TIIE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, rORTLAXD, APRIL 24, 1921 " 2.1 BTSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Ilotelsand Rooming Mouses. BI11R-CAREY. Main 7487. Main 6083. Open Sundays, z RIlilUS 1 and 2-room apts., fine location; this piace ii always full: furniture In good. rent very reasonable; will oet $230 and Beuer; I25UO cull handles. 16 ROOMS. Housekeeping, located close In. (rood furniture, rent $70. Tlila ia a big money maker. Only (!KK cash to handle. 14 ROOMS. Walking distance, the best of furni ture, hardwood floors and everything In first-class condition, a fine home with net Income of $140 every month. Rent very reasonable with lease. $2000 cah, small bal. easy terms. 12 KOOMS. Very close In, rent oniy $33 per month, will net 112.', and better: furnishings very good. This la a snap. $500 cash will buy, and a small balance easy terms. 10 ROOMS. Sleeplnr rooms and 1 and 5-ronm apt., rood location, furniture rood, nets eluu and better, $550 cash, balance easy terms. ROOMS. White temple district, nice, clean place; makes good income: rent only $00. Can have a lease. $675 cash will handle. . 7 AND 8 ROOMS. Housekeeping rooms and flats: these re all nice, clean, well furnished, and flood incomes, and can be bought as ow as $300 to 'OO cash. BIHR-CAREY. ' 211-21 S Ry. Exch. Bldg. . . Third and Stark. Main 747. Main WR3. J APARTMENTS, modern brick, west side, corner. One of the high est class houses in the north west. Wonderfully furnished and up to date to the minutest de tail. Inome nearly $45oo per mo.; $23,000 required to handle. 30 two. three or four-room apartments, west side. brick, corner, five-year lease. Low rent. All light, airy rooms. Extra-well furnished. Automatic elevator, etc. Clears over $704) por nio.; $10,000 to handle. 24 three and four-room apart ments: west side, corner: 3-yr. lease; reasonable rent. Northwest Ileal- Splendid furniture. Just the place for lone woman. Entira twice oniy 113.000. Term 86-rm. hotel: fine west aide loca tion. Rent ILj. lease, modern brick bldg.. with all conveniences. Borne private baths. Cleara $000 per mo.; $4oo0 to handle. 24 h. k. ras.. Tery close In. w-vt side, corner bldg., electrio lights, stove heat, etc.; water in all suites. Cleara $173 per mo. P.ice $3700. Easy terms. BrSTNKSB OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 1 3 rooms. 5-year lease, rent $400; clear over $800; good iireDroof building, lots of good linen, newly renovated, in good condition; price $12,000, good terms. 77 rooms, over 4-year lease, rent $375: f,r?A- Income $1600; dandy location; llo.&OO. terms. m 34 rooms, lease, rent $273: good fur niture, very clean, well located, nets $475; price $7000, very best of terms. 29 room a -well located (few apart ments), rest sleeping: cleara $250; price 3--00, good terms. MODERM APARTMENT HOUSES. Over 100 rooms, all modern apart ments: 8-year lease, low rent, clears $750 besides own apartment; everything In good condition, very clean, no vacant apartments; $12,000 will handle. 33 strictly modern. 2s and 8s. Ion lease, rent $SO0: fireproof brick build lng. well located, nets over $750 and 2 apartments free; best of hardwood furniture, good carneta. fine condition siu.uuu win aanaie. 18 modern apartments (lovely kltch ens), 4-year lease, rent $350; clears over S.iiK); very well furnished, good car pets; $12,000, terms. 22 apartments, good lease, finest lo cation. Northwestern heat; nets better man sooo; good furniture; xsoou wi handle. 17 modern apartments, brick build' lng, lease, rent $175; nicely furnished clean and In excellent condition: gross income 3u; aotwu, terms. ROOMING HOUSES. 14 rooms, all apartments, rent $65 very well furnished, dandy corner loca tion: gross income $200; nice apartment tor sen; siioo win handle. 22 rooms, all apartments, rent $40, lease; nets $217 besides nice apartment stove heat, clean and in good shape $l5O0, terms. 18 rooms, all apartments, rent $115: well furnished, clean, well located; nets over $200 besides lovely, pleasant apart ment; $3700, part terms. 20 rooms, nearly all transient, few housekeeping; lease, rent $H0; stove and gas heat: nets $175; nice location;. $35u0. gooa terms. MUST SACRIFICE. 8 -room modern flat, well furnished furnace. laundry tray In kitchen; lovely nome with income; $ooo cash. MRS. THOMSON. 620 HENRT BLDO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hote's and Rooming House BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. HOUSEKEEPING GOOD INCOMES. 10 rooms, very close in, expenses small. ooo win nandie. 12 rooms, stove and gas heat, full I price $1)50. 11 rooms. White Temple, extremely low rent. 10 rooms, newly renovated, rent $43. Good. 27 rooms, suburban, newly papered! uuu nannies. EAST SIDE. 10 rooms, very attractive yard and I location, good home; $i00 handles. 14 rooms, good corner, spotlessly clean. I 25 rooms, brick bldg., all on one floor, I $1200 handles. 8 rooms, unusually good furniture, I rood-lookinr house. $950. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Ger- linger bldg. 27 h. k. rms.. right In town; electric lights, furnace, water In many rooms; good furniture. Cleara $200 per mo.. $2000 will handle. TATES REAT.TY CO.. REALTORS. 245 FOURTH ST. A. G. 270 Stark St. TEEPB CO.. Main 3093. $650. 5-room. fine furniture for sale, rent I Of flat only $33 per month, east aide, I (.loan ,u. 10 ROOMS. 10 rooms, light housekeeping: place I '-..'- uoui over ana above ex- eeoe: total price only $1260, $U50 cash, aL like rent. 16 ROOMS. $60 CASH DOWN. 16 rooms, light housekeeping; place .oou.i iuv eacn month. 22 ROOMS. -o2 ronm"- KkM housekeplng: rent only! cioars aoout ioo each month; $1j00 down will handle, bal. like rent. . 8 ROOMS. rooms, good furniture: house very close in; clears above expensea about $C5. u. x r.r.1 r. LU.. HOTEL. APARTMENT. 72 rooms, uptown location, steam heat, running water in part, rent only $200, can get lease; never been sold last 10 years. Price $11,000. 29 rooms. Ideal west side location, part apartments, part sleeping rooms, good furniture and rugs, gross income over $500 and 3-room apt., $4500. 26 rooms, close In, west side, running water In most rooms, well furnished and especially clean, good mattresses and steel springs, clears over $200 and lovely apt., $4000, $2500 handles. 9 rooms. Nob Hill. near-Wash., rent $35, furnace, electricity, good furniture, neat and clean; bargain at $1250, $!X0 handles. We have a large listing of ex cellent buys which we do not advertise, Alain 363S. C. E. BOWDEN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Established a long time. 31-ROOM transient brick hotel, west side, well furnished, full price only $3150, some terms. 30 h. k. rooms, close in on west side. extra well furnished; you can clear over! $300 mo. Full price only siooo. gooa i terms. 37-room transient hotel, close In on west aide, rent $173 with lease, price XrkiOO. good terms. 18-room transient hotel, water In part I of the rooms: you can clear $150 mo., aw into at S2150. t h. It. rooms, on Wash. St., good fur niture, will clear $80 above your apt., full price $1300. $700 cash will handle. SIMMS. 141 Lownsdale St. Broadway 2037. THE BEST BUYS IN PORTLAND. 120-ROOM MOD. APT. HOUSE $20,000. Clearing $850 per month; $10,000 will nandie this: beautifully furnished place In White Temple district. 85-ROOM UP-TO-DATE APARTMENT HOUSE. $17,000. $9000 down, lovely place; clears $650 per month: white com pressed brick bldg., long lease; a pre war rental. 44 rooms, stove heat. $3350; terms: clears $250 month; rent $75. -rj rooms on one floor, $3000; clears $150 month; running water. 20 rooms. Northwestern heat; right oowmown; clears $225 month; clean; $4600; terms. 20 rooms, very beautiful, $4200; White xcmpio district; terms. 14 rooms. Nob Hill district: large yard good for $80 month. If you have $1200 see mis. 9 rooms, close to Lincoln high school, $1100, on terms. 10 nice rooms, near 19th and Wash ington sts. The above are Just a few of the many good buys I have. Get in my automo bile and I will show you. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 101-2 COUCH BLDG. LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light ft Power Co.. April 22, 1921: 14 umbrellas, 4 lunch boxes, beads. 3 pins, 1 suit case. 1 knife, 1 single glove. 2 books. 3 cans oil. 2 packages, 1 pair glasses case, 3 books car tickets, Z keys. l gold lavaliere. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder street station. ui:rit is sriMPTHI'fi RF.AT, CLAKST!' PRICE $1200. Seven rooms of fine furniture. In strict ly modern flat, close in: four rooms rented. If you desire a weH-furnished home with dandy Income, let us show I this now. you'll be surprised! PRICE $1050. A comfortably furnished 8-room corner House and garage, modem, close in. own- i er is sacrificing on account of illness. This place ia a money-maker. We have othf r good buys of every I size and description end will be pleased I to show tnem at any time. SPEED REALTY CO.. 307 Panama Bldg Main 7264. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM8. 15 nice housekeeping rooms, close Jn, west side, $2300. HOTEL. West side brick. 77 rooms, mod ern, good 5-year lease, hot and cold water in all rooms, N. W. heat, $12,000. APARTMENT HOUSE. Close In, west side, 65 rooms, modern, attractive. 5-year lease, low rent. $16,500, . net always over $00. ALL BARGAINS CLOSE IN, AT TRACTIVE TERMS. SEVERAL OTHERS. CALL ON US IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING GOOD. PETERSON ft YORK. 437 J W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8005. AT LUNCH time on Thursday, in Oregon urme, .o. 4U53-3.S Kuessel ft Esser slide rule, with magnifier in tan leather case. Finder plesse communicate with Martin Richards Co., Inc., 308 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 8043, and receive reward. LOST OR STOLEN Friday night, from 3d and Sheridan sts., white female toy poodle, pink ears, name 'Beauty," license No. 68. Liberal reward for in formation or return. 630 3d at. liar- snan eau. FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL, Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. SPECIAL 15-YEAR LOAN FOR NEW RESIDENCE ONLY. 8 per cent of principle payable every : monius, togetner witn a per cent interest. LOANS LIMITED $2000 TO $5000. After three years Installments may be Increased as you desire or loan may I oe paid In full at any Interest-paying uklg wiioout notice or bonus. MOST LIBERAL LOAN EVER OFFERED IN PORTLAND. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY, Title and Trust Bldg. MONET TO LOAN, on mnnA a In storage. Bank rata. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO, 63 Fourth St., opp. Multnomaa notsi, Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry; confidential service: government li censed and bonded brokers. Zell Uroa ft Co.. 283 Wash. St, bet. 4th and 6th. Marshalt 727. Loans Wanted. LOANS WANTED. $2500 on Rose City bungalow. $3000 on Laurelhurst home. $4000 on Laurelhurst home, $5000 on Irvlngton residence. These are not building loans, but 30 to 40 per cent straight mortgages. To loan your money See OTIS C. BECK, "13 years without a foreclosure." 525 Henry Hide. LOST On thei Interstate highway, heavy macainaw coat. Kinder please leave at the oil station at Union and Denbv ave. Regard. Frank M. Olds, care keeper of I i.yoi .Near Front and Madison. 1 tan learner gentleman s purse containing ap- jjrojumaieiy v currency; liberal reward. an n.i cm at. or phone Marshall 819. NOB HI1.U 15 rooms, hot and cold water In all rooms, fine furniture; $1500 handles, bal- I ance to suit. 18 rooms, fine location, running water I in an rooms; $15O0 cash, balance to suit. I 11 rooms, h. k.; $1500, terms; rent! $50. nets $150; has good furniture, fur nace heat. 12 rooms, rent $50; good money-maker. 22 rooms, $1200 down; fine location. lumiiure aoove average, see Mrs. Lan dow. J. ROBBINS. B01 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7931. open aunday. DON'T MISS THIS. 7I-room hotel, completely furnished. S-year lease, option for 2 more years, rent $o00. This is a geod corner brick oiag., not and cold water in all rooms, steam heat; ground floor lobbv. with card room and soft drink bar, making I iiin i i montn. Milt price only I v-.,vwv. Miniai terms. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. MAGOON ft SPENCER. HOTEL AND APT. HOUSE BROKERS. 617-19 Chamber of Commerce Building. it you want a hotel or apartmen iiouse. taut it over with us. we can piace to your advantage. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. 2( rms., rent $100, lease, price $3500. 22 rms., rent $S0, good, price $2650. 17 mi, rent $60, good, price $3000. ji rms., rent jo. good, price $1700. 12 rms., rent 75, N. W. H.. price $2.vo. w una., rent u, income oo ver nis Martin beds and furnishings to maicn. i.arge yard, fruit and garden. i-nce ti.-su. tow cash to handle. 270 Stark St. Main 3092 P. O. box 2042. Portland. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE. ins is a fine modern place of 19 1 apartments, finely furnished and every I apartment In flrst-cla.s condition. This nouse win be sold this week. I "ii ii 1 iisiea tor a price which , " " at once to anyone who i look- i " , , . J'rst-class paying apartment I -"--- fwcu nanaie. O. W. TARR CO.. " 407 McKay Bldg. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 614-20 S WETLAND BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON. Mar. 3De9. Mar 1265. 30-ROOM HOTEL. Hotel of SO rooms, brick bldg.; well furnished, in the heart of the city; good lease at a very at tractive rent. Full particulars at this office. APARTMENT HOUSE. 25 2-room apta., fireproof bldg., swell furniture; a corner location. This place Is always full. $10,000 will get possession. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.." 614-20 PWETLAND BLDG., PORTLAND. OREGON. LONG LEA.SE, NEW FURNITURE 4- Bior, modern brick apartment house, on I close in west side corner: SO rooms. 2 and '"'" apartments; mgn-elass patron- X.e ,--'ar I'ase. Should net about i ,n,i ait,.iirii. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. r 4QS-411 Couch Wlrtg Fl N E RESIDENT HOTEL. 30 big outride rooms, fine furniture ""d TUKt. good west side location, rent rii.,. mi, gei lease, et Income $350; dining room seats 40 people: has not ben on market for 4 years; $8500. some terms. Marshall 6394 or call at 391 $ NETS $ $10,000 A YEAR. Complete furnishings and lease of residential hotel that cost $.".0,000 to fur nish can be bought at the right price. $15,000 CASH WILL HANDLE. MARSH ft McCABE CO., Business Brokers. q?T;-3-4 Falling Bldg.. :d and Wash. 10 ROOMS, all sleeping but owner's apts. close in. furniture and carpets good price siio. some terms. 8 rooms. Nob Hill district, furniture and rugs fairly good. Price $800. This is no shack, either. 5-room flat 3 bedrooms, kitchen, din ing room, pantry and bath. Price $550. .asy walking distance. Rent $18. 4-room flat, bath, pantry and 2 ctoS' ets. Furniture fair. Price $225. Rent $15. T. W. Barrand. S4 Salmon. Main 4245. l.NV fc.sr.MKNT TODAY Brick hotel under ii-year lease; west side; very large nt: $s.-.o; this Is a 100 per cent invest ment; we also control some of Portland s b-st buys in apartment and rooming 'O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. 1'S. 408-411 Couch Bldg. FOR LEASE. rtign-ciass brick apartment house. i. i suriier. an iigni apart- Tnents. lease for 6 years or more, good lurnuurc ; must have cash. No trade or I ..,o. oregonlan. MINIATURE APARTMENT HOUSE. 4-Year Lease. . Here Is one of the most attractive apartment houses in the city, all 3-room apartments, private baths, good furni ture throughout, steam heat, splendid income, easy to manage. rlce $4o00. hjuv casn. &ee sirs, w nonn. O. A. PEARCE CO., Realtors. 201 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 4835. 11-s-HuOM. brick apt.-house, best of ..wm. uiuuern in oca- iT V- oA? - ovo , montn profit. . A. J DeFOREST ft CO H?Q Henry Mdg. Bdwy. 5CT0. HOTELS. 1 .ia rooms, all furniture, and lease fori "TT " "r'n. iu.uo will secure this. SSl-iJ l. -McDonell, realtor, 443 1 until 4 p M Ir0IU It A. M. SPLENDID HOTEL BUY. 77 rooms, fine location for working- men, unusually good furniture., hot and cold water, steam heat, very fine lease that runs 5 years. Net income over $800 per month. The price of this house is far below the market and can be handled for an exceedingly low inl tin.1 payment. Will consider trade for small apartment house or good home. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Ger- Tlnger bldg. ONE lit' THE BEST MONK Y-M A KKRS. rtnek hotel, under 3-vear leaae- I west side; nets $550; full price $9500.1 "v. uptn aunaav f ai. H. SKOTHEIM Co 40S.411 Couch Bldg. in terms. O. 42-ROOM APT. West Bide, close in, money-maker; pri iNSn ttmm ood new furn. T-.-w. ni.iruio icrms. "if, 5-L'HBi'B. HEDGES. REALTOR. 2"' " "i Park. M,in o-,0' aiso sleeping I loca-I good 13 JH.Mri. liou-, ke. ol,. Torch and garage; good 'west side loc tion: net income $140: rent $ioT gS furnishings: $liaV man ....u : . it. monthly. Marshall 6504. Call 391 Yam- n. n. aiiuiis, close iu, all on 2 floors, modern. White Temple district? $2700 good terms, clears $150; clean and a nice 1-n7'x.m,h'rn',' Jul"n & Co.. realtora. MONEY-MAKING HOTEL. 77 rooms, hot and cold water In all rooms, steam heat, some private baths, fine beds, pillows and mattresses; turn ing transients away every night: net profit $800 month. Price $ 14,000, liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller. CTCP T. MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Yeon Bldg. 2t APARTMENTS. $10,000 DOVCN". Modern apartment house: Ideal west side location; long lease at nominal rent al. Nets $050 a month. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. Business Brokers. 320-S-4 Falling Bldg.. 3d and Wash. DOWNTOWN liOTiiL, tin fion nriwv Ground-floor office and soft-drink bar. 70 sleeping rooms, completely furnished: running water and steam heat; long wi corner DriCK ounaing in AT lo cation. Income from rooms about $1400 uiumu. xiar. a Day. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. Business Brokers. 322-3-4 Falling Rldg.. 3d and Wa. 54-ROOM TRANSIENT HOTEL. Good west side location, corner brick mag., ail the rooms on 2 floors, hot and cold water and steam heat m every room, good furniture, rent $350. with four-year lease, making net profit of about oo a month. - This place must ufs ween to oe appreciated. See Mr. Stokke, J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. aut. .in i -4,1. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASa. 100 rooms, 25 apts.. strictly modern and beautifully furnished throughout; corner pressed brick building, very best west side location, 6-year lease at $550. netting over $800; $10,000 cash will handle. SEE T. A. MADDEN, A. M. HAUG CO.. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway 54S7. APARTMENT HOLME. West side, walking distance; 11 2-room apartment". 3 3-room and 18 single I ivi'uis, iiuwi. gooa xerms. ROOMING HOUSES. 12 rooms, rent $70, net $100 a month. 8 rooms, rent $40, net $85 a month. 10 rooms, rent $45, net $85 a month. MONTGOMERY ft LEAP, 437 Cham, of Com. NORTH WESTERN HEAT. 70 rooms, 21 apts, modern and ele gantly furnished throughout, nice cor ner Diag., wonderful downtown location, good lease and income; cleanest place In the city. Price only $12,500, $8000 cash. SEE T. A. MADDEN. ' A. M. HAUG CO. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadwav 54S7. BUSY HOTEL. i rooms, o-year lease, all well fur nished, good beds and blankets, fine nil lows, a n cotton felt mattresses, fine cor- mag. ; steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; turning tran- -ooX" every Dlgm. r-rlce $12,000; oooo will handle. Net profit $800. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORF CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WORKINGMEN'S HOTEL One of the neatest hotels for work- ingmen in the city, brick building, fine ground floor lobby, very fine lease; will exchange this hotel for close-in acreage irsfir. -Tt, very asonaoie figure; $7500 Will give VOI1 rvnaaeaninn Albaugh, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger FIRST TIME ON MARKET. Lovely hotel with private baths, beau tiful corner bidg., elegant location on Morrison St., clean as wax, 53 sleeping rooms, 4 extra rooms reserved for -help; swell large ballroom; good lease; clear ing over all expenses $1000 month. Price $16,000, with terms. See Mrs. Keller, nv.rt. T. MOORE CO. iivit Yeon Bldg. HERE IS WONDE-RFUL INVESTMENT. Modern apartment house, building, land, furniture and all; $80,000; about $25,000 will handle this. Has 28 modern 3 and 4-room apartments completely fur nished with new first-class furniture. In come is $16,500 per year, white Temple aistrict. uxciustvely witn J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501 12 Couch Bldg. LOST Child's purse, between irantages I theater and Oregonian building: contains pair child's white kid gloves and other smaii articles. Phone Main 5741. LOST Black purse at 3th and Yamhill, containing money and bank book No. 33518. Finder please call Mrs. Stier. I imoiie nroaoway 1 3 1 H. LOfeT. stolen or strayed, fuli-biooded .fox I torner. oiack and white: answers name of Jiggs. Call San Marco hotel. Hjoin.o.T. r.qw. rurrign. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED., AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO- WK FURNISH THE MONEY. jun i.KHi;e; WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.; 2D FLOOR. WE LOAN OUR OWN MONEY ON RESIDENCES AND APART MENTS. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY. TITLE ft TRUST; BUILDING. B. LEE PAGET. $3300 at 7 on. eight-room residence In best section of Rose City Pk. 3500 at 7 on new Laurelhurst resi dence, close to park; value $8500. 4000 at 1ht, Improved Income-bearing real estate. Just sold for $12,000. These mortgages will bear the closest Investigation. 622 Corbett Pldg. Main 6230. 151)0 WANTED TO MAKE MINIATURE MODEL OF CORDWOOD SPLITTING MACHINE WHICH SPLITS CORD WOOD FOR 50C PER CORD. WE OWN BASIC PATENT AND HAVE AR RANGEMENTS MADE FOR MANX' FACTURE. NEED SAMPLE TO SELL BY TO DEALERS. PHONE BDWY 3506 OR CALL 434 CHAMBER OF COMMERCES PERSONAL. Losr Saturday morning, between 11 and! l. sou bill, either on Washington st. oth and Stark. Jones' Market- Liberal reward. Tabor 6077. . Ljiri- White English bulldog m year wm. whq oiacK spotted ears, license o. ioo; ana. to name Budy. Anyone seeing I picase can proaqwav 344 1. rtewara. LOS'l Black allk purse containing widow's pension ana lodge receipts ate.Meler &l r rantt s or on tno market; reward. Sell- LOST iSinall brown leather bag on Baee Line road, between Montavllla and Auto club. Finder will be suitably rewarded py leaving same at Ritz hotel. 25.000 RECEIVER'S certificates bearing 8 per cent interest and constituting a first lien on 4000 acres of Improved tillable land, and $150,000 equipment. A prior and first lien by consent of $300,000 bond and mortgage holdera Pavable In' 8 montha Issue limited to $23,000. Of fered for Immediate aale in whole or in part. HENRY M. ISAACS. AttOrneV for Receiver 807 Board of Trade Building. WANT to borrow $1l'(h) for 3 vears at on oungaiow with narawooa noors. nre place, furnace and garage; 75x100; an exceptional loan. See Mr. Campbell. in t it p ir nn 270 Stark st..' near 4th. Main .10!?. $000 ON 6-KOO.M house, Woodlawn dis trtct; value $loou. $1500 on 6-rm. house on Ainsworth ave.: worth $3750. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, Suite 415 Piatt Bldg. Main 70:17. l-5l Elks tooth, diamond setting; en graved W. B. S.. Portland 142. Reward. W. B. Stewart, Knickerbocker apts. Main is-u LOST Friday evening on Broadway I bridge, by laboring man, a new rubber I ratneoat. Finder please call Main 6133. LOST Sycamore station, large yellow white pit bulldog. Notify owner. Mil- waukie 92-J. Reward. LOST By widow, small brown purse with so.-o, district bounded by Lownsdale. 3d, Burnside, Yamhill. Keturn 8S Corbett sL CHILD'S gold-rimmed glasses. E. 8.1d be tween Belmont and E. wash. Keturn I 123 E. 53d. Reward. LOST Somewhere within central shopping district, seed pearl and diamond brooch; I reward. Main lan.v LOcjl c rlday. malls raincoat on or near I Broad-way bridge. Finder please call Auto. ii23-4'4. LUST Black handbag, taken by mistake I from 23d street car. Owner in hospital. I Mar. 24i: reward. LOST Silk umbrella, left at eaat side! postofflce Friday. Reward. Leave with I postmaster. Mr. Ott. on Owner can have same by paying for this I sd. East 7578. LOST Taupe silk umbrella. Thursday eve ning, Alblna and ivilUngsworth avea. rtewnrn. vn:n. Si. LOST $20 bill, April 20. downtown In Portland. 1514 Markle ave., Vancouver, uan. Reward. LOST OR STOLEN 1 35x44 Penn. Vac- uum cora tire on rim; reward. Fhone Main 2363. 235 stark. LOST Wrist watch Friday, between 3'30 and 5 P. M., between Sunnyside school and 3Ttn. Reward. Aut. 220-19. LOST Package of Ice coupon books Broadway. Call Ice Delivery Co., Bdwy. LOST Left-hand black stitching.- mocha lady's glove, Phone Auto. 517-49. LOST Small fraternity pin set witn pearls. Finder call Main 2976: reward. JUST A Ttri T-T-V Apartment house, 97 rooms, cor. brick bldg.. 6-year lease, rent $500; 31 3-room apts; 2 2-room apts. This place Is well furnished, clean as wax. clearing over all 'or turiner particulars. GFO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. 33 rooms, modern and well furnished throughout, good condition, beautiful brick building, located in the heart of the business district, rent $273, with lease; net $450; price $8500, half cash, SEE T. A. MADDEN. A. M. HAUG CO.. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadwav 547 20 TRANSIENT ROOMS. $2000 DOWN. JJorth end hotel, brick building, steam J MARSH ft McCABE CO.. . . . Business Brokers. 322-S-4 Falling Bldg.. 3d and Wsh. THIS IS A DANDY. 100 rooms. 33 apts., modern and very nicely furnished throughout, beautiful corner brick bldg., good location: 5 year lease at $500, net $750. Price $18,000. terms. SEE T. A. MADDEN. A. M. HAUG CO. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadwav 5487. SMALL HOTEL. 16 rooms, cornor brick bldg.. rent only $63; steam heat, hot and cold water tr " ucauuiui apartment lor own use. clearing over all expenses over $150. Price $3000. T See Mrs. Keller. C-FO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon B'dr LOOK THIS UP. 23 housekeeping rooms In White Tern pie district, corner building, all the rooms on 2 floors, rent only $60 a month, $2500 will handle, or will trade In a smaller rooming house. .See Mr. Stokke, J. o. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. Aut rl-4.'i. LO Sl ave. -1 single tan glove between Union ann .Masnn st. uall Wrtln. 5(112. LOST Eastern Slar pin. Main 2716 LOST Masonic watch charm. Wdln. 4G!)8. SPECIAL NOTICES. BUILDING CONTRACTORS. Bids wanted for complete building of pavilion for dancing to be erected at Sea side, Or. For particulars phone East 6778. MlM-ella!ieiiu. 80 ROOMS J.HI 100 DOWN. . H"'J and apartments,' corner brick building, modem, automatic elevator NETS OVER $oo . momh. Exceponli lease. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. . , Business Brokers. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg.. 3d and Wast ROOMING HOUSE for $5O0 first payment. reasonable rent, beautiful velvet rurni ture; dining set alone cost $600; piano. lamps, upholstered davenport and chairs. immaculately clean. 5 or 6 blocks from Meier & Frank's store: will be sacrificing nundreds 01 dollars on account of sick ness. 191 Park. SPLENDID UOTK1. ou rooms, wonderful location, white mien pior., morougmy modern, ?r?nolrise; Mt Prof" over $700 month. I nwv win nanaie. See Mrs. Keller, flFQ. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldr LOOK AT THIS ONE. 42 rooms, modern In every respect, "brick building, rooms on two floors, rent only $175 with 2-year lease, income about $750 a month. Price $0500 with easy terms. See Mr. Stokke, J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. Ant. 561-45. a 1 1 kac 1 tv b, 5-room house, rent 125 oowntown; lots of good furniture for a sacnuce: good house with income to cover expensea. two large 110111 rooms ana Kitchen for own use: must be seen to be appreciated. Price .-,.-wi. ni.-i wnsnington HOME WITH A GOOD PROFIT. 12 rooms, in very good, location. 2 sleeping rooms and the rest housekeep ing, corner building; net profit about $76 a month. Price $1000, easy terms. See Mr. Stokke, J. O. Gray Co., 718 De kum bldir. Aut. 661-45. BEAT THIS IF YOU CAN. 15 rooms, furnished apts., 7 two-room. I single: walking distance; rent $60 pood lease: only $1200. Move In for 0-1 inam. or com. 1. '.!. bldg. Main WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 15 rooms, completely and well fur nished for housekeeping, rent only $60; furnace heat, clearing over all expenses $170 month: $2000 cash will handle. -See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. , 1 apartment house. N. w heat 1. -, 3, ami 4-room apts., good furniture; "' location, ooo down: nets $450 "7 a lease. .Harney John-I ..... i.im.rg. nu nun street. JoV.u CASH handles large rooming house, close in. west side: nets $100; low rent: good furniture. Main 1575. Call Sun- tV W,,orr-M''dtTi - H- Skotheim . 'p.. 4QN-4I1 Couch Mdg. u nwjia. n. k. and sleeping, right down I town; fins corner house; lease; net in-1 y..i.i- ana nice apt. ror self; $200. !f rm"-., Marahail SGU4 or call at S01 A NEW ONE. 33 rooms, h. k., modern house, close In, 12th st.. clearing 1160 besides own apt- Take possession for $1600, or will consider automobile. This one an ex ception. 627 Cham, of Com. Bldg.. Mala 7543. 31-ROOM HOTEL. DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. Rent $165; clears $400 per month. x-nce .!.. Terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 OAK ST. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. V rooms, rent 140 pnmnl.l.lv i-v,- I,;"1f,,e'pirl'- clears $60 month. Price $1200; $700 down. See Mrs. Kellee nvr. T. MOOHS CO. lOOT Yeon TIM. SOME BAROAIW 15-room furnished apt house, walkln ii i - Lit nre. west Bine, cement hlHo- n $60. lease, only $1200: for quick saie $800 iiAimirn. iuu uii witn me owner on this. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 13-room house, all In housekeepln apts.. completely and well furnished. -crice aiow. some lerms. See Mrs. Keller. CFO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldr rvn -i j-. jiuici. rooms, newty pa- i . ra.niieii: lurnuurs ail new j otocKs irom aepot. on main st. gooa location lor a real live n,nnn cash or terms. Address Grace Chambers, 32 rooms, ii. k. tion; paving $ lease; $2000 handles. A. J DeFOREST ft CO.. -" Hcnrv Mdg. Pdwv. 5300 central west side loca- month net; long APARTMENT HOUSE. -o a and 4-room apts., fine corner Bldg., right downtown; Northwest heat: net profit $600; good lease; $8000 will nanaio. See Mrs. Keller, CFO. T. MOORE CO. lnn7 Tcon Bldg $.iO RENT. 18 months' lease. 3 rooms. E side: sound furn.; big money-maker; $2..00. easy terms. See this soon. J. Kl.l.t,.NK HEDGES REAtTno West Tnrk. ij i-.nn 22 ROOMS $280(1 DOWN. Housekeeping apartments. running wii-r. siram nrax. wen lurnlsnefl. lease, CLEAR PROFIT OVER $175 A MONTH, MARSH - A McCABE CP., Business Brokers. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg.. 3d and Wish. 201 .o-lixj.l hotei. central iocujon: rent $500, lease, comer, brick bldg. clears 1650 a month. Price $M.ooo Terms A. J DFnu b'ST D- n;0 TTnrv bldg Rd wv. 77-RuOM hotel, hot and sold water in each room; 5-year lease: rent $450; clears o- per monin. ror particulars see RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. .1500. Ij ROOMS T. k.. $500 cash. $400 term. ,. -. " ...,."" temple. Mrs, IDEAL HOME AND INCOME. 12 rooms, near city park: cleara $90 monin ana apartment lor seir. A. J. DeFOREST ft CO 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5.VH). 2in.tli-nnWV' "r,'.e-; ?' 0- '" 'i00 A- J. DeFOREST ft CO Bdwv. 5500 t?0 Henry b'dg. est Vim- 7 I.OUSIS, h. k.: flne furniture and rugs rent $.12 50; net income $65; fin, well f'" eiuuo. terms jai n i , 1. 1. . ,. h J, I MULS''- 5 rooms, kitchen , . . . , . ,vwl vajia will 543 Hood sr. 12 ROOMS, h. k.. modern home with hard wood floors, bullt-lns. etc.. nice yard. This place clearing $130. Take posses sion for $800. Full price $1450. 527 vnamoer or t-om. AlAln 7543, 44 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, downtown: 5-year lease; $125 rent month; good in voice. Price $6500. Terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. 12 ROOMS, giving good income. leaving city. 594 Everett. Owner NOB HILL diet., 13 rooms, h. k., good fur niture, only $1500, rent $43, terms $750, bal. easy: good home and Income, 527 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 7543. FOR SALE 22 K. k. rooms by owner $IO0 cash will handle. A nt" 533-20. APT. HOUSE at beach, fine business, easy r none D IS - 111. 9 ROOMS. WEST SIDE. All sleeping; rent $30; price $500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. BY OW.BH. small apt. bouse, for sale irest side Main 2530 w saie, KOo.MS good furniture, $150 i,.n i ivermn r' b I-O -IMS, K"0' some teima, I d lurnlture. W. S.. Lm. .. Mivvaue. uaau, J.rpsaitT vb4v 9 Ri KJMS. alt modern, close in, west side fine furniture, good income, nice home owner leaving, will sacrilfce. 434 Mill st. Phone Main 4013. IF YOU ARE in the market for a hot- see us before investing. We handle all me umi-cias- propositions in the city. luiuiiuauuii cucenuiiy given. - See Mrs. Keller, r.FO. T. MfWBF CO 1007 Yeon Bldr WHITE TEMPLE dlst.. 14 rooms h. k. clearing over Sinn, rent $65. can get lease: bring $1150. the rest will take care or itseir. 027 Cham, of Com. bldg. ir.i mi 17 ROOMS. 2 kitchenettes. 4 blocks from isroaaway: sioou will nandie. This a snap. See Mr. Smith, 210 Oregon bldg. Umhdenstnck ft Larson Co.. Bdwy. 165 HOTEL, 4-YEAR LEASE. CHEAP RENT. 60 rooms, all new furniture. . Just in stalled: brick building: $7000. easy terms. chas Kl.Ntii.KK CO.. 22.1 Henry Bid . H. EJ.Y ft CO. will sell your rooming nouse. notei or spt. in iu days ir it h merit and will stand investigation 128 14th St. Tirnadwav 2T.60. 13-ROOM. fine location, finely furnished sinks in apartments, nets $100; 25 rooms, finely located, good looking, nets $250. air. uranam, jst i2tn st- 7 ROOMS, sleeping, hesrt of city, rood furn., rent only $40; free rent and in come for 500 down. 627 Cham, of Com. Pldg. Main 7543. APARTMENT house. 30 rooms. $2600, Borne terms, -jus wasnington street; by owner. Main 5237. MRS. LEE'S restaurant and hotel, eight mums, i isdi-b; para opens Aiay i. M. A. wiison. siitwauKie. WANTED Apartment house that five to ten mousana casn win handle. T 606. Oregonian. BY OWNER. 10-room apt house, all house- seeping, ciose in, east side, nice home Tor ramny. win Helmont. East 8264. HOTEL in railroad town and tourist trade, 80 rooms. 33 beds, large dining room. Answer, box 161. Newberg. Or. 25 H. K, ROOMS, down town, good terms; clears e-io; always iuu. Barney John son ft Co.. 170 10th St.. realtors. WANTED Holel that five to ten thousand casn win nannie. v bis. Oregon ia n . BY OWNER 18 rooms. This Is a bargain. non't fail to sre It. 4B2Uj Washington st. 13 ROOMS, elegant furniture, furnace heat. gas range, all modern, nice home and I Kl'erl .? '"J'.,:? T"' Cl0M Sl ROOMS, h. k.. furnished, west side, close CoLegt .t, neat Broadway. J in. lioo; rent .. int, J70. East 286L WILL TRADE. Handsomely furnished 7-room flat, all outside -rooms. 4 rented at $20 each, and a practically new 1020 Ford car, for 15 or 20-room rooming house. See Mrs. Keller, CtEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of W. H. WALLING- r UKU CO.. Bankrupt. REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing automobiles, cars and trucks formerly the prcperty of the bankrupt - above named, situated at the garage and store room of the Apperson Motor car oompany, 521-528 Washington street. .Portland. Oregon, up to and until 12 o clock noon on Monday, April 25, 1921, at my office, 740-747 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon: 1. One new 14 -ton Graham truck. 2. One new lU-ton Graham truck. 8. One new 8 hi -ton Parker truck. 4 One slightly used Briscoe sedan. 6. One new Briscoe chassis. The bids may be made upon each of the items. 1 to 5 Inclusive, separately, or may be made for the whole thereof, or for any two or more items thereof. The highest bid received for the entire prop erty, either taken separately or as a whole, or by any combination thereof, will be accepted, subject, however, to the approval of the court All bids must be in writing, sealed and accompanied by a certified check for at least ten i.iv) per cent of the amount oiierea. The property may be Inspected upon R. L. SABIN. Trustee. 740-747 Morgan Building. Portland, Oregon. JLr notes, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE Mailing list of bond dent. Phone Main 0416. Money to l.oan on Real Estate. C1TT LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan Is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 montha, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 86 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in sams pro portion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASS'S 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RKSIDEX'CIC T 1-1 V a Five-year period, repayment privllegs j - vw wi ur muiupie tnereor. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value of your home: small monthly navment. with - Cellent repayment Drivileim. DIIClvi-.'o i,,,,.-.. T. . .. ... ...... 1 HU1 1W 1 I bUASa, ,!?;X.tar. Per'od. repayment privilege. BRICK MoRTUAilK mi-nik-v Portland mnrlvira . .,..-,' ii. I riuuonuai insurance oompany of Amer ica. 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Main R30 I HAVE THE MONEY READY. Several clients after me to nlaca their money for them. If you want a city mortgage loan from $2000, up to $12.oo0 at 6 per cent and 7' per cent Interest, see me while I have the money avail- FRBP S. WILLIAMS, .506 Panama Bldg. SEE US TODAY VYe loan money on city 1'iujieriy; lowest, rates; no commission on choice loans: long time, short time: muiiiui) payments; pay as vou can; sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Aiuer sis. LHIiLAKa-M URXON CO. WE HAVE sums $500 to $2500 to loan on city property, ban us for prompt service. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3HM3. MUKTUAlsS LOANS On real estate security, ant amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPAW 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6913. MORTUAGK l.ni's on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest ratea. WESTERN BOND ft MORTGAGE) CO.. no Fourth St., Portland. Or. WE HAVE funds available for good real uenrje luaos, also insurance money for business properly, at lowest available (ia MORTGAGE Bffifn rn Main 2831. Wilcox Bldr. FARM LOANS. " Insurance company monev in inan i lowest current rales on Wlllameri. i. icy larms; no commission; no delays L-EVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. inuu V.AN I cu at 7 per cent on 5-room modern residence, elegant interior, ne furnace, garage, lot 75x100. on Mac adam street; pust sold for $3950. Call ;27 42d St., S. B. Woodstock car. Max, 1 411. $4300 WANTED on good west aide income. rn.iuu on west side flats. 500 on 80 acrea Columbia highway. A. H. AKERSON. 420 HENRY BLDG. Broadway 6549. WANTED S21KH1 on closn-in acrnu paved road, water and gas, near car and school; with partial payment and re lease privilege for subdivision and sale purposes, n i4. f irep-nnlan. BETTER THAN BONDS PORTLAND RESIDENCE MORTGAGES, $HK0. $128, $'-".'50, $70O0. HERMAN MOELLliH, REALTOR, 1025 Gasco Bldir Main 1410 HAVE $10,000. gilt-edge mortgage loan paper, about 2 years to run; will discount to yield better thsn 9 per cent: all any part of IL R. E. Morton, Multnomah club, or phone Marshall 240. WANTED To borrow $2000 to $500O for one to two year; will pay 8 per cent In terest quarterly and a bonus of 25 per cent for use of money, gilt edge security. E 008. Oregonian. $8000 LOAN wanted by ownur ot down town west side Improved real estate valued at $25,000. Will pay 7 per cent. O 613. Oregnnlsn. WILL NEED $20,000. I have a brick building, property worth $80,000. Will pay the current rate of Interest. N 60S, Orcgoninn. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IMP. PORTLAND PROPERTY. F. H. DESHO.N. 613 CHAM. OF COM. LONG EST A B. RELIABLE 8F.RV1CE. WILL pay $5000 for use of $12,000 for 18 months to finance building; immediate action necessary. Security first murt gage. Phone East B77H. $500, $1000, $1500, $2000, FIRST MORT GAGE city real estate. A-l security. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 313. FOiR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgaae bonds In local concerns see Oregon In vestment ft Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce Hldg. GET WELL. TREB. FREE. TRT.T. Every day, from 10 A. M. to B P. M asd evenings from e to 8, and Sunda i fra lo to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO WAVE FAILED to get relief In any other way are In vlted to investigate Chlropractlo metn ods, which are permanently curib., hundreds every day THE BEST OF (.HIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS win thoroughly examine you. make r. complete diagnosis of your case an . direct your treatments WITHOUT AN V COST TO TOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing am: preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanent' ,ur,"..!'5 P" c'n' of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC x. moves tlis cau. health returna The above service Is all free to yo i at the college building and may be ha in private If desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may a Is By had in college building by member I of the faculty, by either lady or me., practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1(114. , HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will hsndli out-of-topo patients at a most reason f.;,e.f"at ln rder to show what Chiro practic can do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. rrealdenb 100 CHlHllPBACTtC SVtTt U (Camouflages and sdluncts foreign ti "Us principle only aJd tlI11, ,nd ,,. mediate expense to later nesiiair tor Patiaiiui.t Dr. McMahon (Mcilan) him seir. llacleay bldg.. Portland. u a chiro practor of experience, a past ainat.-u . k. iJ chiropractic special I m. wit . nighest testimonials from patients froi i eastern states, familiar with the b-si aiso from western and local peop. (doctors, lawyers. Judges. minister.', priests, teschers. parents and children . having unfortunately had less than !( . cniropractlc elsewhere with of cours-. corresponding disappointment In deiaye . relief physically and financially. .-Men and women are fully satlsfle : with my 100'i chiropractic phllosoph-. long experience and superior skill den -onstrated In consultation before takin : courses of treatment, and later In ex aminations, easy, careful and bem-flcl.-: aajuslments, lowest rates and Ilaal..' results. Eleventh year ln this city. . -icute attacks, colds, fevers, lumbar and dotllitlng Thomases" least lit"' . lesst expense. Chronlo conditions fu . month rates The rich csn pay mor. Extended time 31 edjustnic.nts. $13. Phone, wire, write, walk in. Main office. Fourth and Washington st Vs home. 647 E. Salmon st. THE TRAGEDY OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neuritis neuralgia, colds, etc.; my scientific ap -plication of water, light, heat, alectrit -lly and massage, together with a ear i and sensible diet, will remove the ram , of these troubles Treatments are pleas ant and health building; conaultstloi. i free Monday. Wednesday and Frtda women only: woman assistant. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydrophathic Institute. Btevena Bldg.. downstairs. Main d630. ver Six Tears Same Location PREVENT DISEASE wK oiTms! Do you know that tartar scslc' m perfect fittii.g crowns snd bridges, ovet hanging fillings, irritating gums, a contribute to porrhea, pus of gums. In flaminatlnn of gums, loosening of teel and finally loss of teeth? I specialize I first-class dentistry; X-rnv 'lamination DR. A. V. KEENB. Majestic Theater Hldg, 351 'a Wash. P WANTED Cancer sufferer who has a typical external rase. Call on or address Sarah Whiteside, M. D., 651 i'lttock block. ELECTRIC MINERAL STEAM BATH- Scientific body massage, violet ray an sinusoidal electric treatments for s chronic diseases of bnth si-ses. 0 to I evenings by appointment. Nettle ltenani D. 1'. Main 77K1I 304 Dckuin bldg., cor ner 3d and Washington. WILL allow fuce value for $,jno in llbcrty bonds and pay 7 per cent for 3 years upon real estnte security. Tabor 7503 nfrer 6 P. M. Monday. WANT $5041 at 8 per cent; $700 at 8 pes cent: $1000 at 8 per cent on Improved Portland real estate. Fred W. German Co.. 7:i2 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANTED $MI0. $120U. J150O. from pri vate parties to loan on Improved city property; no commission. F. M. Phelps, Main 7141. WANTED $2300 on new bungalow Rose City Park, worth $6X00. C. Johnson. Realtor. 313 Henry bldg. WOULD like to find someone who would Joan $1000 on a 2-ton truck, like new. AV 510. Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS in any amounts at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET, Realtor. 622 Corbett Bldg. Mam C230. MORTGAGE LOANS on unproved tartns and city property: favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. The OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD 809 Piatt bldg. Jlaln 6371. WANT $3000. will pay 9 per cent; best first mortgage security on Improved property. Phone Mnln 3229. $1500 ON FLAT building. 14th street, near Clay. Principals only. o 022. Orego- nian. $3500 WANTED on new Laurolliurst resi dence, soiling price is.ioo. a bcautnui home. S 6'JO. OregonlHn. INFORMATION WAN Till). I'm looking for Mike Pllner. s's i known as Mike !' trl, supposed to he I i Oregon. Anyone knowing of his when abouts is kindly requested to write t . George Dcpner, 1917 Fillmore St., Sa i Fr.i n'-'"co. Cut. SOMETHING NEW "I NKCTO RAPID," latest Importation In hair coloring, th final word In Huffy, natural shades fu graying and discolored hair. Shampoo lng. facials. Phone for appointment Main 41121. CHARLES II. KINDT, formerly of Mil waukce. Wis Please communicate wit' nie at once concerning matters of Im portance and value to you as an heir o' your father's estate. V. A. Walker. 83 Wells bldg.. Milwaukee. Wis CHIROPRACTIC. BEST STEAM HATH, chlroprartlc, vt bralory and electric massage. Dr. Mar garet ilaynle, 213 Swetland bldg. Rea sonable prices. Ii- You ARE tired and n-rvoua ,,u cur rejuvenate your nervoua centers am: poor circulation by having a sctentlfb body massage-. Dr. dvldia, Larsen, 631 Morgan bldg. Main 191111. IT PAYS to se us for mtg. loans; 12 years' successful experience, A. Ji. illll, 4-1 Lumbermen's bldg. $300, $400, $300. $600, $1000. $1200. $1500. $2000 and up. lowest ratea quick action, pay off $100 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. WANTED From private party. $2000 suburban property, value $5500. AE 5H9, Oregonian. $500 $1000 $1600 $2000 AND UP. ' No delay, wa are loaning our own money; loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHONG. 615 Chain, of Com. LONG ESTAB. RELIABLE SERVICE. WANTED $3300 on fine Iloso City I'ark homo; cliase to Sandy rd.; Insurance, $4500. S 0. oregnnlsn. WANT TO BORROW $3500 on home In Irvlngton. near East Thompson. Phone East 6424. 1 tractive 23d and MORTOAGB LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. $175(1 AND $325" on Improved Porlian property, 7 per cent Interest, paid monthly ir desired. . n'M.' I 'regnnlan U0 $1050 PR R CONTRACT WILL DISCOUNT CENT. X 374. OREGONIAN. OWNERS. TAKE NOTICE. When you get tired having others try ing to sell you out, list it with the old reliable J. BRUCE GODDARD. When he sells you in or out you are assured of a square deal and no after trouble. 501-2 Couch bldg. Main 4557. ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST APTS. 118 rooms, 31 apts., strictly first class throughout, best location In the city, rent $550, with lease. For further information SEE MRS. HAUG. 512 Henry Bicig. Broadway 5487. S3-ROOM HOTEL, steam heat; clears $.0 per month; $4200; lease. 13 H. K. apts., $1450. rent $45. income $130 month: $700 down. 11 H. K. apts. $1200, $800 down, income $135: rent $45. FRE LAWSON CO., - 416 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE OF TRADE MARK. Notice is hereby given that Oregon oyrup oi r-runes company, an Oregon corporation, is the owner of a certain trade mark described substantially as ivuowa: A scrool with the words. "Oregon Syrup of Prunes company. Portland. Oregon," surrounding a whole prune with green leaves and stem, and a half prune witn seed, and underneath, de scriptive matter and the name "Syrup of Prunes." which said trade mark is to be applied to and used upon a tonic laxative proprietary medicine known as -rogon oyrup or prunes." and which said trade mark has been registered in the office, of the secretary of atate for ine state of Oregon, and the United States patent office, Washington. D. a OREGON SYRUP OF PRUNES CO. $300 DOWN. 11 rooms, ail H. K., nicely furnished, good west side location, nets $50 and S rooms for self; price $1200. SEE MRS. HAUG. S12 Henry Bldg. Broadwav 6487. BRICK HOTEL. 36 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water. Nets $400, rent $150, lease. $4500 win nanoiey MAGOON ft SPENCER. 517 Cham, of Com. Bldg. $41)0 DOWN WILL BUY THIS NTCE LITTLE ROOCMTNG HOI hE; CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE: QUICK. J. EUGENE HBDGES. REALTOR. 2Q1 W. PARK. MAIN 25QO. WILL you take a very small payment for your rooming or ooarning nouse 7 j have buyers with as low as $200 down. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 201 W PARK. MAIN 2500. AM FORCED to sell my rooming house in best west-side location: 22 rooms, well furnished; running water in each room; -am selling for Just what it cost me, AK 580. Oregonian. HOTEL BENTON. S4Ul Alder St., under new management; nice, clean sunny rooms, newly furnished; every conven ience: rates very reasonable. THIS is a money-maker; lease on furni ture or the best west-side location; will pay for Itself ln 18 montha. AK 591, Oregonian. A HOME WITH INCOME. 18 rooms, 12 furnished H. K., rent $80. For quirk sale $900 cash will handle. uwner. i?o inn punnay It A. M. to 4. CIRCULAR NO.' 501. Sealed proposals win oe reoeivea at ottice ot general pur chasing agent Alaskan Engineering com mission, room 422 Bell Street Terminal. Seattle, Wash., not later than 11 A. M. May 4, 1921, for furnishing groceries snd provisions. Copies of this circular may be obtained on application at this office, or from Alaskan Engineering commis sion, 301 Postofflce building, Portland, Or., and Alaskan Engineering Commis sion, 807 Custom House, San Francisco. Cal. C. E. Dole,, General Purchasing Agent. NOTICE Is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that my wife. Johanna a-ioeu, naving leit my bed and board, I -will no longer be responsible for any debts or hills Incurred by her from the date of this note, April 23, 1921. J. A. LI BELL. iwu a i r-cit t,t,.i on choice im proved real estate conservatively worth three times amount of loan. Address S B18, Oregonian. 1 WILL LEND $40,000 at 6! per cent if given security of income property of satisfactory class, west of river. R 622, Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. It MOKTGAI1N CO. 222 Cham, of Com.L Fourth and Stark. WANT' loan $20,000 on apartment house from private party. H 526. Oregonian. WANT $2000 on good modern residence located 3sth and rtrazee. East 0424. sun; city. MORTGAGE loans ln turns lo farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY WILLIAM G. BECK, 215 Falling bldg. WANT $3000 on choice LaurcLhurat home, 3 years. 7 p-r cent. AN 35X, Oregonian, WANT $WI0 for 3 years. Hose Clly Park 4-room oungaiow. lannr n..v.i. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1U00 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Oer- iiiim e.u. ioj Liiain. ot torn. Alain 6445 $1850 ON FINE Rose City Park bunga low. (; 015. oregonian. WILL cash small mtg. or seller" j prompt attention. See A K. I.umbermens bldg. contrac Hill, 42U 1 HAVE several amounts on hund for real suuei luungase loans. c j, Johnson Realtor, 313 Henry bldg. ' MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of Interest, otto ft Harkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at f per cent 11 security is ample. EdW P. Mall. 309 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans. See Robert S. Coo jr" 884 Hawthorne aye. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent! oamiiiqii or v.w., ,n.i railway r.xcn. bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 e.umiiuci m i.ni in-rce. sin and Htark. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cunL ueo. p. L,ent, 717 corbett bidg. PRIVATE funds, $2000 and $3000, lo loan. r. uresKe. lb cactus Drive. Main 9140. WANTED 14000 LOAN. Main 43S8. west side home. PERSONAL. LEARN TO 1'LA Y LESSONS FREE. Ukulele sale, greatest variety, half price. $12.50 styles. $6.00. $7.0O styles $3 50. $5.50 styles $2.75. Banjukes and Imported hand-made models aiso Included. Sale closes May 2. Eilers. main floor, Eilers Music bldg. "Entrance 2871 Wash., St., Just below Fifth. $5 TO THE Ilrst person who will give ul the present address or euner oi me ioi lowinr named persona: Frank Pugh. former address 170 12th St.. Portland. W. M. Walker, former address Bremer ton. Wash. A. Swan, former address Rainier, Or. SUMMIT MERIT. CO., McClenrr. Wash. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC J'oWDKH is s soothing, cleansing, healing geriuiclda. snd Invigorating douche, a great alii It, female disorders; 30c and $1 per bux t ortiann iioi-i i narniacy. Do lull want a luxuriant, he.,thv hea of hair? Write for questionnaire ti, America's premier hair spec fount, Pro lessor .iaione, iu.-t Aiarkct jt r rant in i. ALL the latest remedies sold at tne Clefu enson Drug Co.. 2l10 Morrison at Charles bolel corner. At this drug stor- you get jupi xiiai iuu call lor. Wi nave no suostnuiss. GALLSTONES Free Oooa teila or im proved method of treating Inrianimatler of sail btaddsr and bila ducta w-n. today. Dr. Paddock, box UW2U1, Kanaaa city, mo. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple nsedlt method: consultation free. 304 Swetland hl.lg., ftlh at Wash, st. Main 13C EXPERIENCED nurse gives steam baths. massage and vibration: open 1 to 7 P. M. Sundays 2 to 4 P. M. 822 Fliedner bldg ' llllh and Washington sts. UK i.ux B lionY Massages 415 BUCHANAN HLDG.. WASH. BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH STS 10 A M TO 9 P M.. ALSO Sl'MiAT SOMETHING NEW Have you tried thi electric manicure tor ouc at the Polly anna Beauty Parlor. 813 Broadway building? Phone Main 61134. EXPERIENCED nurse gives electric halhs massage, vioiot ray. anil vibratory trent menta; 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 711 Swet land bldg. Main 7781). GRADUATE nurse and chiropodist, aclrn tlflc massage, niagneuc ircatlncnta. Re moved from room 205 Vi tu room 21t AIISKy DHIK-. Q'l ami .imrniiin sts. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eatun'a tne l riis"i 'iei.ii ami All! ri Si'LST who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. here; exam free. Globe bid , 11th ft Wash. Il.ly. I'mM FEHVET & IIANEHLT. leading wig aTT toupe maaers; iinesi sioca numan hai goods; permanent and marcel waving scalp treatments, gill Alder. Main Me PRIVATE party will 713 Couch bldg. buy good contract. $5OO-$j00 ON IMPROVED city or ban property. East 6320. WILL not be responsible for debts con tracted by my wife, Mrs. L. D. Klingen smlth. L. D. Kllngensmlth. WILL not be responsible for debts con tracted by my wife, Mrs. Fred Miller. Fred Miller. FINANCIAL, FOR SALE Kirst mortgage on a fine 80 acres of alfalfa land, one mile from Adrian, Malheur county, Oregon, In the Snake river valley, to be paid In four payments. 8 per cent Interest: first an nual payment of $500 and Interest due January 1, 1922. second and third $500 eacn; Da. ance in fourth payment. $4700 ko-ivcaf a, G. O. SMITH. 315 Park St. Vancouver. Wash Money to l-oun Chattels and r-alarirB. VERY fine lurnlture. Including piano for saie ano e-room nat ior rent. $30 month. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. MODERN rooming house. 12 housekeeping; no dealers. Sixth st. rooms, Apply all 366 APARTMENT HOUSE for sale; price $650. aiso iarm to rent, inquire 503 Everett street. 1 ROOMS. Park st. location: rent $42, clears $7S: 3 rooms for landlady; $!50 down. 81350. Main 7511. IF YOU want to sell your rooming house purine -nniii ayw, xx. w. oarland. 201 Third st. I HOUSEKEEPING rooms in heart of elty; cheap rent: good furniture. Koso vac. 410 Gerlingpr bldg. WHY NOT get 8 per cent on your money and participate In thn net s-rons nmrita of an established business In which your , i , a. i , ai.ujD secureu t & H2U, (jre- MERITORIOLS enterprises developed and promoted, stock and bond issues under written, consolidation effected, suitable corporations organised to meet your nnanciai requirements. IJPirc. Oregonian. tAMi paia xor mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate, Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen's bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman ft Co., 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 3026 WILL cash small mtg. or seller's contract, prompt attention. Seo A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens blrUr. CERTIFICATES of deposit on Oregon Danas in an denominations ror sale at discount. Phone Main 6416. or East 1273. i ROOMS. $150 rent, long lease, brick SEE WESTERN BOND ft MORTGAGE bid-.; o0v. JioOO. terms, lu fk 1 Ctf luf build1 loan - DO lOU NEED MONEYT AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICSJ YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PTANO& VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance vou more money tr needed. - we make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession ana you can repay us In small monthly paymenta WE ALSO-MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on tneir own notes. Rates reasonable. Private office Ail business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED). 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. s.- w. cor, rnirn ana Washington NO DRUGS, no surgery. Such stubborn dreaded diseases as high blood pressure. anemia, asthma, constipation, neuritis, indigestion, lumbago, sciatica, headache, obesity, hysteria, neurasthenia, paralysis, rheumatism, heart conditions and nerv ousness yield readily to my treatments. Dr. J. Smith, 214-15 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washington sis. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can get positive Information on how to cure It at home without least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant aurprlse In store for you If you will write: no charge whatso ever. Tell others, it will help us all Address Dr. Rock, box X-737, Milwau kee. Wis. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WI LOAN MONEY. en short notice to aalarled or working men on tneir own notes; weegty. semi monthly or- monthly paymenta ltlasa transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods. pianos, viu, CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED). 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan; diamo.Qda, Jewelrv etc.. legal rate: articles held l vea'r Vines. Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington. UU1UH. money to salaried people cn un secured note; confidential investigatioo. 816 Cham, of Com, bldg. Licensed. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry. legal rates; articles held a year; estab llshed 1988. Dan Marx ft Co.. 816 Wash. WANTED Bids on small cottage. Call Tuesday 8 f. jm Mrs. xieils, 41st ave. Southeast. FOR SHORT loans on salary. Automalie .i.i -Oil lor avecing appoiauuenia, KEEPS BUSINESS MEN FIT. Renewal of life cells defers old age and keeps you fit for business: a new method that Is patronized by Portland's best business men. Dr. Dee, 413 Ar tisan sbldg DR. LOUISE NETZEL gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Electric blanket vibrator massage and bath. 544 Columbia St., near 17th si. Main S.ViS. Hours 10 to 6. WANTED Customers for beauty treat ment in their own homes. Marcelling, facials, scalp treatments and manicuring, by experienced operator. Phone lira. Balrd. Main 289. PERSONS seeing accident when 'ladr tripped and fell over wire on sidewalk at First and Alder on April 9, please call Sell. 614. ANYBODV knowing the present where abouts of J. P. Schubert of rortland please notify N. Becker, 200 Columbia St.. Portland. Or. GRADUATE nurse, treats lumbago, etc Hours 'i to it, or oy appointment. Phon . Main 1049 office 30H-C Third st. DR. ELNA Si.iRE.NSEN, dlugii-ss plus massage, baths, kiiinoya, constipation rhenniMtlsm. 5iiS P,m;ima Mdg M 5iim; Will l!.lo neuiis, uaiiiiruif, ecaeiiia i falling hair? There's a r-aaon and remcdv. Try 814 Macleay hldg 81'PKRFH'ol'S hslr. moles, warts r.-tn.,i,, by lo-needle method; trial free. JomIs Fin ley, 614 Hush A- Lane bldg. )la I n (l lil FOR CORRECT time call .Vain 35711 pTT scientific watch repairing see Millet next door to Malesilc th.-.-ifer. TOUACCO or anulf habll cured or no im $1 If cured. Remedy sent on trial. nu nerbn Co.. W. 311, H.-lltlmore Md POSTAGE stamps for collectors, b.,u,,-i, end sold. Columbia Stamp Co., U4 N lOlh'st. Broadway 20111. FEET SORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sa. r pedicuring, manicuring. 60S Raleigh bldg Marshall 3376. GOITRE, enlarged gianus. Cure yourself A. K. Oiraciian. louie o, iiavsuoro. Or No agents or representatives. VIT-O-NET sweats with body masaas- and violet ray cures coins; 111 to a dany 4.MI Morgan bldg. Main 7,'i7ll. s-ULi'iiLIt steam bam niasnage, violet rai and vioraiory are..i.iei,i. ,.o v,isj. 41,1,, b.139. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. PILES can be permanently cured wlthou operation, van ur write ur, 1ean, beo- ond and Morrison. JUN1C1DE will cure rheumatism or uioasi back 408 Dekum bldg. I'lUMEDA BALM, lormerly Figs. H44 a. 33d. Well. called Balmo; 2213 mornings WRITE song poem, love, mother, home. comic or any subject; I compose music and guarantee publication. Send words Edward Trent. 7I'2 Reaper hlk., Chicago, DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry piy ou bee Vierera. ciiurciiira. nesum bldg. DR. ETHEL GRIFFITH Steam bartisTvU bratton, scalp treatments. 417 fcwstlgnd. ETHEL McCOY. chiropodist. 609 Buchan an bldg. Wash, b-t. 4th snd nth. WALTER KK1SE. mother wants you. Anyone knowing where please tell him. WHEREABOUTS of Chester L. Brown, for merly of LInnton, Oregon, desired by mother. Box 222, Camas, Wash. WANTED The address of Lena Getter. ennk. 165 Stout St.. room 28. DRIVING to Spokane this week; can lake i or S. U Wi, Ore Oman, FACE, scalp treatments, manicuring, e.so trolysls '.111 4 Morrison, room 9 OPALINE, women. Mrs. Summers' remedies !4 Lincoln Msln (1470 WANTED A newly born baby girl, or one not over 3 weeks old. I, 570. Oregonian. COMBINGS made up. Woollawn 431-0 S F I'lf-rcc. ?4 KITIInrawnrl h DOLLY NORTON, MANICURIST 414 lil.CHA.NAN ilLDu. bi..N. A-Uig,