23 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND. APRIL 10, 1921 htsixess opporti'xitim. Hotels and Rooming Hornet. A BOUND. CONSBRVATTVB IXVESTMSNT. At 61S-20 MARSHALL ST.. 1m- tween the Depot-Morriaon" c and ths "Sixteenth at., ax two (-room apartment brioiins rood incom, modem with fireplace; nice sleepins porch and front porch with each apartment newly paint ed lnalde and out. Bare la a buy worth your Inveatlsatlon. Inquire of RILEY CUSTAFSOJf. 903 Teoa Building. OOOD LITTLE COUNTRY HOTELS. Ji-roon. resort hotel, doe large bust les 14 tents. 5-roora bungalow. 8-room modern furnished house, fine home. )aac hall, awlmmlng pool, all furnished, linen, dishes, etc.; above properly com ylrte with IS acre land. $10,000; term .xaju casn, Dalanca o year. List 131. 1 S-room hotel, good Washington town. oniy notei in town, nolo- capacity busi ness. 4 large lots, runs for loo chicken, good money maker, fine place for man and wife, building, ground and complete furnishings. $47.0. half cash, balance JTS month. List 14. 30-room commercial hotel, busy Ore gon town, nicely furnished, own laundry. I chicken yard, good lobby: this place does the business and makes money, clears I i over $.S(K) per month; building, ground and furnishings, til. 500; terms; fine Sronosltion. List 51. 42-room commercial hotel, good town rear fendleton. doing good ousiness: building, ground and furnishing. 110,- JHJO. hair c?h. List 40. LETS LIVE UN THE COAST. Rl-room modern apartment hotel, nice Mace, fine home, private baths, running "eater all rooms, growing city of over 6on people, on coast; 5-year leae. price uoOO; terms. l.HKK) cash: dandy little place for man and wife to make desir able home and stood income. l.ist no. We have large listing of city, country and beach hotels. See us If you want PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. BROKERS. 714 tfHTH Bl.tHi. l.m. in m iu unt huuiu : J4 Drivale batus; low rent, long lease and clearing 800 a month; full price $14,000. with ood I terms. I 4-room nicely furnished hotel; low j tVashingion at. location, for $14,000, f Iii.ihhj cash. fi-room nicely furnished pressed brick hotel; 123 private baths and nicely fur nished: cheap rent, long lease; good west &il location: S30.0OO.. ' mum. all h k cheaD rent: can I have lease If wanted; Income $100, fori il'-'no. $1000 cash. l :i-rnnm aut house: cheap rent: Zl years' lease: income $300 net a month; 16 rooms.' part h. k.; rent tn: S years' I leaae; Income $165; good lurnuure ami nice and clean, ror iwiv. jiwi casn. i r..m rinA furniture. cheaD rent; l,-. ln.-r.m- w..i side location, for $200. 12 rooms! $1100. good terms: good I furniture: close west aide location. 11 room, all h. k.; rent $0; good in come; west S'de location, lor i-ovv. room, all h. k.: rent S0: good In-1 rome: west side location, for law. one- hair cash. . - iLmnm flat nWl furnlfmed for h. K. : furniture cost $12(10 one year ago: will take $"0 cash; close In. west side. TRY-I S REALTY CO.. Ilto West Park St Auto. r.lS-4. 43 ROOMS, all apartment have private baths. 2-year lease: west side, wanting instance; price -o", 'ou nanuiea. V.YTR lftRDIXARf. 1H mnmi 3 hatha, beautifully fur nished H. K. apartments, one of the most beautiful places in Portland; will net $14 and $05 apt. for self; price X 4250, terms. WHTTR TEMPLE. 14 ennma. excellent furniture, especial ly clean, netting over $100 per month. Kor quick eale. price reduced to siou, terms. . 9 rooms. Nob Hill. 2 baths, furnace heat, electricity; near Washington t-, good furniture, clean; $1450; $650 han- . Uea. l-or these and otners see C E. BOWDEN CO., MAIN 3B38. l: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Ji;sT FllHRE THIS OUT: le snd furnishings of a strictly modern aoartment bouse of 16 apart ments, 14 3-roora. 2 4-room and one sin gle, furnishings and rugs are extra good and arrangement cannot be beat; 6-year lease, rent xs.io, witn adjustment at tne end of 3 years, net income over a.iiiu. This place will net you over $36,000 tinder present lease, fine west-sine loca tion, cood brick buildinr. a fine In come and a beautiful home for $15,000, some terms.. E. S. KERR. YAMHILL. MARSHALL 5594. I3-R0OSI. BIG 6NAP. ! TS-room; extra line furniture: can have m lease; total price only . $1600. some term. TTTTTR -CAREY. Main T4S7. WILL, trade this for an apartment house in Portland: POO-acre ranch, partly im proved; all atocked and equipped; large prune orchard of 30 acres; pears and other fruit; nearly 300 head of sheep, cattle, horses, tractor and all machinery. Good house and tenant house; other buildings good. Located close to Rose- burg, southern Oregon. Price $42,000. O. A. FEAKCr CO.. 201 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 4S35. i-OUS VERY GOOD BUYS. 8 rooms, west side. $600 handles. 9 rooms. White temple. $500 handles. 9 rooms on 5th St.. S650 handles. 12 rooms on Grand ave.. $1000 handles. 22 rooms, clears liso, J 20(H) handles. A. J. DE FOREST A CO., S20 Henry Building. Broadway 5590. aou .o iiOLSEivEfct'I.N; rooms com- pletely furnished, comprising 10 apt.; AKninner rugs ia nearly al apts.; close In. west side; Income better than $200, with room for a good advance: rent $75; owner looking for permanent tenant. Speculators need not Investigate. J 568, oregonian. SitANSlli.NT HOTEL, Ground floor lobbv. private baths, elevator, steam heat and running water: carpets and beds the very best. 4-year lease. For price and location see sirs. aici,eoo. with A. J. DE FOREST A CO.. S?0 Henry Building. Broadway 6590. HoTEL, of 77 room and lot consisting of about H block, paved street on two . sides; rent will net better than 15 per rem aoove an expenses; an ror lesa than price of lot: one of best cities on coast. Call Sunday. Main 6190. 611 Couch bldg. 11 ROOMS FOR $95. Furnace heat, electric light, dandy uiuing; an room renrea; a money maker: $3.0 will handle; in heart of I rny. r-erers. to ;i:n st. jsit:. clean little ill-room nouse. very close in and always full; clear $90 and a 2-room apartment. Price $1450, $950 UUU. OCT Jl I -v .,1 - 1 . W ,1. A. J. IB FOREST A CO.. S2Q Henry Building. Broadway 8590. ' modern apartment 17 apartments, mostly 2-room; fine wesi-siae location, good lease, net in come $2i5; close In, west side; $5000, if mis, .t.'i lamnill. i2-ROOM housekeeping place, making $180 per month net profit: can have 3-year ..Milton, pm- .auv. terms. A. J. DE FOREST CO . 20 Henry Fn'lrting. Broadway 8.190. At.At'1'U'l.'LLl furnished rial ,.In i-. . steam heat furnished, rent $45;' move J. RT'flEXE HEDGES. 201 W. PARTT u ROOMS. 19 apartments, close In. west side Jncome $418; $3150; $2000 down. n-oo-ua. near vvan.: nets 1 1 77. . 1 1 housekeeping, very clean; $2700; II Sou nown. Main i. l-OOM FLAT, clean, good carpet, vei y tioiney: snlendid furniture, $800; terma. 10 ROOMS, concrete building, all on one floor. Jefferson street location; $1250; terms. aiain i.ii i. &ARi,AI 6 rooms rent $30; ciean. well rurnisned. nice nome. small net Income: price h.to. .-wain fan. 151' OWNER 14 rooms with garage. White lempie aisirici. nei isu. price $2200, .-"hib terms. i none ail n o I o o. sTOR SALE Furniture and lease of 12 housekeeping rooms; good location, west sine: rent i o. .n a,3. lrcgonlan. iAvri TY ia 2t h. k. rooms. Phone Bdwy. BrSI-E8S OPPORTrNITrES. Hotel and Rooming House. APARTMENT HOUSE. Apartment house of 200 rooms en west aide; nearly all 2-room apartment; rent lesa than 13 per room, with 10-year lea: price $16,000; term can he arranged to auit. 87-ROOM MODERV APARTMENT HOUSE. PT-room modern apartment houae. all 2 and S-room apart ment: well located: rent J.iOO, with long leace; fll.000 caah, bal ance monthly. SI-ROOM HOTEL. 81 -room hotel, right down town; rent (110: thl in a brick bldg. and a good buy. Price $4500. IS ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. . IS room, housekeeping: beat lo cation; rent SS0; net Income $1,3 per month. Thi one 1 near ar.d clean and well furnished. Fnca $300. 10-HOOM TRANSIENT HOUSE. 1-room transient house; rent $4.i: price 1900 caah. anuUI bal ance monthly. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG... PORTLAND. OREGO.V. Mar. 806. , Mar. 12S5. BEST ROOMTNG AND APARTMENT- HOUSE BARGAINS. 20 rooms, good furniture, nice, clean placet; net Income; i-; ' town, low rent; $2500 handles; a bar gain. " 15 room, best of fnrnlture and rugs. In first-class condition, .op tion, rood Income and nice 3-room apt. for self; 5-mlnute walk: to Meier Frank's; $1200 handles. 24 rooms, all H. K. but one. rent $80. nice, clean place ana a moucj -ui $2000 handles. 9 room, all H. K.. rent $40; $800 han dles. m . .11 tt TT . hut one. rood fur niire- this is a money-maker; $2000 handles. Best little apartment house In the city for anywhere near the money: 37 rooms, mostly a-room apt., m best location: price $7500, some terms. e Xfea Steele with STMMS-KETTH CO.. 610 HENRY BT.DO, APT. HOUSE SPECIAL BARGAINS. 150 rooms, modern brlrk, 8-year lease: good for $1000 a month profit. Price $20,voo; terms. 116 rooms, best west side location; modem In every respect; 4-year lease, clearing $S00 a montn net; aju.uuu nan- i. 95 room. enodern brick, all furnished. T.ong lease at cheap rent. Price $18,000. Terms. 84 rooms, strictly modern. tYhlte Tem ple district: rent $.150; lease; clears $o0 net. $10,500 handles. 7.1-ronm house, corner brick: rent $200; lease; clear $500 a month; $7500 han dles. 70 rooms: the best buy In town. Fine hriclr huildinr. excellent furnishings; cheap rent; lease; clears $500 net. $5500 handles. A. J. PB FOREST ft CO., 820 Henry Building. Broadway 5590. APARTMENT. , SO apartment, 57 rooms, elegantly furnished; Just one block to Washing ton at., close In. net earning $400 per month: cheap rent, good lease. $7000; $2750 cash. nuiuu 36 fine rooms, fine shape brick bldg.. always filled; net earnings always over $400 per montn. smnu, a.iuou casn. Ten 1. 2. 3-room apartments, good fur niture, rent ONLY ISO per month: net earnings over $100 per month. $1150, $700 cash- Wa. iiA V 13 SUVCKAb UiabttS. SEE US! PETERSON A YORK. 437 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2416 iS H. K. ROOMS, downtown location; $4200. S3O0O down: rent ilJj; good lease; clears $3o0: all on one floor; always full. 15 h. k. rooms. Nob Hill location: best of furniture; $2600. good terms; clears $130; a beautiful borne: also another 15 h. k.. $1600; good terms; close in; clears $115. 9 h. k.. Yamhill location: clean, good furniture; $1100. $750 down; clears $80. A 6-room h. k flat: clean, beat of fur niture, near 1st Church C B. ; $&0 down; a beautiful borne. BARNEY JOHNSON AV CO.. 170 ICHh St. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. S3 ROOMS. 23 room, light housekeeping, fine cor ner, close In, all on one floor, easy to take care of. Owner ha best of reasons for selling. BIHR-CAREY CO., nam 1151. 14-ROOM 11. K. house, well furnished, low rent, price $2150: terms. 1 2-room H. K.. good furniture, low Mm nriee 11300: terms. 30-room H. K.. well furnished, low ,mi lease, nrlce 14500. 3X-room modern brick, fine furniture, lease, priced to sell. These are all close In, west side. We also have others, all izes. call lHa west rarfc n. -n-u- derson A Clark, a umic ln AN INCOME. t --i.rT, hnme 12 rooms, with 4 kitchenettes, completely furnished with higb-class furniture, net income per montn; an laeai ciose-m in-mu", -wonderful future a an invetment; price for building and turnuure oniy jv, term if desired. See J3KUC1S J1U1..HA.1, Investment Realtor. Main 632T. 209 Falling Bldg. k'lVE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. SO rooms, all outside and well fur- ni-h.ii trrr,n mrs: fine dining room, ear 4U neonie. line equipment, an thmnrh- rent 1135. can get lease: aandy west-side location; net Income about $550. You can't beat it at the price, $8500. JU. B. iVEitin, o.'t -i.uiiiu, MARSHALL. B.' 8 ROOMS, fine furniture, close in, west side; price sou. casn ou. 10 h. k.: rent $35; clears $110; $600 cash, balance like rent. 20 rooms, all h. Clears over ,.uu; $1600 leu you in. 1,LjA UWB.l, 374 Yamhill. BARGAIN HUNTiiR. 30 rooms for $595. full price; pert of furniture goes with lease: you buy tne rest: this place win ciear stw a uiuiilu. has lease: all furnished; always full; pay $200 down. bal. as you make. Peters of course, ia . otn st 11-V AN'r SELL AGAIN. TVin't r.av those big prices for house: buy so you can sell again on small terms: 18 rooms, brick bldg : running water In room; rent $30: always full: ail for $1140. easy terms. Peters of Course. 15 N. 5th St. 64 ROOMS, steam heat, running water. good west Side location. nem unty lease. Clears $500 a month. $4500 cash handles. See Mrs. Mcleod, with A. J. Del at LU., 820 Henry Building. Broadway 8590. A GOOD BUY. 19 rooms H. K.. good furniture, rent $70, can get lease; elec. lights, furnace stove neat; net income eiio; una west-side location; $4000. terma. 391 Yamhill. S0-ROOMS. all housekeeping, brick bldg. Very centrally tocateu, rent .j.j. Clears $225 a month. Price $2600. $1500 cash. Mrs. McLeod, with A. J. DB FOREST A CO., 820 Henry Building. Brosdway 8590. 24 ROOMS, housekeeping, on one floor; right dowtown, lease, nets siou, turns trade away daily. $2000. Bachelor apis. $1200 handles. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. FAMILY apartment of 27 rooms, brick. rent $75. lease s years; an two rooms: water most rooms: leather furniture in lobby. $:i0 casn nanoies. J. EUGENE HEDT.ES, 2Q1 W. PARK. 76-ROOM downtown hotel with excellent lease, clearing neiier tnan aouu a month net. For $12,000: terms. A. J. Dtu ruittiM at t;o.. 820 Henry Building. Broadway 6590. WILL lease large apartment house fur a term or years and sen tne iumisnings at a reasonable figure on easy terms to responsible party. . No agents. A 551, Oregonlan. 14 KOOiLS. $090. $200 will handle, on one floor: elesn as a pin; rent only $20: always-full. Peters of Course, li H. oth at. BrSFVESS OPPORTrJTaTTES. Hotels and Rooming House. THOMSON & THOMSO.N. KEALTOKS. MODERN HOTELS. 69 rooms: lots of private baths; lease; rent $500; finest location; goou income; $12,500 required. 120 rooms, all modern; N. W. heat; long lease, low rent; gross income about $2200; $18,000, term. i 00 rooms, all modern; N. W. heat: au tomatic eievatori long lease; rent $60O; finest location; always full: big income; . some private oaths; $20,auu, 182 rooms; lease; rent $350; gross about $1600; automatic elevator: gocd transient location: $15,000 needed to handle thi money-maker. 84 rooms to rent: modern brlc bnlld lng: steam heat: lease; rent $270; extra good rugs and turnuure; net lavooje f-sit lrice iouv-. nail casn. ttti rooms trs nsient location: lease rent $10O; net income $400; price $4000, terms. About $6000 will handle a good fire proof bldg.; 3 floors; good lease, low rent; nets over $S00 per mo., everything in good shape and clean Over 60 room; some private baths lease: rent riiht: X W. heat: well lo cated; lots of good linen; everything in splendid condition; sm.wu, temia. MODERN APARTMENTS. 83 ante..' fireproof brick bldg.: longest lease; rent $500; nets over $700. with 2 apts free: good oak furniture; every thing In splendid condition; $10,000 will handle. 82 apts.: long lease: rent $500: very clean; everything In excellent condition; oil burner; ;ooa income; sx-.wv nm nanaie. erm nts 4-TT. lease rent $3-V0; clears $520; nicest location; $7000 will handle. 18 modern 2-rm. apts.: 4-yr. lease; In mnrrm in eflph hWclt bldg.: Olie floor; lease: rent $175: gross $0SO; nice clean piace; priced rignt. Over 100 rooms; 8-yr. lease: rent $100: automatic elevator; nets about $S50; needs some renovating: can be handled with $6000. balance easy terms, -.rietiv innAtm ants.: hardwood floors; lease; rent$275; well furnished: gross Income n-.ov; yu ". easily managea; price ROOMING HOUSES. 22 rooms, all h. k.: water on each floor; rent $80; clears $168; priced $2500. $1500 down. 82 rooms, all apts.; good lease: rent $200; gross income -o; eiec. aieam heat; price $600. terms. 18 rooms, all apts.: rent $115: net better than $215 and nice apt. for own use: very clean; plenty of linen; price $3 ioQ. terms. 22 rooms, h. k.: rent $40:. lease: nets $217: clean and .In good snaps; s-xw, terms. 14 rooms, h. k.: rent $55; elec.. fur nace heat: clears $lo0. besides lovely apt.; $1800 down. 14 rooms: rent $83; no attic or base ment rooms; clears over $100; price $2150. $1700 down. 7 rooms, h. k.: rent $32.50: elec stove heat: net $00; clean, good furniture; $1100. terms. . 29 rooms, some apts.: lease: rent $150: transient locatioi ; gross Income well over $000; price $3100; terms. 15 rooms, mostly sleeping: well fur lshed. good carpets: rent $7.": cross in come $202 and nice apt.; 30li). good terms. 6-roora modern flat: rent $37.50; this Includes steam heat. h. and c. water, nhone and Karbage: good furniture; eveerything complete: price $600 cash, We have many others, all sizes, prices and locations. If wnat we iiu-ve u ti- tised does not meet your requirements, call and loon over our nova. THOMSON ft THOMSON. RKALTORS, RJO HENRY FLIX? BDW-1. iSsn. cnuip rw VICK'S BARGAINS. lAn-ronm hotel, brick hldg., 7-year .i..rln. SRftfl now. $2000 handles. 26 'rooms h. k.. heart of city, $2000 handles: price $"S50. 14 room h. k.. White Temple dlst. $1150 down: price $2200. - 11 rooms h. k.. White Temple dlst. CtOO nnor SSOO handle. 12 rooms h. k.. beautiful home and clearing $129, $00 down: price $1400. 10 rooms h. k., east side, a good buy for $S00 down. 15 room White Temple dlftt., $1700 down, clearing $160 now. (Some buy.) 13 rooms h. k.. Nob Hill dlst., $750 handles; price $1500, rent only $4u00. (Thl 1 gnod. E. V. NICHOLSON. 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MODERN HOTELS. ft room, traniilent locfttlnn. rood furnishings; MUST BE BOLD; JbiiuO cash. An Ynnm well furnished, transient. newly renovated, west side corner brick building, leaae, MODERN HOTEL AXT APTS. ciaivvn tsiiftft DOWN. R0 rooms, corner location; buliainR snd furnishings in excellent condition. MARPH id Met A rl K. ..--,'-4 failing nms. OWNER LEAVING. MUST SACRIFICK FosRively one of Portland's best money makers; apartment house under 3-year lease, nearly u rooms, une Hiouein bldg., close in on west side; will show en annual net income of nearly $S000 a van r will tk$ S5.MM) cash and balance of $4000 In payments. This house is absolutely modern, clean and priced away below the present standards of value. SPECTAU PRICK ior quick saie. Call Main 1."75. Open Sunday afternoon. 0. H. PKOTHEIM COMPANY, 408-411 Couch Bldg. Fourth, bet. Wash, and Stark. SPLENDID PROPOSITION. We have a swell corner bldg. with CO rooms, several private natns, not ana cold water in nearly all rooms, steam heat, will clear $1200 month by putting Into housekeeping apts., all thoroughly clean and well furnished; come in and talk this proposition over. See Mrs. Keller, - -OEO. T. MOORE CO.. 3007 Yeon Bldg. WEST SIDE BARGAINS. 8 housekeeping rooms. $1100; terms. 10 housekeeping rooms, 3500; terms. 22 housekeeping rooms, 2ftM); terms. 28 transient rooms, 2500; terms. We have M other small places listed. LET ITS SHOW YOU. MARPH & McCABE. 322-4 Falling Bldg. NOB HILL LOCATION. 90 rooms. 24 apartments, strictly modern, well furnished, good condition, brick building, rent only $350. with 4 year lease, netting $850; $S000 cash will handle. SEE T. A. MADDEN. f!12 Henry Bldg. Broadway S4S7. JUST A .BEAUTY. Apartment house, 97 rooms, cor. brick bldg.. 5-year lease, rent $500; 31 3-room apts., 2 2-room apts.; this place Is well furnished, clean as wax, clearing over all expenses $700. For further partic ulars See Mm. Keller. CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 100" Yeon Bldg. WE HAVE THE KEY. WILL. SHOW TODAY. 12 to 4:30 P. M.; throurh the week by appointment only: 8-room house, nice yard and furniture and rusrs of the best; rent $45; lease. Use 2 rooms and have $125 rncome. 00 N. lth st.. today only. MA GOON & SPENCER. Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 612T. NIFTY HOTEL. M rooms, elegantly furnished, private bath connections to every room, fine corner brick bldg.. big supply linens, beautiful ground-floor lobby, clearing over all expenses $1000 month, $12,000 will handle. See Mrs. Keller, GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. NICK'S BEST BARGAIN. 15 -room furnished apt. house. 7 2-rm., one single; concrete bldg., good lease, rent only $60; full price only $1500, terms. - E. V. NICHOLSON, 527 Chamber of Commerce BMg. APARTMENT HOUSE. 25 3 a nd 4-room apts. , fine corner bldg., right down town. Northwest heat, net profit $600, good lease, $800 will handle. Pee Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MQORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. $800 WILL HANDLE. 10 rooms and could have 2 sleeping porches, beautiful furniture, good rugs and velvet drapes, furnace, fireplace, brass beds, leather davenports, chairs, etc.; White Temple district: good look lng corner house. up Park street. IF YOU WANT a first-class apartment, hotel or room ing house, any size, any price, any place, we have It. SEE T. A. MADDEN, M2 Henry Bldg. Broadway 547. ONLY $700 DOWN. ONLY $700 DOWN. 16 housekeeping rooms, clears $100 month: west side; price $2000. Marsh McCabe. 322-4 Failing bldg. TEN ROOMS. W. S.. income $120. rent ;:to; suh. sow down. 401 Stock Ex change bidg. 22 ROOMS, all housekeeping, close ia. $2250, terms. 28 Clay, BrStNF.SH OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 3U MODERN apartments, west-side corner brick bldg., 5-year lease, low rent; auto matic elevator, private baths, etc.; clean inrougnout: a splendid money-maiter, price $19,000, easy terms. 24 modern aoartmants. five minutes' walk from heart of town: three-year lease, reasonable rent. Northwest heat; easy for lone woman to operate: clear $550 per month; price $13,000, easy lerm. 22 apartment, near Morrison St., all light, airy rooms, extra clean and un usually well furnished; rent $200. lease. Clears $4ou per month; $5000 will nan die. 1 36 modern moms, nn-tn-dste brick building, in best west-side district; rent $275, lease; clear $450 per month; price for 'quick sale only $8000. easy terms. 53 rooms, rent $400, lease; income over eiiau; one or tne cleanest places in town, several private baths, water In all rooms, extra-well furnished; $7000 handles. Look this up. 27 H. K. rooms, rirht In town, elec tric lights, furnace, etc.; water in many rooms; very clean and well furnished; clears over $200 per month; $2000 will handle. 8 H. K. rooms, rent $50; very close-In location, west side: electric lights, fur nace, etc., extra-well furnished. Very clean: price $1100, easy terms. YATES REALTY CO. 245 FOURTH PT. MODERN APARTMENTS. $11.000 TERMS. 19 8-room apartments, clears over completely rurnishea; lease . at nominal rent; west side. $17,000110.600 DOWN. 2S west aide apartments; net over $0j0 Per month: IDEAL LOCATION The price on this place will advance uuu. $24.000 $10,000 DOWN. 42 modern apartments, furniture ex cellent; nets close to $1000 per montn. BUILDING AND FURNISHINGS ' X4S.000 LIBERAL TERMS. West Bide brick apartment house, completely furnished: will net from $8000 to $0000 a year. We have several other good hotel and apartment house proposition and axe always glad to show you. MARSH & McCABE, 322-4 Falling Bldg. 3d and Wash. Marshall : BOOMING HOUSE BUYERS, ATTENTION. , . Wallace Myer, at 112 West 4th st., Vancouver, Wash., are of fering the following good buys: See these before buying else where: 26 rooms, transient, brick bldg., rent $50, good lease: price $2000, some terms, clears $250 mo. 20 rooms, brick building.' steam heat, rent $25; price $210 cash. A money-maker. . 20 rooms, all transient, rent $75, brick building, always full. DON'T MISS THIS.. Tt Won't I.nst Lone. Tl-room hotel, completely furnlsed, 8 year lease, option for 2 more years, rent I .juu; tins ls a good corner Drica ning., hot and cold ater In all rooms, steam heat, ground floor lobby, with card room and soft drink bar, making net profit $noo month; full price only .14, uuu, ud- erai terms. See Mrs. Keller. CF.O. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 36-KoOi apt, rent $50; lease; gruss in come, sa-ia. rriee mv. lerms. 8 rooms, fair furniture. Including piano. Rent $25. Price $650. Clean this up and I sell it for iiiau. 4 rooms, fair furniture, including sew ing machine, 7225. Kent 915. J. W. BARRANI), Main 424R. 340 Salmon. MONEY-MAKING HOTEL. 77 rooms, hot and cold water In all rooms, steam heat, some private baths. fine neds, pillows and mattresses, turn ing transients nwav everv night; net profit $S00 month. Price $14,000, liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller, CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FIRST-CLASS SMALL HOTEL. 30 rooms, some suites, elegantly fur nished in maple, mahogany and walnut; hoc and cold water in all rooms, corner buildinir: best west side location: .rood lease; net $500 and beautiful apartment lor sell; price $h.i0U. terms. SEE T. A, MADDEN. M2 Henry BMg Broadway S4S7. CAN YOU HEAT THIS? $5000 $3000 DOWN. 68- housekeeping rooms, west side. brick building, running water; good fur niture. CLEAR PROFIT OVER $250 MONTH. MARSH & McCABE. 322-4 Falling Bldg. SWELL WEST SIDE LOCATION. Apt. house, 21 3-room apts., 7 4-room apts., a.11 with private baths and phones, corner brick bldg., full 4-year lease, clears over all expenses about $700, $10,- 000 -will give you possession. S'e Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10Q7 Yeon Bldg. SEE THIS ONE. 318 rooms. 31 apartments, modern and unusually well furnished throughout, at tractive corner orick Duiiding, oest west i side .location, 5-year lease at $550. net I $700: price J1.hju, terms. SEE MRS. H AUG. M2 Henrv Bldg. Broadway MS 7. WANTED Good hotel furniture for 40 rooms, must have it before May 1. will exchange $3O0O equity in fine 7-room house and 2 bitr lots, nice town on u. tt.. 17 miles out. Dlace has fruit, berries. chicken house, roses,, flowers and shade trees, everything fine. vv rite oox Orenco, Or. SMALL HOTEL. 1S rooms, corner brick bidg., rent only JK5, steam neat, not ana com water in all rooms, beautiful apartment for own1 use, clearing over all expenses over ioU, price $3000. - See Mrs. Keller, CEO. T. MOORE CO., 3007 Yeon Bldg. A BARGAIN $4,500. 80 rooms, some apartments, some lnrles- verv nicelv furnished, modern: hot a.nd cold water in all rooms, fur nace, several fireplaces: net 51'j0 witn 3-room apartment ior seir: gooa lease. SEE T. A, A1A 5i2 Henrv Bldg. Broadway M 7. PRIVATE BOARDING. 10 rooms, well furnished. Nob Hill district, clears $150 over all expenses, Including board for your own family. Prit?e $1500. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 3007 Yeon Bldg. Siuou TERMS Never offered before; 10 I rooms, n. k.. ciose in west siae. uooa furniture, very clean, good home and Income. If you are looking for a room- I lng house you cannot do better. 387 Taylor. - WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 1 3-room house, all in housekeeping J apts., completely and. well furnished; price $1800, some terms. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 3007 Yeon Bldg. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. Over 60 boarders, close In. west side: good furnishings; must sell on acoount of s ckness. see it today. MARSH & McCABE. 322-4 Falling Bldg. 23 HOUSEKEEPING ROOAlSr for sale by owner. 193 West Park. T.OST AXD FOUND- LOST black wallet containing containing $220 and bank book; finder will be suitably rewarded. 1017 Portsmouth av, LOST April 2, female while, black-spotted Llewellyn setter, ciotn collar on. re ward. Wrtln. 4002. LOST Straight-hair Aireoaie aog. light color, license No. 10. Jast 6485. Re ward: LOST A pillow in surgical room at St. Vincent s hospital; name r inkenbiner. Marshal lfi. LOST Fri. P. M.. beaver fur collar with tassel on one end. r inder pieasa leave at 213 Tllford Didg. Kewara. LOST Umbrella, straight, light-wood handle. Return 332 juonawk bldg., re ward. LOST Pair of glasses on Sandy blvd., be tween Park Rose ana fairview. finder please phone Tabor 7o32. LOST Latit Tuesday, a brooch, with large I amethyst surrounded by pearls. Re ward. Enst fSH.M. LOST Small leather purse containing $13 and small change, on April 4. lol E. Webster st. LOST A brindie and white male bull terrlor. D. H. Rowe on collar. Call East 20. Reward. FUR COLLAR lost near Hellig theater; reward. j 74 h atoms street. Party seen taking hose from 22d and Over ton. Return same and avoid arrest. IjOST Fox terrier, white with black spot on back. onu tfo-i. ttpward. LOST SILVER BAR PIN. PHONE EAST 7767. LOST Knight Templar charm. S. K. Wil lett name on it. Phone Sell. 2072. LOST Canary bird from 12th lumbla. Call Tabor 1050. GRAY SQUIRREL fur, finder please call Woodlawn wrz. ONE BLACK leather driving glove. Finder please call isagt go and receive reward. LOST Gold cuff button; engraved with letter c. prone .vain 47 LOST Purse, containing silver watch. other articles. fc-ast f4::. Reward. LOST Brown and green slip-over sweater near wcoti scnooi. ivotny Tabor K1H6. LOST Child's skooter from 574 E. rison. Reward. Cnll East 15:8. LOST Black cow with white haU. V'tud-j I.OST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found the cars of the Portland Railway, -Light & Power company April 8, 1921: Two umoreuas, z luncn boxes. 1 purse, scnooi tickets. 2 suitcases, 3 hand bags, 2 prs. S single gloves. S book. 13 packages. 1 bu., s sgl, key, shovel, basket, roll of I films, 1 pr. glasses. Owners may obtal same upon proper identification at First ana siapr street station. TliE PARTY picking up lady's purse con taining so currency and small cnange and savings bank book No. C 6576. oil Northwestern National bank In tele phone booth at Imperial hotel at noon Thursday was seen and can be identified. Return at once to Imperial hotel desk. No further action will be taken. PARTY IS KNOWN THAT WAS SEEN TAKING LADY'S BLACK SAILOR HAT FROM AMERICAN MARKET. YAM HILL STREET PI.PASR RRTITR." SAME PLAC1S AND AVOID FURTHER I ttUU BLK, LOST Small gold wrist watch at Deaf scnooi station or on Oregon electric train b io r-oruand April e. itewara finder. Has initial. "H V.. A . K- Tllllnghast. School for Deaf, Salem. Or, AT 20TH and Northrup, or on DM car, coin nurse eon it n is . nri a oroocn. Finder keep cash and return brooch and receive additional reward. Call Main K2S. or Aut. .VJS-SV fill! First. LOST At public market, north lde, be iween au and 4tn st.. lady's gold nnl chain "Gruen" wrist watch; will Identi fy; finder please call Marshall 1024 Sun nay petore 10:30 or Monday. LOST A black overcoat with silk lini and velvet collar, on Canvon rd. - Find please phone A. B. Reynolds. Main 6463, or return to 372 Morrison st. Liberal reward. LUSI i'air of Uiujipk in i-tap. itlisolut valueless to anyone but owner, reward will be paid at desk of Imperial hotel upon return, or phone Mr. Kay. Main r-.. LOST In or near Meier & Frank's. vicinity of public market or Mt. Tabor car. a otack fur' neckolece with hea and tall: this belongs to little girl. Re ward. Tahor OS75. LOT Hound dog, black and tan, scar on lop of head. Reward for return or an one knowing his whereabouts. Phone Main 57R2. DENTAL practice for sttle; up-to-date equipment: line location, suburban Port land. Call Columbia 477 or Columbi K'V. LOST Purse containing about $00 in cu rency. cneck lor S2S.O0: auto license purse. Loser Warren Grove. Reward to nnuer. Aloer hotel barber shop. LUor Saturday. 1 p. M.. between en trance to Morgan bldg. and Broadway. little flmrer-rlng set with lapis. Call wroodlawn 2S72. I LOiT Gold bar pin, diamond center. reward. Woodlawn 4453. SPECIAT, NOTICKS. Proposals 1 Invited. WILL receive sealed bids ror a stock of merchandise, together with the fixture: used in and about the same, located 407 E. Morrison st. Portland. Oreaon- up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, April 11, 1921. The merchandise consists principally of furnishing goods, dry goods, hats and shoes, amounting to $3002; fixtures, $765. Terms cash, and a certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each Did. rtigm is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory and property may oe seen on application at my office. R. L. SARIN. 740 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE. The undersigned, trustee In the matter of Thomas C. Bostic, bankrupt, an nounces that at a time within the nea future he will sell the entire stock of merchandise and fixtures of the Bostic drug store in Weiser, Idaho. Inquiries should be directed to the undersigned at vveiser. idano. W. H. SPIKER. Weiser. Idaho. WANTED Bids on grading and excav, tion work for logging railroad. Clark Wilson Lumber Co.. Linnton. Or. MiHCellaneouM. NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS. Sealed proposals will be received by Mrs. Nettie Smith, clerk Toutie schoo, district, for an addition to the school building at Toutie, Wash., up to Satur day, April 23, at J2 o'clock, in accord ance witn drawings ana specification prepared by Heath, Gove & Bell, archi tects. Tacoma. wash. - Drawings and specifications may be had from the clerk, from Joseph Gard ner. county superintendent of schools, Kalama. Wash., from the office of the Advocate, lastie ftocis.. wasn.. xrorn the architects, lacoma. wam. All proposals shaU be accompanied by a certified check for at least 5 per cent JUL HIV ttlllUUHI. ifiu.. l ne BCtioui puaru reserves tne ngni io reject any or all proposals, or parts of proposals. rni j it, sauth, .lerk or uistrict. NOTICE OF TRADE MARK. Notice is hereby given that Oreiro Syrup of Prunes company, an- Oreeon corporation, is the owner of a certain trade mark described substantially as follows: A scrool with tne words. "Oregon SvruD of Prunes company. Portland Oregon." surrounding a whole prune with green leaves and stem, and a half prune witn seed, and underneath, de scriptlve matter and the name "Byrup of Prunes," which said trade mark Is to be aDplied to and used upon a tonic laxative proprietary medicine known as "Oregon byrun of Prunes." and which said trade mark has been registered ii the office of the secretary of state fo the state of Oregon, and the United States patent office. Washington, D. OREGON SYRUP OF PRUNES CO. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Sam Harris, bankrupt. Sealed bids will be received by t'ue undersigned on stocks or groceries and fixtures at LaGrande, Oregon, lnven tories of which are $33,293.07 and $15, 519.18. respectively. Bids will be opened In the offices of the referee In bank ruptcy at Portland, Oregon, on the 8th floor or the Title Trust ouiiding at 3 P. M. on Tuesday, the 12th day of April, 1921. Right Is reserved to accept or reject any and all bias, an Dids to be sublect to the approval of the court. AH bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check of 10 per cent of the amount thereof, inventory may be inspected at 641 Pittock block, Portland, Oregon, and care C. L. Windsor, roiey Hotel, La Grande, Or. G. W. INGRAM. Trustee. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AT7TOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. MAN OF UNQUESTIONED ability and in tegrlty familiar with corporation law will act as financial, fiscal or resident agent or will organize or promote com panies; will careiuiiy Handle and safe guard your interests; real personal serv ice guaranteed, o oi, uregoriian. STOCKS AM) BONDS. Want high-grade office manager and business producer; will give right man substantial interest in profits and make officer in corporation. AC 559, Orego nlan. CONTRACT Monthly payments, 7V in terest, balance about .mm; wm discount for cash; security very gooa. owner. 341 Cook ave. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate, wasnington, Ore gon . H. hi. NoDie. 3in Lumpermena Didg WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts, ir. u. Bowman & Co., ;10 Cham, of Com. bldg. Alain 3028. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. $2300 SELLER'S contract, real estate, 10 percent discount, ah o.ii. uregonian. SEE WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO. for builders loans. Money to loan on Real Estate. WILL lend $75,000 on business real estate on west side at 6H Per cent II income and location" are satis lac tory. . a. 670, Oregonlan. S300. S400. S500. $750. $1000 AND UP- LOW vates, quica action, ire a vv. mer man Co.. 731: cnam. or com. Main 445. WILL LOAN $1000 in liberty bonds, face value, and $000 casn at I7c in first mort gage; private party. K. otw, Oregoman. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate or interest, otto Harkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. $6000 PRI VATIC money, loa n improved i arm; lowest rate. io vnam. com merce bldg; WANT to place $1500 for 2 or 3 years. 7 per cent, ursi ingriKCLsc on nouse ana lot; no agents. A SftS, Oregonlan. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent u security is ample. Ldw. p. Mall. 309 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE $1500 TO LOAN on city property. BL'KKHAKUT BUairtCiaa iJUlbUKRS, Suite 415 Pl-itt BMr. Main 7027. TO LOAN By private party, $2500 on guaranteed title, xuity insured, inside residence, 8. J 566. Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Saloman ec to., aof ny. men, oirtg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Co.. 4tn and stark. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Oeo. I', lrfnt. 1 1 1 torpeii omg. $500 TO $2000 PRIVATE money to loan. ynone wain, o..j. MORTGAGE loans. See Robert S. Coe Jr.. 384 V Hawtnorne ave. $;000 TO LOAN on city aecuriiy. .Will qiviae. r.asi iout. : $1000 TO LOAN on Improved city proj) erty, 7 6i2 Oregonian. FINANCIAL Money to Loan on Keal Estate. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property or for improve- I ment purposes, I The best and easiest method of paying I a loan Is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 30 months, or $21.24 Der month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 06 months pays a loan of siuuo ana interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portion. T?na vmssnt TW vl1i ST". EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N 242 Stark St.. Portland, or. W KSinTTATK LOANS. Five-year period, repayment privilege oi iw or any muiupie inereuu IVSTAM.MKNT T.OAN3. Will Innn AO r.tr r.ent value of TOUf home; small monthly payment, with ex cellent repayment privilege. R1TS1N'KS. PRGPKRT Y LOANS. Five-year period, repayment1 privilege. RRirm MORTflA GH COMPANY. Portland mortgage correspondent the4 Prudential insurance company oi Amer ica. 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Main saua. TVB LOAN OUR OWN MONEY ON RESIDENCIES AND APART WENTS. MORTGAGE GUARAN TEE COMPa.Nl'. TITLE 4c TRUST Tww unvKV IS READY. I HAVE CLIENTS WAITING TO LOAN MONET ON REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY PREFERRED. OR HIGHLY IMPROVED FARMS EAS1LX Auuua- ANY AMOUNT FROM $2000 UP TO J 12,000 ON REASON AHI.M TtinMO. FK BiD . MI6 PANAMA BI.DG. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rate; no commission on choice loans; long time, short time; monthly payments; pay you can; sums to suit; contracts, second roort casres bouKbt. 725 Gasco bids;-, oth snd Alder sta. CELLARS-MUKTOX CO. MORTGAGE LOANS. I have money available lor rood resi dence loan at 1 per cent. It will pay you to Investigate. 718 Chamber of Commerce. Main 498. ItnRTfilllE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt snd helpful service. Liberal repayment pnv- UpreA. I.nwent rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. WE HAVfal funds available for arood real- dence loans, also Insurance money ror buaines property, at lowest available rales. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 28S1. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan st lowest current rates on Wllismetts val ley farms: no commission: no aelays. DEVERKAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY 87 Sixth St.. fortlana. ur. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amounts at lowest rates, on city or country property. . Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. 622 Corbett E!de. Main 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS On real estate security, any amount from 500 up on Improved, city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. MONET to loan on diamonds and Jewelry; confidential service; government li censed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. A Co., 2HS Wash, su bet. 4th and oth. Marshall 727. S;lLni 11000 S15U0 J200U AND UP. No delay, we are loaning our own money; loans quickly ctoseo. F. H. DESHONG. 615 Cham, of Com. LONG ESTAB. RELIABLE SEttVIUH. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farm. and city property; favorable repaying privilege: no commission or delay. The OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 309 Piatt bldB Main asii. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amossit, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldft. Marshall 4114. WILL CASH small miff, 'or seller con tract under S100O. Also private funds to loan; lowest rates; prompt attention. A. K. Hill, 420 Lumbermen! bllg. f300, 400, .00, (iuO. 11000. 11200, J1MI0. S2U0U and up. luweat rates, quick accion, pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Main l.i0. PLENTY OK MONEY TO LOAN. We want your good loans amount $2X0 to $2500. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. PRIVATE MONEY. $25,000 in hand for immediate loans; will divide to suit. BECK. 525 Henry Building. MORTGAGE loans in sums to. suit; city. Xarm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 Failing bldg. ,000-$ooO ON improved city and subur ban property, fcast t.iL'. Money to Loan L'liattels and Salurle. PORTLAND REMEDIAL. LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSI NESS MEN TO PROTECT BORROW ERS. LOANS MADE ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. , VICTROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FUR NITURE. 894 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN, MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL, LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY T AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? XUU CAN GET IT TODAX. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS. viv.tnui.Aa, it r.A i, ,&aax. BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracta, we will pay them up and advance you more money ix needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se. curlty in your possession and you can repay us In smsll monthly payment. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rate reasonable. Private office. All ousiness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED). 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 8286. H. w. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WB LOAN MONEY. on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly paymenla Eacn transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods. pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED). 218 FAILING BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN", on goods in atorage. Rnnk rata SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., vo ruunn ot., opp. Aiuitnoman hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry. etc., legal rate; article held 1 year. Vine. Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note; conHOentlal Investigation. sin unsm. or com. Dldg. Licensed. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, iegai rates; articles neid a year; estab- isnen iiwo. uan Aiarx &z Co., Bin Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture, iegai Tate, zus Washington bldg. Loans Wanted. ANT $4000; new 8-room house. Irving- ton; 7 per cent; no commission. Owner, 'l a Dor 0d4. WANT $2500 at 7 per cent from private party on property wqrtn JJ0U. Tabor 1078. ' $18,000 WANTED at 7 per cent by the owner oi west sioe improved real estate wortn X73,noo. X ft3, Oregonlan. 200. 8 PER CENT, on new modern bun galow, Powell road. East 632(1. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. cnam. ot torn, fourth and stark. 000, 8, 3 YEARS Modern house, 1 acre or ground, v lipur r. jouno, Henry bldg. $1000, 8, 3 YEARS 8-room house, lOOx 1 in. wiiniir r. joenn, nenry Dldg. $000, 8 8 YEARS 3-room house, garage. noxiww. n nour r. jouno, nenry nldg. 1000 ON 6-ROOM bungalow, Hawthorne 00 Flrat mortgaKe. on fine residence for aale. 7Ja uaBco Dig if. Main 1 1 : WANT loan $20,000 on apartment house irom privat.epariy. 11 oo, ureg o n i a n WANTED $10,000 for building loan, bui- ne&g property. j o.'. CrregoniAn. ANTED $HXJ0 loan on real estate Drou- erty. Tabor 2S.;i, $1800 ON R0613 CITY PARK boufce. Gnaco oiQK. jwain np. FARM morLKuKO for sale; will discount. Main MiKit. 2000 on Olympia rcaity; central; will pay 10 per cent.. r n.:f. .'resonian. $500. 8 PER CENT, on email bungalow. WoPOgtoCK. iast l'm. FKOM private party. $4500. 7. 3 year. Ai security, aw oua, vresoniao FINANCIAL Loans Wanted. LOANS WANTED. Want $1250 on c1e-ln unim proved Union-avenue lot, for one year; wilt give first mortgage for Sioou ana pay per cent; lot as sessed at $1800; principals oniy. J 561, Oregonlan. LOANS W ANTED. 750 at 8A; security value .800 at 7'; security value .000 at 7: aecurltv valua t 1.T50 $ ,.BO0 f 3.0 t ,(0 $ 6.000 at 7: aecurltv value $12, 000 . $11,000 at 7 ; security value $30,000 ever naa a zoreclosure on a, loan recommended by us." OTI8 C BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. Broadway BBBH. B. LEE PAGET. $1000 at 1y,; house Just sold for $3000. 1000 at 77c ; a-room bouse, plenty of I security. Zo00 at T; east side residence; a per-I zectiy gooa loan. 4500 at 1; beautiful new Irvlngton I residence; value m.ooo. Mnln 62.10. B02 Corbett Bldg. I WILL give $10,000 fur the use of $20,000 1 12 month; win put up some valuable oil I land and leases for security In the Osaga, I Wyoming on fields, security extra good. Call Tabor 4055. C. O. Watson. 681 East 67th at. N . city. See me before I go back to oil field. Will pay your ex-1 penses ror persona! inspection. $800 FIRST mortgage, year. 8 per I cent. Hair acre tract with 2 cottage. Farkrose, near Sandy blvd. See Mr. Hickman or Wilson with J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber oi Com merce piag. LOANS WANTED. $1500$ years at 8 per cent, modern house in Montavllla. value 14000. $15003 years at 7 per cent, fine modern house, corner lot. Kenton, value -uuu. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WANT to borruw direct from private I party $2500 for three year, 7 per cent. on mnuern o-room nous in l.aureinurt: ha fireplace, furnace, hardwood floor. garage and all atreet Improvement. McCLURHS A KCHMAITCH CO.. 30(1 RAILWAY EXCHANGE HLPO. WANTED $10,000 to finance building fori ousiness; will give three notes for ..0O0, I earn maturing Bept- 1, lvsi; Kept, l. and Kept. 1. 1023. rvSDectlvelv : se cured by 1st mortgage on building and I equipment, ptione Ka.it n7TM. GIL'i'-LDGE $1000 mortgage on two choice I iuis in Aiameda, arawing u1 and due in i it momna: ni discount too. Mala oa-J. ipen unaay. EltNEST WELLS COMPANY. HQ6 Onurh Bldg $2.ri0u. a YEARS. 7 Lj: and 6-room bungalow on 45th near Hawthorne ave.; I hardwood floor, fireplace, full cement I basement, furnace: at. Improvt-mente In I and paid for; value $5000; insurance te I cover, can Hdwy. 48. 83 tn su $300 LOAN wanted, secured by furniture of 6 rooms; cost over $2000; Include I electric washer and $300 phonograph: will give bunua of $30 and 8 per cent I Interest. Repay monthly. berious 111- nes.i. AO 438, Oregonlan. $liO0 WANTED. 8. brand new. very ele gan-t little bungalow; hardwood Hours, ureplace. run cement basement, etc. corner, 100x100. Take Woodstock car to 4ili h st.. walk 4 whort blocks N.. No. B604 41th t. Marshall .46. WANT $.;ou at 10 per cent; $4."K) at 8 per cent; .mio at 8 per cent; Siuo, at a per cent, on Portland property. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce . pldg. $l0O ON KEAL ESTATE at per cent for three years, with privilege of making payment on or nc nal year y: semi-an nual Interest payment; principals only. i: .'im. tiregonian. $1000 WANTED on choice Ludd's Addition lot, close to Hawtnorne ave.; vu pa) S5. Main ttt.'H. Open Sunday. EK.NBPT WELLS COMPANY. mm Omii-h Hldg BETTER THAN lluNlio. PORTLAND RESIDE NICE MORTGAGES SI000. 8. -'-.)U. HERMAN MOELLEH. REALTOR. 1023 Oasco Bldg. Miin 14MO. WANT sodo urivate money on f irst-cias . security, two nign grade incioseu. snu Indorsement of party worth over Jjii.oou. Answer at once for particulars. Y &2. oretromnn. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON TVP PORTLAND PROPERTY. F. H. DESHON, 615 CHAM. OF COM. LONG ESTAB. REL1AHLE SEKVIIK. WANTED $3000 on bungalow in Ross-I merer ln S21HIO and SJOO On bunga lows In Rose City Park. C. J. Johnson, 313 Henry bldg WANT $1800 on brand new. strictly mod ern 6-r. bungalow, from private nany. 3 or 5 years, at 7 per cent; valuation :,IWQ. A R MS. Oregonlan, 1 WANT $3000 for 3 or 5 years, 7 or 8 Interest, on good jrvingion properly worth $1000; fmm private Individual preferable. AF 4L'3. uregonian. rUK G1LT-EDGJ 7 and mortgage bonds In local concerns see Oregon in vestment 4 Mortgage Co., 223 Chamber of Commerce bldg WANTED Loan from private Individual in amount from $1000 to (30UU on llrst mortgages; excellent security. AN $13. Oregonlan. WILL puy you to nee us for gilt-edge first-mis. loans. 12 years successiui ex perience. A. K. 11111, 426 Lumbermen Hldg. 1 WANT sooo, 3 year. per cent, on Irvlngton residence worm uou. t. -i. Derr. 1215 N. W. Bunk Mdg M:ir. 22 WANT $0000 on improved properly Ior 3 to a years, irom private party. ov- (; hldg. Mnln 42H3 V ANTED JNUU iirst murtgage on home worth $3100. johnson-Dodson Co., Main JI7K7 1133 N. W. Blink Hlilg. WANT looo loan on lour lols with mod- ern bungalow with $6500. Jacob Haas, Marsliau x.i-i. S2500 WANTED; A-l security. 1st mtg. Laureinurst nome. a. av. iitii. -vj .uu- bermens bldg. tiiiui hiii:i2 contract. Dayuble $20 month. including interest; iiuwia, Tabor HIM). wanted X4.i00 for 3 years on west aula I flat hldg. wortn stti.uuu. a. . 420 Henry Ding. TTTwio on west side property worm siuou; . . . . . . r RAO ,1 iil n ivQ. nO CUmiUIB.IUll, VV'., - rERSONAU l-.v-uaq rirv March, liioj. what 1TO- tJ run i or me: ror . " iw, . .nrr.r.r1 with stomach, female end nerv ous trouble, had tried 15 doctor with no relief, the lat two gave me oo ua it. live; had been kept on cracker and iti. nn.i .i for the last year; for 8 month on water and cracaers, as tne milk would curdle and come up a oon as I awallowed. When 1 heard of Dr. Peaalev'a cure on Dec. 1, 11)01. I called him, and he Bald he could cure me at h third treatment. I asked him If I Al1 .11 a D1K.O DOIOIO BI1U 11 pm. "Ve. eat anything you want." That night, a soon a he left I baked a small one and ate It. The next morning I Vinirerl two large ones: alter xour treat ments ate corned beef and cabbage; 4 weeks from th first treatment did my wn washing. I took thre monins treatment and irom mat uay, tnree v-ura aao. haVA never OkQ O SICK day. 1 went from 180 pounds down to 86, and today I welgu 10- pound air, ail. W'lnton. Prof. Peasley, 490 Morrison it., Mar. 26a Portland. Oregon. Hours 12 to 6:30 P. M. Will go to th home to give treatments. WANTED Customers for beauty treat ment In their own nomes, marcelling, facials, acalp treatment and manicuring by experienced operator. I'none sir. Bulrrt. Mnln 2359. INVESTIGATE system which bring re sult; testimonie can ne naa at my office. What ha been done for other can be done ror you. or. J. smltn. drug- les physician, -n-l rnenner bldg. PL.A1N siiulupoo, .'lie; oil. ioc; hair dress- inf. .r,oc: lace massage, vioiet ray. brator, gray hair hennaed and touched up; work gtiariinteen. Auto, z.w-ii. t Ri'siNESS letters ana.: pleas ana at torney letter: J. n. letter an, toe Dean way will be used. M. a i l.KAVIXU tor Los Angeles Tuesday A. M In 7-pasenger car; nave room ior 4 people. Communicate at 333 Fargo St., Sunday nnn winnaj WILL pay H'"o on $3000 from party snf forma- witn rneumntisiii to iy in on- vate sanitarium; reasonable rates. AV 427. Oregonlan. FRENCH teacher will give cxaet Inlor af . . ",g ,e .'"f.T- -r- .m.s1" jud- matlon on Johnson t SCALP treatments, shampooing, manicur ing, facial massages, uaiiuicsnm uubb In your home Mnin 40, rmm 8. X WO MEN would like to go with party In aUlOmOl'llV V 0U aV t BMkit.U, 1 American Hotel. KPtItlfcNCfcl massage; will take posi tion in CUjr OI QUI. - urrnonmn. XCNICIDE will cure rhuniatism or mou DECK. 1UO L"-num t". KTUEL McCOY. chiropodist. Ooy Buchao- in DIOg., "i- " JERRY Please let me nave your address. Ten. AJ vrn-mMmiii. FACE, ecalp treatment, manicuring;; 10:20 POLLY NORTON. MAXICUIU8T. 41-5 prCHAXAW PLTX;. : PRIVATE detective, iuvestigationa. work all cages. "oi. urryiimtn. HONEST," write me and make appouit- nent t once, u fm.. retroniHn. HAl K combings made up. 6. h. Piwte, 4 GET WELL. FREE. FREE. rREH. Every day, from 10 A. M. te 8 P. M., nd evenings from to 8, and 6unda from 10 to IX THOUSANDS Of MJFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are In vited to Investigate Chlropractlo meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC . DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COPT TO TOO WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, n. sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure 05 per cent of all dUeaae. CHIROPRACTIC remove the cause heiih returns The above service la all free to you at tlie college building and may be bad In private If desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may alse be bad In college building by membere cf the faculty, by either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Corner of Park and Yamhill. T.I. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will hsndla out-of-town patient at a moat reason able rate in order to show what Chlro practlo can do. LlH. O.' W. ELLIOTT. President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC STTEM. (Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to this principle only add time and Im mediate expense tn inter despair for patients.) Dr. McMahon (McSisn) him self. Macleay bldg.. Portland, m a chiro practor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 chlropractlo specialist, with hlgheet teatlinoniaie from pattern from eastern stale, familiar witn the b-t. also from western snd local people (doctors, lawyer. Judges, ministers. priet, teachers, parents and children!, having unfortunately bad lesa than loo' chlropractlo elsewhere, with, of course, corresponding disappointment In delar relief physlcslly snd financially. Men and women are fu.ly (satisfied with my 100'- chlropractlo philosophy, long experience and superior skill dem onstrated In consultation before taking courses of treatment, and later in ex aminations, easy, careful and beneficial aajuatmeuta, lowest rate and XLiaLy results Eleventh year In thl city. Acute attiick, coiti fevers, lumbago and "doubting Thomases" least time, least expense. Chronlo conditlone (ul month rates. The rich can pav mrra Extended time 31 adjustments. $li. Phone, wire, write, walk in. Main office. Fourth and Washington at New home. 617 E Salmoi :. THE TRAGEDY OK FAT. Th misery of rheumatism, neuritis neuralgia, colds, etc.; my sclentlflo ap plication of water, light, hest. electric Ity and massage, together with a sane and sensible diet, will remove the reus, of these troubles. Treatmeuls are pleas ant and healtl- building; consultations free Monday. Wednesday end Friday, women only; woman assistant. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday nten only. Brown's Hydrophalhlo Institute, teven Bldg , downstairs. Main 8030. rver Six Tears Same Location. ANY READER of tills paper auderlm from goitre (big neck) can get posltlv Information on how to cure It at hom without the least trouble or dleeom fort. There is a pleasant surprise It store for you If you will write. N charge whatsoever. Tell others. It wli help us all. Addresa Dr. Rock. Bo X-787. Milwaukee. Wis. PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Io you know that tartar scales. Im perfect fitting crowns and bridge, over hanging filings, irritating gums, si contribute tu pyorrhea, pus of gume, in f lamination of guma. loosening of teet' and finally loss of teeth! 1 specialise li fust-class dentistry; X-ray examinations DR. A. W. KEKNE. Majestic Theater Bldg., 851 H Wash. St ELECTRIC MINEItAL STEAM HATH stop colds, rhuumutlsm and nervou. troubles; violet ray, sclentlllc body anc scalp massage; both sexes treated; hour 30 to 6, evenings by appointment. Nettle Benson, V. V. Main iiftO. 304 Dekum bldg. Corner Third and Washington si WELTHMEIt SYSTEM SI'GGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. The latest and most up-to-date science practiced. If you have failed with otbere, try us. Dra. Ayers t McKlnstry, Hi Dekum Mdg. Main I'I'Tt). DKUGLEbS I'HiSIClAN. Nervou and chronic dlseaae a spe cialty If others have failed, don't be come discouraged, but giv tn a trial. Jr. Ada N. Scott. 130 13th at., bL Alder and Wash. Broadway 56,'iJ. CHARLES H. KINDT, formerly of Mil waukee, Wis Please communicate with me at once concerning mattere of Im portance and value tu you a an hilr of your father estate. W. A. Walker, 834 Wells bldg.. Milwaukee, Wis WRI7'E SONG uuem: Love Mother. Home, Comic or any eubject. I compose music and guarantee publication. Send words to Edward Trent, 102 Reaper Hlk., Chi cs go. A I. 1 i.s i'. vouiiic man. wants eolitfentl companion on two months painting out ing trip; pleasure, profit combined, small Investment required. For further liifur matlon. address AV 413. Oregonlan. t. HiltUl'RAClK-. BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic, v. bratory and electrlo massage. Dr. Mar garet Hayule, ili bwellaud bldg. lta-t-onulile price. is' YoU AKE tired and nervous you can rejuvenate you, nervou centers anu poor circulation fey having a sc body masage. Dr. Ovldia Lars lentlfle rsen, 634 luirun PldB. Main Hum. ATTENTION, RHEUMATICS, f wish to get In touch with seversi par ties who have rheumatism In any stage. Write A 534, Oregonlan. It costs you nothing to try this for success. IAiiaua AMisbf ill. run ub.ii is a soollllllg, cieansius, nraiiug larmicias, and invigorating douche, a great aid In female disorders; 6uo and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR twrmanently removed by multiple needle tiu thud; consultation free. 504 Swetlanu bldg.. 6th at Wash, st. Main ALi. tne lalesl remedies otU t to Clem- colon ATUg V.O.. w u" ion ai., ee Cbarles boiel corner. At this drug (tore you gel Just what you call for. Ws have no substitute. GALLSTONES Fre nook tell or im prove metnoa oi treating ini lamniaiioo of gall bladder and bile ducte. Write today. Dr. Paddock, bus Vuui. Kauaas City. M?. LET DR. GEORGE RUBEN8TKIN, th.. Veteran optician, am lour viiwi. ti - ,.i expert In luting eyeg.ase and hi rhrge Are very reasonable. 220 Morrison st. GRADUATE nuree and chiropodiet. sclen tlllc massage, manueim n c-miihu. re moved from room 205i to room 210 AINkv bldg.. 3d nnd Morrl'on sts. Lvi..:..ih..Ll.u nure Hi eietlllc lis Ilia "ems'; 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 711 Swel land bldg. Main 77SH. iiooK oi formula, pertaining lu hair tonu sod cream, etc., ""'"" hair electrlo vibrtur; reaaonsbl. ban 324. KXPEKIE.NCBD nurse give stiain bath' ,;' .. Open f to 7 P. M. Sun day 2 to 4 P. M. 822 Flledner bldg.. lllth anil Hasningion sis hi?. LUXE MASSAGES. S. O S. 414 Hl'CllANAN ULDtl.. WASH BET FOURTH AND FIFTH SIS 10 A M TO II P. M ALSO SI NDAY8. si OKI'S both leel lined up at Dl. I.aloll the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST who doesn't hurl you. 8 yre. hero; esam frn. Giobebld., 11th A w ash. B.ly. -JfH DR. EMMA "f" '""" ""B treated by drugles method. 417 slwel- land Mdg. 1. uvliT & HANEUL.T. leading wig ,n, tU . iii -t .lii.il human k . loupe 111 ' - T ' ' ' 1 ' good, perinaneiil and marcel wavlng scalp treatment, niu Aiuer. main ill, wu v BALD lieads. daiidrutl, ecxema v lalllng hairT There a reaon and a remedy. iJ ' a. T'lHTltE enlarged giuuus. lure ynuraell j H Strachan, route 6. Hlllauoro. Or JJ0 Kent. or representative. ...l.nl ifle next riper to Matestic theater. vi r-O-NET baths, violet ray treatments. "wrw" - PIANO icacliwr ' established school w i.l accept w V '" 641. orenonlan. "fcaiinnriiuuii lar. nioifi, ris removed " ti malhml: tritxi fpo. .. Klnley, 614 mish I. sue tilde. Main 33 SLl-rHLi'lt steam bam maeaae, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 42 Clay. Main i). 10 A. M. to 0 f. M. P1I.KS can tie permanently cured without ti pc r 1 1 ii ii. v. ------ .. - , ww- nnd and Morrison. UltADL'ATlC nurse treat lumbago, eta Hour IE to v vi v, i-eu",. rHVUI Mln 1(I4I. Olflce 308-C Third st MASSAOK BATHS, kidney, constipation. riieumauBui. ..x-.,..,,, Uiu. less phys.. 608 fanama hMit. Main Mimi. PK1MEUA I1AL.M, formerly called Halm of rllts. MS rj. ...i. 'n. -.i iiiuiiiinas. liOKSN T Tom, Hick or Harry pay your See Vlereck. collectors. Dekum hlila;. iK. ETlliil. UHlr'FITIl Steam lialhs. vl- brauonf icaiu vuuui sat anetiana. I STTii ii'i-ii or nulr habit cured ur no uay - tl If cured. Remedy sent on trial bu erha Co. W. 314. rialllmore. MJ ; CORRECT tune call Main 307U. TZi '.5...UH watch repairing se Miller f9