f THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 34, 1921 20 RFLP WASTED WITH ntVKSTMtNT. CAPABLE salesman competent to handle selling end of Portland concern tnann facturtng established article who can In vent 92000 to 14000 in business: muat be A l man who can bundle salesmen ana get the business; good salary. X 6-1. Orejconian. PITIATTONS WAVTKP MA I.E. l'AKiNtll wanted; must be Al mechanic, able to purchase interest in money-making car agency and garage; ability and character references required. Box 604, O itacp Grove. Or. S"I'KACTI'RIM concern wishes w-e ami vouox man to handle state California. Real opportunity to te right man. Small Investment required. S 624. Oregonian. WE WANT a good man with mechanical ability who can take charge of our fac tory and invent $2000 to $4000 In busi ness which will yield splendid profits. Good salary. T 601. Oregonian. m'ENIC LODGE COTTAGES. 24 Heights terrace; reliable man and wire to help take car, of cottage Tor 2 rootn cottage, and man can work, away daytime. P 604, Oregonian. liKN FOR Oregon and Washington; only high-powered producers familiar with cars and gas engine; $10uo required. Piper. P. O Hot .".'.!. Portland. Ur. WANTED Partner with 2000 to put in groceries ia connection with creamery and cheese factory. Pioneer .mpioy mmt Co.. 14 N. Second st. .RESPONSIBLE man, thoroughly familiar with meat market huainni. wants work lng management of shop, in or out of Portland, or would consider other prop anions; have small amount of money to Invest; references. P 561. Oregonian SHIPPING clerk with 10 years' expe rience in this city, also experienced In receiving, stockroom and general office work, will accept any kind of work along i: . . t- i- i.uTTce u iirs: oeai oi reierences. w- Oregonian. OF1CE execut.v euert urrounUllt. de sires permanent connections, going cor poration in Portland. Lumber, grocery oil and railroad accounting experience, aino auuiting; will invest small amoun ftererencc-a Turn. AV 360. Oregonian. NEED HELP? pnone, write or wire for competent American citizens, ex-servic men. to fill the place. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. 170- Fouith st. Telephom juain 5347. No fee charged. GROCERIES Man experienced In ail de tails of hotel, camp and commissary service seeks opening at any class of work where reliability Is essential. P. o. nox sms. city. HIGH SCHOOL boy with wheel desires work arter school and Saturdays, nave had experience clerking. Phone East 12h8 or write James Head, 680 East M h (son . MTI ATIOXS WANTED MALE. POSITION wanted by middle-aged party. light Clerical work, time-Keeper, asst., shipping, or will accept most any kind of work; reliable. Taor lbOS, W tiol. Or"gnnt;in. YOUNG man wants job as auto driver, delivering or anything: 8 years exp.: knows city and all country roads. Phone Auto. 322-90 between 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. or after 4 P. M. VULCAMZER. ATTENTION. Am married man with 6 years' expe rience, in ned of work In or out of town. ni accept otner wora. cio. Oreaonian. YuL'NG man wibhes position as assistant to purchasing agent : thoroughly fa miliar with the market in general, es pecially machinery. Best of references. Ap 21. Single F 622. Oregontan. Fl RST-CLASS auto painter from Detroit, M it h., with 12 years' experience In high est grade of auto painting, wants work at once. Telephone .Mar. 26".6 or ad (!rd Charle Johnson. M0 Sixth ft. IXlTlOX wanted by experienced topo graphical draftsman; knowledge of me chanical and architectural drafting, esti mating; references furnished. S. G. Bur ri'v.j Jr. tin? Jefferson sr. WANTtD Position by young man 2" yrs. of age as furnace or plumber's helper, or clerk In hardware; b years experi ence. 22 East t&th st.t or phone Ta hor H03. EM'tlKIBM'tilt :ndcape gardener wants position on private estate: can furnish best of recommendations. V ibO, Oregonian. TIMEKEEPER, commissary clerk an steward seeks opening in camp or city qualified for any work wnere a anowi edge of handling men la necessary: cornea wen recommended. r. o. box am, city. PRINTER, Drvssman. operator, wants per manent sit. with Oregon. Washington sheet; congenial, prefer location near good fishing stream. AV oregonian OPERATOR-MACHINIST (linotype) wanti steady position in country shop; can also handle floor work. Hugh A ma berry PayettM. Idaho. YOUNG man. 26. bookkeeper, typist, expe rience in general office and retail selling, best ol references, wishes part time em ployment for three or lour hours oi aay. AP oo. Oregontan. ROOFS re Dal red at any time, rain hine; all work guaranteed; eavetroughs cleaned and repaired. roruana now Repair A Paint Co. Main 6310. SOMETHING NEW Have you tried the electric manicure for 50c at the Polly- anna Beauty Parlor. 31o .Broadway building? Phone Main 6054. KV.SKRVIPR man. graduate from auto mobile school wants job as neiper in garage or truck driver. V 6-1, Ore gonian. . CA (ilKTKkii Mere is your opportu n:ty to get that Job done very cheaply by quick and careful workman. Seilwood 1 iSh morning? and evenings. LA WXS Planted, cut and trimmed; garden work; reasonable charges. Wdin. 14-ib. noy lance Remington. WANTED by ex-service man. 2S. married, one child, position driving any make car, private delivery or truck ; know city thoroughly and can furnish best of ref- eren-., O Sih'. Oregonian EXPERIENCED mortar maktr and hod carrier wants work. Phone 221 -."7. Ap ply Sunday before 2 P. M. and Monday before 7 A. M. MIDDLE-AGED, energetic, capable man wants position caring for livestock, either horses, cattle or sheep. Thor oughly reliable. AG ."66. Oregonian. MAN WITH tt years' experience successful managing of general merchandise store wants work clerking oi some- Kind in or out of city. M ?!, Oregonian. MAN. age 23. two years eiectnclan s help er- fiDjt- iftKn hanging fixtures and re pairs. Willing to accept anything in or out or city, u t., oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED, married man. experienced timekeeper, shipping clerk, and stock keeper, desires a position; best of refer ences. AG 543. Oregonian. WANTED Posit ion driving private car; college man, 25 years old; references as to character ana aouuy; gooa mecnaoic. BJ S6. Oregontan EX-SERVICE, married, experienced sales and repair trucks, tractors anu earn, something permanent in any line work. Phone Bdwy. 551, Wilson. ; WANTED By competent shoe fitter, 6 years' experience fitting ladies', men's and children's shoes; best of references. V 6.0. Oreg onlan. WANTED Steady job oriviita truck private car; can drive any make and give best of reference. Call Auto. 332-03. Ask Tor ( opejand. W ANTED 1'os.t ion by man and wife man a operating millwright or mill foreman; woman to handle cook house bt ref Ans. AV ."M. Oregonian. WANTED Position as sawmill supt. by i thorough lumberman and a capable me chanic of long experience; can furnish best nf ref Ans A Oreonlan. MAN pat middle age wit-hes position careiaker or watchman or other ligiit work: wages no object, go anywherr A K 615. lregonian. VOll ONE DAY. Toung man. strong and willing, re quires employment of any description. S e ! l o o d 1 5 ! . KXPERIENCED truck driver or mechanic wishes work. Willing to do any kind of work. Phone Marshall 21U0. Taylor, apt. 6. GEN ERA L laborer, some experience n logging. farming and woodchopping. French Canadian nationality. Reason nhle wages StV'3. Oregonian. SOMETHING NEW Have you tried the electric manicure for 5(tc at the Polly anna Beauty Parlor, 315 Broadway bldg. ? Phone Main 6tif4. MAN and wife, cooks, will take charge of camp or hotel; man 15 year experience, wl re second cook or waitress. AN 5b6, Orejronian. HAVE several teams of good work horses; want work In or out of the city, exca vating, wood hauling or any kind of tenm work. Call Woodlawn 3091. MIDDLE-AGED, clean, respectable, accus. tomed to general labor and janitor work. City or country. S 6JJ. Oregontan. MANUFACTURING chemist, i perience: graduate analvst. waukie 2r.-.j after 6 P. M. y:ars ex Phone Mil- MAi'II INIbT, first-class factory expert on woodworking machinery wishes place In null or camp. RD 5?;. Oregonian. Yul'N" ; man wishes place as private chautreur. truck driving, does own me chanical ork. 16l Kxeter st., Port'and MAN AND WIFE want work, wife as housekeeper or cook, man will do any kind of work, la good driver. C 622, Oregonian. HOUSE PAINTING. Kalsominlng and Interior finishing, ex perienced workmen; modest prices. Phone Main 33S3. WANT Job with some firm, automobile house or shop; will apply part of month ly wages on ton truck. H 624. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED drill press man wants Job machine shop or as donkey engineer or . l.I II.... EnTATlOXS WANTED MALE. Al WINDOW trimmer and card writer with campaign and sales experience, wants to make connection with a large manufacturing com Dan v as advertising manager; one who is figuring on doing sales campaigning; no objection to sell ing. Have had 12 years experience. steady and reliable. Real sales pro- nucer. O 625. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. HAVE you a nosltion ooen for a am bltioua young married man? If so drop me a line, so I will be able to call on you. Can furnish recommendations as to honesty and ability. Address C gib, Oregonian, or call Monday between 7 A. M. and 10 A. M.. Marshall 106. Room 214. MAN' AND WIFE, work wanted by couple on gentleman's place; man is an ex perienced farmer, can do garden work and la a good auto mechanic and driver: woman is an experienced housekeeper, good cook; reference. AM 687, Ore-gonian. TOUNG man, good references, desires a permanent position; is willing to wont. K 624, Oregonian. WINDOW trimmer and card writer with some advertising experience, wisnes a position with department store; general department store experience; can do backgrounds and some ad writing. Will ing to leave town. R 620. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED reliable, steady and honest lady would like position to care for rooming house or small hotel for furnished apt. and some wages. Can give excellent reference. Mar. 16 5. Apt. 3. MOTHER and daughter, experienced in chamber work and waiting table, want position In or out of city, or cook for smau crew or men In camp, on railroad, boat, ranch; good workers. X o2o. Ore- gonian. ' WOMAN with a 2-year-oid child desires v t keep bouse for widower with one or two children for exchange for husband s room and board. No foreigners need answer. H 578, Oregonian. WANTED A position by a competent as sistant bookkeeper. 1 have had ex perience in timekeeping and general of fice detail work. Best of references. Call Tabor 5726. WANTED a position by middle-aged woman, unincumbered, where there Is no other woman; good cook and house keeper, no objection to children. Hotel Empress. 3US Stark at. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, CAPA BLE OF TAKING FULL CHARGE OF OFFICE AND BUSINESS. WISHES PO SITION WITH PROGRESSIVE FIRM: REFERENCES. PHONE BDWY. Pl.V SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Itookeepcra, Stenographers, Office. COMPETENT vouns- ladv desires nosltion with first-class business house. Has had 11 years' commercial practice (six years' abstracting and five years with large western sales agency, part time In tun cnarge or latter). stenograpner, private secretary, etc. Address AP 604, Oregontan. POSITION WANTED Polite, attentive, competent girl, experienced telephone operator and typist, wants position in an office at manufacturing plant. Has passed the civil service examination for telephone operator. Best references. Main 7 tWH. DOESN'T someone need a well-educated young lady for clerical work? Expen enced. Reference. Main 1608. SALESMAN, i years of wide and suc cessful experience on road, desire to represent a Portland firm in or around Portland; consider moderate salary to start but Al future biggest factor. What have you? T oregonian. BUSINESS woman of experience would like to make connection with a firm where she could use her car in solic iting or selling, either locally or through out the state. V 620, Oregonian. kAHriHlKMIKU SALESMAN AND SO LICITOR. 22, MARRIED, UK KiWU PERSONALITY AND APPEARANCE irTRKT-r-i.AKS riRiVKR. WITH THOR OUGH AUTOMOBILE KNOWLEDGE, K A ST Smin. YOUNG man. 20. ex-eervice. married three years, nractical drug experience, wouiu lilt nonitlon in drue store: salary r nhiori until worth ! shown: best of ref erences as to honesty, ability, etc. J 581, Oregonian. - 14( in: ls:T nixun iirulehi vniinK man. H oH imn t inn dncflkn Scandinavian iiuentiy some French; experienced clerk, desires anything In which above qualifications are desired; with willingness to learn. M 03. Oregonian. Jttoo keepers. Stenographers. Office. PUBLIC accountant, systems ""installed, business investigations, nnanctai state ments. books audited and kept up by wic or month: no business too small oi larite for my attention ; best of refer- nrci Phone Mr. Dodson. Marshall 4486, vonin(?N Office Third and Hoyt sts. Broadway Out-of-town business given special attention. accountant .and credit men. years infr tnr In various lines oi ousiness at present employed, but having good reasons for chance: wants to make per manent connection with good firm, wholesale, retail or manufacturing: first class Portland references; can take full charge of office. R Oregonian. ACCOUNT ANT-AUDI TOR Extensive cor Deration, cost and Dublic accounting ex perience; conscientious, rapid worker and competent to take full charge of accounting or auditing departments, ae sires permanent position ; age 30, mar ried. best local references. M 604, Ore gonian. TOTTNH man with references desires clerical position with estaousnea iirm. K tiJO, oregonian. i n : :i i mn 1A trustworthy, energetic, knowledge of bookkeeping, quick ana accurate, operate typewriter, at presen studying shorthand, desires office posi tlon with chance tor advancement. Ref erences. A i i ress R 611. Or gon ian. UL'NG man. 7. experienced general oi fice work, good detail man. able to use own Initiative, wishes position where ability assures future; several years ex perience as salesman. AM 690. Ore gonian. ruiTi:it. f loorman. exuerienced on any kind of work, steady, married, non union. R 6''3. Oregonian. ENGINEER, licensed, married, dsires po sition in or out of city; do own repairs. Addr!s RP Oregonian. EXPERIENCED truckdriver knows city well, wants steady work; will go out. V HiH. Oregonian. PLASTERING, cement work and stucco of all kinds; we do repair work also; prices reasonable. Phones East 5584. East 8180. CARPENTERING done cheap, shingling and remodeling or can haul your ma tertal. Phone Woodlawn 1949. YOUNG man. 30. handy with tools, good climber, wants work. C. Studt. l'uone Uroanway -JW, PRINTER Ad and Job man, desires po sition; might buy interest. av oi, Oregonian. . , , EXPERIENCED steam hammer black smith wants position, aw oat. oregonian. K A LSOM I N I NG, P A INT I NG. PAPER- HANGING; WOK A. UlAKAMLbU RAPT 118. - MAN WITH Ford car will consider any kind of a proposition on a salary oasis. W. H. Ross. Hotel Bart o n . GET YOUR-painting, decorating and signs bffore tr.e rusn; xo years experience. Tabor 2fl CAPABLE young woman stenographer wishes position; montns experience with dictaphone. Willing to start witn small salary and work up. ian am in ft4. M on d ay YOITXG married man with comolete of fice experience, desires position with re liable uoitsaie nouse; minor position accented with view of advancement. V ."7I. Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper, general office man, experienced lumber, real estate, hanklnr. rtPKirp nosit ion : Will gO tC country; excellent references. L. 601. Orperonlan. " YoCNG man desires position as assistant bookkeeper or would like opportunity to begin in bank; willing to start at dol torn and work; good reference and rec ommendation. AF 011. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, ex tensive experience; temporary or perma nent; out of town position considered. F n'-M. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper, gen eral office man. wants position with wholesale or manufacturing firm. R Oregonian. Yoi'.xt; man. a. experienced legal stenog rapher but engaged in other lines for last three years, wants position, r oua, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant wishes small set of books, spare time; systems in stalled ; refrncps. Seilwood 121ft. TEMPORARY job by experienced account ant, books aurtiteu, smau sets Kept; sys tems installed; references. Main 6ft. KR CARPENTER, repairing and re modeling, reliable mechanic, call Broad way 'J487. MIDDLE-AGiD man. American, jub on ranch, good with horses. Marshall 127 or M 17. Oregonian. YOLNG man wisiu-s position driving trui-K or garage work ; references. AP ttOo. Orrrftni.in, YuUNG man wants job around country hotel ; experienced, references. A Ori-gonian. APPRENTICE Japanese situation wanted, automobile mechanic and machine shop. M. George. 54 1 Dfjay st., city. TOUNG man wants work, auto mechanic, truck or tractor driver. AN Oregonian. Y UL'NG man wants work of any kind farm preferred ; best references. Tabor rfii'ft. or routf A. box .W Grr.sham. uLNu toiored man wants Work by dav or steady job of any kind. Phone 013-oi, room -1. EXPERIENCED man wants janitor work: good reference. Call Wdln. 1201 or Auto. 31."-7. MAN AND WIPE, wants work. houework or janitor or ranch. Write or cali Lnlne. vo E Paid -a In Ft. YOUNG man w uh hi&h si hool education wants to learn printers' trade; wages no nh'eff. X fli'S. Oregonian. A.I TRUCK driver and traitor man wants work; can do own repair work, several years of experience. "M W7. Orrffonlan. BY -HAN an J wife texperiem-e.l t, on dairy ranch or farm. E. R. Smith. 1-B . KrnlBn Ft. Col. 27it. AITO m chanic, tt years experience with gas engines or truck or tractor driver. Aut. B10-77. iil 'sT have Job soon. Can drive truck, cook; what have you? Call Bdwy. 40. Montlar. TWO YOUNG MEN must have work. Phone Main 723. room 5. between 11 and 12 A. M. POSITION on ranch, can handle tractor; have small tools for re pa Ira AV 634, OrpyonUn. , TRUCE driver, S years' city experience. A -1 reference Phone Tabor 1835. Ho wa rd. HAVE you a car and don't know how to drive it? If so am expert, will teact vnu. Main 3530. A. K. P.. Apt. l.V Al CEREAL, and iKcd miller wants job as first or second ;' i ood refs., litetinie experience. H '70. Oregonian. BUTLER wishes position, good references, will go anywhere. Johnson. OSti Overton st. Marshall 3.27. MAN AND WIFE, experienced cooks, de sire position In camp. Phone East 63S3, R. B. Ro.igers. MAN AND WIFE, cooks, wish contract cook's house camp or boarding house. H 576, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires position driving car: understand upkeep; references. Cali M n r? hall 33SH. G M. Maul. YOUNG man. 21, two years' experience general office work, desires position; ref erences. AG 621.- Oregonian. RELIABLE butcher desires position; slaughter house preferred. BJ 512. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and accoun tant open for position. O 623. Orego nian. , . YOUNG man. knowing 4 commercial lan guages, bookkeeper, wants start in good firm. L 56, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes few hours' evening work. AM 592, Oregonian. TYPEWRITING TO DO AT MY HOME; RATES REASONABLE. MAR. 81. HOTEL clerk, middle aged, reliable, want position. AJ 576. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER will accept any kind of fice work. AM 623. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wishes stenography or typewriting half day. Main 1082. EXPERIENCED collector wishes position. jtaVarv nr commission. B 620. Oregonian. Siilesnien. EXPERIENCED lath grader wants posi tion. W. S. Holmes, Box 285 North Bend. Oregon. BX-PERVICE MAN WISHES JOB IN CITY; LIVES AT HOME. V 678. ORE f ION IAN. WELL educated, capable young man de sires evening work, any kind. Phone Le'-ky. Main "072. MAN WITH CAR. would travel or do city work, selling, collecting or adjusting. H 53. Oregoniuir TEAM engineer and refrigeration; want work in or out of city. AP 615, Ore- conin. LL MBERM AN, experienced wholesale oi retail, yard, tally or car loading, in or out of town. A L 616. Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter work and repairing by reliable mechanic Main 4122 eve- nlngs BAKER, can make bread and roils. Ad dress Wm. Sal a. 42 Fremont St., Wood lawn 43. P1HST class p'uniber, does Wrge or sjim.;. HOUSECLEANING, window washing and nil janitor work. Tabor 376S. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired EaM 27. Called for and delivered. LET M E make your screens; small job taVn. ft fs. WANTED Ail kin. is of team work cood tcamn. Phone Tabor 2940. YOUNG man. very handy with any kind tnr! wjyhfs work. K MS. Oregonian POSITiM.N; a uti'in.tbile; mill come to you cano; all work guaranteed. Main COOK, good ail round man. hotel or rea turanr. P 63. rrronian. PAINTIN;. t;ti tine. paperhaiUEinK; reasoii nh'. Main M ILK UK. Add r.t- AE 621. nis work 'treK'nntan. HoLSE pal it tine and tinting. I irst-class work. rn son a hie Nlwy. 4 i 2. KA LSOM INI NG. 60c hour, you furnish material. Phone East 2034. CHEF, high-class man, can give references re q u ires situation. AG GS2. Oregonian COOKS, man cook, wife helper, amal. camp. H 585. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man. American, job jani tor, watchman. Marshall 1527. JAPANESE boy wants job in private fam lly. Phon East 253S. SALESMAN wanted to cover eastern Ore gon, eastern Washington, Idaho and northern California with me. Have a big car, will make trip in six weeks Start soon. X 612. Oregonian. TWO iOUNU widows want position cook and helper for small camp, al once. Answer W 602 Oregonian. or call Main 7170 before 1 o'clock P. M. bun day, apt. 6. WANTED By man and wile: apartment house or hotel position; man has all tools, understands tne upkeep of the most up-to-date equipment. Best of city .reference. H 6 lit, Oregonian. A REFINED widow woman of 40 would like position as practical nurse, or as nouseaeeper tor w mower, tu. on, uro gonian. WOMAN, business experience, energetic, capable; must have good salary; willing and able to earn it. Phone Marshall 236 mornings. LADY with 5-year-old girl wants ligm housework or ironing five days weekly. Mon. to- FrL, to 3. 40c per hour. BJ 504. Oregonian. . LADV with 14-year-old daughter wishes to care for gentleman's home in ex change for room and board. Main 31)10. apartment 5. MAN AND HIKE would like to make an appointment with owner or manager to take charge of country Inn or club cul Inarv department. V 612, Oregonian. SINGLE American woman wants to cook. bake or wait on trade in lunch, bakery. delicatessen or grocery. K 621, Ore gonian. EX PERI ENX'E-D BOOK KEEPER AND TYPIST WITH KNOWLEDGE Or CAsrt 1ER WORK' r)ER..q POSITION WITH RELIABLE CONCERN. CALL SELL-J u uui) .t-iM.y TiiOitoUU'H LV competent stenographer desires position, temporary or perma nent; experienced In insurance and com tnorrlal linen. Tabor 2ViS. . PlHT-CLAhri stenographer, private sec retary . desires permanent connections with firm In Portland. References fur- nlnhed If Interested. AV 361 Oregonian. WA NTED Position, stenographer, book keeper, genera) office, temporary; would accept permanent. Broadway 1443. Room 303 TEMPORARY work, whole or part time, w anted by stenographer of mature years: 3 months' experience, O 606, Oregonian. MONTH for any light general or cler ical office work by experienced ex - stenographer and clerk, now employed evening; reference. A V 610. Or-gonian. STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper, 5 years' experience in machinery house, also 2 years banking experience; ref e re n re. K 5 .S3. Oregonian. W 1 DE-A W A K K and competent slenogra pher and bookkeeper, with three years' experience, will be ready to accept posi tion Mav 1. Phone Main P30.V POSITION WANTED Stenographer and thoroughly experienced fire insurance clerk. Best references. D 672, Oregontan. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In high- class work and general office manage ment, excellent references. P 614, Ore gonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. LADY wishes housework, no objection to children; take charge for business neo ple; good plain cook, neat, reliable: can do plain sewing, seldom out evenings: references. $50. Woodlawn 2958 after T) o'clock. SATISFACTORY cooking done by neat, energetic, middle-aged woman. In or out of town, private or Institutional. Sell wood 789. or write M 618, Oregonian. Day Nursery, CHILDREN cared for 404 Madison st., 15 cents a day, includ- v lng 2 mpals and pint of milk, . :f1?pll W A N T E D TO BENT. Apartment. WANT 3 -room furnished apt.. Modern. P 616. Oregoninn. Room. BY TOt:XG woman nianist from the east riefilrahlA room In nrivate family. Will give Piano lessons in Dart payment. L 6'3. Oregonian. WANTED A room in private hou in t-astmoreiand. near Golf LinKn. v. ' Macpherion. night clerk, benon hotel. LADY of good Christian character with 6 year boy. wants position as housekeeper. No triors need apply. 262 Clay st. YOUNG woman wants position as maid to 2 people, plain cooking, no waamng. East 4-7 .Monday. B,l' GENTLEMAN, on east side, must have teiepnone ana garage: latter not essen tial if one is m-nr. P P. box 2:n. YOLNG woman, emptot:d, u ants room with kitchenette, on east side. K 561, Oregonian. i EXPERIENCED carpenter will exchange carpenter work for good building lot. VYPI."UIPVrPr unmun wiinlB hAiibpwnrU i. lrSi nd cooking by day or hour. Aut. a,-uc i &u young tauy elderly coupjp. J 5S0. Oregon. an. GOOD reliable woman wants housework. Box 36, Mllwaukie. Phone 92-X. MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for children afternoons and evenings. bdwy, zhoh. WANT two or three unfurnished rooms. Cail East 4064. WILL pay cash for 4 or 6-roum house. Price must be right. AM H'Ji. wrPKonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants full days work cleaning, etc. Main 5237. apt. 3. WILL care for children at your home. 30c I hour, l abor KEMNEd bus.ness couple (often away). sleeping porch, g.nrage. Mam ni. Kooms tith Itoaru. liouseclraning. HOUSECLEANING. pet cleaning, by expert workmen; floors W ANT good home, on west side prcf-red YOUNG widow, employed, with little uirl going to school, wishes board and room for both in private family In Rose City Park. E 61. Oregonian. roRREvr. Furnished Rwiim In Private Family. FOR RENT 2 clean, airy a'eeptng room"V newly ttulshed, w Ith bath ; rmpioyef married couple or gentlemen preleriea; very reasonable, close iu. Call Auto. 231-32. LA ROB furnlehrd room with kitchenette, sleeping porch and fireplace, suitable for 2 or 9 gentlemen: alo single rooms for rent, twin bed, piano and home con veniences; cany walking distance. 61 N. isth t. Uroadwwy -T ' I WEST SIDE. Large sunny front room for rent, well furnished, suitable for business man or woman ; has beautiful mountain view, lift a month, including light, bath, etc. ,M4 Mark.-t street drive. - DESIRABLE room for gentleman, ft rnln- ..iioininv firivMin entrance: no olhrr roomers; transient or permanent; si.le. 312 Hrnmlway. Main .t-1'1. w est "L'l EAST ASH 6 1'., plionc Last nt ing 1m believing; this nice rwiu ........ for business men and women : sleeping porch. 1 single room; 1. 2 and 3 room apartments. waxed, furniture Dotished. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. 1S8 Chapman at. Phone Main 11M. for two-year-old boy; room and board l!0 per mon in. Alain ioio ounuj tw-PCM 2 and 4 LA fY wants housecleaning. 6o67. WANTED TO BENT. Phone E. WILL pay 70 cent a each for meals at - home table on evenings to uh Not before 6:30. O 6o:. Oregonian. Wan:tki hourdins: plate iu. tcntner and two small girls; roomer empioyeu. Broadway 2 7 00 or East .tsl2. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite Information pertaining to eacn. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Sixth Floor. JAPANESE young man wants room ami board in private family, near Aioma. j .n i . oregonian IIOME for girl of 6. C. S. family preferred. A 611. oregontan. WANTED Room and board fur elderly man in ouiet home. R .v7. uregonian. II ouM-keeping Room. DESIRABLE apartment or room in pri vate home by mother anu grown aauan ter by May 1. References exchanged. AK till. Oregonian. WANT 3 or 4 furnished roums, close to Broadway hnd Williams avc, Dy -Hay or 7. Phone East 4i6J. ItutlneNH Place. YOUNG lady experienced in bookkeeping and comptometer work, with knowieaga of shorthand, desires position. AC MM. Oregontan. WANT cash and carry grocery, clean slock and good living rooms, good district; no agents. N r.iH. Qrognnian WOMAN familiar with welling, oil ice man agement: u.es flhorLhund .t voewritcr. die taphone. mimeograph ; sales promotion a specialty. aj ot6. Oregonian. AMERICAN lady wishes position as cook lor smau crew or housekeeper on a rancn where there are no other women. Phone 4 1 Marshall. SS6 Ft rat st., west side. 1'uLNG sciiool eirl will aair-t with house worK in a o. a, home lor Doara ana room ana smau wages. An. o-u, ure gonian. SWEATERS. S8 and up, yarn furnished. lauies and gents, mending or nosiery, silk shirt waists and dresses. Phone 620-76. EXPERIENCED grocery saleslady and demonstrator wishes position, capable of takinkg charge ; best of local ref erences. B 624, Oregonian. lAi'ERlENCED telephone operator wishes position as P. B. X. operator, can do g eneral office work. Bdwy. 2618. room 27 YOUNG woman would like employment as cashier or clerk some hours oetween o 12 P. M. AC 532, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position for cooking and housework; good wages, v 5n3, Oregonian. GIRL with sales ability will begin as stock room girl if necessary. bawy. zxtia. room . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper w Uh lumber and wholesale experience, desires posi tion. T-Meohone Bust 2141K WANTED FURNISHED HOUSES. Want to rent, for short or lone term bungalow with five or six rooms. Musi be weil furnished and modern In every WAN'I ED by first of May. .t respect, freier witn garage, aiso preici west side, but would consider desirable location on east side. AE bio, orego nian. vnrvc IhiIv wiuhoi hnf dav bookkeeping or other office position, oither A. M. or WANTED By reliable couple, reasonable, experienced. Main tosfl. YOUNG lady desires clerical position, 2 years' experience. Sel ! wood J.H. STENOGRAPHIC position wanted, expe rienced. Main 1H44 ' Drew maker. FOR AN up-to-date dressmaker call Mrs. Bates, Tabor 8012; absolute satisfaction guaranteed. 1 do tailoring and dress making, also remodeling at a reason able price. 1120 Division st. Tahor 8012. OLD HATS made new, reblocking, 75c, trimming 85c and up. Up-to-date mil linery at lowest price, first-class work. Mack's MlUluery. 542 Union ave. East 23si. si; ITS and eowns designed and made remodeled at your home or mine; $6 perl day. Miss Cottrell, Hotel oapies, oou Taylor st. Marshall Z2uu. WA-NTED Mending and darning to do at home; ruffs of shirts turned, ladietf anu men' silk hose a specialty. Call morn ings and evenings. Main . t. MIDDLE-AGED widow with daughter 1 years old would like housekeeping, city or country. fi 6"J.i, Oregonian. VERY experienced woman wants afl-rounu day work, expert laundress, line ironing specialty. Phone East 2034. RELIABLE experienced lady wants day work. tan do anything; nonest anu trustworthy. Apt. 3. Marshall 167! COMPETENT woman wants cooking or housework, 0 to 8 people, city or out, g;0. A 609, Oregonian. LaCE AND tsiuiv rtKiii aND MaK QUISETTE CURTAINS dons up like new win can. East Saifi. ALL KINDS of curtains hand laundered by experts. We solicit your patronage. Automatic 610-07. LADY wants housecleaning, washing, other won; gooa worg guaranteea, v ooa- lawn 6305. REFINED girl. 17. desires position nurse gin, l or 2 children; experienced. Last CuLOKED married man with best of city reierence wants lew hours woric or any King onv or nignt. k wi4. uregonian, YOUNG lady. Intelligent, with salesman ability, wishes to get into real estate or advertising game. AK 620. Oregonian EXPERIENCED colored girl would iike work to clean apartment ; good cook, A Iv BOs. OregonlaTi. ruMllO. wanted by man in the cigar ousiness. Either wholesale or retail. V Hi i. Oregon in n. COOKING by reliable woman, steam tabl or restaurant preferred, good on pastry. ANTED To cook; small crowd; will go anywhere; am experienced. Room S, S3 Park at., corner Oak. N EXPERIENCED child's nurse after noons and would prepare dinner if de- wred. East 8420. vL'LD help mother with new babv from 8 A. M. to 12: canable of taking full charre of Infant. East S42Q. OULD assist convalescent mother with iniant and household duties from 8 A M. to 12 AK !'r. Orpgor.lan. RESPONSIBLE woman will care for chil dren during parents absence. Call morn ingsor dinner hour. East 8402. MUST HAVE WORK several hours every Light, work to take home preferred, lr convenient. Answer F 763, Oregonian. ANTED Combination work in private ooaraing nouse oy experienced woman In or out of the city. M 558, Oregonian RELIABLE woman wants management of apartment or rooming house. O 057, Oregonian UL'NG lady with baby will keep house i or reunea oacneior or wiuower. Colum bia 760. AUTOMOBILE salesman would like make a connection with a local live firm. Long experience both wholesale and retail. Best oi reierences. o Oregonian. RETAIL tire and accessory salesman wanta steady position in or out of town: three years experience on stockroom work: best references. O 554. Oregonian. YOUNG man would like to assist salts- man, road or city; sales experience. Ad dress BJ 58o, Oregonian. S1TIATION9 WANTED FEMALE. LADY wants work by day or hour. Auto 223-23. fall Sunday after 10 A. M. HOUSECLEANING, other work, and tew ing. W oodlawn 4tn.y LAUNDRY done beautifully at my home. Main nisa. WANTED Position piaying piano, tion picture. P 625. Oregonian. LaCE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 11 YEARS EXPERIENCE. EAST 61!6 EXPERIENCED truck driver wants posi tion; best of references. Tabor 14H. CARPENTER work wanted b day or cou ' tract. Broadway :;i0. WIDOW with child to manage apartment. Phone Mar?hall 548 before noon. WILL care fur children and Invalids, day or night Broadway 2740. room 211. RELIA BLE woman wants washing, iron in z or housecleaning by day. Mar. 303ft. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or hpusrman. aj Qiv, I'regontan. WE TINT your rooms tor S3-$4: reasonable. Bruadw ay 3523. WORK on small farm by middle-aged man AG 5SH. Oregonian. ROOMS TINTED, and t-a'tsraction. $3 and $4 ; good w ork Marshall 5 1 6 7. TWO YOUNG men want work of any kind after S P. M. AN p!. Oregonian. BUK'KLAVKR, bmloing. boilers. fire p!:ir!. nnvtbing tp hrtrkwork. F.nsr 6ls- CA KPENTEU. -nur have w f-tt r i-, irlr T '-2. .Iii?t arrived, Orrgoolm. WaNT poe.t.on as h-ker; 2 years' expert-r.;- hf.rn Poa E Stark st. l I :.t) AND TINTING; W O p. K WrvI'l..WN 3171 Ii Y 16 M 1ST have work; bt-st oi ref. L iaIUNGLERS When you want reshingling done, call Woodlawn 2i6. ROt 'ES For rihingling or roof repair yervi'-e. call Woodlawn 3."03, B R I ' K CONTRA CTO R Tl I e h uses, . ga ra geW. fireplace. Tabor S7f3. EXPERIENCED night clerk and store room. L 60S. Oregonian. TRICK, unur and erTer. Brctnor aP' Karate matt, r.Ur- ?. Broadway HAULINi for 2-ton truck and- traile pol-s or Intn ber. East 7200. EXCAVATING, r C. POWERS. PHOK EAST SI S3. K A LSOM IN 1N . painting, plaster-patching prasonal'lr. Ma m 26 YOUNG riian wants steady work on dairy; g oo d milker. Broadway 2330. WANTED Contract hauling eordwnod or ties, country preferred. W 52. Oregonian. a IN 1T.V.J. tinting, ct-nt work. Main Mimaies given 46ft 1. Apt. T2. K AI-ritJMlNING and inside painting done neatly ; day work. Seilwood 20l'. YOU furnij"h paint and tint. I will put It on for reasonable wage. Auto. 522-79 BAKER, bread and rolls. Ray Doane. 1142 K. Stephens, city. CARPETS and linoleum laid and fitted! Phone Auto M3-65 CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS TABOR 6SS. ROOKS painted, waterproofed; work guar anteed. Tabor 934. CEMENT work all kinds, first-class only reasonable. Tabor 6070. HOUSE painted. $50-106; rooms tinted. II Ift; papering. 85c roll. Wdln. 6064. PLO WINO A N D HARROWINUT PHONE WOODLAWN 6214. SPRAYING by men who know how. Gll- nv. Rdwy. p37. PAINTER wants v.'srt Kast 17'h -ork: has tools. HfoDer. yt. n. W':i. sr. Koui 3 iMiiiled reasooabui. labor 928. PA I N Tl NG. ktii-o mining, S n r; C II e. Mir. VJKH. LA N Ori:A iJl.Mj. law n-uiaklng, garucmng. East 1446 Mr. Park. l;fc.L.i stiiLK woman wants day work; will do anything. Marshall 3013. room 3. Pi.AlN sewing wanted, well finished work. 313 5th st. Phone Aut. 516-81. GiRL WISHES cashiering or answering telephone, full or part time. Tab. 583. EX.PERI ENCED lady wishes management of apartment houre. Ref. Bdwy. 4674. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work. Phone Broadway 5446 after 10 A. M. CARPENTER, builder, repairing, built-in a spt ciii If y. Phone Tabor 23 5. ELE YATOR operator posit ion wanted by ladv. Phone Seilwood 3434. WOMAN ennnf rv wan is or city Colored woman by work. Main 4176. housekeeping work A fi 6i to. Oregon ia n . ADY will take charge of rooming house for salary or commission; experienced. Marshall 741. 56 First St.. west side. FILER, band or circular saw filer, now open for position; Al references. A 624. Oregonian. KALS( AJ INING, papering, signs, white washing, cold water; painting with ma chlne. Broadway 35. YOUNG man whe position in gent's fur nishing store as salesman, city or out or town. - im turn, Oregonian. ENGAGEMENTS in homes, remodeling, embroidering, pre-war rate ror wees: en gagements. Call Sunday, Monday. . Ta- hnr 9305. ENGAGEMENTS by day. thoroughly ex perienced dressmaker; remodeling and designing reasonable, work guaranteed. "Broad way Uti". I JUST arrived from the east to take up mv work here. Come and see me 333 12th st. W cor. Market, or call Main 680. SEWING done neatly and auickly. chi dren's clothing a specialty. Phone M 6756. Save this ad for future use. 4 or 6-room modern bungalow, furnished or unfurnished. Any time between May lo and June 1. No objection to suo- urbs. Permanent if suited. State par ticulars, including price and address. V wJJ. Oregonian. Ri-Si'otN&iLJiE business man will leato 1 for one year or longer, b to 10-room unfurnished home; will pay $lo0 or morel per month; $1000 rent In advance; houee J must De strictly modern ana iu goou residence district, not on carline. Hotel Benson. Phone Broadway 411. room RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenanta PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. IXJANS. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. j &3 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah hoieL Phone Broadway 3il5. BY RESPONSIBLE family of adults, fur nished house, 6 or more rooms, have linen, silver, crockery, etc Might buy f furniLure. if bargain: highest reierences. After B A. M. Automatic 2UO-17, or S 61.i. Oregonian. WANTED To rent from May 1 to Octo ber 1 by family of three aouits, com nletelv furnhshed five or six-room mod ern bungalow or house, centrally located. References exchanged. AM 617, Orego- nian. WANTED By responsible party, i or 6- room furnished bungalow, in irvington, Laurelhurst or Rose City, will pay three months' rent in advance. AL 615, Ore- gonian. SIX TO eight-room modern house. Re sponsible business man win taae tong lease or would be interested furnished house for summer, have silver, linen and bedding. Phone East 7030. 4 unfur nished rooms in nice location, outsuie rooms on or near car line or in walking distance; 3 adults in family; musuaU Will L'XLHHIIKO V- - Sunday. BEAUTIFUL airy room, best or lurniiuir. modern home, walking distance, clot to good car line; business peupir i- f erred : references exchangcu. East 604 I. Phons FINK lHig. trout room, turnifh.d, aitrac live. modern, new house; piano, fine lo cation. 10-minute rule. Ha winornr . Call tod a . K.att -2d, near thorne. Phone Kurt H36. ilw- MCELY furnished from suite and 1iik sleeping rooms; plenty hot am! oia water in rooms; clo.ne In ii21 1-tn l . corner of Clay. Main 431 WALKING distunes Nob Hill room for gentleman, curly maple furniture, ll lovely r fined home, $2: private en trance. S4 N. 21wt st.. cur. Ker' tt. MNul.K 11. K. and hI..-iink rooiua. thor oughly cleaned, CHlcimitn-d and new cur tains; close in; half block off Washing ton. 33 V 17th si Milwv 2640 FOU GENTLEMAN Nicly I urn t-h-d sleeping room and (itrK". Laur.ilhurnt ; reasonable; references r.-nulrcd. KmsI 7HU . 11 . N D.o.vl ELY t ti ru i sit' i In exclus ve f.imil ; Portland Heights. H' References. Main tx i-Mlting t in. ( harming pt. t refined Is.ly. Fit N T i ooiu w it li all v n for otn -oo c. 1K Per lit. ntn : nom iiceniai pcopi neop leiicf two til' Rroadway 204 S if FOR RENT. A PTS. Sleeping porchos, sleeping rooms. .V Wellington. No cinmren. I'urnlsbrd KtKms. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th; rates by the week, J.Y50 and up; hot and cold running water, hot-water heating system; tub and Shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST 8U)E HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST tT H. QUIET, DIONIFIKD ANU REF1NEO. $1.2.- PER DAY, $i PER WK. AND I P. CO N E N I E N T A LL-N I i HT OA RACES. BARGAIN NO. 3. 22 rooms and 4 sleeping porches, all apts. well furnished, located in heart of west side; clears S12n a month; if sold at once, $1350. on your owu terms. Peters. 1!S N. Fifth st. m A SELECT FAMI Lr liOTLL, HOTEL LENOX, Corner Third and Main Sta Attractive rates to discriminating, permanent guesta WEST SIDE, newly furnished, large, light front rooms, noaica, mouern conven iences; free phone, good location, close in. Price reasonable- uu iolu Phone Hroadway 5120. desired. Ot'. tilisan. IRVI NCT N A lovelv room m a n -sr home for lady empioyen. i-nv... service, homo privileges, lib. 1 hone Kast 5tl01. COM FoRTA RLE rooms, running hot and cold water, breakfast privileges, eay walking distance. U East bib M. N. Phone EiiHl 7 1 NICELY fiirnlhlied front r.i.mi. clone t bath. In modern apt., disappearing bed. See at 41S llib st. Apt. 2. or ca.l M r. 10S2. . FltoN":' room with lircp!.t n I utro.a, w it bin 2 blocks of tiood Samaritan; kitchen nrivllrgi-s Main , t.RNlSliEU room in apartment, all con veniences, with us. -f kiUhuuoU. M j A I . C. H preferretl. J CLOSE in. tor 2. cosy inuii room win. breakfast; lonuormun ", .? able raic. 400 Cay st.. Mam ? LARGE, dean pleasantly furnished room for 1 or 2 ladles or man and wife; horns nrlvlleges. O -.i r,. r NEAT upstairs front room, west sue, walking distance; gentlemen preferred. Marshall .HI'. MODERN room, nicely Curnislied. ter, bath, telephtne. 12 E. 1 ay lor. Koo.MS partly fuinishe.l. nt modern, batli near, cheap Shaver. W....r.awn ; tint' d en l. 112 1141. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, WiSHINUTllN AT FIFTH. 6pcciU weekly and monthly rates, $ up. Let us snow you our avcowiuioua- tions. COATS, canes, skirts, one-piece dresses. experienced; appointments made beore WANTED o or tt-room modern bunga 0:30 and evenings. Wdln. 1K33. CHILDREN'S clothes a specialty. $2.50 day. Call apt. 22, Broadway 5497. 26th and X pshur. OUR SPECIALTY Tailor-made suits and one-piece dresses; rates reasonable. 529 Kearney st. Broadway 783. CAPABLE, experienced dressmaking by day, reasonable; alterations; ref. East 7(it5. GOWNS, suits, coats made to order. LeLan Hutchinson. 27 Morgan bldg. LADIES garments altered and refitted. I. KeuDin, taiior, ob pusn ac Lane oiag. PLAIN sewing dune, house dresses and aprons, children s clothes, sen. io. OCR SPECIALTY House iprons. Broaoway i3. dresses and 59 Kearney. DRESSMAKlNtJ AH kinds, reasonable. 422' Morrison st., room o. upstairs. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.50 Tabor 0oa sunaay ana evenings. a day. CHILDREN'S sewing done neatly and rea sonably HEMSTITCHING lessons. Mrs. James. 352 Yamhill st. "WANTED Plain sewing or mending. Cail Tabor 3SS2. EX I 'E Hi ENCED dressmaker wants sew ing bv day or take nome. rnonc EXPERIENCED dressmaker jng by day. Auto. j-oh. PlAlN sewing and mending neatly uonu AF 025. Oregonian. DiiLii.IAKIiG, price, reasonaole. Kast htil.t. DRWSSM A KING, satisfaction guaranteed : reasonable, an central Oiag. .Main 3o. La t uiNCivD di esjma.Ker and taiioresii will sew ny the d-ay. East i i in. low, furnished or unfurnished; must be in good neighborhood and reasonable rent; might buy u price is rigni. k oiu, Oregon ian. SIX to eight room modern house. Re- ! sponsible business man will taxe long lease or wouia oe interesiea lumisneu , house for summer home, silver, linen and j bedding. Phone East 7030. W A N T E D U NFURNItiHB D HO US E. Want to rent, with privilege to buy, modern six-room bungalow in desirable , location. West side preferred, but would consider east side. AK o. oregontan. STRICTLY modern house, unfurnished. to 10 rooms, west side, close in, dou ble garage; adults only; east side will not be considered. B 55 1 . Oregonian. WANTED 1, 5 or tt-room furnished bun galow or house; must be in good locality, modern every respect; reierences. j. w. King. Broadway 4080. FUK. lfcH ED house, five or six rooms. with ga.rag; couple, no cniiuren; oc cupancy after May 15. References ex r hanged. P 015, Oregonian. WANTED To rent by young couple. houseboat by June 1, furnished or un furnished; slate full particulars, r Wi, Oregonian. tt-ROO.U li)dern bungalow or house, May 1, by responsible party; guarantee pest care to property; close to car and gar-d-n preferred. T ti24. Oregonian. WANT to leaso modern six or seven-room unfurnished house at rent a 1 up to 5 per month. Irvington d Urtrict or west flrte preferred. Telephone East H'.'Bt, WANTED ti-room unfurnished house witn , garage preferred, desiraDie location ; , adults. Must do reasonaoie. ian .asc S572 Sunday SOME richly furnished transient rooms. h n refitted, suecial rates to perma nent, weekly, monthly guests; all rooms facing Sixth or Stark street business sec- tion. Empress notei. BARGAIN NO. 2. 11 rooms, heart of west side; running water some rooms: furnace heat, good furniture; all full; all for $l35. your owu terms. Peters. 15 N. Km n SI ANGELA HOTEL, 025 Washington at. Large lobby, automatic elevator, pnons and running- water in each room; rooms with or without baths; S5.50 week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. RITZ HOTEL Morrison and Park Street New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guesta HOTEL MATHIESEN. 204 COLUMBIA. Brick bids., nice lobby; steam neat, not and cold water in every room, elevator runs day and night; rooms, uc up. F CRN ISH ED room in quiet modern honie. use of piano to lauy or gentleman. uu I. inn ave., near Golf Junction, Oregon City. Gresham and Seilwood car service. WANTED Young man roommate for dou ble room, thereby reduce expenses; two beds, shower baths, private phone, in- quirc office, Y. M. C A. Nli'ELV luniirthcd room, including bain and phone. I block Mississippi car; 4 K : near h "n : II per I 111 (lll K. i t i' I." I., hi i.- two romna with private UntU. l'h..ni! M..ln NEWl.Y tur.,h.-.t ru..m. ikiiiu liti.;n to bu.iin Htirrtwon Ml. LiiVKLV tr..iil"rooin In inoilrrn Irvlimi.in home to party iployf l. k'trlien Prul- for t.ri..ikfiil. Kml l" l tin 1 k1. fro ll I roil 111 lilth ,t. N., cor l'lanJora with kllilienilte. U"i itrOHilwny iltoU.MS. unturnmlic.i. unii. 11110 iu' tlon. hot n.l cold watrr. bath njar. r.nt rh.an. HJ Shavr t,. W.ioiIIiiwii !''- DFSimW.K rouiii In ,ti'm-lifat.-.l lri Hpirlment. wt .hie. walking dl.lA. rti'fori-nri'S Mnrnhiill LdVKLV room In nh-e ino,i..rn Hose City l'ark. 15; garutl. 1 Ui.lr.il. Tihnr L'USI colv NlllKlc hcdroulil. Unlll. i Iirm tlo.el. Lady pro-Silt I.1LIHT. Cifaii, elpctrlc Iikih f.-ni'il. M'r. lUMn-OJIB ..-p.iral.' room in inourn w. a. apt.. lor i or . Mnr . , Come ann seo il. " in. 't'.to Knrgn. ,, N'l E. clean front room, excellc nt vice, not anu c-iu ""'.-., ' Wes: east side. Tabor 01.0 fur 2 e a : i i RAM APO HOTEL.. I4TH AND WASil. Attractive ratts to discriminating per- manent guesta. A OLlB ol young men. wishing to Keep together, desiring clean, weii-iurnianeu roum.i with use of bathroom, call at .! .'I h i n t o n f i v o , S. Nurse. CONVALESCENT patients taken care of in private home by practical nurse; larg nicely furnished rooms; best of home cooking. Seilwood 1 QH8. LESl'ONSl BLE business man desires to rent modern unturnished houe of sij. or seven rooms, best of care assured. Aut. 331-10. SCIENTIFIC Swedish massage in your ow home; ladies only. Physician a recom mendations. Woodlawn 978 for appointments. CHILD'S nurse wants one or two children to care for at seaside or uearhart Phnne Miss Wilson. Automatic 515-21. PROCTICAL nurse wants case, care of In valid or elderly lady; will do light house work. Auto. 020-32. WANTED Position with physician, drug- less preferred, to do massage work. AC 5c, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wants maternity and convalescing cases, gooa reierence. , Phone East llt2. GRADUATE R. N. will take any kind of case, rates reasonaoie. eu. avv. jtei- erences. WANT to rent a 4, 5. 6 or 7-room bun galow, good location; will be taken good care of by responsible party. J 57, Ore-gonlan. WANTED By May 8, a neatly furnished o-room bouse by aauits, Dotn ousine.-s people; prefer close in; good location. P o. 2027. city. WANTED To rent or lease for 1 or 2 years, 7 to a-room nouse, warning dis tance. Would buy some furniture. M 559. Oreeonlan. BY MAY lath, furnished or unturnished modern home, garage, west side pre ferred, responsible couple, no children, best references. Main 7000. MJDDLE-AGED business man and wife want to lease o to 7-room nou.e. .Must be modem and in good location, c uuo. Oreponian. BARGAIN NO. 1. 10 rooms or. corner, brick bldg., on I floor; lease; always full; tHM); pay S20 flown. Poters. 15 N. Kifth St. NICE front sleeping room, also I -room apt. and kitchenette; everything fur nished; 1 block to car. lutf 22d North. Call .Main 606 1. KLRMrtllKD. unturnhed room cheap, cor. E. (ith and Jlurnside; buy fixtures, $15 have plat for confectionery; rent lo Wl LL share room in hotel w ith respect able lady employed. Room Hi, Hotel Ockley. 3!i0 Morrison, ntar loth. Call after 7 P. M. . XVVO-KOOM furnished housekeeping suitti, light, heat, water furnl.shed; $32.50. 22d isth ht. Phone Mn in 2"7I. 3fi MILL. cor. Wvi Para, furiusued loom in private home, modern, next to bath; .iiial)le I or two ; 3 in family d-kln distance Call East 6W33 after " p M. r5 E Sa'mn TWIN beds in light wen-iurnisn-.i 1 corner room with private '-mlly; Knuy .n only. 21th Hnd .Inhnsm,. Mar. Hiillahie lor man or woman employed; walking distance, uu. fur nurse .nnm l-'CRNLSIIED i won plHC' FRONT room in pnvan- " - l".,r .r; food boarding place. ba. 1KIII. . CI. KAN fn liolni. $- room, third floor. nio.Uio wi'k: nond neiKhborhooiL 2 hlo.-kii Hroa'lvHV brldir.'. l"l UA.-.AN1' front room with pnvll.lt.'. c. 1 md,TH hom. for lady writ l.de. wilk lng tltytanrp. TllKkfc; roomf. furiil.li.d or unfuriu.h.-l. private; lararn H'aie. K. --'1 Hi ri-i I.-' ' Wdln. 4UIH. U- i u-lIT airv room with all convenience, clote to bu.me Unmet. SU 11th. Mar 004 NaH HI LI. district, brtutiful room ia odern home for gentleman. o. f"- f..rred Mrtr-hall 1M . iUl,;iiT u.uilxrtabiu room for runt l oarty empl-yd. walking distance; rea fonnnle Main H471 777 Irving nt. FOR RENT Furnished five-room hou-. , May, June and J uly, 50 per mont II 1 2o4 E. M dison st. Phon T.ibor 717. COUNTRY hotel, all round cook, married good references, wishes steady position. v mio. oregonian. HOSPITAL or institution, good plain cool. wouiu ii Ke sieaay position, good re I rences. Married, w 610. Oregonian WOMAN of experience wants apartmen house to manage ; can give references. uroanwav AlIDDLE-AiJED lady will care for children aiternoona and evenings while mother is absent : best rpfprences. Tahor 1 5:t0. ItooUeepers, Stenographers, Office. EXPERIENCED comptometer operator wisnes snort nour worn, mornings pre ferred. Bdwy. 2618. room 11. POSITION wanted by experienced book keeper and cashier; best reierences. Phone Main 041. call Tor Miss Young. RELIA BLE young woman wants position as comptometer operator. Home typing. r none vt n m. iUL.Nvj iauy wishes employment at once. capable or meeting the public, reliable, references. Phone Mar. 260, apt. 31. NEAT, attractive lady wishes employment in doctor s ofiice: experience wanted mfrp tha-n wages. Tahor fr' to. BOOKKEEPER wishes books to keep, re quiring part time onty, ia years ex prlence. Rdwy. 5732, afternoons. LXPLRJ i.NCLU stenographer desires po sition; can do general office work; can alpo as."i?t with books. Tabor 203 5. CLERICAL position by refined iad ; ooiuii oooKKeeping, some stenography. F 6IS, Orconian. .ii' i . 1 olfice cierk wants tempor ary position filing, postln- Remington-W'-thl operator. AE 570. Oregonian. hour or chamber MEN'S wathing wanted: moderate charges 102 Fourth M. Mar. 6050. i LET M E paint your kitchen, cheap, and grod work. Broadway WOMAN 4601. wishes day work. Woodlawn JAPANESE dav w-ek giri wants housework, A.T 623. Orfirnninn. RELIABLE woman wants day work of any kind, satisfaction guaranteed. Sell. 2160. COLORED girl wauta day work. nour. Kasr .wim. by the YOUNG man wishes position as timekeeper In logging camp. N 6Q4. Oregonian. EN PERI .WED laundress waiiLs bundle work, run Rdwy. 575. MARRIED man wauls work In garage. 616, Orrcontan. PA I. NT. wa.;pper and glass f ale ma n open tot poMLion May L dbu. Orcooiao. COMPETENT grocery clerk; 3 years ex. prienre : references. AV 612. Or gonian. eTENOGRAPHER Neat appearance, wishes position. Experienced. Auto matic 617-74. WANTED Stenographic or clerical posi tion ; experienced; good reference. Phone East 7110. YOUNG lady, four years' experience stenographic and clerical work wishes posit ion. 100. H 625, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, experienced, for filing, post ing: no steno g rapiiy. Ta bo r 258. TYPIST and office girl wants work. Call Tabor 8W07. YOUNG lady typist would like office work, temporary r steady work. Tabor 6562. A-l BOOK KEEPER-steuog rapher wants half day position. Main 760 1 . COMPETENT bookkepeer wishes position, rf rences. Phone Sell. 2275. RELI EiF cares for the sick through the dv. Children evenings. Mnnha 1 ! 34 a. LADY wants day work. Phone Sell. 1107. WANT work, by day. aat 2344. " TWI5T with knowledge of shorthand do sirrs position. Call Woodlawn 1306. PRACTICAL nurse, hospital experience, best reference; rates reasonable. East 6479. . WA N'T EiD Modern 5-room bungaio w good locality, near carline with ow service. EaM 20tP. PRACTICAL nurse will care for invalid or take confinement case a Phone Tabor 534. WANTED Bv May 1. 4 or 5-room furnished house with small garden space. AP 603. Oregonian. PATIENTS cared for iu my private home. Phone East 4'J7. $5 RE WA RD house accepted, furnished, must be clean, rent. Woodlawn 4730. .Small un reaaonabl KURSE will take maternity cases at her home, reasonable, warn, os-o. WANTED To rent. 6-room furnlshe house, adults only, west side. Sunday or after 6 P. M. Broadway 447. C. S. MATERNITY home. 734 Hawthorn ave. Phone Automatic 234-iu. THE WILBUR rest home for convales cents 31M East 48th st. S. Auto. 317-65. WANTED to rent May 1, 8 or lo-roon house, west side. Nob Hill district pre ferred. Phone Marshall 44KH. PRACTICAL nurse, best of references. . 67flS. 4 to b-ROOM furnished house, close preferred. Can, write, ou uooanougii bldg. C. S. MATERNITY home . 734 Haw (.homo ave. Phone Automatic 234 -So. COMPANION or nurse. C. S. preferred. Mrs. Knapp, Main rf.vu. WANTED To rent by responsible coupio, houseboat or small houseboat, lurnlshed A M 22. Orgonin n. NURSE lakes maternity cases in her home. Bent of care. East S68. WANTED To rent by young couple, 4 o 5-room bungalow; state location i rent. A 6J3. Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case; terms reasonable. Marshall 44 IP. BY MAY 10. modern unturnished bunga low; res-ponsioie coupie wiin one cnn refrencej. Tahor ta41. PRACTICAL nufM.', redy for case; or children. Main 4.4H. PRACTICAL nurse wan is ptrmaneut case. women or children. Mam 4.4. SMALL modern furnished bungalow. May 1, not over 2Z minutes out; responsioin couple; no children. Main 634 mornings. WANTED Practical nursing, day or week; pricrjj reaonahlf. fnono iain 1 4r4 SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. Small unfurnished suburban bungalov B 554. Oregonian. Hou sea eepers. AN EXPERIENCED, reliable, steady and honest lady would like position to care for rooming house or small hotel for furnished apartment and some wages," can give excellent references. Marshall 1675. apartment Z. W'ANTED To lease lor year or niuie, modern 5 or -rooin nousf; benwooa dis trict preferred. V 60X. Oregonian. YOUNG woman with 2 children wants po sition i as housekeeper, more ror home thn wages. Call in mornings or after & evenlnss. Call 305 Yamhill st. CAPAtsLE woman would care for homo of widower, couple employed, apartment house or do chamber work. Address X 611. Oregonian. COMPETENT young woman with boy warns position, housekeeper, in city or out; good reierences; state waged . v &84. Oregonian RELIABLE widow, middle aged, wishes housekeeping; good noma, city, it vow, Oregoninn. WANTED Position as housekeeper in country, by young woman wuu cfliio. V 600. Orpgonian. YOUNG woman, with two children, wants position as nouseaeeper. rnone uio. 6J7-8I. nights and mornings. LADY wants position housekeeper, cook In widows home. ,tn t ommerriai. COM PETE N T experienced bookkeeper, stenogrHphr: references. Main 334. EXPERT stenographer desires stenographic work, evenings. Tabor 728. LADV wauls position, housekeeper, cook in widower's home, commercial. SITUATION wanted. Lake care of old pto-pie- 14QU. First st. Room 12. M 1 DDLE-AGED American w oinan wants position as hoiutekeepcr. MaxtthaJl 4Um7. WANT ED To ront furnished home. rooms V '14. t rgont; n. WANTBD To rent about May 13, room houe. Seilwood 3S 48. BY MAN and wife, lease or rent housu or hunealow not over $50. Main 163. house in Alberta Wdln. 36 0. SMALL house, furnished or unlurnihOied. T e I e-ph on e Ka s t 1532. apt. 1. COUPLE want to rent, by May 10. 3 to 5 rm furnished house. 5ft K. Ilfh st. N. Apartments. TOtTNO married couple wfeh to rent a 2 or S-room furnished apartment by May 10, west side preferred; state price. F 760, Oregonian, AN EASTERN graduate nurse would like another nurse to share apt. In hosp. district, or would share apt. Phone Mar shall 054. WANTED Six-room steam-heated unfur nished apartment June 1: munt be good neighborhood, modern. Broadway 81. WANTED Unfurnished 3 or 4-room flat or apt., must be clean, good location; adults: rpf erences. East 3006. COUPLfcl want apt. Will give some serv ice lor part rent. V 614, Orcfioniaa. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison ac Tenth- Rales fl day up' weekly $5.60 up; fret phone and baths: steam heat. BCSHMARK. Washington St.. corner 17th, clean, modern, steam heated rooms; ro-Hpeet.-tble. S4 prr week up- faT. PAUL HOTEL, IM rourin su Clsan. respectable, modern; transient, $1 up. Rates to permanent guests. FOR RENT Front sleeping room, hath and telephone, in rirsi-clasa downtown apt. Marshall 2nofl today. Nn'E. large, clean. colulortaUlti room, cm- no nthr roomers 06 Cnllegs U LARiK light, comfortable room v..i home, all Ciilivenienres. In prl- s'ith rpsi without garag. NH rui-nmhvti loom, modern. 54i Oih su Matn 22S1. N H'l' homelike roo 4 1 4 Sh ;tnon st in lor 1 or 2 geuittuiio LOOM in ap.ii tin woman. Marsh nil nuns man ur bus: NISWLV furiublitd rooi, Mam 6746 la private family. N E A TL V turniHhed roiiin. neur 23d and Thurmnn. ayj Guild t HAN DSOM EL i I'L RNISliED ROOM IN E XCLUSI V E PRIVATE HOME; MEN ONLY; RKF. RKQ. MAIN 4711. LARGE, light, sieaiu-heaied 9jm la apartment house; private entrauce, Broadway and Jefferson. Main 6213. fROOMS, modern, bargain, before May 1, or rent partly furnished ; large lo-t; fruit. 1110 Garfield ave., owner. NICE ROOM WITH BOARD FOR GEN TLEMAN. CLOSE IN ON WEST SIDE; RATES REASONABLE. AUTO. 510-36. WEAVER HOTEL, 70S WASH. STREET ROOMS WITH BATH, BY WEEK OR MONTH; REASONABLE. I RENT h. k rooms and apts. cheaper: clean ana quiet, uatn anu iuijuy; couples or bachelors. 414 N 13th. ALEXANDER HOTEL, 131 H Tenth st., neat, clean h. k, sTenpjn g moms, reasonable. FURNISHED sleeping room for couple or 2 Indus; home privileges; easy walking distance, west side. Aut. 517-36. LARGE front room suitable fur mouwia ii rt venieneew. NICE clean furnished ruom, walking lia , ., 474 Yamhill M-. cor. MHi, N 1 1 EL i" furn.shcd rooin, $10. Mar. iM"-i 701 U Hny ATTIC room Tor gejilieiuan references Marshall 3613. wst sid; DESIRABLE room, kiichen privileges. 301 th st. Mln 74- A LARGE furnlwne.i room, an muu- rn con v.niences. 14H N. 2llh. Main 23. FOR RENT r urniJ.eu ro ii m s. 412 Taylor st. housekeeping NICE room, on" or two g nu men, s.e-p- jug porch, west flue: ref. Bdwy. 43J1I. Xlt'ELY furnished clean room in private fa mliy. cioe . B2-. . MODERN roouui for employed women omy. ;:oju Park, corner t'niunihla. LARGE room, between lth and 18ih and Couch st., nuitaoie zor ousiness people. Bdwy. 1420. SLEEPING room. $4.00 per week. 51 able apts.. 30 N. 1 .tn st. MANOR hotel, 271 is Morrison, cor. 4th; leeping rtoin. it. k. i.ow rstea. PIESANT room fr yitung g"nt irmau. west side. Broadway 1426. References. lXrGK room, suitable for one or two, 3u4 11th tt. A DES1RA BLE rooo side. Broadway 4. fur 1 or 2 mon, wet LARGE furnished hoom, steam heat, H. K. pri vile oE I R iront rtiom lor one nrvr. 674 K I6h si. Sell. :;m $1 DAI 2.uU vea.. up. clean; baths free. Hotel uoinar, jq near Jerrergaa. 770 HOTT at.. hospital. nice steeping rouma nar LARGE well furnished housekeeping room. ail conveniences, i i nunnan st. LARGE front room for two gentlemen, $5 week. 4M vasnington. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, steam heat. hot ana roia water. jnn inn st. FitoNT sleeping room, walking distance. Rent ?li mo. :.M .viim St. FURNISH ED room only. ,vi:t r- t-ine Ten t, Eas geiitieinen IN E sleeping porch, close in. Park. Marshal I CLEAN sleeping room, $3 week. Bath and phone. w2:v.i ntn st. 300Vi PARK, furnished rooitis. 3 50 up. ROOMS $3 50 up. 400 Morrison. I nfumlnhcd Rooms. FOR RENT 2 unfurnished front rooms witn Kitcnen privilege, ia mo west side. 427 Harrison st. LARGE, plea F.H-d 472. inl biuiuum. -40 E. lUUi t LIGHT. air room with ail horn Strictly private home. 1 nl comforta, . Tyio-. TU o oli 'I U RLE uiilurmt-UtU looms tor rent. 347 Victoria mr. SLEEPING room In apt. for 2 gentlcrnesi employed. Marshal I 2637. FIRN1MIED room vr Uiim.1hv lridKV 43 4 Larratiee K. 5?I4 Kitchen privilege HtuNT dowiifUirs r a, new l luriiiHliod, sultano for fwo. $?t Mnr-hwl 466. ROOM for gentleman or lady in strict, r prl v.'i te home ; rrfrrenre Bdwy. 1 7" 1 good room iu pirasaiit subutban hmi Ph hr"ltf:i nrd rl'nner. Tnhnr 1Q40. BRIGHT, pleasant roin for young man 1HO N. 21;t. Broadway 2"7. N I 'ELY f unit tdied roni in modern homa for gentleman. Sell wood 1416. FURNISHED rooms with or without board, 561 K Glissn wt.. cor. 17h st . ,i M ALL hiscinenl ro lira p. 3QQ IHh 5 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, walking distance, light, gas and phono. Auto matic 236-4. R4Mm With Konrd. I'LKASA 1 ro . board, 1 or 2 peo- GOOD room and board, noma prlvlles reasonable, arsh. 3J5i. i