TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, 3IAY- 8, 1921 21 FOR RESZ , Rooms With Ifrmrri in Private Family. ROOM and board for two refined young ladies (or two young raeni empioea. modern house, one block from xlose City car. Earn. S440. OCT IN THE COUNTRY Where all day long U'l.4f1U' haarta a i-a fill! ftf Mint Where plenty of milk and beat of car WKh lota of love la baby share. 2 to a years. For particulars write Box 120. R. 1. Boring, Oregon. , 4i -.KTi.h: i a v io share room with con genial young man in private home for 18 a. month: full sized seDaraie oeu. very best of board if desired for $33 for room and board. pnone aui. ao-i. or call at 1 H1 K. Taylor St. LAGE. light front room, 2 closets, twin beds, excellent home cooking, furnace heat, hot and cold water; quiet neighbor hood: suitable for 2 gentlemen or em ployed rmipl. Tabor 4S0. OX riAW'L'HOKNE AVE., nice front room with board, in modern home, tor. iwo. also single room; home privileges; piano; I coon mea rpaaonaoip. i ' W1LL care for 1 or 2 children between ags of 2 and 5 years, in country, 28 I miles from Portland; daily trains and stages; boys preferred. Auto. 331.-1 a. Furnished A nartments. MOST ATTRACTIVE apartment, consist ing living room, dining room, bed- -n.im hath nnri kitchenette: has fire place! cedar lined closet, many windows and is very well furnished in line large home. 1 block off Hawthorne ave. car line: close in. This in not an ordinary unnrtmAnr rent, which Includes gas. electricity, heat and phone. $65. Shown Sunday and after 4 P. M. during the week ; references exchanged. Adults. 2K) K. 221. Phone East 3112. JUST completed and ready for rent, a choice suite or room ana a rain, no vated one block from the carline in one of the prettiest parts of the city; ele- i pai.t new furnishings throughout; an ideal home for the proper party; only, those with the best references neea ap ply. 1200 Cleveland ave. Wdln. 1203. 1RVINGTOX. on carline, two large rooms with kitchenette, completely iurniuncu. on ground floor, large living room with flreolace. sewing machine, porch, lawn, rnocn. S.W includes Dhone. water, heat. Hants: no children; suitable for man and wife; quiet, employed people pre- ferred. East 4S84 after 2 P. M. 1 I.I'PRETIA COURT. 4-room front apartment, beautifully furnixhed. William and Mary dining set. nice hardwood floors, peoroom ana ais appearine bed; adults; references. Mar shall ir. 13. . $4.1 WEST SIDE APARTMENT $43. 3 large, light rooms, furni-shed. every thing modern; no children; best dis- MMTK-WAflnXBR CO.. STOCK KXCH. FUR PLAIN working people wno cannot afford high rent, not modern, out nvame 2 and 3-room furnished apartments in University Park, cor. Fiske and, Har- vard at s. Phone pmimnia .'! lit:: ST. C. LAIR. Beautiful ant., laree overstuffed dav enport and furniture, fireplace, new rugs ; and hangings, suitable for couple or two employed lames. . .m.iih ..- in. KM t.:F"PIKI.D APTS.. TtrnRdwHv and Jefferson, modern 3- room ad.. 2 disappearing beds, free phone, also 4-room corner apt., excep tional lyjvllfurniFhed. vtMt iriiRTH of furniture. EOod as new. good location, rem cueap, suimuic ii couple. Trade for light car. AP 074, Oretronfan. -RuuM APT. for rent, larse sunny living ronm nnd larire i eht k tchen. also sieep- ine room with breakfast. 243 N. 23d St. Phone Main SEVARG APTS.. 271 Broadway l larg rnnm it chpni a ana store room, verj nicelv furnished, steam heat and hot water close in; adults. THK JHI-TERV. 2 rooms, furnished front apartment: i $20 a month. "or. Kutseu and iveroy. Phone KnM VERY exclusive bedroom in nice apart ment. Plenty of heat ana not water. Telephone. Walking distance. Call Bdwy. 403. 4-ROOM furnished apartment with batn for rent, pnone inciuuea; vacant .ay j-. Westminister Apts,. 0th and Madison. t!a n .".2. f'- Jii.vi luruislied ant., with bath, fv rem nhnne included vacant .May J- Westminster apt., uin anu. jiu.Bun; Main s 2. ; BELKNAP, 1S7 17th St. 2-room front apt., ready today; walk- I inir disT.i n ce. BRIGHT, sunny, two-room apt., with large 1 pantry; aiso ciean. uoimuimuir: juuiii--.. i close In. west side, quiet place. 17th street 208 t:i)OD family has room and board for children: bst or care, larste yara, gooa food. 288 Beech st. Williams ave. car. FURNISHED apt.. iuc ly furnished, with hot and co!d water ana private oatn. 443 Hassalo st.. Cfrner ith. ROOMS, furnished, all outside, elevator. brick building, walking distance. Mont gomery Apts.. 3d and Montgomery aty FU RN ISH ED 2-room apartment in King Albert, to sub-let lor June. inor,e .Main i. im a ruirt.- furnished : sink, wasn- travs. bath. eiec. ngnis; per muut.ii. 1 32 E. 6th St.. cor, ucimoni. -R. APT., neatly arranged for h. k., neat, i light, bath. ftas. pnone proviaea., ju uu to bus. center. war, ji. 3-ROOM apt. with private bath; adults; best view and location, moo niu. xuw. 4otfl- thu-. i i.'i.'I-'KHijN'IAW cor. 10th and Jei- fprfon : basement a-room fune, ungm., pleasant rooms, private entrance. NICE 3-room apartment with sleeping porch tn modern nome witn coupie. aa- 8-ROOM front apt., strictly mouern. $45 per month. Clinton apts., 523 E. 10th st. FeUwood 31fiS. FURNISHED 5-room apartment fur rent for 3 months. Strong & MacXaughton, Main 815. . $u3 MONTH for 2-room furnished apart ment, with private bath. Warrenton apt.. 402 3d st. CLASSIC APTS. 602 front apt. $30. All Modern. Bdwy. 2934. Glisan. 3-room 3 rooms $45. a LTAMONT APTS.. 304 Cc-H-ge: beauti fully arranged 3 a-nd 4-room apartment. FOR KENT 5-rm. furnished suite, mod ern, private bath, neat and clean. 566 Ftrstjt. Mar. 1792. , W ESTONIA 666 Glisan. 2-room fur nished front apt., modern, walking dis tance. $30 THREE rooms, bath, telephone; el- derlv couple preferred; easy waiKini adults. East 1 "S3. FOR RENT Walking distance. 2-room apt. with veranda first floor, $25. Phone Marshall 2341. IKE G ROVER APTS., LSI Grover st. 1 large 2-room nicely furnished, heat, hot water. Hrnts. 2d floor front. Main 9038. ! .NEWLY furnished 2-rra. apt. In private family, upper fiat, $25. Ti4".i it earn ey st. Phone Mam .m.-.t. I ONE ROOM. porch. 39 X. kitchenette and sleeping jnth. near Washington. OUTSIDE 2-room furnished apt.. Harri- son Court. 394 Fifth. Main 5148. 2-RM. APT.. $14 1 Portsmouth ave. month. Col. 343. 1717 2-KOOM furnished ant. room . 422 .lfFeryon. a so 1 sleeping Mam -!. X; ICELY furnished :t-room apt., 861 Mis slssippl ave. Wdln. 3. DKICKSTON apartments, 448 11th. 1 rood rrn 2-room apartment. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place. 2 and 3-room furnished ants. Marsha II 9-83. Vi!U.T 2-iOoin Near 17th. 5 large c.osei; adu.'i 3-ROOM apt., private bath. $35 pr month. Todd apts . corner K 12ih and Stark. AUDITORIUM COURT a pt. Mar. 3-.60. 2-room front LARGE, desirable, clean 4-rm.. sleeping ' ti c pori'h : nl.o 2-room. Hovt Vul K rooms, fuinhtd ind unfurnished, tvrst ide. rates reason hie. GRAY GABLES APTS--2n! lOthst 2-room apartment. ELttKlDGE apta.. 274 N. 21st St. 2 roo m f u rnlhrd apts. Broadway 4 AI'ARTM EXT t.r rtiil. Rroadwav M7'. 58 X. 20th j,H-M.;VLY appftment. p.iiiiu d. outside 27 Market. Cl.KA N, nicely furnished apt., very r sonaMe rent. i!4 4lh st. LUZERNE APTS.. 3d and Hall. 2-room apt., dressing room, private phone. 3-ROOM furni-hed apt., wiLh bath; $35. ! SAN 3-Ri '-M nice apt., second floor.- reason able. 80 Thurman and 23th Pt, Mt LEKN 3-room and 2-room aot. 425 R, Couch St. E. 1796. $3t FRONT apts.. 3 and 4 rooms; nicely fur- nishea. .ii c. &ast 74.11. WISH to share my S-room apt. with lady employed. Marshall 220 from II to 2. ONE 2-ROO.M and 1 o-rtxmi apartment Tor ; NEW rerr: ' lose jr. neona ants. Rtlwv 49:tt. WANTED Business woman to hare fur- njyned apt. i-none Jta;n gK4i. CLEAN 2-room apartments, reasonable. ., ( U Washington yt.: Broadway 3449. FURNISHED 2-roo ant. 469 Jefferson. ONK APT. $23 per nintri. "47 HalT yt. THE juwiicxa apt 4J0 .uxtibvo. FOB BENT. Furnished Apartments. STELWYN APTS. HIGH CLASS. Resident an.i summer home for tran sient and tourist, handsomest furnished apts. In the city; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5 -room apt a., with sleeping porch; we aso have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath for refined gentlemen: references re quired. Marshall 2830. 166 St- Clair at., corner Washington. I BbAUrifc'UL t'OMPI.ETKLY F'RMiililiD APARTMKNT 150 MONTH : SUITABLE FOR TWO TO FOUR PERSONS: aLSO LARGE 4 ROOM APT., FOR $60; IMMACULATE- LX tbLAN, Ll(iHT A.M AlKl ; iSEV GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYBODY. COLUMBIAN. I1TH AND COLUMBIA. MAIN 1911 BONNIE BRAE APTS. Have a few vacancies upon which we win maKe summer rates, irom up. All newiy renovated, kalsomined and papered; some with sleeping porches; cool and inviting, nicely furnished. 11th and Hancock. East 4619. m . - THE CROMWELL. ' Fifth and Columbia Streets. - F!ve minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surround. ngs, strictly mod ern 2 and 3 -room furnished apts, out- ' side, with French doors and balcon. Permanent and transient. THE GRANDESTA UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Nifty steam-heated 3-room apt., pri vate bath, phone, automatic elevator, all conveniences, close In, walking dis tance. Phone East 208. 68 Grand ave., corner Stark. BUENA VISTA APT. 434 Harrison St. 3-room strictly modern. furnished apts. ; newly papered in tapestry ; tiled batb rooms and outside kitchen, $65., Adults. Main 1032. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cot. 10th and Salmon. RESIDENCE OR TRANSIENT APTS. 2, 3 and 4 rooms, a n apt. hotel of superior character whe.- our comfor and convenience are first consideration PAGE apartment. E. old and Burnside w hite pressed brica, 3 rooms, moaern. corner, newly furnished and renovated . first floor, fireplace, free phone, bain kitchen and bedroom, old ivory. $50. a'iuits; new management. Bonnie brae. 3 rooms, bath, dressing room, sleeping porch and closet, newly tinted ana white enamel; modern and nicely fur nished; irvingion district, 11th and Han cock. HISLOP HALL APTS. 410 Hawthorne ave.. near Grand ave 3-room apartments, strictly, modern and beautifully clean, $40 to " $4i month. walking distance. Eat 882. KINGS lUbb APTS. An exceptionally wetl arranged 5 room apt., with veranda overlooking city; attractively furnished ; references required. Main 3744. 171 King st. 3-ROOM corner apt., light and airy; kitchen targe enough to eat in; private bath, good car line. Nob Hill district. 140 N. 2::d st. Marshall 20!W. CUMBERLAND APTS. 3-room fur. apt., newly tinted and enamelea, walking distance. V est Park and Columbia. TJ-ih, JAuKiu., 51 v Uuitfn ave. X., mod ern 3-ruoin apt., private bath, steam neat; id minutes wuiu to otn ana Aiaei; uduits only. East 2846. BERKELEY APTS.. 30 Trinity Place- Nice, clean 3-room apt., phone, heat. water included in rent. THE STAXF1ELD, 204 Porter SL. mod ern 2-room ants.. light. heaL phone: clean. You'll say so. $22.50 and, $25. ! Main 7312. KINGSBURY APTS., ISO Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington sts.. high-class apt. house. One 3-room with 2 disappearing beds, weu rurnisned. LAURETT APTS. 229 11th st. 3-rocm completely fur. front apt, Main 3U7. ; : iluUciiiS --room apartment, aiso 2-room basement apartment, under new manage ment, ttaiey & couse, auncey apart- ment. 30 Clay St. CLEAX, tidy 2 and 3-room apta for work- lug couples or bachelors; low rates; near Willamette bteei & American can. 414 X. linn st. THE PARK. 4 -room furnished apt.; bedroom, dress ing room, etc.; $00. 353 Harrison. Mar- shall 133. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly firt class, 2 and 3-room apts., tiled bath, dressing room, etc.; $55 up adults. 4 to tuin st. Main uwju. TWO ROOMS and kitchenett. first floo: front, completely lurmshed. best- cai service, first -claws neighborhood, $22 1181 Kerby st. Auto. 3I4-im. 4-room. nicely turnUhed front apt.; hardwood floors; $85; adults; references. Marshall iftia. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three-room, strictly modern, elevator. tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. IV uWXEK'S home, one room and kitchen ette, adults, 1 biock central library. 215 litn street, cor, fraimon. .u am &. " LUCRETIA COURT. 3-room. unf urnit-hed semi-basement apt.; $33. Marshall 1513. PukT L.AXD HEIGiITo Well furnish- d. piano, outsiae oaicony. view mts.; wii share wijh gentlewoman. Main S4:0. PENINSULA APARTMENT. 2 and 3-room apartments. 1135 Al- bina ave. CLEAN as a pin, four-room apL, private bath, gas and electricity; aisu 2 rooms, i 13i Russell st. East 0003. LEONCE APTS. 3-room apt., new furnishings. 186 N 22d St. Mar. 22M). THE ALBKE1 Furnished apartment; ateam heat, private batn. 04 u s Mimsitf Eippi ave. biil-Ki'l'O.S apLs.. 44S 11th st. One J- room basement modern apt., ugiu and any. ONE EACH. 4 and 2-room lovelv apts fine home tor reitned people. Gneiten- ham, 10th and Aortnrup. KING'S HILL APTS. One nice 4-room apt.; ref. required. 171 Ktc st .Main o44. 6-ROOM, well-furnished apt. from June 1 to Oct 1, west side: walking distance. Phone Broadway I tb. LJ:lUE AFl'a.. 25TH AND XORTHRUP. 6-room, steam heat, janitor service; front and rear porches. Last L-tOQ. 1 OR RENT 2-rm. fur. apt., neat and clean. 4 to per wic jty Man Apts., 2 4 7 u 5th St., between Main and Madiaon. CLARK ETON APARTMENTS. Four rooms and bath. 800 Kf Ankiny East 5721. TWO-ROOM apt., with bath and dressing room. Including phone, tnapman apts.. 3 Chapman srreet. FUKXlbH ED 2-room, with bath, outside apt. Wellington court, lotn ana Everett. Bd wy. 4218. CLASSIC apartments. 662 Glisan; 3-room front apartment, sou; modern. iJdwy. 2934 3-nOO.U apartment, vacant. May 10. Phone, heat, oatn. wooaiawn 41. 06 East 6th st. xortn. NICE furnished apt. of 2 large rooms, nice light and airy; price is ngnt, go and se for yoursen. airs. Aioee. ntm lipkuiii ave TWO-ROOM furnished apartment with kitchenette, tast tverett ana 2Utn sts.; $20 month. Woocilawn 2!i4t. XAUEL1 furnisiied 3-room apartment. strictly moaern, two Disappearing oeas. private naicony. -ii i-m si. KirH 1 and 2-room apartments all con veniences, reasonanie. in jeiierson. cor. 11th. Automatic 525-24. i.ikki.VV APTS. 2-room modern apt.. hath, dressing room, aisappeanng oeu; wa king distance. iiu .n. ist st. .1-KuOM furnished apt., steam heat, fre ohone, 1 biock from 2 car lines. b43 Ncison st., near 27:h and Sandy bird. LEEDS apts.. 210 Market street, modern 2 and 3-room apts., ciose in; low rent. Phone Marshall .i-'i'i. NICELY furnished 3-room apt., private phone and bath. 024 uarsnaiL bdwy. SOUTHAMPTON APTS.. 414 10TH ST. Ouslde apts.. 3 and 4 rooms, $55 and up. Marshall 220.. Mam di.o. COZY 2 room iurnishd apt., front rooms. first floor. month. wt;u taeimont. DENN1SOX APTS. Modern furnished 3- room. Phone labor i-m. : BELLA MAE, 414 4th st. Nice 1 room apartment. Marshall 2i;t. ROOMS; modern, 2 bedrooms, kitchen. bath, parior. teiepnone. qui utisan I FURNISHED outside apts.; 2 and 3 rooms. 14 Grand ave. r. rnone c-ast 45I. GLEN COURT. 202 Park St.. cor. Taylor. One and two rooms, aiam iwpi. XIC8 modern 2-room apt. AIco Apts., K. Coucn ann union ave. rteasonaDie. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING APART- M E N T. i)U AM H 1 L.1-.. MARCO, E. 8TH AX D CoL'CH. 3-RM. MOU. AH., J. EAST 2311 IT WILL pay you to investigate this clean, j-r. a pt., n a w i nornn. oo-i jst. MODERN furnished two and three -room apartments, nuxe,!. cat 4g-t . FOR MERLIN APTS., 340 Grant st. New, mod- ern 2-room apt-, a jo a montn. YORK apartments. 7th and Bel- mont; i ana 2 rooms, iumisnea. r.a.- 23 15-DAY STOKAUifi FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 544a. : ROOMS, private bath Beech apaxl m nta. 73 Williams av. UNION AVE. and Killinpsworth; $21.60t ail complete, conrreie ou icing. ! GARFIELD APTS. 3-room. sleeping porch. sfil E. Failing, block west Union LEONARD. 613 E Main. 3-rowui apt- lUXDisueu; auuits uny; muuero, . FOR BENT. Furnished Apartments. c - BEAUTIFUL two-oom furnished apt., Xob Hill district, walking distance, now vacant, at reason able rent to desirable couple. Phone Main 3741, Sunday. inlurui-iieu Apaxtinenta. CARMELITA APARTMENTS, 13th and Jefferson. 4-rnnm unfurnished front anartment, top floor splendid view; white enamel throughout, tile bath, every room out side, soacioua rooms beautifully ar ranged: $80, including phone. Main 4524. KINGSBURY apartments. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington sis.: high-ca Apartment bouse, one three-room witn large living loom and disappearing bed. also has real bedroom and outside bal cony; available May 3. Can be seen now. 4-ROOM modern apartment, nicely located to party buying furniture; furniture new and nigh-class; terms to suit. neiopa apts.. 864 Flanders. Phone Bdwy. 4640. apt. 41. . U N V I' R N IS H ED. Nice 4-room anartment. newly paint ed and tinted; easy walking distance from business district. Chetopa. apts. Bdffv. 43. 6-ROOM unfurnished duplex apt., mod ern conveniences; will lease for year, $125 per mo. References. . See Ball is, Wakefield, Fries & Co., 85 4th at. 3-ROOM front apt., all' outside, sunny rooms, front baicory: large porch, sec ond floor. Irving apts., 21st and Irving. Mai-n 92:13. THE CKCliLlA APTS. 22d and Glisau. 3- room unfurnished apts. ror rent: Drica, bldg. : entirety renovatea; rent w ana 9 47.50. UNFURNISHED 5-room apartment. 2 bed rorma. dining and living rooms, kitchen ar.d bath, hardwood floors-, tied bath. hite enamel woodwork; $S5. Main 8272 VERY attractive 6-room unfurnished apt., a family of 4 or 4 young ladies would find it a very comfy home; modern in every detail; price 1100. Main 8272. BKLlOb APTS.. 25TH AND NuKTHKUt' 0 rooms, hardwood floors, steam heat, lanitor service, front and sleeping porch. ?75 East 1 :!)!. ' CECELIA APTS. 2Jd and Glisan. brick building, thoroughly renovated, all out side apartments. 3-room unfurnished for rent. $47.30 and $52.30. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 330. , UNFURNISHED 4-r. apt., homelike and modern in every respect, with heat and light. 724 E. Bnrnside. IONIAN COURT. 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern, front, corner apt., 1-3-room apt.; adults. Phon Bdwy. 2701. FOUR-ROOM unfurnishea front apart ment, private balcony. Hanover Apts., Marshall 2009, MEREDITH (-room front, modern, steam and hot water, close in, free phone, $58. 22d and Washington sts. Main 7134. 3-KOCAI modern unfurnished apartment, steam heat; $37.50: no children. Waver ly Court, East 20th and Clinton sts. Hak i Foul) uts-. 12. 3 rooms and ba'.h. 21 t and Flanders. Modern. Corner 3-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, walking distance; aiso one rsom partly furnished. Aut. 312-16. 290 Benton st. . KING'S HILL APTS. One nice 6-room unfurnished apt.; ref. required. 171 King gt.Main 5744. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett. Phone Broadway 42 16. 1 4-r. apt, and bath, unfurnished 3 ROOMS, toilet and bath, apt. C. G48 Thurman. near 20th. Marshall 4761. 3 KOUMS, private toilet and bu.th 048 Thurman st.. near 20th. Marshall 4761. THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room modern apt. 2lst and Fianders. Main 7516., 3-ROOM unfur. apt., private balcony; avail- able .May 12. 231 12th st. FOK it EX V Unfurnished apartment. Trin ity Place Apartments. Phone Mar. fid" 3-KOOM unfurnished apt. with porch. 170 St. Clair st. Mar. .luo.). FOR RENT Apt. at 307 Harrison st. Main 5077. ?-OOM modern unfurnished apt., $35. Wav. erly court. East 26th and Clinton. 2 LARGE light rooms for housekeeping. adults only, liatf Cleveland ave. 3 ROOMS Hard wood floors, . 895 E. Alder. range. $4;; l-urnihhed or j nmrmslie.d Apartments. THE DEZEXDOKF APTS., 208 16th. near Taylor. S-room apt.. 2 full bedrooms and dis ap. bed in living room; all outside rooma NICE 3-room apt. with dressing room and bath: hardwood floors and white enamel woodwork: free use of electric washer nnd mangle. Etna Apts., East 3782. JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington, one fur nished and one unfurnished apt. SHEFFIELD APTS. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur nlshed ; free phone. Main 2506. FOR RENT A 3-room apt. furnished, or unfurnished. 685 Irving st . Barker apta 5-ROOM - apt., some furniture for sate. Mornings after Sunday. Aiarsnan ai2. Hath. FIVE-ROOM LOWER FLAT. For rent, modern 5-room lower flat. located at East 6th and Couch; rent $45 per month. Phone Tabor all? or Bdwy, 4664 for appointment. Fon it EXT Four-room flat and large sleeping porch, all modern, in private home: no children : all kinds of frui trees. Call Monday, East 1327 or 505 Knornv ave. i UNFURNISHED flat, newly tinted. $25 water, light zurmsned; west aide, walk Ing distance. 305 14th st. Knock at door in hallway. NEW 4-ROOM flat, west side, good view, batn. eas range, water neater, new tin oleum, light fixtures, with or without gara ge. Call at 369 19th St. Ma i n 8311 MUST BUY THE FURNITURE. g-room lower flat, rent $45, price $750. MAGOON & SPEXCER. 517-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR RENT or 5-room upper flat, pri vate residence, garden: take Woodstock car to Holgate, 2 blocks west. 1 block south. 941 E. 39th. Sell. 1101. 4-ROOM modern luwer fiat, gas range, hot-water beater, - linoleum in Kitchen. 249 E. 2d. corner Multnomah. MODERN four-room longer flat and ga rage. 628 East Main st.. near Haw thorne. tun jtiiXT Three-room modern fiat, up- stairs: references; 867 E. 13th st. X, Aut. 320-34. MODERN lower flat, $30 month; five rooms; 1798 E. Morrijon. Aut. 523-70. UNFURNISHED 5-room i.at. with bath. siH per montn. iQ commercial st, MoDERX 5-room flat, garage, corner 12th ina r.ast .Madison. Auto tr".-23. 4-ROOM unfurnished fiat, $18. 70S 2d sL, oetween Meade and Hooker. Mar. 942. THREE-ROOM flat. bath. $25. 331-04. Cook ave. Auto. FOR RENT 4-room modern flat. 2040, Monday. IRVIXGTOX. to lease. 5-room modern lower flat. $30. 612 Hancock street. 140. XICE flat of 5 rooms and sleeping porcn; aou:is. attH rtn st. Tabor 4553. SMALL upper flat for rent. 4 rooms, bath- room and pantry, sib, iuhh union ave. X. 8-ROOM flat, 10th st., west side, $57.50. van Hi a? 1 02t. Furnished Flats. CLEAN, up-to-date 4-room upper flat. good location: adults. Pnone East 4i07. 2;ik FargoaL 6-ROOM fiat for rent, furniture for sale cheap, i-it's Grand ave., near East Mor- on. WIDOW wishes to share her- 5-room fur nished flat with congenial people ; $20 month. Today. 263 Larrabee st. FIVE-ROOM furnished fiat, $30 incl. water. abo Williams ave.: call Mon day. 5-ROOM FLAT fur rent, furniture for sale. with same or separate. 1062 E. 18th st. X. Wdln. 4280. LOWER fiat. 5 rooma, furnished ; to re sponsible people with references. 210 14th st. FURNITURE 5-room modern flat for sale. rent, water, phone, $, walking distance. Main i.Q3. aiternoons. MODERX 5-room furnished fiat. 711 Kearney, near 22d St. Main 1563. FURNITURE of 7-room flat for sale, flat for rent: 8.o; very close m. Mar. I7.1. MODERN 5-room, beautifully furnished. walking distance, east sine. East 3SQ2. THREE-RoOM Hat, modern; no children. 506 E. 22d st. FURNISHED 5-room flat. 314 Eugene st. Phone East 5608. . 4-ROOM furnished flat, $37.50. 575 b E. Bum side cor. 13th. 4-ROOM flat, rent reasonable. 404 Jeffer son st. Marshall 2a24. XEAT 4-room flat, walking distance. 44fl 1 Rodney ave., corner Tillamook. R'ENT Two 6-room flats, $35 each. at 305 14th at. 5-ROOM modern furnished flat, $30 per X month. Call Tabor 737. 3-ROOM modern furnished flat, very de sirabie. Adults, seiiwood 253. 4-ROOM furnished fiat; private bath; low er floor. 93 E. Sth st. N. East 1S65. 4-ROOM flat, furnished, Xob Hill dlstncL Phone Main 3247. FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT. EAST 3741. X1CELY furnished 6-room flat, sleeping porch, piano. Marshall 3462. 701 H o y t. 3 4-ROOM luxuidueu 20. . lath. at. TWO FOR RENT. Furnished Flats. FURNITURE of 5-room lower flat for sale, flat for rent, $20; thus place is Just painted and tinted, has stationary tub in kitchen, bed linen, fine silverware, dishes, cooking utensils, electric iron. $500. Call Monday, 430 11th at. Phone Automatic 525-78. ALL OUTSIDE rooms, clean, modern, en . closed sleeping porch, bath, front bal con v. fine view, orivate basement, fur nacp watpr pare of garbage: west side waiicing distance: adults; references. ' 404 Hall near 13th. NOB HILL. Rnaittiftii furniture of a 7-room modern flat for sale, flat for rent: also a 1920 Ford touring car with self-starter.- Call 602 Vs Everett St.. or Main 4S48. FURNISHED sleeping rooms or light H. room, modern conveniences, rem reason able; walking diatance. w couco street, flat B. i-KAi'iuiALU' new 3 or 4-room flat, pn vate bath, telephone and garage; small children not desirable; near Columbia park. Tfl08 Huron st. SUB-LET Furnished 3-room lower fiat. niano. for one month. ro children. after 2 P. M. Sunday. 111 E. th st. MiiliF.R 4-room furnished flat. Diano, best car service, rent reasonable, can after 10 Sunday, 400 E. 12th. Phone Bell wood 19b9. ATTRACTIVE well-furnished 6-room flat to desirable people; close in on east side; in good neighborhood; references. Call AutO. 221-40. 4-ROOM furnished lower flat; good loca tlon- modern. clean. Diano. pnone adults. Phone East 4707. 288 Fargo st. MODERN 3-room flat, nicely furnished. beautiful front and back lawn, vines ana shade trees; close in. Seiiwood 1068. FOR RENT 4-room upper flat, furnished except for bed linen, table linen ana su- ver; $35. Call l.if1 uvenoon piva PARTLY furnished flat, 5 rooms and sleep ing porch. 433 Montgomery, w. a M a rshall 3409. ' 5-ROOM flat. 10 minutes' walk center ol city, for rent; furniture for sate, jaain 4.-98. , . MODERN 0-room flat with nice furniture aad piano, very reasonable, ior quick sale: move right in. 452 E. Market st. WEST SIDE Finest view, lower fiat, nicely furnished, large porches; walking distance: aduhs. SeM. 1370. FLAT for rent, furniture for bargain ; walking distance ; n81 5th St. sale at a desirable. FURNITURE ior sale, flat for rent, close in, reasonable rent. East 7894. Housekeeping Roomw. FURNISHED h. k. rooma, 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water: nrtvate phone, electric lights, steam heat. 5 minutes' walk to town. 21 Columbia near 3th. 2-ROOM clean, comfortably furnished h. k. apt.; gas, ifcht, heat and telephone; every convenience for laundering; rent reasonable; one block from Montavill; car. 5!k E. Ash sl THRKK housekeeping rooms with sin hot and cold water, electric lights, gas stove, 3 windows in living room, ngnt and gas furnished for $25. Phone Main 752: on Whlttaker st. heat, gas, heat, electricity and linen included, close In. Hotel Stewart. I4a Broadway, bet. Morrison and Alder RESIDBXTIAL HOTEL Hot and cold water in rooms; steam heat, close to business center; amin room. Main 6381: 332 10th st. NICE Inree furnished housekeeping rooi at 795 1ft st., Humboldt apt.: opened up under new management; price rea sonable. LARGE, clean, newly papered housekeep (no- rnnm ntlh Iwn sitlirle beds. $12 S month. 500 Jefferson St., near 14th. Main 0288. CLEAN, modern h. k. room, walkin distance. Suitable for bachelor. $14 pe; month: 2 blocks from 14th and Mont gomery. 501 Harris: thk MAPLE, housekeeping rooms $: month, sleeping rooms $15 and up. Ho and cold water in rooms. 30 N. 17th st near Wash. 2 LARGE, clean front h. k. rooms, sink, gas range, electric Jignts, oatn, warning dis tance; adults only. 211 Sherman st. Marshall 2293. ' FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single or double; gas; walking distance; free lights, phone and bath. 649 Morrison st. Broadway i44. TWO LARGE, light, well furnished H. K. rooms, all conveniences, pnvaie trance; walking distance, $20. 501 4th st. Main 4948. Lirt iiul clean front room, witn Kitcnen first floor; one clean light housekeeping basement room: large .yard and trees close In. 261 14th st., near Jefferson st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fu- nished xi. K. rooms, io up, including hot water, electric lights, laundry room NICE, neat furnished housekeeping rooms at reasonable rent to acceptable parties, Call at 848 Going st, . , NEAT h. k rooms: $, $12. iij per mo. Others $4.50 up; first floor. Inquire 2ofi lath or phone Main 7t4S evenings. LARGE 1 ront 1L K. room, I st floor ; H. and C. water, electricity, bath, phone $26. 53 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2664. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Fine two-room suite with water connections. 163 1st st. S. W.. cor. Morrison. 2 VERY PLEASANT furnished h. k. rooms. bath, phone and lights. Bdwy. 1727. 63 N". 20th st. 2-ltoOM furnished H. K.. $2u: adults only 515 Mill St.. corner 10 th, Stephenson court. J FURXISHED housekeeping rooms, : beds, electricity and gas range. 168 N 18th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, east side. 2 blocks south Broadway bridge. 2Q4 ' McMillan st. SIXGLE H. K. or sleeping rooms for men or women; clean quiet place; bath and lobby; homeline: low rates. 414 N. 19th, NICE iront, clean, furnished housekeeping room ; alto email single sleeping room. Walking distance. 221 w. Park. 3 ROOMS, unfurnished, cheap, suitable for housekeeping with private family. 467 East Grant st. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. $2.50 per week and up; newly renovated. 222 Hroadway. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms for rent, summer rates. 83 N. 21st st.. Xob Hill district, corner 2lst and Everett. $459. 2 ROOMS, well furnished and clean; look them over. 544 Pettygrove; The Alta Vista. TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; gaa and light furnished; walking distance. 24 4tn st. 2 Ojx 3 FURXISHED housekeeping rooms. ciose in, reasonaoie to aauits. 720 tu. Ankeny. NICE, clean, light housekeeping rooms; walking distance. 274 Holladay. East 74S7 1 ROOM and kitchenette, desirable, easy waiKing distance, near lMn and Mor rison. 170 Chapman st. Bdwy. 2537. BAGG AGE. furniture anu piano moving rename service, reasoname. east 6431 $5 WEEK up, completely furnished h. a. suites 1 he Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson ONE LARGE furnished ii. a- room, light anu c:rn. nruauway si. DESIRABLE b. k. rooms, completely fur nished, close in. 54 X. Ninth st. 2 AXD 3 H. K. rooms for rent at 392 East Burnslde and Grand ave. CLEAN and comfortable h. k. room, close in. 320 uroaaway. LARGE front room, light H. K. 387 Col- ege st. Aiam rfio-i. SUNNY front two-room apartment, elec- trlc light, gaa range. 300 Jefferson st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heaL 409 19th st., west aide. Bdwy. 1546. FURXISHED H. K. roo ma, $1.75 week, electric lights. 326 1st. TWO FURXISHED H. K. rooms, private entrance, ita r. t-a sr. near MV line. AND 3-ROOM apts.; hot. phone, bath. 67 X. 20th. cold water, Bdwy. 4123. TWO NICE light ciean housekeeping rooms. 414 Mill. TWO XICE rooms, also single rooms, very reasonanie. roo planners. FOR RENT 3 furnished H. K. roomi Call Monday. 20 East 11th st. N. . K. rooms, walking distance. hill st. 535 Yam 2-ROOM h. k. apts.. light, gas. phone. very reasonable. 2934 Wiedler. MANOR HOTEL, cor. Morrison and 4th H. k.. sleeping: weekly rates. 2 and 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. witn or witnout garage. sta w. faric. ONE SIXGLE, one with kitchenette. 492 laymr st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, clean and sunny. P43 Belmont. H. K. ROOM, $8 per month, cooking gas, electric lights. 2904 16th st. North. 2 FRONT large nice H. K., across from Y M. C. A., reasonable. 330 Taylor. FOUR housekeeping rooms. furnished, $8.15-?16 per month. 166 N. 10th. LARGE housekeeping room, Xob Hill, $4 per week. Ill 23d st. North. 2-ROOM apt, single housekeeping, elec tric lights, reasonable. Broadway ivt35. ICE ciean comfortable H. K. room la good location, close in. 594 Everett st. FURXISHED h. k. rooma, clean, walking .distance. Main 4037. $14 MONTH. 268 4th St., opposite city hall clean housekeeping suite for 2 men. Foii $3.50 WEEK up. furnished housekeeping rooms. 233 H Washington st.. cor. 3d st FOR LADY Furnished room and kitchen ette. Marshall 2576. XICE clean eingie housekeeping rooms. 326 6th st. Main 502O. LAUili L JcL- roouis. ttt E-veieu U 6 FOR RENT. House keeping Rooms. FIRST-FLOOR flat, 2 large rooms and kitchenette, west side, walking distance; gas. electricity, fireplace, large win dows; a real home: reasonable to right party; also housekeeping suite on sec ond floor. 6.6 Glisan st. $4.30 PER WEEK and up. nicely furnished and absolutely clean, airy housekeep ing rooms; just the place for respectable working girls; easy walking distance. Deimonte, 107 Stout St.. near ttoth and Washington. EXCEPTIONAL 2 and 3-room apt., first floor, light, clean, nicely furnished, hot and cold water, steam heat, electricity, walking distance, yard, very reasonable. Broadway 2125. or Broadway 3935. 65S Glisan. near 20th. . H. K. ROOMS, completely furnished, some with private bath, plenty hot water, gas ranges, laundry room; children welcome. 186 Sherman. Mar. 3S83. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. 3 CLEAN, light find well furnished house keeping rooms, on the first floor; real kitchen with wood range and gas. Bink and running water; electric lights: easy walking distance. 535 Johnson sC. Br. LARGE front room, breakfast if desired, for 1 or 2; piano, home privileges; small congenial family; lovely home; nice sur roundings; reasonable.. 411 Cook ave. Automatic 32J-1U. SUITE housekeeping rooms, bath, out side, newly papered ana paimea, every thing furnished but gas. 10 to 15 min utes' ride, east aide. Phone Sellwood 795. NICELY furnished front room and kitchen ette, runnln water, lat new. iuraw heat, electricity and phone; walkin dis tance; adults. Mar. 3615. 601 Love- joy gt. LARGE, airy, steam-heated parior; piano. everything iumisnea, renouauio. Columbia. Another suite at 5L Mor rison. EMPLOYED people, beautiful front room. next to bath; Kitcnen Pvnegt. mu . furnace heat, private home. 383 uui, corner West Park. LARGE ROOM in modern nome. wnn small kitcnen ana sc pa runs -uw. caa. liehts. phone free; $33. 389 12th st. Mar. 2024. TODAY 2-room apt., parlor and bedroom, connected for l or 2, pieasanny lovm-ru, home privileges; no car fare. 415 w, Broadway. - THKEU pleasant housekeeping rooms, privilege or batn ana aitcnen; umi -fusal of garage; people employed pre ferred Wdln. 48S3. 999 East 19th N. EXTRA clean, nicely turnlstied house keeping rooms; also sieepm rwu, rates very reasonable. 693 Glisan. TWO FURNISHED rooms, bath and" sleep ing porch; heat, ngnt, pnone ana wwr. Phone fc-sc i.iub. LARGE downstairs room and kitchen; also h. k. room for -bacneior; ciose in. o-a 6th st.. corner Clay. , THREE furnished clean rooms, including a modern kitchen; aauits oniy. a a our 6618. BEAUTIFULLY turnithed 6-room modern home; piano, fireplace, etc 736 E. Burn slde, LARGE room, suitable for light house keeping; will furnish to suit tenant. 666 Market st. Call afternoon Sunday. FLEASAXT front room, arranged for light housekeeping. u. z-ai union ave. Phone Tabor 9333. H. K. ROOM and kitchenette; "tricity. sink, etc.; cloee in. gas. elec- 428 Yam hill. Monday. NICELY furnished, clean, modern house keening rooms, reasonable. 440 Will lama ave. A LARGE h. k. room, newly furnished In Ivory, close in, lovely yard. E. Aiaa ison. , lroriR irre H. K. rooms and bath in pri vate family. Call after 1 P. M. 254 E, 16th St. Phone East 234. NICE clean 4-room flat, adults; gas, electricity, 68 E. 10th st. S. 2 couples bath private. vniTH ninnis caixioletelvi furnished for $35. l,au tiller iu w st. Tabor 8080 s.ni toi hhiiKp verv modern, for rent furniture tor saie, ja. oov nwou m Broadway 1437. TWO H. K. rooms, $4 week, light and gas. working gins preierrea. oj uuain ave, WELL furnished housekeeping room, all conveniences. t4a,tt inurman si. CLEAN h. k. rooms; ah basement room. Call alter ll. -Q -ennu r1 ii. .r . iuuj a I. TWO LARGE H. K. rooms, modern, wail ing distance. ,t2 c.ast ibi jvurtn. 'OK RENT L. home. Phone S K. rooms in private Mar. 17B2. FUR. OR unfur. H. K. rooms, every con venience, rent reasonapie. aiarsn. ooo. :57 12TH ST., basement room, private en trance. FINE large room reasonable; housekeep ing privilege. 401 i-in at. -iain -tm-i 2 LARGE h. k. rooms, partly furnished, handy to car: anuns. wan. .1,1. TWO H. K. rooms, basement, suitable .for gentleman. S per wees;, aio mrn m FOUR furnished rooms, private family, walking dist.. references. .Marsnaii atao. 2 Xlcii, clean H. K. rooma, $14 mo. ; mif Frntii. corner .leanf. TiiREd! lurn.shed H. K. rooms, gas, bath. ground floor. H ween. n;2 front. FURNISHED, all outside 3-room apta. Lnwnsdale st. TWO XICE Clean housekeeping rooms, gas free. 66 E. 22d st., near uaK. H. K. ROOM and kitchenette; gas, elec, sink, etc.; close in. 428 Yam run, Monday MALL h. k. room, suitable for one, $2-50. 291 11th st. H. K. ROOMS on ground floor for 2 adults. 554 Johnson st. $8.50 per week. NICE room and kitchenette, light, heat and gas. $io. rnone n:ast djho. TWO FURXISHED h. k. rooms- ton st.. near Bdwy bridge. FUKX1SHED H. K. rooms. 793 Belmont st. East 61 75. LARGE housekeeping rooms on first floor in private home. Aut. 518-83 TWO FURNISHED b. k. rooms, first floor. 2.i lth at. CLEAN, ligiit. h. k. room, in White Temple district. 4.4 tayior. CLEAX. light, front h. k. room; close In, reasonable. 4U Jttam. ONE NEATLY furnif lied housekeeping front mom. 334 nan street. LOVELY 3-room suite, hot water, elec. gas, sink, $32.50. ffo x. 21st. kk v KX.KUUJI houMf tor rent at 587 Quimby st., xortn Portland, can raoor 5939 for further information. ROOM house and garage. In good con dition, adults only. Wdln. 692. 89 W. Emerson st. ' oil RENT 2 -room house, gas and water. all kinds fruit: amy $b montn. rnone owner, Tabor 64S6. iiODKRX 7-room 2-atory house, garage, $65; will lease to responsible parties- Johnson. East K421. ELK TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. is davr storage tree. Furniture moving for less. Bdwy. 2443 ft-ROOM houwe. 4913 53d ave.: Woodstoc haj-d -surface street; iruit trees in Dear ire- rent $2.. Broadway o4f. ACkK niar river, opposite Rock island fruit trees, water; suitable ror tent nome or camp; 30 year. Mar. 34Q7. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-di- tance hauling a specialty, o. w. inifn Service Co.. 40 2d at. Phone iidwy. 0121. ROOM HOUSE. SLEEPING PORCH, GARAGE, WEST SIDfcJ, cjlAJKS J.N, a REFERENCES: IEAStS. MAIN 4451. FOR RENT 7-room furnished or unfur nished house; l acre of land; every mod ern convenience. Marshall 13K2. ROOMS, 1 block from car, E. 32d st. garage, $35 per month. SelL 1065 be fore 2 P. M. FOR REXT Furnished or unfurnished one acre and 3-robm tent house. 49th and Ainsworth. W oodlawn Bill. S ROOMS, corner house. McMillan stree near Williams avenue, $35. Inquire The Lawrence Co.. 212 Corbett bldg. WHEN moving city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trans. Co.. Main 12fll. 202 Alder st FOR RENT or sale, in Parkrose. modern house, with one acre ot land. Call East 1 2.M. $U0 WHOLE bouse, 4 large rooms, mod- em. 329 Salmon street. 7-ROOM modern house for rent at 549 Hroadway. can at 20.1 ike. tf-KOOM new moaern house, all conven iences, owner, 1 aDor au.t. S-ROOM 24-42. houte, modern. Phone Auto. 6-ROOM modern, near ball park, $40. 393 Guild st.. on car lines. 6-ROOM house, nice yard, fruit trees; 15 minutes tp west side, aenwooa 244U. 5-ROOM house to rent.: some furniture for sale, cheap 228 Meade. $30. WHOLE HOUSE, 329 Salmon; 4 iarge rooms, moaern. aioi.uay. 3-ROOM bungalow. Ardenwa'd station. Call seiiwood j i. BIG 7-room, modern, garage. after 10 A. M. 5-ROOM bungalow. ArdenwsUd station. Call Seiiwood I4is. 7 ROOMS, clean, gas. electricity, furnace. Inquire 3uo Granam ave. KENT 3-room hout.e. garage and large garden spot. 1 ai tast uwi. MODERN 8-room house. lOOxlOO-ft. lot. rent $50 per month. Main SihT. 5-ROOM house. 1066 E. 13th X. East 1640. 5-ROOM house at 769 Second st. 6 - R OOM house for rent. f.44 E. 23 ztx . -ROOM ce-Uaft. 2j3 X 17 U sc U&50. FOR KENT. TO LEASE TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. $200 month, for one year. In ery desirable neighborhood, a beauthully furnished 10-room house: large living, mujtlc. dining, breakfast rooms and kitchen: five bedrooms, sleeping porch; hard wood floors, two fireplaces, baby grand piano; larare lawn with fountain, double garage, shrubs, fruit trees, grape arbor, berries, vegetables all in for the summer. For further particular writs to AM 660. Oregonian. NO. 449 MONTGOMERY ST., W. SIDE. x4a.oo Good 7-Room House. Cax line. No. 682 East Ash Street. 150.00 Nice 7-Room House. Large yard. Gooa Dist. Near Car. Fruit. No. 692 East Ash RtrreL $75.00 Large 12-Rroom House. Garage. Near Car. Large yard and fruit. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR. 301 PANAMA BUILDING. 5327 E. 45TH ST. R V. RENTERS Your rent each mnnlh and a small cash payment will pay for your nom in a snort time, tt-room MODERN home, large lot, good district, newly decorated and painted; furnace, fire- f'oto, uuiit-ins; reaay to move Into. See this. G. G. ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR, 301 PANAMA BLDG. I AM JUST finishing a new, modern bun galow and wish to rent the same to a married couple without children or two ladles and board with the tenant; nice garden and close to car. Will be home all day. Take Irvlngton car to Mason st. and walk east one-half block. Miss Meinecke. 615 Mason st. FOR RE XT to responsible tamily with grown children only, nice 6-room tur nished or unfurnished house with sleep ing porch and gas t eater; Just kalso mined and now being painted; rent $50 per month. Address 341 Weldler sL Phone Main 2478 for appointment. FOR RENT. Very attractive 6-room bungalow In Beaumont, on 45th street; hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, garage; must give references. Phone Tabor 3-5S0. or call 434 East 42d St. N. MODERN bungalow, 5 rooms, concrete ga rage, Hawtnorne car, ciose in; lease to responsible tenant ; no children: owne out of town on. business; rent $45, un furnished; available June 1st. Mrs. Lind. 113 11th St.. Pasco. Wash. FOR RENT BY OWNER 1RV1NGTON HOME. 100x100 CORNER. 1 BLOCK FROM BROADWAY CAR. HOT WATER HEAT. HARDWOOD FLOORS. 9 ROOMS; WILL LEASE WITH PRIV ILEGE TO BUY. PHONE EAST 1024. FLAT "B," at 526 Vista ave.. 5 rooms aud sleeping porch, newly tlned and deco rated, hot-air heating plant, rent $55. Open for inspection Sunday. After Sun day, see agents. Metzger-Parker Com- pany, 269 Oak st. 4-ROOM shack, chicken bouse, barn. : grove of trees, 3 to 5 acres, good road, close in, not modern, $100 for 6 montns in advance. Woodlawn 8244. evenings or Sunday. FOR SALE, in Woodstock, modern 7-room house, electric lights and gas. rardan space and some fruit, suitable for 1 or 2 lamuies. inquire 5820 E. 45 st.. Wood StOCK. ATLAS TRANSFER An UTOKir,' Piano and furniture moving. 30 days' free storage on all household go5ds until our new warehouse is tilled. 104 N. 5th sl. rroaaway I2. IP YOU want a real home, well furnished ana situated in irvjngton call East 7009. 211 Ei. iortn tn st. will vhare same with man and wife, no children; rent includes an overhead expense. HAW THoRXE bungalow, fine condition, o rooms, modern; give lease to sponsioie party ior 1. 2 or 3 years; vacant the 15th. See Rock at 4u3 oucn DIOg. 8-ROOM HOUSE for rent, to those buying $225 worth of furniture. Suitable fori ramiiy Doarding house as now used. J. Eugene Hedges. Realtor. 201 West Park. I jiain 2.v.hj. Kent .a. Nice yard. 6-ROOM house, partly furnished, all fur niture for fate; adults only; must be reliable. Phone East 2499. 730 East AnKeny. 7 ROOMS 10TH AND E. DAVIS. Some furnishings; easy walking dis tance. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. SIX LARGE rooms, bungalow type: break fast nooa; strictly modern; West Mount laoor; bo. 10 responsible adults only. tan iwin nawinorne ave. jvionoay $20. 5 ROOMS aud basement, partly fur nished, adults only, 2 blocks from Union ave. carline. 412 Skidmore sL Phone, l abor 4001. CALL BROADWAV 3hO FOR NORTHWEST ELECTRIC CO LI G HT PO W E R H E AT. W ASHIXGTON AT 10TH STR BET. LOVELY clean kitchen, dining, bath, bed rooms, reception ball, large basement. '". moaern DunRiiow, west siaa. waiu- ing distance. 148 Curry. FOR RENT 10-room house in South Tort- land, o rooms furnished; will rent all or part; win also sell furniture. BC 644. Oregonian. VErti desirable six-room modern bunca- iow ior rent, some furniture for sale. 490 Tillamook st., Irvington, close in. open iu a. m. to :.1U if. fli. TO PERMANENT, reliable family. 5-room and oatn oungaiow on E. 69th near Powell; absolutely clean and near good scnooi; reaoy tor occupancy. Tabor 4170. XOB HILL residence, strictly modern, has! garage, vacant about June 1, 2-year 1 lease. iw per montn. lea Broadway, j-iemg 1 neater Ping. iivv a-KOOM oungaiow, with one acre land on hard surface road, $16 month. write box 421 lieaverton. WILL LEASE for six months or one year. cottage at u&Kc urove, us we go lake. 500 concord Didg., 2d and Stark. LAKO mi, modern home, 2 lots, garage. near ousiness district, Mt. Johns; $40 gast 1 a.'u, ava Mnitn ave. j. Furniahed Houses. ROOM furnished house and bath, $-'E5 Ser mo. ana pay your own light and gis ills; Mt. Scott district; no children w aniea. rnone Automatic n- -80. FOR REXT New 5-room bungalow, fur nished, lumbie piano and phonograph : will lease for 1 year. Adults. $100 per montn. lapor 21M. FOUR rooms. ' alcove and sleeping room. strictly mooern. oeautizunv furnished. . close in on Hawthorne ave. Rent $55. pnone raoor bitn. alo MONTH 7-room turn is bed house, ga rage, sleeping porch, 4 months' rent In advance; adults only. Apply owner, 657 cast win rnone 1 a dot o-oz. MacLEANS CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Summer cottages for rent by month or season. See caretaker on grounds. FOR REXT 7-room furnished house from! end of May to end of Sept.; walking dis-I tance. west siae. pnone Main 24,12. WILL rent my 3-room house, furnished, to I responsible couple, no children; $22.50. I 13S Hartman st. n., st. jonna. CLEAX, neatly furnished 5-room bunga- I low, moaern, union ave. car, aiao garage. rent reasonaoie. U2 East bth st. X. FOR RENT 5-room bungaiow. completely furnished; garage. Take Hawthorne carl to 71st. .038 Powell valley road. b-ROOM nicely furnished house, nice I neighborhood, close in, garden, fruit I 74S K. Burnslde. near E. 22d. East 2726. WILL RENT my -Rose City Park bunga low. rooms, rurninea. June, July and I August; aduita only, q 52, Oregonian. 5 ROOMS furnished except bedding; close I In east side. Call Mar, 0066 for informa tion. fi-RM. BUNG., 674 Prencott. cor. 19th; gaa, fidwo. floors, xirepiace, furnace and a tat. tubs. 9 A. M. CLEAN 6-room duplex house, rent $25; extra good furniture. A bargain. 314 Graham ave. Williams ave. car. BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern 5-roora bungalow, garage, responsible adults. K7X iTpmonr st. ROOMS, furnished, in my strictly mod ern home. Phone 624-16. 5650 83th st. S. E. fi-ROOM strictly modern bungalow flat. lawn, trees, garaen space, garage, U. Automatic 616-73. $45 7-ROOM furnished house on' hard- surface street, two iota and rruit; gar- den space. Woodlawn 6095. 5-ROOM furnished house, in Alberta, to responsible party, references required. Wdln. 4815. I 5-ROOM bungalow, nicely furnished, large living room, narawooa uoors, piano. 501 Reynolds, seiiwood car. NICELY furnished 5-room house, Haw thorne district, immediate possession. Tabor 6593. 3119 E. Grant. COZY 2-room furnished cottage, light. gas, water, reasonable. 2103 Jioiladay ave.. Montavllla. SMALL 2-room partly furnished house. $10.50 per month. 470. Woodstock ave. ROOMS, $30, modern, garden. Powell valley, Mt. Scott car. 5330 $30 3-ROOM furniahed house, walking distance. 01 Aiarnet at. ROOM furnished house, yard. 600 Clintoa t. Richmond car. ROOM furnished ltoue, 24b Harrison, brtwen 2d and 3d. L KMbniiii lioutie fur ixnt, mv near 2 carlines. Ea-t 13. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house, $25 per month. 6106 3th ave. s. B. 5-ROOM cottage, partly furnished. 3513 tilth, &. cor, Powell Vaiiey road. FOR BENT. Fumlnhed Hoaw. IF YOU ARE leaving for the summer and have a small modern cottage or bunga low that you wish well cared for m consideration of reasonable rent, a re fined couple with highest references de sire such opportunity, central location east side preferred. AR 6'4, Oregonian. FLAT FOR REN I FURNITURE FOR SALE. Elegantly furnished 4-room flat and alcove, already to keep bouse, rent oniy -5U. See Mrs. Ned Burke. GEO. T. MOOR lh CO.. 1007 Yn Bid. MODERX 5-room house, newly painted and papered, garage, fruit trees, 623 45th ave. S. E.. one block from Kern Park station; $50 per month to responsible tenant, or $45 on long-time lease. Call 621-80. FOR RENT 5-room modern completely furnished bitnm nw. 1 block from Irving ton and Broadway car lines, for $1 months beginning May 15, $65 per month. East 8293. . NICELY furnished 5-rm. cottaae: modern: 3 beds, electric and wood ranges, yara, i Iruit trees, garden: 2 b ocks from e.l wood car and 2 blocks from BrookJya car. $50. Phone East 3287. IDEAL home, shores of Lake Grove, part- ly furnished, with boat. Lease for six months to responsible party, or will sell reasonable. Main 7568. Gadwa. After I 8:15 evenings. $35 6-ROOM. well furnished house, three! bedrooms, gas stove and range. eec- 1 tricttv. stationary tubs. walking dis tance, near car line. 126 E. 18th, Kajt I 4470. HUSBAND leaving town, lady of 30 wlnhes I married couple to share a -roo in ounga low: has garage and beautitutly furn- nished complete; Rose City Park. Tabor ( 6900. DESIRABLE close-in west side residence. ft rooms, for year or more; partly fur nished if desired; carpets and curtains I for a le : garage ; references. A H 632. uregoman FURNISHED house in Laurelhurst with i bedrooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, j garage, etc, near the para; si.v a month; 4 months' rent In advance. Tabor 1478. 7-ROOM well furnished hou(e, big yard. 1440 E, Stark sU. near 53d.; Mt. Tabor car: rent $30. Cull b.t-fore 11 A. M. Sun day or Monday morning. Phone Tabor 3463. , FURNISH Kl) HOUSE, strictly modern 9- room houe, mahogany and ivory nnmi. 1 handsomely furnished, large grounds, garage. I12S. T.itor mil,. 4 OR 5 ROOMS, furnUbed. in my Miricl.y modern home, rine location, close R M car. Adults. Sellwood 2043. Houhih for Rent t-urnuure lor ale. 7-ROOM house, arranged for light house keeping apts. First-class furniture, in cluding $130 cabinet phonograph and records. Hoover electric vacuum and $5oo dining room set. Call owner. Main 3SS0. FURNITURE of good quality for sale and fine 8-room house for rent; botn reason able: see this, lift K. 2Qth st. S. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture fcr sale. cheap ir aoid at once. oit A.:oina, cor ner Russell. HOUSE, furniture for sale or rent. 16111 Vera st. Take Montavllla car to outn si- Cheap. . FURNITURE for sale, houe for rent, $15 mo.; this is snap; easy payment. m-i f.Sth st. S. B. ; call Sunday. HOUSE for rent, furniture for amie; good I location. 221 6t h st. -ROOM house for rent: furniture for saie. No dealers. 47 E. 28th st. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. .VMt :i:ti wasco st. l-KOOM houe for rent, lunilture for sale; i-nod ora.tion. Inoilire MrKt. HOUiS for rent, furniture for sale, pri vate party. Main 243 8-ROOM upper flat, part or all of the fur- I niture for wale. Hi in. -.'is st. TEN-ROOM house for rent, furniture fori sale, B9n overt on st. iarsnan i-v. Summer KenortH. SUMMER RESORTS. Seaside Furnished modern seven-room I house, near beach, four large bedrooma upstairs, living room 11x22, fireplace, larrA hathroom. hot and cold water, fur nishings new and clean. from May 13 to September 1. $450. light and water included; also two two-room houses. Just completed, same location, built-in beds I in each, modern, reasonable rent. F. Clif ford. Franklin apts.. Astoria, Or. FOR REXT at Seaalde. o-room cottage. completely turnisnea. a diocks irom bach; every convenience, hot and cold water, sink. bath, electric lights: water and light included in rent; $250 from , May 15 to Sept. 1. Address Mrs. E. E. I Hale. Seaside, Ot. WAXTED To rent for heao n or buy a modern furnished nouse or i or a rooms at Seaside; prefer north of Broadway, on or near ocean front; state price and location; must have good view of ocean. AK 635. Oregonian. FOR RENT Comfortable 0-room cottage at Sea view, near station; neas ana sanitary" couch; $225 entire season; wa ter and lights furnlahed. For particu lars write Box 83. Seaview. Wash. ucAitHAKT Kurnished cottage. 6 room:-. modern, ready for occupancy; win sen at reasonable price or will rent for sea son. Call or address Window 6, First National Bank u-t,u KENT at Sea View. Wash.. nlce; furnished cottage, 4 rooms ann oain, trtcflv modern: water included In rent. $225 from May 15 to Sept. 1. Address I Box 171. llwaco. wasn. " AT SEASI UE. Modern furnished 6-rm. house, sleeping porch, rent ?pw. 321 30 at., tn ave. 1 PHONE EAST 300. pa m PS1 TEs ior rent at Oswego Lake, free WOOd, SO per munin. oprnu inr I summer at the lake. Phone Main 85. Bihi Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. 4-ROOM modern house with garage fori rent for tne season, oeasiae. ur. every thing furnished but sUverware and lin ens. s.fiH). mo r? nan anu. SEAVIEW Very clean. wTn furnished,, finely located 4-room bungalow, good beds and stoves, $150 to Sept. Main 09S Monday. SEA VIEW Comfortable cottage, hot. cold water, bath, 4 beds, $170 season, uox vo. Seaview. W ash. i NEAH -K.AH-N 1 E beach, completely fur nished, modern cottage, urepiace, aignt ly. Main 40.n. WANTED Small cottage Seaside, Or. Must be reasoname. 1 n. a., on w. 1 Commercial St., Astoria, or. GEARHART Desirable S-room modern cottage, Iirepiace. eiecincuy, sun porcn. Rent or sale. Mnr. 24Q'.1. for RENT, cottage on boaruwaiK. Sea side. June. Juiy ana August, io. ah, 1 664, Oregonian. ci.a HY'fi COTTAGE on the ridge, unob structed view, at neasine, ur., 0 rooms. furnished. Marshall ni. SMALL 3-room at Seaside for season. East 2016. ' 7-ROOM cottage, board walk. Seaside. June, juiy. main iiw. Htoren Bind liusinews Plarrs. WAREHOUSE SPACE. 5000 to 80O0 sa. ft. ground floor space In concrete bldg. spur iracK. sneiierea loading platform, cement floor and good office snaee mages inn very aeairaoe. Phone Broadway 4062. WAREHOUSI BRACK with aids track, close n. to leas. H. N. BURPEE. W'iicox BlaUf. WAREHOUSE TO LEASE. 10.000 suuare feet on trackage, well located, for wholesale buaineiui or dead storage. West Coast Specialty Co., X'. ISrh and Upshur rIh. TVt'O FLOORS, 50x100, one floor 50x90; vnienaid location, una r una ma : reason- able. P. C Wax. 24 North 5ih- Bdwy. 2739. BTOR E No. TU Park street, half block I south Morrison. Appiy j-oniana a rust 1 Co.. 6th and Morrn-on streets. 431 STARK ST Modern, good, light, fine I basement; steam neat, not water, u. u. Woodward, 104 2d. Mam ugh. STORES No. 70 Xorth Sii-tli, .2 Xorth I Sixth. Apply Portland irusi to., 01x101 and Morrion streets. CORNER store, 354 First st. Apply 252 1 Stark sU VACANT lot, suitable for storage. Jeffer son near Second. StarK at. FOR DESIRABLE pce in fireproof ware house phone Broadway ana. FOR RENT Store, 23 Grand ave. Xorth. E. H. Colin, E-asr swno. STORAGE space for rent, brick building. I R. P. track-, can reast u. DANDY little store, b&6 E. Ankeny at., $10 1 per month. Office.. OFFICE with iartje show winuo, targe storeroom on ground floor; basement 20x90 ft., phone, light and heat. 64 First at. Broadway 1235. DESK room, with telephone and atcno- graphic service. rnone rm wy. jjis. FURXISHED office, $20; will look after I calls. 210 Stock Exchange. SHARE front office and phone; alao pri vate office. 207 Stock Exchange bldg. FRONT offices, modern, in Railway Es- I change bldg. Apply room si-'. OFFICE for rent, Including telephone aerv. 5KOCERY and dilicateen. new at k and PRIVATE offica, stenographic and tel- phone service, aiain o-n. FOR WILL share furnished ofiice, with phone. g06 Chamber of Commerce. ijEbiw LOOii, GOOii iiLLU, ALLLX tUJl. .Miscellaneous. BA RN ior rent, room tor :;o Iiotm , lar k floor space, $ living rooms, near KtI.v and Rusell sts, $J2 per month. Tel. East 332tf. STABLE. clOMe-in, east aide. 17 Herman Moeller. realtor, 1025 M.lg. Main 140 JilAi IS. Gaco FxMl RE NT Broad way. -Automobile stor for rent vA Phons East 1773. niMVF.S lPPORTIMTIF"l. GROCERY STORE. $730 will buy this nice lltf business, well entsbllvhed. Rnt t.U per luont U. Doing good husinrsa, For particulars call at ofiice. GENERAL PTORH. Stock of about $4.OO0. Hino build ing, including an elegant retirnc wit h garage and ot hrr out bo ii it-, lng, about two seres of ground wit h fruit, berries and walnut. A fine place to live, on good high way. P. o. and good business, prua $12,000. Some terms. RESTAURANT. This Is one of Port land bt. Lease runs through the 1923 fair, doing sn elegant busmen ami im proving every day. Requires $suu0 to handle. Call and ace It. F RIERDO.V. Realtor. RITTEK. 14) WK CO.. 201-3-5 7 Board of Tr.de Hid. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. I - I FINK RESTAURANT PROPOSITION. Only restaurant and lunch counter In live small town where mer 7tM acres of rich land has Just come under a nfw dyke. Town is outlrt lor over -ft milrn of Lewis rlv-T trittory; kitchen and dining room well equipped In every wv l.unch counter 15 and lahla 12 Furniture and ejuinnent all good . lo cated In the center of town and rent Is only $10 pr month. This restaurant anl a good 5-ruoni house located only w,i block from it on a lot ;ojno. can b had for only $1ho0; bet of fiicni tor aelling. as bunneas la good and owners making money. LEWIS RIVER T AND CO.. Woodland. Wrn-h, 1 FOR SAL K Fu'y t-nutpY4 dairy. 13 cow. 1 bull. Ford delivery, horse. aon, p arator. cooler, bottles, delivery caw a. lape on 20 acres It acres in hay. ft lTt pasture, running water; rent iu dirt cheap: seven at ores r taking entirt output ot milk and cream; $4300 cih, See MR L1TTI.KF1 KI-D. 91 K. 12th at. North. fhone Si:t3 si'Et'iAi.: special: special' GROCERY AND CoN FECT l)N K It V I Th classiest Utile grocery and confec tionery ktore In th city, with 2 very at tractive little living ro rim and bath; modern nod a fountain snd f'rsl-clas fu tures and stock; DOING A WONDER FUL BUSINESS. Price $4iMHl. See THIS MONEYMAKER. Ak for J. L. O Kr rell, mgr. BuMncss Cha nee dept., 1th FRANK L. MGUIRE. Realtor (Open Sunday). Ablnglon B Irtg. M a in 1068. HERE IS A NEW ON K. Grocery and meat market in thickly settled neighborhood, doing 1123 a da. a money-maker, nu bet ; will sell ior $11.0im. This includeM lOOxloO corner building, 5 living rooms, modern, all stock and fixtures; $5u0 cash will han dle, or will trade for Improved acrue near In. ' A. J. De FOR EST & CO. (Realtors). 320 Henry B''l. Broad ay 330ft ' CLEANING AND PRESS I N( i ! Went -side location ; net Incunift for 19211 over $50O0; stock $6O0; fixtiin-fl $Itl30; 4 good living roomw. Price only $2300; CASH. THIS IS AN UNPHKCK DENTED SNAP. Ask for J. L. U'Fsr rell, mgr. Buslnean t'hance dept., with FRANK. L. McGUlRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 10(18. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. FLOUR MILL AND 6 ACRES. Flour mill near Portland, doing good business, good condition, buildings and full equipment with 6 acres tan. I. $7oi0. terms; will take some acreage In trade. List 55. WESTERN BROKKRAGR COMPANY. si? Northwest rrn Bank Bldg. CLEANING and preaalng shop, in good lu es t ion. west side, small atock gen l a furnishing, will aell at Invoice or lump sum ; $20011 cash ; properly handled will pay for ltaelf In mix months; books opvo for invest igatlon. Se , MR. LITTIKFIKt.D. 01 K. 121 h at. North. Phone Kant 3133 n GARAGE. $1100 FOR PART INTEREST. Old-eatabliNhf d bualneaa; 10 t r lfM Concrete building on corner; fuily enuip ped battery service, vulca n iuing ; every thing to make a first-class garage; owner la first-class mechanic: working A men. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Ald-r BARBER SHOP. This 8-whtie-chalr ahop is doing an excellent 'business in a splendid loc. tlon. SEE US FOR BARBER SIMPS. Open Sunday. Ask for J. L. O'E.irrell, mgr. Business Chance dept.. with FRANK L. McGUlRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 06 GROCERY STORE SNAP! Fine atock In Al location, very good, business. Price very reasonable fr $2500. Ptart In the grocery business. Open Sunday. Ask for J. L O'rarreil, manager bunlnes chance dpt., with FRANK L. McGUIRK. Ablngton Bldg. Main 10T, BUSINESS man uith cxeculivo abilltv 10 t aa secretary for developmnnl com pany owning valuable concussion in Alaska. Poattlon guars niea good sal ary and exceptional opportunity for ad vancemenL 2mm to $5000 Investment required. Fully secured. Address box W flis. Oregonian. HIGHWAY EATING HofSU. Fine hotel restaurant. buy town on highway tu Seaside, big business, nice place, rent $2. lease; complete equip ment. Including at oik; $900' sickness rompl sale. List 36. WEST EH V BROKERAGE COMPANY. M7 Northwestern Bank H..lg MILLINERY STORK. ONLY $1000 buys this fine millinery store with a good, cloan, new stock; A BIG MONEY MAKER. Ask for J L. O'Farrell, mgr. business Chance dept.. with FRANK L. McGUIRK. AM ngton Bldg. Main 10fi CIGARS AND CoN K K "TIo N Ell Y. RIGHT DOWN TOWN. Fixtures alone worth $1omi; shout 100. nice, clean atock; price only $13041; rent $35. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405 Panama BMg . 3d nnd AM-r POOL HALL! SOFT DRINk; West sld; dailv Income to to $3"; fine location. $2000; $15m rash op n Sunday. Ank for J. L. O'Farrell, mgr. Business chance dept., with FRANK L McGUlRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1PH PATENTS Send for fre book; contains valuable information for Inventors; and ketch of your Invention for fret opin ion of Its patentable nature. 1'ro.npt serv ice. (Twenty years experience.) Talbrrt Talbert, 133 Talbert bldg., Washing ton. P. C. a POOL HALL AND SOFT DRINKS. East-aid pool hall : net iroflt $t30 per mon l h. Price $2'0 ; $ 1 3tw rm - h, OPEN SUN PA Y. AW for J. L. O'Far rell, mgr. Business Chance dept., With FRANK. L. McGUilO:. Abington Bltg. Main 1 06 CARD ROOM AND SOFT DKINKS. GOOD LEASE. RENT $23. Doing 135 per day. can Increase; pres ent owner there S years; well eiuiptd for sott drinks snd confectionery; open front: price onlv $13no. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 403 Panama bldg. 3d and AMr. A CASH tiROCKUV. Caah-and-carry, for sale at what th atock i worth today: few fUtui's to buy; cash galea $73 to N0 day; grocerlfs. Ice cream, soft drink a, etc.; h 4 nUt living rooma. rent for all only $33 month. Invoice about $33410. Call room 401 Du kurn hlrtg. AUTO TITtE STORE. Auto tlrea, vulcanlilng. -W.', opening for active man: proflta extra good; oniV $630 required. Will tesr-h buvr the busi- ne?s. Room 4'tl reani Milg, """ CITY DAoxT , S cows, licensed, tested, net $120: Mix 100 lot. 7-room house and ham. f.V.m $1390 cash, bal. Itihh. Woodlawn 3i3i. Write AO 641, Oregonlsn. " A COUNTRY CARCi At ictual invoice; good car agenrv? fine brick building. bt garage in the town: owner wants to take a real. Room 401 Prkum bldg. GARAGE FOR SA LE. On busy street where you have hi demand for gaa, olla. tlrea etc.; 2s cars steady storage and good rrpair busina, $ 1400 bund . Room 401 I. kum b!'!tr WOOD AND COAL. A solid business: profits average $(00 month; have 2 good trucks, woodaaw. eta. Owner retiring, will aell cheap. Room 401 D-Vuni bl'tg. all f Ived over and in good lo- K H:i3. Oi g.innn. SALE Confectionery, fount.!, u, cigars ana to n rrn. rnone .mi d r.n . Xi'RSERY FOR SALE or for renL Joha i.oimeruiax. Tlgaid, Orcxoo,