The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1921, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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Substitutes Suggested for
World Problems Must Be
Course of Study.
Met, Bishops Agree.
Session to Be Held In November
Instead of October Because
of Conference Dates.
Cbristianization of Employer and
Worker Recognized as Among
Paramount Xeeds.
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The tentative course of study for
Methodist ministers referred to the
board of bishops for adoption was
returned to the 'commission from
which it had originated yesterday by
order of the board, with suggestions
for substitutions in three or four in
stances. The indorsement of the
board was made conditional on the
changes and if so amended it will be
authorized. Otherwise the matter
must lie over until the fall session late
in November.
The action was taken by the board
of bishops on the third day of their
first semi-annual meeting to be held
in Portland Practically all matters
of special importance have now been
disposed of and on Monday and lues
day the greater part of the time will
be taken up with the regular reports
of he bishops. Although routine
work Is anticipated for the remainder
of the session it is possible that in
teresting problems may develop at
any time when the reports come up
for discussion. About onerthird of
the number have not yet reported on
their work.
Four Books Are Rejected.
From the list of about 150 books
submitted by the commission the
bishops rejected four. Substitute
books acceptable to the board were
recommended to facilitate matetrs in
case the commission is willing to ac
cept the changes.
The beckt disapproved by the board
fo the lift which candidates for the
min'stry not in regular Methodist col-,
leg-s or lrOlogical sem naries must
etudy are: "The Gospel for the
Working World." Ward; "The Second
Coming." Campbell; "Commentary on
the Bible," Peake. As substitutes the
board recommended "The Church and
Industrial Reconstruction." a Y. M. C.
A. publication, and Rail's "Modern
Pre-Millenniumism and the Christian
Hone." Three or four other books not
nnnnunceri bv th eboard yesterday
win he included on the substitute lis
to allow the commission a choice.
Mrrtlni at Syracuse.
ThA hoard reversed its "previous de
cision and decided to hold the next meetine at Syracjse on
x-nvemher 24-27 instead of Washing
nn n f!.. on an October date. Th
n.ra ti-n r authorized because tne
ivhineton date interfered with th
4,.ri. nf number of biiii-Vo who arc
.;,, nt hold fall conferen-os 'n in
area about that time. Board m- cti lg
rates set by action of the biships fol
low: Council of benevolanees, Novni
v- 91. 9-t- hoard of forei.JJ iS5I(.l.
November 28-30; board oi home mis
sl-ni Lecembar i-j; oura
i-m I-icfmber 68.
Th. nncstion of holding one ses
Bion of the board of bishops in place
of the two yearly meetings now held
was debated, but postponed till tht
Knn.mhr meeting for final decision.
A number of the board are known to
th. chanare. but all preferred
to delay the matter rather than take
hasty action.
The afternoon session was devoted
- largelv to matters of discipline and
administration, without involving ac
tion affecting matters outside the
board of bishops. The report of con-
' dltlons in the Atlanta rea was pre-
" sented by Bishop Kicnaroson.
territory includes the states of South
Caroline, Alabama, Georgia and Flor
ida, a region which has suffered se
verely in the fall in me price ui -ton
and other farm products in the
past year. The church work was
shown to have made satisfactory
nrores. in spite of the conditions
. prevailing.
Portland Beauties IMease.
All members of the board were en
thusiastic over the beauties of Port
land following a drive in which they
visited points of interest in various
' -...-., nt the citv.
"I believe I am voicing the opinion
of every member of the board," said
Bishop Wilson of New York, secre
tary, "when X say mat
v.. mnf nicturesaue city In wh
hv ever assembled. In addition
th. natural beauties of her loca
tion she is destined by her geographic
nntini in resnect to the Columbia
and Willamette rivers and the recent
Columbia basin rate decision to be
come one of the principal cities not
only of the Pacific coast but of the
The board adjourned late yesterday
afternoon and will not convene until
-Monday morning. A number of the left for points in Washing
ton and Oregon last night where
they will occupy pulpits in churches
today. Bishops McDowell of Wash
ington. D. C. and Henderson , of De
troit were compelled to leave for
the east at the close or me essiuu
yesterday to attend to business du
ties in their areas.
13 Are to Preacn Here.
Thirteen of the bishops will occupy
.,init in Portland today. Some
changes were necessitated from the
list announced earlier In the week.
The assignments for the day follow.-
First church Morning. Bishop Bristol;
venins-. Bihop Hughes.
Centerfary - Wilbur Morning. Bishop
Jones; evenlrif. Bishop Bristol.
cni-.i.!. Mornlni. Bishop Stunts: eve-
Ros, City far Morning, Bishop
Mitchell. , ,,
Central Morning. Bishop Wilson.
Sellwood Evening, Bishop Wilson.
St. Johns Evening, Bishop Leete.
Woodlawn Evening, Bishop Mitchell.
University Park Morning. Bishop Keely.
Patton Evening, Bishop Neely.
Montavllla Morning, Bishop Hamilton.
Lincoln Evening. Bishop Harwell.
Mount Tabor oMrning. Bishop Burns.
Woodstock Morning. Bishop Burt.
Clinton Kelly Morning. Bishop HartzelL
Laurelwood Evening, Bishop Jones.
Lenta Evening, Bishop Stunts.
Epworth Morning, Bishop Leete.
Norwegian, Vanish and Swedish churches
in Vancouver avenue, Norwegian-Danish
church Evening, Bishop Burt.
German churches, in Rodney avenue
church Bvening. Bishop Hamilton.
"! ifti - vi--iirrtirimwf-iM'mTiiaii iaiif"'' - imiiiiMai'iwiiiitiiiiiinifiTTiii-t''ti'-fT'v--'"--"--''-"- j- -...f. -r r-, irn i- t1 11 laid
Front rorr, left to right Thomas Nicholson, Homer C. Stunts, John W. Hamilton, Luther B. -Wilson, Joseph C. Hartzell, William Bart, Thomas B.
Neely. Second row Edwin H. Hughes. Charles B. Mitchell, Adna W. Leonard, William F. Anderson, William O. Shepard, Frederick D. Lette. Third
row Robert E. Jones, C. L. Mead, Ernest G. Richardson, Ernest L. Waldorf, C. W. Burns.
Course at Salora Proves Atractive
to Many Who Later Get Jobs
in Northwest Schools.
Kelso Church Has Breakfast.
KELSO, Wash., May 14. (fecial.)
Toung people of the Methodist church
and Kpworth league staged a unique
affair last night and this morning. A
social was held In the church, and the
young people then slept in the church
building and basement, arising at 4
o'clock this morning and hiking to
the Leichhart place south of town,
where a May breakfast was enjoyed.
Road Work to Begin Soon.
GRAYS RIVER Wash.. May 14.--
(Special.) The Pacific Coast Paving
company has sent in a construction
crew to build camps preparatory to
beginning work on the Grays river
Deep river stretch of the Ocean Beach
highway. Road work will begin soon,
beginning at Meserve's store and lead
ing toward Deep river.
lem.. Or.. May 14. (Special.) Several
members of the senior class have ac
cepted attractive offers to coach high
school athletic teams next year, and
others expected to sign up for like
positions before commencement. Rein
Jackson, a four-year letterman In
basketball, who got honorable men
tion for the mythical all-northwest
team at center this year, will handle
athletics at McMinnville high school.
Jackson, whose home is Emmett,
Idaho, has a major in chemistry, and
he will teach one or two classes in
science in addition to coaching the
athletic teams.
Russell Rarey of Tacoma, Wash.,
has been obtained to coach at Tilla
mook high school, where Harold
Dlmick. a Willamette graduate of
1920, has conducted the physical
science department during the pres
ent year. Rarey was presented wit a
a four-year blanket for football,
where he started as a tackle and has
been playing In the backfield for the
last two seasons. He has also won
wide recognition as a stationary
guard in basketball, having won two
letters in this sport. Rarey is also a
chemistry major and will handle some
classes in this subject.
Loren H. Basler, glee club president
and letterman in baseball and root
ball, will coach next year at Athena
high school in eastern Oregon. Bas
ler is a four-year man in ootDall,
having played tackle and center, and
will have two baseball letters at the
close of the 1921 season. He is a ver
satile diamond player, having caught
the first year, played in the outfield
nart time during 1920, and worked at
third base this season until he was
injured last Saturday;
A valuable course m athletic coacn-
ing was installed in the university
curriculum last year under the direc
tion of Coach 'Mathews, who has in
cluded the theoretical and practical
side of every branch of athletics of
fered In the average high school.
Many students who eventually expect
to coach high school teams nave
taken advantage of- the course during
the present year.
certificate or an officer's discharge
order; also to make and authenticate
a true extract from a discharge cer
tificate or an officer's order of dis
charge for the purpose of obtaining
the Victory medal and Victory, but
ton: v ,
Any regular army officer on duty
as recruiting officer, at a college, with
the national guard and a summary
court officer; any notary public, any
post commander of an American le
gion post or of a post of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars.
This avoids sending the original
discharge, but the officer making and
authenticating the extract or copy
must note on the original discharge
or order that extract or copy has been
made by him and the purpose for
which made.
Glass Blower Wooed, Won and
Married by Means of Shave, hut,
Love Flies With Fortune.
Loaded Logging - Motor Vehicle
Dashes Off Grade and Driver
Is Crushed to Death.
HOOD RIVER, Or., May 14. (Spe
cial.) Benjamin Horn, overseas war
veteran and former member of the
104th ammunition train, 29th division,
was crushed to death last night when
a loaded logging truck he was pilot
ing went off a 7o-foot grade In the
Oak- Grove district. Horn, who was
33 years old. with his brothers oper
ated a sawmill at Oak Grove. Joe
Horn was accompanying the accident
victim from the forests.
The road 'at the point .where .the
tragedy occurred is steep and so nar
row that it was necessary to keep the
wheels in a beaten track. The
younger brother had gone ahead to
remove a rock from the road. In
starting the truck down the heavy
grade the wheels in some manner left
the track and Joe, as he swung to
the running board, felt the heaVy load
toppling. He jumped to safety, but
Benjamin was carried down in the
cab. The first turn of the heavy truck
crushed the veteran's legs. In the
second revolution his body was
Funeral services in charge of the
American Legion post will be held
Monday, Rev. W. H. Boddy, pastor of
the Riverside community church, of
ficiating. Horn was a member of the
Knights of Pythias and Dramatic Or
der of Knights of Khorassan. The
Knights of Pythias band and members
of the fraternal organizations will
participate in the services.
Joe Horn and another surviving
brother. Otto, are both war veterans.
Horn's wife, his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Horn, and the following other
brothers and sisters survive him:
Livas, Mark and Jake Horn and Mrs.
Albert Brooks and Mrs. O. C. Kiezur.
Officers Empowered to Issue Dis
charge Certificates Named.
It will be of interest to all ex-
eervice men and their relatives to
know that the following persons are
uthorized to make and authenticate
true copies of a soldier's discharge
PHILADELPHIA. A' woman has
voluntarily gone to jail in Newcastle,
Del., in order that her beard may
grow, shielded from the public gaze.
She is Mrs. Edward J'erris, and for
many years she sat in the side show
of a circus and displayed her luxu
riant whiskers. She was thrifty and
managed to save $7000.
As the bearded lady she was a star
feature of the side show. Through
the practice of thrift she saved up
nearly $10,000. Although her face
was her fortune, it was not a face to
inspire romance. Nobody likes to
make love to a woman whose blushes
are hidden under six inches of black
whiskers. It Is hard to caress a fairy
who has a beard like Santa Claus.
Nevertheless, one of the glassblow
ers. Ferris by name, of the show.
thought of that $10,000 the hairy lady
had in her sock and shut his eyes to
everything else. He wooed and won
the bearded lady in a whirlwind cam
After the wedding the bride passed
under the razor. The brush was re
moved from her visage and she be
came much as other women are. By
shaving every morning she could pass
for a regular Lydia Pinkham.
Nevertheless, the love of the glass
blower was fragile and in due time it
cracked. He had gained possession of
his bride's little fortune at the start
and now he began to waste her sub
stance In riotous living. He bought
crazy oil stocks and he bet money on
the slow horses. Came a day when
he went broke. The wife had no more
coin and the husband packed his gr'p
and left. The woman could no longer
support him in the style to which
he had been accustomed.
She knew no other occupation than
that of a bearded lady. Che had never
taken up stenography and she was
useless in a manicure parlor. Whis
kers had brought her gold and glory,
but her dalliance with a. safety razor
had left her shorn indeed. Yet she
is not as one without hope.
Whiskers will grow, even without
much irrigation.
Accordingly, the woman, now pen
niless, has sought the seclusion of a
jail, where she Is again giving her
whiskers carte blanche. When they
are long enough she will return to
the show and her meal ticket.
Likewise, she has the hope that her
beard may yet lure the fickle hus
band back to her side.
Love will find a way.
Another time she will know enough
to leave razors alone.
Talented University Organization
Numbers 22 Members and Will
Give Concert in Portland.
The soloists for the University of
Oregon Girls' Glee club, which comes
to the Heilig theater next Wednesday
evening, is Miss Genevieve Clancy, a
Portland girl, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Clancy of 1330 Cleveland
avenue. Miss Clancy is a senior at
the university and has been a member
of the glee clubs during her tour
years in college.
The glee club, 'numbering 22 mem
bers, under the direction of Leland A.
Coon, professor of the university
school of music, is reported to be one
of the best organizations in receut
years. Favorable reports were re
ceived from the concerts given on the
eight-day tour which the club made
through eastern Oregon during the
spring vacation period.
One of the features of the Portland
concert will be the presentation of an
original skit, entitled " "When the
Clock Strikes 12," written by Miss
Imogens Letcher of Portland.
The personnel of the club follows:
Accompanist, Vincent Engeldinger of
Portland; director, Leland A. Coon;
first sopranos, Genevieve Clancy of
Portland, Florence Garrett of Hills
boro, Alice Gohlke of Portland, Gladys
Snsth Infantry, Union Or.: Corporal
Walter Slone. Company B, 1 :18th Infantry.
Burling-ton. Wash.; Private Arthur E.
Schwerin, Company A. 3113d Infantry.
Oregon 'ity. Or.; Private William J. Cole
brook, Headquarters company, 307th en
gineers. Port Orford, Or.; Private George
t!. Baldridge. Company G. 23d Infantry.
Sedro-Wooley, Wash.; Private First-Class
Frank A. Thornton. Company L, 26th In
fantry, Taklma, Wash.; Private Claude
M. Gray. Company B. 2Sth infantry. Hills
boro, dr.: Private First-Clas Nels H
Herig-stad, Company 1, 126th Infantry,
Silverton, Or.: Private Josiah L. Brill,
Company A, 308th Infantry, Ls. Grande.
Or.: Private Car; C. Dunham. Company A,
28th infantry, Medford, Or.; Private Leo
A. Schlnzel, Company D, 362d Infantry,
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Private David Pea-
body Corn, Company D, 0th company 6th
marines. Outlook, Wash.; Private first
Class Harry c. AHberry, Company F, 2th
Infantry, St. Maries, Idaho; Private 'Joseph
Allen Muiford, Company D, 6th marines,
South Tacoma, Wash.; Private Otiii H.
Parkton, With company, United 'states
marine corps, 6th regiment, Kugene, Or
Private Fred E. Hayes. Company K, lsth
infantry, Grandvlew, Wanh.; Private Van
Allen Cornish,. Company B. 2Sth infantry
Medford. Or.; Private William A. Schoen
rock. Company a, 34ith machine gun
Battalion, Everett. Wash.; Private Daniel
M. Hansen. Headquarters company, th
Infantry. Port Blakely. Wash.: Private
John G. Shanahan. Company C, 36:td in
fantry, Seattle, Wash.; Private Irwin J.
Lundstrum, Company I, 2Sth Infantry,
Waverly, Wash.; Private Charles Leroy
Kelley. company E, 6th marines, Everett,
wHsn.; t-nvaie i,eo i. Biurtevant, com
pany D, ISth infantry, Lebanon. Or.
Howard James Rogers, 7th
6th marines. White Salmon,
Syrian Soli Klch Enough, but Peo
ple Impoverished by Wars.
BEIRUT, Syria. A trade fair will
be held here this month, organized
by the French, who are completing
the military occupation of this new
colony or possession.
It is pointed out that Syria, If
given a chance, will become as rich
as portions of It were in ancient times
during peaceful epochs when the Ro
mans dominated Its peoples. Its soil,
like much of western Asia, is rich
enough, but what Is needed is the
peace that will let its peoples work,
with the hope of holding their earn
ings. The territory reaching from Con
stantinople to Egypt 13 sprinkled
with the ruins of past civilizations,
of prosperous cities such as Tyre and
Sidon of the Phoenicians, which at
test to the development or ancient
times. The Germans, with their Bag
dad railway scheme, had realized
what might be done again to repeopie
and refructify this great region and
the French are, the same
manner, though not on so ambitious a
scale as the Germans, whose object
was to control, virtually, the old Ot
toman empire and reach on to the
Persian gulf.
Ag-ents for American collectors are
said to have bought up nearly all of
the first issue of Dresden china coins
put out by the new government of
;f f 1
MIks Genevieve Clnney, soloist.
University of Oregon glee
Keeney of Portland, Friederike Schilke
of La Grande; second sopranos. Neli
Gaylord of Tillamook, Dorris Hoefler
of Astoria, Marion Linn of Eugene,
Constance Miller of Portland, Naomi
Wilson of Medford, and Leah Zink
Sterling, Neb.; first altos, Bernice Al
stock of Portland, Belle Chatburn of
Marshfield, Eloise McPherson of Port
land, Margaret Phelps of Pendleton,
Laura Rand of Portland, and Marvel
Skeels of Coquille: second altos, Al
berta Carson of Hood River, V asati
Hosklns of Pendleton, Elizabeth Kessi
of Corvallis, Muriel Meyers of Merlin
Marjorie Wells of HillsboBO. and
Madge Calkins of Eugene.
Twenty-Seven Victims of War Are
Being Brought to Final Rest
ing Place. "
The body of Corporal Fred T. Mer
rill Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T.
Merrill, 1101 East Stark street, who
was killed at Chateau Thierry, will
arrive in Portland for burial tomor
row, according to information re
ceived by. the local quartermaster's
office. The body will arrive with
those of 27 other soldiers who were
killed overseas during the recent war.
Corporal Merrill was -a member -of
company M, 23d Infantry. He was a
graduate of the Glencoe school and
a student of Washington high school.
The other bodies include that of
Private Frank L. Gaddis of Portland.
He met his death while serving with
company E, 16th infantry. The body
of Private Ronald E. Smith, who died
while serving in France with com
pany A, second machine gun battal
ion, will also arrive at that time.
The body of a fourth Portland soldier,
Private Remmie I. Kelly of company
K, 26th infantry, will be another of
those to arrive Monday.
The bodies of other soldiers to ar
rive will include:
Private Charles W. Cross, Company K,
Charles J. Cameron Will Serve
Term for Eloping With
Feebie-Minded Girl.
Charles J. Cameron, 55-year-old
white slaver, . resident of Chehalis,
Wash., yesterday was sentenced by
Judge Bean of federal court to serve
three years on McNeil's island. The
sentence was one of the heaviest im
posed for violations of the Mann act
in recent months.
Cameron was convicted on three
counts of an indictment charging him
with transporting Mary Alvls, a
young inmate of the state home for
the feeble-minded at Salem to Wash
ington for immoral purposes. A jury
which first considered the case trailed
to agree on a verdict. Cameron was
employed as a heating engineer at the
institute at the time- he persuaded
the girl to elope with him. The case
created widespread interest at the
first trial, scores of witnesses being
called for both the government and
the defense.
The convicted man was roundly
scored by Judge Bean in pronouncing
sentence. The Judge said:
"I cannot conceive of any excuse
for a man- intrusted with the care of
feeble-minded, assisting a girl of ten
der years to escape and transporting
her from one state to another, living
with her the way the testimony
showed the defendant did. It is a
case which does not warrant any len
iency." The conviction was considered as a
great victory for the government, in
asmuch as many influential men had
Interested themselves in Cameron's
"The heavy sentence will serve as
a lesson to those who think that they
can break the laws of the United
States at will," said Austen Flegel
Jr., assistant United States attorney,
who conducted the prosecution. "It
will Ids a warning to the seducers of
young girls, and will, I think, put a
damper on the activities of white
Carl Bowman Chosen President of
Phi Delta Kappa.
May 14. (Special.) Carl Bowman of
Perrycville. O.. was elected president
of Phi Delta Kappa, national hon
orary education fraternity, recently
installed here, for. the coming year..
Other officers elected were Read
Bain of Eugene, vice-president; Peter
Spencer of Ashland, corresponding
secretary; Lloyd Enlund of Portland,
recording secretary, and Arthur Hicks
of Canyon City, treasurer.
The meeting was held at the home
of Professor Gregory of the school
of education. Dr. H. D. Sheldon,
dean of the school of education, gave
an Illuminating talk." 'l
Portland Gets Dallas School Head.
DALLAS, Or.. May 14 (Special.)
Walter I. Ford, who has been city
superintendent of the Dallas schools
for the last 12 years, will net return
to Dallas next year, having accepted
principalship in the Portland
schools. William Ridgeway, principal
of the Dallas high school, also an
nounces his retirement from local
school work, having accepted the po
sition of principal of the schools at
Moro. Mr. Ridgeway has been here
three years. Both Mr. Ford and Mr.
Ridgeway are natives of Polk county.
No one outstanding problem con
fronts the church today but any num
ber of vital questions must be dealt
with If, the church fulfills Its ,mls
Bion, according to the combined views
of a number of Methodist bishops at
tending the semi-annual meeting of
the board of . bishops in Portland
when interviewed yesterday on what
they considered as one of the biggest
questions before the church.
Practically without exception they
qualified their selection of a problem
as one of many questions of great
Importance. No two looked upon the
matter In quite the same light but
their answers indicated a broadness
of view that is not confined to one
locality or one sect but to the entire
world and the present-day conditions
that constitute great international
and national problems.
Provincialism Held Curse.
One of the greatest needs of each
individual church community is to
comprehend its true relationship with
the remainder of the world and strive
to maintain Its part in building up
world relationships, in the opinon of
Rshon Homer C. Stunt of Umana.
The greatest curse of tne cnurcn
today is Its provincial attitude, ae
clared Bishop Stuntz. "There is too
great a tendency toward localized
ideas. Each community sees Its own
needs but to the exclusion rather
than the realization of the needs of
other parts of the world.
"To do its full part each church
community must take into considers
tion the world needs as well as its
own and work toward making It bet
ter in all ways in business, educa
tion, commerce, industry, all the ways
that affect human welfare and
throw in its work of saving souls in
the bargain.
World Tasks Fared.
The task of evangelism can never
be fully understood until we visual
ize a non-Christian world and set
ourselves the task of recruiting
enough followers to bring in an en
tire Christian nation. Only Dy iook
lnar uDon each church community as
a recruiting ground and training
school for a world programme can
we really hold the attention of
thoughtful men."
The reinstatement of Christ In the
hearts of each individual constitutes
one of the biggest tasks of the church
at the present time, in the opinion of
Bishop William Burt of Buffalo. The
individual brought to right ways of
living is the most efficient means of
overcoming any form of social wrong,
according to his view.
Christian Viewpoint rrsred.
"Qur problem is to reinstate Christ
in all our human life the home, busi
ness andaall our eocial relations," said
Bishop Burt. "If there is anything
wrong , with the community get the
individuals right first and then you
can look to the other to right itself.
The permeating influence of Christian
character accomplishes a wonderful
work. The man whose life reflects
his religion reaches all those about
him in a more effective way than
anything that one can preach or say.
'As a church and as Individuals in
the church we believe we must take
tha whole world into our programme
We must have the brotherhood of
man before us not in theory but In
practice. . So many today think that
the New Testament is not applicable
to modern problems. That is a wrong
impression, for its teachings were
never more needed or more effective
than they are today.
Industry Situation Problem.
The present industrial situation is a
great problem for the church at this
time, in the opinion of Bishop Francis
McConnell of Pittsburg, whose area
includes perhaps the greatest indus
trial section in the entire country.
We must get the right attitude
toward social and industrial ques
tions," Bishop McConnell stated. "At
this time there is apparently a re
action of public sentiment , in favor
of the more favored classes. The
church has to be very careful not to
lose sympathy with the laboring
"We are showing enough interest
on the part of our own people, but
not enough toward other groups. We
must strive for real justice and
avoid an attitude which would pre
vent us from so doing."
Chrlstianlzation Is Need.
Bishop Ernest L Waldorf of Wich
ita regards the Christianization of our
industrial and international relations
as one of the greatest things lor
which the church can work.
'The destructive question of our
day is the industrial problem," said
Bishop Waldorf. "The friction and
misunderstanding between employers
and employes as manifested in strikes
has cost the nation an. average of
$5,000,000 a day during the last 18
"Its real cause lies in the failure of
both parties to recognize and deal
with the other as fellow men rather
than at tools or as pay checks. All
are the children of the same father
and must approach the same problem
Si .Ml M
1 mw
1 ' : W 1
m :
Hie Immortal
Edvard .Grieg
composer of that weirdly beautiful Norse
music that has captivated the entire world,
will play his finely phrased "Bridal March"
for you on the marvelous
The Auto de Luxe
Welte Mignon Reproducing Action
(Licensed) in the
Bush & Lane Piano
Think of the pleasure of hearing your
favorite selections in your home plf.yed by
world-famed pianists. Is it not a rare
musical treat?
Informal Concerts of the marvelous '
Reproducing Piano daily
ITgfS'SftssB BU
feianD (fa.
The House of Harmony"
from that viewpoint. It Is the part
of the ctjurch to humanize, to per
sonalize and spiritualize the rela
tions of employer and employe.
Self-Sacriflre In Demand.
"But no national problem can
really be solved until conditions are
stabilized, and conditions cannot be
stabilized with international rela
tions in their present state. Christ
and his message are the solution to
the problems confronting us."
More in the way of self-sacrifice
from the laymen who will give of
his goods to the work of the church
and the -young men and women who
will offer their lives in its service
la tho nresent need of the church.
according to Bishop Charles L Mead
nf Denver.
"We need more of the spirit of con
secration of our material resources
for spiritual uses after the manner
of the centenary movement. De
clared Bishop Mead. "We need more
of the claiming of young people for
real Christian work young people
willing to devote their lives to the
ministry and to tne missions.
Christian Education Vital.
The church has no great problems,
but a multiplicity of great opportu
nities from the viewpoint taken by
Bishop John W. Hamilton, chancellor
of the American university of Wash
ington, D. C.
"The arreatest opportunity today
Rishon Hamilton stated, "is. In the
words of John Wesley, 'to save men
"I believe that the church's great
task." said Bishop Joseph C Hansen
fnrmerlv bishop of Africa, "is to
preach the gospel In Its simplicity and
power and to build up In the home. In
society and througnoui tne nation
truly Christian Ideals in thought and
"Christian education is one of the
great problems of the church," said
-Bishop William O. Shepard of Port
land. "Christian education is vital to
the church and to citizenship. It is
permeated by the virtues accepted by
Christianity and lends stability to
citizenship in that it lends character,"
Light Prune Crop Forecast. ,
DALLAS, Or., May 14 (Special.)
A survey of the prune orchards In
the vicinity of Dallas during the past
week by a representative of the Ore
gon Agricultural college substan
tiates the report of numerous growers
that the crop will )s exceedingly
light this year. The cold rains and
frosts have seriously Injured the old-r
orchards. In many of which. It Is said,
there will not be enough fruit to
warrant picking. In the young or
chards that have been well cared
for the yield will be better, running
from 25 to 50 per cent of normul, it
is estimated.
To those who are not yet familiar
with our 100 per cent Optical
Department Service we are offer
ing the abote Zylonite, orany
other frame retailing up to $5.00,.
FREE, with your first fitting.
Lenses as Low as
Diamonds bought, sold and
in charge of
Drs. J. S. Zell and C. E. Reed.
For the convenience of our
patrons we conduct this de
partment to relieve your
financial distress.
Between Fourth and Fifth Streets
Your Credit Is Good in 'All Departments
L. C. Jcssopli Gets Job.
SPOKANE. Wash., May 13. L. C.
Jesseph of this city has been named
by Charles R. Forbes, director of the
war risk Insurance bureau, as region
al director of the bureau for Wash
ington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana,
according to a special dispatch from
Washington, D. C. He will succeed
Dr. Hugh Devallln of Seattle, accord
ing to this Information.
If you
want to talk
about a
Printing Order
Broadway 1158
for a
Printing Salesman
F.atlnaates Ckerrfnlly FnrnUhe4.
rmTKR9 An,
LtSKS, Hl.l-Nti CAU1.M.IS,
63-67 Broadway Portland
When Ton Call n
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t all
Broadway 9S
Black and White
Taxlrah ( o.
Touring Cars .& Per Ilonr
Dance Tonight
Columbia Beach Pavilion
Ollie Held
and the Broadway Orchestra
Vancouver Cars