The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1921, SECTION TWO, Image 21

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Classified Advertising and
Sporting News
NO. 20
vvt? ww .'wa L-'i .w .... i
There Is nothing that will add so much pleasure to your day as to start
It off right. And that is just what this dainty breakfast suite will
mean in your home. It lends such an atmosphere of cheer and com
fort in the morning meal. Consists -of five pieces, a drop-leaf table
that when extended-measures 38 inches by 45 Inches, and four straight
chairs. Every piece is highly enameled in white or ivory. , .
. Enamel Breakfaxt Sets aa low aa 919.75.
$101 5-Piece Ivory
Here we illustrate one of our many pretty bedroomj suites and con
sider it a splendid value. The five pieces, just as pictured, in the
popular ivory enamel, sells regularly at $101. This week's price
ia only S84.90
Great, big. massive Davenport, spring back, spring edge, spring up
holstered, loose cushion, loose pillow, arms just as fine as pictured,
covered in a pleasing color Inch-grade tapestry. Regular JjuO.OO
value. Gadsbys' Sample Sale price $l-f
Beautiful Overstuffed Davenports on Sale
We Have Devoted Thin Week to Speclnl Valor In Mvlng-Room Furni
ture Here You 111 Find Many Interesting Prices.
. Large, Massive Davenport
Upholstered in genuine tapestry,
Large, Beautiful Overstuffed Davenport
Carefully covered in line grade tapestry, spring
three loose cushions. To see this is to want it.
convinced. Regular J150 value. SPKl'IAL ..
We have a
large variety
of patt e r n s
In genuine
asphalt - base
P a b c o 1 1 n
Floor Cover
I n g, suitable
for any room.
Sold regular
ly at $1.13 per
square ya r d,
with laying
xtra. We are
offering it
this week at
su. vd...98
Large Assortment of Remnants of
Don't Fail to Visit Our Exchange Dep't
If you have furniture that doesn't suit
want something more up to date and bet
ter phone us and we'll send a competent
man to see it and arrange to take it as
part payment on the kind you want
the Garisby kind. We ll make you a lib
eral allowance for jour goods and we'll
sell you new furniture at low prices.
The riew furniture will be promptly de
livered. Exchange goods can be bought
at our First and Washington streets store.
Bedroom Suite $84.90
Here Is a Bargain, $149
pleasing color.
Regular 110 value.
edge and back. Also
Come here and be
Inlaid Linoleums, Special Prices.
Wm. Gadsby
Sells Gas
for Less!
Sl 00 a Week '
peal to every housewife. All the parts, including the oven
linings, can be instantly and quickly taken out without tools to
be cleaned. These ranges have white enamel back splashers,
dish trays and broiler pans; all can be washed like a plate.
Trade your old range or stove and have this range set up in
your kitchen on Gadsbys' liberal Credit Terms, $1.00 a Week.
Prices from $32.58 to $150.00.
Tapestry Brussels Rugs
These Tapestry Brussels Rtns are particularly desirable for dining"
room, bedroom and living room use. We have these seamless rugs
in a large selection of desirable patterns and colorings. Size 9x12
feet. Rugs that will give enduring satisfaction. Moderately priced at
Only 2S.50, 935.00, f 39.85.
Dining Room Outfit Cheap, $75
See how cheap Gadsbys' will sell you a Dining-Room Outfit Table,
four Chairs and Buffet, all solid oak J. . . . . $75.00
Price Without Buffet 4.".oO j
We havo w.o iiecak ...vol cymjucio ime ut rine jjavenports in
the city, long or short sizes' Upholstered in genuine leather or best
grade imitation leather. These Bed Davenports are becoming more
popular every day and there are hundreds being used by night and
dav. Why be without one when they're so reasonably priced?
Imitation Spanish Leather $59.54). Genuine Spanish Leather 379. oO
Brass and Steel
Beds on Sale
$19.00 Iron Bed now...
S22.75 Iron Bed now...
$25.25 Iron Bed now...
$28.25 Iron Bed now...
$31.75 Iron Bed now...
$49.00 Brass Bed now..
$55.00 Brass Bed now..
$59.00 Brass Bed now..
Cols, Springs and Mattresses
for Sale.
Great Majestic Gas
This is the best Gas Combina
tion Range built burns wood,
coal or gas separately or to
gether bakes perfectly.
Majestic Range .
Any woman who owns a Ma
jestic knows it to be a won
derful fuel and food saver. De
signed and built for use on the
Pacific coast. Separate parts
always obtainable.
Sold on Easy Terms
Corner Second and Morrison Streets
Member Greater Portland Association
Domestic, scienee ex
perts will tell you
more, about Wedge
wood cooking service
than we can possibly
tell you here. Save
10 to 25 by buy
your gas range or water
I ft I
heater at Gadsbys. Trade your
old stove and get a new, modern
Wedgewood Gas Range Guar
anteed. The sanitary features
of the Wedgewood Range ap
mMfi; asm
si3.9o wt ,-' MTjn"rj! Tri
Buy a Porch Swing
$13.75 Swing
With Chain, Complete
Special at Gadsbys'
a, P'35
& Sons
Defeat by 9-to-2 Score Is
Tiresome to Watch.
Hyatt Poles Onion Across Wall
"With Pete) Schneider on Base
Ahead" of Him.
Pacific Coast League Standings.
W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet.
San Fran. 26 12 .S4IT4ernon. .. 19 19 .500
Sacram'to 23 14 .622IOakland. . 17 18 .486
LosAnges 22 18 .579ISalt Lake. 10 23 .303
Seattle.... 21 10 .68Portland.. 8 28 .222
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland 2. Vernon 9.
At San Francisco 5. Salt Lake 4.
At Los Angeles 7, Sacramento S.
At Seattle 17, Oakland 8.
The Tigers gava the Beavers the
customary razzing yesterday and
rubbed It in by knocking the usual
home run over the -fence. The score
was 9 to 2 at the close. Ham Hyatt
poled the onion across the wall this
time, with Pete Schneider on ' base
ahead of him.
The home run Incident occurred In
the fourth, when Vernon already had
three runs. That was enough to win,
inasmuch as Portland could ecore
only twice all told. But after bring
ing their total to five with the homer
the Tiger horse artillery continued to
bombard and rang the bell four times
more before the finish; Vernon 9.
Portland 2.
Tigers Jump en Poison.
The Tigers jumped on Harold Pol
son for a tally in the first on Ed-
Ington's double and Hyatt's single,
brought in a couple more in the sec
ond on Gorman's single, Mitchell's
two-bagger and an error by Pep
Young, skipped the third by a nar
row margin and then shelled Poison
out of the trenches m the fourth with
Hyatt's fence drive.
Sid, Ross pitched from the fifth in
ning on and was hit about as hard
as Poison had been. In the fourth
the Tigers drove in two more on Ed
ington's walk, High's double and
Schneider's single, and repeated' in
the eighth on Edington's double, a
single by High, a throw by Wolfer
that got away from Willis Butler
and Schneider's sacrifice fly.
Beavers Score In Second.
The Beavers made one in the sec
ond on Poole's single, his steal of
second and Baker's two-bagger to
left, and were presented with another
in the fiCth on a couple of Tiger er
rors, followed by Poole's drive to cen
ter. That ended the count so fir
as they were concerned, though they
had a number of chances to drive in
runs that went to seed because their
batters failed in the pinches.
The game was just about as tire
some to watch as it is to read about,
so why go further into details? To
day the Beavers will end their home
stand with a double-header, the first
game starting at 1:30 o'clock. As tail
end teams have a habit of bracing
and doing the unexpected when every
body thinks all hope is gone, the
Beavers might possibly double-cross
all the boys by taking; both games.
The score:
B R H O A!
Bil'n.m 3
Hlgh.1.. 5
2 3 0'Genln.m
8 2 O.Butler.3
1 1 OIWolfer.1
2 11 OlCox.r
0 0 liPoote.l.
1 5 0!Krug.2..
1 2 1 Baker.c
1 2 7!Young.s
1 0 liPolson.p
1 1 lPaton..
Bd Roso.p
Schn'r.r 4
Hyatt. 1 . 4
Smlth.3 2
Han'ah.c 5
French.3 4
Gor'an.2 6
Mltch'l.p 2
Fro'e.p. 2
0 0
2 1
TotalS.36 8 13 27 111 Totals. 39 2 10 27 15
Batted for Poison In fourth.
Vernon 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 9
Portland 01001000 0 2
Errors, French 2. German, Wolfer.
Young. Struck out, by Poison 2. Sid Ross
2. Mitchell 3, Fromme 1. Bases on balls,
off Poison 3, Sid Ross 1. Mitchell 1.
Two-base hits, Edlngton 2. Mitchell, Baker,
Krug, High. Home run, Hyatt. Double
plays. Gorman to Hyatt. Baker to Young.
Sacrifice hits. French. Schneider. Stolen
bases. High. Poole. Schneider. Hit by
pitched featls. Smith by Poison, Hyatt by
Sid Ross. Innings pitched by Poison 4.
runs 5. hits 7, at bat 18: by Mitchell 4 2-8
runs 2. hits 7. at bat 22. Winning pitcher.
Mitchell; losing pitcher. Poison. Runs re-'
sponsible for. Poison 4, Mitchell 1, Ross 3.
Time, 1:50. Umpires, Casey and Phyla.
5 TO 4
Salt Lake Headed for Victory W hen
Couch Is Hit Hard.
SAN FRANCISCO. May"' 14. San
Francisco won today from Salt Lake,
5 to 4. The Bees were headed toward
a victory in the sixth inning, when
Couch was knocked out of the box
but his successor, McQuald, held the
visitors safe the rest of the game.
The Seals scored the winning run
in their half of the ' same frame,
Kamm's two-bagger driving in O'Con-
nell, who had reached first base
through being hit by the pitcher. The
scores .
Salt Lake
San Franc usco
ii It M OA
Siglln.2. 5 O
Wllh'lt.1 4 0
Byler.l. 5.0
Str'nd.m 3 1
Cr'v'th.r 2 1
Brown.3 4 1
Jenk's.c. 4 1
Sands.s. 3 0
Gould. p. 8 O
G'gldi.r 1 0
21Schi'k.m 3
0Rath.2.. 4
lir-av-n'yji S
llsillson.l. 4
OiO'C'n'11.1 3
l!Kamm.3 4
1 ftzg'd.r 4
l!Agne.e 2
0 10
2 1
1 0
1 7
1 O
0 0
8'Couch.p. 2
0 0 0!M-Qu'd.p 1
Totals.34 4 0 24 101 Totals. SO 5 1127 14
Salt Lake .-.0002020.0 0 1
San Francisco 11200100 5
Errors, Wllholt, Jenkins 2, Caveney,
Arnew. Innings pitched. Couch 5 plus.
Stolen bases. Ellison, Sanaa. Two-base
hits, Fitzgerald. Wllholt, Brown, Kamm,
Ellison. Sacrifice hiUi, Caveney, Agnew.
Base on balla off Couch 2, off Gould 1.
off McQuald 2. Struck out by Couch 4.
by Gould 3. Hit by pitcher, O'Connell.
Double play. Strand to Sands. Runa re
sponsible for. Couch 3, Gould 4. Credit
victory to McQuaid.
Three-OBua Lead Overcome and
Game Taken by 7 to 5.
LOS ANGELES, May 14. Los An
geles overcame a three-run lead and
defeated Sacramento, 7 to 5. It was
In the fifth Inning the tide turned in
favor of the Angels. Then they made
four runs on four singles and a
double, and knocked Penner out of
the box.
Prough, who replaced him. suffered
a -like fate and Kunc finished the
game for the Senators. Relnhart
pitched good ball for the Angels and
made (our hits In four times at bat
and three of their seven runs. The
Los Angeles
B R H O Al
M'Ga'n.2 4
1 l
2 1
OiKllle'r.m 5
I Kopp.l.. 6
O M'Au'Y.S 4
FICR.3.. a
Moll'tx.1 5
Com'n.m 4
Ryan.r. 4
Orr.s... S
Cook.c. S
Penner.p 2
Prou'h.p 1
Elliott 1
Shee'ant 1
Sch'gct 0
Kunx,p. 1
2 1
2 10
0 3
HCarroll.1 5
I.Oritrs.l 4
O'Cra'rd.r 3
OINelhotf.S 4
4Zeiter.2 8
O Stanage.c 4
2 Reinh't.p 4
0 0 0 ol
0 0 0 01
o o 1 ol
Totals.30 5 11 23 10! Totals. BO ,7 15 -7 11
Carroll hit by batted ball.
Batteed for Cook in eighth.
t Hat tod for Prough in eighth.
tRan for Elliott in eighth.
Sacramento 1 0 1 1 0 0 t 1 5
Lo Angeles 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 7
Errors. Kopp. Pick. Neihoff S. Relnhart.
Innings pitched, by Penner 4 1-3, Prough
2 2-3. Stolen bases. Kopp, Pick. Rchang.
Three-baae hits, McGaffigan. Nlohoff. Two
base hits. Kopp. Stanage. Rrtnhart. Ryan.
f Carroll, Mollwitx. Sacrifice hlta. McAuley.
Urlggs. Struck out, oy neinnari . ivun
1. Bases on balla, orf Relnhart 2. Penner
2. Runa responsible for. Relnhart 8. Pen
ner 4. Prough 2. Double playa. Zelder tc
Qrlgga. McOafflgan to Orr to ilollwlti
Losing pitcher. Penner.
Gardner's Home Ban li Second
Starts Victory Ma roll.
SEATTLE. Wash., May 14. Gard
ner's home run In the second inning
gave the Ralniers tfleir start toward
overcoming a six-run lead by Oak
land with a final result of 17 to 8
In favor of Seattle.
Oakland was held scoreless after
the second inning. Selbold and Winn
were touched for 22 hits. The score
Pinelll.S 4 0 12 1
Lane.r... 6 1110
Cooper.l 4
Cather.2 4
Miller.r. 3
Wllce,m 5
Knlg't.l 5
Whites. 5
Mltze.c. 4
Selb'ld.p 2
Wlnn.p.. 1
Wt'nl.S 8 4 8 2
M'rphy.2 0 10 8
Eldr'd.m 6 2 8 4
Balers. 1.. 8 2 5 6
C'n'h'm.l 6 18 2
aiSpenc'r.c 8 13 3
omtumpt.8 s
G'dner.p 8
K nw'y.p 4
Totals 39 8 12 24 10 Totals 47 17 22 27 9
Cakind 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s
Seattle 2 2 3 1 0 1 5 3 17
Errors. Wisterzll. Murpny, Bates. In
nings pitched by Selbold 2 1-3; runs 7,
hits 7, at bat 15. Stolen bases. Cooper,
Wtlce. Home run, Gardner. Two-base hits.
Miller, Knight. Stumpf, Bates, Wilce, Cun
ningham, Eldred. Sacrifice hits, rather.
Bases on balls, by Gardner 2, Selbold 3.
Winn 2. Struck out, by Gardner 5, Selbold
3. Winn 1. Runs responsible for. Gardner
0: Selbold 7, Winn 10. Charge aeleat to
, 4 T0.3
Small End of Horn.
Champions Again Are Outbaltcd,
But Hit Five Times and
Make Each One Count.
BROOKLYN, May 14. St Louis to
day beat Brooklyn, 4 to 3. The cham
pions were again outbatted two to one
but made their five hits count. The
B. H. E. K. H. E.
St Louis... 4 10 liBrooklyn. . . 3 5 2
Batteries Pertica and Dilhoefer;
Ruether, Cadore, Mitchell and Miller.
- Pittsburg 6, Philadelphia 4.
burg today defeated Philadelphia by
a score of 8 to 4. The score.
Pittsburg. . 6 13 oPhiladelphia 4 10 2
Batteries Cooper and Schmidt;
Smith and Wheat. Ten innings.
. .Xew York 5, Cincinnati 0.
NEW YORK, May 14. New York
today walloped Cincinnati, 5 to 0. The
score : . .
R. H E R. H. E.
Cincinnati. 0 8 OjNewYork.. 5 9 1
Batteries Luque and Hargrave;
Brenton and Smith.
Boston Game Is Postponed.
BOSTON, May 14. The National
league Chicago-Boston game here to
day was postponed because of rain.
Notes of the Game. .
Ham Hyatt's home run over the rfght
field fence with Pete Schneider
first, was the 10th to be made here in 22
games. Ham got hold of a slow
ball. Poison's first pitch to him? and
knocked the ball over the Bluebird sign.
It was no high -fly, either, but a corking
line drive.
Ernie Shore, the former Boston and New
York flinger, -is not with the Tigers.
Shore's arm appeared to be absolutely
dead. BO after he had been knocked out
of the box a couple of times Bill Esalck
shipped him back to the Tanks.
The Beavers shove off tonight for three
weeks on the road. They play Los An
geles -.there, then trek to Salt Lake, then
go to San Francisco for a series with the
Oaks before returning home to meet Se
This Is the final day for Owner Navin
of Detroit to decide whether he wants to
keep Suds Sutherland. The agreement on
which he took Suds provided he was to
be sent back to Portland on May 15 if he
hadn't made good by then. Inasmuch as
Suds Is now the Tigers' leading pitcher
in games won, there Is a fat chance of
getting mm Back. Apparently a fat chance
of getting the players stipulated for him,
Duke's World Record Holds.
HONOLULU, T. H., May 14. Pua
Kealoha, who recently returned from
a swimming tour of Australia, denied
the cabled report that he had broken
the record of Duke P. Kahanamoku
for the 100-yard swim. Kealoha said
that his best time in Australia was
53.1 seconds, as against Duke's world
mark of 53 flat.
College Baseball.
Army 8, Colgate 4.
Cornell 4, Carlton 0.
J- Baseball Summary.
National League Standings.
W. I Pet. I w. L. Pet.
Pittsburg. 19 5 .792 Boston. . .. 9 13 .409
Brooklyn. 17 10 .030cinclnnatl. 10 17 .870
New York. 15 9 .O'.'.VSt. Louis.. 7 14 .333
Chicago... 12 9 .371Philadel... 8 17 .227
American League Standings.
W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet.
Cleveland 16 10 .615Detrolt... 14 13 .519
New York 13 9 .51USt. Louis... 11 13.451
Wash'ton. 14 11 .RSO Philadel. . 8 14 .864
Boston... 10 9 .520IChlcago... 7 14 .333
How the Series Stand.
At Portland 1 game, Vernon 4 games: at
San Francisco 4 games. Salt Lake 1 game:
at Los Angeles 2 games, Sacramento 3
games; at Seattle,N5 games, Oakland no
Where the Teams Play Neit Week.
Portland at Los Angeles; Oakland at
Sacramento: Vernon at Salt Lake; Seattle
at San Francisco.
Beaver Batting Averages.
Ross. Sid. 10 4 .40liBourg.... 37 S .218
Baker... i z. ..t.x' rvrug j.i4 zii .zim
Cox ISO 43 .sit roison. ..
17 3 .1
Wolfer... j.m M ioung...
Poole .... 140 40 ,'JRrt Tohnson.
Fisher 58 1 .27,Paton
Genln.... 121 .12 .24iKallle. ...
Butler 147 37 .2.".liHickey. .
114 20 .17.'.
22 4.1SJ
14 2.142
4 O.oool
Roes. Sam 20 5 .2.n
1 ;2Sts,rm Av. 1249 332 .268
Pine us.
Tuck Breaks Own Record in
Javelin Throw.
University Athlete Improves on
Distance Made In Recent
Toss at Seattle.
EUGENE. Or.. May 11. The Oregon
Agricultural college defeated the
University of Oregon here today by
a score of 71 to 60 in the annual
dual field and track meet, making It
four consecutive wins.
Arthur Tuck of Oregon smashed
his own record in the Javelin, made
at Seattle a week ago. by hurling the
spear 193 feet one Inch.
Zacbarr Walks Fiagstead With
Bases Full, Forcing Hale In
With Tying Tally.
DETROIT. May 14. Detroit staged
an eiehth-innina: rally today and de
feated Washington. 3 to 2. With the
baees full. Zachary walked Flagstead,
forcing: Hale In with the tying run.
Blue then singled. Sharp fielding
protected Zachary and Oldham on
several occasions. Score:
It. H. E. R. H. E.
Wash gton..2 7 llDetroit. . .3 1.
Batteries Zachary and Gharrity;
Oldham, Holling and Ainsmith.
St. I.ouls 8, Bonles 6.
ST. LOUIS, May 14. St Louis to
day defeated Boston, 8 to 6. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Boston 6 10 2St. Louis... 8 13 2
Batteries Thormahlen, Russel and
Ruel; Boland, Palmero, Shocker and
Chicago 3, Philadelphia 1.
CHICAGO, May 14. Chicago today
defeated Philadelphia, 3 to 1. Score:
R. H. E. . R. H. E
Phlla 1 6 HChicago 3 10 0
Batteries Moore and Perkins; Fa
ber and Schalk.
New York 6, Clevelaad 4.
CLEVELAND, May 14. New York
today defeated Cleveland. 6 to 4. .The
R. H. E. R. H. E.
NewYork..S 12 2iCleveland . .4 11 0
Batteries Quinn and Schang; Bag
by and O'Neill. "
Sherwood to Play at Hillsboro.
Kirkpatrlcks at Oregon City
and Artisans at Oswego.
Willamette Valley League Standings
Crown Willamette 1 0
KlrkDatricks 1 0
Artisans 1
Hillsboro 1 1
Sherwood 0 1
fiKweo-o v 1
From the looks of the schedule, the
fans of the Willamette Valley league
are assuted of some snappy ball
games today. The game that is at
tracting the greatest attention Is that
between Sherwood and Hillsboro, al
Hillsboro. There is a great deal of
rivalry between these clubs, and
every time they cross bat a keen
battle is the result. Last year each
won one game from the other. The
game today is the first of three
scheduled for this season. Myers of
Baker will twirl for the Onion City
lads, with' Chick Baker receiving.
Gray and Krelts will form the bat
tery for their competitor.
A game whloh will materially ef
fect the, league standing Is the one
between the Klrkpatrlcke of Portland
and the Crown Willamette club of
Oregon City. Both teams are tied
for the lead and today will set one
of them back. Crown Willamette
has been strengthened by the addi
tion of Walter Kracke, who will bear
the brunt of the receiving for the
remainder of the season. King Cole
will twirl, and if his record counts
for anything the Kirks will have to
get on their toes every minute to put
over a win. Ducky Drake, who nearly
landed a berth with McCrcdie. will
work for the Kirkpatrlcks on the
mound. Dunne or Daniels will work
behind the bat.
The only other game in the cir
cuit will see the United jArtlsans of
Portland crose bata with Oswego, at
Oswego. The Oswego club has not
been able to get a good start, and
has had trouble getting its players
lined up. but should give the lodge
boys a good run. The Artisans have
a -strong team ready to start and
should be able to stage a win. Last
week saw an addition which should
materially strengthen the team.
Rodgers in the outfield and Manery
at second are both classy players.
All the games in the circuit will
be started at 2:30 o'clock. The offi
cial umpires assigned to the games
are Rankin at Oregon City, Davia
at Hillsboro and Kiser at Oswego.
Illinois High . School Is Awarded
1921 Scholastic Title.
The Evanston high school of Illi
nois has been awarded the 1921 scho
lastic rifle championship of the United
States in the competition -conducted
bv the Winchester Junior rifle corps.
The Evanston team turned in a per
fect score of 500. The Davenport (la.)
hlah school also made a perfect score.
l.nclhm Kvanston had 93 shots In the A
circe wj,ue Davenport had 75. The
first nine teams turned in scores ol
475 or better. A girls' unit of tht
Jollet (lit.) high school turned in a
score of 499, and another girls' unit
of the same school made 4 Si. A boys'
unit of the same school made 4?1
I'nit 714 of Larchmont. N. Y.. scorei
493. A Porto Rico school team shot
476, and units of Santa Barbara, Cal.,
and Altken, S. C, were also in the
47 class.
The National T. M. C. A. rifle cham.
ptonahlp tournament also conducted
by the W. J. R. C. has been won by
the Juniata, l'a., V. .VI. C. A. Unit
representing 80 Y. M. C. Ai com
peted in this championship. The
Juniata boys scored 484 out of a
possible 600, with Fresno, Cat, second
with 454; Lowell, Mass.. third, with
4&1, and another Fresno unit In fourth
place with 438.
Mayors of Both Cities Speak ml
Programme; AY. II. Yernon
Is Star of Evening.
KE7WBERG. Or., May 14 (Special.)
Newberg won the checker, pool and
billiard tournament held In the New
berg Commercial clubrooms Friday
evening, taklnj the majority of t'i"
contests In all three events. Dayton
players opened the tournament stronn
and it appeared fr.r a time as thouaU
they would win a straight victory, but
Newberg passed them toward the end
and captured the honor.
An interesting programme was pre
sented preceding the tournament. The
Newberg orchestra furnished music
and Mayor Calkins of Newberg wel
comed the visitors. Mayor Dcnson re
sponding for Dayton. Players, refer
ees and acorekeepers were then Intro
duced and the contests started.
W. H. Vernon of Newberg proved
to be the billiard star of the evening,
taking every match In which he
played. S. W. riigler and A. C. Det
merlng represented Dayton in the
billiard contests and each took a
game from Barney Oroth. Newberg s
second man. making the score 3 to 2.
Dayton won the first pool content
by a wide margin, but Newberg came
back and won three out of the next
four. K. 11. Bus-by and Thomas Yoat
represented Dayton In the pool games,
while Al May and Carl Uroth repre
sented Newberg.
The checker contest was close and
interesting all the way through and
was not decided until almost the lust.
There were 60 games played, each
man playing ten games with five op
ponents. J. L. Sherman of Dayton wag
high man of the evening, winning
nine out of his ten games played end
tlelng the other game. Dunton, for
Newberg, was runnerup. taking five
games, tleing three and losing only
his two with Sherman. The final
score gave Newberg 21 victories and
13 draws, as against 16 victories and
the same number of draws for Day
ton. Following the contests a barrel
boxing event was staged between Karl
Plnney of Newberg, who represented
Georges Carpentler. and Jack Ohlert
of Iayton, who impersonated Jack
Dempsey. The event sustained the
naming of the two candidates, as
Ohler succeeded in flooring Tlnney
completely and was awarded the de
cision. Refreshments were then
About 80 men were present and
Dayton was well represented.
Mount Angel College Baseball Tram
Wins .Fast Battle.
ST. BENETUCT, Or.. May 14. (Spe
cial.) The Mount Angel college base
ball team staged a slugfest on the
home diamond here Wednesday when
It defeated the fast Motlala high nine
by a score of 10 to 8. The Mollula
boys were still Jubilant about their
victory over the Kranklyn high school
of Portland, and were determined to
add another scalp to their belts at
Mount Angel. But the outcome was
the reverse. The score:
K- M. t,. it. n. is.
Mollala 8 11 r, Mt. Angel.. 1011 i
Batteries Ridding. Jackson and
Vaughn: Koppert, Hudson and Hud
son, Rankin.
Silverton Takes Grade Honors bjr
Score of 61 to 19 Captured
by Turner Tuplls.
SALEM. Or., May 14.-(Speclal.)
Jefferson high school, with 64 points
to Its credit, today won first honors
In the annual Marlon county high
school track meet held In Falun.
Woodhurn finished second with 16
points, Silverton third with 10 point
and Mill City fourth with 8 points.
In the pole vault contest Mason of
Jefferson mounted 10 feet and broke
the unofficial county meet record.
Stayton high baseball team defeat
ed Woodburn high In 10 Innings by a
score of 6 to S.
In the grade school events Silverton
finished first with 61 points. Turner
second with 19 points, and Jefferson
third with 10 points. In the baseball
game between the grades. Iluena
Vista won from Marlon by a score of
It to 1.
Mason and Cameron starred in the
high school events, while li ven of
Turner and L. Klrarher of Silverton
won high honors in th egrade events.
L. O. Hepp of Woodburn acted aa
official scorekeeper in the high school
events, and Johnny Coleman of Turner
In the grade contests. The contests
were staged on the Willamette field
and were witnessed by admirers of the
opposing teams from many sections
of the county.
Crook High Twice AVIns. .
PRINEVrLLE. Or.. May 14. (Spe
cial.) Crook county high school nine
defeated Burns high in Wednesday's
game, S to !, and Thursday, 6 to 4.
The Burns high school also put on a
play Thursday night, which was well
Idaho Beaten by Montana.
MISSOULA. Mont. May 14. The
University of Montana won today's
dual track meet from the I'nlvcisity
of Idaho, points to 64.
Lexington Defeats Fossil.
LEXINGTON, Or., May 14.Rn...
clal.) The Lexington baseball team
today defeated Fossil 7 to 0.