THE SUNDAY OliEGOJTLlTT PORTLAND, MAY 8, 1921 SEE OUR WINDOWS SEE OUR WINDOWS STORE YOUR FURS IN OUR DRY COLD AIR SAFETY VAULTS EXPERT EEPAIRING AND REMODELING FOURTH FLOOR 'New Woolen Fabrics are here in abundance at the new lower prices. To mention but a few of the new things : New embroidered serges and tricotines in wanted colorings.. New all wool velour and bolivia cloth coatings in the best shades,. .New tricotines, poiret twills, gabardines and French serges. New wool skirtings in Roman striped effects. New wool jersey cloth in sports colors and heather mixtures. ' Meier & Frank' Second Floor. All the New Silks , will be found in our spacious daylight silk shop on the second floor. Just a hint of the new things at the new lower prices : Tal-ly-ho in stripes and plaids, May Queen in stripes, Roshanara crepes in plain shades and stripes. New white weaves include lovely Baronette satins, Tal-ly-ho, Canton crepes, crepes de Chine, ete. " Meier Frank's Second Floor. The Quality Store of portland . ESTABLISHED Ljl657 7 fi The New! The New! The Freshness and Beauty of It All 'Seen at its radiant best throughout the store which has been transformed into a summer garden of all that is fresh and fair and favored in fashion AND SO THIS STORE TRUE TO ITS IDEAL OF GATHERING FOR ITS PATRONS THE VERY NEWEST FLOWERS OF MERCHANDISE PRESENTS TOMORROW IN VIRTUALLY EVERY SECTION THE LATEST ARRIVALS FROM AUTHORITATIVE FASHION SOURCES r "Always the New Things First at Meier & Frank 's" ( "1 ARRIVED New Tricotine Suits 33 .75 A, FEW STYLES ILLUSTRATED. The better qualities of navy tricotine found usually in suits selling at a much higher priqe in fact, as high as twice this special price. They came to us in a fortunate purchase from one of our regular manufacturers. Made up in the very newest styles with bead and braid trimming or in strictly tailored types, they are the sort of suits that give lasting satisfaction and we are glad to be able to offer them at $33.75. All sizes from 14 years up to 46 bust measure. : . i Extraordinary Sale ' ' e DRESSES We hava taken from regular stock and re duced a most complete assortment of dresses in the season's best materials, styles and colors. Serges, tricotines, Poiret twills, taf fetas, Canton crepes tricolettes. The va riety is practically unlimited. Reductions are of this extraordinary character: Were $27.50, now $20.6o were $29.50, now $22.15 were $35, now $26.25 were $45, now $33.75 were $55, now $41.25 were $65, now $48.75 were $75, now $56.25. and so on up to $125 dresses at S93.75. ' Extraordinary Sale COATS We have taken from regular stock and re duced coats, capes and wraps to prices which make this the most remarkable sale of the season. Serge, tricotine, bolivia, marvella, Ramona,.polo cloth and velour de laine in every smart etyle and color. Reductions are of this extraordinary character: Were $20, now $15 were ,"$25, now $18.75 were $37.50, now $28.15 were $39.50, now $29.65 were $58.50, now $43.85 were $65, now $48.75 were $75, now $56.25. and so on up to $98.50 coats at S73.85. . A FEW STTLES ILLUSTRATED. - Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons. Fourth Floor. Tub Fabrics The new fabrics are delight ful symphonies in color, de sign and weave. ' By having tub things made in the home you can well afford to have a generous supply of lovely clothes for summer. Voiles, Swisses, ginghams and suit ings form a gay host from which one may select many pretty things to heighten the enjoyment of the warm wea ther season. Voiles Novelty French voiles, 38 inch, $2.50. Satin striped voiles, 38-inch, $1.98. Em broidered voiles, 38-inch, $2 and $2.50. Printed voiles, 36-inch, 25c to $1.75. Swisses Imported dotted Swisses in many combinations at $1.98. Ginghams New 32 - inch embroidered ginghams in many patterns, yard 75c. Suitings New 36-inch linen suitings in plain shades, yard $1.50. -Meier & Frank's Second Floor. New Laces for dainty summer frocks and blouses. New 36-inch radium all over laces in navy, brown, gray, black and copper. New 36-inch dress flouncing of Tosca, Filet and Brussels net embroidered in elaborate de signs self tones and novel combinations. $2.50 to $7.50. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. New Gloves 792 pairs of women's NEW two-clasp lambskin gloves have just been received to sell at $1.39 pair. Over-seam sewn gloves in white, tan and beaver. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. New Vestees These smart accessories are made with Peter Pan or tux edo collars with cuffs to match. Of organdy combined with colored net and laces. Special at $3.95. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. "Perky Peggy" is the name given to these ' new crepe dresses for after noon wear. Pink, blue, lav ender, yellow, green and red frocks piped in contrasting color. Limited number of a size up to 42. Each $2.95. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. New Sweaters A colorful sweater will add the final touch to a charm ing summer outfit. New Bromley neck loose knit mohair slip on sweaters in navy, henna, tan, brown, pink and white. New tuxedo sweaters with fancy brushed collars and cuffs. Many other fashion favored styles. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. New Petticoats New taffeta silk petticoats in plain and changeable col ors, $5.95 and $6.95. All jersey silk petticoats in plain colors and with fancy flounces, $3.95. Extra size messaline and taffeta petti coats, also jersey tops with satin and taffeta flounces, $9.95 and $10.95. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. EXTRAORDINARY Showing and Sale New Meadowbrook Hats $2.95 $5.95 MP NOV YORK" PARIS $8.95 $12.95 DETERMINED to surpass the Meadowbrook hat presentation of this time last year, which was the most brilliant event of its Nkind ever held in Portland, we have assembled for this May 1921 occa sion a collection that excels its predecessor in number, in beauty, in variety and in value. 1000 Meadowbrook hats 400 different new styles Every conceivable color Impossible to describe them Ten of Our Windows display some of the styles. Hundreds more are in the Millinery Salons ready to be seen, admired and made their own by as many discriminating Portland women. Imagination fails to picture the wonders of this millinery collection. There are leghorns, trimmed, tailored, with gorgeous flowers. Body hats with organdy flowers ... or some chic ribbon bow ... or cleverly embroidered. Ribbon and felt combinations. Infinite gradations of the new sports colors and the darker browns and navy combined with lighter shades. One Thing: Remains that is for you to see the hats in our windows, in the store. Then will you realize that these are indeed irresistible in quality, in style, in coloring at $2.95, $5.95, $8.95, $12.95. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. A FEW STYLES ILLUSTRATED. Fresh Summer Blouses Gome Tripping Daintily In Women want plenty of blouses for warm weather wear. Happily this year, with new lower prices available, there need be no stint so far as these necessities are con cerned. There is a host of them here. Crisp new blouses of organdy, of voile, -of dimity, of batiste and madras. A splendid collection at $2.45 to $9 Plenty of white blouses, of white with colored collars and cuffs and plenty of summer colors. They exhibit new attractions in the form of Peter Pan collars, tuxedo collars with knife pleating, tucks and embroidery. Meier A Frank's: Fourth Floor. A FEW STYLES ILLUSTRATED.