TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 8, 1921 10 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. . IRVINGTON "HOME. Most splendid residence and in the heart of this lovely section, offered at price wnich should im mediately attract those looking: for a fine home with large grounds. The house contains tile vestibule, large living room with fireplace, set-in Moravian tile, ample book cases, sun alcove, most beautilul dining room in old ivory and ma hogany; most complete built-lns, pantry and kitchen. 2 sinks, built in fireless cooker, breakfast room; inclosed rear porch, fine billiard room; on second fioor are -4 bed rooms (1 exceedingly large with fireplace), and sleeping porch, large tile bathroom; on third fioor are 3 maids' rooms and bath, finest construction throughout; double garage (heated), hot water heat; spacious verandas; finest shrub bery; frontage on 2 streets. Ap pointment arranged by calling MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7w76 ALAMEDA RESIDENCE. Occupying a site unequaled per haps in the city; frontage on three streets; house contains large cen tral hall with open stairway, very large living room off of which is sun room and library, beautiful dining room, large butler's pan try and kitcnen, maid's room and bath first floor, five bedrooms and bath, also very fine sleeping porch second floor, extra lavatory in guest room, two fireplaces, double garage. pergola olf sun room, hot water heat; complete with awnings, etc Owner leaving state Is prepared to make a mot attractive price. By appointment. MRS. HARRT PINE PALMER East 7976. HOME BARGAINS. -Near Hawthorne, strictly modern 0 room house, corner lot, alt improve ments in and paid, garage; one of the best buys In high-class property in city; price $ti00. 000 cash will handle. Near Franklin high, full corner lot. good 7-room house. 2 sleeping porches, fireplace, garage, fruit and shrubbery. 1 block to car, $40((), terms. Jonesmore, near Gllsan St., restricted district; good 6-room house $3000. easy terms. Montavllla; 2 fujl lots with 5-roam bungaiow; walks and sewer in and paid; bargain at $23-0, easy terms. S. P. OSBURN. 10 McKay Bidg. Third and Stark FINE corner on E. 29th and Flan ders sts., large living room and open stairway, all finished In redwood, large dining room and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on second floor; furnace. fireplace; many fine fruit trees; of tared at most at tractive price. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER, East 7976. $u00 CASH DOWN. ALL FURNISHED. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A dandy 5-room bungalow. All rooms on one floor, fireplace and built-ina. This is completely furnished; all for $SS.0 and oOO cawh, bal. like rent. 500 Couch bidg. Main 5-01. open Sunday. JUST OPEN. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY". HARD SURFACE STREET. L' CHOICE) TRACTS. LOTS WWIZI FT. EACH. EASY TERMS GO EARLY TAKE CHOICE. bJD AND DIVISION STS. Realtors. If Uili aro in Hie market for a well built bunealow. look at the one on corner of Emerson and Monroe ats.. No. 1P4- all thp built-in, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace; vacant and ready for delivery Jit S.t.VHI. An income-bearing home, close In ; right lrge rooms, in fine repair; will sell with or without furniture; small cash payment to handle; $4250 unfur nished. See Mr. VnH. Main 4141. FTNAWE SKRVM-R fO.. REALTORS. FOR SALK BV UWNKR. LAURELHURST HOME. Two-story, all modern house. 3 blocks from Lurelhurst pa rk ; 4 rooms down si airs. 4 roo m s and ha t-h updt a I rs : all enameled in ivory : elegant electrical fixtures; garage, all street Improve ments in and pnld for. Price I75tM. .'15 Melkle place (some as E. 4-d st.. 3d house north of Burnside, facing east. Open for Inspection Sunday. Phone Mar shall MUST BE SPIES TO BE APPRECIATED. . L. HARTMAN COMPANY. NWW TRACT. OPKN TODAY. R2d and Division Rt. LOTS FT. EACH. K DOWN. $15 MONTH. 2 TRACTS. Realtors. KKALTIFIL IRVINGTON HOME. , giwnO VACANT VACANT 6100. Seven rooms, strictly modern, full ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, bullt-ins. breakfast nook, fine plumbing; house Is vacant and in finest condition; lot 50x100, near school; this 'house is priced below what It would cost to build it; terms. Sunday. Marshall SiMW: week da vs. Main 7517. MARIELS WILLIAM'S. REALTORS, SJO Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, excellent con d it ion. three blocks to car and school, furnace, flreplao built-in conveniences, sleeping porch. Woodmere district; pried $3400; corner lot. Attractive home. Mr. Dunbar, with A. J PerORBST CO., tteaitnrfl, SL'O Hrnry B11r. Pdwv. 5.V0. L.v I' ft mtAl LKt'C lionie uwncr, li-room and extra sun parlor, den and sleeping porch, whole cement basement, hot air furnace, all assessments paid, roses ana snruo bery; big sacrifice, $S000; $1M0 cash, ha I h nee to suit. For Sunday only. Tabor ROCK WOOD ACREAGE. 1 acre eloxe to station on Trout dale dectric and Ba?e Line road; all cleared; price only $500. easy terms. See Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway I WILL GIVE your house or bungalow per sonal attention if listed with, me; if the price is right I will sell It. O, M. DERR, T2n N. W. Bank Bldff. Mar. C245. 1H SALE By owner, houso, two large rooms; chicken park and house; lot ISdxloO; $o50; terms; would trade for light .car. Call Woodlawn 2731. WOOD LA WN 0 rooms, modern. H. W. floors, furnace, cement basement, all kinds of fruit and berries, garage; $500 rifiwi. Main A327. 0.U0O APARTMENT. Owner will con aider $90,000, close-in, west side as part, balance cah and mortgage. 447 E. T-'th N. Fat 7'Q4. LAiiGE eight-room house, heated with ho, water and furniture for sale. 251 East TrtTh s.. cnr. Madison. East 2"4. .o-Kuaa bungalow, ail scuu district, tvx 100 lot; price reduced to $2100. Main CS-JT. BAKGvViN in modern Alameda drive home, 6 rooms and steeping porch; vacant; jrtson. terms. Tnfcor 2t7. ' HA WTHUKNE 5-room bungalow. uif ty and modern, fine community; price JS'.iflO: ensy terms. Main t327. Ht-Lt;E, modern, B rooms, lot 5i)xl00, fru:r trees, close in. for $2700; must be soid. Inquire 42 Panama hldg. L. D. Mahon 2 Nt.V 4-room bunifaiowd, fine diMr.ct. close to car, paved street; price $3500; easy forms. Main fi327. KN P F.ne 4-room cottage, 2 fine lots, block from car. See owner, 34 & E. 6-ROOM modern house; corner lot; paved street; close to school; best buy in Fell wood district. Sellwood 916. SUNXYSIDK 0 rooms, in good condition, small loL very cheap at $2400; easy t. rm Main CV27 S RMS.. PART FL'RN.. FRACT. LOT NEAR CAR; $S50. YOUR TERMS. 5t5 I VON ST. S E b-Kuu.Vl ini'dem bungaiow. 2 lots. 2 blocks to car. all kinds of fruit and berries" ?3O0- tTTn5. Viin t27. v E. Al.ftEIi ;-T.. iiear 12tn Mudern 5-room H-inrv jr.Tr, pr;ce S350U. Mnin !327. $2300 BUYS 4-room modern cottage; terms Tabor 5170. WESTMORELAND Fine six-room bunga low. by owner. Woodlawn 1807. , GOOD bungalow; good St.: 2m. Woodlawn shape; on 51st 2,10. LADD'S ADDITION BEST S choice homesKes. Owner East 21-4. S-ROOM house, fruft trees, garage, $3100. A. C 651. Cregontan. 4-KOO.M house, comer lot. Improvements In ard p.i'd $2'M.Q. terms. Main 4 ' C,. NEAR Piedmont, 4 rooms, n-w, largt lot, $3d00; euay terms. Main 6327. REAL KSTATE. For Sale Houses. DISTINCTIVE HEIGHTS, HOME. With most beautiful setting, among lovely trees and with wind ing paths, over little bridges, etc, and with lovely formal gardens; house of stone and stucco con struction; large living room finished- in birch in the natural color.- giving a most pleasing ef fect; library; the dining room is most lovely and has an unsur passed view over city, rivers and mountains; kitchen and maid's dining room; four large sleeping rooms and baths; sleeping porch, also nursery second floor; most artistic billiard room; two maids rooms and bath on third floor ; hot water heat, two fireplaces; unusual in size and design;-large open terrace; garage; also smaller house, which could easily be converted into lovely home. This home has bo many un usual features and every appoint ment to make it a-'perfect home. Appointment arranged. MRS. HARRJ PTNE PALMER, East 770 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. This home ts a new offering, and Is a most unusual and distinctive home; large central hall and liv ing room and sun room; very beau tiful dining room; most complete kitchen and pantry; 3 bedrooms (one unusually large), sleeping porch, tile baths, cne equipped with shower on second floor; two maids' rooms and nath third floor; Gasco 'furnace; finest plumbing; floors in living, dining, sun rooms, also reception hall are all a dark: green tile; large grounds, beauti ful shrubbery. Appointment ar ranged. "MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER, East 7970. S-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. $1S50 11850. $400 DOWN $20 PER MONTH. Bath, toilet, gas, electricity. Dutch kitchen; on a full 50x100 ft. lot. in St. Johns district, close to car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 203. (Realtors). . ROSE CITY PARK. BELOW THE HILL. $0000. TERMS Artistic 5-room bungalow, farage and cement drive, lawn and flowers, cement porch, large living room, music room, good size dining room, Dutch kitchen. large bedrooms, furnace and fireplace, close to Sandy, one 6f the best locations In the city. This Is a snap. Call Main 0201. Office open Sundays and eve ning. , , , IRVINGTON HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, I7IIOO. GARAGE. $7000. Not new, but better; near Stanton and Ftrndwv car: H. W. floors, fireplace, Boy n ton furnace, one bedroom down, three up, large closets and linen room, fine buiit-lns, gas plate, all drapes first floor and fuel; this can be handled eas ily, 6 per cent interest; Immediate pos session. McDONELL, REALTORS, WAST 410 A REAL. BARGAIN Ji."00. On the weat side, right on car line and 0 minute; from city center; ftxl20 corner, with hard surface, all paid; ele vated, sightly, 9-room house, yes, the houi-e U old. but well built and in good ocr.dition; has good plumbing, fireplace, rcam heat and rooms welt arranged; (1000 will handle. SIDNEY O. LATH R OP, MA Abington Hldg. fTh Sien of th Horse Shoe.) IRVINGTON 687 "Wasco at.. 6r00. 7 rooms, immediate possession, fine yard and fruit, convenient to Irvington or Broadway cars. Terms to suit. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. REALTORS. Bdwy. S9S0. 65 4th St RAISE TOUR LIVING. FINE LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME WIUHT TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. On Oregon City car, uear station; 100 xl50 of sround. eood 4-room house, out buildings, chicken house and runs, lots of fruit, shrubbery, etc.; on good auto road Price S27s0; easy terms, bun day, Marshall 563; week days. Main 7W7. MAR1EIS & WILLIAMS, REALTORS, 8'JO Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEVERAL English and Dutch co lonial homes and a number of very attractive new bungalows in Irvington and Alameda districts, offered for sale by MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East ?u;ti. A HOME AND AN INCOME la rooms, RtrifTtiv modern, located close In on one of the busiest traffic corners on the east side; high-class furniture included; the future business value of this property cannot be overestimated; can De snown by appointment. Phone agent Nfor in formation at Main 327. Mr. Holman. WBsT MT. TABOR HUM E. 100x100 BEAUTIFUL LOT. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND SHRUBS; TRE-WAR PRICE PREVAILS HERE; LEAVING PORTLAND, WILL NOT RENT; 8-ROOM MODERN HOME. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 224S. T. 6410. WALKING distance, six-room houae. one block to Hawthorne car; furnace, fire nlace. full cement basement, earage. t irt -class condition; price f tiOOO. $1500 cash, balance as you desire. Very at tractive location. Mr. Dunbar, with A. J. DerEST & CO.. Realtors, 320 Henry Bldg. Bdw. 5.M0. 4-ROOM "" plastered and hard - tinlstiefi house, with bath and toilet and one fourth basement, electric lights; on ofcth and Halsey; for $2500; $3o0 down snd balance on easy terms at 6 per cent. No agents wanted. Sold by owners. H. W. Knowles. phone Tabor 5574. iii" OvVNcii; i-nn. uou.-w, nardwood tloors, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, Dutch kitch en, all old ivory, gas, elect., wash trays, basement, lot 53x05. $3o50; terms. 3 East t2d. near Stark; ML Tabor car; week ditys. I R V I N G TON SACRIF ICK. Beautiful 7-room house, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, sun, breakfast room, garage, situated on the best street in Irvington: must scu at once. Lau Marshall 5ti52. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow ; hardwood floors, pipeleaa furnacu, fireplace, all built-ins, linoleum in kitchen and bath, draperies, garage, berries and garden in. lawn all made; $4800; easy terms. 44ti E 47th st. i Kuu.u HuLbfc. with, bath, electric lights, Hull Run water, gas in street; 25 min utes out on Est a cad a car line; two lots; $300 down, balance like rent. Get off at Ardenwald statlou and walk two blanks ?ouf h. kit i v unnyKidt unci hwtnm ne car- lines, ti-room bungalow cottage, cor. lot, garage, furnace, fireplace, built-lns, dou ble plumbing. 238 Glenn ave. Tabor 632. 1 HAVE live buyers for moderate priced suburban homes; get in touch with me, C. M. DERR, N W. Bank PMr. Mar. 224?. IRVINGTON. Five, six and seven-room bungalows for sale by H. C. Malmquist, owner and builder. M E. 2Mh st. N. iiUDLlOi B-room bung.Uow and some fur niture for sale. 4i0 Tillamook st., Irv ington; close In; terms; owner; open 10 GO LOOK at house 35 JS. 45th sL. cor ner Harrison; 7 room, double sleeping porch; paving in and paid; bargain at $4500. Owner. 6-R. HOUSE. 2 blk. north of Jeff, high, on Jessup st:. a real oargain for $3150. cash $050. balance- $15 per month and (T'r. Call Sunday. Main 7o:i3. WEST SIDE, Just appraised for $3500 to close estate; easily worth $4250. full lo; 5-r. bungalow, 2 blks to car: terms ar ranged. Main 6353. Wain. 7fi5. MOVE RIGHT IN. ABOUT $1500 DOWN. - 5-room modern bungalow, cement base ment; 1 block car. 1203 Ivon. Main 5509. FOR SALE By owner, 3-roora housa, plas tered, electric light, water, gas in; two big lots: nttar school. At Maplewood, Or.; inquire within. 14 ACRES, small creek', near Milwaukie. Value $'.000. Want modern home. Will not assume. Milwaukie S1Y. 10 ACRES 3 cleared, small house. Mitchcl highway, near Seattle, car. furniture. rt-. 405 W. Park. 6-ROOM modern home. cor. lot. in Haw thorne district; very easy terms. Owner. Tabor 5355. KKAL ESTATE. Fur bale- -Houses. WEST SIDE. I n Kearney street, near 23d street, modern 7-room houses, in excellent con dition. Price $4500 each. SEVEN ROOMS LOT 50x50. 4 bedrooms, living, dining rooms, k't en, bath, toilet, on first floor. toar)? rooms upstairs, basement, cement waiRs. near street car. Price J2000, cash 500, balance monthly. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Seven-room house on Thurraan street, modern, full lot, fruit trees, berries, etc Price $7000; very easy terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Six-room bungalow, modern, 44tn St., just south of Hawthorne; cement base ment, fireplace, corner lot 50x100; price $3500; cash $500, balance monthly payments. HOLLA DAT S ADDITION. Six-room cottage, 2 bedrooms up and one downstairs, living, dining rooms, kiinhan. full cement basement, wash cent 'retired monthly payments, equity $1600'; 2 blocks from either Union av or jjroaaway cars; cioae iu aii. Eight-room house, garage, lot 0x160, .,u , -1 B'raata pnnil neighbor hood, near street car. Price $5500, cash xauu. f O T7"T- TX7 VFWP.T.T.. 407 Henry Bldg." Broadway S0S0. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Ideal for two families; large rooms, Ideaf location, large living room, beautiful dining room, com plete kitchen and breakfast dock. 3 large sleeping rooms, each with splendid built-in wardrobes and extra closets; also sleeping porch and tile bath with built-in ward robe; 2 rooms and ample space for several others on second floor. Also partly equipped bathroom; fine garage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. ' East 7976. $750 DOWN. . ROSE CITY PARK. Unequaled 5-room bung, for priej. New and up to the minute, a wonderful ar ranged Dutch kitchen, with breakfast nook, oak floors In all rooms, except kitchen and bathroom; artistic m -.,.v . qh hnnkj9P fireulace. huut-i dreasins- table in bathroom. Purchaser rhnAa tftrw-itrv miner for living am dining room. Yet. there is a K&rage, e-aT. nn neveri utreet: all for .VZ-". We consider this the best buy In Rose City Park. Call at coucn oiag.. u. phone Main 5201. Office open Sunday. " viPAVTi VACANT! VACANT! T(jk ta ATT. VTiTT MTT.KD S.'jOO. $3200 MODERN HAWTHORNE $3250. AIVCl A.W UH"" ' 0 1 m knrxrolnvr TVnA. 4 TOOKIS an v.th tir-t floor bedrooms upstairs 1 l.oMAnt nlwmhln tr elpCtrlc liffhtS, iftvinn hard-surfaced street and sewer, nearly all paid; house could not be built lor price ssaea; quit. tAn o tht tndnv. it Is a bargain, Sunday, Marshall 5063; week days, Main MARIELS & WILLIAMS. REALTORS, 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOOK! ' LOOK! t J L. HARTMAN COMPANY NEW TRACT. 62d and Division Sts. TODAY. ' 2 TRACTS. LOTS 0x2Sl FT. EACH. 2o DOWN $15 MONTH. Realtors. " ' "i ui'u i R it U ( IM E S4000. An extra large lot. 2xl5ti. with lots of choice fruit tieea. cherries, berries, etc.; well-built 7-room house with good plumbing, nicely tinted walls, modern conveniences; a garage vvilu iwum i . - naartv finished 2-room coi tage besides, jutit right for old couple K't rin in: this placer it being offered below value, at owner (s called to England immediately; terms can be arranged. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. fil6 Abington Hldg. (Th Sign of th Horse ShoO lKviNUToN AkTlSTIO HOMlii, 115.000. Large living room, spacious balcony stairway, solid mahogany and ivory, Invelv dinine room, library, breakfast r.,tm firRt finnr: four wonder bedrooma, two glass-inclowed and heated sleeping porches, two tiled feathn. servants' quar ters, east front, beautiful foliage, ga rage. McDONRLL, REALTOR, RVST 410, $4500 VACANT NEW Bl'N'JALOW $4500 A Jo fj. U 1 1 r uu ir i i ijj.rt. aw. this TflDA V MOVE MONDAY In .Hawthorne district. & rooms and .r&arfait Rtrirtlv modern, fine bast ment, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood floors, all kinds of built-lns, large living room. ffaraKf. hard-surfaced street, all nairi: desirable terms. Sunday. lar. 405:1: week days. Main 797. Our ma chine is waiting for you. MARIELS & WILLIAMS, REALTORS, 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 750 E. AN KENT ST. Six rooms and bath; hardwood floors; splendid car Kervice; offtired at very low price of $4500. By ap pointmenL MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7t76. IR V I N O T O N ill! N C, A LO W , NEW AND NIFTY. 5. well arranged rooma, double con stracted, bent of material used in build ing this uniquo bungalow, large living room, witn nrepiace, garagu, pnueu away down; no phone Information; call at ollice aionaay ior a positive untiuu. C. M. DERR, 1215 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRVINOTON BUNGALOW. SEE IT TODAY. 30 EAST 27TH ST. l&ORTIL 5 WELL ARRANUED ROOMS; IT HAS MOST EVERYTHING INCLUDING GARAGE. 1 TO 6 f, M. i ODA I. CALL EARLY. R-ronm modern Rose City bungalow, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, hard wood floors, fireolace. laundry trays. full basement, near car; a bargain at $4b50. , 11 15 LOW THE HILL. 6-room modern home, fireplace, fur nace, garage, all improvements tn ana naid. East 601. Tabor 6442. ""WILL TAKE ONE "Oft TWO SMALL . BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms, strictly modern, fine base ment, furnace, fireplace, hardwood firs., all built-lns and in fine condition; price $7000 and is a bargain I would take as part pay smaller houses Might con sider well-located lots. Submit what you have. AN 578, Oregonlan. 10 ACRES FOR RENT. Between Ryan and Multnomah; all in cult.; 6-rm. house, city water, fruit and berries; personal includes feed, chickens, rabbits, incubator; price, including 7 mo. rent, $500; five-year lease, $250 ir year. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. LAURELHURST HOME. SEEING IS BELIEVING. I have a bargain in a 7-room 2-story honse. with a dandy attic, very modern and in bet of condition; garage; option of two lots; furniture for salt; a real buy at SOOuO. C. M. DERR, TABOR 641!, 121 N. W. Wink Bldg. Mar. 2245. B V OWNER- 7-roona bungalow ; 7 iarce rooms, near Reed college built-in buf fet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment with wash trays, sleeping porch and garage; all newly tinted, enameled in ivory; outside also newly painted; price $4SO0; $1000 down. Call Sellwood 2210. , 6-ROOM HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Three blocks to car. excellent, con dition, furnace, fireplace, garage; a bar gain at $4300. $1500 cash will handle, balance easy. Mr. Dunbar, with A J DeFOREST & CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry bldg. Blwy 5500. -KOuM modern house, lower floor and stairs finished in Circassian walnut, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, hot water heat, stationary vacuum cleaner; lot 100x100. Price $14,000. See owner. 599 18th st. N. ' BUILD N O V, But first get figures from HEDSTROM CONSTRUCTION CO.. 614 Henry Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1881. QUAMTY, SATISFACTION. SERVICE. ROSE CITY, modern home, large living rvom, den, hall, dinfng room, kitchen, o. f. S bedrooms, closet, bath, full c. b., furnace, fireplace, fruit trees, berries, $5900, terms. 614 E. 44th st. N. FOR SALE A bargain. 6-room modern house, completely furnished, $475; house rents for $25; walking distance. 490 Grand ave. S. Sellwood 268. ON THE river, east aide, close In, 50x200, nice five-room bungalow. PricB $4500. Terms. ISO Broadway, Heilig theater bldg. . v BY OWNER 5-room modern bungalow and garage, $2750. 10G5 E. 22d at. N. REAL ESTATE. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. REALTORS. SFRINGTIMRvAND ROSES SUNSHINE AND SHOWERS. PEAS AND NEW POTATOES FRIED - CHICKEN AND RHUBARB PIE. DELIGHTFUL COMBINATIONS THAT PLEASE THE PALATE AND satisfy the soul produced In Portland, the Rose City. OWN YOUR HOME AND BE HAPPY. It takes more than four iH to make a home, and upon your choice for a dwelling place 'much of happiness de pends. Shall it be an apartment, with a phonograph on either aide? Shall it b . a rented cottage off a pavement, where the kiddies are in constant danger from passing motorists and the wife's nerves continually on edge with tear? Or shall it be a pretty bungalow one of the kind for sale by -us on practical terms on a shaded street with ample lawn for thA youngsters to romp over? And space ior your garden and vines and roses, tooT WE DO NOT KEEP OPEN ON SUNDAY. But come In MONDAY or any time at your earliest convenience and let us talk the problem over with you. WE CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY WITH LIT TLE COST IN A COMFY HOME. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. REALTORS, 810 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Lovely small borne, spacious central hall, large living room, dining room, complete butler's pantry and kitchen; 3 sleeping rooms and bath; also large open porch off second floor; deep lot, fine shrubbery, Gasco furnace, all linoleums, draperies, electric range and radiantfire heater. MRS, -HARRY PRICE PALMER, . . East 7976. Smaller attractive home in same location. ROSE CITY PARK. DUTCH COLONIAL. 44th street. 200 ft. from Sandy bird.. 7-rm. strictly modern Dutch colonial house; 2 fireplaces, sun parlor, corner lot and price only $7700. This is a bar gain: we also have a number of o-rm bungalows In the same district that are good bargains. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office. 45th A Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. (Realtors.) PIEDMONT HOME. Strictly modern 6-room home, heart of Piedmont district, near Jetferson high and library ; easy access to three car lines, streets paved and paid for; large living and dining room with oak floors and elegant built-in conveniences, roomy . kitchen. 3 sunny bedrooms and bath upstairs, full concrete basement. Fox furnace, etc.; 50x100 lot to alley; garage, concrete floor and driveway, beautiful lawn and shrubbery; $0500, with eapv terms. RICH ARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide. ROSE CITY BRANCH OFFICE. OPEN EVERY DAT. SANDY BLVD.. COR. 45TH ST. Tabor 252. C.rvoD BARGAINS TN liVUSES AND LOTS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY.,. ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD YOUR ItOMBi-fc If finance troubles you or other dif ficulties, let us help you. Ouj- system sufficiently unique to demand'your In terest. We nrp home builders to thoso WHO HAVE LESS AND WANT MORE. Call todav. Main 1575. O. TI. SKOTHKIM CO., REALTORS. 408-411 Couch Bldg.. Fourth St. Note Mr. SkothMm managed Port -land's Own Your Home Campaign and appreciates your problems. ROSW CITY PARK. Six-Room Bunealow. , 60x106 view lot. fireplace, beautiful built-in features, large living and din ing room, cosy breakfast nook and lante kitchen, hardwood floors, full concrete basement with Gawco furnace, two bed rooms, bath and larg combination bed room on sleeping porch. 2d floor; roomy view porch. Very reasonable terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER.I.OWK & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Rnard of Trade BMc AM GOING TO CAL1K. MUST SELL fine home. COMPLETELY FURNISH EL) Almost new, modern bungalow with combined living and dining-robm. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, airy sleeping rooms, garage, rugs new. leather furni ture; tine garden ana lawn: near car; paved. Simply a pick up under unusual circumstances; $4000. May consider $1000 cash. Call our acents. The O. H. SKOTHBI.M CO.. Realtors. 408-11 Couch btdg. Main 15i5; Sunday or evenings. Main vzs. EAST SIDE. CLOSE IN. FURNISHED Owner needs money urgently for busi ness and will sacrifice his home: 3 rooms, attractively modern; fireplace'. cement casement witn lumace : unf home: near 3 earlines. Takes $800 cash Call today at Main 8243 or during week Main 1575. The price includes furniture. O. IL SKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS. 408-41 1 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, $4800. 50x105 corner lot. double garage, cosiy bungalow of five rooms, fireplace, evry built-in convenience, sunny room, large kitchen with breakfast nook, full con crete basement, furnace, on naved street, one" block from Sandy blvd. Very easy terms, and will take in goon vacant lot. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor RITTER. LOWB & CO.. "' 201-3-B-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I R VINGTON B Y OWN E R $850. Fine bungalow home, living and din ing-rooms; den ; convenient kitchen, bedrooms and bath downstairs, with at tic and sleeping porch upstairs, cement basement, naruwoofl tloors. furnace, trays, fruit room. etc. ; enamel finish; nearly new; $850 cash, bal monthly. Sf-e me TODAY at 516 E. 13th st. Moo- nay. .Main lo7.. ROSE CITY PICKUP $750. Let me tell you about this most at tractive 5-room R. C. bungalow; fine lot and location; best of construction: lots of built-lns; large living-room; othe rooms attractive and airy: garage; $750 handles this. Must go this week. Call Auto. 815-34 today; on week days. Main 1575. 13 ROOMS ONLY $3100. Completely furnished, arranged in 2 and 5-room flats and one 3-room flat; 50xloo ft. tot; this beats oil stock; only $600 down. George F. Crow, with HESGARD A HARALA, 801 Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 1201. Res. Woodlawn 27S5. A DANDY LITTLE SHACK $250. It Is tumble-down but a handy man can repair and make a dundv little home: tot SOxHV); 10 fruit trees, some berries; partially fenced; a good place to make a modest start. HARRY BECK WITH. Realtor. 14 fith St. Main fifiW. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Modern 7-room bungalow. 75x100 cor ner, cloae in; $750 to $1000 down. Easy terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER. LOWB & CO.. 201-T-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FURNISHED, INCLUDING PIANO. Move right In; modem 5-room bunga low, furnished; h. w. floors: full con crete basement; 46 th and Hawthorne ave.; $2uuu andyoaiance on easy montniy payments. 317 Chamber of Commerce birtO. HflWT. tfl. ATTRACTIVE. SUBSTANTIALLY BUILT 9-room nouse, ruHiLA u ifca.rns, large grounds, beautiful view, hard sur face; excellent opportunity to- buy, a beautiful home. Call Main 195 Monday. EAT, double constructed, 5 rooms, bath, basement, large cnicnen coop, sned ror garage, lot 47x100. 61st st. Mt. Scott ear. K,t sy terms, a wtoma'ic WILL BUILD FOR YOU and help you finance your home. Call me today, Sun day P. M at Main 1575. During week at 409-410 Couch bldg. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK HOME. Strictly mooern inorounout : corn lot. close to Sandy road: excellent loca- tion: libe-ral terms. labor 4.4. GOOD 5-room cottage, full basement, bath; 25x100 lot. 216 Morria at., near R. S. car. Call Tabor 071. ' IRVINGTON 75x100. lovtly modern -8-roora house, priced reasonable. Zimmerman. jns Chamber of Commerce. Main 8052. BEAUTIFUL west aide home, corner, priced right. S18 Chamoer of Commerce. 7-ROOM house in Hohadav addition: $4300: terms: bv owner. Wdln. 12fl". 6-ROOM Queen Ann bungalow; g close In. Call Est 7170. WANTED Ash and alder timber. Wilcox bldg., Portland. IOCS REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITT PARR7S BEST BUNGALOW For the price, $4250. 6 rooms, modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, all modern, and corner lot, nothing else like it at the price, S $4250. See It Monday. ALSO ONE IN IRVINGTON. T Rooms. Modern. $5250. These are snaps. " NEILAN A PARKHTLL, 219 Lumbermen's Bfug., fith and Stark St. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. BARGAIN. TERMS. W. W. LUCIUS, 754 HANCOCK ST. ROSE CTTyVaRK 45TH ST. BUNGALOW. On-lT 2 bT'ks. to Sandy blvd. tractive 5-rm. bumalnw. with an at- garage, nardwood floors, fireolace. built-lTi ef fects. Dutch kitchen: you will like this place: puce only $5O0O. $uoo win nanaie it. Our branch office U only 2 blks. from this place. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office. 45th A Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. (Realtors.) IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. Offered at very attractive price; living room, library, dining room, breakfast nook and most complete . kitchen, three sleepinr rooms and sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces, Gasco furnace, garage; In excellent con dition; price includes all velour hangings and carpeta By appoint ment. MRS. HARRY PPTCE PALMER, East 7076. SOME SNAP! THIS REAL HOME. Look It THROUGH today, save, ana make me your best offer; below $6000; I built this RIGHT for my own home, but must leave Oregoa quick; double con structed throughout; paper between walls and by t ween floors; all spruce" aid ing. Fine bedroom and bath on first floor; second floor hasfr-ftood bedrooms, sleep ing porch and extra plumbing; full lot; garage; dandy location ; like new; ex cept price. 80S E. Couch at. near 80th. few blocks west of Laurelhurst Park. Pee this THROUGH today. $5O0 DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK or HAWTHORNE. We have jeveral very good buys in these d(Htrict: they may be hanilled for only $500 down. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office. 45th, & Sandy Blvd. Tnbnr 252. (Realtors.) HOME BAHRAIN'S. $1800, A rooms, Albina ave. $J4fl, 5 rooms, Sumner et. $150(1. T rooms. Shaver st. $."hO0, room, corner. Borthwlek st. $r(H)0, A rooms, corner, Albina ave. $5250, 10 rooms, corner, 2 lots. Pied mont. $10,000, 9 rooms, 2 Iota, corner. Over look. $2000, 3-room bouses, Missouri ave.; Income $30 a month. $2700. 4 2-room furnished flats, corner Beech and Albina: Income $45 per month. M. E. THOMPSON, 848 Mississippi Ave. $R0flf FIND LAURELHURST HOME. A beautiful 7-room hotiv with sleep ing porch, on corner lot with all Im provements In and paid. There Is not a bptter buy In Portland at the price asked. Suitable terms can be arranged. J. J. McCAHTHY. Abington Bldg. Call afternoon only. OWNER leaving city; 7-room house and furniture to be disposed of at once; lo cated good residential section: holise In excellent condition; has just been freshly tinted; full cement basement, fireplace, sleeping porch; new light fixtures; built in Improvements; will sell under market price if taken at once. &84 E. 38th st. N. Phone S14-03. $2850 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $2850. A REAL BARGAIN E'ASY TERMS, 7-"room. well-capstructed house, bath and 1 bedroom first floor; S bedrooms second floor; good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; hard-surfaced street paid; near car. This Is a bargain; loca tion Is fine and terms ea. Sunday, Marshall 5003; week-days. Main 7fl7. MARIELS & WILLIAMS, Realtors. P20 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 79 AT. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, hardwood floors, fire place, butlt-in buffet and bookcases. Dutch Kitcnen. ium concrni oniwmrni. furnace, garage with concrete floor and driveway, two blocks from car, walking distance Prankiin high school. Good terms: $5000. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RK A L. HOME. CLOSE IN. Here's a bargain; 6-room house with everv modern convenience, in select part of Hawthorne, 2 blocks from Belmont car: full lot; paved; large Royal Anne cherry trees; an exceptional value at $4650. ELMER F. BENNETT CO., REALTORS. 318-321 Bd. of Trade Bldg. Main "fotTs A UK M Y EQUITY J 1200. 7-ronm house, modern except furnace, c. b., good garage, c. f.. blue and white enamel kitchen with all kinds of built lns; a. P.; ffts. paved and paid; house arranged so can rent part and live in ther part: nice district; bet. Hawthorne and Laureinursi; oese car service in niy, Price $4000. 1204 E. Taylor st. Phone Tabor 5300. " ' VERY EASY TERMS. $2250 NEAR ANKENY CAR BARNS-5-ROOM COTTAGE. Near car barns and car; srood plumb ing, elertrio lights, gas, all Improve ments paid, small payment down, fiun dnvs, Marshall SOW: weekday Main 7067. Muriels A Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IF YOU would like to secure a beautiful. gorgeous, aeiigniiui, cosuy name on ine heights, large grounds, for just the con struction cost of the building, this Is your rare opportunity. We will happily commit ourselves to your service In veri fication of these facta, C. L. Becker, 1 33 First st. 5-ROOM modern bungalow with sleeping porch, garage and chicken houne; all kinds smau iruu, wuuiw iueo iu St. Johns, car. 1 block north Portland boulevard, 5 blocks to school: lot lOOi 100; $1500 will handle, terms for balance. House. 1407 Gurten ave. Phona Wood lawn 4S77. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. t 5 nice rooms, reception hall, good bath, all the usual built-lns. cement basement, good furnace. 1 bloek to car. lawn, flowers, iruu aua oerries; an at tractive nome: sacrifice $3450; owner leaving city. See Royal, 72d and Sandy boulevard. Tabor 155. FOR SALE at a reasoKtble price, a mod ern 6-room houaa in Irvington district, occupied by owner; fireplaoe and fumaca. full basement: oak floors downstairs, large acreened-in , back porch, large sleeping" poreh, lof 50x125 with alley; will give good termi. Addreas B 606, Oregonlan HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Buy from owner, brand-new 5-room bungalow, breakfast nook, oak floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet, cooling closet. Inlaid linoleum, pipeless furnace. Radiant fire, garage, drapes and ahadea go with place; easy terms. Phone Auto. ll!-ltt 441 E. 47th, all day Sunday. PORTLAND H BItSHTS -IF YOU ARK - LOOKING FOR A RK A L HOME, SEE S7R COUNCIL CRKST DRIVE. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. J. J- ARM STRONG, OWNE7R. MAIN 3476. REAL rSTATE. For 8a le A 6-room Queen Anne bungalow, full basement, Gasco furnace, some bullt-ins. 50x100 lot. garage and runway. Street improvements paid, i arms. NEAR LAURELHURST. a A-rmm hnina- larza livinr room, dining room and kitchen downstaira. S bedroom and bath up. full bawment, wash traya, furnace, built-in pantry, etc., 40x100 lot. Price only $5500; terms aasy, or trade small acreage. 100x100 $3800. A 7-room bunralow: good basement, bath, etc., fireplace, built-in pantry, pan eled dining room. 18 bearing fruit trees walnuta and berries and grapes, 100x100 corner, garage: terms easy. $4500 HAWTHORNE (NEW). A (-room bungalov. with all bullt-lna. breakfast nook, cabinet kitchn. fire place, cement basement, wash trays, etc., finished In ivory, garage and runway. 40x100 lot, city improvement paid; terms easy. RUMMELL ft RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. On E. Ankeny atreet and near park; lovely large and unusual living room. Frenoh doora to din ing room, complete Pullman kitch en and breakfast nook. 3 bedrooms and tile bathroom; also 2 finished rooms on second floor, as well aa' storage room; fine basement, fur nace, gars ire: beautiful lighting fixtures, offered at reduced price due to owner leaving atate. By appointment. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. v East 776. A ROSE. CITY SNAP. $6000. $1000 Will Handle. 7- room modern house. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; lot 50x100; garag. This house must be aold at once. $1575. $200 Cash WTI11 Handle. 8- room house, very close in on car Una, paved streets all paid. 3 new cottage and 1 acre of land with each cottage. May be had for j"0 first payment, balance to aulL $3(50 each. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $3,100. $500 Cash Will Handle. 7-room house, just 1 block off car line. This house Is being remodeled; 20 min utes' walk to city. MADDOX A BURCH. Phone 520-10. 815 Couch Blng. IRVINGTON. A real home, showing refinement and character: it is Dutch colonial tvDe .in w k 1 1 . ,mm rnnflnr: onlv bu'.lt a vear: haa 7 rooms. 8 bedrooms: finished In.IHa In .nBm.l IfllMt Tllumb IIC flX' tn rp- best furnace, fireplace: a dear lit l Mm nnrlnr rT hrnkf a St TOOm : b-UV.-.n that mnv hnilftWife would d (tit MnMtfa! Rink and convenlenc h notcrhhnrhood Is exclusive and yet nioi vif nnd school. I think It about the most charming- place for the money In Irvtnicton and want to show it to you by appointment oniv. HARRY BECKWITH. (Realtor.) Main SftO. 104 5th St EAST SIDK HOME, onv PTUTVn DIFFERENT. TTniiMimi v(w lot. 78x110. 7 -room hom large veranda, fruit, shrubbery, shade treea, ftxeeilent car service, all modern conveniences, large bedrooms and bath ..T.t m irw tarr llvlne room and dinin room, fireplace, sunny kitchen, full eon creted basement, furnace, fru't closet laundry traya. Quick sale necesaary. fcSac rificed at rnm: terms. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RTTTFR. LOWE ft CO.. nqt-S-5-7 Roard of Trade RMg. TOTAT. i 62d and Division Sts. 21 TRACTS. LOTS 6ftx2"l FT. EACH. ft TRACTS. MK120 FT. $2 POWV, $1S MONT IT . J. L HARTMAN COMTANT. Realtors. $150 CASH. TOTAL PRICE $2750. " A.rnom bunr.ilnw. It bedroems. plumb Ing. gas. laundry trays, basement: only 1 block to car, close to jaureinursi iuu. Phone tn "- ' """r i-ui, 1 TtrcATI THIS ONE! I am leaving the city, must pM! -n.m mnlrn home! hi re etiamele Dutch kitrhen and bath. 3 large bed rooms and sleeping pnrrh: full ceinn K.uamoni ftimarA and WHsh trava. fo ion nt lawn, fruit and berries. $m worth of new Inlaid linoleum and lance Mallosh a rnns-n nc Uflffl vann Prive out Vnion ave., or tke Vancou vcr car. -S8 Buffalo street. 1R V I NT. TO N BUNGALOW, 7rtn in 11000 Down. Attractive 7ftxl00 corner with neat vrn.rnom bunealow. large living an Jininr.rnAm on U flnnrs. fireplace, built In bookcases, buffet. et. Two larire t,.PAnmi and hath Oil first floor. STW Ing room, sleeping parch and bedroom on seconn nonr. Cjh py irrnn. RICH A R l W. MAST, Realtor; ' RITTHR. LOWB CO.. C01-3-V7 Board of Trade Bldg. $-00 M O DKRN BI'N; A I.OW $-i50. AN OLD-TIM K BARGAIN KIT.V. THIH TOHAY.. T Ninm a It rooms first floor, fin limni wnnti nlnmhlnff. electric llrhts, chs. fireplace, bullt-ins, east front, fine fio-rlno. nt onlv $.100 down and It rertalnly a bargain. Pundnys. Marshall f.!Hi.t: week dnys. Main 7?ti7. MARIKLS W1LLTAMS. RKALTORS, . S'JO Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TT AWTHORNK DISTRTCT. TCrnrlv new IS-room bungalow, hard wood floors, French doors between living and dining rooms, i oreaKiaat nooK, an built-in; furnace, cement basement and garage, screens for windows and doors; also inlaid linoleum on kitchen and hsth room; near two earlines. Price $Vno; terms. 8-7 E. 6011) at., pear mill. Tabor S!B4. MONTAVILLA. - ft.msim modern bunralow. exeellcn condition, large lot. plenty of fruit. 1 block to car, hardrjurrace street, ajj ex celient onv. ei- "?n. W T RADABAUGIT. 104 HAWTHORNE AVE'. TABOR 4?m A REAL BUY. Vnitfirn g-room house: Hawthorne dfs. trlrt; hardwood floors, built-lns, large Dutch kitchen, run cement naeemeni Improvements In and paid for; $1000, esy terms. Call Tahor hm. lAHOO TERM S $ .V 0 0. LADD ADDITION. New 5-room" bungalow and sleeping porch, 86 Elliott av., Hawthorne car to 20th eL, 1&0 feet south. Owner there Sunday. fRVINtlTON New home. 1 'i '-story. 5 big rooma downatalra. Ivory finish, tspestry Tinner, nlate glass windows, tiled barn room. Gasco furnace, garage: will take new car aa part payment, $000. Last 7502. ON ACCOUNT of alckneaj will sell my modern D-room nouse, garage, iruu trees at 6S?5 43th avenue 8. E., one block from Mount Scott car, rompletpiy furnished for SSioo or unrurnlshed. gjioo Terms. Phone 621 -SO. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buy a nice home with rood income: eight apartments, l', rooms; wen-ount house: lot SoxliiO. with rruu and berries $10.M0, half cash. 634 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, 5-room bungalow, gas, furnace, good surroundings; near Hawthorne ave. $3150, $7."0 rash. W. D. RADABAUGH. 104(1 Hawthorne Ave. Tahor 4?00. 2 NICE suburban homes, near good school, one IS-room nouse. one -roora noupe, lota each 100x100. abundance choice fruit, berriee and garden on each., no incumbrance, very reasonable, no agehta. Phone Auto. vrvrrrTTf Owner leaving for east, w'tl sacrifice for tDW seven-room antHHi home m tip-top part or jaureihurst Room 4Jfl Board of Trsde. lift.-iO RITXG.. 5 rooms. 100x100 lot. atreei ana sewer pain . f jvuiiuii.fiuutu. .ar a blks.; now vacant. Be quick. Oet this snap. J. P. McKenna. Realtor, 1151 Bel- mont. cor, awtn. innor HVE client for5-rooin cottare or bung., lot at least 40x100; Funnyside or Haw thorne d!st. $3000 or Iwe. J. P. Mc Kenna. Realtor, 1131 Belmont at 3lth. Tab. 6403. " fRVlNGTON DISTRICT. 7-room bungalow type, atrirtly mod em, double constructed, best of plumb ing living room end dining room across the front. 41x1.1. Owrr. Call K. R4"0 7-ROOM modern -home, lot B.'SxlOO. excel lent condition, double cement gar aire a. lota of fruit, all imurovementa paid; $5200; your own term. Owner, $49 Salmon st. Main 41'4y BT OWNER ft-room bungalow-style cot tage, gas, electricity, hath, toilet, full baaement, 3 blocks to MV carline. 14T5 K Couch. Tapewtry paPT. anamelr-d kitrhen: 1200. 700 rash. Il'- P"r month. IRVINGTON Kull 2-story 6-room mod ern, steam heat, garage; price 4H..0; would consider light car and aome cash 'as first payment, balance $40 per month. 8Uft . Broadway. Owner. KKALKSTATE. Tor Sale tmtra. OPEN EVERY DAT. ROSE CITY BR A NTH OFFICE. 4T1LAND S.V.N DY BLVD. A Tabor 252. GOOD BARGAINS IV IK) USES AND LOTd J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. A GREAT HAHC.A1N. $J200 for a doub.e r.aidence of five rooms on first f.oor with bath, toilet and wash trays. The second floor of 3 rooms, witn French dooia. butlt-ins, kitchen, balh and toilet : has fine con crete basement, furnace, fine lot, ,VUo, bearing fruit and brr. Improvements In and paid. On East ln:TT si., near I'n-n-cott. A pnap. only $luoo cah; it wl' rent for $ttu per month. F. L. BLANCH Alt l. Realtor, 4f1-g SwCand H'i!g. M:ir or E ?1?t VVOKKING.MUX .S UuAlti. $320o 4-room furnished cottage, all Improvements in and paid; $500 down, $25 monthly payments. $225,0 4-rooin bungalow, clone to Rose NCUy tKhool, $500 down. $25 mo. $1600 3 -roo m house In Ab.rta. 50 JOO lot. ail In bearing fruit, $500 down. iMj Jiu-nis in puii. MONTGOMERY A LEAP, Itallora, 37 Cham, of Cnm. SMALL CASH PAYMENT, LIKE KENT. Splendidly built it-room houne In ex cellent condition, fu'l iKineimml. trava, c'.. ts. ic. with llnolt-urn and light nxiurea included; .corner lot enclosed iin rose neupe; etrteta paved a tie paid, fruit. On.y 4m.i. HENRY W. tlODDARD, Realtor. 24.1 Stark Street. Mi,ln ML ONE OF THR cosiest bungalows In Rom City Park, nlce.y located, dogwood grove, choice roaes, modern five rooms, hni bullt-lna. hardwood floors, fire p. ace, fur nace, garage. 552 E. 40th N. Laat 2&71. A LA Lb A PARK CUAUM1NG COLONIAL. Ion t mlaa thla. Owner leaving for ranch Large living room. French doors, aun room, ivory finish, oak Loons, 2 fire- piacea. garage, sarnntftl. T. U. Neu hausen Co, Kealiora. tact S'M. Slain fto7S SUNN Vsini home for oNLV JJImo. $.V0 CASH. GoodiA-room houxe with basement and trays; plenty of garden ' space, no In cumbrance. E. Aidtr near 3-'d atreet. a.sy payments. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor, -MK .Stark Str"-t. Main s:U. $3'00 FOR A mouern up-to-itate 4-room uuugaiuw, nn IMige Sleeping 'pori'll- has fireplace, Dutch kitchen, concro'j twisement and yh travs; full attic; lot 6uxK)0; only bO fcot from car, with $700 cash, balance monthly at A percent. F. L. LANCHAKI, Realtor. 401-2 Pwotiand Bldg. M:ir s.'v or K. ?lt HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $7tf0u. Modern 6-room house with sleeping porch, very large living room with fire p:ace, large back porch with lavatory, goo garage, several Crult trrea A lovely home In a -lovely rfitrict. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark Street. Mnin KM. IRVINGTON. REAL'TiFUL LNtJLIiJH COLONIAL. Near an4 Knott, all oak floors. 2 bathrooms, ivory finlh. artistic paper, 2 fireplaces, garage; something choice. T. B. Neuhausen Co., Realtor. ;( N. Rink b clc. Min 074. Knst 31' t OWN YOl'K OWN HUM K. For the newly weds, cute 4 -room fur nished bungalow in Ro. City district, 2 bedrooms, built-in klfhen. lull plumb, ing. fine bath fUtuis, turniture and all, $250; soon pays ffff iUelf in rent. Me Royal, 7-'d and Panriy blvd. Tahor JUiiT TliiC iLACK YtJU' Alia LOOKING FOR. This Is a snnp of a bun(rnTow, contsln ing 6 rooms, for only I5000; rornr lot; easy term. tSee wnr, J. R. Grief.fl, 3".ri Wnshington rt.. or .phone M;iln IW IRVING TUN KNAP DON'T Ml&S Til IS $70.M1. Largo lot, 4 lovely rounis down. 3 snd sleeping porch up. Ail kinilf of extra cupboards, 2 fireplaces, ouk floors. msre. T. B. NViilniisen Co., Realtors. Intn 07 KnRt aft IR VINtiTUN KLICGANT IIomK. lnnxlnO corner. Near I'lth and Thotnpaon. benu tif ul Interior finish. "Kastern Ftyle,' fine oak floors, 2 bathrooms, 3 fireplaces, mm ee. IlnrcMin T n v on h. ., fn IteHiiora, b30 N. W. Bank bldg. Mali! eui. i ALAMEDA PARK; ei built, comfortab nonie: k rooms, ohK tloors. fitcnUi bedruoma. sleeping porch; Ideal for fmn uy witn cniiiirtn. ftear cr line. iTotn torma T. H. NeuhaUNen Co., Realtor. Main I'j.tst &-ROOM niodei ii butiK- i"W, fine i uitdlt n-i east front, lull cement bnaeni'iit wit Nundry trayu, Dutch kitchen, fine elc trie lixturen, 1, block to Alberta car. l'rira : ro. Ka.sy It una. Mr. toimtli, JiST SIDK HI' Y. Modern 7-room huu, in uood rnntll tlon, lot Mrxioo, on Ulbl, ntar Cilisun price f HIMiu, 1IENKV W. COlDAR D, Realtor, 211 Stark Hti-ert. ROKK CITY i'AItK bunKaiow, how b-ln rotupletcU; will he completed hi aboi JO days. Buy now and aelect vour o ecoratlona Come out today to ftlO K. 4Jd st., N. C. J. Johnson, owner, Auto, ni-o:i. liKAL house. hnct buv; $Jn or pcm $-''mk) down ; direct lioui owner. 4.VMI. Mv price is rlchf. La ror Na'e intinew I Tuperty. RKiHT IN THK VA K K 1 Wt K AM MUL r.r A l.fi i'l? I Hill, i ; K TUB FL W KOLIJt Ht.tM'KS LKCT IS TACT. if AS A KUTl'KK Wlin:i N( OTHKIl HISINKSH FROPKItTV HAS. IS CARRYING ITSKf.K AM BltlN(iINI AN INCOME. IU It I ' K ft K l BV ItiTII AND IiTH AX) HOY P AND HV1M tiKT IS TOI'l'lf WITH Mki AND Wi CAN TALK JT OVKIl. R. . MOUKTSOV. 202 TITI.K ar T!tl,'ST BLDO. TKL MAIN 1ti.t. J.NCUMJfi i'iit'i'KKTY. lOOrin't; 4 housi'S rented $i:t0 per mo nenr Broadway and 7th st. Price $lJ,o"0, half Cash. Alxo apartment honn mi Kin at. near Washington, llo.ooo. Phone Mnin otrt.. ':il Morrison Pt. GOOD, almost new bundiiiic in fu.vt-Mrow tn city. eta id per cm on .uu. ( mi be made to py nearly double wit hi n year or so. Investigate this at once. A! R.i, tieponia?i. f 75(10. 100x100, central Kast Portland. cIom In : juxt the riKht location lor a laun dry or sniHll factory. tm pwtir, 717 Bosrd of Trade hid. Phone Mam At. CJREATKST SNAP IN THK CITY. Ideal place for honie and aood bul ppm; restaurant and lunch room: living rooms; garase ; low rMit; must be sold at ones; good reasons for selling, jerms. .117 i;i r,'.l. r. LKSlHABLK tttore and fist huildinr. c In, eiict sine; income siou monthly; si tractlve canh price, or will accept rood vacant lots or other valuabie property for part. Owner, .vain 4ilJ. iUO x 1 00 K. V A T K It bT.. biw ei n Hhht thorne and Morrison Dri(Ja?en. on iracK rc; reasonable terma Owner. BC 003, Oregonian. Suburban Hiiiiim. riPl-XJIAL bainain. $4"'t0. Hix-acie farm. lmnroveat noune. nurn, oiiinuiniinn, rj Family orchard, berries, two good wella. Nine miles from Portland, V nitie Or gun Klectrlo road (Durham station); ua b Ken la. ur. t ;sen. it ronvnu n, curin-i BroHdway and Wi"hlngton st. Al;ilnai7-t, V ACKK. RYAN 1'LACE. Houte, small barn, chicken house, an AluiMrinra of all kind? of (rti)Ut and UcrricB, line road. 8 blocks to car, clone lo school, city water ana gas; a bar gain at l-S'iO, balance very eay terrns. F. B. PEKTS INVKSTMKNT COMPANY, 305 Oak Street. Broadway 4i:t.l. LOOK. AT THIS. 2 acres. Beavcrton: all has been nil tlvated, lies fine, preat aoll, just off the pavement, mis pwnony can i o Dcai I the nrlce of $t.ou, terms to suit F. B. PKKTS LWJiSiTAlKNT COM PA NT, K!i Oak .t reet. nrnanway a m:i. TTkhk it js. 10 acres, Milwaukie, 7 acres culti vated, balance timber, on hard road ; r;oe-fn stuff: $.HiMi, very ciy t'riti, F. B. FEISTS INVKsTMKNT COMPANY, RnS Oak Street Broariwuy 413,'t. t'l'K JiL'NUltLD loLLAKH will take two acres In loganberries and 3 -room house. Inside ciiy limits, near school. y B. PEETS INVESTMENT COMPANY, 3o!S Oak tftrect. Broadway 4 1.1. ,,)t ONI2 ACHli, modern T-roum "house, chicken house, 42 Iruit and nut trees, berriec. etc, walking distauce to Frank lin hiKh school; terms. F. B. PEK't'B INVESTA1KNT COMPANY 30 5 Oak Street HroadwHy 41.M TEN AOtKS, H l.liiu. Can all be put In Cultivation with two Weeks' work; sprhig; $j0 per acre, very FB lprs INVB8TMEVT COMPANY, jto.l Halt Sttcct. Broadway 4 1 :ii. ONU MUKK hiKhly impruvd, mudern s.x- room Dunaaiow nenr ininimi wnre: terms. . Old Couch bidg. Main V'iL,L seil my equity in modern o-rooin Cottage ncr -" ' vnu u n Prove 1-41 -I f further Information. w.-1 i .1. uk mobile and aotite cah MtfLi payment on my mu"i'r "unm, 17-W' T write to UX . -t hont- X$K Best rich. level 'T near '$X portljin'l. V rrt. sit. 4 jj.'.O ACitK anl bunnaiow. (trefcon Kicut. CUT ilC arULOU Ataaor, a auiua viua FEU. ywTATB Suburban llomr. $1700 MCLTNOM AH KTATIOV. 4-rooj bunrn low. plastered, city water, chicken hoine. city car fsr, l acre, fruit trees snd berries, lo cated on good gravel, eloe to t tton, only $:;ou cash, baunue $.3 per month. $.1100 RYAN UTATIOV. 4-room buna. low, double constructed, tile Ktth ilh Inrsre mirror door, fireplace, bookcases, gfts. wlrd for electrti-. Ity, omi nice built-in feMure, t'ephorte. ni v ater. city t-r fte. banement, ummm. t me chicken house. won1hed, acre Ith choice nnhnfl. full bearinr; strHwberrle. . loganber ries, rasiiberrlea, shrubbery and flowern, splendid vt w, lo--Htei1 rn grave road, only 2 minutes' 'K lo station: rah $l"". balance terme, bi'LKMUD VALt'K. $7300 BKAVERTOV PTATICV. 10 acres, 6-room hcuae, b'Mh. water svmeni. brn, garase. chicken hr.ae, i acres In orchard, full benrins; at ra wherries, lotia n berries. Id location, ft ni'nutes' walk to sta tion, cash $Juv0, balance easy terms. IS ACRES." RE AVFRTON STATION, $ll.tHiO. BEAVFRTON FT A TICS. 30 minutes' drtva to Portland, -mm noua, hsti modern root house, nIo ntsny other gxf bulldinrs; splendid water sjstem. 8 In commercial orch.itd of the fin kind, full bearing: slo IN full benring cherry trees, every foot In a "ih ''' of rultlvs tlon. only 7 mIN'S from Port lutid. i electric lines. 2 ht(lbwsa. 3 aeM of le.'irnlna. puhlic. blah and M. M honr.il ng a-hnol all within near walkn.g distance, $:."oi ensh, balsnca terms It tll pay you to sea us about this pi see, as It is rUlit In the path of development. nenr the station. The future win divided into acre tracts at for whoever buys today. big profit Po you irsnt a suburban hornet Ye nsve some or the best to select rrom Fes us before 0U buy. riiUTOS AC OFF1CK. M. K. PeJOICE COMPANY, Henry HUlg. Umadway IflM THAT HLld HH Ml'l.TNUMAH. Fine S-rm l'j-ntory bung., btlir fire place, hilwJ. fl., furnace; 1 acre, fnnt and shrubbery. A real home, very s'rM v; 13 niin. ride to Tortland, ttM)0, terms. CiiMV H-rm, bung. bath. ftrsjlsca, cement basen.snt; 2 lots, garden ail In; lton. Aere with 4-rm. house lots of fruit. Onlv $10o. $:4i0 will hand! 10 acres, near Capital hiahwav, fruit and grain only. $-". eay terms. See NEl 15URKU. MnVnomnh Hts Main 1to KOlt S I.IC Suburban or country sent I man's home, near state hlahasy. over- looktnff two val'eva and mountain "Million roir View;" 7 acrea with and strictly modern fl-room Minaa-ow finished In white and !nry, large fire p aca, furnace, pohphed oak floor, hui It In feature, fine aarsae. tenant house, chicken hotiae with fenced prk, enrinr water with cMv nrMewire: ."'i acres In producing fruit: only half mile to electric cars. loiiiint; Detter in i suburban hon.e for money: near I'ort land. J. A. W'L'.N JKLU onr, New- berg Or " CI T Tli K H1UH i'OST OV MVIS.l ' It you want a home, all coiy and nice, whera taiea are low and con veatenc. aood. iust hop the cs- snd cotiv riteht to a country burnt. The price Is ritht. A seven-room houee, etectrlo llaht. city water, bath and phone. A barn the cattle, a gnrage for your ctr, with fruit and flowers and plenty of roon From an acre to fle. Clone to car hre and hard -surfaced rd., yo minutes tovn and SO minutes home. Owner Main tlo'fd ft -room houie with every !' f convenience, at Maplewood; 4 sre with all aorta of fruit and herrtow. barn adi chicken bottae; c!oa to school on good road. Owner w 111 accept ha ht car In j-ood condition as part of fiiet pnyroen(. Trice i7..0, terms, Afk for k U War shall, alth FRANK- Tfc McvJClRK. AbhiKton llldE. Main 1P6-. Third St. bet Wash, and Kt trk 1 u AL'KKs AT t.UKMIAM. I . Here Is a home of rt let Inet Ion ; benu t If ul 7 -room houso, pon-hes. wm er, bt h and toth'L, nickt'l pluwbttiR, full b" n tent, fine lew and nirntunrtiniK, ber ries and all klliriN of fruit; walking rll lance to high school and electric I.onk the country over and ou rttn'l find H eiil. 1'hn Improv einciiU era worth the money. We own it. ft. W. TAHIt CO., 47 V'-Khv Tt'ilM'"e. A ilAIili DI'Pi HiTIMTV K'U THK MAS WITH fl.'.no CASH. Two la rice waterfront lots, Jlrt minute out on Intenirhan: flneiy const rmi ed p-irage, wonderltil view, fishing. batln anil bathing front onr front ysrd. fin gars Re. electric it v nnd ' r hi, vmr wood supply, (Uiweim, bTrien, rt"t t b-tej district : l.'.nit bsiant v, Irriiis. buti hail vay KxcbstiKe bl1c. . " lo ACHK.h. Aill. We will build ou a neat 3 or 4-ron house and ctilckrn honi-e on a beauiiful lu-scre tract locatc-i 4 miles front an couver, on county rd.; s r a r!-M, al aood Isinl. no rick or gravel, liwng w Hter ; totui price Jl'.'iOn. HI'HKHAIinT BCHINKHH BI'Tr.nKPW 4 1 I'ls't H't'g., Iteatiors. Main 7""7 i:v.u ljtnv.N Foil Ko"M iioVbU Neat ."i-room hotme with bslh, e'e trlclty, g m k ; etsndsrd lot.; cnly bk to rnr. nld en s Iks s II In. A a nod bur for $ib(mi. Li-:r rs kikhv vmi this AT ONCK. Ak f'r V. C. Varahall, with KllAMC L. MlUUIHK. 203 Ablmrtoii Hl.iir Mntn 1f6S. Third St hef. Win Snd iak. Fult hAl.l-: .uitnin-r home, in Wbilu.-n nxtbtnttl forent. on Hump'''' Valley rail way. Two pr h"!, ernell bs-ement, threw rooms and bath. beavrborti through out ; ftrenlaee, running ht and coi't water, bed, t s nse, ( bles. chairs ; P"U" liiHUriince IMMJ; prle f 13oo, A4lre. own-r, Wallace W. bin I Hi. 1'ralne City. frgnn t isw i.:i;o i.a k y. Klee livable giraife, I iirniehel, ft . with sleeping tent, chb ktn house, elee trlo liRhtu, water, garden, fruit treea en1 berrlf; 1" nice residence rtistiict, WU from Luke tima et.itlou, Ideal pli-f for snin II fa tn i I y, $ I J.t'l, terms If de sired. Hoe owner on prxmliri, or 414 hpaldlnr bldg , Main M-'J. LAKIiVIKW VILLAS, llMt 1; dim tisct Just being tipeiicrt ; ft ere' a a ssntnle Large homa site H'OxJIu feet, wlllt .- running brook, fine mil, no ro k, pip- W alt r. Hunts; oniy .. .o nown. a i nor month: price Include rn king roa1n; net In on the grouicf loor; fi tmcrs roltj tast'weeic. ail Shit C'oncoi Mrtr . V1 ini pusrk. owner. FOIL K A I . or Imde for soinhein lorn i a pome, 2 acreg, wen itnprovt n liraverle-n dutttct. I" minutes rrom rle trie, eounlv road. H-rooni houo. as wwiter, orchard, full bearing, all kind berrten. &o clllckrriw. 2 cows. I liefer, vsrden tools. Write lioa BU, It out e 4 Hf-ivi-rton. nr Oil It LShiV hTA litiN 1 '4 acres lu cultia'ion, 4-room rw hotlMQ. cbliken house, irult ani berr(e very fine icw. aotid land, city watei and light availabluj price em l-WoO eav t-rm. JtCFtK Ua IrT HVWTNFM BtT.TiKH 41 Pint Hldir . Ite)tMor. Vittn 7: tiuui i.'hI:ai' Hgmk, ae ciiltlvailon, ;t U erea In bearing fruit; Urts creek runs thrnits p i ace ; 4- room bungaJc r-, ba cement, ele. trio llrbls. clo-e in Wlllmet(e river i Wllsonvllle, 11.0; terms. This la a goo J buy. H v OATTWnon a rn, 4h mt IumV; Vitii AcuK. CAriTT.TTj ii i . i Here is a tmrprsin ror aomene w n has ."iOO csnh tn lnent In a home w her ) on nn raies all your own vegetal I and fruit: 4 room lious and grss' IIOi'o; g.Min rssh, niv term on bnletic. ft W TAKR ".. 4'iT Mi'Krv ll'iil.linB UKAl TH t L 1KU I KOl LUI V. S arms In cult Iva tlon In 'TsUtln Hill, anoiit two niflee fritm rlv limit nenr srbool: make fine rhi' ken or herr mnch: all fenced. 40 fruit treei In ttrr in it: for uulck sse to close mists, f - :! TA'H'iA HT HHftS.. 1H'.' FpslHmg M'dP . 1 1 f N ' A L(. t W - i I 4i'. Fine corner aere, with new g-reoo bun an tow, electric name, lining i boating; very easv terms: save y rnt. Owner, uu ContoiU bldg., I'd H:ark. $;imt CASH. t'sUnce al rt per rent, buvs I acrea o m 1 ie iim n nn"i "i , "it i r"sd, St in cultivation, fruli; price oni ItritKITAItPT HI "PINKS." BriLPKR 4M. P's't Itl'la , HeeHors Vsm 7""1 HuMK HLV. I'tH'O. Puburbtn coitage In good repair. fl room, basement, w ot k shop, i hl'-ke. bou, some furnlt uro. garden, water hunts, auto rad, ttc fare; e-v term fiori I'nnrnnl Mdg . Mecnnd m4 MtsrW XiH SAI.K MV t'UNKK hulce reiu'iic business lois, nioiiern nninn, i-i- uh- if farms, all slses. improved, unimproved orchard, viiis" arris, 'slrles; low prl Pllrr tprnt. W. A. Orer. XfnTiteeR. i n 1 JTkvV Hi NO A Li hone Ur the lim.M WITH full Her tor ne VIlO nrn. iff $175. light pesr sta'ton, A mleu. out; get n'V terms. Hee thla Wrii owner, K !'. T' k-nlsiK- WK A It K ;IVIN THI.4 A WAV -'". a s Chard S seres. r. house, hennerv, creek, or lnri nrir BCtioo M- KAHLAND, ltfciALTOn JaT5 MA l.L hoUl.e. o r . big lot. sard a chh ken hones, city water. Hah'. lc fare, wilh some fii'mture; I U'oO. I. m n k tern. w. K n .V W on I s n HuuMS and bntti. ltttlkl'Mi. 6 -C' fure. Oregon City (Br; bargain. O. C It naletcn K er green tit at Ion. TV TAnt'R 4T? J Ai ii-ACU riXLik