10 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MAY 22, 1921 REAL ESTATE. For Sale lious. A. O. TEKPE CO. A. G. IKF.rE CO. HOSK CITT PARK A.ND LALRKLHCRST. I'.O.-E CITY PARK AND LAL KKL1IL KST. HO.-HO CITY PAKK AND LAUKBLH L KST. fiRANCH OKK1CE, 0TH AND SANDY. OPEN SUNDAY. CALL. TABOR if you Intend buying in either of. these popular dihtrli-ts, juu owe it to yourself to get In touch with this office. We give mom of our time and attention toward the sale of proyerly In Rose City ParK and Iaurelhurt. W'e will consider it a privilege if you will but inspect our listings. The houses- must ffll them selves. You'll be under no obligations ( uufitively. I3G50 4-room BCNGAIOW WITH C.A RAGIi. PAV1N; AND SEWKIi TAID. i0 CASH WILL. HAN bl 4230 7-room bunpalow with double garage, hardwood floors, excellent condition; will take lot In as part payment or exchange for smaller Dungaiow. 11600 HOiM CiTi' PARK. Here, folks, la an exceDtionally Rood buy. l'ou would never expect to buy a home like this for so llttla money. The workmanship and material speak for themselves. I10J0 ROSB CITY PARK DISTRICT. Nifty bungalow with furnace, fireplace, parage: owner leaving for ea.-t and must sell- l'UUll OPPORTUNITY. USSO ROSB CITY PAP.K. A thor oughly well built bungalow, lo cated 100 feet from bandy boule vard, facing east. .Modern In every way. The owner must sell and has reduced price so as to accomplish a speedy sale. i000 ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms and sun porch. Here, folks, is a bungalow being offered way be . low its real value. Ail the rooms are on one floor and th arrange ment is Ideal. JD250 ROSE CITY PARK. 5 rooms and sleeping porch. REDUCED FROM ttfollO. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, exceptionally large living room. J LST Oi- ALAMEDA DRIVE. . JMSO ItOSB CITT PARK. An excep tional attractive 5-room bun calow with hardwood floors, fire piace, furnace, garage. J760 CASH WILL HANDLE. You will want ! this for your home. ;33f ROSE CITY PARK, New, nifty Dungaiow. Living room extends entire width of house, hardwood noors, lirepiace, complete uuicn kitchen and breakfast nook, full cement basement, furnace, ca rage, located below the hill; very reasonable terms. I 15500 ROSE CITY PARK. 7-room fur nished house with garage, hard wood floors, fi;ll cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, ivory Ilnisn. Ioul CASH WILL- HAN J7500 One of the finest locations In Rora City Park. R2d and Ala rneda drive. Owner must sell and has made a price S250O less tnan u was zormeriy ueld at. baown by appointment only, -i LAURELHTRST. f'500 LAURELHCRST. New 5-room bungalow with large attic, hard wood floors in living room, dinlu room and two bedrooms, doubl constructed, finished in old Ivory . and white throughout, tapestry , paper; block from car; easy terms. fWOO LAL'RELuHURST. A Terr attrac tive bungalow with mountain tain view, a home of class and distinction; hardwood floors in living; room and dining and bed , room, finished in old ivory and , white throughout. loo. will ap TreclAte fhA renl vnlii hpra i J6000 LAURKLHLTRST. Can you make an miuaj payment ot SJUU0 7 J ; so, here is your opportunity to dick up a positive bargain. Noth lng like it in Laurelhurst for the money. Located near the park. This exceptionally well built, attractive bungalow has every conceivable convenience one couid hope for. very high grade of hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, tile drain in kitchen, walls are beautifully papered with expensive tapestry paper, me iirepiace, garage oulit to conform with style of house Let us show you. We have many good buys In other parts oi me city, in the HAWTHORNE district we are offering a 5-room bun galow with hardwood floors, cement casement, mil ouxiuu lot with irult trees, Xor 13500: $500 cash will handle. In the KENTON district we have an attractive 4-room bungalow with fire Place, gas furnace, hardwood floors, for fotw, vii leruis. FOB A REAL HOME PES A. G. TEEPB CO., T70 Stark St.. near Fourth. Main 3092. jirancn uirice, uta and Sandv. Open Sunday. Call Tabor 9."SB. Let us write your fire and automobile - Insurance. J3.VH) A VERT PRETTT 5-ROOM modern bungalow, In excellent con dition. The lot is 100x100 and is Improved with flowers and several large fruit trees, berries and grapes. This place is fenced and is in perfect condition; H block from car, stores and park. East Slid street; flOOO cash, balance to suit. HILLER BROS. Realtors, M4 Railway Exch. Bids. Main P. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Tabor S185. Open Sunday. BEAUTIFUL. llOllfL $15,000 Elegant corner In best resl- cence district, lOf'xlOv corner, south and east facing, wonderful shrubs and flow ers, brick and stucco construction, just iiKe new; ngnt, airy oeoroonis, cneer ful living room, dining room, breakfast room, den. mahogany buffet and book cases, hardwood floors, two fireplaces. The owner of this beautiful home is making a sacrifice for quick sale on account of business elsewhere. We rec ommend this offering for anyone wish ing a high-class home. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., S33 N. W. Wank P'dy. M!n S7"7. TVK HAVE a verr attractive six room modern bungalow in the Hawthorne district, on paved St., for sale at a bargain, on reasona ble terms. HITjLER BROS.. Realtors. 614 Railway Exch. Bldjr. Main 88. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy, Tabor Sib j. Open Sunday. liODEKN bungalow; will accept Ford or other car as part payment; lny qulty is s00; price $:C!00; close In. Modem bungalow on W'illlams' are., price J!j00; cssh win handle. ALBERTA. 'Vroom bungalow on pared street. a.io; mv casn. win nanaie. 6-KOOM cotrngo close in on TtaTed street, J-0C0; (W0 cash will handle; vnis is a very gooa nuy. MADDOX, BURCH EAKINS. Fhone 5-0-10. S15 Couch Bldg. K1GHT IN ROSE CITY $47.10. $730 down and payments of $50 buys this lovable bungalow, you can move rigrst in and select the tapestry, finish ings and electric fixtures: the bedrooms are- quite large. A beautiful home. Opon fcunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. . Broadwar 4751. 410 Henry Blg. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. "Woodlawn district, 5 rooms and bath, he-lf block from car, 3 blocks from school; Ideal home, can't be beat. This 1 practically a nw bungalow, will sell furnished or unfurnished: $3400 fur nished. $2900 Unfurnished. Terms, $400 Unfurnished, $!l!0 furnished. KEIPPER & STEWART. 410 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7660 or Woodlawn 3060. I'll YSICIANS take notice; ue have a beau tiful sight for a sanitarium, 2-story bungalow, 8 large rooms, several large enough for wards, triple constructed building; most wonderful sights; would be an inspiration to any patient, lot 150x 100; price $10000: terms. BARRAND REALTY CO.. 319 Salmon. Main 4245. BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. ONLY $4u00. If you want to buy a 5-room bungalow at pre-war price, see this piace; living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, bath. Dutch kitchen, furnace, cement base ment: nic lawn and shrubbery, garage, ail for $4000, $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent. See Owner, 61S Corbett bldg. T'hone Main 7533. PIEDMONT. WELL-BUILT 4 room bongnlow; 2 rooms can be put in attic; double con struction, ivorr flnish: 50x100; lot.t of fruit and berries: priced at only $000, If sold within the next two days. HARRY BECKW1TH. Main 6t,-:. Realtor. 104 5th Pt. CLOSE TO ALAMEDA. 5-room bungalow, corner lot, flre r'ace. A-l condition, paved street Dutch kitchen: price $3500; $700 handles. Mr. Iunbar. with A. J. De FOREST CO.. REALTORS. 320 Henry Blflg.. Bdwy. fi.VMV OWNER SAYS SACRIFICE thin fine 5-room bungalow, all on ne floor, i tt good location; only $3150, $000 down. RrTEDY CO., Realtor. MR Chamber of Com, Hldg. Main 4100. TO R KAL.i--F.y owner. 5-room house, all modem conveniences, lot 100x200; 17 bearing fruit trees, bsrrics, grapes; lots of roses and garden in; garage and chicken yard. Tel. Sellwood 19D& Ad dress B507 60! ave.. s. K. J2iS0, TERMS, 5-room modern house, iid H, XuUijson tu. a&t 111. REAL KSTATE. toe Sale Houses. DEKUJ1 & JORDAN. REAL HOME, BARGAINS. 17000 HAWTHORNE. A very attractive modem residence with in walking distance and close to car lines, on Kast Taylor street. Very roomy hall, large combined living room and library, dining room has beautiful built-in buffet, three large bedrooms, spacious veranda, garage; lot 50x100; very easy terms. $6750 LAURELHURST. Seven rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors throughout, fireplace, full cement basement- furnace. laundry trays, 2 toilets, tiled floor in Dathroom, modern in every re spect, 50xlOO-foot lot; only two blocks from park and clubhouse. All Improvements in and paid for. terms. 13000 WAVERLBIGsf HEIGHTS. rive rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood lioors. fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trays, modern - In every respect. spienaia condition, buxiuu lot. ex ceptionally fine lawn, roses and shrubbery; all improvements in; tiuuu cash. $2500 ARLETA PARK. 6-room bungalow, bath, toilet, gas, hot and cold water, lights,, only one block to car, stores and school; $;,U0 cash. DEKTJM. JORDAN, . Realtors, XI23-4 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Fourth and Stark Streets. Main 13. EVERT ITEM A BARGAIN. SPECIAL SALE. Singer sewing machines $9.00 Ivory English breakfast table 5.50 Linoleum, yard 45 40-pound cotton felt mattress. 6.95 9x12 Axminster rugs 20.00 Tents. 8x10 an other sizes, up from 7.50 Ice cream parlor tables, three chairs; real bargain. All kinds of cooking utensils. BIr Redactions This Week Only. O. K. FtTR-VITURE CO., 209 2d St., Near -Taylor. ROSB CITT PARK DISTRICT. We are building a small bun galow on 75x1011 lot In this choice district, Just off Sandy boulevard, and we are offering this place Xor $2000, on reasonable terms. If you have ideas of your own which you would like to incorporate in this bungalow, see us at once. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main fill. Braneh Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 480. Open Sunday. IttrSB CITY PAKK HOME BY 1JWNER. uesiraoie local on on A nmndi nr v corner lot. 110x100. streets navert 1 ti blocks from Rose Citr car line ami new park site; six large rooms, bath, sleep- inn porcn, large attic, run cement base- I ment, laundry tubs good furnace, fire-1 place, hardwood floors, pass Dantrv. I water cooled cupboard, house built of I oest material: tnree-machine garage. I berries and young fruit trees: must be I seen to be appreciated. Shown by ap pointment only. Price $8200. Tabor WONDERS WILL NEVER CEASE, s.ioo nnw' nil $30 rer month, including- the In terest, buys this corner property with 130 feet of pavement on Division end 100 feet of pavement on East 41st. All kinds ' iruit ana a very line 7-room house. soKcmer -nm garage, jiere is some oargain; house now' rented for $50 per 11,,'ulii. vjwner must Sell. iTlCO XtoUO. Ail paving pain. . INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. Broadway 4i.11. 410 H-nrr B!r!ir. BEAUTIFUL Alainedu 8-room home, at the price of a bungalow, 80x100 lot fine yiew, living, dining, sun rooms, den. Kitchen, breakfast nook, lavatory on first floor. 4 IarCP liirht hMlntnm, ttnA I large closets on second floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, fur nace, full cement basement, double ga rage. See this beautiful new home, priced at only $S300, $3000 cash, balance uiumuiv. A JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 613 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7K7. BARGAIN.- In the best part of Westmoreland. oniy oiocks to car line; strictir mod ern 5-room bungalow, latest design. In terior In white enamel, lovely living and dining rooms, "all built-in effects, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, cheer- I iui umrtioms, iirepiace. cement base ment, wash trays: double constructed throughout: lot 50x100; price $4750, $1000 uuu, L'iiittin-tt same a rnt. RIELY & GUS'i'AFSON. ""5 Ycon Bln, Main 145. H K HAVE a 7-room bungalow on extra large lot and we will accept a vacant lot as first payment. KILLER BROS. Realtors. 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main R6. Branch Office, Both Jind Sandy. Tabor 81S5. Open Sunday. $5500 SNAP. See the fine 6-ronm home we are offering for sale at 221 Shaver street, nortnenst corner of Haight: lot ooxiuu ieei, wnn iuu lect south front age, lnis nouse has just been com pletely renovated inside and out. Terms easy. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO., Realtors. 252 Stark St. Main 1644. $700 CASH HANDLES THIS 7-room house, semi-modern, all In best of shape on 100x100, with berries and grapes, paved street. This Is next to corner of 62d and Powell Valley. A snap tor someone. ,asy monthly pay ments. C. DeYoung & Co., 810 Spald ing oiag. WON UhRPL'lj suburban home, macnlfl- cem grounos, easy auto or ra I distance: price $22,500: will accept trade to $0000. $5000 cash and balance terms. You must see tnis. open Sunday 1 p. M. to 4 P. M. Main 6S29. Ernest Wells Co.. 608 Couch oing. YOU CAN buy mr comfortable 7-r. home and make a good Investment, too. De- jfiraoie section, good strect. -close to car- iine. scnooiA. partes, etc. i-OtMJ required. Phone owner for appointment. Bdwy. CLOSE TO 41ST AND SANDY B-room modern bungalow, has hard-1 wooa noors in every room, breakfast I nook; swell concrete garage; corner lot I 60x100. All improvements In and nald. I Real bargain. $0150: $1150 down, balance long time. i-.ast mm. $2230. 5-ROOM COTTAGE". ' East Morrison St., Near E. 87th. Terms. SALOMON A CO., 807 Railway Exchange BlrlT. ALAMEDA PARK 6 rooms; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch I pud garage; price $5lh9 for quick sale. I see min at once. HARRY BEOKWITTT. Main CStifl. P.ealtor. 104 5th St. $.100 DOWN. PRICE $2t;.".0 Corner lot. 5-room house, close to car I ann scnooi: one ntocK from pavement Aipprm oisrru-t. sir. yunnar. wltn A. J. DeFOREST & CV REALTORS. 320 Henry Bldg.. Bdwy. 5500. IRVINGTON SAC-RIFIFCE CHARMING COI.ON'IAL: 100x100 corner, near 21st and Thompson: cost owner $17,000: sell siz.oi"'. quit's saie. .eunauaen i o.. real . tors.. S30 N. W. Bank. Main Snas. IRVINGTON BUNG A LOW SNA P$5S00, terms: reoucea irom ftoun H rnnmA I sleeping porch: oak floors, fireplace, ga-1 rage. Neuhausen, realtor. East 34. Main I so. f 4 litiuKOOMS, upstairs; 3 rooms, .bath, down: semi-modern house: lot 68x168. large garden, berries, fruit: $3000, some terms. .:;:: tn ave. s. E. IRVINGTON. Bungalow: 6 large rooms: $6000; $1000 casn. o montn. r.ast iaw. S-KuOM strictly modern home, steam hat. parape, ariveuay, :wu cun. 5is Fiatt bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER 10-rTom h ou se . goo a ccreeis, ciose io car une; income property. ro agents, r w, Oreyonlan. FOR SAL13 l-nom house, 50x117 lot, fruit trees, price $1100, terms. 14yo Missouri ave. FOR SALE Snap, beautiful modern bun galow, choice location, cash, $l00. 1147 Kast 21t st. North, Alberta car. Owner. FROM OWNER, 5 large rooms and sleep ing porch, hardwood floora, modern In evrry detail. Wdln. 540. BT OWNER from car. Modern bungalow, one block Tabor 2SSft. MT 5-ROOM house, SioOC, term. Owner. 430 Sumner at. , 7-ROOM home.' 3 lots, orchard, garden. Call Auto. 310-17, REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. ROSE CITY PARK. Would you like to own a beauti ful Dutch colonial on one of the choicest corners In Rote City 7 This home was built two years ago and has some wonderful fea tures; just the thins you have been looking for. The living room extends the entire length of the house, which is more than 30 feet,' lias beautiful French doors between living room and dining room, also ' in outride entrance to dining room. This home has 4 bedrooms, has plumbing upstairs and dowu, with separate shower bath, has hard wood floors throughout. You can buy this homf for $1500 less than it is actually worth today, and we will give you the very best of terms. If you are looking for something better, don't fail to see this, and the price will be a sur prise to you. HILLER BROS., Realtors, ' 514 Railway Exch. BIdg. Main 88. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. . Tabor bibi. Open Sunday. HOMES FOR LESS THAN $11000. 3-rm. cottage near Woodlawn car. 40x 300 lot; fruit and berries; good buy at $1260. tMO cash. $15 month. No. 12-15 It. 5-rm. cottage on E. Oregon st..- near M. V. car: thia la. a well built cottage, in good repair; only $iju0; No. 17-2UK. 4-. cottage near Union ave.. 2 blocks to Woodlawn car: corner lot Goxfl5: $1700 . wi aown. month.- No.- 16-20R. 6-rm. cottage In Portsmouth, fairly moaern; blocks from St. Johns car, $1000. No. I0-2UR. o-rro, bungalow on Hassalo St.. near m. V. car; cement walks, in good re pair: $1800. $100-down, $20 month. No. A--Uit. Dandy 8-rm. cottage on comer lot 60x100; on Hassalo St.. near M. V car; iwu. ..uo ca.-n. x.'o month, o. 12-2UK. J'ns. E-J-UiyfcJS. ALTO 210-1. BEAUTrFTTL BUNGALOW i'UR BAJ.E BY OWNER. . Beautiful modern 6-room .bungalow with full attic. Hying room, dining room, music room, raJnct kitchen, two bed rooms and bath, all on one floor; hard wood floors, full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace and all modern built-ins: east facing on corner lot with lots of flowers." shrubbery and fruit. House Is double construction throughout: and a real garage; only $7500. $5uO0 cash. bal. 6 per cent. Unless you have the money don't call us. -430 E. 40th st. N. Phone Tabor 1071. BY OWNER. If you are looking for a home, let me show you this ideal 5 room bungalow. in Rose City Pork, hardwood floors throughout, fur nace, fireplace, built-in, wash trays, in fact all the modern con veniences, large lot. This can be seen by appointment. Call Ta bor 8215. $4300 10S E. 83d ST.. NORTH. Large living room and dining room. across front of house, fine fireplace and buffet at the ends, small extra room or den with - built-in bookcases, complete Dutch kitchen on first floor: second noor entirely finished: has three bed rooms with outside clothes closets, and . large bathroom. Garage with 7-ft. con crete runway; full lot; sewer and side- waiKS lnand paid for; block to car. I a Dor i. OFFERED FOR J.lyO CASH DOWN. THINK. $:100 DOWN! $30 Per month, including the Interest . 7 beautiful rooms, 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor, garage. 100x100. with fruit, right on carline. A real barmin at -:",n. tjpen Sunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Broadway 47T.1. 410 TTenrr BMr. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. 2-amily flat on Corbett street, street Improvements all In and paid for. five rooms in each flat, with basement and attic, some lurnlture goes with the Dlace. JT.ce only J.ioo. ittoll casn. balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE fl-room house in Piedmont. lot fooxiuu; house strictly modern, hardwood floors, $5200; half cash. This is a real home. 4-room house, lot' 50x109. on East Main, near 4 2d. -Fine location: $1600: nan casn. BARRAND REALTY CO.. 849 Salmon. Main 4245. MODERN bungalows ".on the corner of Willamette blvd. and van Houten t. These homes are brand new. on paved St.. in a good residence district. Owner iff leaving town and will sen very rea sonably, on easy terms Price for cor ner with large lot, $2!S0: Inside $2s-iO. rerive out and see these Sunday, Mrs. Maddux. 1217 Willamette blvd. $5000 A CLOSE-IN buy with a fine fu ture. f un f.uxioo-it. lot. with cottage. 427 11th, near Hall street. East front age. All Improvements In and paid for. A real bargain. Price i.moo and terms. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO., Realtors. Stark St. Main 1K44. OWNER MUST SELL A cozv 4-room bungalow, lust fin ished, double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, white enamel Dutch kitchen. cement basement. laundry tray. Take Alberta car to KiUlngsworth, block- from car and store: call Sun- dny; price only $3S50; real bargain. STOP LOOKING FOR A HOME! Every house listed Is personally in spected. You will be pleased with our efficient and cheerful service. We save you time and money. STAR HtAl, K51-ATB S 1NV. CO. Realtors. S31 Stark St. Bdwr. FOR SALE 1 rooms and bath on ground floor, with 2 upstairs rooms, mailing 8 sleeping rooms, has half basement, ga- e, close to hlgn and grade school. all kinds fruit and flowers; will sell cheap, with or without furniture. 3330 54th. Tabor FOR SALE At Skiillliore street and East Twelfth, a beautiful new 5-room cottace , and lot 50x100. Buffets, fireplace, gas, furnace, cement basement, best of plumb ing, hard surface streets, district sewer evstem. fine view of city: part terms. 2H7 Farco St.. after 5 P. M. East 41i;r.j NEW SL'HURBAN four-room house on pared road, city conveniences In. new garage. 3 blocks to car: H acre; $300 cash gives possession, furnished or un furnished. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFORBST A CO.. REALTORS. 320 Henrv Blflg.. Bdwy. r..sin. $2'00r-KENTON DISTRICT. Six-room bungalow style house, gas and electric lights, full plumbing. 50x 100 lot, mitt. chicKen nouse: easy terms. JOHNSON'-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. FOR SALE By owner, 100x135; house 3 large rooms, water, gas. gas range; all kinds of berries, garden all in, mostly up. fenced, flowers. 4ii uist s. w., cor. 46th ave. Price $1300; $400 cash, $15 per month. IRVINGTON SACRIFTFCE. $7250. Terms: don't MISS this BARGAIN: center hall, large living room. 2 fire places, oak floors. 3a bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage: cnoice location. Aeuiiau sen, realtor. Fast 34. Main SQ78, $3500 A LB ERTA BUNGALOW $3500. Modern, 7 rooms, cement basement, DUtll-ins, lot, ut&r r.. oulu; fou cash balance terms. KM 1TH-WAGONER CO.. STtyK EXCH. ROSB CITY BARGAlS". Near 48th and Sandy. B-room modern bungalow, absolutely modern throughout. 60 yards to car; $050 down, paiance to suit, r.ast pujb. ROSB CITY PARK CORNER.. 61st st.. cor. Santty blvd.: unusual buy: 6 rooms, sleeping rorch, Dutch kitchen. plpeiess iurnace, iirepiace, garage, etc See this sure. $0500. Terms. Owner. $3500. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. Fruit, Berries, etc Lot 75x100. 409 Lombard St., Cor. Wabash. 6 ROOMS. $2300 $100 CASH. Bath, electric - lights, one-half base ment, garage, half block to Mt. Scott car, on paved street. 7iL'o 04th ave., K. Phone Auto. n'3-uj. Street improvements all paid. TERMS. SALOMON CO.. Est. 1888. S07 Railway Exchange BMg. FROM owner, save commis-sion. fine home placo, 5 rooms and bath, ooxioo paved St.. at end Aiocria, car. jzm uast autn St. N. IRVIN'GTON SNAP. $0rn0. terms; well- built home, near two car lines: S rooms, good furnace, nrepiare. jNeuhausen, realtor. Fast -"04. Main HQ'S. 5-ROOM strictly modern bungalow. Haw thorne district; a nargam. call at 8212 67th at. 2 Works south of Haw thorne car line. Owner. BY OWNER Laurelhurst home, new 8 rooms on fine corner, Deautlful shrub bery and lawn, $8000; no agents. Tabor 1 10T. : SMALL bungalow surrounded by large beautiful homes. wonderful view of river; improvements in; z -i blocks to Sellwood Park. 404 Rex ave. - IRVINGTON BUNGAIOW SACRIFICED. 7 rooma. an oaK noors. nreniace. lnre-e living rnom. 678 Eat 14th North. Open $'000 WILL buy a 6-rm. modern 4ouse and ground near jsroaaway nncge; now rented for $.10 per mo. Soa Landlgan," 409 Vancouver ave., East tiOGJ. BKAI. ESTATE. For Sale Houses. EVERY ONE A GOOD BUT. $ 700 $100 cash, $15 monthly buys a 2 room plastered cottage, 60x120 lot, city water, some small irult. $ 923 $123 cash, $18 monthly, buys a 3 room unfinished cottage, with 50 xloO lot, on a paved street and carline, sewer connections, city water; this Is a decided snap, the lot beinsrwell worth what is asked for the entire property. $L?25 $U0 cash, $20 monthly buys a 8 room cottage and kitchenette. 60 xlOO lot, city water, gas and elec tric lights, located on E. 52d st. $1700 $2." cash, $20 monthly buys' a 4 room cottage, with 75x200 lot. all kinds -of fruit anii berries, roses and ornamental shrubbery; 'this place is vacant and is a very goo4 value. $2200 S(I0 cash. $25 monthly, buys a 5-room plastered cottage, with bath, toilet, gas and electric fc 1 lichts, 50x100 tot. two blocks from car; built-in buffet and large at- tic. $2630 $1095 cash, balance $15 per month buys 4 rooms with a floored at tic, bath, toilet, gas and electric lights. 50x100 lot. with some fruit and berries and ornamental shrubbery. This is a very at tractive looking house, ls blocks to car. $2S5fJ $520 cash, $20 monthly, buys a 4 room plastered house, complete ly furnished, sewer connections, city water, bath and gas. con crete foundation. lot 100x100. with lots of fruit and some ber ries. House is practically new and Is neat and clean. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 7.12 Cham, of Com. $3250 PARKROSH. GROUND 100x200 FT. 4-rm. cottage with bath, grounds all cleared, some fruit and ber . ries and part of garden now in. This is only 1 bla. to the car line and Sandy blvd. Only few short bis.8. to schooL t J- L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208.- Branch Office, 45th snd Sandy Blvd. Tabor 202. ROSE CITT PARK. $1630 -15th St., be4ow the hlU. , tPical California style bunga low ot 6 rooms, hardwood floora, fireplace, furnace, lot well im proved, tarage, faces east on paved street, lerms looo cash, baiaucs less than rent. ... HILLER BROS. "Realtors, Branch :f Ice ioth and Sandy, labor 818j. Open Sunday. .,0 "EW IRVINGTON. 639 K. isth st. N open today. rooms, enameled and papered; tile bath; oak floors . throughout: garage, best construction; fine trees and yard; price based on present lower costs; $S500, $1000 -a.3J' -.n'-i "1,onth,1J'' K- J- Mautz, i-ast 501, Broadway 5022. ' ROSE CITY PARK. New, modern 5-room bungalow and garage, corner lot, street paved, $000 4 cash, balance like rent. , A. N. MIKKELSEN CO., . 5-d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 23S0, Open Sunday. ' A FINE OPPORTUNITY. Beautiful Lake Grove modern bunga low, and one-half acre ot ground. This is an opportunity of a life-time to get a nice suburban home on easy terms No mortgage. Furnished if desired. RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS, blti Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. LADD ADDITION, v ery fine 6-room residence In excel lent shape; hardwood throughout fire place, bookcases, buffet, full basement, furnace, laundry room, attic, sleeping Pnarn?AIVei2' be.st """erial and work manship, bee it Sunday. $1U00 w so?.1, RS? $ McCABE CO., Rfalto 822-3-4 1-ailinsr Bldg. .Marshall ors. 3993. 9-R. HOUSE FORECLOSURE IN LAURELHURST V rooms, elegant home worth $10 000; , ,rs ia ,and iwn: everything comp.ete to make a beautiful modern home. This la now In the hands of the court Don t come unless you have $3200 See Mr. illiamson. Main 6203 O. W. FARR CO.. 407 McKay Blda- iiY nwvKii Modern well-built K-rnnm k.. i- with hardwood floors, fireplace, large buffet, bookcase and breakfast nook; fin ished in old ivory and white enamel: -on either one or two lots, 50x100 with no Incumbrance; near Creston school; walk ing distance of Franklin high; near W W and Mt. Scott car lines, on Powell ' be tween 42d end 43d sts. See it Sundav O WN Bfi. Will take lot and some cash as first payment on 6-room house; has furnace rireplaae. hardwood floors, full plumb ing: has been tinted, varnished and painted Inside and out; has garage- is " Pave?ir et"et,- s,'e R. Johnson.. c',', ""a xjiag.. iviam a787. or 8.11 Clenn ave. Wdln. fi.171. SOUTH MOUNT TABOR SLOPE Lovely new house, 7 rooms, large liv ing room, French doors, hardwood floors all built-ins, cement basement, furnace' all improvements In and paid, near car' magnificent view; $5250, $1000 cash, pay ments like rent. 500 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 1963. Evening Mar- HOUS3 BAT.CAIN.. Good rooms on mishty nice corner near 2!st and Clinton, ouly $.'KK) and only $200 down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. W. C. BECHTELL, 1305 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 62QO HOLLADAY HOME SNAP. Fine modern seven-room home, just completely renovated; like new; hard wood floors throughout; large lot; fruit trees; beautiful home surroundings; Vacant. 7X2 BaJsey, near 24th. $7230 Owner, Robert B. Beat, East 1875. Easy terms. MUST HAVE $000 DOWN. Balance as easy as rent, a dandy little 4-room bungalow with 2 bedrooms, fire piece and bestutiful built-ins. A splen did bargain at $3550. , LMJiUBiAlt 1A r.SIAlJiN T CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. EASY TERMS. JUST EAST LAURELHURST. $4200 Elegant 7-room home (bunga low), garage, 62x156, fruit; Vj block car G. C. GOLDENBERG. REALTOR. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. Ablngton Bio's,, 106 Third. BY OWNER Double constructed 5-room house; N. E. Irvington; modern through out; all Improvements In and paid for. Price Includes draperies, curtails, gas range, heaters, some furniture; near car and school; real bargain. Owner going east. Avrt- Til 8-20. HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungalow with every built-in feature; excellent garage; imp. in and pd.; terms: $42"0. HAWTHORNE. REALTY CO.. Cor 3tith, Haw. Realtors. Tab. 7463. 0 LARGE rooms, all built-ins, French doors, full basement, laundry trays, bath room and additional toilet; lot 50x106; fruit, berries, paved street: block from Alberta car. . Call after 12 noom 10S5 Vernon ave. $5(0 DOWN. Strictly modern 5-rpom bungalow, good district near school and cars: al. Assessments In and p:iltl; 60x100 lot. This Is a bargain. Mr. Lawson. owner. 618 Plttock blk. MODERN 6-room house, bath, pantry, fruit room, full basement. 9 bearing fruit trees and all kinds of berries, 100x100 corner lot, garden all In. Owner, 843 Houghton. Terms. J37.1) ti-KOO-I cottage, 50x100, garage. alley, hard surrace street, fruit and ber ries, 2 carlines, 8 blocks to Jefferson hieh, 1 block Thompson. Owner, Wdln. li'S'i, mornings. SUNNYSJDE. 23d and East Salmon sts. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. Garage and fruit. J4S00. Cash $1000. Balance to an it. Owner, $i7 Couch bid?. ALAMEDA PARK Fine 7-room house. 30th st; owner will SACRIFICE. $urn: well built, modern. SEE THIS Neu haugon. realtor. East 3t4. Mnln Su78. 7-ROOM residence. 5."th. East Taylor. large lot. choice fruit, paved streets, fine ga rage; roust aell. Now vacant. $4S0O; t o rmg. Owner. Eajt n228. BIG BARGAIN in R. C. home n Alame da drivfc, 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; Immediate possession, $6500; cirovenient terms. Tabor 2J7ri. 6-ROOM house for sale; fruit, berries; lOOx 100 corner; garden In; J2&30, $500. down, 218 E. 72d N. M. V. car. GCkD bungalow, 5 rooms and room in at tic, near end of Hawthorne car, school nnd high school. tQQ. Wdln. 23. 1 ACRE, good- soil, 2-room house; 51000. good terms. Inquire Molls store, Buck ley ave. and Powell Valley road. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $500 PARKROSH. HIGHLY IMPROVED GROUNDS. 6-rm. semi-bungalow with extra large attic (large enough for 2 ex tra rms.), house modern with fire place, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen and modern plumbing, full basement, gas, electricity, run ning water and garage, yard and ground in wonderful condition; 23 bearing fruit trees (all kinds of fruit), 10 or 15 young fruit trees, large strawberry patch, loganber ries, 'raspberries and grapes; lots of roses and shrubbery. ' This property Is located on Prescott St.. near Craig rd. Owner transferred to California, possession may be had very quickly. This place is really in excellent condition. May we show it to you at oncer J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Main 208. Branch Office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. BEAUTIFUL WESTOVER VIEW HOMB of 31 rooms; thoroughly modern; hot water heat; wonderful grounds; immediate possession if desired. For sale only because owner is going out of town, and this offers you THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. East 130U. ROSE CITY PARK. $5850 Here Is a surprise for you in one of the most beautiful five room bungalows in Rose City. Has every modern feature, is located on a beautiful corner under the hill, with all improvements in and paid; can be handled on very rea sonable terms. If you are think ing of buying a home, do as a business man would do, look at all or them and take the best. We are glad to show you this in comparison with any other you have seen. HILLER BROS., Realtors, 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. Taboi 8483. Open Sunday. A BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HnMS One of the most sightly large corners In Laurelhurst, KOxlOO lot with wonder fully constructed large 7-room house with full attic; lirlng room 14x28, large dining -room, beautiful kitchen and breakfast room, 4 bedrooms, hardwood noors, piate-glass windows, instanta neous Ruud heater, hot -water heat wth gas for fuel; two fireplaces, large double garage yith doors electrically operated, fine electrical fixtures; in fuct, a most complete home. House alone could not be built for price asked. Price only $15,. 000, $5000 down, balance 10 years 7 Shown by appointment only. Call Ta bor 407. WONDERFUL HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. ' $3950 Just 4 block car, modern, clean, Vpeat home, fireplace, full cement basement, fine built-ins, paved street, $1000 cash. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG, REALTOR, Ablngton Bids. Main 4803. A SPLENDID HOME. With lot 95x105. Abundance of fine bearing fruit trees, splendid garden soil. One-half block to car. 5-room plas tered bungalow in good condition. A dandy home and requires only $400 cash to handle. PRICE $2800. RALPH! HARRIS CO., REALTORS. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3024. this wonderful home below value, igkove1.a.vu park. Look, $0000! $100 cash will handle, 0 spacious rooms, great large sleeping porch and on the bungalow type, strictly modern, all pavement in, here is a real bargain at $5000. Open Sundav. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bl-aadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER JUST LOOK AT THIS! . One of those nice new bungalows, full cement basement, garage and 60x100 lot, and only $3230. I have many others from .uuu to juii'u, on wnich I can quote a homeseeker reasonable prices and terms. j. jj. miLtoiuoK, Realtor, ; 214-215 Panama Bldg. LAURELHURST SNAP. Coxy 5-room bungalow, in beautiful Laurelhurst. very pleasant living and dining rooms. Dutch kitchen. 2 bed rooms, iirepiace, lull cement basement hardwood floors, 50xl20-lt. lot; $3750; JOHNSON-DODSON CO . 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. t'. '" -nn, a-room snack, acre, 0 blocks to Tremont station. M s. er- corner lot and 2-room house on hard street, juu, iduu cash, $3 per month $2300. 4-room house, bath and sleeping porch, floored a'Uc, $500 or $900 cash. v, wbu, acre, s-rooni house; 6-room. $1350, and $300 cash. Fred Spear. 5520 t:5th st. S. E. Auto. 619-19. A REAL HOME A lovely new bungalow. Piedmont, for only $3990. This is one of the best fitted up uttie nouses tnat we know of In Portland. It will pay you to look at it. ouwwru vj m Mpoiiiiment only. HARRY BECKWITH, Main 6Sli9. Realtor. 104 Bth St. IRVINGTON. BEAUT-IFOT, COLONIAL. u.uvu, ir.rt.us. Choice location, artistic fldor plan; p-mriuinB ui.ierent. All oaK lioors. J fireplaces, old ivory finish, art paper xiarage. Neuhausen, realtor, East 304, -,r- Dlnl,-ll'i moaern Dungaiow near nn.rtiiieuo oiva.; just completed bv v-nerfor his home: lot 30x100; more can be had adjoining; $4HKH); $1500 will hau- ui-. , wr. ruiiirpy, W ltn THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 480. HAWTHORNE. This 5-room cottage bungalow la Im maculately clean, faces neatly kept homes, plenty of room for car; vacant move right In; will make splendid price for good cash payjjient. Owner, Tabor 7463. COUNCIL CREST, valley view. D-room semi-bungalow, 2 sets plumbing; 2 sun rooms, fireplace, furnace, garage; 60x200; vacant; move right in. $6300; $1500 down, balance like rent. Owner 623 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. FINE COLONIAL. $l.".00. terms: beautiful view; house" finished in ivory and mahogany; 2 fire places. French doors, oak floor, garage. Neuhausen. realtor. East 304. Main 8078 FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 7-room residence in excellent condition. E. 12th. near Morrison. Price $7000, terms to responsible parties. Phone E. 5275. V 4-ROOM house furnished or unfurnished. Gas, electricity and water. 100x100 lot. $200 cash, $15 per month. $850. At 6323 71st st ML Scott car to Tre- moni Binimn. ilXTS large 7-room house w ith large sleep ing porch, big garden, fruit trees, berries garage, chicken coops, etc.; a dandy place: $0000. $2000 down, balance to uU. Call 041-47. IN BEND, Or. Modern 6-room residence. garase, two lots. Rents, for $40. Price $4500. Will sell or exchange for Port land residence property. Call Alain 81U0 or i a nor iu.'i. NEW 6-ROOM modern house at 4Sth and East Washington. Lot 50x100. Fruit trees and berries on lot. Good location. Good car service. Call at 13GS East Stark. $1450 4-ROOM house, lot 40x120; 6 bar ing fruit trees, garage, block from car and More; terms. - 327 Front st. Askor Bill. 4-ROOM bungalow, partly modern, lot 50x 100, price $1250. small payment down, balance like rent; garden in; some fruit and berries. Owner, 861S 65th st. S. E $2300 6-ROOM modern house, within half block of ilontavilla car, lot 50x100, lots of fruit and roses; nice lawn and garden, very easy terms. Tabor 2451. ROSE CITY PARK Materially reduced for quick tale. 6-room modern bungalow; block from Sandy; $1800 cash, balance easv terms. Ml E. 4!)th St. N. WE.LL-BU4LT Mt. Tabor home. 6 rooms; beautiful view; price $3250; this ia the best bargain In Portland. Call Tabor ltJ0!S, owner. No agents. ROSE CITT PARK. BY OWNER, $54K. New, nifty 5-room bungalow, below hill, block to carv Tab. 1768. WTLLIAMS AVE. Modern 5 roomsr $2750; $500 handles; vacant. Owner, East 7722. REAL ESTATE. - For Sale Houses. $3SO0 $500 DOWN. A 4-room bungalow consisting of combination living room and dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and breakfast nook, hardwood floors, etc. ,"37 VixlOS-ft. lot, street improvements In and paid. Price $3800, with $500 down. $3800 EASY TERMS. A 7-room bungalow; fireplace, built-in pantry, good basement, bath, etc.; 100x10(1 ground, all kinds of fruit, berries and walnuts. It a dandy buy that can be han dled on terms. $4750 ROSE CITY PARK. A 5-room house, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, etc.; 50x100 corner; dou ble garage, city Improvements paid. Terms to suit. $5500 NEW AND NIFTY. -A 5-room bungalow, floored at tic, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, etc., every imag inable built, in feature, finished in Ivory ' and white enamel, 40x100 'lot, garage and runway, city Im provements paid; $1200 cash, bal ance terms. On 37th St., near Sandy boulevard. RUMMELT, RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. WEST SIDE FURNISHED. $000 DOWN. neneve I am offering the co! t no lurnisnen nome In the city loi me money asked, $3700; almost ";ke .,'. ""sot sunshine and fresh air vaininK ais.ance; you may hve vour own terms In reason. This property is sure to sdvance in price as the el'y grows. Th; price I ask is only .he "" ot tne lot adjoining prop ty, owners say. 521 Market St.. at 10:n FURNISHED. Loon 4-room bungalow, with elegant . inianlng-a; garage; chicken house; Aine. or good ground; 10 rows of logan- , , 01 ouier kinds ot fruit; blocks to carp MUST BE SOLD MONDAY. Price $1000, worth $3uuo. PETERSON & YORK. 437 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8O03. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON BUN GALOW PRICE $7250. 7 rooms, beautifully finished In white Ivory; every modern con venience, hardwood floors through out; 3 rooms In tapestry; French doors, breakfast room; tiled baih; full cement basement; garage with cement driveway. This piace is brand-new and up-to-the minute in every respect. You will agree with us that the price is most conserva tive. SPEED REALTY CO., 307 Panama Bldg. Main 7264. r,i:' -'0 $2-.o -' . $273 $275 $5 MONTHLY. ALBERTA CARLINE. we are orferiug lots in Tate's addition at prices from $273 upward, including sidewalks, curbs, grading of street and ..".,it,n '" - cash, S3 month r.o building restrictions. Go to the end of Alberta carline. continue one block north to Holman street, turn to the right four short blocks nd find salesman on the ground all Sunday. Sale has Just started. Buy now and have the biggest A. G. TEEPE CO 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3092. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. On E. 17th St., near Slanton; large living room with French doors to dining room and library, 2 lovely bedrooms, bath and kitch I en; Uasco furnace; finest floors; large windows: old 'ivory finish; garage; built for a home. By ap pointment. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER EAST 71176. AIT. TABOK. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. t A resl home, hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitch en. 4 bedrooms, 1 down, full basement, furnace, beautiful 50x100 lot, paved sts sewer, located E. 5Mh st., among beau tiful homes, close Franklin high, yuick sale price only $5250. $1500 cash han dles. Shown only by appointment. Ask for Mr. Mack, Main 7016, Sundays GEO. T. MOORE CO., REALTORS. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 705 OVERTON ST.. VACANT fiitT'. oiPfc:VnU;ALKIXG STANCE. FULL. L.OT, 50x1 U0 ; T VVO-STOK Y 7 52HiIAND HI'KEPINO PORCH! 4 C 1 DT MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST U77L UNLOCKED TODAY PORTLAND'S HOME BUYERS. I7,- 25th N" ,,WSOi b""ftaIow. 61a Thompson, about $10,000. 775 Multnomah, J5700 t-IoH Kast rSlh N" "rner Fremont; loSoo, bungalow, snap" E' Couch' 3S0. large bungalow, 1391 The Alameda, J7500 R. T. STREET. Agent. SUNNYSIDET Located in Bungalow Cladn. a strictly modern six-room home; hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, built-in conven iences, large living and dining room full concrete basement, eoo.l fnru,. 3 bedrooms, bath and large 'sleeping forT," ce $!7o0. Terms. OOx RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor RITTER. LOWK S01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Mittnpiiv K,.n1A. - y.r--l' ""'6"luB,ul o rooms, basement. ,7 01 "u" living room has fireplace and bookcases, paneled dining room, nice electric light fixtures, white enamel bathroom and Dutch kitchen; house double constructed and r?nie.nS on,?ition: I"' 7oxluu. some fruit and berries, concrete curb and Via, wf are. lDi. a real bargain at $3200: $1D00 cash, balance $20 per month, 50(W1 " lnterL 1'hona Broadway ROSE CITY PARK, $4750 Drive out today and take a look at 639 E. ua st. N. hen you look it over you 11 say It's extra good value for the t.. ei.-ir-u. u xuoms ana attic, heavy nulr flnnn In lt..l .1 j. . 7 iT iT V Hi na aming room, full basement, cement, furnn f.iii i. no street liens, nice garage, convenient v .., oiuuui mm cnurcn. o.a A. H. BIRRKLI.-GILI, CO.. 216 IV A. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. $2700 EASY TRWvw KnBfZ? ? ,dandy new 4-room bungalow; BOxlOO lot; cement basement, laundry tray; 2 bedrooms, 4 closets, fine bath room, best plumbing, nice living room, dandy kitchen with built-ins; sewer and everything paid; bt;t part of Montavilla See it Sunday, or any evening after 6' K"y at 247 K. 77th st. N. i ii KiiE Houses. " ' I00xl5v. all improvements In and "(aiJ' Pe:(lt V,Me; it"'r--311 Eugene st. This is walking distance from busi ness center. Pric3 $6500. This is a great bargain. Owner non-resident. McClure & Scl.mamh Co.. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503. 5 BEDROOMS! . 8-room modern bungalow, full lot paved st., garagft, hardwood floora, fur nace, fireplace, built-ins, cement- base ment, trays, 2 blocks to car, fine neigri borhood: wonderful buy. Call Main 6327 BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, will be ready In a few days, 9 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, all modern; the kind of a houe that you would expect to be asked to pay $10 for; $75. Inquire 650 Clacka mas street. WALKING DISTANCE. East side, beuutlful 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch, furnace, paved street; exceptionally well built ; snan for $4000. terms. See .Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Broatfway . BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR HOME. Every convenience, hot water heat. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, built for own horn, very best material and work manship. Owner. 349 E. BOth st WHY PAY RENT? Must sell 3-room bungalow, furnished, lOtlxlOO, near car, eawy terms. Price $17M). Call Mr. Richarda, Tabor 2549 or Tabor PS86. 6-ROOM S"'lwood home. 2 stories, modern; a bargala tit JS-m, $.uu aown, balance like rent. Mr. Pomroy, wit h THOMSON & THOMSON. Realtors. 00 Homy Bldg. Broadway 15$0. CR ET K B A S KM R XT, FLRNACK- Tf - CASH, UALANCii MORTGAGE POlNDIiXTER. L'fIN KUT.l.l Vi 1 or ri BEAL KSTATE. For Sale Houim. EXCLCSIVE 5-Rcfoll BUNGALOW. Near 51st and Alameda drive. Livlnn room USx?. IVautiful binlseye maple floors throughout, modern built-ins of evary kind, breakfast nook, beautiful large bath wrth dreaslnic Uible. plate gians mtrrofTi inlaid linoleum, aorna drapea and automatic gas water heater Includ ed in prii:e, concrete garage and choice nhrubbery. Without a doubt this la the most exclusive bungalow on the market at a moderate price. For appointment call MRS. SNOW. "BDWY. 4W4. 3J0 LUMBERMEN BLDG. PALK OR KXCHANOK. LAURELHURST COLONIAL. "We have for aale or exchange one nf the most beautiful homes in Laurelhurst. 6 rooms, lutch colonial, built by day labor 6 months ago for present owner at cost of f 12.410, not including coat of lot. This home la strictly high-ciaa In every respect, having large aun room, S beautiful bedronma and maid's room, Gasco furnace, large living room, beau tiful tile bath with shower, TJxino cor ner lot, double garage, no mortgage on thia property. Sacrifice price flJ.OOU, your own terms, or will take 6-room bungalow or incomo property up to ftiouu as part payment, with terms on balance. What have you ? Abk. for Mr. Mack, Alain "Old. Sundays. REALTORS. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. HKT Teon Bldg, WAVERLT HEIGHTS $3500 rooms, bungalow, lot 75x601-3 terms. $4000 i morns, 8 large bedrooma, larre closets, fireplace, furnace, lot (Vt lot). This is a good buy; fttuo down, easy terms. Beautiful home in Irvington, modern, la rte living room, dining room, linen closet, shower bath, garage, fine shrub bery, one of Irvington a attractive home Terms. $7000 Laurelhurst bunralow. It Is a beauty. Hardwood floors In every room, large living room, dining room, breakfast nook, bed' rooms, furnace, fireplace, garage terms. Call Mrs. lyer. J ROBBINS. 3P1 Railway Kx. Bldg. SMALL SUBURBAN HOMB. Mot picturesque setting with wonderful large maple tree, rustic aeats, the rockeries, the flower gardens and the lovely running brook all lend a charm unusual; 31- acres: house has 4 rooms, pri vate water system; close to mnln road. Further particulars by call ing MRS. HARRY PRICK PALMER. BAST 7070. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Owner movtnff east. Must be sold this week. Ofefcd now for J 1350. Act quickly. XEILAN & PAHKHILL, 210 Lumbermens Llldg., 5th and Stark Sea. WEST MT. TABOR SNAP. Good, modern, well-built 7-room hnjne and largo glassed-in csieeping porch, hardwood floors in all looms, 2 bath rooms, lull basement, furiiaue, 3 enam eled wash trays, larse double Karuae with servants' quarters; lot luOxlGU feel, line lawn, shrubbery, Irult, etc.; I;t0 K. Tayloi st.; vacant; key next door wtst; all Improvements in and paid: $7JU0. terms. The buildings alone would co.il more and the adjoining va cant lot Is priced at Jiontl. L. E. Ktelnmetz. 100 Oerlinger bldg. .am Coll! or Tabor 3-4. PIEllMONT PIEDMONT PIEDMONT We have for sale over a hundred of the choicest lota in Piedmont, wnicb are being offered at a price very little more than the indebtedness for paving, sewer and taxes. HERE IS YOL'R OPPORTU NITY TO BUV A LOT In ono of Port land's CHOICEST RESTRICTED resi dential districts at a SACRIFICE. A. U. TEEPE CO., 270 Strak- St.. near -ith. Main S002. Branch office, 40lh and Sandy, Tabor OnbO. Open Sunday. SIX-ROOM HUNG A LOW. UuSE CITY PAKE. Here Is a strictly modern home on 60x100 view lot. Every modern built-in feature, fireplace, cosy breakfast nook, large kitchen, hardwood floors, full con crete basement, Gasco furnace, two large bedrooms and glataed-ln sleeping porch. Reasonable cash payment and easy tonus. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, R1TT1-.R. LOWE, & CO.. 201-B-5-7 Loard of Trade Hldg. $.1500. ROSE CITY. 4J1 EAST 4.Vi"II ST. NORTH. R KliO.MS AND SLEEPING PORCH MODERN. ilAKDWOOD FLOORS. Fl R NACE. GAI1AOB. FULL BASEMENT WIRED FOIl ELECTRIC STOVE. 1M MEDIATE POSSESSION. POINDEXTER. -'US SEIL1NG BLDG. MAIN ISOU. RESIDENCE EAST 0771. sin.snn great snap. IRVINGTON 7-11 M. PALATIAL HOMB. Every conceivable convenience. House alone worth $15,ouu, some tc rms. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Realtor. Abington lift- Main 4S03. Ni-w four-room bungalow, consisting of large living room wuu narawoou fioors. fireplace., two lovely bedroom h it h. Dutch k lichen, breakfabt nook. ivory finmh, cement basement, laundry trays, all improvements in and paiii. nun wav In for carat: i;. $:147A : month end Intercut. 5W Chamber of Commerce bldg. 3Uln 1MX i-vetilnga PIKP MONT. Rtine-fllow. 6 rooms Mrlctly modern bedrooms, sleeping porch and ep lng rootn upHtairs, one Detiroom aowusiair-. hardwooi floora In hall, dining room aJid liviikg room ; full cement banneni. fnrn:-i' fironlace; M built-in conven ienccs. garage, best of mr Fervice. f4Mn rjish. baianie to suit. Thone Woodlawn mm Monday for appointment. 1 181 Oar fjfld bvp. MOMKHN' Hi'MJALOW IIAIUJAIN, ft rooms and bath firjt fUior; 'J nlre T,edroom second floor: pipeles furnace, hardwood floor in living room, dining room and one hf droom ; house w same s new; one block from car and In eay walking distance jeirerson nigncnooi Trice 450, good ternitt. BROWN & CKANT. 201 Consolidated Sertiritiea BWg. Hroart way 3'J2J. SELLWOOD'S MOST CLASSY BL'NUA- Verv artistic, large cement porch, fac lng city, -beautifully arranged, hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace., very best neighborhood, built for home by very good median c. Good reason for selling. Terms. I'hcne Sellwood 2706 for ap pol n tmefft. HTILT FOR A HOME. Fine 8-room bungalow, double con structed, modern except hardwood floors; will have the hardwood floors laid if the house suits you: garage undor nous : full lot; home all day Sunday. Come In and havo a look. FrW'e $H500. Am opn tn vour best offT. 8t)N E. Conch. $1M0 CASH. 6-room houe with furnac. full base ment, laundry trays, woodllft. breakfast room, newly tinted, fine kitchen, one block to car. $:,55rt; reasonable monthly pavments. 509 Chamber of Commerce bidg., Main 1963. Evenings Marshall 2r:i 1 . BUNG A LOWS. Alberta. Rope City. Irvington. .Haw thorne and Richmond districts, at prices to suit, all kinds of terms. Coma In. Auto at your service. Let us show you NORTHWEST MTG. CO., 436 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE KENTON PISTV 100x100, west side of street, shack, tent, cooking range and some furniture, very cheap; also a 7-room house, 100X 100, ?3100. Lot of fruit. Terms. Phone Col. fQ3. ROSE CITY PARK fl-room 1-story bun galow, corner, very fine inlaid hardwood floors, living room 30x17, dining room 16x17, fine view. 3 large bedrooms, every room light and pleasant, garage, full lot. Call Tabor .VHP. Main 7031. RICHMOND BARGAIN. $ innO. 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, full base ment, garag, 1 block car. S4th St., ex cellent condition, no mortgage. Terms. T. O. Bird, Marshall 1022, Sellwood 2706 evenings. " 12-ROOM modern house, all furnished. 2 blocks from car line and school. Sotith Portland. $.Vn: good terms. C W, Mll lership. 1 6S Vt 4th st. Main R27.V EQUITY in modern !i-room house; 3 lota fruit trees and chieken park; for saiff or trade. M 6J2. Oregonian. 3-ROOM house with loojsinn Tot. all n p enty of fruit 7o2 Smith ave. Johns. garcea, N. St. ROSE CITY sacrifice. 6 rooms, tlerping porch. large ground, fruit ; must sell now, Owuer, 470 E. ,1th N, K K A T, KSTATK. For hair Hoo. EXCLCSIVE B-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near Mut and Alarrleda drive; living room, ?xl.'l; beautiful bltdeye mapie fioors throughout : modern built-in a of every kind, hreakfant nook, be.mtif 1 large bath with drraing lM and bev-eU-i plt glans mlrrora; Inlaid ltnomn; some d,t a p. und auiomaiiu gs water heater lnclud d In price; torn r-te ga rage and choice shrubbery. Without doubt thfa la the most axr!ulve bunga low on the market at moderate price. For appointment call mrp. pvow. rnwr 4vl 3-'0 LUMBER MEN 3 BLUvJ. ANCHOR TN'VFSTMFN'T COM PANT, A FEW HOUSE HAHllAINS $280U ft rooms, seml-mmlern. '2 lnts. fruit, paved street. St. Johns $2800 7-room hnu", full busem.-nt. elec tricity, gas. hath and lolkt. lan dy home. fHMitl cfh. S.'ilOO 7-room bu. and full ltd. I pper Alblna; f I 111 rah $1000 R rooms. Rose City Park, com pletely furmxhed; $JOOO oil; Im mediate pohi.cHi.ion. $7500 Ilrand-new bumriilow In holc Laurelhurit locution: kntm $8500 ft.room strictly modern Imipcm-low-st)l hou". 1.aureihurl, hot water heat; i;,All caith $8000 S-room Irvington bunsiilow. mod ern and h.'M f.nlKl.ed ini.-'i-.r in city; 1M0 cash, balance per month ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 4!i Panama Hl.lc, 3,1 ami Mder IRVINGTON APARTMENT. Of stureo construction; 4 ft-rnnm spsrtments beautifully srrsnn.d and decorated, each renting for 1100 per month: an opportunnv for one to secure a lovely home with a good Income. Further particulars by calling MRS. HARM Y TRICE rALJIER. EAST 7070. $7000 WALNUT PARK. N V. A n JEKFEKSON lllilii SCIfnnr, 1107 ROnEY A VKM'R. VACANT. NEAR FIVE CAR LIVES. VFRY LARGE LIVIN'I ROOM. FIVH rIMNl ROOM, KlTi-llEX. ONK SMALL PFDROHM FIUNT Kl.onif 4 HEDROO.MS AND PATH SFt'nNII KI.OOU; FIREPLACE. FPItN.M'r, HARIUVnoli FLOORS. LARGE ATTIC. PARGAIV IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST HALF CASH POINDEXTER. L'nS SELLING Ttl.PG maiv mm. n ksi pfsit. fast r.771 nCISK CITT r.RK fl-room bungalow, absolutely modern, one block Irom Sandy. A big bargain. $ l-.VI. NFII.AN PARKIin.l,, 210 Lumbermens l:idg., 5th and Stark bta. HA Willi iKN i: HI'Mi ALOW. 412 E. ;ttlth Si reel. R-room up-to-the-mlmil modern bun galow, large sunny rooms, piste i'h.i w inflows, enamel woodwork, fireplace, full bnsement, .MlxOO lot with Imp. paid. ' IRVINGTON HI NG.U.OW. RlgTit In the heart of Irvington. A rlastty ft-room bungalow with a. p. It lias everything. Including gaiMge; 72.'iO, and it la word! 11. C. M. PERU, 121.1 N. W, Hk. Hldg. Mar. 52 in, T fill! s.-.cio CASH. AVI1 build beautiful o-ronm hungalmT on full lot near good cur and school, nice location. large living room with fire place, hardwood floms In living and din ing room, buffet. Hutch kitchen, breik favt nook, cement basepient, laumlrv trays. beautiful view, Iui rd-siit fat n street, double construit.'d. s.tri.'iO; a month including Interest, ."ur.i chainl.er of Commerce building. Main lllu.1. Ew nlrtg ,Mrh.ill 2.":il. NEW Itl'NGALOW. JS2MMI. Partly fiinilf-hcd, four rooms, hath, Dutch kitchen, large bedroom and sleep, lng porch, living and dining room com bined. Grounds pHlxllMI, gas furnace, Ruud water heater, gus large, two beds, breakfast table, cliulrs. e;c, only 2 blocks from AVoodlswn car. KtCIMRD W. MAST, Realtor, BITTER, LOWE Co. SH1-3-3-T Hoard of Triid Illdg WE HAVE many gmtj buy, any dt.--t lirt, in nice up-to-da te limif'-s that a don't want to try to t 11 mi about thmi. We want you to call and lt us dna you around and ohow you. We can t-atisfy you. If you hni an auto -or a bit and come caMi, or $rnu or mer rs-h call us and we will cnd auto. Brorfd w av. h.Vmi. NORTHWEST MORTGAGE CO., 4'.H Cha in tier of Com merer. DITLKX Jl ors E WAl.NI T T'A li K. rrlU'u!rly M(Upted to two m! f,,in Hies; s rooms and slurping p'irh. 2 bathrooms, splendid f 'irn.u Insi .int :in rou water he.iter, ru-lnt fif, .vixiim, pai sg. hrst of car sen lee ; pi le ii7.".o. nwnr would cons.dr It-r houne In part payment. RKOWV & GRANT. 201 Cono'tdrftd Se nrttli UMg. Broadw v ;;2:."- A DANDY LITTLE HOME A 5-room hunmilnw, nwiv pHintH snd tftited Inside attd out. ktleheti hp. I ti!h white enamel, l(t jvrtx to f , 3 hlo-i. 4 south of Franklin hl'h hol, at 3ilJ ft41 h st , Ju.t east of C'ji rk 's Mu I l.n , $10110. $ino ensh. balance $15 pr inonih an-1 6 per cent Interest. Ity owner. 315 Msson st. $;no CASH Sunny side ft-room, g -rng" bloi'k cr. school, paved $3750. G. C. GOr.DENRERG. ReHor. Abingion li.dg. Muin 4M:i. ilEKE IS .ICST TH K I ' I , A !: vuu HAVE FKE.V LfOKIG FOR. Good, modern fi-rroin hnntralow, hni.t In buffet wood lift. fill I bas-Mtien', warn trays, all Improvements in un 1 nald: 24. East 50th st., 1 hto. k rorih i( Hawthorne ave.; $.L'."iii, terms, her tb's then see L. E. Steinmetz. 4'm( Orltnger bldg. M n in W n 'I or Tiihor 3 2 1 1 FORCED TO SELL my rouity In litr.: P-rooni bona wllh 1 0ut 1 .in itrnttril 1 ; mortg;i g J't.'.fWl. p;t y:ib!r $75 ninil.iN ; w11l take $1250 for equifv; propi ty v . appraised at $0.oon for loin; Hh ; -thorn dicrrlct open Sundsy t c i P. M. Main 6h2. Krntut Wei la L HOfl Cnirli bldg $.1500 WEFT SIDE. WALKING MSTAS'CE 710 KEARNEY ST.. SMALL LOT. 7 HhOM llnl'SK, ;. lO-l'llooMS; f I MM CASH. HALANCK TMKKK YEARS POlNPEXTER. 20M SKI, LING HI.I'G. MAIN IHitO. RK-JJIiKM'K lvT 771 WESTMORELAND lil'NG A I.OV. OWNER N O N - R L S 1 1 1 : N T ft rooms, hardwooil f.oors. furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, corner lot, two blocks car, four school. r:i.-t front, ga rage. Glad to show it to yon. Term ti right party. Phone Marshall 102-, Soli wood 2706 evenings. P.OSE CITY PAR K. ItOSE CITY PAR K. Onr of th best constructed bnngalows in this desirable district. Plate g'sa windows, eastern oak floors, furnace, fireplace, buffet, beautiful tapesirv P per. floored attic. giirge. Price sur prisingly 'ntv. Phono Titor SH. Ll)tK. IRVINGTON HUNG A LOW. ft rooms, basement, furnaoe, fireplaee, hunt-inn. corner MtxIOO. clear of d"M ; elderlv ladv must ell, going away, wilt Factlfice. $4M. best of lerma. M.I f'mich hldg. Main mum. ROSE CITY RING A LOW. ft rooms, full cement hament, fur nace, fireplace, MxloO; garatce. chicken house and tun. garden In. paved street, block from car. Reasonable. 35 Et 42d North. Owner. ROSE CITY PAKK. $."..'.00. Attractive bungalow with large Itvii.g room, furnace, fireplace and built-in-; choice ph rubbery and t rees; $ 1 MOD ch. balance ens v. Furnished if rt -lrcd. Owner. -M" E. 4th North. mo CASII-M-room cottage, ftnall lot. a l improvements paid, Fremont and M in . nesota ave. Price $Loo. Phone S'-H-wood tOtl.V MODERN houses, 6 rons and ft tooom. on litth and Oye-ton. $.7mo tak then-; good terms C. VV. yillerahlp, 16"4 4th I st Mi. In o27.Y 5-ROOM hotihe. wMh bath, near Jeff, rson high school. 2 blocks from ;r, $-.'7"i-small payment down. $2 t" r month C a II B d w y. 2 . or Ta b 1 r 52 7 . IRVINGTON SSxloo. lovely modern -room home. g rHe. price d rig ht Ziin merman, M Chamber of fmnrnrrrp JKFFKRSON' llgh rilstrlci. 1 7-room or 1 4-room modern bungalow. Woodlawn 11.12. IRVINGTON 7 rooms. sVrpInf T': h. a.. term. rage; a fine buy: only $7.om. Tllmmerman. WIM Chamber nf t '.mi iiiti MY IG:AUTTrTL MtDKHN W PST " Sll E HOME; LARGE GHfpN1S: NO AGENTS. AM OK EGOS'? A V FOR SALE 3 rooms and h;th, good hse ment. 1"7. enrn-r of 7th snd Klb-ki-tst st. Prion .,hor 41 H 12-ROOM house, all furniture, $l.Mii. . lng estate. Attornev, 612 Gaxo bl! JjT'.O ROs"K cTf Y buna"ir.v. 4 to .Won't Ust long. Tal'ur jT0, V