8 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MAY 29, 1921 NEW TODAY. HOMES The Pick of Portland ALLTTTESK HOr?ES UST.OCKED SOI) AY, MONDAY. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. About $10,000. COSTLY HOME, No. 645 Thompson at. Owner has left city. Ivory and mahogany finish, oak library, billiard room. two oama, two fireplaces, heavy oak floors throughout, very best location in IrvinKton. A Bis: Sm-rif lor. Many Thonnd of Dollars Below Value. Handsome ly appointed home. Look It Through Thoroughly, Sure. Terms. NO. 775 MULTNOMAH ST. MT'ST SELL Owner in Los Angeles. Look It through and make us an offer, SURE. Thor oughly modern, though built a few years agro. Corner lot; ga rage; 6 rooms. Away below 16000.. Easy terms. 749 E. 2Sth st. No., corner Fre mont. Unlocked today, $5800. IllNGALOW, 3 bedr. on first floor, oak floors throughout. 898 East Couch street charm ing nearly new bungalow-type bouse. $5800. Owner must leave Oregon AT ONCE. He will be pleased to show you through this most excellent house. Look it THROUGH SURE Sunday morn ing. You will be surprised and delighted. Easy terms. Imme diate possession. COLONIAL, $7000. Very com plete, very modern, very well built. Unusually large Ivory liv ing room. Alameda Park, below the hill, one block to Broadway car. No. 1391 The Alameda. $7500. A GOOD bungalow, best construc tion, on wonderful corner. 117 frontage. You can make any thing you want out of this home. $5300 most modern and desir able small, near-new bungalow home, 838 Weidler st. near 29th. Hee it through sure. Large rooms, beautiful throughout classy and very complete. Small down pay ment, easy terms, less than rent Owner pleased to show you through. fSOOO SNAP, SURE! HOT. WATER HEAT, Ultra modern. Hardwood floors throughout Large living room. Really built. See It today. Owner must leave. OTHERS. We cannot ad vertise them all. Classy little bungalows, wonder fully beautiful Colonials, hot water heated and larger costly homes tell us your needs, and we will show you the right home. R. T. STREET GOOD HOMES REALTOR, Office 606 East nroadrrny, Eaat 884. lies., Kmst 42S0. EXCELLENT! WELL LIGHTED OFFICE SPACE Available for manufacturer agents, financial firms, export, import and brokerage houses. ATTRACTIVE RATES LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING SECOND AND STARK STS. Donald G. Woodward, Agent. 104 Second Street. ALDER-STREET SNAP 50x100 OXLY OXE AD ONE-HALF BLOCKS FROM THE ELKS' NEW LOCATION. THIS IS A FORCED SALE. THE PRICE WILL SURPRISE YOV. RITE LOWE S CO. 201 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. I : 1, Laies Bars roar oia carpets, rags ad woolen clothing. Let a maX as nil tor too. Tbe oldest and beat-equipped fao tory. Fluff and raff rugs woven aj sues; carpta refitted; villi rugs steam cleaned. (Leu. W call aa4 neliver. IM E. Eighth St. Phono Kast Woo. FOR SALE IN IHVMGTGh', LAURELHURST, ALA MEDA PARK AND DIXON PLACE Beveral modern homes, also choice lota In these additions, or will build on anyone's lot if desired. All kinds of liuUdA.-"-; done. Wave built 100 horns in Portland. RICE CONSTRUCTION CO. A. R. Rice, Masager. ABto. 320-S5. It". !H1 h 15th St, H. R. B. Hire, Solicitor and Selling A cent. Fa 24:12. 00 Wasco St. FLUFF RUGS from old earpeta, woolen clot bin y, rag rcica. H aizea; country malt order aiven prompt attention; mattreaaea, feather plilowa renovated. Send tt booklet. CARPET CLEANING Largest, finest equipped carpet clean Ins reit tiiirf worka in at at of Oregon, Separate planta CARPET CLEANING BRANCH 1072 K. Lincoln St. 9x12 rug a team cleaned $1.8(1 Western Fluff Rug Co. 64-60 UNION AVI. N. East CMS. 237-OT. East S85S. BRANCH OFFICE OR AGENCY Moving back to southern Idaho, I want to represent some Portland rta .ufacturer or other concern. Have vide acquaintance, having lived in this country 15 years. Some honest product with merit considered. Best of r ferences exchanged. 663. Ore-go.-.ian. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS iOTMt Interest rates i Installment r- tajrmeals. It desired. Uuildlasr loans lile, Me delay In closlna A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. 'tl-218 Aorlhweatrra Ban building Marshall 4114U Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS raited States Bank Ball din. REAL ESTATE. $575 WHY PAY rent? Wonderful build ins site, good 2-roora shack, light. Bull Run water In nouse; line raraen spot, small fruit: hen house and chicken yard; splendid buy; Multnomah- Phone Main 83 is. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. BRICK apartment bouse and nearly new furniture, very modern: hardwood floors and doors, food corner on west side; 8 stories and basement, 29 rooms, four S, three 4 and two 2 and one 1-room. very modern and a lovely home, only $16,000, a cash payment down of only $6000, bal ance at 7 per cent; this is a splendid proposition. It pays better than 13 per cent. Barney Johnson & Co., Realtors, 170 10th st. Main 3100, FOR SALE by owner, ..-family flat build ins, 4 rooms In each apt, large bath and toilet, private basement for each apt., all furnished, basement heat and a fine 7 -room home next door to flat, all furnished, with piano; will sell these beautiful buildings, a snap, walking dis tance, taking in $235 per month; you can live in the home and have a food income next door. . Look this up. AO 713, Oregon ian. MR. INVESTOR. Would property paying 12 per cent interest youT Doable flats, 14 rooms, strictly mod ern, two separate basements; lot 40x50, ISO feet off Washington sL, near the heart of the ci ty. This property sure to advance. Owner uvea in -east and wants Investments near at hand. Price $12,500, terms. Address P. O. Box 338. WEST SIDE 2-famlly flat, very close in walking distance; on 11th street, only lew blocks from Morrison st. Price $12, 600; each flat has ft rooms, fireplace, bath, fine basement. The rooms very conveniently arranged: entire but. din is In fine condition. Very easy terms. ttll THK, L.U W K 6c. tU.. 201-3-O-7 BoardofTradeBldg. APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. 600 acres, well improved grain farm near walla walla: over 300 acres in growing crop that should yield over 40 Dusneis, the 'remainder in summer fal low; owner retired; will trade for apartment house to the value of $40,000 to $GO,000; must be good stuff without innation. r o'jtf. uregonian. 10.000 APARTMENT SNAP. ' 19 3 -room apts. and Janitor's apt. r-veryiiunj modern ana in goo a snape fine west side location, brick bldtr.. 3' year lease, net Income $400 per month. x-ersonaiiy inspected. Main oua. . O. W. TARR CO., 407 McKay Bldg. 4-FAMILX FLAT BLDG., EAST SALMON STREET. Walking distance, $13,500; each has 6 rooms and bath and all modern con veniences; lot 60x1 oo. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LONG LJiASK. 37-R. FAMILY HOTEL. A nice clean newly refinished place In Dest west aide location. 3 Tears' lease. See this quick; $10,000 on terms or $0000 casn. alarsnall Qvz Sunday or Monday East 6018. O. W. Tarr Co.. 407 McKay bldg AM GOING east, will sell my close-in double flat building, yielding 190 mon thly, for about half cost. N 690. Ore- gonlan. FOR SALE Four-flat bldg.. 50x100. on .in st., near Mill, (jail at SZ7 JS. aula St., mornings. Terms. For Sale Beach Property. SEASIDE. An exceptionally well-built cottage on tne boardwalk: lot ouxioo: e rooms, basement, bath and shower; good-sized living room, fireplace, electric lights; completely furnished; inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bath; Imported draperies and electric light fixtures, wool rugs. up- holstered willow furniture, Jacobean dining room set; bedroom in white enam- el. This Is an exceptionally well fur nished place. The owner will be at Seaside all week. Arrange for an ap pointment. HARRT BECKWITH. REALTOR, Main 6809. 104 Fifth Street. BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lot are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 648, Oregonlan. SEASIDE! COTTAGB. Best cottage at Seaside, situated on rise with beautiful view of ocean and Necanl cum -river; all conveniences. elec trie lights, bathroom and lavatory UP' stairs and down; 8 rooms and sleeping porch lovely grounds, natural trees and shrubbery; house and six lota In en closure. Call owner. East 056. BEACH HOME, SEAVIEW, WASH. Dandy modern 4-room house In pink of condition, completely furnished, in cluding linen, bath, hot and cold water, corner lot well located; enough wood for two seasons; 'price $1230. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. Main 831. SEASIDE For sale, beach cottage, sit uated in desirable neighborhood. 1H blocks from beach, view of ocean and Tillamook Head: large stone fireplace, built-in cupboards, porch 10x28. elec tricity and city water; 1 or 2 lota. Inter ested parties call Main 5041. TILLAMOOK BEACH. Double cottage. 8 rooms, furnished, accommodate 2 families; splendid loca tion; good investment. Tabor 6750 eve nings. R 802. OREGON-IAN. GEARHART COTTAGE. $1500 Completely furnished 5-room beach cottage; 3 bedrooms; one of the best on the besch. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 264 Stark St. Main 6S3 and 1034. $800 FOR SALE, small 4-room cottage. new and plastered, at Seaside. Or.; has city water, elec. light and garage, paved at.: It's a bargain. G. H. Dammeler, 403 McKay b!dg FOR SALE Seaside. Or.. 7-room house. furnished. 100 feet from board walk in Hermosa park, at 242 First st. and ave. E. Will be there after Saturday. TEN BEAUTIFUL acres, on beach, fac ing ocean, at Seal Rock Resort. Will sell together or separately. BARGAIN. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S078. FUKA1SH&D house, opposite city park, one block from beach. Ocean Park, well built, a snap at au00. Phone Main 7n-'l7 Tuesday. FOR SALE Lot 9. block 33. Bayocean. Very cheap. Fine, sightly lot. E. I. Bushnell. Orchards. Wash. FOUR beach lots. $30 each, Newport. Ac count leaving Oregon. 418 Board of Trade. LONG BEACH. WASH. Two ceiled houses. mn tot, cneap lor casn. Mar. 3450. For Sale Lots. MANY fine building lots In Rose City dis trict; some as low as $200. Don't buy until you see inese Dargains. see Royal, 72cl and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. MUST have the cash, will sacrifice SOxliln Montclair addition, near Sandy road, no reasonaoie otter declined, u 688, Ore gonian. WHY THE LANDLORD 7 $1 weekly buys big lot. Alberta car. Pitch tent R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Residence, Main 1377. IRVINGTON LOT $1250; east facing, on 20th street, near Broadway car. Neuhau sen. Realtor. East 394. Main 8078. $550 ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Fine 50x100 lot. 75 ft off Sandy. No Hens: choice location. Tabor 6559. BEAUTIFUL garden, 57i4xlS2, with big chicken house, in St. Johns, cheap for ivu. r none oroauway atuti. TAKE my fine view lot, Bancroft ave., f build on It, pay me $500 when you can. Howard, Tabor 7SS4. KENTON. For cheap lots call at 1761 ave. Ma K. Gillette. Denver LET ME SHOW YOU. $1 down. Big lota Talk of the town. R. W. Cary, res. Main 1377. WANTED Lot in Alameda for residence. AH 678. Oretonlan. LAUD S ADDITION BEST 8 choice homesltes. Owner Eaat 2164, ROSE CITY N. E. cor. 41st Tillamook. $1100: next to corner. $900. Tabor 6441. ALAMEDA PARK. S. E. corner 29th and Prescott $825. Tabor 6441. ONLY $350 cash, 2 nice lots, 69th st. near llancocK. aiain BY OWNER, Lot 10, block 80. Laurel hnrst. Price $1000. Main 4251. Bl' OWNER, Alameda park triangular comer, good view. East 558. BY OWNER, Alameda parks lota cheap. East 556. ft'OODSTOCK. 50x100. 41st st nr! SSth ave. Phone Bdwy. 1449. ROSE CITY LOT for sale; southwest corner 56th and Siskiyou. Call E. 66 5 8. OVERLOOK lot on Castle ave., near Mason SL. 8350 Phone Woodlawn 4607. BEAl ESTATB. For Sale Lots. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. The prices of the homesltes listed below are way below true value. Buy your lot before the bargains are all gone. Look them over carefully, then see ua. LAURELHURST. t 830 Razelfern, fac. N- 141 ft. B. of E. 41st. 900 Haielfern, fae. S.. 450 ft. E. of E. 41st. 1100 Floral, fac. W.. 200 ft N. of B. Irving. 1100 Hassalo, fac. &, 450 ft. E. of E. SOth. 1100 Hassalo, fac. S., 125 ft. W. of E. 39! h. 1500 Haielfern. fac. S.. 200 ft. E. of Imperial. 1500 E. Ash. fao. S.. 200 ft. E. of E. 41st. 1500 E. Ankney. fac. S.. 100 ft E. of E. 3 th. 1850 Davis, fac. N., 850 ft W. of E. SfHh, fac. up Laddlngton court 66V4I100. 8000 s. W. corner Floral and E. Ever ett 8300 so. ft 8700 Davis, fac. N.. 350 ft W. of E. 3th. fac. ud Laddlneton Cour 133x100. or will sell tWVjxlOO fol H30U. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $ 650 E. 17th, fac E., 100 ft N. of railing. 850 E. lHth N.. fac, W.. third lot N. or Fa line at. TOO Weidler, fac. N.. 80 ft E. of E. 29th N. 800 Hancock st. fac N.. 200 ft W. or E. 85th N. 1000 E. 27th N.. fac W.. 100 ft N. or Stanton. 1100 E. 14th N.. fac W, 100 ft N. Stanton. . 1200 E. loth N.. fac E 150 ft N. of Stanton si. 1200 E. 22d N.. fac W.. 80 ft a of Stanton. 1400 E. 21st N.. fac E.. 100 ft a of bisklyou st. 1400 E. 20th N.. fac E.. 100 ft N. of Stanton st 1400 S. E. corner E. 28th N, and Eugene. 97x88. 1450 E. 20th. fac W.. 200 ft N. of Stanton. 1600 S. W. cor. E. 10th and Brazes. 1600 E. 16th N.. fac B.. 100 ft S. or Stanton. 1700 E. 24th. fac E.. 50 ft N. of Knott. 1700 E. 17th N fac E 150 ft N. of Siskiyou. 1700 E. i'Sth N.. fac W.. bet Eugene and Thompson sts.. 50x195. 1750 E. 13th N.. fac. W.. 150 ft S. of Knott at. 55x100. 2000 E. 17th N.. fac. E., 175 ft N. of Klickitat loxiou. 2000 Tillamook st. fac. N.. 200 ft E. or E. 2Sth st. N.. 100x100. 2000 N. E. cor. E. 28th N. and ThomDson sts.. 53x195. 2100 S. W. cor. E. 14th and Stanton, 2500 S. E. cor. E. 9 th and Brazee, 100x100. 2500 N. W. cor. E. 7th and E. Broad way, 40xti5. 2800 S. E. cor. E. 28th N. and Thomp. son nta 73x195. 8000 S. E. cor. of E. 18th and Thomp son sta. 75x100. . 4250 S. E. cor. E. 19th and Thompson sts. 100x100. 8500 N. E. cor. E. 12th and Thomp son sts.. 16oxloo. 4000 N. E. cor. E. Kith and Thompson sta, 1251100. 6500 N. E. cor. E. 14th N. and Han cock. 100x100. 8500 E. 33d N.. fac E.. being S. W, cor. Thompson, about a acres. . ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. I 850 S. W. cor. E. 60th N. and ThomP' son. 100x1 00. 400 N. W. cor. E. 56th and Tilla mook. 600 Brazee. fac S., 100 ft E. of E K1A N. 600 E. 48th. fac W.. 100 ft N. of Klickitat. 600 E. 53d X., fac E., 160 ft S. of Klickitat. 600 E. 49th N., fac E.. 100 ft N. of Klickitat 600 E. 53d N.. fac W.. 150 ft S. of Klickitat. 600 E. 49th N.. fac E.. 200 ft N. of Slskivou. 650 E. 62d N.. fac B.. 100 ft N. of S skivou. 700 E. 79 th. fac. W.. 60 ft S. of Sandy. 75x100. T50 N. E. cor. E. 66th and Stanton. 750 N. W. cor. E. 58th and Stanton. 800 E. 87th N.. fac E., 150 ft S. .of Stanton. 850 E. 49th. Stanton. 850 E. 40th. fac . W.. 50 ft N. of fac E.. 100 ft N. of fac N.. 200 ft W. of Knott 000 Hancock. E. 36th. 900 E. 40th., fac W., 150 ft S. of Klickitat 1000 E. 40th N.. fac E.. 200 ft N. of Hancock. 1050 E. 45th N., fac E.. about 69 ft S. of Wisteria. 1100 E. 52d Is'., fac E., 150 ft of Siskiyou. 100x100. 1100 E. 40th N., fac E. 100 ft N. of Brazee, 67x100. 1250 N. E. cor. E. 43th N. and Han cock. 1500-N. W. cor. E. 72d and Sandy at Fremont 55x100. 2000 E. 38th N.. fac. E.. 100 ft S. of Tillamook. 100x100. 2500 N. E. cor. E. 37th and Tilla mook, 100x100. HAWTHORNE. 850 E. 53d. fac W.. 145 ft N. of K. Sherman. 850 K. 53d. fac W.. 140 ft N. of Division. 1300 S. W. cor. E. 24th and Carruthers. 1300 Glenn ave.. fac K.. about one block N. of Hawthorne ave 1700 E. 21st fac W., 50 ft. N. of Market 1750 E. Sherman, fac. S.. about 70 ft W. of E. 26th St., 77x116. 1850 S. E. cor. Mulberry and Palm 64xS0. 2000 Elliott ave., fac. N. W.. 115 ft N. E. of Central Park. 2000 Hawthorne ave.. fac S.. 65 ft W. of E. 23d. 2000 S. W. cor. E. 23d and E. Madi son sts.. 90x100. 2200 N. W. cor. E. 21st and E. Mar ket U.. 55x100. 8500 S. E. cor. Mulberry and Paint sta.. 80x128. RITTER. LOWE at CO., Realtors. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance IRVINGTON PARK. Will sacrifice 50x100 lot. worth $500, for $300 cash or if parties will assume sewer assessments will trade for Ford at $500. East front, sidewalks and st graded. AV 749. Oregonian. EAST YAMHILL NEAR 23d. 11050 $50 DOWN, $10 A MONTH. All present improvements paid; see us at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMEDA PARK. $750, all liens paid; good location on Skidmore st. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at extremely iow prices. See J. A. McCarty, 270V4 Stark st. Phone Main 1700; eve nlngs Tabor 5057. CORNER 63d and Kiickilat, sidewalk and curb, sewer in, near carline, abstract to date, bonded for $187.50: $465. $300 cash, balance easy terms, or $450 cash. Wood lawn 238. WE HAVE a beautiful lot on Grand ave.. near Alnsworth. one block from Union ave. car: $700. terms. $70 caah. $10 per month. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 C. of C. bldg. FINE RIVER VIEW, close to Willamette blvd. on Atlantic St., 50x100; sewer In and paid. Price $750. It's a dandy. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINOTO-N LOTS. GREAT BARGAINS. $1000 AND UP. ALL CLEAR. T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO.. REALTORS. 8:i0 N. W. BANK. MAIN S07S. E. 3H4. $1 DOWN $1 WEE1C ' 60x100. cement walks. Alberta car, close to school. R. W. Cary. 1218 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. YOUR LAST CHANCER Laurelhurst lots at these prlcea Sea J. A. McCarty, 270 Stark. Main 1700. evenings. Tabor 6057. A GOOD level 50x100 corner, sidewalk in. street graded, sewer, all Imp. paid, $400, terms Charles Houck. 932 Chamber of Commerce FOR SALE Lots 23. 24, block 8. College Place St Johns. Paving in and paid for. Will sacrifice. Call Portland hotel phar- macy. ROSE CITY CORNER $1000. Below hill. S. W. corner 53d and Tilla mook: paving and sewers paid. Owner, Main 5334. SOME nice, level lots, with or without fruit trees and Derries, at reasonable prices. Owner, H. P. McCoy. SOth and E. Stark. ALAMEDA PARK Beautiful view corner: GREAT bakoai.i; also insiae lot near carline. East 384. Alain 8078. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. ROSE CITT DISTRICT. S. W. corner E. 46th and Slaklyon sts., 60x100, all improvements in and paid, $900. E. 52d St., facing east. 100 ft. north of Halsey, 50x100. all Improvements in and paid. 1750. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. E 26th St., facing went. 90 feet south of Stephens, 48x100. all improvements In and paid, excepting paving; S950 cash. WESTMORELAND. E. 18th St., facing west, 200 ft south of Bybee, all Improvements in and paid, 600. Dnke ave., facing north, 150 feet west of E. 15th st, 50x136, all Improvements in ana paia. nu. HE.N'DERSON-BANKUS CO.. 426 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. E. 27TH AND STEPHENS ST. CHOICE VIEW LOTS. 1850 UP. Choice view lots on B. 26th and 27th sta, between Stephens and Harri son sta. only 3 blocks south of Haw thorne ave., restricted for 25 years, you win prooaoiy never again have an op portunity to buy a lot In a close-in. high class restricted district of this charade tor the ridiculously low Dricea these lot are offered at: better look them over to day; terms 20 per cent cash, balance easy montniy payments. HEXDERSON-BAN'KUS CO.. 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754 TATE'S ADDITION. Lots at 'Acreage Prices. S275 and UD ' Including cemenf slrle- walks, curbs, graded streets, and water. 1 A WEEK. No Building Restrictions. Take Alberta car. get off at end of line, continue one Dlock north to Hoi man St.. then four blocks east to 33d at. AH Sunday you will find salesmen on mo ground. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. IRVINGTON LOT BUYS $1625 2ilth, south of Knott, 150 ft. $1000 14th. Stanton to Siskiyou. Xljou l;th, next store, near Brazee. 1750 Corner lUth and Klickitat H1U0 Inside lot next. S1750 N. w. corner 18th and Klickitat looo BSX1UO, Clackamas, near 22d. , 21O0 75x100. near Knott, east face. Snap N. W. corner 19th and Schuyler. $17."0 s. W. corner 12th and Tillamook. WESTOVER TERRACES Three lots, 13, 15, 17, blk. 4, face east, on Summit ave., right off Cornell road at Summl court; 1U2 feet front, $10,000: best view ana accessiDiiity in best Dlock In west over; exchange for home. R. T. STREET, REALTOR. H ACRES 1250. FULL ACRES 500. They're selling like hot cakes: 121 tracts sold In 28 days: S250 ud buys acre; $500 up buys full acre; pay $8 or mommy; no interest on contracts; Bull Run water DiDed in front of tract Beautiful district East 52d St.; 7 and o-cent car fare: eas. teienhone service outside city limits: no city taxes to pay. Build a small house or pitch a tent and rorget the rent man. w hv Day big price for acreaae murh farther out. When these are sold vou'll never have another chance like this. Call us at once. Comte & Kohlmun, Main 6550. 'Ui Chamber or Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. PRICES CUT FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Block bounded by B. 20th, E. 21st, Klickitat and Fremont, to further the bulld-your-own-home movement th Hughes estate authorizes the sale of all inside lots In this block at $1250 each and all double corners at $3000 eacn sale closes June 10; drive ut today and make your choice. Remember, only one block to Broadway car line; beautiful shade trees; 80-foot paved street; all Improvements paid. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1200 IRVINGTON DIST. Everything in and paid; Knott, near 26th. $1500 Irvlngion district; everything in ana paid; Knott street, corner. $1350 Laurelhurst, 50x140, sts. paved Imperial ave. Easy terms. $1500 Laurelhurst, Hoyt street, cor ner, everything paid. $1500 100x100, East 17th, near Divi sion. $700 Lot on Garfield, between Skid more and Going; a splendid buy. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark Street. Main 831. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. GO PEE TODAY. Salesman will meet you at East 16th and Fremont Sunday from IF, 11 until o:jo f. m. See the big sign: $750 to $875 for Tnslde Lots. $1000 to $1300 for Corners. $100 down. $10 a month. All improvements paid; restricted dis trict with all conveniences. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE. Real pickup; E. 5oth, near Lincoln, 100 feet off car line, paved, sewer, all in and paid; price $700. You'll have to hurry ror this one. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. UIG BARGAINS. Multnomah district choice level view lots $2.'0, acres $500 for Quick sale; worth double; buy now fer investment or future homesite; water, gas, electricity; close to highway and Oregon electric; cheap fare. 319 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 675 Res. E. 7688. $."0 CASH, $10 MONTHLY bnys 50x100 lot, only 18 minutes by street car 'to Washington and Broad way. Price $500. Also beautifully woouea o.ixi'iu, omf. rasy terms, JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HOME BUILDERS, ATTENTION. Special bargains , in lots in Alameda Park, Irvington, Laurelhurst, Rose City Park and Mount Tabor districts. See WEBSTER L. KINCAID, Realtor. 401 Lewis Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. A SNAP, near Jefferson high and Penin sula Park, BOxlao (large as two lots), price only $700, easy terms; also '50x100, $500, $50 cash. $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. NLY $550 Beautiful south front on Web ster St., near Interstate, sewer, cement walks, curbs all paid. New houses in this section. See us for lot bargains. ' RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL view lot on 29th st. In East moreland; face9 west; unobstructed view; streets paved; 2 blocks to car. Overlooks golf links. $1150. COB A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. LOOK AT THIS ALAMEDA PARK LOT. On Skidmore street between 32d and Glenn ave.; our sign on beautiful tree; price $800; you will say it's a bargain JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. KENTON. Watts, facing south, 330 feet east of Derby; all improvements paid. Price $1000. terms. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST. 50x114 $930. All Improvements paid: 8H blocks Rose City car. on Multnomah st JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Jf. W. Bank B!dg. Main 8787. GREELEY ST. lot, 60x100, paved street and on carline: good location, near Portland blvd. Only $750. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS, 82 Fourth St Main 4522. BIG SACRIFICE, $1100. . 50x100, Improvements paid, on East Broadway, close in; reduced from $1800. E. R. S.. Main 5694. ; VILLARD ST. lot, 33x110, near Portland blvd., 2 blocks to car; fine lot, level, good location; priced very cheap. $250. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. TWO FINE building lots. Division near 43d St., $500 each, plus city Hens. Own er, J. H. McMahon, 2006 E. 43d st Tabor 5361. N. E. CORNER E. 21st. and Oak. blk. Go see it; make cash offer: must sell cheap, account sickness. Piper. Main 5465. SOME fine half-acre building lots. $200 to $500. 10 per cent down. Seo Haley, Errol Heights store, 52d St.. today. PORTLAND suburban lots for sale by owner; 60x100. $150. $50 down. $10 per month on balance. Box 48. Monitor. Or. BEAUTIFUL lot on Lombard St.. fins building site, a snap at $G75; termst E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce. 50x50 ON EAST Stark st. between East 19th ana zotn. owner. n.aet l'U97 morn- lngg. FOR SALS; Choice lot near Peninsula park, for cash, at your own price In reason. Phone Woodlawn 275. LOT 6. BLOCK 16. balance $500 in Piedmont: $550 caah, three years; owner. Sellwood 3796 70TH STREET, near Glisan car line, 50x 100, cement walks; a real bargain. See W. M. Umbdenstock. 209 Oregon bldg TWO SUBURBAN lots, near car and paved highway, real sacrifice Owner, BdwySlft; Tabor 7148. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. See J A. McCarty. 270 Stark st Main 1700: evenings. Tabor 5057. MY WESTMORELAND lot for what it cost zne; owner. AF 713. Oregonlan. KKAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LOTS. Very choice Alameda Park. Rose City I'arK and v estover Terrace lots, rang ing in price according to beauty and loca tion, for particulars call MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. FURNISHED HOME IN SOUTH PORT LAND. 269 Wood st. near Third. It Is a 6 room plastered house, has modern bath ana electric lights, hard surface street. city sewer, all In and paid; it is handy to ecnoo street cars ana nign scnooi and only $-1W0 for complete outfit, and very satisfactory terms. See owner on tne place or phone Main 2S..S LOT SACRIFICE. Dandv corner lot worth at least $450 owner left city and needs money bad; 6 large Deauttlul Iir trees wortn siou; no building restrictions; price $325, $50 cash Balance xio montniy. RYAN REALTY CO.. Successor to 51. J. Clohessy, 415-16 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE A good team of horses. weighing 3000 Iba; are good pullers and perfectly gentle and not afraid of autos or trains, and as I am done hauling wood have no more use for them, so will sell cheap for $275 with harness, or will exchange for good Ford car. Kirk Hoover. Sherwood, Or. WAV'tKLBIUH iltiGHTS lot on Tibbitts St.: navina and all improvements paid beautifully situated on high ground in this fine district; for extremely low price or $550. COE A. McKENNA CO.. REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main 452. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAIN. SEE DKLAHUNTY, THE LAURELHURST SPECIALIST. Come out today. Office on the grounds, East 39th and Ullsan. Call Tabor sua evenings East 7738. 50x100, CLOSE IN. on paved street, near Division St., one block to car, tor iow price of $750. All improvements in and paid. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. SACRIFICE PRICE $1800. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE, Adloinina- Russell-Gilbert Candy fac tory on O.-W. R. & N. tracks, Holladay avenue, near E. 24th. Mr. Carey. Mala 7487. PlKllMflT lot Kvcilonl lnrntlnn. n. carline, In best part of this beautlfur district: lioo, or win sell lot ana half for $1U0. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 50x100. CEMENT WALKS. $1 DOWN. $1 week. Why rent? Pitch tent Alberta car, close to school. Let me snow vou. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg.. Main 1643. Residence, Main 1377. - MULTNOMAH. 50x115, in cultivation; high, clear view, two blocks from station on high way; gas, water and electricity in; $500, ea-y terms. Patton. Main 4537. ROSE CITY LOT. 50x100. block and half from Sandy blvd., $650. KEIPPER & STEWART, 410 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7660. 50x100 CORNER in Westmoreland; paved streeta; all improvements in ana paia. $650. COE A. McKENNA CO.. REALTORS, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. ROSE CITY FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, immediate possession; some terms; second house south of Knott st. on Marguerite ave. See owner on prem ises Sunday, make offer. $350 lis BLKS. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. tMta 3U11UU, ussia. ymu. .laum wtf. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. . This home Is a new offering and Is a most unusual and distinctive home; large central hall and liv ing room and sun room; very beau tiful dining room; most complete kitchen and pantry; 3 bedrooms (one unusually large), sleeping porch, tile baths, one equipped with shower on second floor; two maids' rooms and bath third floor; Gasco furnace; finest plumbing; floors in living, dining, sun rooms, also reception hall, are ail a dark green tile; large grounds, beauti ful shrubbery. Appointment ar ranged. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7970. HOMES THAT PAY. AN ACRE LOT fover S'i city lots), between IRVINGTON PARK AND COLUMBIA BLVD., with a little garden, berries, small fruits, a few chickens, etc., certainly paya $100 DOWN $25 PER MONTH. A very desirable district, dandy view of mountains, excellent soil, all In clover; representative on ground Sunday afternoon. A FEW VERY CHOICE TRACTS LEFT. Alberta car to 30th and Alnsworth, thence two blocks north. See Mr. Naylor, with J. O. ELROD, Owner, 617 Corbett Bldg. Main 6173. VACANT! VACANT! VACANT! S500 IS ALL YOU NEED $500. $3250 MODERN HAWTHORNE $3250. ARE YOU STILL RENTING? Six-room bungalow type. 4 rooms and bath rirst rioor. z Deurooms upstairs; good basement, plumbing, electric lights. gas, lot 40x100. hard-surfaced street and sewer, nearly all paid; house could not be built for price asked; quick posses sion; see this today. It Is a Dargain. Sunday, Marshall 6003; week days, Main 7987. MARIELS WILLIAMS. REALTORS, 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON $S500. 8 charming rooms and breakfast room. 4 lovely bedrooms, tiled bath, glass en closed sleeping porch, on second floor, hardwood floors, old ivory ana manog anv woodwork: 2 set of French doors. faces east on 25th st. near Brazee; full lot double garage. EAST 410. YOUR OWN TERMS. $3250 VACANT VACANT $3250. SEE THIS TODAY. 5-room cottage type, good plumbing and everything neat and clean: ground 120x100; some berries and garden; fine place for chickens: sidewalk and hard surfaced street included in above price; very easy terms. Sunday. Marshall oobo. week days. Main 7967. MARIELS & WILLIAMS. Realtors. K20 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ROSE CITY. 7-room modern bungalow style home, large living room and dining room in combination. - All the built-in features. cove ceiling, Dutch kitchen, 3 sleeping rooms, sewing room, large cement base ment, laundry tubs, garage. This home Is practically new and in fine shape. Owner leaving must sell. A bargain at $3950. Terms. Immediate possession. See Royal, 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor LAURELHURST. 46 MEIKLE PLACE: 6-ROOM BUN GALOW; ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS, LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIRE PLACE. FRENCH DOORS TO DINING ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK, FURNACE AND GARAGE. FOR PRICE AND TERMS, CALL R. SOMERVTLLE, BROADWAY 2478. PRETTY NEW BUNGALOW, $800 CASH. Just completed with hardwood floors, fireplace, bullt-ins compiete; extra nice plumbing, all Ivory enamel with French gray decorations, cement basement with cement floor, trays, cement walks and veranda; hard-surface street. See this today or Monday at your convenience. No. 5228 41st st. Woodstock car. The price Is 83300. with $sim) cash. If this Interests you, phone Tuesday. piwy. 4S:l.,. WILL TAKE ONE OR TWO SMALL HOUSES ON THIS FINE BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms, strictly modern, fine base ment, furnace, fireplace, hardwood ftoors: all. built-lns and In fine condition: price $7500 and is a bargain. 1 would take as part pay smaller houses; might con sider well-located lots; submit what you have. AN 578. Oregonlan. VERY EASY TERMS. $2250 NEAR ANKENY CAR BARNS. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Near car barns and car; good plumb ing, electric lights, gas. all Improve ments paid; small payment down. Sun days, Marshall 3963; week days. Main 7967. Mariels & Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow style, grounds lOOx 100, young fruit trees and berry bushes pianted and growing. Here's your chance to have nice garden, raise chickens and live cheaply. Only $1250 Ground alone Is worth more. See Royal, 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. ROSE CITY Strictly modern home, six rooms and sleeping porch, lot 75x100, fruit; a real sacrifice. Owner. 470 E. 54th st N. Tabor 6979. IRVINGTON 5-room; furnace, cash or terms. 50x100 lot. R gonian. fireplace; 712. Ore- MODERN 5-room R. C. bung., vacant, ga rage; any old terms. Owner 326-72. $2500 NEW 4-room, bath and basement, cor. 56x124; $300 down. Owner, 627-15. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. REALTOR. To Buy Your Home. PELECTED HOME BARGAINS. Over 1200 Homes to Choose From. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Open Sunday. Open Every Evening Until 9. 25 Salesmen at Your Service. Our office has established an undis puted national record for home selling, because it Is the original, superior, sci entific, modern method. We protect your every Interest. Every home is per sonally inspected and appraised, before being offered for your consideration. If necessary we'll help you make your down payment IRVINGTON. $8100 Radiant with happiness Is this lovely 5-room bungalow; every imaginable feature for convenf ence and beauty; sunny breakfast nook; garage; let us show you thia E. 27th st. ROSE CITY. $5500 Like an exquisite Jewel In beautiful setting is this airy, Maytime bungalow; 5 rooms re plete with every feature that makes home life worth the living. Hardwood floors: sleeping porch: garage, ideailv cool grounds with trees, shrubbery, roses, etc. This is waiting for you to come. Won't you .' k. oiitn st. $500 DOWN $500 DOWN. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE! $3450 Nestling in a beauty spot of trees and flowers is this very ar tlstlc bungalow: 5 airy rooms: built-in bookcases and massive buffet in solid paneled dlnln room; white Dutch kitchen. pipeless furnace: extra large lot 1 block to car, on E. 72d. Just think of this. Only $300 down, SPECIAL! MUST BE SOLD. $4500 Right on Irvinffton car. Here's exceptional value in a six-room two-story home, very well and attractively built: labor-saving bullt-ins: furnace; full cement basement; no liens or mortgage to assume. E. 15th st. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $3990 Where can you duplicate this? Artistic gem bungalow on Halsey street In Holladay-Irvlngton dis trict. An ideal home. Solid pan eled dining room: with buffet: living room with fireplace, best white porcelain plumbing, etc.: beautiful lawn: flowers See this for'your cozy little home. Terms. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. $4100 The sunniest bungalow Imagin able! - Almost new. breakfast nook; beautiful built-ins; hard wood floors: fireplace; 100x100 with lots of trees Just loaded with cherries; nice garden: a de lightful cool summer paradise. . Can't we show you this? Owner must leave city. East 57th. Terms. OUR NEWEST ALBERTA. $2850 Just come down and see this dainty, bright 6-room bungalow for yourself. It'll do you good; music room; furnace; bullt-ins; nice lawa; rosea E. 10th Terms. $600 DOWN FORCED SALE. BEAUTIFUL H A WTHOKN E. $5250 Distinctive in every detail is th I charming Hawthorne bungalow sunny, inviting rooms sleeping porch; beautiful interior finish and massive built-ins: fire place; splendid Gasco furnace garage; .cloje to car: only iO0 down; earpeta and linoleum in eluded. 2Uth st. FRANK L. McGUIRE SPECIAL. Come in and look at this super bar gain in a beautiful very well constructe artistic lVi-story 7-room Queen Ann bungalow, containing every wanted con venlence: fireplace, furnace, corner l on carline. Dekum ave. Only $2790, with terms. This is one of the biggest bargains in our office. "GEM BUNGALOW." LOOK! $2100 Very easy terms. A summery bungalow In a delightful setting beautiful lawn, shrubbery, trees, flowers; great front and sld porches; Just the place for y seekers after happiness; 4 room and sleeping porch, with every convenience: close to car. Don waste any time. It's yours if vou hurry! Junior street WAVER LY-RICH MON D. $3900 Beautiful furnished 5-room Wav erly-Rlchmond bungalow, having every attractive built-in convent ence; full corner lot with nice garden already producing; owne leaving for Canada, will sell th! beautiful bungalow at sacrifice, unfurnished, for $3400. E. 4-d st. A HOLLADAY SPECIAL. $2450 This is one of our tar bargains furnished; most artistic and homelike 7-room bungalow, very convenient, all modern features bath; plumbing; 7 bearing frul trees and berries. A very coni fortable little home. Can t we show you this? E. 80th st. Easy terms. SEE THIS KENTON. $2395 For only $300 down, and monthly terms easier tnHn rem. inu can own this dainty 4-room shingled bungalow, juat as coxy and Invlt ing as can be; best white ename plumbing; electricity: gas. One of the most artistic little bunga low in this d:sict. t-arrugut SELLWOOD $300 DOWN. $1090 One of the cleverest bungalows in mis uisir.ci; i-ooi ruuinn cosv, artistic, practical. Jus think of this. 15 fruit trees garden, chicken house, woodahed See this if you want something to make yuu glad. Ochoco st Close to car. $230 DOWN $230 DOWN. READ THIS! READ THIS! 81795 Only $250 down. New 4-room nice little Peninsula bungalow on full lot; Omaha avenue. If you haven't the $250, we'll help you make it. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. MR HOME OWNER. Now would be a good time to Increase your fire Insurance. it would col vou more to replace your property now than one or even three years ago IT IS THE WISE AND SAFE THING TO DO. Don't put it off. Fire prevention is very good, but It is very Important that you should properly protect yourself with sufficient insurance to cover losj. Bet ter be insured than torry. Phone w. r. Mcdonald & c-d.. Mar 23!ll. Yenn Bldg. INSURANCE WITH SERVICE. All claims adjusted and paid direct from this office. A MODERN BUNGALOW. FURNISHED. Owner leaves town. $730 Cash. $30 per month Includes the interest; 5 beautiful rooms, rirepiace ana narowooa floors, good furniture. Includes Victrola. ice box and davenport, all pots, pans and dishes. Must sell as is. $411110. If you have more cash to pay down, make offer. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. PENINSULA district. Modern five-room bungalow in tne jonns district, un car line, paved street. Full basement, built-in buffet, front and back veran dah, thoroughly modern In every re spect House has just been completed and will sell house, lot. with all im provements paid for contract price of house. Can give terms to responsible party. Phone Columbia 161. ROSE CITY. 484 E. 37th at. N.. near Brazee. Is open Sunday for your inspection, it a an excellent 5-room strictly modern bungalow, on paved street, complete with furnace, garage, and all tapestry fin ishing. Price $5750. $1500 cai-h. If you have no car. call Bdwy. 4751 for appointment. 9-ROOM modern house on Willamette boulevard, with fine view, $7500; 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace and all built-in features: all Improve, nents in and paid: K. c P. location. $4800; have many other bargains. Tallmarlge Realty Co.. rteanors. on nenry ping jpor SALE Furnished or unfurnished 7 room house with bath, furniture 2 years old, fine location, i dik. irom ,tne car, lot 50x100, fruit trees, berries, roses, peaches, paved sidewalk. Inquire 1025 E. 22d st. Alberta car. HEALTH AND WEALTH Life's greatest blessings dwell at Dusy. mne-nign. pine, clad Prescott. Sunny bungalow. 3 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, breakfast room, furnished Yours at right price. Write C P Hicks. Prescott. Ariz. 5-ROOM bungalow. furnished, white enamel kitchen and bedrooms, hard wood floors, full cement basement, lot 33x104, garden and roses. 355 E. 49th st. S; home Tuesday. Hawthorne-Mt Scott cars. 100x100, WITH 4-room modern house: bath, gas, electricity, iruu, oerrles. chickens; close to electric station: 8c fare; big snap for $2100, half cash. Mc- Cormlc. wain mai. SEE THIS small home overlooking river, 2 blocks from Sellwood car; improve ments all in. For sale by owner. Home Sunday and evenings. 494 Rex ave. FOR SALE Two new beautiful bungalows. Call at 331 E. 50th N., near Broadway, or call Tabor8250. 5-ROOM bungalow, fruit, on carline, leav ing; city, $3500, $1500 cash. Sell. 115L REAL ESTATE. For Sale Uouses. BUNGALOWS UNDER CONSTRUCTION FOR SALE. 989 E. Burnslda. modern, up-to-the-minute, has hardwood floors throughout, garage, furnace; on one of the best loca tions in Laurelhurst: completed. H1I7 Weidler, 5 rooms, all modern, with garage, furnace, hardwood floors and s.eeping porch; price $5000; completed. 70th and Stark. 6 rooms. Just com- 70th and Stark. 6 rooms. Just about completed, the best view in tne city. Price $6000. 704 East SOth st. I rooms. Just com pleted, price $4850. I will bs glad to call for you and show these bungalows, they are well built and In good locations and can bs sold on easy terms. GEORGE E. WELLER, BUILDER, 226 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 5231. Tabor 1950. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER. New strictly modern 6-room bunga low, on southwest corner of E. 43d and Glisan sts Call owner at East 6324. or apply on premises Sunday between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M, LADD ADDITION HOME. In view of Central park, east front 2 story house with attic 2x4S. full base ment laundrv. furnace, fireplace, oak floors. 2 toilets. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. Everything In perfect repair. Houses of this class are selling ror $o00. Lea vine cltv. wiil sell this for $7250. on easy terms or $7000 cash. Also $1200 worth of furniture, as good as new. for $600. Possession at once. Do not de lay if you want to save money. Phone owner. Sell. 3379. LAURELHURST. STRICTLY MODERN CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW: ALL ON ONH FLOOR. LA RGB LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. THRKU BEDROOMS, HATH AND KITCHEN. HARDWOOD FLOORS, GA- K AU hi. $7300. POI N DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RES. EAST 0J7L ELABORATE COMPLETELY FUR NISHED BUNGALOW, ROSE CITY 0 beautiful rooms strictly modern with garage, on paved corner; complete wal nut, maliugany and tapestry furniture, including piuno and Brunswick; must be sold as is quickly. $9000; good terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., KEALTy ItS, P.dwy. 4751 410 Henry Bldg. OWNER WANTS To SELL. NOT FOK PliOKIT. HUT A LOSS. Westmoreland's best-constructed 6 room home. 7 years old: large sleeping porch, lovely lurge living and dining room, beautiful firt-place, paneled doors, French beveled mirrors, all modern built ins. This is an exceptional home at low price; double garage, east front 1 block c.ir; anv reasonable terms: no mortgage. Mar. 1022. S. 11. J7CIH. MR. AND MliS HO-MESKEKEK. JUST LOOK AT THIS One of those nice, new bungalows; full cement basement, garnge and 5oxloo lot. and only $3-50. I have many others from $:;0oo to $4000. on which I can Quote a homeseeker reasonable prices and terms. J. H HOLBROOK. Realtor. 2M-215 Panama Hldg SUNNYSIDE CORNER. 2 modern 0-rooin houses on one lot that aro renting for $73 a month; will sell at a price that will net U',o Inter est on the Investment; If you are look ing for a home and some Income, phone owner. Tabor 7627; no agents or brokers. HEHE IS JUST THE I'l.ACE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOK. Good modern 5-rooin bungalow, built in buffet, wood lift, full ba.miut-nt, wah trays, all improvements it: and paid for. -41 East 311th st.. 1 block north or Hawthorne avenue. $.i:',50. terms. L E. Stcinmetz, 46 Uerlingvr bldg. Main 6091 or Taoor 3224. ROSE CITY PARK. $4850 New 6-r..om bungalow, all modern; Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays, hardwood floors In dining and living rooms, buifet. fire place, bookcaces, all up-to-uate; $1000 down, balance monthly; wlli consider late model Chevrolet as part or tirst payment. 702 E. 9th st. beilwood 03. SACRIFICE SALE IDEAL FOR RETIRED FARMER ACRES. 10 ROOMS. ALL CONVEN IENCES: FI'lTS AND BERIMES TO APPRECIATE IT MI ST HE SEEN 657 E. 39TH ST. BY APPOINTMENT WITH OWNER. SELLWOOD 1640 Oil MAR- SHAI.L 1684. IRVINGTON CORNER. 100x100 Splendid modern 7-room residence hardwood floors throughout: beautlfu location and grounds: $11,500. owner. 503 E 26th N cor. Brazee. Main 4023 or East 1.J9. FOK SALE Bv owner, strictly modern six-room bungalow: built-in features, ga rage. Fox furnace, good neighborhood; If you want a home that Is absolutely clean and up to tne minute In every re spt-ct. look at mv houe. Price $01100; will sell equity. 299 E. 4,th St., near Haw thorne 12-KOOM 11ULSE. furnisneti. clujso in on east side: fine furniture: all housekeeu lng roums: your own .lvlng quarters and Income $113 per mo. clear; lull lot with some fruit, paved t.; price $N3oo See Mr. Boehni. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway lo. ROSE CITY PARK Brand new bunaaloW with garage: this beautiful bungalow 1 now ready ror sale; terms ana price are absolutely right; come out today and 1udge for yourself to 510 E 42d ft V, between Thompson and Brazee C. J Johnson, owner and builder, Auto, 312-69 BY OWNER Hawthorne 5-room bunga low, reception hall, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, floored attic, full base ment: about 43x106 lot; fruit trees and beautiful rose hedge; garage; paved street; two blocks of good school; price $3700 Auto. 215-47; WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. $120(1. 5 rooms, new pleasant living and din ing room, linlshed in ivory; beautiful fireplace. Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, near car: $1oih) cash, balance $-3 monthly: almost immediate possession. See it. Mar. 1022 Sell. 27ml evenings FOR SALE. By owner: 5-room bungalow. Including Wilton carpet, Inlaid linoleums, hang ings, gas range and wnter heater, other furniture if desired; Improvements paid. $5350, about half cash. No. 1029 E. Broadwny. FOR SALE by owner. 4-room house, all modern conveniences, naruwoou uoors, lireplnce. bullt-ins. Dutch kitchen; fruit and berries; 68x100; 2 blocks from car: terms. $I5oO down, balance monthly. Woodlawn 1212 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. One of the cosiest bungalows In Rose City Park, nicely located, dogwood grove, choice roses, modern five rooms, has bullt-ins. hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, garage. 532 E. 43th N East 2S71 RICHMOND MUST lib SOLD Bungalow. $40liu; furnace, fireplace; very we,I arranged: attic, rrult. garage; 84th St.. near car: $loo0 cash and bal ance like rent: owner changing lucation. Mar 1022. Seli. J7Q6 evenings SACRIFICE good house: g. and e. cement basement ana wbikb. aaru. iriut'anu oer. rles. chickens, rabbits, double garaue; routed- Income $9 month. For quick sale $"40ii $450 cash. bal. $25 mo.. Incl. Int n t 0' r. Owner. (ISO-.1 44th- ave. S E IN GROVELAND PARK. 5-room modern furnished bungalow, first-class condition; $6J00. $2500 down. 1434 E. Lincoln st ; tel. Tabor 7087, by owner. ; SIX-ltouM house, sleeping porches, sun parlor, 6 lots, berries, iruu trees, bear ing, lawn, roses, garden In; $5ooo. Own er must sell. Automatic G44-14, or AP 6'10. oregonlan -ROOM bungalow. wet side; city wafer. gas and electricity, perries, irutt trees and garden all in: wopde-'il view valley: 18 mln. out on S P.; furnished or unfurnlehed. Main "MO. $1800 ROOMS TERMS.' 4 rooms down. 2 upstairs; this Is a real -buy; street paved and paid; a lit tle will make this property worth $2500. 5423 S2d st. Eaat 4S55. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished, gas. electric ity, toilet, garage, 2 blks. rrom Killings- worth and union, a,a aown, Dai. eay. 432 Brown st. Jefferson high district. 1 7 or 1 4-room modern bungalow, 26S Sh aver st. By owner. ROSE CITY PARK New 5-room modern bungalow. $300 down. 641 E. 50th N I'hone owner. Sellwood 331. MY $700 EQUITY in a rive-room modern cottage, or will trade for auto; must have some cash. soo E 12th st North. DO YOU like cherries? IT so. come over to 3212 67th st: buy a lot with large fruit trees on. BY OWNER 4-room house; would con sider light touring car in trade. 300 Arlington Place. Peninsula district. BNAP Fine 4-rm. cottage. 2 full tots. blk. from car See swner, 849 E 60th st 8-F.OOM modern corner residence. 655 E. Burnslde. $11300 Owner. Main 402S 60x100 LOT, 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER. 738 7TH STNOKTH. COSTS you nothing for estimates on thai home: plans fumls-hert. Sellwood 1S07 7000511 home, 3 lota orchard, garden. Call Auto. 810-17. WILLIAMS AVE Two 5-room cottages, $5400. S1400 down. Owner. East 7722. BY OWNER Neat 7-room cottage, berries, garage. 159 E. 82d st. N. fruit FIVE-ROOM, cottage. Automatic 526-54. REAL KSTATE. For Hule llotlMm, K1TTKR LOWE A CO.'S CITY Hi IM Kd DEPT. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $4200. Modern five rooms close In, fire place, every built-in feature; 4 concrete basement, laundry trays, etc.. 50x100 lot; a very attractive little bungalow in Irvlngton's best bungalow district SUNNYSIDE. $5500. Strictly modern seven-mom residence on Belmont ave.. hardwood floors, splen did built-in feuturta. firrplace. large homey living and dining room and di-n, modern kitchen: three ! droums, I, alii and large double steeping iMtrch up stairs, full concrete batvment. gond furnace; If you n-ed s comfortable boms where you can ri-nt two or three attrac tive bedrooms, see this. Terms. A BARGAIN. $J000. Close-in four-room cottage, two bed rooms and good bath; 5'xloo lot on paved street; concrete basi-nieut. Tins is a real harg-iln. SIX-ROOM SEMI PUNGALOW. $.'750 $.Mi0 DOWN. Large living and dining room. Dutch kitchen, bedroom and biiih downstairs; large attic; 5iixl0ii lot; linoleum, car pets, gas plate, wood and coal range, gas radiant luster and lirntini stove included. ATTRACTIVE SIN-ROOM HOME. 100x100 GROUNDS, $50110. Fix rooms, concn to basement, larce living and dining room. Dutch kitchen, bedroom and bath downstairs; 2 I" d rooms upstairs; Inrae poultry hoii suitable for 200 chli'ki-ns. brooder house, 16 bearing fruit trees, oil kinds of bi r ries; level lots, grnveh-il BtreMS NEW IRVINGTON lll'NUAI.oW. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow, closs In Irvington; hardwood floors, every built-in convenience, Inrgs living room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cozy breakfast nook, bath and bedroom downstairs; two bedrooms with lava tory upstairs: full concrete basemeut . furnace, laundry trays, etc. PIEDMONT RESIDENCE, $6.'1IM1. Strictly modern residence of six rnnme, oak floors, fireplace, beautiful built-in buffet, bookcas'-s. etc., 8 bedrooms and bath upstairs; full concrete basement good furnace, fruit closet, laundry trays, etc.; garage. 50x100 lot. alley: all on paved St.. '1 blocks N. of Killings worth near library and Jefferson high schoul. Terms. IKVIMITOM roRNFR. MODERN SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW. 73x100 corner, close In, $730 to $1000 cash; easy t'-rms. ROSE CITY PAHK. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW VIEW LOT. 60x106 view lot. fireplace, beautiful bullt-ln restures, large living and dining room, cosy bnakfast nook and latge kitchen, hardwood floors, full concrete basement with Gasco furnace, t bed rooms, bath and hirgo combination bed room or sleeping pircli, 2d floor: roomy view porch; ery reasonable terms. LA UR FT. HURST CHOICE LOCATION. Strictly modern S-room house, good oak floors, fireplace, every bulil-ln con- vonience, large living anu airing ro'.iu, floow; I ih'.mt; N den snd Dutch kitchen on rirst noo 4 bedrooms snd linth on 2d floor; nnlv flnlMtw-il In old IvorV throug full concrete basement, furnace, laun drv travs. etc.; garaue, ennercts floor and driveway; level joxloo lot; price $7500 MOUNT TAIIOR BUNGALOW One of the most attractive bungalows adjoining Mount Tabor park; strictly modern, 7 rooms and sun f't'or; every built-in convenient e ; flreplae-. hard wood floors, 2 bolrooms and bath, dow nstairs; doublo glass, d-ln sleepn.g porch and bedroom ui-.-talrs; full con crete basement; Jewell furnace, hot water heater, laundry trays mid fmit room, garage: this Is s g I neighbor- hood of lilgll-rlaxs r. sldell. es surr.mnde.l by schools, churches and guod car service. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. HITTER. l.oWE A CO . 201-3-3-7 Boanl of Ti-ade Win. HEAD TlHs SNA!' House of 7 rooms, pautrv. front snd back porches, newly painted; woodshed; bath, patent toilet, hot end cold water, electric lights, telephone: the land Is 9,x 90 feet, fine soil. 5 large full-hearliig prune trees, garden T'i'led: chicken house: house insured $1 , paid In full f..r 5 years; cannot build the house for $2.".0il; good In. alloc. In the city of New berg, Or.; price $l!Hio, $1250, balance easy terms at 6 tier cent. gl'ICK SM.ES LAND CO, Phone Black 190 New berg. Or. W. T. Lewis. Manager. f.-.-oo 703 OVKMTON' ST, VACANT. WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. FULL LOT. 50x1011: TWO-STORY. 7 ROOMS AND SI.I'lEriMI I'ORCII: HEI'ROO.MS, FIRKI'I.ACB. Fl'I.L CON CRETE BASEMENT, FURNACE; IM MHI'lATE POSSESSION. TERMS, $.1000 CASH. B I. A N'CK MORTGAGE. POINDEXTER. 2HM SELLING llt.DG. MAIN 1800. RE.S1DUNCU EAST 0771. IRVINGTON COLONIAL $0,100 8 rooms. Inrge living room. French doors, fireplace. Dutch klirben. 4 bed rooms, bath, closed sleeping porch; per fect condition. East 410. A RARE BARGAIN Beautiful new buncah'W of five rooms and bath, hardwood floors, rvpcnslve tapestry paper, French doors, rirepiace, Dutch kitchen, brealif-ist nook, full base, ment. cement porch, lot 52x170. 7 bear ing fruit trees; finl.-dted In rich o!d ivory and white throughout. "055 Powell Val ley, between 7'i'h snd "Nl streets. A SNAP CLOSE IN Save cartre. 6 rms. with 'arge hail, balb and pan.r, gat and wood range and 2 large kltch.ll l-ahlnets Included- fu.t cement hsH-ment and furnace East Davis, near I'Mh. hal' block to Rose Cltv car line. $I,'5U. $750 cash balsnee long l.me Phone R H K . Main 172. or ea l in Serond St. IRVINGTON $7000 Charming hnmn near Bras.ee and Udwr. car: hardwood floors snd Ivory through. out: full lot ami g.ir.na g.asv 419. OWNER mut s''U li-fooiii modern hnimas and garage, ni.i r.a-i -..in . ioo place has 2 fino cherry trees, black berries snd shrubbery: owner will be In Portland, June 6. or for Information write Mr. H. W. C.rahsm. care Wlllard !, rvlrp station. Pendleton. Or. It V OWNER lrwiii.io'i modern nome. e fine bedrooms, double sleeping porch. b-st hardwood rionrs throughout. Z bsth- A rooms. Ruu.l heater. 60 feel frontage. f beautiful Harden, fruit trees snd fencsd, reasonable 677 H.Csey st Rast 83S7 """BEAUTIFUL MT TABOH HOME. Every convenience, hot wafer heat. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, built for own home verv best material snd work ma n s h I P- O wn er. 8 49 E. fli'f hs I. iTXwfTToltNE Ul NGU.OW'llY OWNER. Modern 5-room. fireplace full cement basement and walks, paved street, small garnKe; perfect condition, vacant; I coy, terms 1114 E Sherman, n-ir 37th. IK11SE PLANS "Distinctive Homes." Illustrated bonk of over loll designs. $1: blueprints. $'.0. DISTINCTIVE HOMES Co.MI'ANT, 91'4 Northw-stern Bank Bldg. a pirnMovr. 95000 FlB-ht-room house, tile bath launflrv trays, r-irnnee, Portland blvd two blocks to car. 335 E. MA SSI VE eonvenh 6-room buncalow, all modern nci-s, with fireplace and fur- oaven si re t; oca- wnn owners and make your own commission. 45th s t JSKJor S'.n3l "7 5319 FOR SALE Bv owner, modern seinl. bun galow 6 larite nlrv rooms, nil built-in, full cement ba-einent. laundry tras. on car line. $45ou; h mil. 9J3 G adslons SVC, Sell. 216 BEXUTIFUL Irvington home, large ronma flowers, etc. Thon owner, blast HOME Cosy buncalow. 4 rooms. bath. Hill- ti,rehes, roses, o.anos iim'.' '" I.I.-V nlant.d. CJUIt-K POSSESS. w... Ow ner, . dL-?' -1 ' RUSK CJ'l'Y PARK hitirf.ilow nf 7 roonis. furnished or unfurnished modem In every respect: latge tcarasc Call and seelt ijsRi.'kN. ROSE CITY PARK d-rooin bungalow, '4, block from Sandy: pro e materially re duced for qultk sale; $ 1750, terms. 511 E. 49th St. N. IRVINGTON SNAP; 11500. $500 rash balance monthly; good 6-rooiu h.'it. near 13th and Tillamook 1-.,jt 394; Main 8078. 830 N IWRink h.dg BY OWNER Hawthorne 6-foutii corner house, fireplace, buffet, bookcase. Fri nrh doors; one bedroom down, two up fur. nuce. full basement; I123Q Auto 2'3 47. 2 CORNER Ion SOxlOO mil tilth st S. E. Fruit, b'-rries. garden in: small house; $1400. $0300 JUST being finish', galow In best I.Kiitlon of Ca'l owner. Kat InlH 5-rooin him -.- City Park. FOR SALE or trade 6 and ll-r-'nm nouse; would consider store with living ruoma Sj:l E. J4jh stN. SPLENDID residence which hss been re cently repainted outside and in and la in excellent condition. owner Main 70S. FOR SALE 3-room nouse, corner lot. onv I carline. overlooking river. Phone owner.Sj A GMJIJ double construct d house and barn with two full lnt. with all kinds of fruit and berrb-s 4tM2 4iith st 8 E, FOR SALE by owner, new 5-room modern bungalow. For particulsrs call Tabor 8741 between 7 and IA.JL i