOW. $3200. $500 to $800 cash. bal. easy terms: 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, every bullt-ln convenience, buffet, book cases, etc.. garage, full concrete b:ise ment. furnace, nice lawn, flowers, shrub bery, etc. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3--5-7 Board of Trade Bldg OWNER LEAVING. WILL SACRIFICE. Beautiful modern home, large living room, library, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen. 5 bedrooms snd bath room, extra toilet and lavatory, large fireplace, furnsre. hardwood floors, old Ivory finish, largo garage; 2 lots, beau tiful trees, shrubs and flowers: Ideal lo cation. Portland Heights; owner leaving, wlir sell at very low price of $9800. terms. It Is a real bargain. Owner. Marshall 24S6. REAL ATTRACTIVE ni'NGALOW. $600 CASH $3375 Monthly payments $23 and Int.. beau tifully arranged, complete with shades and fixtures, paved street, has 2 lovely bedrooma modern kitchen and combi nation living and dining room, close to car: a real bargain at $3375 INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS, Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry BMg. HOSE CITY PARK. This lovely home In Hose City, one of Portland's best distrlrts; I will sac rlflce this modern 7-room house for quick sale; It has four large bedrooms, all kinds of hullt-lns, furnnce and fireplace, for only $3500; built when houses were built: verv small down payment 'Call Sir. Ornham. Main 7487J OWNER will take lot and some cash as first payment on 6-room house; has furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full plumb ing, has been tinted, varnished and painted Inside and out; has garage. Is on paved rtreet. See A. R. Johnson, 633 N. W. Bank bMg. Main 3787. Res 834 Glenn ave. N. Woodlawn 6371. IN SELLWOOD On paved street, near Umatilla st. : new, Just being completed, very latest design, six rooms, three bed rooms. Interior white enamel, full cement hnsement: a verv besutirul nome; price tnooOT this house Is priced right snd will take a good oir in as iirst pavmrni up to $1000. Ilopplemsier ,-nain ftm. i nie 1 i-Ttiri-l. PIK11MONT HOMF 8 rooms, strictly modern, 2 B. R. and bath down, also 2 B. R. upstairs, all In old Ivory, fireplace and rurnace. 011x1. -i lot on neved St.. must be sold this week Trice $5300. only $1000 cash, balsnee 140 ner montn ana 170. t-au ews today. No agents. WALNUT PARK fnltn Vest 5-room cottage: full bsse, ment; fruit room: 50x100 lot: ga rage: lots or iruil. oerries, gr,ui.- paved and sewered; reduced $200 FEE THIS MARSH 4 McCABB CO.. REALTORS, 3'',-S-4 Falling BMg. Marshall 3993. V, r. v-t a vrr.T.A In a! very good location, wonderful buy: lour rooms, an .nn.irni-inl. best of white enamel plumb Ine. large basement, fireplace, many bullt-ins: close to car: worth 3"oo; win take $2400 and $350 down for quick sale. Mr. Graham. MatnoM. ito tp:rms I.ES.-4 FOR rAFH, 4 plastered rooms first floor. 2 attic rooms, newiy aaisomuiru. ,,.i tlon electricity, gas. patented toilet basement, psved street, no assessments: near Mt. Scott car 5423 82d St.. at Fos ter road. Kasi FOR SALE Will be sold at great bargain on terms to sun; inai nwtj, .r,,,,,--. t.A,.SA x-o 4on ic Pine st.. corner open for Inspection. 8 to 9:30 A. M. and 6 to 8 P. -VI. niny; no rr.M .1. OWNER ON PREMISE". tliu.o r A STT 1.1300. Good 6-room house on corner lot. 11th and Caruthers: easy payments or good 6-room house on Inside lot at $3100. HENRY W. GODDARD. 213 Stark St. i-aim v w ast K SP KCl AL. What a sacrifice If you do not get dope on this fine 7-room bung nlow, cl"" to Alberta csr; garage; wonuu. 1.,- a. imon- one-seventh cash. Can me at Woodlswn S3MK "t7ytv lTPOM nWNF.R. a 1 A tnortern Alberta bungs lows, 4 rms. and bath, baaement. Dutch !.,rJi. iit trees full lots. $200 each. T..V terma 1204 E. 17th st, N- corner Jarrett. or call Marshall 141.5, 5 ROSE CITY PARK. " New 5-room bungalow, all modern con. , a lmnrovements Bit in LI Til st st. N.. 2 blocks south of Sandy; easy terms: buy of owner save commission. Auto. 8,3-ht. snd 71775 FOR MY 5-room bungalow v.lin .. t, a,, sinoo for housa and two 50x100 lota 'in Woodmere; this fine home at this price .and only $500 down Is a steal. Call E. E. Wishard, Main 7487. 'MA.KE ME OVER INTO BKALTIFII, i -noma 75x100. corner, fruit. roses;' $1000 cash. bal. terms. See me 3 to 5 P. M., 495 Going, cor. 10th; Al berta or Irvlngton cars. ,00 5-ROOM modern hoiifo. on paved atreet 1 block Irom reuwoon car. u kinds' of berries, fruit trees. Call Hon dav before 6 P. M. 613 Yukon ave- or Sellwood ni.ii ,nrt IN SUNNYSIDli, now vacant, o-rm. modern cottage, very liberal terms. This la a bargain for the money. J. P. Mc Kenna. R-altor, 1151 Felmont at 89lh. Tabor 6493 FINE 7-rm. AlOUnt iauor r.-siucoc-a, pav-.i ca.c . tjium. ... -nil. sts.. garage. " great bargain. $4350. Terma Owner, East ---"v A REALTOR must and does protect those WHO OUy Or Sen fioprtij i.nvL,,. , No Irresponsible realty agent can be a member of the Portland Realty Board. LARGE 8-room modern house on a lots. Abundance oi iruiu or u.uti, 60th st. FROM owner. In Montavllla, corner 77th and alUltnomsn. new, niu.i-1 uui.k- lowa Very easy terms. Columbia 925. ALBERTA 6 rooms, gs. bath and elec tric llgnis; -..fv i',-u, i.muM terms. 1134 E. 2',th N. Wdln. 156. NE ACHE, Sliver Springs station. Ore- I gun City car. x-uone owner, ,asi avi,4. HEAL ESTATE. $6000 I RVINOTON BARGAIN $cooo. 7 rooms snd 2 alsp!nf ponhes, full cement basement, hovnioa fumsce, firep:ate; will leave gs ranee, ras pl:il r', heatr and Lnoliun; lot 7.0x100. lolj of fruit; all alrcl lnpri- en:r nl s In and paid; idesl neig heorhoo,! : Imme diate possession. 1M WastO s be taoen 19th and 21st sts NEW 1 FitT Nil A LOW. $4200 E. 12TH AND SKIDMORE. .'ust ci.'pl.-leil. 5-room mo.lern bungalow, full c.-ment b-i-me"'. gna beating pya'.em. fireplace, all bullt-lna; c-ornxr lt 50100: every, thing clear; Immediate poeaeas-os $2300 AT. BERT A PtSTrMCT Fine 0 room bungalow. 100x100- ft. lot; si!rmlld tardea and fruit; reasonabio tt-rens $4200 H4.WTHOr.NK DISTRICT On East 81XI1 si., splendid 6 room n.nd,-rn bungalow, wiih ss rage. full c-tnpiit basement, laun dry traya furnace an1 all bu'lt Ina. elf : no Ine nnibranocs. $1500 cash will huudle and $20 per munth. terms. $3000 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 1.VIOO. With living and dining room, gas fireplace and butfet. lut-h kltcben; 2 bedrooms, attic floored, can be uel for bedroom: lot 5ftx 100. with several nice hearing fruit trees See us today, as we will sell this place soon WAKEKIEI.n. FRIES A CO.. HEALTH IIS 65 Fourth bt I.ADD ADDITION. $.1750 A new bungalow en the most popu'ar street In this beauti ful addition, within walking dis tance of the downtown district This home is modern to the small eit detail; oak floors thsughout: the construction snd finish will plenae the moat particular. This la $.W0 has than the market price of this bungalow: terms, $1000 cash, balance like rent, HlT.t.ER BROS. REALTORS. 614 Ry. Fxrh. llldg Main 86. nrsnc-h Office: 80th and Sanriv. Tabor 848$. Open Sunday. I MUST t-FI.L MY VtEUTIFl'L LAURELHURST BUNGAI-OW. I have never before advertised my home for sale, but circumstances have arisen whereby it becomes Immediately necesary for me to sell; you'll find here one of the most attractive bunga lows In all of Laurelhurst with hard wrtod floors In every room, tile floor in bath, pedestal stand, base tub, French doors between living and dining rooma plate glass windows, etc.: there Is a garage, full concrete driveway: come expecting to find a perfect bungalow at a low price: I am the owner snd must sell: no sgenta phone owner. Auto. 227-26. 4nooNFW BRAUTIFUL B-ROOM BUNGALOW. Are you looking for a beautiful new bungalow? Here It Is, and It's a world neuter for the price; hardwood floors, fireplace. Ivorv finish, tapestry paper: white Dutch kitchen, full basement. wsh travs, 60x100 lot, street psved snd sewer In snd paU. In Hawthorne, walk ing distance to Franklin high school: don't you reallre that this la a good buv? Owner wants $800 cash, balance like rent Pee ua todny. COMTH A KOHT.MAN. Main 6550. 20 Chamber of Commerce BMg. MR. HOME OWNF1R. If you had a fire tonight would your Insurance cover the value of your prop erty? -It would cost you more to re place your property now than three or even one year ago. Pome are adding a third more Insurance, others more. It Is the wise snd nf thing to do Don't P"t It off, do It now. phone Marshall 2.191 and we will be glad to call s-d see vou regarding more Insurance. W. It. McDonald Co., Yrnn hldl Marshall '2391. Alt klnrt of Insurance. Locses ad lusted and claims paid direct from our office. a A IIOV"! Til "I rni"'-I OF $3O0 DOWN Ttl'YS Bungalow, on pnved st . with 8 beau tiful rooma tiled hath and shower, ce ment basement, har.lwood floora ani firenlace, lovelv large bedrooms with bullt-ln featurea: splendid kitchen: a mess of conveniences; a real bargain at 14H00. $300 cash, bal. $30 per month snd Interest INTERSTATE IVVK'TMENT CO REALTOPU. Ttdwv. 475r 419 llenrv BMg. NFWH iliVINGTi IS IHVVGAL'W Plrlctly modern 6-room bungalow, close In Irvlngton: hardwood foora. everv bullt-ln convenience: large living room, flrenlsee. Dutch kitchen, cost hreikfast nook bath ani bedroom down a'alra; 2 bedrooms with Isvalorv nr. stairs: full concrete basement, furnace, laundry trv. etc. RieiiArtn w. mast. Realtor RTTTT.P I.inVB! r-O 201-2-3-V7 Board nf Trade BMg TOI'VY AND TOMORROW 20li0 CASH. Forcing this for special reasons: mar velous 2-storv bungalow value: Holtedav'a addition, fine alrv modern 6-room and reception ball: extra s'se lot; hardwood floors: Dutch kitchen: full basement: bullt-lna: 2 fireplaces: near ear: garden, lawn, new garage; finest f'vturee: onea more we emphas're th must ha sold tomorrow: full price $630O CaM at house. 801 ClscVamsa st. For full lli formatlon cnll East 7154. 5-ROOM bungalow, double constructed: ce ment basement, flreplsee: full lot: stsnd acid tt snvthlng In Portland; 4 blocks car; $2850, terma R-rnom bungalow, fireplace, basemen', garage; Improvements paid; sewer. In d district; OIOCKS to car; i-uju, s.e-v terma l.A WSnV. Main 867. Bdwv. 4794. eve. WF.ST SIDE HOME. 7 rooms. 4 rooms ami bath first floor. 8 bedrooms and bslh on second; furnaea and fireplace: hardwood floors In front rooms: In excellent condition, having Just been newly tinted, and painted out- HB- RY C W70O DDARP. REALTOR, "43 Sfsrh St. Vnln 8.1L , w.-r,w Tir 5 years old: In fine shape: 6 rooms snd sleeping porch: hardwood floors: Im pressive fireplace snd bookcases, buffet, glassed-ln back porch; full cement base ment. furnace, trays: 50x100 level open lot- gsrage- Itnoo below value at lson. MARSH M.-CAIIK CO. RBAI.TOTtS. 322-3-4 Falling Bid g Marshall 3193. FINK VERNON BUNGALOW. Strictly modern bungalow, near srnnol and car line: seven large slry rooms, furnace, fireplace, full cemen basemen!, house double construction throughout, fine lawn with sn abundance of shrub bery and perennials: deal direct with owner by calling Woodlawn 8850. Deal era need not srply. N PEN INSULA and close tn Jefferson high school: 9 rooms, full cement base ment sightly location, two blocks to car; abundance of fruit: only 8 years old: this Is an exceptionally well-built house snd a very good buy at only $4100. Call R!chL Main 61183. "NIFTY HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. S-room bungalow, excellent condition, on overslsed lot: Dutch kitchen: sli bullt-lns; garage; A REAL BARGAIN. MARSH MrOABE CO.. REALTORS. 822-3-4 Failing BMg. Marshall 3093. 'BE VI TIFI L LAURHI-IU'RST HOME Large living room, dining room. 8 bed, rooms furnace, fireplace, garage, hard wood floors This Is a very pretty home. Let us show you this. Main 7931. Tabor 8319. J. HOHB1V S, 3" 1 J? " I w v Fx inviNCTON BUNGALOW. Well-built 6-room bungalow, complete and In splendid condition; two corner bedrooma, airy snd cool, large living room, ahrubs and flower garden, faces esst. Csll East 6795. NO MORTGAGE. Beautiful Rose city home, very at tractive, thoroughly modern, large .ot. fine gnrage. big bargain. $1000 cash and monthly payments like rent Call Tabor 12. . $2o CASH. $15 month, price I32SO. a l- rOOm COTTHKe, ui.ii, i,....-,. Ity, lot 1211x100, street, sewer paid, fruit, berries: a surprise bargain; vacant. J P. McKENNA. Realtor, 1151 Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. FOR SALE M-ronm house, all furnished. corner lot in conjunction; saraae. inoo ern, on csr line; income $75 per month: will pay for Itseir in five years: terma Cs.i mke possession at once. Sacrifice orlre bv owner. Csll 240 Salmon. M O N T A VI I. LA This 5-room honee ol 1 : Macadam street, witn su improvement In and psld: bath, toilet and an abund ance of fruit: walking distance to high school and only four blocks to car; 1000 Mr. Rich. Main 69M. SEE THIS TODAY. $1000 cash, liberal terms balance: 75x100, fruit, flowers paved, small expense would mnke Into beautiful home: 7 rooms. Call 8 tn 6 P. M., 495 Going, cornsr K. loth st. N. BY OWNER, new modern 4-rooin cotlnge. 50x118 lot: en monern improvements; located 2 blocks frrm earl-ne In Mount Tabor district; $::075; terms if dcs.rtd. Phone East 3UKI1' 21. 10 $700; HALF ACHE; good housa water, gas Irult. berri.-s. ganleo !u close car. Walls, 6021 6Jlh st 11, 0V7, Oregonian. f