The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1921, Section One, Page 17, Image 17

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Square Dealing by United
States Held Indicated.
Trusty Pilot of Last Horseear Operated in Portland Recalls "Society Stunt" He Arranged for Pretty Maids
in Form of Pleasure Jaunt Over Jim Crow Line.
ID you ever hear of a street car
conductor giving: an afternoon
party for the little girls of the
neighborhood served by his car?
Kbrn K. Whitcomb AVins Respect
of British Columbia Timber
Men by Sympathy.
VANCOUVER, B. C, May 14. (Spe
cial.) That the United States govern
ment and tariff commission have de
cided to treat the lumber dealers of
British Columbia In a fair manner
Jn connection with any tariff which
may be imposed on lumber going Into
the Unted States from Canada was
evidenced this week when Eben E.
Whitcomb, special investigator for the
tariff commission, visited the British
Columbia mills and market to get a
close-up of conditions.
Mr. Whitcomb treated the matter
with such Intelligence and sympathy
that he won the respect of the lum
bermen here, who expressed the as
surance that the United Slates was
going to be fair when the commission
had taken the trouble to send a man
into this territory to view the con
ditions affectins; the proposed tariff
from both side.
Co-operation Found Necessary.
Although not speaking officially.
Mr. wnitcomD stated mac ne was con-1 ynce upon a time there was such a
vinced In his own mind that the com- party, a highly successful affair with
mission would not recommend any t s it ... j
duty that would be injurious either """ ,rIs from 8 t0 12 ea as de-
to lupmber or shingles, as it had been lighted guests.
proven that co-operation was neces- rhe nst was C. W. West, motorman,
sary in the manufacture of lumber conductor, trackman and general
for the different requirements of the handy man on Portland's last horse
North American continent. car. .The party was given In the
The tariff question has become a summer of 1894, just a few months
live Issue and under much discussion before this last horse car ceased to
owing to the possible effects It may operate here. The car ran from
have on a market that has been tak- Cloverdale station, on Ainsworth ave-
ing 80 per cent of the domestic cut nue, to the Sandy road, and was
of the British Columbia mills. drawn by either a horse or a mule.
The weekly report of the British It was in the days when "motor
Columbia Lumber and Shingle Manu- men"- on horse cars knew Intimately
facturcrs' association shows that 77 all about the residents of their dis
per cent of the sawmills of the prov
ince operated during the last week,
but the possible capacity working
nine hours a day showed that 2916
hours should have been recorded
operation while the actual time in
IhA n enrr&-n t A rAnnrtf H bv 3i mill I
was only 1843 hours, or 36 per cent of U'SE OF EMPLOYER'S FUNDS
capacity. Fifty-four-hour capacity of
mills reporting shows 20.034 thousand
feet cut and the curtailment to be
4890 thousand feet.
Two of the mills reported one long
on No. 2 dimension and another long
on one and two-inch Cottonwood.
Importations Are minted.
The April 30 report of Importations
of lumber into Canada from the United
States shows for the period from April
1, 1920. to Mach 31. 1921: Pitch pine.
lf , 1 . ; .....
: f it ' ,15 ;ym If Eli ivm
1 ... hm 1 1
Modern Structures to Spring
From Ruins in France.
I tricts. Mr.
I been fonC o
West, who always has
of children, took a special
interest In the boys and girls who
used to enjoy riding with him. One
day he decided to give a party for
the girls of Woodlawn and invited
them all personally or through their
The girls "dressed up" and came in
state with their "girl chums" for a
free ride up and down the line. Just
before they went home Mr. West had
a picture taken of his guests grouped
about the horse car. These girls are
grown up now and many of them
have homes of their own in Portland,
says Mr. West, who has kept track of
some of the children of what he used
to term "his" neighborhood.
Mr. West came to Portland in 1889
from Wisconsin, where he was born.
Before he went to operating the horse
car on the Woodlawn line he was on
the "steam" car which connected with
the old Stark-street ferry. For a tim
he was conductor on the old cabl
car which ran up Fifth street. With
the advent of electric cars he spent
seven years in the service of the street
car company on the Vancouver lin
and nine years on the Oregon City
He resigned several years ago an
since has been interested with his
son in operating the Red Rock Dairy
"The horse cars averaged five or
six miles an hour, said Mr. west
"TheV didn't eo very fast, but
didn't care , so much about speed In
thosi days. My car ran ' through
woods most of the way. It certainly
wasn't anything like the district
around Woodlawn today."
Man, Whose Love for Lady Barber
Cost Firm $10,625, Changes
Plea; Trial Is Set.
J. C. Johnson, whose love for a lady
barber cost the firm by which he was
35.527.M0 feet timber, J71.872 worth; employed 810.625, changed his plea of
not guilty to guilty before Presiding
Circuit Judge Kavanaugh yesterday.
lath. 12,259,000 feet; shingles, 878,000;
plank's, boards and dressed on one
side. 40.622.00.0 feet: dressed lumber.
2 600 000 feet I He W"I be sentenced next Thursday.
Despite the fact that nearly all I His case was set for trial Monday,
grades of lumber are being sold from I Embezzlement is the charge.
of Monmouth normal and former su
perintendent here while most of the
graduates were in school. Miss Mar
ian Lowry is class salutatorian and
Miss Enid Veatch valedictorian. The
complete class rol. is as follows:
Miles Wicks, president; Lucile
Davidson, vice-president; Thomas
Matthews, secretary; Thelma Breed
love, treasurer; Bert Hatch, sergeant
at arms; Claude Coffman, Mary Davis,
Earl Fullmer, Beulah Hanna, - Edith
Hickey, Mildred Hopper, Mildred
Horn, Leslie Hull, Graca Jones, Ma
ian Lowry, Louise Mattheyer, Stewart
Mitchell, Currin Purvance, Claud
Sherman, Clarence Smith, Mary
Snauer, Myrtle Teeters, Enid Veatch,
Ermine Violette and Halite Willits.
If to 38 off the list all vertical grain
stuff Is from 38 to 310 above list. This
is the first time in the history of the
trade that edge grain flooring, step
ping and finishing has been so high
above the list with the other grades
and classes nearly as far below.
Spruce finish, for which there is an
increasing demand, is selling 325 above
Generally speaking yard stocks are
stronger while common rough is
rather weak. The placing of a railroad
tie order from China and another
imtii one from India will give more
side lumber and consequently more
yard stuff. This yard cut Is showing
a keener activity In the United States
markets while some buyers are taking
the soft clears from the sides of Jap
square cuts.
Big Movement Is Fore-cut.
As confidential secretary and book
keeper for the Iver J. Rosten com
pany, railroad contractors in the Lum
ber Exchange building, Johnson for a
period of two and a half years sys
tematically robbed his employers and
turned the money, according to his
confession, over to a lady barber
named Rae Haddox, whom he met i
a North Sixth street shop in April,
She promised to marry him, he de
clared, and to keep her love and fur
nish her trousseau he plied her with
jewelry, clothing and money at the
exuense of the firm. His system was
to make firm checks payable to him
self but to enter on the stubs of the
check books the amounts opposite
names of concerns which Rosten com'
pany might be expected to owe money.
The woman in the case purcnasea a
Two prominent representatives of barber shop in Aberdeen, Wash., and
the British Columbia lumber industry has refused to come to the rescue of
who have been visiting the east state her erstwhile lover, it is said. John
that there will be a gigantic move- son signed an affidavit In which he
ment of lumber to central and eastern swore that all he took from the corn
states this fall, as there is a wide ac- pany went to the lady barber In the
tivity In housebuilding, particularly hope that it might be possible to re
small houses. Dlevin some of it. He declared that
Despite the break-up of the Pacific I the suggestion that he alter the books
westbound conference the lumber came from the woman.
rate is supposed to remain the same.
There art nnw mnrA niifc , K .. tnB
in the conference, as only five compa- ?K ARC TfJ RF GRADUATED
nles operating In the north Pacific J wnnwwr..
service are members of a once 14-
line conference.
For the purpose of trying to weld
the conference. Representative Mee
han of the North Atlantic conference
is on his way from New York to the
Pacific coast, as he fears a rate war
all around the world, particularly Grove high school. 25 being on th
Cottage ijrove Class to Start Com
menccmcnt May 22.
(Special.) Another large class will
graduate this year from cottage
from the Atlantic coast via the Suez
Only one large order was placed
this week in the foreign trade and
that was for 1,500,000 feet of fir for
South Africa. H. R. MacMillan & Co.
capturing the plum. This order wili
augment the Hasting sawmill order
ior feet for South Africa
roll. The commencement week pro
gramme includes the baccalaureate
sermon on Sunday night. May 22, by
Rev. E. R. Spearow, of the Presby
terian church of this city; the class
programme on the Wednesday night
following and the commencement pro
gramme on the Friday night loilow
ing. The commencement address will
V.Zl'lLZi0 and will1 be given by Professor W. G. Beattie
the same ship, loading commencing
May 28
Timber Exporters Meet.
The Associated Timber Exporters
met this week and decided to hold
the price at J-J base, but new orders
are practically nil. The last two car
goes going to Australia went by sail
ing ship and one was of spruce and
the other redwood from California,
so that the Douglas fir and cedar
trade ia that country is very slack.
Eighty per cent of the shingle mills
are operating and there is a strone-
demand for 5 xs and Perfections. J
These shingles are selling at 33.15 f
and 34. 55 nsn,tivlv with I 7
. . - win, , I . U.,J,,-HJ
of a rise of i cents before the week
is out.
There is a division of opinion among
the shingle manufacturers. Some
think that a duty on shingles going
into the United States would be-disastrous
while others consider that the
class of shingles shipped from Canada
being firsts, the buyer will take them
even If there Is 50 cents a thousand
duty on them.
The log market is very weak, fir
irom n to 319 while the best
cedar logs can be bought at 316 a
thousand. Hemlock Is flat. One boom
of 'a'r'y good wood sold for 38 this
Club Council Organized.
' ouncu of Oregon Outing
Clubs, an organization consisting of
lne various outing
clubs, the Boy Scouts, the Motor as
sociation and the Progressive Busi
nessmen s club, was organized last
week and is now ready to assist In the
distribution of news on the scenic
points of Oregon. T. H. Sherrard of
the United States forestry service has
been rhosen as president and T R.
Conway of the Mazamas has been
placed in charge of the speakers' bu
reau. The council announces that it
.stands ready to supply speakers and
in some instances lantern slides to
the various organizations for lectures
on camping, mountain climbing and
other outdoor activities.
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Bushnell Photo.
Mrs. Phoebe Felcher Jones.
One of the speakers at the
National Wholesale Grocers' as
sociation convention In Cincin
nati May 10 to 13 was Mrs.
Phoebe Felcher Jones of Port
land. Mrs. Jones is secretary of
the Oregon Wholesale Grocers'
association. She will go from
the convention to Saginaw,
Mich., to attend a family re
union and the birthday anni
ersary of her mother, Mrs. G.
P. Felcher.
Man Posing as Wool Buyer Get!
Cash From Salem Store.
SALEM, Or., May 14. (Special.)
H. Sugermon. who, according to th
police, arrived in Salem recently and
posed as a wool buyer, was arrested
today and Is 'being held for investi
gat Ion.
Chief of Police Moffitt said that
Sugermon was introduced to the
officers of a local bank, and upon
the strength of this introduction was
allowed to cash a check in the sum
of 330 at a Salem clothing store. The
merchant later became suspicious and
the police were notified. Subse
quently, the police said Sugermon
attempted to pass checks at two
other stores.
When arrested Sugermon said his
wife resided in Denver. A telegram
sent to that city brought the infor
mation that he was not known there
and that his wife could not be located
In a suitcase found in Sugermon's
possession, the officers located wo
men's clothing -valued at 3200, to
gether with a number of checks
issued by banks in San Francisco.
El Paso, Denver and other cities.
He also had 3200 in currency, and
wore a number of expensive diamonds.
43 Corvallis Professors to Give
Commencement Addresses.
LEGE, Corvallis, May 14. (Special.)
Forty-three college faculty men
have been engaged to give high
school commencement addresses. Re
quests are coming in daily and every
effort is being made to fill .the en
gagements. J. F. Brumbaugh, professor of psy
chology, will speak next week at
Boardman. lone and Lexington. Dr.
Sherman Davis, chemistry department.
will speak at Myrtle Point and North
Bend. Other speakers for next week
are L. B. Baldwin, assistant professor
of English. P.Iainview; R. R. Hewitt,
assistant professor of political sci
ence. Vale; J. B. Horner, professor of
history, Banks; E. T. Reed, college
editor. Rainier; E. D. Ressler, dean
of vocational education. Milwaukie;
M. Elwood Smith, deart of service
departments. Grants Pass and Malin,
and Dr. G. R. Varney, instructor in
public speaking, Dufur and Moro.
Professor Brumbaugh will give1 the
commencement address at The Dalles
on June 10. and Professor Reed at
Bend June 3.
Site Will Be Selected for Span
Across Upper Umpqua.
ROSEBURG, Or., May 14. (Special.)
A. T. Mercier, superintendent of the
Southern Pacific division, and State
Public Service Commissioner Williams
will be in this city the first of the
week to meet with interested persons
to select a site for a bridge across
the South Umpqua to the park site
which is to be donated to the city
when the bridge is built.
The site chosen by the city was ob
jected to by the railroad cpmpany on
the ground that the proposed grade
crossing would interfere with Im
provements the railroad company ex
pects to make in the near future.
Since the public service hearing last
month several new projects have been
advanced and these will be examined.
500 Delegates Expected at Meeting
Here in June of Building
Owners and Managers.
That the annual convention of the
National Association of - Building
Owners and Managers, to be held here
June 21 to 25, will be the largest ever
held, both in point of numbers and
value of property represented, is the
declaration of S. D. Vincent, chair
man of t he programme committee,
who returned home yesterday after
an extensive trip to the large cities
of the country.
While many conventions held in
Portland have registered larger at
tendance than this one will, there
have been none as significant, viewed
from the standpoint of property value
represented. Mr. Vincent said, declar
ing that property valued at from
3250.000 to 330.000,000 per delegate
will be represented. He estimates the
number to be present from points
throughout the United States as 600.
Gordon Strong of Chicago, president
of the association, will be here to
preside at the sessions, Mr. Vincent
said. Clarence T. Coley of New York,
manager of the Equitable properties.
s expected. Waldo Avery, owner of
the Majestic building In Detroit, is
coming. Cleveland, O., probably will
send the largest delegation, having
lready made reservations for 30.
New York has asked for 15 reserva-
ions to date. Boston will send at
east 4. All -of the large cities of
the country will be represented.
Plans for the entertainment of dele
gates are under way and are designed
show the visitors Portland at its
best. Everything possible will be
done to make their stay pleasant and
'My trip of six weeks took me to
all of the large cities of the United
States," said Mr. Vincent. "Iscame
nto contact with some of the best
minds in the financial world and from
hese men gathered valuable informa
ion. There is a general feeling of
ptimism among the really big men of
the country, although it is no secret
that business has not fully recovered
from the strain of war.
"Several vital factors in the coun-
ry a welfare still are disarranged.
The railroad situation is perhaps the
most troublesome thing of all now
left to untangle. It is evident that
here must be a reduction of wages
keeping with the cost of living,
nd then a lowering of rates in accor
dance with reduced wages.
Return of Godmother of Hatton'
chute, near St. MihieJ, to Be
Celebrated by Populace.
NEW YORK. May 14. (Special.)
The pious villagers of Hattonchatel,
a little French town on a hilltop near
St. Mihiel, are expecting the arrival
of their fairy godmother and prepara
tions are going forward for a mag
nificent procession in honor of her
Miss Belle Skinner, sitting in the
library of her home here, arched her
eyebrows humorously as she asked,
"Can you Imagine me walking with
grave dignity at the head of the pro
cession just behind the statue of
Joan of Arc?
There are so many villages in
ruin! While keenly symDathetio with
the work of their restoration, which
she pronounces "wonderful," Miss
Skinner has remained outside the
general comm'ttee. She had adopted
her village before the armistice and
"would not give It up." The rebuild
Inir nf Hattonchatel has gone forward
with her help and under her personal
supervision. It is her village. The
French government in recognition of
her services conferred upon her the
Medaille de Reconnaissance Francaise
in 1919. and in 1920 made her
Chevalier of Legion of Honor.
German Indemnity Counted On.
"When you adopt a village," Miss
Skinner explained, "you become re
.r,n ihi for improved living condi
tions, sanitation and such matters,
u-mnr-e rhmlds her own villages.
.She counts on the German indemnity
for money with wnicn to rev i"
villagers in full for tneir losses, dui
a law has been passed that no village
can be rebuilt exactly as it was orig
inally. That means, among
things, that there must be better
sanitation in the new village. Great
,., s hinir taken that the old
k., he nreserved. but dark
,.,, ho done away with.
When you adopt a village you put in
u . vetem. vou are responsi
hi for. th improved schoolhouse and
town hall, you build the lavoir, or
village laundry.
"It is the plan oi mc
ut France on her feet industrially as
soon as possible. She Is so agricui-
urally already, tor an me um
, nrnriiii-inr. The permanent
materials and I have been able to se
cure any machinery I needed In small
quantity. I have presented a thresh
ing machine and reaper, which are
passed around to the seven towns of
the commune.' Germany has been
forced to supply cattle, but a great
many of the cows obtained in this
way have died. I have also given
chickens and rabbits which I obtained
in Normandy.
"At the bottom of the hill I havs
established a dispensary with
French nurse who goes about on a
bicycle,, serving seven towns."
Monnment Is Considered.
Miss Skinner spoke with interest
and pleasure of a possible honor that
may come to Hattonchatel. The state
of Massachusetts has under eonsid
eration the construction of a monu
"ment in commemoration of Massa
chusetts citizens who gave their lives
in r ranee. A special commission con'
sisting of Walter A. Robinson, chair
man; Axel E. Zetterman and Genera
Edward L. Logan reported in favor of
erecting such a monument in the St
Mihiel area. Two were In favor of
placing it at Hattonchatel, and on at
St. Mihiel.
"I have a dream it is only a dream,
of course of such a monument In my
village taking the form, not of a con
ventional shaft, but of a beautiful old
windmill that used to be there cen
turies ago. I found pictures of it in
the archives in Paris, and It was a
lovely thing!"
Miss Skinner said there is one vil
Iag that she knows of which is fur
ther along ia its process of recon
struction than hers. Thia is Vltrl
niont, which has been rebuilt by the
California committee in a very charm
ing way.
"All the committees havs done
splendid work," she said. "Because I
nappen to think that village adoD
tion is the way to helD France is after
ail my own opinion. Every one can
help, each In his own way."
Calls You!
aic n- . , ill
rebuilding of private nomca -
to wait until the last.
"Hattonchatel was occupied by the
Germans for four years. Tney were
bombarded out of it, and the bom
bardment set tne us
There was no water uu Vi
lli, so it burnea uni.i ...
self out. Before tney 7"--
Germans destroyea me -""
they had installed ana
prJH5A- ri-lnanv 280 Inhab-
itans Tt Hattonchate. Of these 250
re now returneu. ' ,
f that record, for U is very ual. '
I chose this particular
... i......,, innntinn. The
Fa"seOI.' , " recalls Mount
Holy ok e, that faces the town in whicr,
I lived. When I found it I fairly
Ut down on my "nees In happmess
and I made a proposal to the French
government at once that I adopt it.
France to Rebuild cnu-.
Hattonchatel has a long ecclesias
tical history. The " ---
ullt in the loinc."-.,.
remains OI It louaj "
ground? in an excellent state of pre.
frvation. During their occupancy the
Germans used this as a place of meet-
E and when 1 i"-
German decorations 01 h- -----
University of Santa Clara Will
Commemorate Jubilee of Father
Jerome S. Ricard May 30.
Through thsj bracing Northland a Journey vivid with
majestic scenery and multiform delighul Amidst a
setting ot sparkling lake and towering mountains, you
can camp and fish, canoe and loaf in Canada's revivify
ing air tingling with the scents of balsam and of pine.
Or choose instead, restful stopovers at the Dominion'
most famous hotel.
The 'Continental Limited"
thtraln-d-luacroM Canada can ha mat at many point. Saath
Amarican A I pa Mt. Robaon-Jaafr Park Mt. Edith Cavall. Thr
ptfconai routas, includinr a dalfrhtful aeaaic boat trip via th
"inaida paaaaca" through Vancouver Princ Ruport. CompUta
your lummw viait to Alaska and tha Coast by traveling oomf ortablr
through Canada tha wonderland of beauty
Low Tourist Fares
to Mountain Raeorta and point East Irani Junm to September lacluaivo.
Every eteiatancejladly given ia pleasing yeur toar.
East boa nd you can ro through to St. Paul. Chicago. Toronto, Montreal,
Beaton or Naw York. Call en or writo
J. F. McGUIRE, 902 Second Ave, Seattle, Wash.
r j i,,..
Present-day Maoris are nominally
Christians but there are many old
hiefs who are still fond of their
ncient totem poles. Their reliprion
that of nature worship combined
ith the veneration of ancestors.
pnRTl.i1 : i r:mr. AWm'H'r:KTtt t
Postofflee Annex Needed.'
BOISE. Idaho. May 14. (Special.)
The last congress failed to act on the
hill introduced by Representative
Smith of this state to appropriate
.150.000 for construction of an addl-
ion to the Boise postofftce, so Mr.
mith has reintroduced the bill In
the present house. The addition is
eeded to care for the rapidly grow
ing business of the postoffice here.
I - V
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Itlisa Mary Lofquiat
Miss Mary Lofquist has an
nounced her engagement to Carl
Sahlin of this city. She will be
one of the many Portland glrla
whose marriage will be sol
emnized in June. The bride
elect is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Lofquist.
Christmas were sun I"1"""-"
e walls and puiar
. j . 1 i .. ,4 a mtt nf a cart
was a cnanaenci
.u..i .ho snnkPH twined with green.
The lights were candles. 'It was very
ingenious and satisfactory.
"The second church belongs to the
loth century. It was a beautiful piece
of Sure Gothic, but was destroyed all
but the belfry and a part ot me tiu.n
ter I have rebuilt the belfry to hold
the bell and the government will re
build the church."
There are two committees working
In France to rebuild the churches,
one a Catholic and the other a Prot
estant. Miss Skinner said she is not
Identified with either. It is pleasant
to notice that while she is herself
a Protestant, her village is Catholic,
and it is the village cure, the Abbe
ru.rrv. who is her friend and ad-
viBor in all her undertakings It is
at his house that she visits. I spend
a week in Pans and a week in the
...Ti.n. oitornntelv." she said.
Besides the crypt and the, church
Miss Skinner spoke of a third his
torical monument, the market, a per
fect piece of Bomanesaue architec-
"a the village stands today there
are 15 out of some 46 or 50 dwellings
rebuilt. The other villagers live In
the rehabilitated cellars of their old
homes. The water works has been
completed, a beautiful building, hous
ing the gasoline engine which pumps
the water, supplying the four village
water taps. The "lavoir," or public
wash house. Is in process of construc-
"n' Motor Roads Repaired.
"How "often do the villagers have
wash day?" was asked.
"They would tell you once a week,"
replied Miss Skinner, somewhat enig-
The next work to oe aone is tne
building of the schoolhouse, which
will serve also as a place of town
meeting, while Miss Skinner aio not
exactly admit it, she is also rebuilding
the homes.
"If I do," she said, "when the money
comes in from the government it will
be so much ahead."
The greatest difficulty, sne con
tinued, "has been with the proDiem oi
transportation, though that has im
proved beyond what anyone could
have believed possible a year ago.
The canals are now repaired, the rail
roads are repaired and the motor
roads are being repaired.
There is no scarcity or Dunning
SANTA CLARA, CaL. May 14. Uni
versity of Santa Clara will do honor
here May 30 to Father Jerome S.
Ricard, its "paare of the rains" In
commemoration of his 50 years as a
member of the Society of Jesus. Fath
er Ricard, a noted astronomer, haj
attracted much attention by his suc
cess in forecasting weather cond'-
tions. which he ascribes as being en
tirely due to spots on the sun. Earth
quakes, he believes, are due to the
same causes.
The celebration will begin with ath
letic games and end with a banquet.
at which, it Is expected, speakers will
be Father Ricard, Archbishop E. J.
Hanna. Father Timothy I Murphy,
president of the university; John J.
Barrett. James Smith, former gover
nor of the Philippines; Colonel
Charles E. Stanton, of "Lafayette, wc
are here fame, and others.
Father Ricard was born in south
ern France June 1, 1850. He joined
the Jesuit order at Turin, Italy, when
21 years old and began to teach at
Santa Clara in 187S. He was orda'ned
a priest by the late Cardinal Gibbons
in 1886. In appearance he is short
and Etocky, with a ruddy complex
ion ana 1119 leiiiueranieill is irienuiy iOBO,n ., ,, .. ., , , , 1.
and genial. - in A7'i.,nt in 7. n th-
Viithup Rinarri hafo me lr. I . " ... .
7 . Vo.v j . out In a straight line In spare ait
the sun that causes a portion of the
gaseous mass to reach out toward
the planets.
The same tremendous electromag
netlc force is exerted on the earth's
be made more accurately than by conjunction. and at the place where
use of the elaborate system employed the 8hell , east t " a earttJ.
(Rerular service between Portland, Maine; Philadelphia, Boston and Los
angelea San Francisco, Portland, Oregon; Seattle and Tncoma. via the Pas
idu canal.) North Atlantic and Western 0. S. Ce.'s 8800-toa steal vaaaals.
8. 8. Arrlsjas May 1
8. 8. Lrhhrk cluns
West Teens. .Jans 11
f 8. 8.
f 101 1
From From From
Portland, Ma. Boatun, Phlla.
S. 8. Yalta May; June 1 June 1
H. H. Wr-,1 Klcta. June 13 Ji n IX June ft
S. 8. Artlsaa June I Juljr t Julr I
For Further Information Apply to
TUB ADMIHAL LINE, Psclfio Coast Agents.
101 Third Street
raone Main 1211
astronomy in 1890 and ten years
ter began to pay particular attention
to sun spots. After six years of care
ful study of the spots and compari
son with the earth's weather, he be
came convinced that by noting the
position of the spots forecasts couid
the country, forming state orvaniza ,
tions of the foreign war veterans'
assnrlat ion.
TH ri KWM' .t IPK
by the government weather bureau.
For years he has issued weather pre
dictions from 30 to 40 days in ad
vance and with high average of sue
cess, although his theory cannot be
said to have been accepted universal
ly by others.
The prinoiple laid down by Father
Ricard is that when a spot reaches
a point three days from the western
limb or rim of the sun, a storm ap
pears on the Pacific coast. It is not
always accompanied by rain or snow
but a pronounced disturbance is in
variable. With the three-day principle
as a basis. Father Ricard made de
.4 .... inn n.t.lnk n U U I o T
day periods to work on with fair the United States, declared at a lunch
There are, in all," he said,
quake taken place.
Preservation Declared Security
Against Hod Enemies.
SPOKANE. Wash., May 13. If
American home life is maintained the
country has nothing to fear from
either anarchists or bolshevlsts, Rob
ert G. Woodaide, commander-in-chief
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of
eon of veterans here today
"Should an unscrupulous minority
critical positions; three days 'before ever attempt to force its opinions
the spot-reaches the western rim; W i" fi"" :
-J.,... v,,.- ,v, . u. .v-J ana of foreign wars, to a man, would
central meridian in back; three days uni,e to overtnrow 8Uch an "empt,'
Deiore me spot reacnes me eastern i ...
rln .nrf rl,r riav. k.far. ih. Commander Woodside Is tourins
reaches the central meridian in front.
When a solar disturbance reaches any
one of these four positions, a new
storm arrives on the Pacific coast.
either rising from the ocean directly
or descening from Alaska, or ascend
ing from the mouth of the Colorado
river in Lower California." It re
quires nearly 27 days for spots to
travel around the. sun.
As the winds move from west to
east, due to the earth's rotation,
Father Ricard explains, the weather
for the United States usually can be
determined in advance by conditions
over the Pacific ocean a:.d Europeans
may be warned likewise by conditions
over the Atlantic. Storms on the
Pacific coast cross the continent in
from 5 to 7 days. Although some
times delayed by sectional conditions
that make their movements eccen
tric, they always cross. The passage
of the Atlantic ocean to Europe Is
made in about three days.
The cause of the formation of sun
spots. Father Ricard says, may be
explained simply, and earthquakes
likewise. The sun is a gaseous en
velope, which burns practically inex
haustibly. When two or more of the
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