TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND. MAIICIT 27, 1921 ' " " M.-A X KSj III ' s THREE benefits, each for a dis tinctive and worthy cause, are to the fore In feminine Interest Easter week and launch most aus piciously the season of lilies and good deeds. Two will be held on Easter Monday and the others Wednesday and Thursday, and the trio constitute the moot significant events of the week, 'though there are a number of lesser affairs of no small import to the world of women's work. Willamette chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, is giving a benefit card party tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock at Laurelhurst club. About 80 tables have been arranged and attractive prizes will be award ed. This party is given to raise funds or the Americanization work that Willamette chapter is doing. Another event of tomorrow will be the .Easter tea given by the woman's association of the White Temple at the home of Mrs. O. P. M. Jamison on Main street. It will be a benefit for the Serbian relief and a programme ef unusual interest has been arranged. The P. E. O. chapters of this city will entertain at cards Wednesday and Thursday of this week at the Laurelhurst club to purchase a tablet for tbe woman's building of the Uni versity of Oregon. The hours are to be from 2 to 5 o'clock; playing will start promptly at 2:30 o'clock. Both '&00" and bridge will be features. Wednesday Mrs. Alice Price Moore, contralto, will be the soloist, accom panied by Mrs. M. A. Van Houten. There will be a violin solo by Miss Marie Paige, while Miss Eugenia Woodbury will conclude the pro gramme with a reading. Thursday Miss Phyllis Wolfe, so prano soloist, accompanied by Mies Mary Bullock, will sing. There will bo a violin solo by Mrs. L. V. Wal dorf, accompanied by Miss Mary Bul lock, and a reading by Mrs. Gertrude Kint Gruwelie. The Democratic Woman's club, of which Mrs. Redmond Marshall Is president, will give a card party Tuesday afternoon in the blue room of the Hotel Portland. The Physical Research center meets In the Portland hotel assembly hall tonight at 7:45 o'clock.. There will be a lecture and demonstration by Mrs. Cornelius and special music. Martha Washington Past Matrons' club was recently entertained at the home of Mrs. Lillian Young, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Jennie Newton act ing as joint hostesses. A dainty luncheon was served and was fol lowed by a short business session and ji social afternoon. To raise money for a joint Canby and Barlow school gymnasium, the Barlow Parent-Teacher association presented a two-act drama, entitled "The Rebellion of Mrs. Barclay," at Barlow and Canby. About $30 was realized at the Barlow show and $67 at Canby. The second annual convention of the National League of Women Voters will be held in Cleveland. O., April 11 to 16. Tbe programme will be varied and will include child welfare, Amer icanization and social hygiene. Mrs. C. B. Simmons, regional director for the west, and Mrs. Dallas Bache. president of the Oregon league, will participate. The Portland Parent-Teacher coun cil is to sponsor the Tuesday evening, April 19, performance of "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," at the Baker theater. The money received from the ticket sale is to be used to send the presidents of the various associa tions to the state convention, which will be held in Pendleton May 11. 12 and 13. . Mrs. D. T. Vantine entertained the stud?' department of the Portland Woman's Research club Wednesday at her home In lrvincton. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Charles Branin, Mrs. E. N. Zimmerman, Mrs. George R. Cassidy. Mrs. F. W. MacPike. Mrs. Ionald Allison. Mrs. J. G. Hadley. Mrs. S. P. Garrigues and Mrs. J. E. Bonbright. The meeting was opened with a citizenship drill conducted by Mrs. Lee Davenport, director of the study department. Addresses were given by A. Karahales and Mrs. Alta Twis Stephens. Mrs. Alexander Thompson reviewed the Important measures passed by the legislature. Mrs. D. M. Watson introduced the speakers. .- A strong and eloquent address was delivered by Bishop Sumner before the Business Women's club last Thursday.- In discussing "What Religion Holds for Women in Industry and Business." Dr. Sumner pointed out the power of religion for good in business life and what the women could accomplish in assisting to maintain the proper home life. In his closing remarks Dr. Sum ner emphasized the necessity of Christ in 'times of joy as ' well as sorrow. The club had the privilege of en tertaining H. B. Van Duzer, president of the Chamber' of Commerce, who urged the women to get behind the "Community Chest" movement. The songs sung by Miss Lois Muir were very much appreciated. Miss Muir was accompanied by Mrs. Oliver Wickersham. Miss Adelia Prltchard, president, announced that the recent member ship drive, of which Miss Lorene Werly was chairman, had resulted in a membership of 600. S. I Eddy, vice-president of the I.add and Tilton bank, will speak Thursday on "Credit As a Business LJLWx J VD1 - h ' If v i f S " v ' Factor." Miss Mary Henthorn will have charge of the meeting. Music will be furnished by Mrs. H. T. Bohl man. Members of the Council of Jewish Juniors have been invited to attend a masked ball Wednesday night at B'nai B'rith hall. Each girl is to in vito an escort and another couple and a most enjoyable evening is prom ised. Patrons and patronesses for the affair will be Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ottenheimer. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Reyman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feld man, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wurzweilcr and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cohn. The octet of the Women's Advertis ing club made a remarkable showing at the regular luncheon meeting of the club Friday at the Hotel Benson. This was the first time the club has had . the opportunity to hear its own talent. Dr. W. T. McElveen was the speaker of the day and presented in a most interesting way facts about the "Community Chest." It has been an nounced that the women's ad club will enter into the Liberty theater contest and will take over the Liberty on Sunday. April 17. - Portland Woman's Club Elects Mrs. Runyon. Mrs. G. M. Gllnrs Is C'bonrn Firat Vice-President and Heports Are Heard. THE Portland ' Woman's club met last Friday in the ball room of the Multnomah hotel for its regular business session. Mrs. Charles E. Runyon presided. Officers, vero elected as follows: Mrs. Charics E. Runyon, president; Mrs. G. M. Glines, first vice-president; Mrs. Frank McCrellis. second vice president: Mrs. Chester Hopkins, re cording secretary; Mrs. G. B. McLcod, corresponding secretary; Mrs. I). L. Povey, financial secretary; Mrs. O. P. M. Jamieson, treasurer; Mrs. J. C. Bryant, auditor: Mrs. Thaxter.Rccd and Mrs. Dan Martin, directors. The club voted to send a letter of approval to the Portland Motion Pic ture Exhibitors' league commending the barring of Clara Hamon filr s. The club voted $25 as expenses for the jury bill. Mrs. D. M. Watson reported on civics, and on the visit of the mem bers of the club to the Telephone building. Mrs.. John M. Scott re ported for the calendar committee. Mrs. James M. Reaves reported on resolutions, Mrs. Byron E. Miller on service, and Mrs. Philip Gevurtz for the visiting committee. Mrs. Millie Trumbull reported for the legisla tive committee and asked the women to support the women's Jury bill, Mrs. G. M. Gli-nes reported for the building committee, stating that a more complete report will be given at the special meeting of the c!ub which in to be held at the public library on Monday. April 4. 2 P. M., room A. Mrs. Howard Pettinger stated that the literature department would meet at the Multnomah hotel. Friday, April 8. Mrs. Caroline Dunlap, would ar range the programme. Mrs. Eldon J. Steele announced that the current literature department would meet with Mrs. T. M. Hurlburt on April 7. 1143 Francis avenue, and Mrs. G. J. Frankel will read. Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, state presi dent of the Federation .of AVomcn's clubs, and a euest vt honor, spoke on .mi several measures to be voted on at the coming special election, and es pecially urged the women to vote for the women's jury bill. Dr. Owens Adair gave a brief talk on the sterilization bill. Mrs. Herman J. Hucke sang, accom panied by Mrs. May Van Dyke Hard wick. Miss Ethel Sawyer asked the women to use their Influence in pro viding better literature for the young people under 20 years of age. - Refreshments were served. Mrs. H. C. Rhincheart and Ervin G. Leihy, poured. The current literature department will give a card party on April 14 for the benefit of the building fund. . The Officers' clob of Rose City chapter No. 86 cordially invites East ern Star members and their friends to attend a .card party benefiting Masonic home, at Knights of Pythias temple. West ' Park and Yamhill streets, Tuesday, March 29, at 2 o'clock. . Marguerite camp. Royal Neighbors ot America, celebrated its 22d anni versary with a reception held at the East Side Business Men's club rooms. Mrs. Kate M. Fairfax, delegate to the supreme camp, was honor guest. The programme and business session 'were followed by refreshments. .. Oregon chapter No. 1. Service Star legion, will hold its next meeting in room 525 courthouse Thursday, March 31. at 2 o'clock. It is desired that all members be present and a cordial in vitation is extended to all relatives of ex-service men of the world war. Business of vast importance will be presented at this meeting. . ' . .Multnomah chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, held an in teresting meeting on Wednesday at the residence of their regent, Mrs. J.ohn Pearson. 740 Schuyler street. A full report of the proceedings of the state conference held at Salem was presented. Mrs. George M. Reed read a short sketch, of the life of- Clara Barton, which brought out many points of interest. Following the meet ing tea was served. Mrs. James B. Montgomery and Mrs. John Keating, state regent, presiding at the table. Easter Tea Includes Many Interesting Features. Affair Flannrd by White Temple - Women Will Aid Serbians. THE Easter tea of the Woman's as sociation of the White Temple, to be given at the home of Mrs. O. P.- M. Jamison tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock, promises to be a great success. An interesting programme will be presented that will include the following Vocal numbers by Mrs-. Blanche- Myers,- Mrs. J. R. Thei hodd and C- M. Godfrey. Miss Lota Stone will" give a whistling solo, Mrs. E. E. Carse, violinist, -will play, and Miss Kathleen Kla-wa?-na will give selections on the Clark Irish harp. Others taking part will be MissLeota Siegner and Mse. W. W. Bruce, read ers, - and Miss Geraldine Peterson, child entertainer. . The tea is for the benefit of the Serbian relief fund. '', Mrs. W. R. Briese was a delightful hostess recently when she entertained the members of the Indian club at her home,' 121 East Thirty-fourth- street. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock and tne arternoon was occupiea in maK i jng pillow- slips- and -shects-for thej 1 1 Havelin Children's home. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Ella Gross, Hanover apartments. Election of officers was held and Mrs. Harriett Hendee was named president; Mrs. Elsie Rogers, vice-president and Mrs. Minnie Roark, ecrctary and treasurer. Mrs. Helen Davenport will be host ess to the members of the Corrlente club Tuesday at her home. 1076 Cleve land avenue. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock and rollcall will be re sponded to with some household hint A paper on "Fisheries and Fish Prod ucts" will be given by Mrs. Anna Chambers and will be followed by a ten-minute talk on "A Trip Through a Fish Hatchery," by Mrs. Harriett Hendee. Sell wood Parent-Teacher associa tion enjoyed an Interesting meeting and programme in the auditorium of the school Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Virgil MacMIckle spoke on the "Health of Children" and Colonel Milton A. Miller spoke on the "Com munity Chest." V. ' G. Lunt enter tained with several whistling and vocal solos. ' Children were also pre sented In a short programme. Coffee and doughnuts were served during the social hour. Women's Federation to Aid Ex-Service Men. CMmlttM to Sell Ttrketa for the tomlai Dooshboj-' Folllra. THE assistance of the Portland Fed eration of Women's organizations has been sought by ex-service men in an effort to dispose of the tickets for the Doughboys' Follies to be pre sented at the Heilig theater April 7, 8 and 9, the. entire proceeds to be devoted to the cause of sick and dis abled soldiers, of whom there are more than 900 in Portland. . Mrs. Alexander Thompson, presi dent of the federation, has named Mrs. George L. Williams as chairman of a committee to aid in this worthy Cause. During the war Mrs. Williams was president of the council of war auxiliaries and she is not only in touch with the needs of the boys, but is genuinely interested in their wel fare. She will organize a comprehen sive campaign of ticket selling, and she solicits the co-operation and as sistance of all women who were mem bers of war-time organizations and will be glad to confer with them at headquarters. 234 Morgan building. : The committee from the federation includes Mrs.- Williams., chairman: Miss Viola Ortschild. Mrs. R. H. Saw yer. Mrs. Isaac Swett. Mrs. Elizabeth Luckey. Mrs. W. L. Block, Mrs. W. D. B. Dodson. Mrs. F. L. Benedict, Mrs. Victor Brandt, Mrs. F. D. Norrls, Mrs. C. E. Dentler. Mrs. G. C. Perkins and Mrs. George G. Root. The woman's auxiliary to the Rail way Mail Clerks' association held its monthly meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Alvin C. Baker. 1171 Belmont street. Pot-luck luncheon was served to 16 and a social after noon followed the short business session. The annual election or oi- fi ers will be held at the. April meet ing at the home of Mrs.' Carl Abra hams, 1105 Belmont street. Orphia Temple, Pythian Sisters, Al truistic club, entertained with two social affairs the past week. Wednes day afternoon they entertained at a card party and Thursday night fol lowing the regular business session an informal dancing party was en joyed. The work of this club Is for charity and members meet every Wednesday to sew for needy families. Business meetings are held every sec ond and fourth Thursday. The Daughters of the Covenant will hold the next regular meeting Tues day night at B'nal B'rith building. Mrs. Sam Nemiro, In charge of the programme, has arranged for an eve ning of bridge and "500." Splendid prizes will be awarded and refresh ments will be served. At the last meeting of the Daugh ters of the Covenant it was voted that they should adopt another war or phan. This is the second orphan adopted by the daughters, who are doing commendable work in war re lief and also in other lines of social service work. , Jewish Women Make Plans for Conference. Interesting Social and Business Meeting's Are on Programme. THE inter-state conference meeting of the Council of Jewish Women to be held in Portland April 5, 6 and 7 will have its headquarters at the B'nai B'rith building. Sessions will be held there. Tuesday, April 5, at 9:30 A. M., Wednesday morning and Thurs day. The open meeting will be held Mon day night at Temple Beth Israel. Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, third national vice president and general supervisor of the conference, will preside. She has arranged an unusually interesting programme. Tuesday's session will be devoted to religion in connection with coun cil work. Mrs. J. Baer, president of the San Francisco section. Council of Jewish Women-, Mrs. Julius Liebert, president of the Spokane section, and Mrs. Arnold Sherman, president of the Butte section, will participate in the programme. Mrs. Julius Louisson will b in charge of the programme for Wednes day morning, which will be devoted to "Immigration." I. Irving Lipsitch, ex ecutive secretary of the Federated Jewish societies of San Francisco, will speak on the subject. Mr. Lip sitch was in charge of the Hebrew sheltering and immigration aid work at Ellis island for a long period and is an authority on immigration. Ja cob Weinstein, a Reed college student,' will give an address on "American and Immigrant Boys' Viewpoint" The afternoon session for Wednes day will be held at 2 P. M. at the neighborhood house. Mrs. Alexander Bernstein, president of the Portland section of the' council, and Miss Ida Loet-enberg, head worker at the neighborhood house, will give a com plete . history of the house from the date of its founding. Ray S. Carter, district representative of Community Service in charge of the work for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Utah, will speak on "The Various Phases of Community Work." Excellent mu sical numbers will also be included in the programme for this meeting. Several delightful, social affairs also have been planned for the visiting delegates, "who - will come from all parts of the United States, t April S a noon luncheon will be given at the. Hotel Multnomah with Mrs. Abe Meier. In charge of arrange ments.. Another feature will be the anniversary banquet, the premier so cial affair of the' conference, which will be an event of Wednesday night, April 7, at the Multnomah hotel. Mrs. Max S. Hirsch is in charge of this affair and has arranged a varied pro gramme. Mrs. Henry William Metz ger will be. soloist and there will be several brief speeches. Dancing will conclude' the evening. - Thursday at 12 o'clock the guests will be takeh for a highway trip. Ar rangements for this are in charge of Mrs. I. N. Lipman and Mrs. Lee Boyer. It is expected that virtually the en tire membership of the Portland coun cil will attend the sessions and social affairs, which will celebrate the 25 th DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN v SOME OF WOEX PRESENT AT MF.ETIKG,' GROUPED O.V" THE STEPS OF THE CAPITOL. Many prominent women from 18 counties of the state attended the eighth annual conference of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution of Oregon, held in the house of representatives in Salem March 18 and 19. About 200 members of the society were present, and of this number, 67 were official delegates with voting power. The next conference will be held in Portland next spring, with some of the national officers as special-guests. It is expected to be well attended. Mrs. John A.- Keating, state regent, presided at the meetings. anniversary of the organization of the Portland session. ' . Mrs. J. F. Waite, worthy matron of Portland chapter. Eastern Star, was hostess at a 1 o'clock luncheon Sat urday at her home, 1485 East Glisan street, when she entertained the mem bers of the Worthy Matrons' club. The guests included: Mrs. S. B. Hall of Gresham chapter; Mrs. R. C. Bell, Co rinthian chapter; Mrs. S. L. Stevens of Oregon City; Mrs. E. W. Kimble Sellwood; Mrs. ,T. F. Guerin. Rose City; Mrs. D. T. Smith of East Gate; Mrs. John Jonas, Troutdale; Mrs. F. W. Geiger of Multnomah, Mrs. W. W. Graves of Friendship chap ter, Mrs. J. W. Mills of Martha Wash ington, Mrs. Edward I Ahlgren of Forest Grove, Mrs. H. A. Darnell, Mount Scott; Mrs. J. E. Davis, Beav erton; Mrs. W. E. Shell of Waverly and Miss Alii Obcrstreet of Minerva. Nurses Will Hold Session to Consider Problems. Plans for Xorthweat Sectional Con ' ference to Be Discussed. THE regular meeting of the Oregon State Graduate Nurses' association will be held next Wednesday after noon, at 2:30 o'clock, in room H, cen tral library. Mrs. Millie Trumbull will speak on "Industrial Nursing." A full attendance of the members is desired, as arrangements and plans for the northwest sectional confer ence of nursing, to be held in Port land in June, will be discussed. The Officers' club of Rose City chapter, No. 86, O. E. S., will preside over a benefit card party Tuesday, March 29, at 2 o'clock, fifth floor Knights of Tythias temple. West Park and Yamhill streot. Proceeds will be used for the Masonic home fund. Ad mission will be So cents, war tax included. The auxiliary to the Oregon Greet ers, chapter No. 1, is to give a lunch eon Saturday, April 2, at 1 o'clock in the Washington Hazelwood, In honor o Mrs. J. Ward Chllds, first presi dent of the organization, who has Just returned to Portland after a two years' absence in California. Mem bers can make reservations through the secretary, Mrs. Glenn B. Hite, at the Washington hotel. The ladles' auxiliary to Over the Top Post. No. 81, Veterans of For eign Wars, will give a "500" party at 525 courthouse Monday night, March 28. This promises to be the largest "500" party of the season and several attractive prizes will be awarded, also a door prize. Refresh ments will be served and a real get aoquainted affair is promised. A most cordial invitation is extended to friends and those Interested ill patri otic organizations. The state convention of the Degree of Honor Protective associations will be held at the Portland hotel on the afternoon of April 4, and the night meeting will be held at the lodge hall, 114V6 Grand avenue, with Columbia No. 1 and Tabor No. 55 exemplifying the ritualistic work with a class of cand'tdates. A morning meeting will be held. Mrs. Frances Bucll Olson, national president, and Mrs. Kate S. Holmes, national secretary from St. Paul, Minn., will be in Portland to attend the convention. State presi dent Mrs. Lulu D. Crandall of The Dalles will preside and the past state presidents will act on the reception committee. At the last meeting of the Women's auxiliary to the American Legion it was decided to hold meetings every first and third Monday of each month in room E, central library, at 2 o'clock. All members are asked to note the change in time and place and make an effort to attend the meet ings. The wearing on Memorial day of the national flower of the Ameri can Legion, which is the Flanders red poppy, was also discussed, and it was decided that on the Saturday before Decoration day these poppies should be sold on the streets and every person, urged to wear one in memory of the boys who died in France. The auxiliary sent' a telegram to Washington urging the release of the soldiers held in the Bergdoll case. Delegates from the disabled men's organization spoke to the auxiliary about the doughboys' entertainment to be given ApriV 7, 8 'and 9, and it was heartily indorsed. A chance for training in social work is being presented by the na tional. W. C. T. U. through Us Ameri canization department in a training school opened March 17 at the cen ter in Chicago. The course is a full one. ertend'lng over a period of six weeks, with the days crammed with lectures, practical work and the other courses. This Americanization center is doing a work different from that carried on in other organizations, for it has for its basic Idea the teaching of the woman of foreign birth and speech at home, thus reaching with the Americanization training the mother of little children, kept at home by her household cares, and bringing to her the same opportunity for learning to understand the country of her new home that her husband and her chil dren enjoy in the shop and in the public school. The course is offered free to those who wish to undertake it and there entrance requirements except are no REVOLUTION OF OREGON HOLD CONFERENCE IN SALEM. ' ' ' '-'', an education sufficient to do the work, to understand the lectures and to grasp the fundamentals of sociology and psychology which are necessary to the full comprehension of the courses. Information may be had from the director of the center. Mrs. Culla J. Vayhinger. 1638 Blue Island avenue. Chicago, 111. Any woman wishing to avail her self of this course to prepare her self for Americanization teaching may receive further information from Mrs. Lee Davenport, Americanization chair man for Oregon. . . The regular monthly . meeting of the executive board of the Council of Jewish Women will be held Thurs day morning at 10:30 o'clock in room G of Central library. The Past Oracle club. Royal Neigh bors of America, will meet Wednes day afternoon, March 30, at the home of Mrs. Nellie Wiericken, 1107 East Main street. All Royal Neighbors who have served as Oracle in any camp, are invited to attend. - - . t . - The Fortnightly club meets Mon day at 11 o'clock A. M. In the Audi torium of the Y. W. C. A., for the usual business meeting and pro gramme. The topics for the papers are "Statesmen in the War," pre sented by Mrs. H. O. Koeppen, and "Oregon Artists," by Miss Carrie B. Moores. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock in the banquet room. Mem bers will please note the change of hour for meeting. Oregon cookery has won national recognition in a large woman's pub lication. Good Housekeeping, which. In its April number, publishes, as typi cal cookery from the northwest, three recipes by Oregon women. Mrs. Ida R. Scofield, Mrs. M. O. Burcn, and Mrs. Ida R. Fargo, all of Salem, have been singled out for the honor of representing their state in menus which will reach a million other American women. Their favorite Their favorite ing, boiled Oregon ganberry cake, all recipes, prune pudd prune cake, and loga have been made from products of this state. This recognition of Oregon as one of the culinary states In the union adds but another star to her "banner of achievements." "Child Welfare" Is Topic of Club Women. Portland Research Club Will Hold Monday Luncheon at Benson. TOMORROW the .Portland Woman's Research club will hear an un usually interesting programme of "Child Welfare" at the luncheon meet ing in the crystal room of the Hotel Benson. Mrs. E. C. Clement will pre side as chairman and Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, president of the State Fed eration of Women's clubs,, will be the honor guest. The day's programme will include: Violin solo, by Master Marnil. Newman; readings, by Miss Norma Olson, head of department of elocution at Oregon Agricultural col lege: "Child Welfare." by Dr. Philip A. Parsons. Portland school of social work of the University of Oregon; "Some Problems of Child Welfare." by Mrs. Henry L. Corbett, member of child welfare commission, and "Port land's Well-Baby Clinic," by Dr. C. Ulysses Moore. The annual nomination of officers will follow immediately after the pro gramme. To make reservations, phone Main 3576, Tabor 1395 or Tabor 791. Royal Circle, Neighbors of Wood craft, captain and guards are to give a fancy drill Wednesday evening. Members are invited. The Progressive Women's league will hold its regular business meet ing Saturday. April 2, in the assem blv room of the Hotel Portland at 2:30 o'clock. The subject for discussion will be "The World Facing a New Environment." Members will respond to rollcall and there will also be a musical programme Yrom Baker. Pendleton and Th Dalles on the east; from Astoria on the west and from Roseburg . and Ashland on the south came delegates who iourneved to the annual confer ence of the Daughters of the American Revolution which closed its session at Salem last Saturday, making, with the large contingent of Portland Daughters, almost 1000 in attendance. This larger number of delegates, rep resenting a broader territory with deeper interests and more . intense patriotism, gave a more serious tone to the proceedings than had ever be fore been experienced. In the beautifully decorated halls or the state house, amidst flowers, trail ing vines and historic flags, the open ing exercises were most impressive as the official party, oincers, oisiin cruished guests, regents, pages and hostesses came slowly down the aisle while music marked the time and the delegates stood at attention. "Ameri ca" was sung, the flag was pledged and the invocation offered, after which Mrs. John Keating, state re gent, declared the convention opened for business. The order of business had been carefully planned at a previous board meeting thus saving time In useless discussion, and. making the quick and decisive and business-like manner of disponing of questions to the satis faction of every one, one of the marked features of .the convention. i lie enure BesBion, even inciuDins the social functions, was devoted to business. The reports ot the officers and committees covered a wide range of activities, indicating the strength and vitality of the organization, and its enthusiastic devotion to patriotic service. It was shown that special strength is being laid upon night schools for foreigners, and home teaching in carrying out Americaniza tion work. Several chapters in the state have made themselves respons ible for teachers and equipment. With the home teachers law, just passed by the legislature, the D. A. R. feel they have a definite policy to follow, and an effective mode of procedure. The programme throughout was in spiring Mrs. Mary Barlow Wilkins gave a comprehensive outline Of the old trails, illustrating with maps and charts the national programme for preserving and marking the paths followed by the pioneer history mak ers. Following Mrs. Wilkins came a report and discussion of historical markers, five of which will be erected the coming year. Miss Anna Lang of The Dalles, will erect a marker for her grandmother who was a real daughter. Mrs. C. S. Jackson of Portland, asked permis sion to erect a marker on the Clacka mas river on the old historic trail. The D. A. R. of the state will mark the place ot old Fort Clatsop. Luncheons and dinners were re served for the discussion of ways and means for conducting the work of the coming year. At the closing lunch on Saturday, Mrs. Thornburg Ross read a paper on "Historical Towns and Places in Oregon," which con tained valuable information and re quired in its preparation original and painstaking research. Mrs. Esther Allen Jobes' report on Americaniza tion work was replete with results in the past and suggestions for future work. It was so impressive that every delegate must have carried home with her some of Mrs. Jobes' energy and devotion to her foreign neighbors. This was an "Oregon made" conven tion from start to finish, and all ar rangements, planned and executed so beautifully by the hostess chapter at ---"j "j nis cnapicr Salem, were done with this in vi i )'reon music, flowers, place cai ew, cards food and loganberry punch were Ore- con nrnntiotv The next annual convention will bJ ho rt in PnHl.nd J ..in w. .1 Tl . ... . w...a,tu aiiu nni vv me cucsiol of Multnomah and Willamette chapel ters, with the president-general. Slr.J j Minor, the guest of honor. 1 T- The Sunday night programmes given ; under the auspices of the Joy club .for the inmates of Multnomah farm offer a variety of musical numbers and readings. Last Sunday the en- leriainmcnt opened with a solo by W. B. F. Shown, the accompaniment being played by Mrs. Shown. W. P. Dent, who has traveled extensively in the Orient, gave an interesting talk on life of the east. Other num bers on the programme: Solo by Mrs. Dorothy Adam, accompanied by Mellie Peterson; reading by Mrs. W.' B. Welter: character songs by Betty Jane Buckner, a student of Miss Belle Williams; reading by John Adam and a solo by Martin Peters, accompanied by Miss La Voile Long. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Harriet M Favorite. The Tuesday Afternoon club met with Mrs. H. A. Sprague. During the business session the members dis cussed the subject of next year's study, deciding to devote the time to the- study of American art, under direction of Mrs. Georg W. Tabler as chairman of the calendar committee. The other members appointed on this committee were Mrs. J. A. Eastman, Mrs. William F. Amos. Mrs. H. H. Fisher and Mrs. O. T. Wherry. The programme for the afternoon was given by Mrs. George Tabler In a re view of "Unleavcnod Bread" (Grant), with a paper on the divorce ques tion, followed by reading from Cor nelia Comer, "The Long Inheritance," by Mrs. William Cavanagh. Refresh ments were served, the hostess' mother. Mrs. F. R. Savage, pouring You Never sk Forget Pyramid The Relief Makes You a Firm Frieaa for AH Time and You Paaa the Good Word Alone Ask anyone who has ever used Pyramid Pile Suppositories what it means to set relief from itching. bleeding or protruding piles or hem orrhoida. Ask the nearest druggist any where in the U. S. or Canada for a to cent box. Be sure you get Pyr amid Pile Suppositories and take no substitute. Pyramid has certainly brought a world of comfort to a great host of people who suffered, many for years. If you Would lika a fr.. .an.n1. name n a naaress to ryr- m,1. I.r,u?.Co- 803 Pyramid Bids', I , "snaii, Mien. 3 . tea. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. H. Giles, i!0 East Yamhill street. Chapter A, P. E. O. sisterhood, will be entertained at luncheon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Ferguson, 1541 Mllwaukie avenue, tomorrow at 1 o'clock. The Pennsylvania Woman's club will give a luncheon at the Dutch room of the Washington-street Hazel wood Saturday, April 2'. at 12:30 o'clock. All Pennsylvania women or Pennsylvania men's wives and daugh ters are invited. Alpha Delta chapter of Alpha Xl Delta, gave a delightful luncheon yes terday at the University club, honor ing a number of the younger set who are planning to enter college in the fall. The table was artistically dec orated with Easter flowers and the place cards were most unique. Covers were laid for 20. A silver tea will be given at the home of Mrs. E. B. Mackey, 379 East Thirty-eighth street North, Wednes day afternoon. March 30, from 2 to 5 o'clock. The proceeds are to be used in helping needy ex-soldiers and their families. Mrs. Mackey is president of the Portland War Mothers' organiza tion, and the work being done by them is worthy of the hearty co operatibn of the public. To the un fortunate in the hospitals they send flowers and complete baby layettea are furnished the needy mother upon the arrival of the stork. An invita tion is extended the public to attend this tea. Take "Rose City car to Thirty-eighth street and walk north Couch rarent-Teacher asociation met for its regular session on Wednes day 'afternoon. Mrs. G. J. Frankel spoke on the "Floral Parade" and urged all the school children to .plant flower gardens to make a floral dis play during the festival. Mrs. Donald Spencer told of the value of the sym phony orchestra to Portland, and urged the people to stand behind it. Miss Thayer's room won the plant. Plans were made for a social get together afternoon for Thursday af ternoon. The object of this meeting is to give the teachers and mothers an opportunity to get better ac quainted. A programme will be pre sented by the childrenand refresh ments will be served. . The annual meeting of the Woman's Association of the First Presbyterian church was held In the parish house on Tuesday. The day was devoted to sewing for charity and luncheon was served, after which the meeting was called to order. Devotion exer cise was lead by Miss Emma C. War ren. The election of officers resulted as follows: Mrs. L. K. Moore, presi dent: Mrs. C. W. Steel, first vice president: Mrs. F. H. Strong, second vice-president; Mrs. W. H. Morrow, treasurer; Mrs. H. N. Ncsbit, record ing secretary; Mrs. T. A. Sherman, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Buswell, auditor. Reports of the year's work showed the many suc cessful activities of the association and plans were made for another busy season. A meeting of the executive board of the Oregon Parent-Teacher asso ciation has been called for 10 A. M., April 1. A full attendance is de sired as matters of importance will be discussed, and the plans for the convention at Pendleton will bo per fected. On April 5. Mrs. G. W. Hayhurst starts on visiting tour to the Parent Teachers in the southern part of the state. ' At Monmouth, Mrs. Hayhuret will be a guest of the young women of the normal school, and at Cor vallis will be entertained by the home economics department of Oregon Agricultural college, and at Eugene, will be guest at Hendricks hall. She will be at Monmouth April 5, Cor vallis April 6 and 7, Eugene April 8 and 9. Medford April 11, Ashland April 12. Rogue River and vicinity April 13. Wil'bur and Sutherlin April 14. and Hubbard and Barlow April 15. On April 16 she will attend the Multno mah county council at Lusted, will T'"' ,A,m,ty Apr11 April l!. 18 and Carlton Millions Use "Gets-It" For Corns Stops Pain Instantly Removes Corns Completely. Eveiybody. everywhere -needs to know what millions of folks have al ready learned about "nets-It." tlu guaranteed painless corn and callus End Your Cora With "GeU-U." remover. Any eorn, no matter how deep rooted, departs quickly when "Gets-It" arrives. Wonderfully sim ple, yet simply wonderful, because all soreness stops witn tne Tirsr applica tion. Get rid of your corn and wear shoes that fit. Big shoes simply make corns grow bigger. Your money back if "Gets-It" fails. Insist on the genu ine. Costs but a trifle everywhere. Mfd. by E. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago. Sold in Portland by the Owl Drug Co.; 21 stores on the Pacific coast. Adv WHEN MEALS HIT BACK 'Pipe's Diapepsin" instantly Ends Indigestion, Sourness, Stomach Acidity Are lumps of undigested food caus ing you pain? Is your stomach acid, gassy, sour, or have you flatulence, heartburn? Then take Pape's Dia pepsin. Just as soon as you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all that dys pepsia, indigestion and stomach dis tress caused by acidity ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape's Diapepsin never fall to make sick, j upset stomachs feel fine at once, and they cost very little at drug stores. Adv. f