10 v - TIIE SUNDAY OJIEGOXTAX, PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1921 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FURNISHED HOMES, READY FOR HOUSEKEEPING. READ ALL OF THESE. THEY ARE ALU GENTIXE S.VAP HAWTHORNE BEAUTY. It has 6 rooms. 5 on firt floor, modern bath, lights and eai, hardwood floors. extra well furnished for housekeeping; - city improvements all in and paid; only ror complete outfit. ELEGANT HOME IX WOODSTOCK. It has 8 rooms, practically new. very ynoaern : fine basement, bir lot chicken house: the house is well f u nished for housekeeDins:: onlv $4000 will consider rood lot or automobile for part, bee this for a tine suburban bom XI 1 a snap. DARLINO LITTLE BUNGALOW IN KERN PARK. This precious little bungalow only h S rooms, but you should see the con ver tenets built into those three rooms; 1 has fireplace, modern bath, lights an gas. one JJutcn Kitchen, a.i heatea gas: no wood to split or fires to build it is neat v ana newlv furnished, reac to step rieht into houaekeenine and only $2750 for complete outfit: (TOO cah will baudle. balance like rent. ELEGANT LITTLE HOME. WALKING DISTANCE. Right here on East First street we ' nave a dandy little 6-room house rooms on first floor: It has good bath lien ia ana aas nreo ace. small basemen it is clean and neat as a pin: city lm provements a) in and paid ; handy to school, stores and street cars and a real snap for $2000. including some furniture mall payment down, balance easy month 1 v payments. SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. FURNISHED. This house has 6 rooms, modern bat and electric lights: It is In very good condition, well furnished, including nn piano and only 9o00 for complete outn and very satisfactory; terms can be ai ranged. The above properties are all extra rood values. I do not spend time an money showing inflated prices and yo need not hesitate to come in and let me how you the one you are interested in. suy auiomoone is at your per vice. SEE E. W. HUGHES. S07 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2S5S. IRVING TO Nf. Stately, modern home on full quarter block, corner 20th and Brasee sts. (70S Brazee st). one of the most desirable corners in all Irving ton. Very large living room with massive fireplace, beau tiful reception hall, stately dining room, hardwood floors, butler's pantry, ideal kitchen, four fine bedrooms and sewing room, maid's quarters and ball room on third floor; Ruud automatic hot water heater, fine basement.- billiard room, hot water heating system (even the garage is heated), nice lawn, shrubbery, etc. Very best home environment This beauti ful home must be seen to be ap preciated. The price is but $13. (XX). Inspection by appointment only. J. VT. CROSSLEY. "Better Types of Homes." Main 5073. FOR SALE BY OWNER, LAURELHURST HOME. 2-story all-modern house, 3 blks. from Laurel hurst Farjc, 4 rooms aownsiairs, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, all enam eled in ivory, elegant electrical fixtures. all street Improvements in ana paia ror, 83 Miekle Place N. (same as 4Jd st ), d house north of Bumside. Price $75o0 Phone Bdwy. 2203 or Mar. 3023. Inquire fcy N. Cth et. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. BEAUTIFUL Alameda home. 80x100 lot, fine view, living, dining, sun room, den, kitchen, breakfast nook, lavatory on first floor, 4 large, light bedrooms and large closets on 2d floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, fur nace, full cement basement, double ga rage. You must see this beautiful home to appreciate 1L We recommend it as an excellent buy at $8500, 13000 cash, balance monthly. Arrange to see It. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMEDA PARK. Modern bungalow. 6 rooms, light, airy, finisned in ivory and tapestry paper; fireplace and bullt-ln bookcases in living room, buffet in dining room : Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; large bath room with built-ins; very large attic; furnace, cement basement: paved street: cl'?e to BW car line. Price $0300: cash $13K). bal. easy terms. Phone owner. VVdln. 3ol. 5-ROOM house, full basement, bath : lot ooxiou. In iruit and warden: cemen walks paid, near car lrne and Arleta - school; house is completely furnished Jvas wood and gas ranges. Price Includ , irg furniture $2100; cash payment $440 SJia 9'M per month on bal.. with bVo int. If -not sold by the 20th will rent fur- . Dished lor - Per month. NEIL SMITH. Phone 62S-78. 6till Foster Road A DANDY PLACE TO RENT ROOMS. 7-room plastered house, newly painted run plumbing, electricity and gas. lin oleum and heater go. extra large cor ner lot, imp. street. 3 blocks to car; price $2S00; $600 down. See Geo. F. Crow. With HESGARD & HARALA. bOl Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 1201. Res.. Woodlawn 2785. BUY DIRECT from owner a nifty Call fornia bungalow. 5 rooms and break fast nook, and glassed-in sleeping porch. Hardwood floors throughout. Large liv ing room with fireplace, built-in book cases and writing desk. Tapestry paper. Ail in old ivory finish. Latest electric fixtures. Buffet, furnace, dandy ga rage and cement drive. On paved street. - 3 blocks to car. 707 K. 57th st. NEAR EAST BROADWAY. 9-room fine up-to-date home: 4 large bedrooms: maids room; steeping porcn: owner built this house for himself; all choice material; everything A-l: 100x130 grounds, apples, cnerries, piums ana other fruit: berries of all kinds; a fine neighborhood; good view. Cheap $10,000. MCDONNELL, EAST 410. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. $3230. Strictly up to the minute and some extras. Enamel finish, fireplace, plate glass mirrors, breakfast nook, pleasing fixtures, built-in conveniences, cement basement, furnace, auxiliary gas heaters, screens, storm shutters to all windows. garage. 50x100: $loo down. J. C. CORBIN CO.. Lewis Bldg. Realtors. ALAMEDA $3300. New double constructed 5-room bun pa low with reception hall, hardwood floors, artistic fireplace, French plate windows in living mom and dining room cove ceilings. linen closet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, full lot with beautiful lawn and some shrubbery. Just off Alameda. 671 K. 24th N. Some terms. Owner. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. . 7-room modorn house, cn East 31st at. Fine garage, full cement basement, laundry trays, new furnace, in a very select neighborhood of nice homes; 1 block from car. Place now vacant. Price $6300, some terms. EDWARD P. MALL, REALTOR. 301 chamber of Commerce. $700 CASH. And balance like rent, will buy this spienoia t-room nouse witn iusi base ment, good furnace. laundry trays; 3ox lo, corner lot, enclosed with rose hede, streets paved and paid for. Price 1 4i MM. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 24:1 Stark St. Main 831. HODERN new house. 7 moms. 2 rooms unfurnished 2d floor; glassed-in sleep ing porch, corner. 100x12,; all kinds big bearing fruit trees, grapes and berries; chicken house and barn: Dart rented for garage; paved street; IS minutes out: 2 blocks Sell wood car. $02i0; terms. 6G7 Harold ave. BUNGALOW FROM OWNER. Bring" your architect with you and look over this little beauty; no corners rut on Its construction. A-l finish throughout, finest hardware, excellent furnace, garage, full lot. east exposure In fact, everything that's desirable. Call Sunday P. M.. 200 E. 33d, near Haw. , Foil SALE by owner 7-room house on paved st., cor. lot 50x100. 1 b!k. to good school. 1 blk. car line, hot water heat, built-ins. full basement, laundry trays; $4300. $1000 cash, baL at 7 per cent. I'hone Wdln. 2293. . FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room residence in excellent condition : East 12th. near Mnrrlnn. Price $7M0. Terms to responsible par ties. Phone East 3273. FOR SALE 3-room bungalow, all in old ivory, lot 80x100. fruit trees; three blks. from Woodstock car. Call at 6330 60th st. and 6t:h ave. Price $2200. Sl'NNYSlDB HOME. 6-room house, garage: first-class con dition: 30x100. 12u E. Yamhill. Tabor 336. $.VO: terms. EXAMINE bungalow and let price. the excellent construction of 960 E. Irving, now building. us quote you exceptional low o SUNNYSIDE HOME. 11 rooms, modern house and garage. 140 East 2Sth st. Tabor 1S7 Sunday or evenings: lot 120x100. WESTMORELAND. ROOMS. $4200. Hardwood floors, furnace, large rooms, east front. $12.i0 cash, balance monthly; a real bargain. See It. Sell. 2706. 1-ROOM house for sale. Sell, district; Dutch kitrhen, water, gas, bearing fruit, price $i2i0, $lo0 down, balance easy. Call 200 A Broadway. FOR i. NEW BUNGALOW just finished, in Peninsula district, near car and school: $2630, Cash $33:0, $13 per month and 6 per cent. Call tody. AUia 7036. 2 - HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. G. TEEPE CO., G. TEEPE CO., ROSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST. ROSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST. RObE CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST. BRANCH OFFICE. BRANCH OFFICE. 40TH AND SANDY. 40 TH AND SANDY. OPEN SUNDAY TABOR 9586. If you Intend buying in either of these popular districts, you owe it to yourself j to get in touch with this office. We give most of our time and attention to ward the cale of property in Rose City j ram ana iauremursi. w e win con sider it a privilege If you will btit in spect our listings. The houses must I sell themselves. You will not be urged I to buy. You'U be under no obligations I positively. $3600 4-room bungalow with garage, I paving ana sewer paid; $aou casn I will ttanaie. $4230 7-room bungalow with double ga- I rage, narawood Iioors, excellent I conuiuon: wiu ta&e lot in part payment or exchange for I smaller bungalow. $4600 ROSE CITY PARK. Here, folks. is an exceptional buy. You would never expect to buy a home like I this for so little money. Under I construction. The workmanship I and material speak tor them selves. $4650 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. NU'ty bungalow with iurnace. fireplace, garage; owner leaving I for east and must sell quickly. J lour opportunity. $4830 ROSE CITY PARK. - A thorough- ly well built bungalow, located I 100 feet from Sandy boulevard. facing- east. Modern in every I way. The owner must sell and I has reduced price so as to ac- J com pi is a a speedy sale. jaooo rose CITY PARK. Sit rooms and sun porch. Here, folks, is I a oungaiow being otierea way i below- its real value. All the I rooms are on one floor and the I arrangement is ideal. iwuu rose CITY PARK. An excep tionally attractive bungalow, cor ner It, 5 rooms and large at- I uc, living room extends entire I , width of house, hardwood floors, I nrepiace, uutctj Kitchen, break- last uook, etc 9mu kuse CITY PARK. An excep tionally attractive 5-room bun- galow with hardwood floors. urepmce. iurnace. garage: i cash will handle. You will want mis tor your Home. $3330 ROSE CITY PARK. New, nifty bungalow. Living room extends enure wuxtn oi nouse, narawood floors, fireplace, complete Dutch kitchen and breakfust nook, lull cement Dasement, furnace, rage; located below the hill; Very reasonable terms. $3500 ROSE CITY PARK. 7-rm, fur-1 nished house with garage, hwd, j iioors, lull cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, ivory finish; $000 uua win nauaie. LAURELHURST LAURELHURST. $3o00 LAURELHURST. New 5-room Dungaiow with large attic, hard wood floors in living room, din ing room and two bedrooms, dou ble constructed, finished in old ivory ana wnite throughout. taD- estry paper; block from car; easy ICI U1B. $8000 LAURELHURST. A very attrac tive oungaiow witn mountain view; a home of class and dis-1 unction; hardwood floors in liv ing room, dining room and bed room, finished in old ivory and wmie inrougnout xou wiu ap- licuaio iue vaiue nere. $6000 LAURELHURST. Can you make mu j mum payment ot r ii so nere is your opportunity to pick up a positive bargain. Noth ing like it in Laurelhurst for the money. Located near the park. This exceptionally well built, at tractive bungalow has every con ceivable convenience one could hope for. Very high grade of hardwood floors throughout, tile 1 bath, tile drain In kitchen, walls) are oeauuiuuy papered, with ex pensive tapestry paper, tile fire place, garage built to conform with, style of bouse. Let us show I ou. we nave many good buys In other I parts oi me city, in the HAWTHORNE District we are ottering a 3-room bun galow witn narawood floors, cement I uwciueni, iuii ouxiuu jot with fruil trees, for $35oO: 1500 cash will hanHi. In the KENTON district we have an I inittuvo t-room oungaiow with fire place, gas iurnace, hardwood floors, for I f i uu, uu leruis. If you want a real homo SEE A. G. TEEPE CO., lio stark st,, near 4th. Main 309 Branch Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor ouou. jjj ttutu uiuce open ounuay. IRVINGTON" - FINE CORNER LOT 100x100. MOD ERN RESIDENCE. CENTRAL fv- TRANCE HALL, VERY LARGE LIV ING ROOM. LIBRARY. DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR. HARD WOOD FLOORS, 4 FINE BEDROOMS xicoiLTua waiu o rtuU-Al. z BATHS 1 GARAGE. FINE HEATING SYSTEM. I'OLNUKXTEH, '20a SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1MW. RESIDENCY'S. EAST 677L j IRVINGTON 7-ROOM HOUSE $5250. This house Is certainly a snap. The owner has moved to Los Angeies and , w aji is io Duy there. The time to buy is when the other man must seii. tour cnance now. NE1LAN & PARKHALL, 210 Lumbermens Bldg., Fifth and Stark Streets. UO.SE CITY PARK. MODERN BUNGALOW. On corner lot; two blocks from car; owner leaving city; this property is worm mucn more than U can be bought I $4230. NEIL AN PARKHILTj. 210 Lumbermens Building. 3th & Stark Streets. BEAUTIFUL new five-room bungalow on I Oregon City line a,nd four acres; un- I oostructea view; large living room: electricity for lights and cooking, also Baa aiiu running- water; i.uicn Kitcnen; line private ariveway; garage for two I tars unaer nouse; iruit trees, vineyard, etc. This is a high-class place and priced very reasonable. Owner Main $2750 AND $2700. Two new bungalows, 4 rooms and bath, ready in about ten days, all mod ern and up to date; take your choice for $300 cash and $13 a month and interest, or will take good lot and less cash. In quire at 247 E. 77th at. N. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN. Recep. hall, large living rm.. dining rm. nd kitchen 1st floor: 3 bed rms.. bath, 2d floor; full basement: servant's room; garage; hwd. floors, furn., fireplace; everything thoroughly modern; 41 yrs, old. Owner. 170 ChamtIai7i Dr.. Arl. Hte. FACTORY-BUILT cottages, assembled quick, trench windows, built-in walj ut-us ana omer ieatures, permanent roof ing; shipping loads to beaches; small aaumonai cost io erect. Buy wall board, Albina Wall Board Factory. River and Lewis st. -ranor 47.t. ifixL'O, $225 PIEDMONT. By owner, 6-room house in heart of rieumwni; attractive ana best Construc tion, iurnace, nrepiace and built-in Owner leaving city. 1233 Cleveland. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. Modern 7-room house on lot 50x100 ziat street near Ulisan. House in good HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main 831. $300 CASH. PRICE sinsn 5-room modern cottage, newly papered .nv j'imru IU9IUC-. .cast layior st. BUNGALOW 3 rooms, bath, furnace, fire-I place, beautiful lawn, trees, roses; $S30 f vusn. vui. easy lerma. irvington Park" Alberta car. 1306 E. 30th N. LAURELHURST English colonial: owner tt rooms and extras, sun parlor, den and eteetping iwrta, improvements paid. Spe cial price if sold today. Tabor 6184. $30,0002 GOOD HOUSES, close in. east Biue, nar corner: gooa terms, or ea.h A-l investment. Pays 17 per cent net i .uMie jmiunrn, .Main la--i. AW TnUn. tfi DISTRICT For sale bv owner: strictly modern 5-room bunga low. 402 E. 31sL Call Auto. 214-60: ROSE CITY C-room bungalow, garage: $500 down, balance $20 per month, 6 per cent. Call today. Main 7036. . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow furnished. Call at lSOO East Harrison St.. corner of 4th. SNAP Fine 4-room cottage, 2 fine lot. See owner, 549 E. block from car. 6th street. . SALE A small 3-room boue. W ood:awn 1771. ROSE CITY sacrifice, 7-room strictly mod ern. garage. See agent. 1J09 Falling bldg. F AMPLY residence. Nob Hill; double garage. Mala 1040. lull lot; KEAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. AJ IDEAL HOME. LARGE LOT. $4500. Consisting or six rooms, large base ment with (J-inch concrete floor, wash trays; nice reception hall, sitting room with nice reception hall, sitting room with nice built-in bookcases, nice fire place, also pipeless furnace, dining room, , built-in sideboard, floors all quarter sawed oak; nice breakfast room, nice large kitchen, large pantry with all modern conveniences and built-ins of all kinds: the upstairs consists of two- large bedrooms 14x16. with twr large closets in each room; bathroom 7x1? with extra nice fittings: nice lawn with five young fruit frets, currants and berrirs, with a large garden patch of very fine garden soil, size of lot 130x82H Street grad ed, sidewalks, sewers all In and paid for. This place lj situated In the Crescent district and adjoins the New Crescent nark. Onlv KoO fpt from naved street. App:y to owner. D. McGregor. 4419 9th ave. s. e. LAURELHURST. One of the prettiest bungalows In this district. Located near park. Five rooms, bath and breakfast nook. Best double con struction. Hardwood floors, fire place. Attractive built-in- fea tures, cement basement, furnace, garage, cement drive. A distinc tive bungalow offered at $7000, $2000 cash, OTTO & HARKSOcJ, 413 Chamber of Comirierce. BRAND NEW ONLY $630 CASH Balance $35 per month . buys this neat 4-room bungalow on a oOxlOO-foot lot close to Sandy blvd. The price is only $3000; where can yon beat It? Take Rose City car to 72d st., sea Gregory xnv. u., i3ua ean ay Diva. ROSE CITY PARK $250 CASH. Balance monthly, modern fl-room bungalow, his block from Sandy, under the hill. Price $5750. KILLER BROS.. Realtors. R14 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch ' office. 60th and Sandy. Tabor 8465. Open Sunday. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, full basement. wash trays, good condition. This on Prescott st., just off Williams ave. and a bargain at $3250 and easy terms. Six-room modern house, double con structed with full cement s)asement, fire place, etc.; 3 full lots on Wiliams ave., bargain price of only $7500, only $2000 cash, balance terms. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., Realtors. flW Henry Blder. FOR SALE In Irvington. Laurelhurst Alameda Park and Dixon ,Place, several modern homes, also choice lots in these additions, or will build on anyone's lot If desired. All kinds of building done. Have built 100 homes In Portland. RICE CONSTRUCTION CO., A. R. Rice. Manager. Auto. 320-85. Res. 600 E. 15th st. N. R. B. Rire, Solicitor and Selling Agent. Hnwt 2432. 600 Wasco SL "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY." BARGAINS. .$21(W 5-rm. cottage. 50x100 lot. $2250 $400 down. $20 per mo., 6. 5-rm. bung., new, 50x100. $2600 100x100 lot. 4-rm. bung. $2700 100x100. 5-rm. bung. Dandy. $3200 Alberta. 5-rm. bung. Fine. MANY OTHERS. CALL US. MARSH & MeCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3093. 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. $300 DOWN. Thfs Is a nice 5-room bungalow, nlas tered. bath. etc.. nice shade. 1 block to carllne and good school on 64th St.: price .iuo. i;tfMi flown, balance 12Q ner month HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtors), 122 North 6th st. Broadway 43S1. IRVINGTON. $500. terms: beautiful comer lot: modern 7-room house: fireplace; must be seen to be appreciated. We also have a number of other homes In the same district from $5000 up. Broadway J658. 210 Oregon bldg. Ask for Fulford. UMDENSTOCK ft LARSON CO., 210 OrAgon Bldg. . LADD ADDITION. $6500. TERMS. Close to Hawthorne avenue, fine 7- room house, partly furntshe.1 ; 3 bed rooms, fine furnace. Ruud heater, beau tiful lot. roses, shrubbery; must be sold in tne next few days. FOR APPOINTMENT. EAST 49f.l. LOOK AT THIS ONE! Five rooms, modern. 50 feet from paved street and car; lot 40x100: there are pears, prunes, cherries, plums and apples in bearing; a regular snap for $2400. very easy term a Let us show you today. REEDY & CO., REALTORS. Mft Chamber nf Commerce. Main 4190. $730 $100 CASH, 2-room shack. H acre; 3-room house and woodshed, $1050. $150 cash: $1850. $300 cash. 5 rooms and garage: $3100. $750 cash, 6-room bunga low; S1050. si so caah. large 2-room house, acre: $2500. $300 or more cash. bou?e just completed. 40xl25-ft lot and 20-fff alley. Fred V. Prtear, 5520 65th st. S. E. Automatic 619-lfl. FOR SALE 1 acre, good black soil. 4- room house, beamed ceiling, 2 fireplaces, good barn, poultry house, wood house, garage, fruit and berries of different kinds; city water and gas In -house; good fence. $3000. with terms. $300 cash: lo cated nar Lnts Junction. Kern Park Realty Co.. 6707 Foster road. Automatic 635-2S. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 6-room modern two-story colonial. hardwood floors downstairs, large living room wun nreajace. two small ana one large oeuroom aim unia, upstairs; gooa garage: nouse fronts east and in cellent condition. For quick sale will sacrifice for $4a00. See Kenneth S, Reed, 1031 Northwestern Bank bldg. ROSE CITT PARK $5500. TERMS. Well-built story-and-half modern home, large living room, den. hall, panel dining room, oak floors, kitchen, f ire nlace. furnace, full cement basement: 8 bedrooms, closets, bath; fruit, berries and roses. 514 East 44th St. N. 7-ROOM house. 1 acre of ground, on corner near Cornelius. 20 miles west of Portland, on paved road, near 8 P. & Oregon Electric lines: fruit and berries. city water, electric lights and gas: snap at $2000. Lock Box 43, Cornelius. Oregon WILL sacrifice modern 6-room house, close in on East Taylor St., living room with fireplace, 8 bedrooms, dining, kitchen. bath, full cement basement, furnace, fine lawn, fruit and shrubbery; this Is worth Investigation. Owner. Main 8667. Sunday. Woodlawn 1405. IF YOU don't drown in this ocean of ads. 014-41, apt. 4. wm connect you with values In homes or business, from $1000 to $20,000. that the increasing value ought to make hair grow on a hald head: find your niche. Call 514-41. apartment 4. a AM COMPLETING a beautiful bungalow: purchaser can select fixtures and in terior finish; all improvements In. close to car lines and schools. Just right for lour. win ne soia ciose io cosr. v. ij. Shepard. owner and builder, 66 Terry street, w. $4300 $1000 DOWN. 5-room bungalow for sale by owner old ivory woodwork, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, china closet, bookcases, sleeping porch and attic: z blocks rrom car on paved street. Phone Sellwood 1354. FOR SALE tty owner, tt-room house, on full lot: in beautiful Irvington: in fine, clean condition : full cement basement. furnace heat, fruit snd flowers; price 94du; i ion casn, oat ance o per cent. Phone East 8195. OWNER will give clear title to 5-room bungalow, all bullt-ins. furnace, garage. near scnooi, Dec. ui vision ana .Haw thorne. Call mornings and evenings. 1042 East Caruthers st. ON 772D ST. Cosy little 4-room plastered house with bath, gas. and lights, newlj painted and papered; big lot. A bar- gain for $1530: $5V down, balance $20 per month. 6436 72d t., Mt. Scott car. SAVE COMMISSION. 5-room bungalow. $2500; bath, bullt Ins. light, gas, 40x100 lot: $425 down, balance $25 month, including 6 per cent Interest. No agpnts. Auto. 228-67. $2700 MT. TABOR $2700. 7-room modern house, except base ment: two- lots, fruit, berries, street, sewer, gas. electricity: $300 down. 136 E. 61st. . $2200 BUYS A MODERN 4-rm. bungalow witn s enojee signuy iota, near .Multno mah station, on very attractive terms. $15 a month. For particulars see BEN RIESLAID. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st CLOSE IN ON E. 20TH ST. 5-room modern bungalow. Owner leav ing, must sell- quick. Only $4150, easy terms. Main 4S03. LOVELY suburban. 6-room bungalow at Roth station, river frontage: owner must sell, leaving city; terms very reasonable East 2299. $4000 WEST SIDE. 7 rooms, gas. bath, electricity. 2 fireplaces, cement base meat, lot 50x100. Owner. 467 iOtn sL REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME IN THE MOST CHOIL'K PART OF ALAMEDA : NU4 AND COMPLETE: CAN'T BE BEAT FOR MUCH MORE THAN WE ASK TERMS AGREEABLE: LOT 83x100 SOME NATURAL TREES AND CHOICE SHRUBBERY ; CONVENIENT GARAGE H W. FLOORS: 4 BEDROOMS. COM PLETE KITCHEN WITH INLAID LIN OLEUM. RANGE. BUILT-INS AXb BREAKFAST NOOK: INCLUDES ALL DRAPERIES. SELECTED WITH TASTE. TWO RADlANTFIRESr ONLY PEOPLE OF REFINEMENT CAN AP PRECIATE THIS. CAN BE SEEN AT AN V TIME BY APPOINTMENT. MAR. 1634. BaRRY & BERRY. $1000 BUYS 3 rooms, woodshed, lot 40x105 $1600 buys 4-room cottage, bath, toilet. gas, electricity; lot 50x100. $1700 buys very neat 4-roo:n cottage, bath, toilet, gas: lot 04x100. cov ered with fruit; sidewalk in; easy terms. $4000 buys fine modern 6-room house. full basement; lot 50x153, covered with fruit, fine location; bunny side. $12,000 buys an Ideal 9-room modern , highly finished home, located on a beautiful 100x100 corner, walk ing d istance, best home buy ii the city. CHARLES HOUCK. REALTOR. 932 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEAR 31ST AND DIVISION. Almost 2 acres; this will make a wonderful chicken ranch, 4-room house, large barn, chicken run, some fruit; one block from car. $3200, easy terms with 5 per cent interest on the balance. HILLER BROS- Realtors. 614 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Tabor Mb5. Open Sunday. WB START In the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move in when we move out. We handle all details -and save you time and money by our spe cial unit -system. Fancher-Mc-Lean Co., building contractors, 308-9-10 Lewis 4ldg. Phone Broadway 3&2. Beautiful "Walnut Park home; 6 fins large rooms, thoroughly modern, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, trays; 50x100 lot, beautiful yard, an abundance of cherries. 2 blocks to car and near two fine schools. Located 1058 Cleveland ave. Price $3500, and wor,th It. Terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., Realtors. 212 Corbtt Bldg. Main 6913. BEAUTIFUL WAVERLEY Three lovely homes almost ready to move into; lots 168 feet deep; all street Improvements in and paid for; this is close-in prop erty; fireplaces, hardwood floors and all built-inB. cement floor in basement; prices $4500 to $5000; we are building 20 more houses in this district: come out and let us build one to suit you; reason able terms; take Richmond ear to 33th st.; property on both side of carllne. Owner. Automatic 218-32. FOR SALE By owner, real bargain, a cozy 4-room bungalow, just finished, double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, tapestry paper, all White en amel Dutch kitchen, cement basement with laundry trays; improvements in and paid; in Irvington Park: take Alberta to Killingsworth, half block to carllne and store. Call Sunday from 1 to 5 P. M., all day on week days; price only $3850. 929 Killingsworth avenue. ROSE CITT bungalow, 5 rooms, attic, ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen in white, living room full width of house, large dining room with by window, buffet, nice lot of shrubbery in yard; close to Sandy; carpets, linoleum, shades and porch awning go with the place; a wonderful buy at $4500. Some terms. Tabor 7H53. BEAUTIFUL Alameda Partt home, 8 large rooms, downstairs finished in quarter sawed oak; sun porch, sleeping porch, hollow tile basement. This is one of the best built homes in city; ground 100x100 corner, paved streets, never ad vertised before. Owner non-resident, at premises for few days. No. 865 Skidmore st. 'nce ls.uuu, terms, tan ana see ix. NIFTY 5-room bungalow. Rose City, nea Sandy, all in ivory, tapestry paper, sil vershower fixtures In dining room. n direct and side lights in living room, fireplace and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large attic, zuu cement casement, iur nacA. laundrv1 travs. Going to th country. Must selL Call owner. Tabor 7853. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE QUICK SALE, 7 rooms, narawooa noors, nrepiace, all built-in features, Dutch kitchen, mod ern la. every respect, one block from car 'line, and near school, this is a real bar gain SEE IT QUICK. BRUCE HOLMAK, REALTOR, 209 Failing Bldg. Maln-327. OWNER MUST SELL. tamfl for a fine modern 5-room bun galow on Prescott street; full concrete basement, Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet and wash trays; only $500 cash, baL terms. L. L. BLANCHARD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 20 or E. 2134. IRVINGTON 7 rooms, oak floors, old ivory finish, fireplace, good furnace, sleeping porch, 4 bedrooms, double ga rage; lot 50x150; price $8500. Would like $2500 cash as first payment, bal ance terms. East 4198. or see house at 410 B. 21st sl N., near Tillamook. Owner. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years, We offer stiuuKiii. anjrtvicK. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 24 N. W. Bank Bldg OWNER leaving for the east; 7-room house with sleeping porch, freshly painted and tinted, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, new light fixtures, furnace. Sell below market price; terms. I'hone Auto. 814-93. Ad dress 584 E. 38th st. N near Knott. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and inclosed sleeping Dorch. cement basement, garage, house excep tionally well constructed. very large living room with beamed celling; dining roonu with cove ; part terms. Phone owner. Tabor 4610. $2000. 5-room bouse, Russell-Shaver car stops at door. improvements ail paid; i small car and $500 down as part pay ment, balance $25 month. 205 Mon roe st. $1000 CASH. Balance easv oayments. massive 7-room residence, on the Rose City hill, absolute ly modern. SEE AGENT, 209 Falling Bldg. BRING your plans and specifications in and let us figure your home. You'll get the surprise or your ure. SUN HOUSE BUILDING CO.. 216 Abington Bldg. On 33 bet. Stark and Wash. WALKING DISTANCE. On East 20th st, 5-room bungalow, modern, exceptionally wen built; fur nace, paved street, fine shrubbery; snap for $4000, terms. See' Mr. Boehra, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway I6o8. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 nice rooms, nice bath, all the usual built-in cement basement; yes, a good furnace, too for quick sale will sell for $3450; a wonderful home for the money. Tabor loa. NOB HILL SACRIFICE. $7500. Ill-health compels me to sell 7-room modern home, nmsnea attic, hardwood floors up and down, all kinds built-ins. 2 fireplaces, ouxtuu lot, iruit trees, etc you miss a snap. Welse, 340 Wash, st. ROSE CITY PARK. By owner, beautiful 7-room bungalow, all large rooms, modern in every respect, full cement driveway, large garage, lo cated at 458 East 51st st N. For In formation call Tabor 53Q. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." illustrated book '.of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4-ROOM house, nice lawn, roses; base ment, wasn trays, iruu trees; suu, must have $700 cash; take less for all cash. Mt. Scott car. Stewart station. Come to 6030 50th ave. S. B. PORTLAND HEIGHTS IF YOU ARE 978 COUNCIL CREST DRIVE; IMME DIATE POSSESSION. J. J. ARM STRONG. OWNER. PHONE MAIN 347ft $1250 CORNER lot, 3 rooms, rough house. just outside city limits, low taxes: do as you please; all city conveniences. 1545 Fremont, corner 59th, Rose City. LEAVING town, will sell my 6-room bungalow cneap; ui uuaiuv, garage, fruit, berries, place for chickens; $300ft terms. Owner. Tabor 6098. $6000, $4500, HX U N En, two modern Houses, KHrugc, javcu eurci, unruar, lots fruit, garden, walking distance; terms 4fi9 East 11th st. Sellwood 214S BY OWNER, mod. hou.se, U rms.. sleeping porcn, noi-waier neating system. ij u bet 2 and 6. 566 E. 35th st. S., RM car. HOMES, any cost and type, designed and built. nee r. i. xvose. v ju.hi at. Main 7805J HERE it 1: Beautiful 7 rooms. Holiaday. furnisnea or uniurmsnea; wxii, terms. . Owner. East 7104, REAL ESTATE. ror a)e Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. We have one of the most at tractive bungalows below the hilt on 4bth street, thoroughly mod erm hardwood floors, fireplace, furuace, beautiful interior finish; ci-rner lot. well Improved, soma beautiful trees; street paved and paid. This is near the car and in ttK- most desirable part of this district. You 'will not he dm-ip-pointed In this place. $5800, on reasonable terms. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 614 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. Tabor 6465. Open Sunday. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. PRICE $7150. This house is in the heart of beautiful Laurelhurst and Is a great bargain at the price asked. Do not consider it In the same class as the many cheaply constructed houses now being built. Every thing is modern and complete. Reasot able terms or alight re duction tor cash. 1233 EAST PINE ST.," EAST OF 41ST STREET. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Will take automobile in trade on this 7-room, one-story bungalow in the lect part of Irvington; living room 16 by 82, with fireplace and built-in book cases; breakfast room, lovely dining room, all finished in white and the best of hardwood floors, 3 large bedrooms witn maple floors and large, light ciosets: elecant hath with tiled floor kitchen has abundance of built-ins; full cement basement; Gasco furnace; ceiled garage and nice lawn. A real classy nnme on easv terms. EASLBY. ROBINSON & SPOONER, 513 Couch Bldg. Main 6G94. $1600. Here Is a very good buy in a 4 room plastered house. In fine re pair; Mr block from paving, 4 blocks from car; $300 cash. It Is modern and nicely located. OTTO A HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER, $2400, terms, have been of fering at $:ib00, needing money make this reduction to make an immediate sale, 5 - room cottage, porches, walks, basement walls, semi-kitchen, floor of cement; good plumbing, bath, private pantry, electricity, gas, paved street, sewer, fruit trees, near Union ave. car lines. See owner at 875 East 7th st. N.; between Mason and Shaver sts. BUT FROM OWNER. A nice 6-room modern home In good close-in district; large pleasant rooms, attic, full basement, furnace, lots of fruit and flowers. All .improvements in and paid, garage. Tf you want a good home at right price, see this. Pries $4500 terms. Owner 46 East 24th st. North. Phone East 6216. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Brand new bungalow; go and see It; 6 large airy rooms. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, finished in ivory and mahogany; oak floors, papered and dec orated throughout; floored attic; garage. lull lot, lew nice trees; reasonable terms located at b3 East 17th st. N. F. Turner, owner. Tabor 5694. A SNAP. CLOSE IN Save carfare, tf rni with large hall, bath and pantry, gas and wood range and 1 large kltcn. cabinets included: futl cement basement and iurnace. 4hs East Davis, near lot half block to Rose City car line. $3730 $750 cash, balance long time. Phone K. K. K.. Main 171'. or call 143 second s IRVINGTON'S BEST. Hardwood upstairs and down; sun room and very large sleeping porch Ivory enamel finish: good garage: a com modious, artistic residence at the price oi a email Dungaiow; W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEW. BEAUTIFUL Dutch colonial, con slstlng of seven rooms, two fireplace tiled bath with expensive plumbing; all rooms finished In Ivorv and white amel. papered, hardwood floors through out; tnis is a nne nome ana tne Drice right 492 E. 18th st. North. Tabor 6334 NEW, MODERN 5-rm. bungalow with every convenience, on Albina ave., i Peninsula district. An up-to-date place with every modern convenience, at the right price, on easy terms. For par ticulars see BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg.. ll'7 Park st. - WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Reduced to $7250; could not dunllcat for $9000; modern 6-room bungalow, first-class condition: select neighbor- hooa; unsurpassed view; nice yard. shad trees: going east: cash or terms. . agents. Main 3838. - ROSE CITY BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Artistically furnished, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; all In old ivory: al most new; lot 60x100, $3850 complete. Terms. JOHN M. PAYNE & CO., Main 9012. $1000 SAVED. You will save $1000 on this Mount Tabor home of 6 rooms and s!eep!n porch. Strictly modern on a lot 50x150. Let us show it; S4'.hmi. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3993. FOR SALE at cost. new. modern bunra- low; cement basement, hardwood floors, breakfast nooK. JLHitch Kitchen, tile nre piace. rxencn aoors ana windows: de sirable location: lot 75x100: terms. Build er. F. P. Nelson, Gladstone, Or. Phone Oregon city 3H"-J. 7-ROOM semi-modern house near Willam ette blvd., fruit trees, garden, etc.; 55x 100 lot. sidewalk and curb in and paid owner leaving town and will sacrifice for $2200 F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 C of C. BlUg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER Modern o-room, ivory finish ; fireplace, cement nasemeni ana waijcs, paved st. small garage; near 3th st. ; vacant $3rnu, terms. 1114 ts. snerman. THREE-ROOM unfinished house, half acre cleared, gooa .wen, ugnts, gas. 3 blocks from station, one diock from schovi!. small payment, easy terms. 190, Oak Grove, ur. A NEW, attractive, modern 4-room bun gajow wun sleeping porcn, wen nn fKhed floors, tapestry DaDer: in Irvine ton on car line; full lot, everything paid. A bargain at $3500. Phone East 4049. GOOD 5-room house, close In on east side; a snap at ierm. L. A. MA THIS EN CO.. 201 ALISKY BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7B21. MT. SCOTT. $2300. 6-room modern bungalow, half base ment garage, fruit trees, half block t car and paved street; $400 cash. 7125 64th ave. S. K. Automatic BZ3-B2. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. . Modern 6-room bungalow, full base ment, garage. 84x100 lot, paved street block from car. $5500. Terms. Less for cash. 3:.t East 4Jd North. Owner. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, DUiit-ms, paneiea ainmg room, beamed celling; Improved street, sewer, good neighborhood; $4550, terms. Wood lawn 3114. BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large rooms. flowers, etc. Phone owner, ifiast 3069. GOOD chance for small family, cozy 4- room furnisnea oungaiow, garage, block to Union ave., $450 down. Woodlawn 424. 432 Brown st. No agents. $2000, PORTSMOUTH AVE., is a big bar gain In real estate. 8 25-ft lots, 7-room modern house- navi a look; it can't be beat. ROOM modern bungalow with, garage, a nice cozy little home, $3500. no less than $1000 cash will handle; 1183 Tib be ts st, near 39th. ROSE CITY 5-room bungalow, floored attic, garage; must sen; leaving city; $200 down. Sellwood 2704. g-BOOM house, hardwood floors, furnace. ijeauroom; exenange equity tor sman h onse. Phone mornings. Bdwy. 1768. T COSTS you nothing for estimates on that home: plans xurn:snea. can seu- FOR SALIL Modern 7-room house with double i& rage, on corner lot at 263 E. 15th st. ALBERTA BARGAIN 5-room bungalow. clean ana nomeuKe. moaern ana pon venient, $3000. Call 816-79.. ROOM modern bungalow. half acre ground, fruit, berries, garage, chicken house. Call Automatic 643-14. HOUSE on Rose City carllne tor sale or trade for acreage; terms, inquire ooo E- E verett. A utomatic 235-60. BUNGALOW ready for finish, move in and finish to suit; price swkj. terms ill East Russet street. Woodlawn 6-4T. ROOM Laurelhurst bungalow, complete with garage; 1 blk. to car. By owner. Auto. 210-15. IRVINGTON bungalow; large rooms: $6250, 1 1 ooo casn. -u montn. cast 1347 EW J-room cottage and bath room, $1350. Part time. t.i'Jq tL. Ankenv. By owner -ROOM home, 3 lots, orchard, garden. Call Auto, ain-17. , $8950 Easy terms, new bung., fireplace. hdw firs : haw oist. uwner laoor eiu-i. BY OWNER Modern o-room bungalow. 1S09 -ast lioyi su xaoor iooo. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. ON CORNELL ROAD, the most choice of high-ciass residence lots with unob structed view of ail the mountains and valley, surrounded with beautiful homes. $3500 Walnut Park, beautiful 6-room home, full lot, all improvements, very choice location, terms. $2750 $500 cash, balance easy, for this fine 7-room modern home, located i6Zi (.or belt su it la a real bar fain. $4250 Hawthorne, new bungalows. Tour choice of three fine specimens of tne tnoaern, up-io-tne-nnnute o room bungalow, garages. $3300 Modern 6-room home, all on one floor, full lot. plenty of fruit, one block to car. This home will rent for $30 per month. $a0O cash. $200 Colonial Heights, a grand home of 8 rooms, full lot, garage, all improvements paid, fine view, one block to car; terms to responsible party. THE LAWRENCE CO., Realtors. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VACANT. A well arranged, attractive home of 7 rooms, with large, light basement, large furnace and laundry room. First floor Entrance ball, living room with fireplace, French doors to large view porch, dining room with buffet. French doors to view porch, pass pantry and well-lighted kitchen, screened back porch, two nics bedrooms wifti large lighted closets, linen closet, separate bath and toilet. Second floor Two bedrooms, large closets, sleeping porch, toilet and lava tory, large floored attic, cedar closet. This house is in perfect condition, fin ished in ivory enamel and has every modern convenience. The lot Is nearly 100x100, with choice roses and shrubs. A moat convenient location, beautiful view and select neighborhood. Call 630 Ravensview drive for key. Phone Sunday, Main 4 099 ; week d a vs. B road w ay 23 1 6. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Five-room modern bungalow; just like new, hardwood floors, fire place, nice, airy rooms; room up stairs to Install additional room, full cement basement, stationery tubs, paved street, good neighbor hood, convenient to trolley, school, etc., lot 50x82, nice lawn; this is a very pretty home and a great bargain at $1300. Phone for auto to see this. J. W. CROSSLEY. REALTOR. "Better Types of Homes." Main &0T3. IRVINGTON. 593 E. 20TH NORTH. Semi-bungalow of 7 rooms and sleep ing norch. heavy oak floors. fireDlace, every built-in convenience, bath and bedroom downstairs, two bedrooms, sew ing room or den and sleeping porch up stairs. This property can ne bought witn fl3uo cash and balance at loa per montn, Including interest. House No. 5 it 3 E 20th street North. Will be open for inspection Sunday 2 to 4:80 P. M. Look It over and submit your offer. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $7000. WALNUT PARK. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL, 1107 RODNEY AVENUE. VACANT. NEAR FIVE CAR LINES VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. FINE DINING ROOM, KITCHEN. ONE SMALL BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR; 4 BEDROOMS AND BATH SECOND FLOOR: FIREPLACE. FURNACE HARDWOOD FLOORS. LARGE ATTIC; BARGAIN IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST HALF CASH. POINDETHER, 208 SELLING BLDG.. MAIN 1H00. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. $13,500. HOT WATER HEAT solid mahogany. art Daner. 3 sets of French doors, all plate glaw. also lavatory room on flrc floor: 3 lovelv bedrooms and large dress Ing rooms, all have 2 closets and long mirror: most perfect bathroom in citv This house is double constructed. Metal weather stripped; was built for home, not for sale; can be handled on easy terms. EAST 410 McDONELL. 500 E." 14TH N.. RE A LTO R. 5-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $4000 Living ana aming rooms comotnea, with sunroom on the south, very cosy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 bed rooms with white enameled bath between, sleeping porch with awnings, shades, screens, etc.; 50x100 lot. with lilacs 10 ft. high the entire 100 ft. length on the north ; very cosily and nicely fur nished throughout: paved streets, side walks, etc. : 1 blk. to car. close In on east side. In fine district; $1"00 down. JOHNSON-DODSON' CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 JUST OFF WILLAMETTE BLVD. 5-room modern bungalow, including finished attic: exceptionally well built; full cement basement, best of furnace, laundry tubs. Dutch kitchen: recently painted: full-length rcreens for all win dows, fruit and berries, sewer in and Said, Must be seen to be appreciated ; blocks to car. Can e seen Sunday all dav or after 6 P. M. weekdays. Prica $:iS00. terms. Owner. 1216 Vlllard ave., bet ween A ins worth and Hoi man streets. BARGAIN FOR CASH. Owner wishes to realize some money and offers choice moaern oungaiow in Rose City Park; five rooms and attic, full basement and furnace; absolutely nothing lacking In this fine little home; price only $4750; $1730 cash, can make terms on balance. A. H. BIRRELL-GTLL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A GOOD BUY. Three-room house, furnished or unfur nished; bath, gas, electric tights, city water: lot 150x100; three blocks from car line and five from school; grounds very attractive; everything in first-class shape. OWNER. E. WHITE, 1407 Ijincaster St. iooro lot. $4500 5-RM. BUNGALOW. Beautiful 5-room. strictly modem bungalow on splendid 100x100 lot. smaf. fruits, located E. Mt. Tabor. 4 blks car; $2000 will handle. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show von. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bids REALTORS. WISH to sell my 6-room house. I have had It newly painted, tinted and var nished throughout. It has fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, full plumbing, full cement basement, large clothes closets, garage. Price is $4000, $1000 cash, balance easy. 'Main 37S7 or Wdln. 6371. A. R. Johnson. 5-ROOM. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Exceedingly attractive 5-room bunga low, close to school and car: flowers, fruit and shrubbery, garden spot: south front: $530 handles; price $230. Mr Dunbar, with A. J. De FOREST & CO. ("Realtors). 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 53it0. PIEDMONT For sale, 6-roora house in beauttful Piedmont short walk to Jef ferson high; hardwood floors downstairs, sun room, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement fruit closet, fine fruit trees and roses; $6000; terms; owner. Woodlawn 4975. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Seven -room modern house, hard wool floors, fireplace and other conveniencea on paved street near intersection Mont gomery drive and Patton road ; $6000, terms. Phone owner. Main 2432. IRVINGTON. $S730. TERMS. Four bedrooms, sleeping porch, all rooms Ivory finish, fine buffet, chlm closet, two fireplaces, oak floors, beau tiful shrubbery, close In; juat painted. Owner. Main K. .i . FOR SALE By owner, at 3 306 Macrum st., small 3-room nouse. onxiuu lot, blocks from car, lights and water, side walks in and paid for, easy terms; take St Joans car to Macrum street, walk 1 H blocks south. ROSE CITY SNAP. Five-room bungalow, h. w. floors, fur nace, fireplace, all built-ins: garage, cement cellar, $4300: $2700 cash, bal ance straight mortgage. 643 E. 4Stb North, after 1 P. M. No agents. KENTON Nifty 5-room bungalow, mod ern, witn fireplace ana nuiit-m features, full lot, paved streets, block to car and school. High class bungalows all around if. $3350. Main 6327. $3500 ALBERTA BUNGALOW f WO. Moaern, i rooms, ceuicui imnrinent, bufit-ins. 40x100 lot. near E. 80th; $500 on ah ha I IPrlTII. SM ITH -WAG ONER CO.. STQPK EX MODERN 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3300. On Going St., Aioina- a inc., oviiw lot; fruit trees, chicken runs: would con sider exchange for acreage close in. 817 Cham of Com. Bldg. Biwy. 41SL X-ROOM hou. acre, chicken house. fruit berries, pavea street. --z awn s tano will handle, balance easy at 5 - total $3500. Call Main 1274 or Auto. 226-32 evening. BETWEEN two carlines. Alberta and IJ 7-room bungalow, h. w. floors, furnace, fireplace, den. 1 bedroom down, 2 up 1043 B. 13th st. N. WEST SIDE FLATS. Modern 2-fIat building. 5 rooms each, close in near Park st. Price $7500. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. fiOxftO ON' EAST STARK st between 19th and 20 Lh at. Eat 2 JO 7 jpyrniDgs. REAL ESTATE. VNDE$20t0. $1583 4-room unfinished bungalow, with lot 50x121: liO mln out on th Oregon Electric: $300 cah. $2 monthly. Come on, Mr. Handy man ! $1600 1-acre tract with m -story $- room houae. with gas and real water; barn 16x24. chicken hou. 7 blocks from electric station; $5O0 cash. $3 monthly. $1700 Wll-bui)t house of 4 rooms be sides room for 4 more rooms In the attic; several hundred dol lars' worth of furniture goes with this place, with half an acre of ground: half block from electric line; $630 ch, $C3 monthly. $1730 4-room unfinished bungalow on splendid corner lot, good garage, several apple trees, bearing; on Hone dry Patk line; $130 caah. $20 monthly. $1850 In South Portland, close to man ufacturing district, we have a 6 room plastered cottage with b&th and toilet; 1 block from car; $300 cash, $20 monthly. $1850 -room plastered cottage, electric lights, gas, bath and toiN t ; ground 34x100. In Alberta dis trict; $530 cash. $25 monthly. $1950 4-room celled and papered cot tage, concrete foundation, full basemen t, lot 50xS6. fruit trees and berries. Alberta dintrict; $350 cash. $25 monthly. $2000 In Portsmouth, on the St. Johns line, we have a IH-Mtory 8-ro.nn house, in good condition; ground 66 2-3xlMl, sidewalks in and pstd for; wonderfuj view; $500 cash. $20 monthly. $2000 A 4-room cottage In South Port land, with elrctric lights. bb. bath and toilet; small lot: street work all In; view of all creation; $250 cash, $20 monthly. We Invite you to visit our office and look over the photos of our numerous listings. Homes to suit any purse; salesmen with autos at your servir. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Chamber of Commerce. DEKUM ft JORDAN. WEST SIDE HOME. This property Is located in the Nob HIM district, convenient to two car lines; this first floor has living room, dining room, den and kitchen: the-second floor has three bedrooms and bath, and the third floor has two rooms finished. Hardwood floors on both Iioors. Lot 50x100. PRICE. $7500. Very reasonable terms. DBKUM & JORDAN. Realtors. 823-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4th and Stark sts. Main 2233. ON ItiTH NEAR DIVISION. At$3500 this excellent 6-room house Is a genuine bargain: the lot. 30x100, has fruit trees, shrubbery, berries and grapes; full basement, living room, din ing room, kitchen, porch and pantry: these rooms are large, well lighted and nicely papered; three bedrooms and bath on second floor; the owner must make a change and priced It to sell quickly; must have $1500 cash: shown only by appointment See Maclnnes, with HARVEY WELLS CO., Main 4364. HS r.asco Pldg. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME $15,300. RfTOH MAN'S HOME. POOR MAN'S PRICE. 100x100. SOUTH AND EAST FRONT. English tvpe home; large rooms. 3 baths. 3 fireplaces, concrete porches; best eastern nak woodwork and fl.or throughout. This is one of Irvington s show corners. EAST 41 McDONELL. Rim E. 14TII X " REALTOR. LOOK AT THIS BUY IV HAWTHORNE cosy o-room bunga 'ow wfth garage, living and dining rooms combined, beau- tiful Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms snd breakfast nook. fireplace. hardwood noors, nunt-in bookcases and buff' full cement basement, etc.; wall all In tapejiiry. witn old ivory woodwork $4750. $300 down. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Ma'n 377 SUNNYSIDE. Located In Bungalow Glade snd strict ly modern six-room home : hardwood Iioors throughout, firen ace. bu It-in con venlences, large living and dining room, full concrete basement, ronri furti. garage, 3 bedrooms, bath and Urge sleep ing porcn upstairs Price $4730. terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY CORNER. very attractive bungalow or 5 rooms ana screened sleeping porch. French doors to dining room, oak floors, whits enamel finish throughout, firen ace. fur, nace, garage and fine shade trees. East ,51st. bee us for price and Interior in spectlon. STRONG A CO.. Realtors. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. f-WOO 6 ROOMS. Williams Ave. Car. 2-story, 6 rooms, fireplace. S bedrooms sleeping porch, full cement basement furnace, corner lot, street Improvements in, oiks, car; a bargain. Shown by ap pointment only. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show von. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bids REALTORS. NEAR LAURELHURST. 6-room bungalow. living room. 1Sx22, with massive fireplace and bookcases, dining .room. ISxlH white ivory finish, large music room, hardwood floors, laxge sunny bedrooms, big floored attic, full cement basement, furnace and trays. 1 block to car. See owner, 200 Falling building. A BEAUTY. Bring your architect to Inspect this well-bnl It bungalow; every bullt-ln fea ture: finished In eastern oak: near splen did schools. To see this Is to buy. Terms, $5250. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 36th and Haw Realtors Tahor7463, PARKROSE. $1850 Newly weds, attention ! Small 4-room cottage, gas, electric light, t wo 12x241 garages, woodshed, etc.: 100x100 corner, ner. two blocks from car. church, club and school : six 4 -year-old fruit treea Broadway 376S. Owner. $430 DOWN buys my four-room modern bungalow with bath, on southwest cor ner of Williams Ave. and Russ-tt st., has built-in kitchen, buffet, fire pin co, full basement snd large porches. This price Includes stove, curt n Ins and fix. tures; lot 30x100; easy terms on balance. SUNNYSIDE. 5-room modern bungalow, ctowe In. near school and car; price $"oot $so down, balance eav. Mr. Dunbar, with A. J. DeFOREST A CO. i Realtors!. 320 Henry Bldg. Broad wav 5300. HOUSES and bungalows. Irvington dfst . $30O0, $5500, $6000. fH.Wt. f70Otl. flO.OOO Houses and bungalows. Hawthorn" dlst., $3700, $4000. $430. $5000 to $6700. snd other districts, from $2500 up to. $13,000, Northwest Mtg. Co., 436 Cham, of Com. $1 1 00BUNG A LO W $ 11 00. Partly finished; 6 rooms on one floor. You rant afford to l1 this so by. Let us tell you about It; $500 cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STQPIC F.X 5-ROOM modern bungalow, fine condition. east front, fun cement nssement with laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, fine elec tric fixtures, U block to Alberta car. Price $3130. easy terms. Wdln. 31. RICHMOND fl-room bungalow, modern in every respect, garage, full lot. fruit and berries, a good buy if you can make a large down payment. Call my agent, MHn nrr NEAR HAWTHORN E A VEN U B Splen did 7-room house. Just off Hawthorne avenue, $730 cash will handle. Price $4750". Main 6H29. ERNEST WELLS CO., 606 Couch Bldg. VO RTLA ND H Elf! HT S . " MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW: GO. IN'r; EAST JUNE 1..MU8T PELL; SAVE AGENT'S COMMISSION. OWNER. 731 UPPER DRIVE. FOR SALE bv owner, modern 5-room bun galow; full basement, wash travs. newly painted : gas and electric; onlv $33no. I soo cash, balance to suit. Ca.I at 72S Gantenbeln ave. 9-ROOM modern house and small 2-room house on E. 13th N. : will trade for small house or will sell $300 down. $30 ner mo Including int.. for $3500. Inquire at 512 Alnerta mi. CAN GIVE someone big bargain In mod ern 6 rooms and sleeping porch. R. C. home, on Alameda drive. If taken a', once: Immediate, possession; $6300, terms Tabor 2676. FIVE large rooms and Dutch kitchen, bath, gas snd electricity, ground 1 00x1 00 abundance of fruit and berries: bargain If taken st once; one block Wood lm wo car. 1452 Fern St. EQUITY for 4-room modern houaa for rash or Ford and some caah. U 054. Oregonian. WILLAMETTE BLVD bungalow. 5 rooms. strictly modern, corner, garaze, jot or 1 ru 1 1 trees, pleasant view Mtn rt327. FOUR rooms, furnished, nltlly little bun galow, like new. 2 blocks to car. Main tro k SAL l--5-room bungalow. furniiutiT tiOJl bOth BU S. E. Auto. 301-1L FHTITE. A HOME WITH AN INCOME. Hers's a n opportunity f r thr.fiy people that's seldom of fered: Brand new, splc and apsn bungalow of four rooms, all In hue enamel, large living snd dining room combined, bedroom and kitchen, bath rm. thoroughly modern, electric Micht, ii, rtty water. ON ONE ACHE OF Til K VERY FINEST OAKPEV LAND In Portland Jnat think of It, area of KIGHT CITY LOTH, beautiful location, fine view of Co lumbia fiver: pries $410i. terms $.mhi caah. nalaura Ilka rent; im mediate poaaenaisn. Phone for auto snd are this. It's a dandy Huis horns and a splendid buy. J. W CROSSLEY. REALTOR. "Better Tvpes of Homei." Main 5073. KhsE CITY H UF. JUST OFF THE ALWIKDA DRIVE. THIS SPLENDID MU)M MOUKKX HOUSE. BUNGALOW TV PK THE LIVING ROOM Ii 16x24 KKKT. WITH LARGE F1KEPLACK AND BUILT IV Hi 0 KC ASKS. D I N 1 NO KO M HA LARGE BUFFET; DUTCH K1TCHK WITH SCREENED IN PORCH ; TW1 LARGE HEDROOMS. ON K HAS FIVE WINDOWS AND WINDOW FEAT WIDTH OF ROOM. ALSO TWO Cl.Of. FTS 4S FEET SECOND BEDROOM I LARGE WITH CLOSET AND DOC RLE DOl'RS LEADING INTO LARGE. A IR T SLEEPING PORCH: SPLENDID HATH ROOM AND LINKV ClKT FULL CEMENT BASEMENT W ITH LAUNDRY TRAYS AND EXCELLENT FURNACE rtEAUTlFUL LAWN WITH FHRUPS AND TREES ON PACK OF LOT. OVB OF THE CHOICEST LOCA TIONS IN ROSE CITY PARK. PKAL WITH OWNER. PHONE TABOR 1113. a.1 EAST 50TH ST. NORTH ALAMEDA TARK BUNGALOW. SOUTHWFFT CORNER F. 56TH ST. AND BHYCE AVE. One of tho finest -rom bungalows In the city: living room .10x14. ttl fire place. French doors, bookcases, buffet, mahogany mantel, hardwood floors throughout, tile bathroom, block tub and shower, pedestal lavatory, cabinet kitchen, tile sink, breakfast nook, deep cement basement, furnace and fruit room, cement porch, corner lot. ga rare 20 feet long. If you appreciate first cIhks workmanship, materials and con struction look this bungalow over; yu will find the price shuolutely right. For sale by builder and owner; open fof Inspection Sunday, southwest corner E, 2fith st and Bryce ave. ROSE CTTT PARK. Six rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace; lot 70x1 on. lota of bTrfes .beauttful lawn. This prop! ertv Is ner Sandy, under the hill. $5500, $1200 cash, balance to suit HILLER BROS . Realtor. 514 Rsllwnr Exch. Bids. Main 86. Branch of fee, 50th snd Handy. Tabor 845. Open Sunday. BEM'TIFCL LaurelhurM home. $4onrt; this Is a seml-bunsnloar of 6 roon.s on 60xl40-ft. lot: reception hall. living room with a fine fireplace, beautiful din ing room, fult Duth k tehen breakfast nook, etc., nil on ground floor: upstairs are 3 fine large bedrooms: house has hardwood floors, bullt-ln bookcases, buf fet, cupboards snd closets, full cement basement, a dandv furnace, laundry tmvs etc.: being re'ln'ed Inside now. This Is real vs'ue: $rton JOHNfiOV-nODSOX- CO.. 631 N. W. Bank Bldr Main 877 . PORTLAND HEIGHT FIVE VIEW. TARGE GROUND. STRICTLY MODERN. UP-TO-DATE PKSIPFWT; FNTR ANTE HALL. VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. FINK DIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN FOUR LOVELY BEDROOMS. SLEEPING "PORCH. TWO TILE PTHM Pi FIDES M I TV 8 ROOM AND BATH : HOT WATER HEAT POIND F. X T E R . 2os STLLTNO BLDG MA TV Uf" RESIDENCE EAST 6771. IRVIXfTTON BUNGALOW. Just the chance you've been watting for; owner of this little 5-room bunga low la leaving the city and will turn this choice property st very close price. 4?wn: it will require a payment of $1000 rash, balance only $30 monthlf and Interest. A. H. BTRRELL-OTLL CO., 216 N W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. 4-RM. HOUSE on K. IToyt st.. 9 blocks to car : plae Is In good, repnir, 100x100 rorner, 4 bearing fruit trees, berrl s. small psyment down, $15 per month. Price $1650. Mrs. Stokes. Aut 210-13. MODERN 3-room bungalow, close In East 20 th, close to Sunnvside rar ; furnace, wash travs. lots of bullt-ln, dandv Dutch k lichen, garden all In, lots of flowers; In fact, a real home; $4000. $750 down good terms on balance. CLEVELAND CO., Rraltors, 8"8 Board of Trsde Bldg. Broadway 1 150. Monday. DOUBLE HUNG A LOW. Rose Clly Park. 8-room 2-apartment bungalow, beautiful Inlaid hardwood floora, attractive bullt-ln ftur. fire place, furnace, trays, cement basement, all kinds of fruit snd berries, a hlsh Clsss home at a low pries. H" BRUCE HOLMAN. Rraltor, 200 Falling Bldg. Main 6?7. "HUKHANK" 2 4 -ACRE TRACTS Located on Barr rosd: 3 miles from c'tv limits: H mile west of Barker road; $350 to $500 per acre; snv tract $30 down and $15 pr month. Special prtca in ducement to you If you will build at once. STRONG A CO.. REALTOR. 606 Chsmher of Commerce Bldg. ' $?Tr.00 5 RM BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK GARAGE. Below the hill. 5 rooms, strlctlv mod ern, 2 blocks Sandy Blvd. 30x100 lot. garage, $1300 down. Ask for Mr. Mark. Let ua show you GEO. T. MOORE ro., 1007 Yeon Bldg REALTORS. . HOSE CITY PARK Brand new 5-room bungalow ani garage; inia dcbuimui bungalow la now being completed snd ready for sale; buy now and select your own decorations; the price and term I am sure, will please vou; come out today and see for yourself. C. J John son, owner snd builder, Auto. Rl?-fl. BEREAVEMENT LEAVING ME ALONE. AM FORCED TO SELL MY NEW HOME; LOT SlKUKi; 4 KWOMB. MA l m vr T.ARflE ATTIC. CALL AT l'.V GLENN AVENUE NORTH AND SES OWNER. A DJOIM J ALA M ED . $rt.'.0 $:UHI If AXDL EH. Two Mocks to car. three to school; 5 room bouse, rood condition: hulll-m. corner lot. large attic. Mr. Dunbar, with A J DeFOREST A rO f Realtors). 320 Henrv Bldg Broadway 33'0 . HAWTHORNE. This 6-room bungalow has every mod ern convenience: excellent garage; cast facing: rood r;ie-h pavment. $4L'O0. H AWTHORNE HKU.TY O . Cnr. 36th and Haw Realtors Tahor763. '' EASftTTPE. CLOSE IN, $3300. 6-room house, electric lights, bath, concrete basement 7 K. 12th st. J. J. OFDER. 4 Grand ave. N , cor E A n keny. mion ni'i4il! f'lT V iilOOO Modern 6-room bungalow on E. Mth mt : hardwood floors, hurt-In a. flrepl ., furnace, cement badement, garage; $000 Of-h. hal to su:t KM ITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK 'T X. WEHTHHTe. 5-room bouse, modern plumb ing, ras and slectrlc. on business block, on Glbbs st, price $-'VKt, reamnnhl" terms. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 8-HM. HOUSE. 2 blocks from Laurelhurst park, furnace, nsrn woon iioors, corner Pt 63100 Jt, dandy garage, paved p. Price $4"oo. Owner Ralph Acklcy, 5 Corhett bid g. Mai n 71 4 L . .;oO 5-RO M RUNG A LOW $ JW0. Modern home, fine hullt-lna. dandv lot, doe to car; $500 caQli, bal. $-'3, Includ ing O'"" Interest h SMITH-WAGONER" CO.. FTOVK' KV, H A WTIIORN E, nw bungalow, 4 rooms, $3300. easy payment, well built, srfl-tia and pleasing, paved street, full lot Maia NHL' MODERN 6-room bunmUow. In go"tJdls- trict, sleeping porch, garage, furnace and fireplace, h. w. floors, uwnsr, 5l0 K 27 th North. OWNER must sacrifice 3-room bungalow, sewer In and paid for: price 17fi, term. 8 blocks Montavllla car. 21s E. 0:id st. North. " $ioo. TERMtf. 8-room furnished house, lot B010O; nome fruit trees; I Mock from Mt Scott car. 6JQ3 f'M mt. S E MODERN 4-room bungalow, nuclv fur nlthfri; will consider tlcM car snd rns a flrst pavtnrnt. balance monthly; $-- Phone Col. 3:4 . ROSE CITY PARK' By owner, material sacrifice nulck sa' 6-room modern bunsaiow. hi k frcn Sandy. $ 4730 terms. 311 E 4JM bt V OAK C.ROV K ST A - -i.l house soul n room: fruit, berti'-s; 2 tuls. Sat alior- noon, Sunday, uwnsr. A