10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL .3, 1921 KT.Mj KSTATF. For riale -House. GOOD VALTTES IN HOMES. fftrt Furnished boathoose. jiooi) Terrace Hta bungalow. s.fcaitt Dekum-ave. hunaalow. new. :i5on Vernon. T-r. bungalow. 100x100. Huoo Oswego lake, furnished bunxa- low. $4200 Hawthorne, B-r. colonial bunga loir. I.M Rnnrale. nerw. 6-r- corner. $7h lrvingtoa bungalow, close In, 7M.ln Irvlngton. 7-r. modem home. 110 5" o Hawthorne, colonial bungalow. StkXM Laurelhurst. new buncalow. i0.uv Alameda, new modern bungalow with Harare, comer lot. unp. pu. Mr. Jess Harrington. .ta CTTAS. RINOLER i- CO, 22,1 Henry Bldr. $3200 MODERN' HAWTHORNE 13130. A 1.- VilIT QTIl.t. HR'TI(lt -room bureaiow type. 4 room and feath firm floor. 2 bedrooma upstairs; food basement, plumbmg. electric rigbta ran. lot 40x100. hard-surfaced atreet and power, nearlr all paid: noose couia not i be built for price asked; quick possas mn f i i todMv; it la a .bargain.) Sunday. Marshall 8963: week day. Alain 7067. MARISTLS TntUAMS. fin Cham, of Com. Bldg. IRVXNGTON COUNTRY HOMES. t nnn 1 ACRE GROUND.' 54 FRUIT TREES. Un,larn 8-Rnom Home. With Garae. i.-. ., - i-. f i.-n Hrh and Brazee sta. it....... . ( . 1 (l ritninr.ranm 12x15. Dutch kitchen 12x15. den. four larg i i i -....! i r. i.,ninff norcA. I U7UTUUIIIB .UU R.Mm.-..- . " I full cement basement and furna-e: a I real oiuntrr borne in best Tart of Ir-1 Ungton; terms, (0000 cash, balance lone time. , CHA.'. RTNOT.ER CO, K Hentr Plnr, iM YOU WA-VT A NL.W HOUSE? WE mi l. HITTI.D YOU ONE. We wUl .build for you a four, flva or fx-room buncalow; will build on your lot or on ours: sometninc wun inuu ful design, well constructed and strictly modern. Such a home In Laureihurst would undoubtedly pi ease you. coma m and talk It over. MARIELS ft WILLI AM 3. S-'0rCbam. of Com. Bldg. a0U MODERN BUNGALOW $2850. AX OI.D-TrME BARUAIS. BFR THIS TODAY. T rooms. 5 rooms first floor, fin base- I menu cood prumoing. electric ras. fireplace, built-lns. east front, fine OUXIOO lot: only JVW uowu uu nriunlT a barcaln. Sunday. . Marshall fcjtti; week days. Main 7967. MARIELS ft WILLIAMS. R'.'O Cham, of Com. BMg. SEE THIS SURE. -rmrrv-rsTfiN- KKAR KLICKITAT. One of the best buys In the district. Has seven rooms, garage, lurna u r twit firanlaces. two bed room down and op. Well built before I bleb, prices and Is new for first time i offered at a real sacrifice price If you I hava $2000 cash. See this at 718 E. I 2lt st. N. and then call owner at I Marshall -(. or 24 N. W. Bank bldg. I la-Ti SMALL PAYMENT DOWN $2475. I a rmnii first floor, on bed- room and bath downstairs good base-1 ment, plumbing, electric ncnis. jea. h.nu in rin enn rt i 1 1 nn corner. 50x100. near car: a real buy at less than house I would cost to bui:d. Sunday. Marahall I 6C3; week days. Mxln 7907. , MARIELS ft WILLIAMS. p-JO Cham, of Com. B'.dg. JOOOO-NEAJt J EFFEKSON HIOH-fSOOv. A Kr. A Li UAKUA1. r. o i iww". T-room we H -const meted house, bath I and one bedroom first floor, o oearooms i second floor, good basement, plum-blng. I electric lights, ran hard-surfaced atreet I vaid. near car. This is a bargain: loca-I tlon Is fine and terms easy. Sunday, Marshall 50R3; week days. Mara TOST. XfATJIC-.tQ a. WIT.T.TAMS. 20 Chamber of Ccmmgw Bldg. M. TQBT. DEAL WITH OWNER. B rnmri and breakfast nook. large- at tic, strictly modern, front room 21x14; I birdsey maple floors, French gray wood work in M rooms; nos uy huuili, Ono a-room bouse and garage in Haw- I tnorne district for $3500. ' 6 rooms In Sunnyside for $2300. . Automatic 821-SS. ' 11HIVIM PITRISHF.D COTTAGE. Electricity, a as. bath, lot 41xlo8, with fruit paved street between Wm. and I Misa avea Price only $1SS: $2S5 down. I bal. like rent at 6 Per cent, be GEO. F. CROW. With HESOARD ft HARALA. 801 Mississippi Ave. fffl-Tt Wain. 1201. Rc. Wdrn. 2TH. ' 10-ROOM HOUSE: J3200. Amiffed Inr two families, two COTn- trlete set of plumbing, hardsurfaced I street, close In. Only $000 down, bal ance 6 per cent, bee Geo. F. Crow, with E13SGARD ft EARALi. 601 Mississippi Ave. Oflre,. Wdln. 1201. Rec. Wdhl. VV. I i ort SALE Almost new nice two-room I house, furnished: lot 20x100. wltn gas. electric lights, running water, new wood shed; all buildings In good order: one block from Kenton and Mississinpi-ave. canines: cioe to store and meat mar ket: $1300. $000 down, balance on terma Inquire 1604 Misslssipnl av close to T-omharl st. and Mts. are. ' .nVO BRA.VD-NEAV BUNGALOWS. trice Nation: onV has hot water heating Never occupied; hard-surface streets: T'rvnt: each have 2 bedroomi. Prlcd all GEO. F. CROW. With HtGARD & HARALA, SU M!MMlnni Ave. Offlci-. Wdln. ljnl. Tie. Wain. 2Tf5. HAVE YOU liK0 CASH? If bo. come and this fi-room brm- ralow. basement, furnace, bath, all im-1 Trvements in; nixiw jot: inm. frarajre. 2 brck car. This is a bur offered at 1150; ?'vwo can. HESOARD 4 HARALA. W1 MlMlsalppl Av. OfTc. 'W,n. 1201. Rc. W(1!n. TT. NKAK liaTH ST. Six large rooms and uleepin porch. roreption hall. Dutch kitchen, fireplace. Tin! basement and furnace. 3 bedrooms. white and Ivory all through, stippled I (T!ooni: pavea street; only ooUu, owner. L BY OWNER $4300. Modern bungalow In Hawthorne, hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcase, Dutch I kitchen, full cement basement; $S00 cafih. balance terms. 1194 E. Lincoln I or automatic i All EQUITY In 6-room buniralow is I easily worth 1SM. I will take $l!f4K I a"nd include stoves, floor coverings, etc. I waianoe xuw at f-"t Per month n perl cent. Pe?t district la ML Scott. Phone I 1 5-ROOM HOrB FOR FLB BY OWNER. I I M JEFFERSON ST. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. li'OK SALL Modern 4-room house. Bath. I gooa conaiuon. run lot. nnewaiks. 10- mlnute walk to Kenton factory. $2000. terma 73 E. WlnchelL Take Kenton. oar, orf at Mmnisota. li OK SALE BY OWNER 7-room house I wtth two lota garage and fruit trees. In j'leamont parte, one Block from two car- line. Price S3S00. one half down. Phone I .vin or Anm. 74. I CUT THIS OUT! Large house, cor. lOOx ioo. n aw t no me at Slid: consider auto or I tner property in part: terms. Best I in town, inquire ytfl Hawthorne. I -KUoM bouse, lignts, water, gas. street I improvements In. aH paid; 60x100 lot. 2i0 cash, balance $1375 monthly. 72 West Alberta. EL Johns car to Concord. i pik-ks eourn. i ivn baw o-room mouern house on ft! lrisjtttl ave. near Monro. Will vtn. alder light car. acreage or lots as part li'OR SALE A ft -room bungalow with sleeping porch, large Hvfng room, fire- piar. ourift. garage ana turn ace. Own er. Tabor 5901. Ifi ROOMS and sleeping porch for sal a hv I owner; uw casn, payment or remainder I per montn. vnu Taoor a a 02. csi siuiy i.MHi i roomi. Data, gaav electricity; xirvpiaces. cement Oase- ffini; nTi lot, owner. 4ffT mth st. Snhiirhan Honir-, OSWEGO LAKE HOMES. H acre, new 2 -room house $ TOO1 1 acre, cleared, 2-room house 1oo 1 acre, 4-room modern bungalow.. 3000 H acre. 6-room modern bungalow Sino 1 acre. 4-room cottage, lake view.. 32.0 H acre, (l-room bungalow, fruit... 4250 HKAUTIFT'L roUXTilT HOMR NEAR MH-TNOMAH STATION. S acres on Taylor's ferry road. 1 block from highway, fine orchard of various fruita lH-storr o-room bungalow with finished attic, full basement, lights and ga. z cnicaen nouses. frle U00. 1TF.VRY W. OOPPARD. 213 stark St. SACRIFICE modern 8-rm house and 2 acre on nanx or v liiamette river. 17 miles from cltv, 8 blocks to electric station, private water system. All kinds fruit and rerr:es. i-noto nere. 13750, tr-i. 21.1'- Wash st. BT OWNER 5-room bungalow at Mult nomah, on Oregon Klectric railway: tract SOxl. -.0. more land If desired: Bull Run water, gas. electricity, phone; house newly painted, commands fine view; j 3 100. termp. .vain !'. 10 ACRES, suburban home, level land. RU mile from heart of city: 41 acres. lenr. 1 acre orchard, on good road, modem a-room residence, rood ham and outbuildings: price $10,000, terma Y 6 ACKKS under cultivtluo. good house. Tarn. hennery, furniture, cmckens, cow. potatoes. an go, in i igara. tter- rlfiS. fruit. Fine p'ace. $50oo. terms. VrFARt.AVD Main tfi72. Falling FMg, JfMl BUYS SUBURBAN" HOME. -room plastered house, city water. Jj acrea fruit; no assessments or grav el; AlDena car. it. w. l.ary. j.'ih a, W. Bank Bids. Residence Main 13 7 J. REAI. ESTATE. Suburban Home. 11700 MULTNOMAH STATION 4-room buncalow. plastered, gas, city wa ter. chicken house, city car fare acre, fruit trees and berries, lo cated on a splendid road, near station; only $300 casn. balance fid per month. 13500 Beaverton district, 2 acrea; S-rm. buncalow, all on one floor, al most new; bis; living room. screened-in porch 10x24; gas, water in the house; good barn, chicken house, wood-sbtd, apian did family orchard, full bear ing; 10 different varieties of berries, and many kinds or flow er bushes and shrubbery. This horns Is built back about 1.10 feet from a cood road and la very attractive; 10 minutes' walk to station; cosh 1000, balance term a. tssoo Mrrr.TwriMAW rta. S3500. 8 rooms, 1H -story house, Dutch kitch en, bullt-lna, plastered, full cement base ment, elec.. gas, city water, city cariare, acreened chicken house. acre, family orchard fu 1 h.., Hn berries arm craves, on cood road'close to station. Cash 1000; balance $30 per month. We hava a well-chosen list of subur ban homes, some excellent values. See us befor you buy. Office open Sunday. 11 to 2 P. M. M. K. DeJOICH COMPANY. 221 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1631. HOME WITH MOST BEAUTIFUL VIEW. RmUT O M PTVKH BANK. ....... " v.. - .f Can't you Just picture this adorable little brown buncalow on a beautiful knoll, from which the view of the river Is Incomparable? Fine beacn: sparanng trout stream; 5-room bungalow with all the conveniences to make it dear to a woman's heart; screened dining porch, beautiful atone fireplace, cement base ment; email one-room camper's house. About 2 acres of land, giving owner -400 feet of river frontage; close to electric station on Oregon City line, $8000, terma Bee if. C. Marshall, wiin FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abincton Bide. Auto. 512-OT. Third St.. Bet. Washington and Stark. uni.TvnMAH mRCAl.VS. B-rnom bungalow. U acre Of ground, gas. water and lights, bath, for $2850, and $000 will handle, terma acrea fruit of all kinds, about 30 trees; 4-room celled house with gas ana water in. ll son tarma. I'TiOO buys . of an acre. S-room house, big chicken house, fruit trees all in. Acreage at Tlgard, 5-room bungalow, S blocka from station, fruit or all kinds in bearing, soiuu, terms. 10 acrea 7-room house, barn and chick en houses. 88 chickens, 2 cows, all for $4500, terma See me. I bave plenty of places, all sizes and prices. NEU BURKE. Alultnoman. .nam i-jua LAKE VIEW VILLAS. PLAT 4. A new tract at Oswego lake, water, auto roada llghta fine view property with good soil and splendid groves of cedar, dogwood, yew ana maarona soring brook flows through several, giv lng admirable "chances for effective landscaDlng: a walk through this beau tiful tract will convince you. Prices run from $300. on very easy terma Take S. P. Electric or Boone's Ferry road to Lake Grove. Ask for Mr. Allen. or Mr. McClure or call at 600 Concord blrtg., 2d and Stark. Main 85. FLNE HOME WITH INCOME. 2a acrea all cleared and In cultlva tlon. splendid fruit and berries; 6-room bungalow with concrete basement, gas. electricity and Bull Run water can be bad. close to car ana scnooi; vcrtx UNUSUAL VALUE AT $4200; $750 will handle. See F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abincton Bide. Auto. 512-07. Third St., Uet. Washington and Stark BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED HOME. 7 miles by macadam road, south of Morrison street, lo acres good soil, ex tended view of - mountalna young chard, modern house, natural wood fin lsh. has never been rented: 6 rooms, halla bath, toilet, large closeta attic basement, fireplace, furnace, piped spring water, city telephone; $10,000, terma Owner, J. Q. Jamleson. -Route 1, Box 169, Oswego. Or. Phone Main 4890, ONE ACRE WITH FRUIT. OREGON CITY LINE. 6-room house with electricity, cas and running water, 4 blocks to Silver Springs station; on good gravel road; 28 bearing fruit trees and berrlea only xjauu, terma Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abincton Bide. Auto. 512-07. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. fl'BL'KBAX HOME. For aulck sale only.) 2.1 acrs, all cultivated. Powell valley road near Buckley avenue. New 5-room bungalow with fireplace, electric lights, etc. Garage, barn, chicken house. Jersey cow and chicken with th place. A bargain. UUK A. AICIUAA & 1U, 2 Fourth Pt Main 4322, COZY HOME AND ACRE. Comfortable bungalow with fireplace and Dutch kitchen, z bams and chicken house. 4 blocks from Metzger on O. E. line. A bargain at $2100. Only $300 down and you can nave possession, see F. C Marshall, with. FRANK L, McGUIRE, 205 Abincton Bldg. Auto. 512-07. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. 13000 BUYS fine 6 acres rich loam soil, with 300 bearing fruit trees. .5-room mod ern house, all conveniences, large barn and chicken houses, lots of flowers and shrubbery: on Capital highway, hk mile from station, o mites xrom city ; must be seen to be appreciated. If yon have the cash can me. up. u scnuitz. Auto. FOR THE XEWLTWEDS. ONLY 13.0. Acre and new S-room double-con structed bungalow, right at electric sta tion: finest garden soil, electric lights. 8 rooms, basement and room for bath for only 1130, terms almost like rent. Can you believe It? See owner, 600 Concord bl d g.. 2d and Stark. HUBER STATION $3500. Two acres, all In cult., on main road: 1 acre In clover, a bout 40 f ru Lt tree a some bearing; asparagus bed 20x20; shrubbery and flowers: 4-room plastered. double constructed, gas and water, chick- enhouae; a line suburban home with good outlook. HB.VRT W. GOPDARD. 243 Stark St. SUBURBANITES. We have hundreds of personally In spected suburban homes in every outly ing district In Portland. We're open eveiy evening and Sunday. 'If you want a suburban home, see F. C Marshall, run FRANK I. McGUIRK. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1069. HAVE a nice, clean little bungalow of 4 rooms and 8 lots; soil of the best; house stands on corner lot. the first brown bousa to the left on Llmbardv street. after crossing railroad; price J 2500. $000 caph. balance like rent If desired. Post office box 501, Beaverton. Or. No real state. COUNTRY HOME BARGAINS. 4-rm. hou?e. barn, fruit. 1 14 acres $950. 5 acres, T-rm. house, barn, fruit running water, plowed readv to croD. 419C0. Both places nearly level, good drainage; fine for chickens; west side, auto road, school, ry. sta. 319 Railway Exchange Ding. Main Pn, resy.gast 7iNv HUBER STATION SltifiO. K. acre. 2 blocks from highway and 4 blocks from sta., stores and P. O., water and gas; new three-room house; all In cult. Have 14 acres witn nice three-room house In same locality. HENRY W. OODDARD, 243 Stark St. BETTER THAN LIFE INSURANCE Start now to enjoy sunuroan Hie on this Ideal 2 1-3 acres at electric station, just beyond city. Pretty 3-r. bungalow: lots of fruit, berries and water. Only $3150. &ay "terms." O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. 40S-411 1 oucn wicg, Aiain iots. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE, ONLY $800. Beautiful tract overlooking Oswego lake, water, good roads, lights, boating, bathing, nice grove of trees; $30 down. Can you beat itT Owner, 600 Concord bldg WILL, lease 8-room furnished house for 6 montna H"" casn; gas, ngnts and heat: 8 acres tillable land, creek through place: 10 minutes" walk to S. P. station and highway: 12 miles from Portland Write W. B. Gearin. Peaverfon. FOR SALE Just released, block 27, Lakeview viuaa, ai stow; n you have been waiting for a choice view acre at Oswego lak here la your chance; $200 will handle. Call Main 85 at 600 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. EXCEPTIONALLY nice big home m For- est Grove, 20 acres, paved atreet, big house. Darn, etc.. un iana. sia.uuu, or exchange. A. B Capias. Forest Grov. Or. CORNER ACRE with new bungalow! palntea ana uiiieu, lor ,iiuv; close to sta, store, school, rocked road; pay $150 and move In. Owner, R 320. Ore- gonian. j.,75 SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, 5 rooms. Dasemeiii. w i. .... . mancu uuuse. gar den, flowera some furniture, lights, water, sas. c fare, terma J. Roberts, (ien eraiueirvcrj. $25 DOWN Choice acre, 35 minute out' near sia.. i m-ntu vmu, avuwi, neign bors, water, light, shade treea Price $430. Owner, P 803. Oregonlan. $ CHOICE acres and 6-room plastered moaern oungaiow near i-oweit Valley road, close in. A snap at $3800. Owmr. N 5.2. uregonian. CHOICE SL'BL'RBAX HOMES and acreage, weil located, near carline. from $1800 up. Inquire Sd house north of Ridley station, on uregon City carllns OSWEGO LAKE front lot aacriflce, one of the beat, i4 down will handle. T 873. Oregonlan. MODERN bungalow with Vi acre at a big aacririce. extra tine place, term, own er, Alain ixa or van. BEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. IfTTT.TWWlTT m blossoming like a rose, each uooed lnc sun is scattering Its shadows of new bomes over our grassy slopes. If. you want to see real lifeactivity along the home-construction line, come to siuit-i BAimh Va section of Multnomah I county offers such suburban advantages to the commuter, only o mneo no... i the center of tha city: 20 minutes by comfortable and punctilious electric! service and 15 minutes by auto over I hard-surface boulevard, wnere can yS beat ItT Where can you paraKel it T I All the utilities In the grouna: duu nuu water, gas. electricity, telephones and city schools. Everything that Portland can offer you. and In addition thereto, all the advantages of the country. I can sell building tracts from M t according to slzs and location. Can build a house for you and put you Into your own home on short notice, on terms liial are surprising, n you are nt v. paying rent, be sure to come up and see me or call me on telephone. Main 88a and I will be glad to take you out to Multnomah and show you what others have done and what you can ao um BEN RIESLAND. Operator In Multnomah District Exclusively. . 404 Piatt Bide. 127 Park St. rnnvrnv HOWE. blffhwav: 10 minutes x walk to electric car, churches, school ana stores ciose vy- xiouse and bathroom downstairs, upstairs not finished, but can make 2 good rooms. Fruit and berries, barn, cow, 2 chicken houses and chickens go with place. Ce ment basement, electric lights; 30 min utes out; $4300. very easy terms. BEATTTIFTTL HOME. 4 acres, T large rooms, full cement basement, furnace, pressure water sys- I tem, 2 wells and gas pumps; acetylene I gas plant, nice gas fixtures in nouse, porcelain bath, hot and cold water; 1 acre of family orchard. In nice condi tion; several large nut trees for shade; cement walks, berries, grapes, etc; ce ment rroet-proof mi Ik house, large earn, 2 horses, 1 cow and chickens, farm im plements of all kinds; short distance from highway on rock road, mile to electric station and school about eight miles from Portland; $4O00 cash win handle. Weston & Co., 1206 N. W. Bank mag, wain 3002. AT MTII.TKnMAH. LARGE TRACT of ground with small new house, $137a; easy terms. HALF ACRE of ground with new 3- room bungalow, $1600. TWO CHOICE corner lots with unfin ished S-room house. $1,100. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW just being 1 built, ready for occupancy in 1 about a week; choice, sightly lot; $3200. LARGE TRACT of ground, nearly an) acre, with 8 -room house; about. r0 bofarinar fruit trees: beautiful sightly property overlooking the I Tualatin valley, facing on Im proved county road; $3600, easy terms. For particulars about these call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Dldg., xzt Park st. On Sundays call Mr. Newman at Multnomah. Main B72. CHICKEN RANCH. 450 LAYING HENS. STISOO TERMS. 5 acres rich soil, all cleared; new 6 room house bungalow, barn 20x26, chicken house 20xS6, brooder house 2 Ox 24, cow, gas engine, brooder stove and all farm Implements, fruit; less than 1 hour from ir'ortiana, on pavea roau. close to town. $3200 $1700 CASH. 4 acres, all cleared. 8 -room house, ga rage, fruit, close to town. A good buy. $7500 HALF CASH. 10 acres fine land, all cleared, adjoin ing town; 6-room house, barn 40x60, 3 cows, 2 fine horses, 85 chickens, all farm Implements. A snap. See C. L. Parrish, the Farm Land Man. 209 Falling Bldg.. Portland. Or. FINE COUNTRY HOMES. $6500 2Vt acres good soli, plenty of fruit, I 7-room bouse, full basement, running I water In house, electric lights, gas and bath. $4200 1U acres with 6-room house, fine I place to raise 600 chickens, including I spring water witn tne Dest 01 son. TRADES. 1 acres, 5-room house, garage, chick- I en bouse, on pavea roaa, price sauuu, will enn!Hpr XttftOO trade. Also have a very high-class home of S acres that I can trade. Inquire 3d I house north Risley station, Oregon City I carline. Mrs. F. M. Youngs, rs-ot nome Thursdays. Sundays after 1 P. M. SUBURBAN HOME IN THE TOWN OF BEAVERTON. SURROUNDED WITH GOOD NEIGHBORS. Consists of 7 acres, 6 acres 1n high state of cultivation, 1 acre in timber, about 1 acre in orchard, 600 strawberry plants, 300 loganberry, 300 red raspberry; good 6-room house, ga rage, 2 chicken houses; 2 blocks of hard road; gas, water and electric lights available; has a Tine never-ianing wen at the present time. Price is only $5500. $2500 cash; owners are selling because thev are too old to handle it any longer. STEWART A JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. RIVER ACREAGE. ! One-half acre, right on river bank; j good sand beach for bathing, beautiful lawn and ETove: very romantic and ... -I., .a K.i-AAm iniifH hn t h f Irenlace. etc , gas and electricity, water, good neighborhood, garage, practically free fuel at hand. Also H acre, unimproved, beautiful . grove, located next to above described property; coin locaieu m mo vwm iuw station (Oregon City electric line) dis trict; prices and terms exceedingly reasonable. WT1, T FRED W. NEWELL, 407 Henrv Bldg. Broadway 5030. MODERN BUNGALOW WITH 1 AUiiu. v 1 1 : w '1' firo 1-' a v f.ir niun tai This acre is ideally .located and one of the best Improved places aajoining me i. T.1a in hlnrlc out of the City limits and close to car. The place is all In fruit, assorted. The bungalow is modern In every way and almost new. j Fine double garage. This place Is up-to-the-minute in every respect and must be seen to be appreciatea. rnco tuovu, terma See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Auto. 612-07. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. j COURTNEY STATION, OREGON 1 . 1 i v 1 .1 hi. Seven-room strictly modern suburban home, with living room, aining room, kitchen, pantry, built-in buffet and Dutch cuDboard. lavatory and wash Mm ai.A hAnrnnm downstairs: fi bed rooms and bath upstairs; two large norches. full cement basement. - furnace. complete electric water system, garage, floor- chicken bouses and parks: orchard and berries. Over H acra of land- . J670U. terma. uwner. a. GEORGE. Phone Oak Grove 152J: Mock west Courtney station. BEAUTIFUL 9 ACRES. You'll not need to wait yean to de velop a choice suburban home. Here lt Is, an reaay to move imo nu u joy: located on hard-surface road, just at the edge of the city: fine assortment of strawberries, loganberries, black caps, raspberries, over 50 large bearing fruit trees: 0-room house with modern conveniences, barn; a really valuable property at a reasonable price. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., M6 K W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. PARKKOSE. This Suburban Is not Junk: strictly modern 7-room bungalow and sleeping porch, large bathroom, built-in Dutch kltcnen. Dasement, gooa lurnace anu Ijuindrv trava: tha bungalow Is situated on an acre of the best of ground: 16 assorted fruit trees ana amerent Kino? of berrlea: enough for six families: chicken house and run. barn, work shop and garase; takes 12700 to handle. Call Tnnor BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME ON OSWEGO LAKE. Bathing, boating and fishing. 1 block I to Lake Grove station, close to school f and church on good hard surfaced road; I 5-room modern bungalow with concrete basement: chicken house and garage: fruit and berrlea $4800, terma See F. I C Maranau, wun FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Auto. 512-07. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. RYAN'S STATION. On Oregon Electric, 5-room bungalow, I mouern, steeping porcn, oam, iirepiace, furnace, ga and electricity, gas range. cement basement; acre, all in culti vation, fruit and berries, chicken roost, small stream on tract; price reasonable, vory easy terms; or would exchange for moaern nome, any oisinct. FRED W. NEWELL, 407 Henry Bldg. Broadway 8030. OjTegON CITY carline. near car, and on paved river road, 6-room bungalow, all conveniences, 1-H acres all in culti vation, 68 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries: has 166-foot frontage on paved road, garage, shed and chicken nouses; oeauiuui view ana near river; $5500. part terms. H. A. Thomaa near 1 T. .i DMh. .! . '"7. H ERE IS A REAL BUY. On big acre, covered with beautiful grove of native treea Put up a small building ana own your own Home; $400, only sou casn. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 301-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DANDY INCOME PROPERTY $2650. ' 10 acres near Mosier. on good auto road; 8 acres In commercial applea 3 acres In vegetables, rest easily cleared: comfortable house, apple house, chicken house, sneas. etc iiuuu cash will han dle this excellent bargain. 'HENRY W. OODDARD, 243 Stark St. FOR SALE A nice suburban home. 88 lota 25x100 house. barn, chicken house; gaa city water, water piped to bam and chicken house; 70 bearing fruit trees. X. Bertman, 37th and Wash ington sts.. east of Mllwaukle. Phone j evening, aiuwaiuti eo- w. REAI, ESTATE. Suburban Homes, MTJLTNOMAH STATION. Nearly t acre, on graveled road, 1 block from paved highway. 3 blocks to school, 6 blocks from station, 5 miles from center of Portland, mile from city limits; all under cultivation; lots of bearing fruit trees and berries: good 4- room plastered house with sleeping porcn, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, city water, gas, electric lights, fireplace. Price $4000. $1500 cash, bal ance $30 month, 6 per cent, or consider cD.icK.eu rancn for equity 01 vw. Four acres, on good road, between Orenham and Portland, mile from station, 9c commutation fare. 1 2 miles east city limits Portland; best of soil, no gravel; 3 acres of berries; some bear ing cherry trees; 5-room plastered house, with complete white enamel plumbing, barn, garage. Price $5500, $2000 cash. Good income from fruit on this place; macadamized road. Over an acre located east of Gresham. 1 block from electric station; 4 acre strawberries, 60 young bearing fruit trees; good 6-room nlastered house, ce ment basement, bath room. House piped for plumbing and wired for electric lights; new garage, barn, chicken house. Price $3500, $500 cash, or will consider small house in Portland on Improved street a The acre tract Is on a good highway. . A REAL CHICKEN RANCH. Seven acres, at Sherwood and near Capital highway, sandy loam soil ; 6 acres under cultivation, 2 acres stump pasture, all can be cultivated; good bear ing orchard ; H acre strawberries; wa ter piped to places electric lights can be had; 6-room house, barn. 5 large chick en houses, incubator and brooder. Price $5250, with several hundred purebred chickens. $2750 cash, 16 miles south . Portland. Malone. VERY FINE HOUSE. Eight acres 12 miles west of Portland. 1 mile from electric station; near the Hfllsboro highway; 4 acres under cul tivation: 2 a.cre of fir timber: all can be cultivated; bearing orchard; good 7- room house with plumbing, barn, chick en bouse; water system and gasoline engine; plumbing, Dutch kitchen with built-lns.- Price $4750 on very easy terms. OREGON CITY LINE. Eight acres, 14 miles from Oregon City: electric station on claoe: good macadamized highway; 6H acrea tinder cultivation; balance in pasture: creeK and spring; 2 acres bearing fruit, every variety; some berries; woven wire fences. a-room nouse. barn, chicken nouse. in . eluded with place: 1 horse. 1 cow, 2 hogs, 70 chickens, harness, wagon, plow, cultivator, sprayer, etc. frice $4300, large cash payment. Only 35 minutes out, oetween 1'ortiana ana uregon city. 4 BLOCKS FROM STATION. Neat home, with bearing fruit trees ana berries, z large rooms ana tnciosea porch; city water, gas, chicken house for oou chickens: also one-room house and woodshed ; well furnished, gas range, gas radiators, 2 beds, springs and mat tresses, dining set, couch, 4 rugs, cur tains, etc. Price with furniture, $1700, without, $1500, $300 cash. In city lim its of Portland. Capitol hllL Some wood Included. ONLY $500 DOWN. Nearly 2 acres, 8 blocks from sta tion, 10 miles west of Portland; gas. city water can be had; all can be culti vated; 1 acre under cultivation; some young fruit trees; 4-room house, barn, garage, chicken house, woodshed; build ings In good shape; place completely furnished, including washing machine, range, stove, dining set, etc. Price for everything, $2500, $500 cash, balance monthly payments. , Half acre, one block from station, 9c commutation fare; 7 miles from center of city, mile from city limits; all un der cultivation; fine soil; creek on back of place; good 6-room house, gas, elec tric lights, garage, chicken house; lots of bearing fruit. Price $2450, $500 cash, cash. MODERN ACRE HOME. 1 acre, all under cultivation, near Metzger station ; good 6-room plastered bungalow; complete white enamel 'plumbing; near Capital highway; chick en house; mile to school; price $3250, $1000 cash; balance $25 month. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 600 biti a II places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lista OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Mflwaukle to Gladstone. Three-room house, five larne lots, AH In full bearing fruit trees. Block to hlghwav. Courtney station. Good well; only $1700. $500 cash. New four-room house, large porch. NIcelT finished and painted. 100x130; 4 blocks Oak Grove station. $1800, srnal'l payment down, bal. monthly, Six-room house, fireplace and bath. Llghta gas and water: choice acre. Good soil, plenty wood for fuel. Near station; $2S00. reasonable terms. Four rooms, sleep g porch and bath Choice 1 acre, 4 blocks to car. La r ire ooultrv house, well fenced. Abundant fruit; $4000. reasonable terms. 2H-acre tract, 4 blocks Oek Grove, Good location: only. $500 per acre. Very choice acreage. Courtney station 300 ft. off highway, only $1500 per acre, Four acres, Meldrum, $2500. easy terms. ) Phone 113-W. APPLE. OAK GROVE. OR. ff. E. A NEW 4-ROOM partly furnished bun galow, 7 blocks outside city limits, 8 blocks to car, paved rosd to city: ras. elec. Bull Run water; $90 worthof wood m onsement; l snare in water company; $2500 without furniture, $2700 with fur niture, S700 cash; 15 minutes' ride on at. car to downtown. A dandy 5-room house, all modem, with almost H acre of Rround, fruit and berries: 1 block to school, 6 blocks to car; 2ru, with terma 4 rooms, all modern, improvements in. V, acre of ground; $1000, $400 cash. Mr. iare, wun A. J. DeFORREST CO., 300 TTKN'RY BT.no. BDWY. 5M0. CO.MKORTABLK COUNTRY HOME. 10 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. Best of soil, family orchard, variety of smau iruit; gnoa piasterea 8-room house witn water piped in: barn and chicken house; on paved, road off of 82d St.; H mile to scnooi; 8 cords or wood, 1 cow and 60 chickens; all for $f500: terma Let us show you this before it la gone. oee . w. Aiarsnau, wun FRANK Tj. McGUIRE. 208 AbinKton Bldjr. Auto. 612-07. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. V, ACRE, city water, gas, telephone, 4- room house, woodshed, garage and mod ern poultry house for 200 birds; feed house and breeding pens, fruit trees, ber ries and asparagus bed: buildings new last aummer, walking distance to 3 car lines, 3 blocks from hard-surface road; $1500 cash, $1800 on terms, JO per cent Call 03d st. and 67th ave. S. E., J. C. Piopper. Mllwaukle, Or.. R. 2, box 317. ATTRACTIVE 8-room modern bungalow 17 minutes from center of city between 2 car lines 3 blocks from S. P. station: bath, electricity, city water, gas: price $1SOO: terms. Main 5S9S. TWO ACRES: PRETTY LITTLE HOME. Three-room house, built-lns. well at door, sink In kitchen; Just like a doll house. Two acres all cultivated. Large bam for chickens and 4 or 5 head of stock. Rock road all the way, 6 miles from the courthouse. $1,100. terms J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. OSWEGO LAKE. One-third acre, nice livable garage 12r20, with sleeping tt-ntj woodshed, chicken house, lights, water and gar den; in nice residence district: Ideal place for small family; $1250, terms U desired. See owner on premise or 414 Spalding Diag, RYAN PLACE. B-Room Bungalow. S acres of ground, fruit, berries, ga rage, at a bargain price and on terms. E. D. SCHOMACKER. 417 Spalding Bldg. Main 103S. $200 1 V, ACRES, very good land, fair 4-room house, fruit and berries; fine place for chickens; vacant and reauy to move Into; ?4 mile from station. Come to Stanley station, ask for Miller. Phone Sellwood 1714. EIGHT BEAUTIFUL ACRES. Close In, on rock road, close to car line; Just the place to. carve out that nice suburban home: only $3750. some cash, balance terms. Don't miss this. 615 Chamber or commerce hlclg. r.,r,Tn,. v 1 1 u.t. 1 ' si"" - 1"' v"" uun- galaw: one-half ' acre in cultivation: overlooking Lake Oswego, near Lake Grove station on S. P. electric. Com muteVs fare. 12e. Price $3500. Terma A 550. Oregonlan. IN EXCLUSIVE west side residential dis trict. just completer?, handsome colonial house, acre of ground extending from paved drive to Willamette river. Phone Main 3477, PARK ROSE, one block from car line and Sandy boulevard, one acre with modern 4-room bungalow: about 45 of the finest bearing trees; money maker; $5000. See H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tabor 210. NECESSITY COMPELS CHANGE Tells us to trade this fine 3-acre tract juet beyonrl city limits, with dandy modern bungalow, for a house in the citv $0500. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. Pouch BMg. CHOICE suburban home for sale at a sac rifice. Would accept . good mtg. first payment, bal. terma Owner, AV 446, Oregonlan. . REAI, ESTATE. Suburban Homes. FOR SALE. Two-acre home tract on paved nver roaa, 4 miles xrom Vancou ver, beautiful view of the river. good 5-room house, new, 67 five- year-oia prune trees, apples. pears and cherries; owner mus8 sell at once on account of wife a health. Price $3000, half cash. FOR SALE 11 ACRES. 11 acres, acreage tract, two blocks from city limits, five acres of orchard, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, prunes. In excellent con- auion, acres strawberries, 10- gan ueriies, blackberries, all kinds of email fruits, good 6-room house, barn, fine chicken house. 600 thoroughbred White Leghorn cmi-Kens. uwner win sen personal property ana. an witn tne place. Price $S00 Excellent terms. SEE EARLE C. MILLER, WTTH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Sd and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. ONE-HALF ACRE. 5-room modern cottage, bookcase, fine I Dutch kitchen, all kinds of fruit, good I chicken house and runs, 7 minutes to ( jusi oucsiae city; owner must go I to California; sacrifice at $2050, easily I nwi.u ftfwu, fojv uuu, oaiance mommy. ONE ACRE. Up-to-date 5-room bungalow, wonder ful home, neat and clean, modern con veniences, good barn, garage and chicken house, plenty fruit, on hard-surface road, mile outside city limits, near wmjr fjow, easy terms. SO REN PETERSON. 1102 N. w. Bank Bldg., Main 373L 8-ACRE ACREAGE TRACT. In Garden Grove Addition to Vancouver, excellent 4-room house, brand new, garage, excellent loam soil, all cleared, ideal for garden, fruit and chickens. Price $3500, half caso. 1VACRB TRACT. 5-acre tract, one mile from city limits, almost all of this in fruit, good house, barn, modern 60-ft. chicken house, good cow, lot of tools, ideal garden and fruit sec tion, close to car line. Price $5000. Excellent terma. SEE EARLE C. MILLER, WITH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main Ss., Vancouver. Wash. FIRST TIME ever offered. Sacrifice of fer. Rare, beautiful, delightful location. 9 miles, 20 minutes' auto ride from tuuriuuuwj. Piotning finer. 5 acres very finest soli, all tillable; 20 acres cultivat"n, 5 acres rotten stumps; slight south slope, earlier berries and fruit; smaii running stream: fenced: 4 acres fineit prune trees, 8 years old; acres assorted orchard, costly spring water svstem, finest costly electric system, one of the finest built, new 10-room, thoroughly modern house, delightlul fin ish, fireplace, barn, garage, on hard surfaced road right into city. fine, ex tensive view, see many fine homes; place fit for any banker or capitalist. House insurea ror soou. ana the sacrifice price at which this elegant property is of fered is $10,000. $6000 cash, $4000 time. Must have the cash to do business on this. Becker. 133 '4 in st. CASH OR EXCHANGE. $3500 equity in high-class suburban home for sale or exchange for modern bungalow, well located; 2hi acres, choice varieties bearing fruit and berries, gar den, poultry yard; modern buildings. city conveniences, delightful, conven ient location, see A. K. HILL. 426 Lumbermens Bldg. For Wale Business Property. DO YOU WANT Income nronertv $16,000. looou aown r jr so. see mis: ciose in. in central east side: 4 car llnea business center, schools, churches ana movies; building on 50xl25-ft. lot with 5 apart ments. 1 store room, bakery and stalls for 8 cars; full concrete basement, steam heat. elec. light and gaa; has an Income or S2UU per month and witn small lin- promement wouia proauce ijuu. C C. DUVALL. 642 Williams Ave. Phone 810-04. GLISAN ST. CORNER. $11,500. Only a few hundred feet from river front, R. R. and union depot; improved with a large old building for shop or I light manufacturing. RITTER, LOWE CO.'. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $ ACRES, 6-room modern bungalow, barn, 2 chicken houses. 8 acres assorted fruit and berries, 3 blka to station, close to school and pavement; fine suburban home; good soil; no gravel; sacrifice for $0500; terms. Smithpeter, with Inter- I state Lana L.'o., Z4 wtanc at. aialn 0411. BRICK AND CONCRETE BLDG. $05,000. 100x100. 8-story with stores on ground floor, located on 4th St., good bldg. for warehouse or wholesale buainesa RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STORE BUILDING. Six living rooms, good location for I cash store; no store within 10 blocks; reasonable, easy terms. Owner, R. J. Grusel, 875 Washington st. Main 1S57 CHURCH PROPERTY. Splendid corner, close in on east side, 100x100 feet with church building that would cost from $12,000 to $15,000 to Dulia in gooa repair, win sell for $!K00; very noer.il terms, vv r24. oregonlan. A REAL. BARGAIN. 50x100, improved with house, on 15th St., near Washington at. This is a splendid buy at $10,000. Terms. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. APARTMENTS AND STORES. Two-story brick and concrete, modern, fine heating plant: comer, all rented. building worth more than price asked, $1B,50Q. jienme. 012 Gerllnger Diag. 100x100 NEXT to bank of Sellwood. build- I lng with 8 stores on corner lot. 5-room house facing Harney: the vacant lot is I a fine location for a picture show or ga rage. J. h. wallDerg. i5ank Diag. FOH SALE Fine business corner, 6th and East ttumsiae: win De sola on gooa terms ny owner, can ttasi 204. For Sale Acreage. CLOSE TO HIGHWAY. Nearly 14 acres of very desirable land: good house of 5 rooms and attic; hot, cold water, bath, toilet, electric lights, basement, barn, chicken house and large park; about 2 acres of fruit In full bear ing; mile to highway on rock road, I 2 miles to electric car: land In this vl- I cinity Is advancing rapidly; 11 miles from Portland: $7000: terms. BERRIES AND CHICKENS. 6Vi acres. of high-class Tualatin valley land, right at electric station, close to Portland, $425 an acre: good terma unnitnM Rnitci 4 rooms downstairs, le'eping porch and S partly finished room upstairs: bullt-ins; 2 acre set out to fruit and ber- ries; chicken house and bam; close to 2 1 electric stations, school and stores, 80 f minutes from Portland; $4o00 and good! terms: more tana avauaDie aaioining. We sDecialize in Tualatin valley acre age. Ask us about It. Weston & Co.. 1206 N. W. Bank bldg Main 3002. AM OFFERING on the market that I beautiful tract of Lyndhurst, subdivided Into near-acr building sites, at prices I 5 ranging irom 9i up; an ine untitles the ground, ready for building, on terms of 10 per cent down and $15 a month: Lyndhurst has a wonderful view of the Tualatin valley, with -the Coast Range mountains la the background; you can't beat these tract for a perma nenthome.slte; let me show them to you Call Main 8S0 and make an appointment: I will be glad to take you out in my machine over tne rerwiinger Diva, and show you tne aismrt. BEN RIES LAND, 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. Main RSO. ACRES, all in cultivation; best loam soli; gooa o-room uuuse, soou uarn, A-l enw. two dos. hens. 1 wagon. 1 disc, har row, cultivator, good well water, electric sta.. stores, school ana church adjoin place; on line roau, 1 ssnea irom srort- iana; ,o.tv, nuuu leiuw. L. O. GERBER. 714 Swetland Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. $3000. Two acres and 6-room home on Ore gon electric, two blocks from paved county roaa: cmcaen nouses. Darn. Der- rles, near good school; $3000; terms. Call Hinnan. Umbdenstock & Larson. Broad- way 1658. ' 9 MI. FROM COURTHOUSE On paved highway. 8 acres, all in cnltl' vatlon; pteniy iruit, an Kinus oi oerries; 5-room house, small barn, depot, stores, school and church at place; $2500; good terma L. O. GERBER. 714 Swetland Bldg. LOCATED Just outside city limits, 3-room house; fruit and berries, black loam creek bottom soil; $1600, part cash, bal. easy. See Montgomery as Leap, 437 Cham, of Com. IMPROVED 20 acres. 30 minutes from Van- I couver; fine soil, good bam, house. Borne I berries, orchard: price rlgnt. TaDor 1002 Sunday. Bdwy. 3275 Monday. FOR SALE CHEAP 80 acres, proved, P 632, Oregoniao unim- 1 5 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. S ACRES. 4 mile from Capital highway ana red electric station, nine 10 scnooi South Portland, near Sherwood; 7 acres under cultivation; 1 acre timber; large amount of berries and bearing fruit trees; 1 acre loganberries, 7-room house, chicken house, fruit house, well on porch: Included with place. 1 horse, cow, chickens and machinery; -house has fireplace; 44 acres seeded; price $350O, , $150 cash, balance very easy terma 10 acrea 24 miles from Albany. Or. w on good macadamized road, hi mile to school, all under cultivation; good black loam solL well drained: lfe acres logan berries, some cherries, pears and apples. all bearing, good piasterea bungalow, 4- rooms finished below, 2 rooms upstairs not flnishedd. The bungalow nas an the built-in features. Good barn and chicken house. Albany has a large can nery. Price $4500, large cash payment. 10 acres near Washington county line. 9 miles from Timber, 1 mile to school, graveled road; 7 acres under cultiva tion, balance in timber: all can be cui tlvated: good soil: 6-room box house, barn, chicken house, blacksmith shop; 15 bearing fruit trees, 10 years old; price $1100, $600 cash, balance $100 per year, o per cent. 10 acres, 5 miles east Gresham. on fine macadamized road, 5 acres under culti vation, all can be cultivated; M mile to electric station; M mile to school; best of soil; creek through place: 50 as sorted fruit ' trees, 3 -room plastered house and a 2-room bouse: good barn. chicken house and other buildings; price $3675, $1025 cash, balance $300 year, per cent. Inspected by Brooks. WILLAMETTE RTVER FRONTAGE. Over 8 acres, 14 miles from Oregon electric station and good town. On the banks of the Willamette: boat landing on place; not subject to overflow: 1 acre of beaverdam, tiled: 1 mile to school and store; lots of bearing fruit; also berries and currants, 5-room house, barn, chick en house, store room and work shop ; Hot and cold watpr; 74 acres under cul tivation, some aim la, 1 acre ciover tools and rowboat Included; price $4200 witn small payment down. 10 acres. 11 miles west Portland, A mile from electric station;, all under cultivation; wire fences; 50 bearing fruit trees; 1 acre strawberries: good new t- room plastered house with cement basement; chicken house, bam; Includ ed 3 good cows. 1 heifer. 40 chickens city water and gas close to place; price $6700, $Z400 cash. 12 acres. 17 miles south of center of Portland; 2 blocks from red electric station ; good macadamised road, near Capital highway. mile to school; an can be cultivated: now In fir timber: 4 room box house: $50O cash, balance at 7 per cent. Inspected by Malone. 8 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 674 acres, 14 miles from Bcaverton: good land: lots of bearing fruit: 6-room house, barn, garage, chicken house: 40 rods to grade school: included witn place 2 cows, 2 calves, 115 chickens. 80 rabbits, tools and equipment; also House hold furniture; prle for everything, $3500, large cash payment. 5 acres, 3 miles east of HUIsboro. 1H miles from electric station, mile from school: fine soil: main graveled road bv .property: all under cultivation: close to stores and lots of work: price $1200. $200 cash ; easy terms on balance at 6 per cent. JOINING GRESHAM. OREGON. Acre tracts just outside Gresham: all under cultivation and the best of soil: city water, gas and lights can be had: 1 block from good road; price $500 per acre 4 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Over 600 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lista NEAR Independence, Or., Just off paved highway, we have l.tl) acres or cnoire land, Just ready to sell In small tracts from one acre up, to close an estate. This is suitable for dairy, chicken ranch es, gardening, loganberries, fruit, broc coli, etc, being one mile from Inde- ?endence and one and a half miles from lonmouth end the state normal school. This property Is a splendid buy for par ties seeking a home and an income, where they get the advantages of good schools and pleasant surroundings; price $1.10 to $3(10 per acre, terms. Address Cha.i. Collins, box 104. Independence. Or. 5. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $2.1 AN ACRE AND UP $10 down and $5 per. month buys a ffvA-nnre tract in this addition Of 800 acres: down the Columbia rlvar on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river: fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautiful lvlng lnd. free from rock Or g-vel: some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams: fine location for chickens, dairy, oernea fruit and vegetoblea CHARLES PBLFEU 818 Railway Exchange Building. 114 ACRES. AH good level land In cultiva tion, family orchard, lots of straw berries, small fruits, house, barn, garage, chicken house: close to mills In Oregon City. $1700, part cash. See me for acreage. A. C. HOWLAND. 620 Main St. Oregon City. Or. 2-ACRE TRACTS. Fronting on Barr road, one-fonrth mile west of Barker road: some tim bered and others easily cleared brush land; $400 to $500 per acre. Terms $50 down and $15 per month. These tracts front on a good hard road and are but three miles from the city limlla STRONG & CO.. 606 Chamber of Commerce BMg. BY OWNER H4 A.. 8Vi miles from court house, all In cult., 2ft A. in berries; other fruit: good 3-room house, barn 2Uxdo other bulldingns: soil is in a high utate of fertility. This place is very nicely located and wouia nave to oe sen to be appreciated; 5 minutes walk to sta tion, on uregon it-iectric. irice jwin; $500 cash, balance to suit buyer. No agents Main 721!3. A SACRIFICE PRICE. 10. 20 or 40 acres finest of soli, no gravel. 12 miles from center of Port land, 2 miles due north of Vancouver, 1 mile east of Pacific highway on coun ty road. Price $125 per acre; terms. See owner, H. A. caier, us otn st., Portland, Oregon. 15 ACRES $5000. All in cultivation: well fenced: four- room house, barn, other outbuildings; all kinds fruit and berries: one-half miio to eioctrlc station, one mile from illlls boro; $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. 61 S Chamber of Commerce bldg. TWO FULL ACRES. $825. A beautiful timbered tract right at Ruby station and close to Base Line road. Pay down $35 and move on it. Balance can be paid $10 per mo. BTKO.VU & CO.. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BUCKLEY AVENUE. NEAR SANDY RD Nearlv 4i4 acre on good road, all In cultivation and in fruit in' best of con dition; good apple house. Price $4000 including two water shares. HEN RY W. OODDARD. 213 Stark St. BARGAIN 20 acres near Beaverton; ; good road: J hne berry soil; toMO, easy term. 6 ACRES, all in berries: 4-room house 2 crops will pay for the place; near good town and cannery. Montgomery 822 Gasco bldg. Main 7002. NEAR PORTLAND. 7t4 acres In cultivation, good house. barn. 2 chicken houses, 125 chickens, 1 co.v. 1 horse, buggy, wagon, all tools. $4000. $1000 cash. bal. easy terma 732 Patton Road. Main 83S0. OR 10 ACRES south of Foster road, eas of Lents, partly cleired. best deep toil no rocks: line view; -uesiraoio nelgnbor bood; 12-minute walk to houily car ser vice: city people preferred: $2 per acre. F W. Hill, owner. U;1 Welig-Fargo hldg. ACRE tract on Baseline road, close to Portland, has 4-room house with base ment, barn, chicken houses and other outbuildings, fruit, trees and berries, price $2500. See Webster L. Klncald, 401 Lewis bide. ' - DOUBLE YOUR MONEY by building on this fine. Idealiy locatea o acres, out on P2d St. Save taxes. Be indenendent. Snecial at $4000. Terms. O. H. SKOT HEIM CO.. COUCH BLDG. MAIN 1.175. 12 ACRES. 6 cleared, good house, barn, Clllckennouse, woousneu, creea inrouga place; 1 cow, 80 chickens. 40 fruit trees, household furniture: 1 mile from station. Owner, Harry Handron, Eagle Creek. TWO ACRES. Alberta and 42d. lies level. good son, oearins irun trees, easy terms Fine view lot, Waverlelgh Heights, $000; some terms, owner, nt in. orn st. ONE ACRE, all cultivated, with 5-room house, hot ana coia water, oam. toilet, orchard, all kinds fruit in full bearing, outbuildings. $2250. terms. Phone Main 1006 or AP 505, Oregonlan. FIVE ACRES $1650. Three-fourths mile from city limits. east of town, one mile from end of Mt. Tabor car line; in small brush; terma 618 Chamber of commerce Diag, WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low price ana easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUoc.it TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. EAST OF GRESHAM. Near Cottrell sta.. 20 acres, partly In cult., some fruit, small house and barn, good well, good level land; snap at $2500. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg. ACRES near McMinnviile: rich bottom REAI. KSTATK. Fur ISttle Acreage. 2V4 ACRES on Taylor ave.. $1250, only . $3.10 cash; one-half cleared. 3 acrea facing Foster rd., all under cultivation. $'.'.00, $800 cash. 10 acres facing Buckley ave., all under cultivation, $6000, good terma 10 acres on Barr rd., splendid berry land; $4000. 10 acres facing Section Line rd., near carline; all clear, splendid suburban homesite; wonderful view of surround ing country; $52.10. 2 acres facing Powell valley rd., about 3 mile east of 82d St.; $1200, $200 cash. 6 acres, almost all cleared, facing Base Lin rd. ; aoiHi. terma 1 acre on Buckley ave.; $S50, good terma 1 acre out Base Line rd.; $500, $50 cash, balance X10 per month. 1 acre facing Foster rd., $900. $400 casn; all clear. 20 acres on Roekwood rd. $4500. terms. 10 acres. Section Line rd.; half clear; $2u00. terms. 1 Bacres, Section Line rd.; all clear $400 per acre. 1 acre, Powell Valley rd.. $400, $50 casn. 1 acre near Buckley ave.. $.150. 3 acres, clear, about 1 4 miles east of o-'l St., near Powell valley ra., ;nou. 1 acre facing Powell Valley rd., $1000, terms. R. H. rONFRET, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE St CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. DEKUM A JORDAN. When spring time comes we think of suburban life. We have for sale 18 acres (or will subdi vide) Just beyond city limits on east side, on two hard-surfaced sts., city water; gas can be easily obtained; electric car line and sta tion at corner of tract. Beautifully located; has native tree and shrubbery. Price $650 an acre. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Com. Bldg. 4th and Stark Sts. Main 2233. i ACRES, deep loam soil, best of . garden soil; good house and barn, chicken house: lots of fruit; good water; auto road; 3 miles business district Vancouver; mile school. $o8l0. 20 ACRES $.1500. $2000 cash; all in cultivation and In crop; good house and other buildings; orchard and small fruit; fine water piped to buildings; auto road; 4 mile to school. 6 miles Vancouver. Extra nice dis trict. Try us before buying. We have large list of fine suburban and farm homes, well Improved, on good roads. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St.. Vancouver. VERY FINE 25 ACRES. Extra good soil, nearly all In cultivation, lasting running water, fine crop, good road, flno neigh borhood, only a short distance from city limits, and a wonderful building site near this ruuning stream. M . . This Is positively one of the Best and most attractive close-in acre age propositions, and In order to make quick sale I am going to cut the original price $HHl per acre, and which in my opinion is the biggest bargain I have ever of fered In close-In acreage. Real acreage and a real sacri fice. SAMUEL POAK. J202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. i,.afii:u' it, hi DOWN Sill MONT HLY AU In fruit ana berries, cuy water nuu gas. Total price iui. 18 acres. 2 miles from city on paved road, all clear nnd tiled, where needeu: tiiwi no,- a,.m allhHI cash or will divide 1 acre at Vineyard station. Oregon City car; $1000, with terms; uu ousn. mr. Hare. A. J. PeFORREST CO.. 320 Henrv hide. Phone Stlndtv fW1-H HALS' ACRE NEAR CARLINE. Facing Base Line rd., 1 V miles east of city limits; gas and water available; only $125 down, balance In small month ly paymenra. R. TI. CONFREY, RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BARGAIN. Ono-half mile good town. Clarke Co. Wash.. 22 acres. 7 improved: plenty of fruit, wood and water: B-rnom house, barn and other improvements. Have grade and high school. For other partic ulars inquire C. T. Ashor. 1042 E. Taylor st. O-vner. rmi.'tuiv fl r-t riiv cominunting distance ntenrilri .1 and 10-acre tracts, located short distance Tonquin station. Will accept well located lots, automobile or house equities as part payment. Come early and get a selection. Main 0S2U. Open Sunday. ERNEST WEILS CO., 606 Couch Bldg FOR SALE at a bargain price and on liberal terms, or trade for Portland property. 80 acres of very fine land sub ject to Irrigation near Echo. Oregon: also 40 acres very fine fruit and alfalfa land near Lyle. Washington. Jno. S. Beall. Woodlawn 8171. FINE STOCK FARM. 260 acrea. all under plow except 15 acres; large barn, good house; fully equipped; $30,000; want Portland prop erty; will go to 100.0"0. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Hank Bldg. $100 CASH. $17.50 MONTHLY. A splendid 2-acre tract, all In culti vation, about 30 young fruit trees, all fenced, about 1H miles east of city lim its, about 400 feet off Baseline road; to. tnl price $1575. Fred W. German Co., 7H2 Cham, of Commerce. SELL OR TRADE. 8-room house, large grounds, lawn, ornamental trees, paved street, near Brooklyn school; take smaller house or Improved suburban acreage. Price $5000. H E N KI.E. .112 Gerllnger Bldg KNJUf THE GREAT OUTDOORS. Buy 1 big acre out the Powell valley rd. for $40ii. s.iu casn. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ACRES, improved on rocked road two mile, from Beaverton; gaa pump for water system; good house, bath, barn, chicken house, cow and harness with place Broadway 5030. F W. NEWELL. 408 Henry BMg. eW ACRES, all In cultivation, some fruit: aDout 400 leei irotti ihkiishj. Binciiuiu building site; near Wilcox country home. ttooo n.r Acre HENRY W, GODPARD. 213 Stark st IF l'OU wish to sell or exchange youi acreage or tarm. nsi wun us. -B1HR-CAREY. Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7. HALF PRICE. 1 acre or more, fine view, on Canyon road, lies level: $500 per acre. Jones, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 542. WILL DIVIDE SUBURBAN 50 acres, near Parkrose, at price 50 per cent below neighbors. Rich bottom land at $:I75. O H. SKOTHEIM CO.. Couch B:dg. Main 1175. ; ACHE NEAR r'lULA.ND. $1500. $200 cash will finance and build house If desired. p. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. Bid. 10 OR 20 ACRES rich berry land, near highway, 80 miles out: no rocks; spring; $75 acre; $100 down, $10 monthly. Owner. Main 6479. VANCOUVER Acres for sale or rent, small payment down; living rooms, fruit electricity, city water, etc. East 7014. Owner. 310 Crosby St.. Portland. 80 ACRES, some improvements and goou land; will sell all or part; will take auto or house equity as first payment, balance easy terms. Auto. 522-30. 1 TO 4 sectlo a stump land. S. W. Wash., suitable for colonisation or stock; living streams. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 4 3d ,t. 73 ACRES finest Clarke county prune land. $22 per acre. Write R. E. Watxig, Camas, asn. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME 2. 8 AND 5-A TKAt.ll. l.i, . i. ... ....WW . I'.rt.ni PA YM ENTS. OWNER, 150'4 11TH ST. 10 ACRES on good road, close in; $200 per acre; terma Jones, 248 Stark st. Main 5420. 2 ACRES. S-room house: V, acre rles. 20 bearing fruit trees. E. Lincoln sta. By owner. blackber 82d and 3M ACRES of unimproved Hood River land, $27.50 per acre. Box 887. Marsh feld. Ot. . SACRIFICE fine lo acres near isurns. Or., cheap for cash; consider trade. Route A. box ISO 6 ACRES. $1050 per acre, all fenced. In cult., 4-room house and barn. 1105 E. 3tnh N. 20 ACRES, unimproved, 4 miles west of Forest Grove: $700. By owner. 51 N. 6th st.. Portland. ' SOME SNAP Beautiful 2 acres nt Jen nlng Lodge. $1500. O. H. SKOTHEIM . OX. COUCH ULDQ. MAIN li7i. RKAI, TATK. l'or hale Acreage. $4000 INCOME FROM ASPARAGl'H AND SHFRARH IN SIOHT ON THIS PLACE WITHIN THE JNEXT 60 DAYS. 20 acre nesr Canby, all In highest Mats of cultivation; land practically level: runs to Molalla river; beautiful view of Mount Hood. 6 acres asparagus, 7 acres rhubarb, ba'ance In sweet cot n and melons last year. Income 1U-0 $0000; aelilng rhubarb right now at 12 cents per lu. wholesale: buyer gets crop, which should bring $4000 within the next 60 days 7- room strictly modern house, gTcehouse, rhubarb forcing house, large barn. An electric motor pumps water from the river for Irrigation, plp.s for which are all installed. Another electric motor pumps water from springs for domestic use. Aiong with the land and Improvements go an auto truck and complete equipment to run the place to the best advantage; obliged to sell at once on account of sickness. Remember that the buver gets the crop which Is coming on right now. Here Is a chance to step Into a money. making proposition from the start. $MMo cali will turn. lie. Meet owner. Mr. Vande griff. Imperial hotel, Portland, next Tuesday morning. April 5. from II to 12. Ask for room number st desk; or write P. O. Box 2J4, Gladstone, Or. UAKDKN HO.V1K. Fine 5 acres, all In cultivation, fruit and berrlm. 8-room modern house, elec tricity, gaa, hath and toilet; cut price, $N.iO. easy terms. 1 mile east of Park Rose enr line, leas than half mile from paved higliusy, on good graveled road. 4 V, acres, best of land, all In cultivation and all In bear ing fruit trees; Al conditions, lies nlcelv and make fine. close-In country home: good fruit house, cement floor, city wa ter. $Hiino and terms. 8 acres, 6 in cultivation, other 2 good pasture and easily cleared for cultiva tion; fruit and berrlea, good soil and lies nicely, right close to Hellrose sta tion, house, barn, etc., but not extra good, but price la low without anv build ings at all. $7.MM) and terms, which Is much below value. Large list of other places, all plfses and locations, both for sale and exchange. TALLMAPiiE REALTY CO.. tilll Henry Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAIN'S. 54 acres In 10-year-old apples; mil to R. R. and paved road, school close all In One condition; rlbt on main road between Eugene and t'nrvallla, a bar gain for quick sale; $lKkD. easy terms. 4 acres. 8 miles from Portland: soma cult.: running water, clo to hard-surface road; nice little uncompleted shack, with material to llnlsh; right at elec. station; a bargain; J.'.iO will handle, bal. caw. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Ttrtwy, 47.-.I 410 Henrv Bldg ALBERTA DISTRICT. SlfSHTI.Y SI'HURBA.V HO.VJ ESTTES. CITY WATER. CITY CAR FA R 10. Sightly half-acre tracts, on Emerson street between 37th and 4Jd streets; these tracts are all In cultivation, with city wat-r piped to each half acre. Price $!'00; terms. $1S0 cash, balance cssv monthly payments: school, stores and car close by. Look those over and got first choice. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 4'?W Henrv Bldg. Bdwv, 47,11. EXCELLENT LAND AT $:10 PER ACRE. On Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria. 7200 acres of lnggr-d-off land Just rut on the market in small tracts, deep rich soil, slightly roP'--, good transportation, school, ch'-. . a' ore. pnstoffice. warehouse ami 1 Select now while you can get c.ulce tracts. E'tsv terms. JOHNSON-POPSON CO. 611 N W. Bank BMg Main I77. A LOVELY SI'Hl'RBAN HOME. 10 a., 5 a In cultivation, bal. pasture. Has all kinds of fruit and berries, has 8-rocm modern home, two baths, enam eled throughout, fine furnace, garare, all kinds of chicken houses, harn: with this place go 1 cow and 73 chlckena Located on Ore. Clfv car and paved read. Mar. 33.12 or 3 Couch bldg. .T. B R'X'IC IDEAL COUNTRY HUM ESI IKS. Drive out today. N. K. corner of Base Line rd. and Buckley ave.; you will s our signs; select your location, then see us for special prices sml terina R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg 20 ACRES $7,100. All In cultivation: 6-room bouse, barn. 8 cows, 1 heifer, 1 calf, fi head hogs, horse and wagon, all kinds of tools mod Implements, At soil, close to highway and electric line, betwenn Hlllsboro and Forest Grove, $1500 cash, balance time. 611 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS BARGAIN. A beautiful acre, covered with native trees. Just the place for chlckena aod berries. Buy now whllo you can get an acre for $400; $.10 cash H. TI. CONFREY. HITTER. LOWE A CO. ?ol -3-1-7 Board of Trnrte BMg -'HO WILL HANDLE. 10 acres partially improved farm, near church, school, traniorttlon nnd postofflee, on good road. Price fSlMI; J1200 cash, balance payable ov.-r .1 yenrs; has small house and barn: some cleared. jmiNsnN-PODSON CO . :lt V. W Pnnk BMg Miln 3TS7. NEAR VANCOUVER, 4,, acuKS YOUR OWN TERMS $12.1 PER ACRE Near Mill Plane school. 5 miles out 30 acres under plow, level, good soil, especially adapted to prunes and her rles. .T c. CORBIV CO . nn.1-6-7 T.ewls BMg 5 ACRES. NEAR ALOHA. Jnst 12 miles out, H mile to S. P. eleetrlc and paved highway, splendid laving land, all under cultivation; price only $1100. 14 cash will handle. HARALA HESOARD. 801 Mississippi Ave. 1 ACHES of fine land, pnrtly cleared, ready lo plow: shack, running water alt yejir near Reedvllle and good road; bal ance can be easily cleared. $lSi, $1000 cash. W. E. LENT CO., Main H.V.O. 524 N. W. Bank BMg. SEE STOKES TRACTS. 42d and Simpson. Alberta car. No as sessments or gravel; water to each acre or fraction. $10 payments. Will he'n vou build. R. W. Carv. 12U N. W. Btnk BMg PosMence Main 1177 4 ACIIKS 2.1 miles from Portland: e'eelrli: line 3 miles: all level and b"st of soli: nearly all cleared and ready for the plow: good road: near school: good water: $l.wn. $700 cash, balance time. Owner. S?1 l.liTTthfr Ft. bMg. FRUIT AND BERRIES. IrtnO DOWN. 2v: acres, bearing orchard, about acre mixed berries, pruned and sprayed. Tay lor avenue. 3O0 feet Base Line paving. Bull Run water, gas. ,T c. ronniv CO . .in.i--T T.ewls BMg, fill DOWN. ACRE. $1100. Alberta car. Kennedy school; no as sessments or gravel; Interest 6 per cent: pitch a tent, save rent. R. W. Carv. 1119 N. W. Bank bldg. Residence Main 1177. 150 ACRES on highway, near the Colum bia river, quarieT mils to railroad sta tion and school: land lies rolling, all tillable, Al oll, living water: price $1600. half cash. Moore Robinson, 82.1 Lumber ETChnnge. t40il( ABOUT teTl acres, one mile f rotn Lents, fine vl.-w, level land, will he sold on easv terms; well situated for small dairy and chicken farm; rocked road along the place. Whalley, 612 McKay bMg. ACRES, tlitee b'ocks north Sandy blvtl.. near 76th St. fcxeeuent son inr irurs rTHRnFnED A. JACOBS COMPANY. Main 6VV 104 Fifth St, WILL sell one-half or one acre or more cms fine land. 7 miles from Portland, on car line and raved road; terma Own er. M a rshnll 5S34. LtrFTiOxino, EAST 70tn nt. north of Sandy boulevard. Good httlMIng site THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. ' Maln1 I"' rifth St 777XcRES ilght'v location. 2-roorn house. .n-trlc station. Gresham district 12-.0. id terTTis. Extra soil. MrFi lued. Vt Mrig BMg Ml In 10,7? FOR SALE cheap, cash only. bUMness lot on candv bivd. THE Fit ED A. JACOBS COMPANY. Main 6S0O. 1QI Fifth t ACRES, fruit and berries, city water. " iew 5-rooiti house. c'oe to town. $ ioiw). terms. H t f ;mt iHog 11 u. ACHES on Clark, river. 3 A. cleared: 6-rm house, flrenlaee. auto road- fine location: ir.00 40S Hit 11. Vtr. 1401. OKE ACRE In ctilth atlon. close to car and naved road, near Montavllla. own Ar Woo'nwn HIT V ACRE, small house, 25 bearing fruit trees on Oatfleld road, near Oak Grove $ 135li. Call East 7312. 6 2 ACRES, near Orcnen- 4'4 cleared, fine poll, new bouse. $1800, terma Owner. Woodlawn 5I3 DESIRABLE acres nnd lot in the city, near car. Owner. R. 3S0O 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 8181 82d st 8. E Thomas Allen, city FOR BaTrGAINS fn acreage on Johnson creek call Sellwood 476 BV OWNER IHIMMI acres. Eagle r $1000, 10 acres Orcron Cltr lire E "' 2m ACRES. Oregon City car. $0S1. terma. THOMSON. MOHAWK BI.DO. ACRE, cleared. 30 tnln. out. .lust out city limit. I'hun Automatic 615-62.