1 THE SUNDAY OirEflOXIAN, rORTLAXP. , AP,RIL 3, 1921 V business orpoRTonTEa. Motet- a -it Kimminc Hnuw LET'S HQ 10 THE COUNTRY. RESORT AXD BEACH HOTELS. , Seaside- 10 rooms, nice bouse, 2 cottaim. 3 ten til, everything fur nished complete; bed : rig, dishes, utensils, wood In far season, open year round, dining room seats 30, lot ItX'xloo. Fine tittle proposi tion. Estimated 100.000 automo biles visit Seaside this season. Above property complete. 70u0, terms. List 147. 11 -room hotel. 3 summer bouses, 2 cottages, nice dining room and kitchen, bath, etc., on Mt. Hood high war. Above property and 10, acres, $10 0Cn. Beautiful site for large rt-sort bote!, wonderful op- . port unify for good resort people. List 144. 22 rooms and 9 acres: 10 fire places. 4 baths, furnace heat, un furnished, fine condition, beautiful country home; fine place for resort r sanitarium; on Columbia high way; $J-,."00. half cash, some trade. List 54. 23 -room, fine resort hotel on highway; beautiful view Mt. Hood and dt. Adams; well furnished; open year round; dining room seats SO; running water, t baths, electric lights, sieam heat; 14 cot- -tages, barn, garage for 9 cars, all kinds fruit. 11 acres fine land un der cultivation, nice pine grove; over $14,000 business In 8 months last year. Above property com plete, ,000, terms. List 142. 2.1-room, fine resort hotel on highway, open year round, does lnre business; electric lights, running water, 14 tents, S-room bungalow, S-room. modern, fur nished house, fine home, large dance ball and swimming pool; all furnished linen, dishes, eto. Wonderful place. Above property complete with IS acres land. $18, ' 000, terms; $5O0O cash, balance 5 years. Fhoto and particulars this . office. Llt-13L Two rood beach hotels 30 room each, open year round; nice places; also several good cottages; good -business year round in big pay roll district. Building, ground and furnishings, attractive price Photos this office. List 49 and 50. GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS. 14 -room hotel nicely furnished and 4hk acres rich land under cul tivation; barn, garage. Implement shed, chicken house. Implements, tools, wagon and buggy. Good little town south of Portland. Building, real estate and full equipment, $3o00, terms. List 127. 18-room hotel good lumber town In Washington; ha good business year round; dears over $3000 per year. Furniture and building In first-class shape; only hotel In town; no competition; has 4 large lots, runs for 100 chickens. Above property. Including building, ground and complei furnishings. . I50O0; terms, half cash, balance $75 per month. Fine proposition; will bear close investigation. Own er wishes to retire. List 149. 22-room hotel. Columbia river town; good business, pool room, barber shop, garage and electrio light plant. S6OV0, terms. List 132. 25-room, modern, brick, well furnished ; good central Oregon town; building, ground and fur nishings, f-Q.OuO, terms. List 120, 80-room commercial hotel; busy town; nicely furnished; own laun dry; chicken yard; good lobby; always doing big business. Clears from $S00 to $10-0 per month. Building, ground and complete furnishings, $11,300, ( terms. Fine proposition. List 51. 31-roem apartment hotel; fine modern place: private and public baths; live little city on the coast; o-year lease; dandy home. $5000. jterms. List 116. 30-room commercial hotel, good Washington town; good business; building, ground and furnishings, $18,000. one-third cash. List 106. 40-room, high-class, modern, commercial hotel, beautifully fur pished. fine corner on main street, best city in. southern Ore gon, newest and best hotel In town: Tacific highway; all travel parses the door; 5 minutes to City Park. Fine proposition for good hotel man. 3-story pressed brick, strictly modern. Building, ground and furnishings, $ao.oo0. Terms. List 4i 42-room, commercial hotel, good town near Pendleton; fine business district. Building, ground and fur nUhins $10.QOO, haif cash. Llat 40. We have large listing of city, country and beach hotels; also apartment houses and Income property. We are publishers of the Pacific Northwest Hotel News and are represented in most every city in America, and are In close touch with best hotel and apart ment house buys on the market and only handle legitimate prop ositions. If you wish to buy or sell hotels or apartment houses consult our brokerage department. See us before buying. PACIFIC HOTET NEWS. BROKERS. Ill lUl VM L LtLJ'l. 4-UOM brick apartment house, cheap rent, with long lease, clearing $500 a month, for $&0; $5000 c--h. 32 rooms, good west side location, r ha p r nt. with lease ; income $510 ; $4000: $-500 cash. 24 rooms, part H. K.. reasonable rent, good income, north end location; for 3ooo, terms. 32-room apartment house, good "west Me location, netting $250 a month. This Is one f the best buys In Portland for the price; $5500; some terms. 14 rooms.. H. K., $2200. good terms, cheap rent and netting $100 a month. This is a nice, clean place, good loca tion. 12 rooms, $2600. $1800 cash, furniture first-class and netting $130 besides 3 rooms for self. This la exceptionally good bargain and fine west side location, 1 1 rooms. $2200 ; $ 1 500 cash ; very cheap rvnt and good Income; newly furnished and splendid residential west aide location. 8 rooms of good furniture for $800; $500 caah; close In west side location. 6 rooms, nice llttie flat, for $750 cash; eheap rent and good home. In fie loca tion. TRY-US REALTY CO., 19 W. Park. Aut. 513-49. THE CASH TALKS, Best transient hotel buy In the city lor $S."Hf0 spot ca"h. Today. ' AIAKSH A McCABE. Business Brokers. 322-24 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3903. WILL sell one of the best little hotels in the city, making good money. Furniture and carpeta of the better class; 3-year lease, no ' better location. Main 7560. 3 H. K. KUUMo. close in. west side, good furniture; rent only $00. with lease; neat and clean; will clear $20. Full price. $4000; good terms. SIMMS. 141 Low n. -'dale St. Broadway 2'.3T EXCWl 'ION ALLY GOOD BUY. 77 rooms, white pressed brick hotel, clean, good furniture; long lease. A good house and good income. Rent $3u? hot and cold water in each apt. VU CH AMHKR OF COMMERCE. 14 KuOMS in 2-rm. apts., neat and clean. cor. bldg., rent $36 2U. IncL water; nets owner $100 and own apt. Always -full. Owner leaving towji. Reduced to $1050 ' for quirk sale. O. Y. Edwards & Co., tno Henry bldg. y KOuMS. nice;y furnished, clone in, west Hide. cW-arng besides owner's apt. Price $10tio. en?y terms. O. W. Tarr. 407 McKay bldg., Sd and Stark sta. We build and equip apt. houses and homes. 1'J-KOOM transient hotel on Wash st, close In; good furniture; rent $75 Pull price $260; good terms SIMMS. 141 Lownsdale St. Broadway 2137 i. BOOMS, ail apartments have private Mths. west side, walking distance, com pletely furnished, 2 years' lease; $5500; $250 handles. C. E. BOWDN CO.. 815 Chamb'T of Commerce bldg. HOUSEKEKPING ROOMS. 20 rooms, nearly all housekeeping. Well located. Gross lncom. $375 per month. Kent $7.. gome term.. . Phone Main 7'K1: 8H Cnuc-h bids'. 14 KouilS, fiing ie and double, h. k. ; net. owner (125. $1230. 3d at., cloe. In. U. Y Edwards Co.. 610 Henry bldg. I ROOMS, kitchenette, good location; good Income; electricity, furnace, $1000. Bdwy. 4(13 IS. "WOMAN wishes to keep house for elderly people, country or city. Broadway 4301. 203 Artisans' bldg. t 11. K. ROOMS, ,57 cash; rent Alain 6Z3o, owner. . BCSIESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houe. PACIFIC AGENCY. IXC 014-520 Swetland B'.dg. Corner Washington and 5th. APARTMENT HOUSE of 150 rooms, corner location, modern in all respects; gross Income now $1700 and may be In creased to $2hh with small ef fort. Price $18,000. with terms. 15 ROOMS Nice west side loca- tlon; clearing $150 over all i Dencea. Price $.1750. terms to ' suit. 25 ROOMS. TRANSIENT HOUSE! Best north end location: place Is always rilled and is a money maker. Price 12650. terms. 10 ROOMS, well furnished. This place is always- filled and is a good buy at $1350. . $2500 CASH WILL HANDLE a swell little apartment house on the west side; rent $125. Has a monthly income of $300. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-520 Swetland Bldg. Corner Washington and 5th. 22 KtlOMK. H K 82 rooms h. k. in White Temple dis trict; very good lurnlture nets price .0400: easy terms. 27 ROOMS H. K. 27 rooms h. k., netting J1.VI; S-year lease; good furniture and rugs; price )tiwi terms. 42 ROOMS. R. K. 42 room, h. k.. fine location; net, $250 t $300 per month; moderate rent; price 80 ROOMS. H. K. 80 rooms h. k., In Nob Hill district; furnace heat: furniture v.ry good; splen did location; good net Income; price OOU. 13 ROOMS. H. K. 13 rooms h. -k., rent $r0; good net in come; furniture fair; price $1200; $600 cash. 15 ROOMS. H. K. 15 rooms h. k.. very good furniture nets $175; price $2S00; terms. 11 ROOMS, H. K. 11 rooms h. k., very good location; nets $100; price $1200; $roo cash. 11 ROOMS. H K. 11 rooms b. k., in White Temple dis trict; large lawn; good location; nets (130; price fiuou, terms. 10 ROOMS H. K. 10 rooms h. k., Nob Hill district; run ning water In all rooms; furnace beat; rent $50; good net Income. 5 ROOMS H. K. 9-room flat, furnace heat, lovely fur niture, good net Income. Price $1000, terms. 11 ROOMS H. KL 11 rooms h. k., rent $3S, nets $05, 4 rooms fur se.r; good lurnlture ana rugs; price $1700, $12U0 cash. 6 ROOMS H. K. 9 rooms h. k., rent $40, good Income, furnace heat: price $12"0. terms. SEE MRS. NICHOLSON. WITH E. M. ROBERTS. ' H23 Fleldner Bldg. Broadway 1W4. FIRST TIME OS MARKET. Lovely hotel with private baths, beau tiful corner bldg., elegant location on Morrison st. ; clean as wax; 63 sleeping rooms. 4 extra rooms reserved for help; sweU large ballroom, dining room and kitchen leased for $200 month: balance of rent Ilk. finding; good lease; clearing over all expenses $1000 month. Price $10,000. with terms. See Mrs. Keller, CKO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon BlAg ST. ELMO HOTEL. Vancouver's leading high-class hotel. 'Completely equipped; lobby, dining room, kitchen, sample rooms, store rooms ana 78 guest rooms. Good Income producer. 75x100 4-story pre'ssed brick building. Foreign (Holland) owners In urgent need of cash at home. Interesting price quoted for immediate sale. $25,000 cash will handle. Particulars only from OTIS & BECK, 525 Henry Bldg. DON'T MISS THIS. IT WON'T LAST LONG. 71-room hotel, completely furnished, 8-year lease, option for 2 more years, rent $5io; this Is a good corner brick bldg., hot and cold water In all rooms, steam bea', ground floor lobby with card room and soft drink bar. making net profit $000 month; full price only $14,000, swooo cash will aandie. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T- MOORE CO.. 101)7 Teen Bldg. $14,000 LIBERAL TERMS. Downtown hotel, ground floor lobby, corner brick building. See thLi today. MARSH A McCABE. Business Brokers. 822-24 Falling Bids. Alar. 3993. COMB EARLY. GOOD SMALL INVESTMENT. Transient hotel, 22 rooms, splendid corner brick bldff.. Northwestern steam heat, hot and cold water all rooms, some private baths, flrst-clas beds, net profit $ai00. Price $4.!-O0. :1000 down. See Mrs. Keller, CKO. T. MOORB CO.. .HUT Yeon Bldg. 80-itC1M TiiA.SSiiiNT HOrLL. Corner brick building, hot and cold water and steam heat throughout: good furniture, ground floor lobby, reasonable rent. 4-year lease; net prom aoout t.ouu per month; 10.000 will hande. Mr. Stokke. J. O. Gray Co.. TlS Dekum bid. Auto .V.1-4.-). S.ELL MUST SlUfc, LOCATION. Apt. house, 21 3-roora apts., 7 4 -room apts., ail w th private baths and phones; cor. brick bid?.: full 4-year lease; clears over all expenses about $7uo. 110.000 will give you possession. See Mrs. Keller. OKO T. MOOPR CO. 1007 Ton "Fid $4&0 BUYS a fine small hotel 18 miles south of Portland on electric line; very well furnished and doing a fine business; will make terms; only hotel In town. METZOER-PARKER COMPANY. 219 Oak St. Broadway 5355. WHITE TEMPLE DiSTKlCT. 0 rooms with good furniture, making a good home and with some profit; for quick sale will take $"0. Mr. Stokke, Js O. Grav Co.. 718 Dekum bldg. Auto. i.rt1-4.Y rtnn Runav CHICKEN DINNER INN. Well established business, well ar ranged road house, all well furnished, grand piano, dance floor, rent only $25, with 5 acres, lease, all for $1!M)0; terms. Peters, IS N. 6th st. OOOD SPECULATIVE BUY. Renovating will make you money on this; 12 rooms, housekeeping; nets $93. Price llSftO, $S!0 down. Rent S42, Per fect Park street location. Main 751 1. Tn Pnnrtv. 1 to 4. 22 ROOMS, close in on Fourth mt. ; all on -one floor, fairly good furniture: for quick action will sacrifice for $2000; net profit about $1 "0 a montn. Mr. Stokke. J. O. Gray Co.. 71ft Dekum bidg. A uto. 1 -4.i. Open Sunday 10 ROOMS, NOB HILL DIST. Fine, large, modern house and extra good furniture. House Is In good repair Inside and Is Just to be painted outside. Yon can't beat this for $045 on terms. Peters. IS N. 6th st. IF YOU are In the market for a hotel, see us before investing. We handle all the first-class proposition in the city; Infor mation cheerfuilv given. Spa Mrs KpIIpp GKO. T. MQQP.E rO.. 1007 Yeon Bid? w a i tL.u t irst-ciaes rooming or tran sient house; prefer lesse; will pay over $200 a room; most any location in good district; would consider east side. Tabor Sttor Mnln 74. 5 ROOMS for $."2., full price; lower flat; leather davenport, upholstered chairs; new carpets, fine beds: rooms all run Into hall; rooms rent for $25 and $30 anlere: rent 3;.rn. 101 pnrk st 22 ROOMS, just cleaned up; well located west aide; has large net Income: can be , bought right If taken by Tuesday; excel lent reason for selling; easy terms. 101 Pnrk st, 1.1 ROOMS $21 tO CASH down, balance monthly, all for $805; nice, clean, light rooms, rent only $20 with lease, building In good repair, west side, good Income. Peters. IS N. 5th st. TO LEASE Hotel, 80 rooms wuh elevator, good downtown location: absolutely no agents considered; act quickly. E 630, Oregon lan, ROOMS, good furniture, close In west clde: big front and back yards; good looking place; could be handled with jfrtm, bnnrc ewy trms. HH Pnrk st. 32 H. K. ROOMS. 8 kitchenettes; clow in, west side; newly decorated throughout; 4-year lease; easy house to run: clears $201,; $3500. half cash. 54 N. 0th. Its ROOMS, good furniture, nice and clean; cheap rent, with lease; close In, west side; net Income $1-5; this ts a snap; 2nn0. with easy terms. 101 Park s t . 12 ROOMS, housekeeping, very close In; wate in rooms electric lip tits; price l2i0: too cash. tan at 37 Taylor. ROOMING house wanted. 15 to 20 rooms, furnished or partly furnished. East 82, Ant. 40. V SHOE repair shop, modern equipment, good district, terms. Kosovao, 410 Ger linger bldg. - 14 H. K- ROOMS; fine location; se owner and save commission. 475 Clay. BrSWESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST. This te a strictly modern up town hotel of over 150 rooms; the furnishings are of the very best, beautiful lobby, over 7-year lease .at reasonable rent. This hotel Is good for about $5000 per month over all expenses. For price and other particulars call at office. SO ROOMS 30 Corner brick, all on 1 floor: one of the best transient locations In Portland; furnishings are fair; will make a reasonable lease to right party;, price $7000. seme terms U . necessary. 40 ROOMS. , Fine west side location, close 1, good furniture and carpets, several private baths, lease at $22o per month; price $80U0, some terms. 70-ROOM HOTEL 70. 5-year lease at $550 per month, nearly new brick bldg., fine west side location, well furnished and Is netting over $1000 per month over ail expenses; $7000 to do busi ness. 60-ROOM HOTEL 60. A real transient location, city heat. 4-year lease; place is very well furnUhed and Is good for !Ho per month over all expenses; price $16,000, all cash. NEAT LITTLE APT. HOUSE. 10 well furnished apts., 3-jear lease, very low rent, netting 3o per month; $5000 can do business; no furnace to fire, easy place to bandie. OVER 60 APARTMENTS. All completely and very well fur nished, good west side location, elegant beating plant, oil burner; will sell for $20,000, some terms. Can have a 6-year lease. This place Is netting over all expenses about $900 per month. TRANSIENT HOTEL. . The best little transient hotel In the city, elegantly furnished and strictly modern, clears never . less than $1000 per month and often much more; good lease; can be handled with $12,000. balance monthly payments. ; F. RIERDON. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE 4 CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of Insurance. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 614-520 Swetland Bldg. Corner Washington and 5th. APARTMENT BUILDING Modern, brick apartment building, close-in on the west side; 150. rooms, ar ranged In 2 and 8-rm. apts.; elec tric elevator. In fact there are no better apartments in the city. We are selling this 'ojXosenea tate: lot 70x100 ft.; price $200,000, $00,000 cash will handle, balance on long term. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 614 Swetland Bldg.. Corner Washington and Btn. dndvbuy! : 11 well-furnlsked rooms, close-in, a clean homelike place. Rooms always full. $2000. terms. Another of 10 rooms: S blocks from ....i b. irNT.ir Navlr renovated. A monev-maklns place. Excellent, carpeta throughout. Price $1800. witn terms. SPEED REALTY CO.. SOT Panama bldg. Main 7204. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms; $1400, $000 cash. t,u. 20 housekeeping rooms. awi. $2OO0 cash. MARSH & McCABE. Business Brokers. 322-24 Failing Bldg Mar. 3a. 96-room hotel. 5-year lease, benntiful white pressed brick cor. bid., .wondtr ful ground-floor lobby, bath connection to every room. Northwestern heat, ele vatorexceptionally welt furnished, net nfofit about $00. Call t our office and talk this over. See Mrs. Keller, GKO T MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 54 rooms, elegantly furnished. Private M..ni.Minn. to every room, fine kVw.C- kihb-.. biir supply linens, beautif 1 ground floor lobby, clearing over ail expense, ,-ivw ww.t will bandie. See Mrs. Keller. CV.O. T. MOORE CO.. 10"7 Bids. T 1TTI.E! PALACE. 43-room apt. house, private baths to all apts. furniture and rufrs brand new, rent only 100 with 2-year Ifase. net Droflt t-!0 month, fin. 5-room apt. for own use. Price fl500. JS00O down. See Mrs. fc.eiier. nV.O. T. MOORE CO.. 10OT Teon Bids;. ' iv.u :ii-l-K SALE. r . - annrtment and room' Ins; houses with us; your .interests will always be protected. We have cash buyers waiting nr yuur i'"!"" Bee Mrs. Keller. OEO T MOORE CO.. K'07 Teon Bide;. ou Huo.vis 20 rooms turnisiiea, some extra furniture; S-year lease; will give some terms to .responsible parties Inls Is a icood investment for some one who haj furniture that Is not makin what It . should or some one who Is willinic to buy same. air. oiw. . - -TlS R?kum bids. Auto. .181-45. jiEsr LOCATION ON WtST blUt. ... , . MTTier tarlck bu ldinft. mod ern In every respect; ha;f furniture brand new; makinjr net profit about I4.-.0 a month; J4OO0 will rive you pot- session Mr SlokKe. J. u. oray wu. Tie Dekum bids. Auto. 561-45. Open Sunday 10 rooms, well furnished. Nob Hill district, clears 150 over all expenses, li eluding board for your own family. Price $1300. - . T c. trm toiler. GKO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. ton: H. K. suites and our own auart ment: gas. elec. hot and cold water In all rooms; always full; a fine place to pay your own rent and have enough left to pay all expenses of bouse; a good clone-In location and nice district. Deal ' with owrer. 4?8 Yamhill, afternoons. - : er'LKNDiD hotel.. 50 rooms, wonderful location, white pressed brick bldg., thoroughly modern, good lease, net profit over i00 month, J10.0O0 will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GFO T MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. " wuin-p TPUI'r.H DISTRICT. 15 rooms, completely and well fur nished for housekeeping, rent only 160, furnace heat, clearing over all expenses 1170 month. $2000 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller, OT.O " MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. TKiSSIENT HOTEL. 27 well-furnished rooms, brick build ing steam heat, very cheap rent, long lease, right downtown, where the money la If you want good one, this is it. Peters. 15 N. 5th Bt. liUii'.TIk'lll. t'A.Uli.1 HOTEL Massive upholstered mahogany furni ture. The very best. Only 5 rooms, but nets 1500; redecorated; choicest lo cation; steam heat; furniture well worth price, you will see; $0500, $7000 down. Mnln 7.M1. Tn flnndiy. 1 to 4. I'ODSEKEEFIN'G. 12 beautiful large rooms, completely furnished, Jn fine condition, lovely cor ner house. Price $1000. liberal terms. Bee Mrs. Keller. rv.o T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. ONLY $1300. 9 room, and sleeping porch, com pletely furnished: 8 2-room apts. 2 sin gle rooms, $923 will give possession. Pee Mrs. Keller, GFO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. $545 5-ROOM FLAT $543. This Is well furnished and can be had on vour own terms, ripht downtown in the "heart of the west side transient loca tion. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. ii" YOU are In a hurry to sell, phone us the particulars. We will do the rest to your satisfaction. SPEED REALTT CO.. Sf7 Pannmn Mrtg Mi in 7204 $785 8 ROOMS $705 on your own terms; 3 blocks of city hall, very fair furniture, all H. K.. rent only $20. Just the place to fix up and sell aeain. Peters. 15 N. nth sL GOOD 10-rootn house, all furnished for housekeeping, stove or furnace heat, $700 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller, "TO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. YOU will want this if you see it; 14 rooms h. k., good furniture, west side, water In rooms; electric lights: clears $123; $S0U cash handlen. Call at 8ST Taylor BY OWNER. 22 rooms, H. K., clean - house, good condition, rent $70; net $130; $2150; terms. 80 5th St. HOTEL, for saie cheap; 35 rooms, always.! full; Income ,2Ml per month. Winter. 801, Main st., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 204. WANTED FROM OWNER... 10 or 12-room house, west side. Route . I.lnnton. Or. . Mar. 2416. HKADQUARTERS for rooming H W. Garland. 201 Third st houses. 15 ROOMS. H. K., rent $45, price $1750, $1000 cash. Main 6127. BTJglNKS OPPOHTTNITXES. Ilutflw ai,d ftoonnns lluuses. ROOMING HOUbJi BARGAINS BARGAINS An experienced rooming house owner has investigated every one of these houses. They are all good, no junk and no pig pens. We don't handle 'em. 8-KOOa flat, close in, west side, good district, good furniture, clean, electric iiBui. siove neat, rent income IS7.50. besides a home; JCOO cash handles. - 10 ROOMS, modern, furnace heat, electric lights, good furniture and rugs. Very Clean, close in on smith Rraadway: income $127 and home; $1000 handles mis. 11 ROOMS A beauty. Nob Hill sec- uuu, mrnuure nere is strictly line, lur nace heat of course; you can't help but like this; shows real net profit $145 a month; price $1030, $1000 cash. 15 ROOMS, near 6th and Jefferson, all H. K., good furniture and rues and plenty of It, clean, furnace, electric lights; clears $173; $1200 cash gets this. 19 ROOMS Here Is real class you won't be ashamed to have your friends see you here, everything modern and strictly fine, what more can we say. rent $83. Income 325; price $4000, all cash and if you want a bargain In a nice place, this is It. ' 20 ROOMS, looks good, condition good, close in. White Temple district, all H. K., rent $75, Income $230: $2000 caah gets this. 25 ROOMS, near 12th and Taylor, all H. K. of better sort, racome $356. reaaon- AND WE SAVED THE BIGGEST SNAP f OR THE LAST. A competitor told meI was a fool not to get $4000 for this, but the price we $4000 alright, you'll say so. 20 ROOMS, all H. K. suites. S baths, running water, good furniture, good house, good condition. Nob Hill, LEASE, clears nearly $250 and the price only $3300, $2000 down. This man wants to sell, come early Monday if you want mis snap. SIMMS-KEITH CO., . ' 010 HENRY BI.DO. &0 ilODEKN APARTMENTS. West side brick corner. Automatic elevator, and ail modern conveniences. All light airy rooms. Well furnished and clean throughout. Rent $500. Five-year lease. Price $19,000. Easy terms. 23 modern apartments. Brick corner, very close in, west side. Rent $500. Long lease. Sickness cause of selling. Price $17,500; $10,000 to handle. 24 modern apartments. Rent. $050. Long lease. Only a few minutes' walk from heart of town. Northwest heat, private baths, and all modern equip ments. Clears nearly $000 per montli. Price $14,000. Easy terms. 22 apartments. Near west side retail district. Rent $200. Unusually well furnished and very clean. This Is a saap at $12,000; $5000 will handle. 63 rooms. Near Washington st. Rent $400. Lease. Income over $1750. Newly renovated and one of the cleanest places in town. '7 private baths, steam heat, hot and oold water In all rooms. Price $16,000. Terms. 23 H. K. rooms. Located on Yamhill St. Fine looking building and large grounds. ETlectric lights, furnace; water in all rooms. Good furniture. Clears $273 per month. Price $5000. This will stand close Investigation. XATE3 REALTY CO., ' - 246 Fourth St. WAr,LT0 BlTT - REAL APARTMENT nouaB, SIUST BE MODERN, WITH ALL, CONVENIENCES AND GOOD FURNITURE: MUST HAVE GOOD LEASE TO OFFER: PREFER TO DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER. NAME LOW EST CASH PRICE, OR PART CASH. BALANCE TIME. GIVE PARTICU LARS AND WHERE IT CAN BE SEEN. ADDRESS C 5S0, OREGONIAN. A COZY ONE. lis rooms, SI apartments," strictly modern and well furnished throughout, nice corner brick building, wonderful downtwon location, rent $350 with 6-year lease, nets $700, $12,000 cash will handle. SEE MRS. HATJG. 812 Henry Bldg. Broadway B4B7. A BARGAIN. 83 apartments; two 2-room apart ments, 81 3-room apartments.; well fur nished throughout; nice corner brick building; good location; rent $500, with five-year lease; nets $750; price $18,000; terms. , SEE MRS. HATJG. 512 Henry KHg. Broadway 5 4 ST." 43 ROOMS, Sixth st., $2100 down. 32 rooms, Jefferson t $4300 down. 20 rooms. Alder st, $1600 down. 15 rooms, Washington St.. ..$2500 down. 27 rooms, 13th st $2000 down 22 rooms, Montgomery $1700 down. 16 rooms, Morrison St. ..... .$1200 down. SO rooms. Nob Hill $1500 cash. J H. ELY, 128 14th ST. 00-KOOaI apartment blouse, thoroughly modern in every respect; 5-year lease at $500; clearing better than $700 month; furniture and carpents In first-class con dition. It's a real but, $11,000 cash han dles. A. J. PeFOREST & CO., 320 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 5390 NORTH WESTERN HJvAT. 85 rooms, 24 apartments; strictly modern, good condition; corner building: wonderful downtown location; good lease; nets about $600; price $14,000; terms. SEE MRS. HATJG, K12 Henry PMg. Broadway K487. A MONEl'-.UAKKU. 105-room apartment, modern and well furnished; nice corner brick building; good location; rent $000, with three-year l.o sb, netting $1400; price $15,000; $7000 cash. SEE MRS. HATJG. M2 TfTirv B'y. Prf Iwrt 5487. RIGHT UO N TO V'N. 70. rooms. 21 apartments, modern and very nicely furnished throughout; North western heat; corner building; good in come and lease; price $12,500; $8000 casn. SEE T. A. MADDEN, M2 Henry P'flr. Broadway K487. A GOOD LUV. 90 rooms, 25 apartment. all outside, modern and well furnished; brick build ing: best west side location; good lease, netting over $800; $10,000 cash will handle. SEE T. A. MADDEN. S12 TTenrv Ble Pmjii'jy 3487. MODERN west side hotel. 42 rooms, nice ly furnished, small cash payment. Wal ter & Tierney, 813 Stock Exchange bldg Third and Yamhill. LOST AND FOrND. LOST Child's tan hat, fur and lace trimmed, between Astoria rnd Portland; reward if returned to Fields Motor Car Co., T4Hl and Alder. DANCING SCHOOL. looated west Bide, clearing $500 to $600 a month. Owner called east. $1850 will handle. Call room 437 Cham, of Com. LOST A letter addressed to Sam A. Ko- ser. Salem, Or., check Inclosed $8.50 and cash $6 50; reward. Marshall 4520V Frank B. Wilson. LOST Sealskin neckpiece, First Presby terian church, Easter services. Return Mrs. Wood, Room 23. Portland hotel. Reward ' HAVE a heart and return the kiddies' ruffle dressesrand petticoats lost on the car March 25. Tabor 6570. LOST On Friday evening at the Arleta school grounds, boy s brown coat. Phone Tabor 4783. Reward. LOST Large oxidized brass pin. square shape with amethyst in center. Reward. Call Main smu. LOST Thursday evening. Elk's charm at armory or oetween armory ana ana Gl s-n sti. Marshall 212S. DRUG STOCK and fixtures, part cash and balance trade, call or write o4ts Jlu- we 1 1 ave. $25 REWARD for Lewellyn setter dog. stolen from luo cnapman st. riaay ntgnc between 7 and a. Phone Mar. 1002. LOST Large 'Persian cat, yellow, white reet and vest. Return o5u Tillamook or r-hnn East 3845.. Reward. FOUND Pin inscribed, M. Peterson. Identify and pay for ad. A 006, Ore gonlan, FOUND Boston bulldog, male, with 'us 2 weeka Prove ownership. 12(11 Missouri ave. Call afternoon or evening. LOST A pair .of eye glasses at First Na tional bank, I hursday between 12 and l o ciock. rtewara. eroaaway zum. LOST Llewellyn female pol-nter. Home Wdln. made collar on. isamea t etsy. 4'.t2. LOST on 6th bet. Wash, and Aider, pair short white lua gloves; under please call East 2436. LOST Team of horses, strayed away; black and bav win nnaer please notify Fred Drier. Westover Terrace? Reward. LOST 3 small keys on ring Leave at Oregonlan. Reward. GRAY SQUIRREL fur, finder pleaae call woodiawn euii. LOaT uo.d eversliarp pencil. Initials A. L. Reward. WnnIlBwn IHSn. LOST Lady's cameoring; liberal rewa Call Wood. 3218. ST Platinum Shrine button. Reward. W Hammond, 127 Sixth street. LOST Purse, Majestic theater, Friday evening. Call E. 4418. Reward. LOST Fitch fur cuff near St. Vincent's hospital. Main 1273. LOST Saturday afternoon, pair black kid lace shoes, f bone Vancouver ivox. lost and roryp. MANUFACTURING concern wants capa ble men to open factory branch offices and manage salesman and sub-service stations. ifiil0 to 3000 required, nanuie - your own money, choice territory, ore gon. Washlnirton. California. Idaho. Mon tana, etc. .We also want men la every city, tpwn and courtty to open service station for the fastest selling Ford ac cessory that has ever been DUt on th. market; $50 to $300 required; handle your own monev: exclusive territory money-making possibilities - unlimited. Address Sales Manager. Wizard Specialty mis. Co., 210-212 Jefferson St.. i-ori- mnu, or. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on - the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company April 1, 1921: 1 foun tain pen, S lunch boxes, 8 purses, 1 pair glasses, 1 suit case. 3 hand bugs, 3 pairs gloves, s books, o packages, photos. Baca of flour, thermos bottle, baseball bat Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder street station. POOL ROOM. West side, located in bnslnes. district 6 tables, front and back bar, $500 cash register, safe, show cases, chairs, fin. linoleum on floor; a $3000 place for j-tu. 'inis won l last long. Bee uoni- gomery afc i.eap, 437 Lham. or pom LOST Hamilton watch, between Timber ann ciaisKanine, 11 j. x., movement ro. SB681. gold filled case No. 8823701. O. F. Eng. J. U. wind, mill design, house and barn. Reward. Finder please send to rred J. IJeer. Battle oround, wasn. SOFT DRINK AND CARD ROOM. Fine west side location, doing $1500 or better a month, rent sod: 4tt-year icaBe: . other business calls owner away. Price $3200. See Montgomery A Leap, 437 Cham, of Com. FOUND A key lost by two middle-aged laaies in a ciosea car riamg zrom s,ast Z2d sr. to Llpman olfe s store. Obtain able at Stalger Shoe Co.. 202 Washing ton st. AUTO KILLING STATION. Located on busy st.. sells gas, oil. ac cessories and tire and tube repairing; rent $13. Price $750; about $400 cash will handle. Room 4.17 Cham, of com tiRENHOUSJ aud , nursery proposition. Can't fill my orders. Must enlarge: Ex perience not necessary. You handle your own money. Investigate lor your self LOST Last Monday night, black hand bag contalnlnr naturalization and dis charge papers of Esidor Muzycxlea. Finder notify Oregonlan office. MOVIE THEATER. In good country town, fine irew equip ment. $4000. $3000 cash. Weston & Co., 20 N. w. Bank Bids. S10.000 STOCK. HARDWARE. Centrally locatad, rent only $25; doing a good business. owner retiring; win Bell at Invoice. See Montgomery At Leap, 437 Cham, of Com. LOST On Monday, the 21st, near 13tn and Brazee, bey's full-size bicycle, brown frame, Racycie make. Reward if re turned to owner.- East- 8557. LOST $13 in currency about 1 P. M. Sat urday between Jones' market. Seeley Dressers and Oregonlan bldg. Please phone East 4280. Reward. - LOST March 22, black handbag, between Wash, and Taylor, on 4th, or from Taylor on 6th to Newberg. Finder call Main 8314. $25 reward. SUBURBAN- GROCERY. Located on E. Stark st. ; rent $25; A living rooms; all for $1600. 437, Cham. of CiMn. LOST In hall. Classic apts., or on Glisan bet. 20th and Slat. Tues. eve., handbag containing lady's gold watch and keys. Kswarq. itroaaway aqf. LOST Blacs: and white Engliih setter dog. Call M. Abraham. Maiu 6869. or 104 5tb st- or 287 North 24tn st.. receive reward. GARAGES. We have garages and repair shop, both large and small. -Call and see what we have to offer. 437 Cham, of Com. LOST Jeweled Sigma Chi badge, name of . u. a. Williams on back, rtewara. Aa dress D. B, Williams. Sigma Chi house, Corvallis. Or. LOST Pair heavy shell-rim glasses. Phone Main 7309. SPECIAL NOTICES. THIS Is to notify you that I have sold my grocery store at 763 Hood st. In the city of Pi.tland, Or., Mrs. W. F. Roeser, owner. Please present all bills to John ' Brown s Co., 322 Railway Exchange bldg. ' Proposals Invited. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of .the undersigned, 401 Court House. Portland, Oregon, until 5 P. M April 6, 1921, for sheet metal, delivered at the district's storeroom. First and Porter streets, Portland, Oregon. Bids will be opened at a -"regular Meeting of the board of directors to be held In room 304 Court House, at 4 P. M.. April 7, 1921. . Specifications may be obtained at the office of -the undersigned, 401 Court House, Portland, Oregon. A certified check for 10 per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal must ac company each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to rejeot any or all bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated March 28. 1921. I WILL receive sealed bins Tor a stock of merchandise and fixtures located at Grass Valley. Or., to-wlt: Groceries, $2424.47; hardware, $001.93; glassware end crockery, $264.41; mn's furnishing goods, $4497.88; hats. $771.08; notions, $389.07; drygoods, $3737.08; shoes. $4306.11; ondertaking goods, $117.25; to tal merchandise, $17,109.8.1; store fix tures and furniture, $1539.16; up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, April 6, 1921. Terms cssh and a certified check for - 10 per cent of the amount bid must ac company each offer. An inventory of - the property may be seen at my office end the stock may be Inspected at Grass Valley, The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland. Or., March 25. 1921. R. L. SABIN. 740 Morgan Bldg. CIRCULAR NO. "492. Sealed proposals will be received at office of general pur chasing ' agent, Alaskan Engineering Commission, .room 422 Bell-street Ter minal, Seattle, Wash., not later than 11 A. M., April 12, 1921, for furnishing shovels, axes, saws, coal and mining picks, drifting picks, machine and auger bits, tinners' toots, handles, structural steel angles, galvanized Iron and cop pered wire. Copies of this circular may be obtained upon application at this office, or from Alaskan mngineering Commission, 801 Postoffice bldg., Port land, or.; ana Aiasitan i-.tujineeriiiB Commission. 807 Custom House, San Francisco, Cal. C. E. Dole, general pur chnsin? agent. CITY OK VALU calls lor quotation on minimum 2000 feet 6-Inch cast-iron wa ter main pipe f. o. b. Vale. Oregon. Mall quotations to H. E. Spieth, chairman, on or netore April zn, m-i. v.vpav ATio.M bids wanted for basement, Irvlngton district. Phone Broadway 3004. Hun lay. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS. Sealed proposals will be received by Mrs. Nettie Smith, clerk Toutle school district, for an addition to the school building at Toutle. Wash., up to Satur jfav Anril 23. at 12 o'clock. In accord- ance with drawings and specifications prepared by Heath, Gove et .tseii, archi tects, Tacoma, Wash. Drawings and specifications may be had from the clerk, trom josepn iaru ner, county superintendent of schools, Kalama, Wash., from the office of the Advocate, Caatle Rock., Wash., from the architects, Tacoma, Wash. ah nroDosals shall be accompanied by a certttied check for at least 6 per cent of the amount hiu. Th snhnni board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or parts of proposals. .. itai iia Clerk of District. NOTICE OF TRADE MARK. Notice Is hereby given that Oregon Syrup of Prunes company, an Oregon corporation-, is the owner of a certain trade mark described substantially as follows: A scrool with the words. "Oregon Syrup of Prunes company. Portland. Oregon," surrounding a whole prune with green leaves and stem, and a half prune with seed, and underneath, de scriptive matter and the name "Syrup of Prunes," which said trade mark is to be applied to and used upon a tonic laxative proprietary medicine known as "Oregon Syrup of Prunes." and which said trade mark bas been registered in the office of the secretary of state for Mhe state of Oregon, and the United States patent omce, vtasmnton. v. c OREGON SYRUP OF PRUNES CO. tv the district COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the i matter of Sam Harris, bankrupt. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned on stocks of groceries and fixtures at LaGrande, Oregon, inven tories of which are $33.293 97 and $15. 819.18 respectively. Bids will be opened in the offices of the referee In bank ruptcy at Portland, Oregon, on the 8th floor of the Title A Trust building at 3 P M. on Tuesday, the 12th day of April. 1921. Right is reserved to accept or reject any and all bids, all bids to be subject to the approval of the court. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check of 10 per cent of the amount thereof. Inventory may be Inspected at 641 Pittock block, Portland, Oregon, and care C. L. Windsor, Foley Hotel, La Grande. Or. G. W. INGRAM, Trustee. WANTED Person who will secure signa tures throughout the state of Oregon to recall petition of Public Service Com missioner Fred A. Williams, without charge. W. E. Richardson, Sec'y. Re ran Com.. 400 Allsky bldg., Portland, Or. H. J. CARTER will not be responsible for bills unpand after 6 days for poolroom and confectionery owned by Mr. Davis, Estacadft, Or. TO WHOM It may concern: My wife hav ing left my bed and board I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. - C, W. BLACK. FINANCIAL. ST" LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WB FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., JiOo SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. INVESTORS. NOTICE. If your present Investment securities yield less than par cent on ineir par value. I - will tell you how to Increase your yield to 8 per cent without further Investment on your part; no obligation if you answer this ad. excepting to give me 5 minutes of your time. It does not mat ter whether your present Investment Is s num or ? io.im. m: out, oregonlan. HOLDING LIBERTY BONOS? Strictly a business proposition now; trade them for absolutely sate securities maturing 3 to 5 years or longer, earning 6 to 10 per cent; liberties accepted up to par. Information on request, i". o. box 4152. DO YOU loan money? Do you want your money to earn .vdu more than you are . receiving and feel convinced of Its safety? Call Mr. Phyle Monday for In terview. Broadway 5308. . IF YOU OWN A LOT We will furnish plans and build for you; 20 saved by our system. Small payment dowu, balance month.y to suit. Kast 74y. n orncis to Canadians. I can place your Canadian money on American mortgage paper payable In ' U. S. gold, to net you 8 per cent. Inves- tlrate this, no 5in. oregonlan. FOR SALE Contracts: two contracts, S43.H.'i- value ot nroDerty souuu: bear o. payable monthly, long-time run. AN Que, oregonlan. CASH Daid ici mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate, v. asnington, ure- gon. ri. nt. Nome, 3LU Lumoermens oiag. WANT flrst-mortgaKe loans from private parties. $1590, SIMM), l-UUU, iuo ana S3UUU, 7 per cent, n ou, irregonian. HAVE money to loan on firat mortgages from siouo to xsuuu. can at no cnam ber of Commerce. Mr. Weiss. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts. F. Hi. Bowman at CO., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 3028. -BUY NOTKS, contracts, mortgages. F. 1L LewlR, 713 Lewis Diag.. 4tn ana uix. SEE WESTERN BOND . MORTGAGE CO.. for ounaers- loans. $1000 FIRST mortgage on improved ranch lor Bale: oiscount ?ioo. n quo, ureiunian. Money to Loan on Real fc.tate. CITY LOANS. rfO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property or for Improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $3z.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $13.17 per month for 96 months pay, a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. Five-year period, repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value of your home: small monthly payment with excellent repayment privilege. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. Five-year period, repayment privilege. BK1CE MORTGAGE COMPANY. - Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudenliul Insurance Company of Amer ica 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Main 8308. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates: no' commission on choice loans; long time, short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, - 2d mortgages bought- 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-MURTO.V CO. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans, also Insurance money lor business property, at lowest avails ble rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg. ' MORTGAGE LOANS. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. 6V AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS 1 TO 10 Years. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4TH ST., HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS On real estate security, any amount from $500 ap on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212-Corbett Bids. Main 6913. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amounts at lowest rates, on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. U. LrJE PAGET, 622 Corbett bldg. Main 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS On farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates: WKSTBRN BOND it MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St.. Portland, Or. HAVE $300 to put down, and will pay 130 month, including interest to someone who will furnish ..Rosa City Park lot and finance the building of an Aladdin bun galow, not to cost over $2i30. H 343, Oregonlan HAVE to lend $3000 nt 7. $10,000 at $i5,tKiu at 0'4't. and $25,ouo at O on gilt-edged first -mortgage lm proved real estate security. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Com, bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates an Willamette val ley farms: no commission, no delava DliVLREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 wxtn st., r-ortiana. or. $500 $1000 $1301.1 42000 AND UP? No delay, we are loaning our own money; loans quickly closed. F. H. DKSHON. 015 Cham, of Com. LONG ESTAB. RELIABLE SKRV lt'K. llUKlUAOJii loans an Improved larms and city property; ravorabie repAyng privileges: no commission or aelav. The OREGON MORTGAGE Co.. LTD., sui riatt oiog. Aiatn osii. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privilege A. ii. BIRRKLL-CII.L CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bids. Marshnll 4114. $300, $400. ir.ou. $i;oo, $iooo, $1200. l ".), $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action, pay off $100 or more si any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 031 Chanib.tr of Commerce Dl.lg -Vain 13tO. WILL caah small mtg. or seller's .contract under $1000; also private luuds to loan. any amount; lowest rates; prompt atten tion. A. K. Mill. 4ii Lumbermen g bidn WILL cash small mtg. or se.ler's contract under siooo: also private tunas to loan, any amount; lowest rates: pvoinpt atten tlon. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermuns bldg, PR1VATK MONEY. Have $15,000 for Immediate loans. will diviae. wo aeiay. UF.CK, 325 Tlenry Wil Prtwy. BR3S. MORTGAGE L.al.s ia sums to suit; city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM O. BhlCK. Mfl Falling bldg. Stev'EN PER CLNT mortgage money. Tl tie expeise only. Ward, 407 Spalding oiag. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent it security is ample. a.uw. P. Mall.309 Cbaniberof Commerce. $300, $400. $300, $750, $1000 AND U P - Low rates, quick action. Fred W -Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main (443. MONEx to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & llarkaon Realty co.. .13 cnnmner ot commerce. MORTGAGE LOAN 3. 0 and 7 per cut Saloman & Co.. 307 Ry Exch. bldg. SliE OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO.. Cham. Of Co.. 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on rcul estate, 7 per cnt. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. $300 TO $20U0 PRIVATE laouey to loan, ,, UMIn S' .MORTGAGE loans. See Robert S. Co. Jr., 8S4 h nawtnorno ave. PRIVATE party will make small 87 loans, city improved. East 6155. ,l n n ey to Loan Chattels and Etularles. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSI NESS MEN TO PROTECT BORROW ERS. LOANS MADE ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, VICTROLAa PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FUR NITURE. 394 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN, MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAM ASSN. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. ' WE LOAN MONEY -on short notice to salaried 'or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly . paym.ti A, Each transaction strictly conf idenllal. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSE R. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (LICENSED). 218 FAILING BLDG. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note; contiuenuai invest igai ion. 316 Cham, of Com, bl.lg. Licensed. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture, legal rates, iuo vvuningion Bias. n.rii.. Monr) lo Loan Ch.-tttrlsnd fotnrlcfc llil vi-.it vvvn MllVIT.Y? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAI. AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, VIC'TROLAS. REAL ESTATBi. v . BONDS. ETC. If your payments are loo large on your automobile or furniture contract.. we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the H cunty in your posesion and you can repay us In tmitii monthly .payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, II.lfKNWF.ni. 306-30T Dekum Bldg. Marshall 828$. a. vv. cor. Third and Washington. MONEY TO LOAN, on goods In storage. Bank rate. SECURITY 8TOKAGE ft TRANSFER CO., 33 Fourth St. opp. Multnomah hotel. Pnone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan on diamonds, Jewmry, legal rates; articles neid a year; estb Halied 188. Dan Marx & Co.. 313 Wah, MONilf to loan; otainonds. JeW9try, Vines, Jeweler, cor. 3d snd Washington! liO.Ntll to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; srlctly confidential service. Zeil Bros. co., ponged brokers. 288 wash. St. Loan. Wanted. $500 ON TWO ACRtlS and barn. $900 on business property. $900 on dwelling. $1000 on modern dwelling. $1500 on modern dwelling. $1700 on modern dwelling. $2210 on modern dwelling. $2500 on modern dwelling. $2700 on modern dwelling. $3000 on modern dwelling. F. H. DESHON, 013 CHAM. OF COM. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY.. OILT-BDGB LOANS. $ 1.800 wanted; security value I 4.800 $ 2.300 wanted; security value $ 6,000 SC300 wanted; security value $ 15.350 11,000 wanted; security value $ 80.0UO 25.000 wanted; security value $100,000 $30,000 wanted; security value $100,000 "13 years without a foreclosure." 625 Henry Bldg. WANTED $10,000 to $100,000 to loan on real estate In Jordan valley territory. Aiameur coumy, ooumcasiurn Oregon. Low-priced land, rood values. Alsn want livestock mooey. Good opportunity for mans or investment at this time. writ. . at once to JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING 4V LAND CO.. Jordan Valley. Or. FRANK L. AlcGUlRU, with his years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues. Is In a position to safeguard your every Interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applioatlons for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department Ablugton building. Main 1008. IIAVal $25,9ou gilt-edge first mortgage paper and will sell any portion of sm. to net belter than 9 per cent int.; any amount from $5oo to t25,00O, less than 2 years to run. 1 need the use of the money now. Here Is your opportunity to obLsrn high rate Interest on absolutely gilt-edge security. BC.305. Oregoulna. $1500 WANTED. 8 per cent, elegant new 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, bookcases, porcelain laun dry tray, full cement basement. 100x100 corner, just sold for $3250. Woodstock car to BOth ave., 5 short blocks east. 5004 4th st. WANTED To borrow money, 7 per cent. on city real estate, first mortgage from Srivate parties. Have clleuu waiting, ood values. MARSH McCABE, Realtors. 822-" I Falling Bldg. Mar. 8993. HAVE $1000 first mortgage on 100x100 Alameda Drive lots, value or property $2750; draws , but will discount $50 quick action. Abstract to data. Mam 6829. ERNEST WELLS, 0 Ceuch Bldg. LIBERTY UONDS. Will pay you 8 per cent interest for the U30 of your liberty bonds for 6 to 12 months and will secure you with equal par valu first mortgage security. BC 31(8, Oregonlan. 25uu. a YbAKS, 7' Lo: and G-room bungalow on 45th -near Hawthorns ave.; hardwood floors, fireplace, full eetnent basement, furnace; st. Improvements In and paid for; value $5000; insurance to cover. Call Mdwv. 4!S 83 4th at, $22.5u0 ON STRICTLY Inside income- bearing uusiNfcss rnuremi, inree or five yeurs, at T; principal only, no regular agency need apply. Address R 523, Oreconian. WANTED From private party, $0000 loan on 130-acre rami in wasmngton county. Give first mortgage as security. Good buildings. State rate of Interest wanted. T 513. Oregonlan. rCR e,li. 1-tUOlt 7i and mortgag. bonds In local concerns see Oregon In vestment & Morigag. Co.. 224 Cbamb.r of Commerce 4sldg WANTED l-'ruiu private party, $2300 at 8 per cent, first mortgago. on improved fruit lands, near Medford; sold under rrnilnn for i 22 000. Call Tabor 8MI2, WILL allow full value for $100u Liberty bonds and pay 7 per cent for 8 yeais; mortgage on bungalow as security. C 342. oregonliin. WAN i' 4uuo to i0,uuu; got.d ri-turii. tale investment, finance for building opera tions. See A. K, HH1, mortgage loans, 424 Lumbermen: MiIk. WANT $300 at 8, $450 at K',i, $5110 at &', $750 at 8, on real estate In Port land and viciuit". mostly Improved. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham of com, bl.lg. WAN'liil-! 4,iiioo at 7 per cent on 7-room Trvinirtnn home: corner location: imp. all paid. East 3407 week days. Tabur 4II3H aunaay. WANT loan of $300 for one year on $.1000 worth of plant equipment; will pay 10 per cent Interest and 2 per edit com mission. Apply 3-7 Union ave. WILL nay 8 lor loan $1000 on splendl Ladd's addition lot near Ha thorns ave. Apply Muln 0829. ERN l. S r WELLS, 6il6 Couch Bldg. WANI'ELl $8000. building for business en terprise. 3-year 1st mortgage; willing to pay 15 per cent for quick service, phone r.ast 01 FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IMP. PORTLAND PROPERTY. F H DKSH0.N', 13 CHAM. OF COM. LONG EST AH. RELIABLE SERVICE. $So0 WAN I'liU. s Per cent; 5-rooin bun galow, modern plumbing, Dutch kitchen cumenl ousem'ent; Just sold, $1700, liar- shall 7M. t lonii LOAN on Al Irviimtuii properly 7 per cent int.; no commission. Tabur 741.3, ii.i.tii sn:i.i..-:i:'s contract. 2;t ut r cent dis count; good security. P. 492. Oregonlan. ninn. WAN 1'e.D To secure a loan on my horns of $.'iOO to build on an add. 3 years at 7 por cent Aut. tll-o:i. woomawn ot-'-t. HUijl' ruorn,ancs on ciioicc city residence property for sale. A. K. Hill, mortgage loans. 420 Lumhermens l.lilr. WANTED $:OO0 on Laurvlliurst house; also $2800 on irvlngton house. 621 Oas co bldg. Main 00. wivt 1 4 ooo first-class chattel mortgage. Walter oc Tierney. old biock cxcnariK. bid. Main 7340 WAVT hi borrow SJililO on first mortK would pay 8 per cent. if borrow direct from principal in. r-"n, i..ui.ih SKH OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Com., Fourth and Stark. ttr.no First tnnrlzana. on fine residence fnr sale. 723 Gasro bldg. Main 112 WANT $2000 on two houses, o per cent. Tabor 1 088. WANT loa-n $20,000 on apartment hous. from private party. H 326. Oregonlan. $15110 ON ROSE CITY bungalow worth S.VIIHI II Jttn. 'n-i..i.mii. WANTED Loan $.00 on good securitlea AT. til", urt'gonian LOAN WANTED $25,000 on gilt-edge se curities. Al. iwr.f. orPK'iii FROM private party. 2OU ou improves. farm. V 3311. Oregonlan. WILL pay good Interest un $500 or $1000 loan lor one yr-nr. t no:-. .-irK-'.i'"..- Al rAilil mortgage lor sale, will d.s- count, main mmi. t;on() g PER CENT on 6-room modern, near Woodstock car line. East 329. 11500 ON NEW 5-rooin buntralow; Monla vllla car line; Insurance $2000. East 6329. PERSOVAL. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goiter Iblg necaj can ayi K."" mation on how to cure It at horn, with out least trouble or discomfort. There is pleasant surprise in store for you If uou will write. No charge whatsoever. Tell others. It will help us all. Address Dr. Rock, box X-T87. Milwaukee. Wis. WANTEO Customers for oeauty treat ment in their Own uumes. ,n,cciiinn, facials, scalp treatment and manicuring bv experienced operator. Phone Mrs. Bslrd, Main 23.19. INVESTIGATE system which brings re sults; testimonies can be had at my office, vv nal nas oven uuutt lur vmen can be done for you. Dr. J. Smith, drug less physician, 214-15 FModner bldg. DR. J. E. ST KV Els SON H reputation as a dentist stanus oeninu ms aiaiauiem ui the most sensitive teeth may be filled with no pain by his nw method. J. ANSWERED both letters for you. Can see parties aton. aiwui iuau. axiicu letter for L. R. soon. M. M. WE BUY and sell mores' siigntiy used garments- anon ...-., PRIVATE detective. Investigation Work all case c oai. ureKiiniaii. POLLY NORTON. MANICURIST, 415 BUCHANAN ULDU. PERSONAL. GET WELL. FREE. FUEK. RFE. Every day. from 10 A. M. to B P. M . and evenings from 6 to 3, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OT FUFFEHERS WHO HAVE FAILED to ret relief In any oilier way are In vited to Investigate C'lilr.ipracllo meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OK t'HIROPRACTIO DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you, make a romplete dlsgnoris of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is th. safe. Sana, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHlRc-PRAcTIO will permanently Cur. 93 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC remove th. cause health returns. Tn. abov. servlc. is all free to you at the college building and may be had in private If desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had In college building by members of the fsculty, ty eith.r lad or m.o practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of i'ark and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL in connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most reason able rate In order to show what Chiro practic ran do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, Preald.nl. 100 CTTIROPRACTTC SYSTEM. (Camouflage, and adjuncts foreign to this prlncipl. only add lime and lm medlst. expense to later despair (or patients.) Dr. McMahnn (McMan) him self. Maoleay bide . Portland, ia a chiro practor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 chiropractic socialise with highest testimonials from patl.nta from eastern states, familiar with th. bM: also from western and local petpl. (doctors. lawyers. Judges, ministers, Erlests. teachers, parents and children), aving unfortunately had le than 1009 ohlropractlo elMwher.. with, of couraa, corresponding disappotntm.nt in dvlay4 relief physically and financially. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 1007. chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill dem onstrated In consultation before takuig courses of treatment, and later In ex aminations, .asy. careful and beneficial aeju.tmenta. lowest rate and XLialiy result. Eleventh year In this city. Acute attacks, cold fvr. lumbar and "doubtlog Thoraaaes" least tlm, least expense. Chronie condition ruli month rates. The rich can pay mora. Extended tim. 81 adjustments. $13. Phon., wire. writ., walk In. Main office. Fourth and Waabingtoa at New home. 647 E. Salmon St. TUB TRArjllDY OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, colds, tc. ; my .dentins s u- fillcation of water, light, beat. .l.otrie ty and massage, together with a sane and sensible diet, will remove the eaus of these trouble Treatments are pleae ant and health building; consultation free Monday, Wednesday and Friday, women ouly; woman assistant. Tuesday, Thurstlay and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydropbathlo Institute, Stevens Bldg., downstairs. Main 8630. ' Oyer Six Years Saint Location. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless dentistry by the a.rve-block-Ing method, without after effects. 1 make X-ray examination of teeth. I specialize In first-elass dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 320ft. DR. A. W. KEENK, Majestic Theater Hl.lg. 8Mtt Wash ELI-X'TRIC MINERAL STEAM HA 111.4 stop colds, jheumatlsm and nervous troubles; violet ray, scientific body snd scalp massage; both sexus treated; hours 10 to 6, evenings by apiHilnlmeut. Netti. Benson, D. P. Main 77N'. Ho 4 Dekum bldg. Corner Third and Waflilnglon pta WELTHMEIt SYSTEM SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. Th latest and must up-to-date science practiced. If uu have failed with others, try us. Drs. Ayers MtKmstry, 713 Dekum bldg. slatn 2H79. DKUULESS PHYSICIAN. Nervous and chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, dou't be come discouraged, but giv. m. a trial. Dr. Aifa N. Scott, 136 13th St., bet. Alder and Wash, llroaduay J'Ol. BUY fOUIt PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S. Remember, we sen you auy monei or Vlrtrola, Edison, Columbia or Ltruns-wii-k up to $123 on paymt-iits of $3 t.tr month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 330 AldiT streer LIUKOI'RAC'llC. BEST STEAM HATH, chiropractic, vi bratory and electric massage. Dr. Mar guret Haynle, 213. Swetland bldg. Rea sonable prices. IF YoU ARE mud and niTvous ou can reluvenate your nervous centers aim poor circulation hy having a sclenime body massage. Dr. ovldia lrsen, 634 Morgan bldg. Main Until. C'ANCLil SPECIALIST. I use the Old English lilack Plaster la removiug cancer and hauling chronic sores. Address W. E. Woud. 23 K. 76th st N.. fortl.'inn. or. lAivAitA ANTISEPTIC I'OVtUUIl is a soothing, Cleansing, neatlii sernurioai and invigorating douche, a great aid In tvmale disorders: 5oc and $1 p.r box. Portland llotol Pharmacy. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needle method: consultation free. 304 Hwetland blilg, 5th at Wash, st. Main 1308. ALL me .ulesl remedies so d al Ins Clem- eusun Drug Co., 4uu aiurrison St., .u Charles hotel corner. At this drug store you get just .hat you call for. We have no substitutes. GALLSTONES Free Dook teil of im proved method ot treating InrJammatioa of gall bladder and bil. ducts. Writ, today. Dr. Paddock, boa Uy-UL, Kansas City. Mo. LET DR. GEORGE RUBENSTK1N, tb. veteran optician, b. your optician, if I expert In nltltig eytgiasses snd his charge are very reatonal'lo. 2-0 Morrison at. GRADUATE nurse ana chiropodist, scl-n-tillc massage, magnetic treatments. It. mnved from room .0"it,4 to rjom 214. nUv hid g -. 3.1 ard MorriMin sis. RADIUM treatment. lor cancels, goitre and tumors, Is pulnlfss and permanent. s"e D B- Concord, M. D of(U- 1377 E. Davis St.. at lll h. Phone Tabor 949. i- LI'.iT'lUC but Us, musoaiie. scalp treat ments and chllopiactie; gentleman op erator Irene Stoy, assistant, 711 Swel ls tidhMgVajnJ2i FOR BEAUTY work cull May Coulter, manicuring. Jliitmpoollig. scalp treat ments, facial snd cur. of feet. Apt. 4, Jeffersonlan, 312 Jefferson st. Main 3432. BODY MASSAGES. VIOLET RAY. 415 BUCHANAN HLDG.. WASH., BET. FOURTH AN I FIFTH STS. in A M. TO 9 P. M ALSO SUNDAYS. STEAM baths. 25 cents, at 2H7 N. 1 tit h iU ladles' day every Thursday from 1 to 11 o'clock; men's dny Friday ar.d Salur rtay Every body tvelcoine. SHAMPOOING, manicuring, sca.p tr'at nnts facial mai-sage and hair dressing don. in your home. Phone Alain 40SO. Room :Q tl GETS' both feet fiMd up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SP1.KT., who'doei-n't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam. tr,.e. Gl ube b I d.. lit ll & Wash. Hrty. 2824, DR. EMMA I'lAin JtAiv, nuneiai steam baths, cnronio .........w treated by druglsss methods. 417 Swet land I'loit. WRITE soug. poem, love, mother hon.e, comic or any )'" v.....i snd guarantee publication. Send words. Hdward Trent, "'t2, Reaper blk, Chicago FkUVET 11ANKUUT, leading wig ,nd toupe masers. r"' " ......... -- roods, permanent and marcel waving. scalp treatment. Aider. Main 34'!. WHY BALD liead.-t. dandrull. erxeina or lulling lialr? There's a reason and a remedy. Try 314 Macleay bldg. TJuTTRE, enlaiiti u minus, v ore yourseii. No anents or representstlveB. TobACCO or snuff habit cured or- no pay. tl If cureu. rveo.vtij avm t.erh Co. W. 311. Baltimore, Mrl. POSTAGE stamps lor collectors, bought and sola. cuiu... ......... .-v., 16th ft. Broadway 2H1 FOR CORRECT llule rail Alain 33,9. Fur sclentiiio ws-n-M "v- -"w iiivr, next door to Vlsf'tic theater, OPALINE Mrs- fcuminors relnedjes for women, pooivi.w .v.... - . v. 41U Lincoln. Superiluous hair, moics, warts reinoven Lr iu-neeuiw n.-i,v. .- . ,..-,. Klnley, M4Bll-h ft Lane t.!dg. Main 03IIS, SULPHUR steam batll muheuKe, violet ray snd vibratory iiruiiru.. v-.uj. ,.,.H b.l.'.O. 10 A. 31. 10 8 P. M. vrr-u-XKT baths, vioiet ray treatm body massage; 10 A, M. to8 P. M. dally. 4 ,u Mornsn bid g. Main i5.lt. PILES can be permanently cured without operation, v-au or "oil usaii, ow- ond and Morrison; GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours 10 o "r 07 sim'ioiu mem. t-nun. Slain 11149 Office .Hm-C Third st. MASSAGE BATHS, kidneys, oonsttpatiao. rlleumaiisi"- - ' -.-,-,, wi un less phvs.. 308 Panama blilg. Main 3osl. FACE, scalp treatmeut. manicuring ; lo.;uj to 8 o'clork. 2WlNs Morrison, room PrliilEDA BAL31, formerly railed Haim of rigs. sit n. 000. 11101 11 ins--. DOESN'T Toui. Dick or Harry pay you? vterecK. eoneeiors. iei-um lung. DR. ETHEL GRIFFITH Steam baths, vi- nrallOn, SCaiQ nr-imnii,. - puitiianii. JUN1CIDE will cure rheumatism or money DaeH. toi I'ernini .mi. CUKE yourselt at bonis with. Uuuullte Violet Ray. i-iiuu. uuwy, iu.