TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 1, 1921 ' " BUSINESS OPPORTrMTIES. HoteU and Rooming Houses. CITY HOTEL, sllshtly under KMT rooms, well located and doing good business and good lease; priced light. N. W. HOTEL, NEWS, 714 Couch bids Worklnfrman's hotel, city; nearly 50 rooms, modern brick, netting J -4 50; exceptionally fine lease at :J00 & month. N. W. HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch bldg. Hotel of less than 100 rooms In leading city ot Oregon, particularly well situated; leading hotel; realty find all; low initial cash payment adn , good terms; house netting JIJ.'O per month. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL, NEWS, 714 Couch bldg. Worklnjrmen's hotel, realty and all, a snap at very low price and extra small amount of cash takes it; hotel doing capacity business; Willamette valley town. PACIFIC northwest hotel, news, 714 Couch bldg. Two hotel restaurants, city, both doing good business and well worth investigation; small amount of money lo g;t In. PACIFIC NORTH V EST HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch bldg. - BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE. Modern r.Kht up to the minute extra fine furnishincs. steam beat, close In. West Side; net earnings 3O0 per month; good lease, runs for 5 years. Pries 1 13.0O0. seme terms. SMALL. RUT A GOOD ONE. Dandy l?i-room apartment tram heat, hot and cold water extra fine X urnis hings; close in, "West Side. $1-00, ome terms. ' HAVE OTHERS, ALL. SIZES, ALL. PRICES. PETERSON & YORK. 437 N. W. Hank bldg. Alain 8005. HOLSEKEEP1NU. Wait Kwlft. in nnm verv close in. expenses small $000 bandies; 12 rooms, stove and gas heat, lull price suou; At rooms, uunu u "Wash, fit., $i00 handles; 11 rooms. White Temple, extremely low rent; rooms, rent $:t0, price J.00; 10 rooms, newly renovated, rent goon; -i ru, bur ban, newly papered, 11)00 handles. KiiT KTDK. 10 rooms, very attractive yard, good house, $000 handles; 14 rooms, good cor ner, anotlesfdy clean, terms; 2a rooms. nil on one floor, brick bldg., $l-'00 han dies; 18 rooms, brick bldg., nets over luu, Jiuuu nanaies; o rooms, uuubuuj good furniture, very good looking house. luil price yoo. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON, Q.-rHnger Pldg. l.(H)k THIS OVER NW. 16 modern apartmer.es, 14 8-room and two 4 -room, private bath and dressing room with each apartment. The finest armnged house in the city. The best kind of furniture and rugs. A 6-year lease that cannot be duplicated any where; modern brick building, fine west side location; rent $3.0; net income $500 and $.5 apartment lor owner, it you Want something goo a iook mis up. K. S. HERR, SOI Yamhill. Marshall tf!i!4. 10 ROOMS; $700 bandies; very low rent. good location. IS rooms, close In, West Side; net tine better than J 130. 1 1 rooms; low rent with lease; nets sunt: close In. West Side. Also several larger places. Come In and we will show you some real bar sains. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7i 3 1. 30-roora hotel, all ouuside rooms, nice building, two fine lots, nice surround ings: right by two largest mills in the Country, running run lorce two emits hotel doing big business: In fact, can not handle all business offered; account sickness will sell this property imme diate sale at sacrifice, with small pay ment down; fine proposition. List la. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO., HI 7 Nort h western Bunk Bldg. 45-ROOM PRESSED BRICK BUILDING. THREE STORES. "'Steam heat, all furnished, close tn, east side, price $30.0u0. $7000 cash. $300 per month, including interest at n per cent until paid. Income over $700 per montn. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 40, Panarri Bldg.. Third and Alder. -0 KUOMS. This has S apartments and 4 single rooms. In a frame building on the west side; all apartments and rooms are rented, bringing in a net Income of $l- per month on an investment ot $1150, pays up in less than 10 months. Can you beat it? O. W. TAR R CO.. 407 McKay Building, lUH SALE BY OWNER housekeeping rooms; a little money-maker, location can't be beat. 2 blocks Iron) Portland hoteL Northwestern beat, electricity gas, hot and cold water, rent $75, with lea.e: nets over and above all expenses. $-"0; good furniture and carpets; price rignt. wun terms. uau Mar. l&zj. IH-KOUM Al'AKTAlENT HoLSE. 1!S apartments and 3 single rooms In a modern brick building, cluse In on west eiue: has a gross income or 1 460.50 price $17,000. $10,000 will handle. If you are looking lor a paying proposi tion of this kind, a?k for Mr. Phillips. O. W. TAKR Co., 4'7 McKay Building. ON ACCOUNT or sickness 1 must sell my apartment house of 111 rooms, good fur niture, furnace, heat, electric lights, gas ranges, water in rooms, tine west slue lo cation, rnt $00, witn garage. Price $2400. tiaoo to handle. No agents. W t-7. Oregoninn. illvJH-CLASci apt. house, corner brick bldg., i'i 3 and 4-room apts. This house will net at Kaat JJ000 a year. $0000 will handle. DORCAS-BOON. Ueaitors. N. W Bunk bide. Main "Sfil. likA..Slt..M' liOlli.1 We have 30 rooms in a brick build ing in the center of tho west side dis trict, bringing in an income of $.oo per month. We can sell this lor $10,000, with terms. O. W. TRR CO.. 407 MK:iy Building. 14 H. K ROOMS, near 14th and Jefferson: ciean. homelike, good payer, easy to run; $lS0o; nice otiking place; walking distance-; line lor family; respectable; we it. J. V.VG Et E HE-DCKci. REALTOR, yi W, Park. Main I'.VjO. CLOSE in, Uth 91., 15 rooms II. K., mod ern house, fine furniture, always lull, clearing over $160 besides own apart ment; $10o0 handles, or will take auto; balance $1000 easy payments. E. V. Xioiiolfon. "L'7 Chamber of Com, bldg. SO KOOMS, nice littie mouern hotel, west sid, brick, rent, $-73, with lease, clears 140lt A ni.mtli I'm- S.', v tnni.u A. J. De FOR EST & CO., REALTORS, 3J0 HTiry Bid;. Pdwy. M!0. NoU Hil.L UiSlKiCT 13 rooms, H. K. furn. above average, modern noube, rent only $45; move in for $t."0; business pays rest: prio? $1-100. E. V. NU'holhun, "C7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 14-ROOM P1UVATE FAMILY boarding hoiiw, well located, east side : very In-st furniture; lease; rent $55; big net iniomtv. ttOi; nice place. J. ElV.BNE HElXiiS. REALTOR. ?m v. Park. Main 25iK. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. Exclusive listing, priced right; the onlv reliable &y if you want to sell. Bdwy. 4m M'-!S THOMSON. fl-JO ITEVRY BLDG. " S.M.U-.L. iloMril-ln.E boarding house. S rooms; neat, clean : furnace, fine Snwn; 8 boarders; $1KK. will trade for larger place. J. ELViENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 201 V pnrk. Ma.n 2500 tivKt: K K. F ui.d income in heart ol' citv. modern flat. 7 rooms, sleeping; fine fur niture, rent $40; only $450 down, price $1 100. E. V. Nicholson, 527 Chamber of Commerce bUig. 15 KOOJuS t 200. -15 rooms, H. K.. wt-st side, walking distance rent '!, lease; full price $12nt, terms. Nl'F SKI). Nicholson, 527 Cham ber of Commerce Mdg. WA.NTEt' rriT iier, apfe.'tment house that $5000 will handle; must be modern. Phone Main 9 48. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. 714 C.Mich Bid. 15 KwoM on U ashing ton st., rent $75. good Income; price $230. some terms. A. J- DEFOREST & CO REALTORS. 820 TTmry BMg. Bdwy. SM0 iu-KOUM Al'TS. clos-e m. $21 On, or terms; 2-year lease-; ckars $125; have nil sixes and prices. Barney Johnson & Co., 170 HHh St.. realtors. H. K. HOlMS. good lease, rem, $125. all on one floor. $42ft. terms; clears $3o0; this is good. Harney Johnson & To.. 17 H'th st.. reauors. WE HAE a Food iiM ol houis. apart ments and rooming houses for sale, terms. Barney Johnson & Co., 170 loth ft., realtor. 10 NKWLV pijrei h. k. rooms, good fur niture, brick bldg. ; lease ; $750 cash. A tit S?f-4q LA HK A liEE HOTEL, nicely funiih d .modern rooms; free phone and bath, Kt MV L 1 WELL-FLHXISHED room for lady or gntiemsn- Call Enst VAKTilENT hou!e, 30 rooms, $2t;oo, some terms. 205 Wab, u, owner. ilin 6237. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. NICE LITTLE SEASIDE HOUSE. 10 rooms, well furnished, dining room seats SO, does big business, catering to best class, serving two meals per day, building, ground and furnishings $7000; terma. 16-room hotel, one acre ground, nicely furnished, fine view Mount Hood and valley of Hood river and Columbia river; lots of fine fruit, and good garden, chicken house. 75 chickens, garage. all level ground, 2 blocks from postoffice, good town; cement walk, every thing in fine condition, building newly painted inside and outside. This property with Complete equip ment, $6500, terms. $2000 cash, balance on contract, or will ac- , cept liberty bonds. 16-room beach hotel, good little place, completely furnished, every thing In fine shape, linen, dishes, utensils, good range, nice chicken yard, in big payroll district, can d o good business year round ; sacrifice this property complete, $4500, terms, $2500 cash, balance easy. 25-roorn commercial hotel, good Washington town, modern, steam heat, lobby, well furnished, ca pacity business, 5-year lease, nice home; $6000, half cash; owner says sell, must go east. 18-room hotel, good live lum ber town, four lots, building and furnishings. In first-class shape, always full, mills never close: this property with complete equip ment $4750. terms, 2225 cash, bal ance $75 month. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. 617 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BiHR CAREY. Main 74S7. Mala 60 S3. Open Sundays, JtS ROOMS. Small apts., 1 and 2 rooms each, ev erything in fine condition; rent $75; two year lease. Price to handle $2500. Nets $130. 34 ROOMS. Housekeeping, good furnishings, fine location; will net $175 per month. Price only $3250; line piano; 3-year lease. 25 KOOMS. Downtown location; furniture in fine condition; rent only $30; place will net ijU. Price casn s::;oo. 12 ROOMS. Knob Hill dist.; this is one of the nicest nlaces in the city; very fine fur niture; the best of rugs. Price to handle $1500. 21 ROOMS. Fine location, everything in fine eon dltlon; nets $175; $1500 cash to handle. 15 ROOMS. Fine small place, everything In fine condition; rent very reasonaoie. trice to handle $1000. Will net $140 per month. 10 ROOMS. Close In. everything In good condi tion; will net $100; rent very reasonaoie. $150 will han me. 9 ROOMS. Good location, furniture In fine condi tion; will net around $80. Price to handle 350. We have sevoral 6, 7 and 8-room flats we can sell for as low as $J00 cash. Ail these are in good locations and well Xurnishea. BIHIl CAREY. Third and Stark Sts. 211-018 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7. Main 6!H3. LOOK WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR SH50. Just listed. 6-room house, beautifully furnished, in good south 1'ortiand ioca tion, rent only $30. Letter hurry! SOMETHING GOOD. I ASSURE YOU! PRICE $1050 CASH $500. 8 well-furnished, strictly clean rooms, west side walking distance, corner house. garage, fine district. Let us show you. FINE HOME WITH BIO INCOME. 11150 LIBERAL TERMS. Swell 9-room house and sleeping porch, arranged for housekeeping, close in; rooms all rented; nice location, lawn and shrubbery. An ideal home with big income. 34-ROOM TRANSIENT HOTEL. ONLY $3500. WITH TERMS. On Third street, doing big business. This is a money-making proposition for some one; long lease. If you are wise you will investigate. 64-RM. HOTEL. RIGHT DOWNTOWN. PRICE $13,000, TERMS. Fine brick building, beautifully fur nished and well-kept; Income $1700. ex penses $750. strictly modern throughout. Catering to Al chiss of permanent and transient guests; long lease. This is an unusually good hotel buy. SPEED REALTY CO.. R07 Panama Bldg. Main T2ft4. ROOMING HOUSE. 13 rooms, ground floor, stove heat, frame building, rent $00; price $1200. M. Hicks. IS ROOMS. Brick building, stove heat, rent $75; price $1S00. $1200 will handle. See Mr. Hicks. HOTEL. 31 ROOMS. Rent $105, clearing over $400 per month: price $5300, rash $3000. balance monthly. Mr. Hicks. 10 rooms. 3 kitchenettes, frame building, stove heat, price $1450, $1)75 cash, baL $25 month. 44 ROOMS. All h. k.. 5-year lease. $ 125 month, mostly 2-room suites. $0500 terms. Mr. H'.rks. F. B. PEETS INVESTMENT COMPANY. Bdwy. 4133. 6-ROOM FLAT A BARGAIN. I WILL SELL MY COMPLETELY FURNISHED FLAT AT A SACRIFICE; MY FURNITURE IS ALL OF THE BEST; I WILL TAKE SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE EASY TERMS, AND MY PRICE IS MUCH BELOW WHERE ONE CAN BUT ELSEWHERE. CAN BE SEEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. OWNER, 311 H FIFTH ST. OOMING HOUSE, 12 rooms, close-in, est side: a fine modern home, built- in, private bath and toilet for own liv lue rooms, aas and electric, furnace heat hot and cold water tn most rooms, ele gant furnishings; will sell house and"1ot. with aii imp. in ana pain, inciuuing me fiirnishlnrs for only $0500; terms. $2500 c:ish. balance $50 month, or furnishings sd.--n t p. H. W. fiRr'nnd. 21 Third. 12 ROOMS FOR $10M. 2 sleeping rooms, and the rest are housekeeping. In a very good location on the West Side, corner building, making a net profit o" about $5 a month: for quick sale will take $1000. with easy t-'rms. or will trade for larger place. See Mr. Stokke. .T O GRAY CO.. 71 peVum Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER 20 housekeeping rooms; a little money-maker, location can t be beat. 2 blocks from Portland hotel. Northwestern heat, electricity, gas. hot and cold water, rent $75. with lease; nets over and above all expenses. $200; good furniture and carpets; price, right, with terms. Call "Mar. 1322. BARGAIN HUNTERS. Here you are. 11 -room rooming, in heart of west side, close to Washington t., always full, on corner, all for $8ii5 on your own terms. Peters, 15 North F''h st-eet 2b jicOMS, Btettm ha.l, hot and cold wa ter in rooms, close in west side netting $270 over the 'expenses. Only $Ub50: $20iH handles: all apartments. C. E. BOWDEX CO.. Phamher of Commerce B!dg. B. oWNi-.K. 6-room flat for rent, furniture for sale; 2 blocks from Olds, Wortman & King's store; price right. Call 13H AW-it Pa-k st. HOMELIKE h. k. rooming house of 13 rooms, with sleeping porch, large yard and garage. White Temple district, $2150. nets $135. No agents. BC 624. O re gon f a n. 00 ROOMS $1395. For all dandy boarding house, lo cated where all working people are. cheap rent, with lease, on your own t--TTvs. Peters. North Fifth st. 1 WANT detrrul rooming houses, 12 to 25 rooms. I have several partus waiting, can pay nrnitly cash. Main 8600. H. W. iTurlmd. 201 Third. lo ROOMS, ail furnished, nice location, always full; JflOO will handle, balance terms. See Mr. Scott with McFarland. Fai'ir.g Bldg. Ren : tors. 23 H. K. ROOMS, little over $100 a room, $50 rent, nets $200; good looking bldg.. 8 blocks from Olds & King's store: stove or furnace heat ; terms. 1? 1 Park. y ROOMS, H. west side, walking dis tance; Income $1 16; rent $45. Furni ture mno: terms. E. 2S1. BEST buy In Portland, 9 rooms. White Temple district, elegant furniture, piano. Owner, Main 40 G. BV OWNER, 9-room h. k., walking dis tance, bargain. $000 cash handles. 333 Montgomery. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. HOTEL OPPORTUNITY. Large transient hoteL fine cor ner, brick building, large lobby, steam heat, running- water. -well furnished and doing good busi ness, long lease; will sell, but pre fer a good man to take a half interest and manage hoteL Owner wishes to take a trip, it will re quire about $10,000. HOTEL. Net. Income over $1000 per month, elegant little brick, splen did furniture and beds, many pri vate baths, long lease, can b handled with $12,000. GOOD HOTEL BUY. Strictly first-class, beautiful lob by, beds, carpets and furniture are of the very best, private baths throughout, ideal location and a 7 y ear lease ; it requires $50, 000 to do business. APARTMENT HOUSE. Over 60 apts.. 1. 2 and 3 rooms each, completely and well fur nished, has long lease and is net ting over all expenses $000 per mo. 40 SLEEPING ROOMS. Nice corner' brick building, rent $200, lease 2 years; this is a strict ly transient location; price $7000. some terms. 71-ROOM HOTEL. Nice corner, modern brick bldg., fairly well furnished, elegant west aide location, long lease at $7.60 per room, now netting $000 per mo., can be handled with $7000. baL to suit buyer. 18 ROOMS 18. This Is a beautiful place to live, located in one of the best school districts in Portland, furnishings are good, rent $05, lease,' strictly modern and clean; price $4200, some terms. 43 ROOMS 43. Mostly h. k.( some sleeping, ele gant, close-in. west side loca tion, brick, bldg., good lease, steam heat, netting $500 per ma., can be handled with $6500. F. RTERDON. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Rrade Bldg. vV WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. MARY E. LENT COMPANY. HOTELS, ROOMING AND . APARTMENT HOUSES. 523-4-5 N. W. BANK BLDG. Phone Main 85G0 for appoint ment. If you wish to buy or sell come in and talk it over; 14 years In the business Tn Portland enables us to give you satisfac tory service. APARTMENT HOUSES. 50 rooms, small apartments, rent $300, including heat, hot and cold water; close in, west side; brick building; earning $500 per month. Price 3500; requires $5000 cash to handle; balance easy terns. 15 APARTMENTS. White pressed brick building, corner. Nob HIH district hard wood floors throughout: nice place for man and wife, and $400 month ly profit. Price $10,000. 90 ROOMS. 20 apartments, hardwood floors, close in, west sire; brick build ing, very attractive place, clear ing $300 per month; $10,000 cash handles this. Price $20,000. . 30 APARTMENTS. One of the choicest close-in locations, automatic elevator, espe cially low rental. 4 years' lease, monthly profits $850. Price $24, 000. Terms to responsible party. SO-ROOM HOTEL. "White pressed brick corner, walking distance; netting over $400 monthly; large closets and running water In every room, all outside, large rooms. Price $9550 for quick sale. Owner ill; must sell at once. Can be sold again at large profit; long lease at low rental. 40-ROOM HOTEL. One of the very classiest houses In the city; clears $600 monthly, with nice apartment for owner. Plenty of private baths, very large homelike rooms, caters to the very best patronage. Price $14,000. Terms. ROOMING HOUSES. Under the Management of Mrs. McClain. 20 II. K. rooms, ideal location, 1 and 2-room apts. ; present in come nearly $400; rent $100; make an offer: a real bargain for quick sale; $1600 cash will handle. 14 H. K., White Templedistrict; fine rugs, oak dressers; cleanest and best place for the money you will see; clears $125; price $2250. Requires $1000 cash. Small apt. house for sale cheap. West side location ; modern, with exception of no private baths; clears $150, besides 8-room apt. Price $2550, easy terms. 12 rooms, corner home in fine lo cation; rent $35; stove or furnace; electricity; can clear $125 easily. $1250 cash, small balance, payable at $35 a month. 12 rooms, modern placp, extra clean and very good furniture; always full; right now, clearing $125; can be handled with $750 cash. FLAT FOR SALE AT A BIG SACRIFICE, j On account of having to leave the city immediately I will sell my 7 -room flat; my furniture is all of the best and Is almost new ; any reasonable offer will not be refused. At present I am making clear above my rent and all expenses $40 per month. Owner, 6924 Everett st. Will show It any time Sunday. BUSY HOTEL. 77 rooms. 5-year lease, all well fur nished, good beds and blankets, fine pillows, all cotton felt mattresses, cor ner brick bldg., steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, turning tran sients away every night; price iz,ouo, ; $5000 will handle; net prom suu. Sea Mrs. Keller. OKO. T. MOORE CO.. 10"T Yeon Bldg. I 15-ROOM building and ground, a big snan for $6500. terms. $1200 cash. baL like rent; all outside light rooms, elec tric lleht and gas in all rooms, well lo cated, close in, property worth 3 times the price; would make fine rooming or housekeeping place If furnished. i. w. Garland, '-'"l 3t, cor, 'iayior. 30-UiX)M hotel-apartment, brick bldg., downtown location, rent $125 with lease; netting $250 and over per month. $2000, $1800 handles. C. E. BOWDEN" CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROOMING HOUSE and hotel, 22 rooms, fine modern place, well located, clean, electric light steam heat, well furnished, including piano. Snap $1450. Terras cssh. H. W. Cnrland. 201 Third. 12 SINGLE H. K. except 1 apt., reasonable rent, W. Park location, good furniture, beds, etc., stove or furnace heat, nets $135; good looking bldg., lease; will trade for larger place. Ifll Park. 3S ROOMS 3S. Rent only $75. with lease, all In apts., location cannot be beat: a money-maker, all for $1945; on your own terma Peters. 1 5 No rt h Fifth street. CLOSE-IN wit aide, forced to sell on ac count to sickness, my -room rooming house at a sacrifice; price $950; Jnclud-I ing $500 piano; rent 9oS month. Main 4104 HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES. To buy or sell see me. Main S669. Old est established, reliable firm in city. H. W. GARLAND. 201 3D ST. U-KuOils 11. Brick bldg., on corner, one floor, al! full, dandy furniture. $S50. $250 will han-". Pfters 15 North 5th st. 13 KOOMS 13. Heart of west side, all one floor, well furnished, always full, all for $705, pay i?QQ flown, peters, li .-orin otn st. 15-ROOM apartment house, rent 60. good - location, full price $900. Owen Realtv Co.. 374 YnmhHI. L1;HT car for ale or to trade as pay ment on small apartment house, uwen Rp!tv Co.. 374 Yamhill. WANT to buy apt. house, 10 to 30 rooms. Owen Realty o., 3.4 lamnni, Alain 4574. 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 18 ROOMS Part H. K.. S-vear lease, good income. Steam heat, hot and cold water. $1000, $1000 cash. Brick build in e. rood loca t inn 30 rooms, mostly housekeeping. Brick building, rent $125 with lease. Income .'au net per montn. (jiose-in, west siu 0 rooms S0U0. S400 cash. Rent $5 Income $150. Good west side location. A nice homey nlace. 25 rooms $1750, $1200 cash. Cheap rent. Income $150 net. 11 rooms. Rent $50 with lease. Good Inenm. R'erf ria li? htn furnace heat. good furniture. Price $1350. Good went ftlrif) Irtr-ntinn. 20 rooms, all H. K. Low rent, good income. Hot and cold water in all apts. Good furniture, neat and clean, plenty of Hnen. West side. TRY.FS REALTY CO.. Realtors. 19 West Park. Auto. 513-43. MCUliX Ai SPENCER. HOTEL AND APT. HOUSE BROKERS. 517-51 Chamber of Commerce Blag, spirm a r. 75-room hotel, rent $350; lease; $6000 win nanaie tnis. A PA RTM PTXT HOT7SE. 19 2 and 3 -room apartments, rent $225, 4-yar lease ; clears aoout -:. wrwTTfiirfcrRRTPl VP. 'A pa RTHEXTS. 18 rooms, rent $50; net Income $189.75 last month;. $1K to n-anaie. SUITABLE FOR PRIVATE HOSPITAL OR ROOMING HUUKci It KUUJia. Large grounds, fine view, southeast corner, ml jaoor aistnci, attractive appearance, steam neat, oui fciae spienaia conaition. vai v uii-' lor floor pians. xne price is genuiu surprise, aoout we or vaiue oi 101 " rnat nf nroHitrttnn. Good terms. W confidently expect quick sale of this fine property. BROWN & GRANT, Room 201. 84 6th St. Broadway 3222. TV Vl'HITK TEMPLE DISTRICT. 25 housekeeping rooms In White Tem pie district; 2 three-room apartments. . two-room apartments, the rest are one- ronm nrtmcnt: rent onlv $60 a month corner building; making a profit of $255 a month; about $2500 will handle, or will trade for smaller rooming nouse. See Mr. Stokke. J. O. GRAY CO.. T1S PeKOm HiQg. 71-KOOM HOTEL, completely furnished, 3.vnr nniinn tor 2 more years, rnt tsnn ThtM in a eood corner brick huiidine hot and cold water in all rooms, steam heat, ground-floor lobby, u-ith rarA rnnm and soft drink bar; making net profit $lU0 month; full price only $ 14,000, iioerai terms. Se Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 100T Yeon Bldg. 33-KOOAl, NEWLY-FURNISHED HOTJSU 33-room transient hotel, right down town, just a half block from Washington St.; nas xsonnwenLeru oicam building, good furniture; has a four- i a vnnnth ftT the last five months; about $2000 will uanuie. oee air. oiunnc J. O. GRAY CO.. 71S Dekum Bldg. A P R i I. UITV 80 rooms, some apts., some single, all modern and well furnished, several fire places, neat corner bldg., dandy location; rent $170 with lease; net over $250 and 3-room apt. for self; price $4500, terms. SEE T. A. WALLILi(, . A. M. HAUG CO.. 512 Henry BldK. Bdwy. B48T. n - .... t mnrl urn anil HT0l? fllN nished throughout, good condition, beau- the city; rent $275 with lease; net $400 price 3kiu, nan ca.su. BE'JS T. A. .MAUl'D.T, A M WA1TG CO.. 512 Henry Bide. BdTry. 54 PT KWKI.L WEST SIDE LOCATION. Aptv house, 21 8-room apts., 7 4-room apts., all with private baths and phones, cor brick bldg., full 4-year lease, clears over all expenses about $700; $10,000 will give you possession. Mm Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. rncKTRV HOTEL. Only $3500 cash will handle a modern nnuntv hotel with a ten-year lease at low rent; gross Income last yeax over iiz.uoo. MARSH A TVfcCABE, Realtors. 922-3-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. u i tut TK f PI -h'. IJiSTRiCT. ik wnnma onmnltplv and well fur nished for housekeeping, rent only 100 furnace heat, clearing over all expenses $170 month; $2uuo casn win nanuie. Ska Vfr Uetr GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bid 13 ROOMS. 3 sleeping porches. 2 baths tion. in Dest apt. aisinci; uaruw floors, steam heat; rent $60. lease if wanted; net Income $150; fine front apt. uir . 1 Ann hanrl if balance easy terms, riy owner, rnone jiai. i. Ti ' oliTA-. fiilt- In rent' rich district; ' clearance big; will not print; $3000. terma; have auto, glad J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 201 W Park. Main 2o00. lo not IMS nirelv furnished. A oargain, xuou. a oatns, s luueis, iincuuiu wc-t side location. , tov.tts tjt? A T.TY PO.. Realtors. 163 W. Park St. AuL 613-48. H. LK.Ri I Aur, i . A UA DTUFAT HOHSE. 9S 9 an1 4roora ants., fine COr. bldg., ri-ht downtown. Northwest heal, net profit $600, good lease; $8000 will han dle. See JVirs. jrveuer. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. A TTRN'TION'. MR. BUYER. -daaa vr.ii invpf in a modern hotel or apartment house, see our new list ot bargains. t, 322-3-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. a ROOMS and double garage. &tnct.y flowers." A beautiful home. Price $1000 if taken at once. TRY-US REALTY CO., Realtors. 1(9 W. Park St. Aut. 513-48. ONLY $2000 DOWN, mnmi brick bldg.. steam heat, dandy north end transient location. 322-3-4 Failing bHg.. 3d and Wash. RESULTS! QUICK RESULTS! Th.t'ii n hif vnn aft when vou list your hotel, apt. or rooming house with the 512 Hnry B!dg. Bdwy. 543T. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. k. vrrf Ipam and furniture of mill HT-ifif anartment. furniture $100 room. Portland Realty Co, 534 Chamber of Commerce. NORTH END HOTEL. 27 ROOMS. ah nn finrtr- hrirk bide., stenm heat, h., c. water In nil rooms, clean and In good condition, $5000; this place will net $500. 401 Stock wxenange piok IF YOU ARE in the market for a hotel pee us before investing. uuuuie km the "first-class propositions in the city, Information cheeriuiiy given. Qoa Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1Q07 Tenn Biag. 70-ROOM corner brick hotel, modern. 3-vear lease. income uw a muuiu. Close In. west side TRY-US REALTY CO.. Realtors. IfW W. Park St. Aut. 513-49. BUY FROM OWNER. 0 h. k. rooms, 2 baths. w. s.. ciose In always full. Bee tms one; ov ca handles. Eav te-ms. Main 5223. handles. Eayte- SNAP 22 rooms rl. K. f ine location, nod house, uwner sitk m ueu, muiti sell. Rent $70. Nets $150. ana terms. 30 htn sr. BEST buy and location In Portland. 13 h. k. rooms, can oe let ior umcea, iii come $158; $1400. terms. P 640, Ore- gonian. 10 ROOMS, h. k under lease: excellent furniture. eictnnry; tiuoi in cash, balance as you maae iu auu 'S-VZ. LEASE and furniture of west side apt. house 13 apts., oeauiuui lurnuuic rugs. Portiana Keauy -o., oot v,umuti of commerce WHITE TKMPLE location, 14-room housekeeping, gooa lurnuure. eicu ic light, stove heat, clears $85; $1400; terms. 3H7 Taylor st 25 H. K. ROOMS, close in; $2JOO, good terms; clears si'W easy. narney jonn son & Co., Realtors. 170 10th St. Main 3100. . . 0 H K. ROOMS. Tinted on S. Broadway : rood furni ture, nets $135 and two for owner; $000 will handle. 4n ytorn nxrnaiv" pin. 20 ROOMS All H. K. Extra good furni ture White Tempie. .ouu. i-w cuu. to vtq rpai.TV CO.. Realtors. 1C9 W. Park St. Aut. 513-4S. US ROOMS Strictly modern. $.-500. Kent 140 Good west side location. TRY-US REALTY CO.. Realtors. 1W W. Park St. Aut. 513-43. AM FORCED TO SELL. M-room apartment, $100 tf taken t once: brick building. Porrfand Realty Co.. 53-1 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER in-room apt. nouse. .tooq furniture ana carper. Good terms. East 824. r-0 Belmont. BY OWNER, IS rooms, good location; price- " " Wa sh In rt on s MODERN residential hotel, long lease, fur nishings lirst-ciass, excepnonai nei in come: west side. AM 030. Oregonlnn .11 ROOMS. H. K. Located W. Temple dlst., $00 will handle. 401 Stock Exchange Bidg 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $1200. close In. east Sine. ian .narsimii . 5-ROOM flat for $750. $300 cash. $30 rent; piano snti new turniture. ifi r.r-, 8 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $s00. terms. near 5th ana may, uan wannaii a:'a. 11 ROOMS. $1100. completely furnished; on IBth street. t:an wirsnati FOR FIRE INSURANCE CALL ERNEST COOVER. MARSHALL 3991 BUSINESS OPPORTCNmES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. FIRST TIME ON MARKET. Lovely hotel with private baths, beau tiful corner building elegant location on Morrison St., clean as wax; 53 sleeping rooms, 4 extra rooms reserved for help, swell large ballroom, dining room and kitchen, leased for $100 month, balance of rent like finding; good lease; clear ing over all expenses $1000 month. Price siti.oou, with terms, with terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon Bldg. OPPORTUNITY'S KNOCK, 120 rooms, 31 apts.. strictly modern and elegantly furnished throughout, beautiful corner brick bldg.; very best west side location; rent only $50; long lease; netting $700 with janitor; 2 apts. and all telephones free; a real buy at $17,000, terms. SEE T. A. MADDEN, A. M. HAUG CO., 512 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 5437. $1000 NET PROFIT. 75-room hotel, half with private bath, modern and very nicely furnished throughout, nice corner brick bldg., good location, long lease at low rent; price only $15,000, $7000 cash. SEE T. A. MADDEN, A. M. HAUG CO.. 612 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 84 37. K'CIBTHWKSTERN' H BAT 35 rooms, 24 apU., strictly modern and first-class throughout, nice corner bldg., wonderful downtown location; net about $650; full price only $14,000, easy terms. SEE T. A. MADDEN. A. M. HAUG CO., wMr 512 Henry Bldg. Bd-wy. 5487. LOST AND FOUNT. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES were found on the cars ot tne roruanu xvb,w.j. Light & Power Co., April 2l: 12 um brellas, 4 keys, 2 purses, 1 pin, fountain pen top, 1 handbag. 2 pr. gloves, 2 single gloves, 4 books, army discharge, check book, egg crate, stove pipe, basket. 3 coats, overalls, cap, O.-W. R. & N. time sheet, hair ribbon, 6 packages. Owners may obtain same upon proper identifica tion at t irst ana Aioer etrcev tn.nM. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the portit-na nanvoj, ws 'i & Power company April 28, 1021 ; 11 umbrellas, 3 lunch boxes, 1 purse, 1 pair glasses, 2 keys, 2 handbags, 3 pr. 4 sgl. gloves, 2 books, curling Iron, 5 packages, basket, 1 pr. men's shoes, overcoat, lum ber, go-cart, brief case. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder street station. LOST. BOX OP TAPS. DIES AND DRILLS NEAR FOOT OF HOLGATE ST. CALL 1119 E. WATER ST. AUTOMATIC 231-64; $10 REWARD. PICKED UF One bay hore at 1133 Eat 29th N. ; weight 00 lbs.; impounaea . 428 Schuyler; will be sold Tuesday. May 3, at 10 A. M., at public auction for charges held against it. Oregon Hu mane Society LOST Black traveling bag off auto be tween Portland and Forest urove, con tains widow's papers; liberal reward. Return or write to Mrs. F. M. Wheeling, Laughlin hotel, I? ores t orov ON MUNTA VILLA car or between l"' and Morrison ana eiectnc oiuk-, biack patent leather purse with keys and money. 607 Electric bldg.. Main 1119. LOST On Broadway and Morrison, Friday eve., at 8 o clock, Boston ouu, ieiuui. Return to Hotel Benton, 346 Alder at.; reward; no questions asked, Mrs. A. Cs sper. phone Main iztt. LOST Solid brown fox terrier type cog. prominent ears, dod ian, urass "" collar. Answers to name "Don." U C Thompson, 125 East 3iUi at. N. Tabor 7 1 on. WILL person taking blue silk umbrella on DM car o:au weanesaay mumm 1 v turn to 602 Columbia bldg., or phpne Main 2952 ? Reward and no questions a5ked. LOST Two rinsa in women's comiort feta tion, Yamhill street; one opai niuus. one agate; valued as keepsakes. Call Tabor 3671, reward. LOST In downtown district Friday af ternoon, oval ametnys anu iw pear is pin; reward. Return to A. A. Duley, 6th floor Title Trust bldg. MONTGOMERY drive ana Fairview, a black and wotte? maie cat, wnue rms on hind leg; answers to Sonny. Mar shall 521"- . LOST Gold bar pin, set 3 sapphires, on 2Uth, bet, Brazee ana inompson or ueu 13th and 2Uth on Thompson; return 705 Brazee St. : reward. East 4373. STOLEN from foot Linn ave.. fetjllwooA. double end rowooat paimea ttreen. ward for information. Phone O'Brien Main 2303. TAKEiN from Multnoman Athletic ciun dining room, a uorona typewriter iu. 111021. Reward if returned. No ques tions a.'ked. E. Oakley. . LOST In second balcony of auditorium Saturday P. M. laoys nanasome oeaueu bag; reward if returned f Nortonia ho tel; no questions asked. y. 118Q. REWARD OF $10 FOR INFO- v TION CR RETURN Ul' A ti L.AI,I J-rv- -on. FEMALE BULLDOG 10 MONTHS . LICENSE NO. 663 WUOULAW.n a-iTw LOST Valuable bead bag in auditorium Saturday; reward; no questions asatm. Call Broadway 1180. LOST in "the United States National bank Tuesday, a lady s Diaca purso. LOST About 2 weeks ago. purse witn small amount in nan uontw a. jwnaiu. Room 308, Hotel C.irlton. LOST Tuefrday. cameo brooch witn saieiy clasp, shopping aiswic. jwi. ocuu w Kenton car: reward. iaoor 0-10. LOST Overcoat, between union ave. ana E Lincoln ana Jiist aim jreiLiivo. Phone Bdwy. 1226. LOST Iron loca snoe ior wagon; re ward. C. O. Pick rransier owre Co.. 2d and Pine streets. . LOST Ru-by ring on West Davia. between 11th ana btn. rmuer pieij km.u uvv tawn 2"04. Reward. LOST Gold bracelet, down-town district. Wednesday. Phone 3ii-i. ivewa.ru. LOST Tire mounted on rim. 35x5 cord. u?ed ; rfwara. ii.ast LOST A screw ecarf stud. Reward. Please notify H. ii. jonnson. r-. uuu LOST, Tuesday, in U. S. Nat l Bank. lay' black purse, au aui. vit-w. " LOtiT Lady's gold wrist watch: initials on back o. 0. rt. rnone .nam ou-l. LOST Gold fountain pen; reward. 2lst st. OUND Fur neck piece. Manseil, 269 14th st. Main i,OfiT surveyor's target rod. on or mar (ilisnn st.; reward. rast LOM' lis skeins biack rcpe uk, L.ipnian, Wolfe envelope, uau-apt. 1-. r.aat. aw. LOST, strayed or stolen, black and white ox terrier, iemaie. v mu. io-. SPECIAL NOTICES. ii-, a W u iTvt it MAY CONCERN I. Har old HaWKinS, Will HOI wo icajuiioiuio any debts whatsoever contracted by my wife. Ooal Hawkins, as she has left my bed And board. Harold Hawking fitt Buchtel ave. m , Hhi UiJtOKMA Trojan Powder com pany will hereatter ge Known s iiw Trojan Powder company and will trans act future DUSiness unuer mo new uauit;. This change was effective January 1st, 1P21. OTiCE is hereby given that permission has been grantea to ciikuh me the eas screw Henrietta No. 2 2J023) to that of D1X II (207023). Will Moore, collector. ti a t v- nnn-hacPi rnr( from 11- E. jainer locieu t a - will not be responsible for any debts con tracted orior to April 27. C. Nordstrwm. 1 1.1. nrtt be resoonsibrfe for any bills con- h mv wife. Mrs. L. G. Cosby, after this date. April 30. J921 Propowalw invited. PORTLAND, Oregon, office of collector of internal r-'venuel April 23. 1921. The fol lowing deecnoea property w.:u -Hnmnnr Manufacturing comnany for non-payment 01 will be sold, as provided by section 3190 revised statu iu m Thursday. May 12. 1921. at 10 A. M. at the company's plant.4S0 Albma avenue, or.n' .i57 ra Ions cranberry inirft 300 eallons concentrated cranberry ju S 1-gal. bottles. 8910 -gal. bot tlei UK BHtal. juga. 4 glass containers (fountain) and a quanlty of jeliy glasses and boxes. MILTON A. MILLER, col- lector or internal WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for a stock of merchandise coni.iis j j dry goods and furnishing goods located at Raymond, Washington, of the In voice value of $1000.21, together with the shelving, tables, etc. and fixtures n-d in and about said stock, having a cost value of $1110.55, up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday. May 5, 1921. Terms cash and a cash deposit of 10 per cent is required Witn eacn oia. me ngm 1. recurved to relect any and all bids. The inventory may be seen at my office and the property may be inspected at Raymond. K. L. SABI.N. 74U Morgan uiag. FINANCIAL. CERTIFICATES of deposit on Oregon banks in all denominations ior saie i iscount. Phone Main 04i. or aast isi.x ILL CASH small mtg. or contract; $600 to S1500: nromnt attention. Sea A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. E BUY first and second mortgages and seller.V contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co, 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 3023. E WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO for buiiden L'f NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis biag., 4th. ana oak. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGES CO., 205 SELLING BLDG.. 21 FLOOR. CORPORATIONS In need of adaitlonal capital for expansion We guarantee to sen your stoca or bonus at smaii cost. fti-aii tun particulars. LEONARD A CO., New York Block. Seattle. Washington.' GILT-EDGED mortgage, $3500, on good farm on Pacific highway near Rex drawing 6; 3 years and 10 months to run; will sell to earn 1. Absolutely no DroKerage. call or see L. H. Ken nedy, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. aiain zoa. ARE YOU willing to . let your surplui money earn ior you 7 possibility ot making much more. All common stock. imnic of it. Men of state-wide reputa tion manage this institution. For ap poinwnent address X 4S, Oregonian. IN KUKiUAXlOiN tnat will b valuable to Holders of Dayton -Rubber Co., Stevens Duryea, Automotive stock, Metropolitan ocores. rum-shed by addressing G D15, -rpnonian. FOR SALE t J .V III St'i T $1040 note and first mortgage on fine house and lot. Geo. E. Englehart, fc!4 nenry piag. .Broadway 5173. HAVE $1700 first mortgage, uue January a, jo, lecurea oy foruana Heignta im proved property. Phone Wenger, Col. , rvcnings. auio. oi -Zn, CASH paid lor mortgages una sellers' coo tracts on real estate, Washington, Ore- son, n. iu. ivoDie, aiq Lumbermen s bldg. WANTED Concrete work for lot. 633 N. w. nana Dldg. Main 3787. Money to Loan on Keul Krttate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS: RESIDENCE LOANS. 6V. PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privilege 01 iuu or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. A PER CENT. 6-year period; will loan 60 per cent of tne vaiue of your home ; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all on tne first ot eacn montn; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 6 PER CENT. 5-year period : renavment nrlvllere. BKICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent The Prudential insurance company or America. lzlO 1217 Yeon bldg. Main 83QS. 1 JIAvE TrlE AlUAcl KiUAUl. Several clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a city mortgage loan from $2000 up to $12,000 at o per cent and 1 per ctnt Interest, see ma while l have the money avail able. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 500 Panama Bldg. SEE US TODAY VY loan money on city property; lowest rates; no commission on cnoice loans; long time, snort time, monthly payments; pay as vou can. sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Aider sta ukllaks-m utviur uo. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and neipiui service, iioerai repayment priv ileges, lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., bO Fourth St.t Portland. Or. MOKTGAG45 LOANS On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 212 Corbet t Bldg. Main 6915. WE HAVE funds available tot good resi dence loans, also insurance money for business property, at lowest available rales. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS in any amounts at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. Realtor, 022 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delaya LtEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANI 87 S:xth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE Loans on improved farms and city property ; tavorabie repaying privileges; no commission or delay. The OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD., 809 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. WE HAVE sums $500 to $25to to loan on city property. See us for prompt serv ice. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3l3. $300. $400. $500. $UU0. $1000. $1200, $150o. $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action, pay off $100 or. more at any interest data. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg Main 1370. $500 $1000 $150 $2000 AND UP. No delay, w are loaning our own money; loans quickly closed. Jf. H. DESHONG. 615 Cham, of Com. iXfiiO ESTAB. RELIABLE SERVICE. MORTUAGE LOANS. Any amount, low ratea promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges, A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. tn N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate, 7 per cent; prompt service. MARSH & McCABE, REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall SIMM. NOTICE. Will cash small mtg. or seller's con tract, $000 to $1500. Prompt attention. See A. K. Hill, -421 Lumbermens bldg. MORTGAGE loans in bums to fcUti; city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM O. BECK, 213 Failing b 1 dg. MONEY" to loan by private party, direct to borrower on real estate. Must be good security; no agents need apply. AM 604, Oregonian. NOT J CE. Will cash small mtg. or contract; $600 to $1500; prompt attention. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. PRIVATE money to loan, 8 per cent; no commission on improved city property. R 630, Oregonian. $oOU, $400. $500. $t.0, $10uO a.M) UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. $10to OK PART to loan; diamonds ac cepted as security. C. R, F., 2ui Oak st.. City. MONET to loan on real estate security at going rate of Interest. Otto & Hark son Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $5UU, 10lM AND UPWARD on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, 607 Spalding bldg. $0000 TO LiJND ou tnst mortgage security close-by farm or city property. W 030, PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at per ceni 11 security is ample. Ldw. P. Mall, 30 Chamber of Commerce. MORTOAUh! loans. See Robert . Cue SiT, 84 Hawthorne ave. iluRTUAGi. LOANS, 0 and 7 per cent. Saloman Co.. 307 Railway Rxch. bldg. SKK UKLLIUN IN'V. JAuUl'GAGb CO., (jnamDer 01 commerce, tn ana atara. WONKY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. WANTED Small loan on 25 acres of tim ber land. Phone Broadway I.07. $1000 To $1-00 LOaN on improved city property. AC 60S. Oregonian. $ 10.4O0 TO LOAN in amounts of $1600; yihOO. $20. t;000. East 7504. $500-$30OO, ON IMPROVED city properties, current rates. East 0829. MoNKY to loan on city properly. G. Gordon. 3"5 E. 0th North. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO VOL' NfciKJj MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOAN'S MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PTAN09 V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too largo on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance vou more monev If needed. V e make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession and you can repay ua In small monthly payments WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS 10 salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private office Ab business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED). $06-307 Dekum Bldg Marshall S286 S W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY, on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payment. Kaco transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE, COLUMBIA PISCOCNT COMPANY. (LICENSED).. 218 FAILING BLDO. MONEY to loao on diamonds and Jewelry: confidential aervice; government li censed and bonded brokers. Zeil Bros. A Co., 2tZ Wash. sL bet. 4th and Ota Marshall 727. . MONEY to loan 00 diamonds. Jewelry. legal rates; article! ne;a a year; estab lished 1KS. Pan Mar A Co.. 818 Wun QUICK money to salaried people cn un- securea noie; conuuciumi jivciibhu. 816 Cham, of Com, bldg. Licensed. MONEY to loan; dramoida. Jewelry. at rate: articles neia 1 jiir V Iriea Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington. MONEY to loan cn mahogany piano. AM 610, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Money to Loau Chattels and Salarle. MONICT TO LOAS. on goods In storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO , 53 Fourth St., opp. Multnomah hoteL Phone Broadway 8715, Loans Wanted. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of vai ues. is In a position to safeguard your every interest In locating your monev. Hundreds ot applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department. Abingtoa building. Main imirt. $000 at 7 per. cent Bungalow Schuvler at. Just sold for $5000. $33fH at T per cent Attractive 8-room residence in best section of Rom City Park. $4000 at TH " cent Clarko county prune orchard and farm. Just sold for $12,000. Main 6230. 622 Corbett PTdg. CONTRACT FOR SALE. I have a contract on which there Is a balance unpaid of $825, payable at $23 per month and interest at 1, there Is a first mortgage ol $1000. Property was sold for f-'UOO. I wilt gtv liberal discount on this contract for cash. AE 605, Oregonian. 42O00" 8, mortgage maturing 1927 on 30 acre improved Irrigated farm in Trout Lake valley, Klickitat county. Wash. Further secured by 80 shares in water company- furnishing irrigation. Moral risk of mortgagor A-l; security ample. Address AV 570. Oregonian. WAR INSURANCE BENEFICIARY wishes to borrow $1000 or $1500 to start very lucrative business; has country property, but not of sufficient value to serve as security; loan can be repaid by monthly Installments or by an Interest in busi ness. AP 632. Oregonian, 30(H FIRST mortgage on over 500 acres timber land drawing 6 per cent: will trade for liberty bonds; this mortgage U well secured and good signer. Open Sunday. Main 6K20. m6 Couch bldg. ERNEST WEI.L8 COMPANY. WANT $3MjO 011 highly improved 40 acres. on good road, close to electric line, an under cultivation; buildings, lots of fruit; place Is selling for $10,000. We are pleased to show you this property. John Ferinison, Grllnirer bldg. Main Hn20. WANT to borrow $300 to $000 on country chicken ranch tract worth u or 8 times amL; put all over $300 Into improve ments, give deed, take contract back. Pay Int. and more. Particulars. D 642, Oregonian. LOANS WANTED. $1000 on modern 5-room bungalow. $2000 on 80 acres, worth :huo. $3TK on fine Irvinsrtoa home. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. WANTED from private party, $300 loan on mmni worm oi gouu imiiiiuir. in cluding $250 Edison phonograph. Would like to pay off by the month. Inquire of my nirent, 225 Henry bldg. IN ORDER to use more money in my business I wish to norrow in; a periou 01 three years $20,000 to $30,000 on Im proved city property, value $70,000. Ad dress AC 63. Qrfg'nlftn. $1UOO MORTGAGE qrt a choice lOOxltKJ on Alameda drive, due in ten mourns, ar Ing 67c. but as I need money will dis count $-"0. Quick action desired. X 630. Oregonian. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IMP. PORTLAND PROPERTY. v nifQunv Ri.t niM OF COM. LONG ESTAB RELIABLE SERVICE. WANT mtg. or 6oller's R. E. contract. Will sacrifice my snappy, practical iy new, light 6-cyI. car. Cost nearly $1'000. Address owner, T vtm, oregonian. HAVE $17uo first mortgage, due January 1, ltilM, secured ny romana neiR-ms un proved property. Phone Wenger," Col. 1 2 5 1; evenln gs. Auto. 527-2. FOR GILT-EDGE 1 and 8 mortgage bonds in local concerns see wrenn in vestment & Mortgage Co.. 2- Chamber of 1 nmmerre &uz. $4000 AT 7' PER CENT on improved income neanng reai esiaic, cei -tively worth three times amount of loan. AE fl:tl. oregonian. WANTED $i00 or $1000 on acre and home. 9 miles rrom Portiana on un-non Electric, good security. W 500, Orego nian. II A V K S1700 first mortgage, due January 1 1023, secured by Portiana neinnis im proved property. Phone Wenger, Col. 1251: evenings. Auto. M'T-'JW. INSTALMENT contract, $1(00, repayable $25 and interest, iioerai uiscounu cast. 6320. $I0 AT 7 PER CENT on large liose City far refiuence, piemj ui imua. Insured for $450. AE fttO. tregonlan. WANTED Prom private party, $2.mk); will g.ve first mortgage on goou prop erty. Phone Wood lawn JHI11. WANT 1 1500 tor 3 years irom private party on modern bungalow in v "imore- Kind, rnone nen. ur $1000 ON" IMPROVED real estate valued at Simiif; ait ciear 01 intumwi 033. Oreeonian. PLACE your money on new modern bunga lows we are oumung, amount now uk to $2.VH). Box 'JiMis, city. WANT $1000 at 7 on Portland home. A very good loan. red w. oerman 1,0., ?fi2 Ohnm. of Com, bldg. WOULD like to loan $3000 irom a private party on nrst-ciass property; win pay 7. A(j )", ure: - : T, ; !. i S y ; $000, $1500 $JO0. WANT following amoun nn residence nronerty; A. K. Hill. 420 Lumbermens bldg. WANT $300 loan for a client; ampie se curity, s per cent; win py -j v month. SHC, 22- J-ienry mug. SU0 ON $1000 liberty bonds collateral also S20O0 on hign-ciass ciose-in acre age. AN 621. OreRonlan. WANTEu 30UU 3 or 5 years on clott.-in. Hawthorne; value uuu. aauresa a 000, O re go n lan 8 ABSOLUTELY A-l first mt. on city residences ior saie, e.i.mu, .u, iiw. Onsen bldg. Main 112. WANT J30UU, 7 per cent, on La ureihurst hnmo. 021 finsno bldg. Mam i. S1SK UKhiliON 1NV. MuHTiiAuK 222 Cham, of Com., Fourth, ana starts $6300 MORTGAGE for sale. John Bain qui Bpaiamg piqk. 1ST MuUTOAUfciS pr Collt, up to ilU0 Phone Mrtw'nm ,200 b'Oli 1 VliAit, well located, clear rt-ai estate. AK wtl, oregonian. r WANT loan $20.mi0 on apartment house from private party, rt ir-'o, oregonian &o0, 8. ON 5-R003I cottage, Kera Park. Enst '2!l. $3000, 7, ON STRICTLY modern bunga low, Kose uity. r-asr $1000. 8. OtN f-HOOM bungalow. Mult noman. -aai 0.5 PERSONA T. f.HTi.i.vi) Or.. A nril 24. '21. I wish to make this statement of what Professor Pensley did for me ana my motner anu sister In 1!07. I lived In Topeka, Kan.; was clerk In Santa Fe gen. office and I knew of a number of friends professor had cured, so I got him to treat my mother and sistT. My mother had par alysis on left side, could not move hr arms, was down for 6 years; my sister had stomach, kidney, bladder ana nerv ous trouble for 10 years; was a tai wreck. Ir. Peasley cured them In 13 weeks and thy are well today. So when I saw that professor was in Port land I came here for treatment. I have lived on a ranch near Ontario, or., lor 10 years; have suffered with nervous In digestion, insomnia and ft-male disease. I have taken Just 10 weeks' treatment and leave for home a well and happy woman without a single pain. MRS. B. B. BARBER, Ontario, Or. Professor is at 400 Morrison st.. Port land. Or. Phone Mar. 200. Will give treatments at me nnme. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre (Dig neca), can get positive information on how to cure it at home without least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant surprise in store for you If you will write. No charge whatsoever. Tell others. It will help us all. Address ur. Rock, box Mil w a nkee. Wis. ELEkJTRIC and steam cabinet baths, mas age, salt glow, Scotch douches, shower baths and various other treatments giv en. Come for treatments days or eve nings. If you have rheumatism come . prepared to stay few days a week. AN 613. Oregonian. DR. LOUISE NETZEL gives Veatmenti for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Electric blanket vibrator massage and bath. 546 Columbia at., near 17th st. Main 6508, Hours 10 to . No Sunday work. WRITE SONG poem, love, mother, home, comic or any subject; I compose music and guarantee publication. Send words Edward Trent, 702 Keeper Block, Chi eago. REAL hair switches and transformations. $7.r0; combings made up. We call snd dvliver. H. F. Pierce, 24 Kllllngsworth. Wdln. 4S.SO. OLD LADY desires married couple or sin g'e lady to stay at her home; free house rent. Call between 2 and 4 P. M., 004 F. th st. N. WANTED Some one to help ffnanre and publish a song. Call East 2M1. Mr. A. Cole. ALYONE knowing the whereabouts of Al or Aleck Grubbe, please communicate with Mrs. K. Grubbe, Cottage Grove. Or. DESIGNING, cutting and fitting; spe cialism? misses' and children s dresses. GRADUATB nurse, trents lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to S. or by appointment. Phone office. Prtl Oo!ne ft. LAU1KS' and children's slightly usd ij.-ir-ments for sale or exchange. Call week- rtavs. Twhor S7'V. DRUG habit cured through a humane method. AM Oregouian. PKHSOVAL. GET WELL, . FR3E. FREE. TEK. Every day, from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M . and evenings from to 8, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get rellrf In any other way are nJ vl ted to investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BKST OK CHIROPRACTI0 DIAGNOSTICIANS wilt thoroughly examine you, make ft complete diagnosis ot your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO TOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe. sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHlRuPRACTiO will permanently cure 03 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the causa health returns. The above service Is all free to yo at the college building and may be had In private if d-slred. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also by bad la college building by mmbrr of the faculty, by either lady or mi practltlonera PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. HObi'lTAL in connection with college. Will handlo out-of-town patients at a most reason able rate In order to show what Chiro practic can do. 1R. O. W. ELLIOTT. President 100 CHIROPRACTIC 8Y-TKM, (Camouflage ,na adjuncts foreign to this principle only add time and im mediate expense later despair lor $atients.) Dr. McMahon (McManl him self. Macleay bldg.. Portland, m a chiro practor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 rhlropractlo specialist, with highest testimonials from pA'ient from eustem states, familiar with the b(; alto from western and local peopio (doctors, lawyers, Judges. ministers, priests, teachers, parents and children, having unfortunately had less than lOO' chiropractic elsewhere, with, of couma, corresponding disappointment In delay relief physically nU financially. Men and women are ful Mtlsfl4 with my 100 chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill dem onstrated in consultation before taking courses of treatment, and later In ex aminations, eiav. careful and henertclal adjustments, lowest rate and fiayly results. Eleventh year in this city. Acute attacks, colds fevers. lumbago nd "doubting Thomases" least time, least expense. Chronic conditions full month rates. The rich can pav mere. Extended time 31 adjustments. $15. Phone, wire, write, walk in. Main office. Fourth and Washington New homty 0 7 E. Salmon wt. THE TIlAriKPT OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, colds, eta: my sclentlfia ap plication of water, light, heat, electric ity and massage, toKether with a sano and sensible diet, will remove the caua of these troubles. Treatments are pleas ant and heo.lt I building; consult at ions free Monday. Wednesday and Friday, women only; woman assistant. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydrophobic Institute, Stevens Bldg.. downstaira Main B630, tver Six Trars Same Location. :0 THE PL'llLIC if you are a suff-r.-r from any cause, do not be discouraged. There Is hope for you. as I have restored ninny hopeless cases In this city, whose addresses may be obtained at my oft lew. Consultation free. DR. J. SMITH, Prugle.-s Physician, 214-215 Fliedner lildg.. Tnth and W.ishineton St. ACCOMPLISH liD A 1 LAST. Painless dentittrv by the nerve-block-in ir method, wlthnut after efforts. i make X-rav examination of teeth. I specialize In first-can dentistry at rea onabie fern. Ladv a 1 1 nt :m t . Mar. $.o5. IHt. A. W. KLBNK. Malesflc Thm.T HMg ;: '4 Wuh, ELECTRIC MINERAL Mh-AAi BAl'H.i. Scientific body massnKe. violet ray and sinusoidal electrio treatments fur all chronic diseases of both ik xpi, to to ft. evenings by appointment. Nettle Ilensnn. I) p. Main TTv.t B04 Dekum bldg.. cor ner 3d anil Wrtshlmrton. Kl.l.1'6 IlL'Sl.Nl-JhS MEN 111. lifiiewHl of 11 f ceils defprs old are and ke'pi you fit for huJiimnn; a new method that is patrunlxrd by 1'ortland's bf st businf as men. Dr. Lve, 413 Ar Tinmn' bidg. CHARLES H K I NUT, formerly ot Mil waukee, W la Pleas communicate Witt me at once concerning matters of Im portance and vaiue to you as an heir of your father s estate. W. A. Walker, 831 Wells bldg.. Milwaukee. Wis. DKCGLKSM I'll YSICI ANS. Nervous and chronic diseases a spe cialty. U others have failed, don't be come discouraired. but aive me a trial. Pr. Aila N. Scott, Htl 13th ft., beL Alder and Waph. Hrondwny 5;ft2. I'M 1 RiJl'RACTlC. REST STEAM BATH, chiropractic, vi bratory and electric mansuge. Dr. Mar gant Haynle, 215 fiwetland bldg. IWa- sonahlr prict s. IF YOU ARE tired and liervo-js you can rejuvenate your nervous centers and poor circulation by having a sclent I flo body massage. Dr. Ovhiia Larsen, tt3 M 1 1 rgiin blilH. Main li'l'lt. INFORMATION that will be ValuMble to holdt-rs of iMUon Itubb.-r Co.. .Stevens injryta. Autoiifftive stnckr Metropolitan Ht tires, f urnishud oy addressing U 015, i-' Tontn n. t ArvAKA AN TISKPTiC PoW'iEH la a Mfothlng. cleansing, heaiing germicidal aid invigorating douche, a grvat aid In fema.e disorders; Aoc a nd $1 per box. Pu; Uund Hotel J'harmncy. VO VOL want a luxuriant, lu-althv head of hair? Write for questionnaire lo Aint-ma' premier hair speciallnt. Pro fessor Malone, 1020 Market at., ban V - a ririst-fi. ALL the latest remedies en.d at tue Ciem tnson LfruR Co.. I'OO Morrison St., 8u diaries hotel corner. At this drug store vou aet just what you call fur. Wo ba ve no lubstltutaa GA LLSTON ES Free nook teils of im proved method of treating Inflammation of call bladder and bile ducts. Writ lo!a Or Paddock, boa WW-iuL Kansas Cty, Mo. (. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR urmsnently removed by multiple n4le method; consultation free. 504 Sti tUnd I, I, Ik .Vh st Wash, st. Main GRAhUATE nurse and chiropodist, scien tific mansage, magnetic treatments, R nioved from room L'O.I to room 214 hOMBTHlNO NBW Have you tiled tne electric manicure for 60c at the Polly anna Beauty Parlor. SU Broadway KMil.Hnsr Phone Main 6RM "liK LI VE BODY MASSAG&j. 415 BUCHANAN BLDO . WASH. BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH STS. 10 A. M. TO I'. M . ALSO SUNDAYS kl tiETS both feet fixed up at Ur Km.m ,' the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST., who dotu"t hurt you; 8 yra here; tmm. free. Globe bid.. Tth A Wajh. Bdy. 1?J4. FEB VET & HANKIU'T. lddlnic wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; permanent and marcel wavlnr ; araip treatments. 34 Alder. Main 64H. " " THE C. 8. PRACTITIONER. Treatments for para.yis. rheumatism and any itiharinonlous coodition. Auio- EXPEH1ENCL"1 nurse give steam batht with shower and massnge; open U to W, Sundays i to 4 Ml Flledner bid.. T.'nth and Washington. 7777 tTLNA fttiKKNEN. drug. en phvs, liiassBge. baths. kMnevs, const Ip.Tt ton. t..nmntlm r.infim.1 bMg M r.osn WANT ladles to know that Prince toilet article are now sold at Winona Shop, 21i Kliennr FtUt COUUEOT time c.ill Maui S-mO. ir clentlfic watch repairing - Miller, ,tt door to Majestic thft-r, tTiBACCO or snuff habit cuied ur no p.iy ci if cured. Remedy sent on trl;. hu i'ro Co.. V- nnHlntore, V.l, I0STAGH Stamps fur coileetur, bougl'L and sold. Columbia Stamp Co., 04 N. itlth st. Broadway 1'01't. WHY BALD heu. Uttudiuii. t t ailing biiir? '.'here's a renst remed: Try 814 Macleay bldg. n and a ToPlRU. t'larg.'d giunos f'ure louroelf. It Strachan, route ft. Hlllsboro. Or. No nts or representatives. ?T7?TiPrTiVB. expertenoed, ork corporano"" ...... vr- ytinian. , WILLIAMS of LultlNSoN. Hair dieting tnd baJty perlore, 2 $ Broadway bhig. Phone Main r'Tt SL1'LKKLU"US hair, moltfa, warts removed -by 10-needle metliod, trial free. Joeie Kin- ley ftl4 B" l.nn- 'l m 1 vit-O-NKT sweats With buoy niaHHiiiftf J"? Morgan bldg. Main 77. LLi'H L K siwaui bain niirf, vlu.et r and vibratory treatment 4 Clay. Mais PILK3 can b permanently cured without operatioD. Call or write Ur. laa. btc ond and Morrison. jL"Nl(:LLE will cure rheumatism or mouey l,aCK. 1TWUM1 W.. "ki lliLA BALM. forin-rt called Ba:m of Fl'ifs. (44 n Hfld Hell. 2J)8 mornlnas DOESN'T Tom, L'lrlc or Hnfry pay )uu gfe VlerecK. rnnrnnr wrum v. am. DR ETHEL tJKll'KlTH -Steam baths. Vi bration, SCaip UTHiiinii ftuinq MANK'URINO. scslp treatments. )sdie 1. 30t HroHilwHy hMc ind genii'-nie KTHKL McCtY. chlt.im.iil. oj Lucink bl'lg . u in . p- ii'i KLtJHEN EW 1 lie Lo in- t mil.-, Muil K KTt:R CPA LIN E, M rs bunnm-rV rt-tii'-'iu s lur women. io iiocoiu. imm tiv.