TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. .PORTLAND. APRIL 17, 192 13 IV A TE l R FA L KTATB. CONSCLT US h ju want lo sell your real estate holdings. You will he pleased with our euicieni ana cneriui rro-r. FTA R RFAL ESTATE IN VEST M EN T CO. Realtor. Office fn The Man's Shop, fcurit bu Fhoae Bdwy. 535S i-JST yvkr iot with us for quick saie. Lots wanted particularly In Lauremurst, i Irvlngun. Rose City Park. Alameda and J ilmili liti-teta hmi f h r are tn- wmfd In real bargains In any part of the city. We are arranging to ouuo for a number of clients. Possibly your lot will Just suit Call or write; don't phone Wick man BuIMIng Company. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. ? P ark St. Main 104 and 53. WANTED Bwntalow. 5 or ft rooms, no, over $40io; wlil pay $5im can and rood nmnthiv payments: miwt b on the Woiirisrto.'k carl:ne and rjt farther east than 40th st. Cive all particulars In your slower. D 5m). Oregonian. W1'T 'LSK-I. IMPROVED ACREAGE v Portland resident wants a piece of arrHc. cn good road, within 20 miles f Portland. On the Oregon side. Not over 20 acres. Near electric line -pre furred. Want to turn in a c!ear house on tne east side. Will give diffence place has equipment. Owner la offering his property at rash value and anything uim:ttei must be a real bargain, f-e ti atff-nt. John Ferguson, Oerlir.T bMg WE HAVE a client who la a bona fjie buyer, wants a home in Irv Inttton or Alameda Park: will pay Itrtt. Dekum Jordan. 323 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Phone Mam 2233. I AM IV the market for a well -located and .deirab'e 5 or 6-room bungalow either furnished or unfurnished. Mus be on c rood lmoroved street, good dis tr'rt and not too far out. I have to offer a good late model automobile. god real estate contracts and mortgages, anc might put In tome cash. Will not con sider any inflated values, phone Udln i7-'fi. or address AM "70. Oregonian. ACKKAGK WANTED. List your small acreage with ua for quick action; we have a large number of buyers on our list wanting close-in acre age UIHR CART. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 717. WANTS APARTMENT HOl'SG. Have imnroved fArm within 10 mile: f Portinnd worth f.W OOO. clear. Will trade for apartment house to $60.imo and give caili and mortgage Tor cn fei ence. l.rEPL'CM ANN COMPANY". !13 i'himi"-r nf fnmmcrre. V.MlI' FROM UW.VI.K Bungalows or houses from $2504) to $35n0, respectable district ; if you want to sell, call lidwv. 2500. Mr. Slrard. Northwest Mortgage Co.. S37, Chamber of Cormverce. CASH FOR LOTS in Rose City. Laurel hurst. Irvinzton. Walnut Park. Pied- mn i, Beaumont. Olnisted or Alameda Park. Give legal description and price. FINANCE SERVICE COMPANY. 9o;i-i:i yiicox Bldg. WANTED An yrom house in Sunnvside or Irvington: from $i0oo to $t240. or would go $ijf" for something ex traordinary. Please da not answer this ad unless you have something good to offer. Call Mrs. Stringer. Tah'T T "--- WANTS rOiTLANU I'K'JPbilTV. Have cah and securities to give for good Improved Portland property, apart nients or ' btisine". up to $ 1 (Kt.ooo. LI." Bl 'DEM ANN 1'O.M PAN Y. 'hiip'lcr of Commerce. U'AN i l.i-l'r-iii 'nei-. the best "t-mom bumcaltfw or house, luniwond floors and garatre that f."oo cash and $.".0 per inuiiib. Including interest will buy. Ross- mere. Reauinont, Rose City districta. AL rf!4. f'f-c":iiiin. WILL PAY CASH for I: within two blocks of Undy b!vd.. between 4."th and t;."th sts. Not to exceed fM.fl w ith all im proements or jr.oo without pavement. Phme East -N1S, before 12 noon or after I F. M. Sunday V. ANTEO A liouse and iol for home, good location, in exchange fr cash and pre ferred stock 7' guaranteed ; an abso lutely safe and profitable Investment. What have you to offer? Tabor 8352. 1" ."VTrt". f.treeon'rin. WAT SMALL house or bungalow; must hu ve bit seme n t. concrete foundation, hath, good location: real snap. Will pa IliHH) to ls(". ail cash. Quick action necessary. Rest price and details firat letter. P S!m. riregonian. HAVE MANY BUYERS for west side houses, handling wt side property is my specialty. JOHN SINGER. 4?0 ChaTTih-r of Commerce Bid? YOUR HOME F('R SALE-' IF IT'S SALEABLE. WE'LL SELL IT. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, "REALTOR." AUINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4Wi3. -35 YEARS IN PORTLAND." WANT a. 5 or 0-rou:u bungalow with garage to $4KW: would like to turn in real estate con fact as part payment: give location and price first letter. C .";:. Cregnnlsn. FOR RESULTS, list your acreage with us, we pecialize east of 8 2d street. R. H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 2M-3-S-T P"rd of Trad Bldg. VA NTKD Portland home in exchange for 100 acres in The Dalles-Mosier district, some good timber, small house, barn, chicken house, good roads, might as sume. BJ M'.O. Oretronlan. W A N T E D To buy home of 3. 4 oi rooms, not too far from Glisan st., be (ween With and city limits. Terms must be reasonable. Piease give house nurn br Addresa C Oregonian. BUNGALOW WANTED. Have $1500 cash as first payment on four or rive-room modern bungalow, not over S4000. I mesn business. Mus move Mav 1st. PC Oregonian. CAR FOR HOUSE. high-grade National, 7 passenger. 12 cylinder; sure some car. Will give you a good trade. Owner. 434 Mill st. Phone Main 4M3. HAVE YOU A BARGAIN? House and lot. vacant lots, acreage or rann. Have buyers every day. B. F. KELLY. 713 S wetland Bldg. Main 7770. WANT to buy from owner, it-room modrn house in Hawthorne or any good dis trict, corner lot preferred, to $4000. $5t0 c?in. a v r 1 it. Oregon Jan. WANT 7 or b-room house or flat. Close in; must be good and cheap. Call 435 Chamber of commerce or phone Broad- LOT AT $7oo and $:;ik) cash for equitv in t or t rooms, bal. about $2000. Waveny Richmond or Creston, G 570. Orego- nian. STUM P LA N D or sirn ilar unim Droved wanted to $10,000 value, exchange for 6.000.000 feet timber and Its 160 acres xamnm county. L'-J u. a. Bank bldg. . WANT modern home In good district, or well located lot; have Chevrolet coupe and cash ns first payment. Phone e ! 1 wool "r r;iwood "2M ONE OR MORE acres rough land. Clackamas river, suitable for summer home. Give full particulars. N 505, treR-onian. WANTED TO BUY. from owr.er. good tf room house, near 45th and E. Main or nelgh-borhood. Price. location and terms, D .Wi. Oregon inn. 191S MITCHELL 5-passenger touring car to trade tn on o or 6-room house: c ar newly painted and mechanically per fect. Call East 4447. or Woodlawn 4I7! W A N TEX) 5 OR 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, Any g;od district; 5-passenger light mac Pine and ? 100 rirst pa vment. SMJTH-W.UINPR CO.. STOCK EXCH V ANTED West side, 0 or ft. room house. walking distance: price $0500 or less; . client will pay cash If price is right. E J CEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. WA NT ED S or b-room house In Sunny side or any other good district, not over 5K.-.00 w 565. Oregonian WANT attractive bungalow, good district. Have snappy, new, 0-cyl. car to apply. A K Hill. 420 Lumbermens bldg. THE RALPH HARRIS CO. can sell your home, suburban or city 816 Chamber of Commerce Main 5624. WANT 5 or U-room bungalow, have as first payment good lot, 100x100. East 1tn7. WA NT to buy for cah from private owner, lot In A lameaa Park or Laurel-Vr-M. -ito 31 2-no FOR WANTED Lot. 50x100. for cash. 2 blocks either way Sandy blvd. Between 43d and sts. AL 563. Oregonian. WANT CITY property, h.tve 4- acres land and some cash as part payment. Tabor WANT Belle Crest lot; give lowest price, block and lot cumber. AN 502. Orego nian A HOME in Hawthorne district; must be reasonable; give location and t. number first letter. No agents, p 3S2. Oregonn WANT a bungalow in Rose City Park from owner; about $4000; term. L J Lamb. Main 6-00 HAVE 2 good lots first payment on house. Give location and price. AC 505, Ore-1 gonian. WaNV N-ioom dupl Broadway 3."6. house, close in. IF YOU will price. AutO sfil your nome 1 24 -ST it honest WANT IMPROVED acreage: cash and 3 i Ft lota Ut payment. Tabor 722, evenings. UANTKI KRAI. ESTATE. Farnii W ante u. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We are having ca:lt ver day for una II farms that are stocked ard equipped and that can be handled with around flow to $2imju cash If your is i or sae. iei ua leu it ror you. F. U EDDY. Ketattur. RITTER. LOWE 1:0., 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Blda. ABolT 40 acies, not lea than 10 acres under cultivation: must nave enod houie oi not leas man rooms, within about 30 miles of Portland. Can make sub stantial casn payment. Give particulars and location. AJ 570. Oregonian HuAl fc.fi ifcAU relinquishment lor sale; Just the pi:e for tummer home, close to Mount K i loop road. There are 4 small buildli,?k and garden, well and spring creek, o. ounty road. Call after SK .M k Nnrtn l"th st. v AM' ACREAGE or suiaii farm near sjme good highway, convenient to Port land, for a buyer with $25no cash. Will pay up to $004-0. See Mr. Hoberg. Geo. K. Enghart. 024 Henrv bldir WILL buy small, well-improved farm near Portland, pay half cash, balance five years. 5 per cent. Owners, forget war time prices and address 122 North 70th at.. Seattle. A A TED l-.ve or lo acres raw or im proved land near Portland. eat side : state fuily locution, condition of place, pr.ee anu terms; no dealer. L 5t&, ur'-g-iniirt. WANTED Smali farms, etjuipped. on reas onable terms, some for cash. 10 to 4U nules to Portland. H. W. Garland. 20i Third street. rt A.s"lKU ."i t o aci'es. pear cuy and highway; prefer between Porland and G"bJe. Wiiiiam Steiinett. Tabor S.;7a. 1t K. Wth N. iil.tl t.t.iu b.nt-Muan, tlliCier.L und ue pendabic aalet.man wanted. V 5b7, Ore g'ni:n. Wanieu I Ken rarin- WANTEO TO RENT, SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms. Cioae to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more We make lota of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGL'SuN. Uerlinger Bidg I.arecst Firm I-aler on Pacific Coast W A N T E D F A KM. House and 3 to L'O acres, for poultry and fruits, or will lease for term of years and Improve present buildings or erect new buiidlnxs yearly costing sev eral hundred dollars. Send full particu lars as to lca::oii. near what railroad. etc Address J ... Orcgonirtn. WANTED To rent farm and equipment on shares: No. I ranch man: best rtf erence. 1 1 lit Canyon ave., Wallace. Idaho. WANTED To rent small farm. 30 or 40 acre truck farm, close to Portland. wRn or without larm Implement.. Route 1, Box HIS, Clackamas, Or. WANTED To rent farm. 40 to SO acres. stocked and equipped, on shares, by young, experienced farmer. C 5i3. Ore gonian. . AN l cU To rent a Tillamook da,ir farm, from 5o to 100 cows, close to factory. C 5S4. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. SOME HA KGA IN. li'O acrea. 3u acies river boUom. best of soil: about 6ooo cords o( yellow fir timber suitable for cord wood. staetoiis or veneering; on river and highway, near good town. i7 m:Ies from Portland; tor uuick sale only JO per acre, for ail or part. OLAF OHLSON. Hm:-p V Vanmmrr. Wash. W ant small sawmill. I want a small sawnijll : prefer nenr Portland; must be some timber so that mill can be operated at present loca tion; will trade In as first payment some real est-ttf and balance in pay ments. R r!M. Orf-conian. 12.0WI-FT MILL FOlt SALE, with three million ft. timUer. donkey, fun equipment, log pond : Sio.OoO ea&y terms Plenty more timber adjoining. See Tim-ber Land Bureau. Bn.trd or Trade Bldg. Portinnd. tun Al.lC or trade, loo acres yeilow pine timber, J.OOO.OdO feet, located fouth of Pilot Rock, L'matilla county, eastern Oregon. What If our proposition? JH. Gahrke. -04 MadUon st.( Portland, Or. Wil-ah ho el. A. ui'i Uiti l.sl j V for a luan witu mill and little cash to move into 10.0o0.000 f old-growth red fir; no better timber in the country; level ground, down hill to railroad; Klickitat Co.. Wash. ' J. il. Kennedy, 11 li'th st. ii.iKvhT conditions do affect the small sawmill operator as much as a poor start. Before entering this business con sult expert advice. Jt will save vou money, and may turn failure Into sue cess. .1 5ii4. Oregonian. SA W Al I l.L for pale. 3.M0 capacity. 2 miles from railroad, good road, timber medium e ire. old growth ; unlimited a.nount of timber. Can be purchased on easy terms by right party. BD 584. Ore rrnnfan. OK bALE 1000 cords stum pa ye. mostly first-growth fir. bal. alder and maple; 2 '4 mtl1 market or railroad H. W .Reynolds, roure 2. box 17-B. Oregon City. jiON EY-M AK ING opportunity for piac ticat sawmill man with good in til of 15M to 25M per tlay and aljle to finance htmseif. Address J .dtJ ('repontan. SAWMILL Sell or leaee. 2J.0O0 capacity 2.i00,0oo within 1 Vt miles of mill, runs well, select common ; 2 miles to rail road, plank road. B.T 573. Oregonian. W E ARE buyers of sidecut. suriaced and rougu lumber una miscellaneous lots Portland delivery. racifx Milling M f s Co 4 TO 341 million f:r, 5 to 12 log trees, on water and R. R.. 5 to 10 million pine. Price right. Venard, 029 Chamber of (Commerce tuk SALE Portable sawmill, capacity lo.t:00 feet, two engines, full equipment timber plentiful. See or write W. B. K1nsley. Elmira. Or WILL sell or trade my farm with good op port unity for small sawmill, very cheap Alma Myers. Alpine, or. FoR SALE by settlers direct, aoout 77.0O0, 04 '0 feet timber in Lincoln county, Ore gon. M Elle. 1421 E. :Mst St. y WOULD lease, buy or run by thousand email sawmill: clve full particulars first letter. G .'04. Oregontan. WANTED Lumber, house-building mate- roal. carload lots. cadh. 1 obi. Oregu- nin n. FOR SALE Cheap. 3.0OO.HO0 feel vellow fir on Kalama rtver, Washington. B. K Berttlsen. Kalama, ash. GOOD timber claim for vale cheap. Bdwj 2143. Mrs Owens LOGO 1 NG contract wanted by experienced logger. Ji P4. Oregonian. ALOE R. ash and maple lumber wanted Adcress J .0.;. Oregonian. 0 ACRES. crubed 5N4W. Reedvilla. level S(5iHi. Main 470. Monday $275o CASH lakes 7.500.0410 feet fir; uct quicKiy. u ouu, oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FA KM FOR RENT. PERSONAL PROF- K ti Tr KOK KALE liilS Is A BfcAl TIFUL PLACE ONLY 22 MILES FROM PORTLAND. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. .3 orrp 40 in high state of cultiva tion; dandv 6-room plastered house and 2-room house, extra fine big barn, new silo, lots of ensilage; between 3o and 40 tons of good nay; crops) mooi, an in. With this go 12 extra big cows, 4 heif ers. 1 bull, extra fine team of horses, w agon, plows. 2-horse cultivators, new- mower, rake, hay tedder, potato digger, roller d:sc. harrow and spring-tooth hnrmw nlatform scales, forks, wheel burrow s and shovels; b 10-gal. can. 2 5-gal. can a. Will lease for 3 yeara at 15m a year. Price for everything, in cluding first year's rent, is ouly $30O0. Better hurry. O. STEWART & JOHNSON. A. B. :; 1 Northwestern B:tnk Bldg 100 ACRES. 15 Cleared, balanr. pasture good 6-room house and largo Jiodern bdn; tptn. farming Implements, seven cows. Elderly lady wishes to make her home on place. Will rent on shares or a small rental. Inquire 1044 Division st. Tabor 4536 FOR RENT 100 tcres. 20 under cultiva tion, good orchard, house, outbuildings and svater: seeded to clover; reason for renting, husband dad; $150 per year cash advance. Auction saie April lu. im plements and stock. Call on or addres C. A. Mills. Veronia. Or. "WILLAMETTE VALLEY. We have an 87-acre farm all In cul tivation with new buildings for rent, one-third of grain rent or will rent with option to buy until October 1. 1921 BEAM LAND CO., 133 Lyon St., Alban Oregon. Kfc-NT or lease, 10 acres, fenced. Ryan station, Oregon iMeciric, orchard, acre strawberries, city water, running stream. Ideal for geese, ducks. AN. 503, Orego nian. , ACHES, house, barn, chicken hout-e. all kind truits. berries; 10 miles out on two pun.ic roads. tsoQ Halcey. Phone East 61 42. FARM FOR RENT or sale. 10 miles out on pavement; nice home and $200 month income; $looo cash handles. Owner. I4 Nnr'h 3d st IF 100 ACRES, diked, on Columbia, north ol Woodlawn; part to clear; share or casn rent. Phone East 3513. FOR RENT o acres at Tigard, Or.; good house, other buildings and fruit Si .1 rs h a II 1425. SiOCK OR dairy ranch. 30 acres. Lin coln Co Box 433. Portland. Or. ItJO FOll RENT 5 acres on east side. $30 a month. Phone East 106. jK RENT Small ranch on electric line Pnone Broadway 322. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. 000 ACRES, SCAPPOOSE. r!M acres with 3."0 acres under plow; 300 acres now in rye; house, large dairy barn, nearly full of straw. Price for crop, straw and rent to Sept. 1st. $3000. 5 -year lease. 000 ACRES. BENTON CO. 300-acre stock ranch, located in Ben ton Co.; 30 acres in crop; 7-room house, ntw barn, chicken house for 2."0 hens; small amt. of personal property for sale; very reasonable; rent $-50 per ytar; 3 year lease. 400 ACRES, CLARKE CO. 400 acres with 220 acres under plow, 85 acres beaverdam ; l!a head cows! 1 1 yearlings and calves, 2 young horses, all farm tools, including Cleveland tractor and outfit for same; loO-ton silo; U-room house, large barn. Milk Is taken at place. Price. about $500. 3 to 5-year lease. 1S3 ACRES, YAMHILL CO. j IS.", neres wifh R."i ncrps under Plow several springs and creek ; gravel and paved roada; 4-room house, 2 barns; will sell crop and keep personal property; 5- year lease, with option to ouy. 175 ACRES. SAUVIES ISLAND. 175 acres. 25 acres under plow, bal nasture. berries and family orchard room house 2 barns; So-ton silo. Mi head milk cows, team and pony, chickens and furniture; JH acres aifaira; run a-L larm and dairy euuipment; gasoline launch 24 ft. long: many other things too numerous to mention. Price only $12,500; $6000 cash. 158 ACRES. CLACKAMAS. arrPi with acres under plow 110 fu'.l-bearing fruit trees. 23 head milk cows. 6 calves, hogs, chickens. 3 horses. frfrm tools, milk cooler, cream separator, household furniture; 22 acres planted to fall grain. 0 acres spring grain; every thing included at only $5000; $3500 cash. 145 ACRES. DAYTON. 145 acres with 100 acres under plow good 4-ro'm house, barn 50x00, all farm tools. 1020 Ford touring car. all small tools. 3 horses, 5 cows, chickens and hoga: 35 acres In wheat. 6 acres cheat. 34 acres winter oats; about $350 worth of furniture; ail goes for $3500; $3000 cash. 114 ACRES, WASHINGTON CO. 114 aerea with 40 acres under plow; family orchard and berries; 4 cows, team, 7 calves, hogs and chickens; 5-room house. 2 barns, full equipment of farm tools. 10 tons hay In barn, spring water at house; a good farm, rnce tor crop, stock and tools. $1200. Some terms Lease. $300 per year. ACRES, WASHINGTON CO. 714 acres with 30 acres In crop, also 2oo acres pasture goes witn mis; pienu truR, mllK cows, J. neners. ieani. nos, chickens, some grain, household goods. dairy equipment, including new cream separator; stock, crop and implements. $241)0, some terms; 3-year lease. $350 per 3 ear. We have many others and are head quarters Tor farm leases. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. NO. 43215 ACRES ON COLUM BIA RIVER BOTTOM. 215 ncres. practically all under cultivation or open pasture good dairy bnrn, milk house, concrete floors, fair dwelling house, good family orchard. Rent $120 per month. Personal property consists of about 55 head of cattle, team horses, tractor, with plows and disc, electric lighting system, new Ford truck. Full line farm ma chinery, milk routes in town, with an income of over $1700 per month. This place is netting 100 per month. Price 120.000. $0000 cash, balance $500 per month. NO. 320 436 ACRES. 43fl acres, about one-half in cnl ' tivation or open pasture, good dairy hnrn, 6-room house, milk house, long lease, 100 per month. 40 head dairy cows; 15 head 2-vear-old heifers; 12 head calves. Ford son tractor, with plow and disc.; 3 head horses, ensilage cut ter and blower. Sharpiess milking machine, silo and all small tools. Price 12.500. $5000 cash, balance $200 fer month. S-e Mr. Blair, with THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. FOR RKNT ON SHAKES. 212 acres. IttO acres creek bottom in' rultivation bal. pasture and timber; some buildings, several spring and targe creek, on One road. C w. Miiiersnip. Ai der hotel. Main 527. TO FX XT.F RF4.I. FVTATB . i.ou . Til.-wLviJ rOR BUA'bl O.ncJ. FINE RANCH NEAR SHERWOOD. 25 MILES FROM PORTLAND. About 3 miles from station; 160-acre I farm, fine soil, 75 acre in cultivation, orchard, good barn, fair house, pres sure water, large silo, rolling land, some I timber; price i20,4iu; incumbrance iu, ROO the bank savs this place is worth $25,000): will trade and assume. What I have you? Would prefer city property or chern itwipp. Pr SK4 1 rerom;in. OWNER will trade his beautiful subur ban home for a ranch. This place is I beautifully kept and is an ideal home: only 14 blocks from streetcar: has ideal surroundings and is In good neighbor- ,hood; all kinds or shrunoery ana iruti trees; near the golf links and Reed college: house has 1 rooms and all mod ern conveniences. Basement and garage , Price $7000. E. P. MALL. 309 Chamber of Commerce. HOUfcE FOR TRADE. T.nege, ft -room h"ii In Hawthorne I district: rood basement, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, fine corner 100x1 '2Ht 12 I fruit trees, garage, naru-sunacea streets, all paid: could be arranged at little ex pense for two families and would bring! in f tne income ; price 1 j.ihni; incum brance $.i,t00: will trade and assume. I Whet hive yon? AP ft'.'T Or gonln. IS VOL R MORTGAGE FORECLOSED? DON'T LOSE YOUR PROPERTY. If your mortgage la foreclosed, don't I quit and lose out; write me and give I details and I will give you a good trade I for your equity; It doesn t matter to me how larce your mortgage is. 1 can han dle it; let me hear from you at once. ddre P us. Or eonian. WILL YOU TRADE? I WILL. I own a 1010 2-ton Republic truck: I have no use for It at this time and will exchange it for most anything of value: I think the truck cheap at $1500. Let I me hear from you at once, as I am go-I ing to turn it tnis wet k. is su, orego nian. , 10 ACRES. NEAR VANCOUVER. Ten acres, all level and good soil: some gravel; no Improvements; covered with light brush; 3 miles fsom inter state bridge; worth about $2000: Is clear: will trade in on house and assume, or I p'H 'n c '.in. R ftHa Oreironian. PORTLAND LOTS TO TRADE. Fifteen lots. 50x100, near fiOth st. on east side: sidewalks, curbs and sewer are in; lots are level; price $500 each; clear excepting bondtd Hens; will trade and assume. What have you? AF 6t0, Oreo-ifin. CHOICE LAND 30 miles from Portland. ciose ro rivner. mt! road tnd Columbia highway, logged-off long ago. easy clear ing, easy terms, inducements to settlers. Can handle some trade. Johnson with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main NEAR EUGENE. 100-acre dairy ranch, near Eugene, for irrigated aiiaiia land vicinity of Cald well, Idaho: describe what you have Box 105. Eugene. Or. LOTS FOR TRADE. Four lots. 00x00. near E. 05th and Halsey'stn ets; pric $500; clear except bonded. What have you? AE 503, Or- eeonmn. ACKLS, well improved, near North Plains; trade for clear hou.e in Port- lauu. aoout .i.piw. Mr. Lewis, 517 LnHiimer or commerce Ding. OWN several Laurelhurst lots, clear ex cept bonded; will trade them and as sume. What have you? R 279, Orego- FINE residence lot. Spokane. Wash., iol snmerning nere or nearby : lot so:d for r $1000; what have you? Owner. 201 W. r;i tk : sacrince. YOU are looking for a good sheep or siuch. rancn, 1 nave neat location In staie ior a nome in Portland. AJ 500, Oreironinn. FOk FOR SALE TRADE OR RENT. Neat 5-room beach cottage; 1 acre g-aruen. uong neacn, wasn. Johnson 24S Stark st Mnin 5420. THREE lots. 50x100 each, on Peninsula anu nunc sis., ior equity in house Phone East YJf& . ACRES. 240, 130 acres pine trade for, lots or equity, assume, buildfng. 503 McKay WILL GIVE good lot. 100x100 as first pay ment on house. Call East 1007. TO EXCH NC5F FF L FSTATF. SPLENDID DAIRY FARM FOR TRADE. 424 ACRES WITH 21 FINE COWS. s This Is one of the best dairy farms In Washington county, 16 miles west of Portland: 42 4 acres, all cleared, all the very beat of land, good 6-room house, barn 48x70 with 31 stanchions, large tile silo, lots of good outbuildings; 1 acre family orchard, 1 acre prunes, bearing walnuts, grapes, asparagus, etc. Per sonal : 21 fine cows, registered bull, 3 horses, cream separator. 3 wagons, bug gy, 2 plows, cult., disc, harrow, drill, mowyr. rake, binder, incubator, brooder, etc. Price $13,50o. Take home In Port land to $5000, some cash, lots time on balance. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Sixth St. Broadway 4381. EWt llfblU, GOING l'AKM. 39 acres, east of Woodland, Wash.; 18 acres In cultivation, ( acres in tine stand of clover, larce orchard of all kinds of fruit, English walnut trees coming into bearing. S chestnut trees, heavy producers; good 7-room house, newly papered, double constructed, porcelain bathtub, hot and co'u water: large barn, numerous outbuildings, two springs, fine creek, 3 extra good cows. 3 horses. 2 pigs, 50 chickens, cider pren cream separator, full line of farm Im plements, extra fine black loam soil will exchange for acreage near a good Willame'te valley town up to $4500 price $uooo. JOHN E. HOWARD, ?t1S Chamber of Commerce. CITY INCOME PROPERTY For Country Property. Good 2-!tory building. 2 stores below flats above; income now $M2.50 per mo Can be nut to 20: nrlce il2.noo. in value Is sound No inflation considered If your price is right we can make you a good trade, bee is us today NEILAN & PARK II ILL, 2iit Lumbermens Bldg., Fifth and Stark Streets. IRVINGTON PARK. 4 rooms and recep. hall down, 3 sleep ing rooms up ; w bite kitchen, built -ins arid closets galore. lOOxloo. lies beau ti fully, garage, chicken house and run lots of fruit and berries ; street paved, hah" block to car. Ideal home location Take a look, 121 East 3oth N. $0750, terms arranged. Will take close-in acre age, small farm, lots or fcinall home on part. BL'RKH ARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, Suite 415 Piatt Bidg. Main 702i. TRADE CLEAR PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY ' to the- value of $00,000, all or part, for equity in an apartment house. We are collecting the rents on these properties and know their real value. See METZGER-PARKER CO., 260 Oak St. Broadway 5355. FINE COUNTRY HOME. 4 4 acres at Buena Vista, 7 miles from Independence, close to the Willamette river, witn a line modern nome or six rooms, all In cultivation, family or chard, all kinds of berries, good' barn. chicken houses, hog house, all buildings painted and in the best of condition; 2 blks. to high school, stores ana cnurcnes: no white land, rock or gravel ; price $5000, no incumbrance. Will exchange for a larger farm or a fine home in a good Willamette alley town up to $0o00. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31S Chamht-r of Commerce Hi ACHES in Yamhiu county, with about 20 acres In fruit, fair buildings; want residence or acreage cloe in to lull value. $0500. House and acre of ground In Mon mouth, $3000; want stock ranch in Southern Oregon to $7000. 45-acre diversified and fruit ranch near Roseburg; want house or vacant lots for equity of $0775. 320 acres near Baker City, well Im proved, $20,000; want apartment to $10,000. S-e Mr. Vail. FINANCE SERVICE COMPANY, 000-13 Wi lcox Bldg. Main 4441. 100 ACRES TIMBER, located in the south ern part of Doug.as county, Oregon, 2 4 miles from Pacific highway, 4 mile from good county road, with private road through the tract; lies almost level and would make fine alfalfa land when cleared; nice trout stream, about 5,000. 000 feet of old-growth timber, mostly fir, with some cedar and pine; short down-grade haul to railroad : will bae price under the prevailing market and exchange for farm land, acreage or city property and will give or take.' Phone Woodlawn 1726 or address P 502, Ore gonian. NEWB'SRv DISTKiCT. 20 acres, 2 4 miles from Newberg. on main highway: IS acres in cultivation. 1 15 acres in orchard, a good 6-room house with city water; first-class barn, six chicken houses, incubator, brooder houses, 12-tunnel prune drier; 4 mile to high and graded schools. . With the place go 2 horses, extra fine Jersey cow. 300 Leghorn hens, gas engine, spray pump, 4 incubatoi and a long line of larm implements. win take a (mall modern home In Portland in exchange. JOHN E. HOVARD, 318 Chamber of Commerce. -FA.ulV HOLriiil. separate entrances; lower floor has five rooms and 'bath, center reception hall, big Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, very attractive rooms, newly finished; second story has four rooms and bathroom, with' plumbing roughed in, electric lighted closets: lot 50x100. large garage and only half block from street car, in Westmoreland; price 104)00, with all street Improvements In and paid; would consider an Eastmore land or Westmoreland lot or small house as part pay. LA DD ESTATE COMPANY, 2-40 Stark Street. LOOK HERE. My fine home. 7 large rooms, to trade for farm or acreage, close to city, or tar. or smaller home, mortgage 0 per cent, long time; more than 100-foot front, big garage, cherries, apples, pears, apricots, peaches, grapes, currants, black, berries, raspberries and walnuts, shrub bery; house can be easily made into flats worth $5o per month each, or a little caah buy a a big equity; possession at once. I must go away. Call or write ittl E. MAIN. CORNER E. 24TH. OWNER. BEAVERDAM. 159 acres, located on the river this side of Butteville, with a fine rlvei frontage and 15 acres of dandy beaver dam land In cultivation : 25 acres In second bottom In cultivation, balance bench land; good 8-room house, barn and other buildings, V4 mile to station; win exenange lor Portland property or a smaller place up to $12,04)0, easy terms on balance. Price onlv $20,000. JOHN E. HOWARD, SIS Chamber of Commerce. STOCK FARM. 200 acres, all clear, cultivated land except 15 acres; large barn, good house, water piped ; located near government range on good county road. This is a good going place with full complement of farm machinery; price $30,000; will accept Portland property part or full pay. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. OWNER 250 acres, 140 in cultivation. all can be cultivated except 30 acres; 1000 rods of tile In farming land, good farm buildings, adjoining O. A. C. col lege; wlil sell on terms' to suit pur chaser or will trade for small farm near Portland or for alfalfa and stock ranch or Income property; you can send your children to college and have thein home everv night. 501 O ilyan street. I HAVE $NOO EQUITY IN 100 ACRES OF LA.MJ THAT I ILL. SACRIFICE FOR i:hh. LIGHT CAR AND SOME CASH WILL DO; SICKNESS FORCES ME TO LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA THIS MONTH. H. P. RAS.ttl.SSKN. WOOD LAND. WASH.. OR A. W. ESTES. 905 (J rl A M l tK CF COMMERCE, PORT LAND. too ACliES, 4J0 cultivated, 00 acres al falfa, balance grain: 5-room house, barn, silo, hortes. all machinery; exchange Portland property. J32.0O0. 12S0 acres. 40 miles Portland, ad joining fawmll!, 12.500.04JO ft. lumber, will make fine stock ranch; $20,000, will assume $10,000. FRED LAWSON CO.. 41ft Ch. of Com. WANTS WEST SIDE A PA RTM ENT. Client haa small apartment house on east side, with good income: price $20,000. clear, to give as part payment on west side apartment to $44j.4XiO LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 01 3 Chamber r.f Cornm erce EXCHANGE 2.04IO.OOO feet of white and yellow pine timber in Baker county, also 5-room house and lot in Union, Or., to exchange for small farm within 10 miles of Portland, near carline. Give full par- -I jmprovea iarm ImDerial Valley. Cal.. oil Dropneet f ow elty or iarm ianas norm 01 San Fran cisco to $50,000, Owners preferred. M. R. Mercereau. Holtville. Cal. SALE OR TRADE For Portland or Seattle property, xaKima valley im proved irrigated land in 20, 40. bO-acre tracts. Apt. 30, 203 Hall et. Phone Marshall 4T2S. 7-PASSENGER 12-cylinder 101S National Highway car. In fine shape. Silvertown cord tires; owner forced to sell; will take good lot ss part payment. 434 Mill st. Phone Main 4013. FOR U. j LATE model 0-cyllnder automobile in ex cellent condition, wiih good tires and extras, to exchange for house equity. Woodlawn 1726 or address P 5S0, Oregonian TO KXCHANGF REAL ESTATE. PACIFIC AGENCY, TNC. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG., PORTLAND, OR, Mar. 30S9. Mar, 1265. THE OLD RELIABLE The House of a Thousand Trades. AND a firm that fcas branch office connections in Oregon and "Wash ington and also In touch with California property. If there Is anything on the coast In a way of a trade and you are contemplating a move, see us. 42-ACRE RANCH. This ranch is In a high state of cultivation, has a very good set of bldga.. Including a concrete silo, and a complete milking outfit: 23 head of stock, 3 head of work horses, also some chickens, and Implements necessirv to operate the place. Price $15,000. will take a house up to $7000. some cash and will give terms on balance. 0 ACRES. Located near Portland just off the main pared highway. In a high state of cultivation; good set 01 farm bidgs.. stocked and equipped. Price $000. Will trade for a bungalow up to $54 too and take mortgage back on the ranch for balance, or can arrange. 4M ACRES. Located In the city limits, has a good 5-room plastered house, also barn and chicken house, and a nice family orchard. Price $6500. Will trade for a bungalow or a smaller place. 3 ACRES. ' Located east of Lents on a good gravel road, all in cultivation, with a 1 7x20 unfinished house. Price $30410, or will take a Ford car and , give terms on balance. 4-ROOM HOUSE. 4-room house with fruit trees, berries, etc. Price $1t00. or will take team, wagon and harness up to $350. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. This is a danuy modern up-to-date bungalow, tn a good district, on paved streets: lot 54x104). Has lots of nice shrubbery and beauti ful lawn.. Price $5500, or will trade for 20 to 40-acre farm. 12-ROOM HOUSE. 12-room house, fully modern. This house has a 3-room apartment and 8 nice sleeping rooms that are bringing in a good revenue. Has a nire 04txl21 ft. lot with garage, chicken house and lots of fruit trees and shrubbery. This house Is on a paved street and close in on the east side. Price $0O44. or will trade for a frame store bldg. here In Portland. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 5-room cottage with nice 100x150 ft. lot. garage, fruit trees, and lots of shrubbery, in a splendid diftrict. and will make somebody a good home. Price $S500. or will trade for a smaller place. A NICE 5-ACRE TRACT. Located on a hard surfaced road, has a good set of bldgs., abou't 115 mixed fruit trees and close to Portland. A birthday pres ent at $2500, part cash and part terms. 2 ACRES. Located at Lents, has a good 4 room house. The land is plant ed to strawberries and raspberries. Good buy at $31100. Will take part cash and some terms on the bal ance. 1 LOT. 1 LOT. 0 LOTS. BOB ROLES? with the PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 415-20 SWETLAND BLDG., PORTLAND, OR. Mar. 59S9. Mar. 12435. STOCKED FARM. 120 acres. i mile from Shelburh, Linn county; 110 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture; woven wire lence and crots-fence; on main county road; 5-room painted house, good barn, ga rage and other buildings. "With the place go 3 horses, 4 milk cows, 1 year ling bull. 48 chickens, cream separator, wagon, buggy and a complete line of farm machinery; price only $10,000. no incumbrance. Will exchange for farm of 50 acres, with me timber and run ning water, close to transportation, c a hotel to value in good , Willamette valley town. JOHN E. HOWARD, 31 S Chamber of Commerce. 3 ACRES NEAR REED COLLEGE. . Good old house and barn, also orchard. Will trade for flats or two small houses. Price $0000. This is your' chance. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermens Bldg., Fifth, and Stark Streets. HALF-SECTION of land In British Colum bia, will trade for residence in Portland or small place close in; land is clear; might assume if property suits. Quarter-section in British Columbia, clear; would consider good car in ex change. Also have quarter-section In Alberta, two miles from railroad station; level land, good black loam soil, clear; will consider residence or business property. What have you to exchange for any or all of this property? Call before 10:J0, Woodlawn 752. M. R. 1321 Rodney ave. YOU BARGAIN HUNTERS. 60 acres, within V mile of Middleton Station," ' on 4th-st. electric, right on county road, no rock,, land lies just enough rolling to make it desirable for fruit. This land is some of the best in Washington county. Owner will sacri riflce for u per acre; win sen wun $500 payment or will take Portland property in exchange. JOHN E. HOWARD, 31 S Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON APARTMENT. $15,000. 3-story frame building, 0 apartments, 4 of which are furnished ; income $l per month besides owner's apartment furnace heat, 4 baths, corner lot 100x 100; place is in first-class condition on the Inside; will take residence or tlou ble house and $104HJ cash as first pay ment and give long time on the bal ance. See Mr. Stephens. Fred W. Ger man Co., 1 32 Chamber or Commerce, BY OWNER. 20-acre ranch, near Forest Grove, close to highway and Red Electric; stocked. equipped, crops in; $7500. "Want modern house. Irvington. Rose City. Laurelhurst Hawthorne. Will not pay difference. Would take cheaper home and cash, Must be on paved street and sewer in. Av 4 oregonian. SMALL FARM WANTED. Have a 5-rm. house on 100x100 lot, fruit, berries and good chicken house, valued $3500, to trade in on small ranch of 20 to 40 acres, within 30 miles of Portland, that is priced right. F. R. JESSE. 527 CORBETT BLDG. 20 ACRES, 4 miles from Stella. Wash., 3 acres cleared and fenced. 30 fruit trees, shack and chicken houses, good well and spring. Will seil or exchange tor aooui ti acres near car line. Saunders, 44; E. Pine st. FOR SALE or trade for city or suburban property, 200-acre Irrigated Idaho stock ranch, free water and outrange, 5 miles town and railroad, price $1000. owner, 032 S. Ivanhoe st. 100 AiwivEs, North Dakota, close to lown and railroad, $17.50 per acre, for lots, acreage or small farm; would assume some difference; give particulars. AE 504. Oreqonian. GOOD house, corner lot, garage, near E. 12th N. and Broadway; will pay differ ence if suited. Owner, BC 54 4, orego ntHn. OWNER Sen or trade 70-roum apartment house, $800 income per month, 10 mln. walk to business center; will trade for alfalfa and stock anch. obi Oilman st. IMPORTANT NOTICE. See mv ad classified under "Suburban Homes " this issue, A. K. Hill, 420 Lumbermens bldg. 4-ROOM cottage, S. P., basement, garage, paved street, near car, $1350. easy terms, or exchange for equity. What have you' Tabor 42IIO. IF YOU HAVE a light auto that you wish to trade for good real estate, be sure and see me. Owner, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. 40 ACRES, 15 acres irrigated. 3 miles from Redmond. Or., clear, for lots or house equity. A. H. Akerson, 420 Henry building. TO EXCHANGE loo acres, Lincoln coun ty, good land, for 1021 Ford, some cash. Phone Automatic 21S-00. TO CASH or real estate valued $5000, S. and Canada patent. Look this up. K , 1440 Mallory ave. WANTED to trade, late model Ford road ster for lot up to $04(0 In Rose City, bal ance cash. Tabor 04122. 40 ACRES fruit iand. $1200 to exchange. What have you? Tabor 3S25. TO AUTOMOBILE for a clear building; lot. East 12G7. improved 1018 TO EXniAG F REAL HSTATE. "WELL IMPROVED AND EQUIPPED. 52 acres 22 miles from Portland on fine rocked road, 14 miles to electric station, southeast Portland. "Woven wire fencing, creek, all under cultivation and will all be in crop; bearing family or chard; i mile to school. Good 5-room plastered house with bath. Garage, chicken house. barn machine shed. smokehouse. Included with place, 3 horses, 4 cows, 3 hogs, 125 chickens. 6 geese ana very large and complete im of machinery. Price for e ery thing, $10.0410, or $8500 without the equipment. The crops would be extra. Easy terms. Or might consider Portland property and some cash. The ranch is clear. Build ings all painted and In A-l shape. GOOD MODERN BUILDINGS. 24 acres 10 miles south Portland. 1 mile from good town with 2 electric lines; rocked road, good Foil, 17 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 2 acres in berries. New 8-room plastered bungalow, water system, garage, barn 40x5o, chicken house: 1 mile to high and grade school. Included with place 1 team, 2 cows, 1 heifer, 30 chickens, cream separator, brooder, Incuhator, complete line of machinery, 300 sacks of onions. 15 sacks potatoes, crops and all house furniture, including a piano. Tlvs Is a fine home, well located. The build ings are reasonably worth $7C0t. Con aider Portland house for part value. WANT PORTLAND HOME. 120 acres alfalfa land, paid up per petual water right for all, SO sgres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 40 acres of good alfalfa; 4 mile to school, good county road; house, barn, chicken house, wire fencing. Consider Portland 1 house up to $3500 or $4000 and small , a mount of cash. Give easy terms on balance. Located in alfalfa section, southeast Redmond, Oregon. Personally inspected. WANT PORTLAND INCOME PROP ERTY. 314 acres 60 miles south Portland, be tween Independence and Corvallis: woveji wire fences, good road, 100 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 4 acres bearing orchard ; 9-room house, barn 40x00, hog house, other buildings; 1 4 miles from small town, electric station and school. Good black loam soil Land not under cultivation in timber. Price $125 per acre. Clear. Want Portland apartment or other income property; 134 acres all In high state of cultiva tion 0 miles west of city limits of Port land on good auto road; 1 mile electric station : about 40 fruit trees, berries, good 5-room house, good outbuildings, on grocery, mail and milk route. A bargain at $5050, reasonable terms. Will consider clear house in Portland up to $5000; $500 cah.. Malone. 51 acres 14 miles from Woodburn. Or. Good wire fences, rocked road: land under cultivation and In crop, which is Included. Offered for less than $150 per acre. incumbrance $2400. W III con sider Portland house and assume, if some cash is paid. Ask for Mr. Nelson. 00 acres 6 miles from Salem. Or., Vt mile to school, main highway by place, which is paved for 5 miles, 1 mile ma cadamized ; 45 acres under cultivation. spring on place, all can be cultivated. Best of loganberry land. Price $175 per acre. Consider house in Portland up to $40oo that is clear. Good terms on balance. 20 acres 14 miles from Goble. down the Columbia river; graveled road: 17 acres can be cultivated when cleared now In good standing timber; near paved highway; spring and creek. Price $000; $400 cash. Or consider light car as full pay menu see j. alone. 2 acres on the naved road. Base Line. 2 blocks from station, all under cultiva tion. 1 acre logan and raspberries bear Ing; other fruit; city water and gas there. Small house. Price $22oi; $12"0 casn, or consider small house In Port land for same value. Acreage is clear. Inspected by Malone. 5 ACRES COMMERCIAL ORCHARD AT NEWBERG, OREGON. Located on fine road; tres are 1 1 years old and in fine condition: 1 mile to school. 3 miles to Newberg. The 1021 crop is included at $3040; $r00 cash, balance at 0 per cent. Property clear. Or consider houfe in Portland. Will as sume up to $1000. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BLDG. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. SPECIAL ATTENTION. I have quite a number of real trades, where the owners will really do busi ness; fome of these are In the country, some in the city, both improved anil unimproved, some of them clear, some mortgaged. If you have any property of any real value, bring it in and I will try and move It tor you. W..C. bechteCl. 1305 Northwestern Rink Bide. BL'SiNEriS and office. 2-story and base ment, brick building, steam heat, hot water in each room: can be made to pav 10 per cent on better than $50,000 val uation: mv eauitv on $441.0041 valuation Is $22,000; also 2-story and basement res;. deuce: lots iox200 feet: 3-car carace: streets and walks, hard-surfaced; value $M00; will take business or fiat prop erty in Portland for one-half total eauitv of $30,000. Address F. C. Brasius. Hood Kiver. or. "BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lots are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AH oitJ. Oregonian. TAKE VACANT PORTLAVD PROPERTY 530 acres in Willamette valley, 44K) acres in cultivation, balance oak timber; good 7-room house, 2 barns and other outbuildings: price $37,5o0. Wlil take half of price in good vacant Portland Iot ; will consider improved property to full value. LUEDDEM A NN COMPAN Y. 013 Chamber of Commerce. FuU SALE or exchange lor apartment house or good -paying Income property In Portland, 4500 acres timber lands on which there is 250,000,000 feet fir tim ber price $1.50 per thousand; timber is located handy to railroad ; can be reached for inspection by automobile; located in Lane county. Oregon. J. O. Storey, Oregon hotel. Portland. Or. WILL exchange one of tmest dairy farms in Oregon for city property up to 50 per cent of purchase price, balance long time, 6 per cent interest: close to thriv ing city; modern house and barn; cost $16,000; price 3 lu.oou; equipped with pure-bred cattle; will sell with farm if nesiren. a v ou, oregonian. FARM FOR ROOMING HOUSE. 80 acres fine soil, near Vancouver. Wash.; mostly under cultivation; good buildings: will exchange equity to $2500 for Portland home or rooming house. E. V. NICHOLSON, 527 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTS WELL IMPROVED FA RiM. , Have several good pieces Portland property, all worth $30,000. Trad part or all for well improved dairy farm near Portland, ana assume. LU E D DEM A NN COM PA NT. 013 Chamber of Commerce. TRADE that farm you are renting for $300 per year ior a business building In a good country town that rents for $720, per year. I own this building and want a farm, deal with owner only. A V 4&& Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, 134 acred In uood farming section or wasmngion. 'Z creeks across place, i acres cleared; wii: trade for small nouse, or wnai nave you 7 Value 524jou. a v onj. wregonian. EXCHANGES OF AZ.L KINf RR ING IN YOUR TRADES. 3 HITS TLING TRADERS TO HANDLE THEM. A W. ESTES. 905 CHAM. OF COM. ACT. B14-63. LOT b, BLOCK 24, Saginaw Heights. Lents, $2o. to iraae ior a motorcycle, or wili sell ior casn at a sacrifice price. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 035 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SAL.E or traue. oi acres of farm land. Joins city limns or Elgin. Or. ; 20 acrea In fall wheat, balance summer fallow. TaDor o-'Uj, or call 647 E. 02d st. N.. Fortiana. 75x113 FT. CLEAR incumbrance; will trade for equity in o or u-room modern bungalow within radius of 50th at. Can make good ca.a payment down. AK 425. Oregonian HAVE 100 acres timber land, accessible cruised at 6.uuu.uuw. want Portland residence. Any goou aisinct. AC 504, Oregonian. HAVE property at Lents, Or.; want to ex change for acreage or small rarm. Will pay some difference, av Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Bungalow in Salem for bungalow m cny; win assume 10 $1000. j. f. McNeil, eve.. Tahor ooss. $1500 CASH 5 lots, 3 houses Amity, Or.. for Portland improved property. 227 N. 23d st 40 ACRES near Duf ur. ' Or., to trade foi good cit lots; itose uy farm preferred. S11wood 2740. EXCHANGE 144 acres of land for house and lot. jrnone casr oml-: after 6 p. M. and Sundays Auto 012-31. 40 -ROOM house and lot in Los Angeles, value $loOO. ror rortiana or same value, or close in acre. 474 E. Davis. TRADE $1500 equity, val. $3000 north Idaho lana on western uregon rarm, baL cash. R- C. Akin. Waterloo. Iowa. IRRIGATED place for small place In Wil lamette. Box jii Hairway. Oregon, OAKLAND as part payment on lot LOT In good district, cau 'laoor 440. TO KXCHANGF RFAL FKTATF. FARM FOR PORTLAND RESIDENCE. DIVERSIFIED FARM, especially giil ted for dairy, fruit and poultry; 92 acres of good red loam, some sandy loam, located 7 miles from Eugene, on good road: land is all rolling and has- fine drainage; there are HO acres In cultivation and 12 acres in pasture, with Just enough oak timber for your own fire wood; onr field of 2 acres which 'is In ve'.ch and oats, would be especially bulled for a prune or chard. 5W acres in nrunes. with 105 trees in full bearing; 1 acre of strawberries ( 4 acre or young plants and 4 acre tn full bear ing), 4 rows 6 rods long of Con cord and raisin grapes, 12 young Lambert cherry trees, 1 acre of young loganberries, 12 acres in wheat: 1 mile to grade school; 4-room house (just fair), gocd barn 40x50. granary, machine shop, wood, smoke, hog and hen houses; with the place go 2 cows, 2 horses and harness. 40 hens and farm ma chinery; price $14.0410: will take 1 residence in Portland which Is tree and clear up to $7tHH), and the bat. of $7010 can run for a years at 6 per cent. This Is a real farm and will prove worthy of Investigation; we win oe giad to co-operate wun any member of the Portland Real ty board on this exchange. KINTY a HYDE HlALTY CO.. 03 Willamette St.. Eugene. Or. Home of the University of Oregon. FIVE acres, all lmiituvfii. 7 -room bunca- low, with two fireplaces, hot and cold water, bath, gas, electric lights, own electric water system, 150 choice vari eties bearing apple trees, 5 Royal Anne ana 14 Lambert cherries, strawberries; 3 minutes' walk from depot on Oregon City carline, streets on three sides of property, good school and church; ideal piace for poultry, fruit pays taxes and interest. "Wii! exchange for smali "house In Portland. I am the owner. This Is one chance in a hundred to get Just wai you are looking lor. AK. fti0, Ore- .gon i a n . CLARKE CO UNTIl. WASHINGTON. 10 acres, u miles from Vancouver, all in cultivation, with 5 acres in full bearing fruit, consisting of apples, pears, cherries, prune, a number of grapes, 3 acres in blackcaps, h ackberries. liciin. berries and red raspberries; house of 6 1 targe rooms, barn, pigeon and chicken hou;-es. some chickens and all garden tools; price $00410, no Incumbrance; will accept a good home in Portland up to uuu as nrst paviiient. JOHN E. HOWARD, 31S Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE. Have a bankrupt stock of new and used cars which 1 will soli very cheap or exenanpe tor a gooa farm well lo cated in Washington or Oreon. Have acquired this stock at the r.ght price aad can make you a good deal. This is a good time to ac uire a stock of good cars at the right price, us that business Is Improving and no doubt soon will be very active. If Interested write at once gi vim? location and description of f.irm. (1 -"72. (picnin. A FINK LITTLE PLACE. 2 acres, located Just out oP Albany, wun a a anu v 4-room nun ga low, pias tered, fireplace, bath and toilet; fine water system, ground all In cultivation, I lots of fruit In bearing and all kinds I or berries, cnicuen house plastered. This Is a very neat place and a bargain at I $4000. Owner will exchange for a larger I tarm up 10 tuuu. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamber of Commerce. INCOME $100 PER MONTH. . W ELL-BUILT HOUSE, SUITABLE fOK TWO FAMILIES; 3 FULL LOTS. GARAGE AND FRUIT: EXCELLENT I AM ' A T 1 0 N : A REAL CASH VALUE. $S750: TAKE CLOSE-IN ACREAGE UP I 1KJ ouuo. JUALA.M'K CASH. A. W. ESTES. 005 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , A I'TO 5!4-fl:t WHEAT RANCH. we can offer a big- eastern Oregon wheat ranch at before-t he-war price; big crop in. stock and equipment: rented I ior nan 01 crop mis year; price i.,ooo. Will take valley farm or property in any good coast tow n to $35,000. baance I mortgage. I ,U ET D E M A NX COM P A X V, 013 Chamber of Commerce. SEA TI LL' IN4.OA1E PROPERTY. 1 00x00'. paved and sidewalks. 12 minutes from center, clear of incum brance: will trade for Portland vacant lot same dls-tance, prefer north of itroadway. Hawthorne district. west side of 23d st. and south of Qulmby. AG .1 1 vrcKtinjHn. LEA L E Sir A T 12 I E N AND O W NEKS: WILL EXCHANGE MY LEASE AND FURNISHINGS ON EXCLUSIVE NOB HILL BOARDING HOUSE. VALUE $.4500, NETTING $200 A MONTH. FOR M n'bics Cl I I liC.NGALOW. AM 571, Oft M rUA, I A A. WANTED Two or three acre suitable tor cnicKen ranch: will trado rood room modern house, basement furnnee fireplace, etc.. in good district, on paved stieet; valued at $1500; hnue ie worth j.iouu casn. call Air. Deaton. Broud way 4133 4V A X T ROOM I XG HO USE FUR DO DO E ( AK .AP si,. mi K4JL IT i IN PAR TIALLY FURNISHED HOUSE, 7 tn ,vai.n. C LOSli i .V 4 RENTED FOR , $.!.: PRICE $2SlRl; PARTY WILL Ac.ir.. A. V. ES Tfc,S, 005 CHAM- fiKK OK COMMERCE F(R SALE or exthange, 2 homestead re linquishments in the sunny southern Colorado of 640 acres each, both Join ing and In one body, will trade one or both for Portland property, or acreane near Portland or Vancouver. Address: A v 4 S3. Oregonian. E X C H A N G E FOR LOT. 5-room modern cottage. East Flanders street, near oth. one b ock Moniavilii car, $3000. equity of $1000; want good d uiiujiiK mi. eior-f in. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 105 4th St. aruivA.N c, at ten lion ; 11 ave 3 Jots mar cor. Aioma anu w incneii sts., Portland. to exchange for 5 to 7-room residence I apoKane; win pay cash difference val ue. Address i O. box li02, Spokane, v a.n. .IRVINGTON PARK, $8000. MY HOME for sale or trade for bungalow; 11 rooms, sleeping porch, lOOxloo corner; would cost $12,000 to duplicate. Dr. F. P. im rev. Mrcartwav Automatic 327-45. N E W B E R B INCOME PROPE it T Y . Knlenrifri future evehnnve fn, tne land residence or flats; can add other properties or will assume reasonable amount. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. FOR EXCHANGE Have a good used car. standard make recent model, which I wish to exchange ior a gooa city iot wen located; can mane some one good traue. G 573, urp?nnian. TRADE OR SELL. 10 acres apple land, 17 miles Salt Lake city, near sanuy, Utah. .Make me an oner. Mr. Slrard, Northwest MnrtKHge Co.. R37 Cham. Corn. 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER LAND to trade for Portland property or acre age, vacant or improved; will assume your mortgage. B. F. Kelly, 713 Swet land bldg. Main 777fi. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 22 acres of applel and In Hood River, about 5 acres cleared; red shot soil, spring on place. What wlil you trade for it? AV 541, Oregonian. $5000 INCOME PROPERTY. Take larger part In exchange; want lots, some dilapidated house needing re pair, mortgages or acreages. Broadway 5173. 24 Henry Mdg. HAVE 10 acres. of a mile from Wood bum, all clear and fenced, best berry soli ; w ill trade anything up to $;1000. What have vou? O 5ho. Oregonian FOK SALE OR TRADE Four acres. 5- room bouse, barn, chicken house and all kinds of berries ; nine miles out on Oregon r-iectrtc. a i.tr.t. oregonian. 150 AC REi in irrigation to trade for property around Port land ; write for particular Airs. Alary Strickland, Ktverton. wvo. EXCHANGE 100 acres, iiiall ljoue an barn. 4 acres cleared, for clear and cteared city lots or acreage. F 502, uregon;an. 'INK irrigated larm of 00 acres, 35 un der cultivation, two good trout streams For sale or trade. Owner, 1303 East Hth st. North. Portland, Or. WILL trade for good Portland real estate, 20 acres rich irrigated land. 3 4 mllei S. E. of Wendell. Idaho, worth $2750. T 505. Orc-uontan. loo ACRE dairy -ranch; houst. hnrn, cows stock and machinery; price $hmj. tie 11 or exchange for house- or store. 318 Piatt bldg. (20-acke iarm. stock ranch; oh acres alfalfa; house ana barn, no incumbrance Sell or exchange for Income property, 318 Piatt b!dg. LARGE list of im proved acreage places anu arms, uotn wun anu witnout sinca and equipment, for sale and exchange. Ta'lmiioge Realty Co. 010 Henry hidg. HAVE two lots in Portsmouth addition to trade in on modern bungalow. What have you? Address P. O. Box 2027, city. GOOD city properties to exchange on farms and improved arreage places. Tallmadge P.ealty Co., 010 Henry bldg. ACRES hill land in Arkansas, close to town; some improvements; want lots or acreage. BC 5K7. Oregonian. ! ACRES, ft mile R. R., house, barn, cows, crop and farm tools. Se.l or ex rhange 31S Piatt bldg. ACRES, ciose in. furniture; car line; stock us down payment, balance month ly. Apartment 4. 302 Sixth st. ON Miss, carline as pari payment on mail home, gooa location. Auto. 235-07. TO KX V H A N G F K E A 1. F.ST A T K. EXCHANGE. Fine home in Walnut Park. 4 -room house, IS lot. Ottk Orflvn, trade for home In Portland; will awtum. 13 acres, all cultivated; modern bun galow, barn ; near Beaver ton ; irade for house; $7000. 720-acre stork ranch tn Benton Co, for town property: $IO.'04 SO acres, 14 acres In orchard, near El gin, for Portland or valley pioporiy; $1 ."00. Improved and unimproved property In Portland and Vancouver. tri" for 4 dairv farm. 270 acre, fine modern bnUdtnc. stooK and equipments, in Lane Co.. Xor towa property: $75 per ac. Fine improved 1 1 1 Rlv.r orchard, trade for town property; $05oo. 05 aeres. ali cultivated. In Marlon Co., for town property. 15U acres, all cultivated, bides , 1 ml: to r r. sua. in Linn Co.. Ira do for Port land or ncarhv property; 75 p r acre. -room bungalow, modern, tn ancmi ver. e.ear. lfr houM lu Port. and; pajr cash dilTcrence; $;1mm. SO acres, improved, near Sherwood; take hoUtftf or building lots as pait pay; $s0o0 . . . Good 0-room house, clone in. rented f"5 per mont h. clear, trade lor better house or Improve,! land and iivomie S-room modern hnuj-e : flue view ; taka some trade. Price $10.0-M. tto acres all tine soil, all cultivated; house, barn; line location, on car lino, short drive out. 7-room house, sleeping porch. gool plumbing, basement, sen ene 1 porch. J lots, ornamental treef. shiul. roses n. Miady t rees. garden. Intern and rawplierrles gooseberries, currants, chirk en park: paved street. 1 block to 2 car Hues. nnr bu.-lmss enter; clone, in. east side ; $5000 ; take smaller home ur im proved acreage. Above are only a fw of th many eood trades we have to nftr. Write or tell us of u hst vitu hive. .1. A. H EN Kt K. 51 'J G- r'lrct TMdg. FOR SALE 4HI EXCHANGE. 20 acres, adloining the town of Cor nelius, exceptionally good soil, fine for loganberries or grain, all In cultUa'lon; good U-room house, good barn outbuild ings, some fruit, acre straw berries, 3 f P'Sh cows, 1 hors t n rejr. Chester White hrgs, 4 or 5 dozen chickens, atl farm equipment : 4 mil. f nun pv d highwav ; will take residence propen y up to $05041; price for" this place Is ex tremely low compared with adjoining properties. I am authorized to offr this place for $ .500. 73 ACRES. . 3 4 miles Foiith of Molalta. 4 mill from paved highway, now being worked; new 8-room house, new burn, chicken house; 22 acres In cultivation, balance timber, a larjre portion of which Is fine for piling; small trout stream never goes dry; will exchange fur acreage or income property: price $i'."4)0, easy terms. 121 4 ACKEH. 3 miles from Coiton, Clackamas Co,, on g-tod road; 20 acres In cultivation, 40 acres i-lashed. 20 of whOh is burned and seeded; 0o acres can he Irrigated, small hou.e. barn, chicken liotie; 40 acres adjoining subject to adjoining homestead net at $2.50 per acr. This tract lies very nice, piacllcally no waste, fine timber on unimproved portion; price $3500 or exchange for residence prop erty, pnrtlnnd preferred. O." B. RIPPEY. 010-11 McKay Pldg. Third and Sf nrk. Mum 0 227. PHRHMAV COfXTV WHEAT RANCH. 431 acrea. 2:1 5 under plow. a in wne.ir, rented to good t-'nant ; 1-3 cmp deliv ered in warehouse: running water, good sprinv; located on railroad tween "Wasco and Moro: very cbetip at $50 per acre; mortgage $i;oim: give equity fur good home In Portinnd. OIHCnN. 2,:t StiH Mnr"nll 1? EXCHANGE OFFICE. A dandy ft -acre cranberry ranch nnr Seaside, right c'oe to station, with fu.l equipment (or doing work and handling crop; it's nil free and clear of incum brances. Will trade for home and lot or anything rcH"nub! In Port laud or clo"' to Portland. See Mr Forest, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Ttdwy. 47M 410 Henry H'.dg. VIEW PROPERTY. 7fc acres nn the crest rr Clneknmas Height.-. Orenon City car line; fine trees, a dandv spring, a wonderiul l'-w and the makings of n beautiful suburban home site; onlv $25to. which Is under price asked fr surrounding property ; Will take auto or good Portland lot la as f lrt pavment. JOHN E. HOWARD, 3t S Chamber ''" rca. EXCHANGE 4 1 F F I E YOU MUST DEAL AND Sl'HCULATH TO ACCUMULATE. Rneelnl attention and quick dvc given on pnip'"IOons nee.lin immediate action. Possibly I can help you manipu late your burden to a better advantage. A. iiornnn mi INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. TVlwy. 47M: 41H H ntv HMg. 350 ACRES In Kuk-eiie district iIh to paved highway arm bomi town: iu cuitlvatlii-n ; most 1 v fine rl er bottom, fair bulMlnna. This property Is cheap at $o0 per acre: If sold within 10 davs owner will i;ike $:iu.oo0 nnd ncceft a first pa vment property to $20,oo0 io "Willamette vnllev. JOHN' TtMPO n'OKVK on. $ 1 2.000 215 ACRES. 75 In crop. 5 aert verv Hen sun-irrurMien t 1 i pui m. ln.rion.04JO fct timber, PHI pasture, well watered, ft-room house, icood burn snd other outbuilding a. three horses. 1 "3 He to Bond town and rsiiroa'i: win take $1000 casn and $4l0 trade for my equity. A Inia Meyers. Alpine, nr. EXCH A NGE 4 iFFICE. k InrPA uttrtlllellt llOUse. rlo in. On east side, now paying good return. h equity of $4000; owners want house in Portland, or 11 niiereriea luumu j-um proposition. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., B.lwy. 4751. 4110 HenrvHMr. YAMHILL county splendid H.0-aer. larin. highly improved; will irauo ior a gooa city property. LADD'S ADDITION lot, close to Hw thorne venue, ns first payment on hmis up to $0000. Main 412't. ('pen Miriiiay. KKNKsr c,l ,1 r ' p"' m WILL sell or trade my hlKhly Improved !3 acres. Joining town or cirswcu. ir.. for a plce near ia(ton. r. Has h rooin house, city conveniences, one acre strawberries, one nero loiranberrlei, nil under cultivation but iibntil 3 acres. Be ner. J. A. HiiMhue. ii n" ' "'n. FOR SALE or trnde for smalt farm near Pcrtland, la acres. JO yer- tun orcnaru, ML inllen from The Dulles. Or. : aprl- pni neacbea. cherries, erupts ; prospect for goo l crop. Particulars C. Mayer, Cape Horn. wasn. 14 - ROOM house. 2 lots on west sine, elpht blocks southeast of library; value $lt).- 0410. will trade fur garage, about same value. AV 407, Oregonlun. WILL SrJI.I. my 0-room Iihukm at 2 roMer road; will consider a goon touring pht at part payment UP to mm, naianca cash. $ 10541. Call Aut. 01 1 -55 Sutiduys nnd evenings. EXCHANGE iR SELL. EASY TERMS 20-roorn hotel, jj-rootn house, j sinan Store bUllrttnies, 4J,: excnanj; ior rooming house up to .."i, .r. dbivit, M 7 Cha mber of Commerce bkl g. 100 A' 'RES In Washington co.. esliniate-i 2.0tKt,oo0 feet tinnier, ior ruruanu resi dence proper! v ; will assume mortgn k. Phone evenings, Sellwood 2210 or write A K 502, tVcifonhin. FOR SALE or trade, 11, y equity iu 0 acres. 11 miles soutn or roresi umvr, nn imku way. 2 blocks from electric station. 4 blocks from school, church, store and P. O. Box 73. 4'ove Orchard. Or. G'ri M ILL! ON feet timber at coast. In Douglas f'o.. and 0 lots in St. Helen. 3 blocks from courthouse, to trad a for farm In Oregon or Wash. AJ 5hW. Ore gonian . 8 ACRES at Tuniquin station, on Oregon electric, partly cleared, Rood soil, for sale, or will trade for a Rood rur. C. J. W i n c h f ! 1 . 1 5 7 2 J M v I i on s t .. Port Inn d. oOxlttO S H. "CORN ER 5M h and Tilla mook, R. C. Park, $(o0; want nu'o, Se attle lot or house equity. W. 4". oshorn. "12 20th ave. N. E, Spittle, "'nth. CLOSE-IN Rose City buuimlow to ex change fir Improved sutmrbnn screne, up to $4000; no lnfluted value. Call Tabor 4302. 5 ACRES near Onwrico laue to trad for small bungalow; will pay rah d ffer- et.ee; deal with owners omy . Jir. iving. 34 4 1 st.. Mnl.iy. I WILL ex chan it e 5 acres of uru.ie In full he-art it k fr our equli v tn house and lot or car un to nbout $15o0. bee FITlmnn. 314 Conch Bldg. j WILL tride close-in east id Income prop erty for residence; property Is nrnf and producing $00 per month. 210 Lum ber EX. Sell 1S41S. A N Y THING T O 1 : X C H A N G E ? See Lewis, exchange expert, 517-10 Cham her of Coninier' " Mdg WILL exchange high -clans income prop. erty lor stock of merchandise to $ 15.- 000. N 501. OreKonlun 7-RO)M d. c. house, lot 112xli5; trn'! for 0 rooms and mh.i 11 lot. s.o Lewis, 517 Chamber of Commerce bh!.? EXCHANGE choice $120 000 Iowa farm for western farm, or city. Fuil details. K-irle LtUlcficM. Plnr.e-r Mdg., Scuttle. EXCHANGE. 40 acres timber for rooming house; WlM assume. A.I 5H5. Oregon i n n. WANTED 11 automobi us part pay ment in tn -rnoni iriii"rn nou or a vnrtnt let. 015 He'mort Hi T 1 hr HOO'J. $24O0 Eu, CITY In Hose City bungalow to excnanKe ior rooming nouse. At' OrcKonian. 2-TON gua rati teed Cadillac truck to ex change ror nouse or ior a. jm .un VI 1 s. 424 ('hi mber of Corn inert hid " WHIT SALMON val.ey, 40 acres nice house, $54iimi; trade city or suburban nronert v. Da vl. E. I. HAVE 111 10 Oakland sedan. Would tntdt as first payment on home In Irvington or Alameda. JCast 75U2.