20" THE SUXDAT OREGON-AX, PORTLAND, 3LY 22, 192? HELP WAyTEP-M.UE.. WANTED Middle-aged married couple - without children, tor eastern Oregon .. alfalfa ranch: man to milk six to ten cows, do regular chores and gardening and help with general farming; woman to care for kitchen and dining room and - cook for crew during hay harvest; R0 rw- month with house and Doara. o . experience and Qualifications. Answer, AV 721. Oregonian. I need one or two men with Ford cars; must have a little money and be willing to work. I can put the right nrtiAB In ns-.altl.in vhrft theV Can stake from $10 to J.V per day and be . their own boas. This is no iaao or im at proposition, but a real chance to , vnjtbfi -nod and I want real . men. AR 575. Oregonian. TTTvf TnTi Wl F7 irri era. ted all all ranch in Umatilla county; man to do general farming, must understand horses and farm machinery, woman to cook for one to three regular men ana ior crew durina- haying: wages !M) per month with house and Doard. AV -l t reftonfan. MECHANIC AND ELECTRICIAN ONE - WHO THOROUGHLY UNDERSTANDS REPAIRING AND INSTALLING MOV ING PICTURE MACHINES " T PI.V1VG PLEASE STATE EXPE RIENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED. X 6il, OREGONIAN". LIVE young married man who can sell food products direct to trade for estab lished route in city, car iurui.i-u, commissions paid; best references asked and bond; Success Cofico & &uppiy w. L'l Grand ave. cuippfvr. rT.PRV for SASH AND DOOR FACTORY wanted; do not apply unless experienced and competent; gooa saiary. Y 6iM, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN to sell advertising space oa commission for one of oldest farm papers in northwest; fine opportunity - for intelligent man to break into adver tising game. Call 281 12th at.. Monday, J to 1- A. M. YOUNG man of neat appearance; fair education to learn wholesale women s ready-to-wear business; good oppor tunity for advancement. AG 679, Ore- rnnian. - PRINTER Ad setter wanted on afternoon daily in Oregon outside of Portland; job open now and permanent to right man; - 8V--hour day, scale $40. Give pnone and address. AV 7I. Oregonian. "WANTED Neat-appearing young man to advertise staple line of merchandise, houe to house; no delivery; permanent work and good pay to the right man. 214 Htock Exchange Tiag. WANTED 3 young, active men for off bearers, box factory, near Portland. Call 9 A. M. Monday morning. 1117 Yeon Bldg. Must be 18 years or older. WE WANT a good live automobile insur ance solicitor. Must be man of good per sonality and a hustler. Previous experi ' ence unnecessary. AP 669. Oregonian. " PRINTER apprentice, capable of handling multi-color department in wholesale - house; state age, experience, references and salary expected. E 684, Oregonian. AIULTIGRAPH ooerator who can sell or ambitious to try. Good salary and splendid opportunity to right party. Phone Main 6134. CARPENTER wanted, good finisher, $5, 8 hours. lots of work. AJ 6ts4, oregontan Help Wantrd Salesmen. SALESMAN WA?s"TET. We manufacture a well-known staple line cf merchandise end a contem plated change will create en opening for a good salesman. The territory is ad jacent to Portland and is a very desir able one from every viewpoint. Write. giving full particulars of your experience confidentially, of course. Compensa tion, salary or commission. AF 695, Oregonian. LIVE, SELF-RELIANT SALESMAN, WISHING OPPORTUNITY TO CON- NECT WITH A LARGE INDUSTRIAL - CONCERN WHICH OFFERS A FU TURE. THE RIGHT MAN SHOULD : EARN FROM $500 TO $1000 PER MO. - AND BETTER. - OUR PRODUCT IS ON THE MAR KET AND PLANT TO BE ENLARGED. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE IM PROVING BUSINESS CONDITIONS AND LINE UP WITH A STRONG CON TERN FOR A BIG SEASON. 9 A. M. TO 12 M. 300 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. AN INTERESTING sales proposition ' awaits five good men, permanent con- nection with new organization; get in on the ground floor and grow with ua See 0 to 10 and 4 to 6, Williams & Daw- ley, Nortonla hotel. -A STDE LINE, good for $100 week pocket samples sells to retailers, manufacturers, jobbers used everywhere easy to sell. Carry-ette Bag company, 321 cedar st. St. Paul. Minnesota. SALESMEN experienced in hosiery to han dle as side line, commission basis, case lots direct from manufacturer. Great American Mills, 37 Broadway, N. Y. City. MAKE big money distributing Speedoline easy, permanent work; exclusive terri tory; automobile free. Write for partic ulars, speedoline Co., aept, so, uaiias, Texas. WANTED High-grade phonograph line has vacancy. iDerai contract to deal ers. If you are interested write box 303, Iowa City, lowa. WANTED Ford car salesman, salary and commission. If you are a live one and can hit the ball, answer this ad, AV 715, Oregonian. SALESMEN to call on business houses, hotels and garages, clean proposition. very . liberal commission. Room. 602 Stock Exchange bldg. MORE miles per gallon made with new patented gasoline vaporizer. Write for particulars. Stransky v aporizer Co., j'UKwana, s. .Dakota. ivEPREriENTATIVE wanted. Good money. (jnoice oi territory. w eeiciy advances. Merchants School of Adv., file 60, 22 Quincy st., Chicago. SALESMEN well-known household line, S150 to S2o0 a month to workers ref - erencea required. 20. Artisans' building, j io p f. ji. ji. u. -iougen. SALESMEN Inexperienced ox0 experienced, city or traveling. Write for list of lines and full particulars. Address Nat'L Salesmen's Tr. Assn.. Dept. 274. Chicago, MAP SALESMEN, unusual opportunity for successful map salesman: confidential. , Write, giving full particulars of past ex perience to htate survey Co.. Salem. Or. PHARMACEUTICAL salesman for Oregon and Washington. Must have experience ana reierence. sew company, June 1, Address M OIW. Oregonian. TWO FIRST-CLASS salesmen Iw city; districts open out of rbv vanted for bwn Ann ir between 9 and 10 A. M.. Western Blind fc Screen Co.. SI 4th st. ADVERTISING solicitor for the best prop osition in the field; if you can sell ad vertising it will pay you to call at 206 IN INTERESTING sales proposition awaits 5 good men with cars, permanent connection with new organization. Ap- n;y .vonaiiy j. m., n nenry oiag. ANTED Salesman to handle- a side line of staple cigars, for eastern Oregon territory. Apply Brown Cigar Co., 124 N. Broadway. Bdwy. a77i. SALESMEN in every county in N. W. to sell Astoria real estate; exceptional proposition. S. H. Webb. opp. depot, Afroria, Or. SALESMAN with $2000 or $3000 to invest m a food mftr. co. Business now rang ing from $1500 to S200O per mo. Must he a live wire. AR 426. Oregonian. 8 ELL electric iron cord coilers to house wife; costs you 25c. sells for 50c. Call East 5547 week nights after 6:30. Agents - making $12 daily. CALL 636 Northwestern Bank bldg. for a highly dignified, very lucrative selling proposition; large corporation. Telephone Main 564.1. " SALESMAN wanted to sell five new and . one ued truck : also two used autos. - J. L. Stuart. Dayton. Or. HONEST man with Ford roadster or truck to sen electric wasners, vacuums, etc Ask for Mr. Brown. 106 4th st. ALA -N witn car to sen auto accessories, no experience, money for tourist. Room 414 Rltz Hotel. 2.70 PER HOUR cleaning and shampooing - rugs; vacuum furnished free; 110 com mission on gales. Do dye Bros.. Salt Lake. SALESMEN and agents wanted as district representatives. Johnson Tire Patch Co., , 4210 Olive at.. St. Louis. WANTED. SALE SM A N . No Un.it to the future if you are the right party. Call at 311 Henry bldg. WE WANT man with car to show real estate: more business than we can take care of. 4'7 McKay Bid g. TRAVELING salesman for garage and hardware line; state age and particu lars. F 668. Oregonian. WANT salesman with Ford and $50 to "7" take state agency for auto accessory. 33 Chamber of Commerce. . WANTED Man that understands torches - and selling. F 612. Oregonian. CITY SALESMEN To handle established side line. Good commission. Wdln. 4001. SOLICITOR and salesman for city; good, live man for city. Main 2S20. WANTED City salesman. 55S2. Phone Tabor REAL ESTATE salesman; excellent open . ins for hustlers. 607 Corbett bide. -TEXT WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN WANTED. F. N. Clark & Co. Is building a large sales organization. We re quire a large number of flrst-clas salesmen and prospective sales managers of offices to be opened as oon as the right men are ob tained. Telephone me Monday at Main 7842 for a definite appoint ment, then see me at 609 Wilcox building. No men seen without telephone appointment. Bring: references. MORGAN QUILL. SALESMEN WITH AUTO. "Let There Be (Stransky) Light!" Electric light fixture, just out; put up In a minute on any fixture; electric ex perience unnecessary; sold at $7 on 6 months time; average sales 12 per day; commission 50 each; earnings $30 per day; men with auto avoid second call; state if you have auto; references abso lutely necessary; we furnish stock of goods; Stranaky Mfg. Co., 261 to 2H7 Canal at., N. Y. Makers of Stransky light, the largest selling electric fixture In the United States. STOCK SALESMEN. We have a place for several success ful producers. One of the most attract ive financial propositions ever offered in the northwest, officered and directed by unusually successful men in this line. K1a a r a --nine fit and OUr good men are making big money; only experienced men need apply. Call Monday after 10 A. M second floor Gordon blag., 4tn and Stark et. Ask for Mr. ttainey. SALESMEN Men who have successiui sales records to sell wear prooi u.ais. On market 12 years, nationally known and used. Every doorway a prospect, especially office buildings, hotels, thea ters, stores, clubs, restaurants, schools, churches, hospitals, elevators, homes. Leader in field. Good men can make big money and build a lucrative business. Address WEAR PROOF MAT CO., -liJ W. Fulton st.. Chicago, III. v aa t a u Two or three of the livest, experienced stock salesmen in Portland who have a machine and are used to meeting the farmers south of Portland. Will guarantee expenses and pay good commissions to rustlers who are gentle manly and well appearing men. A live, proposition to right parties; best of ref erences required. Answer P. O. Box Sf.5, Albany. Or. SPECIALTY SALESMAN, TAKE NOTICE. National sellinK and advertising campalg starts here in Portland May 25. Three more sure hitters needed at once. iro eery line to trade. Yes sir, it's commis sion, and sure money, payable imme diately. Campaign lasts two weeks here. There are other cities. M 6i3, uregonia WE RECOGNIZE NO COMPETITION be cause of unique nature of patented art! cie exclusively owned oy us, cjearini Kood money. Government created de mand. If you cannot sell this specialty you will fail selling life preservers on sinking ship. Jerome Laadt, Pres., 8 South Dearborn, Chicago. WE HAVE a good position for man wi .retail sales experience; if you have some money and wish to connect permanently with a live concern in a substantial, es tablished business, write us, giving your experience and references. Address 657, Oregonian. NOTICE TO SALESMEN. After six days' study and office train In if Ernst, with- no previous selilnK ex perience. earned 1102.50 as his first week's commlssLson. For this same op port unity see sales manager, 712 Lewis Duiiaine. iu to iz a. m. .vionaay. OID-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work bard for real success. If you believe you can sell life insurance If eiven assistance by super visor, call or write W. E. Hlbbard. 1204 Wilcox biag- THE CO-OP. FACTORY has opening for live represenattive this territory; union made popular-priced overalls, playsuiti and aprons; reierences ana experience in first letters. Sibbett Mfg. Co., 7th and Poplar sts., Oakland. Cal. WANTED Stock salesman for A-l propo sition; fast-growing, profitable Oregon industry with permit to marker, its se curitles. has an attractive offer to make to high-class salesman. See Mr. Davies at Blackstone hotel. EXPERIENCED salesman for northwest, to carry popular priced line of siik waists made in San Francisco; estab lished trade; references and territory covered required. Joseph Samuel, 783 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. 2 FORDSON tractor salesmen; prefer men between 35 and 45 years who have had experience In selling farm implements: salary and commission. Raker & Son, Ford dealers, uresnam, ur. EVERY MERCHANT A PROSPECT Fast selling' specialty In universal demand. Full time or side line. Good money to hustlers. Coat pocket samples. Box BOS, Iowa City. Iowa. SOLICIT accounts for large collection agency, good money easily earned. Apply immediately for valuable territory. Il linois Adjusting Corp., 127 N. Dearborn, Chicago. SEVERAL good salesmen, men of per sonality and ability can become con nected with sales proposition or great merit Call between 12 and 2 o clock. 20 Panama bldg. SALESMEN Side line and specialty. One order Days good money. Attractive spe cialties. Write for particulars. The Grappelo Co., 616 W. Monroe St., Chi cago. TWO SALESMEN, capable of selling Fed eral motor trucKs; noerai proposition ; oldest and largest motor car organiza tion on the Pacific coast. William Hughson. 60 North Broadway. WANTED Salesmen, brand new patented auto tool; nothing like it ever offered ; sells on sight; no competition; large profits- Write for particulars. Slonaker Sales Co., 105 W. Monroe, Chicago. WANTED AGENTS. AN OPPORTUNITY; go to work; man or woman; salespeople wan tea at once; tne season is nere now. tan at -i- nan way Exchange Bldg., and get busy, Splendid side line and territory. AGENTS Large " manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing, etc. Write for free samples. Madison Mills. 503 Broadway. New York. A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Make sparkling glass name plates, numbers, checker boards, medallions; big illus trated book free. E. Palmer, 201, Woos ter. Ohio. A PROFITABLE, permanent business quickly built, selling chewing gum to retail stores; Spearmint and Novel pack ages. Write today. Helmet Gum Co., 217 Palace bldg., Cincinnati. AGENTS $36 weekly, 75c hour spare time guaranteed, taking orders lor guaran teed Hosiery. No delivery, pay in ad vance, experience unnecessary. Box 7, Darby, Pa. AGENTS Rubberized household aprons. We have a good money-making propo sition to offer. Write Specialty Apron Co.. 14 E. Jackson blvd.. Chicago. ADVERTISE Save money, get results. on-page rate book tens now. - Mailed r'REE. Standard Advertising Agency, W9, St. Louis. Mo. WINNING 7" combination, best $1 seller in years. At $1 everybody buys. New plans. Line up quick! E. M. Davis, Dept. 704. Chicago. 111. SIDELINE for salesmen calling on furni ture and hardware trade western, south ern, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho. AV 472. Oregonian. AGENTS Sell famous Cresco raincoats, waterproof aprons, utility bags; write for our proposition; free outfit. Improved lig. to., iept. i in. asii lano, tinio. WITH "Daisy Bath Show ers" beautiful. wonderful, moderate priced, sales easy, territory, newly patented. Daisy Shower Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS Wonderful selling article, used by everyone, sens on signt; iree sam ples ana particulars. u. u. f. to., la East Saratoga st., Baltimore, Md. CANVASSER with auto; house to house experience selling food products. See W. M. UmdenstoCk, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. IttfS. UNLIMITED possibilities to the party who is capable of -handling the Renulife Vio let Ray in a big way. Algrat Electric company. 425 Washington street. WoMEN of the best selling ability on a house-to-house campaign; very attract ive proposition. THE SURETY SHOP, 360 Alder St. BIG PROFIT Fast selling household, stre and office necessity. Repeater. Free sample. Chapman company, lOOd Dwtght building. Kansas City, Mo. GREEK agent to solicit for imported nov elties among own people. Big commis sion. 12 E. Morrison st. AGENTS of best selling ability; something new and useful. 614 E. Oak 8L. flat 2. East 4S17. AGENTS to handle the Wolter auto sig nals; good commission. See William Stranger Sunday 10 to 6. 361 Taylor. GOOD appearing young man with light car to solicit and deliver to dealers; good opportunity. L 681, Oregonian. MAN AND lady canvassers. Call between 4 and 5 P. M., 451 E. Burnslde st. HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Biff commissions 601 Corbett Bid. AN W A NTEtf Ali CTS. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Manufactur ing concern, whoso line of products la la overwhelming demand, will establish ambitious men in business as wholesale distributors. selling through agents, salesmen, dealers, lobbers and by mail. Experience or capital unnecessary, credit extended, everything furnished, full co operation, tremendous repeat buelness. per cent profit, newspaper aavertiS' in free: contract orotects territory. Sci entific Laboratories, 293 Court st.. Dept. aa.,, urooKiyn, .n. r. SALESMEN In selecting a position at this time a real problem confronts you. You must have a position that will furnish a good income now true but the future is the problem for serious consideration. Big organizations are through with professional jod numers. We have a place for two good men who reauy want to ao some. n ing. jxp-r-ienct in unnecessary if VOU are the right man. Call Mr. Walters. Broadway 1658 Monday for appointments, AGENTS Best seller; Jem rubber repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcaniza- tion at a saving or over per cent, put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself in 2 minutes and is guaranteed to last the Pre of tire or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. ror par ticulars to make big money and rrt sample, address Amazon Rubber Co Philadelphia, Pa., Dept. 79. BIG MONEY. New household discovery now sweep Ing country with whirlwind success; re tails 15c; 31 -piece dish set to customers on every vvc oraer. mis p. an ui -..- sales easy; 200 per cent profits, positive repeaters; business builders. Write to day for exclusive territory, free sample. Grtat American Co., Dept. 672, 430 S. Green. Chicago. GARTSIDE'S Iron Rust Soap Co., 4054 Lancaster ave.. Phi la.. Pa., mf-a, of the only original Iron Rust soap, want agenta Trade mark, print and copy right registered In U. S. patent office. ' This soap removea iron rust. Ink and cnwashable stain from clothing, mar ble, etc., like magic 25 cents tube. Big profits AGENTS. SELL MI XI TM END FOR TIRES and tubes; cost 2c repair; surpasses vul canizing, saves 500 per cent; every auto ahd accessory dealer buys, profits amaz ing. Particulars free and aample. The Continental Rubber Co., Department 25, Philadelphia, Pa. QUIT worrying over labor unrest. Good money refinishlng brass beds, autos, chandeliers; new method, light work, no losses, no capital, no experience re quired. Vast amount of work ready in your city; you nire oiners; prom on their work. Free particulars and proofs. Gunmeta! to., i bim, uecatur, m. AGENTS everywhere earn big money sell In g Lisco ; every motorist a prospect ; eliminates carbon, saves gasoline, harm less; advertising helps furnished; satis fied customers every wnere; Drings repeat orders; your territory may De open. LJchty Specialty Co., Kearney, Neb. AGENTS Automobile owners wild with enthusiasm; marvelous invention doubles1 power, mileage, efficiency; saves cost : first day; sensational saies every wnere; territory going like wildfire; $26 sample outfit and Ford car free. Write quick. , Ovee Co., Dept 1, Louisville, Ky, AGENTS Patented novelty cigarette hold- er. It throws out the stump. Sells like wild fire. Assorted to agents, $3.20 doz. Send money order for sample dozen. If not satisfactory your money refunded. Write Charles Walters, importer, 660 Sherman st., Denver. Colo. . NEW INVENTION, oil gauge tor Fords, sells on sight; big profits; small Invest ment; exclusive territory; unusual op- portunity for agents and salesmen. Ad- dress Salts Mgr., 141 Sta. C, Omaha, Neb. BIG PROFIT, free samples, lowest priced gold window letters tor stores, on ices. Anybody can do it. Large demand. Ex clusive territory, side line. ACME LET TER CO., 2S06 Congress, Dept. 149, Chi cago. CAN YOU use $50 per month extra? We want ladies selling medicines, extracts or toilet preparations to write for at tractive and profitable sideline. MURRAY MEDICINE CO.. Sloan Bldg., Yakima. Wash. LIVE wires in each county In Oregon and Washington, to distrinute nousenoia necessity that sells at sight. Phone Bdwy. 1259 to make engagement for ln- tervtew or address ae 871. oregonian. AGENTS Sell Kno-Blo inner tires; dou ble mileage, prevents punctures, blow outs; every car owner interested ; show one. sell four: bis: profits, write Kno- Blo Inner Tire Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. WANTED Automobile salesmen of high est type; those who can and have sold ( not order . takers), answer this ad 7 per cent commission. - W 699, Orego nian. SALES AGENTS A sale In every home on our IN ew leather utility bag and wa terproof apron; something different, big . rums , we eiari . ou rint. iniproveu Rirg. to., Dept. 117, Ashland, Ohio. MEN WITH FORD CARS for work in I country; very liberal pay. American Fruit Grower. 310 Board of Trade. SEND for free toilet soap sample and 10 casn reiuno oner, iacas.ia to., JJepu oiu. L 1XJU1S, MO. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BY WHOLESALE house, competent sten ographer, dictaphone operator preferred; answer in own handwriting, giving ex perience, reierences, salary expected. This position is In a busy business office. Applicant must be fairly good penman, willing, painstaking, conscientious. M Gtt, Oregonian. FIVE experienced teachers wanted for ed ucational work during the summer, ex celtent opportunity for a profitable va cation period ; permanent to those who qualify, al psi. uregonian. WANTED Middle-aged lady to keep house on small farm, 3 in family. Good pay. Address Orchards, Wash., K. 1, Box 55. MULTIGRAPH operator who can sell or ambitious to try. oooa salary ana splendid opportunity to right party. Phone Main 5134. WANTED A woman for chamber work and linen room, city experience required, good room and board. Call Monday, Nortonla hotel. 11th and Stark. GIRL wanted to help take care of six- year-oia cnnu, and assist witn nouce- work; girl who can swim preferred. Khone Marshall assi. WANTED Young girl to assist In office, no experience necessary; give age. phone number and salary expected. B 693, Oregonian. ' WANTED Experienced girl for cooking ana nouseworK wnere nurse is Kept for children; references required; best wages. Phone Monday Main 610. , POWER machine onGrtr: nne I en tea on awning preferred. Columbia Awning & Shade Co.. IS$ 2d st THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home ready .to help any girl in distress. 955 Biast Giisan. car. Blast 310. TWO YOUNG ladies required to operate multicolor press. Winnie Schmederber ger. Please call 403 Oregonian b 1 d g. WANTED Good lady cook, not over 45 years: easy place, good wages. Address ; Al ."sicnois, nneviue. ur. TEACHERS wanted, register free, at THIS OLAKK.SUN TUiACnbRS AUCX "512 Sycamore, Clarkson. Wash. WANTED Chambermaid, not over 35 years, wttn no incumbrances. Bucking ham Hotel. 20th and Washington sts. OUN'G girl to assist with housework ; three in family. 726 Johnson. Main WANTED Girl lor four adults. general housework. Call mornings by Clackamas. 10. 692 WANTED Experienced second mai.l. foruana reierences required. Apply 614 jacKson st.. cor, ztst, Portland Helght-i. YOUNG women wanting employment as tejepnone operators can at room 001 Telephone building. Fark and Oak sts. 1RST-CLASS lady buttonhole maker and itnisner; steady work. y o 1, Orego- AN GIRL wanting a good home and wages to assist with housework, apply c . kj. .(. ii i. oruu way car. STENOGS, bookkeepers, office help, see u iui pusiu.ua. William service. 04 Spalding bldg. FREE room, meals furnished to cham bermaid or working girl. Room 2, 143V 11th st. EXPERIENCED waitress, counter work; .steady position; references. 100 Broad -way, near Washington. ' WOMAN for dining room and vegetable work, camp, 50, room and board. 21 N. 2d st. EXPERIENCED woman for chamber work in apt. .house for rent of two-room apt. 4 10 M orr I s on. RESPONSIBLE woman h 2 days open for housework by day or hour; Nob Hill district preferred. Call B. 2125. COOK wanted for ranch in eastern Oregon; good place. Phone H. V. Gates, Hilla boro, Oregon. EXPERIENCED woman to take charge of medium sized rooming houBe. 54 N. lth FIRST class experienced waitress, Blue Bird cafe. 149 2d st. WANTED 2 girls to keep house and care for 1 child, 5 yrs. 893 South Grand ave. LADY wants another as partner; small in- vestment. a pyu, oregonian. ENERGETIC woman for outdoor selling; $18 weekly. Y 0S9. Oregonian. WHO DOES electric quilting? Give price per spool. E 687, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced cloak and suit saleslady. Apply 148 4th st. The Model Cloak & Suit House. WOMEN wanted to sort papers. Western raper atoctt ,o., f ront st. WANTED A waitress for small restau rant. Phone Columbia 487. EXPERIENCED girl for alteration on HELP WANTEDFEMALE. DESIRABLE TRAVELING POSITION. Will be vacant July 1. Acceptable ap- Klicant must be over 28 years old with Igh school or college education. Un married woman or widow without In cumbrance preferred ; pleasing person ality and adaptability essential: no in vestment necessary; no experience re quired: position permanent with ad vancement; will pay right party $40 per week. Give telephone number. F 67S. Oregonian. ' NURSE for baby, 75: ref. Exp. chamber maids, practical nurses, cook for hos pital. 2 commercial waitresses (out), up stairs maid, ref.: cook and assistant, same home (out) ; cook, housekeeper, small hotel. Several good places in country homes and on farms. Mrs. Scott's Employment Bureau, 329 HenrJ Bidg. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN. Big demand for high-salaried execu tives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you In touch with big opportunities Write at once for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training School. Desk J413. Washington. D. C. MARRIED woman to do housework; will give furnished housekeeping rooms with tree gas for cooking in addition to good wages for woman: very desirable place to live and a splendid opportunity for the right parties. Phone Tabor 1781. aunaays. GRADUATE nurse for permanent position. a Die to give anestnetics, Keep uwiw and meet the public; willing to warn typewriting and X-ray work. Write ap plication, stating age. experience, pre liminary education and salary expected. F !!. Oregonian. . DO YOU want to earn money in your spare time? We have a wonderful of fer to make ambitious men and women. No previous experience necessary. No money required. Write today for plans. American Products Co., 4631 American bidg.. Cincinnati. Ohio. STENOGRAPHER, with bookkeeping ex perience,, in town of over 6000. There is a future ahead for a bright, capable young woman. Give education, age, ex perience, with complete address. AV 714, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced sewers for alter ation department ior laaies cwiuw, excellent opportunity for anyone having had shop experience. Apply at ALLYN'S CLEANING & DYEING, Grand Ave. and E. YamhilL WANTED Experienced cashier and wrap per ior department store wofk; nmm w thoroughly experienced and able to op erate National cash register; state age and experience, also references. N 6S2, Oregonian. $25 WEEKLY up, fascinating employment. mailing circulars at home, now ope also fine traveling nositions. either sex evnerlenre unnecessary: write Quick for work. Workers Service Co,, dept. 2 Jacksonville. Fla. WANTED. Experienced power machine operators ior Overalls, Shirt. Panls. Etc. HIRSCH-WEISS MFG. CO.. 205 Burns-lde. GOOD natured and kind hearted lady to take the mother's place for my 3 chll dren: one that Is looking more for home than wages: Btate least wages ex pected in first letter. AC 602. Orego nian. . WANTED Thoroughly competent billin clerk in wholesale house; one wno can handle laree amount or work. tnie; verv exnerfenreri' dn not reDlV. Sta exoerlence. age. salary, etc. N tiilO. oregonian. I WANTED Well-appearing young woma In auMiut nn le.rtiira nl.tforni. IY1USt be able to play piano. Phone Marshall 398 for appointment, or call at Painless Parker, dentist, 3264 Washington sC, Monday MIDDLE-AGED woman, with or .without child, as lady's companion on homestead, fine home and some wagea Answer by letter, giving phone number, w. b Oregonian. WANTED Experienced power machine operator; those who are not experienced need not apply. Metropolitan Hat & Cap Mfg. Co.. 131 2d st., 3d floor. WANTED A nurse and helper, not over o5 years, old; for elderly couple, laay an invalid; nervous prostration; small house, light work; permanent if pleasant. Phone H-J, Oak urove. COOK for hospital, $75. r.. b. ; lady for h. work. out. $40; hotel maid, city, ; waitress, out -140. r.. b. : first-class cook for resort. .100 month. .01 Raleigh bldg, 327 Wash, st. WANTED Exoerienced Dressers for I dies' clothes; pleasant working condi tions, steady employment, good pay. Ap ply in person, AlJyn's Cleaning and Dye ing. Grand Ave, at lamnui. KEPLNED woman to identily herself wit the largest and best custom made corset comoanv in tne world, exceptional re muneration to one of ability. Experience u n necessary. D o i . Oregonian. ANA ENERGETIC, well-educated woman over AO. with some Dusmess experience (preferably as a saleswoman) who can devote entire time to work, of practical m erl t: not office. L bn. oregonian WANTED Lady to travel on the road with candv floss machine, matting tn fairs, ffoin? north this summer and south this winter. Address C. A. Bills. Grants Pass, Or. wrM EN'S Protective Division, located a room 303 Police Headquarters, za ana Oak eta. will furnish information, give protection ana assistance tre a co women and gins, interviews conimenuat. PA'PRRIEXCED POWER MACHINE OP ERATORS FOR Vv UKt LAUIJiS-SHIRT-WAISTS. W. J. BALL WAIST CO.. ROYAL BLDG., CORNER BDWY. AND MORRISON. GARMENT FACTORY HELP. Operators, basters, hand sewers, etc. Oregon city wooien alius, fregon tity. STRAWBERRY pickers, big crops, long season, fine locality, good campsite. Write for details. Gorge View Acres, ban H. Zeller. White Salmon, wash. OPERATORS. Thoroughly experienced girls to work on overalls. Apply mi. nooo laciory, 233 Couch street, corner faecona. WOMEN who wish to make money by house-to-house canvassing should write or apply for Tun particulars J. w, Brown, 311 Yeon bldg. SALES AGENT wanted in Portland ; 25 fast selling specialties; Dig money.- write Waterproof Aprons, 3153 W. 31st, Clever land. WANTED Three women to call on busi ness houses and offices, clean pro do si tion. very liberal commission. Room WJ niot:K ou atK1 " J i to distribute free circulars for Economy Non-Alcoholic flavoring; permanent po sition. F. E. Barr Co.. Chicago. IAD1ES, widely acquainted, as agents, S3 to lid dally or part time taaing oraers pure silk hosiery; we deliver. Rice, 618 Thompson bldg.. Seattle. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and vtenog rapher for general office work. Perma nent. Lancaster lire c ituooer to., t North bth street. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streeta Phone Main 3450. DM car. CAPABLE woman to handle silks; per manent position ; good pay. oriental Silks Co.. 306 Crocker bldg., Saa Fran cisco. Cal. ' JtfUSlCIAN A parlner for musical act. .must piay one or mure instruments, runs Shamnon. 91 V Grand ave. room 27. MIDDLE-AGED woman to took fur crew of men on eastern Oregon ranch. Phone Monday, wain. 4i',i.f WANTED Woman for general housework In a small family; wages $45 per month. Phone East 3S.".tf. WANTED Capable nurse to take care of lniants; permanent position, r'hone Main 1742. or call 743 Flanders. WANTED Someone to do fancy work for piano lessons. Accredited teacher. L 6!2. Oregonian. A STRONG willing woman for practical nurse xor nervous case. -Apply 012 John son street. GIRL or woman wanted to assist with light housework; good home. Apply 47 East 50th North. Tabor 29. WANTED Experienced stenographer who can also operate muitigrapn salary $65 per month. K 680. Oregonian. HOUSEWORK few hours mornings; prefer- aoiy living stn. Mangy. East 7214. Wanted Domestics. GIRL, Seventh Day Adventlst, good home, no wasning. smaix iamny tauuits). v 007. oregonian. WANTED Experienced second maid; ap ply mornings, 84 N. 1'lst st- Phone Broadway 5277. GIRL to take care of baby. Call Tabor GIRL for cooking and downstairs work; good wages. Call 48ft East 17th st. N. GENERAL house work ; two in family. Apply morning. 825 Hawthorne avenue. WAITRESS and kitchen helper for aum mer resort. State experience. WANTED Second maid in small family. Good wages. Apply 783 Flanders st. WANTED A cook. Apply at baby home, 10rt4 Woodward ave. WOMAN to do mending and upstairs work in private home. Phone Main 4067. EXPERIENCED white cook for private family. 660 Klickitat st.- GIRL for general housework in small fam ily. 771 Schuyler st. East 6307. WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK. MRS. JOHN LATTA. SELL WOOD 7.S0. WANTED Good plara cook by 1st of June: must be clean. Phone East 4908. WANTED Good cook and housekeeper; salary 00. Main o47 HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestic. HOUSEKEEPER wanted bv doctor's fam Jly, 3 children, 5, 3 and ll years; must be good cook, no washing ana very lit tle care of children : wages $50: per manent place for right party. Address .Mrs. js. (j. Joseph, eel van $uren su, Corvallls, Or. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work; must be good plain cook, un derstand sewing, neat and fond of chll dren: three In family: pleasant, mod ern home; no washing; $40. Main 6094. Call Monday. PF.I.IARLE eiri wan tin a oosition for gen era! housework; must be experienced cook, new, convenient house: no laun dry: good wages, 2 adults, 3 children. Mrs. Eugene Rockey, Main 6045. WANTED Neat Klrl for general house w.irk on farm In Polk county: treated as one of family; permanent place. Address route 2. box 4a, Jtftcareau, ur., or poou Tabor t734. mornings. wanted Good housekeeD.r in widower' modern home in country; have 2 boys innsf he iMt-class in every respect. Writ full information and reference. J 063, Oregonian. WinnWFR wishes housekeener on a ranc must take full care of house; give full particulars and references. nex ban- ford. Stanfleid. Or. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and housework; no laundry, good wages, city references required. Air a narry iMcoiai vol w estover roao. WANTED House keener for middle-age gentleman on small farm; no objection to one child; state wages expected i first fetter. C Uerereii, frnerwooa. ur. W ANT ED DO M EST 1 C. Rv a small familv: no small children not elaborate, but pleasant home. Apply at once, 7-S0 Johnson st. wanted Woman livinir near Multno mah station for general housework A day each week; no washing. Call Main 4673. MUSICIAN'S family want woman or girl for housework and assist with Daoy. Good home and good salary. Call Main l.tfQ. COMPETENT, unincumbered woman for general housework In suburban home; 2 adults; wages sou; reierencea requires. K 683, Oregonian. RELIABLE girl or woman for general housework, modern, convenient home, 2 adults, 3 children, permanent place. Sell- wood 2010. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work and cooking. Willing- to go to Seaside for summer. Apply before 12 and after fl. x 4 . Oregonian. EXPERIENCED second maid to do up stairs work and mending in private fam ily. Phone Mrs. Elliott Corbett. Main 4067. WANTED Exoerienced girl for genera. housework and plain cooking; no wash ing; no lurnace. Appiy iiu . inn st.. WANTED Schoolgirl to do housework In .small family; must be willing to stay through summer. Automatic do--'. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of 3, small house, $25. Auto matic 320-32. . WANTED A Eirl for general housework, One who can go home nights preferred. Phone Bdwy. 2.oL GIRL for general housework; good home and good wages; must uite cnnaren. -01 Alnsworth avenue. Phone Wdln. 1213. WANTED June 1. lady to keep house for man with small family. At . ure gnnlan. GOOD cook for family, 4 adults; goo wages; comfortable room with bath, no washing. Apply AC o7. oregonian. WANTED Quiet, strong and capable wo man for general housework; salary $50. Main 8247. GIRL to assist with general housework, no cooking; electric washing machine. East WANTED Girl to assist In general house work, good home, fhone East 22d4, or call at 024 .E. 24tn st. . GIRL to care for child and assist with housework. Call Monday. Marshall 46oJ or apt. 1. 742 Everett st. WANTED Cook for first-class place breakfast and dinner only. E 6t6, Ore gonian. GIRL for general housework in small mod ern bungalow; two adults ana help care for 6-mos.-old haby. Plrone East 7131. ELDERLY German laay wanted for gen eral housework. Main 2000. 00a Mont gomery. WANTED Girl for general housework, must be good cook, wages $50. Main 6789. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN ERAL HOUSEWORK. 6S7 DAVIS ST., NEAR 21ST AND WASHINGTON. WOMAN for housework, country home; 7 miles from city : children in family. Main 6145 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work in family of 3 adults; references required. 6S0 Broadway. East 6114. HOUSEKEEPER for small rooming house: no objection to one child. 11 biO. Ore gonian ' GIRL for cooking and general housework; no washing, small lamiiy. gooa wages. 61W Flanders st. Main 4059. COOK and second maid for small family; every other Sunday free; references. A J 681, Oregonian. WANTED Second maid. East 2019. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. TEACHER or college student, christian. protestant, for traveling position through vacation. Must have sincere character and be energetic. Opportunity for per manent work. Guaranteed salary to one qualified. Selection to be made Imme diately. Reply fully, giving phone. C 600, Oregonian. . SALES MANAGERS ATD SOLICITORS. men ana women experiencea in mag azine work to organize sales force in big premium campaign ; write for par ticulars. Premium Sales Department, 460 Fourth st., San Francisco. Cal. WANTED Man and wife for light truck .arming ana nouseworK, comiortabie Quarters; located near Tigard, Or., on Newberg stave line. Phone W. J. Llew ellyn, Tigardvllle exchange. E 300, Ore gon lan JANITOR and maid for small hospital; maid at once, janitor June to; board and room; $40 to maid, $30 to janitor. Call at 5 P. M., Monday. 10S Stevens bids.. W. Park and Wash. WANTED To hear from parties wantlnts to tnm rruit ana dick cnerries. uooa crop and long job, good camping place or room with stove, uox joi, Mosier, or, MAN or woman wanted, full or spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery. Experience unnecessary. international Mills, Nor ristown. Pa. LADI tt and gentlemen, you can earn good money every night through home work. Address post office box .3, sta tion E. Cincinnati. Ohio. COLLEGE student for the summer with initiative and willing to work; salary and bonus. AL 6-S4. Oregonian. TO SELL the best washing compound u cents can Duy. tan or pnone. laov BOOKKEEPER wanted; give full partciu- lars in reply. ap 67. oregonian. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. CORPORATION manufacturing an arti cle of national scope and expanding in local territory has an opening for a com petent man aa treasurer, capable of de veloping into an executive; an unusual opening for a young man: one who can invest $2500 preferred, AJ 601, Orego nian MAN and wife to help me start a restau rant in some favorable location. 1 have the outfit and need a working partner with a little capital, 50-50 basis. An ex ceptionally good opportunity for a man who can cook to get off the labor mar kct. AV 7m. Or?conian. WANTED Man to invest In food products mrg. co.; goods on the market sold to all jobbers. A sound, growing business that will stand investigation; also a man take active interest in xactory. al i. Oregonian. WANTED Reliable middie-aged man with several years business experience to In vest in good paying manufacturing busi ness: must be aggressive and a good promoter. AE 420. Oregonian. OUNG MAN with selling ability to invest $1-000 to $lo0 with services; $17j and commission to ata rt ; investment abso lutely secured. Call room B, Henry ing., Mono ay morning, OWN your job. Immediate employment in co-operative woouworKtng piant; i.lOO to 500 reouired. . Permanent posi tions at good wages. Olympia Box & Package Co., Olympia. Wash- . WANTED Partner with $200 oah. This Investment will net $300 per month for 0 months. It will pay you to investi gate. Phone Antonia hotel, Bdwy. 1443. -Ask for Kelly. WANTED Man for furniture repair busi ness, who can invest iuuu 10 .ou; good position to right party. ! 676, oregonian WANTED Man with initiative and little capital to conduct own business; big re turns, with future for right party. Room 312 227 H Washington, MEN wanted to learn shoemaking trade. Little' money required. 234 First. ' SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. WANT long job with 2 heavy teams. Phone E. 03fi3. smiin. ROOFS For reshingling or roof repair service cal! Woodlawn 3598. EXPERIENCED colored man wants por ter or Janitor work. Tabor 376S. PAINTING, tinting and papering; work, reasonable. Sellwood 1399. good MALE nurse, massage at your home; all cases; reasonable Woodlawn 1087; rANT painting, any kind. Inside decorat ing, day or contract. 63S3 8ITCATION8 WANTED MALE. LUMBERMAN 17 YEARS SUCCESS FUL EXPERIENCE IN MFG. A is SHIPPING. CAR AND CARGO; UN DERSTANDS ALL GRADES THOR OUGHLY. OFFSHORE. COASTW IK AND EASTERN. DESIRES TO LEARN TH BUYING AND SELLING EN OP THE LUMBER GAME. INDUS TRIOUS AND ENERGETIC. 35 YEARS OF AGE. CAN MEET PEOPLE AN A GOOD MIXER. HAS LARGE AC OUAINTANCE AMONG OREGON AN WASHINGTON LUMBERMEN AND KNOWS HE CAN MAKE GOOD. SAL ARY NO OBJECT. BEST OF REF' ERENCES, R 67. OREGONIAN. LiA x MAKti xt A 1 1 round man, woui like to connect with house where high grade goods and efficiency would be lairly compensated ; capable of manag ing department. SDecializinir marshmal low s. high grade chocolates and oar goods. Address Candy maker, 201-4 E. union sr.. Seattle, Wash. GARDENING. Yes. vott have lust completed vnu home with the exception of the lawn aon 1 let tne present prices prevent yoi irom completing your lawn; can subm prices that will surprise you to com plete a first-class lawn ; 25 years' ex perience. Phone Main 7004. ENERGETIC, capable man, well educated ana 01 gooa appearance, Portland homi owner, who knows city thoroughly, de eires position as salesman, office as Distant, collector or any position o trust and responsibility, AN 607, Ore PRINTERS Two fast, all-around new and job printers desire situations, steady union worKmen; not employed at pres ent and can come immediately upon re ceipt ot wire or letter stating wages oiier-q. v pj, oregonian. SITUATION in country print shop, one man orrice preferred; competent to fill any department or manage business; low wages on account ot age; reierences. AddrNs Country Printer, care of post master, uosnen, or. EX-SAILOR, husky, reliable, energetic some experience as steeple-jack, wants mgn line wortc witn experienced man or other work where a good man would be appreciated. AuL 234-06. CARPENTER and cement work, remodel ing, repairing, general contracting, rea sonable. Main 7805. Office and shop, 264 Mill. See F. C. Rose for designing fine nomes. A BOY Of 18. hia-h school education honest and reliable, wishes a situation where he can work up. Address 1511 K. th St. N. HAVE TOUR garden work done by expe- riencea men; no job too small, no Job too large. Fhone Main 1375. Mr. Baldwin. TIMEKEEPER and cost accountant with technical training wants to connect with .contracting firm. Room 243. Broadway 174. WANTED Job on a ranch, first-class Irri gator or teamster, also milker, tractor or truck driver. 1116 Canyon ave., Wal lace, laano. COOK, all-around man, 15 years' expe rience, reierence. notei or restaurant. city or country. Christensen, 288 Jeffer son. Main 8122. YOUNG man, 22, high school graduate. would like position in logging or con struction camp; can operate typewriter. n p 1 g. uregonian. MARRIED man, sick wife and 2 small children, wants work. 20 years' expe Hence in landscape gardening. Call Marshall 3727. EX-SERVICE man, 24, clean record, H. S. education, desires to travel as compan ion or aide; undertake anything. Con- fidentiai. o w7, oregonian. WANTED Garden work or old lawns made new. city references. 65 cent hour. Phone Edgar H. Kiggins, Broad way mo. JAPANESE man wth.es position, butler. long experience hi private family, can cook, age 28, character good. S 678, uregonian. NIGHT WATCHMAN wants job that re quires actual work. Good fireman, AH 700. Oregonian. TIRE repairer wants work, city or country, minimum wages at Deginniug. u 001, Oregontan. YOUNG MAN wi-hes Job of any kind. Driving car preferred. lnone Auto. 322-06 mornings. East 3317 after 6 P. M. TOUNG man, mechanical ability, handy with all kinds of tools, go anywhere. AG 684. Oregonian. TOUNG man wishes position grocery and general merchandise experience, city or country. AF 601, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND camp cook wants work In small camp, call 402 4th t. X. Jti. Stein MEAT CUTTER, salesman, quick, accu rate on making change, honest and re liable. Address 1511 E. th st. N. CHAUFFEUR who knows road will drive your car to California for expenses. AJ 68. Oregonian CARPENTER, plasterer, cement work at pre-war price. e. rvo. Union avenue South. AM GOOD hand with cow and good farm er. Phone or write me at Lind hotel. W. Whitney. WANTED Cordwood contract, good ground for dragsaw; responsible party. C 688, Oregonian. HOTEL CLERK or cashiei, eating hoie. by man past 50; experienced. Address 630 W. Market st. JANITOR wants work evenings or morn ings. Call from 10 to ii P. M., Broad way 34 WOULD like steady job where I can start work after 5 P. M. or before 0 A. M. F 684, Oregonian. PERMANENT position by young man, 10 Can drive truck or auto; references. AC 678. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED landscaping and lawn work; lawns and places taken care of. Main 160-,. Res. Main C13. ELDERLY man, good house man, wants work for room and board and some wages. F 682, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man want job as carpen ter helper; handy with tools. AR 6-0, Oregonian. WANTED Load for 2-ton truck, any where between Portland and Pendleton. 3SS Third. .Main 7o. R'PRHtFA'CED chauffeur and true driver wishes poaition; best of ref erences. Broanway ELDERLY gentleman wants1 home and work with lady in need of help and companionship, nu wf. uregonian. STONE MASON Work done by day or contract: 20 years experience. Aaani AngHo. 700 Milwaukle ave. Sell. 847i MARRIED man needs work, painting kal Hmining. furniture polishing; anything, day or .ion. aiaciin. oawy. -" PRINTER 15 years' all-around experience, young man, steady worker. C 000, Orego man RELIABLE married man. experience truck driver, wants permanent jod; oest ot ret erence. Phone wooaiawn WANTED Contract for 2 men to cut 1000 or more flr corawooa. ag do-, urego nian tc yoi 1 ne-d a clean-cut farmer, irri gator, nanoy witn toois, etc. rnuun ob. W llDurn toaay ai ningmu MAN with team wishes contract or day's work with team, want long jod. pioiana, 505 Everett St. raker A-l on mixer, oven or bench nreaa, rons or ukcs, iu or ui vl viij. X ?4. Oregonian. MAN WANTS painting, kalsomiuing, cram ne-. floors, tinting, oy aay con tract; do good work. Main 005S, room 5. I HAVE 2-ton Mack, want wood hauling or other worK in city. r. n ooa iawn 4". EXPERT landscape gardener. lawns, flow er beds, rockeries, garaen worn; reicr ences. East 1020. SLABWOOD DEALER A-l solicitor wants to connect; I'll get you Dusmeb. tan Wdln. :i42:i. KALSOMINING rooms $2 up; papering machine w hitewashing, reatvonaDie. .Hdwy. 1935. PTPERHANGING. painting and tinting. Paperhanging, 80 cents roll. Mar. 2493. CARPENTER New or repair, day or con tract: building estimates. Pnone 227-16. ROOMS tinted, $2 and $. satisfaction. Mar. M67. good work and FOR PAINTING and tinting, call at bt0 Grand ave. .. SEWER connections, drain tile, cesspool, seDtic tanks, cement work East 324, PAINTING and tinting. Good, clean work. W ood ! awn 3471. j ; WANTED Work by 20S Washington st. day. MILKER, experienced, up io 30 cows, open for position. T 608. Oregonian. WILL paint, paper yojrr house as payment on car. E. 742. PAINTING, papering, lowest prices oa best work. E. 7842. CESSPOOL digging, shingles, painting, all kinds of Jobbing. Aut. 642-14. WANTED Hauling contract. 2Vi-ton tiuck. 3g8 Third. Main 7220. MlDiDLE-AGED man wants Job as watch man, day or night. G 700. Oregonian. WANTED Rough carpenter work; will build your garage cneap. wooaiawn oiti. SAND and gravel, deliver all klnda; team work. Wood. S83. KALSOMINING, Painting. Flaatering reas onable. Main 28H5. WANTED Gardening by day or week; experienced. Murray. Marshall 3013. WANTED Hauling 2-ton truck, day or contract C 6i)B. Oregonian. HARD WORKER, 17 years old. wants to learn trade; small wages. Wdln. ii32g. WIL build that bungalow or do your alterations reasonaoiy. -jaoor CARPENTER, fmlshar, wants work. Ad dresu 1511 East 8th st. north. ' PfTTATTONS WANTED MALE. EXPERT mechanical engineer. 30 years experience in the west, desires any po sition constructing, altering or making additions to lumber, shingle or paper mills: am thorouchlv exoerienced ap praiser and surveyor, and capable of estimating costs, planning and supervis ing construction of complete lumber and paper mills. No Job too small or too large. AH replies held confidential. Best or rererencrs AN tiP.t. Oregonian. SENIOR accountant desires position with corporation as auditor, secretary-treasur er, office manager, or systematize; ex perienced in general accounting, depart ment store auditing; last three years wiin large pudiic at-counmis una, of references. V 605, Oregonian. TOUNG married man with clerical and general experience, wants work; prefer place where executive ability ana con scientious application to duties will lead to auvancemenu two, uregonian. IF tOlT want a vounr man csnable of as suming responsibility, on Sundas and two or three eveninirs a week, call Wdln. Sunday A. M. between 8:30 snd 10 o clock. Have car. Ham anda don't an- ywer. AC twi, Qregonlsn. WANTED By married man, job as gen eral repair man around mine, mill, ranrh or hotel : A 1 rarnenter and un derstand painting and cement work. Ad- uress ... i. room in, ltt iownsaaic si., rnruann. ur. WANTED By married man, po.ition on larra; experienced In general larmlng. also in fruit, esoeciall v nrunos: alco understand stock. Good references. AW t p!nur st.. city. GARDENER can alwavs h h,i fnr larire or small jobs by calling Woodlawn 2941; new lawns made and old ouei taken care ox; experienced men only. CHAUFFEUR. evnrinrRfl. neat aonear i young man desires steady position in private family; can drive any make of car; references. Phone Mr. Dean, Auto O1H-70. SITUATION WANTED Toung man with 8 years' experience as clerk with Ii. & O. R. R-, wishes position of same kind; aoiuty to learn; have references. Calk East 867S, ask for McEndree. AUTO mechanic, married. ex-serice man. wishes garage work; A-l trouble shoot ing; able to take charge of shop. C. C. Cook, route 4. box bJ. I'ortland. Tabor 3.77. DON'T try to get a position till we press your sun ror 4u cents, wnne you wan. -oy, me tailor, I'M 4th, msr btara. JOY. THE TAILOR. 104 FOURTH STREET. BANK clerk, good bookkeeper, knows In surance; wants position in country Dank or woum taae interest in small Dusinew. Home capital to invest. AV 710, Orego nian. YOUNG man, 22 years fid, two years at couegc, uesires a permanent position witn an established wholesale concern. Future advancement the prime consider atlon. N 077. oregonian. WANTED Rv m I rid If.airo.l nmn a nnsi tion as janitor or night man in notei or apt.; understands holler, handy with I tools; good references. C Otto, Orego-1 man, YOUNG man attending trade school will work mornings and evenings for room and board. References. Phone East 7445. FILIPINO with good education and ref erences, wants to work as ous dov or elevator boy nights. Call East bJj, room 3. at night. YOUNG married man. tt years foreman a team and pipe fitting, wants permanent position, shop or offire. or will take tern- porary jod. .Main bj.'.'. YOUNG, married man. Swihs. desires gen eral arm wora, or position as mechanic on farm. A. Meyer, ilJS Mill St., Port-I lann. EXPERIENCED hotel clerk, wishes posi tion in or out of town; can operate tele phone exchange or do electric or plumb ing repairs. 8 65ft', Oregonian. WANTED By practical master mechanic work in mill or logging camp; have sev eral years' experience; can give first class references. II QJS'J. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED auto mechanic will over haul cars at your own garage: work rea- sonable. Call Sheets. Ta bor 4-00. JAPANESE young man. work In Hotel r building, general work; attending nignt Bchoot. W 67.. Oregontan. POSITION aa chauffeur, private or for- hire, thoroughly experienced. Phone Tabor BtJO. Pest of referencea. tiEVEX yeara' power house erecting xpe- nence; want permanent position, oiuco or road. Main 8."i. . XPERIENCED steamfittcr wants posi tion, will consider other employment. I'hone Alain H"41 Sunday after n A. M. WANT WORK with a Ford car; a good driver; reasonable wages; give your pnon enum he r. A .J bP. oregonian. WANTED Contract work, basement dig ging or any kind pick and shovel work. r oregonian. FOR GARAUEa. CONCRETE OR WOOD, CALL TABOR 1408. WE BUILD little houses and garages and repair old ones at rock-bottom prices. See u BtmAammE. Main. tMstm rt5.m FOR CONCRETE. BRICK AND CEMENT WORK CALL E. 2363. PAINTING. TINTING: WORK GUARAN TEED; PRICES KEASOXABLE. TABOR WANT hauling for wholesale house, will furnish own light truck. Call or write 454 E. 34th St. LET ME renew that old screen at hal. price, cut that long grass, door boll re- pairea. w ooaiawn rw.)1. PAINTING, tinting, paper hanging; esti mates rurniaueu, riiono Mar. Tabor 3.tt.j. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes positiuQ with private family or will drive truck; best references. Marshall io4. MAN and wife wants cooking job In camp or constructing crew. Call Marahall ;ii"5. room 19. SITUATION as Janitor, watchman or in warehouse uy married man. .uu osu, Oregonian. ELDERLY man wants Janitor work; gar den, lawn, make Deiis, furnace, all- around man. H ff7i'. oregonian. HOTEL clerk desires poaition ; capable manager. References. J. 1 JWrown, 131 10th st. Phone Broadway 2S5. REG1STERED druggist Oregon or Wash ington; J 2 years' experience, city or country. i n.i. urggoman. MARRIED man wants Job on farm, good. experienced man. Call or write M0tf 8d st., S. E. .1. C. Carpenter. Portland. Or. YOUNG, willing man, WHiita work o any Kind; have mechanical experience. HJ Hi a. Oregonian. WANTED Work by citUt-n of Portland. married man. will do anything luncat. AH 94, Orrgonlan. BOY, 10. wishea to learn auto repairing; naa nau uiii- kuio, wo, vie- 1 gonian. WANTED Good home on farm whore boy i:i years can work for board during vacation. v nim, uregowian. PLUMBER, first-class work, large or small Jobs done 'iapor PAINTING AND TINTING. Reasonable estimates. Main 4601. apt. 22. EXPERIENCED dishwabher want work; no machine. AR C70. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work, any kind of carpenter worK. Art bv., oregonian. GARDNER watits lawn cutting, leveling, spading, etc. rnone ainr. jmia. CARPENTERING. painting, plastering work wanteo. j.:hi a aay, Tahor 10i. BOY NEEDS WORK. BC 676, ORE- GONIAN. TWO STRONG boys want home on farm. tecs 12 and 14. 'i iuu. uregonian. BRIGHT young Japanese wants housework or care or lawn. Manor nil. CARPENTERING, painting, concrete done cheap. w ooaiaw n i-.Mi'. CHINESE wanf, Job, cook country hotel or ranc n cam p. 1- qni, 1 rg 1 man. PAINTING and paperhanging. Pho Woodlawn hhk ior isnrnea. JANITOR, watchman or elevator wishes worK. 1 00., oregonian. ELECTRICAL and iuto mechanic, $1 per P. M BlS-lM. hour, can alter n WILL do your cement work, price reason a ble. Pnone wooaiawn 43. CEMENT WORK 01 ALL KINDS. TABOR 0hS8. BRICKLAYER, buildings, boilers, fire places, anything In brick work. East 6S EXCAVATING Team work oi nil klaua. C. C. Chapell. IHOOTXWV. KESHINGLING, C1TT OR COUXTKT. EAST6 EXCAVATING, plowing done promptly by ppoln: ent. it-ra r.. ff'Jtn lanar bit i. OLb painted $-u-8d; room, tinted, t- S3; papering, g.tc rou. wooaiawn ttB4- SHINGLEKS When you anl reahlugllnK done, call vvooniawn ojm. ROOK painting wanted. Sea ad under Portland leucines, punetin. WAN'TJiD Position as dishwasher. Tabor U7, ; EXPERIENCED Janitor (colored) wants work; reference. Hdwy. 3H03. CESSPOOLS and cement work by con tract or day. Call -'4-48 alter Sunday. POSITION First-class chef, cook, can handle any kind of kitchen. Ea.t 85M. WANT EXCAVATING AND GRADING. WOODLAWN 65.1. COLORED man. houec!eanlng, janitor, other Jobs. Auto. 54U-SS. Room 3'J. JANITOR wants position, apartment house, long experience: married. Mar. o5.W PLOWING, harrowing, disking. Tabor S47. MTTATIONS WANTED M ALE, WISH WORK; had light stroke of paraly i; would take waiahmau or gard n work anywhsre; wages no object, AS' fll)7, Or'-gonlan. HOUSE painting. firtc!fis work, quality material: refei -n-rs. Mdwy. 4!2. EXPERIENCED bakciV helpvr. AH Oregnninn. PAINTING. TINTING. PAPER!! ANG ING. WORK GUARANTEED. K A ST 1 1 H. EXPERT plumber warns Im rgu " or "tiiH.ll .iohd. r tiny work Aui ! . ROOMS tinted. $2 up; immune rt'asotf ahl. Tnhor 7P4. Bookkeeper. Menogranher. Office. i j, M A .MIDDLE-AGED married now employed in a responsible position. out will be open for a new tnitv soon. I have had experience In all lln-s of office work and th handling of tnrit forces of men In v-rioun ni"rpnc. If you have a position to offer and want a man who will give you more tht value received fur your money, I would like tn arrange for an appointment ; the bt of local refrrence given. Phona Kant 71M. or addrei. A K Otfl. (ir-fniiimi, YOUNG MAN, 26, trustworthy, nrgeM knowledge of bookkeeping, typewriter operator, good penman, quick and ac curate, at present studying short hnt, dstr'K permanent ronnt-ciion witn pro gresalve firm: no objection to aalary If opportunity oftered for advancemrnt. As a h ginnr, am willing to stick In one place a nd learn ; rt ferencra. Ad dresa AC tf'.o. QrgniHn. ACCOUNTANT, bO K K KEITIt. GEN ERAL ' OKKICE MAN, EXECUTIVE A HI LI TV. AGE 3rt. MARRIED. WEt.l. ACQUAINTED LoCALI.V. G"ol REF ERENCES. WANTS PERMANENT PO SITION OR TEMPORARY AUDITING, OR WORK OF THAT N A TURK, AU TOMATIC 10-14. OU A DDR Ebb J 6v OREGONIAN, ai iouKHr.h.r.ll open for a. ptutiilon; ItirtV l.nl1,1 .- ran Keep your ionk I Kepi Interview will convince roti I know niv business; If you are tutting trouble with your books 1 am jour uiaiu T . 0 . 1 ! A TECHNICAL advertising-sales executive. caiaioguo uuuacr aua versatile corre spondent wilt entertain responsibility with an eutrenched manufacturing or selling corporation. For facts wnto AS ti'H, Oregonian. ! BOOK KEEPER will work without par un to v u u r y m e m ik 1 1 1 o r o u ic n i v uauer stood if given sternly employment there after: prefer banking1, lumber or hotel. M t70. Orgonln. AN EXPERIENCED timekeeper, capable or handling any number of mm, c tn leave town If necessary. Addru .'.)3'. Hetmont T'l. Tahor tl.r YOUNG MAN. coll. g' odm sttnn, experi enced cannier and grneral office, desires position la or out of city. 8 054, Ore gonl;in. UuuK KEEPER Thorough lv cxprriem . d bookkeeper deair position : competent to tMkc full charge; up to dato in office dot h II. f ' 0!s, i n CRonjii n. LOOKK EEl'EK, thoroughly competent. extensive experience, in or out of city, temporary or permanent. M 603, Ore gonlnn. co i u nuimiiii uuun-rrp-r manor will give all or part of tlmo on set of books; best of rdcrencea L 053, Ore gnn Isn. BV EXPERIENCED accouutant; books audited, ma)l rets kept : stems In- stalled: Income tax: rett-renres. .Mwn 61. EXPERIENCED bank cashier and collec tion manager, excellent credentials, de Hirew chsng AN 67, Qreifonmn. EXPERIENCED boykkeepi'r WhiiIm cxlrt work; show you wnere ou are making or losing mnn.-y. p 67.. Oregnnian A-l ACCOUNTANT, executive atHtt. to-nt of local rcUrences. can turm.h bond. married. A i OSs, Oregon ia n. A N A CCO U N TAN T and c red i t in m n . of wide experience, wUhes to muk rolincr tion with refponmhlo firm. LaM H7:.. TOUNG man with several y ears' oft ice experience dewirea position In or out of city. Marshall !.' 0 POSITION as bookkeeper - -tetin r :tpn;r with chance to advance. O 005, orego nian. fulesnirn. bALKvSM VN, fam of itv ami ioa-1 ex perience", clotures to rep.-et.nt a Port land firm In th city or aulmitmn town.-; good reference; w 111 t imti r o!y atralglit Hlary or g uam ntrnl nn Wiry wit h cominljtHlon. Pbutiy '1 a bor 0tl.it or I A E W.'.. ir K""i n. SALESMAN, WELL ACQUAINTED WITH OREGON MERCHANTS. WlUl.l) KN TERTA IN PR "POSITION FHoM ft K -LI A RLE COMPANY. AT PRESENT EMPLOYED. AGE 37. ADDRESS O tibO, OREGONIAN, SITUATIONS WANTFD FKMAIJC. HGUSECLEAXiNO. washing. Ironing. Call before 1 1 :.0 A. M. or alter b.oO r. M. Am. L'H-1. YoUNO businett w oina it wUli. puit inn collecting, or would travel with a goud line; rfft-rpnccn AM M, Or'onlan. EXPERIENCED lady wants work bv hour. Call mornings snd oven intra any time; city reference. Woodlawn 0"M. KE FINED Gilt L, 17, wiVhes position aa nurse girl one or two children. ro hou nework. East L'870. COMPETENT chambermaid wunls work small hoted; reference V (Ufa. Orego nlan. SWEDISH girl junl from Km ope wuhrg place In good family for general bouie work. 1 M3 Pox ton ave. WOMAN wants work bv the hour: curtalna and other washing done at homo. Wdln. 8740. LACE AND SILK PC II 1 M AND MAR- QUISETTE CURTAINS none up like aa. Will call. East SMS. WOULD nUevo tiled mother, U miiorarlljr take rull charge of children and coo it Ing. hi 70f. QiM'gnniHii. HOUi-iECLE ANING and otnrr Work. M011., Tues., Wed. ltd .re nets. Woodlawn 4QH.V REFINED girl, 17, wilit position mi mine Kir!, one or two children, no uoutcwurk. AN EXPERIENCED ch.i mhermaid lhr-N work In ur our of rity. Mar.uai ojio. Room 10. D HsTf Oroxonlan. EN I K R I EN C E D atmocrplif r-bookkrr m r o eni rea poU ion in 1 n K out 01 low 11. HffM!nc', A P ". ' tr'-oninn. NIGHT work btitweeti 5. .'10 and U lerlng or dispensing preferred, lawn 127. Wood- LADY wishes position aa housekeeper for widower, bachelor or Tniiiny ot S'TUiie, wages $.0 a month. ChH Wdln. 4M.V MARR1 ED woman 1th a y.ar-old haby wan ia general housework witu auuiis. Call Main 7oo2. CARE of convalescents. Invalids, rhtlilrrn. emergent' nereasiiuiina rontcicni iou aervke. I'hone relief nursf. Mar. 310. CAPABLE lady Wiinis a few hours' work per day. Mam .t.ti -'. MEN'S laundry wauti d. moderate charges. 40 4th .1. Mar. wi. LADy wishes work by day. Call Wood- la w n J 1 . HE LIABLE wuinau. day work. Phoue East e4. EXPERIENCED woman wiMu-- day work Monday. Tuesday. Thurwdsy. Hell. 1T."2. THE CARE of old j'euuh, tick or well. 14W1. First at. WANTED By two colored ladles, day or Janttrtia work. I'nonc apt ..im, LADY want housecieaning. waanina. o! her work; good work gua ra ntoca, v nin. oj"a. WILL care for children and invalid proadway 274". room4ni. WILL care for children while oarculs are away; reftrt'npf w. nin. inii. TWO GIRLS want work. returnnt. holts. factory or laundry. .Main 4;Hi,y apt, w liULhW-'LuAMNu and Uuuury work wanted, rail auto. t--nn. EXPERIENCED woman cook wants am restaurant. Hoom -o. .-' -q st. WOMAN wants day work, good cook and househTT: TTerent-f s. AUt. BM-.1I. It ELI A lil.E lady will rare lor rhihlrt'n Hrwv, 'jrton. afternoons arm evening. EXPERIENCED UumiiewH wants work by the flay. 1 lion e mat. nu. WILL dye md shampoo your hair lu jour home. Mar. 4-t ). E. PE1UENCED Uundi c.b. Call Main WANTED Work bv day or hour. Mr D. Marshall ai.; Jtoom LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDER ED. 11 YH.AK.V t A. r t- Iv iPmVTi, c a 1 01 EXPERIENCED woman wlKhe day work bundle wasning. ' an unwy. CLEANING, sweeping by day; no waahln . ; ' TT UUUtv v.. run (iirti.c ' w v n e rn. M flrwhnll H77. WOMAN wauts work by day w hour. Veil wood DA V WOU by putibuv;kd uomao. 1 bor 641. WOMAN wishes work by day. Aulo. 6:rt 31. TEACHER wlclies situation as governess after June 17. A Sl"7, OregnntaH. HOUSEWORK or cleaning by Ibo day. MarshallJ! 138. apt. 6. LAfNDRY dona beautifully at uiy bom. Main 1 3.. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. care of children; refa. Wdln. 1672. LADY entertainer for local engagements; teTmw reasonable. Call Main HI.'.H. Ct'RTAlNS cartifully laundered. l'hon Wdln 3771. Il.'.'.l Clevrland ave. RECEPTION or light office work by tie rlcnceil young Isdy. Call Mjln 371. RELIABLE women wants dav work; will do nnvthlng. Marshall 313. spt. 3. WOMAN wsnts day work. CaM V.i 41 S. WOMAN anu oik by day. Wdln. 7V0, S