TIIE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, MAY 1, 1921 13 REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REM. FTTE. For falr Farm. J"or hale 1-arms. For ha! Farm. For tlc Farms. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN SMALL IMPROVED FARMS. 6 ACRES $1300. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 6 acres, with half under culti vation; family orchard and ber ri i, fine aoil, cnly 2 miles from raved highway; 3-room house, barn 32x31; woodhouse, tool house, chicken house, garden tools, cow. 2 piss, lh dozen chickens; 1 acre in clover. 2 acres oats and velch. Price only $1300, $700 cash. 13 ACRE? $6S00. BETWEEN &2i AND MILWAUKEE. 1.? acres, all under cultivation, shout 1 acres of beaverdain soil, fine road. 8-room houre with bath and running water; barn o2x40; milk house, 2 plows, cultivator, wa;on and hitrnes, all kinds of Miidll toola, cream separator, team, 4 cows from which the income is about $120 per month; full set of imik hottle, crates, buckets, etc. 2 acres now in spuds. Price for everything. $Mn, or will sell 6 arres w iih all improvements and personal property lor $4300, half cash. lf ACRES $41"il. FOREST GROVE. This W acres lies about 31 miles from Forest Grove ; family orchard and berries; 4-room house, barn 24x4o; hen house, etc.; a, now in oats, 10 acres under plow. Price $41oU, $Dm0 otesh, or will sell 4 acres and improvements for $i:mjo, $00 cash. 20 ACRES AND CROP $5250. 20 acres, all under plow and In crop except about j acre around buiidinss. which is in full bear ing' orchard; good email house, large barn, place now vacant, immediate possession. Price only $5250, $2500 cash. P. Ii. EDD7, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 01-3-5-7 Board of Trade li ids. FARMS. One, 313 acrea. located on paved high-way la Benton county; 12 mil en from State Agricultural col lege; good soil; over 200 acrea uiuier cultivation; $70 per acre; will accept reasonable terms. Thia farm with some fixing up will readily bring $100 to $125 per acre. Gentrln first-class 346 acres; about 2Td acres under hujh state of cultivation; 200 acres in clover. 2 feed toarna, 2 silos and fair house, ii mile from paved highway, hi snlle to electric station Jid school. $125 per acre. This farm will make money even at low prices of larm produce. TABOR 6181 OWNER. 80 ACRES GRESHAM. SO acres, located 2 miles east of Gre&ham on fine road; 22 acres of thu are under plow; fine creek running through back of faram ; large family orchard, 6 acres in berries, mostly rasp fceries; finest loam soil, lage barn with Stanchions for 14 cows, silo, milk house, woodshed etc. ; 6-roora ceiled house, beautiful grove of fine fir trees ; with this go 1020 Ford 1-ton truck, wagon, harness. 2 plows, 2 cultivators, disc, harrow, manure spreader, fine team, 6 cows, 1 yearling heifer, 30 chickens, ducks. 2 brood sows; crop partly in, balance being put in ; a going farm, priced right. Only $14,000, $douO cash. F U EDDY, Realtor, BITTER, LOWE fc CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BRITISH COLUMBIA. fiTOCK RANCHES AND FARM LANDS, In the famous Nechaco valley along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Kail way. Good land at low prices and on easy terras to encourage settlement. "Wheat, oats, barley, rye. all kinds of vegetables and roots and some of the finest stock on the continent raised in this country. Conditions ideal for mixed farming. Land from $3 per acre suit able for stock ranches. Agricultural lands from $6 per acre. Over 100,000 acres to choose from. Special fares on Canadian lines. For full particulars U. C. FARM LANDS COMPANY, VANDERHOOF, NECHACO V ALL El. B. C. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM. 80 acres, 75 in best state of cul tivation; choice land for truck garden and berries; fine spring of water; on excellent road Just off paved highway. House, barn and outbuildings. Adjoining laud is selling for $500. per acre. Will sell for $23,500; easy terms. H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN," 518 Corbett Building. S0-ACRE well imp. farm, only 20 miles to Portland ; on line auto road, mostly paved ; 8-room modern house and fine barn; water piped to all buildings; 45 a. in crop; best of rich soil; garage, fine big orchard, all kinds of berries, near school and store; 8 milk cows now fresh; 6 heifers. 3 fine horses, hogs, chickens, feed, all farm machinery; fully equipped. Some fine cordwood; all fenced and cns fenced ; a nice Income monthly from cows, besides fruit, berries, garden, etc Price $18,000; terms $7000 cash. Ofhr snaps. H. W. Garland. 201 3d. WANTS SMALLER FARM. 3S4 acres in Willamette valley, near station; 250 in cultivation, all can be worked with tractor; 175 acres in fall grain; good 6-room house with bath; 2 bams, brick milk house, other build ings; orchard, 4 horses. 7 good cows, Kome young stock; full line of farm machinery. Price $73 per acre; will take email place near Portland as part pay. Lueddemann Company, Realtors, ii:t Chamber of Commerce. DO YOU WANT A FARM HOME? We have farms in the best parts of the state, from 10 to 1100 acres. We are felling some in such ways that any one In moderate circumstances can buy. Come In and, talk over with us our methods of handling. Have fruit, grain, dairy, poultry and small homes that cannot be excelled. It costs you noth ing to Investigate. See J. C. Hare, with T. O. Bird. o2n Cham, of Com. 600-ACRE STOCK RANCH. 10-room modern bouse, hardwood floors, steam heated, full cement base ment, electric lights, bath, toilet, all bui't-in effects; 2 modern barns, electric lights, running water; double garage: equipped with Fairbanks stock scales and corrals; fenced and cross-fenced; 8 miles from Corvallis; $2S.00O; mtge. $13,200; terms. Consider trade. C. W. Millership, 4th st. Main 5275. FARM BARGAIN I miles to market, high whool and church; near The Dalles-California highway; 320 acres; 2;. acres cultivated; all 1920 crop and equipment; JOy acres fall wheat. 15 acres spring wheat, S acres alfalfa. 30-acre water right. 11S acres summer faiiow, all rlowed; $1S,500; write for terms. Har ypy li. Morrte. Mnupin. Or. 14 ACRES of new land, about 7 acres in cultivation, small house on county road, close to school and S. P. R. R. ; good spring water, small fruit for home use; farming tools and everything goes with the place. Inquire of G. E. Post, Sher wood. Or. Rt- 3. box 163. 3 miles west of Mlddieton. 1'OK SALE OR TRADE iO acres. 34 miles east of Canby; about 3 acres are riearea, shack 10x24. good well. 200.000 feet of standing timber and enough down cedar for lO.OoO fence posts: price $.1000: will take house up to $1600 or $1N00. clear of all incumbrance, balance easy terms, nerpyrt i.uchs. (.anoy, vjr.. K. 1. JuO ACKEs. 25 acres in cultivation, bal snce in pasture; about 3000 cords oak wood; good 5-room house, barn and out buildings; orchards; team of horses, cow, all farm implements; 1 mile from Oak land. Price $:ltux); easy terms. Will consider some trade. O. W. Millership, 4th st. Main 5275. FOR SALE To settle an estate, 125 acres, 3 miles north of Estacada on main road tnd P. R. L A P, railroad; SO acres in cultivation. 5 acres timber, balance brush pasture: good buildings, silo, crop In; price $125 per acre, including imple ments and some stock; good terms. Neil Taylor. Estacada. Or. IK YOU want a home beautifully located look this up. 25 acres, a good house, barn sod outbuildings, ten minutes' waik to high school, stores, churches; nice road. A fine team, six cows, chick ens and all tools go with the place. All kinds of fruit AV 414. Oregonian. BEST BUY IN COUNTY. 40-acr farm, 37 in cultivation, crops til in but potatoes; fine terms; if you want a good buy write or see Albert BottemiUer, Kldgerieid. Wash. X.OGGED-OFF lands, $10 are up: running water, good soil, V tillable; school, easy tetms, J. R, Sharpe, 63 & Third St. WILLAMETTE VALLET. "We offer for exchange a real Ftock and grain farm of around 320 acres. Improvements consist of 2 dwellings. 2 barns, machine sheds and large hop house. The place formerly had 60 acres in hups,-but now in grain; 200 acres grain land and balance upland pasture, with scattering oaks. Im mediate possession, good roads, school near by, beautiful location; land all around brings $120 per acre; our price is $90 per acre on this place. Will take half in good income property and balance can be handled on long-time loan. BEAM LAND CO., 133 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONET? If you do, buy this 412-acre farm for $22,300. (Just think, less than $55 per acre.) Would even be considered cheap at $75 per a. But this is an estate and must be sold. About 225 acres cleared and cultivated ; 175 acres fine bot tom land, excellent toil, iots of fine pasture, some timber. f"ll bearing prune orchard, good build ings, line water. ii main 3 miles from good town ana e;ec tric line; only 2b miles from Port land, near Newberg. This is not an old run-down hillside farm, but a good place and all we ask is for you to look. $7500 cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. H. A DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." file Corbett Building. BUY FROM OWNER. SO-acre dairy farm, 21 miles from Portland, ur on gravel roaa ; stocaeu and equipped; crops in; 4V miles from good town ana pave a roaa; oo a. tn cut tivation: creek and rorinirs. new bunga low, furnished; good barn and other Duncnngs witn new 4-1. suo; an rural advantages: erade and hieh schools. bearing and young orchard, about 60 trees, loganberries, raspoerries. oiacK- berries ana strawDernes; no oetter son. Price $15,000. Will consider to $5000 in trade, $5000 cash or good paper, balance on good terms at 6 per cent. P. O. Box 111. liattie irrouna. wasn. BIG FAKM BARGAIN. 207 acres 1st class bottom land, ad Joining unlimited outside range; 80-90 acres under cultivation, rest easily cleared, on paved road; 48 head high- grade Holstem stocK, some registered ; 5600-1 team; all necessary larm ma chinery and tools; plenty water, wood and orchard. Almost new 8-room house: good bir barn and outbuildings. Station, store, postoffice on place. School near. Price, Including everything, also crop. $23,000. Address AV 4S4, Ore- ironian. ONE OF Gilliam county's best stock an-1 grain ranches for sale by owner; 17b0 acres, do acres alfaua, 45U acres la n wheat, 450 acres summer fallow, rest grazing, some outrange, heading and threshing outfit, plows, harrows, some small tools, horses and harness, all goes with the place at the low price of $20 per acre; small payment down, long time on the rest at 6 per cent; might consider some trade. W. K. France, Rock Cree'-c Or. 06 ACRES $8500. 86 acres, of which 28 acres are under plow, 37 acres can be irrigated, 8 acrti in bearing orchard; 5-room house, barn 34x44 ; gravel road, orchard all in al falfa; also 1 acre of strawberries, some logan and raspberries. Price ONLY $i500, $2000 cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., gft1-3-V7 Board of Trade BMg. IRRIGATED FARM. 160 acres 7 miles from Weiser. Idah.r all under ditch; 85 acres now irrigated and in cultivation; 23 acres alfalfa; bo acres in wneat; tnis ts all line land; 3-room house and small barn, gool well, on good road. Price $S000; will sell on very easy terms or consider part trade. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. CANADIAN farm lands; last great block of Canadian Pacific Railway Company's reserve lands; remarkably cheap, on long and easy terms; landseekers ex cursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary. Alberta, on Saturday, May 7. Re duced railway rates. For further par ticulars see Canadian Pacific Railway company, 205 Railway Exchange Bldg., I j. P. Thornton, district representative. 136 ACRES, all cleared, 2 sets of buildings, water and light, cistern, 2 tractors, all machinery, stock, crops, milk and mall route, phone, 138,000, terms. 200 acres, 40 acres pasture, $7000, terms. 100 acres, all cleared, buildings, crops, $20. 000, terms. 20 acres, 16 cleared, build ings, $3S00. terms. KUEATLI & "WISNER, Hlllsboro, Or. MUST SELL,. TO CLOSE UP AN ESTATE. 160 a., 1 set buildings and 25 A. alfalfa on each 80, productive land, fine home ites, 4 miles to good town of Ontario, under good ditch, priced at 2-3 value: $16,000. half cash, or will sell In 80; here is an opportunity to get a farm way under its value, O. E. Carman, Vale. Oregon. FOR SALE Small berry farm. 11H acres, woven-wire fenced, on Capital highway, 30 minutes' ride to Portland ; 6-room bungalow, outbuildings, electric lights, hot and cold water, cement walks, bear ing family orchard, 4 acres bearing loganberries, blackcaps, raspberries, strawberries; near school and berry can nery; price $7000. cash $3000, terms Karl Brocner. Sherwood. Or, SAWMILL and dairy or fruit proposition, 220 a.of bench bottom and roiling land, estimated 6 to 8 million feet, small mill to be installed, located 2 miles north of Silets bay, Lincoln county, Roosevelt highway located through property, beach front. Price $12,000. Alvin Thorpe, Jef ferson. Or. WILL TAKE HOUSE. 40 acres within 12 miles of Port land, in Tualatin valley; practically all in cultivation; all lies fine, on good road; buildings. Price $16,000; will con sider house as part paj- Lueddemann Company, Realtors, 013 Chamber of Comme rc e. BARGAIN Immediate possession. 49 acres improved, good 6-room house, only $4500. easy terms; 30 acres In cultivation; 15 acres seeded to clover; good orchard, all fenced, just off Pacific highway, near Kelso, Wash. Owner. Geo. A, Norby. 120 E 33d S. Tabor 3407. $S00 WILL HANDLE 160 acres, grazing and farm land. 3 miles from r. r. ; fin stream f water on place; county road through place, good frame house: plenty of alder and fir timber. C. L. Murray, 210 Stock Ex change. Portland. Or. FOR SALE $5UU0. 160-acre farm, 45 miles from Portland, one mile to highway; 12 a. in cultiva tion, 11 head of stock, tools, implements, separator, new barn, furnished house, both recently painted; spring and creek on place. $2000 cash, balance terms. Fred Aronson. owner, Delenn. Or. 22 ACRES, all cultivation; 1 V. acres logan- Derries; i-ruoin nous?; oaxn. mz large chicken houses, 6 colony houses, brooder bouse; 1 horse; farm wagon and imple ments: mile to electric car. 31 miles to Portland; $3500; terms. C. W. Miller shlp. 165 4th st. Main 5275. 1G0 ACRES, $1500; 2 cows, 4-room house. woodsneo. cincKen nouse, etc, creek run ning through place, school, county road; J2oo down, balance easy terms, or will trade for town property or business. Frank Chenoweth, Bend. Or. WILL EXCHANGE. Have number of farms, excellent loca tions, will exchange for city property MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3903. 11U-ACKE dairy ranch; 2o acres in crops. 50 acres practically ciearea; goort gras; new deep soil; 4-room house, large barn, spring water: 2 miles from tow.i; $3 SCO; will take contract or mortgage; easv terms. Owner. W. E. Fox. Nashville. Or. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy. or Win iraue. wvuv-r, iiiDor oUs. iARMERS' opportunity. Best alfalfa, hog. sneep, Cl.. iwu;-uiaue annua .iarms in U. S., $150 an acre, terms. Write Wooster Co., 320 Phelan building, San F rancisco. SO ACRES 60 acres in gram, wheat and oats, rruit, new tractor, iarm equipment, barn and sheds. 4-room house, furnished. mile to achooL Owner Mrs. Lizzie Bishop, route 1. Junction City. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES rear roruana, ov to .mu per acre; easy terms, best soil: farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. SEB COLE for bargains in farms, or chards. 42 b ijUmDermen 0104 i RIVER BOTTOM LAND. 125 acres, located 24 miles southeast of Portland, on main macadamised road that will be paved; 80 acres under cul tivation ; 2U acres can be cultivated ; spring and creek; some standing tim ber: 2 blocks to electric station, 2 miles from good town; fl-room house, milk housf, smokehouse and other buildings; family orchard; price $125 per acre, which Includes all crop and machinery; $7500 cash: might consider house In Portland Jhat is clear for part; this is rich bottom land, not subject .to over flow ; one hour out of Portland. ln . spected by Brooks. WELL WORTH THE MONEY. 10S acres. 40 miles from Portland. Yamhill county. mile to school, 5 miles from good town, 2 miles from station; 50 acres under cultivation, bal ance in pa-Mure, large bearing orchard. lots ot cherries, iw prune trees, years, old ; "-room house, lartre nam, chicken houie and other buildings: price less than $S5 per acre, with 5 "young milk cows, 3 horses, 2 brood sows, chickens, binder, mower, rake, seeder, plows, harrows, disc plow, harness, hack, spring tooth harrow, a crops, etc.: water is piped to house; buildings In fine shape; property inspected und photo taken by Brooks. REGULAR FARM BARGAIN ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. f4 acres, on the paved road, south of Portland, in Lane county, all under cul tivation, best of black loam soil, creek on place, wire fences, good 7-room house, large barn with cement floor, chjeken house with cement floor, garage and other buildings, Vt acre berries and bear ing family orchard, 30 acres now in grain. 2 acres potatoes and garden In, only Vs. mile to station, free bus to high and grade school; price $sf0 with very small cash payment The place is stocked and equipped, which can be bought. This it in a vU-settled community and Is Al land. VERY CLOSE-IN FARM. 40 acres. 8 miles from Portland court house, west, mile to srhool. cood fences, 34 acres under cultivation. 3 acres standing fir timber, no waste land, creek, family orchard, lots of berries, 6-room house, new large barn, chicken house, brick and cement fruit house, in cluded wfrth place 2 horses, harness, 5 Yead cattle, brood sow, 60 chickens, wagon, binder and trucks for moving, mower, rake, plow, harrow, cultivators, tools and all crops, hay fork in barn, only 30 minutes out from Portland. In spected by Malone. Offered at a bargain. $."00 CASH 2000 CORDS WOOD. 40 acres, 25 miles south Portland. 1 'A miles from town and Oregon Electric station; best of black loam soil, creek by place, all level land, well drained, alt can be cultivated when cleared; over 2000 cords wood on this place; this has well-Improved farm on 2 sides and Is in a district of high-priced and productive land ; price $3500 ; $500 cash ; balance on easy terms at 6 per cent. Inspected by Hunter. FINE-GOING DAIRY RANCH. 47 acres. In Washington county. Ore gon, at station; 30 acres under cultiva tion, 40 acres can be cultivated, large bearing orchard, mile to school, 6-room house, barn 50x90, machine shed, chicken house, bearing family orchard, 6 good milk cows, good team, 5 hogs, 1 bull, chickens, complete line of ma chinery, feed, seed and furniture ; price $7500 for everything; $4000 cash; only 40 miles from center of Portland ; the income from the sale of milk for 1020 w as $2300. 40 acres. 30 miles southeast Portland, 7 miles from town, 1 mile to school, good macadamized road, 8 acres under cultivation, 8 acres more ready to plow, bearing orchard, 5-room house, barn, good chicken house, price $3000, includ ing 2 cows. 3 heifers. 3 calves. 12 sheep, 5 lambs, 50 chickens; also 40 acres of leased land in crop and 2-3 Included with this place and all the stock; $1500 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. SO acrew. 32 miles south Portland, close to good high and grade school, on good road, 75 acres can be farmed, 11 acres now in crops, balance in second-growth fir timber, bearing family orchard, lots of berries, 4-room house, barn, large chicken house ; included with place 1 team, 2 milk cows. 2 yearling heifers and 225 White Leghorn chickens ; very complete line of machinery and house hold furniture; price for everything $4500; large cash payment. Inspected by Brooks. 40 acres; 32 miles southeast from cen ter of Portland: all can be cultivated; 30 acres under cultivation and In crop; good soil; mile to school: bearing orchard; 6-room house, large barn, granary, mod ern chicken house; included with place 4 cows, calf, 150 chickens, 2 wagons. 1 binder, drill, rake, plow, harrow, buggy and tools; price for farm without equip ment, $4500. $1000 cash; with equipment, $5500, $2000 cash. . Inspected by Hunter. 20 acres, 42 miles from Portland, mile from station, town and Columbia river, high and grade school; 5 acres under cultivation. 16 acres can be farmed, lots of fir timber, graveled road. 2H acres clover and timothy, good fences, 2-room house; price $1300; $600 cash, balance at $100 year, 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG.. REALTOR. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. EQUIPPED FARM AT A BARGAIN. 55 14 acres. Polk county, Or.; 25 acres in cultivation and now in crop, 1 acre family orchard; new 4-room house, good barn, large chicken house 40x90, with glass front, blacksmith shop, laundry and fruit houses; 3 horses, 6 milch cows. 2 heifers. 4 turkeys, binder, mower, rake. 2 wagons, hack, buggy, several plows. 2 cultivators, all small tools, 45 bushels grain, 10 tons hay, 130 chickens; with the place goes the lease on 66 acres in crop with 34 acres in full bearing prunes, also 100 acres adjoining part in crop. Everything goes for $5600, $3500 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD, REALTOR, 318 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A good 40-acre farm, 2Va mues irom Kiageueiu, mile irom paved highway, consisting of the fol lowing: 32 acres, all cleared and planted, as follows 9 acres potatoes, 5 acres wheat, C acres oats, lo in hay, 2' acres good orchard, prunes, etc. Good rolling iand, all tiled; good house, 7 rooms; fajr barn, chicken -house, granary, milk house, all in good condition; 5 cows, 1 heifer. 2 horses, 1 colt, mower, rake, wagon, now plow, harrow, disk and bind er; 50 bushels of seed wheat, 20 sacks seed potatoes. Good creek running through - the place. Price SS500, cash S4O0O, balance at 6 per cent. Inquire Ridgefield Land Co.. Ridgcfield. Wash. PAYING DAIRY RANCH. 43 acres, every foot in cultivation, abundance of fruit and berries, 6-room house; big barn. silo, garage, chicken house, 21 cows, 4 heifers, 1 registered bull, 3 horses, chickens, all modern equipment, close to cty on Portland milk route, $3500 cash, a house in the city to $5000 in trade; over $400 income monthly from milk. Possession at once. Mr. Hare, with. A. J. DeFOREST & CO. (Realtors). 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 551)0. EXCEPTIONAL ORCHARD BARGAIN 50 acres, fine bearing apple orchard, best varieties, in good district; has had best of care and attention and is in excellent condition; attractive buildings with, running water in them; is fully stocKea ana equipped lor operating: should produce 6000 packed boxes this year. Owner must sell; offers for $18,000, $6000 down, balance can be paid out of crop. Lueddemann Co., 013 Cham ber of Commerce. 25 ACRES COUNTRY HOM E 25 ACRES. This land is or the best sou and lies fine; has a 7-room modern house with water system, family orchard with lots of fruit and berries; good barn with ce ment floor, chicken house, garage and other buildings; you would have to see the place to appreciate i t ; deliveries from town made at your door; schools and public library within 10 minutes walk; $12,500. O. W. Tarr Co.. 407 lie- Kay bldg. 65 ACRES. $5000. 30 acres in cultivation and crop In; very good buildings.- lots of fruit : 5 good cows, chickens and pigs, good span horses and all farm tools; 3 miles from town, highway and R. R-, about 50 miles from Portland : $2000 cash, baL to suit. Morris & Bundy, 618 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. IRRIGATED FARM NEAR PRIN EVILLK. 720 acres, close to town; 60O under ir rigation, 125 .n alfalfa. 175 in fall grain; 5-room house, big barn, other buildings: equipped for operating. A bar gain at $70; very easy terms. Lueddemann Company, Realtors, 113 Chamber of Commerce. AN IDEAL FARM. 60 acres, all in crop, 3fc miles from city limits of Vancouver, Wash.; good building, good Btock and machinery. "Will sell all or half and give easy terms. Will take city home as part payment Wallace & Myer, 112 W. 4th st. Phone 5 3i. Va ncouver. Wash. MODEkN larm home, 15 acre or more, A-l land, new bungalow with h. and c. water, outbuildings young orchard, near good Yamhill county town, on S. P., teed in, timber, immediate possession. East 4769. 35-ACHE ranch. 5-room house, large barn: all kinds of fruit; near the ocean; good hunting and fishing; bargain for cash, " or will trade tor email hou. J. R. Mulr 508 W. Buchanan st.. Portland. Or. COLUMBIA BOULEVARD, NEAR SANDY ROAD. 40 acres, free from all incumbrances. For LaiornatUfn, cU ttast 2iii ownsx 40-ACRE FARMS. 40 ACRES, WASCO COUNTY. 40 acres, located only H mile from Friend, in Wasco county; all level volcanic ash soil ; no buildings, but has all been slashed; price ONLY $1200; $500 cash. 40 ACRES, CROOK COUNTY. 40 acres. located near Bend. In Crook county; sandy loam soil; 38 acre paid-up water right, worth $."0 per acre, goes with this, 10 acres on which juniper trees have been pulled ; 'balance all in trees; price ONLY $2100; $600 cash, bal ance 10 years. 40 ACRES. BENTON COUNTY. 40 acres, located only 1 mile from Devitt. in Benton county; h fc-vel. 12 acres under plow, about 1 no. 000 ft. first-growth timber, orchard 3 years old. 4-room house, running water, barn 32x47, -jniik house, 2 chicken houses, plow, rake, mower, cultivator, cream separator. 3 cows. 3 calves, horse, 150 hens, also 450 baby chicks, White Leghorns;' 12 acres In crop; price ONLY $3500, $20O0 cash. 40 ACRES, CLARKE COUNTY. 40 acres, located near Fishers, in Clarke county: all level; 10 acres under plow, fi acres In H-year-old prunes; fine gravel rood, small house 14x20; PRICE $0000; $2000 cash. 40 ACRES, COLUMBIA COUNTY. 40 acres, located near Yankton, In Columbia county: about under cultivation: 16 acres In clover; 45 bearing fruit trees, berries; 1 '4 -story, 6-room plas tered house, barn 26x36; stock, tools and crop included at only $7000; cash. 40 ACRES, LEWIS COUNTY. 40 acres, located near Evallne, In Lewis county; 20 acres under plow ; family orchard, 8 years old ; fi-room house, barn 40x60, hog house 10x12, woodshed 20x20. wagon, harrow, mower, rake, disc, etc., cream sepi rator. team, 5 cow s, 2 ca 1 ves, 2 h o gs. a bou t 40 hens, 17 acres In crop, about 20 tons of hay in barn; price for ranch, stock and equipment only $7500; $4500 cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 560 ACRES excellent river loam, with sufficient timber to pay for place. Nearly all ash and maple, some fir and balm; the timber is of the best, large and good stuff, easily logged; Willamette river borders, paved road 1 mile. i. R. shippine: point 2 mi led. 6 miles from CorvfVMs; 60 acre) cleared ; all the land Is first class for berries, fruit, alfalfa, clover or grain. Price $23,000. 450 acres. 250 acres wheat land. SO acres under ditch, all crops go with place; 10-room modern house, hot and cold water; chicken house, granary, barn Mix 60 f ee t ; all gra in and feed i n -eluded: about 50 tons of alfalfa; tool shed 24x1 (0 feet: all farm machinery. 7 horses. 6 cows, reg istered bull. 7 hogs, about HH chickens. On main highway, one mile from town. This is one of very best equipped eastern Ore gon farms. 200 miles from Port land, on railway and main high way, creek on boarder of place, running water all year, abundance of water for irrigation. Price $21,000; terms. Choice river loam for berries and fruit, in small or large tracts, witiin 3 miles of the O. A. C. and Corrallls. HUGH SON & TAYLOR. Phone 1515. Corvulll, Oregon. 260 ACRES Over 60 acres cleared, bal ance nasture land and covered with small timber. In spots; some large trees for wood; best of water everywnere; over 2 acres orchard of all kinds trees. berries. Kxcellent 7-room house, large closets, pantry, bath, modern plumbing, best spring water pipea in, perpeiuai now 01 water ; house is nara imtsnea inrouga nut. Two barns; one is 60x80 feet, other 60x70 feet ; sheds, slio or luu-ton ca pacity, garage, chicken house, shop and nil hulMincs re a u ired. This place is on good level road, along Cowlitz river, nas rural tree aenvery. a telephone and the school ts about mile awav: the soil Is of the best, pro ducing excellent crops every year. Is ioVaiiv situated for stock or dairy farm Four miles from Kelso, a good little city. Included with the above farm is the following described personal property: Team, wagon, harness, buggy, 2 culti vators, 2 plows, 2 harrows, hay rake, mower, btnder, 1 disc, cream separator, feed grinder, milk cart, scales, wood saw. steel roller, cider mill. 2 wheel barrows and other tools too numerous to mention. Immediate possession; price $20,000, terms may be arranged. See or write I-awrence Kerry. Keiso. wasn TWENTY-FOUR acres, 17 under cultiva tion, orchard of 2 acres, consisting of apples, pears and chernes. Some berri2 Eight acres pasture, 1 unning creek, all year. Two acres of very fine garden land, four-room house, new. with fire place; barn 4bx40; hay carrier, stanchion, four cows, chicken house 14x36, one chicken house 14x34; one-half mile of hfehwav. Personal: 2J'0 White Leghorn chickens, 2 cows, 1 heifer, 1 horse. 3 wagons, 2 plows, cultivator, wneemarrow, 3 tons hay in the barn, hay rack. Price $7000, $3500 cash. 10 acres, 2 acres under cultivation, all fenced; a new 4-room house, chicken house and shed. Personal: 1 horse, bug gy, harness. 30 chickens, $1300 cash, bal ance a mortgage of $800. Price $2100. HILLSBORO LAND & REALTY CO., England & Mellar, Managers, Hlllsboro, Oregon. THE FOLLOWING are stocked and equipped, good buildings. near school, good roads. less than 20 miles business district Portland, telephone, R. F. D., cream route, plenty of fine water, lots of fruit. 43V4 acres, $12,000. cash. 80 acres. $16,000. cash. 135 acres, 6 acres prunes, $18,600, cash. We can locate you on farms, prune orchards or acreage on easy payments. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone S32J Sunday. CHOICE 7b acres. 50 in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, best of soil, free from rock and gravel, living springs and creek, large family orchard, 1 acre prunes. 8 acres walnuts, well cared for. good buildings and a bargain at $10,000, terms. . 17 acres adjoining 10 in cultivation, well watered, large family orchard, good buildings. $3500. terms, or both places for $13,000, these are choice properties, priced low. about 6 miles from Hllls boro. on good auto road. Tallmadge Realty Co.. Realtors. 619 Henry bldg. BEAVERDAM. 81 acres, Oregon electric within H mile of 2 stations: 18 miles from Port land; 20 acres in beaverdam in cultiva tion ; part In timber will make many cords of wood, some buildings; you know Tualatin bottom lands and the value. To close an estate this land Is going to be sold for $6500. This is less than raw land can be bought for. Terms ar ranged. JOHN E. HOWARD, REALTOR, 31S Chamber of Commerce. 320 ACRES S750H. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 320 acres, with 50 acres under plow; large barn, house, fine orchard assorted: about $3000 worth of timber, full set farm tools; 40 acres in hay, 10 acres oats, 15 head cattle. 3 horses, everything goes at only $7-00, $3500 cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Roird of Trade Bldg. 50-ACRE farm, equipp ,-d, $175 an acre. Come in Monday and I will take you to St. Louis and show you one of the snaps of the season. You can move out at once and your living is assured. List of equipment and terms from Mr. Hare, with A. J. Be FORK ST & CO. (Realtors). 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. S5i0. 100 ACRES. 1300. 33 acres In cultivation; 6-room house, barn, orchard, 4 cows, new harness, wagon, rake, mower, buggy, chickens, furniture; on rock road. 31 miles from highway and town, nlose to school, 4 miles from Portland ; $ 1000 cash, bal ance to suit. Morris & Bundy, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' A BARGAIN. 15 acres, 1 miles east of Woodburn, Or., A-l soil, family orchard, good well water, comfortable house and other buildings; for quick sale, terms, address Box 41 . Woodburn. Or. 00 ACRES, highly improved; good 10 room house; crop, stock and machinery included: cash and some trade. 31$ tun bidje. SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING. In the famous Lewis river val ley. 140 acres, with-80 under cul tivation, crops are nearly all in. dandy nine-room house, in gooa shape, barn, hog houses, Pr""e drver and lots of other outbuild ings. Personal property consists 01 23 head of grade Jerseys and hell ers, 1 registered Jersey bull, sheep, horses, 25 head of hogs, some reg istered: turkevs. chickens and bees. 5 harrows, 3 cultivators, 3 plows and two mowers, hay rake and other equipment too numerous to mention. This man is sick and in order to sell will sacrifice for a small figure. For further particu lars call on us. REAL FARM. 80 acres, first-class land. -j acres under cultivation, crops all in: good 6-room house, modern in every way. 2 large barns. 5 good cows. 2 two-year-old heifers, -brood sows, 3 horses, binder, n cultivators, mower, rake disc section harrow, drill, potato dig ger, 2 wagons, cream separator, plenty of small tools and all house hold furniture. -This place is 1 miles out and just off the pave ment, 1 mile fro- .town. DAIRY RANCH. 40 acres, with 30 a-res under cultivation; has use of 80 acres -more for pasture free; good fam ily orchard, acre of fine strawber ries, dandy 8-room house. 1 large barn. 1 small barn, hog house, chicken house and yard, separator houf-e, woodshed; crops nearly all in. 21 grade Jersey cows. I regis tered Jersey bull, 3 heifers, one span of large mules, harness, wag ons, single and double cultivator plow, 2 harrows, separator and milk cans; good creek on the place. mile off paved highway to Battleground. Wash. Price for all. $11,500 $5750 will handle, or will sell without stock and equip ment. SMALL FARM BARGAIN. 11 acres, 7 under cultivation, new barn and silo, small new house, chicken house, hog house and oth er buildings, nice family orchard; personal property goes with this place. 2 cows and 2 heiters, .i0 chickens, stump puller, plow, har row wagon; 1 miles from Bat tleground. Will sacrifice for $2800, with good terms. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. 407 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. FRED W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS. 40 Acres Of best shot soil. 17 acres in cultivation, 10 acres of bot torn land. with fine trout stream, good 6-room house, large well-built barn and other buildings, family orchard, on roca road; v. mile trom town 42 miles from Portland; priced at $100 per acre; $1600 cash. balance at o oer cent. C3 Acres Farm In the Tualatin valley, 1 mile from Reedvule; first class 7-room house, with fire place, etc. ; land practically level: hard road: best of soil 25 acres in cultivation, 20 acres of first growth fir: all fenced; price $16,000. cash. 97 Acres With 35 acres in cultivation. full set of buildings, on mac adam road; V mile to electric station; 14 miles from rort land, in Tualatin valley; price $0000. $3000 cash, balance 6 per cent. 100 Acres Of Willamette river bottom land, near Newberg. 65 acres in cultivation, some fruit: old buildings; rock road, best of soil: once 113.000. cash 120. Acres With 20 acres in cultivation; 4-room house, barn,, etc. trout stream; 2 miles to rail road; 40 miles from Portland: this is a good stoca or aairy proposition and a place . to make some money. Price s.ttWM). ikhh) casn. 160 Acres On the White Salmon river. 6 miles from town of w hite Salmon. 9 acres in commer cial apples; 4-room house, barn, etc.; 20 acres saw tim ber; owner will sacrifice at $30 per acre. cash. Where can vou beat it : Comolete details of the above listed places and many more at our office. Come in and let us tell you about them or show them to you 11 you wisn. FRED W. GERMAN CO REALTORS, 732 Chamber of Commerce, WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM. No. 250 15 acres, all excellent soil, all fenced and cross-fenced; fine trout stream and spring, 9 ' acres under high state of cultiva tion; good young family orchard of assorted fruits. I acre strawber ries, extra good 5-room house, large barn, good chicken house and all necessary outbuildings. Personal property consists of one good cow, heifer, good horse, har ness, some chickens and ducks, plow, harrow, cultivator, hand cul tivator and all necessary small tools and farm implements. This place is located 6 miles from Van couver, just off Pacific highway, which is paved all the way, on R. F. D. route, very close to school, church and general merchandise store. Price $5000, terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO., 410 Washington Street, Vancouver, Wash. RICH DEEP SOIL. We are selling partly improved farms on Grays Harbor, within a radius of 20 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam. two very prosperous and rapidly-growing cities, at $50 to $100 per acre and easy terms. Have also few fully equipped dairy ranches with modern buildings and registered stock. Unimproved land in small and large tracks, from $20 to $40 per acre, within 12 miles from Aberdeen. Land is free from gravel, rocks and un derbrush, along good roads and near schools. Terms $25 down and $10 or more a month at 6 per cent. Here is your opportunity, do not delay. For further information call or write. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION COMPANY. ABERDEEN, WASH. 15 78-100 ACRES on county road In Spring Hill district, near uasion ana nignway, best soil, no rocks, bearing fruit trees and berries, good view and close neigh bors, double constructed 5-room plas tered bungalow, full basement and fire place, more rooms can be added up stairs and water piped from spring to house for email outlay. Good barns and chicken house, ideal for chickens and berries; owner is alone and wants to sell, or might consider trade with owner of good bungalow in Portland. C E. HULTEN, Owner. Route 1, Gaston, Oregon. DAIRY FARM, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 150 acres, iuu tine Dottom land, most ly in "cultivation, borders on river, 3 miles from live county seat, 4 mile from Pacific highway; 8-room house, good barn, outbuildings, electric lights, water system, family orchard: 31 head stock; all farm equipment ready to step in. This is a good ranch, and only $20. 000, $7000 mortgage, 9 years at 5 per cent; will take small farm close in, or Portland house and cash. " HESGARD & HARALA. 801 Mississippi Ave. Wdin. 1201. 60O ACKES. best farm buy in Oregon; one mile from good town .on paveu nign wav. near Eugene: 5O0 acres in cultiva tion, well Improved, all feirced and cro" fenced, fine, free, productive soil ; no better clover, grain or corn land ; 2o0 acres fine timber and wood: would net over $100 per acre: nearly $5000 In per sonal property included. This place is worth $100 per acre. Price only $'o.O00; half cash, balance to uit purchaser. JOHN BATRP. EUGENE. OR. IMPROVED 10 ACRES, NEAR . SHERIDAN. All fenced and cross fenced with wov en wire. 6 acres in cultivation, good 1 14 story house, barn to accommodate 6 cows and team, with driveway through middle, more than enough fruit and ber ries for home use; for quick sale owner will take $2200 cash, or $2300 on terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 40-ACRE farm. 12 a. under cultivation, bal. easily cleared, 4-room house, good barn, all fenced and level, rich soil, on good road, 2 mi. from town and rail road and schools, city water in front of place, all for $2000. easy terms, ol will trade for house and lot. Better in vestigate this. F. L. BLANCHARD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 820 or East 2134. 80 ACRES, one-quarter mile to town, -school, church, railroad station, good house, two barns, hog house, machine shed, running water, about 50 acres clear, balance pasture and easily cleared; part of tillable soil under Irrigation. Price $10,000, terms. John Palmer, Marlon, Or. NO. ll BEAUTIFUL "o- ACRE 1" ARM ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 20 acres all In cultivation ex cept 2 acres: almost level, very best soil, excellent water; fenced a nd croFS fenc ed : fa rga fa ni i I v orchard of assorted fruns In full bearing: good 6-room house, extra good barn and all necessary out buildings; tt minutes' drive from Ridgefield school ; wagon picks "P pupils at door: road on two sides; in center of Clarke county's best farming district; highly Im proved farms adjoining; auto stage by door; price 5n"00. small payment down, balance any rea sonable length of time. 221 PRUNE AND DAIRY FARM. 40 acres of the very bpt loam soil, no rock or gravel; 30 acres high state cultivation, balance to seeded-down pasture: R is well drained; IO acres Italian prunes, ft-tunnel dryer: new garage wit h cement floor, new slauRhier house with cement floor, large cellar, good 7-room farm house, new dairy barn with all modern con veniences, &0 bearing winter ba nana apples, all kinds of family fruit, modern chicken house, hog house and large lot, 3 dairy cows, good farm team, brood sow. 20 pigs. 150 pure-bred White Leghorn chickens, mower, rake. disc. 2 plows, 2 harrows. 2 cultivators, new wagon. harness, all 'una II tools including cream separator; v crops all planted, on good automo bile road, 2 mUes from good town on North Bank highway; excellent view of surrounding country, ad joining highly improved farms wit h all rural advantages. Price $12,000; will accept house and lot at cash valuation us part partnent. MODER N f HICK EN FARM, EQUIPPED. iO acres of the finest land Hd .iacent to Portland; most all in cultivation except 1.1 acres of firft-growth red fir limb r cruis ing about 20iMi cords, worth $5 per cord on the ground: very fine 7 room bungalow in the best of re pair, full concrete basement, pressure water and an electric light system ; good barn, three complete modern chicken lioupes, complete modern brooder. Iioo pure-bred White Leghorn laying hens. 1400 chicks, feed grinder, all equipment necessary to run an up-to-date poultry farm: of an acre set to loganberries and rasp berries, crops all seeded ; income between $70o( and $f0O0 a year; fine cow, 2 horses, wagon, harness, harrow, cultivator, all necessary small tools. This place is only 20 miles from Portland, on good auto road ; mile from large gei.eral store and school; egss picked up at door; only 4 miles from Columbia river town m cen ter of highly improved community. This without a doubt is one of the best paying poultry farms In the northwest. Owner wishing to retire und is willing to take the extreme low price of $13,500; very liberal terms. It will pay you to investigate this as the first man who sees It and means business will buy It. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 18 ACRES, all cleared and In crop, no sand, gravel or stumps, shot clay, good large creek on ed ge. does not cut into land except enouarh to water stock; good 6-rm. house, barn for 50 tons hay, stan chions for eight cows, and team 2 chicken houses, hog house, milk house, granary, woodshed, good well on porch of house, beautiful flower garden, half mile to srhool, quarter mile to station, telephone, electric lights can be installed, acre and half garden, about half planted now; the following stuff goes with the plnce: 450 chick ens : 7 head of Holsteins, 4 now milking; good team and harness, mower, rake, wagon, harrow, plow, disc, cream separator, 11 cords of wood. Have sold hundred dollnrs worth of cream and eggs this month already. House partly fur nished, good cook stove, heater, bedroom suite, some dininsr room furniture; abundance of good pas ture adjacent to place. Price $6500. $2500 cash. bal. $500 year at ti per annum. The place is Ideal for anything you want to raise. Has small orchard and some berries. AV 606, Oregonian. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 14O0 acres of level land. Including 8tMl acres of the richest and best river bot tom and beaverdam on GRAYS HA R BOR. along Olympic highway. Adioin Ing land cannot be bought for less than $50 per acre. Very easy clearing, near school and railroad running through land. Price only $20 an acre, reasonable terms. iou can double your money by reselling In smaller tracts. For further information write at once. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION COMPANY. ABERDEEN, WASH. Al-L FOR $tkuu TERMS. 100 hogs, 4 horst s. 5 cows, calves, 60 liens; all farm implements, blacksmith tools, etc.; 150 acres; 3 miles town, on main road and mail route, near school; 20 acres farmed, irrigated; abundance of free gravity water, perpetual; 2 new rough houses, outbuildings, fencing, or chard, living trout stream, springs; hogs thrive entire year on free range; healthy climate, no fog, malaria, alkali, dust storms or ocean winds; big game; every thing goes, including 1 40-acre fenced homestead, also mining clai m ; price $6000, terms;' orange and garden land, level, improved, irrigated, $50 per acre. Seeing is believing. Other bargains, all prices. GLENN PETTAT. 1103 Pine St.. Redding. Cal. WELL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM OF 66' ACRES CROPS ALL IN. This is a well improved place, lies al most level; hk mile from Columbia river, near Kelso: 25 acres in crop, balance in fine pasture; good 6-room house. large barn 60x68. all other outbuildings in good condition and painted; 8 cows, bull, 1 heifer, good young team, brood sow. 40 hens; all kinds of machinery and tools in good condition, including Sharpies separator, drag saw. gasoline seeder, lawn mower and small tools; price for everything $So(0, half cash. stewart & Johnson. SIS Nnrthwes'Tti H-tnk B:dg. TITAl.ATIX VALLKV HOME 24 acres, 16 in cultivation; fine fir grove; idf al location ; new 6-room plas tered residence, new barn, many out buildings, water system, telephone, R. F. ,. farm, stock, equipment and furniture. $11,000; only 11 miles from Portland. HESGARD & HARALA, S01 Mississippi Ave. Wdln. 1201. 60-ACRE farm, only n mues to j-orwanu. only $5uu, terms jdww casn; acres in cultivation good house, barn, or chard, garage, 10 cattle, 3 horses, har ness, all farm implements, good soil, on good auto road, certainly a snap; other bargains. H. W. GARLAND, 201 Third St. 37 in cultivation. - bearing prune or chard. 2 acres timber. 5 cows, 2 horses, 125 chickens, ail implements, fair build ings, spring water piped to house; $2200 will handle, balance at 6 ner cent. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St. 30 ACRES, all in cultivation, nicely fenced, family fruit and berries. 5-room house, good barn 40x00. fine well water, team horses, 1 cow, 2 hogs. 30 R. I. R. hens, all good machinery; 15 miles from Port land on fine road; $7000. good terms. t, o. Gerbr. 714 ywenmq ouig. ClMl'fc.Li-ED to sell 2V.)-acre attaKa incii tor price of improvements and equipment and paid-up water right for 145 acres; located one mile and a haif from Potter Palmer famous orchard. Price $25,000, trms. Guv W. Conner. Med ford. Or STOCK ranch for sale, decreed water right, for Mt. range, near AM. Falls; will con sider 10 or 15 acres In exchange. Ad dress U-Bar-U Ranch, Pauline, Idaho. ALFALFA is now a foot high; we cut four cropa a year under this new. low altitude government protect on Columbia river and highway ; lands for rent or for sale on easy terms. Geo. O. Howard, lll.l W . NITK. WHIM .'.Ml ' SMALL FARM ON COLUMBIA BLVD. 7-room house, bam for 30 cows, milk house, no city assessments; w 1(1 sell ft or more acres. R. W. Cary, 119 N. W Bank bldg FOR SALE Fine ti-aore farm near Van couver, Wash., and Pacific highway; new house, city water, trout stream ; terms. L. E. Thorn, route 6, Vancou ver. Wash. Phone 27F25. 3C. ACRES; 15 walnuts and apples; fin) timber; houBe. barn and springs; 15 miles out; automobile road; $7500; easv terms. Or exchange. Cal! Auto. 213-Q6 BARGAIN Investigate this. 100 acres. Lincoln county, splendid sea breeze; frame house; $14o. terms. Phone Mur tuv Marshall 23IO. SO ACRES, 0 In cultivation, some pasture, balance timber aud brush, good living springs, 1 miles from town and hgh ' cbool. I Haaa&Q, Jiidfefiuld. W&ah ' MODERN CHICKEN RANCH. 10 acrs, 5 acres cleared and In cultivation, good five-room plas tered bungalow with bath a ad WHtT piped In house, (tpiall barn, extra fine large modern chicken house with runs, brooder house. 2mi thoroughbred White Leghorn chickens und a number of nw chicks, brand-new 500-egg Incu bator, good horse, cow and all necewnary small tools and Imple ments, all sorts of berries, all lr fine condition, on good gravel road, 1 mile from pavement and suburban car station, and 6 mil's from Vancouver; priced at $1300; terms can be arranged. 20 ACRES. $7500. AH cleared ami In cultivation, finest kind of noil, modern 7-room plastered bungalow, fireplace, wa ter piped to h une and barn, con crete potato house, barn ftOxM, chicken house, tool shed, garage, wood shed, hog house a nd black -smith fhnp fully equipped with tools. Very complete net of all farm Implements and sma II too In ; 7 cows, Holstein bull. 1 brood cow. 7 pigs, good team and pony, about 24 chickens, on good gravel road, 3 miles from town and pHved high way; $30oo cash, balance at 6 per cent. Will consider some trade. Albert Miller. Farm Department. KLWELL. WATTS & PKRCIVAL. Washington St. at th. Phono 236. VANCOUVER, WASH. 00-ACRK FARM HOME FOR SALE. This place n a rea I home and is located 6 miles from Corvallis on paved road. 1 mile from grad ed ttchool and ele-tr:c station. 3 trains daily to Corvallis and Port land; 75 acres of the bent valley land in cultivation. 6 acres tim ber, balance pasture; an old or chard of apples, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, black and English walnuts, grapes, strawberries, iap berries. etc. A fine creek makes It possible to Irrigate garden, and 30 acres of farm land can be Irri gated if desired ; good barn 84x50 and usual outbuildings; a large old house of no gre t value, but one of the finest building sites In this part of the country. We bought this for a home but have to sell on account of changed circum stances. Will sell on a small cash payment or would conswler a good home in anv valley town. Price $13,500; $3500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Write F. I. K., owner, bux 41, Corvallis, Or. SNAPPY FARM BUYS. NEAR CAPITOL HIGHWAY. $5000 5 acres, all tiled, smooth land. good bungalow, electric lights, cement cellar, fine water, barn, poultry house, fruit trees. 1 acres commercial berries, house furniture, tools. Jersey cow, 75 poultry, growing crop. 13 MILES OCT. $5300 20 acres, all cultivated and in growing, on rock road, 1 nule to Capitol highway,, amull hoUne, large barn and dairy barn, or chard. $13,650 50 acres, all smooth valley, rich soil, tiled, none better for crops near Portlajid; good buildings, stock. Implements and crop go in; owner in hospital; reduced price; $2000 for immediate sale, possession now. These are a few of our extra good farm home bargains. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART, Broadway .1173. 62 Henry Bldg. 15 ACRES, W EST WOODBL'RN. Half mile from West Woodburn, all cultivated, good 4-room house, barn, chicken house, hog hed. all woven wire fenced, acre Loganberries, peach, prune apple trees, good road. Price $4750. Cash $2000. IMPROVED FARM. 12 miles from Portland. In the Beaver ion district ; 20 acres, alt Improved, 5 room house, large barn, many outhouses, 200 full-grown trety, prunes, cherries, apples, walnuts, berries, grapes; span horses, wagons, farm tools, chickens, bees, 5 hogs, cow. fresh, calf. 10 tons hay, ton oats, seed spuds to plant nine acres, 20 cords wood, very reasonable price and terms. fred w. Newell, 407 Henry Bldg. Broadway 530. MODERN DAIRY RANCH. 1oit acres, all In cultivation. 1 mi. from Lebanon. Or.; good grav eled road, r. f. d. and telephone; S-roorn house, 2 barns, cow, barn 45x70; iron stanchion for 22 cows; hous-es; 40x0 hog house, chicken iiouse, garage; electric air pressure water system; H mlie to grade school, 1 mile to high school; fam ily fruit; a first-class ranch. The owner has lost his wife. Price including crop. $20,000, $."HKM) cash. 6 per cent Interest. M. L. SO FT HARD & BOX. Lebanon, Or. AN I DBA L LAIItr AN D STOCK RANCH. All the elementa necessary to making thia the finest ranch in Or?Kon ; HHKl acrea of cut-over land, good aoil, all of It; no rock, na waste; over 2(10 acrea rich alder creek bottom, about 50 cleared. 3 in orchard; plenty of outranse. 2 fine creeks, lots of living; springs, large pond, water power for electric lihta, watr piped to buildings and barns; good school, free auto bua service to hign school, daily mail and telephone; 2 4 miles (rood town, railroad, bual landing and Columbia river highway ; j hours' drive from Portland. Attractive price and terms. Miht cons.der pari trade. ,T. P. Laher. owner. "o Bdwy. bldg. HA Kit A IN. 7.-.-ACUK FA TIM. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 45 acrea in crop, balance in pasture and ome good timber, good toll; good 7-room houie. ham ;tox,fO, waier pipea to house; family orchard, berries; all the farm machinery auea with place, alt the livestock, horses, cows, sheep, etc., also all furniture; about 12 miles from courthouse. Portland, on good road. Price only $ I o.."oo. $.voo cash, balance per cent interest. For particulars ej O. C. Bell, with ' J. J. OKDKR. 4 C, ra n-d A ve N.. Corner K. Ankeny YOL" UAIRYMKN that are In the market to rent or buy a lirM-cia.s.s, weii-Mocaeu and equipped dairy ranch, located in the best daiiy district in Oregon or the U. S. we have them that are paying from 15 to o0 per cent on the money Invested. We fcell them on the pert of terms. Call and ste u; we can fit you out. C .1. CULLISON RKU, ESTATfcJ CO.. HfciA LTORS. 205 Morrison St. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE PRICE. 320 acrea. about mllea. northwest of Touchet. Wash.; all in cultivation; not planted this year. Legal deacrlotion : W4 of nw. all of aw and w i of se sec. 8. township 7. Coat nie $:;0 per acre. Will aeM at $15 per acre if sold at once. Land adjolsis Mr. Kniffina ranch. Write H. A. Chief, owner. OS 5tll at.. Port'ai'd NO REAL IvSTATt: MAN IS ENTITLKL TO I'SK TUB NAMK "RKAl.TOiC V LESS HE lis AFF1LIATWD WITH THE N A TI ON A I. A SifCH ' 1 A TI ON O F R E A I ESTATE HO K1WS AND SI 1 :S'RI HFS TO ITS PLEDC.E TO PROTECT TUB INTERESTS OF RFYERS AND KELL E R S OF P ROP ERT Y. I 0 lit 'Si N ESJj WITH A R EA LTOft. When in doubt phone PfTt'aml Rrnltv Bnrrl. B-lwv 1'Ql. 15 AtwKi-.i- A re.il ttarg.iiii, ji beaut i tui home. 10 miles from Portland llmtta. large hoilfce. hut and cld waier. g-Att In house; 1 g-B range, large barn, farm implements; 1 horse. 1 cow and chickens. Plenty of fruit, crops and garden tn. Place" la In on Rock road, near high way. Price $!500. Terms. AL t'7. Or. go 11 inn i till-ACR E FARM. 14 MILES OCT. Macadamized to paving. 45 under plow. In crop. 2 creeks, family orchard, b-r-rifs. 0-rnom house, barn. team. cow. pig a. implements, stump puller, black smith shop; 1200 per acre, terms, j c. CORUIN CO.. 05 0-7 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE UV OWNER. 4i acres potato land; anily loam, river bottom : 27 miles from Portland : all in cultivation: paved road all but one mile. Will sell at grea t sacrifice. H . Calef. T.3 ,Vh St.. Portland. A REA L SNA P Will or trail e iny teto-acre wheat and Btock ranch In eastern ICaho; cmp now p!anied; good Improvements: lot of range. J. J Wonder. Oannett, Idaho. SICK, going to Arizona: will sell my 50 acre valley farm, all In cultivation; lake hoUBe as part puyment, and cash. O i )rcgoni-tn, FOR SALE Alf.tifa. grain and stock ranches, by owner, from $10 per acre up; i.v navments AV 014. Oregonian. T . VR V farm on Columbia river on Sauv les ' - . V,t , Ilk K....1 ,nb iMiana, utii.- - - w- et-s on'v. A V D'. Oregonian WILL lake f tuck dairv on shares w iih privilege of buying. C. S. Sick. 1820 hi. :fffl N. CALIFORNIA farms- near Sacramento for cale. easy terma. Write E. R Wultc. Shawnee. mk!3 5 10. 2. ACRES level, timbered land, near fcverton, good rd. J. iU Sharp, b4i 2d. HOOD KUEK rRortHTT. 6 aerrs. close in: I crr in ap ples and pern; attractive 6-room bungalow, with bath; running w n -tr; iectrniy; furnm; nood lrn, g.irNgr; chicken hou. . Trice $7500 including hurfte, t-ow and all equipment. 10 seres. rloe tn; S nrrn in fuj barin apples Nnd Aaltu pfurc, fine acre building ite in grove ot oaks and pjn-; 10 inch a irrt g turn w.tt.-r. This ts a iijad'd buy at $:5O0. A acre tract. 2 mijrn out; partly Bet t full bearing apil a. pera and cherries; alUaruve 6-ronm 1 V-tory bungftlow ; bath, elec tricity: brn rwj chicken houv; price $UK. C N. HA LIN, Reliable Real Estate. Hood River, Or. KKNTOV mrVTT'R BEST cTOCR FA II M. We are the ownr of a 7"o. a ere n( ork m rich. 3 111 In f'-nm railway fetation, 15 m 1 1 1 a from Corvallis and agricul 1 111 mI colleae; 40 acre bottom land, loo acren gently rolling, cultiva led ltnd Iv ing in one budy, 4hi acrea f op n hill paM lire. bal nee limb-T in ture with 4.0011.000 feel .f mer chantable timber ; 5-room hmi-e, stock barn, granary, etc.; fine creek and spring, fenced; p'Hce la conceded to b one of the bl Block rnehta tn Hmlon county on account cf Its sheltered loca tion, water and grans We offer it for nale at only $20 per are; one-third cnh, bwlanee 6 per cent. Write owncra, box 01, Corvallis, Or. FARMS U.iK'i ll l.W KM'IGA 1'ING. 30 m-res nar ForeM Grove, all bet or black loam soil, about hi 1 uttivated and in crop, balance pasture with in I Ti ber, house, barn, chicken houm-. f ru;t house, joung orchard, berrira. well and spring. 2 borne. 2 cow a, 1 hog, farm implements all for $Mnin on eiy termi and will consider small huine in Port land aa part payment. 40 acrea near Sherwood, amall amount cultivated, good log bungalow. b;rn. about 1500 cords of wood timber; well. 2 creeks and spring; price $IJH on terms or will take omall home In Portland. For further particulars regarding ines and many other goud bua aeo F. R. Jeae, 527 Corbett bMg. 2 ACRKS. $1500 WILL HANDLE. All level land, 'i of place tn cultivation, blwnce open pasture 11 nd some timber; H-ruoni Iioum with sleeping porch; 2 li miles south of Oregon City. In good locu tion. ClotH! tO School; $.tOU. fee I! me for farina. A. C IIUWLAND. (120 Main St. oiegou City. or. IF YuC 0ERL"K THIS KAUM Ml V YOU WILL MISS THU GRhAltM BA KG A 1 N IS THK STAiK 57 acres between Portland and Hllls boro. 5u acres in cult ivaiiou, new h'-use. 4 rooms below with floored attic above, large old barn, about half of the land is plowed and ready to d, there la H federal farm loan of on tins place. Borne terms can he Arranged on Hi! ha -ance, but must have quick. ciloii or It will be taken off of the market. Jut bear in mind thai half of this Pa e ia worth all that is bltig ak-d lr the entire acres. ST K W A RT A JOHNSON'. 315 Northw extern Hat;k U-Mg. f.vi v iniiin it 1:0 lilt b I) to hand le a wood final I farm, nearly fully equipped with farming iiuplr nunts. toola and aiM household mini lure AIm 4 cow a, flock of chlekone, etc. There Is loo acrea in thts tarm. It has good hnuwH, barn, outbuild ilk. fences and family orchard; 2 acrea under cultivation. home of balance vaflly CU ured and real go,d pasture. on af'vd rock read, i-loaa tn action!, within 4 mil'- Horn Carrol. a.-h., and 40 in Ilea from I'ortland. I'rlce lor uuic sale $4O0. with ca.-y ternif. NfcWKLL-VAN ALM'INB COMPANY, sat Chamber of Commerce Mute. FOR SALEJ-1" acres. 3 acrea in Umalibei rlef. beariPK S1? I"" '-'r: J 1 ' iimt planted. 2 acre in ynunf prima tree old orchard, all build ;nc ; puce tern.. K. 2. box McMltni v:llc Or FOK vWll.Ar and atotk ranches, or trade. M. FlUmaurtce, Condon. r. VVAXTFI HKI FMTATK. H V 15 $S.0 contract and eaidi for fit U payment on 2 bungalow to $4HH) each: mut have fireplace and gMrag'f or room for one. Addn a A 004. uregu- n 1 j' 11 . IIOCSK lu Hawthorne dtLrii t or Sunny aide, elut-e in; will give lot and $ 1 22.1 contra-t as first payment; no agents need answer. H W4". r-gonl a n.; Sl-NN 1 .ill 'E U ant . or tt-r.n.m rc.-.n-abty modern houe, Hunnyfide or Hww-th-ine district; 011 caay terina. Murphy Marshall :r-'t I U A.T a 5 or 0 r.nn bungaiow In R w City. Hawthorne or Rich inond ; fwr pay ment and monthly payments. A R W. Oregonifin. WANT A HOISE. Would trade one or more Laurelhtiro lota in as payment "ii a houwr ; lois cUnr except bonded. A M ft0. "" "nMr FOKECLOSL'R K red.' n.pt ions bought or exchanged (or cuti.t iei, aume aire 1 improvement or taxes, any amount. W 031. Oregon lan ,. W A N T MO DEI IN HuMK on eHt hid", di rect from owner. F. K. H. 415 Pla.t bldg. SM A I Li mod.-i 11 liotje. trlct. Ilf:tr pavetli'ti! M lj 1 1 noiiiah m s. st.at.oit. Term S-Hwind 1 1 i even'Tia. WW'T CHOICE Ill'JLDI.Mi l.T oil t a-t side; prefer Koau City. C Al. ii., 41- Piwtt 1!IK. H E lltl'.r Oakland .-laii if Tne Mia value $l:too; will eschanc fur aerragM around Port unn I'-hm WANTED-To r nt or buy from owner, one acre or more, hoiie nnd aonie tiullcJ Ings for poultry AN 0"4. Orfgnnlan. SMALL country home on Or-goii City or ihterurban line, not over $2 I'huin Wood law n V'l. WANT CLOSE-IN ACREA ; E. Improved; rBh i customers. It. F. FEEMSTEK. 4lT Ahtngtnn bldg. . WANT a 4-room bungalow or cottage from $l.".oo up to $::o. iuutbe priced right; trom owne-ra inn; n WANTED at urn, a 4 or r room iiou. In Oreuorv Heights lo $2 , tonus. full A lain "201. 1 HAVE $1110 wil;i w Inch lo n.akr f.r-i payment on a h'Hne, bn.ancc by uioi.lh H.I fW7, ircgnnlnn. TO TRADE tint diamond on go.i Ii C I' lot nnh of Sandy on pavement B 040. 1 1 remin la n . WANT a lot fxixlno not over $'1'0, S. It wood and Richmond preferred. Sellwood 1 047. CLOSE-IN acreage and miall farm". Pei-M-nai miction and ani'i a feineot. J. C. Corhln Co.. rt"'. H 7 Lew Mn . jHI have a luoc b. I me Max D'. W II give you three good bus. 0.r.o,U adl tl. .ii. el- Hr of a Ma. n 'I Ui.cl.U like to buy l.auie .must N.i we) CASH for vac. mt residence toi in vichimv of 10th and Alunlgomety. Appty J:4 K "LIST YI."R NEW MME Willi O H Skolhel n Co.. M Ui 40s-1 1 Couch MMg WANT K'od and Divii '0fl'.. , between Hol.il.. lowest prl wild nt;t n ANTED l.ols in L"e Ctly ol lrl.ig.iii districts M.iln :iT7. NFFI)-HOt'SI'S OX W EST Sfl'K LIST w1tt, . H Skothelm Co. Main 1:.T5 WANT WAI.M'T PARK L' H for nlliy huuraiow F K. n. 41 Plat! bldg WANTEI Small Ih-uh-. mull, Ru CHv rur Ho I . "-eaonmii 0 OR 7-ROOM house, ."o0 down. bb, 414 i:atSuirk: $;oo CONTRACT, $2.' month, and cash TOT ol. AT, WANT va ant lots In exchange for 2-ton .pced w a son. Eat 2M. WILL PA i' -'U down t a house; mwiillt ly fnr brtianw A E -V'0 regori Ian I NEED - h.'U"'-. i an pa $Tj duwti, bl nmiith'y. RC rH, "2'.t;nn)i'n WANTED From owmr. i or 6 -room mod eru buugalow. Aut. C-i-i-