TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAND, APRIL 24, 1921 10 & ... - ( BEAT, FSTATK. -tinus, iiU.Ul-.S l-'Ort I.KiS THA.V ili'KI. 2-room houxe, near RF car, 100x100 cornr. Id fruit trees. 11200. terms. roojft cottage, near Mtsa. car, macadam it.. IllMirt. term. 8-room house, n-ar Alberta car, StixlOO lot, $UO0. IJUO down, -room house on Fargo at., lot 125x100, Iaed rt.. 11 fruit trees, trrapa arbor, pri-e $1300. terms. 2-room house on TMh St., near R. C. car, fruit trees. Sox jm lot. cement walk, cow abed, iisuu, lerma. HOMES FOR LESS THAN $C"00 4 room cottaxe. lot huxloo. on H3d St., near lit. Scott car. urlee $1000. 4 room cottaae, newly finished, garage. Chicken house, near ATherta car. $1750. 8 -room bungalow, good as new, lot 50x JOM, on Fremont St., near R. C. car, 1 1 TOO. S-room rntiRis with basement, BiixliiO lot Going su. 1U0. (t-roora house In Woodstock, corner lot. barn and raraffe. Sir.'iu. terms. 4-room bun . galow on 81st St., 11V car line, corner lot, garage. 8 rrult trees, pnew fi-room house on F.Tfh St.. Corner lot, near Mt. Scott line, $1600. 8-roora house on zoth st., 2 blocks to wooaiats var, prlca $1700. HOMES FOR LESS THAN $25001 era near Mt. Scott car, 3-room nouse, city water, electricity, garage, woodshed, 2 varieties fruit treei and berries, l-IISO. 5-room bungalow, lot 6xi8, near Flriand atatlon. tMO. terms. 2-room house on Emerson St.. 1220(1. $300 cash. 7-room house on Vancouver ave.. 1 block to car. bearing fruit trees, price (2500. ft-rcom new bungalow on Tillamook St.. near Broadway car. 3oxl25 lot, paved t., $2450, $i.0 cash. 4-room cottage on Knott st.. near Wms. ave. car, paved St., $2.'ioO. $.".00 cash. S-room cottage on Fast Salmon st., lot 33100, macadam t.. cement walks, $250. 5-room cot tage on 81st st. N., Algeria car. full basement, chicken house, 12200. 5-room bungalow near Union avenue, $2100, $200 cash. 5-room bungalow with sleeping Eorch, near Union ave., $2300, terms, -room bungalow, 1 block to Woodstock car lot 4M100, 23i'0. 8-room house rear Mt Scott car, 50x100 lot, berries, $2250, $500 down. S-room cottage on 7th st., near Hawthorne car Una, 40x 1(H) lot, $2250. 5-room cottage with sleeping porch, at Milwaukle, 5 lota, fruit and berries, $2500, o-room bunga tow near Alberta, 125U0. $1000 cash. HOMES FOR LESS THAN $3000 4- room bungalow. In rMeamoni nistnci. furnace, aaraae. 50x100 lot. paved St.. 1 block to car. J2850, $700 down. 5-room cottage, fairly modern, near .MV car, r,vta,i lot fnift and berries. $3000. fi- room cottage on East Lincoln St., HA er. nrica I2fitt0. 4-room cottage In Kenton, near Lombard St., $2100, $600 cath. 5-room cottage, fairly modern, good lot. 2 blocks to Mt. Scott car. ''150, $50 cash. 6-room house on "W a verly Heights, Richmond car, price t2S0O. terms. 5-room cottage on East Taylor St., SS car. $2i50. nroom two dory house on Fargo St.. paved, full basement, 1 block to car, $2750. 6-room houe. fairly modern, on East Salmon St., near 30th, $2S."0. 4-room modern bungalow, garage, fruit, on 25th St., near Alberta car. $2750. 8-room 2-story house near SS car. 26th St.. 50x100 corner, $:iooo. $500 down. 5-room modern bun galow near 71ft st, 1 block to Haw thorne car. 50x100 lot, $3000. 7-room house on corner lot, near Woodstock car, price $3000, $250 down. Call and get a list of these places, with directions to see them. RALPH rh'T.Kf, 527 Corhett Mrig. BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. A delightful seven-room bungalow, 1M blks. north of Sandy car; large living, dining, bedroom, kitchen, breakfast room and toilet down: two fine bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath and toilet up: oak floors down, old Ivory finish, garage; cut to $7000. See this at once. HARRY BEOCvTtTH. 104 Sib. St. Main 6a8D. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-room house, 3 bedrooms, modern, ce ment basement, full lot with fruit, flow ers and shrubbery; a real home; S4S00. (1000 down, balance $2j, with 7 per cent. Five-room bungalow, modern in every way, full concrete basement, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, beam ceilings, . etc., garage; good condition and desira ble neighborhood; $4300, reasonable terms. Modern 6-room house, fruit trees ana flowers. Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms; this house Is in good condition and Is a, real tuy at $4000, $10u0 cash handles. See Mr. Swain. A. J. DeFOREST CO., 32" H"nry Bldg. Broadway 5500. A HEAL BUY AT 1SII0. Leaving city, will sacrifice beautiful Portland. Heights home, splendid condi tion, large living room, library, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, 6 bed rooms and bathroom, extra toilet and javatory. old ivory finish, hardwood firs., large fireplace, hot air furnace, large garage, fine grounds, trees and flowers; Meal location: houe could not be dupli cated for price. For sale by owner for J'.thOO. This includes furnishings amount ing to $5oo if sold within 8 days. Rea sonable terms. For particulars call own- er, Marshall 24. bt.NtlALUU' ..00 DOWN. PRICE $2600. 4 rooma and bath, fireplace, Dutch kitrhen; concrete basement; cemem walks; lawn, flowers and shrubbery; oo raved street, 3 blocks from car; a cosy little home on easy terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. HITTER. LOWE & CO. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldr. $-2i S5"0 CASH, monthly payments (45. Including the Int.. puts you in posesion of a beautiful o room bungalow on paved street, Kenton district: has a dandy kitchen, cement aement. nice lot with 6 fruit trees: a real bargain at $3200. (500 cash. 1 N TEKas TATE IWESTiLENT CO.. Realtors. TM-v- 4T51. 410 Henrv BMt KuiE CITY BARGAIN. Beautiful 5-room bungalow on 53d St., cement basement, hardwood floors, all modern built-ins, street Improvements in and paid; this is really a bargain at $4750, other houses like it priced at $55o0; Immediate possession; (1000 down. Fhone Aut. 321-68 Sunday, week days Vrartwav 3104 modern bungalow, immedi ate possession. 5 rooms, h. w. floors, fireplace, all built-ins. golden oak finish, plate glass windows, concrete basement, garage, 60x100; 1 block car, near Franklin high school; (31)00, all street Improvements paid. Terms. .1 I'. COR BIN CO.. S05-SJ-T Lewis Bldg. JJEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Just being completed; open for in spection today; 6 large rooma. finished In ivory and mahogany, oak floor, papered and decorated throughout, strictly modern and up to the minute; reasonable terms. Located at 6b5 East 17!h s. N. FENlNSUljA HOME. Near world's fair grounds, six-room modern, sleeping porch, all built-in?, concrete basement, furnace heat, stationary-tubs, fine lot. Ideal location; new business is ail going the Peninsula wav; (3o0, terms. 1470 ViNard. Wood lawn lOKH. A REAL SNAP. jrtuxn 8-ROOM HOTTSE OX CORNER; MODERN EXCEPT HEAT; EAST SIDE. CLOSE IN"; GRAND VIEW; OARAGE, FIREPLACE: (15O0 WILL HANDLE liOm'AS-BOON. 93S NORTHWESTERN RANK Bl.rxi. MAIN 7Mi1J WONDERFUL 2-STORY BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, modern, Dutch kitchen, pan eled dining room, built-in buffet, bath, rleeplng porch, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, 50x100 lot. lawn, fruit, berries; will sacrifice for good casn ravment. 2S Buffalo st.. Vancouver cat. IF YOU intend to buy in Rose City Park or Laurvlhurst. see A. G. TEBPE CO.. ' 270 Stark st . near 4th. jraln 3002, Branch Offce. 40th and Sandy. Tnbor !V.:. HAWTHORNE. ON GLENN AVE. $:,200 for a good 5-room in good con dition, with lot :ttxi4o; only .'H) caan, bal. terms: a bargain. F. L. HLA.WHARD. REALTOR. 4ol. 2 SweTarid Bldg Marshall S-'t. KCsSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms, large attic, beautiful location on the Alameda. Close to car. Extra well built. Strictly modern. For vrtra erd trms ran A fi'-3-i7. YOR SALE 2 modern cottages. 5 and 6 rooma with basements, lot 50x100. on west side, easy walking distance; terma Pee TAC!(!ART BROS.. 1102 Snaldlnr BMg. ONE PRETTY 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Swell corner lot. on hard-surface street: 2 blocks to car: bearing fruit, flowers, lawn. Only $3200. Terms. Auto. -.'3-1T "IOR SALE BY OWNER 5-room bunga low in Laurelhurst, newly built, easy . pavment down and terms. Call Sun day up to IP A. M. 52 F.a.-t 44th st. N. 7-ROOM housr H iaday's addition. $4300. term. Owner, Willn, 12P7. 6-K. HOUSE, good terma lOoxloO corner; close in. 435 WI'Hams ave. S-roc-M house for sa.e. 00o0. in Pelly- srove M. Owner. REAL FST4TE. For hale House. EAST OK BOTH STREET BARGAINS. CASH OR TERMS. 8-Room Bungalow $1,000 4- Room Cottage 2.10O 5- Room House 2.5O0 5-Room House 8.3'K) 5-Room Bungalow 8.6' 5-Rooni House and 5 Acres 6,000 6-Room House 2.2i 7-Koora House 6.500 7-Room Bungalow 8.350 7-Room Bungalow and Nearly 2 Acres 8.9O0 8-Rooin House 2.400 8-Room House 6.800 7-Room Bungalow, Oarage, 1 Acre. 6.500 LEE'S EXCHANGE. 124 4th St. Auto. 520-Srt. t WKS1 SiriF-! Heantiftil Knffllsh VlCW home, easily accessible and within 20 minutes' walk of center of city; house is 7 years old, finely designed and wet' built: ground beautifully planted, lots of trees, shrubs and flowers; unexcelled view, homey living and dining rooms. sunporch. garden porch, 3 Dearooms, t baths, large enclosed sleeping porch, maiii room w ith bath. 2 fireplaces, garage, fine basement. This is easily the. most livable home in Portland represents Investment of $17,000. Owner leaving for fcurope, will sacrmco (13.000 for quick sale; easy terms. 100. Wilcox b de. Cord sengslake , rea'tors. Hrondway 432, East SMV $0.,uo NEAR GOLF LINKS $8500. EASTMORELAND BUNGALOW. This lovelv htinealnw home is Only few blocks from the municipal golf links and Reed college. There are 5 big beau tiful rooms and f.nished attic room Ivnrv snrf u-ntnut finish, wonderful built- Ins in Dutch kitchen, beautiful fireplace and buffet, hardwood floors, high-grade plumbing, full concrete basement, large garage. This bungalow is almost new; look at the price; you'll pay as much In a cheap district; owner wants (1500 cash. Cull us Sunday. COMTE & KOHL-MAN, Main 550. 208 Chamber of Commerce "A HOME FOR EVERTBODY." SHOPMEN. LOOK AT THESE: (2!oo FURNISHED 4-room cottage. (3,-,00 FURNISHED 7-room bouse, niidi pnp'lHPn ft-room house. 5300 FURNISHED 8-rm. house, double ALL NEAR S. P. SHOPS AND EX CELLENT VALUE ON EASY TERMS. MARSH & McCABE CO. REALTORS. 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 8003. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENING. ROSE C1XY. 3.-0 cash. Sialance to suit purchaser. puts -6u In possession of as attractive a little nungalow nome as couiu ue uj sired. This Is one of the most complete and modern little homes on the mar ket. Your Inspection will De appreci ated. Shown by appointment only. Price (3D25. We are open Sunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. BARGAIN HUNTERS, LISTEN! S-room house, located 440 Benton St., lot 50x100: house In Dink of condition. new roof, painted inside and out, large basement: has gas radiators, front and back stairs, batn and toilet on second floor, also toilet on ground floor; easy walking distance. The price on mis prop erty was formerly (tJOOO. The owner needs money and has reduced the price to $4050, y. cash, balance $50 per mo. GIBSON REALTOR, .MARSHALL 12. WALNUT PARK. An exceptional home of 6 rooms. In the finest condition; full lot, beautiful yard, fruit trees. 2 blocks to car and near two good schools. You will ap preciate this home. THE LAWRENCE CO., Realtors. 21? Corhett Bid?. Mnln fW. 1RVINGTON-ALAMEDA. Bungalow, like new, "built right 4 years ago; it is corner property, has five rooms and glass and screen-enclosed sleeping porch; fine garage; also full cement basement. This place Is a dream, also a allow place in the summer. For a cou ple or small family it is all they could ask for. Owner leaving city. Don't fail to see this today. Only (6100. R T. STREET. 0ft K. Bdwv. today. tLuiE IN, WALK.1NG DISTANCE. Beautiful Colonial Heights home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, very large living room, ivory finish, fireplace, book case, light, airy dining room; the kitch en is a delight; 3 lovely bedrooms, 4 fruit trees, large garage; the lot is 55x 100. A wonderful bargain at the price, $7000, part terms. GIBSON. REALTOR. MARSHALL 12. WEST PIEDMONT. (3700. 8 rooms and sleeping porch: 100x100 lot; two blocks from Kllingsworth: liv ing and dining room, kitchen, pantry, etc., and 1 bedroom downstairs; 8 bed rooms and bath upstairs; basement; easy terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, R1TTER. LOWE & CO. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $500 CASH and (50 per month. IncL Int.. buys one of the prettieat little bungalows on Taved st. and Kenton car line; has splendid heating system and fireplace; a real bargain at $3750. We are open Sun day. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, Bdwv 4751. 410 Henrv Bldg. ALBERTA. (2700 EXCEPTIONAL BUY. Only $500 down, the rest like rent; five-room bouse, modern, upstairs un finished, so that you can carry out your own Ideas as to Interior finish, A real bargain. See Mr. Swain. A. J. DeFOREST CO., S?0 Henrv Bldg. Broadway S500. BY OWNER Rose City Park, close under the hill, sheltered from east winds, modern bungalow, 5 large rooms, hard wood floors, furnace, cement basement, large garage, beautiful dogwood and fir treea in yard ; sell furnished or un furnished; owner leaving city: pwlce furnished, including piano, (6500, terms Tihor (Ml. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. This beautiful 5-room bungalow should sell to the first one to look at it; base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, built ins, hard-surface st. A home that you will enjoy; price only $4600, (1200 cash, $30 per month and interest. GIBSON. REALTOR. MARSHALL 12. 4-ROOM house, good: plumbed, gas, sew er, paved, all paid; full corner lot, Spokane ave. Fruit, 2 blocks car; $1300, terms. 5-room house, bath, pantry, full base ment, plastered; good district, paved, paid; BARGAIN, (25O0, terma J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-0-7 Lewis Bldg. 4-ROOM, COTTAGE FURNISHED $3200. Modern 4-room cottage, full cement basement, stationary wash tubs, bath and toilet, paved St., all Improvements in and paid; 40x100 lot, nice lawn, flowers and fruit; $1100 down, balance $25 per month and Intr. Phone s-llwnnd 33(W. LARGE iiODERN 6-rooin house with bis sleeping porch, near the Jefferson High school, 1 block from Mississippi car: good i.eighborhood. Price $42.W; $1000 cash, balance easy payments. For par ticular ca. on Ben Riesiand, 404 riatt h'dg.. 12T 1'pek St. MODERN 5-room house in good suburb of cltv, facing on improved county road, row vacant which 1 will sell for (2000. Will take liberty bonds or other good security as first payment. For partic ulars see owner at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Tark ytreet. ON WILLIAMS AVE. (650 down and monthly payments for a good 6-room: furnace, basement and ga rage: lot 60x120, with alley, for (3300. Let us show you. F L. BLAXOHARD. REALTOR. 401-2 Shetland Bldg Marshall S2 LAURELHURST Modern. 3 rooms and garage, all Improvements In and paid, owner leaving tor the south, (6500, $1500 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Realtors), Main 542f. 243 Stark St. ' 2;u0 WAVERLY HEIGHTS 27O0. Good 6-ro m house, all improvements In and paid; excellent neighborhood and among nice homes. Real snap at (2700. (700 down. F. R. Jesse, 627 Corbett bldg. Main 7141 $5t-0 CASH buy 4-room furni&hed house; gas. electricity and water, nice garden, potatoes and berries: must sell at once. Will vacate Immediately. Easy terms on balance. 6323 71st sL M. S. car to Tre. mt-nt. 20O A BBAUTY (25O0. Nifty 4-r.. 2 bedrooms, full lot In Irvington Park. Only $500 cash. bal. 'easy. Call Marshall 3352. Sun. E. 2371 J. B. ROCK. WEST SIDE. 6-room house, west side, fine view, in fair condition: cheap at $2350: a bar gain. Call or write McDonell. 443 Sherlock bldg, OWNER 6-room house. Richmond dis trict, furnace, cement basement, wash trays, evervthing In good repair. 40x100 lot. Hens all paid: (4000, terma A 612, fv-r gnninn. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. New nearly completed modern, well built house, good location. Will finish colors to suit buyer. Owner. 1260 E Alder. $31125 ONE ACRE (3025. Modern 6-room bungalow, lots of fruit, cltv oarline: (1000 cash. SM1TH-WACONER CO.. STOCK KXfTT. WEST SIDE. 5-room cottage, all in fine condition, newly papered: cheap at $2t50. (1000 cain 413 Sherlock bldg. M-Ponell. SIX-ROOM modern house, central Irving ton. Ivory finish, sleeping porch, garage; (7500, reasonable terms. Fast 918. i-ROOM house on paved street, basement, bath, electricity, gas, fruit, flowers; terms. Sellwood 513. YOU CAN buy It cheaper than I did. 6 rooms and s-eeplns porch. Tabor 1073. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. , WEST SIDE. On Kearney street, near 23d street, modern 7-room houses, in excellent con- aition. price (4.WO each. On Gllsan street, near 22d. 7-room house, lot 60x100. good location. Price (6500. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Elegant 8-room home, everything mod ern, In apple-pie order, east facing, slightly elevated above street; remark able panoramic view of five mountain peaks; on Thurman atreet; convenient step to cars. Seven-room house on Thurman street, modern, full lot. fruit trees, berries, etc Price (70O0, very easy terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Six-room bungalow, modern, 44th St., Just south of Hawthorne; cement base ment, fireplace, corner lot 50x100; price (3500; cash (500. balance monthly payments. HOLLADAVS ADDITION. Six-room cottage, 2 -bedrooms up ana one downstairs, living, dining rooms, kitchen, full cement basement, wasn traya, existing mortgage (2400 B per cent .retired monthly payments, equity (1600 ; 2 blocks from either Union ave. or Broadway cars: close to sciiool. MOUNT TABOR DISTRI,CT- Eight-room house, garage. lot SOrTLKO. orchard, paved streets, good neis hoor hood. near streetcar. Price $500. cash -500- FRED W. NEWELL. 407 Henrv Bldg. Broadway 5"3". $6750 -1RVINGTON ( Living room with big beautiful fire- foem' wai.n handsome buffet hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen. biK grlaased in porch, 2 bedrooms and bath, in tne attic is another room and sleeping porch. There's a full cement basement, nign grade furnace, wash trays; a This Page. The street liens are all pa d. This bungalow Is located on E. 17 h, near LTaOthTy'shown by.PPoint- ment ncOMTE KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce. , Open Sunday. "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY. SOME BARGAINS. ;000 6-r., 50x100. Montavllla. (2100 4-r., 8th. near Falling. $2800 4-r., 100x110. Sth and tanton. (3000 6-r., FURNISHED. 60x100. (3-jOO 5-r. bungalow, Alberta. (3400 5-r. bungalow. Hawthorne. (3700 7-r. bungalow, cor. Walnut Fa (4000 5-r. bungalow. 60x115. Groveland. (4000 7-r.. a p.. 70x100. Walnut. 800 others. MARSH ft McCABE CO. REALTORS. 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall S!lfl3. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. RUSE CITY. C'ji X.1750 Monthly pavments of (50. Including Che Interest. This bungalow In one 01 Portlands choicest districts win pleasure to show you: new and modern, whh the latest artistic finishing, hard wood floors, lireplace. bookcases, exqul- .nn-etnr ndrwn- COVed Ceiling. breakfast nook, garage: price $4750. $750 cash. We are open sunnay. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Bdwy 4751. 410 Henry Bldg FINE LOCATION. FRUIT AND SHRUBBERY. Lot 100x1 60, west Mt. Tabor. 1530 E Taylor st ; good, modern, weii-ouut 7-room home and large glaased-ln leep Ing porch, hardwood floors. 2 bathrooms, full basement, furnace. 3 enameled wash travs, large double garage with servant s room, all improvements In and paia, iSSint: (7500. terms. L E. Ste nmeU 406 Gerllnger bldg. Main 6091 or Tahor 3224 EAST 1RV1NGTON. tr.fino- cream bungalow. concrete or.! tvorv living room 20 feet long, beautifully papered: indirect electric lighting; best hardwood floors and fireplace; dining room has large bevel-plate buffet: Dutch kitchen, very light; two good-size bedrooms, windows two sides; bathroom complete; cement basement: excellent furnace: unfinished attlo: Inlaid linoleum kitchen and bath. Fasy terms. R. T. STREET. NICE LOCATION JUST VACATED. (3500 TERMS TO SUIT. mnH.rn 7-room home. DUtCh kitchen, built-in buffet, full basement, wash trays, etc., large front porch and screened-in back porch, near public and Catholic schools. 4012 East 4ith St. b. t c nt.inmotx owner. 400 irenmgei hl'dg. ' vln 6001 or Tabor .1224 COSY BUNGALOW. (4000. 65x100 lot; neat 5-room bungalow; sunny rooms: two bedrooms and bath; basement; block from car; unex celled view of city and harbor; only 14 block from Willamette blvd; easy terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $4750 IRVINGTON $4750. A lovely small bungalow home, hard wood floors. ivory finish. fireplace, Duitch kitchen with breakfast nook; full concrete basement, furnace, garage. This bungalow is in fine condition. See It today. Owner will accept $1000 cash. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 2na chamber of Commerce. 1000 CASH Three rooms, piaeieieu. painted, cement wains anu ttmou , ment. electric wired, plumbing except fixtures, fine corner, 63d and HancocK, assessments all paid, 4 "locks to school. tiAor new cltv Dark: .y para; wonw for immediate sale (lqoo cash. See owner. 601 Worcester Mflg. WAv-ERLEIGH HEIGHTS. $3500 GOOD icn.ua. Charming 6-room bungalow. J block to school, 1 block to car. This house Is In good condition and is priced right. See Mr. Swain. A. J. DeFOREST ft CO., son Henrv Bldg. Broadway KMM). LADD ADDITION Eight rooms and sleep h raraza. -cement basement. hardwood floors, modern throughout, all Improvements in and paid; may be bought, with either one or two ots. (OV10 Cord Sengstake ft Son, realtors. 1007 'Wilcox bldg. Broadway 432, or East 8545. WICHMI)-D. $3400. $650 down, balance $25, 6 per cen"interest; on paved street V4 b pek to car. modern house with all conven iences, full basement and garago. See Mn 6 Aa'j. DeFOREST ft CO., t"n TTenrv Bide. Broadway 5500. $3000 FOR A FINE, modern -room place. Dutch kitchen mK$ travs: all in good condition: lot Wp only 60 ft. from car and $.00 cash. bal. monthly at : a wiaP- " F. L BLANCHARD. REALTOR. 40-1-2 Swetlaod B'dg. Mars-hall S20. 1, iVTlVII.I.A. 6-room house in good condition, full lot with plenty of fruit trees and berry bushes; K. block to car; $24o0. only $300, balance like rent. See Mr. Swain. A J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5530. ROSE CITY PARK. Small pvment down, balance monthly buva. strictly modern, five-room bunga- - .... - r,..i. mmh.V, nan., on ntses Sunday, or call Sellwood 351. -ROOM house near Laurelhurst park. 1 block to car: n. w. iiooro, luiuun, .i 5v10fl: bearing fruit treea; good ga rage; paved sts. Price tiwu. See owner at 1101 E. Morrison st Tabor 604. BY OWNER S-room nouse, s 11 use. chicken house, iruit anu oeii take late model Ford light delivery or touring and some cash. 200 E. 87th st. South. BY OWNER ii-roouf bungalow, tun ce- Mnt hncamenT isiinnrv trays, uicmaii. built-lns, garage. Improvements in and oaid. near school and 2 carllnes; easy Tihrt. 701? 5-lROOM BUNGALOW $3150. Modern, floored attic, bullt-lna. full basement, good lot, 8 fruit trees, garage. Near Franklin high. Half cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK FXCH. LEAVING city, will Bacrifice $1700 equity frf siaoo casn. o-room duhkhiow whu rareec. on paved street, car line; some 1 furniture Tor gam. 11 i'nidrn wu ' 4 loitO 3-ROOM BUNGALOW $1000. Nicelv arranired, good plumbing, fruit and berrfe; J'ino cash, bah easy terms. SMTTH-WAGOVKK CO., PTOOK KXCH 8-KOUM house; full basement, freshly tinted, in good shape; near car, loca tion fine; lots of trees; Investigate. Owner. 131 K. 6fUh N. $4200. S3000 BUYS this B-rooin house and 50x100 lot, banement. bath, electric lights and fruit trees, chicken house. 810 Edison utrepf. St. .Tnhns ear. WANTED To sell my 5-room house, paved st.. at l39 Borthwlck St., Alhtna. Price $2150, $200 down, bal. monthly. R. 8. box 7fl, Salem, Or. $3tHM lBUYS 2 6-room houses in good or der and ground, near Broadway bridge; now rented for $60 month. See Landl gan. 406 Vancouver ave. East 6Q39. 6 ROOMS, semi-modern, corner, 2 lots, streets graded, sidewalks In, sewer in, 1 block Mt. Scott car. Mth St.; $2S00, S500 down. Inquire 137fl Hawthorne ave. FIN id Laurelhurst bungalow at an abso lute bargain. Owner going to country and must sell; reasonable terms. Auto. 210-15. SOUTH MT. TABOR. ' "Nice 7-room house and acre, neai Hawthorne car, $1500 cash to handle. T a nor 42ftP. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, near car. 32.0. $1000 ca?h. Tahor 42W1. SACRIFICE sale by owner, 6-room modern hou!e. bath. sleeping porch and screened-in back porch; only $2350, terms. 11fl Fast Iffih t. North. -ROOM house on one of best building lots on Division st. ; 2 blocks from car; $700 Terms. 164S Division aU REAL FKTATE. For Srtle--Houf?. J. A. WICKMAV CO., "Shortest Way Horn." Tears of study of local conditions. 1 thorough knowledge of districts, famil larity with values and a splendid organ ization enable us to give you the max imum service in home buying. SEE OUR PHOTOS. Hundreds of photos of desirable homes on d isDlav. Man v are real bargains. Salesmen with autos at your service. It ' places you under no obligations. You will not oe urgea to ouy. a Rose City Park. We have been actively emraired In han dling property in this desirable district since 1909 and can show you a large number of desirable homes. Should none of these suit you. THE" WICKMAN BUILDING CO., INC., with a competent expert architect and builder In charge, will be glad to give you the exact cost of that particular home, either on a lot 01 yours or one of our own. REMEMBER, we build on very easy terms. ROSE CITT PARK. $3800 Buys cottage style home in the very heart of Rose City Park. 6 rooms and attic. Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash travs. Ka ra pe, nice 'lawn, roses, etc. Street improvements in and paid; only lft blocks to car. $4500 Buys 5 rooms and bath on 40th St., south of Sandy, reception hall, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, attic. You will find every thing here, such as screens, lino leum, fruit and shade trees, a nice lawn, roses, shrubbery, etc.; street improvements in and paid; terms. $4500 -5 rooms and bath, strictly bun galow style, hardwood floors, fire place, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, wash trays, nice lawn, grapes, fruit trees, roses, shrub bery, etc $4700 You should sure see this really wonderful buy. Corner home, 1 block south of Sandy; S rooms and sleeping porch; also large attic, paneled dining room, fire place, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, wash trays, screens, llno leulm, fruit and berries, roses, fine lawn; terms. $5100 Here Is a home that you cannot possibly duplicate today for this . price. 6 rooms and eleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, fur nace, screens, linoleum, etc.; 10 fruit trees. Let us show you. Terms. $5230 You will look a long time until you can find the ec(ual of this 7-room bungalow-style home. Fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays, furnace. $5250 Bungalow home of 5 rooms, bath and reception hall down, 2 rooms up; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, full basement, wash trays, butlt-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc., fruit, berries and roses. $5250 5 rooms and bath, also attic, hardwood floors, buffet, Dutch kitchein, full basement, wash trays, fireplace, garage, improve ments in and paid, close to car. $5500 Buys bungalow-style home of 15 rooms and bath down, 2 rooms up, full basement, wash trays, furnace, hardwood floors, fire place, etc.; street improvements in and paid. $5800 Buys new bungalow home of 5 rooms and bath, also brer ast nook, attic, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace. Can be had fur nished if desired. Terms. $3950 you have looked at any number of homes at $6500 that were no better appearing and in far less desirable location. 5 rooms and bath, also large attic; hardwood floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, fire " place, f ull basement, wash trays. Fox furnace, garage, fine lawn, screens and linoleum, street im provements in and paid, below the hill in a fiae location sur rounded by other beautiful homes. Terms. $6000 Live In lower part and rent upper part for $50, 9 rooms and bath down, 11 rooms in all, besides there are 4 rooms in attic; sleep ing porch. This home can be made to bring in a large income. Buy this now, sell at large ad vance when the Fair draws near er. Terms. Improvements in and paid. 17000 English colonial home of 7 rooms and bath; strictly modern, break fast nook, 3 bedrooms and sleep ing porch, furnace, fireplace, full basement, wash trays, fruit trees, lawn, Bhrubbery, etc.; street im provements paid. Terms. $7500 Buys bungalow home below the hill, directly on Sandy boulevard. 1 Everything paid. This home is strictly modern and a dandy buy. We have another home that must ! be sold at once. Can arrange terms. 5 rooms and attic, full cement basement, wash trays, Gasco furnace, hardwood floors throughout, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, fire niarA. attic, pedestal bowl, base tub in bathroom, linoleum. This home Is also directly on Sandy boulevard. These are just a few of our homes m this section. We have any number at these various prices and a great many that are considerably higher if you like. Just give us an opportunity to show you, and if you have seen anything that is better than we have to offer we couldn't possibly expect to sell you a home. You will not be urged to buy. We will let you sell yourself. We had Intended offering only ROSE City Homes today, BUT this one Is such an exceptionally good buy, so tremendous a sacrifice, that we thought we would give you an opportu nity to buy this quick. KENTON KENTON KENTON $0500 An $8500 home being sold at this price. Dutch colonial home, living room about 13x28, a central en trance hall, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, with breakfast nook on first floor, bedroom same size as living room, 2 other bed rooms and sleeping porch up; floored attic, fireplace, plate-glass windows, bookcases, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, hardwood floors of good clear eastern oak, garage, paved street and sewer in and paid. Don't say there are no bargains to be had. We had nothing better than this to offer during the dull times, and this is cot a foreclosure, either. REMEMBER that we have homes in all sections. Lot owners, list with us. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors, "Shortest Way Home," 264 Stark St. Main 1004 and 83. 748 E. 27TH ST. SOUTH. 6-room modern house, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, price re duced ; open today; Woodstock car to Rhone st. TAGGA RT BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW Kitchenette, bedroom. living room and dining room combined; bath, built-lns. cement basement, wash trays, block of Kenton and stockyards cars. $2700; terms. 164 Kllpatrick st K. 5QS. HERE'S A REAL GOOD BUY. On Mt. Tabor; 8-room residence, in good condition, large grounds, plenty of fruit trees and berries; no mortgage or city liens to assume. Buy from owner at 63 E. fi'th st.. or call Tabor 5411. LATREIHURST. 8 ROOiMS. UP TO DATS. $1W00. 11S5 E. DAVIS ST. BY OWNER. 8-room house, good condition; ar ranged for 2 families; or one. irear Jef ferson High school, two blocks from street car. Cash or terms to responsible parties. Woodlawn 5287. FINE IRVINGTON residence, lot 50x150 ft. ; garage; old ivory rinisn, n-ardwooa floors throughout: $0500, terms. East 419S. See house at 410 E. 21 et st. N., near Tillamook. Owner. COZY 4-room cottage, large pantry, fur nished complete; garage, good cnance for small family; $500 will handle. Phone owner, Woodlawn 424, or call at 432 Bram st.; no agents. ALAMEDA PARK, $4000, TERMS. Modern 6-room bungalow with break fast room, garage, street paved, sewer in and paid; a bargain for cash. Wood lawn 3025. 6-ROOM modern bungalow at 604 E. 23th St., Vancouver, wasn.; jusi Deing paint ed; 2 full lots; 1 block to school ; will take $1000 down, bal. like rent. Tabor 3517. m 4-ROOM house, lot 73x100; several fruit trees, shade trees; price rignt, easy terms. Call Sunday or evenings, owner, 104 E. 34th -at. N. 7-R. MODERN house, near school and car; street improvements an paia; mov cash, bal. like rent. B 60S. Oregonian. RFAL ESTATE. For Sale Hout.es $woo. Terms? Yes. Colonial Type Bunyalow. Colonial Type Garage to Match. All hardwood floors in this 5 room little beauty and it is painted just the right tint of cream. It la on a corner lot, 50x100; streets are in aad paid; cove ceilings, beamed dining room with buffet and all woodwork is extra fine, built-in bookoases and French doors, ele gant fireplace, large plate-glass in front window; Dutch kitchen and br ea k fast nook in white nam M, really K cannt be described. The pioneering has been done on this home, and you won't find a better bargain, but you will have to get here first. Call Main 6353. or Woodlawn 765. ARTISTIC SMALL STUCCO HOME. WESTOVER ROAD. So seldom is there an oppor tunity to secure a small and ar tistic home in this close-in and ideal location. Large living room, dining room kitchen and maid's room on first floor, 3 sleeping rooms, also Bleeping porch and dressing room second floor, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, garage. For Appointment call MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7976. 1 2 00 HO l R A V O R SALE. Every home has been personally In spected. aDDraised and pnotograpnea. In our great public display room are over 1200 photographs or homes ior saie, with Drlce. terms, exact address and full Information attached. Every home displayed in its respective district. Our 25 automobiles and courteous, experi enced sales ar at vour service, in lo- OAtirur vour hnme. Our disnlav room is kept open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, REALTOR, Tn Rn v Vrtiir Home Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and stark, SlX-ROOM BUNGALOW". Here is a strictly modern 6-room bun sraiow on paved street, only two blocks from car, easy walking distance to one of city s best high schools; hard wood floors, built-in buffet, bookcases, flrenlace. cosv Dutch kitchen, two bed rooms and bath downstairs, combination bedroom and sleeping porch upstairs, full concrete basement, pipeless furnace, garage with concrete driveway and floor; price $5000; some terms. RICHARD W, MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN HOUSE with three big lots, completely furnished, $5500. This Is a genuine bargain. Let us show you Monday. This is where you get $2 for $1. Don't delay. NETLAN & PARKH1LL, 210 Lumbermens Bldg., nth and Stark fits. FOR $150 CASH, balance $35 per month, Incl. Int., we will build a dandy little bungalow, a pattern you can see; has 2 cozy bedrooms, mod ern kitchen and breakfast nook, large combination living and dining room. Just think of such a delightful home, on lOOx 100 lot, with hard-surface streets, only costing $3000, $150 cash. We are open Sunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldff. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FINE VIEW, LARGE GROUNDS. STRICTLY MODERN, UP-TO-DATE RESIDENCE. ENTRANCE HALL. VERY LARGE LIVTNG ROOM. FINE DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN. FOUR LOVELY BEDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. TWO TILE BATHS BE SIDES MAID'S ROOM AND BATH. HOT-WATKR HEAT. POTNDEXTER. 20ft SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. COSY BUNGALOW. $4000. 65x100 lot, '.neat 5-room bungalow, sunny rooms, two bedrooms and bath, one-half basement, one-half block from car; unexcelled view of city and har bor; only one-half block from Willam ette blvd.; easy terms. RICHARD W, MAST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., g01-3-K-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUNNYSIDE. Moving away, must sell one of the best 5-room bungalows for the money In dis trict, built-lns. Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, floored attic, dandy lawn, 1 DiocK to car; price 3700, good terms. Call Wdln. 765 Sunday. REALTORS. PETER PAN HOME CO. Main 6353. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $3100. on very easy terms, buys a new and novel little bungalow with garage, just 1 blocks to R. C. P. car; has 2 cozy bedrooms with bath between; we are open Sunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bmadwny 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. $6500. Very large living room, fine dining room, kitchen, one small bedroom first floor, 4 bedrooms and bath second floor, fireplace, fumade, hardwood floors, lance attic; bargain if you have at least half POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE, EAST 6771. I MUST SELL HOME. Beautiful 6-room home in City View Park, extra large rooms, furnished in ivory, tapestry pskiper, lovely Dutch kitchen, newly painted Inside and out, garage, block car, will sell furnished If desired, only $5500, some terms. Please do not answer unless you want to huv. Sellwood 2706. PRACTICALLY 3 ACRES. Together with 5-room house, electric lights, bath and a number of sheds. Ideal for chickens or truck gardening. One block from car and paved street. To be sold on very fine terms. -F. E. TAYLOR COMPANY, 1201 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 892. ROSE CITY PARK. 3250 BY OWNER. 6-room bungalow, built-in buffet and bookcases, proof sidings, a well-built home; fiOxlOO lot, facing east. $1500 cash, balance $25 per month, 6 per cent intrpT. Call T-iNr 65-26. MY HOUSE is too small for my family, will sacrifice at $4500, 6-room. modern, best Sellwood district, everything in first-class condition, large windows, built Ins and closets, lot 5100: garage: will consider $500 down. Mr. Mllner, with -MRS. THOMSON. 620 HENRY BLDG KI LLINGS WORTH AVE. $500 CASH. bal. $25 per mo., buys 5-rm. bungalow. 1 blk. from Union ave. Lot 40x110. Price for a quick sale. $3750. Good Investment. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. REALTORS. Main 7027. IRVINGTON COUNTRY HOME. 1 acre ground, 07 iruit trees. Modern 8-rm. home, garage. 28th st ; fine location, surrounded by elegant homes; $15,000, very easy terms. CHAJ. RINOLER & CO.. 225 Hfnry Rider. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Cory 4 rooms and sleeping porch with garage, all Improvements In and paid. $;io00, terms; will sell furnished If desired. 1151 E. Lincoln st. Tabor MT. SCOTT 4-r. house and 4 lots.vtwo blk. from car; chicken house for 400 chickens. For four years family has been making a living on this piace. Cash SMVV h-iljrr like rent. Main 7030. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $1500 Cash. Balance time, lovely home, near 20th and Brasee. oak floors, fireplace. Ivory finish, garage, $77oO. East 394, Main SOTS. SPLENDID CHURCH BUILDING. On 100x100 corner, close In on east side; fine car service: must be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused; terms, p ft02. Oregon! an. FOR SALE 7-room bungalow, fine con dition, good location; two bedrooms up stairs, lot 60x100, garage; hk block off Union ave. avu oimpson et. THIS beautiful quarter block with three 8-room houses, garage, sun ; bargain $16,800. half cash. No agents. AF 614. Or1 (Tin I a n. ' IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $5$M). 6 rooms, attic, well built, all oak floors, fireplace, garage. T. B. Neu hausen Co.. realtor. East 304. Main SOTS. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. R'chmond district: It's a dandy; $4400; $S0O- down. CaM Taoor SOUTH Mt. Tabor bargains, fine lots, on 67th street. See owner at 3212 67th st. 2 blocks south from Hawthorne car line. FOUR BLOCKS from Jeff. High; a splen did home for $3900. Cash $1250. Main 700. PIEl'MONT Will sell you a $3200 home today for $2650. Main 7038. Call Sun day. 3-ROOM houpe, completely furnished. A bargain. For particulars call owner, Rst 202. No dealers. 6-ROOM California bungalow, white enamel finish, garage, in Rose City, SWn; $100 down Call Tabor SS7. MODERN Portland Heights residence 7 room, sleeping porch, garage, good view of city. Call Main 2937. 5500 7-ROOM house. East 3d near Wasco. Main 47H9, Monday. WILLIAMS AVE.--Two 6-room cottages, $5400. $1500 down. Owner. East 7722. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ALBERTA BARGAINS. CASH OR TERMS. .,rnA 4-room bungalow oh"? 4-room bungalow and garage.... 4- room bungalow and garage.... 3150 5- room house and garage - 6- room cottage 2" 5-room house a ,u 5-room bungalow 1 !! 5- room bungalow iZnn 6- room cottage and garage W 6-room house 6-room cottage and garage J 6-room cottage and garage ilnn 6-room cottage and garage r2 S-room house 5500 Two-family flat 300 LEE'S EXCHANGE, 124 Fourth st. Auto. 620-50. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Lovely small home spacious central hall, large living room, dining room, coinpltte butler's pantry and kitchen, 8 sleeping rooms and bath, also large open porch off second floor ; deep lot, fine shrubbery. Gasco furnace, all linoleums, draperies, electric range and Radiantfire heater. - MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7976. Smaller attractive home In same location. m 1200 HOMES FOR SALE. Every home has been personally in spected, appraised and photographed. In our great public display room are over 1200 photographs of homes for sale, with price, terms, exact address and full Information attached. Every home displayed in its respective district. Our 25 automobiles and courteous, experi enced sales are at your service, in lo cating your home. Our display room is kept open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, REALTOR, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. LAURELHURST. How Much Cash Have You? Well, this 6-room California bun galow can be had for $7350 cash, and nothing less, for it is a reduc tion of $1500 and a real sacrifice. Hardwood floors, tapestry paper, ivory, enamel, buffet and fireplace, and these features all harmonize; In fact the house is modern as you could ask and not far from park end car. Yes, garage with full ce ment drive. Main 0353, or Wood lawn 7 Go. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $1300 DOWN. Balance $65 per month, with interest; modern semi-bungalow of eight rooms end sleeping porch; located on E. 20th st., near Stanton; large living and din ing rooms, with good oak floors, fire place, built-in buffet, bookcases, etc., Dutch kitchen, den, bedroom and bath downstairs, two bedrooms and sleeping porch up, full concrete basement, good furnace; this is a genuine bargain at $6500, with the above terma See RICHARD W, MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. ROSE CITY PARK. On 43d street, near Sandy, below the bill; no one could want a home In a better location than this; this is a strict ly modern bungalow, 6 rooms all on one floor, finished in old Ivory, hardwood floors throuehout, large living room, all bulltln features. Including a won derful buffet, breakfast nook, fireplace, furnace, garage with cement floor and runway, one block from car; on account of business reasons will sacrifice if sold at once; call owner, Tabor 3050, before 10 A. M. and Tabor 84S5 after 10 A, M.. and I will gladly call for you. itHMM) COLONIAL. This beautiful and exclusive home is modern in every detail, equipped with extravagant built-lns, has exquisite large living room, hardwood floors and fire place, very bright kitchen and breakfast nook, furnace and garage; in splendid district, on paved street. Shown by ap pointment: price $6000, $2000 cash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 475V 410 Henry Bldg. $4750 ROSE CITY PARK. $050 WILL HANDLE. 5-room bungalow, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-ins; the living room extends across entire front of house; large attic, cement base ment. Yes, there is a garage. Place convenient to Rose City Park school. Main 5201. 5200. Exceptional buy in a nifty little 4 room bungalow with bath, extra dandy full basement, cement foundation all around to floor, house newly painted in side and out, floors In excellent condi tion ; oh,, yes, fireplace, Dutch kitchen ; very quick action desired, because of dif ficulties unforeseen: very easy terms and small payments. Main 6353. or Wdln. 765. , LOOK at other values, then see this cosy 1V& -story. 6-room bungalow, finely built, beautiful lighting textures. built-in French windows with striped awnings, furnace, fireplace, pergola porch, beau tiful shrubbery. lawn, 7 full-bearing fruit trees, 50x100; Improved fine resi dence district, y block from RM car. 539 B. 37th st.t near 2 schools; $4400, terms. 6 rooms with very large sleeping porch and sun room. AH floors hardwood; good garage; this place is located in the best part of Irvington. It is up to date in every respect. . , W. H. ROSS, REALTOR. 1100 Northwestern Brink Bldg. LAURELHURST. Brand new beautiful modern "home, on large sightly lot. E. Sitth and Ladding ton, just north from Central Real Estate office. This is a beauty. Will stand closest inspection. Owner. ROBERT B. BEAT. Builder. LAL'KELHL'HST HOAlE BARGAIN SHOUU. At pre-war price couldn't be dupli cated for $12,500; strictly modern, with garage, and fine location; 4 large bed rooms and sleeping porch. 136 Hazel frn place. Tahor 2952. . IRVINGTON Ideal home, beat construc tion, choice lOoxlOO corner. Thompson street, all oak floors, plate g'as. 3 fire places, 2 bath rooms, extra plumbing, garage. Sacrifice price. Consider smaller home. Neuhausen Co.. real Lor, 530 N. W. Bank bldg Main fr07. $350 CASH WEST SIDE $3450. Here's a charming 5-room house, one floor, new, modern plumbing, new elec. fixtures; it's in walking distance, near fine apartment; assessor says lot, 50xsn, a.lone is worth $3000. 521 Market. Call own er. Marshall 746. forenoons. 8-ROOM bungalow, living, dining, kitchen, two bedrooms, oain uo u, . uruiuuum. bath up; hot water heat, garage, full cement driveway, cement basement, trays, lots roses, small payment down. For appointment A 234-01; no informa tion over phone. Owner. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE. Completely furnished or unfurnished, with all modern conveniences; located at the best moorage; 6c fare; owner. Fellwood 379. ROSE CITY, $4750. J block from Sandy, 5-room bunga low fireplace, buffet, bookcases. linen closets, etc., Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, large attic; on paved street. Phone owner. Automatic 323-39. DIRECT from owner. S-room modern -bun galow. Close in, pavea streets, jum rc inih,1 Inside, full basement, fruit and shrubbery. $665 down, balance $30 monthlv, including b interest. Wood lawn 45R. QUICK -AiALE.. 5-room house. 2 blocks from stores and Mt. Scott car line, nice corner lot, five bearing fruit tree and giarden. $H!O0. $500 down, rest like rent at 6 per cent. Owner, r non- n- t--,--. IRVINGTON elegant colonial, corner lot beautifully finished, mahogany, ivory; vapor heut, plate glass, oak floors, pa rage choice location. $13,500. Neu- hausen. realtor. East ay, .vain A6-ROOM home in tne Hawtnorne uist.. livine r.. dining r. and kitchen down. 2 bedr. upstairs, bath: 64x112 lot, fruit and berries: $3400. Some cash, balance tivp rent. Main 7036. Ca'l Sunday. FURNISHED 2-room house with 50x100 lot only 2 blocks from Union ave.. Wood lawn: total price only $1200. $500 cash. See McCormic Co., 242 Washington st Mfl'n R220. IRVINGTON sacrifice. 17th. near Brazee, east facing, large living room, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, maids' room, oak floors, double garage. Owner mov- InST. East -iain FOR $000 DOWN and about $35 per month we can sell you a $3800 home in Walnut Park. House in very good condition, st paved and paid for. Miln 7036. A HOME worth having, completely fur nished 10-room bungalow, facing Sandy blvd., Laurelhurst district, modern, $000, terms. East 7085, owner. J2xii M T. T A BOR $ 2h50. Modern 5-room bungalow. QTTS. RTNOLBR & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. G-KOOM modtirn bungalow, on carline, fruit trees. 652 Dekum ave. Terms. Wood town 1204. KEW 7-room, furnacd, fireplace, II. W. floors, all built-lns, east trout. JITiO; f 10U0 down. Call labor 667. . RKA L ESTATE For Sale Houen. ALAMEDA PARK, 30 K. 3-d K.Owner has left city; -yen rooms, strictly modern. "J'J1 kitchen, tine light basement, fur nace, fireplace, garage; immediate possession; in bst part of Ala meda; very easy terma IRVINGTON, 6S7 Wasco St. $6500; 7 rooms; Immediate pos.-esslon ; fine yard and fruit; convenient to Broadway or Irvington cars, terms to suit. HAWTHORNE $4500; 280 K. 33d St.; strictly modern 7 rooms; tine yard; all street improvements In; Immediate possession; will accept $1500 cash and balance monthly at 6 per cent, same as rent. MONT A VILLA $2700: 2116 E. Washington St.; 5-room modern bungalow: a neat .little home on terms like rent: owner leaving city; will leave range, gas stove, gas plate and linoleum. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. Broadway 29S0. 85 4th st. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Ideal for two families, large rooms, Ideal location, large living room beautiful dining room, com plete kitchen and breakfast nook. 8 large Bleeping rooms each with splendid built-in wardrobes and extra closets; also sleeping porch and tile bath with built-in ward robe; 2 rooms and ample space for several others on second floor. Also partly equipped bathroom; fine garage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7970, ROSE CITY PARK. $2750 100x100 corner, 4-room modern house. 5350O 5-room modern bungalow, garage. $300 5-room modern bungalow. Just compi ted. $4200 (i-room strictly modern bungalow. $4500 5-roorn modern bungalow. $400 7-room modern hnuse. $5000 8-room modern house. $5000 5-room modern bungalow. See W. R. Chiene, with A. N. M1KKELSEN CO. 62d and Sandy blvd. Tahor 2580. Onfi Sundays and Even In its. A PIEDMONT JiOME. $0500. Strictly modern 7-room residence In heart of Piedmont district, two blocks north of Ktllingsworth, convenient to Jefferson high, public library und car lines; living room 24x10, fireplace, largo sunny dining room, heavy oak floor, every built-in convenience, Dutch kitch en and breakfast nook, three sunny bedrooms, bath - and sowing room up stairs, large attic, full concrete base ment, furnace, Inundry trays, etc. ; 5x 100 lot, garage with concrete floor and driveway. For terms, sec RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1200 HOMES FOR SALE. Every home ha been personally In spected, annralned and photographed. In our great public display room are over 1200 photographs of homes for pale, with price, terms, exart addns and full Information attached. Every home displayed In ita respective district. Our 25 automobiles and courteous, experi enced sales are at your service. In lo cating your home. Our display room if kept open evenings anTl Sundays for your con ven tence. npe FRANK" L. McGUIRE, REALTOR. To Buy lour Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1009, Third St., h'-f. Washington and FtnrU. FOR H5 CASH and $45 per month, lnrl. Int., you can buy a beautiful little modern and new bungalow In North Piedmont district, has 2 lovely bedrooms, perfect kinhon and breakfast nook and quite atlructive buffet. This place Is a bargain nt $3S50, $1S3 cash and Is ready to move into. We are open Sunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Brnadwav 4751. 410 Henry Bids. A REAL BARGAIN. 6 rooms snd sleeping porch, furnace, fine fruit, gwrage, close In. lot 5i)xl0(; in first-class condition. $4250, terms. 7 rooms, dandy place, c!of e In, must sell; only $2l50, easy terms, $:0 a month, including interest. 5-room bungalow, floor attic, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, xnodrrn. $45. o, terms. J. BOBBINS, .Til Railway Ft. Bldg. Mn'n 7':t1. Tihor 53 1H. $500 DOWN. 5-room bungalow on lot 100x7. with berries and shade trees; two blk. to oar and close to school; garage; full rmse.inent and all con veniences. $3100 Is the price. Main 0303, or Woodlawn 705. iiU N G A 1 .0 W 500. PRICE $2000. Four rooms and bath, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. concrete basement, cement walks, lawn, flowers and shrubbery: on paved street, three blocks from car; a cosy little home; easy terms. RICHARD W, MAST. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 01-R-5-7 Board of Trad BMg. ROPE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, GARAGE. Only $1750. This beautiful rustic bungalow, cement porch, larse living room, music room, built-in features fur nace fireplace, back porch, east front, full lof below the hill. 1 blocks to Bandv. Call Main 5201. 505 Couch bldg. CAN YOU BEAT T II IS ? HOSE CITY SNAP. $4R50. 14850. $4S50. Modern 5-rm. bungalow, corner lot. double garage. Gasco furnace, full ce ment basement, lRundry trays, double constructed ; paved st., 1 blk. to car; terms or titlcO irnod lot part payment. -HS RTVOIFIR X- rn.. 22S Tf.-nrv Wdg. $5500. Wet side, walking distance, full lot. 60x100; 2-storv, 7 rooms and sleeping: porch: 4 bedrooms, fireplace, full con crete basement, furnace; immediate pos session. Terms $3000 cash. balance POpNDKXTER, 20 FELLING BLDG. Mnln 1!O0 Roiidnre Knt 77t. Hi 1 1 1 uav in muiv 7S2 Ha.lt.ey near 24th 7-rooni modern home, hardwood floors throuKhnut, walls beautifully papered, ail ivory finish, large sleeping porch ; garage. A real bargain for S7500, terms. Owner ROBERT B BW T. Ent 175 BEAUTIFUL, WESTMORKf.AND HOMK. 6 rooms, large Uvinir and dining; room, furnace, fireplace, den, modern Dutch kitchen, 3 lovely bedrooms, double Kar raffe, 1 block car. 3 school, eat front anv reasonable tnnna. no mortcaee. T. O. Bird, Mar. 1rt2'J. Petl. t?70fl evening. EAST Irvington district; a great bargain; ini leaving the city, will fell my home at great Mcriflee; lnnxHin. B rooms, electric lights, gas: 10 fruit trees, ber ries and roes; price $.15110, terms. 6tll !. Slot nt., N., near Knott. iil'Y I'KOil owner, aave coinnii.si,n. Hawthorne district. 5 rooma on firt floor, electric lig-ht and gas. fireplace, basement, laundry trays, law-n. rope. $:M'H), some terms. 730 k'runt Alain, near join st. past awi". 1KV1NGTOX COLONIAL, SlAli'LV C1IA KMlXi. All oak floors. 2 bathrooms. Ivory finlfh, garage, choice location, near Knott. Triced right. T. R. IS'euhauscn, realtor. K;it X4. Main "7" cwip Small modern 4-room bungalow, Flriand, Mt. Scott, MlxlUO lot. 17MI. small payment or good car down, bal ance like rent. C. J. Lane. Bherwood, Oregon. II U'THOH.VK. 7-room house, four bedrooma. fruit, sranag-. 60x100 lot: small payment down; only f-'JO per month. Hplenilid buy. J ROBBINS. :l Hallway K. Bldg. Mnln 70'tl. Tahor r.:lH. . r,.R jil'NUA LOW type. Walnut Park diat street paved and paid for, 1 blk. to car' fine combination range goes with house' garage; STJOO, cash ."00, balance to suit. Mnln 7m IKVINGTO.N DUTCH COLONIAL. 75x100 lot, beautiful shrubbery, large living, room, fireplace, sun room. Ivory finish 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, ga. " ' ' orifice. East 301. Main S07S. 7T sco'l'T SNA I' rooma complet'ly furnished; only 1 block from car. near ir.,v,.r nlnoe: corner let. Price a big snap only $22.10. 1000 cash. McCormic Co.. '?42 Washington st. Main S220. .. -:'! chIh 7-room house, waiaing dis tance, lot fiOxloo, with garage, for quick sale i'rK'e ?iv.uu, u nno. E .T. flFIPFlR. 417 Chamber of Com, 42&V w-KUOM cottage, walking oUlanre, iVJt.' ,,.rrl.l.it 11000 cash, hat- BrtVj. terms. C. W. Nelson, 2"'-j Russell, Bi'AUTlKUL COLONIAL I! Kit HITS choice residence aisxrici, n-nr UH.iiiurus car line charming modern 8-room home, ncrlflce. Fast 304. Main S7S. IS-ROOM bungalow, fireplace. garage. pavement in. near ,nsi au, ,ouv. icruxs. i Oftuer, Bcliwood IiUi. i ft E AT. KHTATE. For Half lloicea. tOMHARK THKSB WITH ANYTHING VOJ H AVE J.OOKKD AT AND YOU WILL UK CONVINCED. 4 rooms on corner, paved sis. ...$1500 ' i rooms on ear line and paved paved si reel 1100 moo lrtS5 6 rooms plastered, full basement. paved street rooms, plastered. furnished. paved street rooms, ful; basement, good ga rage rooms, plastered, on cor llns and paved street ?non rooms, plastered, paved atreet 2noo As low as ll.'tO down snd easy monthly payments. If you are looking for some thing better w havt It, alto, and on your own terma. Geo. K. crow, with HKSUARD HARALA. Kill Mississippi Ave. TVd'n. 121. lies Wdln. :,. CHARMING DUTCH COLONIAL. Extra site lot, central hall, Urge livintr room off of which Is open tirraie, lovely dining room snd breakfast room, complete kltrhen, 3 sleeping rooms. 1 full Unglh of living room, f.nest tile bath with eifgMnt fixtures, beautiful shrub bery. By appointment. MRS. 1IAURT PRTCH PALM ICR, Kust TD7U. Another In similar location with many of the mime features, al0 .i furuuee and garage. r A.N llil.ii(I.N iiu.viL. A six-room resident; lore attractive living and dimnjr rooms, fireplace, mod ern kitihen, pantries, etc.; three bed rooms, bath and nlf-pln porch on sec ond floor; beautiful lawn, shrubbery, etc.; veiy convenient to tar; terms; can be bought completely fiirnlahed hi small additional cose and will lake good auto ad part payment. iUCHAKl V, MAST. Realtor, HITTER. !,OWl & CO.. ?01-S-iV7 Hoard of Trade Hldpr VACANT! VACANT! VACANT! IftOO IS AM, YOU NEED $."00. $3250 MODERN HAWTHORNE $3250. ARE YOU 1ST ILL RENTINOT Six-room bungalow-type, 4 rooms and bath f irat floor, 2 bedrooms upntMlra; good ban'-ment, plumbitus, cb'ctric 1-kIus, Kaft, lot 4Uxt0D, hard -surf seed street and sewer, nearly all paid; houe could not be built for price asked; quick puia sian; see this todity; it is a bargain. Sunday, Marshall 0Jo3; weekdays. Mam 71M17. MAUI ELS & WILLIAMS. Realtors, Chamber of Commerce Hidnr. IKVINUTON. BS2 East lrtth Street North. $fcA00. POME HA HO AT V. STRICTLY MOhURX RESIDENCE, Nine rooms, five bedroom, one bed room flrwt floor, practically two tiled bathrooms, la rue sleeping porch, alio maids' rooms, grae, hardwood floors, furnace. 1MINMRXTER. '20 PELLTNO PLDO. MAIN 1MH) RESIDENCE. EAST H771. 11 US..; CI lY l'AKlv. y 5-room bungalow on choice corner, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, French doors. Imported tapcutry paper, VJ newty painted lnauie. sleeping porch, cement basement, Karaite, one blork from Sandy, everything modern and up-to-date, clasnieat bungalow In Roue City Hark, come and today, for yourself; furniture for sale; take medium-aised auto as part payment and terma; for Sfil hy owner. (U.r. K. tliM MfM North. SEVERAL English and Dutch co le n. a 1 hoin'i ami a number of very attractive new biiiiKHlowa In Irvington and A lamed. dmtricls, offered for Pale bv MRS. JIARRY i'KICE PALMER, Kast 7170. $ Ji(00 M U I KR X Hi; N t , A I .t l W tJUj". AN OLD-TIME BARGAIN. SEE THIS TODAY. 7 room, 5 rooma first floor, fine base ment, good plumbing, elect He 11 h t p, gap, fireplace, bullt-lna, e.tpl front, fine I.oxl no lot; only $500 down and It is certainly a bargain. Sundays, Marshall MMi;l. week day p. Main 7'.m7. MAKIELRA WILLIAMS. Realtors. MO Chamber of Coinmerre Hldg UY OA NEK. Itcautlful modern 5-rooin bungalow on corner lot; completely furnished, ftre ptaee, built-in bookeanca mid buffet, basement, la r.;e at t In. rosea, ah rubbery and fruit trees; f urn It ut e con pi. of combination range, swell rugs ami rock em. dining room set, dreaders, be da, etc. I'rice very reasonable. for term, a- owner, between 11 and & today, at b'Jll ooflPtork avenue .KW IlI'MULklUS. $2.1 HO for a fine 4-room, m. modern, tot Mt 100, concrete baaemenl, $."'00 cash, balanew I'Tini. l-inoo fr r strictly modern o-room lot, .toxin.), $10mo caah. JIlMit) for a fine ft -room modern, only $looo cash. This Is In white enamel, hardwood floor. 1 have other. Let in show you. K. L. ML A NTH A R I , Realtor. iltVlNtiToN UAIK. A IN. I am the owner of a 7-room strictly modern house In Irvington, cement haae ment, laundry traya. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. built-lns, breakfaPt nook. Mix 100 lot. near cat. Thin Iioun la in bept of condition and we will glv ponrtepaion at once. All cltv Improve, inents In and paid. Trice $0000, 10 per cent down and 1 per cunt pur month. ('nil owner. Tabor H I SV IIJOU l.WCSUALLY ttrliwtic. ."-tiont bun ga low, living room, with fireplace and bullt-Ui bookcases, attractive solid paneled dining room, with nias.-dve buffet; white Dutch kitch en, best plumbing fixtures, paved st.; liens pi Id. Terms. On Frank lin st. In Wavcrly Height. Gv FRANK U McUl'lRE. TO iujv YOL'ii home. AMnirfnn bldg. Mam 1Wq KOSK CITY HARK. New fi-room bungalow, built by ron scientloos workers a beautiful little home with all the modern conveniences; large living room with fireplace, oak floor, ta pes try paper, cement basemen t, a t tic. Huy now and si-led your color; price $:.soO. We aro making wage, that's all. fee Royal, Jd and bandy blvd. Tahor 1 5 VERY EASY TERMS. $2250 NEAR ANKEXY CAR BARNS. ft-ROO.M COTTAGE. Near car barnn and car; good plumb ing, electric lights. gas, all Improve ments )Hid; small payment down. Sun days, Marshall 500:i; week days, Mnln 7007. Muriels Ar Williams. 8-'0 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 7oO DISTINCTIVE modern it-toom bun galow, fireplace, white enamel plumbing. built-lns. very good va I tie. On Church ft., near Inter state, close to cur and avhool; cay terms. See FRANK I. Mcdl'IRE. TO HUV OUli HOME. AMngtnn b'dg Main 1 SEE THIS liEl-'oKc. . oL" HI V. 4!0 East 2 1 at St., bet w een Division and Clinton, room with funis e, fairly modern, lot 62Hhi. some fruit, at reel Improvements In and paid ; repaint log the houpe; will be open 2 to 4 toda. Bv owner. Tabor 41Kt. TWO N ICE Urfcu residt rici a and moom property on the went P.de, clone In and priced riKht. to exchange for smaller e;,ht side homes up to $'ooo. What have you 7 .TI7 Chamber Commerce bldg. Mm in R720. $2.)U0 'L IS E -IN ' T1 A ( i E $2.U0. CLOSE IX. EAST SIDE. R rooma. tr"d plumbing, electric lfghtp. EH lot r.OxlOO. See (hip to.lny. Kay terms. Sund" v. Mariall Moi.T: week days. Main 7007. Muriels Williams, HO Chinnher of Commerce bMg. WEST SIDE HOME. North of Washington: 7 rnnm; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full lot; $ soon can be seen by appointment. John M. 1'ayne & Co., 311 Mohawk bldg. Main 001 ' i ATTRACTIVE 11 A V T Ho RX K ll'iMb. Seven large sunny rooms, corner tot rrx loo, g.t rage, furnace, fireplace, Ivory finish,' ttipcpirv paper. 2 blocks from cr; price ?'.J0O; $10oo down. Owner, a mo "3 11 E DT1.- N'T. House In heart of riedmont. eaat front, modern six rooma. dcpi oi con struction. Owner leaving cny. Cleveland S vt Woorlln wn JOJ I, 123 A REAL H.VAH. ft-room modern furnlahed bungalow; Just lik" m ; full cement baaement ; nil for :tVWt. flown. C' M Tnbor s7. lli.Vl.NUT N li o.I ES OC It SPECIALTY. H EKO It E R I ' Y I X C S E E T B NEIHAI'SEX CO. REALTOR, KiO N W HANK MATV "'7H 4-ROOM houm, lot Box 100. 2 blocks to carline, near school, all for $1000 caxa, or will glvo some terms. 1'hone COt. 1L'!V H01 N. Jersey st. 4 LARUE loth, ;oxloo each, corner; goo4 houpe, 0 rooms, bnlh and closets, natural wood finish; price $;th00. L. K. Fry, pesverton, Or. FOR SALE lo to 2o-.l wawmiU, nn-tlric driven, on railroad; can ship over all lines; great opportunity. 414 Hoard of Trade. toot) WILL haudiu ne-Uiy furnlitd bun galow; 3 rooms snd bath. H74 East loth st. i-; y uiuc. iu i 'n a gents. I L.R I LAN D H E1U-H1 S nio-leru r Term" like rent. Owner. Main 7 H C, P. DESlitAHLE i-room butiKalow, Vnrnre. .-,o0 o-wnt-r T-ihor Sns. j hmm"! i-ROOM modern bungaiow, CH-sn T"rm p. K'M JiOSE CITY bungalow, floored attic, ga rage; payments like rvuU belt. 27 V4. A A