THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 1, 1921 20 SlTTATIOyg WANTEDMALE. qUYKR and manager, with over 20 years' experience in dry Roods and ladles, misses and children's ready-to-wear; familiar with New Tork and local market: no objection to small city. Phone ftlO-r.O, or write W 621. Oregonian. iOUNG man. 27, experienced salesman V- and genera! office work, pood detail " c man able to use own Initiative, wants - - sojsitioo with possible future. V 03i. lAUUtliU man wants permanent posuion on ranch; has had several years ex perience in farming: good steady worker and good hand with stock; wife good housekeeper. BC fr, Oregonian. BINGLE mjii wishes employment, under standing farming, gardening, taking care of lawns and all kinds of garden work, mnall or large. Phone Wdln. WH- oT. - Ivy st. E. SchuTz. AiARRIED man wants wood cutting job; wife can cook for small crew if desired; would like to hear from Clarke county p:irty who called Tuesda. Wood lawn j.VMt, or K fi'4. oregonian. SINGLE. 24. einploved but desiring future; high school education, experienced clerk. speak Scandinavian : willingly learn any trade, go anywhere. Y Got), Orego- V'A.N'TED To repair automobile, tractorn, gas engines, at your place or mine: best guaranteed work at right prices. Tabor AUKNTS make money Felling Upressit phone caps to users; cost you l.c sell " for 23c; neat, attractive arucie, on sight. 1'hone Enst ii-VI". sells YOUNG man. 2.',. student, will work S hra. day before and after school, for room, board and wages to meet expenses. AM (;:;.. c trcsonian. WANT einplovrnent; had experience night janitor department store, office bldgs.. including elevator. 34 Cadillac hotel. .Main Ml'V , l ilts'l -CLASS horst hhor. young, strong and steady, wants permanent job in country or on highway. H 041, Orego- ninn. WOULD like something to do mornings and evenings for apartment for my sea and wife; my time occupied from 0 to ; wife unemployed. BJ i"3, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED timekeeper and checker; can give excellent references as to abil ity and character. loS Mirimar place. Tabor 33"-'. . AlAKRIED man antd worx of any kind; handy and quick to learn; prefer place V with a good future. BC 601, Orego nian. KX-SiiKVICE man would like position as auto or truck driver; parts or stock room; reference given. R. Walker, ou4 E. Davis st. rnone r.ast 1 HOROl'GHLY experienced country gen. n..t..-A -n unnli nnsition about May lo capable and good worker, with the best THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper with veara of experience, also experience in credit work, collections and knowl fMisrp nt accounfins. Phone East 71:t. xut e.SH cuaranteed upon acceptance, or ... position to any person Informing compe tent bookkeeper and office man a posi tion now oi"n. X Oregonian. BARBER, with one year's experience, where I can finish trade, in or out of citv. Mr. Legett, 1624 Huron st.. Port- la nLOi M A RRI ED man, good, steady, reliable worker, wants permanent position in factory or shop where there is a chance for advancement. BP 643, Oregonian. -.FOR PAINTING, decora tin? ajid signs, to get the best materials and work, call Tabor 266. 23 years' eexperienre. 1 ' I'UACTlCAli, all round carpenter, build ing, repairing; can take charge. East PAINTING. TINTING AND rAi'fR HANGING. W O R K GUARANTEED. EAST US. MECHANIC'S helper wishes position in garage or repair shop. AJ 604, Orego ' nian. KMKceptT, Stenograpiiers, Of lice. YOUNG MAN, 20 YEARS OF AGE, DE SIRES A PERMANENT POSITION WITH A PROGRESSIVE FIRM. J HAVE PLENTY OF INITIATIVE, A THOROniH KNOWLEDGE OF BOOK KEEPING AND CAN FURNISH LOCAL REFERENCES. COST ACCOUNTING EXPERIENCE. I WILT BEGIN AT THE BOTTOM AT A NOMINAL SAL ARY. PARKER. EAST tttl!4. AM K1TIOUS YOUNG MAN. 26 YEARS OF A.-.M WITH Pl.RVTT OF INITIATIVE AND A KNOWLEDGE OF BOOKKEEP ivi: niNlHKS A POSITION WITH A PROGRESSIVE FIRM. 1 WILL TACKL3 ANYTHING WITH A FUTURE AND M WILLING TO START AT A NOM INAL SALARY. PARKER. EAST f.0l4. ACCOUNTANT and credit man; years ol pvucriniv in various lines of busine.s: ' at present employed, but having good - reasons for change; wants to make per mutuant i-onnei-tion with good firm wholesale, retail or manufacturing: first- e ass Portland references; can take full charge of office. R ltf. Oregonian. v, ii ; vi: nun. -2tV trustworthy, energei knowledge of bookkeeping, quick and accurate, operate typewriter, at present studying shorinanu. aesires oiiil-c puai tion with chance for advancement. Ref " nrenrpu. Address It 611. Oregonian. YOUNG man. boine- knowledge of book itoninir nml office management, legal education, admitted to the practice of law in Oregon, desires to conect with something having a future; will go any phu-e. A E 633. Oregonian. POSSIBLY volume of your business does not warrant full-time bookkeeper, let m keep your records in accordance with federal requirements, work done by hour. X C4L. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT. Eleven years' experience, city refer- nces, desires half days work; will give half days' time for $05 per month. AJ 6"3. Oregonian. lioOKKEEPER Thorough knowledge fed eral tax laws, competent in charge set of pooks, preparing financial and monthly statements; position in or out of city. B 637. Oregonian. CA PABLE C. EN E R A L OFFICE AND BANK MAN. 10 YEARS' EXPERI ENCE. BEST LOCAL REFERENCES. MARRIED: PREFER OUT-OF-TOWN BANK. BF 60. OREGONIAN. YOUNG MAN, 114, high school graduate, with wholesale hardware pricing expe rience, desires similar or general clerical position. AR 6'J4. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly "practical, ex - , tensive experience, temporary, perma r nent. Out-of-town position considered. BC 607, Oregonian. 'lUl.'.M man desires position as assistant bookkeeper and stenographer; willing to ' start on small salary If chances of ad vancement are good. J 6o3. Oregonian. 1'OSITION as office manager, assistant bookkeeper; any opening of reeponsi- bility will be considered; capable; high- . clays references. Woodlawn fl4!3. BOOKKEEPER, married man, wants per manent position us bookkeeper or assist ant bookkeeper: will go anyplace, coun try town preferred. AK P."','. Oregonian. ""yol'NG MAN. lit, student ot accountancy, with bookkeeping, typing and general ' office experience, desires position. Ad '" dress TS'J Thurmnn. TEMPORARY Job by experienced account ant, books audited, small sets kept, sys tems installed; references. Main 66. EXPERIENCED accountant wishes small set of books, spare timo, system in- stalled. Sellwood 1210. JELFFICIENT office man, married, desires position with some bank or large real estate company. A 007. Oregonian. , SECRETARYSHIP to executive, by ex perienced correspondent. BF C43, Ore gonian. JrXtSITION with law firm by lawyer of experience. B.T 636, Oregonian. '.EFFICIENT married man, -7. experienced cashier, general offi-'e. Tabor 8416. TIMEKEEPER. experienced in logging and construction. Phone East 213'i. Pt-SITIoN in credit department with . u-holes-ile house. B.T 641. Qreconian. Sulrsmeu. SPECIALTY salesman, 10 years' expe rience, wishes to make connecion with headquarters in Portland or Seattle; last 3 years selling drug, variety store and sporting goods trade this territory. A J Oregon iaiu SALESMAN. Traveling or city. 3 years experience. T wisiifS to make connection with Pacific wast : experienced in selling all C aiie. Uave thorough knowledge in - handling high-grade specialties. C 632. Or-'eoniiin. SALESMEN witn or without automobile t sell grafonolns, commission. with guarantee. See Mr. Williams with 11c Dnurat Music C .. Ut 10th st - -su tM'lTKK salesman, over 20 years' ex Ik rience, wants position In or out of - ty. Best reference. BD 610. Orego- . iiALE'SMAN Experienced, wishes line in -tothtng. drv goods or specialties from ortiand w holesaier or manufacturer. Apt!y I fViO. Oregonian. SALESMAN wit h Ford covering southern and western Oregon desires sideline. BF 603. Oregon Jan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Position by first-class pastry woman. D 4't, Oregonian. WANTED Work hi - l-r. Woodlawn 5" day. Call Mrs. Mil LAUNDRY work and. cleaning. WMAN WANTS DAY WORK. ' WpfU 'LAWN 3iv.'. T"AST colored girl w i&hes a few hours' washing and Ironing. Phone S25-2S. LAUNDRY avue '(.vC'Jly at my home. Msn 9:iT iA" WORK Reliable wouaMi, all day or half day. btwW 372 SITTATIONS WANTED FEMAI.K. LADY. English, - 28 years of age, expe rienced, desires position as nursery gov erness, entire charge of children over 3 years, willing to travel, or would con sider position as residential secretary to lady or gentleman; stenographer; gooa salary required; references exchanged. Write box 332, Hood Kiver, ur. WANTED Bv vounr. strong woman, work at once; am good cook, either for camp or small crew. Win go anywnere; aso short order cook or waitress or elevator operator. Can do anything where hard work is essential. Call Bdwy. 4S11, ask for room 2. 3." North 3th st.. or write. REPINED middle-aged widow desires po sition as companion to lady in well-appointed home, or would travel: con genial, cheerful disposition; . references. Address 3S4 E. 62d st. N. YOUNG English lady, disengaged middie June, requires position in family as gov erness; would undertake charge of chil dren at the beach: fluent French, good needlework ; highest testimonials; state salary offered. D 645. Oregonian. A RELIABLE middle-aged lady. many years experience in apt. house business, wants management of same; best refer ences; strong and not afraid to work. r.inne n ro.i u way on iOUNG coiKple, With child 4 years, would like to manage apartment house for apartment and small wagesThusband at tending machinist schooj. Phone Broad way 2t!4l. Mrs. Kelly. LADY WISHES housework, can assist with plain dressmaking, neat with se'.f and work: can take interest in good home. seldom out eventags; will go to. beach later : references. Wdin. 1 EXPERIENCED dental nurse withes po sition in dentist's or doctors office: can d-o Clerical and reception room work. Call before 10:30 A. M. or after 0 P. M. H ii n da y. East 1320. CONSCIENTIOUS young lady, four years' experience in stenography and general office routine, ;n urgent need ; recently high salaried; will accept place for $80. Sellwood 30. LADY of refinement and experience would like position in hotel or apartment house as hostess or manager; would leave city; references furnished. N 64j, Oregonian. MI DDLE-AGED woman, good cook; pre fer ranch or camp; will go anywhere. Oregon or Wash., after May 13. Mrs. M. Belcher, 417 & E. 15th st., Los An celes, Ca 1. . RE KIN ED lady would like position as companion to elderly lady in exchange for room and board; goeAi references. E fir. Oregonian. ' EXPERIENCED girl wants position as dispenser, waitress or clerk in small confectionery or drug store; references. V Vt. Cfegonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper or matron in Al place; best reference; am Presbyterian, also O. E. S. AM 018. Oregonian. Phone Woodlawn 1315. STRONG, hearty woman, work by day. 44ic hour, not less than 5 hours, wash ing, ironing, cleaning; references. Mar shall Sim. YOUNG LAD V wishes steady employment as a rapid calculator operator. Thor oughly competent. Phone Broadway ir.12. East L'S4. apt. 301, Sundays. MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for chil dren afternoons and evenings while mother is absent; beat references. Tabor . 1 '. . WOMEN to take care ot children atler noon and evening while parents go out, 3."c hour, carfare; references, AR (i-3, Orejrnnian. CAPABLE woman wishes position in re fined gentleman's home; good cook, un derstand care of children. AG OIK, Ore- goma n. A COLLEGE student who wishes to know of a splendid opportunity for work dur ing the summer vacation. Y 034, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants posi tion ; several years' experience in east and on coast. References. Phone Ta bor 10."i. CAPABLE young lady would like posi tion as companion or governess in- home. Would be willing to assist with house duties. AN 60.1, Oregonian EXPERIENCED lady wants cooking for men ; housekeeper in widower's home ; not Incumbered; In city or out. A J filS. Oregonian WANTED By American lady, small hotel or rooming house to manage on com mission or salary; experienced. 586 1st st., west side. EXPERIENCED kitchen helper wants work in summer resort or will cook in small ramp. AJ 611, Oregonian. WANTED Posdion as houst-keeper for re lined widower or bachelor by yuuig worn an. BF BIS. Oregon i a ju OLD HATS made new. reblocklng 75 cents, trimming 35 cents up. Mack's Millinery, 541 Union ave. N. East l'3fsl. MA RR1 ED cook wants position in citv; fi rot -class dinner, fry ami pastry man. Broadway 346Q. Km. 2TJ. WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. COOKING AND SERVING A SPECIALTY. PHONE AUT. 044-31. A CORLEGE student or high school senior wanted for summer vacation; good sal ary guaranteed. K 646, Oregon i an. THREE teachers for a good paying posi tion in educational welfare work during summer vacation. K 647. Oregonian. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS dene up like new. Will call. East 851H. ALL KINDS of curtains hand laundered by experts. We solicit your patronage. Automatic 610-57. , CURTAINS laundered by experienced 1-ady; also day work. Call all week. East 3S6L. NORWEGIAN woman, middle age, wants mending, washing, ironing, care of chil dren evenings. Reference. Aut. 6lilt-L'4 LADY wants housecleanmg. washing, other work; good work guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. BY RELIABLE party with releiences. d situation in apartment house for either man or wife or both. Phone Main M4S. SWISS girl wants general housework in small iamily: speaK.s Irene n ana uer man only. East 231. RELIABLE lady cook, like position res taurant or camp. Woodlawn 300S. 1026 Williams ave. LADY with 9-year-old boy wishes position as housekeeper or cooking in small camp near school. Address box 56, Yamhill. Or. POSITION as mgr. apt. house or hotel by experienced woman; references. N 601, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by day. washing ana ironing. none Mar shall 30311. YOUNG woman with two children wants to work for crew of men on ranch. Ad dress Mrs. Heinberg, McMinnvilJe, Or. GOOD plain cook, small family. No wash ing. Most evenings out. -triy sunaay dinner. 250 12th St.. near Main. DUKsllAKER and designer wishes a ft-w more appointments; also experienced hemstitch operator. AF 6:7, Oregonian. TRAINED nurse will care for baby in her home. Would consider a parent to hoard. Phone Woodlawn 2315. &TENOGUA 1'iiER, four years' experience general of rice; &tso as personal secre tary to executive; disengaged. East 57s LADY with classy car. careful driver. would consider regular patrons at rea sonable terms. Address 3M E. 02d st. N. lOUNG r--tiiied girl wants position to care for children by day or month. Call East 2.i2t. II 1 DDL E-AG ED woman will ket-p house lor eideny couple or invalid lady. AM 610. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing about b nours lor nice I ami lies. Main 6i' 23. WOMAN wants general house housekeeping. 2 or 3 adults. Oregonian- work or H 62S. REFINED middle-aged woman wants po sition as companion; no objection to traveling. D 628, Oregonian. WOMAN', with small girl wants work on ranch. Address Mrs. E. Moore, The Pa'. leu. Or. RELIEF nurse cares for the sick through the diy. children evenings. Mar. 340. EXPER1KNCED woman wishes day work. Von . Tups.. Wed. Sellwood li'32. EXPERIENCED woman hnuf cleaning . etc. Main ;nts work t7. apt. 3. WILL Trnrt" chiitirm '-om 211, auu invalids WOMAN wantc daj work, 50c hour. Tele phone Broadway 3243. WORK by the day or hour; 1 or 2 days. Tabor 641. WOMAN wishes day work. Voodiawn JUUliut-Aii tD lady will care Xor ciul lren by hour. Broadway -2(ni. WANT position, city or ranch, cooking, h. k.. no laundry. P mi. Oregonian. i. Ulll of city. w isnes I'haiivoer work in or out Marshall .1'.4". Y 63-1. Orpgnlan. HAIR dyed at home reasonable by ex perlenced lady. Main 38 79. HEMSTITCHING done whi.e you wait. Grand ave. WOMAN wishes day wrk. Auto. 626-36. BookeeptTH. Stenographer. Office. Fl RST-CLASS stenographer, experienced in law and physician's work; particular ly successful in oft ice management. R 631. Oregonian. TYPEWRITING TO DO AT MY HOME; RATES REASONABLE. MAR. S1. EXPERIENCED woman wi5hes ciericai and genera! office work. East 4097. EXPERIENCED law stenographer wants position AC 648. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires teni porary position. AC 647. Oregonian. TPIST, . with knowledge of (shorthand, deai roa position. Call Woodlawn 130& SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Booheepera, fcteuogra pliers. Office. CAPABBLE bookkeeper and typist desires position with reliable concern. Can take charge of complete office work, under stands manufacturing and cost systems. w ill assume responsibility. .References BF. Oregonian. EXPERT bookkeeper accountant wants position; accurate, reliable, capable, win ing to take responsibility or office man agement. Excellent references. Would leave city. AV 602. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST WITH KNOWLEDGE OK CASH IER WORK DESIRES POSITION WITH RELIABLE CONCERN. CALL. SELL WOOD 34S3. ACCURATE stenograoher. experienced In law, insurance, real estate, general of- iice worn, -desires position, capaoie oi meeting public; good references. C 630, oregonian. GOOD typist desires copy work at home: envelopes $3 per 1000; wish steady cir cular work each month, own typewriter. Abstract work a specialty. Mar. -2689. COMPETENT young lady desires position in congenial office, some typing, book keeping and can meet the public: refer ence. Phone East 1S21. CO-M.PE TEN T stenographer, 12 years' ex perience, general office work. de3lres permanent or temporary position Imme- diately. Mar. 3041 STENOGRAPHER, college graduate, ex teacher, executive ability and experience, permanent position after May 1. Ta bor Poai'i'oN desired by competent all-round young business lady, experienced in bookkeeping, stenography, cashier work, etc Phone 323-87. BOOKKEEPER, cashier, capable taking charge set of books or office, desires po sition; temporary position considered; References. X 604, Oregonian. THOROUGH L Y competent stenographer desires position, temporary or perma nent; insurance and commercial experi ence. Tabor 223 S. EXP. WOMAN wants work in apt., room ing houtie or1 hotel; will assume man agement, work as housekeeper, clerk. What have you? V 6:i4. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED CASHIER wishes posi tion afternoons and evenings. Perma nent. Main 40S. EXPERIENCED stenograpser and assist ant bookkeeper' desires employment at once: references. AK ft'.Vt. Oregoniatu COMPETENT stenographer-bookkeeper de sires position: personal interest in work. Tabor 738.V or BD i!0. OreRonlan. WANTED Position, stenographer, book keeper, general office, temporary or per manent. Broadway 1443, room 303. CAPABLE, well-educated young' lady wuh ability and clerical experience, desires position. AK rt'Jl, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. 8 years' experience general office work; prefer real estate. East 74. evenings or mornings. STENOGRAPHER. capable of taking charge of correspondence, would like po sitton. Salary $7H. Main 74-7. BOOKKEEPER. 15 years' experience. wis-hes work, 1 or & hours daily. Sdwy, l'73l GE.NERAL office work or typing, tempor ary or permanent, with chance for ad vancement. Woodlawn ."773. WANTED Position as oookKeeper, typist or running posting machine. Ail WJ4, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes pos. tion answering telephone and taking care of ottice. rhone Aut. oJo-4J. STENOGRAPHER wants temporary or per manent position. Experienced. Main EXPERIENCED office girl wishes position; bookkeeping, filing, typing. Sellwood 3721. LADi wishes office position; some short- hand and typewriting. Phone lawn 3463. mornings only. Wood- fc I'bMjuKiAl'Htlit, neat a.ppeara.nee, wishes position ; experienced; reference. Auto. 617-74. WANTED Half-day work, daily; steno graphic; competent; references; $ 15 per month. Phono e.ast NQJi. EXPERIENCED young lady steno. wishes permanent or temporary position. Two years' experience. Phone Bu wy. 477. XtiOUooUH L V competent boonkeeper stenogiapher desires position. Main STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER Steady and conscientious; reference. Main :i34. apt. 43. WANTED 2 young men for board and room in private home. liotne conven iences. Main 6." 7. CO.Ui"ETE.T, . experienced bookkeeper stenographer: references. Main 33S4. BEGIN N ER wishes stenographic position. I!eas call East 3X60. Dressmaker. SUITS and gowns destgutd and made or remodeled t your home or mine; $6 per day. Miss Cottrell, Hotel Caples, 350 Taylor St.. Marshall ENGAGEMENTS by day, thoroughly ex perienced dressmaker; remodeling and designing reasonable. Work guaranteed. Broadway 1567. SEWING, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, made to order; also have same for sale. 330 Mohawk bldg. YOUNG woman wants pluce in good home to do light work in return for small wages. Call Miss Gilbert, Broadway after Sunday. MRS OKR, 30S PANAMA BUILDING. Hemsitiching 8c a yd., while you wait. Third and Alder sts. ; entrance on Third. SEWING done neatly and quickly, chil dren's clothing a specialty. Phone M 5756. Save this ad for future use. MENDING. plaiTi sewing, and crocheting taken in. Will call for same. Phone, Bdwv. 471 S. t.OATS. capes, skirts, one - piece dresses, experienced; appointments made before !i::iO and evenings. Wdln. lS.'tS. MY SPECIALTY is saving money for you by making your used dresses into new ones. Main 3164. DRE.SSMAK ING. your home or mine; work guaranteed, prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 2S14. EXPERIENCED seamstress wishes dress making and plain sewing, tie 11 wood 61). M ra. Craig. HEMSTITCHING, 10 cents a yard; button making, pleating and braiding. Mack's Millinery, 542 Union .ave. N. East 2381. LADIES garments alttred and refitted. L Reubin, tailor. 408 Bush & Lane bldg. DRESSMAKING All kinds. reasonable. 422U Morrison St., room 6. upstairs. WORK in dressmaking or millinery shop. Phone Woodlawn 2675. FORMER N. Y. City modiste, $3.50 day to Introduce. Tabor 4272. DRESSMAKING and tailoring. Will out by the day. Call Tabor 3232. DRESSMAKER, experienced, coats, gowns, remodeling, by day. MarehaJl 3tS5. DRESSMAKING, guaranteed, prompt work. 75 East 30th st. East 694. GOWNS, suits, touts nude to order. Lelaa Hutehinson. 27 Morgan bldg. LMv.ES.vMA KING by the day; satisfaction puara n teed. Tabor 1 324. EXi'EluENCfc.D dressmaker will sew the day. Main 1.123. DKwsil AK1NG and furs altered and re iiRfd at my home. Broadway 33S3. DRESSMAKING or alteration work by day. Phone Woo .awn 534, EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress will sew by the day. East 7778. SUITS, capes, gowns, correct style; work guar inteed. Prices reasonable. Sell 2945. CAPABLE experienced dressmaker by day, reasonable; references. East 7665. NURSE wants position as doctor's assist ant; will also handle reception room for $10 a week. Phone Broad way 4046, ask for the nurse. PATIENTS taken in private home; mas sage and special treatments given. Auto. 61 4- 09. C. S. MATERNITY home, a vp. pnonf 234-S5. 734 Hawthorne LNGXPER 1 EN CEO girl wisnes po .it'oti x 61 1. Oregonian. .THOROUGHLY efficient graduate nurse. Call East 3 5S2. PRACTICAL nurse, ready for case; women or children. Main 4-146. PRACTICAL NCRSE BEST OF REFER ENCES east eras. :ItvFCL practical nurse wants posl i. Broadway 3ir5. room H7. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse w uhes eg se, invalid or elderly. Main 4S69. RELIABLE maternity nurse, ready for a cms. S 631. Oregonian. f . 1 fS cared for in my private horn-. st 4W7. Houaekeepfr. W ANTED by reliable and capable lady, position as housekeeper for apartment " rooming house. V 631. Oregonian. WOMAN, 34 years, with girl 6, wishet posi Hon as housekeeper. A J 606, Ore gonlan. YOUNG widow wishes position as house keeper for widower with infant. Write 23 Mason st. POSITION as housekeeper, widower's home, children preferred. D 486, Ore gonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper for two or three men on ranch near town. X 637. Oregonian. WANT to keep house for a man on a farm. Write to Minnie Coal. Milwaukie, Or. Address Box 223 A. route 2. ' HOUSEKEEPER -Hotel or family, A-T citv references; widow, capable, refined; good salary expected. Woodlawn 3302. POSITION tleman. , housekeeper tor elderly gen- Box 272. S. Tacoma. Wash. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeping, w 1 d o wers home. Commercial. WANTED Position as housekeeper in, city .home. X Wl, Oregonian. 8ITTATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper. WANTED Position as housekeeper by young woman of refinement, capable, would like to keep house for widower, with neat home; no objection to small child. MISS OLLIE ANDREWS, ROUTE 1. BOX OS. BORING. OR. HOUSEKEEPER wants position as man aging housekeeper of apartment house or rooming house; experienced and cap able of taking full charge or will act as housekeeper under manager. AG 607, Oregonian. LAD V, competent and reliable, wishes po sition as housekeeper with nice people, couple employed preferred; good cook and housekeeper; reasonable wage. BD G48. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady, refined, reliable, with boy, aged 14, wishes position house keeping in good home for gentleman. 6J. Pettygrove st. Broadway 476. REFINED young lady with 3-year-old boy, wishes position as housekeeper for one or two business men. V 041, Orego nian. WANTED By American lady, housekeep ing en a ranch w here there is no woman boss, or cooking for a small crew of men. iSSft 1st St., west side. ' YOUNG girl in need of a friend wishes to assist with housework; wages $20. Tele phone Marshall 477i. WIDOW, with son 12 years old. would like position as housekeeper for widower, with one or two children. AV Ore gonlan. YOUNG lady, of age, wishes housekeep ing position in widower's home in city or country. D 644. Oregonfan. EL.DERL V widow, good cook, will keep nouse ror j. or 2 gentlemen. BF tfia. Oregonfan. Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl wishes general house- worn wnere mere are no cniiaren: can do plain cooking: prefer place close in; wages, trip. AC WHi. Oregonian. CHILDREN cared for at Day Nurserv. 404 Madison st., l.- cents a day, lnclud Ing 2 meals and pint of milk. EMPLOYMENT at housework where in fant boy will be welcome. AH Cl7, Oregonian. BV ELDERLY party, good home ore- f erred, light work, no laundry, wages. Marshall 41S7. 1'OUNG girl would like position as sec ond maid or help with general house work. Adults only. H 01T7, Oregonian. WIDOW with 1 o -yea r-o Id boy w is hes housekeeping: city or country. Tabor 1H3K. 17KJ Division. WANTED Position as second girl. Woodlawn 3205. Jlou-cletiuins- HOUSECLEANING. Housecleaning, window washing, car pet cleaning, by expert workmen; floors waxea, turniture joiisned. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157 fttos ana carptU nana cleaned, color re stored, made to look like new without taking up; Vxl2 $1.00. Marshall 44. J. Lambert. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacan t h ouses, a part men ts an d flats witn aeiinite information pertaining to eacn. NewcomerH to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly ana quickly located. Eighth Floor. REfrPONblBLL business man wishes to lease for one year or longer 7 to 10-room unfurnished home; must be strictly mod em; not on car line;, will pay $100 or more per month; six months' rent In advance. Hotel Benson. Phone Broad way 411, room 70S. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, fiats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenanta PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER OCX 53 Fourth St, Opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. STRICTLY modern 5 or 6-room bungalow, must have large living room; mut be in good locality and have garage; will pay up to U0 per month with a satisfactory lease; can lurnish best of references. If you have a real home to offer phone Main 3423. ANTED To rent in June, July or August, by the year, a strictly modern 7-room or larger house, with large grounds, city or suburban. Applicant is good caretaker, good pay, offers best references. Don't miss your chance. AH 519. Oregonian. LIST YOUR HOUSES OR FLATS. Furnished or unfurnished, for sale or rent, with us. MAGOOX & SPENCER. Sales and Rental Agents. M7-18 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6127. YOUNG, refined couple, both employed. wish to rent unfurnished four or five room flat or bungalow. West side pre ferred or close In on east side; reason able rent. Phone Woodlawn 5414 be fore 12 A. M. Sunday. LOCAL business man and wife Gesire to rent five or six-room modern house with garage for any time up to one year; will care for property as our own. Any references and will secure rental. TV 361. Oregonian. BY BUSINESS man. 5-room unfurnished bungalow ; must be modern ; will guar antee best care of property or would consider furnished bungalow for sum mer months. Tabor 602. THREE adults want five or six-room house, unfurnished or partly furnished. Must be modern, within reasonable dis tance of downtown. Give full particulars in reply. M 637, Oregonian. WANTED To rent by lady going to busi iness every day, small furnished house or tent house, somewhere on S. P. electric l'ne. not over 10 miles from city. AE 62H. Oregonian. 5-ROOM HOUSE WANTED. . Man and wife, no children, want mod ern 5-room house : give exact location, rent aoout $50; prefer furnished. BJ 6Q4. Oregonian. WANTED To rent at once, 5 or 6-room bungalow wth sleeping porch and ga rage, in good district. Will lease for 1 year. Will give good references. No children. Call East 6326. BUNGALOW WANTED. By responsible couple who will Im prove property; no children; give street and No. and amount of rent. BJ 604, Or--gonian. WANTED Nicely furnished house far June, July and August; must have large living room and 3 bedrooms. Address 612 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 1497. r Broadway 4033. ; SAI ALL lurnished apartment or house or flat; adults only; walking distance; E. 12th and E. Ankeny sts. Phone East 6671. WANTED to rent; I want a 5 or 6-room house with gaattf preferred; will take lease; give good reference. Must have it right away. Call Marshal 5252. refln&u young couple wish to rent small furnished house or apartment for tnre months. laoor V.iL McEndree, or write Route L box Portland, Or, 8 OR 7-ROOM house, near Reed college, preferably in East Moreland or West Moreland; furnished or unfurnished. Phon Sellwood 2S05. WANTED Between May 15 and June 1, iurnisnea o or o-room nouse or bunea low with garage ; references exchanged. hu o-o. uregonian. SMALL unfurnished house or apartment wan tea oy eiaeriy couple oy June 1; good neighborhood, and not over $50. BD 44ft. Oregonian. FURNISHED 6-room flat or house by 4 adults; west side, walking dtetajice. X Oregonian. WANTED Furnished nouse or fiat; must have 2 bedrooms, garage or old barn; any location. Phone Broadwav 2V 5 -ROOM modern bungalow ; garage, fur nace, close in; reliable couple. . AE 616, Ore-iron ian. WANT to rent o or 6-room house, $20 to $25 monthly: will pay six months to year In advance. D 120. Orggonlan. WaNTjD unfurnished 5 or 6-room bun galow with garage, close in; have two small children. AK 622. Orgen!aj. WANTED to lease, strictly modern resi dence, with garage, furnished or unfur nished. Phone Main 3301. 8-ROOMS or more, furnished or partly fur nished; good location; garage desirable. AL R04. Oregonian. YOUNG couple, no children, desires to rent 4 or 5-room bungalow. References gladly exchanged. Phone Tabor 3903. S OR 10-ROOM unfurnished house by June 1, west side, walking distance. Mar. 1752. WANTED To rent about May 15, 7 or 8 room honse. Sellwood 3348. W A N T E D T o rent, house or lower flat. a 5-room modern Call East 73!L WANTED House. 10 rooms or over, close In. will lease. Phone East 2103. Apartments. WANTED By two business women. S room unfurnished apartment, walking distance. Sellwood 1048. LADY, EMPLOYED, would like to hear from lady having apartment to share. AL 614, Oresoniun. WANTED TO RENT. Apartments. YOUNG couple would like to rent a 2 or 3-room furnished apt. by May 10, west side preferred, and walking distance. Can furnish best of references. AR bOb, Oregonian. 3 YoUNG ladies want a 3-room apt. by May 10 or 15; must be kitchenette, liv ing room and separate bedroom; can furnish best of references. H 603. Ore gonian. R4MniH. BIT YOUNG woman pianist from the east, desirable room in private family. Will give piano lessons in part payment, h 603. Oregonfan. REFINED .business girl wishes room in apartment or comfortable home; close in ; meals optional. W 628, Oregonian. WANTED Large sleeping room in private jamiiy in modern borne, J tHo, orego nian. LADY and daughter will care for refined gentleman's home In exchange for rooms. Main 3340. GENTLEMAN wishes room and garage in private iamily or near to the garage oasi aine. as. Oregonian. v ixjj v iaay wants front H. K. room conveniences. AE 617. Oregonian. Rooms With Hoard. COUPLE employed want room and board care for girl 7 going to school, near parage ir possible.. Please answer, am oo.i. oregonian. W AN LSD Home lor girl. 13. with nice people who will board her for company and assisting in housework. Clothes will oe lurnisneu. Good references, r two, oregonian. GENTLEMAN desires room, two mc&la. Terms, box AL 640, Oregonian. Busi nes Placet. WANTED FLOOR SPACE. 4000 to 6000 square feet, with good i ik ni ana neat ; east or west side ; ren1 must be reasonable ; permanent tenaut established business. O 645, Oregonian, JL;li-iAiLE location for soft drink lunch and confectionery. AC 619, Ore- FOfe RENT. ONE OR TWO large downtown office home looms, witn light, heat, gas. Room la, "' -a r ourtn srreet. CLEAN sleeping room, free phone, bath, i-urnihhed Rooms HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Tlntx bv th w-eek, Jo. 50 and ud: hot and cold running water, hot-water heating system; tub fnower Darns. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. LM PER DA Y, $6 PER WK. AND UP. v r.i i rJiN r ALL-N IGHT OARAGES. ROOAI for rent, furniture for sale: 307 Bu t-hanan bldg., 2MJ Washington t. This is a cnance to get a nice room close In tree gas a-nd light, all for $10. Call . eeniings between 6:3) and S o'clock. H LARGE furnished rooms, pantry, bath and laundry tubs; will have to share kitchen with lonely woman; .separate eu trance; nice borne Tor couple, lua; E. 22d st.. near Alberta car A SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. HOTEL LENOX. Corner Third and Main Sts. Attractive rates to discriminating, permanent guests. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, WASHINGTON AT FIFTH. Special weekly and monthly rates, $6 up. us snow you our accommoda tions. ANGELA HOTEL. 62.1 Washington RL Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room: rooms witn or without baths; J5.50 week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. WEST SIDE, newly furnished, beautiful large light front rooms, modern con veniences, close in, free phone, price reasonable. U0 N. ICth st. Phone Bdwy. ;io. NOB HILL Large beautifully furnished iront sleeping room, suitable for 1 or also cosy front room for 1, furnace heat, oatn pnone. walking distance, reasona ble rent. 106 22d St. N. Call Main 6064. FRONT sleeping room, bath and telephone in downtown apart. Mar. 2009, or No. 4 Hanover apts. after 6:30 wk. days and aiiuay r-unaay. FLRNISHED room with private bath, in cluding heat, lights and water. Rose t friend apts., Broadway and Jefferson st. rnnne Alar. 1410. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park Streets. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. HOTEL MATHIKSEN. Z04 0Ol.t;.Vi HI A Brick bldg., nice lobby; steam heat, hot . and cold water in every room, elevator runs day and night; rooms. 75c up. LA RGE, beautiful furnished room with piano, lo; f) apiece to room mates one room $10; not far out. Marshall 1443. 710 2d st. LARGE, clean, newly papered room, with iwo single oeas, sts a month; can ar range for housekeeping if desired. 50J Jerterson St.. near 14th. Main 6288. FIRST-CLASS room for gentlemen, all modern conveniences; select neighbor hood ; will furnish 2 meals If desired. Phone Main 3436. WANTED Young man roommate for dou ble room, thereby reduce expenses; two beds, shower baths, private phone. In quire office, Y. M. C. A. NICELY' furnished room in steam-healed apartment for gentleman. Referen jes exchanged. Phone Main 3449. LARGE, light steam-heated room In apart ment house, uroaaway ana jerterson. Main 6213. ONE fur. room, 2 unfur. housekeeping. l sleeping room, rj'j rweitth st.. cor. Washington. Phone Broadway 1357. NICELY furnished room for gentleman, private family. Tel. Bdwy. 5656. 59 Trinity Place. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at 10th, 11 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths, steam heat. 2 LARGE front rooms, well furnisheu, at 170 N. 16th. Free bath and phone; walking distance. Broadway 2099. 1 LARGE front room, private bath, beau tifully furnished, walking distance; will accommodate 2 or 3 people. Mar. 5170. FOUR lovely, clean rooms in cosy, modern bungalow, basement, large yard, fruiL 148 Curry. FOR RENT At Wetrtonia hotel. Fine front, sleeping rooms and modern h. k. apts. 171 West Park st. FOR RENT Clean, well-furnished rooms; also I room with private bath. 772 Marshall st. FRANCES HOTEL. West Park and Mor rison, fl to $3 day and up; hot water. steam heat, bath free. BUSINESS woman with apt., close in. has lovely front room for rent to 1 or 2 bus Ineps ladles. Main 2265. Call Monday. ST. PAUL hotel, 130 Fourtn st. respectable, modern, transient. Rates to permanent guests. Clean, 91 up. WEAVER HOTEL.. 70s WASH. STREET. ROOMS WITH BATH. BY WEEK OR MONTH; REASONABLE. BUS KM ARK, Washington st., corner 17th, clean, modern, steam heated rooms; re spctable. $4 per week up. 1 ROOM, iurnianed for light h. k. ; large closet; very neat and cheery; phone, etc 547 Yamhill. STAND1SH HOTEL. Furnished rooms, hot and culd water, $4.' per week. 54S M; Washington st. ROOMS and kitchenette ; also 1 sleep ing room ; close in, near 3 carlines. Phone East V 23 , or 232 Adams s t ROOMS to rent reasonable, on lower floor. 1224 East Main st. $1 DAY, J2.50 WEEK, up; clean; baths fr(.e. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. PLEASANT bay window room, flat: gentleman. 2W 14th st. FURNISHED rooms, $3.30 up. 4lH Mor rison. MODERN. LARGE DESIRABLE ROOMS. 327 SIXTH ST. FURNISHED room for rent. Chetopa apt. 33, IHth and Flanders. Bdwy. 469'J. LARGE front room for one or two gea tlemen. Aut. 525-13. LA KGE, well furnished tront room, all con enlenccs. ?4S1 Thurman st. LA.nHjii iront room, private home, re.a sonabie. 7t4 East. Harrison. Tabor 4i)3. LIGHT, front room. Oath, pnone. 534 Taylor, walking distance. il2 per mo. LARGE well-furnished front room for rent. 5!1 N. 20th st. " Unfurnished Rooms. 3 UNF'JRNlSKEu rooms. 1030 E. Main. Two blocks from Ha wtho rne car. UNFURNISHED rooms. Call Main from 1) A M to 5 P. M. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. DESIRABLE room, kitchen for breakfast if desired. 351 6th gt.. near Market. NICE, clean, light, pleasant room in pri vate family: C. S. preferred. 354 Rosa st.. phone East 42"i6. FRONT room with alcove, walking dis tance, west side, bath, telephone prlvl- leges. Marshall 3540. NEAT, comfortable room In private home, close in East 3ril9. ROOM for gentleman or lady, in strictly private home; references. Bdwy. 1732. 260 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con veniences, walking distance. NICE frcnt room, east side, walking dis tance. Phone East 61 82. NICELY furnished room, walking dis tance; modern. 547 6th st. Main 2281. ATTRACTIVE furnisihed room. $3.o0 wk. 600 Love joy u, Marshall FOR RENT. Furninbed Rooms iu Private Family. NEATLY furnished room In private home, excellent neighborhood, to one or two refined young women with proper ref erences; ten short blocks from Haw thorne bridge, east side; bath, telephone, use of piano and living room. 603 Iadd ave. Call between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. Sund a y BEAUTIFUL large front room. 3 win dows, best bed, suitable for two or 3; reduce your rent; perfect home, piano, walking distance on car line, near hos pitals, housekeeping privileges if wanted. 7o3 Northrup. Automatic 524-35. WEST SIDE. Nicely furnished front room with hot and cold water in room, heat, bath; breakfast if desired; close in; homelike place : reasonable. 321 12th st. WEST SIDE. Large, sunny front room for rent; well furnished. Has modern conveniences and fine mountain view; $15 a month. 594 Market gt. Drive. NICELY furnished outside room in steam heated apartment for one or two busi ness women; private entrance; bath, tele phone; easy waking distance; reasonable. Broadway 4745. FINE large front room, furnished, attrac tive, modern, new bouse; piano fine lo cation. 10-minute ride. Hawthorne car. CaW today, 3ft4 e. 22d near Hawthorne. Phone East 6636. WEST SIDE newly finished, ivory enam eled, extra nice room, modern, to re fined lady employed during day. 389 11th. Main 67.10. NOB H ILL Walking distance; mahogany furniture, private bath: in a re"med home; suitable for 2 or 3 genLiemen. 84 N 21st gt.. cor, of Everett. LARGE, sunny front room, large closet, with private family; no children; serve breakfast if desired; Rose City Park. TaBnr 2014. FRONT room with alcove lor one or two people. $3.50 a week; home conveniences; congenial people; 2 meals if desired. 667 Oleason. Bdwy. 294S. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 people employed; also 1 single room, very rea sonable; walking distance. Main 8171. 777 Irving street. NICELY furnished room In private home; parior and piano, home conveniences; also congenial young man wishes rooiu mate: twin beds. 61 N. 18th. WELL furnished room, steam heat, break fast privileges, pleasant surroundings; suitable for two: easy walking distance. E. Nth, near Burnsule. East 7H3. FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen, pleasant room in home of two, breakfast if desired, alao garage, one-party phone, furnace, etc. K0! P.lmont. East 5021. ELL-V EN TI LA TED front rooms, single or en suite; while ivory furniture; use of electric grill; heat, light, bath, phone; 16 a month and up. 415 W. Broadway. ONE NEATLY furnished front room in private home very reasonable to perma nent roomer. ISO N. 18th st. Broadwaj 4547. LARGE well-furniFhed front. Irviugton. one block from Broadway car. All con veniences. Phone East 1137 mornings or evenings or any time May L ROOM for rent with use of kitchen, bath and piano if desired. Easy walking dif tance. Very reasonable. Young lady ern p loved preferred. Phone Ea;t 4422 VERY pleasant large front room in a mod ern home, suitable for 1 or 2. cooking privilege if desired; garage also. Tabor SHoO. 1441 E. Morrison. NTCE, clean room, with bath and phone privileges; use or. living room ana pin". Close downtown. Reasonablo rent. 30'J 11th at. . CLEAN furnished room, outside entrance, walking distance, l oiock irom car unt; $3.5" per week. East 2."U5, 326 E. First Ft. N. Gentlemen only. LA KG E room, choice location, wtst side. walking distance. Close to car lines, gentlemen : references. Marshall 222.Y Fl'RNLSH ED room, steam heat. telephone. 6bU Flan- private entrance. ReK-rences. ders street. HAVK a room for a gentleman who w something particularly clean m a home, centrally located. East 221. NIC EL i furnished room, close m. phone. ath. hot water, walking aistance. sou ,'ouch st.. n-ar ISth. VERY selt-ci room tor 1 or 2 Ketnlcmt-n; clean and modern, with every con venience: reasonable. Phone Tabor 127". LADY wishes to share her close-in country home with a lady who lias an automo bile. Tabor 441. ;'6th and E. Gllsan PREFERENCE given lady pianisi who East appreciates home ; location gooa. 7214. , oK N ICELY furnished steam-heat room for gentleman, close in. aui inn st.. apt. E. Marshall 481. DESIRABLE room in steam-heated brick apt., west Hide, walking aistance; Drean- fast If desired; references. .Mar. .'4iij. A NICE sleeping porch inclosed, witn windows, close in, at doi w. rarit, Marshall 4215. FKRN'ISHED room In modern home; pn vate family. Woodlawn oj-s or iuoo E. 21ft N. l oi'iiio nieeDiiie room ior one or two gins two blocks from imn ana wasningion. Broadway 1227. or 24 N. 10th st. WOULD Kke one or two persons employed for nice room; home privileges; mea.s if desired. 11 S Clinton st. Tabor .a 2 4 1 N ICELY furnished front room, heat. light and phone, j.t a moncn. it 21fTt N. NEWLY furnished front sleeping room; will give breakfast ir. aesireo. iuo t. Yamhill St.. between 30th and 31st. WATER ' in room, nice location, walking distance. Goo Everett, liroaaway ooui. Reasonable. LARGE, clean, pleasantly furnished room for 1 or 2 ladies or man ana wue; ouiuo privileges. 715 E. Burnside. NICELY furnished room in private fam ily; no other roomers or boarders. Auto. 314-D3. SiAGLE and double room in private Home, every convenience. iteasonaDie , .uam 4254. BEST OF HOME COOKING AND QUIET SURROUNDINGS FOR 2 OR 3 PEO PLE, CLOSE IN. MAR. 1751. DESIRABLE room, kitchen privileged, for girl employed; walking distance; refer ences. Main 301 S. FOR REFINED business woman, hand some room, or share with lady occu pant 4-rm. west side apt. Mar. 5730. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM IN EXCLUSIVE JlUUfctt.N MU.UE.; niw CK ENCES REQUIRED. MAIN 4711. CLOSE In, for 1 or 2 most cresirable rooms with breakfast and ail tne comiorts oi a home. 4B9 Clay st. Main 2228. LARGE front room suitable for one or two gentlemen, very reaaonaoie. uuwy. 8HS. NICELY furnished room for one employed. Nob Hill aisirici. u in. --a ei., j. oiocm. of Washington. ' , ON EAST Broadway, near i."th. comfy room in private uuuio ub fcaiaso. ia.Bt. 1 276. . L'KNISHED room, near Broadway bridfcie. 434 Larrabee. East C914; kitchen pnv Vlegef. CLEAN turnished room for gentleman; tit), f f urna rA htn t Sti'J K. Pine Phone Eat 5C7. OR MAN accustomed to nice tilings; cozv front room; quieL, moaeru. oo-n Park. Mar. 17S0. NICELY furnished room, private dret-sing room, hot and cold water; beautiful home: walking distance. 21n 14th. tut AiTTTS'TTl. room. bath, first-class apart ment, 5 blocks postoffice, C. S. preferred. Main 711. FURNISHED H. K- rooms. 703 Belmont Ft. East Clin. 2 FURNISHED sleeping rooms for ladies only. East 4!w. PLEaSaNT, large, steam-heated bedroom. 040 E. 16th t. r"none r.apt bjlALtj room in nice home; wa.king dis t a n re. 21a 14-th. LIGHT, tanre. airv, clean room, ((- E. 10th nt. walking dis- kss LOVEJOY, ultely-furnished room. 5ii1tah'e for ladv: modern enn venlpnces. DESIRABLE room, all conveniences, w. eentleman only. I'm N. 21st LARGE sunny room suitable ror two. College st. Phone Main 3W6. NEWLY furnished room suitable for 1 or 2, 422H Jetierson. .Main nno. MODERN room for employed women only. 302 '. Park, corner lommoia. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, steam heat. hot and coia water. .tin ft, GOOD clean sleeping room, walking ais tance. 474 Yamhill St.. corner 14th. NICELY furnished room, light, heat and rhone: close In and reasonable. East 54;1. PLEASANT room with sleeping porch for gentleman; west side: refw. Bdwy. 4320 CLEAN and light bedroom. $3,00 per week. 52 N. 2Sd. Main S6SH. LARGE ROOM, attractive heme, refined family, west s'de. Marshall 3fKft. GOOD home for boy or girl. 3 to 8 years; best of care, good references. Aut. 624-S7. FURNISHED front room for business woman, reasonable. 434 10th st. ROOM for gentleman, W. S.. walking dis.; ref. 72! onsan. .Mar. 001 j U NICE ROOM, gentleman, wa-ijcing distance. 311 Ross. East 5781. FURNISHED room, close In. steam heat, $16. Mar. 1S86. 305 11th St. FURNISHED rooms, large clean and fine heat. BM 1st st. DESIRABLE room, ttuitahlo two. refined home, walking distance. Marshall 3735. ROOM for rent near Broadway bridge East 7244. FRONT Bleeping room in good family, $12. RH4 Mill St, COS Y Iron t room, furnace heat, modern. $16 flumta. East 70oO FOR RKVT. Furnished Room In Private Family. LOVELY furnished room in modern home, no other roomers; breakfast privileges; piano, phone; for two. 3 S3 Mill st. Telephone Automatic 531-5$. NtCE, large sleeping room, electricity, hath. Water and use of phone. 528 Grand ave. S., close to Windemuih baths. Sellwood S". DESIRABLE large alcov room with prl - vate lavatory, fireplace, modern, walk ing distance; Nob Hill. 738 lloyt. Main 216 . ROOM in private family for business woman, close in. Call evenings. Auto matic 230-04. NICE, large, clean, comfortable room, con necting bath, handy to car. walking dis tanee; no other roomers. 403 College st. FOR RENT 5 two-room apartments and sleeping rooms, well furuUhed, close in. 52S Taylor. ACCOMMODATION for 4 girls, emplocd, private home; alt home privileges; ref erences given and expected. 435 11th st. NICE. clean. light. pka?ant niiepmg room tn private family; C. S. preferred 3.14 Roys St., phone East 4256. LA ltd E pleasant room, west side, walking distance. Broadway 1420. TWO nb-e!y furnished rooms. 3!W Parkt ft. Room With floara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23 n AND HO YT STREETS. CAM Fit ELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. M ea Is stvp d to trani''nts. ONE OK TJilC finest homes in city, now converted into exclusive family hotel, catering to families, business men and women; all home conveniences, home cooking; largo grounds, porches, show ers, etc.; rates very reasonable; undr new management. Call or phono 223 East 2hh st. Phone East 734. NORTON! A IlOTLL, Portlands downtown high-class family ho to! ; rooms en suite or single, w 1th or without board, for families and business ncn and womn. We give you all the comforts of a homo, reasonable rates. JEANNE D'ARC Furnished rooms witn or without board for business girls and lady tour tut s. permanent or transient. Special features within the limitation of the minimum wage earner; $2 pr week and up. 205 14th st. Main S4 2i. ROOM and board for buslne girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; $5 per Wfpk. Auto. 2P-"4. 12 E. 7th st. CLEAN sleeping rooms. 2. $2.ot; bath a nd lobby : d inlng room in connection. 412 N. i:th st. FORDII AM APARTMENTS. 3-room court apartment, $4-5. 4u2 MORRISON, choice rooms and board, modern convenience, talking dtftanc. PLEASANT room, Rood board. I or 2 peo ple. Woofl ian 2--4H. HOTEL H tREFORD Rooms en suite: mnoVrn, homelike. s.iifilt: and Main S3HS. Rooms With Uimrd In Privute Family. MAN and wife, fond of children, with good home, plenty of fruit and garden, would like to care for two or three children. BD 614, oregonian. : YOUNG nieri or 2 gins employed can have large front room, handy to hath and phone, meals if desired, beautiful close-in home, large shady grounds, ' block, to car and public garage. 411 Cook ave.. nar Union. CUT EXPENSES Young man away much of time will sharr comfortable room. 2 beds, running water, with nice chap; wost side, walking distance. Broadway 4633. A HoAiE lor working people, large double room, sleeping porch, with or without board ; home privilt-ges; come and see. 2" 14th st. Mrin i:.33. WoCLD board two gentlemen, one large, clean room, two bds ; th ree good meats, home privileges. $46 per month. 6U4 Holly, on 14th st. COZY steam-heated mom and bent of btard f or young lady ; a retmed. home lik place, easy walking distance; ra sonnhe ."it 7 'A fit:a;in ft. H'lwv. 243. CHILDREN to boaru ; excellent uare, terms reasonable. Particulars write Peacefu. Acres Farm, route 1. box 14 2-A. HilU- boro. PLEASANT corner front room htricUy modern home, suitable for two; home cooking: west side; reasonable rates. Phone Marshall 27M. WILL care for 1 or 2 children between ages uf 2 and 5 years, in country, 2S miles from Portland; dally trains and stages; boys preferred. Auto. 332-IX. BEAUTIFUL front room with board in modern home. Suitable for two people. Home privileges with use of piano. Tabor 412rt. IR VINGTON Sitting room, sleeping porch; also tdngle room for man ; best bra rd; laundrv privil' ys; g.-iragc. Bust WAT. YOUNG woman in suburban home would like the care of a child from 2 to 6 years. Call Sellwood 3277. HAPPY LAND COlTACE. A COUNTRY HOME FOR CHILDREN. SELLWOOD HHtS. MIDDLE-AGED lady living in countr wants child to board. Phone oak Crove 2i-.I. NEATL furnished room, board, g man, walking distance, private. Hovt. Broadway HnH. ;ntle 004 BOAltD and room for two. running wa ter, phone, piano. 321 S. Broadway. 10 minutes' walk from P. O. PLEASANT room iu modern home. 1 or 2; 'home cooking. 1034 Knott. Auto. 332-61. ROOM AND BOARD for 1 or 2 young men employed ; good locality; convenient car service. Call Wdln. 3170. CLOSE in, for 1 or 2 most desirable rooms with breakfast and all the comforts of a home. 4t: Clay st. Main 222$. NICE front room and board In modern home, close in, 2 car lines, for one or two gontlemen East NS07. EXCLl.'SIVE home among the trees offers room with first-class cooking for several business men; close in. Broadway 4X14. WA NT ED To board and care for child ; live in the country. Will give the bent of care. No children. Phone Tabor H-"!!. MCE room and board, private family, euitable for one or two gentlemen. 4ti3 Ea.t lth N. Phone East S19." LARC K front room for two with taoie board; home comrortn; centrauy i oca. tea. Itil 14th. cor. Morrison. ROOM and board, one or two young ladies employed, warning uisiuuce, uouie pnv ilegs. East J:t!7. EMPLOYED couple can have nice home In Hawthorne castrici, iuii particulars iy callt ng Tabor f24'.. WILL SHARE our home with working woman or keep children reasonably. Ta hor 5700. BOARD and room in nice quiet place ; homo cooking; garage if wanted. 3i f.'h ft. Phone Main 7t23. GLKJD home for little girl; East 4401. LARGE, pleasant rooms. Bt. N. East 741ft. 535 E. Ulh FIRST-CLASS room and board. 31)4 Colum bia st. Main gs4. PRIVATE home for children, by month. 714 Everett. Marshall '. week or l,X KG K. hght Trvinir Ft. room wi La oourd. BOARD and room for gentleman. Auto. 332-18. . NICE clean room and excellent board for geniiemnn. Phone East fi!4l. WANTED Girl to room and board, home privileges. Phone Tabor S.V.9. WIDOW has room for rent, board if want ed. E till. Oregonian. WANTED A girt over 6 rears; will give mother's rare. "Wdln 7H3. PLEASANT room with first-class board, mcdern home. Main 30.V PRACTICAL nurfe and mother will board (ah'e! or children. Woodlawn 203. NICELY lurnished rooms with board. 10.1 Union ave. North. East 4470. BOARD and room for l 1 E. 6th st. N. o, 910 per month. ROOM ar.d board, private lauiily ; St. Johns car. 11 Klke. LA KG E front room for two. first -ci hoard. S!4 Columbia tit. Main 2H4. ANY gentleman d siring homo cooking and comforts. Ea-t 1447. DESIRABLE room, modern home, walking distance. East 3T53. Board optional. 328 10TH ST. Desirable room with board, strictly home cooking. All conveniences. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 2, board if dslred. Marshall 41ft. BEAUTIFUL room, excellent mt-als. home privileges, walking distant. East k:H2. LARGE corner room, with board, ior 2 eentlemen. 3!H) Jackson. Room in Laureihurst home, with or with out board. Tabor 626. ROOM and board, private family, to young lady employed.. Main 1W1, k urtiished Apartments. a ROOMS and private hath, rent $26.50, Incluaing waier, auu puone. Wdln. QUI. $2. MONTH for s-room turnisnd apt.. rn Oil em ex;cpL uuiu, nwieuiuu 4021-! Third. 1 FINE 2-room apt., also 1 housekeeping room ior peopiw empioyea, x Sleeping room. Main SfWI. WANTED Uusiiiess woman to share fur nished apt., close in; reierences. rnone Main 6641. 2-ROOM apt., water In kUchn, well far- nisnea; m wce- a iuwuiuim si., AUia 1834 FOR RKNT. 1'urnUhed Apartment. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartment, le vator and tiled oath. King Altri apt, 11th and Montgomery. , Main ttoU. HUiii c.a.-s vc:y btxiuufuliy furuihed 2 and 3-room snd s.eeping porch. out11 p., lots of windows snd lignt. excep tionally clean and modern; no objection to child under 2 years; also small one room apt. for il-jv . References re quired. Mar-haM 23o THE CROMWELL. Fifth and t'.tl umhiu. Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundlngf, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. out- cuie, witn t- rent-h dnon and balcony Permanent and transient. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12TH AND TAYLOR. PORTLAND'S BEST APARTMENT HOUSE, WILL HAVE TWO AND THREE-ROOM APTS. AVAILABLE MAY 1 lit' EN A VISTA APT. 434 Harricon St. 3-room irtcily modern. furnished apts.; newly papered In latMrv; t:!ed bath rooms and outside kitchen. $6". Adults. Main 1"2. . THi; Wll EKLDON ANNEX. Cur. lOt h and Salmon. RESIDENCE OR TRANSIENT APTS. 2, S and 4 rooms, an apt. hotrl of superior character wN-r your rotufnrt and convenience are flrpt conlorttt'n. COM I' LET ELY I urnh.d A-room modern apt., 2 bedrooms; furniture nearly new; rent verv reasonable. See todav between 10 A. M. and . P. M . 327 Everett Apt A. Hrnadav r.6. FOR LENT to re.spoiiMt'.e co.ipi. 2 room. with bath and s.eepmg porch, splendidly furnished lor housekeeping; In attrac tive home. incitid ;ng lights and phone; cmp.oed peoplo prclorrcd. Phono Srllw.M-d 1"77. KINDLY DO NoT PtloNE. J4. WEST SIDE Three nice Ihtko rooms and hall, pass pantrv. bath: 2 people only. SM 1TH-WAC KH CO.. STOCK EX". :-RooM apt.. lUlit. tunny room, fireplace, kitchenette, f irt floor, a I no sleeping room on second floor, hand v to bath : clean sleeping room lu basement very cheap. 24.1 Nort h 23d. LARCH, light front 2-rm. apt., convenient to Kenton. St. Johns and Vancouver In fiuxtrv, 20 minutes lo town; adults; :.o. Lombard st. at Alblna ave, Wdln. 22. . HLSLOP HALL Al'TS. 410H Hawthorne ave., nr Orand ave., 3-room apartnienlH, Mriclly modern and beautifully clean, $10 to Hi tuonih. wh Iking diM.inee. V.:iht WV-' Wll J. sublet my Jl-room apt., pernonally furnished. eat side, within walking dis tance, from June 1 to Sept. . to re lined married couplo or reliable young wouiau; $;''. y .V7. Proyonmn. COMTLLT ELY r I kMSMI.K KUu.t A lT.. Sl.EEPIN'. POK ll. PIANo; SU13-LKT POK PEW MONTHS; WALK ING DISTANCE, REASONABLE. TEL K l'H N K MAI N 2H' OR 1341. lti3 ST. CLAIR. $10, 3-room well furnished apt.; clean. llKht and private entrance with porch. hi to enamel woodwork, disappearing be. I. etn. Call Main 3Slt. NICELY lurnislud 2-rootn apai tmeiitf. 30 to $40; steam heat, lichta and private phono fiirnished; atulta. Tiio Lincoln, 4th and Lim-oln. Main 1377. Til E STANKIEU. 204 Purler ni..d eni 2-rooin aptH., liKht, b-at, phone; dean. You' U tlty nu. t22.&o and Main 73M2. I'PSHUU APARTMENTS. 2-3 rooms, furnished apta.. strain hMt. hot water, $1S to 30 per mouth. -400 a N. 2Uth et. . THE LILLIAN APTS. Two 3-room modern, larjie. all on the outftde, re m.o nabie. Corner til h a nd Mont jinmery. 2 ROOM aPt., II Wl reliOVHled, hulil, linen, beat, pborio furnished; Ji a week ,eepliifr ronni-; reason! ble. Cm ml Union hof-l. 37', K Htjn' l. t'UK.MAJiLD and nut li mnit u J .m.. 4 room apartment, walking iln. r a sonnble, rent. Cincinnati court, loit. n-l Harrl.on sts. M.nri 2iso. SUITE and slrgie room and bath fined gentleman; reference. Ma for tf- r. K1NCSRURY APIS.. !.' Vim,i vr , n. r 23il and Washlngd'n h'm., birfii-cia apt. house. One 3-imi Uh 2 UiMppcaritig b'-'lx. well furnished. IN OWNER'S HOME. lunii-hed or uiitiir n in bed. one room arid ki tclienel I e, 1 blk, central library, adult. 21i 1 1 th fpl., cor. Salmon. Main SH7H. COLLEGE. 3 rooiii.i. inotltrii, Iront, in heat and ph niy hot water; fn- phone; newly furnished, close in ; $47.50. 3d and rnH.'p.', Marshall H.VW JAMIER.APTS. 701 Washington at. 3-room furnished apartnitnt. One DE LAIRK APARTMENTS. S-room furnished apartment, private bath and laundry trays; $40 per month. till)2. NICELY t ui ni.slied 2-ruuiii atiai t nient, fteain heat, llghta and private phono. $32.30 month: adults only. Lincoln apts., 4th and Uneo'ln. BRUCE APTS., 2oTH AND NORTHRUP; ti-room, steam heat, janitor service; front and rear pnrchs; $ H0 Kant 13ii:. , AND 3-ROOM apts., My 1. $4.". in cluding tel. Berkeley Apts., 3d Trinity place. FRONT 2-rooiu apt., cle conveniences ; electric tiyj1 Thurman st. in, rea4uuabe, ull heat If debtred. 3-ROOM furnished apt., ateaiii heat, fres phone, 1 block from 2 car lines. W43 Nelson st.. near 27th and Sundy hlvd SAN MARCO, EA.nT ol'H AND CoUCH MODERN 3-ROOM APARTMENT, $43. K AST 2312. FOR RENT 1 2 and 1 3-room Mpt. sleeping rooms; modern, steam heat, h. and c. wator. Leeds aptr 210 Market su 2-ROOM front apartment, mcpfy furnisheil, phone t v n h a in , 2.' 5 N . 1 M i n hardwood fiouri. Included. Cliel Itro a M w a y 3 tis. KING DAVIS APT. Very deairable 3-room furnished apt., all outwltl'1 roomn. Main 2Q."iS. HUENA VISTA APARTMENTS. 434 Harrison, strictly mooVrn 3-room part ment. t ; adulti. Main 1052. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room apt.. r ot able, went aide, walking distance. Call Maui J3orBil wy. 2U0. CLEAN as a pin, four-room apt., private bath, gas and electricity, also 2 rooms. Huws-ll "t. East tU)d3. AUDITORIUM Co U" iff. Close in; 2 and 3-room modern apt. Mar. .WW. WELLINGTON COURT, 521 Everett: 2 -room furuiUed apt. phon Hradwav l-'l-V FURNISHED 2-roorn apt., 431 Sal mon, apt. 111. See owner, 215 Uth L, i,r. Salmon. Phone Main MI'S. APARTMENT consisting of 3 cltun. light, airy rooms, suitable 2 adults; S22; 2 room, 12 to $11. 4 14 N. 1lth wt. BUSINESS Konmn with lovely ap&rtniunt. close In. would like lady employed to f. h a re apt, with h i l al n 2215. THE GROVER APTS., 1H1 t;rovtr st. 1 large 2 -room nicely furnished, heat, hot water, lights, 2d floor front. Maiu 005. MODERN 2-room apt. with private hath bv May 1 ; also 1 sleeping room. Mar. 2214. COM PLKTE UY furnished 5-rooin apt., walking diMance; adults onl. 105. Call morn It. c. Main 13. AT 'PR A "IT V E, immaculst! 4-rooin apt., strictly modern; will pay you to Invest iKS'e. Hawthorne Apt.. ,ftl ltt. D1EL Al'TS '.U E. Aiikm-y. My I, mod ern, completely furnished 3-room aprt -ni f n t It: ht. ch-an. air; aOultii K. 1 Ci-Ai'M apurtments, tliiJ (.ilistLit, ibri rooms, modern, and $60. Brosd way 2f34. a-Roo.wl fuihiK-hed a part tniit Williams Vi. East M04 it otiuc, 31 FOliDHAM APTS. nnHt. l"i. -101in court apai t- $32.; In M.KA N 3-r.Mini ttgn tf . 11 w w t h.irn W KLLi NGToN CH'KT, I Evrn-tt hi. 2-rnnm firnl"h'l apt. Ph. me H.lwr I2I BKLLE MAE Al'TS. Call Mar. 2H'- -Madura 3 loom apL 4-KuoM 2071. Corner, leasoliMble. Call K(Jm, N EW YORK apart men is mont: 1 and - r'-nis. fu ii and f -1 1! K.t.t 2:i TWO RO IMS t bath. 4H1 W. Up . 4-IH3. XMliKK-hi OM suiil tinent Che lop plA Hroadway 4t3t KDAY HTORAGK FRKZ. Moving ir less. pbon Hd vt v. T4n. 3 IIUUM.S pn uto baOi. liuuL-h part m-nts. 7S3 Williams y- 2-ROOM. apartim r.t. 42i E. CoLKU sl.( Iween 6th and 7th. , K00MS, prlvttt'f Imth, f.lj pt r mouth, Todd Apts. K. 12th and Stark sts. LA U ii K I TE A PTS-. 3 rooms, rnmp.eUuy furnished. Main S:i07. 22t 11th. FURNISHED 3-rnv. apu, 2d flour, lati N. 2 2 '"I Mar 22'o LNiON AVE. m'1 cornn1't and KlUinKsworlU; 1-LfW, p.-. buldlng. THK GLADSTONE, niodt-rn 2 and 3 -room apts., ronaolp rnt. "1 Crand ivr N. FU RNISHED modern 2-room apartment. $HU Rilr.sel st. Esst 4s47. NICE 2-room modern spta, rasuna,bl. Alco ar'-. E. f'nurh and Cnlnn iv, MORTON A Pl 3-roiun fuitiisucd apL dl7 W aslnngj st Main 10S2. NEW LY renovated J room 4kfil h(Jtk Uouunt, io Xiih. U . .