TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1021 " Bl'MNES OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Koomlny flounct. LETS GO TO THE COUNTRY. SOME GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS. 16-room hotel, one block from beach, nice little place, well furnished, build ing, ground and furnishings, $4MHI, terms. . List 15. 28-room hotel on beach, "nice place, newly furnished, open year round, good business; building, ground and furnish Ings, $10,000. half cash. List S2. 19-room hotel, rood Washington town, good business; building, ground and fur nishings, $0500, terms; J -000 cash. List as. 30-room hotel In good live town, do- large business, lilted to the rooi wun regulars and doing big transient bU5lness, near the largest mills in the - state, running full force; big money maker; building, ground and furnish ings, $9000, small payment down, bal ance same as rent; fine lobby, dining oon and kitchen, new building; sick ness compels immediate sale; fine prop osition. List 10. 32 -room hotel, unfurnished. Coos coun ty: building and real estate, $3,100. terms S5UO cash; furniture ittore in town will furnish on easy payments; town It booming, all mills -running full blast. Just bo. 35-room commercial hotel, we!l fur nished, opposite deoot. good town South era Oregon. . 6oOO people: building, ground and furnishings, $15,000. one- J third cash; line proposition, ust o. 42-oom commercial hotel, good East em Oregon town, gooa business: Duim- Ing, ground and furnishings, $10,000, hair cash. List High-class modern brick hotel, lira I nregon town, over do rooms, leading i hotel: skt.ooo. ror building ana re a estate, terms, or will trade for good I ranch witn, lull equipment ana siqcs. List 42. Have several other fine propositions. J Nee me it vou want sometning gooa. i Above listings are exclusive with this I office. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 617 Northwestern Bank Bids. APARTMENT HOUSE LEASES. 42-room modern brick, clears $300 1 month; $3000 handles. List 64. Apartment house, about 100 rooms, clears over $600 month, good lease; $3000 handles. List 63. Apartment house, dandy location. clears $600 month, lease runs way over j lair, cheap rent; $10,000 handles, cist bi. A PARTMENT INCOME PROPERTY. Modern brick, fine location, building and real estate, $15,000; terms $10,000 I ca.su. cist ou. Dandy little apartment house, fine I home, about JO apartments, buumng. ground and furnishings, $16,000, terms I stoou casn. iist 63. Fine modern brick, beautifully locat- I ed. btg income, building, ground and I furnishings, $7a,000; terms $-0,000 cash. i-lSl o I. Have severat other fine propositions. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. M7 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. MAIN S002. MAIN 8052. I 10 SLEEP-LVG ROOMS. S TtMIO TO HAVIl.E Ten rooms, beautiful furniture; make J into more rooms easv. Make vou hummer home and a btg income in I rash each month over and above rent; close in. 22 ROOMS $1000 CASH DOWN. '21 rooms. light housekeeping; place I clears oetter tnun iov each montn. Total price only $2250. Just think of It. I70O CASH DOWN. 14 rooms, fine corner; place making) good niuney. $000 CASH DOWN. 11 rooms, in Nob Hill district ; fine I furniture; clears about $125 each moath. I K. C. O f. Ofc. K rt fcA Li V Y CO. . SUS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MATS' 8i i5 J. MAIS' S0.'2 HEADvil'AUTEKS FOR HOTElrf, ROOM- l.Mi HDLifKS AU A PAR TAT EMS. room modern hotel, $S0u0 win handle. :;:t-room rooming rooming rooming house, $2750 house, $2500 house, $2000 house, $1000 niii win hand le. 25-room handle. 1 8-room handle. Will win '1 1-room rooming handle. These are good west side locations and priced to sell. Coll ltKJ1 West Park st. and talk it over with me. O. F. Ander- nn. THIS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 60-room modern brick not. -house. r- and 4-room apts. Will net $5000 I year. Long lease at a low rental, hard- wood floors, furniture and rugs are In f;ne shape. Walls recently kalsoinined. just tne Place lor a married couoie. The man could run this and still work on the outside. Pay $0000 down and as sume a small mtge. for the balance. oavable so much a month. A steady itsrme like this for the next 10 years would put you on easy street. DORCAS-BOON REALTORS. 03S X, W. B. Mri?. Main 701. SNAP IS MODERN APT. HOUSE. 15 rooms, contains 32 ante., ail with ' private bath, corner brick building: 5 years' lease at nominal rent; clears $700 a month. Furnishings In first-class con dition tnrousnout. frtce sih.ooo: easv terms and might consider nice home as part payment. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. S5P0. FORCED SALE. PRICE CUT $!M0. 23 ROOMS. NORTHWEST STEAM HEAT. HEART OF THE CITY, AC TUAL PROFIT OVER $275 A MONTH: $2445 CASH WILL HANDLE. FOR DE- TAI1.S AND PRICE CALL ERNEST COOVER. MARSHALL SiK3. MARSH & McCABB CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 FAILING BLDG.. 3D & WASH SPLENDID HOTEL BUY. More than 70 rooms, furniture, hot and cold water, steam heat; very fine lease. Net income over 80 per month. The Drice of t his house Is far below the market and can be handled for an exceedingly low initial payment. Mrs. ' A Ibuush. with John Ferguson. Realtor, List 125. COUNTRY HOTEL Realty and all: clear ing $$00 to $1000 monthly: especially good for man and wife: S7000 cash will handle. Also throe very desirable re sorts, teaity; one may be leased unfur n-shed. PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS Ask for MR. T1CE. Main 948 i ROOMS, nice home in beautiful loca tion. west side, income $02: $500 handles AJso 13 rooms, west side, rent $40: good income; well furnished; $1000 cash re-1 quirea. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., Realtors. 32ft Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. M. B. LENT COMPANY. 528-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. j LBADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IP YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL CTME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 I YBAR3 IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATS YOU RIGHT. APAKIaMKXT HOUSE of over 100 rooms; fine brick building: all modern ants. : rent only $550; S years' lease; clears 1 over fiov a month: si.ooo cash handles.) A. J. Uer URaST & CO., Realtors. SJn. Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500 IT "YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER, LOWE ft CO-201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. I FOR WANTED If your hotel or apartment noube is Tor sate, phone Main o.i. we will call for listing. Absolutely no pub licity; 23 years successful business rec Bi oru. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, M7 XORTHW ESTKRN' RAVK Rl.rwJ 74 ROOMS, corner brick building, private BY Dams, sieam neat, clears sbou to 1100 a montn. irice reduced to i.soo; terms. A. J. DeFOREST CO., Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. B50Q. 30 WONDEKFL'L buy for $1200. $500 cash jieautiiui manogany iurnuure. silk urapea jinesi nigs; turnace ana rire-I IF place: facing the park; exclusive listing. i.M rrn fi. I FOR LtlASU Hotel Palace, unfurnished, in prosperous town of North Bend. Coos 32 -- 3 . (siaonsncu or ju years; m neaiea rooms ana lobby; (id per month. J. B. O'Donne'l. 802 Spalding bldg. i--..ika weii-rurnlshed h. k. rooms, close in on west side, rent very reasonable; will clear $0 a month; $050 cash will! ; uanqif. Mawy. -l-iUJ. 30 H. K. ROOMS. -Ioj In nn w.T TuTZ FOR best furnished house in ciy, will clear j ' -r" uiviiwi. mil price 14JoU, good terms. Call Bdwy. 4403. 31 H. K. ROOMS Good lease and mod ern: close in, west side; $2500 handles; clears $175. Barney Johnson & Co., Realtor. 170 10th st. FOR BY OWNER 13 rooms, h. k., rent $45: LEAVING city. 7-room flat completely fur- bus, iurnuure gooa; Clears $80. with nice apt. for self. $1000, terms. Broadway 4140. BV OWNER. l.H rooms, price $2150r will consider furniture of 10-room house as Prt pay. 42 Washington st. Bdwy. 15 HOUSEKEEPING room for auU cheap. CaU . 4i0- lor ypolouatau WF SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Motels and Rooming Houses. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, One of the best In the city; fully equipped with the very beat of furniture and carpet: strictly modern : lease to 1129. fair rent. For price and particulars call at office. TRANSIENT HOTEL. Large transient hotel, fin cor ner, brick building, large lobby, steam heat, running water; well furnished and doing good busi ness; long lease. " Will sell, but prefer a good man to take a half interest and manage hotel. Owner wishes to take a trip. It will require about $10,000. HOTEL. Net income over f 1000 per month: elegant little brick, splen did furniture and beds, many private baths; long lease; can be handled with $12,000. 4G-ROOM HOTEL. Good furniture and carpets, sev eral private baths; fine west aide location; leajre at very reasonable rent; now clearing $500 per mouth, net; $6000 will do business. 71-ROOM HOTEL. Nice corner, modern brick build in?, iairly well furnished; elegant west side location : long lease at $7.00 per room: now netting $000 per month. Can be handled with $7000. balance to suit buyer. 18 ROOMS IS. This is a beautiful place to live, located in one of the best school districts In Portland; furnishings are good; rent $&. lease; strictly modem and clean; price $4200, 00 me terms. . . F.' RTERDON. Realtor. RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $975 CASH OR $1050 WITH YOUR OWN TERMS. 8-room corner house, cozlly furnished, garage; rooms all rented; good income. Close in. Excellent district. An Ideal place for little money. S75 CASH OR $075 ON TERMS. 6-room strictly modern flat; Nob Hill; beautifully furnished throughout; owner Is sacrificing on account of leaving city. To duplicate would take twice . the money. $2600 WITH TERMS. Two connecting flats consisting of 14 strictly modem, well -arranged rooms. In fine Nob Hili district. If you desire an elegantly furnished place, don't fail to see this. SPEED REALTY CO., 307 Pan a m a B!dg. Main 7264, ROOMING BOI SE BARGAINS. 22 ROOMS, west side, close in, price $i7iu, terms. 18 ROOMS, west side, 14th st; price $100, $1250 down. Iti ROOMS on Morrison, $1000 handles. 12 ROOMS and 4-car garage. Nob Hill, nice house and yard; price $1800, terms. 14 ROOMS, White Temple, price $2000, terms. fl-ROOM flat, nice furniture, close in, price $550; selling account sickness. HOTEL, 78 rooms, 5-year lease, cen trally located on direct car line to world's fair grounds; wlil sell whole or hail interest. This is a gooa Duy. wita good terms. We have many others, all parts of city, can, iook tnem over. upen an day Sunday. J. H. ELY & CO., 128 14TH STREET. ROOMS, suburban: finely equipped dining room and kitchen: good indus trial d latrict. mill running, business good ; $2500. half cash. 20 rooms, east siue. an on one noor. brick building, housekeeping; good in come; $1700. terms. 10 rooms, no housekeeping, excep tionally good, very attractive home; White Temple district; $700 handles. These ure typical; we have many others of various sizes and prices. Mrs. A 1 ha ugh. with John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerlinger bldg. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS. 1 h. k. rooms $700. 15 h. k. rooms, $050. ft-room cottage, arranged for 2 fam Hies. $550. 28 rooms, eight 2-room apts. and 12 single, rent f&O, lease, $4o00. We have many others 374 Yamhill St. E. OWEN & CO. FOR SALE. Well-established summer resort In heart of Cascades: hotel, cottages, tents accommodating iw people. btore and poutoffice. Springs, running water, elec tricity; three trout streams running through the place. Ideal country to live the year round. Big future with construction of ML Hood loop road now under way. Takes $8000 cash to handle. AV 6rt!, Qregonian. List SG. NEW TODAY 70 -ROOM HOTEL. Fine city hotel, 70 rooms, modern, right downtown, fine lease, dandy lobby; 35 bhs-, all connecting; f;ne furniture and carpets: first time on the market for yeats; price $20,000 cash. See MR. TICE, PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch Bldg. HERE YOU ARE, MR. TRADER. Hotel, new, first-class modern brick commercial hotel, good Oregon town; price $s7.oo0; will take good little ranch fully stocked and equipped as part pay ment. If you can deliver the goods, see my exclusive agent lor immediate deal. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, SI 7 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG". 3S-ROGM hotel, brick building, private oams, steam neat; rent only lease, furniture and carpets exceptionally good. Clears better than $400 a month. .Price $7500; terms. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., Realtors. 320 Henry B!dg. Bdwy. 5500. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 0-room house, nam wood iioors, furnace heat; clears over siuw a month. Kent only $50 price i tow; terms. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. List ST. HOTEL. 30 rooms, modern, fine location. cheap lent; clears $500 a month: price $000; fine terms, see MR. TICE, PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEW 714 Couch Bide. NET OVER $250 MONTH. 25 nice, clean h k rooms in White Temple district, dandy furniture and plenty; rent only $00. 12500 will handle ai.Yi.w-i.E.i 1 n co.. civ nenry mag. DORCAS-BOON. 938 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS. IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED KIGHT. WILL BE QUICKLY SOLD. FOR SALE By owner. 42-room hotel; lo- cation can't be beat ; steam heat, cold and hot water; rent $117.50: above all expenses $500; good furniture; price ngni witn terms, isortnern notei, toria. Oregon. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 20 rooms, mostly transient. In heart of outness section: gooa lease: price -&0. some terms. Main 9124. Call after 10 A. M. ROOMS, h. k.. at 10th and Morrison: always rul-J; nets $lo0 easy: $2500, $1500 down, balance $50 monthly: a good buv. Barney Johnson & Co.. Realtors. 170 iiun st. H. Iv- ROOMS Brick building, lease clears ?juu per montn; $4200; $2500 handles; right m business section. Bar ney Johnson & Co.. Realtors. 170 10th. SALE First-class private boarding nouse. 10 rooms, niceiy lurnisned. attrac tive hou?e: alwaya full: net Income per mon tn ok'. i-'iione aeii wooq 1 4u. OWNER U-room flat for rent, furni ture ior saie; win maice a very close -price on iurnuure. in is is well located. l-to tltn street. OWNER, 13 rooms, with sleeping porcn, aiso garage; wnue temple dis trict; price $2050; some terms. Phone 11 ROOMS, partly furnished, for $;t0. the whole price; so rent with a lease: $125 phonograph, silo gas range, practically new. mi rarK sr. VOL HAa a machine and want to trade for a west side house with an income that pays tor 11 sen without anv cash, call at 101 Park st. 8 H. K. ROOMS; dandy furniture, close in, west side; hot and cold water 9 rooms; long lease; clears 250; $3600, terms. 54 N. Ninth at. 1S-ROOM transient hotel, well located, on tne west sme. rent o, can nave lease, full price $2100. good terms. Bdwy. 4403. BEST barzaln in apartment house see members or tne Kealty Board. ate Realt Co.. 245 4th si. BUSINESS WOMAN Prohtable butiness; best location; owner must sell acct. sick ness: $1323. Aut. 527-48. 303 Stock Excb, SALE 22 rooms, brick building. S2MHH oiympia House, Walla Walla, nished; best location; nice home and ln- Cf me. oa :i rveretL TO LEASE ii-room house, furnished; in come $ 1 62 a month. For particulars call Main 3430. SM BY OWNER Furnishings of 18 house keeping rooms, modern. 421 Vt Sixth st FL'KNISHKD $ rms.. saie 550; rent- JO. Caii after 1 i XL,. 5.'4 Joiuuoo. j - hrsrvEss opportunities. Hotels and Rooming Houses. THE GBORGB T. MOORE CO. has personally investigated these apartment houses and can recommend taem to our clients: BROADWAY CLOSE IN. Almost 100 rooms, rent $650 per mo. i nree-year lease. .-Northwest neat: mak lng a net income of $600 month. This ape house has the reputation of al ways being a money-maker and Is one of the best propositions on the marktt Loaay. run price, fit. uoo, easy terms. NOB HILL DISTRICT. 55 rooms, very nicely furnished. al ways full; nets $500 per month. Full price ij,uuu; easy terms. . PRESSED BRICK CORNER BLDG. Vt -room apartment house, 31 3 -room apartments; two 2-room apts. ; rent only $500 with 5-year lease. This place is well furnished, very clean and clearing ah expenses uu. The price Is $ie, 000. If you are interested it will stand luvwupa uon. PRESSED BRICK CORNER BLIXI. 88-room apt. house, clearing about $800 month; wonderful lease, $350 month: can o nan a i eg. with reasonable payment vnu. tun iriue 1(,,HU. - See Mrs- Keller. -GBO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HOTEL. Hotel and confectionery stock for sale, including fixtures. Soda fountain, new range, show cases, all fixtures. This is doing a good business. Owing to sickness the owner has to sell. Has several steady boarders now. In Davton, Or., the only hotel in town. Build ing faces east, on lots 120x120; pavement in; building 24x70 with annex op side 20 ft. All for $5000. One-hall cash. J. C. GILBERT, L O. O. F. Bldg., McMinnville. Or. A HALL-MARK INVESTMENT. THIS IS CERTAINLY GOOD. Corner, 100x100, brick apt. bldg.. over 50 apartments; revenue upwards to $20, 000 a year; fully furnished, with own em of building operating. Now, then, we are authorized to offer this magnif icent, nearly new structure, including furnishings of high order, for $95,000. $25,000 cash. BAL 1.100 A Mi ivth FROM REVENUE of property. Your payment will be UK TURNED TO aouii 4 years, besides pay ing regular payments on real estate, ana Afii ii.(i YOU NEARLY $6000 year. we do not know of a more at tractive investment in Portland, See O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., Realtors, 400-10 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. rooms, close In. west side, rent $25, clears ruunn lor sen. xou can be uuuu oi iurnuure. only $560. 6 rooms of new furniture; rent $30 figure it out; $100 a room. 8 rooms, inlaid linoleum, good rugs, oak furniture, big yard. etc.. $000. 0 rooms, rent $35, clears $65, good furniture, nice bouse, only $075; listed cuiusiveiy Wllfl us. "EVENTUALLY, WHY NOT NOW?" Broadway 4743. McPETERSON. 327 Henry Bldg. $85.000 BLDG.. FTTRSTTTTRW AT.r. 2S apartments, strictly modern anrf gantly furnished; $20,000 down and the oaiance out of your earning, or will take some trade. This place nets above running expenses, taxes, Insurance and everything over $12,000 per year. In wnue temple district. It's right. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bldg, GET READY FOR BIG FAIR. IT you are wis you'll act now. Here's rvtu uargam: izi rooms, strictly mod ern, completely furnished new Rnd grand. None better In Portland. Long lease at $5 per room. Clears $750 mon:n. .trice fis.ooo; $10,000 down; terms. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bldg ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST HOTEL BUYS. 124 rooms, modern brick, long lease, N. W. heat, nets over $12,000 a year: fine furniture and rugss only $10,000 casn, witn tbuuu installments mortgage. Better than 100. Others like It. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., Realtor?, 400-10 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. - BUYERS, TAKE NOTICE. I havo rooming houses, apartment houses, hotels of every size and loca tion. If you haven't enough money I'll help to finance you. When you buy or sell through this office you are assured of a square deal and no after trouble. BRUCE GODDARD. 5ol-2 Couch Bldg. SEE THESE WEST SIDE SPECIALS. 26 rooms h. k., price $.J150; $2000 down, 20 rooms h. k., price $24oo; terms. 15 rooms h. k., price $30on; $1500 down. 12 rooms sleeping, price $1175. 11 rooms h. k., price $1700; terms. STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG., Third and Yamhill. WHXTE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 15 rooms, completely and well fur nished for housekeeping; rent only $00; furnace heat, clearing over all expenses $170 month: $2000 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yon Bldg. IF YOU are In the market for a hotel, see us before investing. Ave handle all the first-class propositions in the city. In formation cheerfully given. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Elegantly furnished 1 1-room corner house; mahogany and overstuffed furni ture, beautiful rugs; clears over all ex penses $90 month. For particulars See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Leon Bldg. A SACRIFICE. 12 rooms, housekeeping apts.: a fine n-om witn income: stationary wash trays, running water in rooms: lovely iurnuure; smart payment down : easy terms. Call Sunday, CotiV Park st. Main 71H25. BONA FIDE INVESTMENTS ONLY. For sound investments in buildings or lease ana xurnisnings or modern hotels or apartment houses, see Ernest Coover, New listings dallv. MARSH & McCABB CO., REALTORS, 322-3-4 Failing bldg. 3d and Wash. HOTEL and rooming house, 22 rooms, nice modern place; rent only $50 mo. Steam heat, all outside rooms, fine location, well furnished, oak and maple, includ ing piano. A real bargain for J150G; terms, $700 cash. Other snaps H. W. Garland. 201 3d. FIVE YEARS OF REAL PROSPERITY are ahead of us In Portland; get busy and buy an apartment house or hotel; you'll miss It if you don't; take my tip and -get in as soon as you can. J'll help you. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bldg. ROOMING HOUSE, ground and building. 25 rooms, all outside rooms, fine loca tion for roomers; price $6500; terms, $1200 cash, balance like rent; worth twice the price; furnish this up and make some money. Garland, 201 Third st. 35 ROOMS H. K.. W. S., close in, rent ?65, turnace ana otnerwise moaern, oest lo cation In town, nets $200, but can do much better, $2000 cash handles. O. H. Skotheim Company, 409-10 Couch bldg., Main 1575. I AM A BUYER, Itae the cash to pay for a small rooming or apartment house, 12 to 30 rooms. Wish to uai uirectly with owners only. Call Sunday or Monday, Sell wood 2552. 14 ROOMS, $1500. TERMS. Nob Hill district: rent $25: large, beautiful yard. This place will clear you . montn ana mane you gooa nome. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. 50 ROOMS 56. with a big dining room, doing all kinds of business; location cannot be beat cheap rent with a lease, all for $1595 on your own terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. DO YOU WANT TO SELL OUT? If so, list It with the old reliable, J. Bruce Goddard. He gets results where all others fail. Main 4 00,. 50L-2 Couch building. On 6th St., toward Union depot, wiere you turn away -0 people a night, ail for $1350 on your own terms. Peters, of course. 13 N. oth sL ROOMS h. k. ; rent $50; nets $120. frice skuv, oniy s.uu casn. MAGOON & SffiNCER, B17-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 11 ROOMS 11. S blocks from Washington st., on cor ner, heart of city, all full, all for $895, terms, ferers, xo otn st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $550: fine In cation; a 00 1111. owner compelled to sell account 01 sicKness. cau Marshall 1301. WANTED Housekeeping rooms. 12 to 15 rooms, showing good net income, worth the money and clean; $1000 or less as first payment. No agents. Tabor 1313. FOR FIRE INSURANCE CALL , ERNEST COOVER. MARSHALL 3193. AGENT PACIFIC FIRE INSURANCE CO. REAL SNAP 8 housekeeping rooms, $9O0 ; close in, E. M orison au Mar shall 3903. 1 H. -K. ROOMS Clears $90; full all the time; $1450: $1000 hand lea. Barney JohnsQT & Co.. 170 10th St.. Realtors. 50 MONTH, 10 rooms completely fur nished; 2 family sleeping rooms rented; Park St. H 606. Qregonian. A LL grocery, cash and carry ; prefer one with four or rive rurmsheo. rooms; owners only. E 667. Oregon ian. PRICE cut lo 3770; furniture 5-room, flat. real close in. Marshall ;(:3. HAVE $500 as first payment on rooming fcause or boteL - X 600, Oreonian BCSfNKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Rooming Houses. ilAKY E. LENT CU.. HOTELS. ROOMING AND APART MENT HOUSES.. 523-4-5 N. W. Bank Bldg. , Phone Main 8500 for appointment. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk It over; 14 years in the business in Portland enables us to give you satis factory service. 34 APARTMENTS. Here is your opportunity to get a white pressed brick building, 2 and 3 room apartments, long lease at a rea sonable rental, full price only $16,0o0: requires $$ooo cash to handle. This house is netting $700 per . month. 25 APARTMENTS. All hardwood floors, light, airy apart ments, new 5-year lease, clears $600 per month and beautiful apartment for yourself. Price $17,900. This house is located close In, west side; white pressed brick comer building. . 22 APARTMENTS. A CLASSY PLACE. Tn the exclusive Nob Hill district, very large airy rooms, large porches, elegantly furnished throughout; income $550 net, requires $7000 cash to handic this. i VERY BEST BUY. . PRICE REDUCED $1500. For quick sale 'will sell the nicest small house in the city, rent only $70, brick building, all private baths, price only $10,000; requires $6000 cash to handle; this will not last at this price. Corner, white pressed brick, classiest n!ar In th citvl olparintr SfiOO Der TOO. rent $;JO0; large homellko rooms, rent by the month, caters to the very best pat rons ne. If you have $10,000 cash, ask to see this. ss.nnnv hatkt. On two floors, steam heat, hot and rolri water in rooms, rent only $200 good to clear $500 per month; all rooms rented, irice reaucea owing io uuo was $7500. last price only $050. T?001 i'n A PARTMENTS. 45 rooms, rent only $300 per month, Including steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, clears $500 per month. Price $3500. Requires $5000 cash. ROOMING HOUSES Tnder the Management or Mrs. . McClain. 20 H. k. rooms; Ideal location,. 1 and 2-room apts.; present income . nearly $400, rent $100. Make an offer, A real bargain for quick sale. $1000 cash will handle. , ii w v rMmm Jefferson St.; beaut! fu! yard, fruit trees; rent $60; modern T1a vrv riVntrabie. tWO baths, lOtS Of furniture. Price $1000. bee this. 12 Rooms, corner home In fine I oca . ci-.. fim nr furnace, elec trlcity;. can. clear $125 easy. $1250 cash, small, balance, payable at $35 a month. Sleeping rooms. Park st.; rent $u0; has two lovely sleeping porches, good furniture, big Income. Price $lb00, easy terms. . TFE GEO. '. MOORE CO. has personally investigated the 4 hotels listed below and can recommend them to be lirst- class and Just as represented. SMALL HOTEL. Ttaiitifui corner brick hotel, 16 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water In every mnm beautiful ntia.rtment for own use. practically all outside rooms, nets over an living ejycnsco 53000. rT -icttTM niSTRTflT. Tt hAtel nnm nletnlv f Umlshcd, 5-year lease, rent $500. This is a good corner brick b!dg., hot and cold water in all rooms, steam heat, ground floor lobby; making net profit ?!oo montn. Full price on iv ij-f.uuu; noerai ifmis. MORRISON STREET HOTEL. Pine corner bldg. with private baths, elegant downtown location, clean as wax, 53 sleeping rooms, 4 extra rooms re served for hWp; fine large ballroom. There is a first-class dining room in connection with hotel by other parties, which guarantees a full house all of the .time. Rent $300. - A fine income can be made In this place. Price $16,000. easy tej-ms, or would take a residence as part of first payment. 50-ROOM HOTEL. Fine corner brick bldg.. In business district, close to Wash. St., beautiful ground floor lobby, eleator, 5-year lease a great money-maker. Anyone wanting a beautiful little hotel would not go wrong on this one. Price $20,000, terms. Se .Mrs. Keuer. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. PR1'E $5000, cash $.1000 and terms; 20 I KMUlio ill HUUBfftecuuis ttuni iiiiciuo. van and mahogany furniture, good carpet, 'urnace heat, rent $170; net income $250. Price $3500. cash $2000 and terms; 10 rooms including kitchenettes, hot and cold water in most rooms, rent npt SltiO Price $80; 9 housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water in all rooms; rent fuu net $75. MISS DeVOE: 293 10th St. ROOMS, fine furniture, very clean. Price $1300, terms. Phone East 4852. tOST AND FOUND. LOST In Meier & Frank's, Saturday, black patent leather vanity Dag containing some money, bank book, Eversharp pen cil, keys, etc. Phone Main 3t47. Re ward. LIBERAL reward for information lead ing to recovery of mink fur taken from my apartment. 89 N. ISth at. No ques tlona asked. Main 5470 nr Bdwy. 4040 PARTY who found squirrel fur near 45th and Thompson, sts. Sunday. May 8, known. Return to apartment 26, 2C2 Park st., and avoid trouble. SATCRDAY Between Toubin's grocery and Campbell hotel, dark fur neckpiece, yard long, six inches wide. Reward. Phone Main 4551. ; LOST About May 4. near Fifth and Mor risoa, small sliver gilf brooch with amethyst. Finder rewarded. Return to AN 357. Qregonian. LOST In Liberty theater or up Broad way to Oregonian bldg.. Sat. afternoon, platinum ring with & diamonds. Re ward. Call East 4704. LOST Wed.. May 11, by laundry driver, bill case containing about $62 currency. Finder please phone Tabor 10. E. W. .Murpny. LOST Near Tualatin. Or., one female black and tan foxhound. Will give re ward for returning her. Albert Dimbat, Oswego, Or. LOST Between 10th and Kearney and Waverley Country club, silk bag con taining silver slipper. Reward. Broad way 519. J LOST Bunch of keys at boxing bouts at armory Friday night or between there and Washington st. Finder please leave at JsiKs ciud; rewara. mcnara tiewitt. LOST 31x4 tire, wire wheel and part of carrier, between Larrabee st. and Good Samaritan hospital, Finder please leae witn i-esipr-mp m o.. mn si. LOST Friday, watch charm, ball with ornaments all around and one on each side; highly valued as keepsake. Finder call jAuto. o-jf-irt. uasiey LOST In Hood River city limits, a brown silk umbrella, brown and white handle with white ring; keepsake: reward. 844 East 30th st. South. Seiiwood 1142. TAKEN from Couch school, bicycle, Zenith make,' belonging to WHIard Kiel Jr. If returned no questions asked. Re ward. Mar. 21afi. $10 REWARD and no questions asked for return 01 tsiacK oeauiy oicycie laaen from East Moreland golf links Sunday, Mfry 8. 1409 E. 30th St. a. LOST Elgin gold watch with moss agate fob on Jefferson h. s. grounds; liberal reward offered. Please call Bdwy. 3G0G. LOST Lady's handbag, on car or In Van couver, containing gold and greenbacks. Substantial reward. 725 Gasco bldg. j,(SX Pink cameo brooch at Lipman. Wolfe's neckwear counter, Friday P. M. Reward. Call East 5151. LOST Saturday, silver bar pin set with rhmestones. Finder please call Tabor 579S. LOST Small black - dog (male), white stripe on breast. Lost since Thursday. Reward. Phone Auto. 32B-57. LOST Between 21st and Glisan and Glisan and 20th. black fox fur neckpiece. 35 North 22d st. Reward LOST Black veil between 10th and Alder and Broadway and Taylor, on the 8th. Please return to 201 Hth. Reward. LOST Small fur on May 13, on 52d st. or Powell Valley road. Finder please call Sellwood 55. SMALL brown King Charles Spaniel dog, female, answers to "Brownie." Wdln. 4640. LOST On Vancouver car. Tuea., lady's watch and chain. Phone Vancouver o-ti)Y. or call nt 1 01 4 roiumiin: reward. LOST Thursday, silver fox fur on Wash. sc or downtown district Call Main 7-(33, apt. E, Houseman apts. UOST Long gold bar pin with name Irwin engraved in center. itewara. a. bi4, Qregonian. LOST Op Harrison st., near 40th, silver clothes brush, can xaoor 747. LOST Female Airedale pup, 5 months old. I GO E. 47th st. N. Tahor 401. LOST, May 2. brooch diamond, pearls; rewara. main 4. LOST Near Jennings Lodge, Friday, WE brown and tan Angora scarf, afar. 2531. LOST In Peninsula Park tennis court. brown jersey coat. Kev:ara. wain. 5004. IF LOST Pocket book; owner's name inside. Phone Marshall 1068. W. R. Curtis. LOST Elks' tooth, gold filling in one SEE corner. Return to Eilcs club. FOUND Female Airedale, w ood 1 45. Phone Sell BUY FO U N D Pal r spec tad es in case, 414 Market st. Apply LOST White fox terrier female pup, 4 moatUs. Phone East 121Sk .. $1000 LOST AND FOUND. FOUND The following articles were foun on tne cars ot the fortiana rtanwa. Light & Power company May 13. 102 1 umbrella, 2 lunch boxes, 4 purses, pins, 1 suit case. 2 hand baits. 5 pal1 and 2 single gloves, 2 books, knit scarf. iur, coats, i oaoy shipper, rule, packages, tennis racauet. 1 nair eiass 'A keys. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder street station. LOST Blactt leather uurse. containin important keys, on either the Canby stage or uregon t-ity electric car Jr naay evening. Party finding may keep change ii iney wmi return purse ana other art; cles to 281 S. Broadway. Mrs. H. W Sherlock. Marshall 1325. apartment 1, SPECIAL NOTICES. IN THE dUtrici court of the United State: zor the district of Oregon. In the matter of ii. Schenrk. Inn . corporation, bankrupt. Request for bids. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing personal property, formerly the properiy ox tue oanarupt above named, suuatea in tne storeroom formerly oc- cupieu oy tne oann.ru pt at Leoanon, Dr. up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Mon day, juay lb, at my office, 740-74 in organ ouitaing, foriiana, ur. A stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of . men's clothing, bats, caps, shoes and men's furnishings generally, of the Invoiced value of $17,311.33 furniture ana xixtures, apper taining to the same of the Inventoried value of 3,007.34 Total sm -ion r The highest bid received will be ac cepted, subject, however, to the annrnvi of the court. AH bids must be in writing, sealed and accompanied by certified check for at least ten (10) per cent of the amount offered. Stock may be Inspected any time after Monday. May tf. at premises of me vM.un.iupL at jeoanoa, ur wnere lie iiivcniory may aiso oe seen. The in ventory may likewise be seen at any mne at ma oiiice or the undersigned. ft. L. SABIN. Trustee. 740-747 Morgan Bldg.. Portland. O Proposals Invl t eC. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE U.MXED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of M. A. Chinlund, Bankrupt. REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids for the fol . lowing property, formerly the property of the bankrupt above named, situated at the storeroom formerly occupied by the bankrupt at Ia Gjflnde. Oregon, up to ana until 12 o clock noon on Wednes day. May 25. 1M2U at my office, 74o-747 morgan ouiiumg. Portland. Oregon; A stock of goods, wares a-nd m ere hand Is e, consisti-tiT of men's furnishings. clothing, hats caps, gloves, shoes, suit cases, bags, bedd in g, etc. of the inventoried value of $13.2C9.70 Fixtures of tie inventoried value of 375.00 Total $13.(144.70 The highest bid received will be ac cepted, subject, however, tc the approve 1 of the court. AH bids mu?t be rn writ ing, sealed and accompanied by a cert! fied check for at least ten- per cent iju) ot the amount offered. Inventory of the above nropertv may oe seen at my oiiice. 740-147 Morgan building. Portland. Oregon, and the stock an a nx tu ree in spec-ted a t La Gra nd e, Oregon,-where an inventory may also be eeen. R. L. SABIN. Trustee. 744J-747 Morgan Building. Portland. Oregon, SEALED proposals for the purchase of .iu.uuo o psr cent, zo-ycar water bonrts of the City of Vale, Oregon, will be re ceived by the undersigned, up to 11 A. M., May 31, 3121, and opened , at that hour, at his office in said city. These bonds are authorised by a spe cial referendum election held March 22. 1021, for the purpose of obtaining an additional water supply, and subsequent ordinance of the council. A certified check equal to 5 per cent of the sum bid must accom pany each bfd, ,niade payable to John P. Houston. City Treasurer, as a forfeit and guar anty that the purchaser will accept and pay for the bonds awarded to and pur chased, to be forfeited unconditionally in event of failure of the purchaser to accept and pay for said bonds: checks or unsuccessful bidders will be promptly returned. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of the Council. Dated May 14, 1921, at Vale, Oregon. J. D. ROGERS. City Recorder, Vale, Oregon. PROPOSALS INVITED. In the District Court of the Tmited States for the district of Oregon, in the matter of Joseph Mazourotky. bank-1 runt: Reauest for bid I will receive sealed bids for the following property of the above named bankrupt, located to 60 N. th at.. Vort,and. Oregon, up to and including 12 o'clock, noon. Thurs- aay. May 10. 1021: Stock of Jewelry, notions1 and cutlery, of the inventory value of $2800.-40 Fixtures 1)44.50 bale subject to the approval of the court. Certified check for 10 per cent k kHi i . ...iiM atvoiNMim, each bid. ,u's"lw, .V.1 LJ may be seen at my office, oil Fenton ounaing. ana the property inspected upon appointment. Bids will be opened at A. M. Cannon's office. Title & Trust ouuuing. at 1 o ciocK noon, xnursaay. May 10. 1921. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids submitted. H. W. SITTON. Trustee, PUBLIC NOTICE i "hereby given that bids wilt be received bv the board of directors of school dist. No. 19 of Lane county. Oregon, up to and including the 10th dav of Mav. 1021. at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M.. for Its issue of school bonds aggregating $47,500 and bearing interest at 69 per annum. All tenders of bids must be without condition or quaiincation and accom panied by an unconditional certified check payable to the order of the clerk of said board, for $5000. to be forfeited as liquidated damages should the suc cessful bidder fail or refuse to take up and pay for bonds when presented to mm. Said bonds shall not be sold for less than par and the board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids ehould be addressed to A. P. jicis.inzy. cierK. epringneid, or. A. P. McKINZY. (Sml Clerk. Miscellaneous. WE OFFER for sale a select lot of ladles' waists, camisoles ana aresses, and a few JaDanese eilk lamn shades, the In ventory of wnich is SS0O0; inventory may I be inspected at the office of the under- I signed: will consider sealed bids ac companied by certified check for 10 per cent of amount of bid; we reserve right to reject or accept any or all bids; ths stocK may oe oougnt in parcels; win clos bids May 16. The Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Ass'n. of Ci&dit Men. 641 PIttock block. Portland. SHERWOOD. OR.. May 13. 1921 My wife. Marie Conzelmann, has left my bed and board. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date. HERMAN CONZELMANN. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any accounts of Mrs. .Bertha Dietz. H. G- uiJETZ. BARGES for rent. Mala 85. FINANCIAL. WANT someone to finance phonograph ! customers contracts: money amply se cured by lien on instrument, purchaser's obligation to pay, backed by our in dorsement and guarantee : paper bears and we give 10' Discount; mattes in terest over 20-; this is a good proposi tion, wnicn win Dear investigation. NORTHWEST MORTGAGE CO.. 430 Chamber of Com. Bldg. IF YOU HAVE 1 500 TO $3000 TO IN VEST I CAN SHOW YOU A WONDER FUL CHANCE TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF A NEW COM PANY BEING ORGANIZED TO TAKE OVER A PROVEN BUSINESS. BERV- ICES CAN BE USED IF YOU CAN I uuALin. j !. uKisuu.MA.. WANT Irrigation. Amrican or Canadian, mu nicipal bonds, mortgages or good In dustrials. SI2.000 to S15.00A: HAVE A-l highly Improved farm exchange, wlil pay difference or give terms. Quin, 206 M orga n n to g. . rea 1 tor. $7000 FIRST MORTGAGE FOR SALE, FARM VALUE S20.000. INDIVID UAL RESPONSIBILITY $200,000; ALL CULTIVATED. GEO. M. REED, MAIN IV 0 UK MA1.N 0094. 70 SHARES PACIFIC STATES FIRE INS. CO. $20 PER SHARE. Phone Broadway 3:103. rKiVATB party has JjOO mortgage at 1 for 3 years and wishes to dispose of same. Address Etna apts.. 26, Si 5 E WE BUY first and secona mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., siu cnamoer or com, mag, aiam au-o. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate. Washington. Ore- gon. ia. a. isooie. ash i-umpermens blag. FOR SALE Seller's contract on hou.ee. $1000: will discount 10 per cent. H 0t3. Oregonian. . CERTIFICATES of deposit on Oregon oanas in an aemomnatinns ior sale discount. Phone Main 6410, or East 121 BUY. sell and guarantee automobile SEE contracts, mortgages and notes. General Finance Co.. tl Lewis hldg. YOU seek legitimate and honest In vestment, answer; no wild cat. A 6oj. Oregonian. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. Ior Duilders loans. NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis bidg.. 4th and Oak. CASH for valve! ess engine stock; state run y. yJ wis, ureynnmn . - $5000 ON IMPROVED city proper- I UU wutciik Auua Ari0h vo- FINANCIAL. WE HAVE CONSISTENTLY ADVISED tmai investors should take advantage of low bond prices and the accompanying high yields. Commodity prices are dropping, which means mat tne day or ntgn interest yie on well-secured investments is passin The Investor who has careful iv fnl lowed the market knows of the decided improvement in representative bonds the last three months, which improve ment will continue until a normal con anion is again reached. The market on local municipal corporation securities, although natural ly the slowest to show improvement, in dicates a much bettered condition. We feel we advise wisely when we again say to the investor with availabi funds that such funds should be utilize before the movement progresses fur the 204-5-6 Northwestprn Bank Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR PELL AN AUTOMO- BI LIS, W E FU RN I SI THE MONET OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. UKfiUOX BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. Money to Loan on Real Estate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY, READ THIS; RESIDENCE LOAN'S. 6tt PER CENT. Five-year periofl. repayment privilege oi iuu or any inuuipie inereot. INSTALLMENT LOANS, tf PER CENT. 5-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small mon t my payment reamreu with interest. you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS, 6 PER CENT. 5-year period : repaying privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent The Prudentia Insurance company of America, 1210- ii7 leon Diag. Main 3ua. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property ; lowest rates; no commission on choice loans; long time, short time; monthly payments; pay as you can sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS. on farm or city property. Prompt and neiprul service. Liberal repayment priv lieges Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St., Portland. Or. MOKTGAG45 LOANS On real estate security, any amount from $00 up on improved, city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. $1000 TO LOAN. On Improved city property; first mort gage. Interest quarterly. NEILAN it PARKHTLL. 210 Luinbermens Bldg. 5th and Stark Sts. WE HAVE funds available for cood real dence loans, also insurance money tor business property, at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Main 2H31. Wllrox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, in any amounts at lowest rates on city or country properly. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET, Realtor. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. FARM LOAM Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, K7 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD., 300 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. $.100. $400. $50t, $750. $1000, $1200, $1500, sjouo and up, lowest rates, quick action, pay off $luu or more at anv Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. -Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount; low rales; promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. B.inn Blrtg. Marshall 4114. fcJKK ME in case you need a loan on your I property. win consider good building loans. C. J. JOHNSON, 313 HENRY BLDG. $ 11100 1 300 $ J00O t i;."uo 43U00. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own) money. ioans quicKiy cioseu. F. H. DESHuN, 615 Cham of Com. Bldg. NOT1CK Will cash small mig. or sellers' con-1 tract. huo to iouo. Prompt attention, free A. K. Hill. 420 Lumbermen bldg. MORTGAGE Joans In sums to suit; city farm and suburban Drooertv. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 Falling bidg. $.100, 400, $000, $7;"iU. $1000 AND CI' Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger- man to, aa i nam. or com. Main 6443. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates 01 interest, otto & liarkson neaity Co.. 4is chamber of cmmim f.MY or money to loan on real estate at 1 per cent it security is am Die. Edw. " . aiau. auv tnamper or commerce. MORTGAGE Joans. See Robert Coe Jr., rn nawtnorne ave. MOKiiiAtiK loans, 0 and 7 per cent. oaiixuan re to., ant nan way hlxcn. bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 2 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and S a rk. V, ISft0 SP-VrJMHl pef aU - Geo- F- Lent- 111 crbett bldg. HAVE (400 to loan on real estate. 3 to 6 years. Main 4000. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NKKt) MOVRV? AT LEGAL RTES. QUICK SERVICE? IOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE OV AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANO& V iC-l -HULAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts. we will, pay them up and advance you more money 11 neeaea. we mane a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity In your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to saiariea people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All Business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED). 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32S0. s. w. cor, -intra ana Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY. on short notice to salaried or working iiieu on ineir own noies; weeKiy, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly conridectial. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED). , 213 FAILING BLDG. MONEY tt loan on diatnonds and jewelry; cuniiueiiiiui service; government li censed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. A to., waso. at. pet. 4th, and otn. aiarsnan ti. MONEY TO LOAN. On STOOds in Storage. Ftnnlr r-fita SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO... kj tuunu di opp. jHumiomaa no tel. Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry. jcgai miiB, ai Limit's neiu a year; estao lished 1SSS. Dan Marx & Co.. 315 Wash. MONEY to loan; diamonds. etc; legal rate; articles held' one year! Vines, Jeweler, cpr. 3d and Washington. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note; coniidentiai investigation. 310 Cham, of Com, hldg. Licenced. Loans Wan tea. 120,000 FOR THREE or five years on store building in nearby town; ample security. Apply 424 E. Alder st. WANTED To borrow 1300 from private pany on gooa security, n en, ore go- man. WANTED X.10,000 at 7 ner cent on down. town ousiness property; no commission. 1 poarq 01 1 rage. WANT TO BORROW $200 ON NEW HOUSE AND GARAGE. COST $4030 TO HtlLU; LOT CCST $1400. MAIN 105. $1000 TO $2000 AT 10 per cent on vers oesi collateral security. JC tVo. Ore gonian. WANT $2,100 at reasonable rate on Haw thorne home; casn value $000; no com- mission, a . on. uregonian. LOAN wanted; $1000 on $2."oo residence rllLLEK BROS.. Kealtors, 514 Railway Exch Bldg., Main P6 $1000 AT 7 PER CENT for 1 year wanted on -uuo ciose-m residence; no brokers. rnone aiain 10B4. $1000. ONE YEAR. 7fr, secured by $3000 resmence, close in . rnone Main 1034. Ao brokers. WANT $1300 loan for two years from private party ample real estate security. Address A v (WL oregonian. HAVE $2U0O. Der cent farm mornraara Tor gale. Address AV 6S.1, Oregonian. 1 $1300 8 PER CENT, on new 2-room bun- galow. r lrland. fc.at t'JH. $27."0 ON STRICTLY modern residence, Kose city parK. Kast I OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO cnam. or com., rourtn and stark. LOAN me $2.'0 and we'll split brokeraKe: nrsi-ciass securny, a.- uregon'aa WANT $2o0 at 8 per cent on lot worth $oo. A l two, oregonian. WANTED $2."oo on good house la Sunny- side. '-! c-asco. fliam w. $."oo AT 1ck on Rose City Park residence. va tue .)"o. c uuo. oregonian. ll'ooo AT 7 on east side home. Just told PRIVATE detective Investigation for $.W0. E 602. Oregonian. $-(ii0 FROM private partita Oa ample ae- j tX FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, is in position to safeguard your every Interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loaa jour money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department. Ablngtoa building. Main 1068 SELECTED PROPERTY. New Laurelhurst, $7000; want $3000. 7 per cent. New Rose City park, $3750, want $1000, 74 per cent. New Interstate ve., $2100; $$00 8 jwr cent. 510 Oregon Bidy. See Mr. Barber. FIRST MORTGAGES. $ 800 on block and 7 -room houe. Valued by owner at $40. $1800 on new modern bungalow in re stricted district. Value $5500. $2000 on west side business property, 75x100 cor. imp. Valued $8ooO. V. H. DESHON. 015 Cham. Com. Plrit. WE ALWA1S have clients looking for good business opportunities, hoten, apartments, rooming houes. etc. Li-t with us for results. Call us and we will Immediately look your proposition over. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 264 Stark St. Main 53 and 1W4. B. LEE PAGET. $1200 at 7, suburban home, -value $200; Jooo at 7. east side home, valuf $5ooo; $2500 at 7'i, Rose City Park, residence, value $0500. B. LEE PAGET. Main 0230. 022 Corbett bldg. LOANS WANTED. $1200 8 years at 8 Gregory Heights, value property $;tooo, new house. $2000 S years at 8 Alblna. large 11- room house, value $4500. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. LOAN WANTED. Want $15,000 at 10 per cent for 00 days, secured by gilt-edge city warrants I at the rate of to per cent of the amount or tne per cent warrants. AV wi. iTf gonian. WANT $1000 on 4 lots with good 5-roorn nouse, best of piummng. irutt trees, chicken house, block from car; I property well worth s.1500; ask Tor Mr. Brooks. John Ferguson, Gcrlluger bldg. main LOANS WANTED. $1800 on a $4000 bungalow. $2000 on land assessed at $7500. $2000 on lo-room Piedmont home. $2500 on $5500 Dtvinion-st. home. PECK. ft25 Henry Bldg. WANTED Private loan, three or five years $3o00) on good Improved Roie City Park property. Will pay 8. plus -'4 oonus. first year. Answer Ar 040, ure gonian. WANT to borrow JlL'00 on bungalow. lo cated cioie in on paved street, worth x.;o(hi. w 111 pay 1 per cent interest. A. G. Tecpe Co.. 270 Stark St. M-ln 3002. WANT to borrow $2000 from private pr- ty tor o years at per cent; win give 1 good first mortgage on suburban home j valued at $20oo: Interest to be paid semi j annuiiy. rnone t ci. 4i-. evenings. WANT to borrow flTO at 7 p-r c-nt. fori 3 years on modern buntra.ow and - rage, nicely situated. Very good loan. A. G. Teepe Co., 270 fcHurk st. Main! 3002. HAVE a client who wants f.V.00 loan on eastern Oregon wheat ranch. This is firm-class and will bear tnvesttnation. J. O. EL ROD. "'17 Corbett Bldg. WANTED Loan of $;WO from private party, 1 to ii years: will pay 1 ; no brokers: business property as security. SHI wood 62. WANTED $12. for four month, have Ford roadster and a good position; win repay in monthly Installments. M 653, I Orrgonttin. $1500 ON l.ir.OO RESIDENCE. Income $-5 per month. HERMAN MUELLER. Realtor. 1025 Gasco Building. Main 14S0. OR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage I bonds in local concerns see uregon in- i vestment 4k. Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber or Commerce tiiug. PFRSOXAU INCREASE YOUR INCOME. Ambitious men and women, nunses. drugless physicians, may increase their 1 income and be of inestimable service to humanity, bv mastering SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. This is a course In scientific massage given by one who graduated in Sweden! nnd who was a graauaie pnyutcian o--fore taking up this work; who ha 20 years auccesfliu) practice beh ind him, and is at present physio-therapeutist to the United States puonc neaiin service. 1 A rare opportunity; enroll now. Call or write DR. J. C. M IRONSIDE, . 300-14 Broadway Bldg. Portland. C STAMMERING an! other speech defects corrected by I scientific rapid methods. Address Mips B. Jarvis. A.T.S.C., 1276 Jackson St., San Francisco, CaL PIPE SMOKERS. Enclose a 2-cent stamp to cover mail ing cost and I will send a liberal sample of Old Kentucky Homespun smoking. No dope, no doctoring whatever. It's different and pleasing. Address C. A. NATION. 420 East 41st St. North, Portland, Or. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can get positive information on how to cure it at noma without least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant surprise In store for you if you write. No charge what soever. Tell others, it will help u all. Dr. Rock, box X-7;7, Milwaukee. Wis. KLKCTRIC MINERAL STEAM BATHS. Scientific bodymat4sage, violet ray and sinusoidal electric treatments for all chronic diseases of both sexes. 10 to A: evenings by appointment. Nettie Benson, j D. P. Main 77h'J, 804 Dekum bldg., cor- ner 3d and Washington. ELECTRIC MINERAL STEAM BATHS. Scientific body massage, violet ray and sinusoidal electric treatments for ail 1 chronic diseases of both sexes, 10 to 6, evenings by appointment. Nettle Benson. D. P.. Main 77H1. 304 Dekum bldg. DE LUXE BODY MASSAGES. FOR LUMBAGO. NERVOUSNESS, ETC. 415 BUCHANAN BLDU., WASH., BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH STS. 10 A M. TO 1 P. M.; ALSO SUNDAY. WOULD you like to be financially lnde- I pendent at- o 7 ou can oe 11 you win use your good Judgment and act upon It. Write without oDUgation to c o.j, Oregonlnn. WANTED 4 or 5 passengers to accom pany us to California in a roomy i-paas. tounna car. leaving ahout Way .'I. t ur- tlier particulars call East 264, or ad- I dress 0M) neimont. , WELT.MER system of drugks healing. the most up-to-aate science prarticeu. If others have failed see Dr. Ayers. 715 Dekum bldg. Consultation free. Phone Main 2070. SCENARIO WRITERS Seil. protect plots through Photoplay wngnts- league, na tional Ass'n. scenario form fre. Write Scenario Dept., 025 Union League bldg., T.os Angelas. Cl. IF YOU ARE tired and nervous ou can rejuvenate your nervous centers ana poor circulation by having a scientific bodv manage. Dr. Ovidia Laretn, 634 Morgan bidg. Main IQOfl. WRITE song poein. love, mother, home. comic or any subject. I compose muslo and guarantee punncnuon. -nn nunn Edward Trent, 702 Reaper block, Chi- ca go - DO YOU want a luxuriant healthy head of hair" write for questionnaire to Amer- Ica'a premier hair specialist, rrnrewsor Mai one. 1020 Market st.. San Francjyco. REFINED couple who can provide good home would adopt nrignt, neaitny, blue- eyed baby, either aex. Age limit to 2 years. B.I 6i3. Oregonian. GRADUATE chiropodist; manicurist. lace, scalp, superfluous hair, permanently re moved; ladles nnd gentlemen; open Sun day. 21n Aliyky itlilg.. w nnl Morriwon. EXPERIENCED nurse gives body ttuu sage, violet rays and vibratory treat ments. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Seiling-Hirsch bldg.. room M. Main 77srt. POSTAGE stamps for collectors, bought and sold. Columbia Stamp Co., 04 N 10th st. Broadway 2010. WANTED Tc meet up with someone that is going to the eastern states with auto. Phone Main 2H19. BEAUTIFUL 2-year-old blue-eyed bi.by gipl for adoption in cnrtatian Science hi me. AddrrSM BF Oregonian. WLLL the men who picked up motorcyclist at central rrn on j rrn .0 piease call A. Dayton. SQ2 N. W. Bank bldg. WHY GROW BALD? Scalp treatments my specialty, open May 25. Suite 420 Morgan bldg. OPALINE, Mrs. Bummers remedies Ior women. - i.mi-mn. .imn ENGVAR MARK EN, please call Jack Day Broadway a.o.. JUNICIDE will cure rheumatism or money back. 4n ieKum oidg. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of F i gs. S44 E. 3-tq. !.. --is morningH. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Barry pay you? See Viereck. collectors. UeKum DIdg. STH EL McCOY. chiropodist. ROti Buchanao bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and Btb st. I GRADUATE nurse, formerly at 308 Sd a; now at W1 Going st. Phone Wd:n. WILL DYE and shampoo hair in your own home. AJ tj2 oregonian. all rap. AC 001. Orrgonl PERIKNi'ED uetvi'tlve utll take a few rr.RoNu GET WELU FREB. FREE. fHII, Evry day, from 1U A. M. to I P. M., and evenings from 6 to 8, and bund from 30 to 12. THOUSANDS OV PCFFKRERS WHO UAVfi FAILED te get relief in any other way are la vited to Investigate Chiropractlo meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day THE BEST OK CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS win thoroughly examine you, make a complete diagnosis of your case aatl direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COPT TO TOO WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, una, urs and modern science of curing and preventing riieiie. CHIRoPRACTiC will permanently cure 05 prr cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the causa health returns. The above srrvlce Is alt free te ye at the college building and may be had, In private if deired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may als by had In college budding by members of the faculty, by euhar lady or mil practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COL. I, EG 8, Corner of Perk and YambilL Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will fundi out-of-town patients at a moit reason fie rate in order to show what Chtra practio can do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, . President. ' 100'. CHIROPRACTIC 8V-Tb;M. u, n,oufitte nd adiuncm foreign t mis prlnc.pie only add time and lm rrd!sto expense tt later despair io patients.) Dr. Mciiahon (Mcan) him self. Macleay bldg.. l'urtland. Ut a chiro praetor of experience, a pat aaatcn l9i chiropractic specialist. ttt hit heft testimonials from patients fron eastern states, familiar with the b-ei ) ao from western and local peop. (doctor, lawyers. judges, jnlntntrrs, priests, teachers, parents and rhlldrn. having unfortunately had lre than loo'S chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course corresponding disappointment in dclai4 reilef physically and financially. Men and women ere fu.; Mnef with my 100 chiropractlo philosophy, long experience and superior skill d-m nitrated In connultation before taUitif courses of treatment, and later In ex aminations, easy, careful and bn fu il aajuatruenis, lowest rate and li.iai.jT results. Eleventh year In thl, elfy. Acuie attacks, rolria. fr turn ha r4 and 'doubting Thorn iucs" leat U'"S least expensu. Chroma conditions iull month rates. Th rich can par mrra intended tims .11 adjustments. $13. Phone, wire. writ. wMlk tn. Wain office. Kourth and Washington s New home. fi4 7 F.. H :nu,n a t. THE TRAGEDY OF FA1 The misery of rheumntfsm. niurltia, neuralgia, colds, etc.; my scientific ap plication of water, light, heat, electric Ity and maasHsa, together with a sane and sensible, diet, will remove, the cauee of tb'-se troubl-a, Treatnenta are plea. nt and health bnildir; consultations free Monday, Wednepday and Friday, women only; woman easiatant. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydrophathio Institute, jVer Htx Tear, riarn r.rt.-nV, .... u. , ""!' AT 1 c". t 1 . , un" saieiy. inexpn- '-1 7 11 u i"-rmanriuiv, 1 ne U. I . I NATCRAL WAY? No PHt'GfJ I X VBSTIGATK, cny.Mt'i.TATION KRKK. WOMEN KXCH HI VKI.V. ONLY K. TAHL1SH.MKNT OK ITS KIND IN KX TIRK WEST. I HAVE NO COMI'K . ITloN. as no one rn succennf uliy compete with the mrthod I Una. ELIZA BETH M A KS MKl.l.K, Oh slty Kpe. Isl. suite Sn-htiH Mroadnny bidg Port lund. Or. Phone Mmn 273. . IR. GKNKVIKVB IXirK K. DRI'i.LK.SS PHVHK'IAN Repre, Vit-0-.et .Mfg. Co., "Evrlustve rights." Vlt-O-Net Mugn.-tte Hlankrts and I'ads for Sale. None Genuine with out "Vlt-O-Net" Trademark. Kre treat ments with Kale of ea h blanket. Trent itifnln in office. 10 A M. to ?, M Evenings and Hundavs by Appointment only. Home t r-at menu hy lt-O Net SpelahaL. 7U0-7U5 Drkum bidg. .Main 41.13. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Palnlena duntuity by the nerve. block ing met hod, without after rf Tect a. I make X-ray examination of teet h. t specialise in flrst-clapa dentlstrv at rea sonable freff. Lady atten'Iant. Mar. 3204, DR. A. W. KEEN K. Majestic Theater Bldg. a.M Wh GUARD YOUR EYESIGHT. I employ only the mort modern tn trumenLs and the most srlentin methods rn examining your eyes; 2D years' experience. Thousands of satiffled patients. Evenings and Sundavs by ap- polntment. Charles W. Goodman, op tirian. 2'9 Morrison. Phone Mwln 21:' 4. . DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS 1 Nervous and chronic dlncttscs a epe Cfalty. If others hav failed, don't b come discouraged, but give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Hcott, l;i0 15th St., betwepa AMer and Washington. Bmndway 5H.i DR. LOUISE NET.KL kivcs ticatucn'i for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, et Electric blanket vibrator m an bath. 540 Columbia St., near 17th st. Main &50ti. Hours 10 to 6, No Sunday work. WILL pay 25c for each bona flle name and address of people you know are suffering from neuritis, sciatica, lum bago, rheumatism, nervounnens, kia eruption. Write plain. Dr. L. P. Dav Multnomah hotel. THE VANITY BEAUTY PARLOR. Hair-dressing, scalp treatments, sham poolng and manicuring; ladies and tlemen. 405 Raleigh bldg., hums ft A. M. to 8 P. M. MAIN SiH. HAZEL. SKINNER. KEEPS BUSINESS MEN FIT. RenewHl of life cells defers old ar and keeps you fit for bunine; a nr method that is pstronlxed by Portland a best business men. Dr. Dee, 413 Ar titans' bldg. AL.L the latent remedies sold at toe Ctvnii enson urug to., -v Morrison et St. Charles hotel corner. At this drug store you get just what ou call far. We Dave no substitutes. GALLSTONES Free Dook tells of im proved method of treating Jnriammatioa of gall bladder and bile ducts. Writ today. Dr. Paddock, boa Kansas City. Mo. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is 00 thing. Cleansing, neaiing germinani and invigorating douche, a great aid 14 female disorders; 50c and fl per box Portland Hotfl Phnrmary, BTTPERFLUnuS HAIR permanently removed by multlpU needle method: consultation free. St4 wntla .jao bldg.. th at H.n. st. Main i:ms BEST STEAM BATH, rhlropraetle. vU bratorv and elfctrlc ninuvr, Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 215 tiwetlaad bldg. Ra son.ible prices. TREATMENTS for rheumatism, lumbago constipation oy expert maiaeur; jau MtFtHni. 322 Flledner bldg. JOth and V a s hlrtKton. $1 GETS both feel fixed up at Dr. Kit ton a, tne ininiTiriiioi niiu iin or Ln 1 who doenn't hurt you; tt yra here; rxuni. fr. fjiobe bid.. 11th J Wwwh. p.1y FEB VET A HANKBUT. lca.iliiK wig and tuupe makers; rmesi hock numan hit goods; permanent and marcel waving; sra!p trfatnu-ntn. 30 AlnVr M;ln .''l. DR- F. E. r Kit K I LL of the Coiurnhla 1) iti if was called very auddi-nly to CliUago 4o attend a very n nous iae; can't say when he w I U be bark. EXPERIENCED nurse gives ekrlnc baths, massMite. vloir.t ray and vibratory treat ments; 10 A. M. to 8 K M Selling Htrpch bldg.. room M. Main T7M VIT O-NKT sweats, violet ray t rt altnen t , body maasage, 10 A. M. to 8 V. M. dally. 4;0 Morgan bldg. Main " .' 7 3 MINERAL steam baths, violet ray, vlbra tory body massage ; lady naa't. both apxrs treated. 4 I T Kwf tland blir DR. E L N A SO IIENSKX, d r u g li rh p n y . msMage, bath a. ki'Iiie a, con H pa (ton. rheiimat'm Panama b'tiK m :,osh WHV BA LI) heaii", d. ndruff. enema r falling hair? There's a reaOQ aj m remedv. Tr 814 Macleay bldg Ll'EUFl-Ut-US hair. nioi-. tru temo.rd by 10-needle met hod ; trial f re. Ji .'in. ley. S14 mxn i.sne rung, .vain ULES can be pcrma.nntly currd without operation. Call or write Dr. Dt aa. 6c- ond and Morrlnon. GO I NO to hn Franriaco hy auto; ha e room for S paes"ngera. Phone Mr. Man- ley. Hotel Coriwhuw. ANY PERSON knowing the prvaent ad dress of K. W. Hutt will be rewards by addrenwing r. O. ro x, Portland, tr WOULD Join party going bv auto to Sp- kane or wall Walla. Add rem room 414, Pa 1 a t-e hotel. DRIVING to Tacoma July 2. return Jur 6. want congenial partners, ilav goo4 car. AP 42. tlreganian. GUI Tit h;. enlarged gianaa Cure yourftif; A. R- Strachaa, route ft. Hilisboro, Or. No agents or reprenenf atlves. J 9ULPH U K rteam bath massag. vioitt ray 8:t:.0 10 to a. Dr. Perrle rtoli ttkv WANTED For adoption, baby girl be tween 2 and 9 years old. T 6-i, Ore gonian. RADIUM remove cam crs. goitres an! fibroid tumom. D. B. Colcord, 1j77 E. Iavie. Phone Tabor 040. WANT to buy second-hand art of th Master Key Correspondence System. AU oregonian. FOR CUHiiii'T tune call Nrain 3. (TO For scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Ma leaf 1c t heutrr. TOBACCO or $1 if cured. perho Co.. T n;iff batiit cured or no i v, Remedv sent on trial, bu . 114. MalMinore, Mi. DRIVING to P'attle .Monday, paaeengoia,. fteilwwod lUft, will laae 4. i i..