8 THE SUM DAY OitEGOMAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 24, PJJJl For Sal f I.ot. $--.0 HylXAUAV ADD $3i:i0. A 6 room houn, fait basement, fnr "f wash trays. etc.: Urge kitchen witn pantry; hardaurface street and ewer In and paid: eOnino lot; $l7i0 caov balance term a Thla l on of the best buy ia ui city. Phone for appointment. 3"noT-ROOM BOTOALOW. A .-room bungalow, full basement, paneled dining room, fireplace, etc, 18 br1r,a- frUjt trees, walnuts and berries. lloo corner. A real buy at $3u0; tcrnia easy. t47r,0 ROFE CTTT 14750. A 5-room house with cement base-Jr?'-, wa5 trays, gum furnace, ireplace, bullt-ins. Dutch kitchen, etc; 1H blocks rth handy; double garage and run way, onxloo eorner; city imDrovements Paid; terms. f9A0 A REAL CLASST HOME. A T-room strictly modern buncalow, furnace, beautiful fireplace, hardwood floors, erery imaginable built-in fea- ? br"kfat nook, sleeping porch, cabinet kitchen, cement basement, laun dry trays, all finished in Ivory and enamel; GOiluO lot. rarer and runway; faces east; city Improvements paid; terms to suit; Kosa City Park, 43d u, near Sandy, 15750 ROSE CITT BUNGALOW. A 6-room bunfralow, furnace, flre Vic. all built-ins, cabinet kitchen, paneled dinUi; room, cement basement, wash trays, etc., rarage 12x20 feet, city Improvements paid; terms easy. $8000 ROPE CITT BUT $6000. A (-room bungalow, hartfwood floors Throughout, furnace, fireplace, all bullt lns, cabinet kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, etc. etc A classy little home In a wonderful location 4tb at., near Sandy bivd.; city improvements Paid; terms to suit. RCMMHU. A RTJSTMELU 27 Stark St. . Sunday: Tabor 870. Auto. 212 -Vt. Tabor 4!WV IRVLNGTON LOT BUTS. $lVf) 14th. Klanitn a BolrlvAti 12S0 lith, next street, near Braze. .TV corners, loth and Klickitat. I1J0 Inside lot I1S0U Sightly corner. 67x100. 49th and i uiamooK. 100 AdJoininr earners. nm stie fi;.-0 n. w. corner 18th and Klickitat. $1000 Inside lots. 8th to Htb, near Btanion ana Knott. $1500 6.sxiou. Clackamas, near JId. tl'Ht 75x11)0. near Knott, east face $:!3O0 N. E. corner 18th and Stanton. t2A0 N. w. corner lth and Schuyler. $lli0 Inside lot. lth near Klickitat. Alameda. 100x100, on Duncklev. block xrom Hroadwa-y car. 11000 per 30x100. WESTlVKK TERRACES. 3 lots. 13. 15, 17. block 4. face east, on Summit ave., right off Cornell road at Summit court: 111-- feet frontage. $10,000; best frontage, view and accessibility in best Improved block in Westover. Would exchange for a good home. it. T. STREET. REALTOR. WO E. BROADWAY. ON SANDY BLVD. $1050. EVERYTHING PAID. Large corner lot. Thla Is one of the finest there ia faces south. 115 feet on Sandy blvd. Drive by and see Ihia N. W. cor. of 76th and Sandy blvd. Restricted district. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. (Realtor.) ROSE CITY PARK 50x100 feet at 40th ana Thompson, beautiful homeaite, $1000. IRVIXOTON 19 beautiful building sites, all In one tract, near E. 34th and unott. t-nce $3700 for the tract. NOB HILL 100x100. Lovejoy St.. cor- ner. A sue tor A liblTtH ZlUME. Price $15,000. 60x100 feet on Pettygrove St., bargain. LEE'S EXCHANGE. 124 4th st. Auto. S20-50. ON" EASY TERMS. f .',0 27th and Clinton sts.. Imp. paid. rtmiueu ram, imp. paid. KKiO Alameda Park, Imp. paid. 2.-.O0 The Alameda. Imp. paid. 9110 Mllwaukle St., Imp. paid, lrtoo Mllwaukie St., Imp. paid. 950 Milwaukie St., Imp. paid, 6oo East 17th St., imp. paitL 300 East lth st. 215 East i'Uth St. 650 Esst lL'th sU ijou irvington; owner will finance Dunaing. J. C. COKB1.V CO.. 805 Lewis Bldg. LAUKELHl'KST LOTS BEING SACRIFICED. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK AT PRESENT PRICES. COMIC OITT TIITUV Office on the ground. East 89th and Gllan. Some nice lots for $S50. Very choice ones lor eiiruu ana xtioo. Save 15 per cent by buying now. Come to East Suth and Glisan sL. M-V car. or phone Tabor DEI.AHI'NTY. PIEDMONT LOT SNAP. $1100. This Is $600 below actual value. Somebody gets it Monday. NEILAN PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th snd St"-k Sts. IRVINGTON IMPROVED LOT One Weidler St.. bet. 21st and 22d ata. i DIOCK Irom Hroariwnv env tKi. iA lies exceptionally nice and is surrounded by beautiful trees and there are several Vt on lnl" lot: "w price lor cash. J!Oi!.J IrviliKton lot on L-M t facing east: one of the beat locations we $1400 nign-cia district; iV1 LA McKEKNA CO.. REALTORS. 4th St. Mun 4.-.L'-V TALK OK THK Tnwv ci down: big lots: cement walks; 2 long o ocss norm Kennedy school. Better piicn a tent man pay rent. R. w. .ry. i.in w. uanK bldg. Residence. Main 1377. ALAA1EUA PARK LOTS We have lots in Alameda from $700 and up. If you In- I tr-o'j vuiiuins- lei us snow you some rood buys. Rummell ft Rummell, 274 MflrK st. MTU AND HALSEY CORNER. $1250. TERMS. IMPROVEMENTS PAID. HERMAN MOELLER. REALTOR. Main 14-0. lnj.1 Oasro Bldg. PLANS ami sptcif icatlons for semi-Dutch colonial 8-room home, corner lot, with considerable work already done; have other plana so decided to sacrifice for quick sale. Call room 5 Rainier hotel. LAURELHURST .',0 down. $10 month. Florida st. $i3 down. S10 month. Swinton $10 down. $10 month. Willamette add. $10 down. $10 month. N'o Interest. Owner. East 20QQ. II DOWN, SI WEEK. 80x100; cement walks: north Kennedy school. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. BV THE OWN"ER. Three nice Irvington corners, will sell separately or huiid to suit purchaser. " n tie. r.asi 1 ONLY $75 FOR 7O0 LOT. Subject to small bonded Hens. Plenty of fruit trees on it. Near Woodlawn car. B. F. KELLY. Swetland Bldg. Main 7776 KENTON LOTS Very cheap If taken at once. 100x125. cultivated land: one-third in berries. looxloo, level, good home site Phone Wdln. 5624. LoT 20xloo. garage 12x17 and hen house, on Columbia blvd., aU for $300 cash. Columbia 770. Foil SALE I lot in Rose City and 1 lot in East St. Johns, cheap. Call Woodlawn 55.13. IRVINGTON lot, bargain. $1275: east fac ing. 18th street. Neuhausen. Realtor. 830 X. W. bank bldg. Main 8078. 60x100 LOT, one block from car, three to school and park. Consider car in trade 347 E. 41st st. Main 418. I SPECIALIZE in lots offered at the big gest bargains, convenient to carlines. on Union. Williams. Albina. Denver and Killingsworth avenues. Stowe. ltle Kil llngsworth ave. Woodlawn 3537;- Sundays Wo dlawn 37!' FOR SALE 100x100 facing east; fruU trees, berries, shack, city water. 1145 E. 21st N. near Killingsworth. FINE lrvingten lot on 15tb st.. between Tillamook and Thompson. $2600. Phone Tai nt 41; 'IRVINGTON lota. $1000 and up, liuprove- ments paid. Neuhausen. Realtor. N. W. Bank bl.ig Main 8078. LOT Loi i. i..U.Jj. Iji. ivoe City Park. Will .sell or trade for lot In Westmoreland. N rs'. r-rrmn'on. BUILDING lot on Burrage st., near Port land boulevard. $C00, terma H. F. Kalse. 1330 Burrage. BY kV , tli Modern 5-room bungaiow. 1K100. lawn and fruit trees. Woodlawn 1236 13l" F. 20th X ALAMEDA PARK. 40-ft. lot on E. 23d St., 140 ft. north of The Alameda. $750. Joha Bain. 507 Spaidtnr bldg. joo BUTS a large lot 3 blocks to Wood stock car: clear, good title: a?so another lot adjoining. Main 3009, or call 201 3d. Br Fr, FSTATK. For Sale l-otit. $;... A. MONTH. Pap this amount on your lot put np a temporary home at a small cost like many others are now doing and save the balance you are now paying in rent. There Is a time in the affairs of men. which, taken at the flood, leads on to well. If not fortune at leant content ment and the security of looking every Diana man straight between the eyes and saying: "I'll tell the world this little old part of the carta Is MINK!" and the landlord, suave and bland and prompt each month, will be an unknown quantity. Maybe you won't get the kick out of this that the box score you just left gives you. brother, but glance around the table at the other members of the family who are depending on you as skipper, guide and counsel, whose heritage is a permanent home, and if you can picture them gleefully exults ing and playfully frolicking .around a bale of rent reeelpts you have got it on Napoleon. In purchasing a lot from us in university Fark on a small payment down, you are buying ireeaom ana get ting a hammeriock on happiness, and this elusive emotion is only obtained through much love and endless service. That brings us back to YOUR family agoin. Here is all that a man has, and In providing a home you are giving .them renewed belief and courage in all that UUila means snd you. ACT NOW. UNIVERSITY PARK LOTS. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Realtors. 13 fourth St. Main 45!2. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. CHOICE VIEW LOTS. $10001200 DOWN. These lots are selling rapidly. 50 per cent of the lots on B. 20th st. have been sold and two new bouses will be started this week. Yon will probably never again have an opportunity to buy a choice lot In this close-in restricted district at this price. Bast front lots en 20th St.. bet. Mill and Harrison. 48 ft. frontage by 110 ft. deep, with all Imp., excepting paving. In and paid; only $1000, on easy terms. A petition for paving has been signed and this street will likely be paved this summer. One west front lot left. 48x100. price $1000; one 50x90 lot on Harrison St., bet. 20th and 2,th sts., with all street imp. in ana paid, price S1230. easy terms. s. w corner 26th and Mill sts.. $1100. Sev- eral of these lots have bearing fruit trees, better look them over today and take your choice. HENDERSON-BANKCS CO., . REALTORS. 4?ft Henry Hid it. Bdirv. 4754. LAKE FRONT. OVER 4 ACRES. PARKROSE. $160 down. $31 total monthly pay ment, all ready for the plow, vir gin land, rich black silt, great for gardening, beautiful view of val ley and mountaina corners on deep, clear lake, fishing, swim ming.; you can build a little home here and pay for your land In crops, north of Sandy blvd and car line; price $3125. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. (Realtor.) Branch office end of Parkrose carllne. Tabor 2904. A LITTLE GARDEN PAYS. 1 to 4-aere lots, between Irvington Park and Columbia blvld.. Alberta car to 30th and Alnsworth, thence 2 blocks north. Rich soil, attractive home sites. Dandy view of mountains. J. O. ELROD. Owner. 817 Corbett Bldg. Main 617X JTST SO SURE as Portland grows, and stow ii must, just so sure will Laurel hurst lots grow steadily In value. Tne wise Investor will buy now whi;e they can be bought at such ridtcuiously low prices. Easy terms if wanted. Phone and I'll call with plat and show loca tion of all unsold lots and quote un-heard-of prices. J W. Crorwlev. Main 1700. YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WHEN YOU SEE THIS. Ideal suburban home site, containing i acre, right on cariine. Bucklev ave.: luuuuiB wait-r; -j.: very easy terms. K. H. CONFREY, Realtor. HITTER. LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. iKVINGTuN DISTRICT. ONLY' A FEW LEFT. These are choice lots iust north of rremonl in restricted district, all im provements paid: nricea from S.",!iR to s.i; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODRON CO., Realtors. 633 N. W Bank PMg. Main 37S7. BVKKY REAL E-lAi'lC JUa.V A.s.v BE A "REALTOR." Only those who are memuers oi tne national board and are pieciged to protect clients are entitled to use of the name "Realtor." Be sure that the real estate man you do business with is a hlaliuk. Portland Realty Board. Orriron buildinir. FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2. block 3. on cor ner of E. 80th and Pine sts. Mount Ta bor. Villa annex. Portland, Or.; 2 blocks irom tark-street boulevard. ADDRESS LUCILLE HICKEY. ROUTE 2. BOX 1.10. PUTAI.I.UP. WASHINGTON. HiUK LAST CHvNCE. Laurelhurst lots at these nricea J. A. McCarty. 2804 Stark. Main 1700: evcninKK, IBDOr num. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. Se J. A. McCartv. 270U Ktarlr Mnin 1700. Evenines. Tabor 5057. BEAUTIFULLY WOODKD t.nxs near Peninsula Park and Jefferson Wle-h 50x100; I.-.00. $50 cash. X10 monthlv also a real snap. 60x155. 700. terms: this Is almost the size of 2 lots JOHNSON-DODSON CO., Realtors. 633 X. W. Bank PMg Main 8787 RESIDENTIAL PARK. Near city limits out Base Line rosd. water and gas available, near cariine, 4 01 an acre, ?8J.,, on very easy terms. K. H. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. II A WEEK. Unlversiv Park lots sold on ensv l.rmi cement walks, streets a-raded. clo in school and car. This district building no fast. OOE A. McKENNIA CO.. REALTORS. 4'h t. Ma:n 4.1 J 2 SACRIFICE PRICE $1800. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert candv . tory; on O. W. R. A N. tracks Holladay atruue uear c. itta. air. carey. Main PENINSULA DWELLING SITES. WILBIIHTON." "WABASH PARK." Low price and easy terma B. F CRO.VKR1TR rvi 607-8 Henry Bldg Broadway 4M5. UNBELIEVABLE sacrifices; valuable quarter block. 55th. Belmont, all paved and paid; worth JtiOOO. price $3200: also . r.. cor. z-a ana fcsst fine. 85x100. all liens fully paid. $1450 cash. Phone . nrr, r.asi n. PITCH A TENT $1 DOWN. vi ny rentr ii week. 50x100: cement waias: Aioerta car. long blocks north iL'iineay scnuol. it. v. Cary. 1219 N. W Bank bldg. Main 1643. Residence. Main ENJOY THE GREAT OUTDOORS Buy 1 big acre out the Powell valley R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. ;01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg BO-vic t'.",o'i.t u.'.coiiac.ous.y influenced pay $400 and $500 for lots. Investigate and you will buy our hnlf price special sale 50x100 lots. J'.'OO: Multnomah dis trict, sis Hallway Exch. bldg. Main 675. K. 7688. CHOICE lot, walking distance, paving. park nr.. east side, fine location. Price only $1550; improvements all In and paid. G. A. Kasper. 210 Railway Ex- ioiliio. fAVBU. wth st.. one block south i.iBiuo si., near car line, mis property iiiwo in uu a oarKam tor 4Sju. OOE A. McKEKNA CO.. REALTORS. 82 4th St , Main 4.1 22 a ri.c ounuv corner lot on E. 72d, one oiock nortn oi sandy; only $500; all HARRY BECKWITH. 104 Fifth St. Main 68R9. VOIR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at extremely low prices. See J. ' A. Mc- c-any. i.on cark. Main 1700; evenings Tt""- ro7 POKTL.ND BLVD.. nur WilUmerte h:vrt 2 blocks from car: priced very low. Jilb! m sper assessment. (V)E A McKEiNNA CO.. RE-ALTORS 82 4th Pt Main 4 .1 2 2 LUliAbK lots witn all street Improvements in ana paia: jikpu to I ljufi each: fine atreet car service; In Westmoreland; for lerms see Ladd Estate Co.. 246 Stark at. 75x100 ON EAST 75thTkbouTl00 ftrsouth of Sandy. $700. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 Flf'h St Msln 6869 44x100 UN Gat-Held aenue. near STtidmore; paved street; price $700 HENRY W GODDARD. REALTOR 213 S:ark Street. LOT. ALAMEDA PARK; everything paid: $750. JOHNSON-DOPSON CO., Realtors. 633 N W. Rink Bldg Main S7S7 CHOICE Laurelhurst lots; verv desirable locations: COE A. McKEKNA CO.. 82 4th st high ground; BY REALTORS. Main 4..22. ROSE CITY, on sandy blvd., corner 43d, $1.V. Tabor 6441. OWNER. Alameda Park lota cheap. cau Mist ho. RKAL KSTATE. Kor Sale lxt. IDEAL ROSE CITT LOT. $775. EVERYTHING PAID. Drive by and see thla It Is nn 5th street, ttth lot N. of 8tanton. facing west, ground Is about one foot above street level. Yes. all paving and sewer assessment are paid in full at this price. J. L. HARTMA COMPANY, (Realtor.) g Cham, of Com. Bids. Main 208. t.iTTPlPT.TTITTtST T.OT SHOO. 50x100, on the north side of Flanders I St., 100 feet east oi eist sui it i and paid. eoovVT ivn -PARI? T.OT. 1950. 80x00, on the east side of 52d St., 100 I feet north or Sherman St.; an imp. " I and paid; $100 casn, oai. iu moum. Tram PITT nTSTRTCT. S750. $0x100. on the west side of 62d st, 100 I ft. north of Halsey sU; all Imp. in and I HENDBRSON-BANKUS CO.. REALTORS, 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. e0xl00-FT. LOT. , $650 SNAP SNAP! 1 BLK. OFF SANDY BLVD.,. ON 8TH STREET. BUILD TOUR OWN HOME. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, I Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. (Realtor.) IRVINGTON IMPROVED LOT, ON WEIDLER ST., between 21st and 22d Sts. This is a beautiful cultivated lot with bearing fruit trees and shade trees; high-ciase built-up district; size of lot to suit, from 50x100 to 75x100. with or without garage. Go look It over. HITTER. LOWE CO., Realtors, 201-a-S-7 Board of Trade Bidg. ioxloo. KNOTT, near 20th; everythin I T.C.M- nrlp, SI'JOO 50x100. corner on Knott; everything I paid: price flMto. Corner on Hoyt. Laurelhtirat; every- n.M- nT-W tiAtMt. 50x100. Laurelhurst; everything In and I paid; price $li"0. 50x100 on Brooklyn street; everything I paid: price 7o0. HENRY W GODDiARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark Street. CORNER lots with all street Im provements in and paid; $600 to $1200 each; a fin street car service; in Westmoreland. For terms see LADD ESTATE CO., 246 Stark at. pnHTI.iMl HKKiHTS. We are offering for aale one of the I best large residence sites on Portland Heights. The location is excellent and commands a superb and unobstructed view of the city, rivers and mountains. Th. nHce lie low and the terms easy. R. F, Bryan, 5i0 Chamber of Commerce I bldg. Main 1!'03. njL-n m-oLection lisL vour prop erty for sale or ouy ou-y iiuuusn i KEAl.TUrt. All real eaiaiw Intro -" be realtors. ONLY realty men who do a clean business csn Join the board and use the name "Realtor." Phone us when In doubt. Portland Realty Board. Broad way Hill'-'. MR. AND MRS. RENTER, get away irom strict rules OI lanaioras ana uisi o,., 1 be free; own your own home. Am the 1 owner of a aanay 101, gooa view, iitK .na. fios to school. Reed college and car; half block from paved St. and sewer I in; Kasimoreianu; win nuuriov i H3 e. salmon, r.ast o-.o. v., :oo oihrtkr block, corner 18th and Powell; hard-surface streets, sewer and cement walks. Fine corner for 2 houses facing south on car line. Property worm i4.vtn hut for Immediate sale to pay incumbrances will deed for $1600 cash. See owner, 601 Worcester bldg. .luxli.u CORNER on East Broadway and-48th; fine view, all Improvements paid; 3 blocks from car. Price oo. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SKI. I.WOOD. Two clolce iota corner E. 16th and I Linn ave.. 80x100 feet each; signs on lot: make offer; must be sold at once; any reasonable offer accepted. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 1654 4th st. WES'1'MOI.EL.ANJJ ioxlOO; paved street, all improvement in and paid; 3-foot e.evation. east front. 3 blocks Irom Mil waukie; $-H. with terms. COE A. McKBNN'A CO.. REALTORS. 82 4th St. Ml in 4.I.2. .iiiitoo I BLOCKS north of Sandy rd., on 67th st., for only $150; sidewalks, water in, all clear. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 Fifth St. Main 6869. IRVINGTON'. Desirable' 50x100 lot on East 9th St. for sale bv owner. Improvements paid. Price $1000. A 621. Oregonian. IRVINGTON" LOT SACRIFICE. 3 fine lots. 1 east front. 2 west front; city liens all in and paid: best part of Irvington; price $12.10 for corner, $1000 for ramie. Call E. 72!2 Owner, WE HAVE many calls for good lots in im- proved djiiricis. it you wisn to sen, see us about listing your lots. OOE A. McKEiNNA CO.. REALTORS. t2 4th St. Main 4.122. CORNER, nearly 3 lots: fronts n. and e., with slope to a. ana w.; price --9uu, terms. HENRY W GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark Street. NORTHWEST corner 100x100. unobstructed view or .Mount nooa; near rranitun high school: 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave car; $.100 less than I paid. Wdln. 5727. .TTRACTIVE lot. S. E. cor. E. 4Uth and Siskiyou. 50x100; improvements in and paid. Save agent's commission. Cash or terms. East 815S. TWO LOTS, 100x100, for sale or exchange; will consider auto; win pay some casn it car la in good condition. 41st and Going sts. Call Tabor 11. BEAUTIFUL LAUKELHUKoT LOT. Facing the park, 50x180 on Oak street. Lot 3, block 04. Price $1000. Terma Tabor 5H04. WILL eacritlce my lot in Beaumont if sold at once, or trade for Ford car in good condition; self-starter. J. B., box lo6. Oswego. $550 ONE BLK. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. .10x100 IM: wssts. piid. Tabnr 6559. For Sale Houses $5750 ALAMEDA BUNGALOW $5750. NEW. NIFTY. MODERN. Strictly modern bungalow in Alameda Just being finished; fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-ins, breakfast nook; everything you could require In a new house; terms. Sunday, Marshall 5963; weekdays. Main 7967. MA HI ELS ft WILLIAMS. Realtora 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $500 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT. Beautiful 5-room bungalow from own er, strictly modern, good district, newly constructed, cement basement, built-lns, 60x100 corner lot, excellent car service, paved streets, sewer and all assess ments paid : near school. Owner, Mr. l,awson, office Bdwy. 673, home. Auto. 825-71. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. See today. 97i Corbett St.. 7 -room house, fuil cement basement, furnace, wash trays, lot 40x90. Price $3000; very reasonable terms. JOHN' SINGER. 420 Chamber of Comm-ercc Ttlrlg. POH it. AND HEIGHTS HOME. large ground, hard surface, good view. Ideal location for marry reasons. House sub stantially built bv day labor and not one in a thousand built any better. Main 105. IN THE NOB HILL DISTRICT. 7-room modern house, full cement basemenL fireplace, wash trays, on 2LsL near Lovejov st. ' Price 55O0. JOHN' SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . .hi Luttage, cioe to school and car. Asplendid bargain. 50x100 lot. 8o0 cash. See Jackson, with J. P. Mc Kenna, Realtor. Belmont at 39th. Tabor . IV". jao.50 ROSE CITY DISTRICT $39.10. 7-room bungalow type home. 3 -bedrooms and sewing room upstairs; ce ment basement, all built-in conveniences, fireplace, garage. T.tbor 1344. BUNGALOW o rooms and bath, built-lns. fireplace, full basement. 2 lots. 2 chicken houses, fruit and berries. $2,100; $500 down and $25 per month. 4S41 86th sv OWNER Modern 7-room house, hard wood floors, all built-ins. glass inclosed sleeping porch. Yery deslrabte location. For appointment call Auto. 315-34. LAUKEl-HUUST BUNGALOW Six rooms. atlc: price rtgit: owner. Tanor 1129. tl2.oiu Home for $79uu; no agents; must REAL ESTATE. For Sale 11 hum. I OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAY 1 IYOUR-HOME IS HERE! 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sala by t ll.l. K u. MCUU1K&, REALTOR. XiARGEST HOME SELLER ON THH PACIFIC COAST. Deal with an old established ftrm. Every Home before being offered for your consideration has been personsi Inspected and aDDraised bv our expert appraiser. Among so many hundreds of carefully selected- home bargains, you'll be sure to find JTST THE HOME THAT WILL MEET WITH YOUR EVERY RE gi IKE.ME.NTS. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment. 25 Salesmen "AT YOUR SERVICE." Open every evening until 9. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. EASTMORELAND BUNGALOW! $6500 CONVENIENT to Reed College, Municipal uoir links, la tm NEW, beautiful 5-room bunga low. Cement front norch. mas alv built-in features, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. Terms. E. Slat. 50 ROSE CITY HOMES 50. ROBE CITY'S PRIZE RUNG ALOW. $5090 LIKE A BEAUTIFUL JEWEL IN AN EXQUISITE SETTING this altogether adorable colonial bungalow, designed and built by a master craftsman. Jt.verytmn about it is Immaculate. All oi new bungalows' finest featurea E. 60th St. LET US SHOW YOB THIS RARE BARGAIN. ROSE CITY. LOOK! $5500 HARDWOOD FLOORS. Ivory f in. lsh. massive art buffet, furnace. fireplace, are only a few features or this decidedly artistlo o-room ROSE CITY bungalow. Paved st. paid. E. 49th st. We have over 80 ROSE CITY homes for sale. NEW! YAPAMTI SOfiE OTTTI $4990 CONTAINING every convenience that distinguishes the bungalow Of TODAY! 5 rooms. 1MM& DIATB POSSESSION. E. 66th. BEAUTIFUL LADD-S ADDITION! $5950 THIS IS ONE OF THE CITY'S N L w est, most beautiful bunga. lows; has 6 rooms, replete with tne very latest appointmenta Massive buffet and bookcases. ex qufstte Interior finish; artlstie light fixtures, hardwood floors. even In the bedrooms; dainty breakfast alcove. Built by one of Portland's best bulldera HERE'S YOUR DREAM BUN G ALOW; EASY WALKING DIS ' TANCE. Ladd ave. Terms. HAWTHONE! HAWTHORNE! 15250 A HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL! Situated in one of the best parts of this always popular district; o rooms ana glassed-in sleeping porch: receP' tion hell with plateglasa mirror aoor: dining room with beauti ful massive leaded glass buffet, extending full width of room; completely equipped cabinet kitchen, electric water heater, dainty bedrooms with wired closets, hardwood floors, fire place, fifrnace. This Is a RARE BARGAIN. E. 62d st. Terms. FrrrBSTANTTAI, HAWTHORNE. $4950 THE VERY KIND OF HAW THORNE you're wanting. rooms, with every convenience that the busy housewife can't get along without today. HARD WOOD FLOORS, furnace, garage 50x100. paved St. paid. TERMS. Look this over! E. 43d St. Wi have over 100 Hawthorne homes for sale. A NEW LAURELHURST. $5300 A REAL CALIFORNIA BUNGA LOW that is comniete witn every imaginable built-in; hard wood floors, etc. a airy rooms, Wasco St. Terms. A HAPPY THOUGHT! 24990 CAME TO TH E BUILDER OP mis loveiy little oungaiowi a carefree paradise. ALL YOUR OWN! Summer house and beau tiful grounds with vines,, shrubs, trees, flowers. Living and din ing room are combined with an artistic buffet and log fireplace; sunny breakfast nook, cozy Dutch kitchen. 5 rooms In all Garage. Terms. COME SEE THIS TODAY 1 It's different! E. 87th st. N. JUST EAST OF PIEDMONT. $4800 A SUNNY BUNGALOW, ratfiat- ing the etmoepnere of home! o rooms; HARDWOOD FLOORS: massive built-ins; full concrete basement with furnace; best plumbing; garage. Near Port ' land blvd. A GENUINE BAR GAIN! 80 ALBERTA HOJftS. AN HONEST ALBERTA! $4200 BEAUTIFUL, extra substsntlally built, 7-room 8emlbungalow; oid Ivory finish, tapestry paper, very convenient bulltins; 4 cheerful bedrooms. E. 2Sth, only 1 blk. to car. Terma 80x100! ALBERTA! $3900 80x100 corner. Substantial, ar tistic. 5-room bungalow: massive buffet In solid paneled dining room: model kitchen. 2 snnn bedrooms: full 'attic. VERY EASY TERMS. E. 27th St. $3500 ONE OF THOSE NEAT, practl cat oungaiow-type nomes: rooms on one floor, best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, Tun basement, 1 Dik to car. E. Webster. Terms. PIPELESS FURNACE. $3375 HERE'S A REAL BUY In an ALBERTA HOME. Has man built-in conveniences; sleeping porch: PIPELESS FURNACE ONE of the biggest bargains in over 80 homes we have for sale. In Alberta. E. 27th. .TUST LIKE AN APARTMENT! $3200 In convenience and neatness. 1 this verv artistic 5-room ALBER, TA BUNGALOW: only you have tne better or it nere: Nice lawn. rrutt, riowers. Terms. E. 16th $2600 .ion down! NEAT, attractive AL- BKnTA cottage on paved st close to car; white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas. E. 7th st ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN! $2100 Nestling In a natural grove. 4 room model bungalow; sleeping poren: built-lns. white ename plumbing, electricity, garage. B. 36th st. Terms. $1990 HERE'S A COMFORTABLE LIT TLB ALBERTA! S rooms, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gaa Terms. $1050 $200 DOWN! ALBERTA! $1050 20n down, attractive 3-room AL BERTA cottage. E. 13th. WESTMORELAND! $4750 HOMES OF THIS CHARACTER are always In demand! 6-room m -story bungalow, having every possible convenience. 1 blk. to car. E. I7tn st. SHINGLED SELLWOOD. $3100 VERY EASY TERMS! Oue of the prettiest bungalows in this district, and one that will In stantly appeal to you for Its very hominess. 5 airy rooms: built- lns: full cement basement. E. 17th. close to car. LET US SHOW YOU THIS! CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH! $4250 6EVEN-ROOM. very distinctive corner home: fireplace, etc., and every modern convenience; paved at. paid, commercial st. Terma. CONCRETE BUNGALOW. $3600 ARTISTIC, low rambling con crete bungalow, . with full front and side vine-covered verandah; 6 rooms: very convenient:' 100x10a with fruit, berries, flowers. 45th St.. 1 blk. to car. LOOK Al THIS! AN IDEAL LITTLE HOME. $3300 A RUSTIC. VINE-COVERED cottage, that will mean "home' to youl Cheery living roam with fireplace: solid paneled dlr.ing room with artistic buffet: neat Dutch kitchen; sleeping porch garage: hard-surface street. 65tn. SEE THIS! ONE-HALF ACRE BUNGALOW! $2700 YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN f AKA Irt in Hi C11X: 1U0X2UW with fruit, berries, garden, chick en house, close to car and school and an artistic rambling 5-room bungalow with white enamel .bath; toilet: gas. Can arrange terms, inm i.i a o . a r I $400 DOWN! $1800 COZY LITTLE LATTICE bunga low; 6 rooms; built-ins; garage. 84th st. FURNISHED S250 DOWN! $2100 $250 down! Completely furnisher; . very coxy and neat Mt. Scott - bungalow cottage; 5 rooms: white enamel plumbing: electricitv. gas. A REAL BARGAIN! HURRY FOR THIS! 66th t.. V4 blk. to car. LOOK AT THIS $300 DOWN! $3250 100x100 with JUST LOADS OF FRUIT! 6-room. very neat and practical MONTAV7LLA HOME. White enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas. THINK! $300 down! E. Madison St. MONTAVILLA $1200 $400 down! Comfortable little 3 room and sleeping porch cottage; white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gaa 72d st. SEE s . FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. 8d St.. bet. Wash, and stark. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. REAL ESTATE. For Sale-Houj.es. iiHW LiailNoo KLDUCED PKlCLa. REAL BARGAINS. $2750 I rooms. 100x130, all kinds of fruit, electricity, gas; $800 cash. Mllwaukie. $2800 6-r., fine condition; E. 6th. $2X50 H-r., Mt. Tabor district, corner. $2850 5-r., furnace, 78x100. fruit. $3000 5-r., bungalow, new, Woodlawn. $3.1(10 7-r., bungalow, 100x100, fruit. $4300 5-r., with slpg. porch; E. 20th. $4.100 5-r. bungalow, near E. Glisan. $4850 5-r., Rose City bungalow with Gasro furnace, double garage, corner lot. $r,noo n-r., modern: E. 30th, close In. $.Kl'0 6-r., west side view home. $7Hu0 7-r., Rose City, corner modern. $78.10 7-r., Irvington, modern; Knott st. $8,100 Sir., Irvington, modern: 2.1th st. $9230 Irvington, best home for the money: has beautiful 100x100 grounds, English colonial, strict ly modern. $15,000 Irvington 8-room modem home. witn i acre grouna, iruu n vr. close in. $8500 Laurelhurst "modern eight-room home, strictly mooern, wmi k rage; this is a rare bargain $3u00 below value. Ttdwv Sft' Rellwood 1040. CHAS. RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. I Hi' LSI.: rtTV SACRIFICE! $4950 HERE'S A BEAUTIFUL BUN r.irtw offered At a sacrifice: i large, light, airy rooms; one of the most attractive in the entire district; cheery fireplace; nice built-ins: dandy cement basemeni with snlendid furnace: lawn. flowers, fruit trees, etc.; full lot on E. 53d St.. below the hill, 1 hlk. to ear. Photogr.mh In office. THIS IS AN UNDUPUCATED BARGAIN. See FRANK L. McGUTRB. TO BUY YOUR HOME. ADington bldg. Main 1063 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. $6100 VACANT VACANT $6100. Seven rooms, strictly modern; full cement basemenL furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors. built-ins, breakfast nook, fine nlumblng: houBe Is vacan and In finest condition: lot B0 by 100 near school; this house Is priced below wiiat it would cost to build it: terms. Sunday, Marshall 59G3; weekdays. Main 7967. MARIELS ft WILLIAMS. Realtors, 820 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY. BRAND-NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, WITH ALL THE BUILT-INS, FIRE PLACE HARDWOOD FLOORS. BUF FET, DUTCH KITCHEN WITH TILE DRAIN BOARDS, BREAKFAST NOOK, BUILT-IN WARDROBES l.N BEU ROOMS TTLR FLOOR IN BATHROOM RECESS TUB AND SHOWER; $5200 AND TERMS. R. SOMERVTLLE. 320 U. S. Nat. Bank Bids. Bdwy. 2478. FRANK L. McGUIRE SPECIAL. This is positively a bargain. Come In and see this super bargain in a beauti' ful Queen Anne bungalow of 7 rooms, containing every wanted convenience fireplace; furnace, corner lot on cariine; Dekum avenue, $2790, with terma See FRANK L. McGUIRE, REALTOR. To Buy Your Home. Abtngton hid. Main 1068. HAWTHORNE. ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL BUNGALOW, $4300-TERMS. . BRAND NEW. 5 ROOMS AND ALL BUILT-IN FEATURES. FINE BUFFET, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. MODEL DUTCH KITCHEN. TWO FINE BEDROOMS. FULL ATTIC FULL CE MENT BASEMENT. LAUNDRY TRAYS PAVED STREETS. EVERYTHING PAID OWNER. BROADWAY S478. OPPORTUNITY TO GET DESIRABLE HOME on Portland Heights, at 753 Upper drive: nine rooms, substantially built, hardwood floors, good fixtures and heavy plate glass throughout, large living room, large grounds, nara-surtace, view of St. Helens and Columbia river. our home was built by day labor and Is In excellent repair. For further Infor mation call at house or phone Monday Main 195. Geo. M. Reed, owner. J30U0 NEAP, JEFFERSON HIGH J3000. A REAL BARGAIN EASY TERMS. 7-room well-constructed house, bath and one bedroom first floor; 3 bedrooms second floor; good basement, plumb ing, electric lights, gas, hard-surfaced street paid, near car. This is a bargain: location is fine and terms easy. Sunday Marshall 5963: week days. Main 7967. MARIELS ft WILLIAMS. Realtors. 820 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 7067. 1 START IN THE HEAL ESTATE BUSINESS I ONLY $530 for the complete furnish ings and equipment of the real estate offices .of the late M. J. Clohessy. which have been established for some 25 years. Equipment Is in good condition and is complete. Includes sVihurban and city listings. An exceptional opportunity. 6ee FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ahlngton bldg. . Main 1068. FOR SALE, CHEAP. BY OWNER. LEAVING FOR THE EAST, Seven-room Laurelhurst home. In the the choicest part. Going to sell this week. Biggest bargain in city for one who means business. Main 4154. $4200 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Excellent strictlv modern 8-room typi cal bungalow, double constructed; A-l condition, very convenient, furnace, fire place, all bullt-ins. fine double plumbing, full cement basement, fruit room, lHun dry room, trays, nice lawn, trees, shrub bery; a splendid home. Quick action. Leaving citr. Tabor 6150. $:;ooo $7.10 cash. NEW BUNGALOW. MOVE RIGHT IN THIS NEW. NIFTY FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. ALL THE BUILT-IN FEATURES. FINE BUFFET, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITCHEN. CEMENT BASE MENT. PAVED STREET. NEAR CAR. R. SOMERVII.LE. BROADWAY 2478. IRVINGTON $4,100. See It yourself at 445 East 14th N.. dandy seven-room house with sleeping porch, located splendidly; wants a lit tle repairs but can be made into fine residence; $1000 down: don't disturb tenant, Cos A. McKenna & Co., Realtors, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. uoo SVVELL modern oungalow of 7 rooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 sleeping porches, fireplace, furnace, lot iloxlOo, location very best, improvements In and paid, one-half cash; should get $9000. Garage, some fruit; a rare bargain. J. P. McKENNA. Realtor, Belmont et 3llth. Tabor 6403. $o0o0 KENTON district, new 5-room. mod ern, very artistic bunralow. h. w. floors, bullt-ins, white Dutch kitch en, breakfast nook, woodwork In old ivory. Just completed. Easy terms. Close to car. Phone Main 10H0. OVERLOOK. By owner, modern 8-rnom bungalow with sleeping porch, built-lns, hard wood floors, tapeetry paper, furnace, cement basement, garage. 905 Long view ave. Phone Woodlawn 4138. 4-R0OM BUNGALOW. APARTMENT STYLE. Absolutely new and modern In every way; 60x100 lot. located in University Pnrk and close to car line: only $2750; $.100 down. Call owner. Wdln. 6200. $320U VERY easy terms. 5-room modern bungalow, white enamel plumbnlg, elect, and gas. fireplace, built-ins. On Commercial st.. near Skidmore convenient to Jefferson high school. Paved st. included. .Ma'.n moo. WL ARE taking uruers now for 20 new modern nungaiows; come quick and get your pick and watch your home being oulit. lsrge lots, very easy terms. J. P. McKENNA, Realtor. Ttetmont at 3lith. Tabor 6403 $2000 WILL put you in a modern 7-room suburban bungalow, lot 120x160, fruit. garden. 500 laying hens, sanitary housei automatic drinking fountain. Price la right. Main 37S3. $4000 BUYS 2 houses on .loxloo lot: 1 10 room, in splendid condition; the other 7-room. arranged in two flats: near two car lines; fruit and shrubbery. Phone Woodlawn 150.1. FOR SALE Beautiful .1-rooin bungalow. Rose City; strictly modern, old Ivory finish throughout; hardwood floors, dou ble constructed; floored attic; garage; rine nome ror someone, rnnne 32it-.v $37oo 5-1 oom bungalow, semi-modern, al most new. not tar irom catnouc cnurcn. $700 cash $30 month. Two blocks SS car. J. I. McKenna, Realtor, Belmont at 3th Tahor 6403. $3400 BUNGALOW of five rooms, block or car, lour oiocks oi school; streets, sewers In and paid. See Jackson for this snap, with J. P. McKenna, Realtor, Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6403. OR SALE by owner, modern 5-roora bun galow, near Laurelhurst park. Price $.'(100, half cash, balance $15 per month. Phf.it. Esst 6620. NEW 3 LOOM house, attic. fireplace, hardwood floors, burret, garage. Owner, 2611 40th St., one block south of Di vision MODF.KN 5-room bungalow, built-in fea tures, lot 44JXIOO, in Richmond district, 21-mlnue Hrfc r town: owner must sac rifice. East 68.18 Columbia 241. GREAT BARGAIN 8-room house, Rod- ney-Grnbam. xnsnn. worth $.000; terma Main 3780. Monday. l-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, furnace, all built-ins. block ofr Division, on cariine. nesr school. Sell 2tflfl; no agents. S:;200 5-room modern cottage furnished ul& ZWi2 P 1 6 - SACRIFICE 5-room . cottage, Sunnyside, Sii'JO casn. improvements paid. Tabor Hfl. Tabor ?t?n evenings. J4C00. , 5-ROOM modern bungalow, elf?ep- nvs porcn. garage, ivaei irvington. Fart BY OWNER, five-room modern bungalow. price (30'i0; $5f0 cash balauco easy ' terms, xuv rrescon w. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. LAURELHURST. OWNER MOVING OUT OF CITY. ' The owner of this most charming and modern 7 roojn bungalow, located A half block from Laurel hurst Park; large and cheerful rooms, hardwood floors throughout, old Ivory finish, sanitary bath with tile floor, two bed rooms and sleeping porch downstairs: two bedrooms upstairs; Pullman break fast nook. This Is really a wonderful bungalow. Only $2000 cash to handle. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 5lh SL Main 6S69. REVER.MAN INVESTMENT CO. A FEW BARGAINS. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 A real home of 6 rooms In the heart of Rose City; modern in everv wav: all the built-lns. .ce ment basement and furnace. You can't find anything that will I compare with it at this price In Rose city: easy terma ROSE CITY PARK. $500fJ New 5-room bungalow, H. W. floora finished In old ivory, flre- place, buffet. Dutch kitchenette, with all the built-lns possible. I cement basement. 50x100 lot, ROSE CITY PARK. $5250 6-room bungalow on a beautiful corner lot, large living room, din ing room with built-in buffet and beamed celling, an in wnue en amel. S nice Bleeping rooms. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays and furnace. Priced below actual cost: gooa terma REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. Realtora 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2054. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, 830 E. 27TH N. B well-arranged rooms snd large floored attic, a wonderful living room, unique fireplace, cheerful dining room, a most complete kitchen. 2 delightful bedrooms, a cunning bathroom, pedestal lava torv, full basement, furnace, ga rage. Buy thla bungalow Hnd get your money's worth. Price has been reduced for quick sale. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. MR. AND MRS. HOMBSEEKER, JUST LOOK AT THESE. Just off East Glisan at., with Its hard surfaced street and car line; one beauti ful acre, equal to eight city lots, with choice fruit and flowers: nice 6-room house, and onlv S3K50. No. 2 One of those nicely arranged 6-room bungalows. 60x100 kit. close to I car, stores and school; ana only dj-M. i I have many other homes, large and I small, at reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR, 214-215 Panama Bldg. GOING EAST at once. Will sell my home I In Piedmont at a sacrifice. A most de- I sirable location near car line, schools I and park, corner lot 100x100. 8 bearing! rruit trees, 2 Engliah walnuts, grapes, berries, holly trees, roses and small gar den. The house has 6 rooms all on one I floor, large attic, plenty of built-lns. I Everything convenient. Large living I room, itrepiace; large. light basement, I furnace, porcelain tuba, fruit closet. For quick sale. S5Knn. Wdln. 3669. IRVINGTON STUCCO BUNGALOW. $7300 CORNER. 7.1x100. Parlor, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms on first floor, aleeplng porch and 1 bedroom upstairs, hardwood floors in parior and dining room, fireplace, fur nace, fine full concrete basement, located on n. w. corner 13th and Thompson, house Is vacant. You can move right in. easy terms. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Bosrd of Trnde bldg. $750 CAHH J4.10O. Monthly payment $23 and Interest puts you in possesion of a delightful 5. room oungalow on paved st. ; new and modern: has garage, hard-wood floora, fireplace and breakfast nook, tapestrv paper and excellent elec. fixtures in living and din ing rooma We are open Sunday. Price $4,100. IN TBRSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Bdwy 4751. 410 Henrv Bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAINS. CASH OR TERMS. 6-rm. house $ 6.200 1 7-rm. nouse , D.ftuu I 7-rm. cottage 6.000 8- rm. house and garage lO.OiWl D-rm. house and garage 10,000 9- rm. mansion and garage 12.500 8-rm. 2-family bungalow 6.300 LEE H EXCHANGE, 124 4th St. Auto T120-50 $4250. ROSE CITY PARK. California rustic bungalow. 6 moms, one floor, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitch en, 8 bedrooms, furnace, laundry trays. 60x100 lot. paved sts., 1H blocks north Sandy blvd. Terms. Ask Tor Mr. Mack. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORB CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. "Reo ltors. " IRVINGTON PARK. $2500 EASY TERMS. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern, neat, complete: large living room. 2 bedrooms with closets, bath, kitchen. All built-lns; half basement, fine condition: full lot, bearing fruit; close to car; city liens paid. See owner at 525 Henry bldg. Broadway 5858. A BUY AT 11750. $300 cash snd $25 per month lncl. all the Int.. puts you in possession of a dandy little 4-room home for the money. Just one block to pavement: 50x100 lot: has strawberries, roses and grapes; a real bargain at $1750. $300 cash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern seven-room residence In ex cellent condition, full sized lot. East I 12th. near Morrison. All modern Im provements. One of the best locations I on east side: 15 minutes' walk from 3d and Morrison. Any reasonable terms to responsible parties. Price $7500. Phone E. 5275. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. A beautiful residence of six rooms and sleeping porch, with alt modem conven iences: has unobstructed view of city and mountains, cement gansge snd fine I grounds. lest street on tne neignts. $7000, terms. JOHN D. WILCOX, 414 Plttock Block. $2.10 CASH. A good, comfortable little home for 1 $250 cash, balance as rent; 5-room bun- I galow with fireplace, bath. Dutch kitch en, basement, nice vernnda; needs only decorating to make this a nice home; near Jefferson high and Alhina shops. Price $3000. O. A. Pearce Co.. realtors. 201 Oregon bldg. Broadway 4835. "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY." $4500 LAURELHURST $4500. 7-room bungalow, breakfast nook. f. p.. Dutch kitchen, bookcases, buffet, 2 bed rooms down. 2 up; bargain. MARSH ft McCABE CO REALTORS. 822-8-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 8903. A GOOD HOUSE CLOSE IN. $26.10 Here Is a bargain 5 Rs. and bath first floor. 3 large rooms upstairs: Tun lot. House vacant, move right In. This Is a bargain for some one. $600 will handle. Terms to suit on balance. O. W. TARR CO., 407 McKav Bldg. MOVE RIGHT IN. Nice neat little bungalow, newly tint ed. 4 rooms, bath, city water, lights. completely furnished, rugs, etc: fruit trees, berries, place wen Kept; an goes for the sum of $2RO0, terms. BL Y TH, with E. P. Mall, 309 Chamber of Com merce bldg. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. Five rooms, elec. Its., gas. screens, full basement: alley, close to car and school. laundry trays: $3350. only $850 cash needed, bal. $25 per mo., 6 per cent M. B. LENT CO., Main 8560. 524 N. W. Bank. E. ANKENY NEAR 22d. Good 6-room bouse with good base ment, furnace, bath and two toilets; will accept $1000 cash, balance easy pay ments Price $3-400. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor, 243 Stark Street. IRVINGTON 7 rooms, hardwood floors i throughout. French gray tlntirur. old ivory finish (brand new), fireplace, French doors; garage; lot 50x150. fruit and nut trees, flowers, etc. East 4198. or see it at 4iu e. zist at. a., near Tilla mook, owner. KOOM modern boue. 2 lots, fruit, h ries, chicken run. garden. In: 2 blks. S'-hool; 4 blks. car. Price IliflOO. "Will give good terms and take Fmall delivery I car as part or zirsx pavment. h. mea dennnll. toHpt hotel, 1.n First st. FOR SALE OK LJiASE (J-room fur nlfihed house, sere ground, half acre fruit. Hdwy. 1437. 9-KOO.U house in Laurelhurst, all modern I conveniences. uwu, j.a.uo.7 wuw. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houc. FOR SALE BY OWNER. I WTLL SELL MT BEAUTIFUL 8-ROTM HOME AT LESS THAN 4 PRESENT REPLACEMENT COST. EVERYTHING IP TO THE MINUTE. TILED BATH ROOM AND SHOWER. TILED TOILETS. HOT AND COLD WA TER LAVATORIES IN E KRY BEDROOM. INCLUD1NO SERV ANTS' QUARTERS: 3 FIRh P1.ACES. VACUUM STBAS HEATING SYSTEM. THIS Hoi, sr. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRE CIATED: LOCATED ON ONE OF THE CHOICEST 75x100 COR NERS IN IRVINGTON. THIS HOME COULD NOT BE B l.T TODAY FOR 110.000 (FU'TY THOUSAND DOLLARS! J AM LEAVING FOR KUROPB IN LESS THAN A MON'IH AND WILL MAKE A BIG SACRIrlt h. TERMS ON A PORTION IF DE SIRED BUY FROM THE OWN ER DIRECT AND SAVE COM- t csiONS IF INTERESTED WRITE FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT THIS INTERESTING HOME. AH 688, OREGONIAN. n.OE-TN EAST SIDE. LADD TRACT. LARGE STRICTLY MODERN HOME. ROOMS. SPACE FOR 8 MORE. NEAR TUB CIRCLE. hiii e-rtra - large living room fine fireplace, large dining room. Dutch kitchen and den. oak floors, plate glass. 4 large eorner bedrooms. A-attlc and basement. Most satisfactory furnace and all built-in conveniences. All the rooms In the house are light and airy. Grounds 60x128 with com. -alley: garage. Finest trees and shrubbery. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, REALTOR. 817 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 660. Bdwy. 6167. IRVINGTON HOME. 1.ARI-.K GROUNDS Beautifully landscaped and all kind" or rine snruonery aim tree, m. v .. . 21st and Weidler sts. The- surrounding homes are In keeping with this most attractive one. The house Itself la built along colonial lints and Is of the very best construction: living room, dining room on left of central hall and music or party room to right, nice kitchen; upstairs there are 3 large, airy bed rooms and bath. This house will he sold at a real bargain price. If you don't want all the ground will keep 60x100 east of the concrete garage. DrUe by today and look it over, then mil at house and Inspect It. Someone Is going to get a bargain. Owner l'.'t2 E. 21st N. Phone Mnin .167, or East ."'-'74. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Bonrd of Tride bldg F)K SALE BY THE OWNER IN WESTMORELAND. A NIFTY. MOUERN BUNCALOW. Five rooms and breakfast nook, tap estry paper, hardwood floor, fine heat ing system, garage and cement runway; all street Improvements in. 1357 K. loth St. S., near Bybee ave. car line. Price 4"r,0 Phcne Aut. 218-05 $4,100. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. GARAGE. Hardwood floora, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, finished attic, full base ment, furnace, laundry trays, 40x100. east front lot, garage. 1 block Division St. Easy terms. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 'Realtors." HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. Exceptionally neat and attractive 3 room bungalow tvpe of cottage, with I liixlOO lot; electric lights and gas. cliv water In. first -class condition: several young fruit trees. 2 good garages, in Rose Park, outside city limits: keep vonr cow and chickens: photograph at office: price $191). $500 cash. $20 monthly. Fred W. Gorman Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY PARK. $5750 $750 DOWN. Attractive 5-room bungalow, IT. W. floors, large living room, with fireplace and bookcases, panel dining room, beau tiful buffet. 2 lovely sleeping rooms. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wasli trays, furnace and good garage. If you are looking for a real home with a small down pavnient. here is your chance. Call B.l wy. 2054 Monday. KENTON BARGAIN. $7000 cash, balance $40 per month. In cluding the int., buys a beautiful little bungalow home on paved street, with garage: has all the modern anil built in features. Really an exceptional buy at J12O0. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. ' Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. , 410 Henry BM, SOME TRADE. T.aurelhurst comer, near park. 0-room bungalow, about a lot and a hnlf of rrnoiid. This is one of the dignified. substantial Laurelhurst homea with nil the usual up-to-date features. Will take vacant or Improved property to $4oi) Pome cash and balance, mortgage. 5'0 Chamber of Commerce building. Main 1W13. Marshall 2.131. BY OWNER. Can you beat It? A 5-room modern bungalow, furnished in solid oak; built Ins; stationary tubs In fine basement full nlumbing: garage: fruit and berries fine garden spot; corner lot lonxloo. all Improvements In and paid: $4000 com plete or 3e,oo witnout lurmiure, can Sun.. 700 K. Ilth st. s. A LOVELY home for two, on paved street. nicely located. In Richmond district. large living and dining room combined good-slxed bedroom with closet, pretty Dutch kitchen, run puimning, nntn, nil nlcelv decorated, about two years nut, lot 50x100. two blocks to car. Price $2!on, $:ioo cash. Can be seen any time. 991 Brooklyn st. "A HOME FOR EVER Y HOOT." $ .1 1 .1 0 HAWTHORNE $51 -10. 5-room bungalow, large living room. hdw. Inlaid. Dutch kitchen, f. p.. book cases, buffet, garage. 1 block to HA car, a beautiful view, east Mt. Tabor. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. Open Sunday. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg Marshall 3003. FINE 6-ItOOM home in Sellwood.- il-story. 1 blk. to car. full basement, full lot. laundry trays, furnace, garage, screens to all windows: chickens, chicken house. Only $4500. Make your own terms. M. B. LENT CO.. Vale 8560. 524 N W. Ttmfc. $400 CASH A R LET A BUNGALOW. 4-room bungalow, built-lns. large bed rooms with two closets; complete Dutch kitchen: 45x100 lot. with enrage. Close to car and school. $2100. $100 cash. 4712 61at st. s. H. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 816 Chamber of Commerce. .Main 5624. A DANHY LITTLE SHACK for a single man or married couple: a chance to make a small start; shack will need some shingles and more lumber, but can be made a fine place; 11 fruit treea, si me perries; price only $225. HARRY BECKWITH, 104 Fifth St Main 68! $700 CASH, HALANCi; LIKE RENT. Splendid 6-room bouse with every modern convenience, neat as wax. Good loi. sirreis pa.eri aoo paiu. ' r,ernos profusion of roses, garden. Why pal HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor, 243 Stark Stres. IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful new home complete. Large rooms and Inside finish cannot be mir passed. Gasco furnace. Will consider good new auto part nrst pavment. 68.1 E. 27TH ST N. Phone East 50T2. HOUSE. 10 rooms, center of Ladd's addl tlon. 645 Ladd avenue; hot water beat hardwood floors, large laundry, full light basement, batn rooms, breakfast room five bedrooms and large closets, If It suits you, buy of owner. $8500. worth lo.roii or anv man s money. A REAL BARGAIN. 6-room modern bungalow In Haw thorne. all built-lns beamed celling, large attic, run cement basement, al Improve ments in and paid; $3500, $.100 duwn Call Tabor 887. BRING your plana and specifications In and let us figure your home. You'll get tne surprise or your lire. , SUN HOUSE BUILDING CO., 216 Ablngton Bldg. On 3d . bet. Stark end Wash. IRVINGTON HOMhW modern, attrai tlvr rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout; garage: Immediate possession; real bargain. Owner. East $4500, TERMS SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT 8-room residence; many built-in fea tures, fireplace, furnace, concrete base ment; Improvements In and paid. See TAfiOART BROS., 1102 Spalding Bid OWNER, 4-room bungalow, not finished outside, corner 42d snd .Tessup. 100x100 mt; garage; 13 bearing fruit trees, siso berries, good garden stock, hard aur- face rond. Terms. tt-ROOM biuiKalow on Wfst slop.- uf Mount Tabor; Hawthorne car; strictly modern: paved street; 50x100 lot; owner will make a sacrifice if sold at once. Mrs. Ptokes. AufomwHr 210-15. $1.650 11 Y OWNER, new modern 4-room bunga. uw, 1 block to car. Phone Wdln. R0. lit INtiTOr. home, t ;rst-c!-aii, 7 rooms ,i XlOO lot: $7.VK. East 41!tK. 410 E. 21st st. N. Pre nwnr on prfmlfji. NINE-ROOM strictly modern home, U'aiu heat, hot and cold water in every hrd room; garage, drlvpway. 31S Piatt bid. Bl lLDING FOR YOU. 5-room bungalow. See it at 305 E. 40th su N. Tabor 782. REAL ESTATK. Kor fcnle House. ALAMEDA PARrT. MOVING ON FARM. Have vuu a friend yod would like to see located In one of Portland's most complete snd modern homes? Here Is a 6-room homo with sun parlor, den. breakfast room. .1 bedrooms and slc.-plng porch, 3 fireplaces, living room Is l!'x2il. oak floors, furnace, doulilo garage, on 125x1 43 corner, most beau tiful shade trees and shrubbery. The owner Is moving out of city and of fers this delightful home for only $l3."oo on the moat easy terms you evr beard of. This Is $20,000 value. See it. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 3ih St. Main 0S09. 13200 CLOSE IN. about 3 acres, no rocks, all in cultivation; a few fine fruit trees; old house, very large burn and chicken yard. This property is classed as ucreuge snd the t.ixes are very low. licated on eai-t side, one block from car, near 31st st. and Powell Valley road, if you want a ranch and a home right in town, sue this. Reasonable cash payment and ft percent Interest on the balance. IIILLBR BROS., Realtora 614 Railway Bxi h. IIMg. Main 84. ltrancli Office: 60th and Sandy. Tutor 8485. U-Ki-OM HI Nl.AlAV. 3oo Cash $56in. We are pieased to have this oppor tunity to off-r perhaps a renter wllh a large family. Just think, new and mod ern, large living and dining rooms, buffet, Iireplaee, bookcAH,. convenient kllehen with larse breakf.ist nook adjoining, t alrv bedrooms with hath between nn first IhHir. 4 heiltoonie Sec: gimige With Crt- ment ruinxnv; ctoi-e to I'cnlnaulii psrk. in North Piedmont dinttirt. Uoaiawlt.a Sumliiv. s.'r'loo, $:'.m cash IN TERSTA TE 1 N V ES i .l IWT CO.. r.cultoi s. Ttdwv 47." ! 410 Henry rt'.'r i-lliiuM I'.l'NGALoW, $.:ml CASH. Pretty brown buncalow, 4 rooms, a bed rooms, large living and dining room combined, red brick fireplace, nice Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, bath, nicely d.c. orated and ready to move In: pivd street. Richmond district. Price $.'HUU, and Just think of It. only $ loo cash. O A. PKAHCE CO., Iteulturs. 2"1 Oregon Bldg. HrondwiT 4818 JUST Ol-'K WILLAMETTE HI. VI' 5-room modern bungalow, execrtlen sllv well hilllt. full cement basement, best of furnace, laundry tubs built In kitchen. House recently panned, full length screens for ail windows; fruit and berries:, everything In first-class shape: .sewer in snd putd. Can be seen Sundioa all dav or after 6 P. M week da vs. Price $18(10, terms. See owner, 12'.itl Mil lard ne, between Amswortli and Hoi mnn streets llAWTllOlt N I'. DISTRICT. I. 12.10. . Strictlv modern 5-room bungnlow with full cement basement, fill mice, large living room with hardwoud floors, shades, fixtures with best of hardwood. House Is realv to move Into. All Im provements in and paid for. Easy terma Absolutely the best buy In Irvington. .1. L. KARNOPP i CO.. Rv Exch. Hldg. M'n . 13700 $700 CASH. B beautiful rooms, this bungalow Is unique, has hardwood floors, fireplace, nice hullt-ltis. cue nt basement. 50x100 lot. with new lawn and 8 fruit trees: quite close to car; a real bargain at $3750; If necessary we help you with the down payment. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Bdw-v. 4751 410 Henry Bldg. KoSE CITY PARK ll-room lniim.i low. w nil garage. One of the most complete slid up-to-date bungalows In the district. One yiar old and built for the owner home; one block from car. below the hill on 4:id st. If you are in the market for a real home do not full to call for appointment and see this one i oj price Is right, with nbout $2On0 cnsli, balance to suit. For sale bv owner. Mlio 312-00 Monday. Hd'T 581.' A lllUM,' 1,'lllt YOU. This Is a real home a genuine double constructed bungalow, with all conven iences; six rooms and din. three lovely bedrooms, furnace, full basement, nice bedrooms, furnace and flowers; on Fran cis avenue; all street Improvements ID and paid: Priee $ isoo. IH'OO riish. RALPH HARRIS COM PAN i. 816 Chamber of Com meree. Main nc.4 . ROSE CITY PARK. FURNISHED. IMMEDIATE POS SESION. 5-room modern bungalow on 'rr corner lot. Streets paved Lawn, shrub bery, fruit and garden Will sell at low figure and give you the furniture. Cail Sundnv. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M ANCHOR INVESTMENT fO jn-t PANAMA PLUG. MAIN' l4fM. 111.100 LA 1 ' It E LH U UST. 6-ronm bungalow, large living room, thoroughly modern, a beautiful home, mighty reasonable, located south of Gil aan St., near K .tilth St., 12500 will handle; appointment only. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let nn show von, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. Realtors" LAURELHURST. 1207 Fast Anketiy street, near park; high-class bungalow of T rooms and sleeping porch. Every renveniuiice. Cail owner. Tabor 1126. ilAUTIIoRNE DISTRICT. New 7-room bungalow; view site; dou ble constructed; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, cement basement, French doors In dining room; lots of built-lns. extrs Urge closets; all Improvements In and paid; on car line; $.1400. 11(100 cash, balance monthly. M''. Chamber of Com merce building. Main POM. Marshall 2.1,11. OiZV, new bungalow, living ami oinin room combined. 2 llglit. airv ocoroon.e. kitchen and hath, old Ivnrv finish throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, stllc. full bajo-melil. Price 42iM( easy term. Owner will be on ground from 1 to 5. P. M Sundnv. 156 Stafford St. Take Kenton car la Stafford ft . 1 Knrk r.isl HOSK t'lTY SKH IT TODAV. Niftv 5-room bunKH low ; nlrfly flnirht1 In dark oak. Full benicnt, wllh ptp ps furnr$. Urn lot. 414xS1-4. 'h 7 full-inarlng fruit trrra. t- thin today and se' un early Monday. !15 East street North. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. P1 rhjnihpr of Cnmmerr. Main S.4 liAWTHi iKNE 1-A IK.A1M. CAHH Oil TEUM.S. 5-rm. cott:iK) ft-rm. hous- and garage ",HM K.i-m ..,ri,1i.-o R.m ho.... ..-family I int LEE'S EXCHANGE 1?l 4th St Ant". yjn-M E V K KY K E A L ES J A T E M A N C A N N T HE A "REALTOR." Only thoss who are ii.'mlra of tiic natlonul hourd and are pl.dKd to protect rlirnta ar entitled to ue of the n;ime "Rtsiilor." He Fire th.it the rnl entiif nin (.u do buinr with In a REALTOR. Portland Really Hoard. Oregon bulMfrr.g. i - ;TroM strictly mooVrn bunualow, hard wood floora, firtplHC, furnnr. built-in convpninf'"; 2 blocks to Irvington rar; garage, full cm'nt basement, corner lot owner goinir to A lank a and muwt noil' at onco; price H.Moo, terms. K. JJ. Smith. Wond'nwn SHiil. lit V INtiTON 1 1 M E i i. Ffne 7-moin house, 4 ro-nne firat floor, good basement, furnace. flnpc. bard wood floors; well lora'fd. A bargain. HENRY W. noilARD. Realtor, 14 Ptnrk Str.f. iRiouo TERMS if dlrtd . wry attrai t Ive strictly modern and up to flat: 6 rooms nnd sloping porch; htrge. well kpt groundu; one of Portland's mnat de sirable renidncea. at llOi VaiiRhn at , WHIameftr Heights T.N Rf-d, o-vnnr. THREE ;i-ruutn Ji.tui, ciONO-ir. on .in R it rue I St., nar onion ivn. inn, t-n bought separate. A good in vet, tint nt. Pavd street end nwr, M. E. LENT CO., Vflln Bno. tVJ4 N. M HinV. 3-UOuM huUr-e, toilet and bath, ciuer lot. improvement s all in and pain. rrice $1400, will take a Kord touring or worm drive truck, no junk, fsoo cash, balance $J0 month, 7 per cent, by owner, 05 Monroe Mreef. OWNER, 0-room .ioune 2 bio ka fioin car; paved St., gas. eiecmciiy. ,oi i.njt imi, patent toilet; also vacant Iota, aome with fruit; $10 down and $ a month Let me Mhow you No. 1047 "!Mh ave. :f S. cr. OWNER- Sainfiee 7-room boune. hard wood rioor, n re pi ace. nookenaen, nut it -in dreers. f nrnace ; worth $,''"l". For Qith k sale sacrifice for .Mhh), Ir.oo cswh. W1H discount for nil e.Twh Wdln 1 'Jrt. " ROSE C 1 T Y PI'NtiALOW. NOT HI NO HKTTER FOR THR MOV KY IN THIS LUijTsUlCT. WULN. 4408. GOOD TEUMS. i