The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 29, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 35

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Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
7.' .
CHOICE from room with stationary wash
bowl, hoc and cold water, in fine spa
cious home, nice neighborhood, hig
porch, lawn and shade trees; just the
place for refined gentleman. 7-5 E.
BEAUTIFUL large front room, reasonable,
suitable 2 or 3; reduce your rent; best
beds, all conveniences, complete home
to voti; Dlano. nice yard, porch, kitchen
privileges If wanted. Auto. o-43j. 0i
Mi'E. clean front rooms for 1 or 2
gentlemen employed; rent together or
separate; Nob Hill district, walking dis
tance, two blocks from Washington at.
Chore Auto. ul. 1-7-1.
TWO NICELY furnished rooms, bedroom
and sit: in room, in nice neighborhood;
easy WHlking distance; two blocks from
Multnomah club; rent reasonable. 553
Taylor St.
GENTLEMEN, f irst-claaa, ltKht. clean cor
ner room, twin beds, in small private
family, good summer room in Nob Hill
district ; private garage, within half
block Mar. 3S1.
i HKL.iL'.risi Nice room with larg-.
closet and 2 exposures, unobstructed
rifw of Portland Heights. 1 block from
ur Call after & P. M., 1004 E. Everett
M-lima' ae.
EST SIDE Prettv front room, vacant,
furnished in white and old roe. cretonne
rurtaln : has beautiful mountain view,
modt-rn conveniences; $11.00 a month.
VU Market s:. drive. .
LARGE, light room, attractively furnished,
sewing machine, use of piano and phone,
for 2 girls or employed couple; quiet,
modern home; walking distance. E. 5534
A STRICTLY private Jewish home for
gentleman or lady, modern conveniences
and home comforts; references. Broad
way 17SJ.
NICELY furnished front sleeping room,
all conveniences; gentlemen preferred;
too cheap to advertise. 3til 14th st.
Auto. 3Jl-ft4.
SUITE of room for rent, one furnished
other partly furnish1!; Miii'V "
housekeeping; near Portland medical and
Jmrgical hopita,s. Pm.u.
w L,L, r LRMaHED room in inom-rn
home: 2 large clouts and cold water:
suitable for two; walking distance. East
23 3.
ONE FRONT room, steam heat, electric
Itgnts. phone, walking distance. 1SS N
21st st. Gentlemen only. Bdwy. 30b 3. $5
a week.
EXTRA large room, suitabie for 2 or more,
in nice home on west side, walking dis
tance. 210 14th. between Taylor ana Sal
ra on sts
COMFORTABLE, ci. an room
with kitchen privileges: reasonable rent,
west side. Phune Marshall 20 J 4. 494
Jefferson st.
IN LARGE, n.ce.y furnished home, 2 or
S room, sleeping porch, for gentlemen;
or breakfast privileges for employed
couple. 33S E. 3S;h tit. Tabor 7173.
Rooms With Board.
Two of the best-known resictentia1
noie. on the Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath,
a day up; rates by day or month
Jieais servea to transients.
ON tu Uf 1H!'. i.uest homes In city now
convene: u:o exclusive family hotel,
catering to business and professional peo
ple; all home conveniences, hon.e cook
ing, large grounds, garag-. pore ties, show
ers, etc. : east side, clow in ; shown by
appointment, rnune t-ast .t?4.
KESi LtbiX 1'isvL HOTEL.
Large light room with hot and cold
water; suituWe for Also single rm
steam heat; good board. Close to busi
ness center. Kates reasonable, 332 10th
st. corner or .Market, Ma.n 03S1.
NOR TON 1 A HOTEL, Portland's downtown
n'gn-ciass xamuy notei. rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
iami.ies ana business men and women
we give you all the comforts of a home
reasonable rates.
JbA.i1S p akc r umisned ruomn wirh
or without board tor business girls and
iaay tourists, permanent or transient.
Special features within the lirc'tation
of the minimum wage earner; $2 per
"ftn ami up. -'.p i-nn St. .Main 34 ai.
3.' io'l'H ST. Clean, well furnished rooms
wun poara: nome cooKing a specialty.
not anu com water in rooms and sleep
Ing porch. 54 1 -37.
V A T elderly gentleman to board and
room, i i miles out on car line; home
privileges; fine garden and fruit; good
cuoaints. urwnain, nouie a, pox
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences; walking distance;
$5 per week. Auto J. 0-74. 12 hi. 7th sL
UaB r OK CHILDREN. 4740 52D ST
S. E. SELLWOOD 1tioa.
NICELY furnished room, a modern room.
1th breakfast and dinner to a couple
employee. . ,;n.
ROOM and board in modern home, sleep-
inn porcn. tor i or i iauie; near Alont
gomery-Ward. Phone Main 4417.
NICELY furnished room in a mrwiprn
house, with breakfast and dinner, to a
couple employed. V . 5140.
Rooms W t hBrd lnPri v u,t e FumilyT
Irvington; elegant room, excellent
board, laundry privilege, garage. East
on a.
ROOM and board lor 2 ecntlcmn
couple employed; private family, moder
ate conveniences; walking distance; home
privileges. iu fcl. uurn.-ide.
WANTED Baby of 9 months or older to
oare for in reliable home; best of care
references. tVH'3 S'.th St. S. E.
Fl N E LA RG E room. 2 beds, near Mult-
noman ciun: gooa table, good single
room. .iam
NICELY furnished room with board for
gentleman; home privileges; walking
distance. .. Jiuitnoman. rJast
LARGE room, home modern, excellent
cooking; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen.
Tabor 4SS9.
NICE Iar:e room with board with home
like meals, by week or month. Call iil'i
Marshall st., or Broadway 3355.
LIGHT, airy rooms, $3 50 up ; 2 blocks
G. S. hospital; breakfast served. 688
WOULD like to make home for two small
children; charges ryjht; references given.
t34 Rodney ave.
SUMMER rates on board and room for
working or business people; price $35
per month. Phone Tabor 4126.
WANTED Care of 1 or 2 children during
mo ua 1 uj jeara oiu. ai w. r'arK
LARGE room, home modern, excellent
cooking; suitable for one or two gentle
men. Tabor 4KS9.
LARGE and small room, private family,
home cooking, would Ilka people who
would appreciate good home. East 2119.
REFINED home lor child, motherly care;
mending, music taught if desired. 103
N. loth st. Broadway 4459.
CHOICE single or double rooms. 2 meals,
home privileges, walking distance. East
IN SELLWOOD, pleasant room with good
board; home privileges; suitable for two
Sellwood 1684.
BEAUTIFUL large room with board in
private family, near Broadway and Irv
ington carline. East 732S.
CAN ACCO'MAIODATE 4 adult in a strict
ly modern, nicely furnished home, west
side; rates reasonable. Auto. 522-81.
WILL BOARD one or two young boys in
good home with refined people, near
school. Phone 524-51.
NICE rooms with two meais If desired;
ten minutes' walk to Oregonian bidg.
Main 3148.
ROOM, and board for two gentlemen, $9
per week; home privileges. 445 Sixth
st.. near College.
WILL board 3 children In private family;
nice yard. Tabor 5777, or call S. 92 E.
NOB HILL, close In; gentleman to room
and board; small, congenial family;
modern; piano; $8.50 week. Main 60S.
NICELY furnished room with board; near
Broadway bridge. 408 Benton st.
WILL rent room and serve breakfast to
gentleman: $25. 6M East Ash st. E. 8192.
tl... give
..- lren.
best of care to two small
1174 Mississippi ave.
with board In private family, close
:iM Si 199
. Hin- for children; 20 years' ex
7M Everett st Marshall 2162.
IE pleasant rooms 535 11th st. N '
AUTO. 312-96.
.wi ti.AdS loom anu board. 394
it, am 01a. corner mm. Main 2c64.
UOOM and board for 2 In private family.
a nionin. eenwooq 4 1 3.
WOULD like one or two small children to
board : will board mother. Sell. 2473.
FURNISHED room with board. 407 Claj
street. Main 334.
454 HALL Rooms and sleeping porch.
wun or wit n out ooarq. ai am -ilfso.
COOL, well-furnished room with board,
walking distance. 703 Hoyt.
LADY will board 1 or 2 children; good
rare, nice yard. 403 2d St., corner.
COMFORTABLE room, with 1 or 2 meais;
home privileges. Auto, 219-10.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
LARGE front room, suitably furnished. In
strictly modern home; excellent board
and all home privilege given; this le a
spienaid opportunity for two persons.
Call at (HI E. Broadway or phone East
ON E ROOM and board In small private
family; located in one of Portland's
very best districts with an abundance of
all kinds of, every home privtiege
given. Thi is a real home. Call Mon
dy. a tit. zt.f-ii.
PLEASANT, attractively furnished front
room, suitable for one or two young
ladle; good meals, home privileges,
easy waiklng distance. 5074 Giisan at.
Broadway 2438.
WILL give room and board to couple or
young lady employed. SpIendW home
cooking and homeiike atmosphe.e. Call
283 Ivy st. or Phone W'oodlawn 1QQ2.
BOOM and board for young man, willing
to share room with congenial young man,
reasonable rate, separate beds. Phone
Mar. 2781.
HOME surrounded by lovely trees and
grass, offers rooms and board; home
made bread and pies: walking distance
to Multnomah club. Bdwy. 4314.
LOVELY front room, suitable for two,
splendid home cooking and homelike at
mosphere, close to Multnomah club: $70
per month. Marshall 1731.
ROOM and board for two girls employed,
to occupy good front room, newly
tinted; near library; home privileges.
Call East 179?;.
HAVE nice rooms with board, with home
privileges; close in. on east side; nice
surroundings; good car service. East
NICE corner room, suitable for man and
wife or 1 or 2 men; first-class taole
board. lots of hot water, shower batn.
6S1 Glisan st.
1 BOOM In modern home; a quiet place
to rest after busy in town. Will serve
breakfast and dinner. Tabor 1049.- Call
PLEASANT front corner room, modern
home, suitable for two; west side; home
cooking; reasonable rates. Phone Mar
shall 2781.
SINGLE or double room in modern new
home; board ti desired. Phone
WILL take full charge of child, mother's
care, no other children; ref. Main 9470.
Furnished Apartments.
Four rooms, completely furnished, $60
month; also one for $.0 month. Strictly
modern, with private baths, garbage
ifts and everything up to date; large,
tight, airy, immaculately clean, all out
; Ide rooms, with built-in refrigerators,
iirt-class lanltor service guaranteed.
Suitable for two to four persons. Oth
ers charge up to $90 for no better apart
ments tnan tnese. Main iuii.
THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia.
THREE large outside rooms, beautifully
furnished, large private bath, all clean
and well lighted; electricity, heat, wa-
teer, phone; tenant furnish own linen
and silver; employed couple preferred ;
45 per month. 800 Union ave., near
FROM June 15 to Sepiember 1, an apart
ment-flat, occupying entire third f.oor,
two porches, five large, cool rooms;
completely furnished for a home Instead
of general renting. 125 N. 17 th st
Broadway 80. Reasonable rate.
BEST west location, unusually large
4 -room apt., well and privately fur
nished, including piano and sewing ma
chine; will sublet to careful people;
elderly persons preferred, $80. K titi7,
MORRISON HOTEL, northeast corner
Union avenue and East Morrison. Under
new management. Newly painted and
papered. New matresses and bedding.
Apartments single and in su i te.
Corner of E. 7th and Taylor 3-room
front apt., private bath; also 2-room
front apt.; heat, light and phone Includ-
ed in the rent. Call East 44.
WILL sublet my exceptionally large 4
room apt., personally and well furnished,
including piano, $75; careful middle-aged
couple preferred ; best west aide loca
tion. K tfofi. Oregonian.
Will rent my attractive apt. for June,
July and August reasonable; within
walking distance; will leave linen and
silver. Bdwy 1:170.
SUBLEASE 2-room furnished apt. for 4
months, $45, or will sell furniture $450;
first-class house, west side, hardwood
f 1 oor : tp te ren ces. Adult s. M a r. 1513.
LaKOE front room, very nice, witn al
cove and sleeping porch; satisfactory
rent to steady, nice people; walking dis
tance. 102 N. 2 2d st.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished 5-room apart
ment, front porch and bleeping porch,
from June 1 to October 1. Bruce Apt.,
No. 2, 2titf N. 21st. Main 6401.
FOR RENT 1 and 2-room furnished apts..
all nice and strictly clean, also 1 nice
furnished sleeping room, for lady; very
c heap. Main 2S34. ijW E verett st
TO SUB-LEASE 6-room duplex apart
ment, completely furnished, walking dis
tance, choice location, adults only.' K
7o7. Oregonian.
LuWhK fioor of 4 nicely furnished rooms
in modern private home, walking dis
tance, west side; adults only. Call Mar
shall 3(22.
2-room furnished apt., vacant the first.
Walking distance. West Park and Co
cor. of 3d and Hall ; 2-room apt. with
dreeing room, private phone. Call Mar.
THE STILES. 3U0 Russell St., H block
Union avenue, 1 , 3-room and 1 2-room,
large, clean apartment; hot-water heat;
Htrictly tt'.oiiern. East 4847.
Four-room apt., hardwood floors, fire
place, dressing room, etc ; adults, 853
Harrison, Marshall 133.
4-room apt., hardwood floors, fire
place, dressing room, etc. ; adults. 353
Harrison. Marshall 133.
2 and 4 room apts., nice furnishings,
some new; all very light, outside rooms.
Brnnrtwav 3658.
PAGE, E. Kth and Burnside, walking dis
tance, 3-room modern apt., old ivory,
brick bidg.. $45 up, with phone; adults.
FURNISHED Chetopa apts. Will have a
nice 3-room furnished apartment on the
first Call Bdwy. 4i36.
'UK RENT 3-room lurnifched apt., $37
per month. Call at UKi2 Hawthorne,
apartment A
ROSELYN APTS. 2-room. modern, front
apt.; bath, dressing room, disappearing
bed. 110 N. 21st St.
For rent, nicely furnished 4-room apt.
189 N. 23d. Mar. 2145.
DESIRABLE modern apt., 2 rms., kitch
enette, bath and phone; all outside win
dows. Phone Marshall 1857.
THREE-ROOM large, clean, modern h. k.
apt. for 3 or 4 neat people; good resi
dence district. 67 Glisan. Mar. 3911.
BERKELEY APTS., 39 Trinity Place; 2
and 3-room furnished apts., $40 and $45,
June 1. Mar. l!t."0.
LADIES want C. S. girt to share pleas
ant we-st side apartment: close in. AH
23, Oregonian.
$30 MO. and up; 2-r. apt. for h. k. Gas,
elec, phone, etc.. included ra rent. Cen
tral 415 Broadway.
DOUGLAS CT. H large 4-room beauti
ful apt.; immediate possession. Mar.
TO SUBLET, desirable 4-room furnished
apt., sleeping porch; plain brick bidg.; 3
months or longer. X 600, Oregonian.
3-ROOM front apt., strictly modern, $45
mo. Clinton apts., 523 East 16th st.
Sellwood 3108.
FOR RENT Apartment in Silver Court
apartments. East J. id and Hancock, call
Main 8308 Tuesday.
DIEL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny st. 1 2-
room, 1 3-room modern completely fur
nished apts.; light, clean, airy. East 1808.
NICELY furnished apartment, rent rea
sonable; one sleeping room, nicely Tur
nlshed. 710 Lovejoy.
THE JEFFERSONIAN 16th and Jeffer
son. Attractive 3-room suite, large, airy
rooms. Usual conveniences. Adults.
2-ROOM apt., rent low; no children. 821
ARCADIA APTS.. 70 Everett 3-room
furnished apt. Mar. 5220.
TWO-ROOM and kitchenette, furnished in
I rv i ngton. $30. East 4852.
3-ROOM furnished apartment, ready June
2. 170 St. Clair st. Marshall 445.
3-RoOM nice apt., good furniture, elec.
lights. 850 Thurman at 25th.
VERY clean 2 and 4-room apts., private
bath, reasonable East 6003.
ELBRIDGE apts., 274 N. 21st St.. 2-room
furnished apu. Bdwy.4730. -
MODERN 2 and 3-room apartment; rates
414 4th st.
3-ROOM apt., walking distance. 240 E.
16th. Pnone East '
LOVELY large 2-ruom apt., bath, two
closets, kitchen, west side. Marshall 4744.
NICELY furnished three-room apartment.
861 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn5.
ONE 3-room nicely furnished apt. Wash-
ington High apts. East 3182.
DENNISON APTS., 1027ft Belmont. 3 rms.,
furnished, phones Included. Tabor 546.
FURNISHED 3-room apartment; running
water. 214 13th st.
TWO-ROOM furnished apartment; bath
near. Rent reduced. Wdin. 1184.
HANDSOMELY furnished 4-room apt.;
large porch: also 2 rooms. 730 Hoyt.
4-BOOM furnished apartment for rent at
425 E. Couch. East 1796.
2-ROOM apartment, electricity, heat and
bath, electric stove; rent $28. E. 0436.
CLEAN, well furnished apU, $16. 614 4th,
Furnished Anai tmenta,
Resident and summer home for tran
sient and tourist: handsomest furnished
apts. in the city; no objection to child
under 2 years: 1 to 5 -room apts., with
sleeping porch: .we also have bachelor
apt a and service: single rooms ana
bath for refined gentlemen : references
required. Marshall 2H30. lUtt St. Ciair
st., corner Washington.
Portland Heights, residential apts. De
sirable for 2. S rooms (one a sleeping
porcn). Kitchenette and bath. Clean,
light and cosy. Hardwood floors, inlaid
linoleum. French doors, old ivory finish.
fireplace; garage accommodations. Main
Fifth and Columbia Sts.
Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's
store; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. out
side, with French doors and balcony
Permanent and transient.
ave.. near 23d and Washington sts.
high-class apartment house: one 3-room
oeautnuiiy furnished m wicker furni
ture, with good rugs; fine view; outside
balcony; must be seen to be appreciated.
Call Main 3S83.
434 Harrison St.
Strictly modern 2 and 3-room apts.,
newly papered In tapestry; outside
kitchens and tiled bath rooms, $50 and
up; adults. Main 1052.
LUCRETIA COURT A high-class 3-room
apt., to sub-rent for 4 months beginning
June 1 ; 4th floor corner outlook over
city, west side, waiklng distance; next
door Campbell Hill hotel. Call Mar.
Nifty 3-room apartments; private bath,
automatic elevator; every apartment
newly renovated; the price Is right.
EAST 208. ' .
Elegantly furnished H rooms, sleeping
porch, outside, front, very light and airy,
including piano, to sublet for 3 months.
J une, J uly and August ; reference re
quired. Marshall 2S30.
Nifty 3-rm. apts., private bath, auto
matic elevator, every apt. newly reno
vated. The price is rttrht, $40 to $46.
EAST 208. .
54 Union Ave., North.
Three-room apts., $30 to $40; private
bath, steam heat, hot and cold water;
phone service, 15 minutes' waik to 5tb
and A lder. Rose City car. East 2840.
MODERN up-to-date 3-room apartment.
oatn ana alcove, large dressing roo:
aisappeartng bed, newly painted an
kalsommed, all outside rooms; Irvington
auurici 014 Hancock at. Apply base
220 lith St.
Completely furnished 3-room
apartment, June 1.
Main 8397.
FURNITURE and Wilton rugs, practic
ally new, for sale with or without
apartment. Appointment made by tele
phone before 12 A. M. or after 5 P. M,
i-iO Hancock st. East 7235.
Corner East 7th and Taylor sts.. 2 an
d-room outsiae apartments, private batr
heat, light and phone included in ren
rnnne cast
Newly furnished : 1 livine and 1 aleen
ing room. 2 bed, private bath; suitable
young men, .uain .Ott.
2-ROOM apt., sleeping porch, fireplac
electric lights and gas plate, also one
large room suitabie for one or two gen
tlemen; garage if wanted. 1441 E. Moi
rison. Tabor 8850.
521 Everett st. Phone Broadway 4218.
Furnished 2 rooms and bath; hard'
wood floors; outside rooms.
NICELY furnished, steam-heated apart
ments, sail to 4Z.dv; private phone In
eluded ; adults only. Lincoln apts., 4th
and Lincoln. Main 1377.
4I0H Hawthorne Ave., near Grand Av
Beautifully clean, strictly modern 3
Tftnm tup nniD im.i mnnrh nn u a at R
! 1 : v
LARGE h. k. room, $15 per month two
room apt., private path and dressin
room. $25 per month, Todd Apt., cor. E.
12th and Stark.
448 11TH ST. MAR. 79.
Dandy, clean. lisht. modern 2-room
MU. itrwi. c.y ica.'uiidOie.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-rm. aot all
outride rms.. west side, from June 1 to
uctooer 1 ; piano, silver, linen. Cai,
ttroaaway 341 1.
208 16th.. near Taylor.
3-room apt.. 2 full bedrooms and dl
ap. bed in living room; all outside rooms
Modern 2-room apts.; light, heat
phone, arge lawn; $22.50; nice basement
apt.. -u. jwain 30.
For Rent Two-room furnished
Call East 4062.
SINGLE 100ms, 2 and 3-room apts., fur
nlBhed; hot and cold water, steam hea
each room; $12 per month up. 409 N.
liftn st. PPone Mdwy, 1646.
2 and 3-rooms. all outside. larva mod
ern. 8 minutes from M, & F. 381 6th st. i3.
313 STANTON 3-room furnished apart
ment. rront. -corner, thoroughly clean
cheap; private bath; modern cotiven
lences. fc,ast
Corner 3 rooms, well furnished apt.,
with all modern conveniences; will be
vacant June 1. Phone Marshall 21.
2 AND 3-ROOM apts.. with bath, all
cleaned and tinted; reasonable rent
17th and Lovejoy. Arltne apts. Bdwy.
MODERN 2-room furnished apt., steam
heat, hot and cold water, phone and
la unary. y- union ave., r. sacra
mento apts.
TO SUBLET, beautifully furnished 4-rm.
corner apartment : walking distance: no
ennuren. can oowy, .'100 arter 10 A. M
2-ROOM apt with kitchenette; beautifully
turnisnea, ngni, pnone, narawooa iioors;
walking dist. 250 N. 19th st. Bdwy. 4606.
FURNISHED or unrurntshed aoartmenta.
Chapman apts., 35-5 Chapman su Mar
shall o4o.
NICELY furnished 3-rm. apt., 18th and
Couch, for June. July and August. Main
1497 or Bawy. U33-
GARFIELD APTS. 4 large clean rooms.
private bath: 361 E. falling. Phone
wain. 4iR-", 1 DiocK west union.
MARSHALL APTS., nicely furnished 3
large, airy rooms. 024 Marshall sL
Broadway 3831. ,
FURNISHED 2-rooro apt. Near Audi
torium. 344 Second sL Phone Main
THE ALBRET Furnished apartment
steam heat, private bath. 840 Miss-
lssippi ave.
WHY PAY carfare? Nic 2-room apte.
$5 up. 545ft Washington it Broad-
way 3449.
2 and 3-room strictly modern, elevator
tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 359
$32 A MONTH. 2-room front furnished
apt.; also court apt. $24 a month.
402 Vs 3d.
GARDNER, 13 and E. Ash, very desir
able 3-room; vacant June 20. East
187 17th St.
2 and S room apt. Main 4697.
2 and 3-room apts., modern; also
sleeping rooms: low rent. Mar. 3597,
RlTSHMARK. Wash. st.. cor. 17th. Com.
pletely furnished 1 and 2-room outside
apts. , ciean. mouern, respectable.
PORTNOMAH 4 rooms, hardwood floors,
walking distance: adults. 200 East 13th
NEW YORK apartments. 7tn and Bel
mont; 1 and 2 rooms, furnished East 238.
Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2443.
FURNISHED and unfurnished apt. for
rent Highland court.
UNION AVE. and KIU;ngsworth; $21.50
all complete, concrete bulding.
JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place. 2 and
3-room furnished ants Marshall 983.
NEWLY RENOVATED 2-room and "bath
apartment at Fairmont, 286 11th L
FURNISHED or unfurnished clean front
ipt. Call Bdwy. zoii Kates reasonable
MORTON APTS 3-room furn. apt., also
basement apt 697 Wash st. Main 1082.
MODERN 5-room apt., furnished or un
furnished. Marshall 360.
2-ROOM apt., ciean. completely furnished.
680ft Lombard st. Phone Columbia 617.
1 AND 2-ROOM apts. with kitchenette
328 Mill, near B roadway.
SUBLET well-furnished 5-room apt.. June
1 to Sept. 1. 658 Flanders. Bdwy. 3496.
2-ROOM apt. to sublet July 1 for 6 weeks;
references. AR 710. Oregonian.
ARDMAY TERRACB. 395 12th st. Large
front 2-room apt. $55. Mar. 898.
WANT congenial girl to share 3-room apt.
Call East 5577.
2- ROOM furnished apt., Harrison Court,
394 5th st. Main 514S. V
MODERN 5-room furnished apaxL 748
Roosevelt; rent $25. Main 2464.
3- ROOM modern apt. for rent at 586 GU
san st.
MODERN apt., 2 rooms and kitchenetU,
vacant J unit 1 Phoae liar 1857,
Fu rniHli e dA part me n is.
FOR RENT Furnished, including piano
ana phone, four-room modern nat. ioe
zioor. call from 2 to t buna ay. o
Mississippi ave.
Unfurnished Apartments.
530 Montgomery Drive.
Most attractive new 5-room apt.,
bedrooms, French doors, hardwood floors
ana wnite enamel wooawortc; winuow
boxes, flowers growing; wonderful view
from front porches; $85. Also one tt-
room - apartment with 3 bedrooms.
Mqin 8272.
Elegant 6-room duplex apartment; will
give lease for one year, $120 per month.
See Mr. Ball is.
85 4th St.
a va dm r a nri Washington : hlgn
das ADartmonr hoiiMt one unfurnished
four-room apartment with disappearing
bed in living room, also bedroom. Call
.vain 3?a.
UNFURNISHED apt., private home, three
rooms and bath, large porch, all in
white, hardwood floors, hot water heat,
use of laundry; Vs block to Hawthorne
car: adults. Call Sunday A. M. Phone
Tabor 6244,
THE CEC1LIAN apts.. 22d and Glisan: for
rent. 3-room unrurnisnea apts.: ur
bidg.. entirely renovated; all outside
apts. with full daylight and splendid
view; rent $4o to jj..w.
T?OSE CITY PARK ant. for rent; 4 rooms
in daw hrlrir hnl rlina at IdliXM oaiiuv
Blvd.. between 5(ith and 51at. Owner
on premises. 10 to 12 Sunday. Main
GARDNER, 13th and E. Ash; very ae-
slrable 5 rooms, harawooa noons iuc-
piace, hot water heat, oearoumo,
vacant June 1; references. East 28 il
UNFURNISHED Chetopa apts. Large 4
rntn Bnartmpnt nn tH OUISiae: Only
few minutes' walk from business dis
trict. Call Bdwy. 4036.
3 AND 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apts.,
rcn.fnrn.h a rates to aesiraoie leuauLB,
Waverly Court, East 26th and Clinton
51 Everett.
Five rooms and bath, unfurnished; rent
includes telephone; summer rates.
iiiil Everett.
4 rooms and bath, unfurnished ; rent
Includes teiepnone; summer mct-a.
o.Riini a nn rtmsnt. bath, fireplace, porch,
walking distance, water, gas and elec
tricity furnished, at 566 Market, call
Eaft 5400.
a unnvi unfiirnuhoii ant., steam heat, free
. nhnn'o nowlv tinted. 1 blOCk frOHl 2
carllnes, 15 minutes
843 Nelson st. ,
from downtown. umurnislied apartment; finest
in city. Phone East 7006 or Main 6o09.
Address 377 E. 25th st. N.
ONE 3 and ONE 4-room unfurnished apt.,
all tight rooms. Washington High Apts.,
East 3182. 575 E. Stark.
FOUR or tt rooms, unfurnished; batn aa
joining, pleasant location; rent reduced.
Wdin. 1 1M.
MODERN 4-room front apartment, private
bath and balconj. Hanover Apts.
Marshall 2009.
HIGHLr desirable apt. or flat. $40; va
cant July 1 or before. See today. 21
Hawthorne. East 8266.
COLLEGE Three rooms and sleeping
porch; walking distance; free phone;
$47.50; 3d and College. Marshall 5555.
ONE NICE, large- two-room front aPr-i
electric lights, phone Wdin. 5892. 242
3-ROOM unfurnished apt., 5th floor; very
desirable; all newly painted. Phone East
6680. .
LORENZO APTS.. 427 Salmon st.; Main
8678 By owner, unfurnished 2-room
apt.; water. light, phone; adults.
DAYTON FAMILY" APTS. 6 large rooms.
Nob Hill district, children admitted, $70.
Broadway 3134.
MERLIN, Broadway and Grant Choice
front large 3-room apt., only $40 month;
strictly modern.
THE AMERICAN, modern 5-room apart
ment. uroaaway aaou.
ml Estonia ADts.. C60 Glisan; 8-rocm ua
furnished apt., moaern. reasonaoie raic
5-ROOM unfurnished apartment, $65. The
ormonae. o.o rianueis. D'ui""" -
PORTNOMAH 3 rooms, ground floor. $35
adults. 200 ttast xsm.
DOUGLAS CT. Has 3-room sunny base
ment apt. Marshall
1UNFURN1SHED 5-room apartment. The
Wilmar, r.vertu si.
IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch; 4-room
modern front. 'Cor, apt, auuus.
MODERN 5-rm.
apt., uufurnished. Mar
shall 300.
MODERN 4-room flat, $30 per month.
Wdin. 3763
2 LARGE rooms and sleeping porch. $20.
Main 44o
" N F U R N I S 1 1 E D flat. 5-room. Mar. 3978.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments.
Furnished or unfurnished 4 and 6-rm,
a n HitipntH. first-class house, close in,
west side, all white enameled, tiled
baths; re f e rences. Main 2086,
JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington, one fur-
nlsuea ana one uuimuwucu
EXTRA fine 3-room apt. with dressing
room and bath. Close in location, rasi
3 and 4 rooms, furnished or tnfur
nlshed; free phone. Main 2506.
UNFURNISHED or partially furnished
flat, very .aesiraoie location, west, sme,
walking distance to business center; per
manent tenant will find this an excep
tional opportunity. For particulars in
quire at 66 N. 19th street, opposite
Trinity church. DM car to Davis street.
HIGH-CLASS cheerful furnished fiat.
beautiful yard ana view ot river, ngni,
hfli. nhone. oiano. xaraee. 429 Larra-
bee et. lVz blocks north Broadway
4-ROOM upper flat, fine view, short walk
ing distance, turnisnea or unrurnisnea,
new and modern, porches. 349 E. Glisan,
near Union ave.
fi v B! rooms and sleeping porch first
floor; all new, clean ana mouern, ciose
In; fine for railroad men; adults. Apply
4'2 Koss St., cor, ijupont.
IK VI. NGTON flat, 4 rooms and sleeping
uorch: furnace. nrepiace, naruwoou
floors. 412 E. 17th st. N.,near Tilla
mook. Vacant. Phone Tabor 8018.
HOLLADAY addition; modern 4-room up
per flat, with or wnnout garage; ioae
In. $30. 204 E. 2d st. N. and Mu.tno
mah sts.
5 LARGE light rooms and attic, bedroom,
garage, modern, aauits ; no aogs. 004
E. Main and 18th.
6-ROOM flat, walking distance, furnace,
nice view, 3 iota si. at Montgomery,
$10. Call June 1. J. Vinney..
PARTLY furnished 3 nice, large rooms,
third floor, private tain, Appiy
11 E 28th st. -N. Main 9307.
-ROOM flat for rent; electric lights, gas
and gas range, xurnace in tne Dasement.
330 Sherman St., west side.
5 LARGE beautiful rooms and bath,
. . , - 11 -ii iiri or.u
DIOCK iroill --n.r luic ai uiu. ijvo
.fceiween 9 and -
ROOM modern upper flat, vacant Mon
day; no children. Inquire Woodlawn
1673. .
ROOMS, newly tinted and cleaned
throughout. Call at b0G Belmont, cor
ner of 25th.
PLEASANT rooms, clean, modern, walk
ing distance; coils, furnace. Telephone
East 8007. .
5 ft E. 35TH ST. Five-room flat for
rent from June 1. $30. Phone Tabor
12 EAST 18th, cor. E. Ash; very desir
able a-room lower moaern nat, lire
place, furnace. $42.50. East 2871.
ROOM basement flat, $9 per month, and
ot h e rs. 435 Williams.
ROOM furnished modern hat for rent,
733 West Hoyt st.; $40. ,
FOR RENT 5-room flat, $15 .
606 Thurman st. Kast ltuo.
ROOMS, toilet and bath. 648H Thur
man. near 20th. Apt C. Mar. 4761.
ICE 5-room flat, desirable location. Bdwy.
ROOM sunny upper flaL
Inquire 120
N. 23d st.
ROOM FLAT, unfurnished. 624 6th st.
Furnished Flats.
ROOM, nfodern, well-furnished flat, pi
ano included; a real home, nice front
porch, zxtvz iorm :nst.
URN1SHED FLAT Attractive 6-room
lower flat betw. 13th. 14th, East Salmon,
PPER flat, 6 roome and bath; rent $30.
Inquire Richardson s grocery store. m7
Frances ave. Sell. 26.
vV ANTED Two girls or married couple to
share turnisnea nat: easy walking dis
tance, west side. Call Sellwood 1701.
SIX-ROOM well-furnished flat: piano; $35
Apply after o:au r. n.. Aiargn a n 3o.
FURNISHED 5-room flat, $30. Call 714
ICELY furnished 3-room fiat, with bath.
1043 Gantenbeln ave.. cor. Alberta.
ROOM furnished, walking distance, east
side, June 1. am i14. oregonian.
FOR RENT Reasonable, to 2 or 3 per-
m an ent adults. East side. Auto. 64 4 -33.
FOR RENT Furnished flat.
thorne ave.
LOWER fiat for rent, furnished; private
bath, $30. 149 B. 9flth Bt. N.
4-ROOM lower flat, with or without ga
rage 710 Minnesota ave.
Furnished Flats.
NICELY furnished 5-room flat in good
residential district, 12 minutes' car ride
from business district; grocery and
butcher shop handy; no small children;
$40 with Karaite. $35 without. 862 Al
bina ave. Take Mississippi car and get
on at anaver st. .
CLEAN, modern, cheerful, attractive four
rooms, 'sleeping porch, bath, front bal
cony, fine view, private basement space,
west side, waiklng distance, near Carni
val park. Adults; references. M 698,
A 4-ROOM and a 5-room flat for rent.
4-room flat completely furnished, pleas
ant rooms and good location; no chil
dren. 55ft E. 27th st.( 3 blocks south
of Montavilla car. Phone East 6132.
FIRST-CLASS furniture for sale of a 5-r.
mod. flat; rent $35; this Includes an al
most new mahogany piano floor lamp,
velvet, rugs, etc.; 7 mln. walk from down
town. Owner. Mar. 004.'
IRVINGTON Furnished completely: sun
room, 2 fireplaces. Gasco furnace, - ga
rage; 6 rms.: available for 3 months only.
$125. E 681. Oregonian.
NEWLY furnished 5-room flat for rent;
linen, clothes wire and everything reaay
to keep house; walking distance.
Everett Bdwy. 5162.
FURNISHED upper flat. 6 rooms and
bath, basement, two porcnes. inquire
925 E. Couch, East 3533, Saturday or
FLAT for rent, 4 rooms. $25 to parties
buying lurnlture. S40 Montgomery
St.. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.
FURNISHED 2-room lower flat; price $29;
adults ; fuel, water, phone. Call alter
5 P. M., 10 East Ninth st. North.
NICELY furnished 3-room upper flat;
lights, water and pnone; reierences.
395 E. 2d st. N.
WELL furnished flat for rent, strictly
modern, suitable for two families. iot
Glisan, flat A,
HAVE complete 5 rooms of furniture for
sale and flat for rent, aoo arn St., cor.
FLAT FOR RENT furniture for sale
close in. west side, cheap rent, tau
Automatic 521-41,
K-RnOM flat, electricity, eas and heat fur
mshed; large rooms; very ciean; rent
$35. East 6436.
CLEAN, cozy. 3-room flat for rent. $20,
with furniture for sale, o-i isverton st.,
west lower flat.
4-ROOM flat, private bath, partly fur
nished, newiy tmtea, west siae y ioi
umoia st.
piss w TAYLOR First floor: walking dis
tance: living room, peuroom, Kiicnen
and bath: modem; $45. including phone.
ft-R CtCt T flRt for rent, furniture for sale,
$150; 2 rooms rent. 43 tz. Everett,
near 9th.
059 PETTIGROVE 3-room furnished flat
and bath, very desirable; no cnuaren.
Bdwy. rt:f4. can Aionaay,
irmir.RV .i-rnnm fiat comolete with pi
ano; west side, walking aistance; ou.
Cal Auto. 528-36. i,
NICE, clean modern fiat on car line
adults. Woodlawn 3-!I9.
NICELY furnished 5-room flat, close in,
for rent. Broadway 578.
Housekeeping Rooms.
FOR RENT 3 nice, clean houseneeping
rooms, furnished; also large paniry, on
trrounri floor. 669 Savier Bb iroau
way 14 4.-1.
i-j nth 9.HOOM suite. 1 single h. k. room,
1 sleeping room, ciose n ; H8i. -t
heat and free phone. 385 Yamhill.
Marshall 1322,
vjt! a T fiann houseKeeDina rooms: light
and phone; diocbs to nwiuui.i
car; walking distance. 810 E. tn
East 4732.
ri .it am furnidha b k. rooms : suite of
rooms, private batn, u.ou; sune
rooms, nri vat a entrance, $12.50. 71
11th st. N. Phone E. 53S3.
NICELY furnished clean suite of H. K
rooms, must be seen to oe appreciatea,
walking distance. 715 Everett St., cor.
22d street, 2 blocks from Wash. St.
ROOM unfurnished apt., steam heat, free
phone, newly tinted; block from 2 car
lines, 15 minutes from downtown at 2uh
and Sanay oiva. oa rteisnn bu
iiKSFRA KLE furnished sleeping room
with h. k. privileges, with lady alone in
flat; rent $15; everything furnished;
walking distance. Call Main ma.
3-ROOM furnished flat, also 2 other house
keeping rooms, ciose int west side; no
objection to children; rent very reason
able. Call at 266 Hall at.
Ttvn a xi J 3-ROOM apts. on Park St.,
close In, furnished for light h. k.; rent
reasonable. 404 Park.
piTRvrsHRn housekeeping room, adjoin
inif bathroom; also 3-room basement
apartment. 209 Hall. Marshall 2578.
fhtth unfurnished rooms; gas stove, elec
trie lights, running water; lower Albina;
adults; $12. Tabor ixl
11 Kr.F.F.PiN'O room and kitchenette. light,
gas and heat included, $18 per month.
814 waning bl.
2-ROOM housekeeping suite, 325 a mo.;
electricity and gas range, 141 11th,
corner Aiaer.
2 FRONT rooms, well furnished for house
keeping; all conveniences. 652 Thur
DANDY light, cqol room for 1 or 2 adults,
either housekeeping or sleeping. 327 W.
Park st.
TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, furnished
for light housekeeping. lights, water,
eas. phone free, $12. 571 5th st.
THE? BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nished h. It. rooms. $15 up. including
hot water, e'.ectric lights, laundry room.
$20 3 ROOMS on ground floor, electric
lights; also 3 unfurnished rooms: heat,
litrht. tMeohone and water. 109 N. 18th.
FUR, H. K, rooms, single or in suites, $2.50
per week and up. Buckeye apts., 304
East Morrison.
H. K. ROOM with kitchen in tne Dase
ment, $5 week with gas or rent the room
$4 50 week. 33 iutn ana 31am ib.
108 13TH and Morrison for very desirable
1 and 2 furnished housekeeping rooms,
' very cheap. Mar. 245. -
SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms to
rent. Call alter noon, o lamniu su
Main 7118-
2 LARGE front rooms, nicely furnished ;
light, heat, pnone ana gas; easi uiae.
340 Hassalo.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, hot and cold wa
ter, gas, elec., linen. rtotei siewari,
147 H Bdwy., bet. Morrison and Alder.
2-ROOM housekeeping apt. with sleeping
porch; rent reasonable; no objection to
children. Phone Main 5156.
LARGE room with large clothes closet on
2d floor. o3i tioyt, cor. -uin- neasoa
able. .
LARGE single housekeeping rooms, with
st.. corner sutn.
vjpk Hin?lB h. k. rooms, furnished, light.
gas, phone and turnace neat, exceiieni
location; i;. o.-i c-. aiauisuu, uui,
3 LOVELY housekeeping rooma, newly
papered and pamtea. l jmui.
CLEAN, steam heated housekeeping room,
112 montn. 14 utn .
2 FRONT room apt., 1 single h. k. room.
305 Jeirerson. cor, oin
LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent at
171 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 0710.
CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, I
E. 20th be. soutn.
FINE front h. k. mites, modern, jaia to
j:;S. S3 IN. lain. cuwy. -not
$5 WEEK UP, completely mrnished h. k.
SUlteS. 1 ne t,auiiigu. uu ua i .iciiti nu .
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $L75 up a
weeK, electric ngma. o-i iu
FCRNiSHED h. k. rooms, $3.50 per week
and Up. adoyt wftainnsiuu,
ONE LARGE h. k. room, w estminster
Apts., Btn ana aiaaison bus, jaain ooo-.
NICE rooms and kitchenette, also single
rooms, reasonaoie. g.ijriBuuciD bu
t di:p. pIpati h. k. room, walklne dis
tance : onone, oiiui, -o- m o i.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for renl
Everything iurnisneu. iva -u si.
1 CLEAN, furnished H. K. room. 540 E.
Stark st.. cor, r. im.
1171 MINNESOTA ave.. 2 room for light
hnnaeKeeping. v oooiawn nog
FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 684 Glisan sL,
3.50 up- Jiar. ivt
l FURNISHED housekeeping room suit-
able for l person. iw . irttn st.
STEAM-HEATED parlor, n. K. rm., 1st
floor, ffi per wppk. toiumoia st.
TWO ROOMS, 2 beds, close in, nicely fur
nish e d, rejis(maDiej2J!i!i
MANOR HOTEL, 2714 Morrison, corner
Fourtn 1. iv ana steeping rooms.
ONE ROOM and kltcneuette, $30 per mo.
4H0 Morrison.
NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, 346 Madi
son st.. between Park and Broadway.
SINGLE and double h. k. rooms: summer
prices. 186 Sherman. Mar. 3983.
2ROOM h. k. apt., also sleeping rooms,
reasonable. 293 Vz Weldler st.
ONE LARGE housekeeping- room, neat and
clean. Wdin. 5tSQ2, 242 Killingsworth.
K K. ROOMS, everything furnished. 87
College st.. near AV. Park. Main 3154.
THREE or four light housekeeping rooms.
Call Sunday. 126 E. 32d st.
NICELY furnished 2-room housekeeping
apartment. Manltou. 261. 13th st.
Pettygrove, corner 16th st.
LIGHT, airy 1-room apta.,
170 10th.
$5-$6 weekly
2-ROOM h. k. suite, suitable for bachelors.
2,"2 Broadway. Aut. 519-Q5.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
with kitchenette. $15 and $20. 703 Hood.
2 ROOMS, also room with kitchenette,
water, electricity, cheap. Bdwy. 1935.
2-KOOM. h. k. sU 306 Oi Ct
Housekeeping Rooms.
ONE 2-ROOM housekeeping apt. in high-
class apt. house, very ciean. lor gentle
man or ladv. emnioved: also one house
keeping room for refined youig lady,
employed. $20 up; single room with J
bfath. references required. Mar. 2830.
NICELY furnished and clean living room
and large kitchen; electric lights, gas
range, nice bathroom across nan; -.
also one single. $16. 308 loth, near
Columbia. Phone Main 27SO.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms, 1 room with
kitchenette, hot and cold water; private
, phone, electric lights, steam heat; 5
minuteA' walk, to town, 291 Columbia,
near 5th. -
NICELY furnished 2-roora h. k. rooms
wirh alppninir nnrch some unfurnished;
good district, free phone.1 water, light
ana sras: waLKtne aistance. voo f.
Salmon. East 5236.
TWO LARGE rooms, nicely furnished.
with kitchenette, gas range, running wa
ter, north frontage, priced moderate.
S. W. corner First and Morrison, over i
drug store.
ABSOLUTELY clean, exceptionally light
and airy: Just painted ana paperea, two
furnished houseKeeping rooms, wi
side, walking distance. none, ugnis,
bath, gas range; adulta. 12fl N. 18th st.
DER ST. BDWY. 5031
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 1 and 2 room
apts.; elec. lights, bath, iree pnone. a-o i
14th st., near wasnmgtor
TWO NEAT, crean housekeeping rooms.
687 East Everett st. East 4-4U.
Housekeeping- Rooms In Private Family.
ROOMS and kitchcjiette; water, light,
phone, elec. wasner; line ueiunuurnwu,
u. htrtnk to rrocerv. 1 block to Sunny-
side car. 9XU E. Yamhill, bet 30th
and 81st.
PANTRY and 3 large unfurnished rooms
In private outsiae nat; gas, ugni, water,
phone and garbage furnished; $30. 200V4
loin si. in., turner xvemncj.
4 UNFURNISHED rooms, ground floor.
vorrf frtiit frpM. free teleDhone and wa
ter, close in; no objection to children.
946 Belmont st. Automatic mi-4.
THKITP furnished rnnnu for rent
nice, modern house: possibility to make
arrangement for the kitchen. Inquire at
1023 E. 21M st. . Ainerta car.
FOR RENT Two comfortably furnished
housekeeping rooms wun private en
trance, including light, gas and phone
Marshall 824. .
FRONT ground floor, with kitchenette;
dnlts onlv: near Y. M. C. A. Mar.
1675. ,
FOUR lovely h. k. rooms, r.Icely furnished,
private home. 254 E. 16th. corner Mad-
lson. East 234.
3 MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms
In private family. $20 a month; no ob-
lactinn to baby. 699 E. 10th st. S.
thr RE-ROOM large, clean, modern h. k. I
t for Tor 4 Eekt people Kood .1-
1"0 PER MONTH, two large furnished
front H. K. rooms; bath, light and gas
Included. Bdwy. 868.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with
piano; reasonaoie; ttiMu
1 it h et
LARGE clean room and kitchenette; eink
and gas range. i:gnt ana pnuuo.
:4 7 a. 053 noyt st.
CLEAN rooms with kitchenette and run
ning water, in moaern nuuw,
tance. 827 Clackamas st. East H0.1.
3-ROoM suite, 2 clothes closets, Bink. pan
try, phone, eiec. ; euitauic i -
300 ltn st.
2 LARGE rooms, kitchenette, first floor.
modern; wanting ais-.aiii.-v,
14th and Montgomery. 50l Harrison.
uni'Ciru' rK-.PTVll r 11 n ma with or W ith-
BiAAnimr norch: private bath. Clean
and convenient. 412 E. 9th st. N.
FIRST floor, newly renovated h. k. room
with sink; aiso uaaemeui -
Jefferson st.
2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms in private
home; hoi na com , """,",
furnished. B74 E. Ankeny ist. East .
TWO BBAUTIFUi. h. K. rooms., eveu-
thlnB complete: close to uius.
business. Mar. .1214.
4 "UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
11.44 uetroll ave., oi. .uuu.
lawn S.191.
2 CLEAN rurn. h. K. rooms. waiKing ins
tance: adults. 1A rj. tin nt
TWO H. K. furnished rms.
Ariults. n:M1 K. Hurnsine.
TWO front housekeeping room, newly
tinted, close in. to'"'"1"1
257 12TH ST., basement room, private
entrance: walking aistance; men wnj.
H. K. ROOM: gas and lights furnished;
rent 12-'. Alain ai-t. o.w jihi ai.
454 HALL 2 rooms and sleeping porcn,
kitchen privileges, aiain t;.io.
SINGLE housekeeping room,
suitabie for
bachelor. i.4 n. ininjt
TWO NEATLY furnisher housekeeping
rooms. 02 jinwa-JKie street.
H K. ROOM, completely furnished;
electricity, gas. heat: I8. East B43H.
2 NEWLY furnished front h. k. rooms:
free light, water, teiepnone. 000 "?
NICE clean H. K. rooms to rent at 403
2d St.. near narrison st.
ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping.
163 E. 72d St. North.
NEWLY furn. h. k. rooms, nice neighbor
hood, uo, 1 nurman sx. ruuoe u--.-....
2 CLEAN, sunny rooms or housekeeping
rooms. 770 Hoyi su
LARGE, front. light housekeeping room.
newly rurnlsneq. h.-t j
5 KITR H. K. rooms, batn, electricity.
Call 6.11 K. Morrison, inin m.
hed 'rooms, con-
rrA7r hmisrtlfpirilnir fumis.
nectea; anuns. Q"" -
"T T7.7-1 vrcu r 11 rnnms- includintT a mon-
ern Kitcnen; auuns Li'ii
xtt'u viHh'i) house keening rooms. 503
irvlnir st.
HOCSEKEHP1NG rooms. 1T3 N. 21st.
"B.nt nrtlv furniflhed. with piano;
rferenc'es: adults. 730 E. Ankeny st.
Phone East 24HH.
w f Viiitia tipar east end Broad
way bridge. 347 Benton &t. Key at 320
ik Hnv' ntnraire free.
TTimitiire movine for less. Bdwy, 244S.
u.n;ivi rMnnnji furnirure and lonf-dis-
tance hauling- a specialty, v. " ; -Service
Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 61J1.
SIX-ROOM bungalow, or 8-room exquisi-
nge; very reasonable, owner. Main 0"'3.
rTrv -nAi-na mnrlorn. 1 A blocks V001-
stock car, $30 per month. Ward. 4411
Woodstock ave.
ALL OR part of clean, modern, five-room
bungalow, walking aisiance, wesi au.
35-?l'o. 19 t-urry.
vipc .iv dwelling or siore. close
school and car; low rent. 6039 72d st.,
S. E.
a-KUy-vi moue.u '.7 '
and nrepiace; paruauj iuiuwmcu,
ner month. 767 Kenilwortlu
BEAUTIFUL, Irvington home; 9 rooms, J
sleeping porcnes; an uwtu,
able. Inquire 650 Clnrkamas st.
IRVINGTON 7 rooms, newly painted and
nan..H- Ur,. vard. aaraffe: for sum
mer months. 100 per month. East 3VM.
LARGE, modern 8-room house, northwest
pnr fj. xurn.iuts ."u ..... ........
4!23 K. .iairj. uppn aumiay luieimwi.
S-BOOM cotcaa-e near Wh and East Burn
side sta.. 2i per month. Owner. Tabor
HOUSE for rent, 3'JO North First l-.ast.
vacant, clean, nice lawn, near carline.
close In. Apply at nouse.
xinnRRN taunealow of 4 rooms and break
fast, furnace, fireplace, washtrays. 424
K. '.inn ave. ii'" viw. ...
it ltnnvs. unfurnished, walkine distance.
Vlh: 3 months In advance. 476 Vancou
ver ave.. city.
xy r r cx- v tr 13 notisA. near liaw-
thorne"on S4th for sale or will leaae
DV year. AUtO. JJ-U1 Ol mum
FOR RENT 7-room house, modern; $:iuO
to Sept. 1. Mrs. VT. H. England, 31
Sixth ave. w.
9-ROOM modern house, west side, to leajie;
large grounds, garage; 1100. Owner,
Main B479.
GOOD place for tent house, near river;
SO minutes out; iruit trees, waier. mar
shal! 8407.
ghlVi-N-ROOAl bungalow and garage on
paved St. No. 4811 72d St. a. a.. Auto.
CLEAN 6-room cottage, electric lights.
gas ana Datn. inquire o'u oeconu.
i ROOMS and bath; No. 648 E. Morrison
St. ; Slip. Geo, f. Lent, ill Cornell uuik.
T-ROOM house. Inquire 317 Willamette
blvd. cor, minngswortn.
MODERN o-room west side house.
Pettvgrove. call jaoor n-..-.
HOUSE Modern 7 rooms and den; ga
rage. llOo wooawara ave. sum. i--oif.
1 S-ROOMTlouse. 12111 E. 12th N. FASt
B829. After 6 o'clock call Auto. 612-31.
MODERN 6-room house, walking distance.
701 First St.
6-ROOM house for rent. 353 Lincoln. Call
355 Lincoln st;
5-ROOM house, bath, gas and electric
lights. a25 per montn. rnone wu.iii.ioo.
SIX-ROOM house, furnished. $75: no chil-
nren: rererences reqmreo. im r.. iom
HOUSE for rent, aome furniture for sale.
274 Hall, corner nn
5-ROOM cottage, 120; or will lease for one
year at sirc. no l-orxer, near nn.
MODERN 6-room house, close-in west aide.
Broadway lJfltf.
2-ROOM shack, adulta, Kenton car. Key
14fStt umana ave.
6 ROOMS, modern bouse, VS2 Hawthorne.
Tabor 7.
S-BOOM, cotuga. Auto, 6-6-51.
No. 90 Hazelfern Place, modern 7-rm.
house, garage; best condition.
No. 5327 E. 45th st. 8. E., modern
6-room house, newly decorated, A-i.
No. 6S2 E. Ash st., 7 -room house, large
yard, good condition, near car.
715ft Kearney st., west side, S-room
upper flat, newiy aecoratea, xurnace.
fireplace; no children.
S ROOMS Glisan and 2-d, modern, $75
per month; leuse.
8 ROOMS 2 sleeping porches; Grand
ave, and Hancock st.; car space.
10 ROOMS Furnished, Irvington; fa-
rage; $125; lease.
Mr. Pomntv, with
620 Henry Bidg. Broadway 40.
FURNISHED 5-room bungalow. $35
per month. 5404 69ih st. S. E:
Otto & Harkson. 413 Chamber of
Commerce. Main 6398.
F.nnn nH furnltur lUOVlllS. 30 UuyS
free storage on all household goods until
our new warehoum is filled. 104 N. 5th
st. Broadway 1207.
S-iiOOM modern house. 1244 Moore st..
granunar'and high school. Open 4 to 0
UU. umnt ncur -r inriin.PS. DHiK. UUlKDi
p. At. punuay. ah iluuuh
Phone Auto, fill-
( OK 6 ROOMS, furnished or not. ciean.
mnilprn. en rate, earden. Beines. cor.
f.Jd and Multnomah st. Best of ref
erences required. Tabor 1 177.
JjL'I'LEX house. 4 room and bath; b.u-
tlful new furnisnings. ureptave.
wood poors, porch and lawn; an attrac
tive home for $05. 1200 Cleveland ave.
Wood law n 1-03.
T.ROOM new. modern residence; garage
in Rose city i-arn. "i "
T,,a to adults: $05 per nionin. Airs.
Shaver. Call 11531
Belmont st.
viN.K.imo.i house on a quarter biocK, trop. 135 per montn. nu kiui
ave. Inquire H. W. Diggles. noon. Bdwy.
1 14 .
GOOD 7-room house, including furnace anu
ilreolace. located near r-asi o-u l.
Belmont. Call Tuesday at room i-u-
Northwestern uana oms.
uThoOM hou.e. Ka bh. T
RIO-A 2.
MODERN 6-room house, partly iurniMieu.
rareful and responsible people only.
Phone Auto. 332-OL.
t mnmm tiioflv arranged.
Easy walking distance to west side
ir-u T nuuhirn limine. June 15. at 1523 !
K. Hoyt; fruit ana gurutu t
jn- eive lease n unu.
oulre 1432 E. Davis.
CAR. .
..... a tj. ,.ttMir,. ruM. eleciricliy.
liii-iitton. t3. Salmon. Kast
TUVK 1ST Modern 6-room House, oi
PersihhiK t. Aiu. -n-.i.i.
KurnNlnMl Hoilnr. lurniMita nouse
vsilh uaraiju;
must lurnlsh
price no ennuren
good relerence..
U o'clock.
1173 Hawthorne, after
i-Olt itt.NT 5-rom turiushcd housu, K-i-rage:
June 1 to September 1: no clnl-
.1 . .... r-.-1 . I .' IA C M ,abl O..W. v.,
luvis St. ,
lmd RI.-VX lT,irniHti,-d HlX-rOOlll home, to
responsutle party; one uioc
park, three from Sunnyslde car. Auto.
JJH-73. Sunday morning oiuy.
NICELY furnished ll-room hcus", large
vard. place for maciuiiH. . nwm.
3 months only; no objection to cnuuren,
11 so E. 3-d st. N.
.....I, xj i.' v T .-..t-, ,m modem
house, clean, garden, fruit. O7-1 Whit
man ave. .Mt. acoiu cat, -
Phone B2S-15. .
FOR KENT 4 or ti-loom house, furnished
. onfornlshed: strictly modern; large
.remind: 10 months- lease. 1330 --u N.
'hone Wdin. ,3327.
FOR RENT 14 rooms, nearly ai
' 7 Htemiv boarders by June . AN
6.S5. Oregonian.
FOR LEASE In Laurelhurst. modern o-
poom Dumraiow. luini.iiru, . -
required. Phonal
month; references
Auto. 216-SO.
,inrTU,iVt' ,l,ulrict neW J-TOOin fUT
ni.hed house, garage, win ie..L ......
months from June 5 to responsible adult
neonle. t.1.V 303 B. nisi soutn
EIGHT-ROOM den located on car lino in
Portland Helgnts can oe ran ..
months at H per month; bcauliruj
view. II tl'.in, Oregonian.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and bath
for 4 months; 2 blocks from car. ( all
Sunday or Monday after 6 P. M. 43U4
l)5th st. s. E.
TlOOM8. modern, clean and nicely fur
nishe'd. garage, fruit; adults. A. M. call
Sellwood lliO or inquire at 0J7 Leo ave..
FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, nice
yard, flowers and fruit trees; very desir
able. I'hone Main 612".
t u i u i i fnrnih.'il lioue. Dtaru
yard fruit and berries, to rent. 4103
42d st. S. E. WW car. Sell. 2733.
4-RoO.M modern furnished cottage, dll1
E. 9th st. S-, Detween .iu.y iuu
close In. East .V-M...
SMALL 3-rootn furnished cottage in rear, I
close in: per niuinu. -m7 .
between Ouk and Pine. I
nouee in aeairame 7 M,Ji
r.-nt for 3 months. Phone Tabor WH)t. ,
"FI VE-HOOM houe 3 rooms furnished;
furniture for sale, $100 cash; not modern.
Kent I'J". l
IDEAL for summer, attractive view ,
rooms, grann piano, west
.lune 20. H'.'H Ravier.
Fl ItNiSHED 5-room modern hous, west
f tu.MOiiaw
side, walking distance.
.nfi, ,m furnLstieu cottatie lor rent for
June and juiy .at udr,ow.
shall 1100 Monilay. ,
8-HOO.M moderm home, fully furnished;
smraee; can livo rent ire. 11 j
I'hone Kast 477fl for partlruliirs.
S i,,,gM low. nurtlv fur-
o-v.i. . - - -
nlshed, garden and berries. 10-0 E. 80th
si. .-v, . ; .
a i i n..'- i " - , 7 ;
west side; no children; can rent rooms.
llain 45.'".
S-KOU.M house, newly tinted; suitable for
roomtnK house; wesi siue. -wm. ...
T'hnne Wnoillawn .:mi.
1 11;, zw ull rurnbihed home to share with
congenial couple oy iuu" - M"M
ters. pnone lamir .,t.
i, ,1 .!. v fi-ro,iin house. Iurnl,neu ; Har
den in. iruit: auuus "m , . c,..-,
Hawthorne ave.: Aut. -jai-2; r-nt
11 iivisiiklii 4-r,m house. moUt-rn, ex-
rent eas. TWO DIOCKS A. x. vai. www
K. Kmerson st.
UL'It 7-HttM furnished home and Karaite.
3 months, lou, to reuu. rauuo auw
ROOMS, modern, clean and nicely fur
rlshed; adults. SeUwood 115S, or Sell
wood 33156;
NICELY furnished 5-room house for rent.
Take .3d su car, cuidh tu Aiiuriuuu
St., No. 7S.
ATTHACTIV 13 modern suburban home to
adults who will ooara owner, jura. x.
Pierce, Jennings Lodge, ur.
I'r - RNisHKL) house for-rent for 3 or 4
w .. .1. .,, ...... I. iHll V H T. .
month: adults ouly.
bor 471!.
MODERN 10-room lurnished house with
garage, rent iio; lurnlture lor saiu, atou.
AE 4iS, Oregonian.
house, well furnished,
E. Pine. See owner.
rent. 4(ia
7-POOM house, partly furnished. 27
. . , a r) - ) i . i-,. v
ynerry. suu.t ruum o.
Wl DOW will share pleawant home with
congenial couple. noouiagn i-Ji.
FOR RENT A modern 8-room house fur
nish edJoitiaJseyiiiieaiioji
4G N. iilST ST., east front, running water.
private entrance, garage: lanniy.
MODERN 5-rm. furnished bungalow for
rent. Call at 121-n b. inn
FURNISHED house at 2S E. 15th at..
near Brooklyn carline. i.w.ihi.
4-ROOM lower floor. 315 Tillamook st.
Call mornings.
MODERN 5-room house, furnished. 846
First st.
5-ROoM house, furnished, June 1. 42w Sac
ramento st.
nut KENT A deslrahl
a furniulied housa
Phone woodlawn r.f.i.
MODERN 6-room bungalow, completely
furnished, afler June 1. Sell. 32.16.
3 ROOMS, upper floor, partly furnished.
Inquire 315 Tillamook.
PARTLY furnished house for rent.
E. IBth N.
$10 2-ROOM furnished house, Including
llgnts ana water, oao ami
5-ROOM furnished house oa OS lb, at. Tale
phoua East 683S. . ...
FurnUlied lloowe.
AOS Tdd avenue, IaM Addition.
Modern home, 7 rooms and garage,
nicely furnished, good condiLlou aud
Can Be Shown Turndsy Morning.
- Call at office After ft A. M.
FOR RENT Furnished lor the summer
or by the year, the attractive country'
home of Mrs. W. W. Cotton on the
Powell Valley road, wet of Grexhain;
9 rooms, 3 baths, furnace, lertrlulty
and Bull Run water. Address Mr. W.
W. Cotton, Alexandria Court, Portland,
Or., and give tfiephone number.
COZY 2-room furnished Cotlnct at 0tk
Grove, near fine bathing beach and car;
just right for couple; gus In, lights and
water furnished. $10. Phone 154W, or
call first nous on left, west of high
way, on Center sr. Also board and
room for coupln employed. m"'"rn h r.
FURNISHED house, most suitable for six
young men or women; an Ideal spot for
those who enjoy a rinse-In summer out
Ing home, situate among the trees, pleas
ing view of city and mountains. Irm
t nan 20 blocks to business center. 455
13th Main 7292.
FOR RENT At Rivera, modern i-room
furnished house with sleeping porch, g
raice, Bull Run water, gas and elertrlo
lights, hot water, furnace. Phone Main
FURNISHED with piano. 6-room modern
bungalow, sleeping porch, garage, hard
wood floors, fireplace, furnace, all built
in conx euif nces; adults onlv; rent $05.
503 Greenwood ave. S' 11. 311'3.
FOR RENT Beautifully furnished 5-rooiu
modern house, riose In. on eift side. Im.f
btk. to car; nice lawn and some kuxiIii.
Must have refr.-iice : Immediate pos
s ' tlon I'hone S-lI. 1S19.
FOR RENT For suniNii-r, furnihhed mod
ern home with garage and fruit; uildMie
aged or elderly couple preferred. Must
furnish reftrencis. 1333 Denver ave.
Woodlawn 2 1 ( Ml.
U-KOOM modem lurnlMied house, Ntb
Hill district; all convenience; sleeping
rooms that can he rented ; every room
light and airy. 0J7 Flanders st. Phone
Mar. 459.
Ilt INGTON 7 rooms, m-Mly painted and
papered ; large yard, garage; for nm
mer month. 1o per month. Fact 3197.
6-ltOoM f urnish d house; very ucvl; uear
car; adults; $45. East 8M0N.
HtMiie for Ren 1 r urn il lire for Sul.
A FINE home, 8 rooms; clean, peat; lur
nlture, gnues, etc., for pale, house for
rent reasonable; central location. East
7-ROOM houe for rent, furniture for s-Ue
at $300, including Brunswic k phono
graph with 00 reeorda. 742 Cttnton at.,
c orner 221. House ren tw at $25 month.
9-ROOM ho une for rent, furniture for silo.
arranged for 3 families: close tu. Kapt
7th. Rent $10; price furniture $1000.
I'hone 1' 19-59 w n r.
4-ROOM lllMiUhed holle; tlfctrio lights.
gus and bath; rent $10 a month; ihre
blocks from Washington at.; price $200;
consider t'-rms. Broadway 4 51.
HOUSE for t ent, fui riiture fr ale. In
good loraflon. Nob Hill district. Mala
til. J. t'n) X. 22d st., romT 1'aviw.
$15 MODERN 5-nKjiii bungalow and new
lurnlture Tor sai. r'.oa uuth st. a. 1-.
I'hone Automatic (112-20.
Rj-mJMS and garaKe
tore for sa'.e; price
to r-'ut and fnrnl
$225. Ca.l Tabor
S MONTH A-ronm nnuxe, furniture for
ale: wood and garden: li-avlng City.
U2 Woods St.. near I'orter at.
11-KOOM house fur rent, furniture (or
sale: rooms alt rented: income VJii. 43
K. Couch. Kast 171.
yon KENT Six-room )iou,e. rent l-'".
Furniture for sale. 1-th ana Last Ankeuy.
I'all Kast :t:,l.
lioISE tor rent, liirllltuie lor Mtlc. 747
Everett St., near :JJ. alalu IbZU. Call
after 10 A. M.
6-KOOM house for rent, IJ'J UO per mo.;
furniture for sale cheap. 444 Hawthorn
UUUEI1N A-rouiii flat fur rent, lurnitiir
for sale: a reul home, Jsl WliHtakvr
s t. XI a r. .'ilS'i.
KI KNITI'liK of 4-niom flat for sale. Flat
for rent. !,le. Main 3tNo.
6-KOtl.M modern flat west side; water
heater, ranne. eleel rlcl t y. M :ir. I?-'..
FOft KENT 4-rooin ruruUhed cottage.
aside. Call Wdin. .
Summer KewortN.
5-R(H)M furnished cottaKe for rem froin
June 1 to Keul. 15 for SIOO. or for montli
of June, $30. two following mouths :i ."
each. Ocean I'ark, V axil. 1 all TiSM
Milwaukle, or write box 103, Milwaukl-.
SHll'flNG carload cuttaa. s to Seaside:
get your order In this week; wa pa
freight and erect free of charge. AIImims
Wall Hoard factory, Kiver and Let.
Tabor 47:i'l
FOR KENT Al lleach Center, .North.
Jleach, cienn tour-room collage, tur
nished, running water, near boulevard,
$70 per season. Write to Anna L. tichil
ler. Ircsham. Or.. Route 4.
SKASllJl.: 13a 111 h ave W. culioleteiy
furn. h-room house, modern throughou". ;
enclosed porcn, ovenooKing ocean. nr
June and Ju!y. At cotlaae over Oecors-'
tion dnv or 211 Lownlale st. after then.
TO SI' it LET From Juno L' to Auku.-I L
reasiae conttjte "'i U"M ' " "v, "int.
north from hntt-i. furnlsh'-d f xcit
linen, bedding and silvur). Inquire AN
716. Oregonian. '
For sale, small irscts of lan1 on tha
Clackamas river. AddreM i030. 6tth
street S"Uthenit.
FOR KENT At r-..nue. 6-romii titd-rn
cottaue, ocean view, paved sin-eis. mrgm
garaKe; open for Inspection bundHV 1.
M. and Monduyj iin ave., cm-bhip.
GEARH ART M.Mlern coLtuge, com plet-.v
lurnlsbed except suvtr anu iiih'ii. rur
la e or rent for season. winuow w r irm
N u tlnnnl Hank. M ir. flSOO. ,
CA Mi'SITES for rent at uiw -go lake.
fr. wood, . per montn. mh-iki tim
summer at the lake. I'hone Main hi.
fi Concord bidg.. 2d and .tnrk.
SMALL cottage at Sea View, on boule
vard; 1 block to ocean; running waipr..
June id to ovpiumDer x. aii-uu.
Main 49!tfl.
7. ROOM furniKhed lioune at ; lew
fireulace. running water; desiritbly lo-
cated. fronting ocean; 93 mouth. Wal
tun. Main 4)'6.
4-ROOM house, all modern, hot and coid
water, electric iignts, nam ciosn in oouru
walk, for rent for the m-uaon. Call
K ; i m t "44; evenings Kast 20SH.
CO.Y NOOK cottages, furnished, ehctrio
lights, luei, everyintng rii iihu hv .
silver. U. F.. McNeil, F. O. box 3t3.
: 1 . -
, w a vita uuih f.r rent. &-riium hH:h
cottaxe, fully furnished; aeasun Jt'-'U or
by month. Apply 6 and S i M. KatoD.
Main 23'1.
CANNON IEA-11 t'-nt hous. colltiltely
furnane.1: a too j.ra.u unuw. m r.,r
particulars ". 1.. Wlnuaril. ! Morrison.
ilAt l.KAN S CAM1'. I'SWKGO LAKli.
Summer rottatres lor rent oy nmuw
or season, y-'e rareiaser .mi s'm'".-.
7-ltOOM house for season at M-aview.
Wash. App y ..iiison v iu., ocm.ivw.
V a s h.. or WoQ'llawn 17Q.t. t
UEAU'l ll'LI-LV situated furillsln d r.u.n .
on etill creeK, nuuuuueauruu, .wwu.
O r. ' Snvler.
FOR KENT for tha tuunn, cottaga at
Ocean 1'ara, van, ncirn-in.,,
q u I re L M rs. Colllson. 443 I-:at Clay.
COTTAGK. Cannon lieach; ocean view; ar.
commouate lour. w iw ...
FOR RENT Seaside, Oregon, furnished ft-
room bungalow tor 'awin, i ,uuirw
10 R. 1 11 h. KaM ITS,
6-UuuM house, garage, fireplace, modern
bathroom, Dnuievaru. noivi.., i,t auui-
mer lease, tvn. I. Qi. tirrgonian.
GEAKHART Desirable 8-room modern
cottage, sun porcn, eiectriciiv. iirepiaoa
rent or sale. Mar. or jiar. nn.
SEAVIEW Comfortable coliac, hot, c.1,1
water, bath, four beds, Ki season. Box
otl. Seavlew. wan.
SEASIDE cottage. 0 mums I urmsueo. i
beds ana rou, in, a.-.sim. ihuw
2H01 or Dunning s nnop. f.eaMoe.
CANVAS house at Oak tiruva beach clnup.
Inquire "1'aradlse camp." Geo, C. liut-
nl.HonLSunday ana MumiaT.
SMALL house, well furnished. 130 Pr
month: Ocean l'ark. Wash, i'hona Sell-
wojT4nS 615 k. 2tn st.
FtR RENT Beach Center. cottaKes, oi,
4, two 3. one 7 rooms, for season. Tha
Yeager Place, box 3H. Long Ilea ell. WaMl.
5-Rt)OM collage. Seaside; 114 Third ave.,
near board walk: now open. .Marshall
SEASIDE 5-room modern furninlied cot
tage: June tu September. $22i. Wouu-
lawn 4H.1S.
FOR RENT 1ji" 6-nioin cutlagu, I 4i
blocks from beach. 321 7th ave. llr.
R. Smith, SeiiHide Drug Co., Seaside, nr."
FURNISHED cottages, New ton slatlnn,
Longbeach. Wash., June and Julv
Aulomallc 233-41.
5-ROO.M flat for rent and furnltura for
sale; west side. Brondwny 578.
ROCKAWAT PEACH New furnished lot-
tage, ocean front. Auto. 315 13.
fOU SALE Lots 16 and 17. block 55.
Itocliaway. 200 Cnnrurd Mdg.
6EAV1EW. Wanli. 0-rootn culLaga lor
ren t. furn 1 s h ed Mai n U 3
3ROOM cottage
at Seuslds fur aeason.
Woodlawn znn
SEASIDE, 5-room cottage, bath and elec
tricity, for June.- Bdwy. 3.,48.
MilDERN cottage at Seaside. Call Wood
lawn 1111
SEASIDE For reut, auiall Cottage for ava
son. East SOHB.
GEAKHART cottage. 4 beds. leclrtcll,
nice locstlon, 125 per month. Kast tl'lv.
FOR RENT 7-room furnished houae. tie
airabl location, iiox 67, teYsw, Vt'aaX