TOE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL' 3, 1921 PORTLAND MINISTERS ASKED TO MEETING AT Y.M.C. A. TOMORROW Information Valuable to Pastors in Regard to the Social Service Agencies of the City Will Be Discussed by Welfare Workers Questions Will Be Answered. or THE Portland Ministerial associa tion extends to all ministers in the city a hearty invitation to the meeting of ministers at the T. M. C. A. auditorium at 10:30 A. M. to morrow. The subject tinder discussion will fee "What All Ministers Should Know About the Social Agencies) of Port land." Instead of a formal address. Dr. Philip S. Parsons, chairman of the Oregon child welfare commission; Miss, Amelia Ferry, director and trainer of family visitors for the public welfare bureau; Miss Elnora E. Thomson, director of public health for the Oregon School of Social "Work; Dr. S. C. Kohs, psychologist of the court of domestic relations; Miss Anna Murphy, parole officer, Oregon state board of health, and A. R- Gep hart, general secretary of the publio welfare bureau, under whose direc tion the programme Is being pre pared, will answer questions cover ing practically all the fields of social work In the city of Portland. The officers of the association feel 4hat this will be a very valuable meeting and trust that all members of the association, together with all -Interested ministers and friends, will i take advantage of the opportunity mlXered. Ait result of a special evangelistic Effort by the pastors of Portland Shearer. A pageant entitled, "Mothers of the Bible." will be given and sev eral class stunts. The last number will be a skit, "Anybody's Family on Sunday Morning." Reservations for places at the tables must be made In advance. The post-Easter service at the At kinson Memorial Congregational church today will include a timely service by the pastor. Rev. Elbert E. Flint, on "The Perils of Reaction." This sermon is based upon the record or Portland churches Easter Sunday, The choir, in charge of Mrs. Margaret Sims,- will repeat certain selections of the Easter music This evening there will be another illustrated community service, in which will be a look into the life and ways of one of the greatest people of today. Each Sunday night the world's news and events will be featured In moving pictures. The sermon will be on "Unorthodox Sins and Sinners." H. Edward Mills will address the Realization league at 148 Thirteenth street at 11 o'clock on "Master, Where Dwellest Thou?" Last Wednesday evening the Phi Omega class of the Sunnyside Meth odist Episcopal Sunday echool pre sented tho playlet, "The Piper Paid, to an appreciative audience. The characters were represented aa fol lows: May Bradley. "Peggy"; aye Loucks, "Mabel"; Catherine Reeder, Christian churches during a seven ("Mrs. Mererora carr; x.o.a . . .. . , v i 11 '"Freda": Ruth Schurs. "The Detec- Offlcena re-elected last Monday to carry oh the work of the City Church Extension society of the Methodist Ep lscopal church of Portland and gen eral representative of the Methodist national centenary programme committee, who la visiting- Portland i Left to right K. A. Baker, secretary J I. C Canning-ham, treasurer J. 11. KlHson. president) Samuel Connell, vice-president, and Or. Balph E. PUfendorfer. Beulah Brun rendered a piano solo, and the Misses Millie and Harriet Bachsn cave a vocal selection. The receipts for the evening were about (40. Congregational Young Folk to Have Busy Week. Mrs. Edward Drake Becomes ganlst of First Church. Or. i- i i- li i. Itlva": Dorothr Hunt. The Reporter, a S.-ia.a - i i .... i .h,.,h and Esther King, "Katie, the Maid. attendance is reported, and the larg est audiences of their history were In attendance at the eight churches on Easter. The city missionary. Rev. Joseph Boyd, has just completed an cvangellsUo meeting at the Church of Christ. Rodney and Knott streets, 'With 45 additions to the church. Be (Tinning today, the evangelistic meet ings will continue at Kern Pars Christian church, with Rev. Boyd oc cupying the pulpit during the week. .' All Interested In the work of ob taining an expert Bible teacher for Portland and vicinity under the aus pices of the Moody Bible Institute are requested to meet tomorrow night at o'clock In the T. M. C A. audi torium. Dr. W. P. White, regional director, will be present. Those de siring classes formed in their comma xtitles should attend this meeting. ABERDEEN. Wash, April 2. (Spe eiaL) The members of the Firs Presbyterian church, at the annual congregational meeting, decided to ask for an immediate report on the advisability of erecting a manse for the church on lots on West Second street, which the church now owns. The report is expected to favor the project. The following elders, d&a conesses and trustees were elected at the business session following a pot luck dinner In the Sunday school section: J. D. Carter, W. H. Belles, G. O. Nelson, elders: Mrs. C E, Brownell, Mrs. Edward Larkin, Mrs. I J. Beedon, deaconesses; G. F, Karahner, T. W. Tebb. W. J. Robin son. Ray Ellis, J. M, Phillips. S. UcClymont. trustees. Debt Against Church to Be Cleared Today. St. James Lutheran Congregation to Bum Its Mortgage. Evangelistic Leader Is to Speak at White Temple. The Wonder of Personality," Sub ject of Dr. 8. J. Held. f N THE First Baptist church (Whits X Temple) this morning Dr. S. J, Held, superintendent of evangelism tor the Baptists of Oregon, will preach at' 11 o'clock, taking for his subject "The Wonder of Personality" and in the evening at 7:4a Dr. Reid s theme will be '"The Power of Life. The temple quartet will furnish musio at both services. The reception of new members and the celebration of the lord's supper will take place at Che close of the morning service. Dr. W. B. Hlnson, pastor of the East bide Baptist church, will com xnence his fifth year of ministry In this church today. Under Dr. Hin- son's faithful ministry and preach Ing, the church has more than doubled Its former membership each consecu tive year. During ' the month of March 2 were received into the church. Fifteen were baptized on Easter Sunday and others are await lng baptism. The Easter thank of fering amounted to 17000 and the Sunday school offering for the chil dren of the world was $200. , Dr.' Hlnson will preach this morn ing at 11 o dock from the subject "The Only True Church." This even ing at 7:30 his theme will bo "The Lord's Return." Sunday school eon venes at 9:30, and the young people's societies at :30. e Owen T. Day, pastor of the Arleta Baptist church, 48th avenue and 64th street, will speak at 11 A. M. today on "The Consecration of Life's Re sources." Sixty persons are awaiting church fellowship, while 60 have been baptised. The children's chorus will sing at the morning service. At 7:30 P. M. a song service will be led by sv chorus choir. The pastor's topic .Will be "A Fool's Death." "The Transfiguration of Thomas" will bo the theme from which Rev. R E. Close will speak at the Third Baptist church Sunday morning. The lord's supper will be observed follow ing the morning sermon and the hand of fellowship will be given to those who have recently entered the church. The subject of the evening sermon will be "The Garden Where God and Warriors Met." e e At Glencoe Baptist church. East Forty-fifth and Main streets, morning services will be held at 11 o'clock with preaching by the pastor. Rev. W. B. Stewart on the topic: "Seeing Jesus." Evening services will be at 7:30 P. M. Dr. J. a Reed will con clude a two weeks' series of special evangelistic meetings. These meet ings have been most successful and the public is invited to hear Dr. Reed on Sunday night. Communion will be celebrated this morning at Sunnyside Congregational church, when Dr. J. J. Staub will speak on "Risen with Christ." Over 40 new members were received Into fellowship last Sunday morning. There will be an interesting ad dress tonight given by Miss Minnie Tontz, a member of this church, re cently returned from Mt. Seiina, East Africa. Miss Tonta has a wonderful story to tell of her work in the dark continent. Her talk win be illus trated with a very fine, recently taken set of slides. Monday at 2:30 P. M. the Portland Bible league will meet in the church parlors and Dr. W. P. White will speak on "A Revival of Bible Interest In Portland." Wednesday evening the interde nominational BiWe class will study the ninth chapter of Daniel, led by the pastor. " , ' The class on fundamentals will meet Thursday evening. Friday evening at o clock will te held a mothers' and aaugmers ran; "pHE young people of the First congregational cnurcu kid have a series of good times this week. Mrs. George Frost will entertain the Gleaners, as Mrs. H. A. Roberts' class of business young women Is called. tomorrow night at her home at 64S East Fifteenth street North. Tuesday night the Alumni Christian Endeavor societv is to hold a dinner in the church Darlors. A lively programme will be given by former and present Endeavorers. There will be readings by Mrs. Otto Cook and Mrs. D. S. Williams, vocal solos by Mrs. O. B. Riddle, three-minute toasts by E. B. MaoNaughton. Helen Parrish, Fred V.l.nn r-.rnllnA llfF.Trfn. IL C. Col ton. Judge Rossman and Mat tie Cleland and a little more pretentious speeches by Dr. E. Ford Warner on The- Alumni . Movement, Louis Adams of Oregon City and Dr. Mac Elveen. William D. Scott will act as toastmaster. The Young People's association Is planning a series of pot-uck suppers for Thursday evenings, me young folk will cook and enjoy their supper at church, listen to a talk by Miss Henthorne and then remain to enjoy the series oflectures that Dr. McEl vee is giving on "Christ's Teachings on Economics. The Senior Endeavorers have an old folks' concert" on for Friday evening. For weeks they have been rehearsing under the direction of Mrs. Carrie B. Adams. All the old favor ites". Including Cousin Jedediah, Reuben and Rachel, Billy Boy and old Deacon Hezeklah Stiremup will be present. The seniors are support' ing a theological student in the Phil ipplne islands and are taking this way of providing the wherewithal. Judge Rossman announces a regu lar Rossman programme for the Men's Brotherhood meeting. Dr. Samuel C. Kohs. psychologist of the court of domestic relations, will in terpret a very remarkable set of stereoptlcon pictures and D. Soils Cohen, who is an attorney by profes sion and an orator by preference; will deliver an ' address on the Zionist movement. Mrs. Edward Drake Is the new or ganist at the First Congregational church. Mrs. Drake Is a Portland woman. She is a daughter of an Ore gon pioneer, F. S. Akin. She received the early part of her musical educa tlon in Portland. Later she studied piano with William H. Sherwood and pipe organ with F. Loul King. A number of years ago she was the or ganist of the First Congregational church for one season. For eight years she was the organist of the Grace Methodist Episcopal church. Since her marriage she has held tem porary positions as organist at the First Presbyterian, the old Taylor- Street and the Centenary Methodist churches. It was with very keen regret that the First church parted with Miss Ethel Lynn Ross, who has been the organist during the last year. The illness of Miss Ross' mother led to the resignation. Today Mrs. Dudley Steele, the so- rano soloist, will sing in Seattle and Mrs. Ray M. Lansworth will sing in the First church quartet. Mrs. Drake will give the following programme: 11 A. If. Prelude. "Allerreto" (Tounri: pootlude, "Festvoraplel In C Major" (Llehis). T:8 P. it. Prelude, "Benedlctui" (Weber): prelude, "Une Fete- a Trainon" (Henri Souhier); poetlude, in "A Minor" (Brede). "How Far Is the Bible Inspired?" is Dr. McElveen's topic this morning. At the evening service he will answer four questions: 1 Your opinion of ex-Cecretarr of State Lnmr book on the peace negotiation!? z Is president Hardlnr about to ejitab- Ilh an American embassy at the Vatican? wuat dJd. you learn a a member of the board of arbitratioa on the wace scalar -ii hell a myth? - This morning at the Highland Con gregational church the pastor. Rev. Edward Constant, will preach a post Easter sermon, "A Noble Confession." At the evening service he is to pay tribute to the late John Burroughs. The subject of the address will be 'John Burroughs, Humanist and Nat uralist." The ladles' aid meets for special work at the church Wednesday morn ing, and the evening of that day the workers of the Sunday school will gather for dinner, business and a social time. - - The quarterly communion service and administration of the Lord's Sup per will take place at 11 o clock at Waverly Heights Congregational church- At the evening service, be ginning at 7:30 o'clock, the chorus choir will give a sacred concert and the pastor, Rev. Oliver Perry Avery, ill give a brief address on "What Is Heaven Llker e At the Methodist Episcopal church South, corner Union avenue and Mult- omah street, the pastor. Rev. Joseph ;. Harris, will speak at 11 A. M on the theme "Christian Volunteers" and quet. This promises " " i it 1:49 f. Ji. will nave for nis suD event A splendid musical programme I jeCt, "A Revival." The publio is ln is being prepared by Mrs. James j vited, SPECIAL services win be held to day at 6L James English Luther an church, at which time the congre gation will observe the event of the liquidation of the building debt of! 115,000 In a fitting manner. A united campaign in which the entire congre gation co-operated, directed by the pastor. Rev. William E. Brlnkman, and assisted by special canvassing committees, has met with most grati tying results in its work and the con gregation has gone "over the top" in the raising of funds for canceling the debt Rev. Mr. Brlnkman will make an address suitable to the occasion. Following are the names of the charter members who wiM have part in the service when the mortgage and note which have been canceled are to be burned: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wlckline, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Bohnsen and Mrs. Peter Blankholm. On Tuesday evening, April 5, a gen eral church reception will be given in honor of members of the confirmation class this year and the large number of new members which were received into fellowship with the church 00 Palm Sunday and Easter. Plans are being prepared for tne remodeling of the church interior and the making of certain necessary im provements to the church property. The St. James congregation occupies one of the beet centrally located church sites in Portland, at West Park and Jefferson streets, being easily reached by connecting carlines from all parts' of the city. St. James congregation, which was organized and served by early missionaries in 1890 is one of the strongest Lutheran churches on the Pacific coast, being the first .English Lutheran church in Oregon. A notable feature in the history of the church was the found ing and organization of the Pacific Synod Theological seminary in me present church chapel in 1910, wihh but two students and one instructor. which finally was removed to Seattle, Wash., and is now a well-established institution. The morning services today will be held at 11 A. M, the Sunday school session wiU be at t:50 A. M. The Young People's Luther league will meet for devotional services in the church chapel at 6:4a P. M. The evening service will be held at 7:45. The pastor will give a series of ser mons md addresses on aome uut- Btandlng Characters of Church His tory." The first address will be on 'John Huss." e ganized by Mr. Rawson, meets In the blue room of the Portland hotel Mon day evenings at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. . The First' Spiritualist church. East Seventh and Hassalo streets, will hereafter conduct meetings every Sunday at 11 A. M., 3 P. M. and 8 P. M. Mrs. Lillian Smith I9 pastor. Messages will be given by Mrs. Downes and Mra Helenas. Message circles will be held immediately after the afternoon meeting by different mediums. The regular monthly mes sage meeting will be held Wednesday evening", April 6, at 8 P. M. Miss Margaret Houser of St. Paul, Minn., evangelist of the Christian and Missionary alliance, will speak at j both morning and evening services, 11 A. M. and 7:S0 P. M., today at the Gospel . tabernacle, East Ninth and Clay streets. The lecture topic at the Independ ent Bible Spiritualistic society and church at 441 East Twelfth street, corner Sherman, for tonight at 8 o'clock is "The Aquarian Epoch." The Mystic Success and Health club meets at 8 P. M. Tuesday. On Thursday night at 8 o'clock of each week a general demonstration meeting Is held at the above address. Mrs. Ida M. Schorl is pastor. W. W. Aber, pastor of the First Church of Psychio Science, which is located at Eleventh and Alder streets, will lecture next Sunday night at 8 P. M. upon the subject, "What and Where Is Heaven?" and followed by messages. Whitney Boys' Chorus to Sing at First Methodist. - Dr. Stanfleld to Speak .on "The Corse and the Blessing of Labor." The Sunday school of the Clay street - Evangelical church at Tenth and Clay street, west side, will open at 9:30 and will be in charge of the superintendent. E. J. Keller. At 10:45 the pastor. Rev. Jacob Stocker, will preach on the subject "The Church of Jesuh Christ. What Is ItT" TMa will be the eighth sermon on the letter of Paul to the Ephesians. In. the alter noon at 3 o'clock there will be a serv lco at the Aitenhelm at Division street. The Young People's alliance will meet at (:S0 and at 7:30 the pas tor will continue his series of eer-mons-on the letter of Paul to the Romans, the subject being "Tho Do trine of the Holy Spirit." Three services will be held today In St. Paul's Lutheran church, , East Twelfth and Clinton streets. Rev. A. Krause pastor. The subject for the morning service, which Is held in Ger man at 10:30, will be "Christ, the Life of the Christians." Tho topic for the English sermon at 7:30 P. M. is Why Ministers of the Gospel Can and Do Pronounce Absolution for the For giveness, of Sins." The choirs sing both morning and evening. The devo tional service and Bible study begins at 6 P. M. and the Sunday school, with classes for all ages, meets at 9:80 A. M. The quarterly meeting of the con gregation takes place Modday at 8 M. and the choirs rehearse Wednes- ay at 8 P. 11. Services will be held at Trinity Lutheran church, Rodney and Ivy, as follows: 10:15, in German; 7:30, in English; Sunday school at 9:16. A cordial invitation is extended. "Unreality" Is Subject of Science Lessons Today. Testimonies of Healing Included In Evening Services.' Bishop Sumner to Adminis ter Rites to Candidates. Annnal Visitation to St, Andrew's Chnrch Will Be Mads Sunday. THE first Sunday after Easter at the First Methodist church will be another big attendance day. In the evening at 7:30. the Whitney boys' chorus will have the entire service and the meeting will pegin 15 minutes earlier than usual 7:30 instead of 7:45, Tho doors of the church will not open until 7 o'clock At the Easter day service last Sun day the church was crowded and sev eral hundreds wore unaoie to gei. in. bur church are Identified with this organization The Sunday evening services at Centenary-Wilbur church have for some time been marked by an evan gelistic Interest and fervor, which is very gratifying to pastor and people and the cause of general comment throughout the community. At prac tically every service, when the invlta tlon Is given, the altar is filled with seekers and during recent weeks many persons have there found en trance Into the kingdom of peace. Next Sunday night, the pastor la to speak of the wonderful way In which the infinite love of God pursues the sinning soul and how difficult it is for a man to exclude a seeking savior from his life. The new musical organization, which promises to become an out standing feature of attraction for th's downtown section of tho city, will recital At the publio worship service in the Present its first programme at the morning at 10:30. Dr. Stansfield will services on the coming Sunday. Pro preach on "The Curse and the Bless- fessor J. MaoMillan Mulr has been en ing of Labor." On Monday night gaged as organist and director of the quarterly conforenco and official w"' Elv an, orIau board meetings will be held In the 7:30 on Sunday evening" , 1. ZJZV. thVr half of th. Tualatin Methodist Episcopal church when reports for the first half 01 tne 1 m. i.- . win v, r.ivH from serYlee" wlU be neld this morning, th tn staff workers the mtb Sunday school at 10 A. M. W. I. the pastor and . staff workers, the Blsnop wln have cna e Tne n trustees ana Bwwatoa u n -1 .ii, ,,, v . , 1PnVTiUbe'"HTodyrnJ'3the piano-fortraccompanTsTand K Christ's life are "po0t Nyberj orchestra will assfst in the Gospels and, why so meager a record? muBj A tet composed of Dorothy The community night entertainment . c duiv a a nni.v on Friday will provide motion pic- fne'mtb C9" .Jf ilD" T" ISHOP SUMNER will make his an Lj nual visitation to St. Andrew's Episcopal church, Portsmouth, Sun day at 11 A. M. He will administer tne apostolic rite of confirmation to a class of candidates. St. Andrew's en joyed the best-attended Easter service In Its history last Sunday, and the children's Lenten offering exceeded the quota assigned to the church school by one-third. A cast composed of younger mem bers of the church echool presented very successfully the play "The Fair ies' Child" before a large audience in the parish hall last Tuesday evening. The Girls' Friendly society recently visited the children in the Good Sa maritan hospital wards and presented them with souvenir picture albums. The Toung People's society of St. Stephen's (Episcopal) pro-cathedral will hold their regular weekly meet ing at 6:30 P. M. Sunday in the par ish house at tho corner of Thirteenth and Clay streets. Donald Lamont Jr. will lead. tures on "Rip Van Winkle." For the benefit of .the children, the reels will begin at 7 o'clock. Tho following- programme will be given by the Whitney boys' chorus in the concert tonight at the First Methodist Episcopal church, begin. ning at 7:34 o'clock: Chorus, "All Hall Immanuel"; vocal solo, elected. Master Francis DureeU; scrip turo. David Richards; sextet, "Over and over1 prayer; chorus, "W Shall See tne King visitors will be Dr. John D. McCor mick, from the Kimball school of theology, Salem, Or. This evening at 8 o'clock Dr. McCormick will preach at tne w lisonville Methodist Episcopal church and it is expected there will be large congregations at both services. Mrs. C. W. Huett, corresponding secretary of the Woman's Foreign vocal solo, selected. Master Richard Anrill, I Missionary society and who lived in japan for a number of years, will speak Sunday at 11 A. M. in the Clin ton Kelly Memorial Methodist Epis copal church, Powell and East Fortieth streets, on missionary work. The Sunday Bible echool opens at 9:4 aocompanied by Master Donald Contrey; ohorua. "Wales the sons"; oricinai aa- dress. Master Harry Leedlng; offertory. violin solo, selected. Master Robert Carl ton; Chinese selection, "America" (in Chi nesa lancuase). Chinese boys: reading, ee lecttd, Master George Nicholson: sextet. pastor, J .T. Ghormley, will speak on "The Children of the King." The combined choruses under the direction of Mrs. May Vail Billingsley will sing. At 7:30 P. M. Evangelist Joseph Boyd will speak on "God's Gift." The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed at the Mlzpah Pres byterian church, East Nineteenth and ! Division streets, at tne nour of morn ing worship. The pastor. Rev. D. A Thompson, will preach from the text "This do In remembrance of me." Members will be received both by let ter and on confession of their faith, infant children of church members may be presented for baptism. The theme for the night sermon will be "Standards of Value." The chorus of high school students will sing at the night service. The intermediate society of Chris tian Endeavor will meet at :o. The regular congregational meeting of the church will be held on Wednes day, April (, for the purpose of elect ing officers for the ensuing year and hearing reports of the work of the past year. A fellowship dinner will be served in the church dining room at 6:80. All members of the church and congregation are expected to be pres ent. The Easter services were largely attended and greatly enjoyed. . The pastor's pre-communlon classes wiu oe aiscontinued after this weeK There will be a considerable accession of children, young people and adults at the communion service. i Unitarians Are Planning Big Social Events. Regular Monthly Maslcale Will Bo Held This Afternoon. TWO Interesting social events will mark tho week at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Broadway and Yamhill. Today at 4:30 P. M. in the chapel will be held the regular monthly Sunday afternoon maslcale. Besides the solo parts, some of which will be sung by Mrs. Herman Hucke. the choir will sing a fine group of Easter carols. The choir contains the following singers: Mytilene Fraker Stites. contralto and director; Mrs. H. J. Hucke, soprano; J. Ross Fargo, tenor; Walter Hardwick, bass. Ralph W. Hoyt and Mrs. Walter Hardwick are accompanists. Light refreshments are served and there Is plenty of opportunity to get acquainted. The second social event or tne ween will be a reception in honor of Carl Wetberell next Friday at 8 P. M. Mr. Wetherell la the Pacific coast representative of the National Unita rian Laymen's league, now number ing more than 10,000 men. The re ception will be held by tne local chapter, assisted by the women s al liance and the young people's frater nity. Mr. Wetherell will speak, and a few others, so that sociability and eloquence may be evenly distributed. This morning Mr. Eliot will preach on "Hard Decisions and How to Make Them" at 10:30 o'clock. Shine On": remarks, H. B. K. Whitney; I a jm wih W Tt H.wl.i.. n,i'., akn,n. T'ftlwTYi hi th. ftMTTl of th OCMH ! 1 . . . ' ' benediction. Sev. Joshua stanaueia. V. v. At Centenary - Wilbur Methodist church on Sunday morning the pastor. Dr. Frank ,L. Wemett, will deliver a special sermon on the achievements of the woman's foreign missionary society, it being the annual thank offering occasion of the local aux iliary. This organization of Metno. tendent The Epworth league will begin Its service at 6:45, led by Eugene Simmons and Miss Helen Glover. The Clinton Kelly Memorial is a growing church in numbers and service. The children's hour Is on Momday at 4 P. M. , There will be no preaching service on Sunday eve ning. The pastor, Mr. Mace, will preach in the West Moreland chapel dist women has achieved a notable Milwaukle and South avenue, at 7:30 record during the half century since o mock. the society came into existence. Nearly 1200 trained workers have At First Norwegian Danish Metho been sent to foreign lands and more dist Episcopal church. Eighteenth and than $22,000,000 have been contributed Hoyt streets, Rev. C. August Peter- to tne upnri oi neainen women ana SOn, pastor. Rev. E. GJordlng will children. The present membership in preach at 11 A. M. and Rev. C J this country is approximately 200,000. Larsen. D. S.. will nreach a't h ik ADOUt zuu persons jn. tenienary-w 11- i p. aj. NEW METHODIST CHURCH DEDICATED AT OREGON CITY BY BISHOP SHEPARD. S f - - - v L)$ V' I fl ff 1 JJk J, 2 M 4 At the Sellwood Methodist church, Rev. W. S. Gordon, the pastor, will begin a series of sermons on "The Immortality of the Soul." The topic at 11 will be "Immortality a Natural Intuition," and at 7:30, "Immortality Sustained! by Logic and Science There will be special music at each service, under the direction of Pro fessor F. C. Streyfeller. The Sun day school meets at 9:45, the junior league at 3 and the Epworth league at 6:30. This church has received 61 members since October, 1920, and is prospering in all its departments. At the Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal church Dr. Huett, the pastor, will speak In the morning at 11 o'clock, taking as the theme for tho sermon, "One Trial Better Than Many." In the evening another lecture sermon will be given with the help of the stereoptlcon and Porto Rico will be thesfield. This is the fifth In the series, Panama. China, the Philippine islands and Hawaii having already been given and it is the plan to go over all the great mission fields of today in this way and In the not distant future tho moving-picture film, "The Pioneer Trail" will be given. The church is supplied with a good moving-picture machine. Strangers are always welcome. "Humane Sunday" to Be Observed April 17. Whole Week Will Be Devoted to Kindness to Animals. a LB ANT, N. Y, Apral 2. Observ- XA ance of "Humane Sunday" on April 17, bringing to a close a week devoted to kindness to animals. Is urged by the American Humane asso elation from its headquarters in this city. "No special observance has more ready claim upon the attention of clergymen, irrespective of church affiliation, than that of Humane Sun day," the society says in Its announce ment. "It has back of it no mercenary motive; it does not seek to finance any local or national institutions, no matter how commendable may be their Duroose or valuable their work. The friends of the child and the animal seek simply to have sermons preached on the occasion throughout American nuloits on the general subject of mercy and kindness. These are fun damental religious doctrines that need repeated emphasis." The week of April 11 to 16 has been designated by the association as "Be Kind to Animals Week." it proposes programme, starting with Monday as "C1UD uay, ruesuay i-ei jinimai Day," Wednesday "Benefit Day," Thursday "Red Star Day." Friday School Day," and Saturday "iioy Scout Day." Pet animal shows, pnono exnmits of bird houses made in bird bouse building contests, and planting of trees to commemorate the work of humanitarians, are among the asso ciation's Ideas for the week. Mr. Coursen to Give Organ Recital Today. Dr. Bowman to Preach Sermon at First Presbyterian Church. along all lines of work for the ad vancement of young people. The speakers were James F. Ewlng, Mrs. Minnie Heath Gardner, Miss Grace Burton, Miss Marie Lesslng, Miss Jessie McLaughlin and George Morgan. The musical programme was under the management of Victor de Pinto, leader of the vesper orchestra. Soloists were Clinton O. Bay, John I'. Treharne, Gordon Onstad and II. 11. Dirksen. The yell leaders were Jud son Monroe Coats, Walter Thorne, Miss Kelm, Miss Planclch and Mine Pllnkewich. The accompanists were Miss Ethel Rand and Miss Ruth Jem. qulst Rev. W.- W. McIIenry will be the speaker at the men's resort today at 4 P. M. A feature of the service will be muslo by the resort orchestra. t Alice Johnson will lead. There will be a young people's meeting Wednes day, the Christian Endeavor society of the First United Brethren church giving the programme. Westminster Presbyterian church oloaed its year's work last Sunday, and today begins the church year with a hope for even greater achieve ment Keeping in mind the inspira tion of Easter's services. Dr. Pence will preach In the morning on the theme "Until Christ Comes Again." Ths children's sermonette will cen ter on ths thought, "The Fear of God." Sunday night's sermon will be on "A Bible: Have Tou One, and What la Its User' For special music Professor Hutch, isoo has chosen: Morning: Antbem, "Glorious Ts Thy Nams," (W. A. alosart); offertory. Prelude in D flat, (A. Olaxounov); tenor solo, 'Ths Procession," (Caesar Franck). Bvsnlnr: Antbem, "The Lord Omnlpo. tent Relgneth," (Thomas Adams); offer tory. Andante In A. (8. Roussnau): burl- tons solo. "Tliers is a Oresn Hill" (Charles ttounod). Everyone who attended last Sunday was convinced that it was the great est day in the history of Westminster church. With the sunlight streaming through the colored windows, the church interior was at its best, per. haps the most beautiful in the city. Especially was this true In the aft ernoon when the sunlight fell on the choir, pulpit, decorations' and altar. To gee 26 baptized and 87 gather about the altar and be received Into church fellowship was a grand prepa ration for the Easter communion. On April 14 the annual meeting of the church will take place, preceded by a dinner. This is considered one of the great events of the year. Re ports of the various organizations will be made. On the coming Friday night. April 8, Mr. Lewis, the Alaskan explorer and lecturer, will give a motion pic ture entertainment with his new films on "Alaska." Those who have heard him and seen the pictures say they are very fine. This entertainment Is open to the public. At Central Presbyterian church, East Thirteenth and Tine streets. Dr. Nugent will preach a short sermon which will be followed by commun ion service. There will also be re ception of new members. The munlc by the chorus will be "My Heaven nnd Thee" by Havens, and "When Power Divine," by Shelley. At night, Rev. J. S. Armentrout of the educational staff of. the Presby terian Board of Publication and Sab bath school work will occupy the pulpit. The topic of his address will be special music for this service. The annual congregational meeting will be held on Thursday night at 6 o'clock. Reports from each organi sation in the church will be made anA the election of new officers will be held. A full attendance is desired at this Important meeting. ' At Millard - avenue Presbyterian church this morning at 11 o'clock Rev. Henry White will have for his subject "Invisible Forces and Their Aid in Life's Warfare." The Christian Endeavor society will meet at 6:45 P. M. The collection taken at the Easter exercises in the Sunday school amounted to almost 120. This money Is to be appropriated to mission work in the Chieng Rung station of north Slam. The subject of the night service at T:30 Is "Methods of Approach to the Siamese Heart and How These Meth ods Have Succeeded." Mr. and Mrs. White have been connected with the north Slam mission since their mar. rlage In 1902, and have served In the care of city and country churches. Itinerating evangelistic work, mri for the past eeven years have had charge of the theological seminary at Chlengniai. . e e T the First Presbyterian church. (.TTNREALITY" Is the subject of vj lesson sermons In Churches of Christ, Scientist, today. All Christian Science churches hold services Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, and all except Fifth and Seventh Sunday eve. ning at 8. Wednesday evening meet. ings, which include testimonies of Christian Science healing, are held in all churches at 8 o'clock. Sunday school for pupils up to the age of 20 is held in all churches Sunday morning. Downtown reading rooms are maintained at 1133 North western Bank building and 'at 33 North Third street. The public is invited to attend church services and visit the reading rooms. Churches are located as follows: First Nineteenth and Everett streets. Second East Sixth and Holladay ave. . Third East Twelfth and 8almon streets. Fourth .Vancouver avenue and Eznenon street. Fifth Sixty-second avenue and Ferty econd street Southeast. Sixth Pythian temple, 8S8 Tamhlli street. Seventh 403 Smith avenue. The First Spiritual Science church will hold services Sunday at S P. M. and I P. M. In Manchester hall, 85 hi Fifth street. Lecture sermons will be given by Rev. Max Hoffman and L.-E.x Philips on the subject "Under Whose Judgment Am IV The Society for Spreading Knowledge of True Prayer, as the or. isXP t$Vf4 I .!rmi'ii. "S, ' mint) 2-v' - iiiashSI . Rev. H. H. Griffis to Deal With Christian Happiness. Christian Chnrch Bible School Con tributes SS50 on Easter to China Relief. rpHE Rev. Harold H. Griffis will JL speak today, both morning and evening, at the First Christian church. The morning sermon will deal with the comprehensiveness of the Chris tian religion, the special topic being Tnree Legitimate Kinds of Happl ness. In the evening the pastor will preach by request on the position of the Christian church with regard to the Lord s day, having for his specific subject "Why ffe Do Not Observe the sabbath.-' Tho musical offerings by tho church quartet for these services will Include the anthem "A New Song, "also the so prano-contralto duet "Midnight in the Garden" (Hoiton), by Mrs. O. B. Rid dle and Miss Beatrice Palmer. The Easter offering made by the Bible school of this congregation for chsrch west of the Rocky mount. Ins. built st Oregon City by Metho. the pupl offlce came to un- dUt Pioneers. ilrtnA lh irruf nMd nf th The new Methodist church of Oregon City was formally dedicated Sun- district they increased their sub- day, March 20, with appropriate cer emonies, led by Bishop W. O. Shepard. scrlptions by more than 3S00. During The Methodists of the city had been without a regular church building of the past four months this school has tneir own ior loom i monms. une residence property or u. a. uauneia, (contributed for world relief approxl at .Eiignin anu center sireeis, was p urcnasea recently ana remoaeiea as a modern church plant. Services of a historical nature were held In the new church March 18. Mrs. Eva Emery Dye delivered an ad dress outlining the early religious work in the state. George H. Hlme s of the Oregon Historical society presented Rev. Melville T. Wire, pastor of the new church, with a photo graph of the first Protestant church west of the Rocky mountains, which the Methodists had the honor of build ing in Oregon City, mately $2500. John F. Faust is the superintendent. At Kern Park Christian church. Forty-sixth avenue and Sixty-ninth street, the regular monthly merger service of the church and the Bible school will be held at 11 A. M. The streets, the pastor. Rev. Harold Leon ard Bowman, D. D., will speak wis morning at 10:30 on "The Blessedness of Being Ordinary." At the night service st 7:30 o'olock the subject will be "The Vision Splen did." As a prelude to the night serv ice from 7:16' to 7:30, Edgar E. Cour sen will give an organ recital, with the following programme: (a) "Elevation," (saini-oaens); idj "Air." (Bach): (c) "March," (Merkel). The quartet will sing at both serv ices. It is composed of Mrs. mancne Williams Segersten, soprano; Mrs. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson, con tralto: John D. Treharne, tenor, and otto Wedemeyer, bass and leader. As a special musical feature, John D. Treharne will sing as an offertory in the morning the tenor solo "And God Created Man in Native Worth," from "The Creation," by Haydn. The First Presbyterian Sunday school meets at 12 o'clock, with classes and departments for all ages. A cordial invitation is given to all who are desirous of doing serious study of the Bible. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon a conference will be held in the chapel for Presbyterian Sunday school workers. This confer ence will be addressed by two visitors from Philadelphia Rev. J. S. Ar mentrout and Miss Florence Norton experts In Sunday school work, who are touring the country in the inter ests of their specialties. Both are con nected with the Presbyterian board of publication and Sunday school work. Mr. Armentrout is director of teaching training and dally vacation Bible schools. Miss Norton 'is di rector of children's work. The Warren Bfble class and vesper class of the First Presbyterian church gave their annual banquet Tuesday night, honoring 440 new members who have Joined these classes since Octo ber. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman complimented the classes for the en ergy displayed and the progress Many of the Presbyterian churches of the city held their communion service on Easter Sunday, but at riedmont church the regular date. April 3, will be reserved for this service. Holy communion and admission of members will be the feature of the morning service, with Rev. J. Francis Morgan using the topic, "My Whole- neariea f ollowing." At night his subject will be, "Miracle-working 'aith." At this service the cantata "The Daughter of Jalrus," as sung Easter Sunday, will be re peated by request. A rousing preparatory meeting was held In the church auditorium Thurs day night to encourage new members. On Monday night, April 4, will he held the teachers' meeting, at which reports from different Sunday school departments will be given. On April 7 the annual congrega tional meeting will be held, at which reports of the year's work will be given by all departments of the church's activity. This will be an unusually Interesting annual meet ing, as there are many good and surprising reports to be given. The first Wednesday of the month the Women's Missionary society will hold their meeting at 2:30 in the church parlors. The subject this Wednesday will be "Afrlcn." Rev. A. R. Fox of the Bet'hel African Meth odist Episcopal church will provide part of the programme, also furnish ing two African singers. Easter Sunday was a banner day for the whole church. In the Sunday school, the record attendance was achieved, 282, being present. At the church service the lobby and aisles were crowded with extra seats com mandeered to accommodate th. crowd. Sunday school and chumh collections were astonishingly large The Sunday school collection is to be used for foreign missions. Rev. Donald M. McCluer's theme for ths morning service todav mt nr... City Park Presbyterian church In "A Resurrection Reverie." A. B Carr missionary at Elat. East Africa ,m speak at the night meeting on "Afri ca." Communion of the Lord's supper will be observed at the morning serv. Ice. Easter was a notable day in the history of the church. One hundred new members were received at the morning service. The church will hold Its annual con gregational meeting on Thursday night at 8 o clock in the church. ..R",f." 8- rmni''out of New Tork Ity will speak in tha Fourth r. city will speak In the Fourth Preh uivriejn cnurcn mis mornlnjr on "Re- emphasising e- ligloue Education.' (Concluded on I'ase 7 ' 4