The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 24, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 21, Image 41

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Room With Board.
Two of the best -known residential
fcotels on tbe Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath.
f'-ViVO a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients.
ONE of the finest home in city, now con
verted Into exclusive family hotel, cater-
lnic to families, business men and wom
en ; all home convenience, home cooking;,
area grounas. pore he, showers, etc. ;
rai-- very rasonatiie; under new man
agement. Call or phono 2-Z E. 20th at.
Fnone East
JlvA.NNF. l AKO Furnished rooma with
r without board or business girls and
iady tourist a. permanent or transient
Special teat urea within the lunltat.cp
of the mlc'.mum wage earner; i'i pwr
week and )P I'&S 14th st Main 4119
KOKTOXIA HOTEL Portland's downtown
hi-h -class family hotel: rooma en suite
or single wlti or without board for
families and business men and women.
We give you ail tbe comforts of a home,
reason a hie rates.
MODERN home, attractive rooms, suit
able for two people, complete new fur
ntshinRa throughout; with board; walk
ina- distance. 70 Lucre t la st., between
I'lM snd I'.td. Marshall 23S.
Residential hotel, rooms en salt or
ingle: meala served transient; rates
ROOM and board for ouuncM girls; all
modem conveniences; wa iking distance;
$5 per wf f k. Auto. 219-74. 12 B. 7th st
KICK, large front room, suitable for two.
with board; good home cooking. Main
14.V1. 11 14th at., cor. Morrison.
LARGE, pleasant room, hot and cold
water, steam heat, close In; good table
board. Main 631. 332 10th.
Room With Hoard In Private Family.
KICKLT furnished room with board In
modern home on car line; use of piano
and all home conveniences; no other
boarders; business girt preferred. Tabor
WANTED Children T to 13 years, to
board; plenty fresh eggs, milk and fruit;
reasonable terms. For particulars write
Peaceful Acres Farm. Route L Box 142
A. Hillsboro. Or.
aNJCELY lurnished room, suitable for 1 or
- gentlemen or a couple employed, wnn
or without board: close In. 716 E. Davis
si. rnone East 420.
VILL love and care for two small chil
dren; have a nice home 23 mites in
country: large, shady lawn. Phona Red
iHnnft 1114.
Will board children near Shattuck
cnooi; ratea reasonable. Best of care.
,oon references. Auto. r?-4-r.,.
&EA L'TIKL'L front room with board, suit
able for 2 people; free use of piano; home
comforts. 3(12 E. S7th st. S. One block
or rtswtnome ave.
IKVINUTUN Elegantly furnished front
room. In mahogany; home of refine
ment; excellent table board. C. S. 323
. k. J.itn st. N. East S27.
KICELY furnished room for 1 or 2; home
privileges; all conveniences; no other
hoarders. 30o E. 30th., Hawthorne car.
Pdnnc Tabor
SMALL NICELY furnished steam-healed
room, good meais, for a young lady;
home privileges. 687 Vi Gliaan at. Broad-
PLEASANT corner front room, strictly
moaern Dome, suitable for two, home
cooking, west side, reasonable rates.
t-nnne Marshall 27S1.
LOVELY room for two, warm in winter,
cool in summer: hot and cold water.
excellent board, very reasonable. Oppo-
site iiDrary. 1H1 nth st.
B-EKI.NEIJ Christian lady will room and
noara one or two children, und.r 6 years.
Personal care. References. Automatic
ilOOM and board for working man. $8. SO
a week: home privileges. 804 Commercial
st reet.
1RV1NGTON. lovely rooms, exceptional
board, sleeping porch, laundry privileges,
home life;
garage. cast BHa.
ROOM and board in nice home for busi
ness couple or 2 ladies employed. 174
North 15th.
-K'XIil h. k. rooms, large outsida rooma.
newly furnished: electric light, gas, heat
close In. Sellwood IOCS.
BOOM with sleeping porch and board for
2 gentlemen or couple. 211 N. 23d St.
Marshall 321.
oOJJ and board, just like home, nlce,y
furnished, gentlemen preferred; walking
distance. 721 E. Ankeny. East 8114.
KOI HILL, cloae In, young man to room
and ooaia: email congenial famllv n
young people: piano: modern. Main 898.
jiuw-i ana ooara tor two young men
ocoicnmen prexcrrea. 400 asl Emer
son sireei.
ONE NICELY furnished room wtih break
fast; gentleman only. 969 East Taylor,
rnnnf 1 nnnr l'ni.
ONE NllLLl lurnished. steam-heated
room for gentleman, close in. 307 11th
St.. apartment K. Marshall 4KI.
XOUNG woman with auourban home
wouia iiKe the care or a child from
to 5 yearg. Call Sellwood .V-'77.
ROOM and board, 1 or 2 young ladies em
ployed, walking distance, home prlvl
irKes. cast o.ttft.
ilUAKU, rouin and washing for two gen
iiemeu or manrea couple; so.DU pe
if.iw 1 ieveiana ave. .
h'uti KENT Koum and breakfast for busl
nesa woman in private C. a. home.
555. Oree-nnlan.
Fl HST-OLAScs board and room in private
inuurni name, suitable lor one or two.
r-none Main .(O.,.
BOARD and room in modern home
blocka from Hawthorne cur
32d st. Phone Tabor 5195.
IMCE. clean, airy room, suitable for gen
tieman. with board. $12 wk.: walking
-itroaqway 4u;;s.
3KO.NT ROOM, home cooking modern
nome. close in. one or two gentlemen.
pruuwij, Lnion-ave. cars. K. otwi.
HOARD and room in modern home for
young lady, 14 blocka from Hawthorne
. car. aB isast 3L'd. Tabor 0196.
LARGE, double room with twin beds for
two gentlemen: across from Multnomah
ciua. Main 7720.
. V'l-JLL furnished light room, ladles or cen
tlemen; V block to D. M. car; board if
qcsireq. Alar. .10.
FUK.N1SHBD room and garage, private
laniiiy. iaureinurst. Tabor 4tw.
liOoM and board m private family; 2 large.
l"31 rooms, aij r.ast litn JN
FUUjT-CLAsS room and board. 394 Coium-
oia. ror. nun. .Main .H .
NICELY furnished room with board, near
proaaway nringe. 403 Kenton.
2 SMALL children to care
matlc 615-16.
KOOM lor 2 gentlemen, aeparale beds.
lining trunmna. reasonnpte. - cast 8443.
CHILDREN receive excellent care in sub
urban residence. Sellwood 2793.
BEAUTIFUL room, excellent meals, home
privileges: wanting distance. East 8:162.
ROOM and board in private family.
patj. o:u e,. i-ainion.
WANTED Nice reSned boarder: $-j
rnomn. room ana ooara. AUto. 013-32.
ROOM and board for buslneaa girL rea-
snr,Hnie. iitDor n.n3.
J L'KMSHBU room with board. 407 Clay
r st.. Main 8S34.
BEAUTIFUL room, good eats, a real home.
ntipmrn only, o'm jacason.
rumlhe-d Apartments.
-ROOM, modern, steam heat, front porch
aim Bleeping pores, references exenangea
Jioo. East I mm.
FINE 2-room apartment, available now
close in to business district. 89 North
lth street, t hetopa Apts. Bdwy. 493H.
FL'KMSHED' 3-room basement apt., $55.
Alvarado Apts., -30 -Everett st. See
-Mr. Hants.
4-ROOM modern. 2 bedrooms, kitchen,
hath, parlor, telephone. 561 Glisan St.
toruer. rvaaoiusble. Call Bdwy.
COMFORTABLE 2-room apartment
quiet home. $'.'0. Main 6195.
3-ROO.M front a:artTnent. light and phone.
H7 21st st. X.. near Hoyt.
4-ROOM furnished apartment for rent. 3v4
Fargo st.
J- L K.M.--H LD apartiiit-ul:
a, running water.
I'H l"l:h st.
Bl.'SHMARK. Washington at., corner 17th,
1 large corner. 1 room apt., $33 per mo.
S-KOOM basement aparinH-nt, completely
luninuru. 111 ikiukwii. E.asi ISu..
2 OR 3-ROOM apartment, furnished or
pa rtlr lurnished. in Irvlngton. East 4v2.
3-ROOM. nice, cUan apt.; adulta only;
reisonahle. H50 Thurman and '.'5th sts.
LIGHT, airy room; ateam heat. 624 Mar--hall
st.. apt. 5.
1-rht 2-rm apt..
::5 Uiii st.
large front
ING room with hoard. East Vim.
ind '.-.'1! Aut. 2-'l-4
o-KO.M rurmshed apartment witn private
hath. 'W ' Ash.
4-room furnished apt Phone Bdy. 1245.
$32 MONTH for 2 front rooma, furnished
anarment r2'4 Third st.
WANTED Business
Close In. references
roman to share apt.
phone. Main 6641.
2-ROOM APT, at 423 E Couch. East 1796.
COZV 2-room apts. 4W Morrison sL
"Turn Uhed Apartment.
Room and room with bath in hich-cliM
ape noUM for rent to refined gentleman
or refined lady; also lovely light, airy
apt. on top floor for rent to refined
couple; no objection to child nnder 2
years: 3-room apt. very lovely and beau
tifully furnished; reference required
Marshall 230
ENTIRELY1 new 3 room, and bath Iflrat
occupancy); all outside, rooma. large,
light and airv: hardwood floors, furnace
and Radlollte. heat; commodious colaels
to oum-ins; nvt mlnutaa to ouaincnw
tenter; a classr home for exclusive ten
ant. 60 North l!th (opposite Trinity
church). T and M. to Davla at.
$M month for large 4-room. strictly
modern, completely furnl.hed apart
ment; new. clean, light, airy, first-class:
janitor aervlce: suitable for family of
four people "The Columbian." 11th and
Columbia. Many people pay up to $100
month for no better apartments.
Fifth and Columbia streets.
Five mmutes walk to Meier Frank's
store: good surroundings, atrlctly mod
ern 2 and 3-room furnished apt... out
aide, with French doors and balcony.
permanent ana transient
MODERN. completely furnished apart
ment, 3 rooma and bath, all outside
rooms; lots of light and air: large front
porch, fireplace with gas radlantflre, W.
8. location, easy walking distance.
Adults only. Corner Broadway and
CALL. MAR. 1664.
410V4 Hawthorne ave near Grand are.
Under new management; 8 -room fur
nished apartments, strictly modern and
beautifully clean; $40 to $30 month;
walking distance. East 24fl4.
Three nice, large rooms, besides hsll,
bath, pass pantry; furnished; also heat
and water. ,
APARTMENT, consisting, of S clean, light.
airy rooms, dishes, linens, utensils; cou
ple or bachelors; near Willamette Steel
A Construction Co., 322; 2 rooms, $12.
414 North 19th at.
FOUR rooms and bath, furnished, in mod
em apartment, on west aide, will rent
tnr 2 nr a months from May 1. An
awer giving Dhone number. Address X
619. Oregonlan.
Large 2-room apt. with bath, facing
the park; also 3-room apt., newly tinted
and enameled, walking distance. 301
West Park.
4-R.M. FURNISHED apartment with bath
for rent, phone inciuaea. vacant aiay i
mnA l pnAm hath, kitchenette. West
minster apts.. olh and Madison. Main
5.1 S2.
Third and Montgomery atreets. walk
ing distance, strictly modern 2-room fur
nished, brick building, electric elevator.
Phone 8466.
2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apt-, all out
side rooms, very light and modern.
Afline apts.. 17th and Lovejoy. Broad-
wav IB! 9
WANTED Large bedroom with house
keeping privileges or furnished apart
ment near Williams ave. and Killings
worth. Wdln. 8798. .
3-RM. APARTMENT for rent, old Ivory
nnd wicker furniture for sale reasonable.
306 Mayo apts., 603 Vi Union ave. N.
Call Sunday P. M
480 East Yamhill St.
For rent 2-room furnished apt.
Call East 4062.
2-3 rooms, furnished apts.. steam heat,
hot water, rent $18 to $30 per month.
408 "A N. 2th St.
THE JKFFERSONIAN Attractive 2-room
suites, newly renovated outside rooms
summer ratea; adults. 16th and Jef
SINGLE rooma, 2 and 3-room apta, tar
nished: hot ana cola water, steam .a'
each room; $12 per month up. -.09 Norto.
lath st. Phone Broaaway 1040
Nicely furnished 2-room steam-heated
apartments. $30 to $42.30; lights and
private pnone inciuaea. Main uii.
JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington St. One
8-room furnished apartment.
THE STANF1KLD. 24 Porter at., modern
2-room apt., heat, light, pnone. posuive-
IV clean: reaaonanie. aiain
BENSON APTS.. 205 N. 20TH 6T. Three
room furnished apt.. Including linen ana
silver, private bath and dressing room
adults only, iroadway 444s.
2 3-room apts., modem; 8 minutes'
walk from Meier A Frank s: new man-
agement. 3S1 6th st. Mar. 137S.
FURNISHED apt., nicely furnished. 3-room
apt., also a newly tinted a -room semi
basement apt.; free phone, private bath.
HIM Marshall at. Hawy. ami.
PAGE APTS.. East 8th and Burnslde,
large rooms, atrlctly modern, . 2 beds,
fireplace, free phone, new management.
MAY 1.
FURNISHED and unfurnished 2 and 4-
room apartments, walking distance, rea
sonable rent. Cincinnati court, 10th and
Harrison sts. Main ::4KU.
2 ROOMS, full size, up; oven range. Pan
try, running water, eta Cheery and
neat: walking disatnee. Main 3538. 647
Yamhill st.
NICE 3-room apt., with private bath and
heat. Guild apts.. 394 Guild st. Take
23d or "N. 8. cur.
Modern 2 and 3-room apta reasona
ble. Marshall a.-en.
CLEAN aa a pin. 4-room .apt., private
bath, gas ana electricity, also 3 room
1 39 Vj Russell St. East 6003.
3-ROOM apta. ready April 25 and May 1
heat, bath, phone; garage If desired.
Woodiawn 4971. 856 East 6th st. North.
BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity Plaei
Outside 2-room apt. now; 3-room apt.
May 1. Marsnan liinu.
NEWLY decorated desirable h. k. room
everything furnished, close In. 325
TWO 2-ROOM apts., private bath. linen.
lights and phone furnished: walking
distance, nsa unsan. near imn.
COMPLETELY furnished 3-room aiJt.,
walking aistance: aauita oniy. soa. tail
mornings. Main la.
REFINED working girl to share cozy
downtown apartmenL Addresa T 620,
Oregon ian.
BOTH large and small, clean, light .and
- airy apartments; walking distance. 473
Clay at.
TWO 2-front-room apartments, well fur
nished, for rent. 14. m per week. aawy.
NICE 2-room apt., nice light and airy, aa
much room as orainary a-room apt.. $20.
Call 553 Pekum ave.
TWO-ROOM apartment, clean, completely
furnished. Lomoara sr. col. 617.
University park.
3-ROOM furnished apt., steam heat, free
phone, one block rrom 2 carltnea. 843
Ne Ison St.. near 27th and sandy blvd.
1 3-room beautifully arranged apart-
went. Mam n-io.
FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartment.
private bath, .ike home, neat and olean.
Woodiawn 592. 242 Kllllngsworth ave.
ARCADIA APTS.. 7lMl Everett, near 21st
2 rooms, niceiy iurnisnea, with bath;
$37 50.
NICE, LIGHT 2-room apt., on 6th floor;
elevator service, -cnetopa Apta., Broad
way 4936
A large 3 and 4-ropm apt. available
May 1. Mali-. 6641.
PORTNOMAH t rooma sleeping porch.
hariiwooa i-pors. suuns. .uu a, I3th
KING-DAVIS APTS S4 N. King.; 4-room
furnisneq Ml.'--, iciciivci. Jaain ZU5H.
UNION AVE. and Kllllngsworth, $23.60"
.11 completr: concrete building.
SEW YORK aparimenta. 7th and BeT
mont; A ana - 1 oon.a. k-.3.t 23 s
NEWLY renovated 2 rooms and bath.
Falrmount. 296 11th St.
:i!n Ftuse-elt st. r.ast 4H47.
8 and 3-room apta 1133-4 Alblna ava-.
HUKH-'a m 1 ""'' iwrnianea apt.
697 V aaningion -t .-nam 1U32
3-ROOM apt., private batb and phona, $40'.
HERMEN1A. 400 Hail sL. cor. 10th 2-
room moqem apt., 1111,
Moving for leaa Phone Bdwy. "445.
CLEAN. 2-room apartment: rent very reas-
onable. D4o; v asningion ijt. Bdwy. 3449.
GIRL to share large apt. 251 12th st. Mar
3-ROOM apartment, adults only, $40.
N. 22d st. pnone Main 370.
NEWLY papered and clean apta., $20 and
$22 50 614 Fourth st.
NICELY furnished 3-room apartmenL 861
Mississippi ave. Wdln. 5.
CLEAN, new 3-room apartment for rcnL
Phone Sellwood 1460.
3 AND 4-ROOM apartmenL 414 Eleventh
street. Mar. 1160.
VACANT the 2Sth. 3-room apt. 241) K.
16tn street, I'hont East 47i
r'urniwhed Apartment.
Mlrh-rliu. beautifully furnished,
strictly modern apL and sleeping porch.
outside apartment, ror May i; no odjcc
tlon to child under 2 years: can be seen
afternoons only. Also suite and single
room and batb lor refined gentlemen,
Marshall 2ao.
2 AST 3-ROOM furnished apartment, ele
vator and tiled bath. King Albert apts.,
11th and Montgomery. Main 369.
ftood home with Income, nlcs 9-room
PL. close in. netting I'.O per month
besides good apts. ror owner. Price 31100
with easy terms. O. W. Tarr Co., 407
McKay Bldg.
ONE newly made, furnished apartment;
1 front room and kitchen; light, phone,
gas and heat Included: $28 a month.
No children. Ten minutes' walk to
business center. 599 Main St.. behind
Multnomah club. Ready for rent May 1.
4-ROOM furnished apartment with bath
for rent, phone Included, vacant May
J, and 1 room with kitchenette. West
minster Apts., nth and Madison. Main
SNAP Apartment, 4 rooma and bath,
steam heat, fine furniture, for sale,
$3fi0; rent cheap. Owner leaving city:
' fine location, cloae In. No car fare.
Address O 820. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE, BARGAIN 10-ft. soda foun
tain outfit, marble finish; 10-ft. wall case
with mirror; l-ft. back bar. mahogany
with mirror; 3 pool tables, S card tables.
36fl Hawthorne ave. Phone East 67S8.
for summer months, completely ana
beautifully furnished, Including linen and
silver; 3 rooms and sleeping porch; ref
erences required. Mar. 2.S30.
NICELY furnished 2-room apartment,
steam heat; private bath and phone;
$42.30; cleaning and laundry extra. The
Lincoln apis., 4th and Lincoln, Main
1377. J
415 W. BROADWAY 2-r. apt., heat, light,
bath, phone, gas. clean linen all in
cluded in moderate rent. Storage space.
Also 1 large bedroom suitable for 1 or 2.
Particulars. Marshall 349.
2-ROOM front corner aps., nicely fur
nished, hardwood floors, phone Included.
The Cheltenham. 256 N. 19th St., phone
Broadway -'ass.
BRIGHT, sunny, two-room apt., with large
pantry; alao clean, comfortable rooms;
close In. west side. quiet place. 208
17th street.
HAWTHORNE APTS., 5G4 1st. Splendid
4-room apartment, well arranged, all
outside rooms, near shipyard; also 2
room apartment.
TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, completely
furnished; best car service; hot water
heat: $19. 1181 Kerby st. Automatic
DESIRABLE 3-room apt., walking dist-
tance. for rent to Darty DUrchaaing fur
niture, with or without garage. Call
Marshall 5736. after 9 Sunday.
FOR RENT Small furnished apt., light
heat, hot and cold water, gas, furnished
Price $32.60 per month. Call 10U2H
Hawthorne, spt. A
COLL&GK, 4 rooms, modern, front, steam
heat, hot water, free phone, 2 beds, new
ly furnished, close in, $53, 3d and Col-
lege. Marshall 5555.
-room h. k. idL. large outside rooms,
newly furnished: electric light, gas, heat.
close in. sellwooa jub
2 and 3-room apta, strictly modern.
EA .ST 2.-.12. ,
2-ROOiM furnished apartment with bath
and large dressing room, walking aia
tance. Chapman Apta., 355 Chapman st.
FOR R&NT One 2-room and one 3-room
apt., strictly modern; $30 ana $40.
Leeds apts.. 210 Market St.
FURNISHED Irvington apartment. Three
rooma, sun porch, phone, heat UghL
Adults. Rent $i5. East 1(VH.
LN SUNN Y SIDE, clean 3 or 4-room suite,
near Sunnyside schools, $25. $1068 .
Taylor. Eaat 8743.
4-ROOM lurnished apt. Highland Court.
Lnturnislied Apartments.
KINGSBURY apartments. 186 Vista ave.,
near 23d and Washington ate.: high-class
apartment house, one three-room with
large living loom and disappearing bed,
also has real bedroom and ouuride bai-
cony; available May 3. Can be seen now.
THE CECELIAN apta. 22d and Glisan
8-room unfurnished aparta. for rent, all
outside; entire building renovated; rent
$40 to $53. A visit will convince that
these are cleaner, with plenty of light
and fresh air. t
WE HAVE one 4-room apartment with
large living room, finished In ivory, with
tapestry wails; also nas fireplace; rent
$60. The Arbor court, I4ta ana coium
bt sts. .
MCIT 6-ROOM unfurnished apartment.
bedrooms, living room, dining room,
kitchen and bath; white enamel wood
work. French doors, hardwood floors.
Available May 1. Price $0. Main 8272.
VACANT May 1, four-room, heat, water,
facing W. Park St.. $43; man and wife
preferred; referencea. inquire 886 Hall
THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment,
private home. May 18. Glencoe district
preferred. Referencea. AN 624, Orego
NICE light 4-room apartment, easy walk
lng distance from business aistrlct. jtn
and Flanders. cnetopa Apia uowy,
'.HE MORDAUNT, iatn and .Everett; large
4-r. unfurnished moaern apartment; re
tinted, h. w. floors; adults. Aut. 627-10.
IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 4-room
outside apt., $55: 8-room apt., vacant, on
the first. $47.50. Adulta
HARTFORD APTS., cor. 21st and Flan-
dera 3 rooms and bath, newly decorat
ed, modern.
LORENZO APTS., 427 Salmon st. Main
8678. Unfurnished 2-room apt.; water.
ngnt. pnone
LAitGE 4-room apt. on third floor; ele
vator aervice. Chetopa apta. Broadway
8 ROOMS, toilet and bath, apt. C, 648 M
Thurman. near 20th. Marshall 4761.
FOR RENT 4-room apartment, every
thing modern, reasonable. East 62,7.
FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, $33.
carutners Apartments. 212 caruthers st.
2 AND 3 UNFURNISHED apts. for rent.
sin ana sis per montn. 11 a. 22a St.
SHEFFIELD apts.; one four-room unfur-
nlshed: now vacant. Main 2506.
BKYN 31 A WR, 185 E. 15th; 4 rooma and
porch. $45. East 2134.
11th st
apt., garage.
l urnished ot Lnlurnlshed Apartments.
208 16th,' near Taylor.
Completely furn. 5-room apt.. 2 full
bedrooms and dlsap. bed in living room.
All cutslde rooms, walking distance.
8-room front apartment, furnished or
unfurnished. Marshall 2230. 186 N. 22d
3-ROOM furnished or unfurnished apt. 6S5
Irving st.
5-ROOM flat and sun parlor, modern In
every respect. Portiana He-urnts; win be
vacant May 1. Apply Metzger-Parker
t o.. 2tfl onk st. Broaqway im.,:,.
L'-.VFUltNISHED. clean, modern upper flat.
No. 153 Hamilton ave.; 5 rooms ana
large porch: linoleum, gas ranee, fur
nace; references. Main 6216.
MODERN 4-room flat. $22.50. 692 V4 East
Morrison. Call between 10 A. M. and
5 P. M.
3-ROOM flat, 627 W. Overton, April 1
water, gas for bath free, $22.50. East
5-ROOM modern upper flat, newly decor-
ated, within 5 minutes' walking distance
from business district. Apply 4Q4 5th st
NICE rooms, pantry and bath, partly
furnished: walking distance: reasonable.
5S9 Montgomery. Mar. 4ltf2. Adults.
$35 JUST vacated, newly decorated four-
room nat. excellent location. 022 i4tn
St.. opposite Keeler apartments.
ROOM modern flat, $30 per month, some
furniture for sale. 843 Vi Belmont, cor.
27th. Sunnyside car.
FOR RENT 3-room flat, A-l condition.
Electricity, gas. batb. 414 2d St., cor.
Hall, after 12 P. M.
EKY sunny modern flat of 6 large rooms
in heart of town: rent reasonable. Call
541 Fifth St.. or Main 2395.
-ROOM unfurnished flat, reasonable.
phenson Court. 16th and Mill.
-ROOM lower flat, on eaat aide, to adults
only. Sell. 2351.
ROOM unfurnished flat, heat and water
furnished. Auto. 527-10.
8 3-ROOM lower flat. Seilwood district.
Wdln. 15B5.
near 2Sd and
Main 8988.
Washington, west side.
Furnished Flats.
ROOM upper flat furnished; electric
lights and gas, sleeping porch. 15 min
utes' walk 'to postofftce. 62O 6th st.
WIDOW wishes to share her 3-room fur-
nienea nat with congenial people: $20
month. 265H Larrabee st.
LIGHT, CLEAN rooms: ail conveniences:
line locaimn: reasonaoie. Main 71.V.I.
ROOM modern flat, private bath; couple
employed. Sell. 2412.
3-rtooM upper flat, partly furnished.
K 3144.
$16 PARTLY furmsned 3-room upper flat.
inquire t,. w. .-eison. 2ss Kussell st.
LOWER floor, private residence, 2 adults.
243 K. 17th, near Hawthorne.
NICE clean 4-room modern flat on car
line; adults. Wdln, 3210.
Furnished Flats.
7-ROOM, atrictly modern flat, with veran
da, fireplace and wash trays,eiaoorateiy
furnished In mahogany, oak and Ivory
with finest rugs and draperies, income
of 4 rooms $l; flat renta for $55. Will
aacrifice for $1500. This place must be
aeen to be appreciated. Main 4848. Walk-
Ing distance In desirable location.
350 WEST TAYLOR, walking distance; firm
floor, living room, bedroom, kitchen and
bath; phone and electricity, cooking
gas. water ami garoage inciuaea; .o
modern, pleasant location; adulta only
newly panered and painted; vaeast
April 27.
FURNISHED flat to share with young
couple, walking distance; have piano:
2 bedrooms. 3 rooma In all. or will rent
all; no cnuaren; or have room witn
use of kitchen or Just sleeping room.
409 Yamhill st.. flat 1.
COMPLETELY furnished 4 rooms, includ
Ing electric iron and lamp, linen for two
beds, reception nan, natn ana pass pan
try, heat and water included In rent.
possession at once. eu jeiierson su,
near 10th.
FOR RENT A beautiful" 3-room flat, 10
min. walk to center of city; must buy
furniture; everything the best and house
cleaning done; sell for $1050 for quick
sale. This is a private Dome, not
roomln g house. Auto. S29-26,
CLEAN, modern four rooms, sleeping
porch, bath. large front balcony, rear
porch, private furnace, private Dasement
space: west side, walking distance busi
ness center: adults; references; $50. 464
Hall st. H fuz. oregonian.
NICELY furnished upper flat, 1 block to
car line, walking aiatance; lignt, airy
and quiet, modern and clean, adults
only: references required. 842 Belmont,
corner of f.ast 1-itn.
NICE, clean completely furnished 6-room
lower flat, pnone. water ana garoage
naid. walking distance: has new comb.
Universal range; to responsible parties
only. East 4333. -
V-ROOM all-modern flat to. party buying
furniture; nice home, gooa income, on
west side, close. 434 Mill st. Phone
Msin 4013.
8-ROOM flat, clean; 8 rooma nicely fur
nished, 8 rooma partly lurnisnea; walk
ing distance; adults only; $tf3 per month;
references. Main 81S0.
CLEAN i or 6-room flat on first floor, elec
tricity, stationary luoa. gas, etc, i.n.iiu.
East 8743. 1038 E. Taylor, near Sunny
side school.
FOUR-ROOM furnished lower flat, $30;
no children. 354 San Rafael St., Wood
lawn car. Call between 11 and 1 o'clock
RENT free till May 1; 6-roon steam-heated
flat, with furniture for sale; in center
of town. Automatic f24-4l.
NICELY' furnished 4-room fiat with piano,
adults only; walking distance. 329
Chapman street
WELL furnished 3 or 4-room flat In beau
tiful modern home. 1113 E. 15th N.
2 blocks from car. Wdln. 3238.
NICELY furnished lower flat. $40. includ
ing phone, water and garbage. 604 .
Couch : walking distance.
SWELL little 4-room flat for rent, furni
ture for sale, $30 month. Geo. T. Moors
Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg.
FURNISHED 4-room flat, walking dis
tance. 462 Flint st., near Williams ave.
and Russell: adulta only. East 5571.
FURNISHED modern 4-room bungalow
flat, fireplace, yard and porches. 594
South ave., Sellwood car.
FOUR -ROOM furnished flats, 539 Com
mercial court, corner Russell sL, east of
Kerbv St.. Alblna.
4-ROOM flat, private bath, sleeping porch;
walking distance, block to SS car. 671 H
3-ROOM housekeeping flat, furnished or
unfurnished, close in. Bushue, 518 Chajn
ber of Commerce.
FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale, flat
for rent if wanted; nice and coay. 200ft
16th st. N. .
5-ROOM upper flat, nicely furnished, mod
ern; garage; block Alberta car. 1072
East 16th N.
FURNITURE for 4 rooms for sale, can rent
flat. 830 V, Ross st.
$16 2-ROOM furnished lower flat, mod
ern. 538 Mill. cor. inn .
Housekeeping Rooms.
n. K. ROOMS, completely furnished, some
with private bath, plenty hot water, gaa
ranges, launary room; cnuaren scitouib.
1H6 Sherman. Mar, aitftj.
2 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms,
sub-let for 3 months: adults only: a.'u.
Call after 3 o'clock Monday, Stephenson
Court. 16th and Mill.
NHVVLY decorated and thoroughly cleaned
large front room for ngnt n. k. r,very
convenience. 507 Clav st. Mar. 302
NEWLY decoratea and thoroughly cleaned
large front room ror light n. k. every
convenience. 507 Clay St. Mar. 3602.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, one
with kitchenette, one large iront room.
153 N. 16th Broadway 4403.
ONE OR two furnisnet housekeeping
rooma, rent very reasonable; no ob
jection to child. 638 Fverett St.. cor. 20th
H. K. ROOMS, completely furnished, gas
ranges, launary room: cnuaren welcome.
1H6 Sherman, near snipyaras.
SUNNY room, fireplace, victrola and mu
sic: housekeeping privileges; ' walking
distance. 686 Marshall st.
WANTED First-class roomers. I have the
rooms for you. neat and handy, location
just right, nousekreeping rooma 2.0 otn
TWO FRONT, nicely furnlBhed housekeep
ing rooms; very reasonable. 865 N. 19th
street, . .
TWO NICE front rooms, first floor, large
rorch, very convenient, single rooms:
10 up. 653 Flanders.
1 LARGE furnished housekeeping room;
bath, lighta and phone; private entrance.
104 E. 18th st.
2 FURNISHED and 2 unfurnished: also
single housekeeping rooms; reasonable.
550 Couch st
FURNISHED or unfurnished room with
use of kitchen, to lady with good ret.,
$12. 431 Sumner St., near Alberta.
FOR RENT 3 partly furnished house
keeping rooma Call Sunday afternoon.
200 E. Church St.
2 ROOMS, furnished complete for h. k. ;
walking distance; adulta. 11 JS. I4tn
street N.
WILL give 2 or 3 upstairs rooms, partly
furntsbea. for n. k. ror service irom
lady. AH 619, Oregonlan.
CLEAN and nicely fnrnlshed housekeeping
room. 1 and 2-room apartment, electric
lights, reasonable. 29 N. 17th st.
NICE, light 1 and 2-room apartments,
housekeeping. Call between 3 and 7.
. M7 Hall st. Main 1488.
FURNISHED. $16. two rooms and kitch
enette, large yara, private entrance. 211
K. 29th and Mawtnorne
CLEAN. well-f urnlshed housekeeping
rooms; light ana water Tree: rent rea-
sonahle. 535 K. Pine st.
2 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms; large.
single front H. tv. room. 2SIV4 Larra
be st.
LARGE, clean rooms for housekeeping;
new furnishings, walking distance. 20
E. 13th St.. cor. Ash.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooma veTy
reasonable. Call 266 Hall st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooma
CLEAN, comfortable H. K. for men. 320
S-T-onfl st.. Clay notet.
BAGGAGE, furniture and piano moving,
reliable service, reasonable. East 6434.
6 WEEK up, completely furnished h. ic
suites. rne uaamac. aa near jeirerson.
H. K. ROOMS, nice and clean. 434 Broad-
way. One single room.
FOUR-ROOM apartment for housekeeping,
unfurnished. 10 E. 10th st. N.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, piano.
Main. Tabor
667 E.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close
month and up. 225 11th st.
in. $15
FURN. rooms for light housekeeping;
every tning iurnisnrq. tw st.
FOR RENT furnished 2-room suites h. It., per ween, sua r ourtn sr.
NICE H. K. room, suitable tor I. You
will want it when you see It. 128 14th.
NICE h. k. room, suitable for one person.
2W1 Morrison; .,
FOR v RENT F urnlshed housekeeping
rooms. 7i ist st.
FURjNLSHE-D h. k. rooms. $10 month up.
... .v i.-n t.. apt. T.
all fur-
nlshed. 427 Goodnough bldg.
ONE NICE clean furnished housekeeping
room, walking distance. 21 w. park
-ROOM suite, hot and cold water,
phone. fi7 N. 2th. Bdwy. 4123.
2-ROOM h. k. apartments, clean, light.
reasonable. sflS'fr v eidler.
2 AND 3-ROOM apts. for rent at 302 W
Burnsln and Grand ave.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, elec
trlr Hrht furnished. 0ft3 Williams ave.
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping-
clean, close In. 474 Salmon st.
3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms
with private
Wdln. 300ft.
bath. 1 120 Maryland ave.
2 LARGE housekeeping rooms.
4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2 rooms each.
Win and $17 per mo. n. 10th st.
2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms for 2 or 3
working people. 1 jH N. IHth st.
4-ROOM furnished flat, adults. East 4707.
118 Farro.
FURNISHED outside room for light H. K.
41:7 tjooanougn otn-g.. orn and Yamnni.
TWO CLEAN front rooms. 495 Montgom-
rv Mar. 802S.
K. suite. $30 month. H.
141 11th, corner Alder.
room. $12.
FURNISHED h. k. room. $22
17th St. N. MsbU apts.
FURNISHED light h. k. rooms. 386 Lar
ntbe st.
isLME of ii light, ii, rovui. Alaia eS3.
Mouaekeeplng Rooms.
ONE SINGLE housekeeping apt., very
pleasant for two girls employed or man
and wife: one 2-room h. k. apt., very
pleasant; one light h. k. with sleeping
porcn; one sleeping room lor one em-
pioyen. main hiwi.
2-ROOM housekeeping suite, 1 single
housekeeping room, 1 sleeping room, gas.
Northwestern heat, electricity, hot and
cold water, centrally located, 2 blocka
from Portland Hotel. 385 Yamhill St.
FURNISHED h. k. rooma. 1 room with
kitchenette, hot and cold water; private
phone, electrle lighta. steam heat. 3
minutes' walk to town. 291 Columbia
near 5th.
FURNISHED housekeeping reom, neat.
. clean, desirable neighborhood. $4 per
week. 170 Chapman st., near 18th ana
Morrison sts. Broadway 2537.
SINGLE housekeeping room and sleeping
room, clean, well furnished, all outside,
rent cheap. Phone Broadway 2937. 141
Lownsdale. corner 15th and Alder
SINGLE H. K. room, illl per month, in
eluding lighta, beat, phone and cooking
gaa, 1 person. 464 E. Oak st,, between
ntn ana nth.
9 ROOMS, light housekeeping, very close
In; bargain if taken at once, clearing
$120 per month; rent $30.' Will take car
as part payment. 255 5th St., Mar. 2558.
NalAT MuDEKN 2-room apt., hardwood
floors, hot and cold water in rooma, heat
and everything furnished. 254 Eaat 3d
St. N. East 4126.
2 ROOMS, completely furnished; light.
modern, bath, free lighta and phone:
price $30: alao single h. k. rooms. 194
X, 17th St.
DOWN STAIRS furnished housekeeping
room for a lady only; will rent very
cheap. Call In afternoon, cor. E. Eighth
and Yamhill.
FOR RENT 2 furnished H. K. rooms on
first floor, with private entrance, very
convenient; quite reasonable. 363 E. 7th
St.. phone East 7854.
FOR A LADY, one furnished room with
kitchenette, light, gas. electric Iron and
phone, walking distance; rent $20. Phone
Marshall 2576.
NICELY furnished front room, adjoining
bath; heat, hot water. Apply Mr. Ste
vens, box office Baker theater. 11th
and Morrison.
FIVE one-room and kitchenette,
11. K.,
clean, good furniture, good rates.
Everett st.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private f amily.
2 ROOMS and kitchenette, furnace, fine
neighborhood, easy walking distance,
neat, airy, half block S. S. car. 1 blk.
grocery, ready Immediate occupancy,
reasonable, gas, phone, light, heat. Tel.
East 2549. or call at 126 E. 15th St.
A VERY pleasant, large front room in a
lovely modern home, suitable tor 1 or a;
kitchen privileges if desired; garage also.
1441 E. Morrison at. Tabor 8850.
NICELY furnished tront room with
kitchenette; everything furnished, $
per week; walking distance. 365 Wil
liams ave.. cor. Broadway.
LADY employed will share her comfort
able flat witn one or two congenial
adults. Easy walking distance. Very
reasonable. East 4422.
LIGHT, airy h. k. rooma, $20; light,
phone and water Included; adulta only.
595 E. 20th St. Sell. 8189.
LARGE front H. K. room, 4 windows; gas.
light, phone, bath free; 5 blocks from
Morrison. 832 Mill St.
ONE LARGE, light, front furnished house
keeping room, first floor, gas, electricity
and phone furnished. 75 22d st. N.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, close in.
ground floor; $10 month; -suitable for
one. 465 East Oak st.
LARGE front room, kitchenette; sink, hot.
cold water, gaa, elec. : very convenient I
and close In, near library. 428 Yamhill.
TWO AND three large, modern house
keeping rooms with sleeping porch. 249
13th st.
LARGE light room with small kitchen, $18
month; couple with baby preferred. 227
' Montgomery street.
3 LAKOE, llht housekeeping rooms.
ground door; fireplace, yard, free phone,
light. fj.i-4 E. Ash.
BHAUTIF'ULLY furnished large front room
and kitchenette: fine location; light.
heat and gas. Auto. 024-01.
NOB HILL 2 light h. k. rooms, west side,
walking distance, desirable, reasonable;
adults only. 656 Glisan. Broadway 2930.
FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping
rooms, very reasonable. Eaat 8033. Will
rent singly or together.
251 12TH ST.- Bajiement room, private en
trance, nice for mechanic; walking dis-
tance: men only.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms witn
light, water and phone. 859 Hawthorne J
ave. East 4720.
2-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart
ment: alao alngle sleeping room. 350
14th st,
AT 31 EAST 2Sth st. there are 2 fine h. k.
rooms; Momavilla. car; light, heat.
phone: no children.
2 LARGE, front rooma. first floor; single
room; rent reasonable. 95 E. 12th. cor.
TWO OK three nicely lurnished hout-
keepinff rooms; heat, llpht, phone; clean
and reasonable. nst 2i&.
2 CLEAN furnished H. K. rooms, good
location, rent 120. Includes everything. !
feast 4:n:.
OLEAN, light front h. k. room In White
Temple district; reasonable. 4M Tay
airy front h. k. room
down town district.
rvith kttch-
enette ;
408 Main.
RENT Furnished H. K. rooms, nice resi-
rience. Phone, piano. kast -.d.i.
TWO COMPLETELY lurmehed h. k. rooms
for two employed. fcast H'Km.
105 liuTH, COR. FLANDERS, neatly Xur-
msned houeKeaping rooms.
H. K. ROOM, newly furn., close in, lovely
yard, like home. 5!3 E. Madison.
ONE H. K. ROOM for rent, everything fur-
nished, 925. 4V2 East ffth st. .
NEAT h. k. rooms, $8 and $12 per mouth.
'Jim lath, near Taylor.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, walking dis
tance, nice and clean. &.W mjh sr.
S1NULE H. K. room, adjoining bath, rea
sonable, hhi Kvarett.
IRVINGTON Very desirable 2 -room apart
ment, porcn. 4-is hi. iatn isortn.
CLEAN and cosy 1 and 2-room H. K...
reasonable. I... Va N. -1st, at.
LARGE, front h. k. rooms and alcove.
newly papered, painted, itast
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
close in. 20 minutes walk. Sellwood TU5.
NICE, clean room with kitchenette, heat.
ue of bath and phone. 414 Taylor.
2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms.
7D3 Belmont
st. East 61 in.
4 -ROOM house, 2 lots, near Council Crest
car. Marshall Bliio.
FRONT room, $10 a month;
gas. free elec,
phone, bath. 3BZ 4th st.
LaUU a .ADDITION. Modern b-roorn house
with carpets and wood range; vacant
after May lo. Phone East 512U or call
tii7 rfony et.
WELL-SITUATED west-aide house, fur
nished or unfurnished, for year or loos
er, aa private residence only; $100 to
1100. Main Uo-W.
TRUNKS moved, 60 cents; pianos and
furniture moved, two men and large
truck, $3.50 per hour. Call Broadway
MODERN 10-room home with large
grounds, restricted district: rent $100
per month. See owner. 618 Corbett bldg.
NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, garage, no chil
dren. Call before 1 P. M. 725 E. 17th
street North.
6-KOOM house, Arieta Park, in Mu Scott,
80x100 lot, rent $30 per month. F.
Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141.
EAST Broadway bridae. 6-room houae, de
sirable location, $35; no children. Owner.
Main 318.
MODERN t rooms and sleeping porch,
west side; easy walking distance. Main
ilftBl after 10.
clean, partly iurnisnea. 35s Grand ave-
n ue .n orltv
MODERN 3-room bungalow.' 1178 Wood
ward ave.. Richmond, 1 S acre ground.
paved st. Broadway L'vU,
1341 CORBETT ST., J rooms modern; ail
conveniences. $45 a month, on carltne.
Mar. 40!.
5-KOOM huuae. partly furnished, elec
tricity, gas and water; large garden; $18
pfr montn. Mam rj.
$0 47 E. iMSTH ST., modern 7-room
house for rent; $175 worth of furniture
for sale.
NEW 6-RM. house, modern conveniences.
706 E. "tith st. N., cor. KlickitaU Take
Rose City car
EIOHT rooms, sleeping porch, lovely
ground, garage, etc.. walking aistance,
long lease. Auto. 221-02.
MO VINO Pianos, furniture and long-dis
tance hauling a specialty, u. & w. Truck
Service Co., o Zd st- rnone uawy. oi-ii.
WHEN moving, city or country, get the
best at lowest price, ureen Trans. Co..
Main 12fl1. 2QZMi Alder at.
3 LARGE, light, partly furnished rooms,
ground floor, atstajice, cneap.
Mfl K. Oak. Phone 2:iTn:i.
4-ROOM house with bath, to rent.'
Glbbs st. s. p.
NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, South Portland.
$32.50. can Mr. lAwson, aawy. b?3.
A NEW, MODERN 8-room house; all
built-in conveniences; raoor sii'a.
-11 room house,
month. 371 N.
Full base
1!th st.
ment. $30 i
tine condition, west aide.
3iM tieriinper nias'
5-ROOM furnished house, fruit and garage.
4'n w. Lnmpara st.
8-ROUM modern hous? in Nob Hill dis
trict, fnon .Mam imui.
774 RUOibVlJT. i. ou7.
BE A "RE ALTOR." Only those who are
members oT the national board and are
pledged to protect clients are entitled to
use of the name "Realtor." Be sure that
the real estate man you do business with
is a hcal. t on. .rortlana llcaliy Jjoaru,
urfcgon bunging.
FOR YOUR own protection list vour prop
erty for sale or buy only through t
REALTOR. All real estate men cannot
be realtors. ONLY really men who do a
clean ousinesa can join the noara ana
use the name "Realtor." Phone us when
In doubt. Portland Realty Board. Broad
way i;i2.
Piano and furniture moving; 30-day
free storags on all household goods, until
our new warenouse la xiuea.
104 N. 5th St. Bdwy. 120T.
FOR RENT In Rose City, modern 6-room
bungalow, sleeping porch, garage, nice
lot; will lease to responsible party, 1 to
s years; xtio a month, see Mr. f taner,
248 Stark street.
QUIT PAYING RENT 6-room house with
attic, in. good condition and location
fruit trees, can be bought with $800
down, balance like rent; lot 50x85. Whole
price $1900. Marshall 3401.
to aell. Reasonable prices and terms,
Save your rent and own your HOMK,.
5-HOO.M house, bath. zas. electricity.
lots, fenced, plowed and harrowed; 10
bearing fruit treea, berries, $26. Call
Monday. 6343 6th St. S. E.
FOR RENT or sale, 4-room house, 20
minutes from town, water and gas, ga
rage, chicken house, smau Darn. sj.
COUPLE wants to rent by May 10. 3 to
S-room house, garage, improved street
will take 6 mo. rent in advance. Call
Woodiawn 4820.
UNFURNISHED, three or four nice clean
rooms in lady s own bungalow: basement,
lawn, walking distance, west side, adillts,
references. 14K Curry st.
GOOD 6-room house, at station; 2 largo
lots, garage, plenty fruit; lease lor year;
$2U per month. $u casn. u. c. appio,
Onk Grove.
stj.s.N IMDcl nea,r Laurelhurst. new mod
ern bungalow: will lease $.o montn
adulta only, or will sell 2 houses on cor
ner lot at a low rigure. 'laoor -.
ABOb'i' I) acres, S-room bouse, poultry
houses, large barn, city water, pavca
st.. In Vancouver. $40 mo. Telephone
Tahor 7340
7-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale;
close In, easy walking distance, gooa
Income: bargain for quick sale. East
FURNISHED HOUSE on Flanders St., near
23d. Rent $75 per month. Rererences
required. Wakefield, Fries & Co., 83
Fourth st
GOOD live-room house at station.
Two large lots, garage, plenty fruit
Lease for year, $20 per month.
$60 cash. C. E. Apple. Oak Grove.
MODERN 4 rooms, sleeping porch.
No. 821 NORTHRUP ST., Flat A: $45
6-ROOM houso. East Burnside and
sts. East 6507.
Furnished Houses.
for rent about May 6; six-room bunga
low, modern. In good condition; good
furniture; a real home; this house is lo
cated one block from Hawthorne; good
location, close In; rent $50. Address
RJIi 14th St., Astoria. Or
MODERN 6-room bungalow. furnished
complete. Owner desires to reserve one
room for a month. Rent $23 a month
for first month, and $33 per month
thereafter. Call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127
Park street.
ONE OF the most beautiful homes In Port
rand, on corner: double garage: Persian
rugs, concert grand piano. Victrola, ail
verware and linen, oil paintings, hot
water heat; $130 per month. For further
Information phone r.ast P1.1
No. 603 Ladd ave., Ladl addition.
MODERN well furnished home, 7 rooms.
PIANO. GARAGE. Clean. Call promptly.
BEAUTIFUL furnishoi five-room, two in
closed sleeping porches, universat com
bination range, fireplace, strictly first
class: no small children; references re
quired. Price $55. 710 East Madison St.
8-KOOM nicely furnished house, wlute
enamel finish, fireplace, porcnes. goou
ranirience district, walking distance; ga
rage, fruit, flowers, $100 month. 748
Kast rlurnsioe. r.ast i-o.
irR raT.k nr rent bv owner. 3-room fur-
niRhri cottaa-e. 1UOXJOC raraen an in,
fruit, flowers and berries, room for 200
chickens, Irvlngton Part district, ren
Phone Wdln. 4i7.
4-ROOM furnished bungalow. garuen
space; rent per monin. vm iea
for 6 months to right party. Longer if
preferred. Auto. 619-76 from 8 to 11
HOUSE. 3 rooms and bath, new Interior.
mnrfsrn rnn ventences. niceiy iurnisnea,
good space for ffarden, $35; will lease to
richt Darty. 1133 Canyon road, Alain
Electricity, gas, sleeping porch, fire
place, nice and clean, nice yard ; east
slue. .
SMITH-WAQONKK t'U., fr'toK exen.
5-ROOM furnished house for rent. Take
St. jonns car oia anu .miiiiibiwu,
off Denver ave., go west 3 biocKS. o w
Sumner. Marshall 6079.
UPPER part of house, d-rooin, furnished.
garage, su per uionin; auuns. c.
16th st. Side door north. Sellwood car.
tun. .12. ,
WIDOW, employed 'till midnight, will
Bhaare ner weu-iurnisnea wvi-n-ruum
house with desirable couple; references.
Phone Woodiawn ang4. , .
NICELY furnished 6-room bouwe; gas, elec
tricity, furnace. 2 i n-. seaa si., onw
block from Hawthorne ave.; reasonable
to responsible party. Phone East 740
WELL-SITUATED wesi-side house, fur
nished or unrurnisneo, ior year or long
er, as private residence only; 9100 to
$ 1 BO. M ain
&-ROOM furn. shed bungalow. Rose City
Park, to rent tor 4 montns, aauits oniy.
SK per montn. neiercutes leuucu.
Phnne S16-33
6 OR S-KOOM house, furnished or partly
furnished and with garden and fruit for
summer or year oy Dusiness man. w
6ea. Oregoman.
A MODERN completely iurnihneu , -room.
sleeping porcn, garage, in oeaumui
neighborhood, for rent during June,
July. August. Tabor 1041.
FOR RENT Furnished, for 6 month, 6-
room house witn sleeping porcn; goou
neighborhood; large la-wn; 4 electric v
plianrea. Call Woodiawn 62S2.
FINE large residence in Irvington to rent
furnished; reierence rcquireu. -v 010,
WIDOWER with two children wants fam
ily with children to snare expense ot
large home, close In. P 6"8. Oregontan.
FOR RENT 1-roon. shack and tent, fur
nished, warning distance, rnono ou.
Summer cottages for rent by month or
season. See caretaner on grounas.
STRICTLY modern 7 room furnished
house. irvlngton; no cnuaren. iuaai
MODERN furnished bungalow, fireplace.
furnace, ft rooms. Mount laoor, ior rem
Mav 1. 1"21. Call East H033. $.VI.
FOR RENT Small two-room lurntfeiiea
house, per monin. tin ouhuuy.
4705 Woodstock ave.
MAN. WIFE AND BAB i , cheap rent on
farm, 30 minutes to rortiana ; garaen
space. 3M Montgomery st.
MOD UK N b rooms, sleeping porch, west
side, easy wanting aisLance. jama ooot.
aftr 10.
TWO 7-ROOM houses, partially iurnisnea;
Piedmont and beiiwooa aisincia. x-oohb
Mllwaukle 44Y.
furnished buntralow, will lease,
rent $40. inciuaing water. x,io
Tay Mr.
FOR RUNT for - montns. well-furnibiied
7-room nouse. rornana "oifcUL, acici
encps. uc; uretcmiinii,
FOR RENT 3 furnished modern rooms.
downstairs, sav. o . uiw-
matic 21.8.-45. call Sunday,
7-ROOM house, 5 furnished, responsible
adults oniy ; rem . uwj-o,
104 Hawthorne ave.
FURNISHED 7-room bungalow. May 1, to
desirable tenant; yr I14W. van
couver ave. Aut. 32-4t).
ft-ROOM house. 1-room reserved. 70
OUimnV St. AUtO. ."---. or TT u I II.
FURNISHED or unfurnisned
rent. Woodiawn 2894.
FURNISHED four-room house at 1005 E.
1 ft N.. near .iiurna.
FURNISHED ft -room house for rent. 992
E. 26th st. N!
2-ROOM furnished house. $1 per month.
Marruon st.
joo O-KOOM house, furnace,, pi
ano. OH VM.r 1 1 lie. i imm ..
MJitita turnishexi cosy 4-room house ;
adults. MMUnnman STanon. .iain
W ILL share beautiful 8-room home with
congenial couple; i.-n. mast
$d :-kuom furnished houaC, modern.
ooo iuiu St., near iuo ou
Furnished House.
Nice, modern 10-room furnished bun
galow. hardwood floors, garage
irvington; 2 blocks to car; $120 month
10-room furnished house, west side,
long lease: mill and factory district,
ce Mr. Mllner. wlih
MRS. THOMSON. 620 Henry Bldg.
WILL share lark-c. beautiful home with
counle: no children: choicest location
grounds 100x200: rent $100 per month
includes everything except food and
clothtnr: must be seen to be apprecl
ated. Call Sunday, 271 Eaat 9th at, N.
Phone East TOOK.
5-ROOM modern furnished house; no chil
dren. 1252 Belmont. Call P. M
House, for Rent Furniture for hale.
BEAUTIFUL, new 4-rni. bungalow apt., all
outside rooms, fine view, hardwood
floors, white woodwork, French doors.
tile batn, private front and back en
trances, steam heat, carline. west side,
15 minutes' walk business district. Want
to sell part of furniture, new, excellent
value. Give phonesesumber. B 624, Ore-
ATTRACTIVE 8-room house for rent, fur
nishings for sale: everything exception
ally clean and of good auality: must
be seen to be appreciated, centrally lo-
caten: price reasonable. 110 K. 2iitn at
6 ROOMS, beautiful home In restricted
district: will sacrifice all furniture for
$250; will give possession at once; every
thing ready to keep house; this means
nisnes. conning utensils, etc. Tabor 9541
ittADl to move Into, rurniture for suie
cheap, 6-room house for rent, full base-
rojrnt, small garden, some fruiL Phone
1 'art w.i v 1437.
FURNITURE of 6-room house with double
garage, 2 rooms pay rent; walking dis
tnnce. west side. Information Main 6493.
i-ROOM house, furniture for sale. $150.
House rent $23 per month. West aide, in
neart or city. Hdwy. n:m.
COTTAGE for rent, cheap, furniture for
sale. Inquire 454 Salmon. ,
FL'H.MTL'KE of li-room house for sale
hotfse for rent reasonable. 79 E. 19th N.
8 UUUVIS good furniture: rooms full,
Are for boarde-s. Broadway 2Q5H
9 ROOMS, furnished, close in.
west sldo.
bargain East 2HR1.
bummer Resorts.
FOR RENT Comfortable 6-room cottage
at Scavlew, near station; 4 beds and
sanitary couch; $223 entire season; wa
ter and lights furnished. For particu
lars write Box 83. Seavlew. Wash.
WANTED Cottage at Seaside for season
or for month of July or August or both
months; give price in each case, if It
haa bath, and where located, af gou,
WANTED Four business women to form
summer club at Oswego Lake; best
home cooking, also boating and swim
ming privileges; referencea exchanged.
Address M 556. Oregonlan.
UNTIL Sept. 1, at Seaside, 6-room cot
tage, well furnished; with new garage:
fine view of ocean. Main 2183. Mar.
SEAV1EW Clean, convenient, comfortable.
well furnished. 4-room cottage: good
stoves and beds; secure early; big sea
son anticipated. Tabor 5959.
COSY three-room Isle o' Dreams cottaKe
for rent at Seaside to reliable parties;
no children. Phone Main 5375.
NKAH-kAH-Nltl beach, completely fur
nished cottage; beautirul view; fireplace,
bath: season. Main 4057.
SEASIDE 2 modern furnished 5-room cot
tages; $2.0, now to September, is w.
Emerson st. Wdln. 4638.
SEASIDE Excellent 7-rm. cottage. Board
walk. $225, June. July. Main 47"l'.
WANT cottage at St-aside for June, July
and Aucust. f'hone automatic 2-'o-wn.
Stores and Husinesa I'laces.
Clean, dry and very light, sheltered
loading platform, spur track and good
office space; this desirable place to be
leased for term of three yeara with op
tion of lenewaL Phone Broadway 4O02.
track, close In, to lease.
H. N. BURPEE. Wilcox Bldg.
FOR RENT Store building, with living
rooms overnead; goou location ror nara
ware and furniture or confectionary,
bakery. Located at Clackamas. Call
Bdwy. 2601.
431 STARK st.. block from Washington, in
cluding basement: rent $100, will lease
Do nadWoodwardJMalnll
FOR RENT store room on Front street.
well equipped oriice, etc. inquire tar
stens Packing- Co., 43 Front st.
HEAT. $25 TO $30. 1H 7 U.MO.V AVE.
LARGE ktore. suitable for del.catess.en or
grocery store, with living rooms above.
42H Harrison at.
CORNER store, 354 First su Apply 253
Stark st.
VACANT lot, suitable for storage. JefUr
son nesr Second 2."2 Stsrk st-
FOR DESI RABLE apace in fireproof ware
house phone fir way 3715.
20x100. BPICK storage room for rent, $73
month; elevator. 104 N. 5th st.
ALTO repair shop for rent. 4lHh and Haw-
SINGLE office room, suitable for commer
cial purposes; this room contains ap
proximately 275 square feet of floor
space, also has large built-in vault. This
room is in centrally locatea oince Dunn
ing and is very desirable space, u ,
Oregon i an.
LARGE OUTSIDE ROOM, cenvral loca
tlon In new building. An ideal office for
manufacturers agent, especially one
representing the automobile Industry.
Rent reasonable. B ft..'i. Oreg-onian.
WOULD like to share my new office wub
gentleman Interested In foreign iraue:
must buy half Interest In furniture and
fixtures; about 1150. and agree to pay
half of rent. Automatic BIO-lM.
.'WO PLEASANT rooms lor doctor In
physician's suite, downtown office build
ing; use of reception room If desired.
Call at 704 Selling bldg. af'er 3 P. M.
OFFICK room, sub-dlvlded. suitable for
dentist; thla is in cenirany located oi
flue building and very dealrabla apace,
O 558. Oregonlan.
DlSlv room, private office, limited use
stenographer, naiiwty cxenanga oia.
Depk, two chairs for sal. cheap. Phone
-Main 4.e.
MAHOGANY desk with use of reception
room, telephone ana aDie service in una
bank building. Must see to appreciate.
O 2t. Oregonlar
DISSIKABLE desk room In publ-lc stenog
raphers ornce. mciuaing leiepnone aim
general services. Call Main 5ft:rJ.
DKSK. room for rent in Chamber of Com
merce bldg. see m. a. niacK, oji num
ber of Commerce bMg.
i ciinV4 HarVtt r.inl nffii'M t t Ti h n n ft
aervlce. reasonaoie renu i- wru v-
Trarlr. Main 1010.
' LARGI5 front rooms for rent; fine for
dentist; corner vin tau cbuhuui. .-..
1151 Belmont. .
WK HAVE- a few desirable offices, sing. a
r an suite: reasonaoie rent, eweuano
bldg.. Fifth and Washington.
FRONT offices, modern, in Railway Ex
change Pldg. Apply room au.
PART of office to rent to real estate man.
210 isUmper r.xcnanyB piuk-
DESK room, with telephone and steno-
aranhlc service, rnone ouwj. oi i.
DESK ROOM in accountant! office. Bldg.
conveniently locaiea. nnmu ay
COURT office, including desk. $U: large
front office, fioca cxchhiikw inun.
LA RO 13 FRONT KoOM. fine for office,
ilrpsfmokinsr or anytning. w. . rara,
.'U R N1SHED office. 312 Fleldnor bidg.
O FFIt'E FOR RENT. Flledner building.
FU R NTSHED office for rent. McKay bldg
2 DA ROE PLOTS, one and part of the
other suitable for garden purposes. At
East n'i and Irving st. East Ml'l.
L'3 ACRES to rent for pasture, of which
3 acres have been tilled. East 51-' I.
MANCHESTER HALL tor rent for Satur
day evenings and Sundays. Bdwy. BSffO.
We detrire to ' get in touch with a
party capable of taking charge of an
office and managing the business or a
salesman that can finance himself in
handling an eastern state or stales for
an article of proven merit and absolute
necessi t y
This is a new article and the only thin
of the kind on the market. It has
proven ons of the fastest sellers ever
put on the market. Wo have over 4OO0
in operation In Oregon and Washington
and territory not even scratched. Klrst
article put on market Fe-bruary 1!0. 19'Jl.
If you are open for a real proposition
on a real selling article which has
proven beyond a doubt a wonderful
device. Call
WOULD like to communicate with party
Intereated In buying- (rolns; electrical
business In rood Willamette valley town.
AH fit 2. Oregonlan.
CI-KAN-CI'T sawmill proposition for man
with a little capital, noarn nr I raoe.
stand in office bldf.
Mnln 1.17.V
410 Couch
FINEST lnllilnery slore on cast side, good
reason for yelling A J -x. iiregnnuin.
UUH.MUrt.N vaXelcria. ill) Couth blu.
$4230 CASH finOCERY. doing $15 av
erage dally: fine brick corner:
dandy, clean stock: good fixtures;
priced right. Invoice stock.
sive east side district: no compe
tition: doing I Ml a day: can be
largely Increased: fine 6-room
modern flat above. If ynu want
a nice home and a good store,
this is It. Invoice.
$3000 A dandv grocery on Broadway,
doing $100 a day: rent only $20.
This store has made $5000 in past
20 months and supported a fam
ily besides.
12700 Grocery In Brooklyn district, do
ing over $100 a dav. stock at
Invoice. Fixtures $600. Rent $20.
$2900 A beauty grocery. doing $.
mostly cash: 3 good, modern liv
ing rooms with bath.
$2200 Cash-and-carry grocery, doing
$30 dav; fine brick: rent $20; a
very nice store in good neighbor
hood, near large school; largo liv
ing room.
$1650 A very fine' little grocery and
confectionery: sales $40 now.
much more In summer: rent $23:
an extra good buy; rent only $-3.
$1400 Stock at Invoice: fixtures $300;
nice store, doing $30 a day. brick
bldg.; cheap rent; living room.
$3300 One of the finest places on west
side, doing over lt" a day; busy
transfer point: good brick bldg.;
4-year lease; $3500 cash will nan
die. $4730 A verv high-class place ad.lolnlns
one of the best picture theaters In
town; $2300 cah will handle.
TIONERY: a classy, busv I ties
store doing $5i a day; brick hld.
rent $35; $1300 cash will handle
clean as a pin and a nice slock.
Doing t0. Terms.
ISOO-The best confectionery In a busy
suburban district, doing $' now.
Rent $23, includes 4 good living
$2200 Office bldg. lobby, doing good
business; short hours.
The best garage In country town on Pa
cific highway, south of Portland.
, large bldg.; cheap rent, long
lease. Price $1730; will Invoice.
$4300 One of choicest B,1nWn..T!t'
terlas; seals 9l; high-class equip
ment, doing over $100; good lease,
$4300 lllgh-cla.s downtown restaurant:
seats over !: doing 11-3 da .
rent $100; good lease; $-JW Cash
a 111 handle. .
$3500 Cafeteria and dairy ",n,u,
beautiful Place; finest of equip
mcnt; dandy location; good leaao.
$1500 High-class restaurant in a large
hotel; easy terms; 3-ycar lease.
Rent $00.
tionn Table and counter restaurant:
,1S0IHry cl'.: lota of good equip
Garage business and machinery In
fine concrete building lorat.d in
ly settled east residence j
.ulldlna 63x100. god lenae at .5 Pr
month aH tools and equipment ; good
EpSir business now and a V-ndi
nance for the fellow who "".J"
the game and Is a ntstler Price .i 00.
Terms about half cash. See this at ontt,
it Is a bargain and will jmy fi ulf.
8i;o Cham, of Com -
GROCERY, doing """"'i'." !
fine location, living rooms: rent
four years' lease: ,I.K down
ti'SHi Grocery, average US P'r
rent l" o: VlvTnV roonu,: brick building ;
le",Tio0SOSr,ncery,1nt f.W.
will trsd, for land of equal valus near
P,rlvmd' Grocer,'. !' '
bu.fnes.. in heart of city. Act quick If
laiy'S'. .'M" ,M WITH BIM.
KM) rooms, beautirul und"i "n,
ter between Astoria and P-"la''
i' peVncd partner: 1500 each or whole
fir -a.h. Act quickly. rlav.i
Tavern. Hmnmond, or
One of the best locations in c y for
rftiiiir shoo, ver:
line 'nmt-i -7 a
stock ami equipment
ill invoice $4ii0o;
bBr,.MKSr8NOW. BDWY. 44
VFW COMPANY want" solo mechanic I"
' Overhaul company curs, outside city, and
tuke Interest In business: niu.t be able
o put in 13000: "''"'"i arA5.C .
growth and a future. 1'hune 4it-B. Ian
VANTBD Man to Invest l--.i In m -r He
won novelty factory operating el Marsh
field am! work In plant as handsaw man
For Vascular, write Oregon M, rll-wood
' 7 M a rshfMrt. Or
"WW"'? ,l",:t'7J"L "for-'in
5. " . Hlf intere.t In furniture
f 'x.ure.-'-.bout 11-10. and agree to pay
hslf nf rent. Aulonintlc
tur.n ranh. small balance
on eay
terms: S-yea'r lea: rent 10. Just th.
riSTACRAN'T. right iii the heart of
Kdowntlow' district, doing $70 day b.,.1-
iw 3rrds,0:-'ir,c'ha;.'e-brd,):
Yamh'll and ts.
FOU SALI--4iol Hea 1 r.J i h i, sir
n WlllamMte valley town of Hh
excHlnt farming c on.munity
Inventory $14,000. Address AV ui. Ore-
nAlWTOWN i A It A Li hi.
Owner mn1 over $0t In t tj yr.
has about 7m repair work ghead; brick
WANTED Office man that will buv $10i
In i!mall, live corporation, handle own
money. Investigate. AJ 4-.. Orego
v"; stock"pKr;vo:n.:onn";nn.;j:
Und Vrii -1 It 1 2.nn. , Vial' f'"
Kur-hange hl.lg.. Third and Yamhill,
pool, and card parlor, confectionery; a
barraln and opportunity: low rent. leas,
good location and price Is rlgnt Call at
jnri.410 Conch bldff. Nfaln
BIU I'ROKIT.S 111 buMno.... manufactur
ing food products, sold In 10.1 "tore. In
Portland. Want working partner. 41000.
w n04. Org"nlin.
ilARDWAIHC and liupl-liirii I t'r-; od
location In valley: can be handled with
$4000: a Bood opportunity. AV SS9, Ore-
KKSTAl'RANT Well euiiii.i'frt. fire
turn, dandy location:, a r,al place: no"
rmm hind C. OH HITIC1. IflllTf. WIH in
nrnnli'tmpi"- m
tf (I'll nr-r"hi
$1AM1. OROCKHV: rent J.'il;
little store. .TuM r:arht for
i and
wife: 1700 win handle, this.
Furniture repalrlnr business, over
70im1 Isat year; will invoice about IMflO
Phone HrrtR'iw-fiv -1"d .
W.VT partner for aod pavinK luincr.
should have office experience and $100
c.ih Wr'te G tg'.'.,
Con.! use the right kind or man. w:h
$2.oO. as partner In shoe store. X 61.M.
CONKBltTIONARV with fountain, good fur
fruit stand, pool or card room; Inventory.
43 Washington sr.
CONP'tif'TIOXKRV: 0 living rooms; :1
rent for all; will Invoice; terms. ;
much hldg Mnln Ml'
It."o WII.I. buv t? In dandv equip
ped little restaurant In excellent location.
See M. ft. Mnver. '-'It" 1st St.
TEN II K rooms, close In, east side,
brick building, lease; $300 handles. Aul.
CLEANING and pressing busmrss; rh-Hp
rent: a snap: $160. Call 003 ChamlM.r
of Commerce
NEAT retauranl. Vmi. St.. $.1.. daii.
eatahllihed trade, good fixtures. r'ei
Mr. Rcott. with McFsrlsnd. Kslllnir M1
GHOt'ERY on esst side, doing $10 a ,Iuj.
3-S0 and Invoice. S-'d Arllsnn bldg.
WANT someone to finance P'tler-t of merit
for one-half interest. T f-t?. nrrrnnlan.
BOX. 14b A, li. 2, MlLWALbUE, UU.