THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, APRIL IT, 1021 REAL KSTATK. RKAt ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATK. REAL ESTATE. REAL KSTATF. REAL JEST ATE. For Hale Houses. REAL KSTATK. For Sule Hons For Sale Houses. For Sale Houses. For Kale Houe. For tale limine. ror Nile lIoutm. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. ' S. W. CORNER 26TH AND BRYCE. An exceptionally well built 8-room buwalow with living room 30 feet Ions. t tile fireplace, bookcases, mahogany man tle, cloak closet with full-length mirror cioor, French doors to dining room, buf- ' ft with mahogany top. tile bathroom, with block tub and shower, pedestal lav atory, cabinet kitchen, ttle sink and breakfast nook. 3 large bedrooms with lance closets, hardwood floors in all rooms, furnished throughout in rich old Ivory and white enamel; living and din ing room waits are hung with high-grade tapestry paper; cement porch, large, deep cement basement, furnace, fruit room: 50x1 10 corner lot; all street Imps, in and paid; garage 12x20. with full widt h cem-nt driveway ; lawn seeded, shade trees In parking; price $s:mio; terms. Open for Inspection all day Sun- clay, S. W. corner K. l''ith and Bryce ave. V'nr st bv nvnr and builder. ROSE CTTT PARK CAR 500 CASH. $rt50n -room bunr&!ov In first da condition, has furnace, full sire lot. garage; 2 blocks from car. If you want a snap, see this. HIT. LET BROS.. R14 Railway Exchange Bide Main M. Tabor MS5. Rranch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday and Evenings. A.N IRVINGTON HOME, A 6-room residence; large, attractive living and dining rooms, fireplace, mod- ern kitchen, pantrits. etc.; 3 bedrooms, bath and bleeping porch on 2d. floor, beautiful lawn, shrubbery, etc: very con venient to car: terms; can be nougnt comDletelv furnishtd at small additional - cost and will take good auto as part uymnt. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. ?nl -3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Rldg. WK START In the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move in when we move out. We handle all details and save you 20 per cent by our special unit system. Fancher-Mclean "o., building contractors. 30S--10 I.-wis bids. Phone Broad way 3;52. JUST LOOK AT THIS MR. AND MRS. HOMES EE KER. One of those nice new bungalows, nicely and conveniently arranged, close . to car and school and only I35C0. I have many other homes from $2'0 to $4uo0 on which I can quote a homeseeker ngh priced and terms. J. H. HOLRROOK. 21 t -' 1 "i 'm:ima Bldg. BEST BUY IX TOWN. 4 -room bungalow, new. well located, good big lot; a regular snap for $2250. very attractive term. REEDY & MAVES CO.. 518 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 4100. Rf'SB CITY. Absolutely the biggest bargain In this hettutiful district, a 6-room bungalow, all the new buiit-ins. including a Dutch kitchen, good furnace, cement basement, garage, nice lot, plenty of fruit, roses ana snrubberv; verv nomeiiKe ana in fine shane; $3250. $2000 down. If you want a bargain, don't delay. See Royal. 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. MUsT RE SOLD. Owner on premises; one acre of fc ground with fruit and berries; modern vpn-room house, paved streets, side walks and s we rs in and paid ; faces ri-t. feet on paved street and car line. Take Monta villa car to b7th st. N. House No. 123 East b7th N. Price $6000, ea?y terms. HOUSE that win just suit you; will fur ; niili funds to build on any one. of several lots I have. Let you attend to work " if you prefer. Payment down and terms to suit vour ability, within reason. Hart. .. Mo Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marsh.iH . HAWTHu K X E lv ES 1 D E .V C E. $.'7.'0 for a fine 7-rooin with two larg sleeping porches, fine place, furnace, built-in bookcases, new garage on Glenn ave. South. Some tortus. A fine home. K. L. BLANCH ARD, 41-2 Pwetlaml Il'.rig. Marsha?! . - WBaT UIDB. Close in, modern cottage of 5 large " rooms and reception halt Full basement. , Iot 30x100. House in fine condition. . Newly paintod and tin tod. .Price $3(100. , Eny terms. R0! Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1i"3. Marshall i 1 ' RICHMuND bungalow, partly furnished, : ' sleeping porch, sun room, x breakfast nook. etc. Full lot, paved street; $400t. . i v JlnoO down. Can be seen evenings or - Sunday before 3 P. M. at aVJ Lat 41st t. S. Richmond car. 1 4 ."() -T E R M S S C N N T S I D E. Large families will find this 8-room residence particularly suitable; many at tractive built-in features, fireplace, con crete basement, corner lot. See TAGOART BROS , 1102 Spalding Bldg. .lRVINi;TON LOTS and homes; your idt-a: and nlans: we own several fine Irving ton lots we want to dispose of. Will furnish money and build, you pay ua as -( you can. No commission, brokerage a cents. A J SIS. Oregon lan. DOWNSTAIRS liEDROOM. Seven -room house on Richmond car line; furnace, bathroom, two toilets (on downstairs); 4H0. Ruyers and agents apply to William M. Gregory, 329 Wash ineton bldg. Main 202H. $210O FOR A good G-room. bath, toilet, ,,r concrete basement, only 3 blocks from i nion ave. -ui casn, o&iance mommy. This is a bargain. 8ee it. F. L. BLANCH ARD, 401-2 Pwetland Rldg. Marshall 20. f.-q-l"! VE-ROOM motlern house, very close In foil kaunianr 9 l-i nr-U m w-nwm - . paved streets; $2100. $tiK cash and $25 ,.. . , a month will nan 'lie. Asaariox v Burch .' 31 S Conrh bldg. Phone Auto. M!-1!. FOR SALE by ownr, M acres of ground a good location, 6-room house, barn and - chicken house: berries and fruit trees. Take the Woodstock car to 4Sth ave.. wi'iK w-!t to nil Jrw-niiier. SAVE 1U'0. 2-story houe on Interstate, near K1I lingsworth. $3000. Rented for $37.50 per monin. riace is worm uuu. f aoo, OrecoTilan. AKI1MM.: It-KUOJI IS(J."OA l,UW IX l.A T'TT Rf.HI'R 5T PRIPR RBT1F!P1,H FROM $11750 TO $:.I00. LEAVING THE CITY. MIST SELL. OWNER. NO $;;;,00 MONTA VILLA J.I.'.OO ' ' 4-room modern bungalow; acre, all In fruit and berries; garage, chicken - house, close to school and exceptionally good bny So Mr, Henry, 3QS Pnk !t. .ivENSKL PARK, y-room house, full Diumb- ins. 3 lota each 50x100 in size, all kinds of small iruit, -u assorted rrult. bearing trees; 1 block to car $3000 cash. Tabor 42;;. ,rifOR SALE by owner. 6-roora modern bun galow, close in. built-in conveniences; pantry, screen porch, full basement with '" fruit room: 50x100 lot. 317 E. Burlington " st.. St. Johns. 2-ROOM cottage on 2 corner lots on hard- aurtnee roaa, goou, location for store or gasoline station : iruit trees. lots of - berries. E. W. Phillips. 6201 55th ave. S. E. iV OWNER 7 -room strictly modern 7- room bunsalow, 3 blocks from Jefferson high, with or witnout furniture. 224 j Aibert.t street. IRVINGTON bun k a low. 7 rooms, strictly modern. I am going to sell this bunga low. Look at it today. K7S E 14th st. N. and then spp owrrr fl?Q E. 15th st. N. ''Wil.VT can you pay on 2-room plastered fousr, iuii iciuciii uosriiiriu, gag, water $Soi? Phone Auto. 617-07. 4010 70th ;t. S E.. Mt S'-ott car. .. &-KIIUM bungalow, paved street, on car lino. Cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. Cash or terms. 1 37! E. Sherman st. 1 WO SMALL houses on 5Uxl00 lot, at M78 E. l'lth N.. half block from car S2KI0. $500 down. By owner. Wood. - 637 1. ' FIVE-ROOM bungalow, ftOx!20-L lot on paved street and car, $2750. $350 cash, balance terms. Jones. Phone Main R420. 24 Stark St. A S.AP for $2MM by owner; ht acre. 5 . room modern house, fruit and Iwrrles, large barn. t. iJurnslde. cor. 67 th 5: rci tk Ewb'iTY of $030 in neat 4-roona bun- g-iiow, i diock io car; f lb0. V Vdln. wuil:i lot iv. owner, new 3-room r-...l ern bumtalow, $14.10, easy terma 471 Aider fstr-t. Phone Bdwy. LMfi4. FOR - p"TLii, !n,m-. . ..uisuicm,- ground l-rUl.". Tabor 57 X. $tJiH iILUE, ti room.', furnished; loo by Ilk.; chick ens, garage, fruit, garden and l.- n Tr-r-. 4S Kt Slat sfreft. -ROOM 1'i.nKaiovt' .'or rh-me t4l-6l. aia by owuer, Atlitl.Hl'KST fr.II v low price -CUn-v home, wonder- Rhone Tabor 5 1 3. A: SKV EN root-i-r s'cepmg porch. near car. in, rf -i" n. i -room Cf-:iujce; small payment ,rr Mtr trrn.y K-Jtn. 2'M-7.1. I Y OYt'NElt. 5-room modern bungalow finro, L'7-"'1. If'QI E. 22d a. N. nU new down. ?'7 -rotii bur low, $22041, n month. 8040 41st ave. $-'O0 H. E. FOR SALiJ-M-.soi t. House t cas!i or terms. 2 .'.5 IF Kooil mciiern huuse, H-acre, fruit, ga rage. 6414 44 Lh ave., 6, L 1L & car. SEE THESIS EXCELLENT VALUES. $3900 Beautiful 5-room bungalow fin ished in old ivory and tapestry paper. it has fireplace. buitet, Dutch kitchen, mirror door, full attic, cement basement and 7 ft. garage driveway. First-class con dition inside and out. Don't de lay. $4100 READ EVERT WORD. This Is absolutely the best buy that ex ists in Hawthorne in a 6-room house. It is finished In tapestry paper and has buffet. Dutch kitchen, beautiful electric fix tures; 3 large airy bedrooms, fur nace and excellent garage. Let us show you this and your search will be ended. Terms. $3250 West slope Mt. Tabor. This 6 room bungalow type Is priced $1000 under value. It has 4 rooms and bath downstairs and 2 bedrooms upstairs; excellent den. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, 1 bedroom downstairs: cement basement. furnace and 45x00 corner lot. See this wonderfully constructed borne. $6300 Beautiful Laurel hurst bungnlnw. We are the owners. Just think of buying a new bungalow for such a low price when others that are similar and no better are selling for $7500. It is lo cated at 123 E. Pine st.. near 43d. Hardwood floors through out, fireplace, dining room with conservatory effect. attractive buffet. Dutch kitchen, expensive tile drainboard. real breakfast room. tiled bath, expensive plumbing, excellent furnace: 20 ft. garage, solid 7-ft. runway. Look it over carefully. Someone ts going to get a real buy. Open this afternoon for your Ins pec tion. J. A. HUBBELL. 1059 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor $802. "Stucco Office." Open Today. LAURELHURST. Five-room bungalow, new and modern In best part of Laurelhurst. Screens and Acorn gas range goes wLa house. This house in easily worth $S000. but will sacrifice for $7150. Must sell by May 1; J2500 cash and balance like rent. 12S3 East Pine Street. Near Corner of East 41st- FOR SALE S-room houFe and fun lot 192 Simpson st.. built by first-class workman for his own home; famUy grown up. Porch across the front, large reception hall with fine stairway, liv- inic room, amine room with nice built- in buffet, one bedroom downstairs, bath I and toilet : 4 large bedrooms upstairs; full basement and furnace. This house 1 Is furnished throughout with extra good van iurniLure mnu piano curpcis, rn, Located 4 blocks from Jfleraon hlch school grounds and library, one block from Peninsula park. This property and furniture, all goes for J.wOO, cash, balance like rent, B. S. Cook, KMl Stock Exchange bldg. 6-ROOM Ti U X 1 1 A LO V. Here Is a strictly modern 6-room bun-: galow on paved street, only 2 blocks from car, easy walking distance to one; of city's best high schools; hardwood floors, built-in buffet, bookcases, fire place, cozy Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms ! and bath downstairs, combination bed room and sleeping porch upstairs; full concrete basement. Dtneless furnace, ga rage with concrete driveway and floor; price ;unn: some terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 2ftt-S-H-T Board of Trade RMg. $2000 $T,00 DOWN $3000. MOUNT SXOTT. Lot 100x87. with loads of berries, nice big shade trees and space for a good garden: the bungalow has 5 rooms and all the modern con veniences, good basement with travs: sidewalks are in nnd paid and only 2 blocks to car. Main &L-3 or Woodlawn 70u. RUNNTSIDE SACRIFICE. $2R.i0 $500 down, $25 per month. 4 rooms and bath, good condition, fine porcelain plumbing, bullt-ir.s and lin oleum in kitchen, new garage, comer lot. pavd streets; ail improvements in and naid: shade and fruit trees: z blocks car. See owner, 303 Stock Exchange bldg.. 10 to 12 A. M. Monday, or call Sunday Auto. 234-14. REAL VALUE IN THIS, 4-room home with 2 Bleeping porches. white enamel plumbing, uutch kitchen. large living and dining rooms, nice lot with garage and berries; near car and school. PRICE $1750, $400 cash. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 616 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5024. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Account of family changes we wish to sell our nearly new 6-room bungalow, modern except furnace, white enameled Dutch kitchen and bath, cement base ment, cement walks, gas, electricity. sleeping porch, 50x100 lot and alley, fine conn it ion inside and out. line value $3000. However, see this place at once and let's get together. From owner, no brokers. oodlawn 1S24. WELL LOCATED IRVlNGTOOi HOME. Now vacant and open for inspection. Hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and maid s room on nnn iioor; 4 bea rooms and sleeping porch on second floor; lot uOxl0. doubie garage: new Dalnt outside and old Ivory inside; tj-rice tS.-rfK). $2500 cash, balance terms. 410 E. 21st t. N.. near Tillamook sL Phone Ea.-t 41?S. Owner. ONLY $4500. STRICTLY MODERN F II. 5t. Bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace. bookcases, butfet. Fox furnace, cement basement : lot iMJxl OO: sleeping porch. A wonderful buy. J. Robbins. 301 Rail way Exchange bldg. Main 7031. Tabor. Wol. L'MH) ROSE CITY PA R K $2S00. 4-room bungalow, all buiit-ins, 100x 110 lot. Hard-surface street, cement walks. This is a little dream. MARSH McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3093. $4725 NOB HILL DISTRICT. 6-room modern residence, furnace, ce ment basement, lot 25x100; Kearney St., West "3a: gooa Duy; terms, wee TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding BMg. IRVINGTON 6-room modern bungalow has Gnsco furnace, garage, shower bath. nu., in W.UUUI uu v,ait owner, r.asi mh. ROSE CITY PAR A beautifully furnishe 1 b-room oungaiow. enameled throughout. naruwuuu nuui , di-o i umace. lire- place, garage. lot Mixioo. 5H9 E. 53d N. IF YOb want a nice i-roona tnoroughly modern nome muca under value, im- meniate possession, lejepnone owner. r.asi i -. NEW o-RuOM, large attic, fire place, hardwood floors, buffet. Owner, 2 "ill 4th st. ti. fcj.. i block south of iMviMon LAL'RELilL'RST bungalow, nearly new- ivory wooa worn, nara wood floors, bunt-ins, iurnace. garage. Part cash. luii-i ri. irving, near em. NEAR 2:!d and Thurman. four rooms, base ment ana batn; term i ke rent. L. I. reery. -o nuwsen sc. tvtsi aa i 7. MODKIO o-room bungalow, close In. ):ow, nan casn. oaiance 4U every gix months and Interest. Auto 2J : oo DO W.N o rooms, close in. This house is nice ana in gooa stiape. Call and see ir. i orner ot rn.i nnrri-on ann th sta. &JTIMI o-ROOM MODE KN NEW BL'NlIA- l.u v ; mnjia, Arrbi - ALDER I i r. UNIVERSITY PARK 4-room modern house, ouy xrom owner and save $150, see it today. 675 Girard st. ' ALBERTA 5-room modern bungalow, by owner, I oca ted a t ft 40 We bst e r s t., cor of rt 12th. Price S2B0. terms. CuMEOKTABLE modern 2-room, furnished or unfurnished; reasonable 4'M East P t a fford at. SALE CHEAP, by owner, 2 house: on Union ave, near Russell st. Call K2 Kii?sen. 30-t. $0.'" DOWN By owner, new bunga low just finished, garage. 601 E 3Uih ut. Tahor 15-15. NORTH IRVINGTON 100x100 corner; paved; 7 rooms, lots of fruit and flowers Trms. yflooo: by owner. 554 Prpscott st! i' E Q U I T Y of $ "30 in a. nt 4 i n b an k alow. 1 block to car, $1050. Wdln. 1441. FOR 4-ROOM house. . minutes' waik Irom city hall, lot 50x50 feet: $5S00. Blaesing Granite Co.. 207 Third streeC $1550 UNFINISHED bunsralow and acre, move In. finish at leisure. Tabor 7404. FOR SALE A new furnUhed 5-room cot tage on Mill street. R.T 550. Oreponfnn UU wiii buy a home at honest value. Automatic 324-3.1. . . 0-ROOM. bouse; terma. Tabor 641G, ROSE CITT PARK. $4600 A wonderful -bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, extra large liv ing room, largo attic; lot 50x100 with nice garage. This bungalow is about 2 years old and is one of the best buys in Rose City. Can be handled for $750 cash and balance $00 per month. Including interest at 6 per cent. HILLER BROS., 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main Tabor S4S5. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. I-AI'R P'.I.HI'HST HAR(U1 'S. $7500 New 6-room strictly modern bun galow. also earaee: not vet fin ished; can make some changes to suit buyer;, price only $7500; on corner. $8500 8-room strictly modern bunga low, on a fine corner: aiso rage: $4000 cash will handle. 110 SOft RonnHfiil Kfriftlv modern new 7 room bungalow ; old ivory and mahogany finish throughout: large double garage; $5000 will ha ndle. $16,500 Fine, strictly modern 9-room house, large double garage, beau tiful lawn and shrubbery; on cor ner: about 24 lots. 3 blocks to park: $."hmm casn ana terms. AVrHOR IVVKSTM E.T CO.. 405 PANAMA BLDf;.. 3D AND ALDER. I . A I' ti KI.HI;HST HCNTtALOW. On E. Ankeny st., near the park; Ktritlv modern: in fact, -an ideal 5-room bungalow, fireplace. ' hardwood floors ihrmivhniit cvrv htiiit-fn convenience. Dutch kitchen, cozv breakfast room, all f inishH In nt ivorv throughout 1 tapes try paper, full concrete basement, good furnace, modern garage, concrete floor and driveway; sunny southern exposure. or price and terms, pnone or can. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SEE THIS TODAY. 1 block from Peninsula blvd. at 1804 Foster street, pretty iD-room bungalow complete throughout and In excellent condition: full basement; lot 50x200, with 12 full-bearing fruit trees; garage. Priced at only $2850 for quick sale. Good terms. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, S16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. IDEAL ROSE CITY HOME. 5-room bungalow, eastern oak floors, reception room, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, bookcases, - buffet, furnace, laundry trays, fruit room, screens, shades. Interior finished Ivorv. Fixtures ot" excellent taste and quality. Everything tip-top. Garage, lot 50x100; 1 block south of Sandy. Let us show you. It ts the best to be had MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 822-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall B003. REAL ROSE CI TV BUY $4200. Sacrifice by builder and owner, new 6 room bungalow, fireplace,, furnace, hdw. - floors, beautiful colonnade, bookcases and buffet, glas breakfast room or sun porch, cement basement, every built-in convenience, 50xl25-t't. lot, near Rose City Park school. Must be seen to be appreciated. $2200 cash, bal. to suit. Would consider less cash for good monthly payment. 427 E. 57th st. N CLOSE IN. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. OWNER LEAVING. MODERN BUN GALOW. 5 LARGE. LIGHT ROOMS, BREAKFAST NOOK. BATH. RECEP TION HALL. FLOORED ATTIC. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. GAS, ELEC, PAVED STREETS, GARAGE; LOT flOx 100: LAWN. FRUIT. $1000 WILL HANDLE. $4200. 520 GREENWOOD, ONE BLOCK FROM DIVISION. ROSS C1TV CORNER. A very attractive bungalow of five nice rooms and screened s.eeDlng porch French doors to dining room, oak floors, finished throughout in white enamel fireplace, furnace, garage and nice shade trees. This Is the a. lv. corner ot Stan ton and olst st. See us for a price and interior inspection. STRONG & CO.. Cham her of Commerce Bldg. MT. TABOR bungalow new, modern, well built ; 5 rooms, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen. fireplace. boon cases, our ret. hardwood floors, large attic, lawn seed ed, paved street, beautiful location, ht. improvements in and paid. Price $6:i00, $1000 down, balance on terms. East fiOth, near Stark. Emil G. Peterson, Home Builder. Phone Marshall 14.13. SACRIKICE Nearly new bungalow, 5- room, modern bungalow, full basement, kitchen and bath, with inlaid linoleum $500 cash, balance easy monthly pay ments: deal direct with owner. Call a 82l 4!)th st. S. E. Take Woodstock car to 42d st., then walk east to 40th on 41st ave.; only 2 blocks to Ccrescent school. LEAVING FOR ALASKA. Owner will sell Rose City home; hot water heat, tub and shower bath, va cuum cleaning system; roomy 5-room house with sleeping porch and den. fire place and all sorts of built-lns; garage with gasoline storage: fruit and shrubs. A fine place built for home. Only $0000, terms. 43 fci. aitn st. .n. lanor amw, NOB HILL RESIDENCE. On Glisan st., close in, walking dis tance. 8 rooms, h. w. floors, concrete basement, large living and dining rooms. kitchen, den and bullt-ins downstairs, 4 rooms and bath upstairs. Arranged for 2 families; 50x100 ft. lot. Nice lawn and shrubbery. Phone. Main 3i'-M. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. 8-room modern home, gas. electricity. furnace. 2 lavatories, cement basement stationary laundry fixtures, sleeping porch, garage, on 1 00x100. beautiful gardens, lawn and fruit trees; occupied and for sale by owner: price $6000 for quick sale. Woodlawn Zlll. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build aDartments, a rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITf, SERVICE, SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. - THE REST BUY IN PORTLAND FOR A WORKING MAN. 7 -room house, 4 bedrooms, clean and ready to move into; chicken house, gar den. 50x100 lot. near car. school; small payment down. $30 per month, includ ing interest. A great bargain. J. Rob bing. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. jj-1300 WINDSOR HEIGHTS $4500. 6 rooms and sleeping porch bunga low ; fireplace, buffet, golden oak fin ish. Pipeless furnace, garage, 50x100 lot. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3993. - IRVTNGTON HOME $6700. On 17th, near Brazee. large rooms, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, east front, garage. East 410. IRV1NGTON CORNER HOME. $11,000. Lot 60x110. $11,000. Real home; hot water heat, living room 35x22. hardwood floors, plate glass. Dutch kitchen, double garage. Quarters above neatea. EAST 41f. A NEW S-ROOM bungalow. fiOxlQO foot lot. 1 block to good carlme: full cemen; basement and porch, garnge ; fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook. Price $4000. terms. Tabor WILLIAMS AVE. $337-0 for a fine 5-room, with furnace, basement and garage; lot 50x120 with alley, easy terms. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 820. BUY FROM OWNER $3000." New double constructed 4 rooms ind bath, lot 112xM. fine place for chickens; garage. ounu) m riaisey St., ao-J H,. fl2d st. N".. near Halt-ey. NEW 3-ROOM bungalow, all finished; Dutch kitchen, patent toilet bowl, gas, electricity; lot 40x132: terms reasonable. Apply to owner. 8619 51st ave. S E., off sad st. $2S."0 BY OWNER, new modern 4-room oungaiow, one oiock wooniawn car. Cor ner 17th and Junior. Phone Woodlawn $4hm- WEST SIDE. 7 ROOMS. BATH. OAS. K I j lit. T K H, ITT, J i1 IHKPLACES, CEMENT BASEMENT. LOT 50x100 OWNER. 4ft" 10TH ST. $320 SEE THIS ON E $.120) ! 4-room modern bungalow and 4 lots, all in cultivation, close to school and car: terms. M r. Henry. 303 Oak st. 6 ROOMS, bath. breakfast room, full bapement. paved street. nice district :;300, $."O0 cash. Mr. Brand, 420 Henry ning. SUNNYS1DE, close to car line. $2000; good 5-room cottage, dandy corner with fine fruit trees; a bargain. See H. H. Staub, 1027 Re'mont. Tabor 210. 6-ROOM bunpalow on East 14th st. North. A most substantial home; 2 fireplaces; furniture Included: half cash. No aonts. Phone East 635. WANTED Good house up to $3600; will give 5d5ou mortgage on farm in Seattle. D 5!S. Oregon lan. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, 100x100, BY UW.NKK. flln EST. AISO D7TH AVE., S. E. SALE 7-room modern house, acre of ground, ooOO. Call owner. 6930 Flftv-fifth ave., S. E. Auto. 26-13. NEAT CITY home, rural, income reducing cost of living; ioo ft. from car; business section: $2500. Columbia 1174. BEAUTIFUL 7-room bungalow. Rose City: take smaller house or lot. balance cash or terms. Mr. Brand. 420 Henry bldg. ONE OF Portland Heights beautiful homes; $15,000 will handle. Call Bdwv 2740. Room 304. BY OWNER 4-room Rose City bungalow, 100x110 corner lot. Tabor IRVINGTON BARGAIN". 660 KLICKITAT. CORNER. Open today; built 1010, when costs were lower than present; now being gone over, made like new; eight rooms first and second floors, two on third ; compact, easily heated and kept; best con struction; enameled and papered; three toilets; oak floors all rooms; double garage. $11,500. $2000 cash, $100 monthly. Resale Price Reduced $2000. J. MAUTZ, Owner, E. 5031. B 5522. BETTER TYPES OF HOMES. I hav a selected list of hom bargains, all sizes, all prices and In best residential sections of the city "House hunting" Is a tedious Job. I know value and offer fur sale only those home properties that are worth the money. To make "house hunting" easy just phone Main .i073 and I'll call with auto and show you best types of bungalows and houses at lowest possible prices. J. W. CROSSLEY. Main 507o. 500 DOWN. I believe you will say this In one of tne most charming homes you ever saw. The Interior is beautifully finished and the house is attractive in everv way. East front, also fine view of city; five nne rooms: new pipeless furnace. JUii cement basement, laundrv -travs. buffet. bookcasea. Dutch kitchen, with lots and lots of buiit-ins. There are several large closets: rnrage; several fine cherry trees which will net you at least $200 a year. "Woodstock car slops right In front of the door. Lot almost 7x100. Sacrifice price is J3050; terms to suit you. Call 4427 42d st p K. Sellwood 025 $.V00. TERMS ARRANGED. While you wait others get the home. Colonial type of bunga'ow of 6 rooms; all hdw. floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement and furnace and a garage to match the house. This place Is an exceptional bargain and Is on a corner lota, close to the car and not far from the center of town. Reallv. It is a beauty. PETER PAN HOME CO. Main 0-l."3. Wood lawn 703. 304 Railway Exchange. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 1 BLOCK FROM BROADWAY. $13.."00. 100x140 corner, gradual sloping plat of ground, all kinds of fine frees and shrubs, coloninl-type house with 8 large, airy rooms, sits back from he street about 2.a feet, making It especially desir able and attractive on account of not being jammed In between a lot of shacks. If you want a real home at a great big snap price, come and loVk It over. You are welcome at any time. Owner lives In house nnd means busi ness. 332 E. 21 nt ft., S. E. cor. Weldler. IRVINGTON STUCCO BUNGALOW, $7300. CORNER 7.x100. Parlor, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms on let floor, sleeping porch and 1 bedroom upstairs, hardwood floors In parlor and dining room, fireplace, furnace, fine full concrete basement. lo cated on N. W. cor. 13th and Thompson; house is vacant, you can move right in; easy terms. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 501-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. IRVINGTON HOME. LARGE GROUNDS. 1 Wlc. from Broadway, on E. 21st. beaut if ut large colonial-type house, ex tra well constructed, and 8 well-arranged large rooms, nil kinds of high-class shrubbery. This Is a real place for some one who appreciates a hone free from congestion, with beautiful landscaped p'ot of ground. Come and look it over. 332 E. 21st st. N. Real snap price. OVERLOOK ADDITION. Dutch colonial house: just being com pleted; kitchen, dining room. living room, sun room and breakfast room on lower floor: 2 bedrooms, den. sleeping porch and bath upstairs. Finished in ivory and mahogany throughout. Hard wood floors and built-lns. Furnace and full cement basement. Would consider lot as part payment. Owner. Wrtln 5741. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $1850. 50x100 corner lot. 5 rooms and bath, garage; a cozy little home, heating stove, gas range and coal and wood range included. $750 cash, bal. $20 per mo. with Interest at 6 ner cent. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide. FORCED to sell mv equity In 7-room house, $7.0; balance, -''.., on easv terms at fl per cent; double constructed, full basement, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, laundry travs. close to stores, irchools and two caxlines: 20 minutes from heart of cftv on Woodlawn car. 434 Brown ave. Wdn. 424. DO YOU need a home? We are at vour service. Sturm-Kefer Co., Realtor, 214 Fifth st. Opposite court house. BEAUTIFUL HOFSES UNDER CON STRUCTION. Up to date, all built-lns. hard surface In and paid ;- splendid neighborhood. Come out and see for yourself; reason able terms. Take Richmond car to S5th it. Phone owner. Z1S-32, ROSE CTTY PARK BY OWNER. Large living room, dining room, white enameled Dutch kitchen, den. two bed rooms, firsolace. hardwood floors, built In features: full basement, furnace, pavement. By anpofntment only. Main S3075 KENTLWORTH, FURNISHED. 4-room bungalow. Combination dining room. Well furnished. 50x100 lot Hard to beat. MARSH McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. OWNER leaving city, will sell 0-room modern home, party rurnisnea; full ce ment basement, garaen. some fruit: block from Sunnysirie carllne ; 4 blocks from school: close in: price 4U00; terma Tabor 5m .v Tin neents. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. Leaving city; will sacrifice beautiful 10-room house and garage. 2 lots: idea! location. Portland Heights; house could not be duplicated for price asked for all ra .Q" a ni p t erms. i nvner. M .t r. 24SR. $3000 ROSE CITY PARK $5000. S-room bungalow, fine shape, strict! modern; Casco furnace, 50x100 corner lot. Double garage. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshaii 3!3. PENINSULA PARK modern buntralow. by owner, on Albina avenue, one block north. 7 rooms, rurnace, rireplace. built Ins, iutl cement basement; large ga rage. Woodlawn 4107. HOUSE PLANS. : 'Distinctive Homes" Illustrated book Or over ion flpslgns. f i ; blueprint!". $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BY OWNER 0-room modern bungalow, attic, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buiit-ins, wash trays, ganage, paved street. $3f?oo, $S00 down, balance as rent. Alberta dis trict, woonipwn Tn r. 4-ROOM bungalow, partly modern. 1 block from car: lot 50x100; good condition ; price $lfl00, $500 down, balance $25 per month, including Interest. Call 707 Tioga street. BUY THIS WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Two modern cottages, 5 and 6 rooms, bathrooms, toilets, basements. lot 50x100 Walking distance; $5500: terms. See TAOOART BRQ3.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. DON'T pay rent. $iou buys equity In 5 room modern bungalow, good plumb ing, ouxj"" cor. ioi. nan,, fiiuu, easy terms. 6044 54th ave. S. F. FROM OWNER 5-room bungalow half niocK to nose my car. k. st N.. for $3750, terma Has garage. East 2200. SIX-ROOM house, fine fireplace, no bath. lot 40xii'0. fruit, etc, J1200, half cash, balance $15 month. See owner. 6541 rutrn ave. a. e,. rnnne auto, hi 2-17. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow. 5 rooms, , sleeping porch, furnace, fruit, shower bath, partly furnished, $0500. Tabor 2852 ROSE CITY 5-room bungalow with ga rage at 655 E. 65th st. N. Very reason ahle terms. Phone owner. East 2200 NEATLY furnished bungarow, 3 rooms and bath. 1074 E. 10th street N., block to Alberta car. No agents. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, half block Kenton car, not complete; new. neat, clean and classy: terma. Call 1045 Mississippi ave. R, C. P. 5-ROOM bungalow, papered, white enamel, all oak floors, furnace, $5500, $1000 cash. Columbia 1176. $3500 7-ROOM house, 6 rooms down. 2 up; hardwood floors, easy terma 1066 E. 16th st. N. Woodlawn 5S07. BY OWNER, modern 5-room bungalow with basement, attic. 100x100 front and lawn. 1303 E. 20th N. Woodlawn 1294. BUY FROM owner, flat on good corner; South Portland, $7000. AN 664. Ore-Soniaa. WE HAVE just listed two of the most beautiful bungalows in Laurelhurst. both of them are near the park. There is nothing In Laurelhurst any better in a medium priced bungalow. One of them has 5 rooms and the other has 6; they are both complete in every detail, including a garage; the 6-room bungalow has a Uasco furnace, and both can be handled on reasonable terms. For further information just call us up. HILLER BROS.. 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main S6. Tabor 8485. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evening. OWNER MUST SELL. $2650 $500 down, $25 per month. 4 pnm house on 45th; St., near Hawthorne, 50-ft. corner lot, paved streets, all Im provements in and paid, 3 large fruit trees. 2 large shade trees, fine new ga-' rage, house in good condition, all mod ern except basement, fine porcelain plumbing, built-lns In kitchen and bath room; big wood room; this Is easily worth $3000 but account breaking up housekeeping am obliged to sacrifice fur quick sale; come right out and see owner at place. 1300 East Taylor mt.t corner 45th at. $230. Say. have vou $200 'to pay down? Well, this 5-r. hou?e will belong to, you If vou can pay the balance at and 6 interest. There ia gas. electricity, bath and all other conveniences you would epect to find and only one black to car line. The street and sidewalks are in and paid. If vou want a good little home cheap, don't overlook this, as someone will snap it up on first sight. Main &03 or Woodlawn 7uo. ROSE CITY PARK Strictly modern 7 room bungalow, very attractive both out- side and in; good garase, an improvw noniii in and natd : S7000 and terms; might take in good lot on it; If you want something nice see mis one. h irn i n horenln in a fine home in a choice location, E. Everett st., close to Laurelhurst: corner lot. 6 rooms, aen Dn,i urwi aiooninc nnrrh : strict! v modern. double cement garage, improvements all In and paid; $0000 and terms; many others, both for sale and exchange. Realty Co.. 010 Henry bldg. UiiKir. riTV park. One of Rose City's most beautiful bun galows; o rooms on one floor; near San-I dy biva., oeiow tne nui, i umvu. car. with all modern features; large liv ing room, folding French doors, excep tionally fine built-in buffet, breakfast nook, old ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, exceptionally large basement, with best Iurnace. for bhib bv owner: will give a real bargain with liberal payment. Phone before 10 A. M., Tabor 3000. and after 10 A. M., Tabor 84 KS. NINE-ROOM houi-e in Westmoreland, in tin a nnriirinn with fiOxloo lot and ga rage, for only $h0. Would consider a lot in Eastmoreland or Westmoreland or a small house as part pay. iewiy papered and new paint. Center recep . tion hail, fine fireplace, furnace, large Dutch k'tchen ana tnree porcnes. cated one-half block from car; second story has four rooms with electrically lighted closet and deck porch, bee i for terms. LADD ESTATE COMPANY, 241 Stark St. Pii7.nun'T BITNOALOW. New. strictly modern 6-room bungalow with hardwood floors tnrougnoui, larse, wail urrane-Pd living and dining room, 1 n.tH bitohen cnmliination sleeDing norch. larsre attic, suitable for 2 or 3 HAHmnma- full concrete basement. Ca loric furnace, garage with paved floor and drtvewav. ror price anu icnira aco RICHARD W. MAST, Keattor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 01-3-5-7 B' rd of Trade BMg. H A W TH ORNE D I S TR I CT. Artistic new bungalow of 5 rooms, n-1ih all tha Hairahlp features', full lot, good view, paved street and sewer in and paid: one block to car: extra large Hvin and dinintr rooms, with best of koru-Ani flrtfiw firpnlflfe. cement base- ma.. on.i laiinrtVv trav- a kitchen that will delight any housewife; $3000. S10O0 down, balance a momn am- nu.-v. EM! Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main Hi:i Marshall NEW BUNGALOW. $2230. 4 rooms: very large living room, bullt It.a: well located; a mire enough snap; easy terms. Call Main 4190 between 12:30 and 3:30 today and all rifiv Monday. ALL GOOD BUYS. 4-room cottage furnished, .-.. ,IK( Anivn close In, 5-room modern bungalow, furnished; B-room' cottage, modern. $2750; $630 d?Som bungalow, full lot, $1950; $000 j down. ALAMEDA PARK. See this nice new and vou will be convinced that It is complete and convenient. Was not built for sale, but by an architect for his home. Has nine rooms, hot-water many distinct features. 75x100 grounds. Price is right. iKi8 Bryc ave.. at 32d st. Phon Woodlawn LOT3 In all parts of the city at bar gain prices. Sturm-Kefer Co.. Realtor; 214 Fifth Bt. Opposite courthouse. IF YOU WANT a real home, bull h owner, near Mt. Tabor, fine view Rose City. 6 rooms and sunparlor, large liv ing room, 15x20. hardwood floors, and all up-to-date arrangements throughout, ' v.-an,-h rigors, mirrored, etc. win .oil rhoan. Come and see it. 1488 K t.mco'n pf. 1 ivc IV WOODSTOCK. R.r-nm house, modern; lot 65x100: $1400. $700 down. Am cottaee. gas. garage; $1100. terma Lots 61 2S 52d st. -Acreage. Wood stock car. COSY 4Vi-room house, just reiinim-u, . , T,-,wwiinwn car. orice $li50. terms; will be open for inspection today fmm 1 to 6:30 P. M. ana irom .f w o. i .. TimcHo V- nnd Wednesday eve- S n. House 7 Kn. 1487 E. 7th st. North. or call 41 4 EaM StarK St. FOR SLE 2-story modern 6-room house at 1087 East Grant, on paved street all fmproveinent. paid, accessible to Haw Lrti. nnd Richmond carlines, $1WKJ ' , 7-vear mortgaKe. JlhOU, .on which monthly payments . are $31.54, Phone 212-62. Including inicreyi. . ,..a-,r,-.r.vL' mTRirT RARGAI N. This is a 5-room modern house wnicn can be bought from the owner for the bargain price of $3500. with a Payment Of 60 OOWn, lernia ---- 1 thi no. I build homes. See me for plans. O. W. Tarr. Phone Main 6203. " t v 1 1 T..n . t- i-itv three blocks from Sandy blvd four rooms, bath, fireplace; ivory flnSh- full basement; tot 100x100; $1000 down See Mr Borland. dr?BDESSTOCK LARSON TO., w,( Orfnn RMc. Broadway in.uS. .3000 SELLWOOD 500 DOWN. a eomt-hungatow. A real bar gain 50x100 lot. 4 rooms down and 2 iin Fruit, berries and roses. Dandy MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. S22-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. $10.000 TERMS if desired, very attract ive, Sincujr nnjv.c.1 . - . ..nd Bipnlnr tvorch. large, well- ktnt grounds; one of Portland's most de sirable residences, at 1105 Vaughn St., Willamette Haights. T. N. Reed, owner. LAURELHURST. Modern, six rooms, good location, 1 block to car, price $0500, half cash, balance time. Tabor 3555. MCE bungalow. 6Sth and Stanton; 110- foot lot; nne wMmrin, i hardwood floors, tile bathroom, fireplace. Come and see the work I am putting In this house; will be ready May 1, $3500; terms. Phone Ant. 227-52. ROSE CITY PARK, modern six rooms and Sleeping porcn. iirepiuce, iurnace, i wood floors, full cement basement, east front, $50:u; iuuo aown, oaiance terms. 350 E. 4Tth st. X. Owner. FOR SALE Two houses in Kenton, one 7 rooms, lot luoxxoo, j- iruu trees, $4000: one 6 rooms, lot 50x100, close to I car, $.fimu. 11 a 11 ai coi 1 Terms ak OLD HOUSE, located on the car line In Irvington, has been suo-aiviaea into 3- famiiy liat, giving room ior owner a home and good income; $5500; no trades. f; 5B. Oregonian. FOR SALE3 By owner. 5-room house. Rose City; corner iot, pavea street, h. floors, built-lns, no fancy work but a good substantial buy. Call Auto. 820-19, 5 to 6 P. M. BY OWNER New modern 6-r. bungalow. attic, furnace ana garage, ir you ap preciate material and workmanship come sunuay tr. ju. zuu ana st Hawthorne. N PcNINSCLA district, four rooms, sleep ing porcn ana two lots, one in iruit trees and berries. $S"io. j 1000 Ux cash, balance easy terms. 260 E. Prescott sL Phone Woodlawn 5320. NEW 7-ROOM house In Overlook for sale by owner. boo Long view ave, Wdln. I 1777. I ROSE CITY PARK. $25.10 4-room modem bungalow, com bination living und dining room, bed room, kitchen with buili-ins, basement, attic, corner, near car. $3500 5-room modern bungalow, ga rage; $500 down, balance like rent. $4000 5-room modern bungalow, ga rage, near Sandy; great sacrifice. $4200 5-room modern bungalow, ga rage. This la some nifty place and a bargain. $5000 8-room modern house; $1000 aown; rent from 4 rooms will almost take care of monthly payments. A. M. MI K KELSON CO.. 52d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 2 5 SO. open evenings and Sundays. ROSE CTTT PARK. $"'000 Please look at thla bung alow and then compare it with anything else you have seen for $5uo nmre. It is new and has every modern feature, faces east on paved street, and it i a real beauty. Terms 100 cash. .0 per month. Including interest. You can't beat ill HILLER RiROS. 614 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main S(J. Tabor M. Branch Office. oOth and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. SNAPPY BARGAIN CORNER. 60x90 lot, house in good condition, double set of plumbing for 2 families, paving In and paid. Ready to occupy. Can easily rent part to pay off good portion of balance. KENTON CORNER LOT. $2250. 6-room house, full basement, 3 bedrooms, reduced from $2750 for very special reasons for a quick sale. NEAR JEFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. $4000. Good house and lot, owner leaving city. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO. Broadway 5173. 6:M Henry Bldg. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in con veniences, 2 bedrooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, large, homey, living and dining room and sun parlor on 1st floor, bed room and large , combination sleeping porch and bedroom on 2d floor; full con crete basement, Jewell furnace, fruit closets, etc.; modern garage with con crete floor and driveway. For price and terms see RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Boa nl of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON CHOICE HOME. Big bargain, must be sold, central Trvlngton; rFench doors to living and dining, papered in English tapestry, woodwork old Devoe, hardwood floor.-, 3 bedrooms, servants' quarters, garage, only UiOU. jast 1347. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH $5000. $1000 cash, balance like rent. Thl beautiful 6-room bungalow Is for first time advertised and shown : overlook: Franklin High and city, faces on Lin coin st. ; st. paved and paid for; extra large lot. full cement basement and completely modern : all hardwood floors downstairs except kitchen, fireplace, French doors, sun room looking out over beautiful flower garden : 2 room and bath upstairs, 4 rooms down. For sale by owner. Sunday and Monday only. 3S2 H. 54th st. S. A SNAPPY BUY. Dandy 5-room bungalow, two big lots, abundance of fruit of all kinds, dandy garden, garage; price $30iO. good terms. Call Main 41UO between 12:30 and 3:30 today. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, ALBERTA. Pive-room bungalow, in Alberta dis trlct. nicelv furnished, bath and toilet, built-lns in the kitchen: concrete base ment, 00x100 lot with alley, nice lawn, garden spot, fruit trees, berries, etc. Priye complete with furniture, $2u."0. Terms, with G per cent interest. Owner. Phone Wdln 1726, or call at 1154 East 20th fit. North. MY FINE Irvington home at 10th and Wasco, corner 110x110: fine flowering tres and roses, first floor finest felbe rlan oak, hand finish; second floor white enamel. 6 bedrooms, Diiuaru room, sleeping porch; fine basement, brlcked- in vapor furnace, i Damrooms ana ioi lts. eood e&rage. in Derfect condition You can buy at a big sacrifice. Call East 2552 or ,Main 1200. R. M. Gray, owner. $5700 CIRCUMSTANCES FORCE SALE S0250. Two lovely new houses, one 5 room and one fl room; modern in every respect; on extra, large lots, naved streets; ga- rages with both houses; these houses were never advertised before and to be sold by owner on the ground. Come and see them on East 5Sth, just north of Division street. Tabor 8243, H. Phillips. $500 CASH first payment on small farm In the city, nara suriace sireei. new modern 5-room bungalow with 2 full lots, hardwood floors, cement basement, real fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, double constructed, unfinished : ready May 1. Just off Powell Valley rd. on 02d st. $3650 full price. See owner at 3S2 E. 54th st. S. SfcJE THIS HOME TODAY. ' Beautiful new 9-room residence, at 1530 Hawthorne ave., corner E. 57th St.; attractive grounds, 102x220 feet, sprinkling system, garage, shrubs and trees; must be seen to be appreciated; will sell at a big sacrifice on easy terma E. J. Geiser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. " 7-ROOM HOUSE, PRICE ONLY $3750. 7-room 2-story house, best of construc tion. ROxlOO lot. 9 bearing fruit trees; price $3750, on any reasonable terms; 1 block to car, in good district. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 403 PANAMA Bl.DO. MAIN 1404. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $75(10. Modern bungalow, 6 rooms, unsur passed view, select neighborhood, on car line, nice yard, first payment cash or bonds, balance as rent: would sell furnished; no agents. Owner, Main A $500 INVESTMENT. Here Is an 8-room house with bath and toilet, fine lot, with some fruit trees, close In. This Is a bargain for someone who is looking for a home on easy payments. Ask for Mr. Phil'lps. We build apts. and homes. See us for plans. O. W. Tarr Co.. 407 McKay bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern new double constructed 6 room bungalow; hardwood floors, paved .street; all city Hens paid; price $4150; S1OO0 cash. bal. terms to suit. You ought to Bfie this one. R ELI A RLE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwv. 4133. Ask for Mr. Klstl-r. 0At E. BCRXSIL)E-$7350. Fine home of 8 rooms, including 1 large bedroom, sewing room, lavatory and bath on 1st floor, 2 fireplaces, good furnace, full lot with some fruit, complete in every detail. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark Ft. $3475 TERMS. Modern 6-room house, bath and toilet. In good condition, full basement, street made; Kelly school district. Owner leaving city, priced for Quick sale. TAOCtART BROS . 1102 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE or lease. l-room furnished house, 2 lots, corner, garage, lots of fruit, flowers and berries. 1 block ta school, 10 blocks to Jefferson high. 101 West Al.herta St. Phone Woodlawn 17S4. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Rose City Park, modern 5-room bun galow, furnished or unfurnished ; ga rage; near car line ana scnooi. duo i 4th st. North. 135005 ROOMS $i500. Modern home, close In on east side.; cement basement. laundry trays, full lot. garage, pavea street; itHf casn. SMITU-W.ryOXER CO.. BTOCKT EX FOR SALE BY OWNER. 3-room house, gas. electric lights, bath. sewer in and paid, $1200, $400 down, $20 a month. 2tio H. 74 st. North. Take MontavlMa car. LAURELHI'RST. FURNISHED EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOME. OWNER. TAROR 32S4. 0-ROOM bungalow, large living room, oak fioors, fireplace, bookcases; In good condition; must sell. Owner, 1211 East Flanders st. FOR SALE HOUSE. Rose City 7-room strictly modern house. 414 E. 88th North. Owner sacri ficing at $5600. Tabor 5018. Bdwy. 1075. ATTRACTIVE 6-rooms, den, 3 larjre bed rooms. Bleeping porch, lot 44x100. 1137 E. Salmon. Tabor 183. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, only $3350. Auto. 527-50. BY OWNER, modern home, 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, hot water heating system. Call bet. 0 and 1. 5 E. 35th. R. M. car. FIV E-ROOM modern bungalow, . on lino; terms. Woodlawn 12ti4. QUARTER ACRE AND 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, $32M) 4 1900 DO W N. BEST QUARTER ACRE BET. SAXPV ItLVl . AND GLI SAN ST. ON b2U ST. Ideal bungalow, 6 rms., all mod ern, with fireplace, beautiful natu ral finish; this house would bring $.-500 if on pavement. The attic Is finished off for dancing and can be divided into 2 bedrooms. It would also make an ideal billiard room; has garage, chicken house, 17 fruit, all kinds of berries, flow ers and shrubbery; all fenced; this is uuderpriced. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Main 208. 6 Chamber oi" Commerce Biug. SOME OF OUR SAMPLE BAR GAINS. 5-room bung, near Kllllngsworth, good condition : a snappy buy for $J400; very easy terms. 4-room mod., lot 50x100; lots of fruit, garage; a snappy buy for $ 2 1 00, eiu.y le rm s. 4-room bungalow, new. in the Elnk oi condition: built-lns, nice H.sement; you cannot bett it in this city for $2200. $000 down. REEDY & MAVIS CO. CIS Chamber Commerce Bldg. Main 411K. $ 4 SOO FIVE-ROOM HOME $4800. With 100x200 lot, fruit and gar den wpot: 10 fruit trees, about 100 holly trees. 1 lot in tine lonanber rles; garage. This home is a very pretty place and completely mod ern. it n bull l-ins ot all kinds; fireplace, full cement basement and hut water furnace, the bet and most economical heat to be had. We can bell this on very ay terms. WAKEFIELD. FIUES & CO.. bG Fourth til. FURNISH ED HOUSE $475 DOWN. Move right in; everything there to keep house with. This property is on Alberta at., full lot, streets paved, slue- walks in. all paid: neat 3 -room house, 1 some fruit; gas. water and lights; there are 2 good rugs, brass bed, dresser, li brary table, buffet, dining room, chairs, rocker, leather couch. Monarch combined range, kitchen utensils, dishes. some wood, etc.; price $1n.i0; $475 down, balance monthly payments. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. Sixth st. Broadway 4381. $6500 NEAR GOLF LI N KS $6500. E A STM ORE LA N U IiL'NOA LO W . Th Is lovely bunuaiow home la only few blocks from the municipal Kolf links and Reed collene. I here are 6 big beau tiful rooms and finished attic room; ivory and walnut finish, wonderful built-lns in Dutch kitchen, beautiful firuulace and bulf-t. hardwood Hours, high-grade piumbitiK, full concrete base ment, largo garage. This bungalow Is almost new; look at the price; you'll puy as much In a cheap district; owner wants $1.)UU casn. call us touay. COMT E & KOHL-MA N. Main 65o0. 2uS Chamber of Commerce. 0 1 en Sunday. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. SIJOO DOWN. Bal. $65 per mo. with Interest; modern semi-bungalow of 8 rooms and sleeping porch, located on E. 20th, near htanton; laree living and dining rooms, with good oak floors, fireplace, butit-ln butfet. bookcases, etc.. Dutch kitchen, den, bed room and bath downstairs, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch up, full concrete basement, good furnace; this Is a genu ine bargain at $6500, with the above terms. See RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. JPJ-3-.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3250. Whpn tha RALPH HARRIS COM PANY says snap, it Is a real one. Here I you are. run basement, iurnace, 11 re place, beamed ceiling, lots 0 bullt-ins, wonderfully clean and attractive, gen uine bunirulow. full lot with lovely truit. 1 block to pavement, 2 blocks to car; only 15 minutes out. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 816 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 5624. mrt. HOMESEEKER: I am building a 5-room bungalow at 50th and 26tli ave. iS. E., which is to be the last word in home construction. Interior detulls can yet be made to ult taste of purchaser. Call and examine I the crluns aud consult with my archi tect i you want a lovoly home built to suit you. JERRY BRONAUGH. 1212 Gasco Bldg. Main 532 HA THORN E DISTRICT. New 7-room bungalow ; view site; double constructed ; hardwood floors, fireplace. furnace. cement basement, French doors in dining room ; lots of built-lns. extra large clouets; all im provements in and paid; on car line; $5400; (1000 cash, balance monthly. 500 Chamber of Commerce building. Main V.m:i. Marshall . HAWTHORNE. West slope of-Alt. Tabor, well built tt room bungalow In very fine condition, 2S-foot living room, fi rep. ace, bullt-ins, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full at tic and basement, laundry and furnace, paved streets, driveway and garage; ex cellent neighborhood, a real home. Pricu $5000; immediate possession. -oU k. DJu street. Tabor 1515. $5U00. HOLLA DAY PARK. Modern 7-room home with large liv ing room and dining room with two fireplaces, hardwood floors, all built-in effects. Full cement basement with fur nace. Extra easy terms. J. L. KAHNOIT & CO. 319 Ry. Exch.. Bldg. Main 675. A REAL INVESTMENT. 6-rom house; a store building with 4 living rooms: 7 fruit trees, osxiw lot. all for $.1000; $17oo cash. bal. on eay 'terma. Ihis place is in good couuitiuu. REEDY -M A V bw CO., 51S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 41:mi. A SNAP, CLOSE IN Save can are, fl rms. with larxu hall, bath and pantry, Kas ana wooa ruiiKe anu mi ku niLcnt-ii cabinets Included; full cement basement and furnace. 448 East Davis, near loth, half block to Rose City car line, $5750. $750 cash, balance long time. Rhone R. R. R., Main 172. or call 145 Si-cond at. AT CREfrTON. ON MT. SCuTT LINE. A small 5-room bungalow, newly tinted and painted, vacant, a garago. four blocks east of Cieston, near Franklin high school. No. 3312 o4tb st. Price $2200; must have $700 cash, bal ance $15 per month and U per cent in terest. Owner, .do Mason St. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $0000. $270. E. 28th st., near Hawthorne ave., with 8-room residence, easy terms. F. V. Andrews & Co., 0O3-4 Flatt bldg. Rhone Marshall 005. IN THE NOB HILL DISTRICT. 7-room modern house, full cement basement, fireplace, wash trays, on 21st, near liovejoy street; price o-uu. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEA KLY new modern bungalow, only $1500 down and $31 per month; all built-lns. cement basement, furnace, ea- rage; lot OUxl'Mi. M. 7iKL J, Ro-bbtns, Ml Railway Ex. bltl'tr. JSOB HILL DISTRICT. Wonderful snap, 10-room house, for private reasons must dispose immedi ately; must have $2.M0 cash; price $0000. Walking distance. F 501, Orcgonian. $ 1 5 00 DOWN, BALANCE TERMS. 7-room house, 50x100 corner lot, full basement, wash trays, garage, trees, cur rants, strawberries. Call Wdln. 5105 Monday. ALAMEDA PARK. . Two beautiful square colonial homes of 7 and o rooms, big lota, splendid view, $0000 and $10,000. See them at 22d and Alameda drive. , 42500 1-ROtiM BUNGALOW $2500. On paved street, near E. Glian; ce ment basement. lull jot; only 9400 cash, bal. to suit. FMITH-W VC.ON'ETt CO.. STOCK" EX. FOR SALE By owner, a 7-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buf fet, Dutch kitchen, all in old ivory; basement. Price $3H50. 3 E. 62d St.. near Stark. Mt. Tabor car. Week days. E. BURN S IDE $ UUOO. Good 6-room house on full lot, plenty of fruit trees, very large living room, Dutch kitchen, good furnace. I HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. GItEAT bargain in 5-room modern bunga- low. east of 30 th on Morrison street : $3050, with $1200 down will take it this week, owner leaving city, he a. ti. StaJb. 1027 Relmont. Tabor 210. WEST SIDE Full lot and cottage, ta it., south of I urtuu i am zj. WEST MDK. On Kearney street, near 231 street; modern 7-room houses, lu cxculieul con dition; price $l.oo. On Glisan street, near 221, seven-room houve, lot 50x100, good location; price $o;oo. HOI.LADAT'S ADDITION. ONLY $1000 REQUIRED. 6-room cottage, two licdrtiinis up, one downstairs; living, dining room, kitchen, full burtenient. cemented; furnu a-h trays, bath ; exist in it mort r.i e f 2 tm at 6 per cent : payable in month ty pay ments or all can be retired, optional; two blocks from Broadway or Union ave. cars; room for garage. llollada s addition. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. East 44ih street. Junt south Haw thorne avenue ; wry mud ern : cement b.iswnent; fireplace: 50a1 lot; price $35UU; caFh $t;oo; oaev leiin. F UKi V. NEW ELL, 407 Hcnrv HroadwitV .'lO.'tO. A HOME FOR EVERYBODY. 800 to stlcct from. S. P. MEN, LOOK BROOKLYN. $2U00 4-room furnished bungalow, 40 100 lot; kitchen, combination liv ing and dining room; (wo bed rooms. Rent $35. $3500-"-room home, fui nlflttd. 60x100 fruit t r ', some bunt-ins; now runts $45. $.1650 6 room furnUhed Qun Anne. 40 X 100; paved ; rents $50; bargain. $5300 0-room home. fuinNlird, 60x1 (M) lot ; double grtrag'' ; paved M leet, H. W. floors, sleep I UK pot cU ; rents for $00, nd kuihku $10. The above are all In Rrooklyn district, near S. P. hops and excellent v alun. Why pay rent? Will svll fuun-dicd or unfurnished. MARSH A McOAUK CO., REALTORS. 322-3-4 Fulling Hl.lg. Mar. 3001 ROSE CUTY PARK. $5500 This Is something dif ferent; 6 rooms with every modern feature on a lot ilxloit; this is an exceptionally ultrac'ive homo and will appeiil to anvoue minting a lare piece of g round : ;tn b handied on $lofH to $1200 ca.h and reasonable monthly pay menu. HILLER RROS.. 514 Railway Exchange TUdg. Main t-U. Ta'.Kir Mv. Uranch Office, 50th nnd S.tndy. Open Sundays and Evenings. BEAUTIFUL AND COMKORTABLH HOME. SEE IT TODAY. This Is a home worth owning; 6 lovely rooms and den. all large and att act ively dcurated, three fine bedrooms, full cement basement with furnace, lovely ground with 12 fruit tree and oceans of berries, II block to Irvinctnn car, close to school, l'lth 'E J.VMW with $750 cah. or will consider lioufa to t--M ua part payment. I'aved Mreet, garage. No. UDb East 16th street North. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. $4.00, ONLY $00 CASH. HAWTHOU.VE. not f ir from Ih car. and In a section where all th houses are un so you can nee what it tfoinir to be along sidt of jnu. This bungalow hit a 5 rooms, all finished in Ivory, with hdw irn. In living and d.nlni? room. Luted kitchen, buffet, floored a tf lc a nd splendid lawn; full cemenl hae ruent and this will make a dandy home for vou ; pood terms. Man tt.io3. Wood lawn 7 05. 07 Council Creht Prlvo. Ifl-imuM MANSION. WONI'ERI'l'L VIEW ColtNER. 1'RICED RIGHT KH yLK'K HALE. TERMS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Main 208. 8 Chamber of Commerce Hldg. IK VI.VGTON. Extra well-built 7-room hotte : hnn nil the hich-cJa." features of a real Irving ton home; houoe is onlv 5 yewr old and could not be built today with the paim materia!. Iixtiires. t. for feveral Hum sand dollars more than the pric- Hfked; owner Is leaving Portland and wania to sen before suing: let me show you Oit; you will be (urpried at the valuf; $"7"n, $-'oiio cah. baluiiCQ on convenient terrnat. f'Hi Chamber of Commeroe building. Main VMV.K. Mnrvhall 253 1-. FINE LAURELHURST HoMli. ft -room hungaloitf type, with two elegantly furnth'd bedrooms downstairs and 3 upstairs, sleeping porch, break fast room, bent hot - water h'-at Ina; a a toin, double garage, etc. ; absolutely mod ern, finest workmanship; prtco $12,5uO. U'EPHKMANM COMPANY, IH S Chum of Commerce. Main r J7 5-ROOM modi rn bunga low, A 1 nutil It l mi. double const ructetl ; cant front, lance sit t In and dining room ; t wo bed rooms, clothes closets. Dutch kltcht-n, largi attic, buffet, hath, fine fixtures, full cement basement, laundry t raya, k 1 rag), chicken house, t-emrnt walka, grav el street : two blocks A lberta citr; BOxlOO lot. price JIOOll; or lOOxIOO $l5o0, terms. Owner, 1121 E. 24th st. N. Wdln. rtsoi HUNG A LOW $5oo DOWN. PRICE JJ6IMI 4 rooms and bath, fireplace, Pntrh kitchen, concrete basement. cement walks, lawn, flowers and ahrubberv; on paved street, 3 blocks from car; a vor.f little home; easv term. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO. 301-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Hide FIVE ROOMS AND LATH. :ooo. , Dandy little bungalow on 5"xl00 cor ner lot. rlKht on the car; big cement baaement. fireplace. pood plumbing, sewer, all paid ; Immediate hi-hph1iiii ; 710 K. 2Kth st.: go and lo"k, then SIDNEY i. LATIIRUP, 5lH AbniRtoD bldg. (sign of the borseshoe). 4 - ROoM COTT A I E. F U KM b ti K 1 . $3200. Modern 4-room cottane. full cement basement, stationary wash tubs, bal h and toilet, gas ami electricity, paved street, lot 40x100, nice lawn. Harden and fruit, $700 down, balance $25 per nmnth and Interest. See owner '! E. 20th st. Smith. 1'hone R-1lwood IRVlNOToN. T-room bniiKiilow. ail on ona floor: mi room fliitshed upstalrn; full cement base ment, laundrv trav. fireplace, floors, garace. corner lot. paved: thla in an ex ceptional low price for S0500. For fur ther Information see Mr. Rochm, 2H Oregon b:dg. Itmad-t-av H' ROSE CITY PARK $4500. Ty owner, going away, cozy R-mom bungalow, strictly modern, on corner. 1 blk. to car: hardwood floor- throiiKhout, cement basement. wa?-h trays, furnace, garage, !?7 K. 41it t. North WEST SIDE II A It' I A 1 N. See today. P70 Corbet I at., T-rnom house, full cement basement, furnaco, waah travs. lot 40x00; price $3000, very reasonable terms. JOHN 8INOKR. 420 Chamber of Commerre RMg. $700 CASH. 135 PER MONTH. Oond fi-room house In fine condition, good basement, furnace, newly painted, corner lot 50x100, Mreet?-, newer pabL Why pay rent? Price flOoo. An c ceMent but. f K N UT W. CODDAPD. ?S Stark St. AN EXCLUSIVE WEPT PIPE H-ROOM APARTMENT TO Sl'O-T.KT FOR K't R MONTHS; REACTIKl'LLY FCRNISHED WITH A SLEEP! NO PORIf. AP POINTMENT ONLY. MAR. 10K4. $4750 WAVERLEIOH H E I 1 H TS ItKo" 5-room stricUy modem bungalow and sleeping porch, flreplaca, hooken-, buffet, Dutch kitchen, h. w. floors, tap estry papered. A dandy. MARSH McCARE CO. 322-3-4 Fa lUng Rldg. Marsh all 303 74S E. 27TII ST.. SOTTR. fi-room modern house, hardwood floorm fireplace, street made; price roducrd; opt-n todav: Woodstock car t Rhono sL TAOtiAHT RHOS . 1 102 Spwldlng Rldg. CiO ! 7-room house, clone in. good dis trict; basement, bath, etc., axuno fruit. Price $3HN; rajv terms. liELlARLE 1WKSTMBNT CO.. r, OAK ST ARE Vol looking for a horn ? Hera la Just what you want, a lovoly, modern Overlook home, garage and fruit, on a pretty corner. Let us show you. Main v.m. $:;od DoWX 4 Hkms $ Mt. Nice large rooms. 75jcl4K) lot; ofj rf fruit, garage, close to c,r: env terms. PMIT1T-W fiQN'R f . frrrw-K r.V ALA M EDA 7-roimi home for sale by owner. hardwood floors throughout, tilt bath, plate r la as wlndowsa. 770 Mason st. Wdln. 2 7 . LAURELHURST. A new 8-roorn roionlal 2-story and at tic, large room. This la an absolute aao flflc. Tabor 9152. Owner.