I If rrtT-n crrvn v AprmiYT a V phptt a vn A tt?tt. iof V REAL ESTATE. fEEAt, ESTATE. ! RE At ESTATE. j REAL ESTATE. " 1 REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. I l '"iZ'f. 147.50 ATTRACTIVE distinctive Irvlngton bungalow, 5 rooms, low rambly I lined. furnace, lireplace. faraKe. near Clackamas. Visit our large public ditfpiay room, where over llMO photographs of homes for MHlt r on exhibition. Our 'Jo au'o- nwbilca at our client's service. iee I KRASK L. McUUIHK. to m:v voi;ii ikiMR. Largest Home Seller ou Pacific Coast. Abinigton bkig. Main I0. fiOmi VACANT NEW BL'N'jA LOW. $4o00 A PKAUTI FL U N 1 r T f I A i.. KK THIS TnDAV MOVE M O.N" DAT. In Ifitunhnrnn district. 5 room a and brcNLitfast. Mtri-rt! v uiiKirn. fine base ment, laundry trays. fireplace, hardwood floors, ail kind of iu ht-.n. large nv- Ing-room .' earacp. hard -surfaced street. all djlM : desirable term. Sundav. liar. week day. Marn 7067. Our ma-1 chin in wailinc fnr von. iTAjtlELS WILLIAMS. REALTORS, -j n-iffB'r or omrnT'1 nine " s.itMi CASH. ENGLISH rni4ON'lAL. BEAUTIFUL VTKW. ON SLOPE OF M4 TABOR. THfS ARTISTIC HOME OP SIX ROOMS HAS NEVER BEEN ix'CI'I'lEl); H ARDWOOD FLOORS, r K KS H POO R S PI R K P LA C E. Brr KET. ICT "H KIT m E.V. FI RN A CE. ALL FOR $.YJcO. CNSURPASSEtD J3 Alt- OA J N . A. POMERVILLK. BDWT. 2478, :t;o S. NAT. RANK BLDG. raise VOI R LIVING. FIVE LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME. MIGHT THADB FOR CITY PROPERTY I On Oren City car. near station : of ground, Rood 4 -room house, out-) building. thh-kn house and runs, lota I of fruit. jhrubtrv. etc.; on good auto I road. Price $J7.r0: easy terms. Sunday. .Varsn4.li .I'.Mk.: week da.va. Vain MARIELS A WILLIAMS. REALTORS, s -o fhaTibfr of Commerc- PMg. i-lluu HIGH r in town. .".0x!". on Hood. .Troi nt. from Portland Lumber I Com. office; improved with 5-rnom cottage icost $-IOm,. Take -M"0 to settle estate. You will double your money. Terms. Se FRANK L. McGUIRK, AMncton bide. Main In.. l'OUTUND HEIGHTS hnus: - lots, cor.; pars-am this we-k. Main 7T.i. Suburban Hume. x.Xl'EPTJO.NAL opportunity if ou want to build a suburban home. Two large waterfront Iota located on prettiest part of Oswego lake. New, wll constructed nraff(" to live in while building, hiec- l'"ic lights and water In. Good irifr- urhan tffrvice. Fine view, ahrubbery. berries and Lower. Price $200o- muKt have i::tw cash, balance easy terms if I taken at once. Take Southern Pacific electric to Good in station. Inquire for irjv. nr i'S T Mnnrtiv r.oi. Panama h'nt. S p Et ; I A L : S P EC I A L ! SPECIAL! 1 a:re at Bryant station with neat -room bungalow, bath and elect ricit v, fireplace and ail modern conveniences. Close to Osweeo Lake, on macadam ro On Red Electric line. EAS TERMS. Ask for F. c. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bide. Auto. M2-07. Third St. b-t. Wash, and Stark. OSWEGO LAKE HOMES. $fr75 for 0 rooms, water, gas. light. $ir..Vi for acre and S-room bungalow; :.':. modern home, plenty of fruit; $."i;oo large new, fine view; $4000, a sac rifice. Why try to rent when you can ret a home at these prices witn ci in conveniences; boating and fishing rfRht I at your door. Call GOO Concord bias.. S'nrk at Serorid. NEW. MODERN HOME. One acre nice level fand. new, modern hunealow, colonial style, 5 rooms, with attic: raraze. cement driveway and walks: on the Newberjf highway, walk- ins distance to Newberjr. This is gentleman's borne. $5250, half cash, and I wortn it. R. M. OATBWOOD & CO. IfV,', Fourth St. RYAN STATION" SNAP. 10oxl't. Extra Well Improved. 4 KDlUM AND HATH IJ.'lKt This is one bit; t-nap; bearing fruit and I berries, chlckfn houses and runs; 40O I f-et from station: tha first buyer with $l0 c.ifh gets this $;i(MW place furl Joo. well .how voii toaay. C, G MrtTORMIf '0.. ?(? Washington St. Main ?0. 4 A ' R ES N EAR Til K ST. CAR LINE AND PAVED ROAD. ONLY 1700, HALF CASH. 4-room house, basement, poultry house. grarape. family orchard in bearing, lots of berries of every jind. extra (rood I soil, clone to school, church and stores. I STEWART & JOHNSON, Northwestern Bank Rldg. CHICKEN RANCH. f2701 S500 DOWN. Vi acre, fine soil, orchard. B-room house, iras, water, fine chicken house and runs, large garden, excellent loca tion, 6 blocks to car. near city limits. MARSH & Mr-OA PE CO., Realtors. Open Sunday. S?!?-3-4 Failing RTdg. Marshall PLEASANT FARM, on corner, across from school. mile to Oregon electric station. Durham, two from Tualatin. nine from Portland, near Pilkington's nursery : 6 acres: over 5 under cultiva tion; good outbuildings: berries: family I orchard: furniture: no agents. Dr. Olsen. Aronson's. Main 3173. Broadway and Washington. A SMALL RANCH IN CITY. 5-room extra large modern bungalow. with full basement, garage, chicken I hruse and runs: abundance of berries I and fruit; $3o00, ttiuO cash. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. S?ft Yfenrv Plde Bdwv. FOR SALE New 7-room house fronting on Capital high w ay: approximately V acre of ground: house has full cement basement with first-class furnace, Dutch kitchen, modem plumbing throughout ; small payment down, balance on terms. Phone Main 7115 or see owner at 04 I Ifenrv n.dg. MM CASH LAKE GROVE BUNGALOW. Fine view, modern, prettv as a pic ture, inside and out; 1 blk. cars; lovely rt acre, natural trees, garden, fruit. large garage (can rent $13 month): French w in do ws. ft re pi a ce ; $ 2S00. O th er nice place. to snow bv auto M. 3t72. McFARLAND. REALTOR. Failing BMg A COMFORTABLE COUNTRY HOME. Very attractive modern bungalow, hot and cold water, gas availnble, and 1 acre near carlme. In well-settled community. ior -'.o: xne nesx or terms. , R. H. COXFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLO.SE IN HOME. One acre choice land; fruit, berries. grapes in abundance; 7-room house. water, gas, electricity In house; Ciose t to station, on Oregon City line. $4200, ov cas n , Da ; a n c e m or t ga ge. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., Ift-M.. Fourth St OWNER sacrificing $;i(ioo equity, choice suouroan nome, tor quick sale: -4 acres. fruit, berries, garden, etc.; modern 7- room house, new garage, poultry run. etc.; can. terms or exchange consid ered. See A- K. Hill, 42G Lumber' men s bldg. KtTvV BUNGALOW TZr a7e! h" rooms: nearly H acre of ground. 6 fuD-bearlng irun trees, oernes. snrunDery. new lawn. Wc. ; modern plumbing. Dutch kitchen. nrepiace, lurnace, nan cement basement: $10oo down, balance on terms. Call Main Til a or gee owner at ,Q4 Henry bldg. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE" ONLY $1330. "Sew 3-room bungalow, basement. wired for lights1 with whole acre of . finest garden sou; right at electric sta tion. Terms like rent. See owner, 600 1 ronr-ord n:dg.. second and Stark. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE, ONLY $SO0. want n i trat overlooking Oswego 1 lake, water, good roads, lights, boating, bathing, grove of trees; $.V down. Can you nea it? Owner. .Wo Conrori b'dg. FOR SALE by owner, approximately ten acres near Tigaro; nearly ail in crop: 3-room house, good well, chicken house and barn. 2 live springs on place, good rami iv orcnara ruii-oearine trees. ad- plv 2"4 Henry bldg.. or call Main 7113. CUTS NEW COTTAGE, ACRE, WOODED. NEAR KLEC. AND PORTLAND. $700. McFARLAND, REALTOR. Falling Bldg. M. 3672. $230 Up. Big half acre, Woodstock district; water, gas. level land, small cash pay ment, no Interest. Get a homesite of vr.nr own. Serwooq PORTLAND GOLF CLUB. 6-room bungalow, fireplace, bath, gas. water: a acres, an in cultivation, run ning stream all year: some furniture; ?43Sn. terms Main 5436. Main 0012. CUT PRICE CAPITOL HIGHWAY. 5 acres, clean bungalow ; cow. hens. ioois. Darn, big nennerv. berries, clover, electricity; $47.V); 3d min. out. M. 3672. M cF R LAND. REALTOR, . Filling B!dg NEW COTTAGE BUNGALOW. $1:0. Elec .light: close to station. 13c fare. Beautiful wooded acre. fi.v cash McFARLAND. REALTOR. . Falling Bldg. M. 3672 XOL Mi roijtva. maae a start owner will sell one full acre hear station, 35 minutes out. ror itw, with fio down. F ftl. Oregonian. $lti0 I rooms, light, water, gas, 3 lots. 30 minutes out, near station, dandy I place; j.u aown. ait. nrana, 4-0 Henry running. HOMh-M ! E LHe Grove station, oswego lake: fine grove, piped water, e'ectriclty; 13c fare. Only $Tr.Vt. with I'j.. down, owner, f , wih, regon?nn. 6 ROOMS, barn, fruit. Ito aeres outside near 42d. Alberta car: $1000. Cash snd terms. Residence. Main 1377. SUHUItCAN COTTAGE. .. rooms, some furniture, garden, gas, water, light: only $7, easy term, jr ui, vregoniao. MODERN FURNISHED HOME. 11 acres. 4 mile from electric station J5 milea west of Portland. 3 miles east of Hillsboro: 6 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated. Black loam soil. Orchard of apples, pears, quinces. prunes. loganberries, strawberries, rasp berries and grapes; 5-room plastered board house, gas. city water, electric lignts: plumb ng being installed: cnicK en house, barn. The place is well fur nished, all fixtures included, also cnicK ens and implements; price Jo 10, $3250 casn. 200 CHICKENS INCLUDED. K. acre. 1 mile from Multnomah: under cultivation; 19 bearing fruit trees, 8c fare, 4 blocks to school: 6-room houee, bam, garage, large chicken houne and incubator lor lUVU clilcaens: inciuae with plaoe noo chickens, incubator, etc Price J-tiOO. $1300 cash. Malone. s:oo CASH. Nearly 2 acres: 10 miles from cente: of Portland: 30 minutes: good car serv ice: some voung fruit trees. 4-room house, barn, chicken house, garage; the nlHrn in well furnished. Which is in eluded: price for everything, f-700. $.00 cash. Balance easv monthly payments only 3 blocks from station. Gas in house. CHICKENS. TURKEYS. FURNITURE. 2 4 acren, 6 blocks' from station, five blocks from school: gooa car service all under cultivation: black loam soil, 75 bearing fruit trees, city water and gas In house, hot and cold water, eiectri lights 1 block; very large and complete line of lurniture; price ior every mini Ji'JOO, $353 cash, inspected Dy Jiaione. PARK ROSE BARGAIN. 2 acres. 7 blocks from car; 8 block to school, all under cultivation: best o soil. 3K berry plants, city water in house: ras and lights 200 feet from place. 3-rnotn house, chicken house: good back porch ready to screen for sleeping porcn. Place well furnished inside; price $3000, with chickens. Reasonable cash pay meat. MODERN ACRE HOME. 1 acre, all under cultivation, near Metzger station; bearing fruit trees good 6-room plastered bungalow, com nlele white enamel plumbing: near cap ital highway; chicken house. H mile to school; price $30, $1000 cash, bal ance -o month. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified list a A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER HltiMWl. One of the most desirable homes on the famous highway, just 30 minutes' auto ride from center of city, consisting of 1 14 an res of eround. 5-room Strictly modern bungalow, spring with flow of rM gallons per hour, waterfalls, the best of shrubbery, fruit trees, berry bushes, artistic driveway from highway to garage, grounds prepared by the best landscape gardeners. Western Electric light plant of 1500 watts per hour, water tank with capacity of til'5 gallons, septic sewer system, living room I5x4. bed rooms 12x12. kitchen 13x14: this Is not a little farm but an up-to-date modern suburban home; price $8000. well worth Jlu.OOO. Bee v. k. i:ntene. witn A. N. MIKKELSEN CO.. B2d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor BEAUTIFUL MULTNOMAH HOME. Here Is a wonderful home at Multno mah station; large combination living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, tnea bath. Ivory finished woodwork, fireplace, two large bedrooms on first floor. 3 un finished rooms on second floor; acre with young orchard and berries; garage and chicken house, $"o00. Terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Anlngtonv Bldg. Auto. 512-07. Third St. bet. Wash. and Stark. A P A V I N i i ' S LI Li C K 8 A N RANCH. fi acres, all in cultivation. 70 assorted fruit trees, mostly cherres, H acre of special everbearing strawberries; 30 hens, 2 0-gal. cows; a oanny o-room bungalow, basement and city water, barn, garage, chicken house and runs. Income on this place exceeds $20U0 year ly; light truck and all garden tools in cluded in price of $fi000, half cash. See photos and Mr. Hare, with . A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Hdwy. 5500. MR. CAR OWNER SEE THIS! Good 6-room house with every city convenience, at Maplewood: -acre with ail sorts or fruit ana berries, barn and chicken house. Close to school on good road. Owner will. accept light car m good condition as part first payment. Price $37oU. Terms. Ask xor . c Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUT R E. 203 Abington Bldg. Auto. 512-07. Third St.. Bet. wash, and taric. FIVE ACRES ON PAVED HIGHWAY. All in cultivation, with abundance or fruit and berries, good 5-room house, barn, large chicken house, Jersey cow. wagon, harness, plow, garden tools, also large flock of White Leghorns, of choice stock; this property Is about 10 minutes walk to station and 17 miles from Port land; price $.".soo. R. h. coatret, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE LITTLE FARM. 11 acres. 10 in cultivation, bearing or chard, 5000 strawberries, 5H acres seed ed In oats and clover, garden in, pota toes planted; 1 acre of timber for fire wood. i4 mile from electric station on gravel road. Onlv $3S00. THIS PRICE INCLUDES 1 COW and 1 HOG. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Auto. 512-07, Third St. bet. Wash, and wtarK. FOR SALE or trade, by owner, a beautiful 3-acre home, 1 O-room house, arranged for 1 or 2 families: modern conven iences: other good buildings, all under cultivation; all kinds of fruits and ber ries; price is right. Aug Klaar, 2 blocks east, i south of Courtney sta. Oregon city line, MOVE IN TOMORROW. 4-room modern bungalow, basement. new garage, all city conveniences in, on paved road, just outside city limits, 3 blocks to car; $2500. $.".00 cash. Fur nished or unfurnished. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Rldg. Bdwy. 5500. FIVE CLEAR ACRES. S3 150. Out Powell valley road, facinr on 2 main roads; fruit trees, well and 3-room shack; this property is in the heart of the berry district, and is a r-e-a-1 bar gain; terms. ti. h. coatret, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MOST charming home, located in Oak Grov; o large rooms, modern. lull ce ment basement, bam. chicken house, etc.; orchard, hard surfaced streets. Can be had with 1 J-5 acres or 2 acres of ground; $2000 cash will handle this. Deal direct with owner. Ca.1 Marshall MILWAUKIE BARGAIN. One acre, worids of fruit trees and berries; chicken bldga; electric lights, gas, city water. $3200, terma 420 Henry Bldg. B roadway 3540. Evenings, East 1 1 OS. FIN E OPPORTUNITY TO GET HOME. 100x211 corner, nearly , acre, all in cultivation, for only $1300. Will sell without anv money down and on aasv terms to anyone who will build house. athNnl V . WiUAKU, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. ONE OR more acres in fruit with city water, gas and paved road: outside of city limits, only 10 to 14 blocks to Haw thorne car. w in se:i modern O-room house with 3U acres. See owner at oi03 Powell valley road, near 84lh street, or call Automatic 627-6fl. OREGON WALNUTS. No over production of Oregon walnuts. Try to buy and see. Walnut growing is safest and easiest horticultural crop in Oregon. Will sacrifice 17 acres or less; now in oearir.g. j u. uregonian. WHY PAY $800 to $1000 for U acres? In vestigate ana you win Duy our special sale quarter acres, half price, $400; Aiuitn,oman nisinci. i ou Keep agents profit. 319 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 675. E. 7B88. 2 ACRES, ti blocks from Park Place sta tion, Oregon city car. An old 7-room house, livable ; barn; all clear; $2300, $1000 cash. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. SfjQQ. A BEAUTIFUL ZV acres, under cultiva tion, with new 4-room bungalow, attic and garage; water, iight and gas; 30 minutes from city, on Estacada line. 5 blocks from station; 0 cents car fare. Call Tabor 1041. SUBURBAN HOME WITH INOOME. $4500. a wo atTCB. ti u tu4uvncion, an kinds of fiuit: modern home, basement and Fx furnace; gooa roaa: a snap for $4500 '243 Stark St. INVESTMENTS at to price for quick sale; a acres, i-ruum iuuc. imru, iruit, $1U5Q. Store bldg., 3 rooms, barn, fruit: 1 acre $1200. 310 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 675. E. 76SS. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline, from $1800 op. Inquire 3d bouse nortk of Risley station, on Oregon City earlin. ALMOST an acre. 6-roora house, sleeping fiorcnes. mm parior, cnotce iruit. oear ng; chicken houses and runs, lawn and ihrubhery: within city: $ i'mmi. Aut. 644-14 SUBURBAN homesttes going fast; $10 pay- ments while they last. 392 6th it. epsetment 4 Hard heat COLONIAL borne. Just finished, at River- wood, on acr, let. river front. Main 8477. I17nn MULTNOMAH STATION 4-rm. bungalow, plastered, gas, city wa tar rhickAn house, city car fare 4 'of an acre, fruit trees and berries. Located on good road ' close to station. Only $3UU casn, balance $15 per month. i!tiAaRViv station 4-room bunga low. double constructed, bath with in rra mlrrnr door, fireplace, gas, wired for electricity, a few nice built-in features, leiepnone, city water, city carfare, base ment enrage., fine chicken house, woodshed. One full to acre choice orchard, full bearing. BWU raw berry Dlanta. loKanberriea and rasrjberrtes. ahmbbery and flow era; splendid view. Located on first-class road, only 2 minutes walk to station. Muat be ffn to be appreciated. Cash J 1000, balance terras. Splendid value. 13200 HUB FIR STATION, near Beaver- ton 2to acres, an attractive o room coiled and papered house, almost new. Dutch kitchen, built- ins. cement basement which is the exception for ' a suburban home; iras, fine water system from which piped water runs Into the house, large red weather- boarded barn, parage, cnicKen house, woodshed, rabbit hutch. family orchard full bearing, 600 strawberry plants, loganberries, raspberries, 1 acre now In clover, . acre in wheat, fuel wood can be obtained close by very cneap. Also 3 acres of fine pasture ad Joins. About 30 minutes' drive to Portland, 12 minutes walk to station. Only f800 cash, balance J25 per month. We consider this a good buy. 14000 BBAVERTOX DISTRICT 14000. 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, big ivmg room, gas, wafer In the house bam, chicken house; 2 acres of choice soil, family orchard, full bearing, sev eral different kinds of berries: 10 min utes' walk to station. Cash ,1000. bal- "i o icruis. $.-.500 HUBKR STATION 15500. five attractive acres, 6-room bunga- water, gas. barn, some small fruit trees, on dirt road. Cash S1200. balance terms. Do yon want a suburban home? We have some of the best to select from. See us before you buy. Photos at office. Office open Sunday 11 to 2 P. M. . E. DeJOICB COMPANY, 221 Henry Bldg. Bdwy, 1B31, tXjR SAI.E A beautiful surbaban home, """ in inc iuaiatln valley, adjoin ing the T. B. Wilcox estate. 5 miles from the courthouse, one mlle from Council Crest car and Portland Heights, 5 blocks from boulevard. Consisting of Tii acre well Improved, 175 fruit trees, cherries, apples, pears, and small fruits, in high state of cultivation. Modern 5 room bungalow, with full concrete base ment with furnace, bath, toilet, etc.: city water, gas: garage, barn and other outbuildings. Will sell at a reasonable price, and will give good terms. 76 SIXTH STREET. Phone Broadway 1.117. Sunday. Main Mori. Oswego, 4 rms., acre $ 1700 Brlarwood, 7 rms., 1 acre 12.500 Briarwood, 5 rms.. 1 acre 3iHK Oak Grove, 5 rms., to acre ISoO Oak Grove, 5 rms.. Hi acre "."OOO Oak Grove, 5 rms., 1 acre 6500 Garden Home, 5 rms,, 2 acres .... f.000 Parkrose. 5 rms., acre 3400 Vancouver. 5 rms soon Huber, 6 rms., 2 acres 6000 Huber, S rms., 1 acres 2200 LEE'S EXCHANGE. 124 4th St. Auto. 520-50. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME. A beautiful 3 H -acre park of rare beauty, situated nbout 8 miles from the city on running stream, cosy little home, landscaped grounds, profusion of flowers and shrubbery, private water syBtem. near carline. $4200; to cash; 6 acres joining which has gas and Bull Run water available, and a magnificent grove of trees, about 3 blocks from hard-surface road, $3500; $1000 cash: will make special terms on the entire tract, ft. H. OONPREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN PI.ACF 3to acres all plowed, 2to in orchard ana oernes; o mocks to car, on Base Line road. Modern plastered bungalow, large living and dining room with beamed ceilings and fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bath and 2 bedrooms. Fine ga rage. THIS IS WELL WORTH THE PRICE OF $6300. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Auto. 512-07. Third St, bet. Wash, and Stark OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 8 acres, with 4 room house, fine for all kinds of gardening; half cash. $3300. $4000 1H acres, 6-room house, plastered, elec. lights, gas, fruit trees, garage and chicken house. $6500. 2 acres, with all kinds of fruit, fine soil, 8-room house, elec. light, gas. bath. Inquire Mrs. F. M. Youngs, third house north of Risley station; not home Thurs day and Sunday after 1 P. M. T BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. This is a choice place of 10 acres with a modern 7-room house; porch on two sides, full basement, bath and toilet, pressure water system, garage, barn with cement floors, chicken house, tool house, family orchard, large assortment of fruit and berries. Close to Gresham schools and library, 5 minutes to electric. $SO00 take, lu O. W. TARR Co., 407 McKav Bldg. CLOSE-IN HALF ACRE, $2700. Cozy little 5-room bungalow with bath', gas and city water. Only 1 block to Estacada car line; half acre with all kinds of berries and fruit. New garage and chicken house. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BUYS WE HAVE TO OF FER TODAY. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Auto. 812-07. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Lake view villas, plat 4. A new tract at Oswego lake, water, auto roads, lights, fine view property with good soli and splendid groves of cedar, dogwood, yew and madrona; spring brook flows through several, giv ing admirable chances for effective landscaping; a walk through this beauti ful tract will convince vou. Prices run from $300, on very easy terms: Call 500 concord biflg., zd and stark Sts. Phone Main M. WE HAVE IT. Whether you want cleared or uncleared suburban home sites, level or rolling, we have it. on and near paved road and car line, running water to each tract, just outside city limits. Base Line road, drive out today: you will see our signs. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE CO.. 5ni.3-.t-T Board of Trade Bldg. STRICTLY MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. &to acres extra choice land, 255 bear ing fruit trees, 1 acre loganberries. 8 room strictly modern new house, on the highway, 2 minutes' walk to electric cars, 11 miles out. This Is an exceed ingly fine home. Price $10,000: terms. Full description and photos on appli cation. R. M. GATrTWOOD ft CO.. 1ffit4 4th St. THIS IS GOOD! 4-room house with combination llvin, and dining room, bath, attic, electricity, gas and water. Large lot. 4 blks. from Mllwaukle on hard-surface road. ONLY $1800, terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Auto. 512-07. Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark. MODERN HOME AND CHICKEN RANCH 6 acres, all Incultivatlon ; all kinds of fruit and berries; modern chicken house for 300 hens. A '7-room house, double plumbing, fireplace and hard wood floors, on paved road; $2500 handles, terms easy. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST CO., 820 TTenrv Bldg. Bdwy. R5S0. NEW COBBLE-STONE BUNGALOW, five rooms, stone fireplace In living room; bath. gas. city water, furnace, elec tricity available, to acre, fruit, berries, garden, lawn, flowers; paved road; cow and hens. $5500; terms. Mile east of city limits, on Foster road and 11th ave. Mount Scott or Gresham cars. C. Bruce. Main 4522. 4 ACRES. NEAR STREET CAR LINE AND PAVED ROAD. ONLY $2700 HALF CASH. 4-room house, basement, poultry house, garage, family orchard In bearing, lots of berries of every kind: extra good soil. Close to school, church and stores. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. "EXTRA NICE HOMESITE." 6 acres In cultivation, lots of fruit and berries. 6-room house and barn, close to river, on west side. 20 minute by auto from city: high and sightly. Price $5000; $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. This is exceptional value. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165U. Fourth f!t. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY. acres in cultivation in "Palatine Hill." about two miles from city limits, near school: make fine chicken or berry ranch, all fenced. 40 fruit trees In bear ing: for quick sale to close estate, $2500. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, all In cul tivation; new 5-room bungalow, with .BY at $3500. Some terms. George W. Snow, ! ewner. Newberg, Or. I OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Suburban Homes a Specialty. "Well improved seven-acre home. Good five-room shingled house- Four blocks from station and stores. Good road. $5500, reasonable terms. Neat four-room house, large porches. Well equipped for chickens, good fences. ito acres In cultivation, good soil. Close to station. $4000, terms. Well built six-room house, close In, 80x217 ft. Abundant bearing Iruit; Garden all planted. Improved street. I For Quick sale $3600, reasonable terms. Jmprovod 2-acre home right at station. Good three-room plastered houee. Tent-house and outbldgs. Good well. Hard surface sU Only $2500, terms. New four-room house, large porch. Four blocks to station, good location. Five large lots, excellent soil. Price $2000, $500 cash, baU monthly. Three-fourths acre; full bearing fruit. 16x30-ft. house, well and outbuildings. uood soil. $127o, $610 cash, terms. Comfortable 3-room house, good well. xarge lot. Two blocks to station. For quick sale $050, easy terms.. Two choice lots, full bearing fruit. Near highway and station. $325 each. Four acres Meldrum sta.. $2500. terms. JVs acres Oak Grove, $1250 cash. Phone 113-W. C. K. APPLE, OAK GROVE. OR. K1VER ACREAGE. unimproved to acre, located on river I bank, good bathing; covered with beau- I tiful natural trees, very secluded, ro- I mantle, etc., just south of Island sta- I tion, and near Oregon City car line. Also near vineyard or Naeff stations dis trict, acre and two-acre tracts, on the river bank; ' popular salmon fishing here; also new, very modern up-to-date 7-room bouse; furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, cement basement, white enamel finish, cement walks, garage, to acre goes with this property. More land available if desired, on county road, close to river, and paved road a fine country home, never occupied. Reason able pricp and torms. FRED W. NETWELT,. 3 407 HENRY BL'ILDIXO. Broadway 5030. SMAI. HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS. In nd about Multnomah Station. At prices from $1375 up. Don't buy in th a d.strlcr without first consulting us. When cc-;!r.g on a home, it Is wisdom I to be deliberate and cover the ground I carefuily. Vve have the best and wonderful quantity to select from. REN RIESLAND. Exclusive Sales Agent for Multnomah Prooertv 40I Piatt Bldg 127 Park St. To see the property on Sundays, call Mr. Newman at Main 972, local agent I on the ground. SUBURBAN acre homes,. $10 payments wjto mh st.. ant. 4. for rial. BusineHH Property. CAJf YOU TOUCH THIS FOR BUSINESS PROPERTY? ONE SOLID BLOCK. BOUNDED BY I6TH AND 17TH AND HOYT AND IRVING. THE PRICE ON THIS IS OPEN FOR DISCUSSION. GET IN TOUCH WITH ME NOW. AS THIS MUST GO AT ONCE. R. O. MORRISON. 202 TITLE & TRUST BLDG. MAIN 163. WILLIAMS AVENUE. INCOME PROPERTY. $18,000. Improved corner, 100x120, with 20 font alley; 6 store rooms, 2 4-room modern apartments. 1 7-room modern bungalow. 1 4-room modern bungalow. 2 garages: income $210 per month; will easily bring $250 per month; price $18,000. Terms. J. H. EMMERT. 843 Williams avenue. Owner. Woodlawn 1132. SUBURBAN HOME AND INCOME. 10 acres in high state of cultivation; 1 a. fine blackcaps, lto a. strawberries. a. raspberries, family orchard, span of horses, harness, wagon, plow, etc. ; barn, etc. ; garage, and fair country home on east side within 10 miles ot court house; price $10.ooo. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS BARGAIN. A beautiful acre, covered with native trees, just the place for chickens and berries; ouy now, wnne you can get an acre for $400; $oo cash. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLIAMS AVE. BUSINESS LOT. 60x100 on Williams ave.. near Tilla mook, east front: if taken at once, $3000. $2000 cash, balance time: suitable for any kind or business, inquire Cham ber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Marsnau zua. TALK about bargains or investments: these times anything Is liable to hap pen; today we offer 100x100 Lucretla and Washington streets, for $11,500 cash. Clear title; most remarkable offer. Becker. 133 First st APARTiiElNT HOUSE 15 NET. See AD under "FLAT A-ND APART- MS.VT PROPERTY." R. F. FEBMSTER. 417 Abington Bldg. WEST SIDE, 100x115 income, iliWO perl year; $20,000. Zimmerman, 819 Cham ber or commerce. WHAT have you to trade for 40 acre, of I tlmDery A p tii:.!, oregontnn. For Kale Acreage. 4i AND dO-ACHB FARM ONLY $75 PER ACRE. 15 miles from Portland, 4 miles from Oregon City, good level land, fine soil. graveled road, 10 acres cultivated, 70 pasture, 20 acres timber with enough cordwood to pay for all the land; some old buildings. $1000 down, bal. fi year at o per cent. A. H. AKEBSOX, 420 Henry bldg. GET ON THIS 10 ACRES. RAISE YOUR LIVING. Beautiful 10 acres near Vancouver; no Improvements; very easily cleared at lit tle cost; you can Duua a small nouse ana soon be independent. Price $2000; very easy terms. MARIELS & WILLIAMS, S'-'O Cham, of Com. Bldg. CHICKEN ranch tract, about 5 acres. some cleared, small brook, on auto- wagon road, near electric station, worth $1000, with $250 more improvements be worth S1500: take S7ou. or do improve ments, take $1000; about half cash or take as loan, give deed, take contract back, pay bonus and lnu G b23, orego- nian. CLACKAMAS STATION 5 acres for sale. 4 acres in cultivation, fine soil, 7-room house, sealed and papered, hot and cold water, sink, batn. toilet, wasn trays, l cow. hay, 24 chickens, to mile to sta tion. Price $3500, $1000 cash, balance 41 per cent. Emma Eirick, Clackamas station. 2 TO 10 ACRES cultivated, fine soil, gentle slope, vew, near school, good road, west side, $350 per acre. 4 acres, all clear, 3 acres logans, black son, hard road, hair mile both cars, high school, $2750, terma T. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. POWELL VALLEY HOME TRACTS. Fronting Powell Valley paved highway. 8 miles east of city limits, near Barker road, one to four-acre tracts, $450 an acre up, reasonable terms. See big sign on tract. William Alurpby, agent, Mar shall 3324. 14-ACRE FARM, located close to car line and Sandy brvd. ; modern bungalow. barn, chicken house, fine orchard, all under cultivation: best buy in state: price $8500; $4500 cash, balance easy terms. Owner. 313 Stock Exchange bldg.. corner iamnui ana .ia st. $75 PER ACRE 120 acres: house, barn, orchapd. all crops. 40 head stock, farm tools, etc.: 2 miles R. R.: $0000: owner gives h. h. goods, poultry, etc.; thou- , sands of outside range, plenty wood, I C5M....H.. """".' C". """ I land, realtor. 2QS railing bldg. DISAPPOINTMENT CAUSES SALE. I 10 ACRES NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. VACANT $3500 NEWBERG ROAD. Bargain hunters, come take this place. Highly improvea. terms. Air. Alare. 526 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HALF-ACRE tracts for sale, close to Ore gon electric, Multnomah station; close to city water, electric iignta ana gas; can give easy terms on these. Apply 204 Henry bldg.. or call Main 7115. 15 ACRES FOR $4500; 10 acres in beaver dam; Improved; $2000 cash, balance T per cent. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. 14 North Second St. 6 ACRES, $100 DOWN. Few feet station and Base Line pav ing, 10 miles center of town. Part cleared. $2000. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-8-7 Lewis Bldg. to ACRE. BUNGALOW, GARAGE. $50 down; 2 rooms; Just outside city near 42d; Alberta car. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE acre, near Montavilla. or will trade for automobile. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. 14 North Second St. OWNER 5 acres, close in; good bouse. bearing fruit trees; paved road; terma . bearing Trl Wdln. S335. XEJATtT.Y 9 acres. 16 miles south from Portland courthouse, to mile from elec tric station and school; wire fences, good black loam soil, all under cultiva tion; 22 young bearing fruit trees, good well; macadamized road; small hoiue. barn, chicken house. Price $2500. $w) casn, balance $oOO year. 6 per cent. property aoutn of Tualatin. ims fine berry or garden lan& lo acres, to mile from station, 3 miles rrom good cltv of 5000 neon e. 0.1 mile; southwest Portland; all under cultiva tion, 4 acres young fruit set out: new 4-room cotrac-e on epment foundation chicken house, good well: macadamized road by place, to mile to school ; good soil. Price $2400. including cow and 00 cnicKens. Place h well worm oiou only $ cash, balance easy terms. In- spectea by Hunter. 10 acre It miles west Portland. mile from electric station; all under cultivation, wire fences. 50 bearing fruit trees, 1 acre strawberries: good new o- room plastered house with balT cemen basement; chicken hou.se. barn. In cluded 3 good cows. 1 heifer. 40 chicken. City water and gas close to place. Price eoiuu. i-iin casn. VERY CLOSR-IN ACREAGE Nearly 8 acres. 3 miles from city limits, on Sunnvside road, adjoins store 3 blocks to school, all under high state of cultivation and the best of soil. The road is now rocked and will be paved I.s now paved within 1 mile of place. 100 strawberry plants. Price $2100. $ti00 casn. balance long time, b per cent. ONE BLOCK FROM STATION. 2 acres, between Portland and Garden Home: all can be cultivated, lots ot 'berries. 6 fruit trees, best of soil; 3-room Irame house, good barn, small chicken house: Vt m e to scnoo . good car Frv ice. only 20 minutes out. Price $2100, iiiou casn. 1 47-100 acres in small town, east ot Gresham. all under cultivation: new 4 room house, large barn: good macadam ized road. 1 block from electric station Price $lO0. terms. This is exceptionally good lautx. Vine acre,, land L mile from New berg. 4 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated, good soil: over 1 acre of bearing strawberries. 4o prune trees years old: wire fencing, well: box house lsx24. shed barn, small chicken houe. Included w ith place 1' cows and chickens Price $3000, $1000 cash; very easy term. on Daiance. JOHN FERGtJPON. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Ejttensivo Classified Liats. S, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. 125 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and So ner month bays a five-acre tract in this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oreeon side, close to Columbia highway 'nil river fine rn nsnnrtatlon. railroad. river, auto stage and truck; beautiiui lying land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river: there are also some with streams: fine location for chickens, dairy, berries. fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL, SIS Railway Exchange Building. THIS tells the story. Must sell, must have money; terrible, wonaenui ,acn- fi. fHenrl thin iu Vour onDOrtUIllty fsiwi e.uh makes vou owner, clear title; 4 acres. 35 tillable, finest soil, timber removed 35 years ago. no brush, fine spring, fine large stream: milo good frtart fin. view: 40O acre, loining. cut in s'and 10-acre tracts, sold $00 to $100 per acre: numerous settlers: 2t6 miles fine big banking town: 3.. aauy trains. Don't miss this. Becker. 133'4 First st. hi.' riT:m;:n PRICES. On suburban home sites, 1 lot to 1 acre, out Base Line road near Buckley ve drive out todav. select your loca tion. then see us for special prices and terms; you will see our signs. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THE DIKED LANDS of southwest Wash ington are unexcelled In .tertlllty, produc ing wonderful crops of hay. gralif? po tatoes; higher levels grow largest yield of loganberries and iruits oi an sinus. s.a thi. district hefore buying land. Write for free illustrated literature ani list of land for sale. Lawrence Perry P. O. Pox 341, Kelso. Washington. 8 ACRES. Just west of city limits, elegant country home site; B000. 10 acres u miles from center of city, near Linnton road; $6000. Acre tracts, river front and other desirable lands along the Oregon City car line. RISLEY, STARKWEATHER & BLACK. 602 Broadway Bldg. Phone .Main bli'a, TDEAT. COUNTRY HOME SITES. Drive out today, N. E. cor. of Base Line road and Buckley ave. ; you win see our signs', select your location, then see us for special price and terms. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. T1GARD, OR., for sale by owner. 11 acres. new house. Darn, cnicKen nouses, irun. trees, berries, creek, rich soil, 500 young chickens, close to station and highway. Price $11,000, will sell all or part; will take small house In good district as part payment. Call H. M. Nesbet, Bdwy. 546. YOU CAN'T GET AHEAD BY LOOKING ON. Why not buy 1 acre out Powell valley road for $400, $50 cash, grow your own vegetables, raise chickens? R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EVERY REAL ESTATE MAN CANNOT BE A REALTOR. only those wno are members of the national board and are pledged to protect clients are entitled to use of the name "Realtor." Be sure (hat the real estate man you do business with is a REALTOR. Portland Realty Board, Oregon building ONLY $750 CASH NEEDED. Three acres, all cultivated except nice grove of trees: fine orchard: i-room house, other buildings: good well, gss ami cltv water in aireet. Price $3750; $750 down, balance to suit. 013 Oham'her of Commerce. CHOICE cut-over land with deep, rich. productive sou, sllgntiy roiling; near postoffice, store, church and school: only $30 per acre; you may have five yeara to pay for it. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., Realtors, 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. ON CANYON ROAD. 6 miles west of city. 25 acres, 8 acres clear, rustic nouse ana good bam; spring water, paved roal. beautlfullly situated: for sale at $12,500. terma Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Marshall 205. NEAR PORTLAND. 10 acres, all in cultivation, fine bun galow, large barn, 2 large chicken houses, family orchard, 4 cows. 1 horse. 800 chickens, plenty machinery; only $4500, to cash. 732 Fatton road. Main 83.S0. GARDEN HOME. Or., bargain, right ol Oregon electric, near station, one tine sore, cherries. Dlums. apples and all kinds of berries: smalt house and chick en houses, south slope; must see to ap preciate it; $1300. terma Write E. C Smith. Box 7. 20 ACRES. 17 acres in cultivation; 5-room house, barn, a cnieaen nouses; o acre, orchard; best of soil; In fine location; .ond road near Sycamore. $6500: trade for home to $35O0 or hotel to $10,000. G. A. Kaeper. 210 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 2 acres bottom lknd, 6-room bungalow in good condition, rurnisnea: fruit house, barn, chicken house and nark. 1000 strawberry plants, fine or chard, in city limits; $3500. Address M. B. G., Gen. Del., Centralla. Wash GARDEN HOME. Several fine Improved places. 2 to B acres each, with good buildings, at Garden Home, and all priced right. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 6i Henry oiug. "Realtors, " FOR SALE My equity of J.500 of 14 to acres, well improvea; rignt at in, sta tion and hard surface road, to mile from town. Will take $4500 or trade for good home In Portland, see owner at 0oU r.. 24th st. South. Sellwood 717. HAVE 10 acres of 10-year-old bpitx and Kvtnwn orcnara in lamnm. -i.ru leei from railroad and about 800 feet from highway; want to sen or traae; vnai have you? Call Broadway 12S8. 443 Stark street. ACRE Just off Base Line, in Newhurst Parlt Addition: will sell for $200 cash If taken Immediately, ask ior Mac. COE A. xjcKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 8S71. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low price ana easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAKUSlSK llMtS&H. Tacoma. Wash. FOR SALE 30 acres of diked land on Puget Island, wasn.; oargain at io per acre; good hunting and fishing on same. Write O. Brecke. Westport. Or. HALF ACRES $10 DOWN $10 month: Alberta car; no assessments. Stokes farm. 42d and Simpson. H. W. Carv. 1-1" v. oana piuy. 160 ACRES land, to 'mile from Columbia City on pavea nisiiwaji ,i..ou per acre if taken at once, some terms. Central Real Estate l o.. pi. "Ciena, ur. FOR SALE One cultivated acre, close in; cottage, poultry houses; good locality. Tabor 4572. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 6131 fl2d st. S. E Thomas Allen, city. ?i ACRE. 3 blocks from Hawthorne car line. $1000. Owner. East 3860. ACRE lots east S7th and Simpson. Terms. Kennedy. 329 Salmon. Main 4789. 1 ACRES, 7-room house; family orchard; sell on reasonable terms. 318 Piatt bldg. SUBURBAN acre homes. $10 payment. aWi'.i Sixth eU apt, 4. rr.Ar K a t as district. Beautiful place of into acres, fronting on the Clackamas river and 600 feet from C2d st. highway. All In high state 'of cultivation. 2 acres in asparagus. sere, in elnver Kulanee reailv for com melons and other garden truck except native grove with spring; fine stream runs through the place; tne sou is won derfully rich and productive: spleaplid location for private fish hatchery or park; also for poultry. Price $0500, terms. 12'4 acres. 8 miles from Portland, on paved road. 10 acres under plow, balance open Dasturc: fl-rooin bungalow, elec tricily, barn, modern hen house, brooder house; this beautiful little rancn is iO' cat.d at Clackamas, near school, stores price $6000; terms. Fine farm, within walking district of Oregon Cltv or Gladstone, steady work in town: 12i big acres, over 10 acres under plow, balance is open clover pas. lure with spring; all splendid rich soil: excellent -rooin plastered house. lire place, feath. water; good outbuildings; fine orchard of cherries, pears, apples, grapes: beautiful lawn and shade trees: price $5500. terms: splendid place for largo family; farm and work in town, CANBY GARDEN DISTRICT. 11 acres of tine, deep soil, almost In town: near Canbv high -school: Vi mile from Pacific highway; land all under cultivation, crops in; 0-room house. Darn, cement cellar, chicken house, sheds. 2000 strawberry plants, cow snd farm 1 plements; this Is real garden land; price $2500. half cash; nothing like this fur the money. 0 acres, on naved highway near Canby. all in cultivation; 8-room ' plastered house, newly tinted: good barn, chicken houses, 2 acres blackcaps, to acre straw berries, loganberries, milk houso witn concrete floor, garage: can sell every thing you raise right on the place: price $tS0O0; might take clear city property up to $2500; this is a fine piece uf land and the location is excellent. 16 acres near Canby. 13 seres in cul tivation, balance timber and pasture, 6-room house, barn, granary, machine shed, chicken house, smoke house, three dozen chickens, wagon and farm imple ments; price $6500, $4000 cash, balance easy. 10 acres, near Canby. 8 acres in cul tivation, balance some umber and open stump pasture; 1 acre mixed orchard; good horse. 1 cow. two wagons, spray pump, hay rake, plow and Implements go with tho place; good O-room house. concrete cellar, barn, chicken house: extra good soil and land nearly level: this is a tine place and well worm tne price asked: $5000 is the price; $3000 cash, balance easy. FRBYTAG-MEEDS CO., Gladstone. Oregon. Oregon City car line. Phone Oregon City lm;o.t. CUT THIS OUT. ABSOLUTELY AS REPRESENTED. 5 acres near Oregon Electric sta.. r.ll clear, no better soil, no rock; only $873; can give terms. Gto acres near Oregon Electric sta., 1 aero clear, bal. timber (enough to pay for place), no better soil, no rock; only $050. terms. 41 acres 2t miles Oregon Electric sta., 12 acres clear, small house, large hop house, running water. 1000 cords wood on place, ail Al soil and all level; this Is a snap, $au per acre; can give terms; don't wait. J. H. RICHARDS, 308 McKay Bldg., 3d st.. at Stark. 2 to - ACRE TRACTS. We are preparing to open a new ad dltion on the Barr road, !4 mile west of the Barker road. It is rich, level, small timber and brush land, easily cleared. It will sefl for $350 to $500 per acre on easy terms. Any tract of 2to acres for $50 down and $13 per month. We will make special price inducements to a few early purchasers who will build on their tracts at once. "The early bird catches the worm. STRONG & CO., 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAINS. West of Beaverton, near station and highway, a beautiful 3-acre tract with neat 5-room bungalow and chicken bldgs. $3500, terms. 15 miles Portland: 6 acres with 200 bearing fruit trees; garden all In; good house; at station, school, store, churches, P. O.; $2500: terms. 1000 cords of wood. 10 acres rich black land at station. $1500. terms. AKERSON & MARSTERS. Realtors, 420 Henry Bldff MUST SELL. 3 acres at Tigard. within 11 miles of Portland. Newberg highway: alt in cul tivation, 2 acres strawberries,. 1 acre loganberries; 6-room modern plastered house, basement floor cemented, fire .place. bath and toilet, furnace, barn and chicken house; place lies high and sightly, fine surroundings. Must be sold at once, hence the price of $5000; $2500 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD, Realtor, 318 Chamber of Commerce CURRY COUNTY STOCK RANCH. 240 ACRES AT $15 PER ACRE. About 170 acres, open grass land, bal ance brush, timber and tan bark oak: two vacant 40-acre tracts adjoining prop erty subject to entry: controls outrange; suitable for cattle, sheep, goats and es pecially hog raising; well watered: K mile wire fencing, small orchard; lo cated 16 miles up Rogue river in best large game and fishing district in Ore gon; to down, balance good terms. Fred Caughill, Gold Beach. Or, NEWBERG HIGHWAY BARGAIN. Eight acres located 10 miles from Portland at highway, close to station and school; fine family orchard in bear ing, berries and shrubbery: a good 3-room bungalow, also 3-room cottage, splendid well, first-class barn: 1 acre In a beautiful grove; a fine location, convenient and best of soil. Price $40o0; $1500 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD, Realtor. 318 Chamber of Commerce. PARK ROSE. to Acre With Large Garage. ' $1050. Thia Is your opportunity to buy a choice homesite in one of Portland's tietrt suburban districts at a low price and on easy terms. See this. A. G. TEEfPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. Branch Offce. 40th and Sandy. FOR SALE 4 a. tract. 14 ml. north of Albanv, or., laeai cnicaen place, iuls ui bearing fruit trees, 8-r. house, barn. etc. Fine water; $3800. terms. Must sell on account or sickness, ciuwara v-. viereca, R. D. 4. Albany, or. 1TTVE ACRES. X2000. About 8 miles from court house out Base Line road, on very easy terms. If you are looking for a bargain you should grab this. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. "01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR VOUR own protection list vour prop ertv fnr sale or buy only through 4 REALTOR. AH real estate men cannot be realtors. ONLY realty men who do a clean business can Join t board and use the name "Realtor." Phone us wnen in doubt. Portland Realty Board. Broad way At KCTt r-.s. 1 miles from Vancouver. miles from Camas. Wafth.: 12 acrea in cultivation, 3"J easily ciearea. obi. in timber; all level, no gravel or rocks: rood deep, rich Boil, suitable for nil kinds fruit and walnuts; price $4000; iruu casn, Dai. .o ui. ii'ao"' Oregoniftn. 8 ACRES, all In cultivation: best loam oil; food 6-room house, Rood barn. Al cow, good machinery, (rood well water: electric sta., stores, school and church adioin place: on fine road. 1 mi. from Portland: $320, good terms. L. O. Ger her, 714 Swetland bldg. ii.i. Ai-iiK-i land in Klickitat county, Wash., about two million ft-et yellow pine timber, living- water; good sheep lana ana saw mm o. rnvc c Write or ce.U 10S7 E. Morrison, Portland, Or TTn: r.TU I R n OP AN A ORB. 7.",0. On 75th st., 1 block north of Division; $50 cash. bal. 10 per mo. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. S01 -3-; Tt-7 Board of Trade Bldg. S Af!RES. S1050. About 1 mile from end of Mt. Tabor car line, land lies rine, in smaii orusn; terma. Morris & Bundy, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FINE acre, all under cultivation, modern bungalow, 20 minutes from heart of city on good road; all kinds of outbids:. Price right; easy terma AP 601. Orego- nian. HALF ACRES. All city conveniences, close In but not too close. Tour own terma East 4247. "st ACRES OX PAVED HIGHWAY. All In cultivation, assortment of fruit: S-room house, small barn, stat.. stores, school and church at place; $1500. easy terms. L- O. Oerber. 714 Swetland bldg. uyir sai.E or trade. -SO acres good farm lng and oil land: 32 producing well in vicinity, in famous Cat Creek field, Mon tana. H. E. Johnson, Cantle Rock, Wah utar route. 4 2-3 ACRES. Buckley ave., in clover, city water, o miies oui. near oanny Diva. i750. $250 down. Main 4112. owner. IV, ACRES, 0 miles out, oearing trees. iencea. ciobd ij Dtiiwui an ta v. ,c, na tion. Main 4480. 5 ACRES, all cult., Buckley ave.; special bargain. reu Lnwsua to., no tnam. of Com. SUBURBAN acres, level, rich aoil; $10 PRvments. 432 court n st. ;o ACRES, best Beaverton land; bargain Xor caiiu. only. Owner, Bdwy. 4442, NOW IS the time to get that llttl, farm you have been looking for. Look these over, we can recom mend these for good buys. 11 ACRES. $2750. It acres. 4 to miles from Hill" boro, on county road. 6S seres In cult., house, barn, chicken house, mach. shed and all personal, in cluding 4 good cows. 10 ACRES. 150. 10 acres, 4 miles from v an couver, on county rosd, -to acre, In cult., will put uu buil.luit.-s to suit on easy payment plan. 5' ACRES. $1750. All In cult.. 3-room house, tifw; garage, lllllsborn district; IjOO cash, bal. long time. 6 ACRES, $3150. Onlv one mile from Tertland city limits: all lu cult.: about 2 acres U-year-old orchard. will make a fine home as well as an investment. BURKT1AHDT BUSINESS BUILDKItS, REALTORS, Suite 413 Piatt bldg. Maiu 7027. 5S ACRES AMI CROPS. rn T-ftel rnurl IlllleS ffOIIl pavement some onion land, on banks of Tualatin, good house. lots of iruit ana uernen $12,000; good terms. . GOOD FOR INVESTMENT. f uereu .1 aerrM eleared. balance SC end-growth and brush, all faelng rosd close to electric car and Portland. Goes In bloi ks of 2 acn-s to 4Vi, from $225 to $300 per acre. NEW BUNGALOW. With 2ti acres, on highway, close to Portland and electric ear, some iriiu. berries, barn and chicken houses, cow and chickens. $l.roo and goon terms. " Al'RKS ASL BUNGALOW. T.ots of strawberries and young fruit. more land adjoining can be had at low price; $4500. easy terms; close to Port land snd electric. UNIMPROVED ACREAGE. We have several pieces In Tualtin val lev that are cheao and well located Weston (t Co., 1206 N. W. Bank bldg. Main .ioiil'. 2U ACRES FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. All under cultivation, 7-room house. hath, ftren aee. hardwood f oors. nook cane, china closet, water piped to houso and barn, garage, 40x60 barn, concrete potato house, blacksmith building, fain ily orchard. 1 acre young prune trees: place fenced and cross-fenced; 3 aeres beaver dam: 7 cows, bull, brood sow niics. chickens, all tools and machinery: on good graveled road; $7500, $30U0 cash and assume. W. E. LENT CO.. Main 8560. 524 N. W. B.mk WONDERl'X'l. GARDEN LAND. 15 acres. located 1 to miles from Hub. hard, with 14 seres In cultivation; or main county road; no rock, gravel, and entirely out of the white land district; good fences, rich dark loam soil, just the place for gardening, chickens and berries; a fine large painted Darn 3-room house, some orchard and berries owner unable to work It and will sacrt fice It for $:xko. terms JOHN E. HOWARD. .Realtor. 31K Chamber of ''ommeree. 1st ViiUR CAPITAL LIMITED? We have several good 10 and 20-aere tracts of loilged-orf land that you can buy for $25 down and ll mommy. Tle. ei.na from t "vA to 165 PIT UlTC rood location. R. R. station, slore and school handy: good soil; some tracts have spring or creek on them. Many satisfied settlers already located hero, Costs von nothing to investigate. LUKDDEMAN'X COMPANY. REALTORS. 013 Chamber of Commerce, (INK OK TDK BEST, Teutonic ivrnMR IS BIG. IS acres, all In cultivation, to cre of .,nhr 11 n.-ren loc-anberries 6 vears old 6-room' house, In fine condition; good barn and outbuildings, garage; on i-a-rifle hinhviv near Wooilburn; 1 horse 1 cow, 150 chickens, all machinery, at $12,500, $6500 cash, fl per cent on bal ance. Marshall 3352, 403 coucll Ding J B Roek. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FARM. 15 acres, short drive from Portland on main highway, all cultivated except 1 acre pasture. Lies fine, rich soil, no rock, family orchard of cherries, apples, pears, walnuts, etc.. raspberries, logan berries, trout, stream on place; comfort able 5-room house. Itne nam, outouini ings. A bargain at $0100. good terms.. H'EIVDEMANX CO.. REALTORS. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Mnln 60117, TEN-ACRE COUNTRY HOME. 3 miles to Vancouver, 40 min. to Port land: eommerelal orchard, pears, cher ries, plums. Italian prunes. 20 chickens, fine Jersey cow, horse 1 year old, hack, wagon, all Implements; good 6-rm. plas tered house, full basement; barn, garage; 4 acres of oats, strawberry paten; s.'Suuu, $3500 cash. W. E. LENT CO., Main 8560. 524 N. W. Bank. TEN ACRES FOR $25 DOWN Easily reached from Portland. I mile from R. R. station; all good land, easy clearing, no rock or gravel, fine soil. free transportation to purchasers: price $050, terms. 525 cash, fio monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, REALTORS. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 18 ACRES IN THE HEART OF THE BERRY DISTRICT. Facing Section Line rond. all under the plow, about 10 miles from the city; priced at $400 per acre; think It over. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad" Bldg 30 ACRES UK! BARGAIN, Near Tualatin 30 acres about 14 acres fine growth of timber for piling or ties. Land nearby held at much higher price. Owner wants $1500 cash. The price Is $4500. Call us. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6550. 2"S Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 17 acres on Red car line at Gaston, Or., lacing town; gooa ricn son, 2 acres cleared, 12 acre, very easy cleared: all cut off and brush-cleaned : 3 acres fir, oak and ash. 8 acres onion land; well, and one year wood cut: team, cow. chickens. Price $lno. $500 cash. E. A. Ive". Oaton. Oregon. 10 ACRES, neat :t-room. bungalow witn fireplace, on good road near paved high way 8 acres under cultivation. In omp, 2 ecres standing timber. $2500, $SOO Eh .hjv terma on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Penltor!) Main 5429. 24 Stark St IVIIEIIK CAN YOU HUY $10 down, $10 month, cloae-in ha If -acre tracts, cltv water, good gravel road, no nssesaments? Stokes' farm, 4Jd and Simpson. Alberta car. Kennedy arhool. R. W. Cary, 11.19 N. W. Bank bidg. Main 1fl43. povtr ACTORS and home builders, atten tion Acre trnrts. only 2. mlnutea out on paved road, 4J." per acre and up, lo rnah. $10 per month. INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Realtors), Main M'JO. SUBURBAN acreage on paved road; all in cultivation: exeellent location; Iftu acrea in all, only $400 an acre, enticing terms. Mr. Hare, wn n A. J. DE FOREST A CO., S?0 Henrv BMg. Rrondwav SSflO "TWO-ACRE BARGAIN. Clear, near cnrllne. in Arot acres, $350 each, and on very eaay terms. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-S-I.-7 Ronrd of TniT" hM-T. " PARK VIEW ACRES. rr nr more acres level land on naved road, near car and school. 2.1 minutes out. terms low ns per cr nown INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Realtor, Main B4-f. INS Stark St. NOW IS th good time to choose an acre that you want all planted in berries and fruits of ail kinds; 0 houses on tho tract about ready; 20 minutes out on eaut aide. Owners, f)004 Foster rond, Port- ir.d. Or Aut. 02-nrs. 10 ACRES, all under cultivation, good new 4-room bungalow, near station, paved highway, school. 24 miles out, $3:i00, terms; consider home, n cltv. INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Realtor). Main M'JO. 24 Stark St. 15o ACRES on highway, near Columbia river, mile to a rat ion and achool ; land If 'en rolling. A-l soil, living water. Price $lr.00. Si 000 ra?h. MOORB & ROBINSON. R'.?S Lumber Exchange. DANDY 7o acres at Linnton. 20 acres un der cultivation, small nouse, Darn, nog house, etc.. J70OO LEE'S EXCHANGE. 1?4 4th St. Auto. .T.Vt-V). COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. NEAR PANDY ROAD. 40 seres clear from all inrumbraneea. For Infnrmtt'on rail Enwt '2Y.W. Owner. fi ACRES N E W H OUS E $ 1 Fine soil, near Orenco. 44 cultivated, pretty grove, nice place for little money. Woodlawn 503. ONE ACRE AT BRYANTS STATION. 8. P. R. R- smau noue. ror eaie or trade. Addrec A. CImino, Wallauga. Oreeon. 37 ACRES stump land, near Graham, half mile from eierinc car line, price jijihj; $2.f0 down, balance on easv terma. In quire at 7 Union ave. Mr. EJey, im ACRES ou Clackamas river, part Ciearea. gono nnust-. nirinniT, huio road; fine location. Bargain. 408 Hail at. -Marshall 1 ACRES ON COAST. CLEAR. to trade for building lot in Portland. SMTTH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. HALF acre, $10 down. Stnkca farm, 4''d and Nimpson. it. w. ary, Aiain io-to. Residence Mala 1377. VACANT ACKEAOE. FRAN K I.. MrOfMBW TO BUT YOUH HOME SITES. BUT THIS AND PriF.D TOUR DREAM llOMK. Two aeres with fin view, on mn!n hurd-Mirfm rond, cloee to Mtlwuukte uu Oregon City line; $400 will put you m p.-rjlm : priue is $1JU0. Ak tt i. C. MurHhuIi. FOR KVTT'RIC TTOMK. 12's arren Mt Milwnukle. right on Lake road, w nnderf ul vl-w ; some fruit, .'.'I buUdlitgw. beet ground alon is worth, $ I.V'hmi; owner will f'M lor l" ooit, in ik tit consider some trade. Sco b C Alarahalt. , SUBMIT TOUR TKRMB ON THIS HALF ACHE. Alt cleared. 4 hli kn to car; ga, elec tricity and city WHter aatlnlif; 1.'I down with verv rHm.bIt trii.. THIS JS UNUSUAL Full $."o0. Auk for 1 C .Marshall. DANDY HALF ACRR All In cultivation, is bearing fruit trocti, on good gravel road, only H b'K. to electric at n i ion ; CLnsK JN; f -.'.n, WILL AIAKK EASY TE U.MS. AsU tot b C. M.ir.-hall, with KH A N K L. McGUl n K, 20. Abington Bldg. Auto ft 12 -07. Third .si.. H.-t. WnsM. and Stark. Ai.'KiiAlil-; j , in ; v i.s. $400 ca.h, lA.unce very vny icrm. hnyn a diititi v 1-acre t rm't with i-rom bungalow, chicken house, on i'ovt el .t Uey road, a rval la rg-al n at l-'s.'.o. $700 citih. balance to eult, buys 'J m-rvm at A id.!ri-re."t m.ttlon. rre nil tivaieii; oa gravel road. I'ri' c $ I $550 rash, balance euiy, buys o jut'-, 1 J-j min t ton. right at Uotiii ai Htion. riph t on un-vtrlu line. A buy Ht t ;imi. INTEU.NTATK INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor. Ttroadwnv 47-M. .110 HnT TV . RICH SILT GARDEN LAND. 2 ACRES AND 5-ROOM IlOUSPl .Tii at think. ' acren. all in cuItlvHtion, t -Jl a-re planted to pontine. acr1 ini berries; 3-mom houso, chicken run. ".t V whIt. pood cur aorvlrr, for onlv $L!t.'d, And $imj caMi will handle, it. Then t Ho better land in the Mat''. A hustler can make tins lae pav for ftsoli In Miort tune. ;al1 .iO. Courii bid. ru - l .1 us-1 ni Net I root court Uoiiw. un, i 'n! u m Mia h f ch h CHh'KBN it AN- 11 5-aer- m -1 uu i a i . f aituiitcd for chicken, raifltig ami l rr culture; dose In on the eiin Mde. a improved county highway. Modern bun galow ami garar-; independent w,i ter a.Mem; lutt the place for country ho rite. Only $" mm. Tern. a. You mum ... I'te place to apprei imo it. t 'roper ty imi't be hf6 on account of aleur-f. l-'nll piirticulars at 4"4 Tlatt bldg., i:7 l'.irVc TWO MINUTES from el-clric car, .Vronin n-w hoiiFQ, lu niTfw, crop In M.iln 1::.'. Irrigated lanrt. BUR RANK ON TnW COLUMBI A. They are tdiipping aNpurHgti-i snd pie plant by the carload from KennewicK. Nolo prices In IochI inarkota. Hurbank la directly aerox the Columbia river from Konnewiek. We will cut alftilf in SO days. Karly pot a torn aro up. Soil. eun.nhintf snd wutur in abundance. Sumo e vcellent ini proved and partially improved pi -irm for aahi or trude for im proved property. Rw land with paid-up WHter rlghta, $ mo pftr acre up, lu yearn to pav Inves tigate. Write or rail KAltl.H MILLER, wllll THOMPSON, SWAN & LEW. 8d and Alin sts. Vancouver, Wn. ONLY $750 CASTT. 2f arret, acron alfalfa. 1 sere orchard, 'J acrea garden, all under gravity government ny.stem; plenty of water; 4 mi ha to good town ; hard -surface road ; A -room hoii'-o, barn ami other bldgs. JM.MMi; $;.'hi cash, ha la tn e. crup payments. Jf you want it, o us at ono as it Will not last. ATKINSON POKTKH. 703 Main 61., Vancouver, Wash, 1 K KI i A T K l LAM'S. FORTY ACKKS IN ALFALFA, all level and under Irrigation, half m!k to school, suite highway, phone arid elec tric line on land; at reasonable price; terms to ault you. Luy now and h.irve-tt first crop m June M other g"o.l bui. OCHOCO LAND COMPANY. fcoO Northwestern Hank illdg. Main 4110 ACKES f.nu allaliu laud at Hurbank v, ash., fitMHi. 40 acres, 6-rm. houwo, largo barn, aheop sheds, etc., Redmond, Oregon, $t.'oo. LfcsEd EXCH A NOB. 14 4th St. Auto. KCO-.IO WANT to a-ll or trade term irrigate d: u-roorn house, small barn, good rlih kea houae for &0M hen: L' mile good town. See Atkinson V Porter. "05 Main Vancouver, or owner. John Intlekofob W. 1 tth at.. Yaneouvr. Wn-h. Ilomewicrtd, HelinguNlimenta. THROUGH our many year' work In tha government aervieo we have becnm fa miliar wit h several hundred verv valu able timber and farm homeateada wh n-J we are now locating. Charge faanalwa, You will do well to see us at ouco. Copy of government man corrected to date allowing wetern Oregon homestead. IU M. .T. ANDERSON. B.'tl Railway Bxrhango Hldg . l .vr'land RELINQUISHMENT FOR SALE. O. & C. Pto-arre relinquishment fo sale in southern Oregon. Jonophfna county, near town, main line Southern Pacific and Pacific highway; moat ly level, good soil, spring, plenty of wi.odl and pasture; creek across one corn-r; this la a good proposition. Addreas Hog "5.y Salem, Oregon. CAN locat you on a HOMESTEAD la western Oregon, either farming or ttm ber tract, govern men c nmp on f il cheeked up to date, allowing more than 1000 claims; special Inducements to e& seivlce men; call at my office for ln formation. E. W. Helm, 8 1 ti Hoard ot Trade bldg. HOMESTEAD 40 miha from Portland, lf miles from R. K. and town: 30 acres oc level land, 2 miles from store and P. O. A road to it. The ao Ja good, nice sprfns; creek runs through It; can go ther and back by auto; location f-'ea $ r". and, expenses. Call or write 3-4 W. Emerson Portland. Or. KOU nuo.ooO A'KE3 aui ernment land la United State. Send for frea descriptive circular of our 100-page book, "Tha) llomeaeeknr" ; tells where good farm, timber, grazing land Is; or aeud fit for book direct. The Homesaeker, DspL Los Ange!es. CoJ. bALK or trade, ho menu-ad rcllliq uiuh ni"t.t 100 acrea. 40 fenced, ill irrigated, houan, well, other buildings; also .'il'O aeri deeded adjoining. W. E. Hlurton, Freucta Idaho. WILL RELINQUISH my Hto-acr heme- stead in Benton county for $'J.0. Fivej acres cleared and plowed. Can get HMJ acrea cultiva table land n thia placet. Call Main 74. room 42.V TII H EE home mead a adjoin lug, count f road, neighbors, running water, $;.(to(J worth real timber on each, n"ur mli each locution t-'HO. HOI Cortva bldg. California lOal K-diite. CALIFORNIA RANCH. 103 acres rich, sandy loam, near pave if, road and good town; all Irrigated ant in alfalfa, vineyard and grain. Lara modern houno, out houae.t, etc. Full f equipped with stock and Implements ; $40. Ooo. Will take Wlliamm to valley ranch within 70 milea of Portland uo to S-O.Ouo, some eaMi and mortgage, back for the re-d. E. B. WHaon, Hearst bldg.. Snn rraneiMco, 1 nil t Land fur Sale or Rent. WHITK SALMON OR 1IARO HoMi;. COLUMBIA KIVKK tioRiiE VIEW. 20 acres, improved, for country hotre and commercial orchard. 1.00 Splizenhet a? trees, PJ years old, packing house. Homt farm implements. Sell $0000, coat $10,000. C1IAS, lClNOI.EK & CO., iri'S. Henrv Hide. FOR SA LE -0 acrea ; H acres hi h-yon r old prunes; i acres prara; oaianco plow land; small houae; orchard very finej In fruit district in Willamette valley. Addre-m AV a-V Orognnh.n. 5 ACRES bearing walnuts. Yamhill count. worth --'mi. going ror i...u ior snore time A 0t:!. Oregonlan. WHITK SALMON valley, 40 acrea. lar: house. jj(HMi. terms, or traue, ri'v of auburbnn property. Davis. Knut 14. I or su'e I arm AM IN PtHHt HEALTH. MUST BELL DAIRY FARM. 10 acres, very hen soil: paved roaflj 10 milea from Vancouver: stocked, readf to move right In. Consider anv realtor-. able terma. Am anxious to sell, Mr, Colt., VJrt Chamber of f'nirtmerre 40-ACKK DAIRY AM HER It V FA R..wC Good building-, farming Implement poultry, team, rows, near school, rock road, 2 miles from Hil isboro. TVrmg will em-prn-e you. Mr, Hare. 56 Cham her of ( omoieree. YAM H I Lo C'oM'V. 100-acro farm, choice land, well 1w cated; price $l.'.,0oo; will accept port land residence to $5nA0, $.1000 cash, bal ance eai-y terma. A. K. Hill, realtor 4 t I ,u tn bermen's b'dg. liuu ACRES. JefferiMjn county, loo acres III grain. Only $JS00 and will put wheat in sacks, $M0 down, balance within yeara at 6 p-r cent, lluut 2, boa tifrlU Ground, Waa.