THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 24, 1921 L NOT A GOLD MINE out a good steady business; newspaper 1 in good eastern Oregon town, linotype, Cottrell, Jobber, plenty material, buna inc. no rent, very little help. $2 year. ; Rood advertising rates, plenty outside I j bustnfM to draw, fine farming district, big resources of timber, etc.: incornor- . afd par $0500. building worth $1500 1 additional: requires about $4000 cash. AV 512. Orroniin. FOR SALE: An up-to-date grocery and notion store in good lumbering and farm ing town; also modern house. Ford and Dodze del.. 3 years' lease on store build- ins (15 month. A rood location for cash ami carry. This store bald for itself In ia months. About $S5n will nana. F. K. A L" ST IX, Lyman, Wita. For your business. No fees or eharree 1 of any kind until sold. Buyer and seller I assured satisfaction in any aeai irana- aetnd through our office. To sell your business quickly, quietly and without I publicity. se AT.I.IsnV Jtr TUT.LINGS. 4rtT -402 Dekum BMg. Established 1H4. $1200 POOL, HALL OUTFIT. Some Term a. ChtiD Rent. Tlark and front bar. 4 DOOl tables, 1 ' billiard table. 1 large iron safe, swell ldate-glasa show case. 3 counters, cork I , linoleum on floor. Iota of other fixtures; $LHH will handle; rent $22 month. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Third and AMt sts.. Panama BMg. oALLkSM EN Experienced in selling direct to consumer, and who can finance mem aelves to handle a line of over 125 guar an teed household necessities, sold on I m. money-buck guarantee, with exclusive I territorr in city of Portland, should -nte for full particulars regarding our I libera; proposition. Address box bJ, I Or-gonian. fciT OK abstract books of Skagit county. Wasb., price $15,u. Books are up to date. A going business; investigation courted: part terms, balance on reason able lencth of time. Interest 7 per an num. This is one of the beet counties In I trie state: farming and timber lands, good climate. W. H. Beard. ML Vernon. wash. " GROCERY STORE SNAP. 2 Living Rooms. Good Location. Price $1200; will take some terms: resent owner bas been there 10 years: owner wants to retire; first time for ale. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Third and Alder Sts.. Panama Bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Brick bldg on Third st. Back and front bar, card tables, restaurant outfit. srood stock, close in. doing a good busi ness; best of reasons for selling; all fori 91200. some terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Third and Alder Sts., Panama Bldg. i'JiiST-CLA.SS confectionery and ,ight arro- cery. $2M)0. $1000 cash, balance term or trade. This is no Junk, but a well- established place with a good ouslnet-s: Is well located and cons lata of good fix ture including fountain, back bar. ta bles, showcase and others; owner has other business Interests. Col. 3S2. lOK SALE New .princess moving picture! theater, Yamhill, Or. Almost new mo- j tograoh. 250 chairs. 3 rows curtains. complete set of scenery and all orher needed fixtures complete; price $1350 rash, will rent building, good proport ion. Phone or see Victor Minnon, Yam- hill. Or. - I'OR RENT At Seaside. Or., building in front of bowling alleys, known as the! Bean Pot: fixtures for sale, wttn ouiid- Jng or separate, consisting of field range, w ater tank, counter, table, etc. See I owner on ground Saturday and Sunday. AC 57. Oregonian. . PARTNER FOR AUTO BUSINESS. Nfed assistance of steady man: sel? I gas, oils, tires, wash rack, etc.; profits! extra good; will sell equal half interest j snd small investment required. Room I 41 Prkum bMg. 9-'H) WILL put you in possession of the f leanest, nest equippea cleaning ami pressing parlor in the city, with living ciuarters in rear, doing a rainy gooa business now. Rent $25 month, with 'fa sr. 540 Morrison St. FOR SALE The best paying meat market in the Willamette valley: fully equipped with modern machinery and slaughter; town of 3000, good payroll: we must tell at once; terms, AV 516, Orego- ; man. CREAMERY. For sale, up-to-date, small, good com munity creamery, bears the closest of in vestigation, under smalf expense and I handsome income monthly; owner railed eat. AJ ofifl. Oregonian. AitOCERY. cwrner location. 3-year lease, extra fine Mvinr rooms, acta, overhead pays for rent of entire bldg. This place la doing good business, win invoice stock and fixtures about $1100. Z. EAKTNS. 315 COUCH BLDO. Jroit SALE Stock of general merchandise,! no eroceries. in prosperous cattle, wheat, fruit and lumber community; stock and fixtures invoice at today's wholesale price. JIl.MHj; will take $14,000. AV 521. Oregonian. COUNTRY AUTO BUSINESS. In a good live town, sell gas, oils, re- Ttairina. welding, battery charging, etc.. plenty work and good profits; $1200 re- quired. itoom ui ueKum ping. " GROCERY CASH AND CARRY. $13"0. cash $900. balance easy terms, two furnished housekeeping rooms, cor ner location, by owner. 63S Williams ave. Phone East 201 H. FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT. Downtown, good lease, S years option of 5; seating capacity 72; trtmMchout. 405 Stnrk street. CAUTION, BUYERS, Before closing a oeal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice of Port land Realty Hoard. 41 Oregon building. Broadway 1002. Vor"s.LE A fine grocery with confeu- tionery, drugs and notions on east side, doing a fine business; a good location Auto. 62U-44. A TRUCK line, nationally ued, well known and well advertised on the Pacific coast; can give 2 or 3 states to right party. For full particulars write fau tory representative. L 514. Oregonian. i II AVE a live corinrood proposition on private flume to R. R. and river: can give five families permanent work, smal! farm and house of your own. Write C. A. Jones. White Salmon. Wash. - WILL SELL two or four theaters in towns! of oOOO population, located on main line I of Southern Pacific R. R-. south of I Portland, in Oregon. Address AV 404, urrgoman. A RESTAURANT SPECIAL. I.unch counter and tables, also sell cigars; profits are good $MH will ban rtlf it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. 4 J KST-CLASS restaurant, best location on Main St., doing good business; well equipped: reason for selling. P. D., 10 . Ninth st.. ancouver. ash., room . Ji is DODGE BROS, touring car, paint like new, good tires and car in good mechanical condition; will trade on Fomf pmall business. AP 422. Oregonian. A TRANSFER BUSINESS. Have 2 good t rucks and a sreadv trade; cleared $6000 last year; $1700 hamlle it. Room 401 Dfkum blng. ILiROCERY. confectionery and light lunch, f-orner location, doinr good business. Kent $25, with leae. Stock and fixtures ar $tr,nn cash. 51M Division at. ATTENTION, COOKS. Will sell 1-5 interest for $500 cssh to first-class rook in first-class restaurant; worth $10.000 J 5S0. Oregonian. V'ANTELi Lewi cigar or Cigar and con fectionery that LHK cash will handle; will deal with owners only. AL 596, Oregonian. Joli SALE lly 2-chair barber shop and home. A good proposition for any bar ber. Addrt-ss box 234, Myrtle Creek, Or. The only shop In town. iwo-STOKY frame hotel. 10 rooms; dln- inp room; also tt-room annex, well fur- nished; cheap rent: lease; Yakima valley I town. 31H Piatt b dr. F. HAVE a long huulinr lob that will pay $.i ner day for a truck man that ! can purchase a f-ton truck. Coss, Mecd well garage, nth and couch. PARTNER WANTED. Will teach s.viation business; money wanted to buy plane for passenger busi ness. AV 510. Oregonian. VKLL established roadhouse, desires part ner for summer season now opening: in vestment will bear strictest investigation. Box fi"J2. Vancouver. Wash. WANT delivery man aell doughnuis to the trade on commission who owns delivery truck. utKJ Titie & Trust building. Bdwy. yUK SALE Small grocery store, living rooms, some furniture: cheap rent; $r00 cash. 6O04 57th ave. 6 blocks from end of Woodstock car line. ' X PAYING business opportunity on Forest Grove stage line with Plerce-Arrow automobile, everything ready to go for $4oo. terms to right party. Tabor 7274. l'HOTO STUDIO, west side, for rent or ale; very little money required: splen did opportunity to get Into business. BJ .'l3. Oregonian CM ALL BUSINESS When you take It over call Main 8963: minimum charge for small seta of account to keep yon lined up fo Income-tax report. i 'HINTING PLANT We wish to move but first must sell our printing plant, with two presses: low price and terms. Fred Kelley Co.. 88 't First St. TOOL HALL, 5 tables, lease and stock, doing good business; owner has other bu-lness. $72. gets it. 818 Union ave. N. fcLECTUIC shoe shop, modern, up-to-date t-nop. only shop in town; a snap. Box or 4. !ndepenrtnce. Or. bJia'K and fixtures, store o2 N. Cth St. Jewelry, musical instruments, etc Good loeatfon. Investigate this. tj. K oK THE BEST suburban meat mar kets In city. 1850. M. A. .Raymond, BCSTNEPS OPPORTTNITTES. FOR SALE. ONE READ DOUGH MIXER, 5-BBU, WITH MOTOR; 1 READ DOUGH MIX ER, 24 -BBL., WITH MOTOR; ONE UNION ROUNDER WITH MOTOR; READ SIFTING OUTFIT WITH HOP PER; ONE CENTURY M OLDER WfTH MOTOR: ONE HOBART CAKE MIX ING MACHINE WITH MOTOR; ONE THOMPSON ROUNDER WITH MOTOR TWO REVOLVING AND ONE SHELF OVEN'S. THE ABOVE MACHINES ARE LESS THAN SIX MONTHS OLD AND ARE GUARANTEED TO BE IN FIRST- CLASS CONDITION. ADDRESS U. BOX 3203, PORTLAND, OR. MOVING PICTURE THEATER. $1100 equity in $4100 suburban thea ter, seating 312; 6-year leave: 2 Powers and atereopticon machine with Wagner converter; 2 living rooms; rent leu; win lake good car tn trade. GROCERY. East aide, doinr about 175-dar cash and carry, corner brick, bldg. Owner BJck. $3100. KEIPPBR A: BROWN. 410 Ttailwav Exeh. Bldg. Main T600. GROCERY STORE ASTORIA. ACCEPT HOUSE FOR PART, located In large outside town, stock and fixtures invoice nbout $7000, accept residence up to $2500. some cash and terms on balance. Did $40,000 business last year. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO-. 405 PANAMA BLDG., 3D AND ALDER. TIRE REPAIR SHOP. PRICE ONLY $1200. Dandy tire and repair shop, sell at Invoice, about $1200, half cash. Give if wanted: rent $25. Very central west-side location. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405 Panama Bldg. Third and Aider. FREE HEAT. LIGHT AND WATER, Three-Table Pool Hall. Complete. Root beer barrel, stock, brick building. back snd front bar. goes with the rent. rent only $35 month; good lease; all for snOO, some terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Tklrd and Alder Sts.. Panama BMg, 3-TABLB POOL HALL. PRICE ONLY $1250. Dandy well equipped pool hall, 8 rood counter, shelving, cigar case. chairs and other fixtures, and stock. Jttent J3. with s-year lease. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. PARTNER WAJffTETJ. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Polly equipped, west side fire-proof shop, doing a fine cash business: clear ing $100 per week for each partner; close investigation invited: will teach you the business; want honest, steady man with $4000. AE Oregonian. PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception blank; send model or sketch and description of invention for our free opinion of Its patentable nature; highest references; prompt at tention; reasonable terms. BICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Hobart bldg., San Fran cisco, Cal. Main offices 642 Ninth St., Washington. D. C A DANDY new up-to-date launch, 12 h. p gas engine, electric starter and lights, new patent propeller, will beat tbem all; if you are competent to run and operate . this and can invest a few hundred I will deed you an interest; will net you big money quick. See it at 1006 Missis sippi ave. A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man can buy equal half Inter est in auto tire shop, vulcanizing, etc., with experienced oartner. who is will ing to teach buyer the business; profits are good and small Investment required. rtoom -toi lekum birtir GENERAL MERCHANDISE. TRADE FOR RESIDENCE. Located In good outside town: will in voice about $3000. Trade for good house, ana assume up to $uoo. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 PANAMA BLDG.. 3D AND ALDER. LAUNDRY FOR SALE. Steam laundry in the Yakima valley. gooo-paying proposition lor a real iaun dryman, several other towns to draw from. Taken over by creditors who will sell cheap. Address Citizens' State bank, Grandview, Wash. FOR SALE Garage, blacksmith shop and gasoline station, in thriving country town; agency in. best selling line of farm implements aione makes good living; reason for selling Is failing health; in formation on request. A V 52 L Orego nian. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto top and painting; a live business clearing $300 month for each partner; will sell equal half interest to a reliable Dusineas man; a real bargain. Room 401. Dekum bid g . DO YOU WANT a partner 7 We have sev eral young men who will invest $1000 with their services in any good estab- iivnea ousiness. ji you want a good live partner, see Mr. Smith, L'mdenstock & Larson Co.. 209 Oregon bldg. B. 1058. WANTED Every man or woman looking for an opportunity to better their pres ent position or Income, write for "LOOK. l-NU AHEAD. ADOKESS THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill. Portland. Or. AM AUTHORIZED to lease modern close- in brlcK apartment nouee. lou can make $800 per month for five years on $10,000 investment. Attorney for non resident owner, r Hi 7. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted In a well established wallpaper and paint business. Must have tJOOO or $3000: one who under stands contracting preferred. AV 647 Oregonian. LARGE MODERN GARAGE. Choice location. 3-year lease. SI 00 montb rent, full of steady storage; big aaie gas, oils, tires, etc. A real bargain. Koom ih uekuin bjrlg. WOOD AND COAL. A cash business for sale, have 2-ton truck and w-ton truck, wood saw. etc. clears $400 month the year round. Room ,01. nekum blrig. DAIRY with milk route for sale; 10 good cows. 1 bull, 1 horse, -wagon, all iniDle ments on 25 acres. In Portland: rent only $200 a year. Price only $1KOO. G. Kaaper. ZIP Railway Exchange Bldg, FOR SALE Paint and wallpaper busi ness, invoice $0000; $3000 will handle It. If you are looking for a good estab lished business of this kind this la your cnanre. a ai. urfgoman. GARAUK business, making money; part ners cannot agree, therefore the sacri fice. This la actually a splendid Invest ment. See owner. D. M. Jackson, Bel mont at 3th.' Tabor 64!)3. HfcRE IS A REAL SNAP! A paying restauraut and lunch room. living rooms, garage, low rent, an Ideal Place lor a nome and business combined. Come and see it. 317 Russell. GKOCLKY and confectionery, one of the nest west side locations In city, doing su aay. -mis place is making money. price J3000. or invoice. $ir00 will handle. .. 1SAM.NS. .115 t'OrC'H BLUU. MANUFACTURING. A partner wanted: can draw salary witn snare or proms: soou required. ' an room 401 1'enum bldg. NlCbl grocery and confectionery store. near school and Hawthorne car line; nearest store 9 blocks away. No agents. Call --'S-73. GHO'JBIIY on east aide, modern living rooms, uoing gooa Dustness: corner lo cation. If you want good buy this is .-no agents. G 3QK. Orfgnnian. GRO. AND CONK, 'ft'est side, doing better than $40 day: rent $32. I will invoice; reasonable pnr. for fixtures. R. 28, Oregonian. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. Fully equipped shop. $300 month clear prom, rtoom mi llenum bldg. BARBERS Other business, reason for selling; .'-chair barber shop: good fix tures and location: terms. Main 2032. WITH $Hx0 to ji00 for investment in small going Duaincss aeallng only in choice securities. Phone Main 64lrt. A REAL grocery, apartment house dis trict, doing $100 per day, $3000. 32S An isa n oiag. AIR. NEWCOMER If you can't rent, buy my grocery, wttn living rooms. $1500, worth it. Phone owner. Tabor 833. FURNITURE STORE. Good reason, below invoice, cash. rowt location. V filO. Oregonian. A LUNCH COUNTER. Partner wanted.' equal half interest, $300. Room 401 I'ekum bldg. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. Fine east side location. 856 Clinton at. corner E. 2tn St. P1LCS can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. WANTED -Business person with some capital to manage theater. Must be ex perienced. D. H. Welch. Astoria. Or. 2-STORY" building, 2 lots on Columbia blvd., corner, all for $3000 cash. Owner. Columbia 779. NEW SAMPLE blankets and auto roucn at less than wholesale cost while they last 6n3 Title Trust bldg. Broadway S2.1S. GROCERY for sale, beat proposition in the city, must sell to first man who calla. N 537. Oregonian. FOR RENT 50x80 space in garage on busy corner: ideal location for used car ex ch a n x e .t t; p or paint ho p. E ast K 0 .i 7 MODERN steam laundry for sale; doing a nice little business, AV 5'JS, Orego nian. WANTED Man with $2300 to buy state rights for an invention that will Inter est every farmer. M SrtO. Oregonian. DELICATESSEN and bakery; terms to suit buyer. AG 686. Oregonian LIGHT grocery and con fectioncry, $H0 per day. $lsyQ, terms. 3l'6 Artisan bldg. SMALL grocery at invoice. G-L.J 50th awe. S. E. AL'TO, easily arranged for wood saw; want a partner. Owner. $7 E. "r,t;, st. N. BLADE-GRINDING machine for sale. Sixth st., between Stark and Oak. GOOD grocery, making Jiin a day, will fccll t invoice.' Columbia XS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FIXE INVESTMENT, BIO INCOME. Do yon want a good Job and a. sure income? Here is your chance. If you have a few thousand dol lars to pay down you can step into this proposition. It will make you a fine living, furnish you with a. good home and pay Its way out, and the property will increase in value. The present owner haa made enough to retire. This is a business that if you desire to go ; where the big fish bite and the big deer roam you can go at your pleasure without detriment to your business. Come in and let me tell you all about it. I do not want you to telephone me about ft. Please come in and let's talk the matter over In a dignified manner. I want you to investi gate It to your entire satisfaction. If you find it is not a fine in vestment I will not ask you to take iu It is. a proposition that anyone can take care of, and you need not hesitate to come in and talk. It over witli me. E. W. HUGHES. 607 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. FURNITURE OR SASH AND DOOR-FACTORY For sale: all necessary machinery, stock of seasoned aan and nr lumber lor tne manufacturing of bedroom sets, chairs tables, cedar chests ; also sash, doors, mouldings, etc. ; building 50x200 feet, two-story; on river, at Oregon City; also railroad switch to building, gas and electricity in the building, long lease of property at $35 per month. Price of plant, including everything, $5500. FRED W". NEWELT,. 408 Henry Bldg. Brondway K030. INCOME INVESTMENT PROPERTY. 24 -room apartment building, corner lo cation, lot 100x93, building 40x03: two stores and three apt a. on ground floar, four large apts. on second floor; all apt a. have bath and toilet; kitchens have built-in features. Everything Is in first class shape. This property is going to be sold, as owner is going east. This Is an exceptionally good business propo sition. O. W. TARR CO. 407 McKay Bldg, FCeR A SHORT time only you-may have the privilege of joining some of the most prominent business men and bank ers in Portland and state of Oregon, in financing a corporation whose business will be conducted on a sound and con servative basis. The earning feature will interest the most conservative investor. Particulars will be given to large and smaii investors alike. Address xt lis, Oregonian. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. Nice, clean stock furniture, hard-ware, paints, oils, chinaware, complete line for the kitchen; Al location, brick bldg. Best rent in city. Transfer point; $2000 will buy. Am compelled to go east. Woodlawn 2300 Monday and after, or write AH 623. Oregonian. PORTLAND company manufacturing es tablished article for general use, needs a sates manager who can Invest $4000 to $5000. The right man can get business which will insure a profit of 100 per cent on this investment, and will re ceive a .liberal salary with bonus on sales over a cartain reasonable amount. X '0. Oregonian. $400 MONTH CLEAR. ITS THERE. Suburban grocery, just outside city limits, gas and Bull Run water, 3 large living rooms; invoice $2000; fixtures, rea sonable; will lease property, or. trade property for Improved acreage. A. J. DE FOREST CO.. 3-20 Henry Bldg. Broadway g500. GAS FILLING STATION LOCATION. 100x100 N. W. cor. Base Line road and Buckly ave.: good house and run ning water on property; priced low at $U500. R. H. CONFRET, Realtor, HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $U50.000 CORP. wants capablennan to open office and manage salesmen for high class new device; every home a pros pect: big money for right man; opening In every city; costs $2, retails $5: $500 to $2000 necessary to finance 'exclusive agency. Mr, Hogane, 105 N. Clark sL, Chicago. LADY WITH executive and promotive ability wishes to meet retired business man who can invest $3000 or $5000 in real manufacturing business; other con cerns made vast fortunes from this busi ness in eastern cities: proposition has merit and will stand investigation. Phone .ver.. Main r. 1 HAVE the patent and dies made, ready to manufacture an auto accessory; will go 50-00 with a party who can put it on the market: don't apply unless you can put over. See J. R. Hensley at the Peerless Mach. Wks., 308 E. Morrison St.. Portland, or. GROCERY BARGAIN. The best buy in the city of Portland, cash and carry business, has 5 living rms.. cheap rent with lease, all clean, neat stock and a location that can not be beat, all for $845 on your own terms. Peters, 15 K. 5th st. CONFECTIONERY. One of the best in the city for the price asked. We have Investigated and can thoroughly recommend it. $2100 will handle or $3000 cash. See Mr. Smith, t'mbdenstock A Laraon Co., 210 Oregon nlrtg Bdwy. 16.18. FOR SALE General md&e. stock and store, located 18 miles north of Portland, on the lower Columbia river highway: will invoice about $8000 ; sales past three years averaged $40,000 annually; small overhead expenses; terms If desired. Ad dres owner. J. J. Havilk. Scapnoose. Or RESTAURANT owner wishes to die, wants tunerai expenses, sell good outfit cheap, gooa location, spienaia nusiness. ion lease, cheap rent: no letters answered, come at once with $900. F. Reynolds, i.ninq notei, jtainier, or. FOR .Small grocery store, good lo cation, on car line. wtl( sell building; consisting of store, storeroom and 6 liv- rooms. All in good condition, or might lease to responsible pttrty.' Call owner. Automatic fii s-io. $154.0 ONLY $.0tM CASH. Downtown lunchroom; exceptlon&l equipment ann location: must be sold. MARS IT & McCABE CO., Business Brokers. Fntllnr Bids:.. :tl and Wash. ESTABLISH ED company wants state rii; tributer to open office, manage salesmen for article needed by merchant and fac tory: hi.? proposition for right man; $500 to f tuuu required. i ontract manager, m in , i esroorn st.. i "hicairo. BARBER SHOP. JfiOO will secure half interest in one of the most up-to-date four-chair shops in me cny. ace Air. r-mun. Lmonon- .tock v parson Co., 210 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE Several first-class, well lo cated oar oer shops, cigar stands, con fectioneries, restaurants, lunch counters and shoe-shine standi. Priced from JtSOrt to SS0O0. Mr. Mllner. with MRS. THOMSON. 20 HKNRT "RT,T0. LADV WISHES to meet icentleman will ing to loan $1000 at reasonable rate of interest; wining to take furnished room and one meal s. day for part payment west side. 10 minutes' walk from bus! r..j renter, fall fain 7.'!75. $3."i00 INVESTMENT, some terms, clearing 9111U montn in confectionary, soda foun tain, light lunch, near depot, west side 2-year lease; it's a dandy, see it. a. j. pb FOREc-rr co.. SQO Henry Bldg. Broadway S500. $1500 Bl'YS best cash and carry grocery Jn ciiy, if-itae, j iiiuuiu rem., uuay corner. Grab this, it s good. A. J. PIS FOREST CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. WANTED To rent you a part of office for automobile stage line terminal, use of old established horn storage; heart of city. Pine st. Pdwy. 4sns. WANT to sU quick, 1 model K Ekem grease gun, motor and air compressor. Tungar, rectifier and other garage equipment. rt f regonlan. A BUSINESS CHANCK Will take good maKe .or car or a reasons Die payment on my moving picture theater. Apply at wm imim ave,. pventnrs arrer 7: an. GOOD soap business for sale. Drice In profits good; fine chance to secure small Dusiness or your own. Hawthorne, Monday forenoon. WAITED Man to purchase 1U19 Garford uuiup irm h va iuiik gwiu naui WOTK 10 start at once. 11 li Main St.. Oregon i iiy. upn cunoay. DANDY little grocery for sale, very good corner: on account of Illness must leave at once; will sacrifice; no agents. AF Hi h. Oregonian. CHINOOK, silverside salmon gear, com plete outfit, best quality, very cheap for cas n . w ru e at o n ce. m r s. Ne 1 1 i e C. Graham, general delivery. Salem. Or. WILL SELL A INTEREST IN CANA DIAN PATENT FISH TRAP, $1000. AF ATTRACTIVE grocery, no fixtures to buy; living rooms, aoing good Dusiness. Price Rnshiip. SI ft Chamber of .Tom. $b.".o BL'YS small grocery, with living room, doing good business. Bushue. 518 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Restaurant : good equipment; 2-yr. Ieae; will mcrlflc this week on account of Illness. Box fitsq. Rainier. Or. CAFETERIA for aale. very good business proposition for the right party; requires cash. Call Wdln. 27!0. FOR SALE Coffee, lunch and bakery stand, doing fine business; owner leav tng city. Apply AM fiSJ. Oregonian. WANTED Man with $Oft and services, half interest, good income, light work. Call 10 to 12 SSS't E. Burnside. room St. HKRK is a snap. Anyone wanting; to buy a florist's business come and see Sv. j. Kerrison. SOU Union ave. K. BUSINESS OPPORTUfr ITTEB. BIHR-CAREY. 211-218 By. Exch. Bldg. Mala 7487. Alain 6963. A money-maker, in Alberta district, good cash business, rent only $25, in cluding living room and mil fixtures, will sell stock, at invoice. 10 see is 10 ouy, RK(Tii:RAXT. Swell place, on west side, lease at $75 mo., receipts over $100 day. only $2750, liberal terms. Don't fail to see this If you want a money-maker. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Complete in every respect, very large net income, an casn ousiness ana of fered at sacrifice for quick sfrle. rnVPKCTIOX'URT AND LUNCH. One nf the best on east aide, good business and A-l fixtures, rent only $16 mo., must sell account otow Business. GROCERY, CONFECTIOwBTR. Corner, west side, busy street, good stock and fixtures, low reL average riallv mn4m over SAO. The nrlce is right. with very small cash payment; liberal terms on balance. BTHR-CATtEY, 211-218 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Third and Stark. NOTICE, COLORED BUSINESS MAN. The safest and best paying proposition in the country; 3-story corner brick and good furniture, business district, fine lo cation for exclusive lst-class hotel and apartment house; price $70,000; inepme at present over $1000 per month: can be increased if you would cater to tran sients. This is not run now as a colored hotel; Is near all depots; you could in corporate and take In small Investors; no agents. Owner, AV 474, Oregonian. GENERAL store in suburbs. 8 miles from Portland; business averages $400 per month and growing; good clean stock, will invoice $4000; new delivery truck, equipment and fixtures about $2000; postoffice nearly pays rent; large ware house with sidetrack; located close to ratinn- owner leavinr state: will sacri fice this business at invoice and give 8 to 5-year lease: easily the best gen eral store proposition around Portland; all city conveniences, including 46 elec tric trains dally. For full details see G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington at. Main H220 or Main 03 18. HERE IS A REAL CHANCE. Partner wanted in a well-known re port; this Includes hotel, manufacturing Plant, dance nan, eic. ; ions ieaw I tMiatnen i Atfthle vear around; present owner Is experienced man; this business 1 win ihnw lnrs-e returns: investment of I $1500 necessary. For appointment see I Mr. Smith. tt-vc Ri-iwsvnmr a larron CO.. fMOOrpeon Bldr. Bdwy. 1659. INVESTOR wishe to meet capitalist with $250 00O: exceptional Inducement in ag ricultural land, Harney county; tenta tive plans now being carried out for two large irrigation projects which will also create extraordinary opportunity for Investment at CRANE. OR.. In con ..nitnn nf Income bearing business n . inMiiHfnr firstt-ciaSS hotel; Crane is' railroad terminal. X 622, Ore- go n i ;i n1- ""Tlm-iVM DIPTITHK HOUSES. Exclusive house in eastern Oregon i cinim nrpnn. two Powers o I machin-" opera chair, etc 0000 half cash, it's a anap. Jne 01 iu. burban house lo this city, organ, and all complete, takes $6000 cash, a "''''? mine. Another suburban house for $47j0 ... i- it vn want to sret into the Kr.-r. '..v nV Weston & Co.. 1206 N. W. Bank bid. LARbB manufacturing corporation wants I capab e men to open omi" " " r..". . i. ann to J2000 neces sary, handle your own money; exclusive i.h,. natntri article, money-making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses er fi03 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore. Md. timnr 11 vou uuemu. r xtt -i.rr.cTr PYPPESS AND P. O. a" pnnri railway point, Washington store, dwelling, warehouse, residence and y acres: fcWOO. Also stock of Jndae. Will invoice about -- ALBERT CLEVELAND CO.. Realtors. :(AS Board of Trade. Bdwy. 1L0. "7 -V i-vTS v c-rrmPi TO TRADE. Stock' and fixture. r-MOO and $3500 . .. irround. buildings with all Improvements; will sell on easy terms or I trade for acreage or ruin... Henrv Bldg. Broadway 5390. CASH GROCERY. nuii corner location, east side, no fix1- I tures to buy; rent $55, including light. heat, water and nxturea. ivwm Chamber of Commerce. i GARAGE BARGAIN. Large cement building, close in, has 45 1 cars steady storage; sells oils, accessor-I lcs. etc. Owner shows you clear $350 I month Price $2800. Koom oil. .Kail- way Exchange AT SACRIFICE. Payton meat sheer, late model, $150: Hobart electric coffee mill. $73. See them, it's real buy. at A. J. DE FOREST CO.. S20 Henry Bldir Broadway 5500. BS-.STAITRANT FOR SALE. Th. weiiest nlace In Olvmpla. Wash.. one block from state capitol, excellent fivttieea lnrri new ranae. 3 ovens, low- rent, income about $75 day, cash and terms. Call Main HSS3. MODERN DAIRY LUNCH. Business $123 per day. lease $110 per mo., fine west side location; owner wants to go east and will give you a gooa oeai. B. F. KELLY, i 10 feweiiana nuiK. WORTH investigating, old established feed and grocery store, aoing sjuisi Dusiness per month; will Inventory about $0500; will sell at inventory. Box 213, tstacaaa. Or VARIETY and dry (roods store for sale in town of 1100: good farming; country and good payroll; stock and nxtures j:isi rent 'J5; 3 living rooms in back. AV :111, Oregonian. half interest in one of the best broker age businesses in the city (specialties); Tierfer ortlcessnan or salesman. ocu jm.i. Smith. Umdenstock & Larson Co., 0-ernn Mrtg. Brtwv. 1158 210 siivt imtS'KH card rooms, lunch: clear ing J4II0 month or better; west side; snap; 2000. A. J. DE FOREST CO.. S00 Henry Bldg. Broadway B5f0. POOL. ROOMS. We have several good pool room and soft drink places on good terms. Call Monday. Room 437. Clram. of Com. AL'TO REPAIR SHOP. A busv business employing b men. clearing J50O month; 17.V) will handle it. Room oil. Railway Exchange. GARAGE BUYERS. We have some good buys In garages and repair shop; also auto service sta tions. Room 43i, Cham, of Com. SUHL'RBA.N grocery in resident aectii has fine living rooms, clean stock: $33 1 day business: rent for all $33; will In- voice. Room 311. Railway Exchange. AL'TO tire store, vulcanizing and retread ing shop; established business; will teach buyer the business; terms. 400 E. Burn- side ?f. OLD, ESTABLISHED grocery, 4 nice liv ing rooms, rent $2., with lease, price $2000. or Invoice. Buahue, 518 Chamber of oTmnerr.. SOFT DRINK. CARL) ROOM AND LUNCH Good west .side corner location. A 1 sacrifice at $1130. Room 437, Cham, of Commerce. 910ti CHATTEL mortgage, payable $75 month. Int. 7 ner cent: want rnnmlnv J boarding house or apartment; will as- unmp. t iwner, n, .hu. RESTAURANT CHEAP. New restaurant at 203H North 16th st.. eorper fettygrove, lor 3555 cash; bargain. CASH CONFECTIONERY and school trade. nas furnished living rooms, rent for all I jit: price si-iau. Room 511 Railway Ex- 11 EAT MARKET and grocery, doing real business, fully equipped. If you want to go in business snd make good, look I mm up. h f77. Oreenman. REGISTERED DRUGGIST. I have a good proposition io oner a goon man with $1500 or 4'2(ktn to invest with services. r uiii. Tpeonian. ICK CREAM MEN! CREAMERY WEN, ATTENTION! Money-maker for sale In wentern Washington that 4npo cash will handle. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE GOOD AUTO FOR BUSINESS. ESTABLISHED. 4:t2 WORCESTER BLDG. SMALL west side grocery, living rooms connected, lor sale at invoice, tail Main 201. MOVING PICTURE theater for sale. money-maker, cash only. Address box 312, The Dalles. Or. TO THOSE INTERESTED in hauling con tracts we will be open bundays. 1117. Main street. Orecnn City. BUSINESS chance office. Must sell Mon day. Low rent. See . M. Roberts, 407 Washington st PARTNER wanted in accessory store, busy street, making money: SloOO cash, bat. terms. Room 511. Railway Exchange. COOK Efficient, good kitchen manager. some money, open ior proposition. i finfl. Oregonian. MAIL ORDER business. Must sell. See E. M. Roberts, 407 Washington at, cor ner loth st. WILL pay J1000 down on 20-30-room hotel or TT. K. C l.i. Oregonian. LITTLE drug store for sale, on highway. doing good Puwlness. V M7. Oregonian. $100t NEAT, paying cigar store, down town, owner. i wk. nregomar WANTED Man to drive light truck; small Investment repuircn P 613. Oregonian DKVGOODS and notion store, will invoice, city, au wregonmn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 S WETLAND BLDG., . PORTLAND, OREGON. Mar. S0S9. iiar 128S. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. On lower Columbia highway; good trade center, farming, log ging and fishing stock: building and all about $7000: $5000 business monthly; some terms. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 20 miles out on paved road; o!d established business, running $!. 000 yearly; Invoice about $16,000; fixtures $3000; long lease on building; some terms. POOI. HALL. Good proposition In best payroll town In 8, w. Washington: doing $:jii00 business a month; lease and fixtures for $0500. POOL HALL. Located In good town on high way near Portland: 3 pool tables and room for another card table; stock will Invoice about $250; place at present is netting between $250 and $:100 per month; low rent: stock to be invoiced above price mentioned; price $1200. TAXI. Only taxieab service In town of 13,000 population; 4 closed- cars, 2 Dodge. 1 Baby Grand- Chevrolet and 1 Ford; good condition; Ford and Chevrolet nearly new; also good roomy garage, gas pumps, tools, office fixtures, safe, etc. Price $4500. $1200 POOL HALL. Pool hall, cigars and confection ery, located In small town near Portland, doing a good business; net profit between $250 and $300. Stock will invoice about $250; stock not included in above price mentioned. This Is a dandy buy for the money. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A man with $2000 can buy Vt Interest in good garage In good town. . 26-room hotel, well furnished, large lobby and dining room, in good 3-story concrete building in good lively town; lease 10 years. Part sub-leased. Price $0500; H cash. GARAGE. Out tpf town, no competition: bldg. 50x0, 6-year lease; rent $24. This Is a money maker, open for Inspection: will invoice; stock $3500; machinery $4500; some terms to responsible party and take In a good residence up to $0500. $5500 CAFETERIA. West side, 3 years' lease; will invoice every dollar asked. $3500 caah will handle this. CIGAR STAND Office bldg., lump or invoice, $2300; rent $50: good lease, every thing new. $1700 cash will handle this. LT7NCH COUNTER. Lunch counter, Washington street location, 3-year leaae; rea sonable rent. Price $3000; terms to responsible party. PACIFIC AGENCT, INC.. 514-20 S WETLAND BLDG., PORTLAXD, OREGON. JAax. 3S6. Mar. 1203. SPLENDID MONEY-MAKERS. Under new management, our Business I Chance Dept. can offer you some of the I BIG4.JES T, Bfc.lsr j3Liir.E..-5 i TUNITIES that are to be had. READ THESE: APinTurKT HOUSE SNAP. fi annrlmenta of '2 and 3 rooms: brick building, close to heart of city; 4-year lease; good net Income: price $, $8000 cash. LOOK THIS ONE OVER! ANOTHER SPECIAL APARTMENT. -54 rooms. 3 minutes' walk to Meier tv.Tb'.- wew modem oil-burner: income $1500; -year lease: price $23,000; 5"K casn, Daiance very omj. . 70 ROOMS HOTEL 70 ROOMS. TOrioir hnilriinir In downtown district; firat-class furniture. Al condition; this includes soft-drink parlor with bar and back bar. safe: $2000 income: price $14,000. $7000 cash: EASY TERMS ON BALANCE. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. ruuiSPCO AND PRESSING. Flint-class eouipment in one of the I r.. ...hipntl.i districts of Portland: lnree living room nicely furnished, or I will sell without furniture; price $1883, terms. SEE THIS! wwo cttmj. pnflMIXR HOUSES. - 15 rooms ...a. .. ....I" I 2250 I 1150 10 rooms 10 rooms 9 rooms 8 rooms 13O0 I 1100 ntpnnTAVT We have EVERYTHING TN THE LINE OF BUSINESS CHANCES. Come in and see us. vou o, . Ask for J. L. O'Farrell. Manager .Busi ness Chance Dept., with t. MeC.ITIRE. ... 10n7 Ahinirton Hldg. Main 10f!8. Fo- the ' convenience of our clients who cannot come in during the week we are kept open SUNDAY. OTTBTTPRAV fiROCERT. 1430', fine location, on car line, clean stock, good fixtures, plenty business, living rooms, rent 120. long lease. iiL-.n urrtcprv close In on busy street. doing good business, clean stock, good fixtures, 4 living rooms and bath, some furniture. BUBURBAS l.nuttni. $2100 or Invoice, doing $S3 day busi ness, some delivery, good building, cor ner location, 5 living rooms and bath, rent 2i, long lease, forced to sWl. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. MUST BE SOLD. I Just think! For $2000 you can purchase .tore bulldinas I witn a living rooms; t... .vMtem. Dower washer, range with hot and cold water tana, oam, fit. . woodshed, chicken house and garage, 1 acre of land witn some irun, iucuicu ai Kohefflin. Oregon, and was sold not long ago for $3000. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtor, B.f- wy. 47." 1. 410 Henry bldg. rriTii:l!ATS. nnn't tiass us ud when you are look- in for cikiiI huvs in restaurants. We have a large iiBting at. pn.t. i..-. and with terms to suit you. van aim let us show you wnat we i.c J. O. GRAY CQ..' 718 Peknm Bldg. Ant. ..iil-4.. ,.no,-i.'iiv a Ml nELK'ATESSE.V mtl nlace on east side, with 2 ii,.'; room, and doing a nice business. Just the place for man and wife or a n-oman COU Q run i aiuiic, j i iu- cluding some furniture, about $1100. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 610 Henry Bldg. "BAKERY AND ICE CREAM PARLOR. I jtrarpfl in HUUlllCin " R"1' monthly receipts $:;500. beautiful fix tures, ?60mi. J. O. GRAY CO.. Tifl TVkum Bldg. Aut. !fl1-45. TAILORING AND PRESSING SHOP In the neart or ie nuiei u ion tne w- cationj- established several years, aoing ffAA. lmsinLss. win Dear ecrici investi gation. Well equipped with good fix tures. Price J140O. Terms. m. oio, Oregonian. ; CONFECTIONERY. j Are you looking for a location out of town? We have some real good buys located in valley towns, rrices ngiu. snnnn to $4000. J . .r. UIIA I tw. 71 Dekum Bldg. Aut. Bfll-45. DENTAL PARLORS. Owner wishes to sell half Interest: old- established business in Portland; capa ble man more essential man money. Wr. Millership. Alder hotel. Main r27". j STOCK of groceries and notions, located in good resmence sn'm , u nvm ruoms and large basement; rent $35; will sell fftp ii.-too if taken Sunday or Monday. Call at fSS Interstate ave. CONFECTIONERY. East side location, on busy street, do ing solendid business. Price $2350. IS Dekum Bldg. Aut. rf,l-45. DO YOU want" to got in business for your- selfT 1 you nave -," aiiu arc wunns to work I can snow you now to ao it. ; You handle the money. Mr. Shepard, j 02 N. 10th st. VANCOUVER, WASH., cosy 22-room hotel. Furniture in nne conauion. two Da ins. Has not been listed before. Rent $45. Price $2100. Terms. 21 j E. Fifth st. AGENCY open for this territory on the titan wood six; exclusive territory and unusually Jinerai proposition, aianwooa Motor Car Co., at. louib. jiq. OLD, WELL-ESTABLISHED genl. mer chandise store, doing excellent business. 3 bldgs., fixtures and stock at Invoice, about $'1000. H. H. Saxton. Yaqulna. Or. $2.VHJ SLASHING good grocery store, Belmont St., $40 to $00 cash sales; new stock: rent $28. Includes living room. Mr. Scott, with McFarland. Falling bldg. IF YOU are interested In the stage or for hire business I can sell you a Master Six Chalmers at a price that will sur prise vou. Mr. Shepard. 02 N. 10th. $1.300 GROCERY and delicatessen on Grand ave. corner. 3 living rooms; In factory district: $204) month profit. Mr. Scott, with McFarland. Failing bldg. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing estab lishment wnn an mouern equipment. plenty of work, a snap if taken at once. A SIS Main at., Oregon City, Or. I BUSINESS OPPORTUVITTES. MART E. LETNT COMPAXT. HOTELS. ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES. B23-4-5 V. W. BANK BLDG. Phone Main 85HO for appoint ment If you wish to buy or sell come in and talk it over; 14 yea rs la the business In Portland enables us to give- you satisfac tory service. - APARTMENT HOUSES. 50 rooms, small apartments, rent $."00. Including heat, hot and cold water: close In. west side; brick - building: earning $500 per month. Price $8500;- requires 5O0O cash, to handle; balance easy terms. 15 APARTMENTS. "White pressed brick building, corner, Nob Hill district, hard wood floors throughout: nice place for man and wife, and $400 month ly profit. Price $10,000. 96 ROOMS. 28 apartments, hardwood floors, close in. west side; brick build ing, very attractive place, clear ing $SK per month; $10 000 cash, handles this. Price $20,000. SO APARTMENTS. One of the choicest close-in locations, automatic elevator, espe cially low rental. 4 years' lease, monthly profit $850. Price $24, 000. Terms to responsible party. 36-ROOM HOTEL. White pressed brick, comer, walking distance: netting over $400 monthly; large closets and running water in every room, all outsides, large rooms. Price $11550 for quick sale. Owner ill; must sell at once. Can be sold again at large profit; long lease at low rental. 40-ROOM HOTEL, One of the very classiest houses in the city; clears $00O monthly, with nice apartment for owner. Plenty of private baths, very large homelike rooms, caters to the very best patronage. Price $14,000. Terms. ROOMING HOUSES. Under the Management of Mrs. McClaln. 20 H, K. rooms, Ideal location. 1 and 2-room apts.; present in come nearly $400: rent $100; make an offer; a real bargain for quick sale; $1600 cash will handle. 14 H. K White Temple district: fine rugs, oak dressers; cleanest ami best place for the money you will ee; clears $125; price $2250. Requires $1600 cash. Small apt. house for sale cheap. West aide location; modern, with exception of no private baths; clears 150, besides 3-rocm apt. Price $2650; easy terms. 12 rooms, corner home in fine lo cation; rent $35; stove or furnace: elec; can clear $125 easily: $12.i0 cash, small balance, payable at $05 a month. 12 rooms, modern place, extra clean and very good furniture; always full: right now cleanr.g $125; can be handled with $iol cash. INVEST $5000 TO $10,000. OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. Located In the heart of west side business district. Gilt-edged security on your investment, 20 per cent guaran teed, and good salary at pleasant em ployment. For full details sec ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama Bldg., 3d and Aider. HARDWARE and Implement business, all new stock, in a live valley town, Involco Including building $16,000. to exchange for an Improved valley farm clear of en cumbrance, or equivalent: or wl ' accept modern Portland residence to h000, bal ance In clear property or securities. AV 572, Oregonian. START IN THE REAL liSTAib BUSINESS. ONLY $550 for the complete furnish ings and equipment of the real estate offices of the late M. J. Clohessy. which have been established for some years, equipment Is In good condition, and U complete; Includes suburban and city listings: an exceptional opportunity, bee FRANK L. McOLlFU'., Abincion Bldt; Main 10ftM. , v- V A II HA s. I bl'.C 11. , Li- ht.hira town, aood trade. arge dining room, complete with f utfit. tables, lunch counter, etc.: e loiuiiiuu. .X r.,11 le- Ice boxes, ?,r.f"7;...ii. elecirlc coffee boiler upstairs living rooms and hall; lot gro ceries: Income $1000 per month: should soon double; a business inv.ii" !r...r. ttutn cash or terms; will show MyeFai"Ri.A NDlVetuor. 208 Falling bldg. BEST established business In thwf8 t. en. rtrnnnaition. Answer. M biu, iu iioiiui" Oregonian. ijAKKRV for sale in a good terminal town in northern Calif.; wholesale and retail; doing about $1000 a month and better and in the hot summer time twice as much; owner is sick ana warns .u tire Ask for address in The Oregonian or "write to box AV S77, Oregonian. r luT A IT R A XT. Best buys on west side, doing good business, steady trade, well equippeu, ' J. O. GRAY CO.. rfiAK T1 n.ktim Bldg. Aut. BB1-4.1. - . ...... h PBnlr .hou. UK J" VrLus." indis stitcher "' " " "j:..,,,- fir,iher Good ,i :in.foot Progressive uniu- r : . .,! io. This is a fine on Dorijnltv. Brayman Leather Co., Sec ond and Oak sts. PROPERLY organize you. prepare bond issues, negotiate loans, write pros pctuses, furnish stock salesmen or list .i-fit investors. Booklet free. Nafl Organization Co., Ib3 W. Wash ington st., Chicago. " r? it wt AI'HA NT Small restaurant, west side, rent 30, price 700 cash. J. O. GRAY CO.. 71 nrknm Bldg. Ant. S.NTiniAXt BARGAIN Close to center of business: everything new- low rent. gooa uufmrae, Price reduced for quick ssie; $4HM). OIBSOV REALTOR . MAR. V'. DENTAL OFFICE. cMr,Q rinul office for sale In east ern Oregon town; also home; good prac ti no a-oniDctlilon: had to leave on o.vrnnn of 111 health. East 142. PARTY to invest $1500 in new Mack dump truck with gravel haul that will pay truck out In 10 months and work there after. See Mnitn ai jih . vi iron Cltv. Phone 4R4 W. 7 t ivH WIRE with $3000 can secure half interest in an established business that wilt return more than the invest ment the first year. References ex changed. Address X fi07. Oregonian. FOR SALE Bakery In county seat town; electric mixer, Dutch oven; sell to all th mrK in town: retail store in con nectlon a good going business. Address box 313. Toieno. ur. 6 W -ACRE factory site, St. Johns, near the terminals; this is one of the few desir able sites on the market In this district. Phone rot. 12K5. 301 N. Jersey st. VOR SALE, at once, first-cans, best-located confectionery and magazine store in a live citv near Portland. Price is richt AV 540. Oregon'an. VULCANIZER AND BATTERY MAN wants to start new Dusiness in gnou lo cation. Will consider partner or rent with rqu.pment. Monday. SHt Union ave. A GOING lumber company owning mill and timber wants a party to Invest $25.0OO to $35,000 and take active part In business. V W3, Oregonian. CORNER confectionery and groceries, Irvlngton district, clean store, nice busi ness. $'-VWK. Mr. Scott, with McFarland, Failing bldg. FOR SALE Garage stock, and equipment, including car, in small country town, no competition, $2500. Particulars, write AV 400. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS confectionery for eale at a bargain. H. Mendenhall, 150 First sL Totirist Hotel. JUST over from Cat creek, Montana. Boom on. Have big leasings near proven fields. N e ed smalt capital. G OOfl, Oregonian. 700 RESTAURANT, located on busy st., doing fine business, rent $18. must 811. some terms. Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark 8t. FOR SALE Good paying, well located transfer business; $3000 will handle. AF fiO!. Oregonian. . FISHING BOAT now on drift making $300 month: worth $1700, price $000. Snap. Tabor M41. ONE-CHAIR barber outfit for sale. See owner. Beaver apartments, room 37, 12th and Marshall sts. FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop, in a good live town. Write for particulars, F. E. Given Silverton. Or. EXCLUSIVE. well-paying " dressmaking business for sale. M , Oregonian. UTO-T OWING budiuesa; well advcrUacd. iliiin 200. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. COX KKCTION ER Y. elegant fixtures very good location, and fountain; price -100. Bakery, residential district: doinr nice business, rent $18: price II4O0 Restaurant, downtown location; owner sick: make me an offer. Lunch counter business: owner says tie will guarantee this place will pay for Itself In three months: price 18H; rent $60: takes In on average $10 day. Grocery, receipts $125 to $150 per day: rent $40 with lease, fixtures $700; stock Invoice about IoOimi. J. W. U ARRANT. S-10 Salmon ot. Main Business Opporlunlllo .nted. I WANT A STOCK OF GOODS. Most any kind. Grocery, hardware, furniture, imnleiuents or general mfr chandtsc, in exchange for my 484-acre stock and grain farm, -no acres unn cultivation, 2 sets of buildings: mile from good storo and P. O. ; about mile from school, 2 miles from high school. 3 miles from R. R. station. 18 miles from Eugene, Or. Lots of outrauge and run ning water. C. F. BAUMAN. 430 14th Ave. Last, Kugene, Or. A. G. TEEI'IS CO.. 270 StarK St. Main 3092. W ANTED. WANTED. Lsttngs in apartments, hotels, rooming nouses, business ciianccs. vt e nave snappy sales force. A. a. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St. Main SOM. WANTED. Listings In grocery stores, restaurants, lunch counters. dooI halls, barber shops, etc., hundreds of buyers waiting; ask tor - Mr. Wiiahard, business chanco depart ment, BIHR-CAREY, Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 7487, HAVE cash buyer for good woodyard at reasonable figure and for large or small restaurant. Also parties wanting to lease small hall and party wanting good lunchroom, with or without equipment. Mrs. Albaugh, with John 1-crguson, oer linger bldg. WANTED! WANTED! Listings In apartments, hotels, rooming houses, garages, hundreds of buyers waiting. It s sold U listed with us. For quick results, ask for J. L. O'Farrell, manager business chance dept., with FRANK L, McGUlRB. Abington BIdE. Auto. 512-07. IF YOU wish to Bell your business and get quick results, list it with us. vie nave a large sales force, clients that are wait ing with money to buy. J. . GRAY CO.. 718 Dekum Bid. Aut. r.61-4!V STORE OW.NcllS TAKE NOTICE. I have several clients that are de pending on me to locate them in the gro cery and confectionery business. If you want to sell list it with nie. Main 4.Vi7. BRUCE GODDARU, SOI -2 Conch Hlilg WANTED To kase. with option to pui- chase. weekly newspaper In thriving community. Give full particulars first letter.. E. C. Allen, box 53, Wallace Idaho. BUSINESS man of means denlruig to lo cate In Portland wishes to invest .i,iwi to $100,000 with services in cttaoisnea substantial concern; give ueia:u confidence. AV li.HI. oregonian. . i;km:kaI. merchandise, grocery, liar ware, or any good mercantile Dusiness, wantea lor city income yiuix i madge Realty Co.. 610 Henry bldg "Realtors." UAIK CLIENT with $H.0I0 cash as firs1 luvmtnt for furnishings ana lease oi first-class hotel or apartment house: wtl go as hiKh as $25,000. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chain, of Com. WILL PAY CASH for an interest In a pay in woodvard if It will stand lull in vestlgation. Owners only. Answer AL 357, Oregonian. YOUNG energetic newspaper nian dtaire to lease weekly newspaper witn optio to buy. Excellent references. D 623, Oregonian. WANT to buy a iiooil general slore In th country, with option of buying properly give full details in answering. M 614 Oregonian. I HAVE $600 to invest iu good business with reliable man. Am willing to work hard. No agents. No selling proposition. K 623. Ori'KOniHiK W1L.L PAY CASH for delicatessen, bull or candy stall in a Yamhill street mar ket. Owners only, write li 4i, ore gonisn. HAVE CLIENT lor pool hall up to $2500, must be in some good valley town. Ore gon or Washington. Address Montgom ery Leap. 4.ti t hnm. of Com. W ANTED The best meat market that litnu will buy; prefer country town: stat full particulars In first letter. Butcher. 3iy Dekutn ave. WA NTKU General merchant! Ip or men furnishing stock, valife to $18,000. V .QI . urcyon lan. HAV h. $2500 to Invest with services in going business, give full details in first letter. h.i oregonian. TO LtAhL Country weekly in western Washington; buy if suited. E Ooo, Ore gon inn W HO HAS something to offer nuin with $200 and hit, services to invest? T Bl Oregonian. ' WAN TEL owner. Minn. buy . C. a ouMiieaft Robertson, I rum an Spooner, VYJ LL nay cawh for confectionery attire downtown location ; no agent Wood Is wn 2::.s7. WANT card ruom and soft drink parlor that $ 120U will nandie; owner. 1'huno Broad-way -i t 0. WILL go to $5ihjo for caieterla or market stand: owner. Phone Broad wav 24 0. WANTED A guod -paying store on eaft side. R 551 cash grocery , oregonian, WANTED Country hotel or report hotel; give particulars. T tio". Oregonian. WANTED To buy one dairy lunch outnl. P if".', Oregon inn. WANTED Small for one. Sell. 2' cigar store or localioi 04. AM LOOKING for tion. Have t'SOOO. . good dairy propusi B 11. Oregonian. Mock and Itondfc. IIOS.N'EK & HOSNER, Investment Dealer, OFFER. Subject to prior sale, 70 shares Pacific States Fire Int. stock, bid. 63 shares Western Rubber stock, Tttcoma, at right price for cash. 4 shares of pt'd. and 2 shares of com mon stock. Western Finance Corp., snap at $420. WANTED. Idaho Gold and Kuby stock, offer. To buv or sell stocks of merit, see us. Main 4M23. o Me Km y Ride. H. W. DLBISKE iv Co., stock for sale. 4 shares Dayton Rubber Co.. 4 snares Steven s-Durea Co. East MM. 10 SUA It ES Ran kerb" M or t gage Corpora tion, Portland, Or., ror sale, inuuire 51. B. Mnttice. Anm-nrt". "Wash. Hotel and Rooming tiour,c. SWELL WEST SIDE LOCATION. Apt. house, 21 3-rootn apts., 7 4-rm. apts.. all with private baths and phone; cor. brick bldg., full 4-year lease; elesrs over all expenses about $700; $10,000 will give you possesion. See Mrs. Keller, r.FO. T. MOOR K CO. 1007 Teon BMif. A REAL BUY AT $4500. 30 rooms, some apartments, some sin gles, very nicely furnished, good con dition, nicer corner building. Al location, rent $170 with lease, net over $250. See T. A. MADDEN, A. M. HAUG CO., 512 Henrv Bldg. Broadwav 51 ST. WEST SIDE apartment house. Your chance to buy a big piaee with a little money down, balance out of the business. 10 apartments, all threes, fully modern brick building. 5-year lease: price $10, 500; $:tooo taflh. 3 13 Stock Exchange hidg.. rnird and ramntii. ABSOLUTELY MODERN 'APARTMENT. 14 small, modern apartments, clone tn. west side: steam heat, bath with eery apartment, etc.: rent $1K5. 5-year lease; nets $425; excciitioiia.Jv and trulv good ; $55o0 down, price $S500. G31 Railway Exchange. HOT EI 24-morn. snap $I5O0. Well lo cated, steam heat, nicely furnished, ak and maple, and piano; rent only $5 month; certainly a snap. If. W. Gar land. 201 Third st. FOR VCB'K sale, steam heated, modern brick, 2 rooms. ann a -room apart ments; rent $225. good leae; $0OOd takes possession, small balance, T 51K, Oregonlan. GOOD LEASE. 30 housekeeping rooms, concrete bulM ing. business district; clears $235; only - $lSO0 dawn; price $2600. Very good. I 13 Mtin TolL lA ROOMS, h. k.. fine we-t side location; net Income $200 a month; good furniture and lots of it. mis is a good Duy; terr .1X7 Taylor st. S.'kV HANDLES THIS. Owner going away: 0 large rooms. 11 h. k.. stove heat; good location, an run price onlv s75Q 3S7 Taylor st, 32 H. K. ROOMS, best corner location n city, hot and com water, xen rooms, year lease, clears $250; $4O0o, terms. 54 N. Ninth st. ON WASHINGTON A modern Drlck. 2S apartments, well furnished : 04 moms $10.0(h will handle; net $776. T 54U, Oregonian. IN THE H EA RT of citv. modern brick apartments, verv well furnished, splen did leaKe: $H50O will handle; net $550. S 5!3. Oregonian. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 9 rooms, housekeeping; rent $40; nice home, clearing $70; price $I05O; good terms. Main 7511. $100 HANDLES modern nou.-e keeping apartment; income $t35; anxious to tell, iiiua Jill, Jul l.ulhvay EjiuliancA BI'HMWH OrPRTt'N!Tir.!. Hotel, and Rooming Houe.. HOTEL. Net Inrome over $1000 per rre. elegant little brick, splendid fur niture and beds, many private baths, long lease, can be bandied with $12,000. onnn hotel but. Strictly first -class, beautiful lob by, beds, carpets and furniture at-s of the very best, private baths throughout, ideal location and a 7-year lease: it requires $j0,0o0 to do business. APARTMENT HOI'ST:. Over 50 apts., I, 2 and 3 rooms each, completely and well fur nished: has long lease ami I. net ting, over all expenses, $;i00 per month. 40 SLEEPING ROOMS. Nice corner brick bldg., rent $20: lease 2 years. This la a btri,-t!r transient location. I'rice $7000. Somo terms. 71-ROOM TIOTEI.. Nice corner, modern brick bMg., fairly well furnished, elegant west Bide location, long lease, at $7.50 per room, now netting $t00 per month, can be handled with $7000, balance to suit buyer. 18 ROOMS 1 8. This is a beautiful place to live, located in ons of the best school districts In Portland, furnishings are good, rent $05, lease, strictly modern and clean. Price $4200, some terms. 45 ROOMS 43. Mostly H. K., snmo sleeping, elegant, close in, west Bide loca tion, brick bldg.; good lease; steam heat; netting $50o per munth. Can be handled with $6500. 11 rooms, rent $50. price $1350. 9 rooms, rent $65. price liooo. Several other small ones, both n. K. and sleeping. K. RIEKIMiN. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade HMg. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. WANTED. Rooming house fj-om 14 to 20 rooms, at ones. V 577, Oreeonlim. 2 ROOMS h. k.. electric tights, good fur niture, close-in location, income $2-W a mouth, price $!?o0f $1200 culi, balance trade, for good car, 10 rooms, part h. k., steam bent, lnntr lease, pood furniture, for $1000, fioo cash; a good investment. 11 rooms, all h. k., good west ;d location, cheap rent, nicely f nrtilshetl, motlern ami clean, a' nice homey phico for $1200. $s00 cash. lo rooms, all II. K. strictly modern, water in all apts., rliNip rent and good Income, nice home place , large front ami baek yard, some fruit, all for $1050. 8 rooms, nii'ly furnished. electric tights, fumnce heat, a nice home place fur $!MMl, $5N CUNll. 40-room brtek hotel. 75oO, part mnU, chenp rent. Income $loo net a mouth, nurth end distriet. 7 . r-rw ni i. tit t.,nt C 1 .1 1 f.Vesir left. water iii most apts., netting x.e.-o month, for f.v.nn TltV US REALTY CO, 100 WriMVk MONEY-MAKING BOARDING HUlEd. Fl It ST, rooms, rent $.vy good sound furni ture. AH the boarders ou can hamlV. East side; $:50, or will trade ou Urg-j pace. SECOND. 1( rnnms. rent $55. r. leaser E. side, exclusive; very best forn., biu p?oiu ei ; nit e class patrons; $2500; fine for lotto woman. THIRD 00 rms., w. side, industrial dint ; rent $75. long ten st ; ord I nary i ui iutur, big Income; $:iooo. tit trmic. FOURTH. It rms. w. side. Nob Hill; rent 1 easy to run; respeeuiOIe plaee: indiei Uike due liotfee; g 1 ::!.. witnts 050 down. SEE ME roil OTHUKH. J EUGENE HEDGES. Realtor. ?ftt Wrvt Pi.rk. Mum 2.0ft M. E. LENT COMPANY. 52.1-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADtNG HOTEL AM) APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. TF YOU WISH TO BUY OR PELT. CO MR IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT HOTEL SPECIAL. 71 rooms, all modern, brick building. In the center of the city; buf,inc.-s n averaging $2000 month: Rood tea ho. Fu.l price $20,0410; part ca.-di, balance terms. See Mr. Smith. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. 200 On-con BMg. H 1H51. 7.VHOOM MODERN HOTEL. The best buy In town. flrrproof, trb-tJy moilern bulldfng. It h elevator, lobby and lots of private bat lis. long lease and good furnishings. Price H 5.000. some trniu. A. J. DeFOREST A CO.. H20 Henrv bMg. Bdwv r.r.on ROOMING ll - US E. 14 rooms, rent $02.50, nicely located, alt rented, nice lawn, houso in good re pnlr, furniture good, close in, walk Ing distance west side. Price only $ltloo if you are looking for a rooming house, don't overlook this. Phone Mstn 7750 WHITE TEMPLE IHS T K I CT. Near library. 12 finely furnishrd rttonis, splendidly arranired, for particu lar folic. $1150, only $1200 iluwii. This won't last. J. EUGENE HEDGES, RRALToR. 201 Wett Pnrk. Main 2."-'Ml A P A RT M ENT Hol'.s E .s N , P Nearly f.O rooms, 4'lose in : small a pa rtmenta: tl year l":ise at $1 75; very large net ; fuM price $5500. O. II. Skoihrlm l'n 4ti-4tl Couch bldg., 4th bei w een U'aslnngtoii and Stark. Main 1575, Open P. M. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Oil SELL bulnes, hotel, rooming or apartment bouia of any kind, anywhere, F. Rlerdoti. RITTER, LOWE Sk CO.. SOl-R-5-7 Board of Ttade Bldg. We write nil kinds nf Insur.'inre. WK ARE SELLIN't; lots of looming hiuw. apartment houses and hotels, t an iif one or two competent, dependable sales people, preferable with an ton. See Mi. Skothcim Mondxv or Ttieodsv. O. II. SKOTHE1.M t.O.. 4nS-4ll Couth Bldg FOR SALE, rent or lease, beautiful - room home, narnwooo rioors. iirepiaen ami furnace; large living room. ,150 K. 6t h N, one block from Broad wy car ; $0000 or $7500, with large grounds, two garage- 0 H. K. ROOMS, west Mile; rni clenrs $100; 2 tiifre rooms ran be added Price only $1250. Terms. It's a real buy. A. J DeFOKKST C rt-.'O Henrv bldg. Bdw- T.r.nn COUNTRY HOTKl yitod houe, t rii'sn j t y c beach litIel m bl ipen j -ar arouinl, wi.l hotels on easy trims. business, also pai roll district sell both or ab AG I12M. ireso SMALL, west' side, brl.-k hole:, mtv nun cm, Rent $275, Lum: clears $100 month. 'Price 7..oo Easy terms. A J DeFollEST Jt Co.. Henrv bldg. Pdw v. 5:.0Q 9 ROOMS, all ll. k.. two baths, we-tt-in-l location: price $1100, psrt cash: revenun $100 month. Ths Is an excellent bu. Se Mr. Smf Ih, UmbdeoMtocli 4: Larson, 200 Orecnn hdg. B. PC'S. G2 ROOMS, purt h. k.. fine local Ion, f'H'l lease at $:;.'o: clears $1"0 net. PiJeo $:ytH. ruirt time. A. J Del-OREST f.. 320 Henrv bldg. Bdwv. .V.T.0 $ 1 5(HI CilATTEL r I gage, paubti 175 nionth, 7 per cent int.; will trade ft.r good business or rooming lioti-ie, apitrt tnent. Owner. Mi, 2. 'Ml Wtl I HiMimf, 17 II. K. R "i.MS, do $00; good limit, le Barney Johnson & Realtors. A llliM' n lio'Ul i'"H, rent PIS, elesrs $l."rO CHI)'. Co., i;i) loth sLreet, 13 KtoMS. Nob H til. furtMt- and i i i f rtn light. 1 W years lease. Income over $200 per month; price ll'OOO $ooo down J. 11. ELY. 12 14TH ST. KEALTmR. W I LL lesse dining nmm n nd k Ick n f blgh-elass r sfdentia I lioiel, furnished and partially equipped: fine lotaiion anl rent resstmahle AL A U. Oreonisn. WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING. BRING OR PHONE Y 'UR I.ISTI N'GS WK WILL HELL THEM. TRY US REALTY CO.. 1W WEST PARK ST. A UTo, SIVIH, HEAD M V BULLETIN HOARDS. They Tell the Slorv. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. ?n 1 West P -tr' M a n 2VM1 - .. . KooMS, ne ity eeiiier; $(hi r nt : nets $loo; full prl.'e $lo5o. Main I-'m.V Open Sunday P. M. O. 11. Skotlie.m Co., 4HH-4 ! 1 Com h bldg CIGAR AND SOFT DRINK; $ 1 300 J uM right for two. Low overhead Call a4 4UK-411 Courh bldg. Matn l-t. WANTED To buy from imiirr, hotel No to 75 rooms; give full particulars In regard to rent and lease. .1 .V.ot, oregonian. A LITTLE DANDY HURRY. 11 rooms, modern, furnished A-i, tdest location, rent $15. Call 2"1 10th rt, FOR BEST bargain in a partment house . see members of the Really Uoaid. atcs Realty Co. '-'45 4lb St. FOR SALE Furniture snd lease of 12 housekeeping rooms; good location, west side: rent $10 N S7.'W Oregnrlan 17 Rooms, h. k., weii nnm-h-d. free apartment lor seir and jimi month pet. rH- Maddiit. Min TNI V I REST A I' RANT lo l ratic fr small r'..,i.,. vl ing house. Call before 8 P. M. 303 Haw- tbome ave WANTED Ruoioiny houc lliat $5(iu in $1500 LatJh will handle, K 005, Orceo 4