10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAT 29,, 1921 REAL ESTATE. For Hair House. HOMES THAT PAT. AJf ACRE) LOT ow H city - loti), between IRVINQTON PARK - - AND COLUMBIA BLVD.. with a ; little garden, berries mall fruits, , .. ft few chicken ctc certainly pays. $100 DOWN $25 PER MONTH. A very deslrmbl district, dandy lew of mountains, excellent soil, all In clover: representative on remind Sunday afternoon. A FEW VKRf CHOICE TRACTS LEFT. Alberta car to 30th and Ains worth, thence two blocks north. See &ir. Nay lor. with J. O. ELROD, Owner, BIT Corbett Bldg. Main (TITS. WEST SIDE. Two 6"-room houses, modern 1b every I respect, can be sold separately, KEAR- I NET street, just off of iUid, exceedingly reasonanie. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. T-roora house, modern. In A-l condi tion, full lot, shade and fruit trees, on I . Thurmaa street, low prloe, liberal j tonus. HAWTHORNE DT STRICT. -room bungalow, fireplace, 8 bed-1 rooms, basement, corner lot, 60x100, hard-surfaced street, price $3500, cash balance monthly payments. aat I 44th street. Just off Hawthorne. MOUNT TABOR, - "-room honse, ffara?e, lot 50x1.50, many I rare xruit trees, stuau berries, Kast layior, near DO la street, very low price. fasy xerma I'KED w. ygWELU 4m Henry Bid. uroaaway du.ii. . WTLLAMETTB HEIGHTS. L0V9I7 m4.il home, spacious tral hall, large living room. din In ST room, oomptete butler's pantry and kitchen. 8 sleeping1 rooms and bath; also large open porch off second floor; deep lot, fine shrubbery, Gaaco furnace, all 11 nQleums, draperies, electrlo range and - radiantlire heater, MRS HARRT PRIC3 PALMIB, East TD70. Smarlar attractive home In same H Vuon. ffOR SALJS BY OW.NB LAURELHURBT HOMB Two-story all-modern feonse, 8 blocks I rrom Laureinurst Far : 4 rooms down stairs. 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, I all enameled In Ivory, elegant electrl-1 cai zixiuree; all street improvements in and paid for; 83 Mlelke Place N. (same as 4d st.). 3d house north of Burnside: -price 17300. Phone Broadway 2203 or I Ai.ir.aii inquire JN. am St. AIUST BB SHE.V TO J3E APPRECIATED. IRVINGTON RHAL HOME 1.-.n This charming home, an Ivory and I narawooa rioors throughout, 2 fireplaces, I 3 tiled bathrooms. All dranerl?. 1275 Rndd heater. Gas stove and some fur-1 . Jiisnmca. immediate possession. easy I McDOXELL, EAST 419. Realtor. Ui PROCESS of construction; changes maae to suit; nigh-ciass bun- gaiow. Laurelhurst Addition; comblna- lion living and dining room, two sleep - lng rooms, ample closets and Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, all bulit-lns, hardwood floors, tile bathrom; space for two or three rooms upstairs; up-to-date plumbing, garage, cement walks; this home can be handled for I.J0UO, bal- FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION CO- " 616 McKay Bldg. - THE GREATEST BARGAIN IN THE CITY. IRVINGTON 7-ROOM MODERN. VACANT - This Is strictly modern; furnace, fire-1 yito, naruwooa iioors, Duiit-ins, brealc- last room and full rempnt hninmont with laundry trays; the house Is In the "V , I conditlon. If you want a home in irvmsion ana Know value when you I see it I will show you the best buy in the district. Price 83375; 15.175; I say f-'ou. -.an owner, lapor eUo. ... IRVINGTON COLONIAL In the heart of Irvlnsrton. near Rr- see st. Large living room, 2 fireplaces. uu uwuin; xntuu a room on 1st iioor. Also lavatory room, 3 beautiful bed- uiea nam, second rioor. . McDONELL. EAST 410. Realtor. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. - 4 rooms and reception hall, plastered, i m luufuiiis-, eiectneity, gas. lull base ment, ooxiov lot. garage with cemeni walls and floor, plenty of fruit, good lo cation; price only $2500; very small down yuywvui, Dai. ii rent. GEO. F. CROW, with HESGARD & H ARAL A. bui Mississippi Ave. - Wdln. 1201. Res.. Wdln. 2795. uiTORTUMTY for doctor, fine home and business property, right in heart of good business district, income value $100 mommy; ideal for doctor's resi dence account or intense traffic; roon lor two more stores on lntr niunt ntri. flee and will take good residence in ex-I cnange; aon t xnwa opportunity. Owner, I ri. u iiiun avenue. " SNAP. 3300 S40O CASH- ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW o BUUM8, t'lKST FLOOR, 2 FIN ISHED ON SECOND- FTTRV4PR . DUTCH KITCHEN; CLOSE TO CAR a R. SPMERVILLK. IB ROADWAY 2473. TABOR COURT DISTRICT. - --room modern bungalow. Dutch Kitchen, built-in features, 2 bedroom large back yard, place for chickens and garden; close to 2 bet car services and J schools; a coxy little place and you I i utji uiiTLi witn owner on prem- I i.rn r. g-aimon St.. near 4tth. SUNNVSIDE. 833AU EASY TERMS , "--ROOM .MODERN BUNGALOW. EX CELLENT CONDITION; HARDWOOD FLOORS; AT 22 E. 34TH 1ST. ; HURRY OUT TO SEE THIS OR CALL US AND V, WILL, TAKE YOU OUT. ; R. BOMERVILLK. BROADWAY 2478. A (iOOD BARGAIN Six rooms, fcodern piumo:ng. three full lota sewer harri- - surface streets In Duid: onlv s:ii:50: xio I cash. 815 month; am determined to seel onie person tot a noma: iiveiv rifntri.-t J- P. McKenna, Realtor, 1151 Belmont it .n'in. ianor b-k'3. " ENGLISH COLONIAL HOME. iureiaursi; owner; sojtoo; q rms. nurary. ua parior and sleeping porch: - H improvements paid; will consider ' automoblie or food lot nun noir. mnt; best buy in LaurelhursL Tabor I -SZbOO J-ROOM COTTAGE, partly fur ntshed, modem plumbing; lot 50x100; three blocks to car; splendid district; 9o00 cash, balance as can agree; will snd car for you. Jackson, with J. P. McKenna, Realtor, 1151 Belmont at SOth St. laDQr o-iita. ROSE CITY. 82150 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT: 4 . ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW; GA RAGE. FRUIT AND ROSES; AT 601 r R. POMFRVTLLE. K ROADWAY 247S. LARGS 6-room bungalow ; h. w. floors; - U bulit-lns, large living room: nlate- glaes windows; garage; 81000 down, $G0 - a montn. inciuaing interest. Price 85500. "laTOTiM-i. uwner. Kit NT ON $3350, nifty 5-room bungalow. paved street, 1 block to car and school. sincny mouern, except Dasement. m , Jnr bungalows in this district sell for loaotf. can agent. Main 6327. - litHA 6-ROOM modern bungalow; $U(l0 cash; swell district; am sacrificing tot get money; your money's worth: must sell this week. J. P. McKenna, Realtor, ii.m rteimont ac 'in. ianor tn;'3. KENTON. ' 4-rm. house. $1550. lot 50x100; fruit 1 ' end flower;". 2 bike, from carline; In I Kenton. 1761 Denver ave. Ida R, Gil- I - tette. BEAUTIFULLY arranged 5-roora house and attic with all built-in features and f " all oak floors; Interior finished in white I "'enamel and ivory; a bargain; come and I se it. and tornis. col. 65. SJX-KOOM mouern bungalow with eleep- . lng porch and garage; good location; at I - a bargain. By owner, terms or cash. AC I ; nn. Qregonlan. tt-KtK.'M house on hard surface street; Woodstock; lots of fruit trees: might take auto as part payment; price 83UO0; Mivjuity ft.p-'"- rtaw-y. ;)t. J35UU BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 4 r. and breakfast, furnace, fireplace. rinevie w. run lot; terms. Kast on FOR SALE bv owner, fi-room house fcnd 1 ..furniture, on East Main, walking dls- - -tance. rnone i-ast mv. WEST SIDE. S. W. rorner Front and Sher- - man sttf., 100xl06Vs. with 2 houses. Owner, 634 4th st. 'GR SALE or trade for city residence. 3'.20 Davis, run SOOO miles. Best of con- 'diilon. 48 Hoyt st. . FOR SALE 6-room house and bath. Haw thorne are. district. Price 8-IS00. 24 Kat 46th at. ' f?O0' CASH, $y monthly, buys 6-room k house at ft7 East 67th, N. 82O0O. 420 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. East 11f3. GOOD 8-room house, fine location. Sell or trade. $1300, East 6223. RE At ESTATE. For hair Hoium. B1HR-CAREY. Main 7487 Main 6083. OPEN SUNDAT AND MONDAY. Every one of these houses Is a very desirable home. Each has been person ally Inspected and Its value is substan tially more than the price for which we are oermltted to mIJ It. Before you . buy your home see the photographs of our large, exclusive, moderately priced ROSBJ CITT PARK. $-750, $750 DOWN, t Very well built, good-looking bunga low type house with four bedrooms, one of them being downstairs; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, paved street, sewer, excellent neignoornooa; owner moving to California. ROSE CITY PARK. $1750, 8750 DOWN. On 30th street, near Brazee, a double constructed, attractive five-room bunga low, with two large bedrooms, bui it-ins of every description, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. This bunga low is in excellent condition and Is a real buy. GROVE LAND PARK. $4750. Handsome, unusually well constructed five-room bungalow, on a paved street with sewer; hardwood floors, fireplace. This bungalow has large, airy rooms, is five years old and in excellent condi tion. It Is on Slid atreeL Very con venient terms. NEAR PENTNSUXA PARK. 750 DOWN. Strictly modern, new five-room bun galow with ivory woodwork, hardwood , floors, fireplace, garage, , built-in of I every description. This bungalow is of a very p leasing type oi arcnueciure, double constructed, in a restricted dis trict, near Peninsula Park and within walking distance of Jefferson high school. The price is only ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK. 83700, 1700 DOWN. On 83d street, near Prescott. & mod ern five-room bungalow with two large bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, garage, on a full lot with sewer. This is a very fine bungalow at this price. Monthly payments 2Q, with 0 per cent Interest. MONTA VILLA BUNGALOW. $3250. This bunralow Is unusually attractive. well built, has five large, well arranged rooms, every known kind of built-in, including buffet, bookcases, window seats, fireplace, sleeping porch. This is a wonaeriui buy. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. 8 Rooms, Sleeping Porch, 3u00. This house Is $1000 underprlced. It has two bedrooms and sleeping porch. loads of bullt-ins, large rooms, cement basement, laundry tray a It is double constructed and very good-looking; $600 wui handle, v BROOKLYN. 8 ROOMS, $2750. This six-room house has three bed rooms, full plumbing, is on a paved street with sewer. It is well built and In fine condition; only 8500 necessary to nanaie. FIFTY-SECOND STREET S. E. 12700. Six years old. five-room bungalow with two excellent tearooms, nnest or pi undo ing, cement basement and laundry trays. on a macadam street. This bungalow at this price is a snap. 74TH STREET BUNGALOW. 82350, $350 DOWN. Well built, good-looking four-room bungalow with fireplace, cement base ment, fine plumbing, lots of bullt-ins; very good value. EAST BURNSIDE STREET. FIREPLACE BUNGALOW, $1200. 5-room bungalow with two bedrooms. fireplace and lull plumbing, on a maca dam street, convenient terms. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $2300,. $2U0 DOWN. Four-room bungalow with full plumb ing. on a full lot. This bungalow la new, plastered and has a cement base ment. BIHR-CAREY, Stark and Third Streets. Main 7487 Main 6983. OPEN SUNDAY AND MONDAY. GET STARTED RIGHT. Go out and see those 3 or 4 room modern little bungalows Just completed on acre lots adjoining Irvington Park; high-grade steel gray finish In living, dining and bedroom, white enamel In kitchen and bathroom; very best of soil and in fine condition for garden, x berries, small fruits, etc., which in a short time can be made to pay for the property. Take Alberta car to 30th and Alnsworth, thence two blocks north. , See Mr. Nay lor, with J. O. Elrod, Owner, 61T Corbett Bldg. Main 6173. IRVINGTON ENGLISH HOME. ThU beautiful home on 100x100 cor ner. Natural trees and beautiful shrubs. large living room and dining room in solid mahogany. French doors opening out to east porch; 3 lovely bedrooms on 1st iioor ; z lire pi aces, z oearooma ana glass-Inclosed sleeping porch and large balconizea norary on seuona iioor. Home has 2 bathrooms and extra plumbing; double garage. Real sacri fice for short time. Owner in New York City. HcDUNELiL, BAST 419. Realtors. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. On E. 17th st., near Stanton; large living room with French doors to dining room and library, S lovely bedrooms, bath and kitch en ; Gasco furnace ; finest floors ; large windows; old Ivory finish; garage; built for a home. By ap pointment. ( MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7 1)7 a. IF YOU MEAN BUSINESS HERB IS YOUR DEAL. Business compels leaving for Califor nia. Laurelhurat, model home, choicest location; 7 rooms, solid construction, built-ins, oak floors, fire leas cookers, sleeping porch, den, big yard, fruits, flowers; best of neighbors. Cut from $f000 to 80750. Room 418 Board of Trade. FOR SALE BUNGALOWS and HOUSES. On 3iuh. 5-room bouse 82200 On 37th, 6-room house 4250 on Main, 7-room house 4600 On Main, 7-room furnished house.. 5000 On 30th. 5-room bungalow 3700 On 83d, 5-room bungalow 4000 On 3(th. fi-room bungalow 37o0 jNUKTHWJKST MTU. CO., 436 Cham, of Com. OO YOU WANT a real swell bungalow lur a nome, one tnat nas an tne built-ins. Lhe best white enamel finish, the best artisxic electrical fixtures and every thing elite In keeping, but with a low price and easy terms? If so, I've got It, A wonderful house, and I'll show it any time you ask. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR. Main 6S09. 104 Fifth Street. ROSE CITY. $500 DOWN $500. ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. JUST OFF THE ALAMEDA DRIVE; HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. FIREPLACE. FURNACE, GARAGE; $50 PER MONTH ON BALANCE, INCLUD ING INTEREST. R. POM KRV IIjLK, HRUADWAT 247. lAAW'ltiOKNE DISTRICT. $5500. Bv owner. 5-room modern bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, Dutcb Kitcnen;- in rranklin high school district; on carline. $2500 cash, bal. on mortgage. 367 E. 54th at., near Lincoln. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Five-room modern bungalow, In Haw thorne district; hardwood floors, full cement basement, fireplace and furnace; reasonable price. 355 E. 47th St., Itt blocks south of Hawthorne. SIX-ROOM house, .east front, 50x100 lot; 2-tt blocks from Albert a car; tun cement basement. Radiant pipeleps furnace; fruit trees, shrubbery and berries, $3200. 1133 W. 2Hth st N. FUit SALiJ ive rooms, reception hall and bath, lull basement and wash trays, large attic, floored and plastered; fire- Dlace. outlet, narawooa xioors. can Sellwood 40 Monday. MODERATE cost houses at a price you can afford; your lot or ours; win assist in financing. FABRICATED CON ST R U C T I ON00!fllRMcKayblffg WILL build 6-room house, beautiful loca tion, nice garage. Alt xaoor aistrict, $3 100. 1000 cash ; no agents. Phone Tabor 1665. HAWTHORNE, $3700. neat 5-room bunga low, furnace, cement basement, garage. Call Main 6327. 8600 BUYS A HOME. WOOD LAWN 1763. REAL ESTATE. Suburban -iomes. $1350 ST. MARY'S STATION, near Beaverton; Almost 4 acres, a small 3-room house, red barn, chicken house, some small fruit trees and berries, fenced with wire fencing; city water piped to the hous. cash $300, balance $20 per montfi-, $1600 OT. MARY'S STATION, close to red electric; 2 acres. In a high state of cultivation: 3-room cot , tage, chicken house; gas, city water In the house; fruit and berries, half acre in potatoes; cash $600, balance $25 per mo. ; five minutes' walk to station. $3100 RYAN STATION. 4-room bunga low, bath, fireplace, gas, elect triclty,' city water; city carfare; phone, garage, screened chicken house; half acre with choice or chard, full bearing strawberries, loganberries, SPLENDID VIEW, on good road, only two minutes' walk to station; cash $1000, terms. $3500 Beaverton district, 2 acres: 5 room bungalow, screened -in Sorch 10x24. gas: barn, chicken oune, family orchard, running water In the house; 10 different kinds of berries: cash $800. bal ance terms; only 10 minutes' walk to station. $10,000 NEAR BEAVERTON STATION. 17 ACRES IN BEAVERTON. 20 min utes' drive to Portland: 6-room bouse, seml-modern, oiled and papered, Dutch kitchen, bath, hot and cold water: ga rage, barn, chicken houses, orchard ; 3 acres in asparagus, l acre in onion seea. some rhubarb and garlic; every foot in a hiarh state of cultivation. Tnia win soon pay for itself, as owner can pro duce books showing gross Income of $4000 last year. This is one of tne priae ranches of BEAVERTON. Cash $3500, balance terma Do you want a suburban home? The above are personally appraised and selected from HH. I is tines. See us before you buy. PHOTOS AT OFFICE. Office opn Sunday. 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 221 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1S31 7-ROOM suburban home, full basement. barn, V acre on paved road. 2 blocks to car; ideal location, s;f7u. 7uu casn. 4-room basement, furnished or unfur nished, garage, buildings new. city con veniences In, 3 blocks to car; paved road to city, 20 minutes out. Lot 50x100; more land if wanted, $2500; $500 cash. 6 rooms, basement, outbuildings, fruit and flowers: 34 acre. 2 diocks to car paved road to city; will take 1 or 2 acres on car line or $500 cash as first pay ment; a good suburban house for fam ily, rl gh t at sr h ool Mr. Hare, w 1 th A. J. DeFOREST & CO., (Realtors) 320 Henry B 1 dg. B road way 5590. AT A SACRIFICE FOR SHORT TIME.. RESTRICTED RIVER FRONT. SELL OR LEASE. MONET-MAKER AND BEAUTIFUL HOME. MODERN 11 ROOMS AND 3 BATHS. WITH 1 OR 17 ACRES, fi ACRES GRAPES. CHERRY A-ND APPLE ORCHARD. COLONIAL MODERN 7 ROOMS AND BATH. ACRE OR MORE. IMPROVED ACREAGE. ALL THESE 3 MILES CITY LIMITS. PORTLAND. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE OWNER, OAK GROVE I-W. . NEAR MULTNOMAH. Whole acres, or 8 lots, for $1200. $300 down; Bull Run water, electricity, tele phone, gas, on rocked road, with O. E. stations at both ends of traQt: unob structed view of coast range and Tuala tin valley for 50 miles. All In natural shrubbery. Most desirable location south of the business section and only 16 minutes from it with 9c car fare; Ore gon electric to Maplewood or Barstow v stations or Garden Home road to Dled rich lane, ask for MR. KEMP. On Diedrich Lane. "JUST FOR TWO." Very attractive little cottage: living and dining room, kitchen, bath and bed room, running water, electricity and city phone, good garage, nestling in a beau tiful grove- of native trees: almost Vt acre of land. See It today, Buckley ave.. jut off Powell Valley road. You will see our sign. $2S50. R H. CON FRET. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of. Trade BMff. OSWEGO LAKE HOMES. Spend the day in Lake Grove park on beautiful Oswego lake, boating, bathing, fishing and good buys. $ 075 5 rooms, water, light gas. garden. 81275 1 acre and new 3-room. $14W) Large cor. acre, new cottage. $2100 Bungalow, 4 rooms, on acre. -S1600 Acre, view of lake and Mt Hood. $ 50O Lake view, large homesite. Camp sites for rent. See owner, 500 Concord. bldg.. 2d and Stark. 2 ACRES, or 5. highly Improved, crops all In and in fine shape; abundance of fruit, berries, flowers, on carline and right at school; good well appearing 6-room house, basement, all city con veniences at hand; fronts on Park drive; good outbuildings for stock and fowls; a good home and good buy; you must have $2500 cash. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. Realtors. S20 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5500, FOR SALE 3 1-10 acres. 2 acres beaver- dam sub-Irrigated 12-inch tile, adjoin ing running creek: house loxao. city wa ter and gas; tt acre to basket willows; six blocks irom Oregon :ectric depot, four blocks from grade and high school. Town hss large payroll, plenty work in nursery ana willow lurnuure ractorv. No agents. Price $1800, part cash. R. F. Schneider, Orenco, Or. 5-ROOM HOUSE AND PRETTY ACRE. IN CULTIVATION. BEARING ORCHARD, BUILT-IN KITCHEN, HOT AND COLD WATER, GARAGE. 9 MILES OUT, WEST SIDE. PHONE MAIN 7057. NEW SUBDIVISION. OSWEGO LAKE. . -Just being opened, here Is one nample: Large home site, 100x200 feet, fine soil, beautiful grove, running brook, rocked auto road, electric lights, piped water, 32ttc fare, price $525, with $25 down. Let us show you these choice homesites. Owner. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Sjerk. SUBURBAN HOME. 6-room modern bungalow, acre, at Mult, sta., on Capitol highway; lots of fruit and berries, hotbed and chicken house, gas, elec. lights and city water. Reasonable. $1000 cash. COB A. McKENNA. Main 4522. 82 4th Ft. BIG BARGAIN Chicken, garden, fruit ranch, 3 acres; creek : 7-room house, barn: $1800. worth double; house Insured $1000; adjoining 3 acres just sold $2600; school. Ry. sta., auto road, 30 minutes from Montgomery-Ward's. Owner, 319 Hallway Exch. bldg. Main 675; resi dence Knst 76S. 4 CHICKEN RANCH. $2050 $400 DOWN 'Good slx-rm. bung., tt acre, chicken runs. 2tt blocks car: buffet. French doors, bath. toilet, .elec. gas. water. BARGAIN. MARSH & McCABB CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 33. "EXTRA NICE HOMESITE." 6 acres In cultivation, lots of fruit and berries. 6-room houee and barn, close to river, on west side: 20 minutes by auto from city; high end sightly. Price $5000. $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. This is exceptional value. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165tt 4th St. GOOD 5-room house, beside pantry and bath ; on one floor, basement, tt acre, close to school and car, $2650; terms, or trade for rooming house or grocery stock. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO., Realtors, 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5500 PRETTY SUBURBAN HOME. Beautiful Lake Grove modern bunga low and one-half acre of ground; this is an opportunity of a lifetime to get a nice suburban home. See Mra Lee. third house North of Lake Grove, above rail road. ONE-ACRE HOME. DANDY little 4-room cottage: hot and cold water, bath; only 30 minutes out; $2650. $5O0 cash. R. H. COXFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid? ONE OR TWO ACRES. Right on the pavement. Will build you a small house to suit for a small payment down and your own terms on the balance. For particulars, call Mr. Fisher, Main 5429. LARGE 5-room bungalow, full basement, chicken house and runs, garage, fruit and berries, tt acre on corner, $3600, $000 cash. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO., Realtors. 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5500. MODERN BUNGALOW on Oregon electric, Ryan station, 5 blocks from station and city school, has gas, city water, orchard, garden, garage, on two and one-half acres $5500 and terms. Phone owner, Marshall 3236, or AR 703, Oregonian. SUBURBAN. Jennings Lodge; 1 acre, fruits, berries, garden, 6-room house, garage, electric lights, block car, $3800. Mr. Colt. 626 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rtsley station, on Oregon City car line. FURNISHED or unfurnished, tt acre with 4-room house, near Dosch station, fruit trees and berries; garden In. small pay ment down, easy terms. Main 5626. MULTNOMAH bargain; two-room house with two fine Iota, cheapo Call Sellwood H6 NEW BUNGALOW in pretty grove with comer acre, half cleared, electric lights, 350 tt to car line. Wa Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. VERY CLOSB-rN ACREAGE. 6 acres, 3 miles from 8 2d st. East, be tween the base line and Sandy boule vard; best of black loam soil; all under cultivation; mile from electric sta tion; smalt orchard, 8 -room house, barn, garage, chicken house; gasoline engine end water system; wire fences; an ex ceptionally fine piece of land; price $3600, 81000 cash. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY HOME. Nearly acre, under cultivation, with bearing fruit; 100 ft. from paved high way, 2 blocks from station; 5-room plas tered bungalow, cement basement, com plete white enamel plumbing; garage, chicken house, city water, nice lawn and shrubbery; price $3000, 81000 cash. In spected by Hunter. NEW CALTFORNTA BUNGALOW, ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 1 acre, all under cultivation, 1 block from electric station, 8 miles from cen ter of Portland, 1 block to school; fine new bungalow with best of white enamel plumbing; city water and gas in and electric lights can be had; $1000 cash, balance $20 month and Interest 6 per cent. Property is clear. ACRE TRACTS, WEST SIDE. Between Multnomah and Barstow, on macadamized road, on the electric line, 0c commutation fare: best of eoil, no rock nor gravel, high sightly ground, city water and gas to each acre; offered In acre and half-acre tracts; electric lights being put in. Price 8700 per acre. Ask for Mr. Kemp. AT MULTNOMAH STATION. acre with lots of berries, 5 blocks from station; good 3 -room plastered Dungaiow, oest or plumbing, garage, chicken house, gas, city water, electric lights; price 8-700, $700 cash. Inspect ed by Kemp. CLOSE TO MULTNOMAH STATION. acre, 1 block from paved highway, some berries, 3-room house with gas, city water and electric lights; close to school; total price $2000, 81000 cash. In spected by Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg.. Realtor. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. MULTNOMAH. On the Oregon Electric, only 20 min utes from the center of the city of Port land; has the choicest suburban building sites on the west elde. Don't fail to in vestigate before decidmg finally on the place to T)ut your permanent home. I can give you anything from a lot to an acre on terms of 10 down and easy monthly payments. Get away from the high rent and establish a home of your own. I have started hundreds of people In the right path that leadw towards a permanent and. independent home In this delightful district. I shall be glad to take you out In my machine a-nd show you over the property at your conven ience. BEN RIESLAND. Dealer in Multnomah Property Exclusively. 404 Piatt B Idg.. 127 Park St. SUBURBAN HOME ON ELECTRIC LINE. 20 miles from Portland, county road, 8 miles from HHIsboro. 20 acres, 8 under cultivation, 6-room house, bath, toilet, laundry tubs, work shop, two sleeping rooms overhead, tools and implements, equipment gaso!ine) for pumping water, sawing wood. etc.. chicken house, or chard. 20 trees each of apples, peaches, bearing, also small fruits, berries, very much furniture, range, etc., goes witn the place, also growing crop. Price $5000. cash 83000. balance mortgage at 6. liberal time. This ie a chance of a lifetime. FRED W. NEWELL, 407 Henry Bldg. Broadway S030. HIGHLY IMPROVED SUBURBAN HOME. Sw, nr-ren on naved road, one DIOCK to car station. 2 acres in berriea. nice variety of tree fruit; all in growing crop, splendid 6-room house, with all modern conveniences, has full basement, furnace, laundry trays, gas, electric lights, Bull Run water, very best of plumbing, bulit lns In kitchen, gas and wood range, gas water-heater, linoleum on floors and window shades go with the property; fine barn, garage and chicken houses, it will pay you to see t,his before buying; price $8000. KRIDER & ELKTNGTON, GRESHAM. 3-ACRE COUNTRY PLACE. If vou are looking for a real bargain, get this; 5 rooms and bath. Dutch kitch en, v built-in buffet and bookcase, fire place, city gas and phone, private water system and three big. beautiful wooded acres: only $4500. Drive out Powell Val ley road about 3 miles east of 82d street, turn to left on Laurel ave. You will eee our sign. Get kev acro.s street. R H. COXFREY. REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Modern bungalow, newly painted. 5 rooms, s!een!nig porch, all on one floor; basemen, fireplace. Rp-otor heing sys tem, gas. electric lights. Bull Run water; ebout tt acre of ground, garden, all kinds of berries, natural trees and sh rubber v. Located 1 block west and 1 block north of Evergreen station on Ore gon City Urns 30 minutes' ride from 1st a-nd Alder streets. Price $6000. See the owner at the place or at room 3. Union station. , BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Situated on the banks of a trout stream, among rhododendrons and other beautiful shrubs, tt mile from city limits, stone's throw paved boulevard, consisting of 5 seres, artistic Dungaiow, own elec tric light and water plant, large fire places, shower bath, sleeping porch, dou ble garage, everything to make it cosy, at a bargain. Y 655, Oregonian. OVERLOOKING OSWEGO LAKE. ALL FURNISHED LEASE OR SELL. Beautiful 1-acre piece with 6-room modern home; all furnished; water piped all over place. Will lease to reliable partv or sell at the low .price of $0500; $1500 cash and terms. Call Sunday. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 4-05 PANAMA BLDG.. 3D AND ALDER. ,. MUST SELL. Va, acre, nice 5-room bungalow. In good condition, full plumbing; fruit, shrubbery and berries, beautiful views, EastmorMand district, close to car. Price $2650, some terms, might accept light car. Owner Main 3731 today. AT JENNINGS LODGE. Two blocks to Station, a sightly loca tion; fruit, berries; a wonderful 6-room nearly new bungalow; private water sys tem; barn, chicken house, on good road. This home alone would cost $6000 to build; over an acre of ground. See your Ideal country home. 403 Couch bldg. Main 3352 BARGAIN 7c FARE. 5-room bungalow, full basement, flre pla.ee, gas. electric lights, acre finest eoil. 10 fruit trees, berries, garden planted; 3 chicken houses, some chlck eno; tt blo-ck to car; orvly 23 m mutes to 1st ana Alder for 7c. Price only $3700; GIBSON. REALTOR. Mars-hall 12. 5 ACRES GARDEN HOME. SELL AT SA;ttiriCi. ah in cultivation, end has 7-room modern bungalow with gas. electricity and bath and toilet: barn, chicke- house ami garage. Price $7500; 8100O cash will handle. Call Simd'ay. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 PAXAMAJLDO..JD ANALX)ER. LARGE FRAME BUNGALOW of 10 rooms with 3 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms: 6 acres of cholce-slghtly gardening ground, near Multnomah on the Oregon Elec to be aaftfirAd. Pronertv Is suitable for a clubhouse. eenirflTlum or fine countrr home For particulars can on tit,. RIESLANP. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. nnnn mmA nit. "Rtill Run water and gas. electricity avaiianie. rrom o to -blocks from Oregon Electric station, be tween Multnomah and Maplewood. From 8230 to 800 per lot, $25 cash, $10 per month W. Borsch, owner, Maplewood, Or. Phone Main 2182. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. 8 acres and 6-room modern bungalow, gas, water, plumbing, fireplace, garage; a beautiful place, close in on Laurel ave., near Powell Valley road; only $4000, reasonable terms. See Mr. Ginty, Title & Trust to. WHV PAY RENT? Wonderful building site, 50x150; good 2-room shack. lights and Bull Run water in house. Some garden In. Small fruit, hen house and yard fenced. Price 1575. Multnomah. Phone Main 8315. somr BUY. $975. Suburban cottage In good repair, five rooms, basement, work shop, chicken house, some furniture, garden, water, lights, auto road. 9c fare; easv terms, 500 Concord bidg., 2d and Stark. $220O BUYS A NEARLY NEW MODERN 4-room nouse, nwr itiuiiHoiinwi uii mo Oregon Electric; 2 terge lots; very easy terms. Full particulars can be had by aoDlying to' Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park at. " AT HUBER, 2 BLKS. FROM STATION. 1 42-100 acres in cultivation. 5-room house. bath. gas. outbuildings, some furniture, fruit trees and berries. $300. J. W. Anderson, at Huber. j FOR SALE On paved highway, 6 miles from postoffice, 1 acre of land, 7-room house; all modern, garage; chicken house and 29 fruit trees. Price $3500. Owner. Auto. 625-22. ; SACRIFICED FURTHER TO $3500. Sacrifice 6-room suburban home, two acres, 8 miles out on Base Line road, own water system, garage, sleeping porch. Owner. Main 3488. CLASSY, JAZZY 1-acre home, suited to appeal to young people. . Main room 1 8x30. Fine for parties ; city conven iences. 20 minutes drive to city. Terma Call 654-42. $375 ONE FULL acre, all parked, near station. Your first payment $10. Look this over. Owner, W. 590, OrvgooUa, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH STATION. Elegant 7 -room bungalow, bath, base ment, furnace, fireplace, all built-in fea tures, hardwood floors, with 1 acra of fruit and beautiful streets, very sightly; 80800, easy terms. New 6-room bungalow, bath, garage, 2 fine lots, near highway; $2000. H acre, 4-room house, income from iruit; siojju; dou aown. see NED BURKE. MAIN 1003. AT McFARLAND'S STORE, Lake Grove. S. P.- red electric, Sunday and Monday. cottage, one-third a,, tent, fur niture. $1850 Cottage. A-l furniture, garage. $1275 new cottage bungalow. $150 cash. j-rm. bungalow. A-l. 15u cash $3900 6-rm. modern bungalow, V acre. Lake View, 3 blks. elec sta.t $700 casn. MULTNOMAH STATION. Nice 3-room bungalow, bath, buflt-lns in Kitcnen, unexcelled view, near station. Can be bought furnished with beautiful mahogany ivory furniture, fine Wilton rugs, etc., or win consider selling un furnished. $1675; 800 down. See NED BURKE. MAIN 1903. ON OREGON CITY ELECTRIC A beautiful suburban home of one acre near station, with fruit, berries, etc.. and a moaern -room nouse with water sys tem, hot water heating plant and every thing up to date; price $7500, half cash. R 706, Oregonian. J 1400. HEW MLWAUKIB HOMJ3. Take About $254 Cash. House 3 rooms to be completed soon; 100x125 corner; paved highway will b in front; easy payments. Owner, Bdwy 5173. y ACRES, all in bearin-g fruit trees, grapes; 4-room house, sleeping porch, bath, garage, on county road. 20 min. ride to town on Oregon Electric: 5 min. walk to station. Garuen Home. Main 343 L $1175 H BLK. HIGHWAY, Oswego, elec, gas, water, garden, on graveled street, : 50x100 lot, 8t00 cash, with furniture 5 room house. McFARLAND, at Lake Grove. Oswego Lake, Sunday and Mon day. A good place cheap. CHOICE suburban home sites with Bull Run water, gas. electricity, on highway, In crop and berries, easy terms. 4uth and King sts., Milwaukie, Or. J. W. Grasie, owner. SPECIAL CUT PRICE, $650 cash, full tt acre, in garden, modern bungalow, lake view, tt blk. sta. Price $3250, terms; will be at store. Lake Grove, Sunday and Monday. McFarland. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buy modern house and two acres at a reasonable price; easy terms. Owner. Auto. 620-47. For Sale Business Property. $7500 GILT-EDGED Investment, east side business property, lou feet frontage; one of the most prominent corners on this busy street; five stores, paying over 12 per cent net; can be made to pay more without further expense; $3000 cash will handle. 200 E. 47th su Phone Tabor 65. Owner. A SPLBNDID BUY. Business corner on west side; Income over $1800 annually; about $0000 cash required ; easy terms. AH 719, Orego nian. ENTIRE block, west side. North Portland trackage. u.uuo. xiiir iv jit o v jk. Main 4154. Homestead 3, Relinquishments, I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to lGO-acre tracts, either Fortiand or Rosbeurg district, farming or timber land: am in a oosltion to give you as good, if net better, service" than anyone In the state: government map. checked up to date, E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bidg. COPY govt, maps showing western Oregon homestead lands, $1. Our charges are reasonable and our services the best on locations. References given. M. J ANDERSON, 531 Railway Exch. Bldg.. Portland. 160-ACRE RELINQUISHMENT. 35 miles from Portland; very open; Al soil; lots of good cedar timber; would make a good stock ranch. Price $150. Open Sunday from 1 to 3 P. M. 613 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG. PARTIES interested in making speculative investment land locations of from $30 to $200, with possibility of large re turns, call at 10C5 Chamber of Cora merce bldg. NOTICE. . Theaters are allowed to charge only $10 per day; overcharges should be re ported to proper authority. DANDY homestead relinquishments for $300. $400 and $750, on fine auto road in highly improvea iarming locality near Grants Pass. 301 corbett Diag. 160 ACRES timber land, 810 acre. G 6i9, Oregonian. Fruit Lands for Kale or Rent. ORCHARDS fully developed In tracts of 10 or -u-acres located near vvnite ai mon. one of the beet apple-growing belts, producing at this time high-grade apples under run cultivation ana care of manager. Owing to dissolving part nership in a community holding these tracts of 10 and 20 acres each will be sold separately. For particulars inquire C H Estes. White Salmon, or s. r. Hills, administrator. 1723 L. C. Smith Bldg.. Seattle. FDR RALE OR EXCHANGE. 11-acre apple and berry tract; 7 a. apples, 1-3 acre strawberries. 1 tt acres loganberries, Daiance tor Dutimng sue ; whole price $2800; my equity $800; will consider Ford car in exchange. Box 254, Sheridan. Or. FIVE acres bearing walnuts and cherries, 13 years' old; Stt miles from Amity, Yamhill county. Snap for $1250, worth $2500, obliged to sell. Ai 17, Orego nian. 25 TO 50 ACRES real walnut land. Joins finest walnut orchards In Oregon ; bar gain price. Marshall 4416. For Hale Acreage. OWNER MOVING"1 TO CALIFORNIA. 3 acres, just off Newberg highway and only 4 blocks to electric station: 18 miles out; all in cultivation; a fine, modern home of 6 large rooms with two screened-in porches, sleeping porch, fire place, bath and toilet, built-in effects, Dasement, house plastered, electric lights, 14 fruit trees, woven wire fences, shrub bery, chicken house and run. All goes for $3700. Can you beat it? Easy terma John E. Howard (Realtor), 31 Cham ber of Commerce. MODERN CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW AND - GARAGE, BUILT FOR MY HOME, WITH FIVE ACRES OR MORE, ORCHARD AND OUTBUILDINGS; ALL NEW, CITY CONVENIENCES IN COUNTRY: PRETTY 9-MILE DRIVE ON PAVED HIGHWAY, WEST SIDE. PHONE MAIN 1441; EVENINGS, EAST 7304. VANCOUVER ACREAGE. 5-acre ranch, mile from Vancou ver city limits, good roads, tt mile to car, near school ; soil, sandy loam, no gravel, 4 acres clear; 1 acre strawber ries, young apple, cherry and peach or chard, grapes and berries; 4-room bun galow with long living room ; crops, implements and tools included at only $3800, liberal terms. Main 1503. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. ; NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 10 acres, just off the highway, on rock road, all In cultivation, within 2 blocks of station, all in crop. 1 acre potatoes, 5 acres wheat, pop and sweet corn, 2tt acres berries, 40 fruit trees in bearing, good barn with hay fork, 4 room house, electrlo lights available. Onlv $5000, terms. JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE LOCATION. Here Is one of the best suburban home cites to be had. just outside city limits, facing on Section Line road ; splendid eoil. ready-for seeding; Bull Run water available; almost one acre. $1070. $110 cash. R H. COXFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg SUBURBAN HOMES AND ACREAGE AT GRESHAM. Just the place for your permanent home; Bull Run water, gas and elec tricity. We also have a number of well Improved small farms near town to show you. KRIDER & ELKTNGTON. Ori-aham, Telephone S34t. MONTANA LAND. 160 a. gtod Montana farm land, -3 undr cultivation, orchards and fray land, hos cabin, 3 hay barns and two other buildings. Best of drinking water and a good trout stream on the plaoe. For further information phone or write MILDRED HASTRICH. Ma In 212. 588 Broadway Drive. IF YOU WANT a real buy in half acre tracts, talce Greeham car to Stanley sta. Our men will be there to meet you and show you the property: - y acres and better, $275 ana up, Johnston . Realty Co (Realtors). 622 Henry bldp.. Pun days and evenings Sell. 17S0 and office Bdwy. l.-iza LET ME SHOW YOU. Acres, half acres, $10 payments. Al berta car. No assessments. R. W. Cary, residence Main 1477. TO LEASE for 6 months. 10 acres in cul tivation in Sunnvside district. Call Mon day. Marsh. 1643, - WILL sell or trade 160 acres fine land, part timber, near Woodland. Wash., $16 tier acre. East 622 A BARGAIN 36 acres on paved highway, $600; $350 cash. Owner, V 709, Orego nian. IS ACRBS. also houm-moving outfit. 6131 92d at S E Tbotnss Allen pit, 40 ACRES at the end of Base Line, or chard, good and, iiajit SiftZ REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 4 V ACRES. 8 blocks from station an school, 3 acres under cultivation, 40 bearing fruit trees, sandy loam soli, lots of berries. 4-room house, small barn chicken house and other buildings; good graveled road by place; between Fort' land and Hillsboro; good car service gas and electric lights in the district. Price 81900, $500 cash, balance $50 per month REAL ACREAGE BARGAIN. 10 acres. 2 miles east Hillsboro, 1 mil from Red Electric station and paved nignway, x mne to scnooi, oet oi dirck loam soil, all can be cultivated ; good well; In a district of good homes an well-settled community, with all rural conveniences. Price 81200, $500 casi balance In semi-annual payments, 0 interest. Inspected by Brooks. IN McMINNVTLLE, OREGON. 4 acres. Itt miles from station. mile to grade school, 1 mile to high school, all under cultivation, black loa soil, 2 cherry trees, 4-room plastered bouse with attic, barn ana chicke house and outbuildings. Creek through mace. Included with place, l cow. l heifer, 50 chickens. Price $2200, $1400 cash. Over 500 small places near Port land. Get our extensive classified lists. Over "half acre, 2 blocks from Orego Electric station, lu bearing iruit tree some berries, good new 4-rooin bunga low, painted, stained roof; 2 chicken houses, wood shed. IS miles from Port land. Price $775, $400 cash, balance '0 per montn, b7e. 5 acres, located 13 miles from center of Portland. 1 mile from electric sta tlon, 4 miU'S east of Hillsboro, tt mile to school ; all under cultivation and the best of black loam soil. Price $925, $4o0 cash, balance $15 per month, 6. 1 acre on 02d st., which Is maad amized. In city limits; undor cultiva tion: water and gas there: small tree: Price $S50, $300 cash, balance $10 per montn, ovo. 10 acres. 3 miles from Canby. h1! nn der cultivation and the best of berry land, tt mile to school, good fencr well settled district. Price $1700, $55i casn, Daiance at o. FRUIT TREES AND BERRIES. Acre tracts, on paved Btreet with Improvements paid; every kind of fruit ana berries, Alberta district, city con venlences. $300 cash, balance easy terms at 6. Also half acre tracts on ma cadamized road for $220 cash, balance 6. Half-acre tracts also In fruit. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. 8, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per mont h buys 8-acre tract in this addition of S00 acres down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway an 3 river; line transportation, railroad, river. auto Btage and truck: beautiiul lyin land, free from rock and gravel; som tracts have beautiful view of fivr; thers are also some with streams: fine loc tion for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL. 318 Railway Exchange Building. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FARM. 13 acres, short drive from Portland, o: main highway, ail cultivated except acre pasture; lies fine, rich soil, no rock, family orchard of cherries, apples, pears, walnuts, etc., raspberries, logannerne: and strawberries, trout stream on place comfortable 6-room house, fine barn, outbuildings; a bargain at $0i00, good terma Tabor 95,0 or Main 090 1. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. RIGHT ON COLUMBIA HIGHAVAY 15 acres, right on the beautiful high wav. 20 miles from Portland: with ai attractive 6-room plastered bungalow dandy large living room with fine fire place; wonderful view, garage, barn, chicken house: part of land now In crop, some nice timber; family orchard in full bearing : some berries: wit h th place goes 2 milch cows. 1 heifer and 20 chickens; only $7000. terms. W. B, HinkK with John E. Howard (Realtor) 318 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 10 acre one nn.e trom L cada: large soring, some timber: non cleared, no buildings: will sell cheap or trade for lots In Portland. 130 acres of good saw timber: 6tt mile haul: good sawmill proposition. 40 acres good soil : 8 acres cleared small creek, some tim-ber. on main road close to station, cream route, mail route, telephone oast nlace: one mile from P. O.. school and store; this Is a good place for a home builder; price $3200. $1000 cash, balance good terms. See owner, H. F. Gibson. Barton. Or. FOR SALE 30 ACRES BY OWNER. S4500 $2330 Cash. Balance Ea.y Terms, 20 acres cleared, 10 acres pasture, 6 acres oats and red clover. 2 acres rye and clover. 12 acres hay: orchard; barn good family house; spring water p!p"d to house; i gooa cow ana riaing norse family garden, tools ana root house farm Implements; tt mile from good school; 2tt miles from good town: 45 miles from Portland. Write or come see, JOE POESER, Rainier. Or. PARKROSE ACRE. 1 acre, all in cultivation, only 2 blocks from the car; a very pretty modern home: hardwood floors, built -In effects, fine fireplace, beautiful buffet In din ing room, 3 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, dandy garage, lawn, flowers and snruboery, Darn, snop, cmcnen nouse all kinds of berries, m bearing; a bar gain at 500. terms. W. B. Hinkle. with .John E. Howard (Realtor). 318 Chamber of Commerce. 15-ACRE GRESHAM FARM. 15 acres in high state of cultivation -located mile from city limits of Gresham, on good road, high school, fine orchard, good 5-room house, barn and outbuildings; crop and equipment consists or good young team, new nar ness, wagon, all farm machinery, good cow and 225 chickens go with this place for $10,000, $6000 cash, bal. long term at 6 per cent. SMIT H-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. FOR SALE) 12 acres; 11 in cultivation, all In croo: good orchard and berries. 1 acre In garden, best of soil, good younj? . cow. fresh in vfune. cnicitens. nay. woou tools. 6-room house. large front porch. gas and phone In. city water bv door: fine location, tt mile south of Tobins. on S P. electric line and state highway, 30-mfnute ride to Portlnnd: good train and stage service. Price i.whi. hair down balance terms at 6 per cent, L 651, Ore gonl an SUBURBAN HOME. OREGON CITT CAR LINK. 8 acres on th hard surface highway, all in cultivation; has a good, larsre house with city water, barn, gars(re and chicken house, fine orchard- of 75 trcs In bearing; ail kinds or berries, horse and farm tools. Why pay $1000 an acre when you can buy this place for $flrn0? $2000 will handle. John E. Howard fRfialtnrl. 318 Chamber of Commerce, ON PAVED HIGHWAY, 2. 3, 5. 10 and 20- acre tracts on fortland-Htnaooro paved highway, 15 mllea out; some witn bear Inst fruit and berries: electric station op posite these tracts; prices range from $450 to $1000 per acre; cash, balance to suit. we can snow you tne Desi acreage tracts around Portland, either with or without improvements. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main S220. TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD ACRES Unsurpassed homesites on Terwilliffer boulevard, now ottered lor sale in tracts of five or more acres, you may have your choice of wooded tracts or cleared with unexcelled views of the city, rivers and mountains. This is the chespest acreage offered in the city and on very easy terms. R. F. BRYAN. 509 Cham ber of Commerce. VIEW PROPERTY. 2rk acres on the crest of hill overlook ing Willamette river and a grand sweep ing view of the surrounding country, close to hard surface road and Oregon City car, Just tho place for a suburban home: onlv $SM. $350 win handle. John E. Howard (Realtor). 318 Chamber of Commerce. . "10 ACRES OUT BASE LINE ROAD." Good soil, under The plow; near oar line, store and school; .lust the place to etart a chicken ranch. Price $3500; only $500 cash. Good terms on balance. R H. COXFREY. REALTOR. ' RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GET OUT WHERE THE AIR IS PURE. 5 acres with a nice five-room bunga low, barn and chicken house; all has been under cultivation: close to Oregon City carline: owner Is sacrificing for $3850 for a quick sale, with $1500 cash; about 25 min .out on car. Mar. 3352. J. B. ROCK. 403 Couch Bldg. MAKE US AN OFFER." 5 acres facing Barr road, east of Buckley ave. about H mile. You will Be our fcign on right hand side, R H. COXFREY. REALTOR. ' RITTER. LOWE & CO . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid?. 40 ACRES on Clackamas river, near rail road and auto truck line. IS miles from Portland: beautiful lying land, fine loca tion for dairy, chickens, vegetables and berries; $40 an acre, easy terms. S. H. Smith. Sellwood 22H7 AT TIGARD, 24 acres, 5-room bungalow. bath, water in nouse, narn, cnicken house. 30 fruit trees, berries; five min utes walk from station, right off high way, first road to right after crossing creek. Lock box 88. FOR SALE 5 acres, ii mile from Esta cada. on good road; good opportunity for party looking for chicken or berry ranch. $150 per acre. Airs. J. W. Keed, Est&cada, Or. KKA L T,STATE. For-Sale Acreage. 20 acres, all In cultivation except 2H acre, pasture: 2V4 miles north of New berg. Or., on good hard-surfa!ed road. chicken house; city water piped ill houe and barn: K mile to bih grade schoci and church: 4H acres full-be.rng lo ganberries. 3H acres in full-bearing Ital ian prunes, family orchard, strawoerrl-j and black caps: all spnng work about completed; all farm equipment the place. This rs a real income place and the price Is right and If taken be for June 10. 1021. will include all crops. Reaoon for selling, sickness in lamuy. G 3. YOUNG. OWNER. R. F. D. No. 3. Box No. & Newberg. Or. TOWN ACREAGE A L rjcrhr In the town of Wood burn, hard surface street, no mud to go through, all in cultivation, i y " beaverdam. water system and electric lichte: fine family orchard in full bear ing. 2 acres in all kinds of berries in k..Mn' . danriv 8-room house witn ?i"'s' XZ' -hicv.n and fruit houses; a pretty lawn with flower, and shrubbery; buildings are all firs'," ' a fine mare. Holsteln cow, SB chickens. farm tools and all houscnoia roes for I4750. terma John E. Howard (Realtor). 818 rhamberof Commerce "ONE BIO ACRE. $4 Tvini. - iti a hivuiitlfnl country nome- slie where uaiure has been oyer''' gen ,.A.. nr,ii.niil lavished her .rn..p ui.Ti-holnir and rlRht th. ritv'. door: 30 miniit-s drive oal the Powell Vallev road! $50 cah. bal' ance $10 per month. n U. COXFREY. REALTOR. ' RITTER. LOWE A CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg; CHICKEN RANCH of 5 acres with modTn h,fW,iw nH modern eoulpment. Just the place for a fine country home" chicken ranch, now being oriereu l exceedingly low figure of $.... Owner compelled to sell. I shall be glad to take vou out and show you the property t vAnr nnnvfnlenre. For partlciibirt call on Ben lilesland. 404 P.lt bids 127 Park st 10 acres in oat. IV, acres ready for Jorn and potatoes, balance open pasture, some timber; 6-room ham- nn ffnod road. miica Oregon City. Price $4500. part cash. A. C. HOW f.AND. 620 Main St., Oregon City, Or., or , f.Ol Swetimd Bldg.. Portland. Or. k in mt minK with bath, pantry, etc.: one-third mile from State hlgh wnv Rnd electric station. 30 minutes out; with two cleared acre rich soil. moii Hoarinir ftrchurd and berries; barn 12x40; price $3000 If so' at once; owner leaving state. Additional acreage ad joining if desired. .. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 4th St. 10 ACRMS. CAPITAL HIGHWAY. $4500 $1250 CASH. . t,.,t, between Multnomah station and Tigard, Just short distance of Payed highway; 7 acres in nign siam ..i vation. beautiful view and excel ent soil. A real bargain. 403 Stock txenange bldir. Marshall 3324. .NICELY LOCATED 1-ACRE TRACT. Covered with beautiful grove of na tive treea out the Powell Valley road; lust the place for that summer home Price $400. $50 cash, balance $10 per month First money un gets It R' H COXFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bid?. An iCRKS SS00. 35 miles from Portland, on county road, lies fin": 1 acre In cultivation: small shack. 10.000 shingles and lumber enough to build a 4-room house, all goes. $450 cash. bul. to suit; open Sunday from 1 613 SCH AMBER OF COM. BLDG. 7 ACRES NER MET5SGER STATION. Forced sale; all In high state of culti vation, large barn, boat $1000: 00 bear ing fruit trees; tent houae, excellent well- 37!S0, S750 cash. Hurry, If y"" want this. 4U3 Stock Exchange bldg. Marhnll 3324. 17 ACRES. Gaston acreage on red car line, racing town; gooa. ricn 3 acres iuM cleared. 10 acres cut off and brush all cleared: 3 acres timber. 3 acre onion land; one year's wood cut and 5 acres of potatoes planted; team. r.-od cr,w and chickens. Price $1800. $v0 cash. E. A. lvey. Gaston. Or. 17 ACRES of rich productive sou. cwfp Columbia river; price ITu ir down, balance $1-5 P" year with 6Ti interest. Cm good road: verv easy to e'ear. If you are looking for land u will pay yon to Investigate this JOHNSOX-DODSOX CO.. B33 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 3i7. 5 ACRES. Near Garden Home; 4-room """" all Improved, good soil. Cheap at $3000. ' , 7 ACRES. Finest kind soil, a beautiful tract; all in cultivation, orchard Cheap at $41)00. McDONHM.. REALTOR. East 410. . Y, -ACRE BUILDING SPOT. Facing Buckley avenue; all clear; run ning water, neur car line; J470. on easy '""r' H mVFBKT. REALTOR. HITfEH. LOWE CO 01-3-5-7 Board of Trade MM?, 30 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY. Real money-maker: IS acres commer cial quantities of strawberries., cur rants, grapes, fruits, cow. poultry, team, implements, plastered buntralow. barn, outbuildings. Mr. Colt. 526 Cham, of Commerce. . BUCKLEY AVE. ACRW. Near the I"owell Valley road. In well- settled, thriving community; 3vv, r'TVoVTRET, REALTOR. ' niTTvn I.rvtV'R A CO. .Ot-3-5-7 Fit-Urn of Tradq TlMf. ACRES, all In cultivation; Wst loam soli: gonrt K-room noup.-(t"" n.ni-hlrirsrv. a-ood well water. frleetrlc sta.. toren. school and church ariinln y ace: on fino roo, -i nu.-? ni Portlnnd: $o?n! good terms. L. O. Oer her. 714 Pwetland bldg. i ACRE. BITCKLKY AVK.. $-'.". v-f- far linf: running wuler: min uterf drive to heart of city: on very easy termR TT COVFRFY. TALTOR.' 'RITTER. LOWE W Q1-3-V7 Ttoard of Trade RMg. - -i ' Tr 1-1 1 P. I- A R.M Be your own landlord. We have small tracts elope in on Paved rn.ad(wnor; iinr- And enerirv will In a few vears make vou Independent. Start nn P'triiev Johnson & Co.. real ton. 1 tr.n'tnn fmnintrf on Buckley ave.. near Base T-lne roan ; pun nun ,. able pv R.RAT.TOR. 'BITTER. 7.CWVB JO yil -3-.V7 Poarri of Tranp Ring. 3 ATRKS. VRDHM HOMH tiQim i:nn TASK. All In cultivation, cn main road, nar station: Kond buy. 403 Slock Exchange hklp. Man-hall ALMOST 7'i acre". nair Cloarmi; I "2 niiles soutn Ke"jui. store- 3-room houf. Ivirn. -nnndshl. chk'kmhouse. younsr family orchard, hor-rles- nst off rock road: VMM: R.'0 cah. hal. easy. Ownyr. A Orygonlan. OVK ACRE Heautiful acre near Bertha atatlon. with a dandy natural Krove on part: 1100 eay terms. 403 Stock Exchance bid" ' Mni-hall 3324. MULTNOMAH ACRK SNAP Owner -ill aCrltlCe CUIllVH.l'-U nirr uuunui vu good auto road for 1250. half cash: worth double the price: no building,; fine view. Phone owner. Main R'-'L'O. n-niTBl for maD of western WaaliinKlon, fihowin? location, low prji-v buu kmmj terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO, Tacoraa, Wash. ACRES, all cleared, very heat of soil, close to Gilils station on Bull Run elec tric Price only l.'in. easy terms. See Mr Boehin, 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway Vi-S. EXCEPTIONAL PI.ATT1NU OPPORTUNITY". 100 acres, close in; $7.r.00 cah re quired, easy terms. Address AH iU Orenonian. ACUK.S, large fir and cedar, close to new Mt. Hood loop nignway ana t.niis sta tion, on Bull Run electric, fine soil, Snap for $1400, terms. See Mr. Boebm, 210 Orepon hldfir. Broadway 10 ACRES heart of lOKanberry district. 30 miles from rortianu on electric line, bargain. Will trade for Portland resi dence. X tV.M. Oregonian. FARM. fcO acres, for sale; all In cultiva tion: on raiiroau: goon nrmivDornoon : terms. Call at 800 Milwaukie it. or phone Kast r.r.lfl 40 ACRES in southern Oregon on main highway witn i acres cirmiru nnu unuer woven-wlre fence, balance timber, build ings. $1.100. W B77. Oregonian. ONTARIO. CAN. 50 acre. 14 cleared marsh, orainea'; mrning pussiuiiiticv, 0.11. sandy with some Umber. A 603. Ore- gonian. ; ACRE NATURAL TREES. City water, no assessments. Alberta ear: J10 down, 110 month. R. W. Cary, llil!) N. W. Bank bldg. FIVE-ACRE SACRIFICE. Near Oswego lake and station; on Imnroved. but a real bargain for cash. O w n e r. avt at. inan ea nmci. GO ACRES. $SW; 9 miles Forest Grove; good soil: enring; ea.sv clearin; terms. E. Lessard St.. St, Helens. tin nmvN S10 MONTH LY. 87x-50 tract at Boll station. 420 Henry bldg. Broadway 5.140. Kafd Tlfl.t. SELL or trade. 4 acres. H-room house, some fruit: 4Vt miles north of Salem. 1-nqulre 3'Q". Ho'ladny ve. $05 DOWN. $12 month. 24 acres with fruit trees: $00 e-ich; luat omsids city Urn ii V CJ. Oiwoiuaa. HEAT, rSTATK. "--'or lqlr .vrt sfu, ITtRIOATED LAND 17 NT "EH W ARM 8iRINU PROJW'T. ALFALFA, CORN AND (iRAltf. DAIRYING, HOOa AND POI'MKV. VERT LIBERAL TERMS, WRTTR ORBOOV A WKSTERV OOL. CO., ONTARIO. OltbiOON. ACRkd, half acres, flu pjivmrntA. Albert cr. No snehnu-uUs. l'inu vltw. CHjf water. No trouble to whow you R. W, Cary. I2ltt N. Hauk blUg. UcMdc Main 1377. . -1 uritiH. IIENTOM rm'NTT FARM UARiiAINS. m-ACRR rnVKRSIKlF.O FARM. 140 acres In cultivation. bniAtict p-xtur and timber, all finest ont bottom Und, fiu-rd, 1- room hnuMe ; hot and coM wntnr. Two lrfr ftaaA barns, mhin hd, r a r jge, grMnary, hn hoim-. tr.. 7,;rf!0 worth of bullilntc. t'nea of nlace, Inciuilm i-inp. 1 1-5 per acre. .O-ATRK FAtf PAR'IAIN Located 3 ni:Ux from .i nr aHI; t0 acres cultivated, hl. t!mbfr unl pasture; (hit old buildlncx, fxiiuiv orchard. A ureal burgain for ,."" 21-ACRTC C1UCKES RANCH. All In cultivation, 6-rootti h"un barn itnd henlmuwn, noma fm i. This la a real barKntn (or f.iiuO and can give tome terma. 75-ACRK PRUNE R ANVIL 2 acres, 7 -year-old prunes and 7 acrea of cherries, bal. (r-tcd f.-inn land : good improvements. 1'rks I-1.U00, terms. BIO STOCK RANCH AT 12(1 I'KR A-'RIC. 150 acrea cultivate.!; ftna creek. Ftc. Ixts of open p;tture. 8.n. MO0 feet timber. Nraiiy JUKI acres In all. Ou.y (JO per acrs and sasy terms. BENTON COTTNTY CRAIN AND CLOVKH FARM. 345 acres, 315 in cultivation. Very finest soil; well fenced, fair Improve men ts; lots of fins rralit and clover now growing. i'rlc (115 per acr and liberal terms. We have farms for every btryer at prices that Justify the Invest ments required. We know farm land and can show you what you want. KINNEY & CO CorvalMs. Or. Home of Oregon Agricultural CoUega. EXTRA BARGATV. No. 230 M acres, all level and all the very finoat of deep loam soil between 85 end 40 acres under cultivation and In crop, tarirs wood lot and balance fin pas ture, all well fenced and cross-fenced; 1 Mi acrea bearing assorted orchard, very good 7-mom buu- pood large barn, dairy house, wood houae, chirk en house, hoi? houae, etc. Fin well with pressure water system. Persunal property consents of tt fin cows, 2 heift-rs, goodi team, ws(toti and harae-a, 2 brood sows, about 1M) pure bred White Leghorn hens, mower, rake, plown, cultivators, all other nt'eesaary toola and lniple menta, feed, wood, etc. This place la located on main road. mst of which Is paved from Portland. cln.se to school, small town and railroad station, leas than 5 miles from Port land. This belongs to a widow ho niunt sell at once; will shtU1c for (Soot), $;Uh0 c.iah. balance fl yeara Ht ft per cent. TTIK R. 8. THOMPSON CO., 410 Washington Bt. Vancouver. IDEAL, DAIRT AND STOCK RANCH. 100 acres. 5 under cultivation, more easily cleared, about 00 seres more made land that belongs 10 this place; 40 or 50 acres fine Cot tonwood timber and about I4ikm worth of cedar on place. Fenced nd cross-ft need; good H-room house, largo barn, chicken houses; apple and potato house, fruit dryer, hog houses and outbuild ings; 5 acres In orchard. 3 seres prunes, balance assurl'd choirs fruits; 'jmiO choice strawberry plants, etc.: 15 choice Jersey and Ouernsey milch cows, snd regis tered tim-rnscy bull, 2 fine helfirs. 7 calves, a complete and full line of fsrm machinery, S registered Berkshire sows and 14 pg. 4 old snd shout 100 oung chickens. 4 geese. 12 old and siout lou voting turkeys, etc.; about lltl.msi. cash, balance per cent internet, or would t;ike good resilience up 10 $3000 or I4O0O. same amount In cash and bslince st B per cut In terest; mile from school and community, 3 4 miles from good river and railroad town. UK- MR. BLAIR WITH THOMPSON. WAX LEK. REALTORS. 3d and Main Sta. Vancouver. Wash. HAVE TOtT AN AT'TO ? AND WANT AN IHEAL SO-ACRE I-A KM. This farm Is located near Independence, and is highly Improved, all under cul tivation, family orchard, b-rrles of sli kinds, new 7-room plastered house, two bsrns. 40x50 snd 40x70. alio, hog hou.s and chicken house, a place anyone would be proud to own; price 111. Toil; owner will consider auto as find payment witn small payment this fall and good terms on the balance: look this up at once, sff some one is golug to get a (int) la) out priced right. F. I. EDPY. TtKALTOR, RITTER. I.OWK A CO . '.'01 3 J-i Hoard o( Trade Bldg WANT 1'ITV IIO.VIK OR IVi'tlJIB. T want to retire from mv farm and will exchange my fine Rooue River valley stock ranch of over rtis) acres of which almost 100 acres Is fine boctom land and all seeded down. Balance good pasture and timber. There are also five acres of fine pears In full bearing. There Is a good ejght-rnom plastered house, a large barn with a practically new silo and other ourbut'd itti;. Aleo plonty or running wafer. My cash prlco Is Vtltt per acre. Will trade for good Income property or take a good home up to 110.000. but will ton sider 110 inflated values. R 705. Orego nian, A MONEY MAKER. T,et us prove this to you: 10 acrea. only 2 blocks to city limits of good town near Portland, 6 blocks to carline; highly improved with 12 acres of commercial apples produced 4100 boxes lli-'O. sold for 7d0O; tt acres English walnuts nd prunes 5 vears old; largo 14-room house city water, lights available: new :nK barn, with cement basement, ail stock, tools and equipment. Incl. material for 3000 apple boxes, go at Hn.tMM); wilt consider Portland residence on cash basis to Jiooo. some cash, bal. long time: )ou cannot go wrong on this one leo K. Crow, 801 Mississippi ve. VVdJn. 1201, or res.. Wdln. L'7hV 70 ACRES, Willamette river bottom f.irm, near Dayton. 11J acres in cultivation, clov er wheat, barley, vetch and oats, potatoes now in; seed corn; 30 goats, 4 horses. 1 Jersey cows. 8 heifers, -' pure bred calvei and 2-year-old bull: all necisary Imple ments; birn, old house; fine new 7-room house; 100 per acre; will sell all or P"rt- Addres. C. P. MOFFITT. Astoria. Or. BOO ACRES STOCK RANCH. With 10-rooni modern bouse, hardwood floors, steam heated; full cement base ment, electric lights, bath, toilet, all built-in effects. 2 modern bsrns. e;ietrie Tights; running water; douhle gaisse; Kairbank standard scales and corralr--fenced snd cross-fetict d ; ft m.lee from Corvallls: 28.(0t), mortgage 1 13.2ml ; t.iks city property. C W. Milli rslup. 111.'. tth st. Main r.;'7a. 60 ACHES of fine soil. 2.1 miles from Port land. 7V4 from La Center. Wash., good house and hsrn. Id cows, 11 heifer calves. 1 2-year-old heifer, 2 yearling heifers, 1 fine brood sow, 10 pic.i .1 shoal, fine team of marcs; crop all up: many other things all go for f VMKI: Hj.miO will handle, terms on balance. Address route 1. box 11.1. Ln Center. Wish. yoLNO MAN. A KNAP! $3O0 down and easy terms bitvs s splendid little 21-cre farm 1u-t H miles from courthouse; only $2,100 for all: see Oils right aav. R. F. KEEMS'I KH. 117 Ahlnrton Tt'.'" FULL x" STOCK and eo,u!t'P-d liiu ,io t near Portland; running water; fine s.'il; easy payments. Main T'.'.lu. 31 V'on blitg. FOR KENT I.icd niita.il for Ir.ganheo rles. strawberries and raspberries, dtl 60 Ut st, i-. M A