16 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 24, 1021 FOR SALE. FOR BALE. FOR SALE. Machinery. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR 8AT.E. FOR 8AI.E. FOR SAI.K. Machinery. Machinery. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. 3liscellaneous. 51 isrellaneous. MlM-ellaneou. K. SARDS SONS, INC. 840 FRONT ST, PORlAJfD. OREGON. rPTTCTAI-S. WrRB ROPB. JfKW WiKE ROPR. B-l Inch to 2 Inches. USED WIRE ROPE. Special on 114 Inches and 11 fm-hes, guaranteed l0 per cent ROOPINO. SOO ton of NKW OAt-VANIZED Cflrrurat.4 rooflnir. 50 ton, used galvanized corrugated roofing. PIPE. Galvanised, an alzea Black, all alzea VISES. Solid and a-wlvel base. CTT A TV BLOCKS. One-half to 10-ton; differential, duplex and triplex. HIRR-SPEED PRILLS. Hlitn-apped lathe ateel carbon drills, straight and taper shank tapa and dies, reamera. etc. IRON AND STEEL. Round mill st.el bara, Is to 8 S-ltL FHata, all plzea. Hexagon drill eteel. H to 1. Cold roll.d. H to 8 7-ia. Reinforcing bara. to lhk. Platea, all sizes. SAWS. railing, bucking and drag aawa. LATHES. 1 IlllO LrBlond. S 24x13 Advance. 2 ;!x12 Wolcott. 1 16x8 Carroll. GET OUR PRICES. PUMPS. 30 StS Typhoon reared power. 4 8x. Meyers bulldozer. 1 8x5 Gould reared power. 1 5x3Hx5 Worthlngton duplex. 2 4H3zS Knowlrs duplex. 4 4xfl Knowles duplex. 2 6x4x6 Worthlngton duplex. 1 10x6x6 Marshall single. 8 3x2x3 duplex. 1 8-in. centrifugal. 8 Marsh boiler feed pumpa 1 PxSxlO Piatt duplex, z Bearcat drag sawa 1 Small power sheet metal saw. 1 Fairbanks 25-k. w. generator. 1 36-inch ship band saw. 5 Sft-inch band sawa 1 x!4 Fay A Egan planer. 2 16x9x12 Sullivan compressor. 3 Hooaier 20-lnch drill presses. ENGINES. 1 No. S Mills & Merrill keyseater, complete with catalog equip ment. 1 No. 4 Cleveland Gato shear, ca pacity In.: will split 72-ln. plates in center, direct connect ed with motor drive. 2S-H. P.. 3 - phase. 60 - cycle. 220 - volt, complete with starter. 1 12 x 12 Tacoma compound yarding donkey. 1. 16x22 Atlas twin engine. 2 8x10 vertical engines. 1 9x7 vertical engine. 1 7x7 vertical engine. 1 4x5 vertical enrtne. 1 6x6 vertical engine. 1 1-h. p vertical engine. 1 Lang at Alstatter borlsontal punch. 1 Little Qtant belted hammer. 1 Oster pipe macnine. cap ta 4-Inch. 4 electric grinders, 1 Jones Superior combination saw table. 10 Marvel No. 1 power hack sawa. 1 Marvel No. 2 power hack aaw. 1 48-inch Cleveland punch and shear, direct connected to b. p. General Electrlo motor. PULLETS, tteel spilt, all sizes. Wood pulleys, all sizes. SHAFT HANGERS, and flat-bottom boxes. BELTING. Rubber and leather. LOGGERS" SUPPLIES. Skookum blocks. Mallory blocks, axes, peaviea. aledgea. wedges mattocks, picka. etc BARB "WIRE. 4-polnt black. 200 tons at a big saving. 20-inch riveted pip at $1 foot. Air tools, anvils, augers, scety lene hose, barbed wire, babbit, choker sockets, cold shuts, clamps, miscellaneous chain, emery grinder heads, grate bars, gears, etc, back saws, machine hammera, hooka, brush books, etc., pipe tonga, wrenches, dies, etc M. BARDE A SONS. INC.. 24U FRONT ST. LOGGERS' AND CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY CO. LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINE! NEW. REBUILT AND USED LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 1 9HxlO Tacoma roader. 4 11VX13 Tacoma compound feared yarders, new. 1UX13 Tacoma yarder, com plete with sled and lines. 1 12x12 Tacoma roader, complete with new sled and lines. 1 12x14 Tacoma roader. 72-lnch round boiler. 112x14 Washington two-speed yarder with 66-in. oblong boiler. 1 1-X12 Washington yarder. 1 12x12 Washington yarder, with sied and lines. 1 lOxlOK Washington compound geared yarder. 1 lOVixlO1 Washington yarder and roader, new aed and com plete with lines. 1 11x13 Willamette Humboldt yarder, 60-inch oblong boiler, new. 1 11x13 Willamette roader, 66-Inch round boiler. 1 10x13 Willamette Crack-a-Jack engine. 1 10x13 Willamette roader, with sled and lines. t 8HxlO Willamette road era. 1 10x13 Mundy roader. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT. 1 88-t.n EUay standard gangs lo comotive, splendid condition. 1 45-ton Climax locomotive. - 1 4J-ton Climax locomotive. 1 65-ton Climax locomotive. 1 85-ton Baldwin locomotive. 4 sets trucks with Iron work for 50 M- at cars. 8 sets of 70-M. second-hand log ging trucka 1 HO M capacity. 86-ft. flat cars. 2 20-yd. center dump ballast cara 13 tons 35-lb. relayer rail. 1 IVi-yard Bagley grader. 60 tons 60-pound new rails. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 1 20-ton Brown hoist locomotive crane. t No. 4 Rex concrete mixers, new. ' 3 No. 7 K-x concrete mixers, new. 1 -yd. Williams Favorite bucket with teeth. 1 llxlS-lncn Jaw rock crusher. I DGGERS AND CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY CO. Office, No. 70 Fourth St Shop, 17th and Sherlock avenue. PORTLAND. OREGON. Manufacturers of Russell Ail-Steel Logging Trucks, Eagle Brand Wedges and Sledgeak Representatives for Porter Locomotives, Rex Concrete Mixers. Erie steam Shovela, Will iams d-msHell Buckets. Insley Concrete Equipment, Smith & Bona' Royal Uood Roads Machin ery. R. R. POPPLETON NEW AND L'SED MOTORS. A few three-phase 440-volt motor bargains. 1 100 R 1-n h p . r 2 75 R. 000 R. P. M. 2 50 R. 120 R. P: M. 2 50 R. BOO R. P. M. About 75 smaller motors. LARGEST ELECTRICAL REPAIR SHOP IN THE NORTHWEST. 23 Stark Street Marshall 410. Portland. Or. ANT steam shovel. 1 to 1 14 yard. E. I K. VVI1M, -Ml OUOV,A ENGINES. I.lx42 Bates Corliss, right hand wheel. 14 ft. by 25 in. 1 lJtT-O Frost engine, right hand. 1 JHxl8 Buckeye, right band. 1 lxl Ames side crank, right hand. 1 14x27x18 MrEwen, center crank. 1 pair 14x20 Twina 1 14x20 Atlas, left hand. 1 14x42 Lane & Bodley Coriuw 1 14x18 Frost, right hand, side crank. 1 14x14 Ideal Automatic center crank. 2 12x15 Russell side crank. 1 10x16 Russell, right hand, side crank. 1 13x15 Ames, right hand, side crank. 3 10x12 Ames center crank. J '0lt,3 Russell, side crank, i ?xlu Amea. center crank. I 9x12 NaKle. center crank. 1 7'x9 Clarke, center crank. I 12-h. p. uprlehL 1 8-h. p. upright. 1 No. 4 Jewel automatic BOILERS. 1 125-h. p. Hawkes combination water tube and tubular boiler, 150 pounds working pressure, all steel setting. 1 48x12 Atlas Standard tubular boiler. 1 Si-h. p. open bottom firebox. 125 pounds pressure. 1 35-h. p. Kewanee firebox. 1 44x14 tubular boiler. 2 40-h. p. Russell firebox boiler 1 40-h. p. Ames firebox. 1 50-h. p. upright. 1 40-h. p. upright. 1 25-h. p. Russell firebox. 1 60-h. p. upright. 1 25-h. p. Kewanee firebox. 1 15-h. p. upright. 2 60x16 Ames tubular bollere. 1 54x16 Ames tubular boiler. RESAWS. 1 8-Inch Mershon hand resaw. horizontal. 1 8-inch Fay Egan upright band resaw. 1 23 Berlin resaw. fl-inch blade. 1 Fisher resaw. 6-lneh hlsHe. 1 Band saw grinding outfit com plete. 1 5-lnch hand resaw. 1 4-inch Multnomah steam drag saw. PUMPS. 1 16xxl2 Underwriters' pump; ca pacity 7,"i0 gallons. 1 12x7x12 Duplex pump. STEAM FEEDS. 2 9x12 Wheland. 1 14x18 steam feed. HEAD BLOCKS. I set of three 72-lnch I beam. 1 set of three 72-lnch double I Deam screw bead blocks. 1 set of three 60-Inch double I Deam screw head blocks. 1 set of three 60-Inch . double I oeam. 1 set of three 52-Inch single I beam. 1 set of three 52-Inch Allls Chal mers all steel, rack and Dinion. 1 set of three 52-inch Portland Iron Works make. 1 set of three 54-inch Albee cast iron 1 beam. 1 set of 60-inch T beam 1 set of three 48-Inch Portland Iron Works make double I beam. 1 set of two 60-tnch single I beam. 1 set of -two Allis Chalmers, rack and pinion. 1 se two 48-Inch H. C. Albee single I beam. 1 set of three 40-Inch double I beam screw head blocks. PLANERS. 1 8x13 American planer and matcher. 1 24x24 timber planer. 1 8x24 Hoyt planer and matcher. 2 6x15 No. 91 Berlin fast feed planers. 1 6x30 Fay Egan single surfacer. 1 6x15 American planer and matcher. 2 6x15 No. 94 Berlin planers. 1 2-spindle shaper. 2 9-inch Houston stickers. 1 Hall & Brown power feed rip saw. ELECTRIC MACHINERY. See us for second-hand motors and generators. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 15-ton Russell all steel logging truck. 1 60-lnch slow-speed fan. 1 50-inch double fan. 1 40-lnch double fan. 1 30-inch single fan. 1 24-inch single fan. 1 power shearer. 1 No. 43 Phoenix hog. 1 45 Sturtevant fan. REMEMBER OUR MACHINERY IS THOROUGHLY REBUILT AND GUARANTEED. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. tl First St Portland. Or. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 1800 K. W., 2300-volt A. C. gen erator. 1 50 H. P., 220-volt motor, com plete. 1 500 K. V. A. Westlnghouse team turbo generating set. 1 320 K. W. engine driven A. C. generator. 1 150 H. P. firebox boiler. 110- lb. pressure. 1 60 H. P. marine type bolter. 1 00 H. P. firebox boiler. 125 lbs. pressure. 1 120 H. P. Ball American Cor liss engine. 1 i0 H. P. Lane & Bodley Corliss engine. 1 Oarage air compressor. 1 50 H. P. upright marine engine. 1 24x48 Corliss twin engine. CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT. 3 1-yard steam-driven concrete mixers. , 22-12-yard Western air dump cars. 1 60 M. S4-ft. flatcars. 2 41-ft.. R0 M. flatcars. 1 70-ton Bucyrus track shovel. 1 Model 40 Marion track shovel. 1 i-yard Erie revolving shovel on traction wheels, used 2 years. 1 ;1H B. Bucyrus caterpillar shovel. 1 20-ton locomotive crane. 1x8x12 three-drum Mundy hoist ing engine. 1 5"x8 DD Washington hoisting engine. 1 3-yard clamshell. 1 7x10 DD hoist. 9 No. 24 Western wheel scrapers. 1 10-ton gas roller. 1 Smith Chicago paver, capacity 20 feet. 1 Ransom concrete mixera, gas engine driven. 50 1 x cubic yard dump cars, 24 inch gauge. 75 4 cubic-yard dump cars, 36 -in. gauge. 1 Gates No. 5 gyratory rock rrusher. 1 24-inch gangs dinkey locomo tives. . 1 24-inch Symons disc crusher. 4 86-inch gauge dinkey locomo tive. 1 Gas-driven air compressor and jack hammer. 10 18-inch gauge mine cars. 2 Drag scrapers. 14 wheelers. & Fresnoes- LOGGERS' EQUIPMENT. 1 tool wagon. 2 crab hoists. 1 No. 4 rotary high-pressure pump. 1 tp ton Shay locomotive. 1 38-ton Helsler. built 1918. 2 llxlS Tacoma yarder, used 3 months. 1 12x12 Washington yarder. steel frame. 1 9HxlO Smith & Watson loader 6ii-inch boiler. 22 Sets 80 M. all-steel Russell logging trucka 2 10x12 Washington half-breeds. 3 10x15 Tacoma broadface yard ers. 1 Water piledriver barge, 34x58. leads SO feet. Pile driver hammers, gas engines, pumps, tools, etc BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY, Main 1212. 524-23. Main 261S. 1 FOK ITAL'GHN drag saw and hand stump puller for sale, cheap. Write or see W. S. ! FOX xteynoius, iik'aro. Oregon. FOR SALE 10-Inch screw-cutting engine latne: r-ord starter generator, complete; wireless sending and receiving set: other equipment; 4-cyunuer motor. !H t.. Zoih North. ELEVATOR, one-ton, electric, passenger and freight, in fine shape, f 350. Chain hoist, two-ton. good as new. $45. H. W. SHARP COMPANY, 70 First Street. BHOKEX machine parts repaired, heavy ana ugni castings, steel ana aluminum. C. & S. WELDING SERVICE. 151 E. -8th St.. at Belmont. East 5420. ONE li-H. P. Jack Junior stationary en- glne; make oiler. one 2-H. f. f air banks upright engine. Address or call at i. iackamas uarage. Clackamas, or. Wo 7x10 DONKEY engines in first-class condition; 48-ln. band saw in first-class running order: electric motors. Oregon .lunk & Hardware Co. Call OQ Front s FOK SALE 1 Wayne gasoline pump first-class condition, $100. Commercial Garage, B. 11th and Burnside. Phone East 1031. FOR SALE 1 -horaepuwer gasoline en gine with pump, practically new; can be seen running; been used, about months. Taylor-st. dock, west side. U'AA'i' tu sell uuick. 1 mouel K. Ekeiu grease gun, motor and air compressor. Tungar, rectifier and other garage I equipment. it win, uregonian. FOR SALE One and half horsepower gas oline engine with pum . Dractically new: can be seen running; been used about! two months. Taylor-st. dock, west side. Coal and Wood. FIRST-GROWTH COUNTRY SLAB. AND CORDWOOD. CEDAR CREEK WOOD CO.. 48-50 N. 13TH ST. BDWT. 1783. NOItTIl BANK FUEL CO. Wood and coal, small orders solicited. 65!) Upshur st. Phono Auto. 626-36. tt.&O COKDWOOD 7.S0 PER CORD. Good, sound 2d-growth; buy early, save money. Oregon Iuel Co., Wdln. 4102. OR SALE First-growth cordwood, $0.60 per cord. 2 cords tlb, delivered. Wood lawn 6312. FIRST old-growth cordwood, $8.50; block and slab. $6 per load; country slab. 4-fL heavy. $6.50 per cord. Bdwy. 4110. yBDtt'uuD ttuuipage for sale, all oak, mile from R. R. fepur. down-hill haul. T. .1. ;ilrov. Hotel Franklin. Bdwy. 1037. DRY CORDWOOD, $s.50; 5 cords or more. i w. wain. 4011. Call alter 7 P. M., Hansen. , '1 KSI-UKOVVTH cordwood. 'J per cord o.tvereu: special prices on larger lota Phone Woodlawn 6J12. BL'Y YOUR winter wood now; 6 cords good wooq $49; one cord $3.j0. r . Jj. Bow man A Co. Main 3026. OLD-OKOWT1I cordwood, $5.00: second growth, $5; on highway at Scappoose. W. O. .Tcff.i. FOR SALE Oak cord wood, also oak luin- ter. lirnadway 4-.2. BKtiT dry old-growth corowoo'd; you can't beat it; only $0.50 a cord. Auto. B18-S7. FOR SALE 200 cords old-growth, fir. i none o r -io. nouon, nr. INSIDE block wood, mixed, in 2 and 8- load lots. Fhone Woodlawn 6233. CORDWOOD at $7.50 a cord In 2 -cord lots. National Fuel Co., East 2041. BEST BLOCK AND SLAB, $5.50. MAR- SMALL ::4s. I DRY box wood for sale. $5.50 per load. all wain, .amh or 11 33 -Montana ave. FOR SAL1S No. 2 fir wood, $8.00 cord de- nveren. Main 4t-l. BLOCK WOOD. Main 8063. DKY block wood Main S060. Miscellaneous. CLARIONET SALE Learn to play: clar ionet players always In demand, jv pro fessional model clarionets .shopworn but in Al condition; all at one-third original price, with privilege to exchange at price paid toward payment of any latest brand new clarionet. Six lessons free. Prices: Besson make, was $80, now $28. Conn, make, was $S5, now $28. Buiiet make, was $75, now $25. Martin make, was $45, now $15. Also several exhibition models, all ac tually two-thirds 66 2-3 per cent off. Think of it. Sale closes May 2. Ellers Music huildinir 7 flnnrn devoted to rati. sic and musicians. 287 ft Washington street, just below Fifth. CHEAP, 6-volt battery, guaranteed, $18; elect neater, fv; 10 b-lt. steel lence posts and 140 ft. wire fence, 4Sin., $17; paper baler, $15; battery charger, 6 volts, $2U; oak floor case, 2 slide glass front doors, 2e-ln.x4-ft.x4-It., $3i; glass globe, 1 gal., elec, water heater with faucet, $10; banjo, mandolin, new. guitar, man dolin, with cases, all $40; bust form on pedestal, $3; motor H A. C, $20; gents 10-diamond, platinum setting ring. $285; amateurs ' wireless set complete, $2 set best boxing gloves, four, $S; piano piayer attachment. 10 rolls, 990; gas heater.- $2; gasoline curb pump. VJo: 10 gallons heavy eastern oil, $12.00. East 7IK. BANJO SALE. Learn to Play Lessons Free. All Standard Makes to Choose From. Banjos that were $125 now $78. Banjos that were $40 now $26. Banjos that were $75 now $47. And ever so many others. Pav cash or buy on time: sale clones Way 2. Ore- gon Eilers Munic House, main floor; I entrance jtt v asninpton street. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Eafy: vacuum cup; copper cuo tub: brand new; same as sold by Gas Co. for $15; must be sold today, $115. 82 E. T4T.n si. auto. 'A-tjn. HEMSTITCHING, 10c per yard. Button making, pleating and braiding. Mail or ders given prompt attention. Mack's Millinery, 542 Union ave. North. East LAST week in business broken lines -of all candy and cigars below cost; everything AUUiiSG machine for $17.60; works sim at a bargain. Oregon Electric Waiting I pier than $300 machine; adds to 100.000. Koom, H( lutn, near Aider. I UABY sulky. wicker and 1 Imitation leather, nearly as good as new ; price $10. 1012!j Belmont at. Phone Ta- STORE FIXTURES SACRIFICED. Showcases, cash registers, computing scales, safes, coffee urns. 246 Wash ington SAFES No. .0 Sixth st., near Oak. New and second-hand Herring-Hall-Marvin safes and steel cabinets. busbong & I o.. tetepnone Hroauway l.o. 1 GAS RANGE, 1 water heater, 1 wood heater. 1 congoleum rux 9x12. 1 othe rug 0x12. Call East 2720. i DIAMOND, in beautiful setting, suitable for engagement ring, hi carat, great reduction. AK,612. Oregonlan. SIX-HOLE wood-coal range with coil, half price, nu; also xour-hole gas range, $30. Woodlawn 57t-S. HITb enamel infant's crib on wheels, I WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL $175 PRaCTICaitv , r with mattress; in first-class condition, KINDS OF RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. ETC noirraph beatif.Tl n dWi4ra Ph,?" $10. Take M. S. car to 4028 34th ave.. BEN S. BACKMAN. 110 THIRD ST SrtSd at rL iin nStn 8pecialJy cor. 50, h. Automatic 610-24. ARTIFICIAL eyes ratted at vour home. rVvat? rti I FOR SALE 4 women's light dresses. 1 coat. 1 sweater, size 80, almost new, at bargain. Mar. 6S4. FOR SALE A good wood ranxe with warming oven and hot water coll; price: tan .t f 1 1 . j ioi jionnay. NEW RUUD gas water heaters installed s..ou. aiMo any Kind of plumbing done. Tabor 13H2. $22 LADY'S black suitcase, new, $13: beaver collar and culf set. $34. Main 2501. NKW WESTERN ELECTRIC sewing ma- FOR SALE -1 iron bedstead and springs. i if ruiiiiicjr hvc. FOR SALE 7-foot split cedar posts, ISc; on nonu rogu. i a nor BEAUTIFUL H -karat diamond, sacrifice LADIES' and children's slightly used gar ments ior saie. Main n7i. RELIABLE gas range, four-burner, high O COLLAPSIBLE baby bugjey, storm shield, in K"n n'ruiiiinn; narpain. fJast 7L'. . STENOTYPE for sale, good as new. with FOR SALE Pittsburg instantaneous water neaier. jn imp, Hdwy. o,S. GIRL'S bicycle, fine condition. 352 Chap- nmn. any unie Bunaay or evenings. ItOuT BEER barrels, fountains, pool table. SPANISH leather bed davenport. Call Ta- oor oi.-i. DIAMONDS, overcast. for sale cheap. Phone Tabor 1010. (WHITE ivory baby bassinette and mat- Tres. iiKe new. Marshall 1310. PIANO box for sale. Call afternoons or evenings, call 210-44. MIRRORS 2x5 ft.. 6 pieces of mirrors ior naie. mormon. Mars nail 3901. .HEMSTITCHING machine for sale. Main .' jerrerson. en 1 Mondnv FANCY t-arly seed potatoes for sale. Mar- snau oiti. COMPLETE set A. C. A. traffic manager's NEav FLUFF rug. x!2, never been used, ric rue ttu for $7. 2R4 Clav st. NEARLY new wringer and pair of crutches. Col! Mondav. East 7i'0! WASHING machine excellent shaoe. Tabor :.Jf1. 1172 Fast Tavlor st cAHl.Ntr size phonograph. Brand new. ..f.. rnnm n.nt. npSTairs. '70i Waih at SALE 1 box couch. good. 4224. FURNACE for sale. East 22 GOOD sanitary couch $0. Main 427. TWIN baby carriage. F blO, Oresoniau J WRECKING VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS FOR SALE, 350 vltroua china clfutet and tanks. I I Steel storage and pressure tanks, 120, ooi-ganon, test 110 pounds. Tabasco h. w. heating boilers. No. 27. American Ideal h. w. heating boilers. 1 F. B. steam boiler, 64x16. 1 S36 8 steam American heating boiler. 10,000 feet steam radlatora Pipe, valves, fittings. FORESTAL MacQUAID A CO., IHth and Reserve Sta, Phone 527. Vancouver. Wash.. Box 24. 1 - 1 I I I SO SLIGHTLY USED 50 SEWING MACHINES wll'. be sold at greatly reduced P,"s to make room. for the New White Phonograph. All leading makes. Will take liberty bonds at lace value on all new machines and phouographa. & S. SIGEL ft SON. 882 WASH. ST. I in I I I I I PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know, that tartar scales, Im perfect fitting crowns and bridges, over hanging fillings, irritating gums, all contribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums. In flammation of gums, loosening of teeth and finally loss of teeth? I specialize in iirsi-ciass dentistry; X-ray examinationa UK. A. W. Ma.lestlc Theater Bldg., 351 i Wash. St SPOT CASH PATH mB SHOTGUNS. RIS'l.KS TOOI.M T PINTS. SHOWCASES. SCALES. TYPEWRITERS. -Aail xtBit, ISTERS, FURNITURE, RUGS, ANYTHING OF VALUE BOUGHT. SOLD OR EXCHANGED. NEWMANS KXCH ANIJE. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4495. JvKKN PARK STORE. AUTO. 625-82. POSTAGE STAMPS for collectors. We I carry a fine line of stamDa of all na tions, complete sets, packets, albums. hinges, etc. Stamps and collections naught; open evenlnga Saturdays and ounnays ail aay. Columbia stamp CO.. i. itn st. Phone Bdwy. 201'J. D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWN-TOWN LUM BER STORE. 171 FRONT ST.. BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE I Main 4213. Lumber, lathk shlncr-les. doors. windows, molding and mill work, screen I doors, fruit and vegetable box shooka. I cee our oqq stock or sash, doors. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new I ana second-hand, at right prlces,bought I aoiq ana exchanged; easy terms It de- sirea. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045. SEWING MACHINES Latest new Singers. no shuttles to thread, 10 per cent off If I paid for in one year; closing out large I stock slightly used machines; rentals $3 I per montn. singer store, 103 4th St. main SBWINO machines, new and second-hand. soia xor less; no agenta employed; com plete lines of Darts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431 BKWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. 25 DROPHEAD sewing machines, com plete witn attachments. In good sewing oraer, so to $Jo; sewing machines rented 4 per month; machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. steen, 152 Grand ave. last PRACTICALLY new small Victor Dortable I macnine, just the thing for canoe or I camp purposes; $17.50, $5 down, $5 a I month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 I Alder St. frOR SALE A 6-hule wood and coal range with warming oven and hot water cons, in good condition, lor cash. $?o. am twa st. S. E. Mt. Scott car is i.aureiwooq. BATTERY CHARGER. Motor generator, 110 volt will charge -i-o von Datienes; szbu. 'ierms ir de sired. Gibson Storage Battery Co., 12th ana Aioer SIB. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable ana durable roof 7 We repair Rubber Bond, and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roora. work guaranteed. Mam 5120. LET US wash your ruga with the Hamll- ton Beach electric carpet washer with out removing from floor: work guaran teed clean and sanitary. Woodlawn o i oa. LADIES, let the Vogue sell your misfit and slightly used garments. 10 per cent Room 403 Alisky bldg.. entrance on 3d near Jiorrison. jiain 3132. PLANET JUNIOR SEED DRILL. 7-foot crosscut saw. 2 Australian parraquettes. brass cage, bargain : will trade for man's trunk. Marshall 2820. ONE NEW. STYLE XI. mahogany Vic trola. also one large reading lamp; cheap 11 laaen at once; party leaving city. Call aner o:.iv r. al. marshal! lloo. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. expert sewing macnine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 3!2 Morrison. Marshall 721. THREE new electric washint? machines. 9ia each, guaranteed: 1 Jadd used elec trie washer, overhauled, $.0. Scott Elec trie Co.. 5th and Oak sts. $0U CULUMBJA Gralonola. ma.hoara.nv cxe. in good condition, for $30, $10 down, $51 a month. Hyatt Talking Machina Co., COMPUTING sca.es. eao register, coffee I """ aaaoa,, Liiuia tailU fiCUCldl BLOT I to a a. ,.u oiai, b. iwiNnna r irmi i and Second streets. I gold mountings; they will make your diamond much brighter and look larger as well. Miner, next door to aiajeatio theater. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton tteacn electric carpet washer: also vac- uum cleaning done. East 4045. MIRROR, armsiand or -halt rack, bookcase, kitchen table and 2 Radiantfires, must pe soia at once. f.in Utith st. S. E. 40 Chamber Commerce bulidinr. $3. Write Barclay Optical Co.. 454 Bar. eT - kptutp trQ-h .i ; factorv sruar antee goes with it; practically new. pall FOR SALE Automatic popcorn and pea nut roaster, almost new; a bargain. See or can miner, join ana oanay Diva, KODAK. IS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko quks. oanay. o asnington St. FLAG POLES. Any size you want- 327 Ankeny BLACK FIGS. 25-lb. boxes. $3: Mu.i, raisins, 25-lb. boxes, $5.50. Beaver Gro eery, zoi zamnui mi. PILES can be permanently cured without operation, uau or write Dr. Dean. Sec ona ana jnorrison. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579. For scieniuic watcn repairing see Miller. next aoor to Majestic tneater. (OK RENT Electric vacuum clanfirt 24-hour day, 85c; delivered; guaranteed gonq condition. wioaiawn i - ill. WHITE iron bed, springs, mattress, grass chair, library table, 2 oak rockers, Ruud gas water nearer, ino. o. 'labor 7205. TRACTION engine expert at owner's ola.n reasonable prices for overhauling. Phone rsroaaway iooq. cuu.mciv ior uie, it ieei verv r.tican From 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.. Fiher, 231 W U&K BC. NKW BABY clothes, trunk, elec. plate roosters, pullets, baby chicks, cheap. x ruling,;', 'uvi hi tu nvr. o. r.. SPLENDID toned guitar and case: cost .u; price iiyait AaiKing Machine t o.. anu Aider st. l.a ul iL,o wonaerrui oargains in smart usea garments, nais, xuxs, snoes for all occasions, uaoor -f-o. - 'E hotel double-oven coal range, one tras range, one hot-cake griddle. Apply 113 is-mings ivortn ave. &AL.H,. aoout zuuu cords first growth stumpage, close to Portland. Call Main I'.fUat mornings oniy. KOOT BEER barrels, fountains, cash reg ELECTRICAL repairing, repairs called for ana aenverea. isoor LICENSED electrician will save you money on wiruiK anu guppueg. oeii. Oo. FINE Burbank potatoes, $L sack, 5718. 45S Marguerite ave. Tabor "STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. van layior-at. oca. main ?uo. SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee mills, cheese cutters, to r rooi gi... near fine. FOR SALS Cash register, safe, adding Ulttm UC, a-iu ,j at., flea.' ASH. DAHLIA BULBS. $1 PER DOZEV 3212 68th st. S. E. Auto. 62;t-69. VACUUM cleaners for rent, 85c per day delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. SAFE Fireproof, old. but In good order cheap. C 510. Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale" Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 lBt st. ELEC. vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. repaired. Ray Bentley. Main 4907. WRECKAGE wood cheap: also moving atid hauling. Tabor 3043 f $4u PHILIPS merchant marine atlas, cheap 317 Merchants Trust bldg. STORE fixtures for sale cheap. 817 Mer chants Trust bids;. FUR CHOKER FOR SALE. MATN 7200. NORTH BEACH RAZOR CLAMS, 7! doz. $2 f. o. b. Chas. Parker, Seavlew. Wash. GOOD washing machine and wringer, not ON Uec; cheap- East biii. TENTS TENTS TENTS. We have solved the housing problem. ' The people are Quick to flock to offering of CONWAY ARMY TENTS. We have a large direct shipment of canvas and are having our tents made right here in Portland. No old, half worn tents. They are BRAND NEW WALL TENTS. We quote a few to give you an Idea of the value, but bear in mind we make any size you may want, up to a big circus tent. 7x7 8-ounce...$ 8.00 10-ounce. . $ 9.63 7x9 8-ounce... 9.25 10-ounce.. 11.00 8x10 8-ounce... 10.25 10-ounce.. 12.75 10x12 8-ounce... 13.25 10-ounce. . 16.00 10x14 8-ounce... 16.00 10-ounce. . 10.60 12x14 8-ounce... 18.75 10-ounce.. 22.25 12x16 8-ounce... 20.50 10-ounce.. 24.60 14x16 8-ounce... 23.50 10-ounce.. 28.00 14x21 8-ounce... 30.00 10-ounce.. 35.00 10x18 10-ounce 38.00 16x21 10-ounce 41.50 CONWAY AUTO TENT Is Just the thing for camping trips on cne-night stands. Although you may sleep in your car these tents make a dandy dressing room, storm shelter or sleeping quarters, the front flap passing over top of car. down opposite sldo. completely covering both sides of the car. 7x9 will fit sny car, 8-ounc.e $10.50 win ril sny car, 10-ounce 12.50 " aiso carry in stock army meats. ARMY BACON. 12-LB. CAN. $2.40. j-osiage 1st and 2d zones, 21c; 3d zone an?' ?4 85' Blanket3' 3 50- 4 10' M.45 Folding Army Cots, $3. v, -US fo.r your "Tlnir wants. r0myn8Voes?PetcOVe!,, OUR NAME, CONWAY ARMY TENT, is on every tent which stands for quality. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. J. T. CONWAY ARMY STORE, Third and Taylor Sts. The Pioneer Army store Man of Oregon." G. G. GERBER. To reduce my large stock of new FORD RADIATORS " I will for a short time sell them at cost 317. These are Gordon Fords and Jackson freeze-proof radiators. 431 DAVIS. BROADWAY 4331 FOR SALE Incubator. Old Trusty, 150-egg. with gas lamp attachment, hot-water heater, copper pipes, ex cellent condition. Come see chick ens we have hatched from it; also Newton blue-flame brooder. Will sell cheap rather than ship. 658 E. 46th st. N. I -32 WINCHESTER automatic. 20; divine K : ?oJ check Protactograph, $15: take down . $j; Winchester 351 auto m,vtlc ,33 50; Marlin .30 take down, $;io: Ijibson guitar and mandolin, kodaka. field glasses, etc. BEN S BACKMAV. 110 Third St. and outfit, all new; one 5x7 '""" view camera, 17 mm holders, h a rubber film de. box. 1 fixing -..".""".""'"fn'S noiaers, l load ing fixture for film dev., 1 Grow tripod j.o. a; win sell very cheap. A. W., 528 rurwi nt-y .n.. city. Hroaqwav 7S3. PILLOWS, half down and hlf rautv,a J lbs. $1.7j each: some feather pillows i k each; library table, mahogany fln- "'j"' "'271 CI wueen Anne, in good condition, $15; mantel clock, Waterbury nmeaeeper, cost $34. will sell for $12. East 5236. ' LADIES' CLOTHING. n -i i tS. ir" ;B1 1 1jE-h. best of at: ui 11. rl h. A xi Hvawi L. tiht t r T r t-n r- "A-ia rniurjci V V t ' . .0. ( 'I n ES. ROOM 403 J "avj.. u-U A.-NU 3i LK K ISO V Avcrvi: aiWUAV I w II oa 11 a.,. r v t uiauiuna pickups fully 20 per cent below wholesale. Tomorrow's bar- ,n a Jfdjes mounting for $0.0. Miller s Clearing House for Diamonds. next door to Majestic theater $150 BRUNSWICK, talking machi dark mahogany cae. practically new for fll5; special terms nf in Hnwn n oa1?!.11- Hyatt Talking Machine Co., i.iti a iner st. FOR SALE $100 equity in 2 Drtf. and 9 common shares Kind's Food Products Co.: $80 eoultv in 2 nrf and A shares Pacific States Security Co. Will sel! chepn. Phone Clwrk. Main ISftfi MOVING PICTURE CAMERA, practically " . mi ICSSiir s ICnS, re VOI V I n g-(lead '.". "iouii projector; sell very rta- sonable or trade for alto saxophone NEW $i0 spring wrap, best grade black taiieia biik, iun lined with Skinner's satin; fine for maternity coat or el derly tady, $26; not home Sunday. 435 lL.ar L IT l II Bl, 0. WANT to sell quick. 1 model K Ekem grease gun. motor and air compressor. Tungar, rectifier and other garae ponirment R Oregonian DUCK HUNTERS I will lease mv fine snooting preserve on Sauvies, island to the right Dartv: eood n hin 1 hn.... drive by a"to. T 604. Oreeonian. DIAMOND ring, gent'a setting, value $3500 a perfect jewel. Owner must have money, will sell for $2500. Box 85, For est Grove. Or. 1x8. 1x10 and lxI2-in. No. 1 common boards, 20 thousand feet delivered. Phone Sellwood 1 455. FOR SALE Typewriter, $15, good shape r,reJha!i?e for ax and garden tools! AM 585. Oreponian. FOR SALE -1 press machine. American - usea a snort time; at $400. Call East A CAK(jAL feDTlnff wutrnn -i t'n haul 3 tons; also small saddle, $12 Call 4-HOLE jewel steel range, wood and coal i arop-neaa sewing machine. 640 E. itiam at., over store. Kt.AU hair switches for $7.50. S. F Pierce, 24 Killingsworth. Woodlawn run. sai fiora range, six holes, very vmcmm. r uuumwa ouou. oju Killings rf,- a . Trrr- -rr v. i-.iiri lurndce. six raaiators ni connections, all complete, at about your FOR SALE One-man stump puller, 50 ft extra cable, all for $f!5. R. McCabe cor' Bralnsrd st. and Clarnle Rd. Tahor VtSI THREE 30x3. three 30x3U red inner tubes. new, ai s.ou eacn. Phone Main 3285 monnay. o PAIR 8 and 8 men's shoes for sale or trade -for anything of value, all in K'wh rnnninon. rei I woop 3 ( six. COIjON Y home and brooder. InauirA at carpenter shop in basement back of 129 L iiion ave. x vv u JibAUiih Lb diamond rings, each IH carats, conservatively worth $1400. mi i'miif. ,pj ni. ure yonian. FLOUR SACKS 100-lb. size, neatly laun dered, $1.50 doz. Mail orders filled. S. Hodes. 02 North 11th st.. near Everett ONE 3-H. P. GAS entrine. la.re-e for m. i.iiu j.'i;.i-Bai. laott. cneap, j. v;. Harrison. 71ft Pol, blvd.. a; mje ei8t Union ave. TALL wooden bed and osterman mattsess. witn wire mattrew: also dresser to match, reasonable. Bdwy. 217. OLIVER typewriter. Just like new. only do, sio down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talk Ine Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. 10x18 PORTABLE garage, one golden oak aming room sec ann almost new Vulcan s-as stove. East 6777. ONE 5-GAL. can of paint, $10; six 1-gal, cans, s'j a can: one or all. Ifi5 N. 16th. 10 VOLUMES of The Delphian course of the world w progress. Wdln. 63. T3ABY CARRIAGE, good condition, rea- snnanle. Broadway 3513. BEAUTIFUL mink cape. this season model; bargain. Tabor 2825. MONROE calculator, late model, snap for casn. .h: rrarK. PRINCE ALBERT coat and vest, good as new, in. cnean. 1 anor 1 1 -n. FOR SALE Boy's bicycle, $8. 380 Weid- icr. Knone VACUUM cleaner: a bargain. 29 Commonwealth b 1 d g. KODAK for $20; picture 5x4. Telephone 1 aoor o'. HARDWOOD folding chairs at bargain. looi Front st. Main 1418. BLUE serge suit, size 36-38, excellent con dition. AUt. 2:17-43. APPLES Yellow Newtown apples. 286 Monroe st Enst 113. BICYCLE for sale, good shape. 363 N. loth st. E POOL table, first-class condition. VUm xor qjuv saie. oiu juumi Alaja at. V. S. ARMY GOODS FOR SALE. SPECIAL SALE COTTON UN DERWEAR NEW AT 50c. New chocolate colonial marching shoes $3.95 New Lee unionalls 2.50 O. D. 4-lb. blankets, 64x84-in. 3.50 New army shirts 3.60 New U. 5. or Goodyear hip boots 4.25 Grav commercial blankets, 64x84-tnch 3.10 Canteens and mess kits, each .50 Service liats 100 O. D. wool breeches up from. 1.00 O. D. long pants 3.75 Bib overalls L45 Reclaimed O. D. wool shirts, up from 1.00 Besides' these special Hems we have in stock a large assortment of breeches, hats, reclaimed shirts, socks, mackinaws, dishes. Tents 37.00 and up. Shelter halves, $1.00 and up. our H. HORENSTEIN ARMY STORE, 204 First St.. 252 2d St. Main 7073. GOOD BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE. Complete with metal stand. Ii perfect condition, $95, GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, 1S5 First Street. Near Yamhill. FOR SALE; Four Simmons beds, mattresses, two-spring new sani tary bed couch, threo pieces of willow ware furniture, porch swing complete, other household goods; do dealers. 608 E. 4iith st. N. MAKE I'L'.UP YOURSELF s AT ViUi KA VT.Vrt Will sell at very low price stock Lucas pump parts irom wnicn practically com plete pump fgood for spraying, etc.) can no nssfinpien. ,um neimont st. 100(1 FEET 24-INCH SINGLE JACKET FIRE HOSE AT A BARGAIN. ALSO 2.VI FEET DOUBLE JACKET. THIS HOSE IS NEW A'ND EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. ARTHUR C. BUCHMAN CO.. 2411 SALMON ST. MAIN 160. AT SACRIFICE. Dayton meat slicer, late model. $150; Hobart electric coffee mill, $70. See tnem, it s real buy. at A. J. DE FOREST CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5.100. CAMERA, 5x7 Korona, case and tripod, $20: hand cultivator, Iron age, with alt attachments, including seeder, $15; heat ing stove, Radiant Home, large, $20. 1.100 East Taylor st, cor. 40th st Auto matic 234-14. OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and and exchanged. HANSEN-WADENSTE1N DESK CO.. 1115-107 Twelfth St. Brdwy. 1877. GARLAND GAS RANGE. Refinished and In good condition. Has five burners, oven, broiling oven, boil ing oven and warming oven. Price $45. Phone East 2789. BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HiATT'S. Remember, we sell you any model of Victrola, Edison, Columbia or Brunswick up to $125 on payments of $5 per mo. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 330 Alder. WHITE-ENAMELED tables and wire chairs, suitable for confectionery or lunch room, for sale cheap. Bakerite Bakery, 6th and Main, Vancouver, Wash. Phone FOR SALE U-foot oda fountain com plete; ail sizes floor caaea. meat slicer, electric coffee grinder. scale. registers, wan counter cases, counter cases, iron gates, rolling adder?: cash, credit. 242 almon st. step l FOR SALE OR , RENT Steam shovel. Revolving type on traction wheels. First-class condition, ready to work. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 235 Stark. Main 2363. HOT-WATER tanks. MU-khi.. $;; 40-gal., $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas .heaters Installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516. FOR SALE 4 steel lumber rollers for trucks, 2 chain tighteners, 1 door 3x7 with glass and side glasses, 1 door 2-Gx fi-ft with glass. Tahor 8H7. EDISON Amberola, as good as new, and juo uiue Amberola records for $55, $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 8JV0 Alder st. FOR SALE Set of Winston's cumulative loose-leaf encyclopedia; new, 10 volumes, $05 set for $151 45-piece dinner set, seml-porcelaln, $7.50. Sellwood 3724. SHOWCASE for sale. 5 feet iong. 3 feet deep, all glass, light oak finish. 3 shelves: $25 cash. Apply Willard Serv-ire-i Station. Ninth and Everett. LADY'S black and brown check suit, al most new, cost $80, sell for $15; black broadcloth suit for $5. 133 East 50th St.. near Belmont st. AUTO camp cupboard and table combined. niaoe to nt any machine running board; dust proof ; price reasonable. Phone Wood lawn 3242. 1NCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A. latest India paper handy volume edition: as good as new; less than half price. Phone East 6893. SHARPLESS cream separator for sale at Dargain; orana new: never out of caset.: 6-0 lbs. capacity. Write or call H. C. " " on i mini i) i ronianq. MAY BELLE BLOUSES READY TO WEAK AND MADE TO ORDER. MRS. JAMKS, 352 YAMHILL ST. 1 GOOD tent. 10x12. $15: 1 oak veneered door. 3.oxx214. $lo; 1 lunch counter. ixs.unc:: ti.. j.iti Market st. LAKdK. Has rantP H hnrnnrs V nuanu w-arming closet, to cfose out $50. cost -'). fi bi. Monnay. lidwy. vaj. GAS S I OVE in splendid condition, with or witnout water heater, call Sunday n-s ivy si. . 5 OLD COINS, dating back over 6u0 years. Louis Simpson, box 81. Willam- ette. or. MY WATCH repairing Is a good adver tisement In Itself. Miller, next door to Majestic tneater. ONE 32-FOO T extension ladder. 1 scaf- fold platform and bicycle. 4S3 West Lombard. PEKENNIAL pianis and bulbs, more than 30 kinds; lily of the valley 50c doz.; v Hmcrourv. j ior .;..c. 1 aoor 1.1 iu. FOR SALE White rotary sewing ma chine, good as new; cost $S5; will sell for 25. wvi K. 4Hfh N. T:ihor 7."S5 FOR SALE 100-piece Havlland china din ner sets. new. Call 314-oS for appoint ment. DARK blue gentleman a . serge suit, too crmall for owner; price $2o; worn once. Tahor WILL exchange new phonograph for type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. FOR SALE ic smoking tobacco. 2Hc; Mc plug chewing tobacco. 6c, Sunday only. Main iuui. HAVE LA bALLE higher accounting course ior saie witn consent or the uni versity, at half cost. Automatic 323-30, HEMSTITCH 1NG machine, good location. witn iurnisned living room, cheap rent, bargain, cash or terms. Tahor 0507. CHEAP for immediate sale, almost new gasol Ine dragsaw. Main 1062 mornln g a OTTER. NUTRIA. SQUIRREL. Coyote, kolinsky and others. Tabor 6565. LADY'S clothing ana shoes, apartment 408 Carlotta court. 17th and Kverett. 4 EVENING dresses, 2 suits, 3 dresses, 36-3K. reasonable. Tabor 4422. FOR SALE 700 new two-pound tin cans. cneap. La nawtnorne. CIRCASSIAN walnut bedroom set for sale. Call Tabor :M. A BARGAIN in a new 5 -column Burroughs adding machine. 4oi u. w. Maik bldg. HEMST I TCHI N G. COTTON A N D SI LK( HC. M ItS. JAM CD. an J I A M Ml LI, ST. UN I VERS A L heater for sale reasonable. 1334 Division St. Tahor 8344. SMALL steel range with warming closet. To ciosp out, ff-o. 1- an yi. ivionnay. BRIDGE & BEACH gas water . beater. Atlt. 212-25. A GOOD ADJUSTABLE DRESS FORM, WICKER baby buggy, like new; must sell. Call Sunday, 3.0 morris st. HAVE one good new felt mattress for double bed. sio. Call Mar. 3766. FOR SALE: Reed sulky. In good condition. Price . :an sen, zwou. CEMENT laundry trays, guaranteed, fac- tory prices. .14 E. Waiwhlngton. LADY'S checkered riding suit. 38; black boots'. Tabor 2S25. WALNUT back bar, tool chests, tools. East 35P2. REMINGTON No. 10. fine condition. 2045 E. Couch at.. Montavilla car. RED FOX fur. worth $100, for Hi. Sell wood 3063. FOR SALE: 6-hoie range, complete. $25. 1173 Gay St.. near Killingsworth. ONE RELIABLE gas water beater, $10. Phone Woodlawn J674. BICYCLE, double bar. 2M5 E. Couch. FINK $16 oak rocker. $S. 7tK) East Sa ' m on. OOOXJ bicyuie, flu. 34S umtt urnoid at. V. a ARMT ANT NAVT GOODS. TENTS. TENTS. TEXTS. 400 16x16 O. D. army pvramld 4 oa. wilts, reel., at 1:40. 400 assorted sizes. 14-ox. O. D. flies., reel., from III to $15. 1000 PUP TENTS. PUP TENTS. $o.40 a pair. 100 TARPAULINS. TARPAULINS. 18x30, made up from heaw can . vaa, good for covers, $24. COTS. COTS. COT3. 4000 folding canvas cols. 2.H.' each. Army O. D. Blankets ...$3.95 Army O. D. Shirts, wool, from $2.00 to 4 00 3tvv Lee Unfonalla 2.4S O. D. wool Troujfers. nw .... 3.25 O. D. wool Breeches, new.... 4.7. O. D. Wrap Legglns. new .... 1.60 tServic-i Hats Canteens and Mess Kits ..r0 Navy Middies 6,85 Loathor Legins .18 Ponchos l.5 And a complete line of army goods, wholesale and retail. Mail orders solicited. ARMT SURPLUS SAI.ES CO.. Sam A. Meaner. Prop 33 X. 3d St.. Cor. Couch St. Phone Broadway 1718. Bl.UK rdff didmonU, perlect, . carat. Social i.150. Steel whit diamond, Imperfect, 1.10 carat, special Genuine Chincfo jade bads, long strand, value $-'t00, special $lo0. CIS H. CRAMER, 712 'A Selling Bldg. Main 02. Diamond Setting, Manufacturing, Jewelry and Watch Repairing. Appraising. floM, Rflver and Platinum "Pnnirhf. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT & POWER CO. GOLD NOTES. We will allow you par on above bonds toward purchase pric or new victroia, Edison, Brunswick or Columbia phono graph, or if bond la hulf paid for, we will assume balance. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. H50 Alder st. FOR SALE A large toupe gray bat. trimmed with violets, wheat and roses, cost $13 50, will sell for $8. Also a beau tiful piece of dark gray crocheted lace made for piano scarf or lamherquin; worth $15; sell for $10. Phono Sellwood S2H2. DOORS for sale, 2-lux-0 and 3x7 oak veneer doors at Sl.su each. Aro in gooa condition and the price la less than the locks and binges are worth, u. k. ana Rose City Wrecking Co., 12th and Ev erett sts. LADIES, betore buyine eUewliere visit I the new art needlework exchange for I your crocheted yokes, embroidered goods. children's dre?ses. waists, run rues. etc.. at real bargain prices. Call room 330 1 Mohawk b!n. LA RG E quantity piano boxes for su $H.uu each. REED-KRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 12th and Washington. Broadway 7n0. FOR SALE A beautiful carved hiKh ma hogany bed, cheap; 10 laying hens with portable chicken house and wire run; set of sliding doors with track. Wood lift. wast 47."3. BROKEN furniture repaired. retlnihe0. upholstered. crated and hippeu. scratches removed from Pianos anu dIio- nograhps. The Furniture Shop. Phone Kapt 3.T4. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cah or have the cah ana I want a diamond, cull In and tuik it over. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, next d o or to Majemlc theater. .8 INLAID pool table; a master I piece of band work, fit for a palace; ball and cue rack, set of balls, keno I board, carom plugs and bed cloth, in I a l snape mj win, uregonian. HAVE LARGE STOCK OF PIPE VALVES AND FITTINGS, PRACTICALLY ALL I SIZES, FOR SALE AT LESS THAN MARKET PRICK. A RTHl K C. MUCH- MAN CO.. 240 SALMON ST. MAIN Did. PLATE-GLASS MIRRORS MADE TO OR DER AND MIRRORS RKSILVERKH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONE BROADWAY 1237. STORY & CLARK player piano, new White sewlnir machine, new Eden Elec tric washing machine, other household goods. Main 2,iJ. FURNITURE of 7-room house: Universal blue enamel combination range. Radiant I Fire, electric washer, pictures, rugs, fruit I .tars '-'ts." .Morrt aner ii'iitu. PIANO WANTED Win exenauge fine new Victrola, Edison, grafonola or Bruns wick phonograph and records for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3S0 Alder. FOR SALE 8x10 Premo camera and full set of Zeiss lenses, finest professional outfit In the city; price right. N 620, Oregon larr DIAMOND SNAP. Beautiful perfect diamond, weighing l.Sok, wortn atiout suuu; price Hvatt Talking Machine Co.. 3. IP Aider. PAIR NO. 10 vici kid Florsbeim shoes, new, $0; 9 green opaque shades. 3 large. 6 medium, $U; Remington typewriter, No. 6. $15. Auto. 825-ftR . WILL SACRIFICE 2-oarat diamond rin. valu $1700. for I $1500 cash, or trade on two lots in K. C Park. East 7S. -Monday. USED Edison diamond disc (Sheraton modeD. oak case, in splendid condition. for $135. $15 down. $10 a month. Hyatt Talktnir Macnine t o.. .m a incr st. THK ROYAL APPAREL EXCHANGE will sell ladies' new or sugnuy usea gar ments. Morrison st. 5-FOOT porcelain bath tub. complete, $35. Gas and electric fixtures at cost C 625, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL tapestry overstuffed daven port, same as new, hand made, $175. Tabor 2513. B5 E. 48th st. N. DICTA PHONES. 1 set dictating and trans cribing machines, late models, in first- class condition, w "" uregonian. !Vit-TNCH farm wagon with spring seat, $20: good heavy double harness $50. 84S Russell st. 4x5 PLATE camera, rapid Rectilinear lens. U. R. 8 speed, sol leather case and j tripod, gin. Tahor wwt. TWO THINGS I DO AND DO WELL Jewelry repairing. watch repairing. I Miller, next to Majestic theater. 1 FOR PALE Very reasonable. home-jnrr-d TrUltS ann jeilicn. .n ur .iirup .nun- day forenoon. Main 1523. 24U 5th st. FOR SALE Beautiful white diamond, ex- centlonal auality. worth $150, will taks I $05 quick sale. AC 500. Oregonlan. NATIONAL cash register, new and up to date. If you contemplate ouying can Fast 5400. EDISON Hot Point electric range, per fect condition, tor saie at one-nan price. 1161 E. ISth st. N. Alberta car to 18th. BOY N TON furnace, direct draft, good shape, .ivieineyger, jo-is u. jotn st. S. FOR SALE Range, heater and gas plate. almost as gooa as new. rnone auio. 220-86. APPROXIMATELY 100 yards "A" grade wood parquetry iniaia unoieum, gooa as new. Call Msin t. LICENSED ImfrVendent electrician wires 3 rooms Tor si. 0 i"r guaramcea to oass Inppectlnn. Wdln. 3701. NO. 10 REMINGTON typewriter in Iir.sl- class condition. .u. i" nown, a mo. Hvatt Talking M.-tchloe Co.. 50 Alder. SET NEW 32-volt gls lar stornge bat teries Tor iarm ugniing piant. oargain. Fast 17Q5. 404 E. Morrlsmi. FOR SALE Four good work teams; rea sonable prices. Muiinoman r uei uo., b n rn Cn rrv and Mncadnm streets. WILL exchange new phonograph for first- .class parlor organ. Hyatt laiKing Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder st. FOR SALE High grade piano, perfect condition, heautirui lone. teiepnone Marshall 4608. FOR SALE 9x12 rug. kitchen cabinet. heater, first-clasa condition. Apply Vincent sve. BEAUTIFUL, large cabinet phonograph and records: must be sold today. What am T offered? Mar. 4730. STEEL range with water colls. East 8431. , IF YOU are interested In an Encyclopedia Brttannlca with case, call up East 1S67. FOR SALE All kind; s of crochet lace I Automatic 620-R0. GAS RANGE $8; 2 Acme fire extinguish- ers, size 2. 800 E. Broadway. PENULIFE Violet Ray generator and Sheldon vibrator. East 8431. LORAIN wood and coal range, first-class condition, almost new. East 4045. PLOWING AND GENERAL TEAMING. Excavatingetc H. Baumer, ET 4$13. STEEL range, china closet, etc., lady's wool suit. East 5733. DIAMOND Over quarter carat, fine color, $5. K 622. Oreeonian. FOR SALE Large ice box, in good con dition. 22 H N. 10th st. ONE tt-HOLE Universal range for sale with water cotl. 3.V Knrth 2 2d st. 0x12. $75 RUG. $49; 0x12. $60 rug. $37. Like new 603 K. Madison. RANGE for sale in good condition. Call at 230 K. 36th st. Price $Q. ONE DINNER Hut, Haviland china, ran som: reasonable. E. 5432. LADIES' slightly used garments, private. Alar. 2250i LEVIN. A name that stands for honesty. Kellev, fullv warranted, double bitti-d rxcx, In the $3.00 grade, our price $1.50 Octagon steel uplifting ban. large flared bit, at the very low price of 1.75 Simmons 7-font new cross cut xaws. sell regularly for $10.50, our price 5-45 Atkins crosscut saws, 6'4 to 8 ft., In fully guaranteed tools, our price 5.43 Over a thnusand blades and nrd ones to pf,k from at lens than one-half the regular figure. Glutts. complete with wood and ring, the $2 grade, our Price 1.43 Augers, for drilling stumps fr Mast Inc. In th uit d. ban tiled ready for um from to 2 inches, priced very reasonable. Powder spoons for blasting. Hand-made, all-steel snatch block, for nenerat clearing purposes, good value at.... 3 75 Band-made wedges and maul, in a J die we are cloning; well regular 50o pound; as is, for .29 1 i I Good patterned wedtre for bucking or Fplitting, all welt; his, per lb H, i cable, etc.. In the used at surprising reduction. TVavles, canthonks, log vhnlnH, Moiks In a lino complete, with reasonable prices. 1 I IF IT'S AVYTHTVfJ TV II 4 m WARE OR 1'M'R.NITURE WE HAVE IT. Mr. TtANTM ETt, just a word! Its unitecfiiit.i ry for you to run round town for all your need. In our second department von will find anything you may ricMre In gran He ware, t inn arc, dishes or crockery; likewise a comptcto line of Used conk stoves. Oil Moves, ranges and the Hk. Am for fur niture, anvihlng from mat ire!- down to kitchen chairs is at your disposal. AV HONEST PEA t, AVD PKRV. ICE ARE LEVIN'S GUARANTEE. ATKINS rip saws, regular values to $42.' ; these new blaacs priced at $2.33 Forged steel hell-face war ranted hammers, in a good tool; our price 1.10 A DIAMOND hand ST. In the best we carry; a tool sell In u regularly for $3; our prieo 1.03 All-steel hack saw 70 In selling you your carpenter needs we are not prlin.irlly con cerned in making a salt as much as we are In giving merchandise that will give yon service, if it does not, a sal is factory ad lust ment will be only too welcome. BIRD CAGES A beautiful as sortment of Maxton & Snow bird rages, as reasonable a $1.80. Complete line of brans cages to pick from. How would you I llr to buy a new drag saw for $114.50? We have a machine, 4 -horsepower, guaranteed against d feet, that will cut from 1.1 to 20 cords a day. These machines are now In use by many, and the only thing wrong with them Is tho price Is too cheap. It will pay you to In vestigate it If you are in the market. WHEELBARROWS Just look at this for a red-hot price! A new stave wheelbarrow, Just what you have been looking for. with a strong wheel, and cheaper than a used one; our price this week, $4.20. TENTS Just received our com plete line, from a 5x7 wedge tent to the 20x30; prices half of what they were last year. Any grade, from R-oz. to 1-or. duck, all at the LEVIN figure. Miter-box, a good tool for aTI around ue In our GOODF.LL FR ATT MITER-BOX; our price, $13 05. Other makes as low as $3 75. t.tcvtv HARr-wArtr: a FURNITURE COMPANY, 221-23-25 Front St., Cor. Salmon. THEY AT.T, SAT OUR PRICES ON TTMFKR ARK THE BEJT. Call us up when you want boards, di mension, shlplap, flooring, celling, mold ings or a house bill. We can save 30a money. PACIFIC MTLLTNG MFG. CO., Columbia 101 f. INFORMATION that will be valuable ta holders of Dayton Rubber company. 8t. yens Duryea, IT. S. Automotive stock. Metropolitan Stores, furnished by ad dressing AV 542. Oregontnn. A MANNING GAS MAKER VKW COM PI.ETE. WITH A 50-GAf.-LON GALVANIZED STANDARD OIL TANK. $20. 420 STANTON ST. EAST 3014. FORD DELIVERY BODY AND Tor $U. Candy furnace, 16-Inch top, $15. Four gas arc lights, $8 One Oliver typewriter, No, 2, $3. Phone Fast 411. uw.i I II A N D oortahle Uf" Victroia. mnhognav case, good rondttion, only fan, lo down, $.t a monin. ttyati iam jng M-chin" Co . 30 Alder st. RESTAURANT fixtures. 1 Sebo ranse. hot water tank. 1 steam table, counters, Brunswick ice box, pastry table. Maia 1O20 FOR SALE BY OWNER. 6x8 ice box, 2 counters, show esse, meat block and new Standard scales. Tnonlre 411 Faitlnr "t SECOND-HAND Victrola, fumed o..k aso, in excellent condition. $!. $10 down, $7.50 a month Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. CIRCLE exchange. 415 Fliclncr bldg.. l"th and Washington: buy and sell UdieV slightly worn clothing; also relino suits. Broadwny 220. Fl KST -CLASS Ed I. -on c lind-r horn 111 jt- chine and 1n records. $16. AO; $7.50 down, $3 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Aider st. EDISON cylinder liornleHs machine and 2m Indestructible records. $60; $' down. $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. FOR SALE Fluff rug 7x4: fil te. ri ols. Robt Louis Stevenon's works. 261 13th, room 11 Main 20T0 ALL KINDS of office eijuipmenl. best lilies ever Oliercn. HX j irr r-nnp- mcn t House. 24 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 2.30. DA V EN PORT-TRACY I'ia.v.-r. 8.s-tntet $25 takes It. Room S.'.o, upstairs, 270Vi Washington st. Auto 511-26. FOR SA LK Rufhlan Miiirrcl coatee, per fectly new; reasonable. Phone TaJor 6146. BHOW-CASE utid 2 jew. dry wall CHHm. Western Fixture & Show -Case Co., 10th and Jefferson. IF Ytl appreciate accurato urn , Uavb vour watch repnirea uy jniucr, next aoor to MatetiC theater DIAMOND, carat, perfect, bargain. wnrrtfr- f'T 115 X UM. Oregnnl.m. GROCERY Ice box, $H0, cost. 751 Union nve. north. LADY'S diamond ring, tH7 50 Tabor 7205 over V karat. $2."-0 CREDIT on new car for $150. Phone Mam wi". WARDROBE trunk, new; cost $00, take US S-ilwood Hm'i. DIAMONDS, m carats, very showy, sell pf bargain. S 625. Orrgonisn. IRoN bed. spring and mattress, $!. 1143 E. Madison St. COMFORTS niude to order and recovered. Ca'I E;ist 6t:t3. Any time after Sunday. BOYS BICYCLE. Ilko new. 352 Chap mai. snv time Sunday or evenings. FOR SALE Boy's bc v, in good con dition. C;i!l E;ist 170 Monday. TILE boutbiack htand for sale choap; chair; bargain. E. 3140. WHEEL CHAIR, aim oat now. a bargain, 403 Montgomery, phon Main ft.'GO. $135 PHONOGRAPH day. Wdlsu tot $05; uiuol seli to 1