12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 24, 1921 KEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. KKAL KSTATF. REAL FSTATE. REAL KSTATE. REAL KSTAT15. REAL KSTATK. For SjiIc Farms. For Sale Farm. For Nttle Farms. For Sale Farms. For Hale Farm-. For Sale tu WILLAMETTE VALLET. W offer for exchange a real tock and grain farm of around 2J0 acres. Improvement consist of 2 dwellings, 2 barns, machine heds and -large hop house. The place formerly hud GO acres in hops, but now in grain; ut) acres grain land and balance upland pasture, with scattering oaks. Im mediate possession, good mads, school near by, beautiful location; land all around brings 1 1- per acre; our price is $i0 per acre on this place. Will take half In good Income property and balance can be handled on long -time loan. BEAM LAND CO., 133 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon. SIitf WU1FPEI WITH ii .hio-1 6 T RED bTOCK. 60 acres, all Improved, fenced and Cross-fenced ; U-rooiu house, bungalow type; barn 40xM. 2 modern chicken hcL? with trapnest. brocd-er bow e equipped, bop house, silo, garage; 11 builtiircs In excellent shape. Ail kinds fruit and berries, most of crops In; 11 head of registered Guernsey cattle. S grade cows. 10 reg.atered eheep. 600 trapnested Leghorn hens; every con ceivable modern farm implement re quired, most all tw. Ideal location, tchool on p'ace. on high war and S n:lo from Oregon Electric station; value SJO.OOO. will aell fur $13,000 on terms ; or accept a home In Portland to $j00 as part payment. Mr. Hare, witn A. J. DeFOREisT & CO.. !t0 Henry P.!dg. BroadwaT liL'V FROM OWN Eli. firt-acre dairy farm, 21 mllea from Portland, Or., on gravel road; stocked and equipped; crops in; 4M miles from good town and paved road; 00 a. in cul ilvatlon: creek and ppring. new bunga low. furnished: good Uarn and other buildings with new 42-u silo; all rural advaniaKAs: rrade and high schools, bearing and young orchard, about GO trees. loganberries, raspberries, black berries and strawberries: no better soil. Price $1.Y00. Will consider to $.mh In trade, $uO'H cash or good paper, balance on good terms at 6 per cent. P. O. Box 1 tin rt re ironnn. w asn. BIO FARM RA ROAiA". 207 acres 1st class bottom land, ad Joining unlimited outside range; 80-90 acres unaer cuiuvauoa, rent chmi jy cleared, on paved road; 4 a bead bign grnde Holpteln stock, some registered S'iOo-lb. team: all necessary farm Dia rhlnery and tools; plenty water, wood and orchard. Almost new 8 -room houe: good blr barn and outbuildings. station, store, postoffice on iplace. School near. Price, including everything, also crop. $1:3.000. Address AV 484, Ore gnnian. 40 ACRES. 19 mlies from Portland, omy 1 i miles from Portland-Newberg paved highway 2d acre cultivated. i'U pasture, easily cleared. Well drained, all tillable. A I for fruit, berries or nuts; 2 acres & kinds of fruit; several varieties of -ach; 5 kinds of berries; good well water, live soring; 4-roora house, barn, garage. granary, etc.; 11 cords 10-inch wood tui: 3000-1 b. young team; span mules 4 cows, etc. Over $1400 equipment; t-prlng work done. All included for only an acre. Terms. J. vv. Uubser, owner. Pherwnon, Or. Rt. 3. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN' FOR QUICK PALE. A highly Improved 20-acre home, al ready stocked hogs, cows, chickens, etc.; good 4-room house, barn and other out buildings: water plp"d from spring to kitchen : a good tractor goes with this place: 10 acres of bottom cultivated, balance easily cleared: located on high way lews than one hour's ride from Portland. TRT-ITS REALTY CO., 1 nr West Park St. Auto. M3-4ft. BUI SNA P F ARM WITH I N'CO il E. For sale by owner, 28' miles from Portland, 2 miles west of Estacada: 110 acres, 70 acres tn cultivation and all In crop. 3.000.000 feet good timber. plenty of water. stock and machinery a 1 1 fro: i- bearing iruit trees; every thing you need. I step out. you step In for sioo per acre: $omio down, goo J terms on balance. John .Marshall. Rome 2. Bnx 8. Estacada. Or. FINE CATTLE RANCH. . StiOO acre in Crook Co.; 4 MO acres in hay land, balance In fine open pasture, fenced In 12 fields; good house. 3 barns and other buildings; running 500 head of cattle, which could be Included if de Hired ; price $10.50 per acre ; very easy trnis. LUEDPEMANN COMPANY Realtors, 013 Chamber of Commerce. FARM BARGAIN I miles to market, high school and church; near The Dalles-California highway; 3J0 acres; 235 acres cultivated; all 1920 crop and equipment; 1"0 acres fall wheat, 13 acres spring wheat, 8 acres alfalfa, 30-acre water right, 113 acres summer fallow, all plowed; $18,500; write for terms. Har vv I-. MnrrH, Maupin. Or. $..'00 BUYS my P0-rre western Lane Co., Or., ranch; about 40 acres creek bottom, part cleared, rest easily cleared, balance low bench; waif on road, telephone line through place; fine for dairy, fruit; close to school ; will take good late model Ford touring- car as part and give time on $7000. W. A. Mead. Reed. Or. STOCKED and equipped; 34 acrea, 30 in cultivation, balance pasture; 5 acres clo ver; 7 -room house, barn 4.x47, silo, ga raire, 4 hen houses, fruit and berries; 3 cows, I0O lens, depo'., school, store and postoffice at place; on Pacific highway; price $.'t5o0, terms. Owner, box 3d. Veils. Or. bO ACRES AT aVboV. WASH.. FOR ONLY $1."j00. 10 acres cleared; 4-room houae, barn poultry house; near a sawmill where you can work and e!l what you ra.se Think It over. Only $1500 STEWART & JOHNSON 315 North we-tern Bank BMg 14 ACRES of new land, about 7 acres in cultivation, small houe on county road clofe to school and S. P. R. r. ; good spring water, small fruit for home use fj-roing toots and everything goes with the piace. Inquire of O. E. Post, Sher- -' wood. Or. Ru 3, box 163. 3 miles west nf Mlddlefon. i O It SALE OR TRAD E 40 acres. S L nines ea.ii oi tanoy; snout a acres r cleared, shack 1 fix 24. good well. 200.000 scet o( sianuinv i miner ana enough down cedar for 10.000 fence posts: price $3-UH-will take house up to $1600 or $18oo' cif r vi mn iiiiumiirince, naiance easy i-i ma. "ruiru i.ui ma, v mipv, KIT,, K. 1, un e-Ai-. L'airy larin ot til acres; to ckjho toe estaie oi ine laie arn B. Stoy located at Elmonica, on Orecon Elwiric" aoout 40 acres in cultivation, balance pasture ana line sianamg tin i her. Apply to John Vanderwal. mgr. Terms. 774 tn SI., II ! MSnoro, T. lir' YOU want a huie beaunfully iovate-i look this up. 2o acres, a good house, barn and outbuildings, ten minutes walk to high school, stores, churches; rice road. A fine team, six cows, chick ens and all tools (to with the place. All kind of fruit. AV 414. Oregonian S00 ACRES. Tillamook county, pood lo ratlm; 60 acres river bottom, meadow. Spring water, family orchard, berries! goo4 bam, old houwe, timber, good roads.' best buy on market ; mujt sell. Full par tirulnrs. Leo Keller. Tillamook. Or. il E FAVUI S Dl-SCIH TLS VALLEY of fers you choice Irrigated lands with paid up watr right. lew as $50 per acre, e.isy terms. Why pay more? Investigate It EDMUND LAND A LOAN CO.. INC " REDMOND, OR READ THIS ONE. " ' " 100 acres near Newberg. on rock road BO acres now in crop, house, large barn family orchard, heavy team, o head cat tle, chickens and all farm machinery 7.12 Pattn nad. Main S3so. 40 ACRES S4500. large portion seeded to clover, good 6-room house, phone etc orchard, just off Pacific highway, near Keiso. Wash Easy terms Owner a A. Norby. 120 E S3-1 st. S. Tabor 8407 FARMERS opportunity Lesf aifaifa nog neep, cattle, ready made alfaifa farms In U 8- $150 an acre, terms Write Wooster Co.. 30 Pheian bid., aian F s n Cisco 93 ACRES. 6 miles south of Lebanon 64 Jn cultivation, well fenced; a good buy or will trada. Owner. Tabor 3u8. ijurt ACRES. 100 acrej cleared. 300, 0m0 ft timber, 4 seis of buildings; $iaaoo' terms, 200 acres. 40 acres pasture : $oo0, terms. Kurath St Wbjmer,N Hills boro. Or. " VANCOUVER. WASH" " 2 acres in bearing orchard on Pacific highway, paved, in city limits, light and watr in noue. By owner, 4ii aQ(j t-itn gts ;u ACUKS. adjoining city liiuit 0 Cor neMub, 2 acres loganberries. 15 acres grain, balance clover; I3.'0 per acre, .larob Correil, owner. Cornelius. Or. ioK SALE Dairy farm of 32 acres, worth $4000; am leaving for Alaska and will sell for $2HO0. Write E. Johnson. n. P. P. No 1. West port. Or. 6- 10. 25 ACRES level, umbered land, near a,verLOD, go4 rd. R foaxp. b3 3d, FOR SALE by KINNET A HYDE REALTY CO. 640-acre farm in Chelan Co.. Vajh.. 54 miles so. of Cashmeie. on N. P. railroad; has 4 -room house, amalt barn and outhouses, good lasting spring: 400 acres la fenced and are putting under cul tivation ; 05 acres was in crop last year. baL is bunch grass land, with part in timber; land itt vol canic ah soli and very fertile; has 2 acres in bearing applet Owner Lb in California on ac count of bis health: price is $1--OoO. no Incumbrance, or will trade for a smaller farm In Oregon or California, ANOTHER. 80-acre improved Irrigated farm, among the best in the Twin Fads bnake river tract: all stock and farm Imp.ements; part In alfaifa and clover, bal. in oata; good 6 room plastered house And out bids. ; best of water right: pos session this fall; y of crop, for Sis.ooo. with $:t."00 mortgage, or will trade for Oregon farm Both of thes farm are for aala ex clusively by KINNET & HTDE REALTT CO.. Eugene. Or. Write for ad particulars. A ONE-MAN' FARM. RY OWNER. I have made enough money to support myself and wife the rejit of our lives and want to retire. What I have done you can do. Begin now by buying my 2-acre farm, 12 miles from Portland on paved road, 1 mile from car line, near (rood school, churches and stores; fine neighborhood, thickly settled; telephone, R P. D.. cream route: farm is all culti vated, well fenced, fine soil, no gravel. well drained: 7 acres wheat, 10 oats, 3 I oats and vetch, 1 potatoes; large family garden all planted; about 9 acres xuu bearing orchard, cherries, pears, prunes, plums, apples, quinces, walnuts, grapes, strawberries, rasnberrlea. blackberries, gooseberries, currants, asparagus, rhu-1 barb; assortment choice roses; good 8- I room house, newly -painted Inside ana out, well furnished; 2 wells, 1 on back porch; barn, granary, tool house, wood shed. 45 cords of wood, large chicken - house, brooder house, incubators, 400 I chickens. 2 Jersey cows, 2 horses and all farm tools and equipment, some 1 feed, corn, oats and wheat; a new 1U20 I Ford with starter. This is a going piace. Will Sell without furniture, car or equip ment If desired; $3000 will handle, bal ance your own time at 0 per cent. Au dres R. 1. box 135. Clackamas. Or. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS your last opportunity; In central Al- I berta and saakatcnewan a.-a ricn para landsopen prairie ready for the plow. Interspersed with trees, which afford ex cellent she Iter for stock. Here grain growing, dairying and livestock raising are being carried on successfully. The country is Ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway la offering a large area of these fertiie lands in Liovdminster and Bat tie ford a .strict. This fertile land will become the boms I of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows I the world's prise wheat. Near Lloydmln- ater the worlds prize oats nave oeen grown and butter of the high eat quality la made. A man can soon become Inde pendent on a farm in this district- These lands can be bought now at an average of about $18 per acre. You pay down 10 per cent, no further payment of principal until end of fourth ytar, then 1 6 annual payment. Interest is 8 per cent. AL E. Tnornton, supt. of coloniza tion, Canadian Pacific railway, lltf Ninth ave. fa. laigary. Aioerta. 3S4 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. FOR SMALL FARM XvEAK FUltTLAISU. 2ZQ acres In a very high state of cul tivation. 175 acres in fall crop, a splen did orchard for family uses, a living creek in the pasture, well of good water at the house, also one at barn; other improvements consist of garage, two feed sheds and chicken house, fences are in good repair: farm is located 1 V I tulles from valley town, near Eugene. EQUIPMENT New binder, 2 mowers, hay rake, 3 cultivators, spring-tooth harrow, 3-sectIon steel harrow, disc, cor- I rugated steel roller, disc drill, 8 walking plows, double-disc plow. Case gang plow, broadcast seeder, 2 wagons, 3 -seated hack, buggy and all small tools; all equipment new. STOCK 4 horses. 7 milk cows, 3 heifers, 35 lambs, chick ens. Priced for quick sale, $t5 per acre for everything. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 403 First National Bank Bidg., Albany, Orefton. 7o ACKcS; oo in cud., oaiance. tiuiuer nd pasture best of sou, no rocK or gravel, living serines and creek: large family orchard, acre of prunes, 8 acres young I walnuts, all well cared for; good bun- 1 galow, barns and other outbuildings; $10,000, and terms. 17 acres, 10 in cult., large family or chard, well watered, eood buildings; $3foo, and ternod. or both places, which adjoin, $13,000. Above is choice, produc tive land and priced low, out of frost belt, about miles from Billaboro, on good auto road. Have many others, all sizes and loea- I tions, with and without stock and equip- I ment, tor sale and exenange. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., Realtors, H19 Henry Bldg. JUST LOOK A f THIS SNAP. 178 acres of (he finest land on Pacific coast, located in the famous Cowlitz valley, Washington, t0 acres of which is oottom land, an in cultivation ; 88 acres of fine timber and pasture, wa tered by several springs; two sets of sub stantial farm buildings; houses modern and electric lighted, water piped to houses and barns; barns will hold 150 tons of hay; Beach highway right by door; iuuu ieet to city limits. An laeai stock or dairy proposition. Or as an in vestment you can sub-dlvlde and sell bottom land for $."i00 per acre. Price for quick sale $20,000. $7000 cash, bal. long trne at per cent. Hnone "jn l.nn. 20 ACRES, CLOSE IN. 20 acres located on Corneliifs Pass rd.. just off paved highway, on fine macad amized road; 8 acres of this is In bear ing apples, fine soil, 12 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture and timber; 6 room house, garage, also set of old bldgs.; only 14 miles to Portland. This Is one of the best located smalt places near city; price only $60, $:suj0 caah. F. L. EDDT. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 2Q1-3-5-7 Board of Trade PMg. FOR SALE 23.68 acres of good bottom land, all under cultivation; 1 mi let from good, busy town; good seven-room house and other outbuildings; family orchard, all kinds fruit; 1 acre set to raspberries, 6 acres vetch, 5 acres clover. 8 good cows, small team, 40 chickens, some farm implements and a new 500- lb. capacity cream separator; Scandina- I vian neighborhood; price 6-0. Address owner. AV 521. t Oregon iHn. li ACRES, 4 MJLES FROM V ANCOL VEJ.I I CJN tiUUD A L TO ROAD: 1 MILE FROM CAR LINE. 14 MILES FRUJI PORTLAND. 12 acres plowed. 1 acre timber for I wooa; good 4-room piastered house, I oasemen-t ana attic; nice barn. Doultrv i house, hothouse, all painted. In Rood condition: well fenced, dandy little place I tor oaiy 9-nt, lj-pu casn win uanule it. STEWART A JOHNSON. North western Bank H!dg. WILL TAKE iiUL'SE. r" 40 acres within 12 miles of Tortland, In Tualatin valley; practically all in cul tivation; all lies fine, on good road: buildings; price $lti,0o0; will consider house as part pay. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, Realtors, !M3 Chamber of Commerce. FuR SALE lo acres, larin or dairy land. in Tillamook county; Ideal place fori sjmmer home; creek runs across land I which is 2V miles from the ocean and I same distance from Neskowin; cheese 1 factory is nearby and school house on place. For particulars write Tracy W Pyers. Idaho Falls. Idaho. AMITY RANClr. 66 acres, close to Amity. Yamhill county: 10 buildings, fenced, running water, an Kinoe oi iruu. water in nous and harns; part in cult., tine rich sou. country roaa: enougn timber to more I than pay tor same, seinio. J.tooo cd-jh. hal 6. 226 Chamber of romn.erce bids 127-ACRE FARM SvO'iGINS VALLEY. Stocked and equipped, near Forest I Grove; an acres tilled, w aires fin, bottom land. 10 acres tillab.e. tine ti.n ber. Price onlv $7ooo for a!l. physical disability causes owner to sell; will con sider small house in Portland as part. KF. FEHM.STER. 417 Abington bltlg 10 At" RES. ciose to Wodbum and hlrh- r. av; all under plow, fair buildings; price $3300: -sy payments. 2 acres. 2 acres In cultivation, fair buildings; $ft00: $300 cash. Also other mat's- J. W. HAUGEN. Bo tfit. Woobnrn. Or 34 ACRES. CLACKAMAS. 80 acres in cultivation, good iK.rry I land, good buildings; ill subdivide advantage. Owner, Seattle mere nan L anxious to sen. frice ouu per ac:e. HENRY W. GOOOARD. REALTOR, 243 S-ark St. Iv't ACiiHc. 3 acres in assorted iruit: a dandv nouee witn Dascmeni ana fire place; on highway and river. 6 block from car! Ine; Kood outbuildings; $4200, $1000 cash. Mr Hare. with A. J. De FOR EST & CO.. 320 Henrv Blrtgv Broadway Vnn. 40' ACRES. 20 cultivated. 5-room hou barn, outbuildings, orchard, chickens and , cow: $.ooo. taite sjooo down. 30 acres. & n.IIes out. house, chicket house, barn: $2200. half cash. FRED LAWSmN CO.. 416 Cham. Com. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. vs to .vh per acre; easy terms best soil; farms for rale, all sixes. SELECTED CLARKE COUNTT FARMS. 100 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 00 acres under cultivation, bal ance good pasture, with spring A reek for stock; sufficient timber . "or wood and use on place; best quality of red shot loam soil, very productive; about 2 acres as sorted family orchard; good 7 room. plastered house, also new tenant cottage; 2 barns. 1 30x48 and 1 tiOxSu; fine water system, - with 1 .VM-gal. tank and gas engine fr pumpting: chicken house, granary, dairy, hoghouse. 30x40; other necessary outbuildings; 13 good grade cows, 1 bui 1. good heavy team horses. 2 sets harness. 0 hogs, some chickens. 2 wagons, hack, buggy, new binder and drill, mower, rake, plows, harrow, disc, cultivator, cream separator, feed cutter, all small tools and imple ments. This is one of the best farms In Clarke county. Will consider ex change for part. Price $23,000. $3000 cash, terms on balance. 30 ACRES, $6300. 24 acres cleared and In cultiva tion, all fenced and watered by 2 good wells: 4-room house, barn 64x40. good chicken house and hoghouse; 1 acre of assorted family orchard In fine condition and some berries. Personal property consists of disc, mower, rake, spike-tooth harrow, wagon and harness; hack. plow, cultivator and all small tools; 6 good milch cows; 2 heifers, good large team; 8 pigs and about SO White Leg horn chickens. On good gravel road: 4 miles from small town and paved highway; $4000 cash, bal ance good terms, 6. 41 ACRES $7500. $1500 cash will handle, balance 8 years at 0C4. On good gravel road only 1 miles from dandy small town and paved highway; 23 acres cleared and In cultivation, with this year's crops all seeded; S-room house. large barn 60x58, hoghouse and chicken house. . Watered by good well and all fenced. Pome farm Implements and all small tools; 2 cows, 3 yearlings, 1 2-year-old. A dandy good place, well taken care of and very easy terms. 60 ACRES. $7000. 40 acres In cultivation, fine shot loam soil. Watered by good well and creek on place. Good family orchard, 6-room house, barn 64x54, hoghouse, chicken house and wood shed. On good irravel road, only a mile and a half from good town and paved highway: $4000 cash, balance at 6 on good terms. EL WELL WATTS PERCTVAL. Washine-ton at. lit 8th. Phone 2o6 VANCOUVER. WASH. MODERN DAIRY RANCH. 100 acres, all In cultivation. 1 ml. from Lebanon. Or.: good grav eled road. r. f. d. and telephone; 8-room house. 2 barns, cow. barn 4."x70; Iron stanchion for 22 cows; houses; 40x60 hog houre. chicken house, garage; electric air pressure water system: M mile to grade school. 1 mile to hlsrh school: fam ily fruit: a first-class ranch. The owner has lost his ranch. Price including crop. $20,000; $5000 cash. 6 per cent interest. CHICKEN RANCH. 18 acres. 2 miles out: 5-room hnu?e, good little barn, stanchion for 6 cows; 3 horres, 20 tons nay, wagon shed, hog shed, ch taken house: 110 prune trees In bearing; cherries, apples, peaches, grapes, gooseberries raspberries, ttraw berries, etc.: this man is In bad health and wants to go east; small spring wagon, 2 good cows, two shoals, 40 chickens, plow, harrow, disk, ro!ler cultivator and small tools. This Is a good little place; rnme and see IL Price $3500: $2450 cash, balance mortgage. M. L. SOT7THARD SONS. LEBANON. OR. 65 ACRES, all under cultivation, on good road, best of soil, about 5 mi lea from Hlllsboro In one of our very best farming sections. You cannot duplicate this land In this distr'ct for less than $230 per acre. Our price $150 per acre. 13 acres, 4 acres under plow, balance very easy clearing; 4 miles from Hillsboro. very desirable com munity. $1500, terms. 160 acres. 00 acres In cultiva tion: 8-room house, barn 86x60, good well and running water; 2 acres of prunes and family or chard. All farm machinery. Own er has other interests, so will sac rifice for $11,000, terms. HILLSBORO LAND & REALTT COMPANY, . v England & Mellar." Mgrs. ALL FOR $6000, TERMS. 100 hogs, 4 horses, 0 cows, calves, 60 hen, all farm Imple ments, blacksmith tools, etc. 150 acres 8 miles town, near school, on main road and mall route; 20 sreros farmed. Irrigated. Abund ance of free gravity water per petual. Two new rough houses, outbuildings, fencing, orchard, liv ing trout stream, springs. Hogs thrive entire year on -free range. Healthy climate, no fog, malaria, alkali, dust storms or ocean winds. Big game. Everything goes. In cluding 140-acre homestead, fenced; also mining claim. Price only $6000, terms. Orange and gar den land, level, improved. Irri gated; $50 per acre. Seeing Is be hoving. Other bargains, all prices. GLENN PETTAY, 1103 Pine SL, Redding, CaL FRUIT AND BERRY FARM. This Is a dandy little place of 80 acres. 7 acres bearing orchard, mostly apples; 3' acres loganber ries in bearing. 1 acre 1 year old; the owner has the ground ready, has the plants and is going to tet 4 acres more to loganberries this spring: 3 acres planted to pota toes. of potato crop goes with place; barn 40x50, 0-room house; buildings In good repair; 20 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, fenced and cros-fenced with woven wire; on good rock road. Price $8500, each $4000, baL terms. DAVIS & SOULB, Lebanon, Or. 10 ACRES. EQUIPPED. $3300. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. Al! cultivated and In crop: 1 acre strawberries. 1 acre of mixed fruit balance Is planted to hay. era In and potatoes; fair buildings; good well; chickens. 3 hogs, horse and Implements all for $3.00. This U a snap; $2300 rasji. balance at 6 oer cent. 503 Touch t-Vz.. 4th st.. h. t. Stark and vVa--Vngtnn ' ALL FOR $900 TERMS. 10 acres, level. Irrfpated. good soil, near town; . crtbin. orchard, berries, good c.w. chickens. PETTAY. 1103 Pine St., Redding, Cal. 72 ACRES. CHKE TO U RES HAM. -OR 26 acres In cultivation: all nice.' level land; good road: good 7-ronm house, fail barn, fine orchard and location; crops Implements, stock all go; 10.SiK; $30o6 down, long time on haiance at 6 per cent. Iots small farm between Ore&ham and Sandy. Good confectionery to sel". Lots nice tracts timber. Phone 65. Write ;K0. PEERS Sandy. Oregon 63 ACRES $5000. - 80 acres in cultivation and crop In: very good .buildings, lots of fruit; 5 goodr cows, chickens and pigs, good span horses and all farm tools; 3 miles from town, highway and R. R., about 50 miles from Portland; $2000 casli, bal. to suit. Morris & Pundy, 61Jj Cham ber of f'ommcrce bidg. FOR SALE tio acres; 3U acres in pears and prunes six years old, thrifty or chard; 80 acres In rich bottom land; fair buildings; Willamette valley, well locat ed near town and railroad; a real op portunity to make good. Address AV .is . Orepnntan. STOCK RANCH, 2SO acres. Snap. $4000 30 a. In cult., good house and Barn. R. R. on place; bal. good pasture; near' scnooi; w mi. to r-ort!and. Several other stock ranches, cheap, with stock and machinery. H. W fiaHand. 201 3d. 40 ACRES, large house, $3000, terms. White Salmon valley, or trade city or suburban property. Davis, Last 1364- WELL WORTH THE MONEY. 108 acres. 40 miles from Portland; Yamhill Co., h mile to school, 5 miles from good town, 8 miles from station ; 50 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture; large bearing orchard; lota of cherries, luu prune trees years old; 8-room house, large barn, silo, chicken house and other buildings. Price less than $85 per acre with 5 yoyng milk cows, S norses, z brood sows, cnicKens, binder, mower, rake, seeder, plows, nar rows, disc plow, harness, hack, spring tooth harrow, all crops, etc. Water Is piped to house. Buildings in fine shape. Property inspected and photos taken by .Brooks. 20 acres, located 1A miles from Ore gon City, mile to school, on main macadamizea nignay; woven wire tenc- Ing; land all under cultivation, dark loam soil; good attractive 7 -room bunga low; barn and other buildings; the barn I will accommodate 33 head of milk cows; good bearing family orchard. A very favornoiy located place; s-uuu casn, oai- ance $300 year. 6 per cent. The place I now in crop. oats, vetch and wheat. Over I ooo small places near Portland. NEAR COLUMBIA RIVER. 20 acres, located one mile from rood town with high school; 7 acres under cultivation. 15 acres can be cultivated. Lots of rood pasture, some timber, good road, 1 mile from highway, 44 miles from I Portland; 50 bearing fruit trees, every I variety; large amount of berries; 5-room house, barn 26x30. chioken house and other buildings. Included with place 3j cows, 2 calves, 1 horse. Bo chickens. cream separator and complete line of I machinery. 6 tons hay. lots or wood. Price for everything $4000; $1300 cash. oaiance ou year. 40 acres, 44 miles from Portland, near I Columbia river, l mile from Kalnier, ur; 6 acres under cultivation, 20 acres can I be cultivated, balance In timber and Is I too rough to farm; spring; good large bearing orchard, berries for family use; 4-room house, barn, hay shed, chicken house. Included with place, 1 cow, 1 heifer. 1 calf. 1 horse, cream separator. wagon, harness, tools, etc. Spring water I is piped to house. Price for everything I $oou, .uou cash. 20 acres, located 2 miles east Hills boro; y$ mile from Orenco, on Oregon I Electric, l mile to high and grade school; y mile from Portiand-Hillsboro road; 12 acres under cultivation, balance creek pasture: some creek bottom land that will grow celery and onions: spring and creeK. in is is near tne orenco .Nursery, wnere tnere is lots or worn, i'rice 3ifu: $700 cash, balance $200 year, 6 per cent. 40 acres, 35 miles south Portland, 2 I miles from small town, 6 miles from Mo- I lalla; good wire fences; mile to I school; 40 young bearing fruit trees. every variety; 30 acres can be cultivated; o acres now in cron. l acre in earden: 2 acres nearly readv for olow: 3-room house, barn, chicken house; good creek I and spring, included witn place. 2 cows. z neuers. su cnicKens. eooa norse. har ness, plow, buggy, wagon and furniture. Land not under cultivation is tn timber. Price for everything $2000, $1000 cash. ash. ior Air. rooks. 20 acres. 9 miles southeast of Portland limits; 14 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; nice level land; 8 acres timber, about 800 cords wood. One of the beat orchards In the country; 4 acre strawoerries. Good attractive o-room house, with plumbing; large chicken- I house ror zoo chickens; macadamised road by place. Crops all In and included at $oooo; also full line of machinery, slock and zoo chickens; $3000 cash, bal ance for 3 years. Inspected by Brooks. 20-ACRE RANCH BARGAIN. 20 acres, 11 miles from center of Port land; southwest of Beaverton: macad amized road; H mile to school; 10 acres in crop, which is Included. No waste land, some pature; spring on place; acre oearing orchard; good s-room house. with basement and Portland gas; barn 30x40, chicken house, wire fences. This is the best of soil; $1630 cash, balance easy terms, neaay to move on. 3rf0 acres, 8 ml. from Molalla, south of Portland, on main road; 20 acres under cultivation; 140 acres can be cultivated when cleared; school on place; 2 family orcnaras,, 4-room house, barn 30x40. chicken house. Can divide this place j and make 2 pood ranches, as there are i z orchards. Price $tiu00, $1500 (Ana. In spected by Brooks. 42 MILES SOUTH PORTLAND. 80 acres, 3 acres under cultivation. 40 acres can be cultivated; lots of good fir limner; nouse. Darn. cnic.Ken house; 10 miles from Molalla, 6 miles from good town with bank and store. Price $650 canh. with chickens, some machinery and lurniture. This is a relinquishment ana ou acres joining can be had. Brooks. " Over 13 acres, south of Reedvllle; 13 acres under cultivation, all can be cul- I tivated; creek on place: wire fencinc. bearing orchard, Yiice laying land, very proaucuve; gooa macadamized road by piace; -room nouse. Darn, chicKen house. j-nce -tdo. including l team, l cow. chickens and machinery. Large cash I payment. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. Largest farm dealer on Pacific Coast.' Over 500 small places near Portland. S Get our extensive classified Utts. BENTON COUNTY'S BEST STOCK FARM. We are the owners of a 730 acre s lock ra nch 3 miles from railway station, 35 miles from Corvallis and agricultural college; 40 acres bottom land, 100 acres gently rolling, cultivated land ly ing in one body, 400 acres of open hill pasture, balance timber pas ture with 4.000.000 feet of mer chantable timber; 5-room house, stock, barn, granary, etc. ; fine creek and springs; fenced ; place is conceded to be one of the best stock ranches In Benton county on account of its sheltered loca tion, water and graps. We offer It for sale at only $20. per acre; one-third cash, balance 0 per cenL Write owners, box 91, Corvallis. Or. WE WILL SELL YOU THIS SPLENDID RANCH ON LONG-TIME CONTRACT. 232 acres near Yamhill. 150 acres In cultivation, 100 acres rich bot tom land, tiled and drained, in hops 20 years, 25 acres now in hops contracted for 5 years. S2 acres good pasture, some timber. 3 sprlnps. creek. well. 6-room house, barn, other outbldg?.; the right man can get a good deal on this ranch; use our cash to etock and equip this place. Price $100 an acre. See SAM U EW EY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bidg. (Realtor.) STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 103 acres. 60 acres In cultivation, 43 acres timber and pasture, rolling land: running water, nlce family orchard, acre prunes, 6-room house, barn ami outbuildings; 3 horses, 3 cows, 2 heifer calves. T sheep, 1!) hogs, f0 chickens. 5 stands of bees, wagon, buggy, all farm tools and machinery; 2S miles Portland, Vi mile to store, church, school, R. F. D. Price $12,000; $45oO cash. $7500 mort gage, 6 per cent on or before 8 years; or would take house $20OO. cash $2500. R.. M. OATEWPPM ft OP.. 16.-.U 4th St. 20 ACRES. T1GARD. 20 acres, all under cultivation; V acre family orchard; the place is all In crop, which is Included in price; good small house, large bam, also new cow barn ; located on fine graveled road only short distance from pavement; price only $5250, $2300 cash. F. I,. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 P-ord of Trade Rldp. 5-ACKh. country ln.iiie. tor sale by owner. 12 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; 300 bearing fruit trees, one acre loganberries; 8-room modern house, cement b-'sp-nent, (rood bank, barn, ga rage, workshop, chicken coops, smoke house, good water; f ne land, nice lawn and choice roses; place Ifcs one mile south of Rainier, Or., a new road is now being graded to place ; all clear of in cumbrance; $2000 down, balance to suit, M. W. Huzard bnx 30fi. P.nin! r. Pr. TAKV. HOUSE AS PART Pa V. 160 acres in Yamhill Co. ; all good land, 100 acres in cultivation, crops in; good 6-room house and other buildings; 9 good cows, 3 I.orses, 20 sheep, luO chickens; all necessary farm machinery; price $ 16.000; will take house as part pay. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY Realtors. 013 Chamber of rnmnT"Tf. EVERY REAL ESTATE M AN OA N NOT BE A "REALTOR. Only those who are members of the national board and are pledged to protect clients are entitled to use of the name "Realtor. Be sure that the real estate man you do business with Is a REALTOR. Portland Realty Board, Oregon building. FOR SALE -0 acres of beautiful soTl and small trout stream; 3' acres Italian prunes; house, barn, chicken house, family orchard ; wood for us:; 0 acres In cultivation; $2000 will handle this. W. E. WHITE & CO.. Realtors, 703 V? First St. Newher. Or. FREE FARM LIST. California improved farms. fully equipped, on pay terms. Write PAUL BOSSIER STOCKTON, CAL. 500 ACRES excellent river loam, with sufficient timber to pay for place. Nearly all ash and maple, some fir and balm; the timber Is of the best, large and good stuff, easily logged; Willamette river borders, paved road 1 mile. R. R. shipping point 2 miles. 6 miles from Corvallis; 60 acres cleared; all the land is first class for berries, fruit, alfalfa, clover or grain. Price $23,000. 450 acres, 250 acres wheat land. 80 acres under ditch, all crops go with place; 10- room modern house, hot and cold wa ter; chiuken house, granary, barn 40x60 feet; all grain and feed Included; about 50 tons of alfalfa; tool shed 24x100 feet; all farm machinery. 7 horses. 8 cows, registered bull. 7 hogs, about 100 chickens. On main highway, one mile from town. This Is one of the very best equipped eastern Oregon farms, 2O0 miles from Portland, on rail way and main highway, creek on border of place, running wa ter all year, abundance of water for irrigation. Price $21,000; terms. Choice river loam for berries and fruit, in small or large tracts, within 3 miles of tha O. A. C and Corvallis. HUGH SON & TAYLOR. Phone 1515. Corvallis. Oregon. - I I I 90-ACRE FARM HOME FOR SALE This place Is a real home and is located 6 miles from Corvailis on paved road, 1 mile from grad ed school and electric station, 3 trains daily to Corvallis and Port land; 75 acres of the best valley land In cultivation, 6 acres tim ber, balance pasture; an old or chard of apples, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, black and English walnuts, grapes, strawberries, rasp berries, etc. A fine creek makes It possible to irrigate garden, and 30 acres of farm land can be irri gated if desired; good barn 34x50 and usual outbuildings; a large old house of no great value, but one of the finest building sites In this part of the country. We bought this for a home but have to sell on account of changed circum stances. "Will sell on a small cash pavment or would consider a good home in any valley town. Price $13,500; $3300 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Write F. I. K owner, box 91, Corvallis, Or. MODERN 5-ROOM- HOUSE AND 40-ACRE STOCKED AND EQUIPPED RANCH, 1 ONLY $3700. Living room 36 ft., fine bath and toilet, hot and cold water, good spring, water piped in. 30 acres extra good soil. 5 acres in crop and garden, some open pas ture, firewood, barn. 2 good cows, 1 heifer, 2 horses, wagon, harness, other implements, brood sow. tur keys, chickens, household goods, kitchen furniture. 1 mile to school, R. V, V.. 42 miles to Portland, photo at office. See SAM HEWEY at J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham ber of Commerce Bidg. (Realtor.) BUILDINGS ALONE WORTH ir'KlUH. ASKED FOR THIS rLAue - sim- UTES FROM ruttiLAu. 32 acres near Hillsboro; Al land: 10H acres in fall gralrh the rest in spring oats, potatoes, strawberries, garden: 17 bearing iruu iree; nuuu y ntAn... f UAn- fanned And cross-fenced : fuv wells; newlv-nainted house of 7 rooms with furniture; large new dairy i . 9 hAT-aB 9 mw 2 veartinas. 1 eow. chickens, large henhouse, pens and wagon shed. Full set of implements, tools, harness, wagon, single and double buggies. Price $5000: half cash. Take electric leaving Portland 10:40 A. M. Owner will meet parties at HilUrboro sta tion daily with Studebaker car number 8S13.V Mr. Arflell. 60 ACRES. MARION COUNTY. 60 acres good land, practically all clear, right at station on O. E. railway. Well fenced, under cul tivation. Would make fine tract for loganberries.. Owner offers this land at $85 per acre, half cash, balance on mortgage. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., REALTOR, 216 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. 20 ACRES, COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. This 20 acres Is located on bank over looking the Columbia rfcver, having beau tiful view of river and surrounding sec-: tion. It Is hard to describe this, as lo cation, soil and possibilities are excel lent; 16 acres are under cultivation: fairly good house, fine barn, family or chard. The soli Is bench land, sandy loam, fine for garden. The place will soon pay for Itpelf if properly handled; price only $11,000. good terms. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. j oftis.-7 Board of Trade B!rig. UOD FA KM. tsO acres; 700 good bearinji apple trees; 4 acres alfalfa. 2 acre? spring oats: large garden; oaiance gooa pasture; 15 acres easily cleared: all 1 well fenced and cross-fenced: plenty wa ter; new barn; comfortable house: good team; two fresh cows with calves: two shoats: chickens; wagon, buggy, cart. disc, plow, harrow, cultivator, garden : tools; 1000 apple boxes; spray material: all for $5000; bargain. Borne terms. Write owner. A. S. Johnson, Box 157, Lyle. Waxh EaTACADA FARM. 40 acres, 37 In cultivation: 5-room house with fireplace; large barn, running: water, fruit and nut trees, au Kinas out buildings. H mile from school, lees than four miles from Estacada. and located on a good crushed rock road. This farm is well worth $3000. I am offering it for S4.VWV If vou are looklnc for a real farm bargain don't delay, for this one will be picked up ripnt away. S. E. WOOSTER. ESTAPADA. PR. .l.PE-iN VALLEy FARM. so rrea of extra choice fancy land: 50 acres in cultivation, 30 acres pasture and timber; running water, lots or rrun and het-rtes. 5 acres young prunes. 8- room house, 2 barns, other outbuildings; in iniiai Pnnland. 6 miles Newberg, ' milA railway station; price $16.0o0, with terms This is one of the very best I farms in the valley. R. M. OATEWOOP & PP.. 16"H 4th St. FOR SALE Small berry farm. U 4 acres. wnven-wire rencea, on i apum u ik u y , 30 minutes' ride to Portland; 6-rootu bungalow, outbuildings, electric lights, I hot and cola water, cement, whirb, ut-r- i Ing family orchard, 4 acres bearing loganberries, blackcaps, raspberries. trawhrrlps: near school and berry can nery; price $7000, cash $3000, terms. Karl Uroe'ter. mtwhhi. -.'r. 100U-ACRE stock, dairy, hay and grain. tfiHiratdd ranrn wiin oieniy oi iree wa ter; nearly all level; excellent buildings; large modern dairy barn, fully equipped;) close to town; $70; small - payment or trade down, long time on balance at low rate. Or all or part for Portland in come, apartments preferred. Property must be free. Hox i'ri.n rnwiigr, wr. fiU ACRES. $4500. On slower Columbia, near Knappa, 1 mile from high school; all fine level land, 10 acres cleared; 2 houses and other buildings; price $4300; $2000 down. balance 6 per cent. LUEDDEM ANN COM PANT Real tors, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 183 ACRES, $14 per acre. Douglas county. Washington; wneat ana siock rancn. 125 under cultivation, all under good fnfe: water in pasture year round; good barn, small house, team and some small tools go with place: $25iM) cash, terms on balance; would consider Port-I 1:md residence. 3QS East Morrison st. tit VoUU own protection vour prop er! v for sale or buy only through a REALTOR. All real estate men cannot beealtors. ONLY realty men who do a clean business can join te board and use the name "Realtor." phone us when I in doubt. Portland Realty Board. Broad way 100. BUY IRRIGATED RANCH with ample free water; small payment down, balance long time. 6 per cent; large ranch cut up: 100 to 400 acres at $!0. Alfalfa, irruin tiav and nurture : first-class for stock and dairying; or will take Portland income free to half purchase price. Box 1 14. North Powder. Or. FOR SALE Country home of 10 acres, near school, R. F. D.. bearing orchard and small fruits; city water. This place must be seen to be appreciated. For price see W. E. WHITE & CO., Realtors, 703 H First St. Newberg. Or. BEST BUY IN COUNTY. 40-acre farm, 37 in cultivation, crops all In but potatoes; fine terms; If you want a good buy write or see Albert Bottemlller, RidgeflMd. Wash. 200 ACRES, close to Medford, 130 acres improved. 100 a. in wheat, new house, barn, $76 per a. Other information call E. 5057, Portland. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up. running water, good soil. 4fc tillable; school, easy terms. J. R. Sharp e. 53fe Third fit. A HIGH-CLAPS FARM. 80 acres at Beaverton. House, , barn, fences, etc. Highly cuili- . vated, $47,500. 5-acre highly Improved dairy ranch near city limits. House, barn, sheds, fruit, fences, etc., $10,000. GoMendale. Wash., 24 acres, house, etc., $1000. 320-acre wheat ranch near En terprise, Or., $14,400. 80 acres on Columbia highway, near Latourelle Falls. $4500. 82 acres. Amity, Or., $5000. 240 acres near Burns, a sacri fice. $1020. 40-acre Montana wheat ranch, $1000. 13 acres at Amity, Or., $3000. 320 acres at 'Kaloken, Wash $9600. 20 acres at Vancouver, Wash., $3200. LEE'S EXCHANGE, 124 4th fcfL Auto. 520-50. LOOK I READ AND LISTEN! A few bargains In small farms: A dandy 16-acre tract, ail the very best of soil, nicely located: 9 acres In cultivation. 4 acres very easily cleared, balance timber. 4 acres In clover, 2 acres in logan berries, family orchard. 2 small houses, barn and chicken house; about 8000 ft. rustic and floor ing and 2000 ft. rouh lumber go with ranch. Price $3300; $1300 cash will handle it. $7000 $3000 cash will buy a fine 40-acre farm, all In cultivation but 4 acres, which is timber; good, large, plastered house: good barn, sheds, henhouses: some grain, hay and potatoes and all machinery and one cow, A 60-acre farm for $3000 $1000 cash, balance 5 years. 6 per cent; 13 acres in cultivation. 8 acres once farmed now used for pasture, balance timber and pabture. This Is a snap. J. L.GROFF. Donald, Oregon. MEASURE A FARM BY ITS INCOME, LOCATION, IMPROVEMENTS This farm of 73 acres of river bottom soil ranks high in all three. Our books will show big interest on Investment. Our improvements of a high order. Our location only 1 Vj miles from a progressive town of 1500 people in the Willamette valley. The dwelling of 8 rooms has all that a home should have. Electric lights, hot and cold water, hath, sleeping porch, 4 bedrooms. The barn will hold 30 tons of hay, 40(10 bushels of grain, 8 head of stock, besides wagons and imple ments. Fine packing shed, poultry runs and houses. Our wheat went 43 bushels to the acre last year. Our river bottom pasture is very rich, 32 acres in orchard, apples, pears, cherries, each coming so that work Is not crowded. Finely adapted for a fruit, poultry and dalrv farm, In a beautiful lo cation. Price Is $23,500, reasona ble terms, or will take Income property or wheat farm to $13,000. See Macinnes, with HARVEY WELLS CO., 603 Gasco Bidg. Main 4364. A SPLENDID BUY FOR THE MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL. 100-anre (urm. 40 miles from Port land. Or., on good rock road and less than 4 miles to carrots, wasn. i p wards of 25 acres under plow, more can be easily cleared; land rolling, but soil good; lots of timber on place, mostly cedar; good e-room nouse, gooa Darn, outbuildings and fencing; family orchard and small creek bn the place; price. In cluding 4 cows, flock of chickens, imple ments and tools and nousennia rurnuure. $4000: H of which must be cash, bal ance easy terms. NEWELL-VAN ALRTTNE COMPANY, R20-K31 Chamber of Commerce Hid. AN IDEAL, DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. All the elements necessary to making this the finest ranch in Oregon; 1000 acres of cut-over land, good soil, all of It: no rock, no waste; over 2M a. rich alder creek bottom, about 50 cleared. 3 in orchard; plenty of outrange, two rine creeks, lots of living springs, large pond, water power for electric lights, water piped to buildings and barns; good school, free auto bus service to hiirh schopl, daily mail and telephone; 2 miles good town. R. R-, boat landing and Col. river highway; 2 hours' drive from (Portland. Attractive price and terms. Might consider part trade. J. B. Labor, owner. 703 Rdwy. h!dg. MR. RANCHER, JUST LOOK AT THIS. One of those fine 80-acre farms, won derfully productive soil: 10 acres in 7-yr.-oid apples (Spltzenberg. Yellow New towns and Winter Bananas); 7 acres in clover, 4 acres In wheat and vetch; 4 room house, fine barn, sheds and out houses, with spring water piped to the house. With the farm goes farm Im- . piements, all for $5000. I have many other farms, large and small, from $50 to $150 an acre. J. B. HOLRROOK, REALTOR, 214-215 Panama Rids-. BE AVE RD A 31. 81 acres located right at Tonquln sta tion, Oregon Electric, only 18 mlies from Portland: 20 acres of this land is the finest beaverdam and in the highest state of cultivation; part in fine timber tnat win maice a numDer or thousand cord of wood; o-room house. I ante barn some fruit. Now, the surprise, to close an estate this land is going to be sold for $G5O0. It Is a shame, but the heirs say sen. Terms arranged. JOHN E. HOWARD, Realtor, 31 Chamber of Onmmercf. IMPROVED FARM. 12 miles from Portland, In the Beaver ton district; 20 acres, all improved, 5- room house, large barn, many outhouses, 200 fuii -grown trees, prunes, cherries, apples, walnuts, berries, grapes; pan nnrses. wagons, rarm toois, cnteitens bees. 5 hogs. cow. fresh, calf, 10 ton hay, ton oats, Seed spuds to plant nine acres, 20 cords wood, very reasonable price and terms. FRED W. NEWELL. 407 Henrv Bids. Broad w y 5030 SACRIFICE SALE. We have thin 16-acre place that must be sold at once, located near Bra, er ton, on goo road ; 1 1 acres in cultiva tion, of finest swale Poll, well tiled and drained, balance very easy to clear: large building, enough lumber for house and barn; priced for quick ealc, $800 cash will handle. F. L. EDDT. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-8-3-7 Board of Trade Bidg. 15 ACRES. 13 MILES FROM PORTLAND. ON GOOD AUTOMOBILE ROAD, 1'. MILES TO STREET CAR. 4-room plastered house, full basement, large attic, all cleared but 1 a re tim ber for wood; 12 acres plowed reaay for crops good barn, poultry house, hog house, buildings all painted; only $4200, $1200 cash will handle it. Will give possession at once. STEWART & JOHNSON, 313 Northwestern Bank Bidg. 320 AL'RE.S. SO acres river bottom, no rock, balance upland can alt be farmed Vested water rifiht for bottom land, lo cated ten miles from two of central Oregon's best towns, on railroad unii highway. Electricity and phone. New cow barn, fair house. All bottom land In crop, one-third alfalfa. Crest bH r gain for quick sale. Inquire 2720 65th rt. S E BY OWNER is acres on the Portland Spring water road ; under high state of cultivation and in crop; 1 acre in ber ries, assorted orchard, 6-room house, large barn and other buildings. Included with the place are two good horses, all necessarv implements and household fur niture. E. F. Hartmen, s:i Commercial st. Phone Word'awn 1623. 320 ACRES of farm land for sale or trade. 14 miles south of Huntington. Or., In Malheur county: all fenced, 4-rm. house on place, smokehouse, three wells on place, 100 acres In cultivation, good grain or alfalfa land ; price $40 per acre: 8 miles to railroad. C. O. Bogart, Amity. Or., route 1. not 203. ELEVEN acres, two mile.-, went of Nf. berg, near rock road: excellent drainage. beautltui view; t acres in iruu; o-room modern houfe; fre transportation to Newberg achool: $5500, $2300 Cah. bal ance $300 per year at t. ( all at place or write H. McPredie, Newberg. Or A REAL UAROAJN. F5r sale 10 acres of grain and stock ranch In Deschutes county; Deschutes river running through the place. Will consider car as first payment. "4 Clny ri-.Vpoolo pt.. 404. FOR SALE 40 -acre ranch, $5000; 21 acres cleared, good 6-room house, barn, chicken house, etc.; 6 miles from Van couver. J. W. Morrow, Rt. 4, Vancou ver. Wash. 53 ACRES 4 miles out, on Barns road, $300 per acre, some improvements, terms. See Gustav TeufeL owner, R. 2, Portland. FARM BARGAINS EASY ON PURSE. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED RANCH. 160 acres, 8 acres under cultivation, 10 acres slashed and seeded to grass; good 4-room log house, rooms papered, 3 more rooms could be made unatalrs; an old log house of 2 rooms; a new barn and an old barn; 5 cows, 1 heifer, 3 calves, 1 bull. 1 hog; 75 five-years-old fruit trees of apples, pears and cherries; loganber ries, currants, gooseberries and straw berries; some farm implements and tools; 2 creeks and a spring on the piace. Located 1 V4 mile from grade school, 2 4 miles from high school, postoffice and store and 1 mile from main county road. Price for all only $3000; terms. $10u0, balance $400 per year at 6 Interest. $.1300 JACKSON'S RANCH I33O0. We would like to show you one of the best. If not the best, ranch bargains in the state. It contains 120 acres, 12 acres under cultivation, about 6S acres more tillable, a part of It very easy to clear and biggest part of it seeded t grass; good 6-room house, barn, fruit and milk house, garage, woodshed. 3 Jersey and 1 Holstein cows. 1 horse, some chickens. 30 bearing fruit trees of various kinds. 000 handmade shingles, about 18 cords of wood, all necesaarv implements and tools, kitchen range ana some furniture included in the sale. Nehalem river runs through land; has i 50-foot waterfall on the place. Is an ex cellent place for salmon and trout fish ing and good hunting In surrounding hills. It Is a complete place In every re spect. $1500 will handle the deal. No trade will be considered. Located 11 mlies S. E. of Seaside; auto road all the year round. Look this up. i:t7.-.n an acres (3750. 13 acres of finest kind of bottom Innd under cultivation. 5 more acres of same kind of land to be cleared, b.ilance Rood for wood and pasture only ; 4 -room house, barn, chicken house, good wen with pump on back porch of kitchen: 1 Jersey cow and heifer, team of horses, about 125 chickens, wagon, bugity, hay rack, wood rack, harnesses, neccsnar implements and tools. Located about 17 miles from Portland and about 1 'i miles from electric station. Terms: $1000 cash, balance on ca.-v terms. MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITION. 1574 acres 11 miles from Portland. 3" acres under cultivation and estimated to contain 5000 cords of wood. l!iKjre.t part of the road to the piace Is paved, balance rocked. The timber Is wortn many times the price anked for the place, the cultivated land is worth $700 or more. The whole tract can row be bought for $8500, good terms of pay ments. ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE PEAT, BARGAINS AND WORTH YOUR WHILE TO INVESTIGATE. E. A. LINDGRE.V, Pnvon Land Co.. 3." N. W. Rank TVdtr. 40 ACRES, 1U miles out, 3 miles to st car, school; paved road ?i mile; orchard. 7 acres strawberries, fenced, outbuild IngM, barn, 4 cows, all farming Imp., team horses, automobile; $10,000, take house in exchange to SU.VHK 60 acres, 2"0 cult., 6-room houe. out buildings, frtlo, crop all In, farming Imp.; $30,000; consider exchange to $20, 000 city property. 240 acres, 63 cult., 5-room house, out buildings, water In house and barn. 10 cows, 10 calves. 3 hordes. Ford t ruck, farming Imp., 1 acre orchard ; f 20,o0; want exchange for small place Willam ette valley. 20 acres with modern buildings, gar den truck proposition, close in: $17,5oO, Income $6000 year; take residence to $4500 ; graveled mad. acres, all cult., buildings; $0000; take res. $6000, close In. 233 acres, 140 cult., buildings, orchard, stocked, equipment; $33,000. 230 acres, all In cult, but 30 acre?; buildings, creek; Corvallis; $30,000; take $0000, terms on balance. FRED LAWSON CO., 416 Ohnmber of Commerce. Main 867. 30 ACRES, GKESliAM. 30 acres, located 2 miles eat of Gresh am, on fine road ; 22 acres of this are under plow; fine creek running through back of farm, large family orchard, six acres in bcrrits, moatiy raspberries; finest loam foll. large Warn with Plan ch inns for 14 cows. Bilo, milk house, woodi-hed, etc., 5-room ceiled house, beautiful grove of fine fir trees. With this go 3H 20 Ford. 1 - ton truck, waprnn, harness, 2 plows. 2 cultivators, dic, bar row, manure spreader, fine team, i-ix cows. 1 yearling heifer, 30 chickens, ducks, 2 brood sows, crops partly In, bul. being put in; a going fnrni, priced right, only $14,000. $50oA each. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad RMg. EQUIPPED FA KM AT A BARGAIN. 53 V4 acres To!k County, Or., 25 acres In cultivation and In crop. 1 acre family orchard, new 4-room house, good burn large chicken house, 4xlM); blacksmith shop, laundry and fruit house; 3 horse six milch cows, 2 helfer. 4 turkey binder, mower, rake. 2 uatrons. hue buggy, several plows, 2 cult I u tors, all small tools, 45 bushels of Kain. 10 tons of hay, 130 chickens. Wiih the place goes the lease on ttO acrs in crop, witn 34 acres In full hearing prunes: a!o another farm adjoining of 100 acres, part In crop. Everything goes for $5000; $3300 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. Realtor, Chamber of Pom-nTr WANTS SMALLER FARM. 34 acres in Willamette valley, near station; 250 In cultivation, all can be worked with tractor. 173 acres In fall grain; good 6-room Liuse with hth, ' barns, brick milk house, other building, orchard, 4 horses, 7 good cows, some voung stock, full line of farm machin ery; price $75 per acre; will take small place near Portland as part py. LUEDDEM ANN COMPA NT Realtors, 0'3 Chnmhr of Commerce. A WONDERFUL FARM FOR 1500. 30 acres, mostly cultivated, 7 V miles from Vancouver, finest soil, near paved highway, fine 1 o-room house. $2300 In stock and Implements, hny and potatoes, hog house, tool house, barn and garug all crops In, clear of Incumbrance. An exceptional buy! See us also for larger and smaller close-In farms at conservative prices. SPEED REALTY CO.. nn7 Punnmn Bidg. MMn 7264. 2ii ACRES, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND kl 1 L.lSli(Jl" . This Is a nice home for someone; has 0-room plastered house with modern plumbing. Joins main road ; 8 acres cleared, most of balance not hard to clear; good barn, live creek; no nicer district around Portland ; price .t(.o. Can make tome dtfierence u possession Is not wanted until fall. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. 10 ACRES. $35u CASH. We will build you a neat 3 or 4-rnom house and chicken house on a beautiful 10-acre tract, located 4 miles from an couver, on county road; 2 lt acre cleared, all good land, no rock or gravel, living water: total price $2500. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, REALTORS, Suite 413 Piatt BMg. Miln 7027. WEST Sl.Ui'E FARM. 70 seres on west slope of Coast ran re, on main road from Corvallis to Wald port, 25 acres cultivated. 10 acres pas ture, balance timber, unlimited ra n k ' fl-room house, good barn, some stock, chickens and equipment. Price $5000. LUEOPEMAN CO.. REALTORS. 113 Chamber of Commerce, 100 ACRES, $4000. S3 acres In cultivation, 6-room house, barn, orchard, 4 cows, new harness, wag. on, rake, mower, buggy, chickens, fur niture, on rock road, 3 'a m ties from highway and town, 48 miles from Portland: Vi cash. Morris & Bundy. HIS Chamber of Comnierre bidg l!S0 ACRES irrifcatfd land ; u If a I fa, grain. wild hay and pasture; ample Tree water: stock, dairying, nay ana grain; sin-Hai. Trade for neat Portland income free; or acreage having house and suitable for poultry Diisinesn; or store wnn gooa hUKinem. Box 2M. North I'owder, Or. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD FOR SALE. 25 acres, good 7-rootn house, barn, pasture, chicken coops, plenty sprini water, furnished hou.e and irrigation by two rams; about 17 acres in hearing ap plen cherries, etc. Phone East 2123. FARM TO TRADE. 320-acre farm, sell or trade for good grocery or general merchandise store. Irto acres in cultivation, balance pasture. Price $25 per acre. MONTGOMERY LEAP, 4:t7 (""ha m. of Com. FOR SALE 1? acre- bottom higd, g""d buildings, good family orchard, well f'-nced ; adjoin In g city, on fine road. Price $3750. $ 1000 down, balance long time at 6 per cent. 1. li. Morris, owner, Cottqire (i-o"e. Or. ; ACRE, 7-RuOM HOl'SE. Darn for 30 cows, milk house, wind mill; Columbia blvd., near 42d; $2000 rash, balance terms. R. W. Cary, N. W. TtR"k b'dir. 50-ACRE improved farm, 20 tilled, good house, barn, outbuildings, 100 fruit tres, machinery, stock. watr, price t tono, terms. F. H. Reynolds, Grand Hotel, Rainier, Or. FARMS TO EXCHANGE for city property. Several good propo sitions. What hnve you? MARSH McCAPE CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Failing Rid. Marshall 3!3. OKEAT SACRIFICE. , 40 acres, IS improved, fall crops; $l;on rash. $1000 20 years at 6 per cent; near Woodland, Wash. Address A V 530, Ore ponian. FOR SALE HIM acrea. 1 ;t cleared. Joae- ph!ne county; Ideal dairy or fruit farm, orchard, running; stream: ft. 000.000 fori timber; $4000. A. E. Shoemaker, bH 1-?Mley rf ty. Oi ACRES of clear vu w orchard at Sher idan that "ld for $500 per acre, but will take $100 per acre for this on easy terms. Owntr, f04 Foster road, Port linl Or. Ai't niiti-M. 14 .ACHES, Al soil, b acre- loBunherrie. close in to Hillsboro. For particulars pee owner. Peter Hansen, Hillsboro, Or. Phone No. iiti.5. TACIFIC AGENCY. INC 514 Swetland llldg. Portland, Oregon. Marshall 3JM. Marshall 1263. TH E OLD RELIABLE! With branch ofMce connecting In Oregon ami Washington, and also In touch with all parts of Cali fornia, in fuel no matter where you want to no or Imi you want we can match any tract. 2 ACRES LOCATED AT MARSH FIELD. This pmpertv l Oie city lim its of Maishfield; las high and sightly, overlooks the bay and city. Has good 3-rocin houe with electric motor and water tank ; has ? sere of loganberries, a few fruit trees and lots of beautiful shrulkbery. Price for a quick sa'e $4300, some cash, terms vu bal ance. 56 ACRES. Located tiwur yuitthoro, 50 acrce In cul 1 1 vat inn, good 7-rom incd ern houe, barn and oi her build ings. This land lies g-od and is best of soil, rl"o to school, store, etc. Price $l'.ooO, ur will Hade for city property. 60 ACRES. 18 acres In culiivHtiou, 500 cords Of standing timber, 10 acrrs fenced and balance In good pas tor, and has one 2 -room house, 2 barns and garago. This poua lies 4 m lies boil t h of Reed v Hie, 1 li mile from store and school. Price $'. 00, or will trade for city property. 14H ACRES. East of liillteboro, ll in cultiva tion, 1 acre In truit, 4-rooni plas tered house, chicken house, barn, brooding houce and ot her build ings. Price $45oo, or v. ill trade for city property. 2 ACRES. In the city limits of Hillsboro. Just u blocks from the station, has a good 7-room house, barn, prune drier and chicken bouse; I acre In mixed family orchard. Price $J000 or will take city prop erty. (I (0 ACRES. Located 6 miles west of Kit gene on a good county road: :io0 acres In cultivation, of which most all is in crop, the balance w ith the exception of 30 mi res, which Is In oak timber, can h plow ed ; 2 7-room houses, 2 larae barns. lots of other buildings; has a good well, also 2 sprhiKH, good orchard of 70 mixed trees, and Is well fenced. This place ban some stock and equipment and Is an Ideal farming district. I'rWe $0,,'oO. or will take fcood city in come property. 40-ACRE RANCH. Located near Molalla. Or., m miles of Col ion: has a new 7 nom modern hou.se. barn and ot htr buildings; good family or chard. 11 acres in cultivation. 18 m-n.-s in timber and 11 In pasture. This place is stocked and equipped with all necessary implements, etc., to run the place. Price $5300, or will take, cay property. 40-ACRE RANCH. Located 2 miles of Molalla, 12 acres in cultivation, 20 acres In timber, pasture ; has a good house, barn and other bu'ldlngH. Price for a quick s-i'e $0000, or will take city property. 120-ACRB ALFALFA FARM. Located in Idaho. This land 1I"S nea ly love I and there is an abundance of water for the land, which Is under liie north side Twin Falls irrigation pro Joe t. Price $10,500, or will take an a put t mmi t house or Income prop erty here in Portland. 120-A'"RE ALFALFA FARM. This land lies level, SO acrt a In alf-tlfa; has an abundance of water, good Weil, a small hotive, barn and oilier buildings. This property has a frontage on the Umatilla rUer and b-Mt than a mtlo of a small thriving town. A n Ideal place for homebody that wantH a rt-nl larin of HiIk kind. Price $12.1X10, or v. ill take city Income property. 5-ACRE TRACT. Located 7 miles cHt of Port land, on bard paved road, good 4-room house, large barn rnd ot her buildings: nice orchard of 115 mixed t rt-cs. 1 acre in oats, balance in pasture; 1 plow, 1 cow and 1 borne are included, at a sac rllice price, $J500. FOREST CROVE PROPERTY. A dandy 1 1 -room houc, fully modern, with H nice 5'ttni.ft. lots; has lots of fruit trees, barn, etc liood chicken house, tool house ami burn. This place on hard-surface street and lies In Hie loan oi Forest Orove. Price $.M)U0. Also a 50x10 concrete garage building on the main utreei of Forent Oruve. Price $lO,oou, nr will tradn I lie two properties for a good, dandy slock farm. PILVNV CALIFORNIA. The land of everlasting sun shine. f vou are thinking of go ing to California 'ho near tu ture and hae property In Orrsnn and Washington to trade. It would bo advisable to call and have a I a Ik with us before spntiding money going down tlvre and look lug lor property. We gel re liable informal ion from all pads of California from offl.es that w are In touch with, thus enabling us to get desired information from a Tollable source. For Juitlur ln LoruiaLiou see ua. R8-ACRK DAIRY FARM. acres, modern daliy farm, 40 seres under cultivation; new k room house, double constructed, plastered; modern dairy burn, full concrete floor, paient stanchion stalls, water system, 1M head of registered H ostein ca l tie. good team and all farm implement; $20,000, cash$24,0ou in trade. Have a pood lot rft.v00 to ex change for Ford or Invito t'urtni car. 10 full boa, ring Hull (rets oil loL HKE BOB ROLES. THE PISI NESS GETTER, Y i I h THE PACIFIC AUKM'Y, INC. Ml Shetland 1 1 1 ! f . Port land, r. Marshall 3!'M. Man-hall Uti.i. VERT FINK 30 ACRES. 30 acres, more or h"-. extra pood soil, all In youns; clover rv-c-cpt about t( acres, ami a pood part of this 6 acres Is eood onion land. iCunninp Knam, and land can so cut as to have runnlnir wahr on each of several nice tia -ts, No buildings, but several nice bulldinit sites, and owner miKht he Induced to move near-by. iicarlv new, neat, Miiall lioue on this land. Located on fine road, rar school, church, store, station, pav cd hlfeh w ay ; in line wei ,dn d 1 1- ti ict and only about -5 min ute!' ride iroin Port land. Will make price aout one. half of what hniall a-TeaKu tracts sell for in this rtiMriet. f,-;ve aV terms and nncht divide. Fine proposition and a fin buy. SAM PEL I'MAK. 1-0J Norliiw L6t;rn Hank liuildiufi. WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM No. 2M. 15 a res, all exc lb nt soil; all fenced and crom-fenced ; fine I rou st ream and fpniitf ; 1 miT'H uml r h ik h st a e ot cu't i va t ton ; Kiod yuiini; lam 11 V orchard of assorted fruits; I acre strawberries; txtra good r-roorn house; l.t ri:e b.i i n, fcood chicken house and all i - s-rv out bill Id in Ps. l' rsenal prop erty t'oni!-ta f I K"d cow. h-Ifer, Ifood horse, harness, tomie chl'k- n and ducks, plow, harrow, rultiu tor. hand cultivator and all n sary small tools and farm Ini piements. This place U IneaN d ft" miles from Vancouver, .1 im t off pacific hinhwav, whth Is pavtd all the way on R. F. D. route, very clone to school. cMiurch and pen era I merchandise store. Pi Ice iio'tO Terms. THE R. 8. THOMI'fOV CO., 411 W.ashilipion .Street, ancotivcr, VVashliiKtun. It Y nUM,ll, 78 acres, fine bmldinirs. water system, fl" acres clear und seded. ft miles from Portland city limits, ciose to Linn e man electric a' at Ion : "'l all or part chnap. Tab.tr nr Crhnti' 6o ACRES. ;i acres tilled, million Uinl" r. a-ood house and barn, all tlliaMe la nd, prireo nly $j:;o0. terms. F. Reynolds, Grand Hotel, Kilntef. Or ABSOLUTELY bargain In small li-n"7 farm l. S Walter, owner. E'ma. Wti.-fi JO ACRES berry land, $10o0, easy terms Owner, Alain 017U. Me ariaoa, 2K9 ailing bias r 1