TTIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, TORTLAND, APRIIj 10, 1921 16 FOR 8AI.E. FOR SMB. FOR SALE. FOR 8AI.E. lOK KAI.K. FOR SALE. FOR RXI.F, ACTOMOim.F". FOR SALE AfTOMOBlLKS. M iscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Mlserllulleoiis. Miscellaneous. HELP! "rle the small ranch owner as hl pocketbook dwindles under the. heavy .rain of pre-war prices, when he buys his outfit tor the cabin, tne rancn or me field and pays the fancy price. The mall ranch owner receives Just the same low figure ss the large traaer. Just glance at these Items for a starter. Keller, fully warranteddouble-blt- ..H aw0B in th S3 311 grade, our price l-50 Octagon steel splitting bars, large lrH hit at lha veiV lOW PrlCO of .. ! filmmo&s 7-foot new crosscut saws, ...II i-ftrular)v for S10.50. OUT Dries 5.45 Atlrlns rniivnt SAWS. 64 to 8 ft.. In fully guaranteed tools, our price. 8.43 Over a thousand blades and used ones to pick from at less than one-half the Tegular figure. ?1tittL rnTnnlet with wood and ring, the $2 grade, our price 1.45 tnmra for drilling stumps for blsst- Ing. In the used, handled ready for use, from to it incnea, pricea verj ikmou able. Powder spoons for blasting. Hand-made, all-steel snatch block, p,nAral clt-arinK DUTDOseS. good value at 375 Hand-made wedges and mauls. In a w ant rinsing: sell regular fiuc pound: as is, for............. 28 Good patterned wedge for bucking or splitting, all weights, per lb.. .16 K. . tt. . ble, etc. In the ttsed at surprising reductions. Feavies, canthooks, log chains, blocks In a line complete, witn reasonable prices. IF IT'S ANYTHING IN HARDWARE OS FURNITURE W HAVE IT. tr RASfHER. lust a word! It's unnecessary for you to run around town fur all your needs. In our second department you will find anything you m-iy desire in graniteware, tinware, dishes or crockery; likewise a complete line of used cook stoves, oil stoves, ranges and the like. As for furniture. anything from - mattresses down to kitchen chairs la at your disposal. XS HONEST DEAL AND SERVICE ARE LEVIN'S GUARANTEE. ITk'TXS rin saws, regular values to $4-5; these new blades priced at. $2.35 VrxrvA steel bell-face warranted hammers, in a good tool: our price. 1.10 A DIAMOND hand ax. in the best wm i:,rrv: a tool selling regularly for S3; our price 195 U-steel hack saw .70 In selling yoa your carpenter needs we are not primarily concerned in nun ing a saie as much as we are in giving merchandise that will give you service. If it dues not, a satisfactory adjustment Will be only too welcome. ' BIRD CAGES A beautiful assortment f Alaxton cfc Snow bird cages, as reason aonaoie as 4) Lou. Complete line of brass cages to pics; from. How would you like to buy a new drag saw for $114.50? We have a ma caiiiv s-norsepower. guaranteed against delect, that will cut from 1 to 2U cords si day. 'Ahese machines are now in use by many, and the only thing wrong with, them is the price is too cheap. It will pay you to investigate it II you axe 111 tile market. WHEELBARROWS Just look at this for a red-hot price! A new stave wheel barrow. Just what you have been looa lng fur, with a strong wheel, and cneaper than a used one; our price tois Vets, TEXTS Just received our complete line, from a ox7 wedge tent to the 2ux do; prices half of wliat they were last year. Any graue. 1 1 m b-oz. to 16-oa. .Cluck, all at the LEVIN figure. Miter-box, a good tool for all-around use in our COuliELL-rRATI MiTiuK. iioX; our price, $11.95. Other makes as low as (3.75. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE cumpan r, 221-23-25 Front St.. Cor. Salmon. BUI' 1'OLK PUO-NUoKAtH AT HYATT S. Remember, we sell you any model oi Victrola. Kuison, Columbia or Brunswick up to $ 12o on payments of $5 per montii. . Hyatt Talking Aiacnine Co., ooU Aldet street. .fal.sil.,u iutunors or OAturiors; we arc vueaper, and when we are through we Wli sell it tor you. SUN-HOUSki BUILDING CO., 216 Abington Building. Third, bet. tark and Wash. SAFS Fire and burglar-proof sates, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, old and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045. 85 LKOFHEAD sewing macnines, com plete witn attaenments, in good sewing order, $8 to $25; sewing machines rented $3 per month, machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. Sieen, 152 Grand ave. Last 2359. SjsOST folks say diamonds are high, but wue woum naraiy tnink so it tney would stop long enough to compare my prices with regulsr prices. Miller's Clearing House fur Diamonds, next door to Ma jestic theater. HEKK1XG-HALL-MARVI.N SAFES. Busbong A Co.. Sales Ageuta New snd second-hand fire and bur- jrlar proof safes and vault oocrf. Ex changes. Terms Safe department. So. m etn st. i. u. rietq in cnargo. HOT-WATER tanks. 3u-gal., $7; 40-gal., . .,; ceaiea ana guaranteea; stove and furnace coils, gaa heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding shup. 203 Adams st. East 8516. THREE-SECTION Globe Wernicke book case, fumed oak finish; one radio fume less gas heater: white enamel medicine cabinet: fine mirror door; bargains. Tel ephone Wonrilnwn 3rt i'lN E Ji Columbia Gralonola with s;,u worth of splendid records; price $100 2U down and 110 a month. Hyatt Talk Ing Machine Co., S.0 Alder street. CHOICE earnest of all table and seed potatoes. $1 per loo pounds, at my place. N. B. Harvey. Milwaukie. Or. Phone S4W. Va INT1NG W are the painters that make a gallon cover more; that's the reason we are cheaper. Call 216 Abing- ton building. L GOOD used Victrola. DlahuKai.v cast, and about $;10 in records, specially priced at luo; $10 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Cn. .1.i aa LET GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. the veteran optician, be your optician; he Is expert In fitting eyeglasses and his charges are very reasonable. 22 MnrrlaAn at Let US wash your rugs with the Hamil- ton Beach electric carpet washer with out removing from floor; work guaran teed clean anil sanitary. Wrlln. 12f0. PLOWl.NG. Lota gardens. General teaming and excavating done. Aut. 320-62 or East 4313. IVORY wicker baby carriage for only 135. Cost $iO. First-class condition. Call Tabor 31. "3 FOR SALE Baby's oriole, nursery chair ann KO-rar. rrice siu. r;ast K)S0. FLAYER-PIANO for sale cheap, cabinet and rolls. Call 321-43. XTiUK.NED electrician wii. save vou money on wiring and supplies. Sell. 58. I INSTALL base plugs and door bells. Seliwcod r. MAN'S used suits, overcoats, great bar gain. T."4 Couch st. room 9. VACUUM cleaner, suitable ior hotel or rooming house: 12. . Main 1217. PKEd'io tanK ;ind 2 neadlignts. $0. Pershtnr street. .Kenwood car. ENGINEER'S transit. Al condition. Call Tabor 4:3 afternoon or evening. Ei.MAiU.vb l.KD. box spring and mattress. ciies?. mw E. Main. SMART HATS Sport and dressy models, slightly used, labor i'8.i. WHAT have you to trade for a cabinet phonograph? 148 13th St. Brd. 2555 SAFE FOR SALE-New. Cost $100. Call 328 Main St. BUFFET and china closet for sale. Party leaving. 'labor Min. REVERSIBLE ivory reed buggy, in good connltion. Woodlawn 123. HEMSTITCHING machine for sale, bar- gain for cash. Tabor UiOJ. WOODWORKING MACHINERY. 1 Sidney Universal woodworker. 1 New Britain chain mortlaer. 2 American two-spindle iron top shapers.' 1 Single-spindle iron top shaper. 1 Hall A Brown two-spindle Iron top shaper. 1 American single-end tenoner. lrvlngton floor swing and over head cut-off rigs. 2 36-ln. bandsaws. 1 32-ln. bandsaw. 3 24-in. single surface. 2 6x14 three-side planers and matchers. 2 Contractors' rariety rip and cut-off saw tables. 4 Jointers, 8-ln. to 80-ln. 1 Column boring machine. 1 Dovetailing machine. 1 American relishing machine. 1 New box board matcher. 1 New box board squeezer. 3 Berlin 3-drum ganders, 30, 42 and 54-Inch. 1 American arm sander. 1 American post-boring machine. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Portable concrete mixer. 1 Lot of iron and wood sawmill roils. 1 Steam nigger. B Pony edgers. 3 Pony sawmills. 3 Rock crushers. 1 7x13 Sandusky triplex pump. 14 -In. Deming triplex pump. New and second-hand motors of all sizes. I Lot of new Balata belting. VAUGHAS PORTABLE GASO LINE AND STEAM DRAG SAWS. A. F. S. GARAGE COMPRESSORS AND TANKS. II Two-drum electrio or belt driven hoists. 3 Gasoline hoists, both single and double drum. 1 10x12 donkey with loading drum. WE RENT CONTRACTORS' MA CHINERY AND DO MA CHINE WORK. STAR MACHINERY CO.. Seattle, Wash. OFFICE AND SALESROOMS, 1733 First St. South. SHOP AND YARDS, 2u7 Horton St. 1 HAVE had left with me by a client a choice collection of precious stones, which I am authorized to sell at ex ceedingly low figures or trade for good securities. Do not care to deal witn brokers: Drincinals onlv. If interested. address me.. X 320. Oregonlan, and 1 shall be glad to arrange an Interview. WHY WORK for someone else when you can have a good business ox your own. I have for sale a large popcorn crlspette machine, popcorn and peanut roaster. Everything ready for business, 375. 402 Main St.. Vancouver, wasn. l5o BRUNSWICK talking machine in dark mahogany case, practically new for 1115. SDecial terms of 1U down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Aider street. $o CKnl.uu.NA phonographs for $25. S3 down, Dal. .i per month, guarantee a. only a few left. VERN L. WENGER. 1421; 2d St. (upstairs). Main 7244. HAVE some extra show cases and fixtures for a cigar store, as follows: -rt wan case. 6-fu floor case, 3-ft candy case, 10-ft. counter, cash register. 3 card tables. 27 H First st. Call Monday. BUY THESE FOR NEXT WINTER. 475 coat, fur collar, $15. $75 silvertone suit. $25, size 36 or 88. MARSHALL 3634. ALMOST MK 1 tloor lamp. $22.50; my $54 equity in $150 Brunswick Orapho phone with six records, $20. Call Sun day nt 598 Williams ave. FOR SALE 23 OLD SUIT FORMS AND 33 WAIST FORMS. EMPORIUM. 126 SIXTH ST. OK SALE One pair portieres, best grade tapestry, sateen lined. 73 In. long. Also 1 single portiere, best grade brown repp. tapestry border. 78 rn. long. Marsh. 2''24. IF You have $180 cash and are interested In a Hudson seal cape or coatee, latest style and like new, write H 570, Ore- gonian. AIR high lianan, military heel, $15 shoes. size 5A; sell for $d. Will give party buying 2 pairs pumps free. Marshall 3)134. - GAS RANGE, elevated oven, ill fine con dition, i2o; also airugnt wood stove, pipe and base, only used two months. 1316 East Stark st Tabor 8002. OR SALE Uarge geographical globe on stand, fine for scnooi or person inter ested In geographical studies. 998 E. Grant st. BRAND-NEW. late style. Singer sewing machine: also dresser; also nice looking brown leather Davenport. 8619 Wood stork ave. Take Mount Scott car. BKAND-NEW. , fireproof. HIJO model McCaskey $100 account register; one 6-ft counter case and 1 Perfection cheese cutter. Inquire 340 1st irt $135 CREMONA talking machine, fumed oak case as good as new; a bargain at $65: $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder St. DIAMOND weighing 1.10 carat. Imperfect but fine blue-white color and brilliancy; will sell at real sacrifice for cash. AJ 528. Oregonlan. WORN TWICE $10 and $12 hats half price: Marshall 334. Also $411 midnight blue suit, flare style, size 36, $6.50. Mar shall 3634. OR SALE Lady's beautiful navy trico tlne suit, size 36 to 3t: will sell very rheap. Call Marshall 4400. apt 25. NEW HOME sewing machine, mahogany finish, drop head. 5 drawers; Tike new. 11 11th St.. room 3. FOR SALE A heavy oak library table and oak folding bed with hair mat tress. Room 227 Fliedner bldg. WICKER baby buKgy. good as new. used only a few months, $20. Sell. 2647. 347 Marguerite ave. BASEIJA1.L uniforms: slightly used set of best quality uniforms, cheap. Mr. Wolf. Mar. KO.'.O. Monday. CUTE blark and white checked skirt black jecket and silk blouse, size 38. All in best condition. Tabor 441. WILL sacrifice $loti Rapid electric dish washer, suitable for large family, for JtTtO: good reasnrn for selling. Tabor SI.-. FOR SALE t-foot counter cigar case, top lift. Harmony confectionery, St. Johna corner Richmond and Jersey. FOR SALE 1917 Ford, demountable rim. 5 good tires at your own price. Sell wood a.vki. HL'DSON BAY seal cape, with Kolinsky collar. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Pdwv ;is:t. BICYCLE for sale, Al condition: no reas onable offer refused. 10 ht 16th N. East 5H1I0. PORTABLE type F high frequency , and violet ray machine; also 126-egg lncu- ha tor. Tabor i'.'lll. NO. 14 RUBBER covered wire, new, 5O0 feet for $4.50. New Edison lamps. 35 c-nts earn, sellwood an. MONARCH runge for wood and coal. In good condition. Price $85. Tel. Main 3720. ADJUSTABLE dress form. reasonable; leaving city. Phone E. 1970 or call apt 205. 285 Ross st. Monday. SPLENDID toned Admiral guitar and case. Cost $20. Price $9.50. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. Airier st. FOR SALE Sewing machine, almost new, reasonable. M 561. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1 lot of showcases. Pms . 5S1 Front st. MIRRORS. 2Ux5 feet. 6 pieces of mirrors. Marshall 8901. FOR RENT Sewing machine. Kmoire Transfer Bdwy 155. NEW GRAND ESTATE novel combination range, slightly used, for sale. K. 8028. GIRL'S bicycle, also boy's bicycle. 3T.2 Chaoman. cor. M11L TRADE OR SELL rural line telephone, camera preferred. Automatic 326-54. DENTAL EQUIPMENT, complete Ritter; mod ' location : t"iQ. A.T ."4n. Oregonlan. 1 SET 17 volumes Ridpath's history. Per fect condition. Marshall 572. BEA"UTIFVL tan cape with blue Duvetyne collar, like new. Tabor 2825. VACUUM cleaners for rent 85c per day, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3493. LARGE meat slicer for sale, in good or der. Call at f4 4tn st. 3ti PIECES Georgian. 50-year guarantee community silver. Main 1995. Reasonable. MAN'S $55 blue serge suit, never been worn, size 36, for Hi. Wdln. 15S. FOR SALE! Hand work. Reasonable. Call Auto. 642-19 FOR SALE Meat slicer. In good con dition: will sell cheap. Sell 954. Ll.o i u 1'ioiu carriage, 3-burner oil stove, 1 TBI '.'pvt. . OXFORD gray riding habit, size 38. Main 7214. FOR SALE Ladies' and children's slightly used clothes. Main 3!79. CHEAP Two Ford tires 30x3V; football suit and track shoes. Tabor 3S42. 25 -CALIBER REMINGTON RIFLE SHELLS. TABOR 254. T WO BEAUTIFUL quarter-sawed oak sinboa-rfs. "0 each. Main 4911. WAFFLE and hamburger trunk, for the. beacn 4im r.. worrison st. 1 TENT. 12x16 ft, with. fly. $15; good as new. 874 Union ave. North LIGHT fixtures, two beautiful green art glass domes. Ant 222-76. FOR SALE White Pekin duck, eggs for hate ulna-. Tahor 16S& HOME BUILDERS ATTENTION! PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! New and used, black and gal vanized pipe, from 14 -In. up to 10-ln. Our second-hand pipe Is as good as new. and we are offer- . ing It for sale at lower prices than ever. Take advantage of this an usual offering and buy now. CABLE! CABLE! CABLE! New and second-hand cable !n all sizes at special prices. New -ln. and -ln. plow steel cable at a great reduction. BELTING! BELTING! BELTING! New and second-hand' rubber belting. canvas-stitched belting leather belting, all at rock-bottom prices. SHAFTING! SHAFTING! SHAFTING! All sizes of second-hand shaft ing. Full lengths shafting in large sizes from 8 inches up to 8 Inches. We make special offers upon In quiry and examination of this ma terial. We have a large amount of 12x -in. spikes which we are of fering at the very low price of $3 per 100-1 b. keg. We guarantee especially low prices on oar entire stock of pipe fittings of all kinds, and brass and iron valves, on our large stock of boxings, hangers and pulleys. We have a large assortment of steel split and cast iron pulleys, also wooden split pulleys in ail sizes, some up to 60-ln. and larger. All sizes of insulated copper wire. New and used fire base In all Sires. Extra heavy rubber hose at a great bargain. All kinds of light garden tools. Special prices on our large stock of band and circular saws, some of which are new and some good second-hand. Also assorted sizes of Inserted saw teeth. ZIDELL BERENSON COMPANY. 209-211 Front Street. Marshall 1332. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! BED ROCK PRICES. CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS, CARPENTERS. It will pay you to get our prices on lumber before buying. We are making close prices on house bills and standard stocks and have some specials on which we can make especially attractive fig ures. RETAILERS! Call us up about close prices on a high grade of No. 1 common dimension. carload or truck lots, PACIFIC MILLING MFG. CO.. Columbia 1019. LADIES beautiful black silk frock, excellent condition, size 86; price $15. Tabor 5633. MNE-FOOT CIRCULAR ALL PLATE I'LASS SHOWCASE. OAK FRAME. SACRIFICE $100. DOUBLE ELECTRIC HOBART COFFEE MILL WITH BED KSTAL. $100. CALL 201 YAMHILL ST. WANT to buy carload of grade cows from to o years old; must be of some good milking strain, preferably Jeraevs. Call or write 806 N. W. Bank bldg., ask for 31 r. wrown. FOR SALE or will trade for equal value latest moaei Butter Klst popcorn and peanut machine: a profit maker; cost 1 1 'J( at factory: used 2 months. Call 49 Washington st. STREET CLOCK. For sale, Howard 2-dlal or Brown street clock, both in perfect condition. O. Korber. 2S7 Alder St. TIME clock. Howard, registers 100 em ployee; cost $100, bargain at $35: per fect condition. Room 1 Selling-Hlrsch bldg. HOUSE, 28x15, been used as a garage, and one 36x4 Inner tube for sale cheap, or trade for good stove or bed daven port. Call Wiiln. 3771. BEAUTIFUL, dainty, lacy white gold mountings; they will make your diamond much brighter and look larger as welL Miller, next door to Majestic theater. DIAMOND RING About k. blue white, set in lady's tiffany platinum mounting. Jeweler's price around $350, sacrifice for $225. Tabor 7307. FOR SALE 3.i0 feet full grown California hedge, four feet high: a bargain to any one wishing to beautify their property. Phone Woodlawn 6213. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Let the Snow Flake wet wash and sun shine do the work. Lowest prices. Phone Bast 8433. BARGAINS in used talking machines, all standard makes and guaranteed: these are all cabinet cases; $7.50 to $30. 172 3d. near Yamhill. CONTRACTORS Portable cut-off saw with or without 3-h. p. Century motor; also Carter hand-operated concrete mlx er. See Steffens, Oaks Park. LAWNMOWEKS repaired and ground; keys fitted; saws filed; brazing and sol dering. Work guaranteed. Court House Lncksml'h, 203 Salmon. Main 962. 64 POUNDS No. 10 new weatherproof wire, $22.40: $50 New White machine, $25; 5 ft. porcelain tub with trimmings. $35. AH 571. Oregonlan. ONE LARGE wall or center show case, one large Dlebold safe, thick wall, steel chest; one Invalid chair, push car. In quire at 1528 E. 10th St. N. VAUGHAN dragsaw, clutch, little used, and woodcutting tools: car to 80th and Sandy Blvd.; north end of street. Miller Co.. bnkerv. 72d and Sandy. BootvS for sale, brand new, 20 volumes, Messages and Papers of the Presidents. woodlawn aatio. 8Q4 E. I4th st. N. FOR SALE: a"B combination range, wood, coal and gas, water coils, like new, half price Tabor 1597. $400 REPEATER and split second solid gold watch for sale or trade for .light car. . nit,, ureffpriaii. ONE BLACK suit, 1 new pleated skirt, not made up; 1 black serge dress; 1 pair line oiacK pumps, an cneap. t7. MY WATCH repairing is a good advertise ment in itself. Miller, next door to Mi jestic theater. ONE ROOM-SIZE rag rug, 2 large mer cerized tahle cloths, all new; about hatf price. Call 220-32. FILET lace dress for sale; lovely for graduation; between 5 and 7. 738 John son street. LOT CARPENTER tools; 55 feet best rub ber hose; bargain. Sunday, 346 E. 51st, North. BAKERS, ATTENTION Small baker? outfit, with gas blower and four shelf deck oven. 497 Market. $75 VIOLET-RAY machine with attach ments, family or physician's size, only $.1.). 407 Dekum bldg. Mar. 2427. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20; guaranteed " to pass inspection. Woodlawn 8791. IF VOU appreciate accurate time, have your watch repaired by Miller, next door to Majestic theater. 3A SPECIAL kodak with case and extra equipment Phone Woodlawn 2089, evo rinrs. PLATE GLASS floor showcase, size 6 ft long. 2 ft. wide. A genuine bargain. Remlck Song Shop. 324 Wash St. FOR SALE Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, very good condition. Call Ta bor 8011. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. ETC. BEN 8 BACKMAN. 110 THIRD ST FOR SALE A used enamel bath tub. in good condition, full size. Call Tabor 1414. BEAUTIFUL beaver scarf for sale: must sell at a sacrifice. Woodlawn 3779 Sun day. CHILD'S white coat and cap, nursery stool, boy's made-to-order cap, size 64. E. 8445. 692 Schuyler. ATTENTION watch makers, watch-making lathe, 50 chucks, 1 devil chuck; sell or trade for diamond ring. . Tabor 4123. WARDROBE trunk, library table. Morris chair, chiffonier, 3 rockers, sewing ma- rror. Me lwnod mail. ARTIFICIAL eyes fitted at your home. $3. Write Barclay Optical Co., 454 Bar clav. Denver, Colo. "KEEPDRY" waterproof kitchen aprons . are guaranteed. Salisbury Grsce Co., 571 13fl'h street. New York. CHEAP 50-foot hose, nozzle and scytne. $."; fish pole. reel, complete. $2.50. 340 2d st .30-30 REMINGTON automatic rifle, per fect condition: bargain. 1447 Wistaria. sl5. MAN'S suit, good condition, size 39, Tabor 55.13. $13. EANELED Ford delivery bed. Tabor .1112. 1176 Clinton st. DROPHEAD Singer sewing machine, guar anteed. $20. 746 E. 60th N. FOR -SALE Lady's blue serge suit, size 30-38. Al condition Automatic 237-43. FOR SALI3 Baby carriage, ivory reed, extra-good condition. Phone Mar. 298. CANTERBURY bells. 8 for 25c. Shasta daisies. 1223 Montana ave. FOR SALE Chicken coop and wire fenc Ing. Tabor 9090. NEW PORCH swing, part of white Havi land china. East 6041. FOR SAVE About 800 feet of used siding and 6 used doors. Tabor 5850. BRUSSELS rug (9x12). like new (rose). $22 50. Sellwood 2600. CHICKEN house, in good condition. Tabor 1112. U. S. ARMY AND NAVY GpODS. TENTS TENTS TENTS 400 16x16 O. D. army pyramid 14-ox. tent, reel., at $2400. TENT FLYS. TENT FLYS. 400 assorted sizes, 14-os. O. D. fiys, reel., from $u to 110. 1000 PUP TENTS. PUP TENTS. $3.45 a pair. 100 TARPAULINS. TARPAULINS. 18x30, made up from heavy can vas, good .tor covers,- $24. ' COTS. COTS. COTS. 4000 folding canvas cots $2.85 each. Army O. D. blankets $3.95 Army O. D. shirts, wool, from $2.00 to 4.00 New Lee Unlonalls 2.48 O. D. wool trousers, new..... 8.25 O. D. wool breeches, new ... 4.75 O. D. wrap leggins, new 1.50 Service hats .95 Canteens and mess kits 60 Navy middies 6.85 Leather iegglns 8.80 Ponchos 1.95 And a complete line of army goods, wholesale and retail. Mall orders solicited. ARMY SURPLUS SALES CO. Sam "A. Mesher, Prop, SS N. 3d St., Cor. Couch St. Phone Broadway 1748. FOR SALE Patent wood floor block and paving block,-one of the greatest enter prises of the Pacific coast today. Will sell one or more state rights or the wnoie of tne united states. One con cern put down 16,200,000 square feet last year In the east of another kind of wood floor blocks and shipping them in tne west. Why not be made right here, where we have got plenty timherT It can be seen at 404 Vi Washington St. Bachelor hotel. Ask for W. H. Hallen- Deck, Inventor. LADIES' fine black kid dress shoes, high heels, very high tops, size 6A; too small for owner; worn three times; $16 shoes less than half price. Also pair very long white kid gloves, size 6-14 ; never . worn; real pillow lace handkerchier made !n India: has never been used. Phone Tabor 7307 after 4 P. M., or call at 870 East Salmon st. SPECIALLY priced for Immediate sale. Three very fine oil paintings, $50; 10 other framed pictures, $15; tall ebony pedestal, $4; couch spread, $3; 6 small covered crocks, $1.25: 2 ladles' hats, $4 new step ladder, $2.50. Kenton car to 15B8 Minnesota ave. Wdln. 4955. r OK SALE Three pool tables and one snooker, all new. The only snooker taoie-ln town, soda fixtures complete. and ear: 3 years lease on building some terms. For particulars address J. streeter. 178 S. Commercial St.. Salem. BARGAIN Good couch, $5; 9x12 heavy rua. $5: rin&rer. ladies' winter hat. coat. dresses and other articles. All good. Call after 10 Sunday or 3 P. M. this week. 8624 Vaughn st. BARGAIN Beautiful dark finished oak dining room table, extra leaves, screw legs, also 1 heavy parlor table, like new, 8x3. See them at 805 Main St. Main 4810 for appointment. 12 to 1. FOR . SALE Fountains, registers, scales, ail sizes hoor cases, counter and wall cases, peanut and popcorn popper, meat slicer. other fixtures: cash, credit. 242 Salmon J. B. L. CASCADE internal bath, all at tachments and Instructions, $0, cost $12 Main 2670. room 5. Sunday morning. AUTO TRAILER. 94 E. 78th. Tabor 8933 FOR SALE Cheap, lawn mower, oak din ing table and chairs, 2 metal beds witn springs, velour couch; no dealers. Call Wrl In. 704 CIRCLE exchange, 415 Fliedner bldg.. up stairs, sale Tuesday, 12tn; bats, l to $3: shoes, 50c and up. Bdwy. 220. Tenth and Washington. ONE LARGE flat cop office desk and ad justable chair: 1 pnonograpn camnet and records. 899 East Everett. Phone Aut. 233-01. FINE $150 Brunswick and 50 fine records. used less than a month, cost sou, price $130. Call 461 V East 60th st... neat Division. BARGAINS In used sewing machines, all drop heads and In good sewing order, $12.50. 172 3d. near Yamhill LOOK $10 buys bicycle, good condition; tires alone wortn tne price. io 22rt st. N MAGNETO, hia .-tension, three-wire dis tributor; best condition. Phone main: 9370. Mr. ConnsJ GARDEN MANURE. Cow or horse, big loads, delivered. East 7636 NATIONAL rotary sewing machine in first-class condition. Will sell lor -io 10(10 E. Morrison. , WALES 9-bank adding machine; guaran teed in perfect condition; snap at siou. Room 1 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. HAYWOOD baby buggy, round reeds, like new, for less than nan price. xaoor 4460. NEARLY" NEW Powers 6 motion picture machine with 17 films, also tine Doy s bicycle. X 567, Oregonlan. TWO GiATS Sannen doe, Toggenburg buck, at your own price; doe is ary. Marshall 1118. POOL table, one soda fountaiu. wail case, cigar case for sale. No dealers 'need apply. Call .13 3d st. DRESS SUIT, never worn, cost new $1,0; will sell for $30, short size, wooa- FOR SAL'E Safe, In perfect condition, in side 28 Inches nign. 22 inrnes wiae ana 14 Inches deep. AK 534. OregonianJ CHILDREN'S bed in good condtion; mat tress and spring. Reasonable price. Mar. 3044. EOR SALE Beautiful diamond engage ment ring. Vi karat. Perfect stone, rea sonahle. X 574. Oregonlan. KNITTED sport coats; 2 children's knitted garments made to order. 414 Fleldner bldg. FOR SALE Cheap, one 6-hole range with warming closet and water coils. Inquire at 340 Cook ave. ALMOST new ivory finish baby buggy: Gondola touring style. Main 2874. 628 Fourth. SODA fountain buyers. Investigate; mod ern, sanitary, practical equipment, fac tory prices. B 551, Oregonian. PERENNIAL plan's and bulbs, more than "'30 kinds; lily of the valley, 50c dozen; Canterbury, 2 for :nc. labor LAWN MOWERS repaired and sharpened. Work guaranteed. Called for and de livered. E. 287. MAJESTIC malleable gas attachment, will fit Monarch; fumed oak buffet for sale. 445 East 80th, near Division. 20 VOLUMES Book of Knowledge, latest edition, good as new, $30. H. F. Kalse, 1330 Burrage st FOR SAi-iS Twelve-foot fountain com plete, practically new. less than 1-3, cash, credit. 242 Salmon. FOR SALE A painted bedstead, white hair mattress and best springs, never used. Tel. Mam 7577. NATIONAL cash barber's outfit. Near Carutherg. register, small 1-chair 625 First St., 1 P. M. MEN Overcoat. 38-40. almost new, $16.50: small size overcoat, $14: 2 gray suits. 30 each 112. Tabor !S.-. SHETLAND ponies for your children. H. A Phillips. 2i'8 Graham ave. FOR salE A new 9 Nemo corset for $5; size 31. pnone woootawn ;,.5'.M. DIAMOND. "Si-karat, perfect blue white; sell reasonably. Hi ou. uregonian. MIMEOGRAPH, good as new; 840 C. of C. bHg. Mar. 449. a bargain. LAWN MOWER. GOOD CONDITION, $4 EAST 7722 DYNAMO for running pump for sale. 605 East Salmon street, or call East 6452. FANCY Earliest of All seed potatoes lb. Marshall 5210. ONE ELECTRIC sewing machine, as good ss new. cneap tor casn. 303 atarg st. GET MY price on electric wiring. Sell- wood 08 BICY'CLE Double bar. Morrow brake, like new. 2045 K. t oucn St., Montavilia. NEW CORDUROY' dress, size 36. Monday. Tabor 6204. ' Call GOOD Burbank seed potatoes 75c per sack. 651 East lttth st. soutn. u. uardner. DRESS SUIT, worn once, size 40-42 stout 445 East gntn, near mvision. SEW E-Z sewing machine, motor almost new: price $15.50. AC 547. Oregonian. BABY BUGGY $10, bassinette $5. couch cover $3. Tabor 160. 640 E. 47th St. N. BABY'S sulky, collapsible and adjustable. 341 Harrison st.. near Park. H H. P. GENERAL Electric motor; good as new. E. 6290. PAIR sliding doors Sxl. track and hard ware. Phone East 2365. FOR SALE Kitchen heater, trunk, bed spring, dress form. 768 Michigan ave. FINE Burbank potatoes, $1 a sack. 5718. 8-STRAND hair switch, dark brown, 28 Inches long. Tabor 8398. TIRES 30x3, used, Division. 445 East 30th, near USED gas range, 0 burners. 2 ovens, $15. 405 East 21st N. East 4198. EQUITY $750 at 7 per cent on $2000 prop erty. Cheap for quick sale. Main 3692. 7 CARD tables and covers. Bdwy. 2859. 100 FICTION books, (17. 435 Rosa sL u. s. ARMY GOODS FOR SALE. New chocolate colonial march ing shoes $8.93 . New Lee unlonalls 2.50 O. D. 4-lb. blankets. 64x84-ln. 4.00 New army shirts 8.60 New U. S. or Goodyear hip boots 4.25 Gray commercial blankets. 64x84-lnch 8.85 Csnteens and mess kits, each .50 Service hats 100 O. D. wool breeches up from, 1.00 O. D. long pants 8.75 Hlb overalls 1.45 Reclaimed O. D. wool shirts, up from 1.00 Besides these special Items we have in stock a large assortment of breeches, tents, hats, reclaimed shirts, socks, mackinaws, dishes. Shelter halves, 81.00 and up. H. HORENSTEIN ARMY STORE, 204 1st St., 252 2d St. Main 7573. TENTS! TENTS! TENTS! "Our Trade In Tents Is Intense. 1 ARB YOU LOOKING FOR QUALITY? THEN BUY CONWAY ARMY TENT. Third and Taylor Streets. ' Watch the New York cotton market quotations; cotton Is advancing; our buy Is on a low market basis; you get the benefit. OUR TENTS ARE NEW! Priced without poles or pins. We have tents al sizes from 7x7, 3 ft. wall at $8 to large circus, tents. Do you want an AUTO TENT ? CONWAY AUTO TENT 7x9 will fit any auto, 8-oz $10.50 7x9 will fit any auto, 10-oz. 12.50 7x7 storm auto curtain 8.25 4-ft. 8-ln. by 7-ft. storm auto cur tain 8.25 Our name Is on every tent which stands for quality of CONWAY ARMY TENTS. We carry all camp supplies. Bed to sieep in car, sio up. Folding army cots. $3.00. Army O. D. blankets. 4-lb., $3.50. Send money order and make remit tances payable to J. T. CONWAY, Third and Tuvlnr Streets. The Pioneer Army Store Man of Oregon. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Stock and fixtures for sale, including a six-foot soda fountain of best make, electric water heater, showcases, tables and chairs, desk, five-column Bur roughs adding machine, good as new; safe and about 80 yards of best inlaid linoleum, magazine racks. Oregon Electric waiting room, 147 liltn st. Geo. T. Newman. Broadway 2799. FINE PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. Skilled mechanics "WHO KNOW HOW." Work guaranteed Prices right. Delivery service. VERN I. WENGER. The Talking Machine Man. 142'A 2d St. (upstairs). Main 7244. IF YOU are looking lur lawn mowers, w nave a good assortment, irom up, garden hose, refrigerators, garden tools, sprinklers, graniteware at marvelous saving prices. A call will convince you. AMERICAN FURNITURE CO., 368-370 E. Morrison, near Union Ave. LARGE Etlison diamond disc (Chippen dale model, in a fumed oak case, used but a short time, taken in on a newer model. Priced specially at $225; $2 down, $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder street LADY'S lace shoes, gray buck tops, white buck. size 5H-A; lady s 20-button length pink suede gloves, size 5 34; Irish crochet collar; brown straw sailor hat; blue and brown leather Jersey suit, size 40: cheap. 13."ft Glenn ave. N. TO ROSE CITY PARK flower lovers, Ge raniums, fuclas, etc. Porch boxes, hang ing baskets, dahlia bulbs, etc., reason able, at greenhouse, 680 E. 47th N. Phone Tabor 5893. LLOYD-LOOM baby carriage, upholstered in corduroy,, artillery wheels, reversible fifth wheel, finest product of Lloyd Loom factory: cost $68 new. Call Selt wood 2121 Monday. THE VOGUE SHOP; ladies' clothing, mis fit factory samples, slightly used gar ments; late styles, best of quality. Rea sonable prices; children's clothes. Room 4U3 AiisKy oiog., aa ana Morrison EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want tne casn or nave tne casn ana want a diamond, call m and talk it over. Millers Clearing House for Diamonds, next door to Majestic theater. I HAVE a beautiful French sealskin coat with skunk collar and cuffs. This coat cost $400 and has only been worn a few times. Will take $200. Marshall 2367 mornings. FOR SALE Quaker hot-air pipe furnace, complete with pipe, coil and register; price, if taken at once, $35. Inquire 1167 Belmont St. A $40 3-BURNER Quick Meal oil stove with warming canopy and 2-burner oven, A-l condition. Price $17.50. 113 E. Main, corner 38th. Mornings only. ROOT BEER barrels, fountains, goose necks, draft beer outfit, back and front bar, pool table, must sell Monday. 113 2d st. STORE FIXTURES SACRIFICED. Showcases, all sizes; cash register, candy scales, computing platform scales, desk. safe. 246 Washington st. $.",0 COLUMBIA Grafonola. mahogany case. In good condition for $30; $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., SMI Alder street. TWO THINGS I DO AND DO WELL-"-Jewelry repairing. watch repairing. Miller, next to Majestic theater. FOR SALE Drink mixer, Hamilton-Beach model. No. 2. and 65 feet No. 10 electric cable. F 561, Oregonlan. 3-STRAND dark brown hair switch and 4 puffs, made from my combings. 1385 Rodney. Wdln. 0164. FOR SALE Factory Singer sewing ma chine. No. 31-20. also factory tables 272 w, Russell st. Fast 8009. RED SPIKE auto lock for ZVi or 4-inch tire, cheap. Call Monday, 302 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE 16x16 army tent. No. .12 guage Winchester shotgun, used one trip, very cheap. Main 3111. Call Monday. IVORY reed baby crib, combination high chair and wheel chair; nursery chair 140 F. 85th. SEED CORN for sale, hand selected, yel low dent, field corn. Auto. 323-63. Paul Amort. 875 ?!. 15th st. SILO fixtures, complete for large silo, new, only $100 each. Vaughan Motor Works, 475 E. Main St.. Portland. Or FOR SALE Dark brown Knox sailor hat. pair of men's shoes, sire 104; both prac tically new. Main 4869. NEW $85 Western Electric sewing ma chine, $55; small $15 mirror $6.50. Main 2.-01 FRENCH grav baby carriage, Al condition, $oij 365 Williams ave., or telephone ' Wast 3371. . 2 TRUNKS for sale, also 2 mattresses. 2 rockers, ladies' dresses, hats and other things 284U Park at. Marshall 1009. $90 WHEELER & WILSON sewing ma chine, like new, $22 50. Storage, 114 Union ave.. near Alder. ONE H RDM AN piano, $150. 2 large rugs. $25 each, 1 gas range, $15. 574 E. Taylor. SELLER'S CONTRACT on house and Int. for sale, cheap, or trade for Ford. 727 Clinton st. FOR SALE Child's black folding sulky, good as new; $5. Pair child's shoes. $1. W12 R Pine st. FORCED to sell lady's diamond cluster, cost $150. will take $90. H B56. Ore gonlan. WILL install new Ruud water heater. $27.50; also estimate given on your plumbing. Fast 4852. $75 NEW MARTEN one-animal fur. 522 blnrtc suitcase. $10. Main 2501. $50. FOR SALE Good . heating stove and f-ult in", cheap. 727 Clinton st. WICKER babv buggy, cornet. Elks pin. On 1 ! Se 11. 2Q7i sit time Sunday. ELECTRICAL repairing, repairs called for and delivered. Tabor 390. WHITE enameled bed. springs and mat tress $15. Phone 218-10. BUSINESS college tuition. for sale at dis count. East 7869. WILL sell or trade Acorn Malleable steel range for a gos range. Tabor OMSK. 5-FOOT candy case and 5-foot cigar case for saTe. reasonable. 690 First st. JEWELER'S wall case and watch rack. 323 Vs Washington st. GAS RANGE, also gas hot water heater, with pipe. 779 Marshall Main 1131 SET WIRE wheels. 30x314. Alfred Frey. I 6319 62d ave S E BABY walker, used, $3; fire extinguisher, new. $5. Sellwood 3617. VIOLIN and bow for ale for $9.50. 409 Colombia bldg. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner, suitable for hotel or rooming nnuse. ?o. wain 111. FOR SALE Small chicken coop, $5. 1036 Vancouver ave. GOOD first-class sulky with top. Tabor NEW $35 ALL WOOL sport Jacket. $10. East 7667. 3-BURNER gas plate, 50-egg incubator. Woodlawn nnni BABVS go-cart, nursery ana niga cnair, boy s skates, wan jaam , u-o. WRECKING VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS FOR SALE. 850 vltrous china closets and tanks. Steel storage and pressure tanks, 120, 564-gal.. test 110 lbs Tabasco H. W. heating boilers. No. 27. American Ideal H. W. heating boilers. 1 F. B. steam boiler, 54x16. 1 S.16 8 steam American heating boiler. 10.000 ft. stesm raldators. pipe, valves, fittings. FORK EST AL MacQUAID A CO., 19th and Reserve Sts., Phone 527. Vaucouver. Wash., box 24. 60 SLIGHTLY ESED-50 SEWING MACHINES wll' be sold at greatly reduced prices to make room for the New White Phonograph. All leading makes. Will take liberty bonds at lace value on all new machines and phonographs. a S. SIGEL ft SON. 382 WASH. ST. LEATHER SALE. The Broderick company discontinues its Portland store May 1. Thousands of pieces of elegant advertising leather will be sold at prices that will please. Bankers, Jobbers, manufacturers, insur ance men and every other advertiser can find suitable goods at prices calculated to move them. We positively clear out May 1. Gold leaf press, pencil press, typewriter, desks snd ledger binder and stand for sale. 170 Park street PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know that tartar scales. Im perfect fittlne rrnwns and bridges, over hanging fillings, irritating gums, all contribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums, in flammation of gums, loosening of .teeth and finally loss of teeth? 1 specialize In first-class dentistry: X-ray exanilnatlona Vlt. A. W. hEE.MS. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 35m Wash. St. A CABINET Dlionograuh. Jacobean fin Ian, 1920 model, all attachments, cost $175, will sell for $70; 1 library table !n mahogany finish for $10: 1 mantel clock. Waterbury movement, cost $34. will sell for $12; 1 mahogany clock, cost $20, will sell for $8; 6 down pillows $2 esch and B leather pillows $1.25 each. 683. E. sal mon. Phone East 5236. LATEST drop-heads. all guaranteed; Service, $15; Willamette D, $18; New Homes. $37.50: White. $30: Free. $30 Singers, $40 to $50: latest new Singers cash or time; rentals $3 per month. SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE. 103 Fourth St. Main 6883. D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWN-TOWN LUM BER STORE, 171 FRONT ST., BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lumber, lath. Bhingles. doors. windows, molding and mill work, screen doors, fruit and vegetable box shooks. aee our oid stock of sasn. doors. BEAUTIFUL LARGE FRENCH MIRROR. 33-inch by 8-ft. 6-inch., in walnut frame, gilted. suitable for lobby of the ater, restaurant or reception hall; val ued at $250, will sell for $125; cash or trade for diamond. W. P. Kaiser, 683 E. Salmon. ENGINEERS' offio trunk, opens like wardrobe trunk, has. files, desk, every thing complete; Yale lock. Ideal trunk for highway engineer. Can be seen at D. B. Scully's Lumber Store, 171 Front St., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Mai.. 4213. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents employed; com plete lines of parts for all makes: ma cnines repaired and rented. Main ui SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. $115 BRUNSWICK, taken In exchange for large Brunswick, and $15 worth or rec ords: cost (140. price $100. $15 down. $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine to., 3Mi Alder street. RUBBER, the only genuine and universally known waterproofing on earth ; we re pair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofa; work guaranteed. Main 5120. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Irons, toasters, vacuum cleaners, mo tors, fans, etc.; low prices, guaranteed work; doorbell and wiring service. Hyn son Electric Co., 62 6th st. Bdwy. 4293. HAVE mink, otter, squirrel and many other skins for sale cheap. Call Tabor (1565 for appointment. SECOND-HAND Victrola, mahogany case and about $25 in records; a bargain ior $55, $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 350 Alder street. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cieaners; 24-hour day, 85c; delivered; guaranteed good condition; floor waxing done. Woodlawn 1259. FOR SALE Oak William and Mary buf fet; perfect condition; price $75 new, will sell for $35; new large grass rug. $6. Woodlawn 4429. PENINSULA range, doing good work, Al condition, only $30; with or without coils if taken .at once; no dealers. Call Tabor 9539. - COMPUTING scales, cash register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark st, between First and Second streets. ' ONE 4-HOLE Vulcan gas range, 1 single and 1 double iron bed, springs snd mat tress for sale cheap. Call at 474 Jeffer son st. THREE new electric washing machlnea $75 rich, guaranteed; 1 Jadd used eleo tric washer, overhauled. $70. Scott Eleo- trie Co., 5th and Oak sta LADIES, let the Vogue sell your misfit and slightly used garments. 10 per cent Room 403 Alisky bldg.. entrance on 3d near Morrison. Main 3132. MULTIGRAPH. complete witn motor and automatio attachments, typesetter, in first-class condition, less than half price, used one year. Call 212 Artisans bldg. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE 382 Morrison Marshall 721. SECOND-HAND portable type Victrola, mahogany finish, good condition, $30; $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder street KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 32! Washington at. FOR SALE An almost new Bridge & Beach combination- range. Wdln. 2459. Call after 5 o'clock. FLAG POLES. Any size you want 327 Ankeny. Broadway 1626. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Seo nd and Morrison. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579. For scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. KUGS Mashed on your tloor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet wasner; also vac uum cleaning done. East 4045. FERTILIZER. ROTTED COW MANURE DELIV ERED. WDLN. 6233. FULL MEASURE. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, ex changed, repairea. Kay uentley. alaln 41)07. ADDING machine for $17.50; works sim pler than $.'uu macnine; adds to 100.000 420 Chamber Commerce building. LADIES' USED APPAREu reasonable; smart styles securea xrom wealthy dies. Tabor 2825; ELECTRIC washing machine by owner leaving town: must sell at once. Phone Broadway 1970. FOR 8 A I.K A r TOMOBII.ES. 1910 LODGE ROADSTER. Fine condition, good top and palmt new tires, 1921 license, new insurance policy for one year; $550, easy terms. East 4385. 1920 BABY GRAND Chevrolet sedan, like new. Two bumpers. Extra tire, etc, $550 down, balance terms, or will trade for open car. Main 6359. FORD TOURING, new July, lull!; pri vately owned. My price $400. terms, is a bargain. Condition of this car has not been camouflaged. Auto. 314-79. $725 FORD SEDAN. This car is in first-class shape; will demonstrate Sunday. East 5186. FORD COUPE A snap for 285. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor Grand nnd E. Yamhill. East 471. CHEVROLET sedan, in Al condiLion, very cheap, terms if desired. Call Johansen at Broadway 2270. ; FORD 5-pass. louring car, in good run ning order, good tires, cheap. Tabor 3697. . SMALL payment down, balance to suit, buys a dandy light touring car. Call Johansen. at Brosdway 2270. FRANKLIN series 9A touring, finest con dition: looks new; private party; must sell- $1550 cash. Phone East 622H. 1918 MAXWELL touring Car, cheap for cash. 875 E 6th N. "1 A- " 5 Tabor 5a"' nils MAXWELL, in good condition, phone BlG SELL or trade lor piano, furniture. 2046 E. Salmon FORD truck; 200 will buy. "onian. F 799. Ore- HUDSON SUPER SIX. $10".ll. EXCEL LENT CONDITION. WOODLAWN 2:.'.6. OVERLAND, nearly new; will trade lor Chev or Ford. Call Bdwy 207. Carl. NEW CHEVROLET; will trade for Ford, with terms. East 178. MY NICE little Velie, Just like new. $750, term a. Auto 661-11. Tydeman. BUICK. 1920 model, for sale by owner. 572 K. "iotn St. r,. r.ast n"i,. -FORD touring, good running order: ?'lZ"r; .wrfrt. 327 Front auiue YOU CAN'T CATCH FISH UNLESS YOU GO FISHING. YOU MUST SEE THESE LATE MODEL CARS IF YOU WANT REAL VALUE. DODGE. Dodge touting with spotlight and bumpers, new battery, best of condition, at 1750; It's some buy. . ELGIN SIX. Here's a couple you must look at: Elgin touring, good condition, special at $675. Elgin Scout, Just out ot the hop, (1450. HUDSON SUPER. You know a Hudson. This one Is "Just right" at (1050; It's a real buy. CHANDLER SIX. We want you to ride In this and then see It $1250 Isn't too little to ask for lu ' OAKLAND SIX. 1920 model. Compare this with anything in the city and you will be convinced that at (900 Us a wonder. OVERLAND 00. 1919 model. Just put Into con dition to take you anywhere, at $550 It can't be beau MAXWELL. 1918 Maxwell touring. $400. Sea if you can't find any more for your money. CHEVROLET. 1D18 490 model; good condition, only (425. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, WASHINGTON AT 15TH ST. REPAIR PARTS FOR ALL CARS. Any part you may want for al most any plessure car or truck you will find It here, either new or used. GEARS, AXLES, SPRINGS, ENGINES, TRAILERS, - ETC, We also conduct a lsrge auto wrecking department which re deems only good parts. Bring us your old car; or come here to look for that "obsolete" part I DAVID HODES CO.. The Home of a Million Parts." Broadway at Couch Street CADILLAS 8." 7-passenger Cadillac "8' In excep tionally fine mechanical condition. Re cently thoroughly overhauled in Its en tirety. SIX oversize itoyai Loni tires and tubes, non-puncturable Inner soles. Gruess shock absorbers, Alemlte lubrica tion, leather top, sloping auxiliary wind shields, besides mechanically operated wind shield swipe and $125 new velour -eeat covers togetner witn otner equip ment. A car bearing the super excellence of motordom in comfort, flexibility, power and speed. A new Cadillac as equipped would cost about $4500. Price of this one $2250; $750 down, balance monthly, or will exchange for well-lo cated unincumbered iaureinurst 101. E. B. Hyatt. 350 Alder St. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. During our special sale special 'terms and low prices will prevail. The outdoor season Is here; you can choose a car to fit your needs and your pocketbook on terms to suit you. HTinsnNSt One 1920 touring car .'...$2000 fine 1919 limousine 2700 One 1919 speedster 2000 One 1918 touring ,1500 Th.u ears are most excellent vsiues In appearance and mechanical efficiency they cannot be surpassed. Terms can be arranged and smaller cars will be accepted as part payment. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington St. Main 6244. ONE 1920 STEPHENS, one 11I2U r;igln. one 1918 Dodge touring, one mm i-ouge ,n,l,t,r one 1917 Maxwell, one 90 Over land chummy roadster, one Overland touring, one Cole 4. These cars are all In first-class me chanical condition and the prices are right. Rose City Garage, 52d ana aanay. Tabor 3002; HOADSTER. LATE MODIiL. This is a popular car, standard every way; is in best of condition ana we win guarantee It so. Low price $525. with tl.",ft down: halanre easy. Open Sundays. Ultra and Alder sta Murphy Motor Car company. KISSELL. five-passenger touring; a dandv running car, gooa paint, .lost tne mm for this fine weather. $900. Attractive termSBRALY AUTO COMPANY. Ttnmslde at 14th St. Ttroadwev 901 OAKLAND FOUR. eleo. equip.. In good shane throughout. $290. Owner at 328 E. 9th St. "BARGAIN. I'LL SAY BARGAIN." " Guaranteed first-class mechanical con dition, new Victoria top. spotlight, good runner. 1918. 6-cylinder car. all for $750. Tabor 750. FOR SALE PR TRADE. 191,7 7-pasaenger Hudson sedan, looks and runs like new. front and rear bump ers, power tire pump. Phone 804. Camas. Washington. SANTY IS HERE. Late 1919 Pnlck: run less than 7000 miles- fine condition : need the kesh: sell Sundav for 11000 rash. Tabor 8090; Mondnv. Marshall 3352 FORD coupe, 1918. good mechanical con dition, lots of extras. Including shock absorbers, demountable rims, spotlight and nearlv new oversize tires end tubes all srofod- HOP Cs'l Tshor M. THE LOW PRICE of $323 on my Saxon roadster makes It the best hnv In these columns. Car In finest condition. Call Broadwav 3648 MAXWELL snort roadster $435; runs fine, .snare tire and extrs wheel. East 8118 for demonstration Monday. . Ask for ypVi)f'npl DO YOU want s good used 1H1H Oakland six Will sell cheap, terms to re. sponsible party. Bdwy. 2270. Ask for Tvestor. 19111 CHEVOI.ET touring, good tires all around, a good snare; comn'etely over hauled. An excellent hariraln at $425. cnh or terms. Ca! Sell 3166. MY 1916 DODGF touring: new top and 6 tires: $550: will consider Ford ss part navment. T. McDonald. 554 4th. Main 910 10,0 cr AVICI. IN touring car In finest of mechanical condition: good cord tires snd other extras: a Dargain. i-none Broadway 4825. 1920 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, first class condition, runs nnd looks like new; ss-iO some terms. Morris, with Inter stoto T,-"- rn . 248 S'srk st. 1919 OL11S 6. TOURING; well equipped, good bargain for some one at $97.". terms L. Y. Billfngsley. Hawthorne ave. nt 8'h st Fast 720. 1918 FORD touring for sale; good tires and condition: all kinds of extras. $325. Call -Mln. 3279. . 1916 CHEVROLET touring c-ar. good run nfnng order: tires rood. $375 and Rome fpr-rs. Broadway 5018. LIGHT roadster, needs some she.-t metal work to finish Job. Cheap. Call East .10-15. BARGAIN Ford roadster In perfect con dition: must sell. Csll before 10 A. M. !"04 South ave. . SNAP Ford sedan: wire wheels. 1920. lots extras; drove 5900 miles: time or cash; evening and Sundav. 955 Williams. FOIl SALE 1919 Chevrolet, like new: it will pay to look this up. Call Neater, Rrpsdo-nv 2-"0. STl'PEBAKER. late 1918. 7 passenger, best condition, to trade for Ford. Main 9124. FORD TOI'RING or roadster wanted, bring car to 453 Hawthorne ave. See Bililngs-,-v after tndv. Phone East 720. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1918 Oakland. Al shape: a bargain for .cash. Inquire nt 410 Washington St. GOOD Buick bug. 4-cyl . mag., presto, horn, spare, fair rubber. Make fine truck $173. easv terms. See nt 201 W. Park. Owner. PXCKARD 7-pass. touring, privately used nnd In flrnt-clsss condition: will acri flre for nnlclf sate. Ttro"twav 2713. FORD good nuller. good looking: bargain. Ill heslth reason for selling. 352 Chan man cor MM1 FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet, good con- VlHnn 14.10. terms. Owner. SelL 160L - TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. SPECIAL SALE OF NEARLY NEW AND -USED CARS- The car listed here will be found as represented in every particular. Every car has been thoroughly Inspected and all necessnrv ork performed to put it In best pos sible condition. Every car has price plainly tagged and a comparison ot pre vailing ' prices will prove to you thst we are conducting a real sale, which means a substantial saving- to you. CHANDLER TOURING B-pssen-ger model, rebuilt throughout nnd guaranteed; the lowest price ever put on a Chandler car of this model. CHANDLER T-psssenrer touring, like new, lstest model, cord tire equipment; same ss factory guar antee and regular service. CHANT-LER DISPATCH Latest model, perfect mechanical condi tion, oversized cord tires- asms ss factory guarantee, regular serv ice. CHANDLER '18 TOURING T pss . senger. rebuilt, newly psinted, rood tires, same as factory guar . ante. CHANDLER M CHUMMT ROAD STER Thoroughly everhauleu. good tires, with extra. CLEVELANDS. CLEVELAND TOURING Five pas senger, used as demonstrator, like new. same as fHi-tory guar antee and regular service. CLEVELAND ROADSTER Used ss demonstrstor, the easiest riding roadster built, In perfect mechan ical .condition, same as factory guarantee and regular service. HUDS0N3. HUDSON TOURING '17 model, per fect mechanical condition, nearly new tires; has Victoria side cur tains, two bumpers, clock, spot light HUDSON SPEEDSTER A beauty. HUDSON 8-401913 model, good mechanical condition; good top and curtains, good tires; at a Ford price. CHALMERS. 1919 TOURING Five passenger, cord tires, with extra: car looks and runs like new; marked very low; see this one. CHALMERS '16 Seven pssenger; a large, roomy, powerful car; good mechanical condition, newly paint ed, good tlrea CHALMERS '16 Roadster, In excel lent condition, newly painted, good tlrea PATERSON. IB PATERSON TOURINC In Al condition, at great big reduction, STUDEBAKER, 1917 7-PASS. TOURING In excel lent condition; good tires with extra. HOLLIER. HOLLIER 8 In perfect condition; take a demonstration In this car; the price ! very low. MAXWELL TOURING Thoroughly overhauled, newly painted, new top; cheaper than a Ford. CHEVROLET T O U R T N G Over hauled, repainted, excellent tires, with extra. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., Washington at 19th. Broadway 494. Open Sundays and Evenings. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Overland Roadster $125 1 Peerless Touring 175 1 Ford Touring 2"0 1 Maxwell, 1917 2MI 1 Ford 273 1 Overland 90 3'.'5 2 Saxons 6s. each 4.MI 1 Hehy Grand Chevrolet 40 1 Ford Truck. Al 300 LONG A SILVA. 4(12 Hawthorne. PACKARD SIX TOURING CAR. Taken In trade from original owner, In best of condition, makrs fine ap pearance. Cord tires sud sparo. lt21 license. We consider this one of the best Bar gains offered In Portland. Ynu will agree with us when you see It. $1000. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. Tturnslde st 14th St. nrniirtwav Odd. BABY OUANIl Cll KVRol.KT, 1H2U MU1. Driven (1500 miles on pavement. Equipped with bumper, spot light, spare tire, tire cover, wheel lock. Weed chains, Aermore whistle, Ralneday wiper. Alemlte grease system; 1921 license, add nil ami grease to last a year. Price $1000 cash. Phone Automatic 625-80. law 80th sve. 8. E. Take HA per to 71st St.. one block south ami one west AI'PKKSON. One of these snappy 4-passenger cars with the wide doors and sliding seals. This csr has only been driven 4SO0 miles snd Is practically new: finished In dsrk blue and not a mark to detract from its appenrance. Priced at only $2750. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21 at st It'nshington St Mwln 6244. CHALMKKS touring latest model, run only Ll.iiMt miles. ." corn tires, pumper, clock and spotlight. Cannot tell from ear Just from factory. Price 817.V1. Will consider Ford or Dodge in trade Mr. Smith's cur of Itobinson-Smith Co.. th snd V-rt!o. Mnln IIOO. 165H CASH I'l-'U llul. k 5; Al condition: 2 new cord tires and spare; new Garco brake llnnlgs. This price Includes all equipment. Insurance. 11121 license and 4 months' service. Phone Monday, Bdwy. 37tt FORI) TOURING $S33. This Ford has new tires, this vesr li censes and is reflnlshed: looks like new one, take, $135 down, balance easy. Open Sundays. 514 Alder St. Murphy Motor Csr Co. LEAVING city, will sacrillr-e mv 19:10 Paige oar. looks like new and is in first class mechanical condition, on very rea sonable terms. Call from 8 A. 51. to 1 P. M. Sunday, 1418 Alameda. Tabor 9536. 1920 FORD TiilKING. All the extras that can be p'lt nn a Ford: this car la Just like new; my nrlce Is JOllO: $200 cash, balance ten monthlv tvtvnvnt Cnll Tnhor J.".'2 VOL' STAGE drivers, hire is a buy for yi.u. 7-pafsenger Wlnton. first-dans condi tion. 13"i0. terms. Appet-son motor. APPERSOS MOTOR CAR r'O. and Wn. Sis. rMwv 20'i SEDAN. Bahy Grand Ch.-vrnlet. run only 650(1 miles, perfect mechanical condition, an exceptional bargain at $1100. Phon" Mnln 81N4. OW'NLlR must sell late niod,l 90 over land. One of the little fours. New top, new general cord tires. .lust painted, .-,S.1 Terms to stilt. 113s !. 39ih st North. Phone Wdln. 4397 FOR SALE or trade. Mltchel light six. In good condition. Value 11200. Lots or whet hnve you? East 12H7. S5-4B TOURING (' c In good ' condition. Price Knwt 51S6 '.1111 wheels. $4i'.5. Phone FOR SALE 1918 .Maxwell, Al rnndiUoti. $450, at Mac's Service Station, 858 Union ave. $350 TAKES my 117 Suideli'ker touritig. first-class condition, new bnti.-rv. lO'lo. 4Vh nv" S. ' R. 3. hor ,y,7. Por'lnnd CHEVROLET 4-90 toiirilill. new I g.o-l s'isne. sacrifice $.100. Tal.or 6.".00. 720 K. 44th st. V. OVERLAND touring. 1919. In Urst-clar shape; price wav below what it's ortli. Th.,ne .IcTiwen Pdwv. 321. BUY NFTW StUilebaker light six with extr. cord tires from nte and save money from regular price; terms. Tnbor 1454 1919 CHEV bargain: terms tu right party f desired East 490 FORI) HUG. it dandy, ave. E. 4376 $325. 150 Union 11115 FORD louring. Just overhauled, $2110. S"0 2d si WILL sell Bulek light 6 roadster cheap. Call 418 Cook ave 1919 OAKLAND 6. touring. lll sacrifice. Sea and make offer, E. lo.i.