11 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 17, 1921 V REAL KPTATE. t or Sal Acreage. IHEK, PLACKS IN THB CANBI DISTRICT OFFEfCED FOR THE KiKST TIME TODAV. 11 acres, 1H miles from Canby. ft mile to highway, near achooi and church, all in cultivation and nearly all eeded. 5-room houe, barn, cemsnt ed cellar, chicken houM. heda. natural well, .'nOO fttrawberry plants, cow and farm Implement go with tbe place; rll for ti:v. ha.f cah. Thi U Una aoii and a rt al bargain. V acres on paved htrhway near Can by, all in cultivation; s-roora plastered bouse, newly tinted and hlnffld ; itood barn on concrete piers, chicken houses, 2 acres blackcaps, ft acre strawberries, loganberries; miik house with concrete fotr. garage. Can sell everything you ra.e right on the place. Owner is rr:tr!ed and unable to nandle. rlce $:.5co. Might take clear city property up to J-ioo. Uetter see thU right a wav. 1H ar-res near Canby, 13 acres In cul tivation, balance timber and pasture; fl-room hnu.-e, barn, granary, machine phd. chkkn bouM. smoke house. 3 dnzpn chickens, wagon and farm Im plements. Pr.ce fOjUO, $40v;0 ciatl, bal ance eajv. 10 acre. near Canby, 8 acre In cul tivation, balance some timber and open Mump pasture; 1 acre mixed orchard, good h"r.va, 1 cow, 2 wagons, spray pump, ligy rake, plow and Implement Co with the place: good 6 room house, concrete c-lar and apple house, barn hirken hnue, xtta good soli and land uear.y level. This is a fine place and ;un on the market. Price 5,OUO, $3,000 cu.-ii. la'an e ra.-y. tan f u,iv this acreage to advantage from our GiadMone Oillce or by appoint int-ni from tJ.rtland. Fit KYTA'l-M BEDS CO. 2ll bl.tc-k Exchange' Bldg. Branch office tllaUstone. Ore,, Org.n City ear line, Phnre ir-gnn C!.y 2M 3. Half acrt, rik'ht on river bank; sand beach fur bathing; grassy lawn and grove; 3-room houe, bath, flrepjace, tas and electricity, water: good neigh borhood, garage, practically free fuel; romantic, secluded, hidden; also half acre, unimproved, beautiful grove, locat ed adjoining above described property; both located near Courtney station dis trict (Oregon City car line); prices and terms easy. AIfo near Vineyard and Nneff sta tions district, acre and two-acre tracts. Immediately on river bank ; popular salmon flshina right here; clone to paved highway; also new 7-room house, very mnii'-rn. indeed: furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors. ' w hite enamel, full base rntnt. garage; half acre itoes with houe, more land can be had; located on county road. 4it ft-et to puvl highway; pries $oim. terms. Listen "Angels stop and rest their wings on the banks of the Willamette." Apologies to FRED W. NEWELL. 4"7 H'nrv K'dg Broadway oQ30. 2D acres. 1 acres now In crop, a family orchard of all kinds of iruit. graphs and plenty of berries; 4-room box house with hot and cold water, pump ing plunt. concrete basement for veg- etables. chicken houft's; good fences,! team, some household goods; a dandy farm, and all goes for $:.00; $2000 will handle, five years on balance at tf per vent. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. YOfR LAST CHANCE. We are now offering the last 2 acres that face the Powell Valley road in that benutiful tract. miles east of 82d st. The price Is SHOO, with good terms, the first, money up gets It. R. H. I'ONFRRY, Realtor, it ITT Kit, LOWE & CO., 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bide. CM RAH STXX-K OH DAIRY LAND. L'To acrs. lft miles from Rainier. Or., aiid paved highway: rolling stump land; lots of good pasture, fint st itl. plenty living water: faces county road ; livable shack and enough lumber for iicrti; price JlilOu per ai-re (about half prite); te:xB .W iasn. fiance to suit. A K DDKM A XX COM PA X V. !H3 Chamber of 'ti.nmrrC'.;. COM M L TKKS ATTENTION. A two-acre home ready to live In splendid dus well, family orchard, good ril, land clear; not far from at ore, schools and churches, four minutes' walk south from Ort-gon Electric station. Wistaria"; handy to highway; terms. See Lynn Flnmer, owner, on pin r M H a V! rejip. Ornrn. Or. Iti ACRKri. P.VRTLi' IMPROVED. Ji4H. Located Twi miles from Portland. 1 mile from station; ; acres cultivated; 2-room house, barn nnd other bultd.na; all fenced; home fruit and berries: fin sil, liv.njr water; price $I4uu, Uril, lo0t cash, balance .1 vears. !I"E1IKM XX COMPANY. f 1 3 Cham ber of f 'nrn mri,. 10 ACKLS IN HUSH .STATE OF CULTIVATION. lMea level, exceptionally fine for berry land, and an ideal suburban homesite; Itas, electricity available; rear school, store, on Hucklv ave.. ftiOOi), terms. R. II CONFUKT. Realtor, RITTKR. LOWE & CO.. ?nt-S-.VT Board of Tndo BMg. SVl Mi' LAX D. Jft-arre tracts within 30 miles of Fort- huCI : railroad and county road through property; stores and "hool handy: good ol . p!t ntv water; price from $.V to s!.'-o per tract; term on any tract only down nnd ?10 a month. ':l'trDKMANX C t t74 P A X V . '13 Criani'bcr of Commence. MOUNDS I.IKE A ROSY DREAM, fine big acre, covered with beautiful t-rove oi trues, fine soil, near school, in well-s"ttltd thriving community. for only J4oo. $r0 cash, balance $10 per mo. R. H. rnXKRKY, Realtor. RITTKR. LOWE A CO.. 1"M-.V.V7 Board of Trad B!dT. 4'- Ai'!K.4, by owner; miles out on aur fctd road, nicely located, near atation, goco 3-room house, larpe barn, other but'dinc:!; acres in berries, other fruit; will ei! this place for $1000 or trade tor got-rt home in Portland, no exces sive . aiuts considered. L 560, Orego nlan. 3 UKALTIFfL WOODED ACRESSI 200. Out Powell Valley road. 30 minutes - from the city: good school, good dis trict, anil good value, but now, very tasy terms. B. H. CON FRET. Realtor. RITTKR. LOWE & CO.. go.-a-.V7 B.ard of Trade Bldg. ACKhS FOR $7 SO. Lots H and West Ruby Junction; pav down $-" and move onto the land; pav remainder $10 per month. This is close to Kuby station and not far oft the paved Base Line road. 8TRO.VG CO.. ' rbimVer of Cnmmerce B!dy. 1'RICKD LOW FOR WUICK ACTION. 7 V, acres facing Base Line road, just out of the city limits, very easy to clear; good well on property, $4000, $800 cash. R. H. CONFRKY. Realtor, RTTTFR. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. JIT.'.O FOR S ACRES, short distance east of Montnvilla. Also '2 acres at end vt Hawthorne ave. car. and a tract of 25 acrea short distance out on west side at upecial price. Owner. 910 Cham her cf Commerce. Phone Mar. 1 5 H 5. FULL-BEARING ORCHARD. Five acres, tine location: small cot tage; Just the place for the aid folks; can have garUen, chickens and cow; will exchange for city property. CIS Cham bT of Commerce hltTg. ! AORtiS of good berry and prune land. hous and barn, chicken house; water in bouse; 2 acres cleared, some fruit: J 4 mllea from highway. 2 miles from Sherwood. Or. : latino. $1400 cah. J. B Carson. Sherwood. . Or., box S7. 2 ACRES on Gilbert road. 1 mils east of J,enta school house, i, mile out of city limits; price $180, terms to suit, by owner. A. Baumgartner, 423 Front at.. Portland. $J7iiU ULYS an acre good land, one block outside city limits: lots of fruit trees and berries; 3-room house, cellar, city water, chickens, ducks, wood, oilstove; terms. Ownr. Wdln. 013. FINK ORCHARD. BEST CONDITION. 4 33 acrea. mostly In apples and apri cot; good apple house; on Buckley ave nue, near Sandy blvd. Price $4000 HHVHY W. i:oTMR1, 243 Stnrk St. UAid'U.S H0..1K. Several f ) ur improved places. 2 to 5 ere each, with good bldga., at Garden Koine, and all priced rig tit. Tall ma dee R.-Mtv c . fi1 Hnrv Mdg. lu AuivKS, 1 - nines Bcaverton, 1 milt olf rock road, no timber, some stumps, fin land, no buildings: $ltk?0, eas terrrs; worth more, must sell. T. FCiEXK HEDGES. 20' West Park. Uiuic iur n.up ut weicra wamugiwa knowing location, icw price and eaay terms offered to etters, WEYERHAElfiER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, tVa.h. HALF ACHES, $250 AND UP. City water, lint and gas. 2 car lines, 7c ar.d c fares. For appointments to fee property cail East fi2M or Kart N4.03. 2 Av-'ltis, cleared, small nouse, lots of berries, near car. on Base Line road; rrusr "M. Tahnr 84r7. ONfc. LLVfc.L aore. Wood row station, city water. tc fare. 20 minutes by Red Elae inc, e. wJ-tH. UNl ND ONE-HALF acres at Metzger; good home site, close to school, $750. P. .""Tfe!". Mtxff'T. Or. FOit SALE- 2 ' acres in cultivation; fruit trees and berries, water, gas. eiectricity ata-lai;e: near Doscii station; tmail py. mcnt r'mvn. av ir? Main fltijil. ACRE n-r Bertha at station on Red electric; city watr; lies leveL beautiful view. Phone Marshall 3124. 5 1, J 5 ACRES, best oii, on Columbia highway. Priced r;ght. Owner, Strom, Trrutdal. Or 1 TO 4 sections stump land. S. W. Wash suitable for colonization of stock; living stream. J ease iU Sharp, bib 8i at RKAL ESTATE. For hale Acreage. A REGULAR BARGAIN. Over 13 acres, mile from Hillsboro, Or., 4 mile to electric station. Beat of loam soil. All can be cultivated; 7 acres under cultivation, balance In stump pasture. Good county road. Lots of fruit, $ acre berries. Good 6-room house with Portland gas and some plumbing. Chicken houe and barn. Cose tj city water. An exceptionally fine piece of land and close to high school. Price $42K. Small cash pay ment. Inspected by John Ferguson. 8 acres, mile from Capitol high way and fed electric station; ft mile to school. South Portland: near Sher wood; 7 acrea under cultivation. 1 L"r timtr. Large amount of berries and bearing fruit trees, 1 acre loganberries. 7-room houe. barn, chicken houw, frult- houe. Well on pjreh. Included with place. 1 horse, 1 cow, chicken and machinery. House has fireplace. 4 ft acrea seeded. Price $;WW; $17M caah. balance very easy terms. tft ACRES OF BERRIES. &H acres. Hi miles south cf Portland, on good macadamized road; 300 ft. from Capitol highway. All under cultiva tion. Exceptionally good land. 45 bear ing fru.t trees, acrea of mrawberrits and blackcaps; 4 -room house, barn 10x 24. chicken house 12x20; ft mile to electric station, mile to schooi. Spring and well. Pr.ce $3000; $1400 Utah, bal ance very eaay terms. WILT.AMETTE FRONTAGE. Over H acres, 1ft miles from Oregon Electric station and good town. On the banks of the Willamette; boat landing on place. Not subject to ovei flow. 1 acre of beaver dam, tiled; 1 mile to school and store, lots of bearing fruit, aUo uerrits and currants. 5-rooin house, barn, chicken bouse, storeroom and workshop; hot and cold water. 7 vs acres under cultivation, some alfalfa, 1 acre clover. Tnn and rowbout in cluded. Price $4200, with small pay ment down. VERT MODERN-CHICKEN RANCH. 15 acrs, 12 miles eouth Portland, ft mile frmi 2 tlectr.c stations. All ander cultivation : 2 acres ben ring fruit, lots berries. h-rooin plastered house, elec tric l.ghts, barn, modern chicken hou.se with electric lights with capacity for I'ooo chickens; ft mile to grade and high school. Offered at real bargain. $1300 caah. balance $1000 per year, 0 per cent. Inspected by Malone. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. 1 acre, ft mile from station, 7c fare, south of Portland, near ALiwaukie road. All under cultivation; 18 bearing fruit trees; city water; gas in street; 5-room house, small barn, 2 large chicken hous.s, room for 300 chickens. Price tl.i.H), with, cow, 4 rabbits, 12 hens, loo young chickens; $M0 cih. balance 3 years, 6 per cent. On good macadamized road, only 20 minutes out. Inspected by Brooks. B acres, 7 miles from center of Port land, southw'est of Multnomah station. Host of biack loam soil. Ail und r cul tivation. County road, that will be im nr..vd. Smt II 1-rom house. Price S22.di; $7o0 cash, balance easy terms at per ct?nt- A Kimd pieefe of land. close in. 24 acres on Base Line road. Voung f rui t trt es, 273 berry plants ; 8 blocks from car, ft mile to school. 2 miles from city limits. Small bouse and barn. City, water, gas. The rtht to use the city water gows with place. Price $1800, on very easy terms. BETWEEN BBAVERTON AND , PORTLAND. 2 acres, all under cultivation, 3 blocks from electric station and rocked road. Creek on back of place. Good well at house; 2-room house, chicken house and shed garage. Bearing fruit trees. Price $1.00; $t00 cash. Also 2 acres near Gard.n Home, with buildings und fruit, for $2100; $o50 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Oerllnger B.dgl Over COO small places near Portland. Get our oxteusve classified lists. 10-ACRE TRACTS. . $460 TO $1250. 10 per cent down, 10 per cent at ed of second year, balance in 10 year installments; located in Franklin county irrigation district on the Columbia. More than 3500 acres newly set tled in smalt farms during past 15 month. In this locality small farms are yielding $3000 to $;00 annually, producing asparagus, poultry, etc. Fuur crops of alfalfa annually. Here is an opportunity for In dependence; good living condi tions. For circuiar allowing crop returns apply to 207 Northwestern Bank bldg., or write H. L. POWERS LAND CO.. Pasco, Wash. o. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. I $23 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a five-acre tract in this addition of K00 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautiful lying land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view 61 river; there are also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Railway Exchange Building. 2'i-ACKh; TRACTS. We are preparing to open a new ad dition on the Barr road, ft mile west of the Barker road. It is rich, level, small timber and brush land, easily cleared. It will sell for $350 to $50o per acre on easy terms. Any tract of 2 acres for $50 down and $15 per month. We will make special price Inducements to a few early purchasers who will build on these tracts at once. "The early bird catches the worm." STRONG 4 CO., " 600 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. lft ACRES. All good level land in cultiva tion, family brchard. small fruits, house, barn, garage, chicken house; 2ti minutes' walk from the mill lu Oregon City. $150U, prt cash. ve me for acreage, A. a HOWLAND. C20 Main St. Oregon City, Or. CITY ACREAGE. A positive bargain in this choice tract of 5H acres. 07th St., 2 blocks Glisan; nearly alt perfectly cleared: sewer, city water, gas, etcv: fine soil: ideal location for florist, well protected, level; acquired under mortgage; price $0500; most fa vorable terms. 6AM NORTON, 011 Henry Bldg. ONB BIO ACRE $400. They are going fast, but now before It is too late, out ? owell Valley road ; covered with most' beautiful grove of native trees, drive out today, you will see our sign, walk in over the tract, then see us for special terms. " R, H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTKR, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACRE HuWU IN GRESHAM. One acre, good 6-room house, good barn and other buildings; apples, peara plums, prunes, cherries, quinces, wal nuts and small fruit; gas and city water, cement walks on well-improved screet, price $35uo for quick sale. This is less than value of improvements. I must sell at once. DS. Johnson, owner. Rob erts ave.. Gresham. Or. WE HAVE IT! Whether you want cleared or un cleared suburban homesltea. level or roll ing, we have It; on and neaf paved road and carllne, running water to each tract; Just outside city limits; Base Line rad; drive out today, you will see our signs. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. SOI-B-ft-T Poard of Trade Bldg. iiaAv&li'lN-KriUv 1LL.E ACREAGE HOMES. Thirty minutes out on the Fou. fch Street electric and Pacific highway. Largest and best home local! ty on the market. Any acreage wanted, with or without buildings, at reasonable prices and terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Street, 6-ACRE SNAP, acres, facing on Barr road, about H mile east of Craig road, easy to clear, $3000. This Is splendid soli, Bull Run water In front of the place. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 4 acres of new 1m proved land, all plowed, fine building spot, garden all in and assortment of berries, wood enough for one year; near S. P. station, 4 mile from hard sur face road, mile from Tualatin, Or. I n i ulre Chas. A. Oishar. Tun latin. Or. 10 ACRES IN SECOND-GROWTH FIR. Facing Barr road. $4000, terms, some day you will be sorry you did not buy when you could get land at this price. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BRYANT ACRES. One acre, cheap, easy terms. Small house, well fenced, cleared; one patent loom for sale. O ,M. Lock, Walnga. Or. 5 ACR&S, cioe in, i u rul lure, car line; stock as down payment, balance month ly. Apartment A, S2K Sixth (, REAL ESTATE. For hale Acreage. PACIFIC AGENCT, INC.. fil4-20 S WET LA N D BLDG.. PORTLAND, OREGON. Mar. 3!80. Mar. 12fi5. 7 ACRES. 7 acres, all in cultivation. locat ed on hard surfaced road : good plastered modern 4-room house, all modern convenience, family orchard, bearing ; barn, garage and all outbuildings. Price $7 W0; terms $3000 caan, balance easy terms. . 2 ACRES. Two acrea located on hard sur face road, all cultivated ; good J room house, near Portland, good barn and chicken bouse, city wa ter, family orchard. Price $3200. $1000 cash, terms easy. 2 ACRES. . 2 acres. 8 mlies out of Portland, on hard sufrace road, all In cultiva tion, good modern 0-roora house, family orchard, berries, chicken house, barn, city water, all con veniences. Price $4000, $2000 cash, terms eaay. i PACIFIC AGENCT. INC.. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG.. PORTLAND. OREGON. Mar. Mar. 1265. THIS IS ALMOST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, BUT IT IS. WE CAN PROVE IT. 20 acres near Canby, all in highest state of cultivation; 6 acr?a asparagus. 7jicres rhubarb, balance for melons, com and ot her garden truck ; cutting rhubarb right now and asparagus about ready; Income on this place over $000 last ypar; should produce $4000 within next 00 days: fine 7-room modern home. greenhouse, rhubarb forcing house, barn, packing houses, auto truck and com plete equipment for handling the place; electric motor pumps water from river for Irrigation, pipes for which are In stalled and worklne: another motor pumps water from fine spring for the house: ready market for ail produce at top prices from this place, connections all established: owner obliged to sell on account of sickness and buyer gets crop which is coming on rlht now; let us tell you about this place and show it to you; $S00O cash will handle. Be sure to Investigate this. FREYTAG-MEEDS CO.. 210 Stork Exchange Bldg. Marshall 2310. Branch Office Gladstone. Or. Phone Oregon City 270-J. 25 ACKbS, $2.1 AN ACRE. Half mile from Goble, a village at a deep water steamboat wharf, on the lower Columbia river, 40 miles from Portland. R. R. station and paved high way, bounded by Ooble creek, famous for trout. 35 acres. JS7S. Gresham district and near highly improved farms, good roads, half mile from station on electric line. 00 ACRES. $2000. All Ilea well, adjoining farms, 50 miles from Portland. BOTTOM LAND. $1C0 AN ACRE. In Oresham district, next to highly Improved farms, paved roads. FRED P. HUNTRESS. 002 Ppalding bldg. Main 241. MUST h ciLL Three acres located at Tigard within 11 miles of Portland. Tou know the roads. All In cultivation; 2 acres strawberries. 1 acre loganberries; 0-room modern house, plastered; furnace, fireplace, bath and toilet, barn, chicken house; place lies high and sightly, fine surround ings; must be ld at once: hence the price of $."000. It takes $2500 to handle. Your last chance at this fine piece of property. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31S Chamber of "ommercp. r OR SALc First mortgage on a fine HO a erf. a of alfalfa land, one mile from Adrian. Malheur couhty, Oregon, In the Snake river valley, to be paid in four pavmonts, 8 per cent Interest; first an nuaf payment of $5t0 and interest due January 1. 1022. second and third. $500 each: balance in fourth payment. $4700 takes it. O. O. SMITH. PipV p. Vm"TTVPr Wish. ACaE Ass 'O i-Oull-KuOM HOUSE NEAR MULTNOMAH. Has an abundance of all kinds of fruit and berries, small barn and chick en house, on good rock road, 3 blocks from station, 4 blocks from school, just off pavement, 0c carfare. $1600 . takes it. Very e sy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Onk St. HIGHEST -CLASS ACREAGE, and BUILDING SITES. Some River frontage, also some on small creek ; convenient to Oregon City car- line, on paved road: right prices. Phou Oak Grove (Sunday only) 115-J; week rirtys at 525 H"nrr bldg. Ci-AKKE . ou. i Y. v AsriuxUTON. 3ft on hard-surface highway; extra goon soil, no rock or gravel ; goo a 4 room house, barn 40x60. chicken house, Jersey cow, chickens, two stoves, lot of furniture and household utensils; all goes for $4750; $1000 will handle, bal ance in rour years at per cent. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 rhnynh-r of fommTce. 5 ACRES $5(10 CASH Balance to suit, buys 5 acres In high state" of cultivation ; about 2 acres in orchard of variety of fruits. 1 -room shack, between 2 paved highways, only miles irom ortiann. J n t s m a good invcarment as wit as home site. RURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Suite 415 Piatt Bldg. Main 7027. YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WHEN YOU SEE 1 HIS. Ideal suburban homesite. containing acre, right on carllne. Buckley ave. running water, ?R25. very easy terms. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. -. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BASE LINE ROAD. About 20 acres. 20-mlnute drive from city; very close to electric station- prac tically all cultivated ; set old buildings. some bearing orchard ; bargain at $400 per acre. Hen all or part, see me at v!S Hnry r!de. 18 ACRES IN THE HEART OF THE BERRY DISTRICT. Facing Section Line road, all under the plow, about 10 miles from the city; priced at $400 pir acre think It over. R. H. CONFREY Realtor, RITTFR. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Ronrd of Trade Bldg. friL 13 URBAN ACREAOE. 5 acres at Tlgardville under cultlva tlon. high and sightly ground, beauti ful view of mountains nnd surrounding country, blocks to Facirtc highway. Just the place to build a pretty bunga low. Phone Main Main 6868. KEAL bargain, 2ft acres of land in Forest Grove, or., strawberries, raspberries and choice trees of apples, cherries, pears, p run as, 2 hen houses, will house about 250 chickens; new brooder house; (i-room house, modern, practically new. Call Mar. 1370. FOR SALE BY OWNER THIS WEEK. Acreage all in fruit and berries, somfe with modern houses, some with shacks: Bull Run water and gas piped through tract; just outside city limits. 6 blocks to carllne. Call Automatic 6G1-11, then ask for local 1011. r FACES BASE LINE ROAD. Four choice acres, cleared, close-tn; Bull Run water, convenient to carllne. Will divide, sell or exchange at $1250 per acre. See owner at 525 Henry bldg. Bdwv. Hi5ft. THU EE acres, close to Gillis station, on Bull Run electric, fine roads, land all cleared, very best of soil; ideal place for berries and poultry; price only $1000, easy terms. See Mr. Boehm, 200 Oregon bMir. Hroadway HfrB. ACREAGE. ALL CLEAR. $400 PER ACRE. On paved road, 2 mi-tea from city lim its, beautiful location and easy terms. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DEFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. nnpO. 7 i-3 ACRES with running stream on main Bull Run road, close to Mabery station on Bull Run electric, unimproved; ideal place for summer htme; price only. $1200, terms. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Ore-e-on Hdg. Rdwv. 1638. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE. 20 acrea. ail in cultivation ; house, barn, family orchard, .good well; $250 per acre: close in. 615 Chamber oi Com merce bldg. 5 ACRES, ail under cultivation; some ber ries: j-room plastered nouse; chicken house, barn; garage, some fruit trees; snap if taken at once; $3S0O. b00 First st.. Newbrg. Or. CtiOiCfc ft acre with comfortable 4-room house, electric lights, gas. water and phone. Located on Craig road in Park rose; $1500 as first payment will handle. Owner. Tabor 5217. EXCEPTIONALLY fine garden tract, near Ryan station, on auto road, $1600. Your own terms. Call owner. Tabor 8501, evenings after 6 P. M. FOR SALE Two acres at Metzger eta., 30 minutes' ride from Jefferson depot; r"nnn ble terms. Phone EiM 500 DANDY 10 acres, Oregon Electric, small house, $170 acre. Chas. Miles, 2S8 10th street. . $1000. 7 ft ACRES, good land, cabin, 1 mile electric station. Gresham district, terms. McFarland. Failing bldg. Main 8672. 4 2-3 ACRES. Buckley ave.. in clover, city water, 3 miles out. near Sandy blvd. $ 2 7 -" 0 : $J-"o don. Man 4112. owner TUALATIN valley, 5 acrea. uncleared, fac ing S. P Electric, 40 minutes out. $100 will handle. Owner. AC 413, Oregoni&n. REAL ESTATE. For fraje Acreage. VANCOUVER BARGAINS! Mighty good little farm with 6 rbom house, electric lights, small orchard, running water; paved etreet in front. Price very reason able. Pay a few hundred dollars cash and move right la. Price $300. 15 acres, not far from city lim its : some improvements. Price $2250. 10 acres, excellent land. 2 mllea' from VaJicfouver. for only $1000. A small payment down and monthly payments on balance. 20 -a ere farm. 8 miles- from cen ter of Vancouver; splendid soil, fair buildings. running water, close to school and church. Terms $500 cash and plenty of time on balance. Nearly 5 acres, adjoining city limits, with city water; $000. easy terms. 2 acres, part level and part roil ing: citv water: good soil; $o00. any reasonable terms Timber for wood. 2 acre level land, all cleared. cloe to Pacific highway and Van couver. Price $1000. cash $o0. balance easy terms. 6 acres on Pac'nc highway, close to Vancouver, with small house, running water; splendid lana; easy urm. Price $3200. N W. MERRIEIELD. S10 Washington St. Phone 323 or.T23-J. a irnps teTCHT AT TTOARD. Best buy In this popular district. J-Ive acres, splendid soil, I ft acres orchard, lots berries all kinds, nice shade and shrubbery. Certainly a very home-like place. fl-room house, l-irare barn, good outbuildings. Living Water. Right at -Hint off the pavement, on good macadam road. Price $4250. Very easy terms. We can show you anything you could desire in good acreage homes near Fortland. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Broadway 43S1. CUT THIS Ot;T. ABSOLUTELY AS REPRESENTED. lTlira fT-a nr.nr flrPL'nn RleCtHC Sta tlon. All clear. No better soil, no rock. Only $875. can give terms. 1A acres near Oregon Electric station, One acre clear, balance timber enougn to pay for place. No better soil, no rock. Only $050. Terms. 41 acres 2ft miles Oregon Electric station. 12 acres clear, small houso. Inrire hon house, running water, 1000 cords -wood on place, all A-l soil and all level. This Is a snnp. , $85 per acre. Can give terms. Don't wait. J. H. RICHARDS, 308 McKay Bldg., Third .andStrK Sts tLAitkfcJ COUNTY EwUll'PED FARM. 43 acres, all in the highest state of cultivation; extra deep loam foil : o rock or gravel; 10 acres in prunes, 2 acres apples. 13 acres wheat. 5 acres clover. 2 acres garden; 6-room house with hoti and cold water, bath and toilet: large, fine barn, pumping plant; on good gravel road: with the place go 13 fine cows, good team, complete line of farm tools and machinery; all goes for I17.00O: $7500 will handle, bal ance on long tfme. JOHN E. HOWARD. ?1R rhnmbr of Commerce. P00 ACRES WISCONSIN FARM. This farm in located in the dairy dis trict of Wisconsin, all fenced with woven wire, good house, barn. etc. Wisconsin river runs for mile on boundary line of this place. R. R. station on edge of farm. 45 acres clover. 75 acres under plow, rest pasture. This place can be bought right and on terms. Call for Mr. Phillips. O. V TARR Co. 407 McKay Ride-. CHICKEN RANCH. 5 acres, admirably situated for chldt en raising and -berry cuiture: close in on east side, facing Improved county high way: modern bungalow and garage, in dependent water system: just the pTace for a permartent country home. Only $5R00. You must see the place to ap preciate It. Property muft be sold on account of sicVneFs. Full particulars or in nut hMc. T?T Park rt. CHOICE- CLWSE-IN FARM. 15 seres near city limits of Portland, all cultivated, no rock or gravel, faces main road, nice little orchard, all kinds berries; fair house, fine barn with ce ment floor; near school, church and stores. This Is a dandy little platre. Price S6100, eaRV trms. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, Tt3 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE CLEAR ACRES $3150. Out Powell Valley road, facing on 2 main roads; fruit trees, well and 3-room shack, this property is In the heart of the berry district, and is a R-E-A-L bargain. Terms. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Oi--- Tnrf1 of Trnd RHT. ACREAGE FOR SALE OR TRADE. 80 acres. 10 acres clear, 400 M feet timber can be logged, with guarantee of advance $3 per M. Will trade or sell for $1000 down, balance easy. Don't pass thin one up, the best we have had listed with us. J. O. GRAY CO. 718 Dekum Bldg. Auto. 561-45. TEN ACRES. IMPROVED. $.ilHN. This fine 10-acre place is located right on the Powell Valley oad. east of Grasham; 7 acrea under cultivation: old. buildings, good well: 7 fine cherry trees, assorted orchard of 45 trees." all bearing; fine location and surroundings; price $3000. K'T'TPE." F T, KINO TO V . Preym Or ACREAGE. We have a number of fine acre tracts from one to five acres at Rockwood. Gresham, G lilts. Pleasnnt Home and M a be ry . All t hesn trac ts a re c I ofte To stations on Bull Run electric. Can be bought on easy terms. See Mr. Boubm. 200 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1658. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE, 17 acres In cultivation, on the pave- Thls Is an exceptionally nice tract o land. Would make a nice sub-division Price $450 per acre. This place would be a good buv at $700 per acre. R. M. G4TEWOOD - CO.. 16f 4th St LuGLED-OrF lands lor 'rale In i0 or 40- acre tracts within two miles or the lower Columbia highway, at Bearer creek. "Will sell In small tracts at $50 per acre, on tems, or will sell entire tract of 5R0 acres at sacrifice. Owner, G. A. SARLES, 4S3 Northwestern Bank bolldinr. .0 LOWN 15 MONTHLY. Nice level 3-acre tract. Well-built 2 room cottage, good garden planted. 15 minutes out on the Oregon Electric. Just south of Ryan Station. Total price $1000. A buy with a future. Fred W. Ortnnn Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $50 TO $70 PER ACRE. 10 and 20-ae.re tracts nine miles east of Vancouver, near Sifton electric line. Some tracts with considerable timber, others easv clearing. Easv terms. F. B. HOLBROOK CO.. 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg. 8 ACRES fine garden land In cultivation; good family orchard; neat house; barn, poultry house; SO minutes out; near atation, $2350. Small cash payment. AKERPON & MARSTERS, 420 Hpnry Bid. 3 AND 5 ACRES one mile beyond Garden Home on the Greenburg road, 30 min utes to Portland by Ford. All In culti vation. Some good ' new buildings. Close to O. E. station. Phone owner. Ma'n 4474. SEE WHAT YOU GET for $180. 0.8 acres near Orenco, Ore gon Electric. 4ft cleared, plowed, fine soil, pretty grove. jSTew bungalow. Woodlswn 503. JO ACRES Improved, on good rocked road, 8 miles from Portland. Hillsboro road, good water systwm, hous, barn, chicken roost, garage, horse, cow with place. Land all cultivated. Fred W. Newell, 407 Henrv bldg. Bdwv. 503. BEAUTIFUL 5-AORE TRACT JUST EAST OF CITY LIMITS. Don't fall to see this; it's all cleared and on good road. B. F. KELLKY. 715 Swptlsnd Bldg. PITCH A TENT on one of these garden tracts for the summer. Water and gas, close in, west side. Only $350. 10 per cent down, $5 monthly. L. J. Lamb, 605 Corhett bldg. :0 ACRES of fertile land, close In, with 2000 cords of wood, 100 cords cut and ricked. Will sacrifice. J. O. GRAY CO. 71S Dekum Bldg, Auto. 561-45. $250 UP, HALF ACRES. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. Bull Run water, gas, low .taxes, shade trees, some cleared, land level; 10 por cenr cash, no Interest. Sellwood 1965. ATTKACT1VE tracts of 3 five, 1 ten and 1 of four acres. No rock, fine soil, 2 miles southeast of Mllwaukie. Box 381, Mtlws xi kle. Owner. IDEAL home site Hft acres on west side highway. Near South. Bend road, Tigard vllle. Some marketable timber. Price $2500. O 568. Oregonian. 10 ACRES on Ml. Scott, ft In cultivation. re need, jvo Duiiaings. snap at $32o0, $250 cash, easy terms, or will trade for house and lot. Call 626-13. 6 ACREA on 37th and Alnsworth ave. for $lvo per acre; terms; ait in cult, and fenced: 4-room house and barn. 1105 E. SQth st. N. . . ACRES and llts, 2 blocks from Hawthorne caxune. uaer .at ouo. KK.ab FSTATE. For hale Acreage. WEST SIDE ACRE TRACTS. FOUR BLOCKS FROM COUNCIL CREST CAR. $450 DOWN, MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Only $1800 per acre; unquestionably the most sensational sale of high-grade, desirable acreage ever offered in the citv; the property extends from Fairmont blvd. near the old rock crusher, to the Dosch rosd; each tract faces on this highly improved county roa-d. u can select a tract 10 suit your taste, as there is -a wide variety to select from; some are all in cultivation, all in trees and part trees and cultivated land: every tract has a wonderful," un obstructed view of the valley and coast mountains; there is no rough or steep land on any tract; gas. city water and conveniences. Drive up and see it today or any time. Go up Portland Heights to Patton road, thence n Patton road to the top of the hill to Green Hills grocery store, turn at back of store onto Dosch road: prop erty Is only a few blocks down the hill on upper side of the road; our signs sre on it; you can't miss It. Or take Council Cresr car to end of line, go one block down to Fairmont blvd.; you wfll see our big sign on the property below. Walk over it and you can't help but be pleased. - EXCLUSIVE AGENCY. J. J. McCarthy, Abington BMg. 14 ACitLS. Good house, barn, chicken house, or chard, rock road, close to highway. 2ft ACRES." Nice new house, barn, chicken houses, some fruit, cow and chickens; right on highway, in suburban 'town. fiix ACRES. Right at eloctric btation, no buildings, I close in. 6 ACRES. Facing highway, 30 mlutes out; fine home site; no bu.ld;ngs. 6$ ACRES. 2 miles from highway on rock road; a real farm; crops and equipment; on banks of Tualatin. Let us price this to you. 23 ACRES. Unimproved, but dirt cheap; one acre or the whole place; close in. 2 ACRES. Nmv bungalow; strawberries, young or chard; fine little toome. All this acreage is in the Tualatin val ley, clone to Portland. If none of the above auits, ask us about other acreage. WESTON & CO., 1?0fl N. V. n Mdg. Mnln 8002. WONDERrUi- GARDEN LAND. 15 acres, located 14 miles from Hub bard, with 14 acres In cultivation; on main county road; no rock, gravel and entirely out of the white land district; good fences, rich dark loam soil, just the place for gardening, chickens and berries; a fine large painted barn, 3 room house, some orchard and berries; owner unable to work It and will sac rifice it for $3000; terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31S rhmbr of Commerce. WONDERFUL GARDEN LAND. 1ft acres, located 14 miles from Hub bard, with 14 acres in cultivation; on main county road; no rock, gravel, and entirely out of the white land district; good fences, rich dark loam soil, just he place for gardening, chickens and berries; a fine large painted barn, 3 room house, some orchards nnd berries; owner unable to work it and will sac rifled It for $3000, terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. SIS Chum, of Com. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE. On Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria, 7200 acres of logged off land, just put on the market In small tracts; deep, rich soil, slightly rolling; good transportation, school, church, store, postofflce. warehouse and dock. Select now while you Can get choice tracts. Easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. .Main 3787. Jp3. oo Hi ACHES CLOSE JN $3500. Here is ten acres beat of soil, good plastered house., cement basement, good barn, chicken house, bog house. All In first-class condition. 4 ft acrns under cultivation. Lots of fruit and berries. You conld not put up the buildings for this price. Situated on main highway. Terms. Ask for Mr. Phillips. O. W. TARR CO., 407 MrKflv Bldg. 24 ACRES BEARING FRUIT. 300 feet Base Line paving, 7 miles 4th and Washington, near station; half mixed berries. Bull Run water, eaa telephone; $000 down. ACREAGE FACING S2D ST. PAVING Good car service, easy walk, 25 minute drive 4th and Washington; low price, 10 per cent down. No better oppor tunity for' fruit and berries. J. C CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bid. BACK TO THE SOIL. Powell valley home acres; see the big sign 3 miles east of city limits, north side Powell Valley paved highway ; W. C. Murphy, selling agent. Size of tracts 2 to 4 acres, price from $450 to $750 an acre; nothing more desirable. See them today, agents will be thro to show you. 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 3324. REDUCED PRICES. On suburban homesites, 1 lot to 1 acre, out Base Line road, near Buckley ave., drive out today, you will see our signs; select your location, then see us for special price and terms R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., yM-a-K-7 Hoard of Trade H!dg. OREGON ELiiCTKIC within commuting distance, we sre now placing on the market some elegant acreage which we are offering at very attractive prices and terms. Choice acreage on this line Is limited and would advise your see ing us Immediately to obtain a selec tion. Main 6S29. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO., 6trt Couch Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Eight and one-half acres at CIpole on the red electric, all under cultiva tion ; a small 2-room house, a chicken house and woodshed. The best of gar den or berry land ; 10 minutes' walk from station ; only $2400. $500 cash, small payments for balance. Address J. D GORDON, Newberg. Or. 5 A., CULT.. 3-R. HOUSE, $750, ft CASH. 5 acres. 'Aft cult., bal. timber; 7-rm. house on one floor; hot and cold water, bath, water p-ystem. barn, chick house, outbldgs.. orchard and small fruits; $3200; take $1000 down: close In. Other buys1, large and small. Fred Lawson Co.. 416 Cham. Com. Mdg. SEE E. N1SWONGER. 227 Failing bldg.. corner 3d and Wash., for acreage and Willamette valley farm land. We have a snap in a 320-acre ranch near Fortland. on highway: all tools and stock to run same; ready to go to work: good terms. Let us teh vo about th'sj one. BARGAIN ACREAGE. 10 acres, 5 acres In crop, bal. pas ture, some timber, 4-room house, fur nished, good barn, springs and creek. Horse and buggy, small tools; $2000. C. W. MiUership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. STORES TRACT, 42d AND SIMPSON. Water to each acre or half-acre tract: no gravel. Why live on ordinary lot and pay city assessments? $10 down, $10 a month. R. W. CARY, 1210 N W. Bank Bldg. Res. Main 137T. PACIFIC HIGHWAY. f)t, acre, all cultivation ; 2 acres blackcaps, some logans and strawber ries, orchard ; 8-rooin plastered house, barn, several cicken houses; $5.ru0; terms. Consider some trade. ,C. W. Miilership, Aldpr hetPl. Main 52V Ci-.LriE to city, highly Improved lo-acre tract with good buildings, at the ri diculously low price of $7750. This ts within 20 minutes' drive of Portland. Main 6S20. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO., 600 Couch Bldg, BARGAIN FOR $2000. 2 acres in strawberries, close to city and car line. Bull Run water In front of property. Fine soil. Crop this year should pay one-third of purchase price. OT'irON. 20 Stark. Marshall 1 TWO ACRES. POWELL. VALLEY ROAD. 8H miles eaut of city limits: all in cultivation, beautiful tract; J12."0. 1500 cash. Sre sisn. William Murphy. 403 Stock Kxehan-re bid. Marshall 3324. FOR SALE by owner, appproximately 10 acres near Tigard ; nearly all In crop; 3-room house, good well, chicken house and barn, 2 live springs on plnce, good family orchard full-bearing trees. Ap ply 204 Henry bldg.. or call Main TllS. i-'IVE acres, all cleared, been, cultivated several years, 10H miles from court house on Base Line road. Call Sundays . Tabor 9192. weekdays. Main 124. Would like good auto as part payment. bELLlNU fust; arrange to go s)e our $30 an acr? land. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO., (133 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SEE STOK.ES HALF ACRES and acres. 42d and Simpson; $10 down, (110 a month. Why pay big city assess ments? Residence Mnln 1377. GOOD land, 30 an acre. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., !33 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 378T. WANTED To take care of 1 or children, country home. Mrs. Lula LIghty, Or ch a rds. Wash. Phone Orchards 3 F 14. GOOD logging contract with new 3'4-tOD truck; reuaoie. company, tong-ume job. 430 Burnslde. ; ARRANGE to see our land, $30.au acre. 3t N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 87S7. FOR SALB 5ii East lubS. acres, on easy terms. REAL KSTATE. For Sale Acreage. 8 ACRES, all in cultivation; small modern house; gas, city water; barn 18x30; chicken house witH room for 500 chickens; fruit trees and berries; one mile from pave ment. 11 miles from Portland; forced to sell; a anap. Terms. Price $3500. HillsbOTO Land 4 Realty Co., England Me liar. Managers. ' GET ON THIS 10 ACRES. RAISE YOUR LIVUN'G Beautlful 10 acres near Vancouver; no Improvements; very easily cleared at lit tle cost; you can build a small house and soon be independent. Price $2000; very easy terms. MARIELS & WILLIAMS, 820 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ONiY 0 PER ACRE. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. 120 acres good land, 50 miles from Portland, (420 cash. I A. W. ESTES, P05 Cham, of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. 10 ACKfcS ail clear near Amity, Or. $14u0 for auto or good lots In city, get busy. S 5S0. Orgonian. loo ACRES guud river land in Nehalem Valley, on highway, $10 per acre. Cleve land. 308 Board of Trade. Bdwy. pr50. io0 MiL'iOEit acre, eoO cash, $10 per month. Call before 11 A. M. Owner. Mrs. Gleason. Marshall 568. ARE YOU interested In 10 acres? $200 pays in full. Answer Quickly. Give phone. A F Orrcnnlan, tor &ule 1'arnw. IDEAL POULTRY RANCH. NO. 237. 20 acres, all the very finest soil, 35 acres in high state of cultiva tion and crop, balance pasture, with plenty of wood, all fenced and cross fenced with woven wire, large orchard of assorted fruits, part bearing and part young tr.-ea, strawberries, loganberries, grapes and blackberries; new 4-room bun galow, portable type; very fine large barn, brooder house, mating pen, laying house 108 ft et long, laying house 40 feet long, wind mill, tank, etc., with water piped to buildings; the personal prop erty consists of 500 Hoganized pure-bred White Leghorn hens, - 0 pure-brtd Whit Orpingtons, extra fine 4-year-old Jersey cow, 8 hogs, Ford delivery car just overhauled, hay, straw, corn, scratch and lay ing mat? nes, 13 tons potatoes and seed potatoes, sulkey, plow, culti vator, 4 3'Mi-catidiepower lanterns, 1 30-candlpower gasoline lamp, all kinds of small touts, rugs, stoves, tables, dishes, chairs, curtains, etc.; the builditrgs are all new and with the per sonal property are worth more than the price asked for the en tire place; located only 7 miles from ancouver, 13 miles from Portland. The owner is forced to sell and in order to do so has very recently reduced his price to the very bottom and will sacrifice for $5MJ0; very good terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON COMPANY, ) 410 Washington St. Vancouver, Washington. Phone 201. Priced Below the Market Value. 50 acres, all cultivated, new house, barn, silo, all good soil, water for ir rigation, on paved road, close to school, $0300, terms on part. 100 acres, house, barn, running water, 60 acres cultivated, $60 per acre, Vii cash, balance 6 per cent. 150 acres, 70 practically . cleared, good fruit soli, on good road, 7 miles from Salem, only $50 per acre, terms on part. Write Socolofsky, 341 State 8L 53 ACRES, 42 acres In cultivation, on the Cherry Grove and Scoggan road, in sec tion 25 or 30, known as the J. E. Wood house; one house, nine rooms, bath and pantry; one barn, 50x50; silo, 7x'4; well and spring: alioiome outbuildings; ft mile to school and stores; farm imple ments; orchard of 74 different kinds of fruit trees; some loganberries; terms. $5000 cash, balance three years, 6 per cent; $0n0 entire price; will accept trade if satisfactory. Hillsboro Land & Realty Co.. Hillyboro. Or. YOU DAIRYMEN that are in the market to rent or buy a first-class, well-mocked an: equipped dairy ranch, located in the best dairy district in Oregon or the U. S.. we have them that are paying from 13 to 80 per cent on the money Invested. We sell them on the best of terms. Call and see us, we can fit you out. C. J. CULLTSON REAL ESTATE CO.. Xiioft Morrison St. 26 3-10 ACRES. 23 acres in cultivation. 6 acres in clever and timothy. 5 acres fall wheat. 6-room house, - wood shed, barn and outbuildings, all in good condition. Family orchard. All stock and implements, also furniture goes with place. Price $0300, $4000 cash, balance $ years, 6 per cent. HILLSBORO LAND & REALTY CO. HiMeboro, Or. DAIRY FARM. 160 on paved road. 10 miles to Inter state bridge; cows. hogs, implements, team. Easy terms For particulars write to Eugene Berth. Vancouver. Wash.. R. D. 2. Phone Orchards GF14. lO ACRES, close to Woodburn and high way; all under plow, fair buildings: 'price to.VNJ; easy payments. 20 acres. 2 acres In cultivation, fair buildings; $2500; $J0O caslu Also other snaps. J. W. HACGEV. Box J6T Woodburn. Or. 33 30-1OO ACRES, ft mile south or New ton station, farm known as the Ed. Mayne place :. 6-room house, barn 40x02: good family orchard; all seeded but about o acres; three cows, three horses, harness and chickens. 1 calf: farm im plements; price $0500. Hillsboro Land ft Realty Co., Hillsboro, Or. FOR SALE Wasco county wheat larin 480 acres, 150 acrea in fall wheat, oth er crops; 170 acres summer fallow fully equipped; very good buildings and water. 18 miles south of The Dalles and 7 miles from elevator. Might take part traoe. H. J. Fish, iiovd. or. i40 ACRES for sate, 3 DO head of stocK and some equipment; 60 acres in cul ti vat Ion, balance Umber and pasture land; ft of a mile to town and Pacific highway. Price $15,000, half cash. This is s No. 1 stock or dairy ranch. Ad dress Box 210. Drain, Oregon. lit ACRES, equipped; all fenced and till able; 17 acres rich bottom la-nd In crop: large creek, fruit, irood buildings, stock and equipment. This is s real bargain at I3vi4iO; terms. A. W. ESTES. REALTOR. fHVi Chamber nf rorrrrnerce. Auto. S14-R3. TKN ACKES. 2 acres uqder cultivation, all fenced, 4-room house, new and painted, chicken house and shed; per sonal, horse and buegy and harness, 30 . cnicKens, . . rnues soum m jifenviiio; mortgage $S00; price $21 00. Hillsboro Land & Realty Co.. Ht:ishoro. Or. 10 ACKES, close to Woodburn and high way: all under plow: fair buildinss: price $3.0. easy payments: 20 acre?. 2 acre cultivated; lair buildings; I"i. .K cash; also other snaps. J. X. llaugen, Wnorihllrn. Or 'Pox 1 EASY TERMS. AO acres in the his corn and alfalfa section nf N. W.( small house. 2 miles from Vale, plenty of water, more land than can farm, so low price of $5500. Hoi 401. Vale, Or. li ACRES, Yamhill county, part big tim ber; modern 5-room bungalow and 3 room cottage, garage. outbuildings, fruit: complete water system; near S. P.. Immediate possession; 93000. Owner. Kast 47f,!. BAROA1N, 155 acres, mostly tillable; creeks and spring: 9 miles Wilholt Springs, 10 mile Mollala: will sacrifice for cash. C. A. Lane, 3300 College ave., Ilerkeley. Cat. 5 ACKEsj. COLUMBIA BLVD. 7-room house, bam for 30 cows, mllk house. windmill. Dandy close-In dairy proposition: $nnn, terms. R. W. Cary. 121( N. W. Bank Vdg. 33 ACRES, near Cotlrell: ii cultivated, balance slashed, burned. Fair house, good barn, fence, roads, running water: $175 per acre. Take part house and lot. Owner, East 2:5: 10 ACRES. V, standard fruits: cozv cot tage, hennery, barn: all cult.: Capitol highway: $5000; J12"! cash. M. 3072. M c Fa r l.-ind. realtor. Failing bldg. 40 ACRES irrigated land near Bend, ail fenced, small house. Sell or trade; value $2500. C. W. Richardson, 275U 44th avenue S. W Seattle. BARGAIN" bo acres near Forest Grove: part cult., buildings, creek. 2000 cords fir- $2500: terms. S04 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE 38-acre dairy ranch, equipped, on Facifie highway at Isadora station. C. L. Tostevin. Oakland. Or. IDEAL alfalfa 40; 12-in. high. 4 crops season, near Columbia highway; splen did returns. Main 4550. LOGGEI-OFF tanas, $10 acre up; running water,' good soil, tillable; school, easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. S3 Third st ABSOLUTELY bargain in small berry farm. D. S Walter, owner. Elma. Wash $200 GEARHART Full lot. splendid, lo cation; $00 down. Main 47SU. REAL KSTATE. For Sale Farms. VERT CT.OSE-IN FARM. 40 acres, 8 miles from Portland court house, west; mile to school: good fences. $4 acres under cultivation; 3 acres standing fir timber; no waste land, creek, family orchard, lots of berries. -room house, new large barn, chicken house; brick and cement fruit house. In cluded with place: 2 horses, harness, 5 head cattle, brood sow; 60 chickens, wagon, binder and trucks for moving, mower, rake, plow, harrow, cultivators, tuols and all crops. Hay fork in barn. Only 30 minutes out from Portland. In spected by Nelson. Price for everything $10.00. $4000 cash, balance 6 per cent. Ranch is clear. FINE GOING DAIRY RANCH. 47 acres In Washington county, Ore gon, at station. 30 acres under cultiva tion, 40 acres can bo cultivated. Lare bearing orchard; i mile to school; O room house, barn r0x00, machine shed, chicken house; bearing family orchard: 6 pood milch cows, good team. 6 bogs, 1 bull, chickens, complete line of machin ery, feed, seed and furniture. Fries $7500 for everything. $4000 otsh. Only 40 miles from center of I'ortland. The income from the sale of milk for 11120 was $2300. 800 CHICKENS INCU'DED. 40 acTes. 1 1, miles from Sherwood, on fine macadamised road. 35 acres under cultivation and In crop; good variety of bearing fruit; 6-room house, with fire place; granary, barn, chicken house for over 500 chickens. This chicken house is modern and In fine ehitpe; cow. heifer, part of crop and machinery included in price, $1000. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Located on corner and one of the best bargains we have offered for some time. Creek and spring on place; no waste land; 20 miles trom center of Portland. Inspected by Nelson. 40 acres, 30 miles southeast Portland; 7 miles from town. 1 mile to school: good macadamized road: H aTea under cultivation: b acres more rendyto plow; bearing orchard, 5-room holt", barn, good chicken house. 1'rice $:"00. In cluding 2 cows. 3 heifers. 3 calves. 12 sheep, S lambs. 50 chickens: also 40 acres of leased land in crop and 2-3 in cluded with this place and all the stock. $1500 cash, balance 5 years, 0 per cent. 40 acres. 32 miles southeast from cen ter of Portland. All can be cultivated: 30 acres under cultivation and in cicp; good soil: l,i niile to school; bearing orchard, fl-room house, large 4)arn. gnin arv, modern chicken house. Im-lud-'d with place: Team. 4 cows, cair. 150 .hi.ir.nB ' w.iirons. 1 hinder, drill, rske. plow, harrow; butrgy and tools. Trice for farm without equipment. 4.".oo. $UH)0 cash. With equipment $."500, $2000 cash. Inspected by Hunter. $500 CASH 2000 CORDS WOOD. 40 acres. 25 miles south Portland. 1 'A miles from town ind Oregon Electric station: best of black loam soil: cry K hv vtit.ee- u level land, well drained; V-. can be cultivated when cleared. Over 2000 cords of wood on place. j ins is well Improved farm tfi 2 sides and Is in a district of high-pririd nnd produc tive land. Price $:i.-.u0. $500 cash, bal ance on easy terms ut 0 per cent. $50 PER ACRK. IMPROVED. 75 acres. 2S miles from cnter cf Port land; 2 miles from electric station; In Clacknmas county; good graveled road: Vi mile to sthool. hearing orchard 40 acres under cultivation, nearly all In crop. All can be cultivated. Loam soil; creek, wnter system. C. room house, srge barn, (0x100. other buildings. price $3750, including crop, $lo73 cash, east lf Gresliam. STOCK AND DAIRT RANCH. 25 acres, between 2 good towns, eut towards tbe coast, unlimited free ranje. 12 good dairy cows, other stock and equipment; new burn, all under good fence; also 4n acres fenced In for pas ture; bearing orchard; small house, 4 mlls from station; tin miles southwest Portland: IS acres under cultlvstton and will be In crop: all can be cultivated: price $3200, half cash. This Includes stock, team, equipment, chickens, crop and everything. Inspected by ilr. Bergcr. CONSIDER CAR PART PAYMENT. 40 acres, 3 miles from good town, with free bus to hlirh school; near the Pacific highway, good large creek through place. 10 acre's of fine bottom land, some fir piling; will consider car and $lou cash. The land la clesr of Incumbrance; 02 miles north of Portland, In well settled community. 40 acres. 2 miles west Sherwood: all can be cultivated, when cleared; now In fir timber; 10 miles from center of I'ort land; Hi miles from Capital highway; close to school, good soil, free from rock or gravel. Price $2.io. on very easy terms. Inspected by Nelson. 20 acres, 42 miles from Portland. H mile from station, town and Columbia river: hleh nnd grade schools: 5 acres nnder cultivation. 10 cows run be formed, lots of fir timber; graveled road. 2S acres clover and timothy: good fences, 2-room house. Price $1300. $H00 cash, balance at $100 year, 6 per cent. Over J!i acres, south of Reedvllle, 13 acres under cultivation, all can be cul tivated, creek on place; wire fences; bearing orchard; nice lying land, very productive: 4-room house, bsrn. chicken house. Price $4750. including 1 team. 1 cow. chickens and machinery. Large cash payment. Orer 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bids. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS your last opportunity: In central Al berta and Saskatchewan ar"e rich park lands open prairie ready for the piow. Intersperfed with trees, which afford ex cellent shelter for stock. Here grain growing, dairying and livestock raisin; are being carried on successfully. The country is Ideal for mixed farming The r.ni.l.iLn Pacific railway Is oflerlng a large area of these fertile lands In T in...tmln.,ee .nH Bnttteford d.Btrlcts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers On similar land Seager Wheeler rrowi the world's prize wheat. Near Lioydmin ater the world's prize oat3 have been grown and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon tecome Inde pendent on a farm in this district. These lands can be bought now at an average of about $18 per acre Tot pay down 10 per cent, no further payment ot principal until end of fourtn ytar, then id annual payments Interest is 0 per .... i E Thornton, sunt, of colonlaa tlon, Canadian Pacific railway. Hit Ninth ave. is. caigary, (Quo... 1"0-ACRR RANCH. STOCKED. EQUIPPED. NEAR PACIFIO HIGHWAY AND RAILROAD. 47 MILES FROM PORTLAND. PRICE $1500. fi cows, 7 calves, team of horses, chickens, farming Implements, 50 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture; 7-room house, barn, 2 chicken houses, woodshed. 2 or chards, berries, good spring, well, 8 miles from good town, H mile to school; sell at a sacrifice, $4500. Photo at office. See SAM HEWKY, at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Itlds. WHAT AlUUE CAN llli; AK? 140 ucres, 1 hour from I'ortland, on trout, saimon and smelt river; ho acres in cultivation. 20 more almost ready; 9-roorn house, 2 barns, prune drier, la-go appie house, hog house, shop, other buildings: 4u rods to school, church and community hall, on level road; ull fields level loam soil, prune orchard, apple orchard, other fruit; 23 head Jerseys, registered bull: herd full-blood Imroc hogs' full equipment farm toois. team, boats', automobile, sheep, turkeys, chick ens bees; $10..vio takes it. If you are tired of mud. hills, rock or wind, write Sweet Bt'inr Farm. Woodland. W'a'h. i.iioo o.i-ACRi.; FA iv. II HiM. 15 acres of finest kind bottom land under cultivation, five more acres of same kind of land to be cleared, balance good for wood and pasture, only. Four room house, barn, chicken house, one Jersey cow and heifer, team of horses, 125 chickens, wagon, buggy, hayrack, woodrack, plow, seeder, etc.; good well and pump on back porch of kitchen. Located about 17 miles from Portland and about Iti miles from electrlo sta tion Terms $loot) cash, tmlance easy payments. A snap, look this up. " R. A.-LI.VDGREN. Savon Land Co. !:15 N. W. Bank BMg 20 ACRES on county road, 20 miles from ..1 a 1 1 fvn m IIIT1sihjm 1.4 forti-anu. o mora .. acres under cultivation. 8-rmim house, bath, toilet, laundry tubs; work shop, two sleeping rooms above, tools, equip ment for pumping water, sawing wood; barn hay carrier. implements. etc.; chicken house, orchard, 20 apple and 0 peach trees, bearing; small fruits and berries. Free of a.l incumbrances. Price $5000, $3000 cash, remainder first mortgage, 0 per cent. Call S. W. Wlest, s.owood 321. after .1:30. . YAMHILL COUNTY FARM, 41) Airvr-. Two miles from town on paved high way all In cultivation and in crop, fam ily orchard, good 6-room house, barn, chicken houses, garage, span mares, wagon, harness, plow, seeder, harrow, mower, cream separator, hay In oarh Jersey cow. all goes for $i.0(); good terms Owner has business elsewhere: will sacrifice for a quick sale, other good buys. Write for list. W. L. Kidder. Carlton, 'ir FOR SALE By owner, garage In valley town 63 miles from Portland; 40 cars storage, concrete bldg. Invoice about $H0iu. AV 3H0. Oregonlan. CHICiiEN. Fit Ull, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sues, iici arlaud, MS Falling bldg. Bt At. TST T'or Nile rnrttis WILLAMETTE VALLET. We offer for eichange a real stock and grain farm of around SL'o acres. improvements consiet of 2 dwellings, 2 barns, machine sheds and i.nge hop house. The place formerly bad 00 seres In hops, but now in grain; 2uo acres grain land and hniance upland pasture, with scattering oaks. Im mediate possession, good roads, school near by, beautiful location: land all around brings $12 per acre; our rric Is $uo per acre on this place. Will take half in good income property and balance caa be handled on long-time loan. ' BEAM LAND CO.. 133 Lyon street, Albany, Oregon. I'nii su.i: RTOCK KA.M ll. 140 acres, Lincoln county, Oregon. 5 roorn bunga'ow; barn, :'.i'.1t, and all other outbuildings; somo cultivated l.ind, halnncu fine outrange for slock. Ktl.l variety cf fruits, u.l tools and Come household goods go wllh pltiti.; ttuee miles to store and 1'. O.; t.li.- phone in house; will be near good mai-k-t r.d. For good buv, g-t busy. Hy owner. $JSOO. terms. 11. W. Allison. Har- FTCH.'K RANCH. Inn. Or. 40 Al tills, lit linos trom roriUn.i, only l1 miles from Portlnntl-Newbei g paved highway; 2o acres cultivated. 20 p.istur., enslly cleared. Well dralmd. all tlli.hle. Al for fruit, berries or nut.; 2 acres 5 killils of rrilrt: severnl varieties ot each; 5 kinds of berries; good well water, live spring; 4-room house, burn, garage, grnmirv. etc.; 11 cords 10-Inch wood cut; Popfl-lh. young team: spun mules; 4 rows, etc. Over J24O0 equipment: spring work done. All included for only $-'-5 an acre. Terms. J. W. Gubiwir, owner. Sherwood. Or. Pt. 3 Ful! KAI.i; 5 acres good level l.lhd for J.liiou, a mortgage of $lloo at 7 per cent, balance In each $i!M'0. Aj'1 In cull Ivation, a family orchard and ber ries; a good 4-room house, a good barn and ben bouse, a good well and wood shed; telephone In bouse, high school In i. mile, Mdcwalk to school and town; ei'e.Mric llcliis can !. had If wanted; 1 ml!" norllo-ast of Mc.Mliinvllle. or.. Just outside citv limits. Mrs. u. B. Wh'.t sen. rouio 2. box 133. MoMinnv'lle. Or. SM A I.I FARM SNAI". 10 acres, all In cultivation; all kinds c-f fruit and family orchard. 4 aero clover; nl'e fl-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen; fine water. 4 chicken house, go.el barn. etc. Included: 123 While Leghorn laving pu.l.'ls. i Jersey roMS, fre.h; new household goods. cnvim separator, etc. A desirable, ami nuitii-y milking place; (K30II. . terms. ALBANY l: 11 ALT Y CO.. ALBANY. I'lt CANADIAN FARM LA N US. Ltisl gieat block of Canadian Pacific Hallway com pany's reserve lands: remarkably chep, ' on long and easy terms; londseekera' ex cursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary. Alberta, on Saturday, April -I. Reduced railway rales. For further particulars too Canadian Pacific Rail way company. 2os llallwsy F.arhanga biila;., L. 1". Thornton, district rprc scnr.atlve. . illi! SNAI' FARM WITH INI'tiMK. For sale by owner. 2.S tulles rrrnn Portland.. 2 miles wst of Fstacada: ICO acres 70 acres In cultivation end nil In crop. .l.ooo.tHft feet good timber, plenty of water: j.to-k and machinery nil no: 212 bearing fruit trec; every thing veil need. 1 Step out. J'OU Step In for $100 per acre; $"i down, good terms on balance. John Marshall, roii' I.eSr 00 ACRES, hnlf mile from psved roarl; IS miles from i'ortland, near (tattle tlround. Wash. ,4o acres In cultivation: spring; fenced; fair house, good barn, good soU. $7."oo. liberal terms. COE A. McKENNA A CO., P2 Fourth St. Main 45. TRACTS 04 and 05. Snntlam fruit Colony, Linn county. Or., 15 miles to Albany and very close to Crahtree. This land con tains 10 acres, Is free nnd clear of In cumbrance. I paid $30110 for It. But will sell for best offer: cash or terms, $;,no in it- li t Ink" It. in I must 'l. W rite Ai'l Ryberg. 5507 14th ave. N. J... Pea 1 1 le. Wash. 3 MILES FROM Mc.M 1NNVI I. I.E. Fine tis-acre farm, nil In cul 1 1 alien, li mile lrom country school, large bout-, (modern), big brri and fllo rows. hores. chickens, turkeys. Implement' and telephone: electric lino and paved road under construction past place, will sell very cheap. S. Ludlow, ilcVlmn- vllle. Or. On ACRES. 4 '4j miles N. W. of Junction Citv, lli from highway, on grnvel road: 1"I5 'cultivated, balance pasture; some oak and ash timber; all tillable land; dark valhv soil, no white land; new R-room cottage, burn and out bull. llnss : fenced: might take to to 40 a.-res a part near high school, i.l.omi. s. W. porter. lonctino CIIV. r. Itollto 1. 'tut S I.E- The b. st buy in Yakima val ley (ill-acre bearing orchard, best vsrl eiles of peaches and apples, new 4-roorn bungalow, necessary outbuildings, tools, team, machinery, etc 85 seres of or chard In alfalfa. This place Is olf.ted at ba't $100 an acre less than actual value nnd must be sold. It Is worth lu- vesllc.atlrg. AV s,o, .regoo in o. 14 CRES of new land, ul.oiit t acres in cultivation, small house on county pad. close to school and S. P. R. It.: good soring water, small fruit for home use; farming tools and everything goes with the place. Inquire of C L. Post. Sher wood. Or. Ut, 3. box 103. 8 miles wost of Mld.l' lilt SALE oil TRADE 4ci acies. 3'. mil le. east or v . ; .. .. - rlearen, snnca io.-.. . feet of standing limber ami enough down cedar for 10.000 fence posts: prio $3000; c ... ,.n m ticnn or II soil. will IS HO lion.", ..e -' . ' ear of all Incunilirance. oainnca easy Ttcrhert Lucas. Csnhv. or , It. 1. Ft1 R SALE I ALE Hairy lanu ni i .-.r. the estnto of the late Ham H. Htnr, cl locatea st r,nooiii , -.....--.--.- about 40 acres in cultivation, balanoa pasture and fine standing timber. Apply to John Vandorwal. mgr. Terms. i7 Kih st.. Hillsboro. Or. Wll.l ,,H 4,i acres, ;tu c.eund; well mint good K-room bouse; an Ideal home. Best near roll, well ura'rieu, ruuoioa -'r buildings. Will sell In smaller .,t. if desired. Priced to sell. Easy terms E. K. Kopperud, Brush Prai rie, Ws'tl JIIO-l HE, C- . , 1 , 30 in cultivation, (l-rcs.m hous, taxir barn, famllv orchard, crop all In, on rock road, near highway, young team. (1 head cattle, chickens, all f.irm ma chinery, only $h". very easy teruul 732 I il'Ttin i " " 1 " a r-i . I,- uvi ! 20 acres. i In cultivation. B-reomi house, large burn, chicken housei, brood er house, 2-ncro orchard. 2 horses, t) cows loo chickens. 10 hogs, sll farm machinery. $1501), half cash. 733 Patton road. Main s-i", IK vol' want a home beautifully locnted look this up. 25 acres, a good house, barn and outbuildings, ton minutes' walk tn high school, stores, churches; pice road. A fine team, sis -ows, chick ens and all tools go with the place. All . klmls nf fruit. AV 414. Origonlsn. FOR KALF. 1 acres, good building orcnaru, iu wanim u,. ' berries, running water to Irrigate entire Place' own water system and plunil.tng. Mrs. A K Rttuchan. R. 0. bus 17, 11. 1, s- 1m. ni. Oregon . SO ACRES. 25 or ao siasnea, line sou. no rnrk lOOU ticks or more rcouh kihwui fir and aider: two miles from good town $500 cash; $350 to 150(1 m good small' car wllh s'arter. $1500 to suit purchaser. AV 4MI, Oregonlan. WELL LMl'KUVKIl farm or la's neres. l.ail level, no rocK or gravel, s'u ipuiihiiik.. close to school, store and carllne; 7 miles from Portland; C miles east of Oregon City. $151) per acre, l.rmi Jotaa DeltiingernomJOrogon City. ' "FOR SALE BY OWNER. 0-acre dairy firm. (locked anl enulpped; 52 miles from Portland; In flra condition: no better land. Priced at tlflOOO for short time only: no agents. Call or stress 355 K. 43,1 St. A BAROAIN. 20 aVrea Improved Irrigated lsnd. In the heart of Yakima valley, $7000. small payment down. Write for Information lo owner. E. O. Bohannan, llsaioa. Wash. Hoot" 1- FARMERS' opportunity. Best alfalfa, hog. sheep, cattle, ready made alfalfa farms in V H., $150 an ere. terms. Writ. Wooster Co., 320 l'nelan bldg.. Baa Francisco 93 ACRES, miles south of Lebanon, ti In cultivation, well fenced; a good buy, or will trade. Owner. Tabor 830(1. THREE acres In Gresham, all cleared, .a ceptlonallv fine 5-room bungalow, fu!l set of buildings, choice family orchard. Only $n , $..300 cull or will divide. Tabor 2070,