THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 10, 1921 CHURCH FEDERATION IS REJOICING OVER ENTRANCE OF BAPTISTS 1 1 1 Amedee M. Smith Assumes New Duties as President of Organization Teaching of Religious Instruction in Public Schools Thought Important Advance in Welfare Work of City. THE Portland Federation of Churches la entering upon an era of enlarged influence through the recent decision of the Baptist churches to enter the feder-, atlon. Daring the first year of the life of the federation three of the Baptist churches lent a conservative : degree of co-operation to It. Tne federation officers feel a great de gree of satisfaction over the recent significant action of the Baptist min isters, who by formal vote have urged upon all their churches active membership In the federation. This action was taken only after careful consideration, and after a favorable rote by all but two of the Engllsh epeaking Baptist churches In the city. Eighty of the most Influential churches of the 11 large denomina tions of Portland are now allied to gether through the federation to bring a united Christian Influence to bear upon all the Ills of our city. At the April meeting of the execu tive council of the federation at the T. M. C A. last week. Amedee M. Emltb, the new president, formally assumed the leadership of the work of the federation. Mr. Smith Is well-known business man of Port land and is a member of the First Methodist church. One of the most important oppor trinities before the churches of oui ir v todiT rrawi out of the recent xnanlmoua vote of the city school board to co-operate with the cnurcnes In a well-devised plan of religious Instruction for the city's children. "rh federation, through Its depart nnt of relleious education, of which James F. Ewing. director of religious education at the First Presbyterian church, is chairman. Is now working on plans to open week-day schools of religious Instruction maae possioic by the action of tne scnooi Doaro. The plan, as tentatively ouuineu, con templates that children whose par ents make formal request or ine school authorities may be excused from regular school work to attend the schools of religion in some ad jacent churches or other buildings, finch bnlldlnrs and instructors are tn fe nrovlded bv the churches. William F. Woodward, "representing the Hchool board, has accepted an In vitation of the federation to offer his counsel and advice in working out h programme. Portland will be the largest city In America where such Instruction Is offered when the plan is perfected. night, eight new members were re ceived into the church. Last month 52 were received into the church, and in April that -number may be .ex ceeded. At the beginning of this year of Dr. Hinson's ministry the church is found in good condition and looks forward to a very successful year. The First Spiritualist church. East I Seventh and Hassalo streets, will hold services at 11 A. M.. 3 and 8 P. M. Evening address by Mrs. Lillian Smith. Solos by Mrs. Anna Snyder and Lester Davis. Messages will be given by Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Downes. Special dinner and business meeting for members Tuesday eve ning. April 12, at 6 o'clock. Dr. McEIveen to Answer Queries Tonight. Topics of Timely Iaterest to Be Discussed by Pastor. At the request of hundreds of peo nla from Portland churches and vl cinity. Dr. W. P. White, regional di rector of the Moody Bible Institute of the northwest, recently came to Portland for the nurpose of establish ing Bible study classes under the leadership of Dr. B. a. sutciuie, as aistant director. A permanent organlxatlon has been effected and three Bible study classes will begin the week of April 18 one In the Irvington district, one on the east side and one on the west side. dates and places to be announced later. Other classes will be formed from time to time in the outlying dis tricts. A reception will be tendered Dr. and Mrs. Sutcliffe Friday night. April IS. at the T. M. C A. auditorium. Light refreshments will be served. All of every denomination who 'are Interested in this work are cordially invited to attend. Dr. Sutcliffe has been on the facultv of the Moody Bible Institute for about 12 years, and Is an outstanding Bible teacher. The officers of the new organiza tion are: Harley K. Hallgren. presi dent; Miss Edith Brande, secretary. and Mrs. Ethel Baker, treasurer. A central committee has been ap pointed, consisting of representatives of various churcnea in rortiana anu rlcinity. The Portland Bible league, Including some 35 pastors of the city, tiaa heartily indorsed this movement, and its officers. Dr. J. J. Staub, pres ident. Dr. W. B. Hlnson. vice-president, and Dr. W. S. Seem an. treasurer, kave been chosen ex-officio members of the new organization. A Lutheran Bible conference, under the anspices of 10 Lutheran churches of Portland, to be held In the Bethle hem Lutheran church. Fourteenth and Davis streets. Rev. H. J. Thorpe, pastor. April IT to 22, special sessions in Bible study will be held afternoon and evening during the time the institute is in progress. It is believed the sessions will be largely attended by all Lutherans of Portland and from many other places. A trio of able Lutheran Bible scholars and instructors will be pre sent from eastern Bible Institutes to direct the work of the local confer ence. Their names are: Rev. Samuel Martin Miller. D. D, dean of the Lutheran Bible institute at St. Paul. Minn.; Rev. Walter E. Schuette. D. D author and lecturer of Wheeling. W. V.; Rev. Orlando Ingvoldstad, dean of the Lutheran Bible institute, Chi cago, IU. e e Carl B. Wetherell of Boston will peak at 10:30 this morning at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Broadway and Yamhill. Mr. Wetherell represents the national Unitarian laymen's league, now numbering over 10,000 men. He leaves Portland Monday for the triennial conference of Unitarian and other Christian churches, to be held In San Francisco. April 11-14. Thursday, April 14 will be laymen's league night in San Fran cisco with addresses by J. Randolph Coolldge Jr. of Boston and other dis tinguished laymen. Mr. and Mrs. Eliot will leave for Fan Francisco Sunday night to attend the San Francisco conference, ex pecting to return In time for services on Sunday, April 17. Rev. Charles Lewis Trawin White Temple Speaker. BIcMlaavtlle Pastor Will Tell of Satan's Wiles, AT THE First Baptist church (White Temple) the pulpit will be occupied tjday by Charles Lewis Trawin. D. D.. of McMinnville. At the morning service at 11 o'clock, he will speak on "Satan's Origin and Ambition." At 7:45 P. M. his theme will be "The Deep Things of Satan in Deadly Con flict With the Deep Things of Goal Culminating in the Great Apostasy." The Temple quartet will furnish mu- sio at both servicea "A Robust and Prosperous Soul" will be the theme of the morning ser mon which Rev. R. E. Close will de liver today at the Third Baptist church. The night sermon will be the last in a series of discourses on the gardens of God. The subject will be "The Vital Force In the Garden of God." In the East 6ide Baptist church this morning Dr. W. B. Hinson will preach at 11 o'clock on "The Only Church." Tonight his theme will be "The Re turn of the Lord." The ordinance of believers baptism will be adminis tered st both servicea there having been baptism each Sunday since Easter. At the mid-week service, Wednesday T ARGE audiences are attending Dr. JLi McElveen's question and answer services Sunday evenings. This eve ning he will answer .the following questions: 1. What la Vivian! of France doing la our national capital 7 2. Do ministers' children turn out veil? S. Is the survey of national conditions advertised last week by the Fidelity De posit company of Maryland propaganda? 4. What booisa documents and refer. encea made In the first century outside the New Testament prove that Jesus really lived! Prior to the question service Mrs. Edward Drake, the new organist, will give the following organ programme "Twilight Reverie" (Rockwell), "Offer to Ire in G" (Spinney) and "Triumphal March" (Costa). Tuesday evening the alnmnl Chris tian Endeavor council of the church held a largely attended banquet. W. D. Scott was toastmaster and there were visitors from Oregon City, The Dalles, Hood River and Corvallis About 13 brief toasts were responded to. The following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year: Miss Mattle Cleland, president; W. D. Scott, vice president; Mrs. H. G. Rice, secretary. arnd Misa Emma Cristman, treasurer. The members of the executive com mlttee are: Walter Huntington. Har old Gilbert, Miss Emma Rehwalt and Miss Alice Hutchinson. The Toung People's association has voted to concentrate its efforts on the Thursday evening meeting and to make it a church study and fellow ship night. A substantial supper will be served from 6 to 7 o'clock Miss Henthorne, director of religious in struction, will conduct a Bible study. Next Thursday her topic will be 'Jesus Meeting With Opposition." A little before 8 Dr. McEIveen will be gin his lecture on "The Teachings of Jesus on Economics." On Tuesday evening, April 12, the officers and teachers of the Sunday school are to meet to consider a num ber of forward steps, namely, the es tablishment of a home department. the creation of a class for young married people while their little folks are in the beginners' department, the church membership class for chil dren's day and the picnic in June. The , lnter-class contests for new mem bers are adding to" the membership of the school. Already the victors are beginning to indicate to the van quished classes what kind of a treat they would like. The senior Endeav orers on Sunday evening will conduct a symposium on "How Christ Wishes Sunday to Be Spent." A group of members are to bring in a detailed account of how they think an ideal Sunday should be spent. The inter mediates will consider the same topic with William Klein as the leader. On Monday evening the mens brotherhood of the first church will hold its monthly banquet and meet ing. Judge Rossman, the president. will preside. Dr. Samuel C Kohs psychologist of the court of domestic relations, will interpret a remarkable set of stereopticon pictures brought from New York for this occasion. These pictures reveal the beauties of Jerusalem and Palestine. D. Solis Cohen will deliver a lecture on the Zionist movement. An unusually good musical programme will also be given. Dc McEIveen Is giving a series of lectures Thursday night on "Chris tian Economics." He insists that Christ's teachings are applicable not only to the individual but to society and that there is a good body of teachings in the gospels which are definitely economic. In a lecture given last week on this topic he said that the churches are discovering for almost the first time this economic teaching. On Thursday evening he spoke on "The Christian as a Pro ducer and Consumer." Thirty-five of the young people of the First Congregational church gave an old-fashioned singing school Fri day night. For a number of weeks they have been rehearsing under the direction of Mrs Carrie B Adams. Ai2 s!"'!jjJj jL h:f JS?r" -1 ; I III I a, (Photo by BushnelL) VENERABLE THOMAS JENKINS AND DR. S. E. JOSEPHL It is now Ven. Thomas Jenkins, archdeacon of the Episcopal church in Alaska, whose appointment to that po sition came last week, after he had resigned- as rector of St. David's Episcopal church. East Twelfth and Belmont streets., Archdeacon Jenkins, Mrs. Jenkins and family plan to leave for Alaska about July 1. No Driest as yet has been mentioned as the possible new rector of St. Davids. The appointment is made oy Bishop Sumner, and his recommendation, is submitted to the 12 vestrymen of the church, and. they, with Dr. S. E. Josephl as chairman, formally elect the new rector, whoever he may be. Archdeacon Jenkins is known as a "missionary" priest, from his highly successful work In starting new missions and churches and putting new life into "sick" or practically neglected parishes. He was born in England, but has passed most of his time in this country. He is a naturalized American citiren, Mrs. Jenkins is a native of Ohio and all the Jenkins children have been born in this country. The archdeacon was educated at Otterbein univer sity, Westervllle, Ohio, and also at Kenyon college, Gambler, Ohio, of which latter Institution of learning he Is an alumnus. First engaging In missionary work among the hills of Ohio, the future archdeacon was ordained as deacon In 1900 and as priest in 1S01 by the bishop of southern Ohio. For two years the archdeacon engaged in missionary work in Cincinnati, Ohio, and after building St. Peter's Episcopal church in that city the first call came'to be an Episcopal missionary in Alaska, and that work up north was heartily entered upon. He served eight years in the Alaska station and also in what is called the field. The archdeacon built SL Johns church, Sun day school and hospital at Ketchikan, Alaska. Next, the archdeacon became rector of St. Paul's church, Ohio, where he remained more than five years. Then at the same time curiously enough the archdeacon was elected to the rectorships of St- John's church, Cleveland, Ohio, and St. David's church, this city, in the year 1916. Archdeacon Jenkins complimented Portland by choosing It as his future home. When he tooK charge as St. David's rector, church work in that direction had suffered by the world war, but the parish soon prospered under the archdeacon's vigorous leadership. Today church work In the parish Is in excellent condition and there are three mission chapel schools In connection with St. David one being at Mount Tabor, the second at Montavilla and the third east from that suburb. department, under the management of Mrs. J. E. Marcy. The programme by the children will begin at 10:30, and will include the presentation of the babies in the front of the church. The pastor will follow with a short talk to parents The hours of service will be: bun day school, 9:45, a combination serv ice at 10:30, class meeting at 12 M.. junior league 3, Epworth league 6:30, and church service 7:30. This morning at the Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Oscar Huddleston, for 15 years a mis sionary of the Methodist Episcopal church in the Philippine 'slands, will speak. Dr. Huddleston for a long time was associated with Dr. M. A. Rader, brother of the late Dr. D. L. Rader, for many years editor of the Pacifio Christian Advocate, knows that field almost from the very be ginning, and has a message well worth hearing. In the Philippines the great est experiment in democracy is now going on the world has ever seen. Those hearing Dr. Huddleston will be entertained. Instructed and really helped. - In the evening the pastor will lec ture on Java, using a stereoptlcan and a large number of colored slides. In Java there is a population denser than any in China, India or Europe, one of the richest lands in natural resources on earth and one of the greatest mixtures of races to be found under the sun. This lecture will be worth while from every point of view. Christianity has not been there long, but has made fine pro gress and has a future full of promise. Strangers cordially welcomed. At the First Norwegian Danish Episcopal church. Eighteenth and Hoyt streets, C. August Peterson, the pastor, will preach at 11 A. M. The evening service will be in the interest of the woman's foreign missionary society. The pastor and one or more missionaries from the foreign field win speak. a chapel service and a business meet ing. e . The Toung People's society of St Stephen's (Episcopal) Pro-Cathedral will hold their regular weekly meet ing Sunday at 6:30 P. iL, In the par ish house at the corner of Thirteenth and Clay streets. Miss Muriel Thom as will lead. The Psychical Research Center will meet tn Portland hotel assembly hall at 7:45 tonight. There will be a lec ture,' demonstrations and special music. WILLAM1NA, Or.. April .(Spe cial.) The evangelistic services being held in the Methodist church here made good progress under the leader ship of Rev. P. M. Blinkensop. Visi tors from Butler, Sheridan and Salem have attended. The publlo school is behind the movement to build up bet ter citUenship and aid in the great drive of . character building. The services closed tonight. "Victim or Master; Is Dr. Bowman's Subject. Paul's Letter to Romans Will Be Basis of Sermon. Lents Evangelical Church Will Open Revival. Rev. Dave Hill and Rev. Frank Stevens to Conduct Series. The largest social gathering of the month, the men's league, to which all the church congregation is cordially lnvrted, will be held Tuesday evening at Sunnyside Congregational church. The choir, under the directorship of Professor Hollingworth. is in charge of the programme and a splendid time is promised. The interdenominational Bible class will meet as usual Wednesday eve ning and the 10th chapter of Daniel will be studied. Dr. Staub leading. All Interested are extended a cordial invitation. The fundamentals class will meet Thursday evening. "The Home Base in Religion" will be the subject of Rev. E. E. Flint's sermon this morning at Atkinson Memorial Community church. What we most need as against what we have most will be the central thought, based upon scripture in Genisis: "And Abram moved his tent . . . and built an altar unto Jehovah." Tonight the community service will consist of a brief gospel message by the pastor. Special music will be in charge of Mrs. Sims and there will be illustrations with moving pictures and stereoptlcons. The Sunday school is now at high tide, the largest in the history of the church. The boys, under Dr. Dodge, with their Pierce-Arrow car, are lead ing the race. Of special interest in the Waverly Heights church will be the pastor's discussion of the "Destiny of the Dead" at the evening service begin ning at 7:30. This will be an honest and sympathetic consideration of the thought of the departed as being face to face with God. The chorus choir will sing. The mornng service is at 11 o'clock and will be addressed by the pastor. The church is becoming overcrowded for Sunday school ac commodations. Re-arrangements have been made in the interior for the ac commodation of the intermediate Chirstian Endeavor society, which meets in the church auditorium, while the senior Christian Endeavor holds its meetings in the social room of the church. e a The Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer, as or ganized by Mr. Rawson, meets in the blue room of the Portland hotel, Mon day evenings at 8 o'clock. The public Is invited. i Christian Churches to Ob serve Stewardship Day. Literature on Consecrated Use of Money Will Be Distributed. SUNDAY will be observed as "stew ardship day" in Portland Christian churches. The themes of the pastors will deal with various phases of the subject of stewardship. Literature on stewardship of life and posses sions, tithing and the consecrated use of money will be for distribution in the vestibules of the Christian churches in the city. There have been over 150 additions to the church in the "go-to-church' campaign now In progress. The city missionary will preach during the second week of an evangelistic meet ing at Sellwood, beginning April 10 The East Side Christian church will begin its two weeks' meeting on this date also. Pastors of other Christian churches will speak during the first week. At 11 o'clock this morning at the First Christian church, the Rev. Har old H. Grlffis will speak on the place of prayer in the Christian life, having for his Bpecifio topic "Trie Dynamic o Efficiency." .At the evening wor ship at 7:45 the pastor will deliver another of his Sunday evening dis courses on "Heroes of the Faith," the subject for this evening being "John Calvin and the Presbyterians." The musical numbers for these services will include the baritone solo "Out of the Depths" (Rogers), by W. G. Hannan; also the contralto-tenor duet "Consider and Hear Mo" (Pflueger), by Miss Beatrice Palmer and Walter Scott Klein. On Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the church parlors the women's missionary auxiliary will present an outline study of social and religious conditions in Latin America, with Mrs. Margaret V. Faust in charge of the programme. All women of the congregation will be urged to attend the special quar terly luncheon served at the noon hour on Thursday in the dining room of the church by the ladies of the Naomi circle. At this luncheon Mrs. A H. Averjll, president of the church sisterhood, will present plans for the women's work as related to the new church building enterprise. The Portland society of the New Christian church (Swedenborglan) ill hold its quarterly meeting on Wednesday evening, April 13, at the T. M. C. A. cafeteria, beginning with a supper at e P. M. Sunday morning, at the Portland hotel assembly room, the pastor. Rev. William R. Reece. will give the tenth and final sermon in a series on "The Religion of God in Man," all of which are to be published in book form. A preceding series on "The Presence and Power of God in Man" is now In book form, having been printed by the pastor and his wife. 'Sin, Sickness and Death," Christian Science Topic. Usual Services Will Be Held la All Portland Canrehes, "A: RE SIN, DISEASE AND DEATH REAL?" will be the subject of lesson-sermons In churches of Christ, Scientist, today. Sunday morning services are held in all Christian Science churches at 11 o'clock, and Sunday evening services in all except Fifth and Seventh at 8 o'clock. Wednesday evening meetings are held In all churches at 8 o'clock. These meetings include testimonies of Christian Science healing. Sunday school for pupils up to the age of 20 is held in all churches at 9:45- and 11 o'clock except Third and Fifth who hold their sessions at 1:30 and 11 o'clock. Reading rooms in the down town districts are maintained at 1133 Northwestern Bank building and 33 cordially invited to attend church services and use the reading rooms. The churches are Ideated as follows: First Nineteenth and Everett jtreeta Second Bast Sixth and Holladay ave nue. Third East Twelfth and Salmon streets. Fourth Vancouver avenue and Emerson street. ' Fifth Sixty-second avenue and Forty second street southeast. Sixth Pythian temple. S8S Yamhill street Seventh 403 Smith avenue. In her lecture on the fourth dimen sional world, at Theosophical hall, 301 Central building, this evening at .8 o'clock, Miss Elaine Scribner will demonstrate by means of an electric appliance the ease with which an object can be made Invisible by in' creasing its rate of vibrations. She will also give a clear explana tlon of the fourth dimension as it has been discovered by Charles Hinton and will give a summary of the facts .learned of this world, showing the dangers attending medlumship spirit ualism and the operating of the oulja boards and planchettes. The pastor of Highland Congrega tional church. Rev. Edward Constant, will preach this morning on "The Sociality of Jesus." In the evening the pulpit will be occupied by Rev. Mrs. M. R. Stuart Dr. Stansfield to Preach Sermon on Heaven. Right Services at First Methodist Church Will Be Unusual. Brethren Church to Hold Special Services. Rev. Dr. Clark to Talk Today on "Religion and Politics." rwiHERE will be six weeks of Bpeclal X effort at the First United Broth ren church. East Fifteenth and East Morrison streets, beginning next Sun day morning. The services will be held Sunday morning and Sunday and Thursday nights. Today Dr. Clark's subjects win be: Morning, "Religion and Politics"; night, "Style and Dress." Thursday night he will speak on "Can and Will God Heal?' Rev. Ira Hawley. pastor of the Sec ond United Brethren church. East Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets, will speak this morning on the theme. "Woe Is Come." Tonight he will speak on "What Happened in the First Woe." e Rev. EL O. Shepherd, pastor of the Third United Brethren church. Sixty' seventh street and Thirty-second ave nue Southeast, announces regular services today and tonight. Com mur.lon will be observed at the morn ing hour. Regular services will be conducted at Fourth United Brethren church, Tremont station, this morning and to night, with the pastor. Rev. Leila Luckey, In charge. m m m The First Spiritual Science church will hold services today at 3 P. M. and 8 P. M., in Manchester hall, 85 Vi Fifth street. Lectures by Rev. Max Hoffman and L. E. Philips. Subject, 'Spiritual Warnings" H. Edward Mills will address the realization league at the league as sembly rooms, 138 Thirteenth street, at 11 A M., on the subject "The Search After Reality." The regular Sunday 3 P. M. serv ices of the Scientific Christian Spiritualist church will be held in Allsky hall on Morrison street, be tween Third and Fourth streets. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. R. M. Singleton, the pastor, who has returned from his vacation and again taken charge of the church. The eve ning services will be held at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Stevens will speak. Messages will be delivered at each service by the message bearers. The Church of Divine Troth has moved from 412 to room 201 Centra! building, where services will be held every Sunday at l1 A M. and IP. E, by Nettle Taylor Kloh. At Woodlawn Methodist church the morning subject is the "Drawing Card of the Ages." and in the evening, "A A T the First Methodist church this evening, following the large con gregatlon of last week, when the Whitney boys' chorus gave the con' cert, Dr. Stansfield will preach on "Heaven." There will be read some 25-word statements from members of the congregation on "My View of Heaven." Music for the service will be old hymns and music on heaven The sermon at the morning service at 10:30 will be on "The Wonderous Works of God.' The woman's missionary society meeting Wednesday of this week will be held at the Settlement center, at First and Caruthers streets. A large attendance will be there for the women's missionary societies of First church are growing so large that they cannot be accommodated In the homes of the members, but must be in the church parlors or some public place. The first meeting last Wednesday In the church parlors was the largest of all, when W. H. Chatten presented motion pictures of some peoples and customs of the foreign field, The speclar feature of the prayer service next Thursday night, will be "the getting acquainted hour" for all new members of the church. One of the most enthusiastic gatherings ever held in the Sellwood Methodist church convened the last evening in March. Plates were laid for 218 persons, and the dinner was all that the most fastidious could desire. W. A Campbell presided, and the pastor, W. S. Gordon, led in nraver. The soloists. Professor F, C. Streyfeller and Mrs. Bessie Caine Carson, were at their best, with Miss Helen Gordon as accompanist. Felicitous remarks were made by the district superintendent, W. W, Toungson, who in turn introduced J, R. Ellison. I. C. Cunningham and E. A. Baker. This "team" represented the city church extension society, and were greatly appreciated. Bishop Shepard was the chief speaker of the evening, making an address in which he urged the church to "build not alone for the present, but for their children and grand chil dren. H. Xj. German was the last speaker, and represented the official board of the local church. He reported that the lot adjoining the parsonage had been bought to give room for future expansion. The church building will be painted and re-roofed, and the street paving must be provided for. Changes recently made in the plumb ing, and other incidentals would make a total outlay of about 32200. In a few minutes he had the amount, and iou more man asicea lor. At the First Methodist Episcopal cnurcn, soutn. tne pastor. Rev. Joseph B. Harris, will take for his morn in tnem today, -The Church Home," and for his evening theme, "A Reces sional. see At the communion of the Lord's supper this morning in the Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal cnurcn. foweii and East Fortieth streets, E. Sutton Mace will take for his subject "The Glory and the More Glory the Transformation Which Comes Through Studying and Know ing Jesus." The young people in their evening league service will talk over how Christ wants his day to be spent. Mr. Mace will preach and administer the Lord's supper in the Westmore land chapel, Milwaukle and South avenue, at 7:30 P. M. i Rev. W. S. Gordon, pastor of the Sellwood Methodist church, will con clude his series of sermons on Im mortality this evening, the topic being: "Immortality Brought to Light Through the Gospel." He will attempt to show that the theory of evolution demands a life beyond as Mighty Man of Valor" will be theia climax to this. Special musical North Third street. The public, is 'Peoples Home. theme. At 3 P. M., the pastor. Rev. J.- H. Irvine, with the choir, will conduct a service at Patton Old numbers will be furnished by the choir. This will be cradle roll day In the church. There are over 100 in this TTIOR THE past three months the X Lents Evangelical church has been making arrangements for and looking forward to an evangelistic campaign which is to begin on April 17 and con tlnue over the first Sunday in May. There will be services every evening at 7:45 o'clock, except Saturdays, and afternoon services Tuesdays, Wednes days, Thursdays and Fridays, and three services each Sunday. Dave Hill and Frank Stevens, evan gellsts, will be in charge. Rev. Mr Stevens' home is in- Los Angeles, CaL He has been a successful evangelist for several years and was one of the speakers at the state holiness asso ciation last summer. Rev. Mr. Wll is a member of the Ohio conference of the Evangelical association and is a speaker of national reputation. At St Paul's Lutheran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets, Rev. A Kraus, the pastor, will be in his pulpit both morning and evening. At 10:30 he will preach a sermon on the gospel of the day and the subject will be the Lord's promise, "One Fold and One Shepherd." The topic for the eve ning sermon is "The Right Use of the Doctrine of Election." i Special music for both services Is rendered by the choirs. Bible study and young peo pie's meeting begins at 6 P. M. The Sunday school meets at 9:30 A M. The choirs rehearse Wednesday at 8 P. M. Rev. M- A Christensen will preach at 11 A. M. in Our Savior's Lutheran church. The church Is bl-lingual and this service will be in Norwegian. The congregation will take up the work of the Lutheran Bible conference, to be held in Bethlehem Lutheran church beginning this evening and continu ing .one week. "The Good Shepherd and the One Fold" will be the subject of the ser mon by Rev. William E. Brinkman at the St. James English Lutheran church this morning at 11 o'clock. In this sermon he will dwell upon the subject of church oneness and unifica tion, which is a timely one before the churches of the present day. This evening Rev. Mr. Brinkman will give the second atrmon of the series on "Some Outstanding Char acters of Church History." The sub ject this evening will be "John Wic lif." The St. James Sunday school will meet in the chapel at 11 A M. The Young People's Luther league will hold Its devotional meeting in the chapel at 6:45. The topic to be taken up for discussion is "Reasons for Regularity in Attending Church." "The Sorrow and Joy of a Christan will be the theme of Rev. Mr. Beyer' sermon for the deaf Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in Trinity Lutheran church, corner Rodney avenue and Ivy street. All who are deaf are most cordially invited to attend. At the Swedish tabernacle, Glisan nd North Seventeenth streets. Rev, C. J. Ledin will preach today on the following topics: At 11 A. M., "The Master Is Here and Calleth Thee"; at 7:30 P. M., "Take Te Away the Stone. The Sunday school of the Clay- Street Evangelical church at Tenth and Clay streets, west side, begins at 9:30 and will be In charge of the superintendent, E. J. Keller. At 10:45 the pastor, Jacob Stocker, v-ill con tinue the exposition of the letter of Paul to the Ephesians and will speak on the theme "The Christian a New Creation." In the afternoon he will conduct a service at Carson heights The Toung People's Alliance will meet at 6:30 and at 7:30 the pastor will continue a seres of sermons on the Holy Spirit from the letter of Paul to the Romans. The theme for the evening discourse will be "The Filling of the Sprit." THE First Presbyterian church, cor ner Twelfth and Alder streets, will have its regular pastor. Rev. Harold Leonard B'Jwman, D. D., in the pulpit both morning and evening. At the morning service Dr. Bowman will take for his subject, "Victim or Mas ter," with a text from Paul's letter to the Romans. "Be not overcome of Girls' Friendly Society Will Meet Tonight. Second Admission Service Will Be Held at St. David's. XHE GIRLS' Friendly society of St. X David's church will have its sec- nd admission service tonight at the :30 service. Several new members and associates will be received. The branch will attend In a body. In the morning the sacrament of Holy bap- ism will be administered at the 11:00 service. Plans are under way for a second presentation of Tissot's "Wom en of the Bible," perhaps the begin- ing of May. Quite extensive repairs on the church building are under way. The bell which has hung on the old church uilding for half a century is to be removed and placed on the tower of the church. The chapel at Montavilla (St. Peter's) has had to move into ew quarters. The regular monthly dinner will e served next Wednesday evening at o clock, after which here will be evil. but overcome evil with good." In the evening Dr. Bowman will preach on "The righteousness that keeps us away from God." The quartet will sing at both services and the special musical feature of the evening service will be a baritone solo by Otto Wede meyer, "The Living God," by Geoffrey O'Hara. the words of the solo are by Gordon- Johnstone. The Sunday school meets at 12 o'clock noon with a cordial welcome for all who desire to follow well-defined courses in Bible study. At 6:15 there are two young people's societies the San Grael society, which meets in the chapel, and the Young People's circle, for the young people between the ages of 14 and 20, which meets in room H. The Warren vesper class of the First Presbyterian church will change the order of service today, introduc ing a musical concert. Mr. Otto Wedemeyer, assisted by the members of the quartet choir, will present the vocal numbers, and Victor DePinto director of the vesper orchestra, will render several classical numbers. The full programme will be found among the musical notes on another page. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman will ad dress the young people and the doors will be thrown open to tne puniic. The meeting will be held in room E of the church house, entrance 454 Alder street, at 4 o'clock. Westminster Presbyterian church will have two Interesting sermons by Dr. E. H. Pence Sunday. In the morn ing he asks the question: "What of the other Man?' and In the evening he speaks on: "The God of Moses is Our God.' The children's sermon in the morn ing will be: "Our Lord's Prayer Our Father Who Art in Heaven. He will give a series of talks to the little church on the Lords prayer. The subjects follow: "Our Father's Kingdom;" "Our Father and Our Dally Bread." "Our Father and Our DeDt- orsr "Our Father and Our Temp tations." At 6:30 the Young People a society will give a special musical programme in the church auditorium. Vocal solos will be by the Misses Williams, Klrby and Pence; piano solo by Mrs. A. F. Bittner, cello solo by Mr. Hamilton, solo by J. P. Mulder, and organ solo by Mr. Hutchison. The special music for the regular services will be: Morning. 10:S0 Anthem, "O, How Am iable Are Thy Dwellings" (J. E. West); Psalm, LXXXIV, 1-3; offertory, invoca tion, Alex Guilmany; soprano solo, "With Verdure Clad," from the "Creation," (Hsydn). Evening. 7:30 Hymn-anthem, "Gentle, Holy Savior" (Gounod) ; offertory, "Adagio in F" (Ducoudray); contralto solo, "O, Lord of Life," (Mary Turner Salter). The choir will consist of Mrs. R. M. Lansworth, Mrs. Fred Beagles, J. P. Mulder, Dom Zan, under the direction of J. Hutchison. The annual meeting and dinner take place Thursday, April 14, at 6:30. Besides the regular business of re ports and election of officers there will be musical numbers and special features. The reports will show marked prog ress along many lines of church ac tivities. The finances are in good condition; the Bible school is at least 100 stronger than last year; the Young Peoples society has nearly doubled; the Woman's association has accom plished much in study classes, indus trial work, social betterment, and in giving; the church membership will show a net increase of nearly 100; the church benevolences have been in creased nearly 50 per cent. Plans for the coming year indicate progress. The annual meeting of the Women's Presbyterlal will be held Tuesday, April 12, at the First Presbyterian church. On Monday evening there will be a Young People's rally and conference. Portland Presbyterlal has a membership of 1368 women besides the' young people's auxiliaries, and the annual meeting is one of the fea tures of the year. be furnished by other churches. After the children's part in the programme they will be taken to the primary room for a story hour, while the re mainder of the programme is In prog ress. This will be a very Inspira tional meeting and all parents wlfl benefit by attending. see Eight persons united with the church on April 3 and five more are to unite today. The annual meeting of the church ' held March 2 showed the church to be in excellent condition, progress and growth being shown in all directions. Subscriptions toward the budget for next year are nearly twice those of last year. At Central Presbyterian church. East Thirteenth and Pine streets, the pastor wll preach both morning and evening, the morning topic being "Op portunty and How Men Meet It," and in the evening at 7:45. "The Land of Beginning Again." 8r,v,.c"' th Mllard Avenue Presbyterian church. Seventy-third street and Fifty-fifth avenue South east, will be at 11 A M. and 7:30 P.M. Rev. Henry White, pastor, speaks at the morning service on the theme "The Gospel of Jesus Christ the J'ara mount Agency for the Regeneration and Preservation of Sooiety " The !UbJeLfo th8 "nln service Is "A Man Who Made Good in Spite of Seri ous Handicaps." e An attractive programme Is being prepared for Sundays 4 o'clock ves pers at the Y. W. C. A by the D. K. girls of the Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church. The Sunday school orchestra of 18 pieces, under the direction of C. A. Mulr, will furnish the musical numbers. A talk on blazing the trail to Joy Goal" will be given by Rev Ward W. MacHenry. 7 vLs,.unda5, th yonnB" People from the White Temple had a programme which was listened to by a large audi, ence. The Bible discussion hour, begin ning at 6:15 o'clock, continues In In terest. The Business Women's Bible studj class meets every Wednesday evening 6:30 o'clock in the social h.n Th. subject this week is "The Book of Mark." The Whitney Boys chorus of 100 will give a grand concert in Mt. Tabor P,rebyterlan eourch tonight led by It E. K. Whitney. The programme will Include vocal and Instrumental mu.slc in solos, double quartets, great choruses, sextette and eight Chinese boys singing "America" in their own language. This morning the minis ter. Ward W. MacHenry. preaches on the question "Has the Body Outarown the Soul?" e At the Mizpah Presbyterian church the Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor, will preach at both morning and evening services. His theme for the morning sermon at 11 o'clock will he "The Christian's Responsibility." His eve ning theme at 7:45 o'clock will be "A Christian Philosophy of Life." The Society of Intermediate Chris tian Endeavor will meet at 6:4! o'clock. In the lecture room of th church. This society Is composed ol high school students and good work Is being done in all line of endeavor work. The Sabbath school meets regularly at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning, with beginners, junior. Intermediate, sen ior and adult departments fully or ganized and under competent leaders A cordial Invitation Is given to all t attend and participate In the work. The Thursday evening Bible study hour will be held at 8 o'clock in the lecture room of the church. The topic for study is "The Miracle of the Feeding of the Five Thousand." The annual congregational meeting was held on Wednesday evening at which time officers for the ensuing yei.r were elected and reports ' heard from all departments of the work. The reports were most encouraging snd showed every department of the church active and prosperous. The accession to the church during the year have been very gratifying, bringing the present membership con siderably over 200. A largely at tended fellowship dinner was served In the dining room of the church and the business session held about the tables. e At Rose City Tark Presbyterian church Sunday morning. Rev. Donald W. M. MacCluer will preach on "The Walls of Jericho"; at night, "The Un reported Christ." It Is desired that every member ol the church and Its constituency, ss far as possible, be present Sunday morning as the financial budget for the coming year will be explained and final arrangements made for tbl every member canvass. see Rev. Byron J. Clark, pastor of Flrsi United Brethren church, will be the speaker at the Men's resort meeting Sunday at 4 P. M. Musical numbers wt:i be given by Mr. and Mrs. George Hotchklss Street, Alice Johncon, pianist, and a song service by tb men. On Wednesday night at I o'clock the young people from Runny side Congregational church will glvs a programme. Church to Hold Conference at Forest Grove. Methodlut Meetings to Last From April 23 to 24, Inclusive. By special request the sermon de llvered by Dr. L. K. Grimes three weeks ago will be repeated this eve ning at Kenllworth Presbyterian church. This sermon shows that Ger many would have won the war on five different occasions except for the di rect intervention of God. This morning Rev. J. Francis Mor gan of Piedmont Presbyterian church will preach on the subject, "The Force of Prayer. In the evening he will elaborate on "Sold Out." On Monday evening before time for the Christian Endeavor muslcale the teachers and some of their pupils met for a pot-luck luncheon and a fine business meeting. There was a splen did turnout and many reports were read and discussed with much in terest. New officers for the year were given by the nominating com mittee and voted on by the council. Tuesday evening the Christian En- deavorers met for a business session. Installing their new officers and nom inating Miss Grace Trestrail a dele gate to the New York convention. The newly elected officers of the church will have a meeting shortly to plan a definite campaign for the year's work. The financial report is very encouraging as also are the re ports of the Every Member canvass. This afternoon at 8:30 a district parent-teacher meetisg will be held in the church auditorium to discuss plans for children's week and to give the parents an opportunity to meet their children's teachers. A pro gramme Is planned In which the Pied mont cradle roll department, under the guidance of Mrs. A Helllwell, and also one primary department will have a part. The beginners and junior parts of the programme .Willi COTTAGE GROVE. Or., April 9. (Special.) The first annual con vention of the southern district of the Oregon conference of the Metho dist Episcopal church will be held here April 22 to 24 Inclusive. The district officers are: Wayne Wills, president; Leonora Hubbeil, vice president; Isabel Zimmerman, secre tary, and Carl Meyers, treasurer. The programme of the convention follows: April 22. Arrival of the deli-eat's ano assignment to homes for enteriainment. T:S0-7:43 P. M. Songfest, led by Mrs Leon Drs Larz'S. 7:43-8:00 P. M. Address of w.lcome bj Elbert Beds, editor of Cottage Grove K.n tlnel: H. Omer Bennett, superintend. nt o( city schools: J. 1. Jones, superintendent ol Sunday school. 8:00 P. M. Opening address, by Blshoi William O. Sheperd. 9:00 P. M. Social hour, led by the Cot tage Grove chapter. April 23, 8:00-0:00 A. M. Devotional meeting, led by Rev. Mr. Dmke. of Drain. 9:00-9:19 A. M. rBniziion. 9:15-9:30 A. M. Short business session: ppolntment of committees. 9:80-10:15 A. M. lnttt"'e rallies. Rev. Ernest Smith and Kev. C. A. til wards, managers of Institute. 10:15-11:00 A. M. Departmental forum, led by Bev. J. C Bpencer, of Albany. 11:00-12:00 Business session; enspter reports. 1:00-1:15 P. M. Devotional service, led by Boy V. Leonard. 1:15-2:10 r. m. onunuaiion ox repona 2:15-8:30 P. M. Auto trip. 6:00-8:00 P. M. Banquet; tree te all visitors. Rev. Joseph Knotls of Grsnts Pass, toastmaster. 8:00-8:80 F. M. Address, ey ur. Hick man of Kimble college. 8:80 P. M. Consecration service, led by Rev. Our Fitch Phelps, of Roseburg. April 24. 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. Convention sermon, by Bev J. R. Bassnett or Medford: Installation ol officers, by Dr. S. A. Danford, district su perintendent 8:80 P. M. Fellowship meeting, led by Ir. Leech of Bugene. (Concluded a i'afi ZJl