The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 22, Image 42

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Furnished Apartments.
VACANT TODAY Most attractive furnish
ed apartment, consisting of cosy living
room witn nrepiace. manogany aaven
uort and wicker furniture; dining room,
kitchenette, bedroom with cedar closet.
bath and large storeroom. Plenty of
fresh air and delightful surrounding
Entire fioor of lovely private home and
has many advantages not found in the
ordinary apartments. Close in on East
21 d and 100 ft. from carline. Rental, in
cluding eau. lirht. Dhone and heat. $63
Atuits. References exchanged. Phone
B. "12.
ONE 3 and ONE 4 ROOMS.
Strictly modern, beautifully furnished.
sT. outside rooms, airy, emaculately
glean and new. first-class janitor serv
ice guaranteed; these apartments are
equipped for 1! to 4 persons; others
charge up to $00 for no better apart
ments than these. Main 1111.
THE COLUMBIA. 11th and Columbia.
Located at Lucretta place, near Wash
ington. 4-room front apartment, very
nicely furnished in period furniture,
hardwood floor?, strictly modern, first
class house; adults, references. Mar
shall IS 13.
JCXCEL7 furnished apartment. 3 large
runny rooms, private bath, ground floor,
rooms newly renovated and tinted, bath
room Just done in white enamel, also
woodwork In kitchen and bedroom : light.
Phone and furnace heat. $50. 554. East
Madison, corner lotn.
4-RuoM furnished apt., first-class condi
tion, with 2 bedrooms; ground floor; pri
vate bath, newly calclmined, all outside
rooms, private basement; walking dis
tance; "5 per month; adults only. East
MODERN. 3 rooms, walking dUtance, wst
Pide. Marshall 3400.
VnfurnUbed Apartment.
5 ROOM unfurnished apartment. 2 bed
rooms, living and dining room. French
doors between kitchen, tiled bath ana
3 cloyets. hardwood floors, wtyte enamel
woodwork, available now, $63. Main
An exceptionally well arranged 5-room
apt., with spacious closets. All rooms
light. Main 5744. 171 King st.
Three-room strictly modern, elevator,
file bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main
THE CECILIA APTS.. 2-d and Glisan, for
rent. ..-room unfurnished apts., rent
M7.50 and $52.50: building Is entirely
renovated: all outside apts.
i-ROOM front apt., all outside, sunny
rooms, front balcony; large porch, second
floor. Irving apu., 21st and Irving.
Main P239.
X.A KG E 4-room apartment, newly tinted
and painted; gas range and Ice box fur
nished; easy walking distance. Chetopa
Apts., Bdwy. 41l30.
15th and Everett. Phone Broadway
421 S. 1 4-r. apt, and bath, unfurnished.
MODERN 3-room apartment, ail large out
side rooms, unfurnished, walking dis
tance. $4750. Bdwy. 3577.
.NICE 2-room apt., very large, equal to A
ordinary rooms, price $17.50. Call 553
IH-kum ave.
IONIAN COURT, ISth and Couch ft -room
modern front corner apartment; one S
rooni apartment; adult..
One nice 6-room unfurnished apt.; ref
erences reauired. 171 King st. Main 5744
3 AND 4-KOO.M modern unfurnished apts.,
rates reasonable. Waverly Court, E. 20th
nnd Clinton sts.
THB MOKUAL'XT, ISth and Everett, large
4-room unfurnished modern apartment,
by June 1: adult?. Aut. 527-10.
8 AND 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apart
ments. Waverly Court. East -oth and
CI 1 n ton sis. :
LA KG K unfurnished 4-room front apt
with bath inhaIL Lois apts., 704 HoyL
FRONt, unfurnished 4-room apt., balcony.
Hanover A pts.. Marshill 2009
THB AMKUfTAN Modern 5-room apart
ment. Broadway 33C0. .
3-RO M basemt-nt apt. ; heat,
water; $2. 120 N. 23d st.
light and
NICE 3-room apt. near La.urelhuret; cheap
rnit. East 37S2. .
3 IlOOMS. loit and buth; Apt. C
Thurtnan. ne;ir 2tnh. Marshall
HIGHLY d-sirable apartment or flat, $40.
721 Hawthorne. East
I'unilwhed r nmnilshert Apartments.
3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur
iihed: free phone. Main 2506.
Hat .
NEW 5-room flat on ground floor; heat,
water and janitor service; linoleum on
kitchen and bathroom: gas range : din
ing room set: front and back porch,
La n : hlm-ka from Laurel hurst park.
1 block from Sunnyside carline. 12U
East 34th St. Tabor MSS. -
8-ROOM modern lower flat, newly deco
rated, within 5 minutes walking dis
tance from business district. Apply 404
5th st. '
lOK Kh.N l' i-!f- Tliurman, west side, un
furnished 5-room flat, $37.50 per mo.
Modern conveniences, nfwly tinted.
Wakefield. Fries & Co., 85 Fourth st.
3-ROOM flat for rent, 15 minutes to cen
ter of town: g;vs and electric lights: on
carline; $12.50- per month. 7S0 Mil
WHUk ie. Se 1 1 wood 34 95.
NEW 4-KOOM flat, west side, good view,
bath, gas range, water h ater, new lin
oleum, light fixtures, with or without
gngf. Call at 10th nt. M:iin S311.
4-ROOM FLAT, in fine condition, gas stova
and furnace, near Laurelhurst Park,
close to carline. $35 nmnth.
GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10Q7 Tcon Bldg.
LA KGE lower flat. 5 rooms, bath : good
condition, tine view, nice yard. heat, wa-t-r.
gas range; $40. l61 Front, cor.
Lowell ave. Mar. 3i78.
$3.". 2-5 LARGE beautiful room.:, modern,
Dutch kitchen, good location, on car
line. 10G2 E. ISth st. N. Call after
A. M. Call Woodlawn 42S6.
NICE modern flat of 3 large rooms and
sleeping porch. 768 East Burnside at
Automatic 130-15.
VUK RENT 5-room upper flat with gar
den, private residence; may be seen
Monday. Phone Sellwood 1161
6-lvOOM lower flat with garage, 401 East
50th St., $30 per month. Wakefield,
FrUs & Co.. S5 4th st.
i.HOoM unfurnished flat for rent. 177
E. 11th st. S. Call between 9 and 12
A. M. .
669 , s FIFTH ST., west side, upper flat-rf
five rooms and sleeping porcn, 4U;
adults. Tabor 4553.
porch: h. v
flat. 4
. floors.
rooms and sleeping
East S4JO
MODERN 4-room unfurnished Hat for
adults pniy. lS'.i Tlalsey st. East S141.
N.OB HILL district, modern 3-room lower
flat to responsible party, .m am 4bU2.
Fort RENT l-room unfurnished lower
flat. 1026 Belmont St.. near 34th. $25.
MODERN 4-room lower flat. 623 E. Main,
near Hawthorne.
FOR RENT 3-room unfurnifhed flat,
separate entrance. Call at 626 6th st.
heater. $10.
3-room flat.
East 8013.
gas range,
i-HOOM fiat. cUan. desirable.
S:ivier st. Rroa d way 51 ."'7.
THIRD floor, 3-room flat. $15.
MUlan st.
202 Mc-
Furnfolini Flats.
2-ROOM apartment, kitchen, fireplace,
sleeping porch; $43. 3 rooms, $30. 402
Park st. .
NOB HILL 5-room lower flat, modern
and complete. 711 Kearney st.. after
noons. F'OR RENT Five-room flat, furniture for
i-ale, 16th and Washington, rent $35.
Inquire 24 N. 16th. near Wash.
FURNISHED flat, four rooms and bath,
(ui table for two couples; walking dis
tanff. 2H0 Hall st. Mar. 257S.
MUST sell Immediately furniture 6-room
flat, mostly new, bargain. Ftat for
rent. $30, modern, central. East 2798.
6 ROOMS, gfd furniture for sale, with
Income of $05 a month: light, airy and
clean. 30w Montgomery st.
6-ROOM furnished bungalow fiat; fine
place; furnace, sleeping porch, hard
wood floors, tile bath: fine location;
adults. L 660. Oregonian.
1'OR SALE 7 rooms, all h. k.. on 2d floor
brick bldg.: 6 rent for $76; price $550.
terms. 334 Borthwick St.. cor.' Rui-el!.
3-KOOM upper furnished flat and kitchen
ette. 664 Williams ave. Adults. East
LOWER 3-room furnished flat In White
Temple dist. : rent $25. Try Us Realty
Co.. 169 w. rartt.Aut. oi.t-ia.
man and Clifton; 4 or 6-room flat, fur
nished. COM PLETELY furnished 5-room flat,
central, for rent. $30; furniture for sale.
Main 4598.
JwODERN 5-room, beautifully furnished,
walking distance, esst side. Eat 3S62.
'Ot R-ROO.M lower flat, partly furnished,
clo" in. $25. East 537S.
FIRXISHBU fiat, well located, good buy
at $175. terms. Phone East 3133.
THREE rooms, partly furnished; electric
lights and water. 46?S 7th st. S. E.
H ROOMS, corner, good condition, walking
dit . colls, furnace, 4S1 u, E. Couch.
COM H ORTAHLV furnished six-room fiat
for rent. 5fl3Vfr Everett st.
EAST 3731
MODERN furnished 4-room upper flat.
Adults. 11 E. fi'Uh St.. N. Tabor 1871.
MODERN 5-room flat, ith or without
Turn it ure. for sale. 2"4 McMillan st.
3-ROOM rurnished flat, yard, $20 month.
C2I I.Mkum bldg.
3-ROOM modern fiat, private bath, couple
alloyed, ao dUiarcn. i ell wood 2112.
. f,
Fo rntshed Flat.
Leaving city. Must sell this week, all
furniture in mv 4-room fiat, which In
cludes mahogany piano, mahogany fur
niture front room. oak in
dining room, combination gas and wood
range, dishes, cooking utensils, drapes
at windows, everything ready to start
housekeeping. The rent is only $:0. vili
sell on easy terms or take a IV 20 or 1911
GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg.
IKVINOTON On car line, two large
rooms, small kitchenette, ground floor;
yard, porch, fireplace, sewing machine,
completely furnished. $45; Includes
phone, water, lights, heat: no children;
suitable for man and wife, quiet., em
ployed people preferred- East 4oi4 after
P. M.
4-rm. modern lower fiat, rent $30: all
well and completely furnished, spotless
newly tinted, all ready to move into and
start housekeeping. $400.
MRS. THOMSON. GM Henry Bldg.
A ILL. OUTSIDE rooms, c:ean. modern, en
closed sleeping porcn. Dam, ironi di
cony, fine view, private basement, fur
nace, water, care of garbage; west side;
walking distance; adults; references
464 Hail st.. near 13th.
$40 WITH garage, west-side flat, four
Jarge rooms wun oain, pariwn u -niched;
.all new, nice and attractive lo
cation with view; on l'Jth; walk or cars
415 X. W. Bank bidg.
A BEAUTIFULLY furnished living room,
buifet kitchen, 2, enclosed sleeping
porches, white enamel woodwork, strict
ly modern. Fine yard ; no children
Price $40. 710 Madison, near 20th.
4-ROOM furnisned fiat, 2 bedrooms ground
floor, private bath, just kalsomined.
walking distance; all outside rooms,
basement, $35 per month; adulta only.
fcast 8ti46. '
A BEAUTIFUL furnished living room,
buffet kitchen, two inclosed sleeping
porches; white enamel woodwork: fine
yard; no children; $40. 710 E. Madison,
near 20th.
6-KUOM flat, completely furnished, reas
onable rent, furniture for sale, best loca
tion in city; 2 rooms pay the rent. Call
202 Broadway South.
I 4-room flat, rent $30; good furnish-
Ings ror sale far only $400. 517-10 Cham,
of Commerce bldg.
FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms and bath, new
ly rainted and kalsomined. 146 East
30th, near Belmont. See Spear, 1000
Belmont. .
3-ROOM flat, nicely rurnished; beautiful
view; absolutely clean; front and back
porches; shade trees and vines; close in.
Sellwood 1US.
DESIRABLE flat, porches, piano, fire
place, garage; adults; references. 570
East Main st.
-ROOM lower flat, furnished, piano,
newly papered, pairrted. 4902 62d at.
S. E. Phone Aut. B43-77.
CLEAN 3-room flat for rent, $20, with
furniture for sale cheap. U-l Overton st.
West lower flat.
FLAT for rent. Nob Hill district, beauti
lul player piano and furniture for sale.
733 Hoyt st. "
Hous.-keepirg Rooms.
-ROOM h k. apartment, light, gas. clean
linen, telephone service lurnished: hot
and cold water: $5 per week. Grand
Union hotel. ::STV East St.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms lor rent,
single or double, rent very reasonable;
5 minutes to business center. 635 Everett
ct.. corner 20th. -
SINGLE housekeeping rooms $7 and up
ward per month: suites, $14 to $22.
Couples, bachelors or working girls.
414 North ISHh. .
4 SINGLE housekeeping rooms, $29. $27.
$17 and $15 a month; 2 of these 3 big
bav windows; firepiace. 203 13th. near
Main. ,
NEAT clean H. K. apt., reasonable: also
1 attic apt, $15; sleeping room with hot
and cold water. 101 N. 22d. Marshall
2 PLEASANT furnished h. k. rooms, bath,
phone and light, and albo one bleeping
room. Broadway 1 727. 63 N. 2Qth st.
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing, everything furnished, including gas.
VJS't Second st.
FOUR large housekeeping rooms, nicely
furnished. Phone East 234. 254 East
ltith St., corner Madison.
FURNISHED 1 or 2-room housekepeing
apt.. $3.5U per week and up. Call 461
E. Morrison, cor. 8th.
$4.iO EXTRA large well furnished front
2-room suite, housekeeping. 544 Petty
grove, corner 16th and Pettygrove.
I OR 2 SINGLE or connected rooms, suit
able for 1 or 2 desirable ; reasonable;
iiom privileges. Mar. 311).
2 LARGE H. K. rooms and sleeping porch,
suitub.e for 3. Clean and life'ht, $3 per
vek. 472 Main st.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marsnall Fur
nished h. k. rooms, $15 up. including
hot water, electric lights, laundry room.
TH KEE clean, weli-furnish-ed basement
rooms, suitable for three people; no chil
dren. 271 Montgomery st.
ONE VERY large room with private bath,
suitable for one or two adults; $35.
Phone Broadway 4046.
NICELY lurnished. clean housekeeping
room, also sleeping rooms. $3 a week
and up. G:lnan wt
ONE LARG E front housekeeping room,
neat anil clean; buy windows. Woodlawn
5Ni'2. 242 Killingsworth.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, single or suite,
$2.50 per week and up. Buckeye apts.,
3t4 h E Morrison.
LARGE room, kitchenette, private bath,
first floor, private entrance, $30. 53 N
lM'h street. Bdwy. 2C64.
LAi.GE room and kitchenette; clean, well
lurnished. h. and c. water; $25. 53 N.
ISth. Broad way 2664.
WELL furni.shed outside single H. K. and
scping room at 14 Grand ave., N. East
745 1 . .
4 FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms; down
floor, large yard with trees; call Mon
day. 315 E. 34th.
FURNISH EI) housekeeping and sleeping
rooms. light, water, heat, bath and gas
free. 140 East 34th st.
2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. $4. gas and
wood stoves, free phone and electric Iron.
5M Hood St.. cor. Grant st. Aut. 523-20.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent in Nob Hill district. S3 N. 21st st.
Telephone Automatic 514-41.
TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms for rent;
just paying up and leaviag. 735 Ever-
e tt St.... Main 311M.
LARGE front room, porch, kitchenette,
closet; 2 back rooms, porch, water,
phone, light and bath. Marshall 2341.
1 AND 3-ROOM apts.. hot, cold water.
Phone, bath. 07 N. 20th. Broadway 4123
PRIVATE bath, kitchenette, and 2 rooms.
1S6 Sherman. Mar. 3083.
LARGE rooms and sleeping porch. $20;
adults. Main 4452.
FINE large front H. K. room, hot and co'd
w a t e r. SJ5. 53 N. ISth. Bdwy. 2664.
way 404 6.
$10. Phone Broad-
B AGG AGE. furniture and piano moving;
reliable service, reasonable. East 6434.
$3 WEEK Ul completely furnished h. k.
suites. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson.
ONE FURNISHED housekeeping room, 104
E. 1st h. -
FURNISHED H. K. rooms. $1.75 up
week, electric lights. 326 1st.
apt. 508
CLEAN housekeeping rooms; rea&ona.bie.
Walking distance. 410 2d st.
2 AND 3-ROOM h. k.
Burnside and Grand
ipts. at 392 hi E.
SUNNY tront h. k. rms., also sleeping
room, cloye in. 105 13th st.
LARGE, clean, furnished H. K. rooms;
walking distance. 221 W. Park.
STEAM-HEATED housekeeping rooms. $11
a month and up. 147 13th st.
CLEAN. light h. k. room, furnished apts.;
1 room suitable for 2. 331 14th at.
DESIRABLE 2-room apts. for housekeep
ing. 125 !4th st., near Wash.
DESIRABLE h. k. rooms, close to Wash
ington st.; electricity. 54 N. th.
NICELY furnished H. K. rooms. . 474 Co
lumbia street
LIGHT, clean h.
West Park.
k. room, close in. 527
CLEAN" sleeping, single and double house
keeping room. 421 H 6th st.
2 LARGE front rooms, heat, light, phone
furnished: $30. 10" N 18th.
TWO-ROOM furnished housekeeping- apart,
ment: a'so single sleeping room. 350 14th.
TWO COZY ROOMS, gas range, electric
lights, couple. $23. 300Vfr 4th st.
1 AND 2-ROOM h. k. suites, $3, $4,,
weekly. 170 Tenth st.
THE MAPLE Housekeeping and sleep
Ing rooms. 30 N. 17th St., near Wash.
LARGE room, kitchenette. $20; single
rooms. F'eeping porch. 655 Flanders St.
1 ROOM and kitchenette, newly cleaned.
175 17th st. N.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms,
quire at Xnrris hotel.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. free
phone and bath. 66 E. 8th St.
Park. $'l
apartment, near Laurelhurst
: 5 room. $10. Tabor 7226.
ATTRACTIVE 2-room suites,
connection. 163 First.
lavatories in
AIUY rooms for light housekeeping, with
kitchenette. 450 Yamhill.
2 FURNISHED H. K., 2 unfurnished; elec
tric lights; reasonable. Broadway 1933.
BEFORE moving gut our prices; we know
the bufisrss. Broadway 401.
FKoNT 2-room apts., 4 blocks from public
m rket. cor, of 5th and 303 'g Jeff, st.
-ROOM housekeeomr aDts.: liftht. eas.
phuae; very reasonable, 2'JJ WciuUex,
Housekeeping Rooms.
WEST SIDE 3 large rooms with porches;
2 bedrooms, Includir- electricity, water,
laundrv and Dhone Drivlleres: accommo
date 4 or more; 3d floor; reduced to $35;
one room with kitchenette, Jd floor,
$18. Marshall 2Slti.
ONE 2-ROOM housekeeping apt. in high
class apt. house, very clean, for gentle
man or lady, employed; also one nouse-k--rtne
room for refined young lady,
employed, $-0 up; single room with
bun.: references required. Mar. 2830.
LARGE front light housekeeping rooms
with kitchenette and large closet, ngni.
gas, phone, bath, close in, near Broad
way bridge; reasonable. 431 Ross st.
East 3!7.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 1 room with
kitchenette, hot and cold water; private
phone. electric lights, steam heat. 6
minutes' walk to town. 291 Columbia.
near 5th. ,
H. K, APTS.: clean, light and airy. In
cluding, elec. gas and l!nen; hot and
cold water in rooms: central location.
Horel Stewart. 147 ft Broadway, between
orripon and Alder.
LARGE cleanly furnished suite of rooms
for light h. k., light and- cool for sum
mer, walking distance. 715 Everett at.,
corner 22d. 2 blks. off Wash.
$25 MONTH for 2 housekeeping rooms,
newiy renovated, with hot and cold run
ning water; also a 2 rodtn. with private
bath for $32.50 month. 402 Third st.
CAREFUL tenant, cheap rent. 10 miles
Portland ; electlrc lights, new, clean,
wood, water free; owner reserves one
room, kitchen privileges. Main 1339.
- NICELY furnished large, light, cheerfui
front rooms, lower floor; running watc,
gas range, electricity; clean; close-in.
:tH 10th: Main 27S0.
VERY larfe housekeeping room with
everything furnished. - on third floor.
128 N. ISth st. Also -one nicely fur-
nisneq Bleeping room.
FRONT h. k. rooms, $12 per month, gas
and electricity, furniture, stoves, dishes,
beds, etc., for sale. $25. Room 24, 211fe
Hecnnd st. Call 12 to 4 P. M.
THREE furnished housekeeping apart
ments for rent; just cleaned and painted;
rent very reasonable. Main 3509. 735
ROOM for man to batch;
407 Columbia st.
$2 per week.
House keeping huuuu fn Private Family.
LIGHT, clean, weil-furnished housekeep
ing rooms; free light, heat, gas and
bath; also one fine large corner room,
suitable for two, with private bath;
near Good Samaritan hospital; 23d-st.
car. Main 5125.
NEAT, clean and attractive furnished
housekeeping rooms in private family
for rent very cheap. Call at 848 Going
st.. corner of E. 27th st. N.t and near
end of Broadway car line, and also
near Alberta car.
ONE NICE, completely furnished room,
cioset and kitchenette, gas, light, water.
$14; walking distance. Marshall 743.
IMS Porter.
WALKING distance, west side, single
room, kitchen and all home privileges
for 2 employed young women, $1.50 ea.
Reference-s requi red. 435 11th st.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
private family, gas range, electric lights,
back and front entrance, no other room
ers and no children. Call 532 Clay at.
2 NICE h. k. rooms, everything furnished,
walking distance, good car service, nice
location. 355 Hancock St., near Union.
East S40 Sunday and evenings.
H. K. ROOMS, completely turnished, elec
tric light, phone, laundry room, bath;
children welcome. 186 Sherman, Mar
shall 39S3. .
2 CLEAN h. k. rooms for ladles employed,
everything furnished; no car fare, $20.
Bdwy. 3H16.
ONE AND TWO furnished housekeeping
rooms, light, gas, telephone, range and
running water. 120 y N. 16th, near
HOUSEKEEPING room for one or two
ladies, 2 - blocks from White Temple.
Call Marshall 2400.
2 AND 3 FRONT lurnished housekeeping
rooms very cheap K rented today; chii
dren welcome. 50S Clay, west side.
4 ROOMS furnished, lower floor, modern,
newiy kalsomined. 5330 Powell Valley
LAKGE front room, porch, kitchenette,
cionet; 2 back rooms, porch, water,
phone, light and baih. Marshall 2341.
BASEMENT h. k. room for man. cooking
gas. electricity, bath, $3.50 per week.
Also sleeping room. 221 1J th.
H. K.ROOMS." extra clean and well fur
nished, free place for your car. 153 16th
st. N. .
TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms in private
f;mily for 2 women employed. Tabor
705 104 E. 35th and Taylor.
TWO NICE housekeeping rooms on first
'floor, large porch and lawn, phone;
adults only. 630 Vancouver ave.
ROOMS with light, phone and bath, also
single room tor light housekeeping.
Ka.t 535 East Burnside si.
SMALL h. k. room in private family, very
reasonable to permanent party. 1S6 N.
ISt'h ft Broadway 4-"47.
FIR.ST floor h. k. room, off porch; heat,
el ec trie 1 i-h ts. e tc. ; roasfti able. 015
CLEAN 2-room suite; aiso 1 H. K. room,
large yard and trees, close In. 261 14th
St.. near Jefferson. Phone Mar. 2553.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
ground floor; gas, bath; $6 week. 6U2
Front st.
PLEASANT clean 4-room suite, also 2
room single person, gas, bath, elec.
rhfftp. 66 S. E. Tenth.
PLEASANT 2-room apartment Willi bath.
electric lights, gas and phone; $22. K08
E. 27th st. S. Call evenings or Sunday.
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms. Phone East 42.S1.
$25 THREE furnished H. K. rooms; bath;
electricity, o.'n tu. .Morrison.
2 PLEASANT rooms at reasonable price
good car service. Tabor 1526.
4 FURNISHED rooms, including modem
kitchen; adults omy. Tabor 6618.
3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 273 Hup sal o,
3 blocks north of steel bridge, $25.
3 LARGE, light furnished h. k. rooms In
bungalow in Montavilla, $20. East 5121.
TWO NICELY furnihhed rooms, west side,
with or without garage. Marshall 1036.
TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping.
Woodlawn 3774.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason
able. 264 12th. Phone Main yjua.
MODERN 7 -room house for rent
Kerby. Woodlawn U'33.
2 NICE front housekeeping rooms, walk-
tng distance. East Sim. 4tt4 r. Ash.
CLEAN, housekeeping room; close in; very
reasonable. 4i .Mam.
TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms, private
home: reasonable. tno E. Burnside.
Si'LENDID apartment, downstairs, fine
home: reasonable. 755 Hoyt. M ar. 3840.
HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms,
$3 50 and up. 105 N. 17th.
WELL furnished, clean rooms, h. k. priv-llt-ges.
walking distance. 520 Everett.
THREE or four housekeeping rooms. Nob
Hill district. 518-83.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; hot and cold
w at er. etc.; also sleeping porcfl. 370 6th .
2 FRONT rooms, well furnished for h. k. ;
$17.50 per month. 152 E. 6th sL
Hi K ROOMS walking' distance. 275
Williams ave. East 5797. Wilcox.
H. K. ROOMS In clean, modern home for
2 ad-ultw. 6S7 Glisan. Marshall 3011.
2 LARGE front rooms, ground floor; usual
conveniences, lovely yard. 05 E. 12th st.
5-ROOM bungalow; pretty place, fruit and
berries. $20 month. S029 59th ave. S. E.
Call after 3 P. M.
MOVING Pianos, furniture and .long-distance
hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck
Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121.
FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, 5604 71st
st. S. E.- near Millard ave.; $25 a month.
Mt. Scott car.
WHEN moving, city or country, get the
best at lowest price. Green Trans. Co.,
Main 1261. 202 H Alder st.
S ROOMS and sleeping porcn. garage
Heart of lrvington- Dr. Dayton, Swet
land bldgJ
OLD, dilapidated 7-room house, city water,
nicely located, Capitol Hill; $15 month.
Marshall 1874.
MODERN 6-room, walking distance.
1st st. Phone 310-01.
6-ROOM house lor rent, hardwood floors.
Mar. 1S27.
7-ROOM house. 471 E. 12th S. ;
wood 3658.
$50. Sell-
MODERN 8 -room house. Phone Automatic
HOUSE for rent, 314 Graham ave,
A 5-ROOM cottage for rent. $30. Wood
lawn 1799.
MODERN 6 rooms, sleeping porch. large
yard, fruit, on carline.' 621 Dekum ave.
2-ROOM house, suitable
248 Vt Montgomery.
for bachelor.
WHOLE house. 4 rooms.
Broadway : modern ; $2.'
320 Salmon nr.
6-ROOM house (for adults) on car line.
1162 Gladstone ave.
ROOMS, clean, gas. electricity,
Tnquire 300 Graham ave.
MODERN, artistic 6-roora bungalow, yard.
II a w thorne ave. Sellwood 3041.
6-ROOM house, rent $20.
Russell st.
Inquire 394
Is I NE-ROOM modern houwe. garage; $40.
303 Smith ave. N. East TSi'Q.
CLEAN 3-room cottage, cicctrlcity and gas.
246 Sherman st.
6-ROOM furnished house; no objection to
children: reasonable rent. 548 Mil! st.
i-Ruul collage, 410. -Auto 6J.S-67.
. Information and -Rental
ReMable. op-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats
with definite information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find this
Dureau of great value in helping them
gi propeny ana quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
MODERN 6-r. bungalow, full lot, south
front, just beyond Laurel hurst, on paved
otren nu canine; n. w. lioors, turnace,
fireplace, all bullr-Ins. fin rarden mot.
full bearing fruit trees, roses and shade
trees ; in perfect cond f Uon ; for lease ;
not for sale; vacant May 15; $60 per
minmi. jaoor i ,u.
10-ROOM house in S. Portland. 785 Ke
at., near shipyards. Take 8. Portland
car to Corbett and Gibbs. one block
east, half block north; good renting
oisinct; electricity, gas, Dath, rurnace
rent $40; partially furnished. Sell fur
niture at half price. Call after 12,
WEST SIDE Partly furnished or vacant,
as desired by tenant; 15 min. walk to
Oregonian bldg. ; 1 -story, five rooms
aownsiairs, two upstairs; eiectncuy,
gas, bath, basement: newlv D&oered and
painted Inside; $30 month. A0ply 470
-nan Ht.. or phone Mam 7495.
LOWER flat. 645 Market st. Drive, $15,
including water; large living room.
Kitcnen, porcelain bath, tray; woodroom,
basement, furnace; beautiful view; re
fitted : man and wif nr torn neonle.
Heights and Jefferson cars. Phone Main
4 l.Y.i.
-ROOM house, bath, toilet, basement,
electric Uzhts. aas. etc. : about 3 lots.
room for chickens, good garden and sev
eral fruit trees. Located near Green
Hill grocery on the southwest slope of
council Crest; $30 per month. Samuel
Doak. 3202 Northwestern Bank bldg.
NEW, CLEAN bunealow. Walnut Park;
large living, aining. oatn.' i oeorooms.
Kiicnen, oreaKiast nooK, large aiuc, c
ment basement, laundry trays, furnace,
fireplace, earaee: lease to desirables;
'possession Immediately; all built-in.
Woodlawn 1405.
Good comfortable rooms, plenty of
light, convenient to car, plumbing, eiec
trie lights, very reasonable. A. H. BIR
RELL-GILL CO., 216 N. W. Bank bldg.
Marshall 4114.
WILL LEASE D-room house at corner ol
Marguerite and .Harrison streets for a
term or 2 years if last 6 montnr rem
is paid in advance. Lots of fruit. Ren
tal $ttO per month. Main 6829.
ERNEST WELLS CO., 606 Couch Bldg.
MODERN 9-room house, 2 baths, furnace
heat, carpets on floor, corner 100x120,
plenty of fruit trees: on Rodney ave.
andJvnott St.; $75 month. E. J. Geiser,
417 :hampcr or commerce.
6-ROOM modern bungalow for rent, some
iurniture lor sale, or will rent lurnisnea;
close in, lrvington ; garage If desired.
Mar. 4239 eve. after 6:30 ONLY. 490
Tlll3nook. Open 10 to 6:30.
6-ROOM house, large chicken house, ga
rage, 4 lots, fruit and berries, to lease
from May 15, 1021, till March 15, 1922.
$10.50 per month. 6930 85th st. S. E.
Take Mt. Scott car.
Piano and furniture moving. 30 day
free storage on all household goods until
our new warehouse is filled. 104 N. 5th
st. Broadway 120i.
9-ROOM furnished house, west side, close
in. an Ideal home, hardwood floors. 4
large - bedrooms, beautiful outlook. 2
large cherry trees. Call at Got slanders
st. after 10 A. M.
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
3-room tent house, garage, chicken
house. 1 acre, one mile from Alberta
carline; rent reasonabl. Wdln. mil
Roomers will pay the rent.
Some furnishing?, walking distance.
LOVELY, clean living, bed, bath rooms,
kitchen, reception hall, smatl hall, base
ment, yard, fruit; adults. 14S curry bl
Walking distance, west side.
LOVELY clean living, bed. bathrooms,
kitchen, reception hall, small hall, base
ment, yard, fruit; adults. 148 Curry
st. ; walking distance, west side.
12-ROOM house, 3-room down and 7 up.
2 sets of plumbing, nice corner, close in
on west side; rent $50. John Singer,
420 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
6-ROOM, clean, strictly modern bungalow
type, with garage; Hawthorne district;
responsible adufts. Call 1046 Hawthorne
ave. Tabor 420&
FOR RENT River front home at Rock
spur; 8c fare; city conveniences; won
derful view ; reasonable rent. Phone
residence. Main 0563.
I WILL rent my modern 5-rm. cottage on
Haleey at. for $25 a mo. to responsible
people. SEE OWNER at 404 Piatt bldg..
127 Park st.
NEW MODERN 6-room bungalow on river
at Milwaukie; beautiful view; low rent.
Mar. 3853.
4 NICE rooms. $16.50, including water;
adults. 46006 E. 67th st. M. S. car.
Auto. 615-S6.
$16, FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, gas, elec
tricity, no bath, close In, 668 E. Sal
mon st.f near E. 18th. East 7820.
MODERN 7-room house, just cleaned and
repainted. Inquire 5820 E. 45th St.,
FOR RENT 3-room house on Concord
near Ainsworth ave., $15 a month. Phone
Wdln. 4K84.
6 HuUAlS and 2 porch bedrooms, untur
nlshed or some furniture, modern in ev-
ery way, fruit; lease. 3SS Grand ave. N.
NEW 5-ROOM bu-ngalow. located 003 E.
2Sth st. N.; rent $4n): will give lease.
Owner at house all day Sunday.
6-ROOM, some furniture in It; close In;
adults; reference. 130 E. Ankeny. Phone
East 2490.
ACRE near river, opposite Rock Island ;
fruit trees, water; suitable for tent home
or camp: $3( vear. Marshall 34Q7.
15 days' storage tree.
Furn Iture moving for less. Bdwy. 2445.
$12.501 3-room house and sleeping porch.
633 Tiogo st.. St. Johns.
Furnished Houses.
STRICTLY modern 7-room house, sleeping
porch and garage, for June, July and
August; references required, $00 per
month. Call Tabor 1041.
4-ROOM furnished cottage. Rose City
Park district refined couple or lady
employed. References. R 660, Orego
nian. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house in
Laurelhurst: adults only; owner reserv
ing one room; give telephone. AJ 666,
TO RESPONSIBLE adults only, modern 5
room furnished house, 3 lots, garage and
place for chickens. $35. 528 Kenilwortb
ave., Richmond car.
COUPLE, share home with man and wife,
employed preferred. Woodlawn 6105,
Sunday. Monday after 6 P. M.
5-ROOM modern house, furnished, includ
ing light, water, phone, garden and some
fruit. Col. 1417.
4-ROOM cottage, completely furnished, on
car line, 371 Lombard West. Phone
Woodlawn 1S67.
$30 MODERN. 5-room bungalow, newly
renovated throughout: new rugs, fruit,
lawn, garden space. Sell. 803.
Summer cottages for rent by month
or season. See caretaker on grounds.
MODERN 5-room bungalow in Richmond
district from June 1 to September 1.
No children. 507 E. 37th st.
NICE furnished house for rent, suitable
for a couple or not more than S people,
Wodlawn 5153.
3-ROOM house, furnished ; no bath; ga,
rage, fruit, berries; $20.60. 1045 E.
14th st. N. Alberta.
3-ROOM lower flat, furniture for Sale, or
will rent furnished; bath, gas and elec
tricity, west side. Phone Auto. 525-78.
FOR RENT A modern furnished house,
employed ladies preferred. AuL 316-77.
884 E. 10th st. N.
FURNISHED house and $33 month to
couple who will care for children. R
654, Oregonian.
7 ROOMS, modern, wood and gas. lovely
yard, garden, piano. East 1468. 721
Kast Murps'.qe
6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, bath, well fur
nisbed, including piano, $50. 306 Fail-
ing st.
COZY 3-room furnished cottage, 20; car-
line. Marshall 3063.
PART of furnished house with refusal of
garage. 91r9 E. 19th N.
MODERN 7-room house, near Woodlawn
car line; rent $50. Woodlawn 110.
FOR RENT 5-rm. house, partly furnished,
12S7 Greeley sr.
5-ROOM bungalow, newly furnished. Rose
City Para, aauits oniy. aul ju-ji.
5-ROOM modern bungalow. 1 block from
Richmond car. Call Sellwood 911.
MARRIED couple share cosy bungalow'
reasonable. 4JL ast cmerson si.
FOR RENT Furnished, modern 6-room
bungalow, can benwooq aouo.
FOR LEASE, partly furnished 8-room
modern house, ihi aiarsnau. .Mam as.
FOR RENT Furnished house, o rooms,
garden, flowers, rruii. iaoor os.
5-ROOM cottage, fruit and berries.
4 2d ave. w. a. car. ?.;u.
FURNISHED, beautiful
7-room house.
vvoodiawa. oo&if. - -
Furnished Houses.
In very desirable neighborhood,
a beautifully furnished 10-room
house: large living, music, dining,
breakfast room and kitchen; 2 fire
places; baby grand piano, Vic
trola; 55 bedrooms and sleeping
porch; double garage; shrubs,
fruit trees, berries, grape arbor
garden in for summer. Tabor 4422.
FOR RENT Furnished, for the summer
or by the year; the attractive country
home of Mrs. W. W. Cotton on the
Powell Valley road, west of Gresham;
9 rooms, 3 baths, furnace, electricity
and Bull Run water. Address Mrs W.
W. Cotton. Alexandria Court. Portland,
Or., and give telephone number.
NEWLY furnished and well equipped 8
room bungalow in lrvington: will share
same with man and wife: no children;
all rooms large: grounds 100x200. in the
choicest and most convenient location.
If interested, call between 10 and 6
o'clock. 271 E. Ninth street North
MODERN 6-room house, completely fur
nished, walking distance, close in on
East Broadway, $65 per month, or fur
niture for sale and rent $50 per month.
Owner. 471 East Broadway. East 1458.
WILL LEASE to party buying $1200 worth
of furniture, 7-rm. modern home, close
In, east side, rent $50; some income can
be obtained from roomers if desired.
MRS. THOMSON, 620 Henry Bldg.
FINE furnished home. E. Yamhill St.. near
37-th; Sunnyslde cars: 6 rooms: 3 bed
rooms: furnace flrep'.ace; fine neighbor
. hood; lease year; $47.50 month. Tabor
WONDERFUL west side view, walking
distance. Most modern 6-room duplex
house, elaborately furnished. Must see
to appreciate. Adults, $115 month. Main
JUNE 1 TO SEPT. 1 Modern 5-room fur
nished house, garden, Truit and oerries.
Phone 623-15 or call at 6744 Whitman
ave. Mt. Scott car to Whitman sta., 3
blocks west.
FOR RENT Partly furnished 8-room
house in fine condition; modern con
veniences; large yard; walking distance;
1 block from Broadway car; garage,
330 E. 6th N., cor. Weidler.
FOR RENT Comfortably furnished 5-
room bungalow, garden and berries, ref
erences. Owner leaving city, will rent
permanently. Call between 10 and 0
Sunday at 69 West Jarrett st.
6-ROOM modern bungalow for rent; sme
furniture for sale, or win rent lurnisnea,
close in, lrvington; garage if desired.
Phone Mar. 4239 evenings after 6:30
I'- M. Open 10 to 6 Sunday.
7-ROOM house at 1440 B. Stark St.. well
furnished, $50 a month, or unfurnished,
$40 per month; nice lawn. Call mornings
and evenings. Tabor 3463; other times.
Auto. 629-20.
COMPLETELY furnished 8-room home In
lrvington for 4 months. June to Octo
ber, at $150 per month to desirable
party. Give reference. AK 667, Ore
gonian. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow.
chicken house for 300 chickens, brooder
house, 1H acres best garden land, all
city conveniences; near Multnomah sta
tion. Call owner. Main 8160.
FOK RENT A home on wheels, auto
trailer, camp outfit, stove, beds, tent,
complete. Sell cheap for cash or might
twnt reason.'thle. R 074. Oregonian.
AFTER May 20 Modern 3-room bunga
low with sleeping porch and garage;
adults only; 503 Greenwood ave., be
tween Division and Clinton sts.
5-ROOM cottage, will rent 3 rooms lightly
rurnished; don t expect to be home much
this summer; $25 month. 266 Porter st.
Call Sunday or Monday bet. 12 and 4.
6-ROoM bungalow to lease and furniture
lor sale; some mahogany; very attrac
tive. Rose City Park. Call mornings
after Sunday. Tabor 4674.
FOUK-KOOM, completely furnished bunga
low, neat and clean, a few fruit trees,
berries, garden in. Call at 1483 Fern
St.. take Woodlawn car.
IDEAL summer home on shore Lake
Grove partly furnished, with boat.,
lease 6 months for $50 a month. Inquiri
mornings. Main 7568. Gadwa. 211 14th st.
PARTLY furnished two-room house. $10.
no children. Call bunday forenoon. 405
Woodstock ave.
H oumph f or Ren t f u rn i t u re for So le.
Leaving city. Must sell this week, all
furniture In my 4-room flat, which in
cludes mahogany piano, mahogany furni
ture front room, quarter-sawed oak in
dining room, combination gas and wood
range, dishes, cooking utensils, drapes at
windows, everything ready to start
housekeeping. The rent is only $30. Will
sell on easy terms or take a. l'J20 or 1021
GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Ycon Bldg.
A NICE 8-room house for rent and furni
ture for sale at a very low price; house
all modern, good income on rooms; two
blocks south of Broadway. Phone East
9-ROOM house, rent $37.50; furniture for
sale. West side.
322 Railway Exchange Bldg.
5-ROOM house for rent. $16.60 per month;
furniture for sale with house or separate
piece; stove connected. 708 Water st
Take S. Portland car, 2 blocks east, of
5-ROOM cottage. June 1. 3S7 E. 87th st.
. ; 50 per month; iurniture must ne
GEARHART Desirable 8-room modern
cottage, fireplace, electricity, sun porch
rent or sale. Mar. 2402.
HOUSE FOR RENT, $30. on west side,
furniture for sale, or will trade for car.
427 Harrison st.
FOR RENT 8-room house with garden
spot, walkingd istance, rent $25. furni
ture for safe, $500. Call East 1SS0.
FOR RENT 6-room house, ciose in, $33
per month to party buying furniture,
$250 cash 308 Holladay ave.
LEAVING city; must sell furnishings, 7
room flat; nice home and income; lease
hold. 694H Everett.
$230 FURNITURE; 6-room house, $12 mo.
4'.3 Blacks tone. 16th car. Monday.
BARGAIN for quick sale, good furniture
of six-room flat. 333 Everett st.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, all or
part. Main 2463.
ARTISTIC modern bungalow flat, 4 rooms,
garage. $50; 2 people. Auto. 616-73.
bummer Keaorts.
ONE-ROOM furnished cottage, lot 50x100;
free wood; 100 feet from beach. Seaside,
Or. Apply R. Dean, P, O. box 523, Pgrt
land. SOMETHING new, factory built cottages,
wall board Interior, built-in wall beds
and French windows. Size 12x10, $150;
other sizes. Call Tabor 4736.
SEA VIEW Very desirable 4-room bunga
low, clean, well furnished, good stoves
and beds; $150 to Sept. Phone Monday
Main 8108.
TO RENT for season. 7-room modern
house on paved ervenue, overlooking
ocean; address box 32. Seaside.
FOR RENT At SeaHide, 6-room cottage
and garage. 132 10th ave., ocean view
and paved street, ti. S. Sigel, Main 2183,
Marsnall SS3f.
COTTAGE at Gearhart known as the
Marguerite cottage, on ridge overlooking
ocean, for rent for season. Boyd M.
Hamilton. Marshall 4316.
CAMPSITES for rent at Oswego lake;
free wood; $5 per month. Spend the
turner at the lake. Phone Main b
SOO Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark.
FOR RENT 6-room furnished house with
all modern conveniences, at Gearhart,
until June 13. Phone Mrs. W. S. GJb-
son. aeli wooa z.wa.
FOR RENT Seaside cottage, tt rooms,
modern, well furnished. 2 blocks from
ocean, Ave. I and 3d st.. Hermosa Park.
A. Bradshaw. Seaside. Or. 9
SEASIDE Furnished 3-room cottage on
the ridge, unoostructea view. Marsna.i
4701. - ' ,
3-ROOM furnished coay cottage at Seaside
for rent June, JUty, August, monin.
Write Wm. C. Schmidt, Seaside, Or.
2 OCEAN FRONT cottages for rent for
season; write Mrs. wuuam Jonnson,
Twin Rock. Or., Tillamook Beach.
WANTED Cottage for 8 for the season
at one of the noth beaches. Call Mon
day. East 37SS. m
WILL lease for 0 months, cottage at Os
wego lake. 500 Concord bldg., 2d and
GEARHART 6-r. furnished cottage for
sale or rent for season. Window 6.
First National hank. A J 663. Oregonian.
SHAVIEW Comfortable cottage, hot. cold
water; bath; four beds. $173 season. Box
96. Peavif w. Wash.
7-ROOM house with modern conveniences
at Gearhart until July 15. Call Main
7-ROOM cottage at Gearhart for rent,
completely furnished. All modern con
veniences. SEASIDE 7-room strictly modern, board-
,,. t - 1 rut A7A1 Mnnriuv
FOR RENT 3-room cottage for season.
Seaside. East 2066.
WANT to rent modern Seaside cottage for
July and August. East 6189.
COTTAGE for sale at Seaside.
East 1HO0.
3-ROOM furnished apartineit. 245
ave, Seaside, Or. . Tabor 230.
bummer Kesorts.
Will rent for season, beginning July
1, my completely furnished summer
borne, fronting golf links; open fire
place, good plumbing, electric tights.
Full particulars apply
216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114.
AT RHODODENDRON, Mount Hood, new
3 and 4-room bungalows, on Zigzag
river of Little creek; fireplaces; water
will be piped to lot. House1 and lot
$800 to $1000, on easy terms. Further
Information at Rhododendron Inn. P. O.
Rhododendron, Or.
FOR SALE or rent, 8 -room house on
boardwalk; large and small cottages for
rent; some by week or month; cottages
completely furnished for week-end par
ties.' Mrs. Snyder, Third st. and Third
ave.. Seaside. Or.
BOARD and room on a large ranch In
the mountains. Lovely home with elec
tricity, sleeping porches, piano. Beauti
ful scenery, plenty of fresh air and best
of food. $60 per mo. For other informa
tion address AV 608. Oreconlan.
HE. A VIEW, Wash. For the season, beau
tiful cottage with 4 bedrooms, fully fur
nished, on the boulevard, one block
from Shelburn station, corner 100x100.
large barn. . Mrs. T. J. Seufcrt, East
4;: 73.
FAMILY of three want to rent small com
fortably furnished cottage in Seaside for
a year from July 1. Must be reason
able, as place will receive best of care.
Addre5s Clark, 676 Salmon, or phone
Main 2179.
AT SEASIDE Owner's home. 6 rooms. 3
bedrooms, furnished except bedding,
silver and linen. June to September, $275
Tabor 2601 evenings and Sunday. Main
3109 office hours or Deming'a Curio
store, heasine.
bungalow, all modern, fireplace, for
rent season or any part of season. Otto
& Harkson, 413 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 6308.
A LADY of refinement, living at Long
Beach, Cal., wishes to chaperone and
board 1 or 2 young ladies during th
summer; nest Portland rererence given.
433 Atlantic ave.. Long Beach. Cat.
FOR RENT Seaside cottage, on board
walk, furnished (except silver, table
linen and 4edding), from June 15 to July
15. or August 1. Write or phone Henry
S. Gray. Gawco bldg. Main 650.
FOR KENT Rockaway beach new small
house, furnished, ocean view. East 2330.
Stores and Business Places.
Store for rent'ln the heart of the main
street of Eugene: best location in the city:
23 feet wide by 80 feet deep; suitable for
clothing or any good business: reasonable
rent; possession can be bad first of June.
Apply direct to owner. R. M. GOLDEN,
663 Willamette St.. Eugene. Or.
FOR RENT in Tacoma. Wnsh., half of
millinery store on main street, business
section, suitable for ladies' ready-to-wear,
blouses, hair goods or anything in
ladles' line; long lease; rent reasonable.
1113 Broadway. Tacoma. Wash.
SOU I'll cAST corner, Easi Morrison and
Third, 100x100 and basement, with
trackage; will rent inside 50x100 separ
ately. Strong A. Co., 606 Chamber of
WANT, to rent you balcony office with
desk, phones and front display window;
$10 per month. 304 Pine st. Broadwaj
431 STARK ST Modern, good, light, fine
basement; steam heat, hot water. D G.
Woodward, 104 2d Main 1436.
STORE at 334 Washington st. will be
available from July 15 to March 1. See
Felix Bloch.
FOR RENT To a jeweler a part of store
at 402 Wash, st.; a splendid location
at reasonable rent.
COR'NKR location for pool hall or res
taurant. 2d street. Main 815. 7ul Cor--.bett
FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware
house phone-Broadway 3715.
FOR RENT Store. 23 Grand ave. North.
E. H. Collis. East 8660.
CORNER store.
Stark st.
.354 First st. Apply
VACANT lot. suitable for storage. Jefferson
near Second. 252 Stark st.
NICE little store. 866 East Ankcny, near
car barns. $1Q per month.
STORE at 268 First, near Madison. In"
quire Portland M arble Works. 266 4th.
SOME one with a small amount of monev
to Invest In a real estate office, business t
chances and houses; good opening for a
Kood live man. F. B. Peets Investment
Co.. 303 Oak St.
FOR RENT Store, 43 N. Second. Splen
did location for shoe renalrina. cloth
ing, cigars and tobacco or card room.
Phone baat 433 or Broadway 727.
2 ROOMS facing Alder for professional or
commercial purposes: use of reception
room n aesirca. selling bldg.
OFFICE with stenographic and telephone
service, .vain .ii'tn. sg-.' .Morgan bldg.
DESK ROOM in front office with tele
pn on e. l . -1 Koa rd or Trade.
DiibK room, with telephone and ateno-
graphlc service Phone Bdwy. 3715.
FRONT offices, modern. In Railway Ex-
cnange Didg. Apply -room aia.
OFFICE, with stenographic and telephone
service. .Main a-'b-i. ft J- Morgan DUlg,
SPLENDID corner room, second floor
fatevens tolas- Apply room 202
OFFICES for rent. Fliedner bldg.
STORAGE for automobiles or furniture,
reasonable rates. Apply 343 William
ave.. or call Marshall 1132, Room 9,
aner o r. si
STABLE. 17 Ft alls, close in east side.
Herman Moeller, realtor, 1023 Gasco
ounaing. Aiam nu.
Portland, Oregon. .
Marshall 3'Jslt. Marshall 1263.
East side, doing a nice business; rent
$li.00; comer location; $1200.
West side, Washington street loca
tion; rent $iho; 3-ye:ir lease; $200.
West side, 3-year lease, rent $150
large seating capacity; $55o0; $3500 cash
win nanuie.
Well established, has 6 nice, large
living rooms; lump or Invoice; doing
over xioo per day; $4U0; terms to re
sponsible party.
Dandy corner location: 2 nice living
rooms; rent od lease; $4000.
Corner location. This Is a money
maker. Serves light lunches: rent $40
with lease: $ 1 600. some terms to re
sponsible party : 2 living rooms.
Will sell business outright or would
prefer a partner; young man, good
mixer preferred. Shopper don't waste
our time unless you mean Dusmess.
This will, stand the closest of investi
gation. f
If vou're tired of working for a boss,
and can stand prosperity, $2500 will
do It: some terms.
One-half Interest In large sawmill.
30.000 to capacity: boiler, engine,
planer and everything. 0x10 donkey en
gine, double cylinder and double drum,
one ZMt compound Packard truck; one
half paid for.
iftO acres of timber. 3.7O0.A0O ft., all
paid for: one-half interest in all thi for
$t3O0; $4000 cash; close to hard-surface
road and railroad.
We have a good hardwood sawmill
15,000 capacltv, in good town. 10 years
of cutting, lumber contracted for $35
f 1mm t o. b. Portland: one-hall in
tereat can be bought very cheap. See
us quick if you are interested.
It must be sold. Right on the rail
road, with 240 acres of timber at $1
mnn MnmDaae: 35-h. P. engine.
40-h. p. boiler, carriage complete for
30-ft logs, Whealand ertger, cuton saw,
sawdust conveyor, everything equipped.
You can buy this very cheap. Come in
and make us an offer,
ana ma e A.RBER SHOP.
Good, clean 5-chatr barber shop In
Vancouver. Wash.: good location. 3 tubs,
1 double bowl, washstand, heater, oak
combination case, each barber $0 per
week Price $1250.
In Vancouver. Wash.: center location,
fixture, cost SluSO; did "H5 net busfnuii
for the month of April; bujimes, good;
lone lease; price 800. w
ion ggjj. 'scOTTON DALY,
514 8we0and Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
Marshall :tS. Mar.hall ISM.
CORNER grocery doing buaines. of $60
per dav; ,tock at Invoice: fixture, at
cost See owner. 177 Ea.t tillean stf
corner of East th at.
WANTED Partner In rooming houttc or
restaurant. Mrs. Ellgh Martin, R. F. D.
1. box 43. Mlllsaaie. wr.
MI'ST soli, dandy taiior ahoo. xeaaonabla.
Yamniti st
MEAT MARKET for sale. Lents Junction,
IDS Foster Road. Phone Aut. Hln-41.
FREIGHT run with truck for sale: takes
$i:h0 to handle. Shepard. fl'J N. inth St.
FIRST-CLAHS, well paying dressmaking
business for .tale. Bdwy, 5o3.
BCMSKss orrowTt'M iifc..
Modem -room house in perfect con
dition; 7 bedrooms, running water in
every room; most unusual plumbing;
beautifully furnUhed, new. only mo..
lovely carpets, beat of beds and bed
ding, very flue new blue enamel kitchen
range, instantaneous Ruud water heater,
furnace, large basement with laundry
trays; income $173, rent $73; will sell
house. Including all furniture, for $11.
600, or furniture for $3300. Shown by
MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664.
Here Is a right good proposition, fully
equipped. 20 H. P. boiler. 6 H. P. enfn.
2 washing machines. 1 extractor, 1 shirt
machine. 1 neck and yoke ironer, 1 Shaw
collar shape. 1 collar mangle, 1 4-roli
Wskins 10-lnch mangle, steam dry
room, new Ford, Burroughs adding mu
chine, etc. Plant la equipped to do $400
pf-r week and will stand close lnvettga
tion Price, including real estate. 5W0,
$2500 cash.
Bdwy. 475T. 410 Henry BMg.
WORTH $2300, FOR $1300.
4 pool tables, 1 billiard table, keno
board, back and front bar. large safe. 3
counters, cork linoleum on floor.
$HM: lots of extra balls and cues; rent
$23 per month, good leae. Best buy In
Portland: aome terms; can double busi
ness by putting in lunch counter.
Close In. west aide apartment noue;
20 housekeeping rooms; Income $2H net;
rent $73; price $4lMMi, cash $2400, or
would consider amsll bungalow for
euuitv. Shown by appointment.
MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4604.
Only $32 per month rent, lease: three
pool tables an.ooker table, doing ne
pool tables, snooker table, doing Tina
csfh. LOOK THIS UP. A?k for J. -O
Farrell, Mgr. Business Chance Dept.,
open Sunday.
Ablngton Building. Main
Corner brick building. Good clean
grocery stock, sell at invoice bu V L!?;
and sell fixtures in grocery and butcher
shop at very reasonable figure. Rent $a.
405 PANAMA HLDG.. 3D and A LDKR.
ti . ti n ti SUHP.
Downtown shop. 3 chairs. 2 bath tubs,
2 showers. 100-gallon tank, good fil
ter heater, center stand, good
rent $3. lease: a snap at 3o0 cash. He
J L. O Farrell. Mgr. Business Chance
FRANK- l. aicv"i lnna
)lnKton Building. Main 1068.
Located In modern brick, on
Good equipment, and nice clean .tok.
Owner wisnes 10 bi
refuse any reasonable offtT.
" A "hor investment CO
ai PtvtMA U1.DG.. 3D in.l.AL
ISUsiness .v."""".,": Vuv ur.ltor.
s-- - n,nt
FRANK fli'uA., r,ui
. -t Rollriina. Main
AUiiiB"'" -
- r. en w . vtF.D.
Auto tire store; J"lInf;tye,C-w5l
cated In busy part of Uty. wen
equipped shop and profits are lar
ked assistance of steady -Bd
sell equal half Interest. WU t "J
buyer the business. Cstl room 40i
Dekum bids;.
rBusJ Vreet. hoP full of work. 1 bit
lara-e profits; $!0O0 required. 1 ou buy
equal naif intern with a firt-cUs
n?echanl? who want, a partner 0
after front end and be
ful. Call room 401 Dekum bldg.
Concrete building;, well located Tor
storage and repair hop; for quick sale
$300. one-half canh. ,
West side stand In heart or city, -flna
Kir,-. n Building. MainlO"
IK YOU HAVE $2000 and
"raining. are In. t PB ?
a satisfactory salary basis. W
-,ww r.frences. Address box
.n-'rv'LlMrv ' hmmim. Wu-t nave
mod references. Adure
A cash business. U good trucks, wood
saw etc. Old established yard; been
clearing $400 month the year round,
vr" t' 750 Room tnl lWkumbl-
In good location, doing !.. day Jieu
4S month: price ;-.. easy term..
Si MVS-KEITH tU, CIU Henry B.dg.
A cash business. Need assistance of
a steady man. Will be mostly outside
tork. Extra d Profits. :' handle.
it. Particulars 4l uenum
L'vi'h'PTTiA'ALLi good chance lur
IZW Taeml-annuKlly; the very best of
Security, seldom offered; plea.e investi
..hi .1 8(l East Mth St. N.
RHie "J v " "
bNelt door to theater in good nighbor
hood. can be bought for , '
" owner Is sick and must get u
"wMS-KEITH CO.. ll Henry Uldt
: . otvub WANTED. reDalr and machine shop, close
and good profits; $1300 r-
Koom i"i
r.f Com. .
rTTTi li it A K ER Y FOR SALE.
Everything new. best location; reason
must leave city at
65. Oregonian.
suburban iocaii. - -
day. Can be had at invoice. J. O. Gray
Co., 71-S PeKum Ding
r.11,11 suburb. n grocery, 4 nice living rina..
nl "S wll" Invoice about 1140..; doing
x:t,i to a oay.
cialNt. .MS Cham.
GOJT3 aalcsman. "'th can -er
half . interest
pas large prouis. .vu
C ft-"4. Oregonian.
AVlNli city; 1-'U buys dandy grocery:
vtll take Ford car as part payment. Ilv-
ln. rnnms. rent -J- i u... '-.--
Bi-erlallst. .11 t'ham. gf ''"
a rnllVTnV CAR AO E.
The best one In town of SMtO popula
tion; good car agency. At Invoice price.
Room 4"! ueaum ui..a-
HAVE first-clas repair shop and garagt
equipment, aovw . ,,
location, would coiujidcr partner. orselL
Ttroaduav ."1
REST AC it A NT for ''" ?.".!
town, noma ,
OWNER mut sell; sick ann can t run o
business. n.rc i. .... . .-... - - . - . .
grocery and conf.. living rootrui. Bushuo,
Grocery SpeclalHt. MU Cham. Com.
WANTED Party with money to MsU
owner of close-in
In, Aladdin house, thereon, to sell or
InSt See owner. 41.1 N. W. Bank bldg.
BY OWNER, fine cigar stand, rlgnt down
town, low rent, o-.i.. .... ..." --.,7
for 11400 cash. This la a good buy. H
672. oregonian
BARBER SHOP Klrst-ciass lurninings;
irnntt clean iraue; iwv.
sicnt and permanent..
Address M t7,
Orf gonlan
MODERN flat of 7 light airy rooms, high
arade Ol turniiur.. . iuuh. ......
Say all expenses. Price 50. Call le
17th street, near Taylor
POOLROOM and soft drink place for -ale,
j TIM takes 11; no ...
North. .
X aNT light grocery and confectionery,
have .onto cash and lot In Los Angeles
"What ''ave you? M Wi. Oregonian.
IF YOU want to get in a gooo lire n
and vulcanizing i.m.. aw- .--.
II at r. unig....
Fine equipment: take. In iJ lo 100
day. Room 401 Dekum bldg.
SOMEONE 10 Join me In opening c"nr""
SlOh at OSaS or vugm.11 .. ..
WHOLE or hall interest in goou y.".is
stage line lor saie. . .uvw
to g.lOOO required. Y n'W. Oregonian.
WANTED Partner in well-establli.hed sec-
otid-hand store; no ctyr.r,,- nsar ;
always open. 21q N. Ilith St.
1 -r.,l.: car for sale, on established run
S.10U will nanaie. mu uiu.uw.j
for appolntm.nt.
BY OWNER 22-room .parlment house on
SOt-IO lot. .-..'.I F. Yamhl'l. l'sl I7UI
GRCK'ERY and litis car for saie, mhki
4 rooms, ffi; total reui aia v.iu.
XI H. A r A.lU -.
bi mnkss ormKTt MTir.
for sale; all nrcenaary machinery, V
of seasoned awh and fir lumber for the
manufacturing of bedroom art, chat fx
tables, cedar chest ; alo ah. door,
mouldinas. etc.: building 5ii,i0 P't-L
2-atory; on river, at Oregon City; al"
railroad switch to building; ua and He
triclly in the building: long I c
property at $35 pT month. Price o
plunt, including evcrvthlng. $3300.
Broadway fiiMO.
Garage bul-ne and machlnerr in flr
conureta building located in thickly i
tied east resideme diatrlct: bu1.:
Ing 33xl0: Kood at $T5 per mMli
all tools and equipment: Rood repai
business now and a wonderful cham
for the fellow who understands th
game and la a matler. Prle $3m
Terms about haif cah. ce this at unit
It is a bargain and will pay for ttneif.
See owner at gwras f., la ' : .
BAKSHY, wholesale and retail, good brh -building
and basement; rnt only $v
dallv receipts $.!. to $423, all equln
ment: 5 delivery car; good lll. 1
for $MiHMl. Stock .at invoice.
Confectionery and candy manufac
turing; estaulUhmenl. wholesale and n
tail, rent $la. 2-yar leaac. Price ";'
Pool hall, ti pool table, cigar, tooac
ro soft drinks and candy, rent $li'
Price $5000.
Cigar stand, of fits building, goo
3(0 Salmon. Mln ?!'
J.'liMM) buys hlf Intrust, $OUO v
hich goes Into builncs.
Busy vulcanising shop, $10V0.
Small vulcanising shop, price $.V-0.
Modern garage, half Interest $J7"'0.
J 313 Stock Exchange. Main 7MO
GI-NKRAL STORK Suburban dlalrl
near Portland ; doing better than $ I -bulnes
dally; postnrric in Vnnueciloi
nearly pays rent; living rooms sio
store with bath, in and eiectrtcit
stock, futures snd delivery equlpmei
will Invoice about $mkhi; will t-U
prnnent wholeaala and tvB long lea"
Rest reatfons for arlllng. lncMlgHl
No trades. Sea G. ti. McCOKMIC CU
'J4L Washlnglonst. Main 12
$3000 CASH IlL'Ytf
Well-establth'd new and scond-harJ
buxlnesa, dealing In furniture, mum.
Instrument a, hardware, etc., fine aubu
bun location, good buMne" dirt ric
long leae, cheap rent; niunt sell on
count of othr burnm-"
R two, Oregonian
WANTED An active partner with $1."
to finance one of the beat rxclulv
state agncy proposition a on the mat
ket today. It Is an absolute necelt'
something the public lias ben waitin
for for the pal 13 years. If you h
the money and are willing to Invest I
In a sure thing where you handle tl
money yourself, call at 310 Couch b'U
Monday after o'clock. Auk fur Mr
DOW N TOWN r A 1 ' L T E K 1 A.
HA mi A IN.
I am leaving town snd muwt sll tp
DUHiness, fine iocs t ton. xja seating rn
aclty; euuipment will invoice root Him
1 am snktng fur everything, am du
good bulncs: If oo are In t erected
a buiineNs ol this kind. It will pity y
to I. W3,t '5 '-g""lHn
F U HN 1 TI' H K I : X C H A NliK,
$A00U for good furniture bUPineMi, vr
small overnrad. doing tine rtuiMn;
invoice. THIS IS YUl K CHAM'K
for J. L, O Farrell, Mgr. Uuslnevs Chan
lept., with
FRANK I McCVlKK. Realtor.
Ablngton Building. Main 10
One of Portland s finest equtppi
stores of Its kind, locafd In hrart
buniness dlntrlct ; extmm ly l rri
long Ifast, owner wants to retire, ar
permits no further publicity ; this h
merit.- Will brr Investigation.
M c PETERSEN. S27 Henry Hid g
HAVL ONE of the bent armory more
the Ctty, located In the luart of th aP
house district, doing oilier man
cash per day, will Invoice close lo $.ibn
wll. sacrifice fur HM'I. some tcrrna. al
give 2 years' Irai"', rent Includli
living mom a. ' hilt . Oregon an.
BY OWN Kit One .f lh beat t onffOi li
erv stors In city, located on good c
ner. west side; good litn h and fount
trade: modern showcases snd emU
ment : aood cand v farlorv It h UP -I
data nrnrhlny ; $2."' v til hand e an
b.ilanre very rany. V 0 1 7 . t ta o n I a n .
$T7,U0--kjNK of Portland's lading rem
rants. located In heart of rllv, doing
big bumnttia; best of c,u'lment, m
lease, fine place for cafeteria , ewi
terms. 418 Hallway Exchange. Mm
NKW TI-;Ll.riljNE rnli-rprlse In .astr
Oregon. In center of finest farming rt
trlrt: now cleurlna nearly IJott moot
will develop 5 f.ld la I 1.MM) ra.
hanIU-s. now suitable lor man ana wit
J lltH. On .itnlan
In hlrh-clasa location and doing
good business; price reduced this er
S1MMS-K KITH CO., 10 J ten rv It Id
a...... li ACKAN'T flood location. h
of eQUlpnient. doing fine business; fir
time advertised, forced to soil Ihls
big sacrifice, some term.. 418 Italia
ExchangeJ Msln
S7.-.H .ror.. well located In apt. nou
district, doing :!. day cash buslnes.
furnished living mom.
i:'lt.1i'i.;nY IlARl.AIN.
Nicest, neatest, cleanest .lora In th
city, cheap rent, lease; 5 living room,
.ll lfw..tlnn. cash business, all
f.HWV. your own terms, l'eters. 15 N. Bll
VM.HILD you like to make a violin, mand.
Iln, ukulele, guitar? We can help ym
furnish patterns, blue print., materia'
Write The Craft Exchange, P. O. u
70.V Portland, Or.
RINtl Ik IMP. CO. F- WAX lilll'It;
Thu i. . nice clean place and tr
rent la only 130; prlca lluw, wlih om
sVmMS-KEITH CO.. B10 Henry Rid
HI", REST, and Iuik h counter, good lor.
tlon. good equipment; rent lo'
for man enn wnr. v.n . .
t'22j ca.h, bal. easy tcrma.
418 liallw.
bti luiite. Main -'I'H.i
j.H.MI I "O N F ECT I O N i; KY, llillt turn
grocery, low rent. Kasc, terms. A monr
mak.r and the srason Is hTe. Call .
4 Oil - 4 H. t 'ouch Main L"7.
8 chairs, mirror case. 2 bath tubs,
showers; must sell; each talk.. ti'
owner. Sl.l First St.
Storage of cars; big sale gas. oil
tlrea, lc. Good lease. A real bargal'
Room 401 Dekum hl'lg.
Pmalt confectionery aiore. I".V f
building, fixtures and slock, fall afle
noon, corner AIMna and Alnsworlh.
fBOSI OWNER Llcht grocery and n
Hons, very chep. with living rooms. S'
this nv lime Sunday or Monday v
Ina. Ifws. E. triUan. cor. 7.'.th st.
REST, and lunch counter doing t'
day business; Just the place for tm.
and wife; leaving city. 4IS Rallw.
Exchange. Mil In i!W".V
HAVE a good opening for a Il wire wi
a little capilal In estahllahed. mih,ta
tlal buslnes, tllve experience and re
ef-nces In first inter. 1, HT I. Or e.onls
Jlooo RiniT BEER. dear., .light lunr theater, low rent, big nrl ''
month, terms. Call 4O0-410 Couch bid
Main 1.17.1.
UOOD live man wllh proinotllig abllll
salesmanship. personiillt.v : Inveslmei
essential. 1'lpcr. P. O. Box 651). Por
land. Or. '
tt'.iii cm 11:.. c-:o.e In.'doing good nus
livina rooms and hath, clrsn sine
,w,d fixture. 4IB ItaLway Exchans
Main -,.''1''.
TTrm ..Iti M'KHY Doing nice bulm s
also building and living rooms In cot
nertlon. Call evenings, Main S3i. r
tru-i DR INVOICE suburban grocery, d
ing .I'M! day business: tt living roon
and bath; long lease. Harper tk Moir.
41M Railway Exchange bltlg.
ETisTAliKAM'. with soda fuutitatn, 1
location, clear. 1400 month. .M or mo'
casn, balance out 01 ou.ines. in ino
time. Owner. 04 Norlh .Id slre.t.
tl.nal WELL-ECJL'IPPED confeclloli.
and soda fountain cios to patk. Ca
today 3.J Falling blilg
FOR HALE cheap, good buHerml k. bull
and egg route; doing ,00 a week. V
Bvbee. Sellwood .",sd.
vest l
Experiemcd laundrnian to I
vest glSM and servic
lor half inure
In jjiundrv
f Iresonls n .
LAHliK west side cafeteria can be boug
at a reasonable price. For full dels,
wrlie 10 XX 6011. (iregonlnn.
$7.10 RESTAl RANT, Wsslilnglon st. g "
business. It won't Is.t. so coma ear.
4I.I.-410 Couch bldg. Msla 1.1T1.
j7r,o Hi; YH dsndy restaurant In h'art -city,
soma terms, good business. Busliu
MR Chsin. of I'om.
PjCRTNER who hnn.1 carnival Dunne
and hss n.MI. J mil, o.caonlsn.
:-CHAIR harbor sliop for
D.vle. Cs!l Mondsy,
CIGAR si. nil In lobby. 4ir 4 III 1
-CUA1R barber sbop (or sale. UV tb .