r . 23 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, TORTLAND, MARCH 27, 1921 . '"'"A .-.t )' 11-' jr olosi f am BTTSINFSS OPPORTCNITIEM. HoleN and Rooming Houses. ONE OF PORTI-AND-S BEST. This Is a strictly modern town hotel of over 150 rooms; Co furnishings are of the very best; beautiful lobby; over 7-year leave at reasonable rent; this hotel is rood for about $.'000 per mo. over all expenses. For price and other . particulars, call at office. 30 ROOMS 30. Corner brick, all on one floor, one of the best transient locations in Portland; furnishings are fair; wilt make a reasonable lease to right party; price $7000, some terms if necessary. 40 ROOMS. Fine west side location, close In, Rood furniture and carpets, sev eral private baths lease at $223 per mo., price $8000, some terms. 70-ROOM HOTEL, 70. 6-year lease at 9550 per mo., nearly new brick bids., fine west side location, well furnished and Is netting- over $1000 per mo. over all expenses. $7000 to do business. 60-ROOM HOTEL 60. A real transient location, city heat, 4-year lease, place is very well furnished" and is good for $900 per mo. over all expenses, fries $16,000, all cash. NEAT LITTLE APT. HOUSE. 10 well-fumlshed apts., 3-year lease, very low rent, netting $3-5 per mo, $5000 can do business; no furnace to fire; easy place to handle. OVEr APARTMENTS. All completely and very well furnished, good west side location, elegant heating plnnt, oil burner, will sell for $20,000, some terms; can have a u-ycar 'lease. This place is netting over all expenses about $1100 per month. TRANSIENT HOTEL. The best little transient hotel In the city, elegantly furnished and strictly modern, clears never 'less than $1000 per mo. and often much more; good lease; can bo handled with $12,000, baL monthly payments. F. RIERDON, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. WJS WRITE ALL KINDS OK INSURANCE. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. U ROOMS H. K.. 0 rooms H. K. in Nob Hill district. Nicely furnished homey place with good Income. furnace heat. fries $1200. Terms. 10 ROOMS H. K. 10 rooms H. K. Fine location. Nets over liH per month. Furnace heat. Furniture and rugs very good. Price $1000. Terms. , 11 ROOMS H. K. 11 rooms H. K. Rent $35. Nets $100 Furniture and ruga very good. White temple district. Price $1700. Terms. 10 ROOMS H. K. 10 rooms H. K. Very good furniture and rugs. Nets over $loo. Makes a lovely home and good income. Fine location. Price $17mj. Terms. 18 ROOMS H. K. 18 rooms H. K. located In 'White temple district. Furniture and rugs very good. 1'rlce $3000. Terms. 27 ROOMS H. K. 27 rooms, apartments. 3-year lease Good Tiet Income and splendid location. Price $3500. Terms. 20 ROOMS H. K. 20 rooms H. K. Rent $70. Good fur niture and ruga. Nets $275. Price $2400. $1500 cash. Terms. IS ROOMS H. K. 18 rooms H. K. Nets $150. Moderate rent. Very good downtown location. Furniture good. Price $20.70. Terms. 15 ROOMS H. K. 15 rooms H. K. Nets $170. Good lo cation always full. Price $1700. Terms. 30 ROOMS H. K. 30 rooms 11. K. Good furniture and rugs. Nets $250. Price $3000. Easy terms. 43 ROOMS H. K. 45 rooms H. K. a-nd sleepinfr. Lovely furniture and nus. Nets $270. Fine location. Price $45O0. Terms 15 ROOMS H. K. 15 rooms H. K. Fine furniture and rugs. Nets $150. Good location. Terms. Bee Mrs. Nicholson with E. M. ROBERTS. 829 Fllexlner BIdg. Bdwy. 1534. Tenth and Washington. $10,000 HANDLES high-class mod ern apartment house. List 138. High-class commercial hotel, one of Portland's best; about 120 rooms, attractive price and terms. List 63. 130-room fine modern brick, fine location, nice lobby, big money maker, good lease, big snap, $18,000, terms. List 145. COUNTRY AND RESORT HOTELS. 30-room commercial hotel, busy town, nicely furnished, own laun dry, lobby, chicken yard, always does big business, about $3000 month, building, ground and com plete furnishings, $11,500. terms. Fine proposition for hotel man. List 51. Two good beach hotels, 30 rooms each, open year round; also several cottages, in big payroll district, building, ground and fur ' nishings. attractive price. Photo at this office. List 40 and 50. 42-room commercial hotel, busy town near Pendleton, building, ground and furnishings, $10,000, half cash. List 4a We have large listing of city, country and beach hotels. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. BROKERS. 714 COUCH BLDG. $15.000 OVER 100 ROOMS. 2 2-room apts. and over 40 single rooms. A mighty good money-maker and easy to manage, elec. elev., good furniture, hot and cold water in all rooms, income over $1800; lease S years $W0. Net profit over $800. J. E. HUNT. , 626 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 1583. $1800 30-ROO.M HOTEL IlKOO Think of this. In one of the best mill towns In the state of Washington. Lo cated on the main street of Raymond. Steam heat, 5-year lease, rent $80 per month. Price $1800 for furniture, din ing room equipment and cooking uten sils. Terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak. SPLENDID HOTEL. Nearly 100 rooms, lease 5 years, rent $625, income $3000, expenses $1400; 21 private baths. 6 public baths: N. W. heat. elec. elevator, large lobby on ground floor. Price $30,000; terms. J. E. HUNT. 626 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 1583. 16 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. We have several of these, located both on the east and west side, which are exceptionally good buys, besides numer ous others, both larger and smaller. Our cars are at your service. Come and see us. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak. APARTMENT HOUSE LEASE AND FURNITURE. 94 rooms, 2S modern apartments, mod ern brick building, choice close-in W. 6. location, easy walking distance. Income over $1400, net about $650 month; 4-year lease. $10,000 will handle. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 610 Henry bldg. 86-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. White Temple district divided In two three and four-room apartments. Fine furniture, good corner, with lease. $8000 will handle. A. STOKKE. Aut. 561-45. TlSDekuTn BIrlg. OWNER LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA Autnonzes us to sen one of the best west side brick apartment and business blocks completely furnished; personal responsi bility more essential than large cash pay ment. See Mr. Skotheim, 408-411 Couch hldg. M a in 1575. 80 ROOMS west side, downstairs lobby. Four-year lease. Corner brick. Modern throughout. Nets about $1000 month Cheap rent, A. STOKKE. Ant. 561-45. 718 Dekum B!d-g. We have two apartment houses with over 120 rooms In each, strictly modern, which can't be beat on the Pacific coast. For price and terms see us. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak. 10 ROOMS PRICE K.IIX $200 cash, balance easy, and rent only -u; very close in, west aiae; rooms al ways full; housekeeping; good furniture. Tou can't lose. PETER3. 15 N. BTH ST. 13 ROOMS $200 CASH down, balance monthly. Price only $895; na floor nice, clean, light rooms. Very heap rent; good Income. PETERS, 15 N. BTH ST. 31-ROOM HOTEL. On North 3d St.. brick bldg., clearing 450 per month: JT3000 cash will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak. FOR BEST bargain in apartment house see members of the Realty Board, Yatti Reslty Co.. 245 4th St. WILL sacrifice beautiful 9-room house for $1200 cash lor quick sale. Automa tic oii-tv. OLOSE-rN BRICK hotel, under lease. $90 a montn; nearly 30 rooms; large net; eu.-HHj casn: run price inuoo. jaain laitt. 42 ROOMS, brick, close In. w. a: nets $500: full price $3300, terms. Call at 408-411 BFSIN'ESH OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels aod Rooming Houses, THOMSON THOMSON, REALTORS. MODERN HOTELS. 45 rooms, some private baths, 8-story brick building, lease, rent $3o0: gross Income SHOO: furniture and carpets very good; all outside rooms; $10,000 will Handle. Over 120 rooms, modern brick build ing, N. W. heat, long lease, right rent; - gross income about $2300; price $18,000, good terms. Over 130 rooms, steam heat, automat ic elevator; good lease, rent $350; gross income about $1800; $13,000 will handle. 72 rooms, modern brick, transient lo cation; good lease, rent $600; N. W. heat; nets over $1200; well furnished: $12,000, good terms. 37-room brick building, good lease, rent $275: clears about $475: carpets and furniture very good: very neat and clean; $7500, part terms. MODERN APARTMENTS. 81 2 and 3 room apartments: oil burner; lease, rent $350; clears louo newly renovated; $15,000 will handle. 42 apartments. Is, 2s and 8s, 6-year lease; automatic elevator, oil Durner, Cross Income about $2400; cash bargain. Over 100 rooms. Is, 2s and Ss; 8-year lease, rent $600; clears about $800; auto matic elevator; extra well furnished; $16,000, good terms. 40 rooms, 2s, 3s snd 4s; hardwood fours, hot-water heal; 3-year lease, rent $276; price $3000. 52 rooms, 2s, 3s and some sleeping; lease, rent $225; net income $500; nice apartment; $4700 will handle. 8 3 -room apartments, rent $75; well furnished, carpets good; price $2500 cash. ROOMING HOUSES. $2 rooms, all H. K.. elec, steam heat, 8-year lease, rent $200, gross Income about $650; price $6500, terms. 25 rooms, all H. K., elec, stove heat, lease, rent $100, clears $200 and nice apartment; $3500. terms. North End rooming house, over 130 rooms, rent $115; cash bargain at $3000. 20 rooms, some apartments, some sleeping; lease, rent $75, clears over $200; good rugs, nice and clean; plenty of good lines; $2700 will handle. 25 rooms, all H. K.. rent $60; best lo cation, clears over $275 and own apart ment; $3500, good terms. 20 rooms, 4 H. K., balance transient; lease, rent $80; nets $175; $3500, terms. 22 rooms H. K-, rent $40, lease; nice Income; elec, stove heal; price $2500, terms. 13 rooms H. K. and sleeping porch; garage; rent $40; furniture good: clears $130 besides nice apartment; $2400, part terms. 15 rooms H. K., Is, 2s and Ss; rent $65; furnace, elec, water in nearly all; good 3-room apt. and $100 clear; price $200, terms, 10 rooms: good east side corner; rent $40; carpets and furniture extra good; nice home with good income; electric washer; $1800, terms. 10 rooms H. K., 5 kitchenettes, water In nearly all. rent $50. gross Income about $120 and own apt.; price $1200, half cash. 14 rooms H. K. ; rent $45; stove heat, elec, water in all but one. many built ins, good rugs, well furnished; $800 down. 10 rooms H. K. ; rent $50; gross In come $130; extra well furnished; price $1500, terms. 5 -room modern flat, rent $57.50, In cludes water, garbage, phone, steam heat; fumed oak furniture, everything complete; price $650 cash. J We have many others, all sizes, prices and locations. If what we -have adver tised does not meet your requirements, call and look over our lists. MRS. THOMSON. 620 HENRY BLDG. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENT HOUSES. 100-room apartment house; $6000 will handle. 76-room hotel, modern brick; $7000 will handle. 62-room hotel, modern brick; $10,000 will handle. 80-room H. K. house, $4500 cash. 27-room H. K. house; $2000 will handle. 18-room H. K. house; $1500 w ill handle. 12-room H. K. house; $1000 will handle. 10-room H. K. house; $000 will handle. These are all good buys and well lo cated. Call 10314 West Park at. and Investigate. Anderson & Clark. ROOMING HOUSE SNAPS. MONET MAKERS. In prices ranging from $1000 to $2000. We handle no Junk. See them Monday. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Fifth and Stark Sts. SEE NICHOLSON FOR ROOMING HOUSES. 88 rooms, H. K., good location, $2650. terms. 14 rooms. H. K., White Temple dist., $1250 handles. 11 rooms, LL K., elegantly furnished, $900 handles. 22 rooms, H. K., close In, big Income, $2250, terms. 42 rooms. H. K walking distance, clearing $225. $1750 handles. 11 rooms, center town, clearing $150, $400 handles. EARL V. NICHOLSON. B27 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 19 rooms downtown, bringing In $340 a month, with expenses of $145, leaving net prufit of $195. Price only $4200. 42 rooms, 8-year lease, $75 rent, nets $175 profit. Price $2650. Terms. $1000 for 17 rooms, rent $45, income $120; walking distance; woman can run it. $800 for 9 rooms bringing In $125 mo. ; rent $50: woman can handle; 5 min. walk to P. O. J. E. HUNT. 626 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 1583. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. WITH LEASE. 82-room apartment, good furniture, , corner, netting $250 month. If you have $4600 cash you cannot afford to pass this opportunity up. A. STOKKE WITH J. O. GRAY. Aut. 561-45. 718 Dekum Bldg. BEST BARGAIN TODAY. $6500 Small hotel, right in heart of city; N. W. heat, most of furniture is new, all Is gobd; some private and some public baths, 3-year lease, net profit $450 per month. Get this soon. J. E. HUNT. 626 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 1583. 30 ROOMS, RENT $55. Brick bldg.; electric lights, baths, partly housekeeping, bat transient: right downtown, west side; a dandy money maker. Owner going on farm. Says sell quick for $2295, on terms. PETERS. 15 N. 5TH ST. WEST SIDE APARTMENT. Close-In corner, 110x90, on Sd St., consisting of 116 rooms arranged In 1-2-3-4-apartments, all . furnished. In come per month, $1300. Price $65,000. Half cash. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILL BUILD APARTMENT. Will build immediately, on 100x150, exceptionally fine downtown corner, one block from Morrison, 5 blocks from theaters, long lease to bona fide tenant: rare opening for profitable, permanent business. Address J 368. Oregonlan. 6TH ST. TRANSIENT HOTEL of 22 rooms pf good furniture. This Is a dandy transient house, always full and makes good money. This can be had for only $3750, on terms. PETERS. 15 N. 5TH 8T. ROOMING HOUSE $3500. 25 rooms all furnished. Downtown corner. Net Income $2O0 month. Give terms to responsible parties. SEE MR. STOKKE. Aut. 561-45. 71 S Dekum Bldg. GOOD BUY. For casn. $2100, furniture of 20 rooms, brick building, steam heat, on one floor; all full; all men roomers; rent $35. Owner, 202 ft Wash. St.. Vancouver. Wajn WILL trade 7-passenger Cole auto, good mechanical condition, for rooming house of 10 to 20 rooms; also have some cash. 535 Yamhill. 8H." K. ROOMS for $325 first payment; fins looking residence; modern, close in, W. 8., running water; reasonable price and rent. 191 Park. A MODERN hotel, 31 rooms, $150 rent, 2-year lease; must sell at once. Price $4250. 815 Labbe Bldg., 2d and Wash. MUST SELL at once, by owner. 14-room boarding house, 195 Union ave. North. East 4476. JVANX roomie house. Maui 784. Bl'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. WE SUBMIT FOR YOUR. CONSIDERATION, APARTMENTS. NOHTHWRSTkHX HEaT 63 rooms. 21 apartments; modern and unusually well furnished throughout; nice corner building, wonderiui down town location; rent $450 wltn leaae. Price $12,500: $sooc will handle. NOB HILL LOCATION. 88 rooms, 24 apartments; 16 4-room apartments. 8 3-room apartments; aa modern aod well furnisned. automatic elevator; 4-year lease at tJo; uets $850; $10,000 will give possession. 97-KOOM APARTMENT, aiisirtmenra y -J-rntn aoartments. 81 3-room apartments; wei: furnlehed throughout: nice corner brick building. good location; rent $500 with 5-yea.r lease; nets $ioo; price sis.uou. terms. A MONEY MAKER. 105-room apartment; all in 2 and 3- ronm nirlmpnIB' automatic elevator. fine brick building: rent $6o0 with 8- year leaae; nets 1400; price i,vov, half cash. - A COZY ONE. 118 rooms. 31 apartments; strictly mouern and well iurnisnea inrouBrum, nice corner brick building, wonderiui downtown location; rent $550 with 5 year lease; neia $700; $12,000 cash will handle. A GOOD BUY. 1-43 T-A.tmo AM apartments all V itb private bath'; fine corner, brick build ing: well furnished, good location; rent ,.tu with 3-year lease: net prom. , $10,000 cash will handle. HOTELS. SWELL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 45-room, beautiful ground iloor looby: modern and well furnished throughout: wonderful location; nets $SO0; $1000 wul five possession. $1250 NET PROFIT 75 rooms: one of the best locsted transient hotels in the city: No;th western heat; nice corner brick bu.d int; well furnished: $7000 v.ll handle. AN OPPORWJNITY 30 rooms right In the hjart of the city; modern throughout, fine fc.'ick building; rent $24u with lease; nets $700; $6000 will handle. ROOMING HOUSES. A FIRST-CLASS ONE. 30 sleeping rooms, some suites: mod ern and very nicely furnished through out: hot and cold water in every room; Lice corner building, best west side location: rent $13." with lease; tets about $500; price M00. terms. A BARGAIN. room, very nicely furnished: lovely home and income; fine location: nets $70 a month with two rooms for self; price $1250, $600 cash. FOR FURTHER PARTICULA l?S AND MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS SEE THE A. M. H AUG COMPANY. 512 Henrv Bldg. Broadway 54Sj THIRTY 2, 3 and 4-room modern apart ments. West side corner. Rent $500. 5-year lease. All light airy rooms. Au tomatic elevator and all modern conveni ences. Well furnished and absolutely clean. Big money maker. Price $19,000. Easy terms. . 90-ROOM apartment. Modern brick corner. Rent $500. Lease 4 years yet. Very close In location. West side. Splen did furniture. On account sickness will sacrifice. Price $17,500. Easy terms. 30-ROOM brick hotel. Fine west side corner. Rent $150. Lease, Modern con veniences throughout. Newly furnished and very clean. Price $7500. Easy terms. 42-room apartment. Rent $300. Lease. Free heat and water. Well furnished and splendid money-matter. Modern con creto hldg. Price $7000. Terms. 22 modem apartments. Very close In west side. Rent $200; lease. Unusually well furnished. Big money-maker. Price $12,000. $6000 handles. 24 h. k. rooms, west side corner. Very close In. Electric lights, gas. and stove heat. Water in all suites. Clears $175 per mo. $2000 will handle. 16 h. k. rooms, west side corner, close In. Electric lights, gas and stove heat. Cieara over $100 per month- Price $1050 Terms. 12 h. k. rooms, beautiful west side corner; rent $50. Electric lights, furnace heat, etc. Fine furniture. One of the cleanest houses in town. Price $1600, $1200 handles. YATES REALTY. CO., 245 Fourth St. 25 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very clean, west side; very close In, good furniture; electric lights, furnace heat. Rent only $90. Income over $400. $2000 cash will handle. 53 rooms h. k. and sleeping: very close in; good bldg.; steam heat, running water, high-class furniture and clean; clears over $500 a month and can be raised. $3500 cash will handle. 20 S-room, high-class apts. In Nob Hill district; one of the prettiest places In the district; apts. are large, light and exceptionally well furnished. Everything strictly modern and a heating plant that's a wonder; leaae. Clears $550; $7300 cash required. 37-room apt. house, White Temple dis trict, clearing $350 a month. Modern and strictly high-class; $7500; will take bungalow as part. If yon want a good place that is mak--. Irig money, see Mrs. Steele, with W1MMS-KRITH CO.. 610 Henry Bldg. BIG MONEY-MAKER. 96-room hotel, G-year lease, beautiful white pressed brick corner building, won derful ground floor lobby, bath connec tions to every room. Northwestern heat, elevator, exceptionally well furnished, net profit about $2000 month. Call at our office and talk this over. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. MJO-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE, thor oughly modern In every respect; 5 years lease at $500. Furniture and carpets in first-class condition. See this Monday, It's a real buy: $11,000 cash handles. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 3?Q Henrv Bldg. Broad wav 55fV. ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST APTS. 118-rooms, 26 apts., strictly first-class throughout, best location in the city; rent $600 with 6-year lease. For further information SEE MRS. HAUG, ' 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487. 7-RlX).M TRANSIENT HOTEL; steam heat, running water, ground floor lobby; 5-year lase; rent very reasonable. For price and terms, see. A J. DE FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 651)0. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartments, rooming houses and homes with us. We have cash buyers waiting. A. M. HAUG CO., 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487. IF YOU are in the market for a hotel see us before investing. We handle all the first-class propositions in the city. In formation cheerfully given. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SO rooms, rent $125, lease; price $5500. terms. 28 rooms, part H. K., price $2300. ,70 rooms, modern, $10,000 will handle. Magoon A Spencer, 517 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. . Main 6127. ROOMS. Close In. west side; all h. k. ; looks good outside, better inside; fine location. Will make a bargain for cash, or $2450, $1700 down; clears $150 a month. 123 14th St. 22 H. K. ROOMS, clearing $160 month; $2500, terms. Always full. An excep tional buy. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. .Broadway 5591). 9 ROOMS, close In on 15th t.; all h. k.. electricity ana gas, newiy papered, clean; 4 rooms for landlady; rent $27 60; nice home and income; $850. teims. Main 7511. 54 ROOMS, close In on west side; steam heat, running water. Clears over $500 a month; $4500 cash handles. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 3;o Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. WEST SIDE. 20 rooms, H. K rent $60, nets $125; price $2500. $1750 cash. Magoon se Spencer. 517 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 6127. WATER IN EVERY ROOM 26 rooms, nets $180. rent $00; large hoiue, corner location; $3Soo. about $2500 down: water in apartments. Main i-ll. In Sunday. APARTMENT HOME, MODERN BRICK. 16 apts., net income over $500, good lease, reasonable rent; location ideal, i a i' 1 . 1 1 1 ; a. c 15 1. 1.-11 - .'i.i miu.i , : 1 u.i v. 1. 11, 517-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 25-ROOM unfurnished 2d-grade hotel, fine location, east side, very close in. Price for lot and building, $6500; terms $1500 cash. H. W. Garland. 201 3d st. IDEAL boarding house; 12 clean, nicely furnished rooms, fine home with In come, in nice residential district; $1500 cash: no agents. AM 529. Oregonlan. 1 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, extra good furniture, rent $50 month. Nets over $100. Fine location, close in, west side. Price $1750. Main 84H9. ROOMING house, 12 rooms, nice, modern place, west side, close in, rent only $35 mo., clears $100 mo: well furnished, clean. Price $1300. Garland. 201 3d. 68-ROOM apartment house. Extra good furniture and rugs. No better location. Good lease. Clears over $500 monthly. Price $12,500. terms. Main 3469. 10 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Good furni ture. Close In, west side. Rent $40. Price $1200. Main 3469. 9-ROOM FLAT, rent $50. h. k.. income $93; price $1300. Magoon Spencer, 517 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 6127. 8 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. WELL FURNISHED: NICE HOME AND IN COME: CASH. BDWY. 4205. GOOD INCOME AND LOW RENT. Walking distance, furniture of 5 rooms for sale at a sacrifice. Broadway 327. SEE NICHOLSON fur rooming houses. 627 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. 5-ROOM flat, rent $30 to one buying fur- nlture. See today 62 E. Alder. SEE NICHOLSON for rooming houses. 121 CHAM. OJf COM. BLDG, BrsrNESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Booming Houses. 100-ROOM apt. house, 23 private baths, low rent, long lease, and clearing over $800 per mo.; strictly modern. Full price $16,000, with good terms. 42-room apartment house, newly over hauled, brick bldg., very cheap rent, with long lease and a net income of $500 a month, for $6300. $3000 cash. 40-room nicely furnished hotel, low rent, good lease and a splendid income. Ideal Washington-al. location, for $14, U00. $10,000 cash. 16 rooms, h. k.. $2100; $800 cash; low rent, good income; electric lights and fairly furnished; west side location. 85-rooms, nicety furnished, press brick hotel, 25 private baths, cheap rent, long lease, good west side location, for $30,000. 61 rooms, nicely furnished, apartment house, strictly modern, low rent, long 25 rooms, h. k., netting $275 a month, close in, west side location, for $3750. Terms. 20 rooms, good furniture, cheap rent, with lease. White Temple district, for $2850. Some terms. 15 rooms, good furniture, cheap rent, nice Income, west side location, for $2000. 12 rooms, $1300; reasonable rent and good income; nicely furnished; close in, west side location. 19 rooms, all h. k., low rent, good In come, fairly furnished, west aide loca tion, for $2500. $1300 cash. 9 rooms, all h. k., $900. 4 cash; rent $30; good income; west side. rooms, $800, rent $40; good furni ture. TRY US REALTY CO., 169 W. Park. Auto. 513-48. SOME GOOD BUYS. 21 rooms, all H. K.; furnace, electric lights, excellent west side location: nets $150 over expenses; rent $60; $2650; some terms. 20 rooms, rent $80. stove heat, down town location: excellent furniture; part H. K. ; nets $17v month; $3500; $2500 handles. 12 rooms, high-class place, with extra good furniture, west side, nets $941 and apt.; sinks in apts.; price $2W0; $1000 handles. 8 rooms, rent $40: good furniture: will clear $7t; electric lights, furnace; $11j0; $300 will handle. Main 3638. C. E. BOWDEN CO.. 813 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LlTTLil, toi-AolUa, KI.S011X. 10-room nice house. 2 cottages. 8 tents, everything furnished complete, bedding, dishes, utensils, wood in for season, lot 100x100, dining room seats 30, fine little proposition, open year round; 100,000 automobiles will visit Seaside this summer, is the estimate; above property complete; $7000; terms. List 147. , PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. Brokers, 714 coucn itiog. SWELL WEST-SIDE LOCATION. 4-rooin apartment house, 21 3-room 7 Lrnnm nnartments. all with private baths and phones; 3-room J apartments. Corner brick building, fuin 4-year leaae, clears over about $7000. $10,000 will give you pos session. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. NIFTY HOTEL. 54 rooms, elegantly furnished, private bath connections to every room, fine corner brick building, big supply linens, beautiful ground floor lobby, clearing over all expenses $1000 month. For fur ther particulars. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 10 ROOMS tsieepniKl. gooa oak turnuure H-aa Hiwta evcentionallv clean. This 1 nice home will net you $75 besides your own lovely apartment ana is ik close in, White Temple district. Price is only $1300, half cash. See Mrs. Whorni. O. A. PEARCE CO.. 21 Oregon bldg. Broadway 48.t:. Kiil h-IIIII HOTEL. 50 rooms, wonderful location, white pressed brick building, thoroughly mod ern, good lease, net profit over $iU0 month; $10,000 will handle. Kp, Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg APARTMENT house, 53 rooms, rent $200, lease, 23 apartments, mostly 2 and 3 room apartments, 2 4-rooms, cream of locations, steam heat, net profit about $500. This is good. For particulars, T 1- (.-nlla- GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg 313-ACRE stock farm, well fenced, good buildings, near grade and high schools, daily mail; 100 a. in cultivation; gov ernment will put water on this land this year; the balance In pasture; Klam ath county. Want income property, bus iness or what? Owner. 201 W. Park. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 10 rooms, elegantly furnished In ma hogany and oak, swell rugs, everything new, including fine piano. Keep 5 rooms for own use. Price $2650. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 107 Yeon Bldg. 82-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE Ail out Side modern apartments. Rent $400; lease. Clears better than $050 a month. This place is well worth investigating. $7500 handls. A. J. DE FOREST CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 559Q. 66 ROOMS, apartments and sleeping rooms, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms, steam heat, white pressed brick. Cor. bldg.; clearing over all expenses $600 month. Price $10,500. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. t.ITXl.K APARTMENT HOUSE 40 rooms, every apartment has private bath, rugs all new. house In pink of condition, making net profit $250 month; price $5500, balance easy payments. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR QUICK SiLE. List your hotel, apartment and room- lng houses with us. Your interest will always be protected. We have cash buy ers waiting for your propositions. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. llMH Yeon Bldg. S-ROOM FLAT, rent $37.50, price of fur nishings $1000, terms half cash. MA GOON & SPENCER, 517 Cham, of Com. lost ami rorxn. LOST Gold wrist watch between 34th and Washington st. to 37th and Belmont on Sunnyside carline. Phone Tabor 8451; reward. ' LOST Lady's handbag on public market Saturday afternoon bet. 3d and 4th sts. Call 984 Hawthorne ave., apt. 106; re ward LOST A black purse. In or between the new Woolworth store and Meter t Frank's, containing over $40. Rewnrd. Call Col. 915 . LOST On March 10. between Beach school and 76th and Buffalo sts., a bundle con taining familv album. Reward. Call Wood lawn 1WS9. LOST On March 10. between Beach school and 76th and Buffalo sts., a bundle containing family album; reward. Call Woodlawn 39m LOST Lady's brooch, near Knott sl Round with butterfly, silver back. Re ward. Phone East 3521 LOST Friday afternoon on Yamhill, ame thyst brooch, old-fashioned setting. Re ward. Phone 626-51. LOST Bible, Lents Road, South. Reward. Broadway 2594, apt. 20.' Commercial Hotel. LOST Abstract of title, by Western Ab stract Co., in downtown district. Re ward. 1468 E. Gllsan st. Tabor 3594. FOUND A horse; owner can have after paying expenses and proving property. Tabor 82.12. COMBINATION Eastern Star and White Shrine pin on Washington St.. between Park and Fifth. Reward. Main 511.18. LOST $35 in bills .n Milwaukie and South ave. Phone Sell. 2147. 665 Reedway. Reward. . IF YOU have money to lend, write us; we pay 10 per cent Interest. Ford Jer sey Dairy. Vancouver. Wash." LOST A strip of a red .carpet, between Unllallao D 1AnlnJtll!o tVA Will. Iltv reward. Woodlawn 3378. ijOST Parcel of lady's white silk com bination suits. Wed. . afternoon. Re ward. Woodlawn 2984. TWO RACYCLE bicycles stolen from 489 E. 17th North. Reward for Information leading to recovery. Marshall 88. LOST Mink fur neckpiece, on 30th, be tween Hawthorne and Laurelburst park. Please return 613 Ladd ave. Reward. LOST A 37x5 pneumatic tire between Portland and Salem. Reward. Tyrejl Trlns Co. Main 5. 425 6th st. WILL gentleman who picked up' girls at 87th and Belmont Friday morning call Tabor 8339 regarding umbrella? LOST One package containing cape. In Meier & Frank store, 2d floor; liberal reward. Call Main' 9591. LOST Pair nose glasses, in Meier & Frank or shopping district. Phone Wood lawn 4468 LOST Glasses in case between Wash, nigh and Hawthorne ave.. along 14th st. Ta bor 6B3S LOST Garnet brooch; liberal reward; re turn to Mrs. Loosley, Meier & Frank's Jewelry dept. LOST Between Portland ana Newi.erg, March 22. black handbag, ladies' appar el. Reward. Marshall 1631. BELT to gentleman's green raincoat; $5 reward. Phone Marshall 3724. GRAY SQUIRREL fur, finder please call Woodlawn 4012. REWARD for yard length opossum stole collar lost March 16. East 6190. LOST Spltx dog. license No. 2656. Sell. 1 1 72. Reward. CORAL CAMEO, marked M. to R., date. Reward. Tabor 4303. ; LOST Pearl necklace, platinum clasp, at noon Sat. Reward. Phone Wdln. 3142. LOST Small white-faced bulldog, near Lenta, ilain liiOS. Reward, . LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.. March 24. 1921: 23 um brellas. 3 lunch boxes, 6 purses, 1 pin, 1 suit case, 1 necklace, 5 gloves, 4 books, 1 comb, 1 key, 1 scarf, 1 brush,. 1 chisel, 1 pair rubbers. 1 surveyors' chain, 1 rule, 2 caps, 1 basket clothes March 25, 1921: 13 umbrellas, 1 lunch box, 3 purses, 1 pair glasses, 1 suit case grip, 2 gloves, 2 books, 1 can syrup, Karo; 1 flask, 1 map, 1 rubber, 5 packages, 1 hook crowbar. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder street station. LOST. Lost A gold Evershftrp pencil with Initials engraved A. J. T., Saturday A. M., on Sandy blvd.. near E. 82d st. N. Finder please call Tabor 3699. Reward. LOST Soleleather catalogue case In front of Lennon's, containing catalogues and papers; will pay liberal reward for re turn to Hickok & HIckok, 528 Henry bldg. LOST On Killingsworth. between Denver and Alblna, purse containing stiver and small check to Mrs. W. E. Pratt. Purse was valued as keepsake. Finder will re ceive reward if return purse to 1184 Omaha ave.. or call Wdln. 4501 LOiT Airedale puppy; If party who took him from Richmond district will return same, no questions asked. Reward. We know who has this. Save yourself trou ble. Phone Tabor 6413. REWARD for 'return of U. S. National Bank cardcase containing bank book and card passes and currency. Phone 2S8 Vancouver, before 6 o'clock. LOST Gold Eversharp pencil in business district Saturday A. M. Initials A. J. T. Finder please call Tabor 3699 and re ceive reward. LOST A white mare from Fern Prairie. Wash., Wednesday, with cut mane. Re ward to finder. Owner, 40 Willis Boule vard. Phone Wdln. 6373. Portland, Or. FOUND Between Morrison and Yamhill on 10th at., sjnall black purse, phone Main 447. or address A. J. Olsen. 317 Corbett bldg. FOUND fn business center, lady's silk umbrella. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for adver tisement. Main 3836. SPECIAL NOTICK8. ALL BILLS against T. & D. shop must be presented before April 1, on account of change of ownership. MRS. C. M. BRAUN. Miscellaneous. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FO RTHB DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of the estate of Dick Hickson, bankrupt, notice of trustee's sale: Notice Is hereby given that the per sonal property belonging to the above named bankrupt will be sold under the direction of W. R. Boyle, trustee, at private sale. Sealed bids for same to be opened at the office of Honorable A. M. Cannon, referee in bankruptcy, 804 Title & Trust Building. Portland, Oregon, .Thursday, March 31. 1921, at 10 A. M. 'The trustee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A general description of the property to be sold is as follows: A stock of merchandise consisting of shoes, work " gloves, work shirts, harness and harness repair parts, sole leather, etc., located at 702 Main street. Cottage Grove, Or. The said property may be Inspected at the above premises on any business day prior to the sale between the hours of 8 A M., and 8 P. M. and an exact copy of inventory, showing what is for sale, may be viewed on these premises be tween these hours and copy of in ventory can also be seen at office of the undersigned. W. R. BOYLB. Trustee. 1012 Casco Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 Courthcuse, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock n wn, April 7, 1921. for plastering the ceiling of the assembly hall of the Joseph Kel logg school. Portlandt Oregon. Bids will be opened at a regular meeting of the board of directors to be held- in room 301 Courthouse at 4 P. M. the same uay. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the superinten dent of properties. Old Failing school First and Porter atreeis, Portland. Ore gon. A certified cheese for fifty dol.ars ($50) payable to R. H. Thomas, scnool clerk and business manager, must ac company each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. fSigned) R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated March 25. 1921. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse. Port land. Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon April 7. 1921. for furnace castings of gray Iron, delivered at various schools. Port land. Oregon. Bids will be opened at a - regular meeting of the board of direc tors to- be held in room 304 Courthouse at 4 P. M. the same day. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of pmoer tles. Old Failing school. First and Porter street. Portland. Oregon. A certified check for ten per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right lo reject any or all bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Mana&er. Dated March 2.. 1921 I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise and fixtures located at Grass Vallev, Or,, to-wit: Groceries. $2424.47; hardware. $601.93; glassware nd crockery. $264.41; men's furnishing goods, $4497.83; hats, $771.08; notions, $389.07; drvgoods. $3737.68; shoes, $4300.11; undertaking goods. $117.25; to tal merchandise, $17,169.83: store fix tures and furniture. $1559.16; up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, April 5. 1921. Terms cash and a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid must ac company each offer. An inventory of the property may be seen at my office and the stock may be inspected at Grass Valley. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated st Portland. Or.. March 25, 1921. R. L. SABIN. 740 Morgan Bldg. CIRCULAR NO. 488 Sealed proposals will be received at office of general pur chasing agent, Alaskan Engineering Commission, room 422 Bell Street Ter minal, Seattle. Wash., not later than 11 A. M.. April 2. 1921. for furnishing steel hoisting rope, belt lacing, half soles, webbing, feather pillows, shirts, leather mitts and handkerchiefs. Copies of this circular may be obtained upon application at this office, from Alaskan Engineering Commission, 801 Postoffice Building. Portland. Or., or Alaskan En gineering Commission. 307 Custom House, San Francisco, Cat. C. E. Dole, general purchasing agent. FOR SALE A retail and wholesale feed store located at Springfield, Or.; stock, fixtures. Sealed bids will be received at 641 Plttock block. Portland, Oresron, until 4 P. M.. April 4, 1921. Complete inven tory of the stock and fixtures is on file at this office. Any or Lj bide subject o rejwuun. WE WILL accept bids up to 3 o'clock March 28 for stock and fixtures general merchandise store. located Katama. Wash. Stock invoices $4200. Fixtures $700. Right reserved to reject any ana all bids. Certified check 10 to ac company bid. The Adjustment Bureau, TO WHOM it may concern: I will not be responsible for any debts or bills run by ' Lena May Hornbeck, 261 E. 46th st, af ter March 25, 1921. R. G. Hornbeck. FINANCIAL. NEED HIGH-GRADE MAN. Wish Immediate interview with high grade, experienced bond salesman: have the best high-yield, practical Investment offering In Portland: splendid proposi tion, salary or commission, or both, to ' a man of sterling qualities and good ap pearance who Is experienced in bond salesmanship. Answer confidential. Ad dress principal, care AP 453. Oregonlan. WOULD you invest 'your money if you were sure It would earn 14 H per cent to 27 per cent a year? We have no gold bricks or oil stock for sale, but we do have a straight business proposition in your own city of Portland. It won't cost you a cent to investigate. Write for our plan. Ad dress A J 535. Oregonlan. CONVERT your liberty bonds Into high grade 8 mortgage paper. Can use any amount up to $8000 or $10,000. Let me show you how to double your Interest re turns with absolute safety. W 601, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE A few Al first mortgages; $300 to $1000; 8 per cent payments com ing In monthly. An opportunity to com pound your interest: no agents. Ad dress A J 542. Oregonlan. . NEED FUNDS and will sell my high-class bonds to yield 8 per cent. My bonds have been thorougly Investigated and I can prove their worth and safety. Owner, W 502. Oregonlan WILL EXCHANGE you safe 8-year secur ities drawing 9 per cent for your literty bonds, allowing you up to par for li'oer- ' ties. BC 548. Oregonlan. WILL, make loans on cattle, oalry herds, etc, to farmers in vicinity of Portland. F. 15. Bowman Co., 2l0 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ; ' $800 PREFERRED stock J. L. Hartman Co., paying 10 per cent reg. dividends; will discount 5 per cent. Call Broadway 2292. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore gon. H. g. Noble, 316 Lumbermen's bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F.- E. Bowman A Co., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 3026. GILT-EDGE 8 FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. $100. $500. $1000. VE.NARD, 929 CHAMBER COMMERCE BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 13 Lewis bids:, -4Ui aud Oak. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHER. YOU BUT OR PELL AN AUTOMO BILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20b SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. SEE WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO.. for builders' loans. ' Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. Seven per cent. 6-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and re duce interest on loans under $5000. . INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 7 per cent. You pay half of 1 per cent account principal monthly; for example, $2000 loan you pay $10 month ly and Interest: you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. Five-year period, 6 per cent; excellent repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of Americ, 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 8.108. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portiona Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St., Portland, Or SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate: 1 per cent and nb COMMISSION on choice loans, long time, short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages, bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 6th and Alder sts. Cellars-Murton Co. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans, also Insurance money tor business property, at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2K31. Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. 6Vi AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS 1 TO 10 Years. UNION' ABSTRACT CO..' 83 4TH ST., HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. MORTGAGE LOANS, in any amounts st lowest rates, on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. 622 Corbett bldg. Main 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS On farm or city property. Prompt snd heipful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND sc MORTGAGE CO., 80 Fourth St., Portland, Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms: no commission, no delavs. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St.. Portland, Or. $300 $1000 $1500 (2000 AND UP. No delay, we are loaning our own money; loans quickly closed. F. H. DBS HON. 615 Cham, of Com. LONG ESTAB. RF.I.I Vm.E SERVICE, WILL puy cash for small nitg.. or sellers' contract under $1000; also have private funds to loan, lowest rates; amounts $1000. up; prompt attention. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved la.-ma and city property: favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. The OHEOON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD., $09 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $300. $400. $500, $U00. $1000, $1200, $1300, $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action, pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. -Main 1370. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 115 Falling bldg. HAVE $2500 to loan at 7 per cent, 3 years, prefer Irvington, Laurelhurst or R. C. Park security. Bdwy. 5173. Geo. E. Englehart. 624 Henry bldg. PLti.NTf ot money to loan on real est ite at 7 per cent if security is ample. Edw. P. Mall. 309 Chamber of Com m e rcc. $300, $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main (:443. MONEY to loan on city property and farms. See Mr. Girard, N. W. Mtg. Co., 8.i i t:nam. or com. PRIVATE parly has $1000 to J-.'.OU ro place on Al resident property. BC 650, Oregonian. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of Interest. Otto & Hai-k:ion Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS., (I and 7 per rent. Saloman ft Co.. 307 Ry. Kxch. blil.i,'. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., Cham, of Co.. 4th and Stark. HONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cnt. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. $500 TO $2000 TRIVATE money to loan. Phone Wdln. 5325. 7 PER CENT mortgage money: title ex- pense only, ward. 407 Spalding bldg. $1350. $1500. $6000 TO LOAN on real es tate. Jacob Haas. Main 6127. $() PRIVATE money; will divide: no delay. 525 Henry' bldg. Broadway 5858. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICTROLAS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC . If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance ou more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. -WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY , (LICENSED). S06-S07 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, VIC TROLAS, PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN, MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS3N. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WB LOAN MONEY. On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transact ion strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on ' household goods, pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. On goods In storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 8715. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rates; articles held a year: estab lished 1888. Dan Marx Co.. 315 Wash. MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc, legal rate; articles held 1 year. Vines, Jeweler, cor. 8d and Washington. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note; confidential investlgari jn 316 Cham, of Com. bldg. Licensed. MONEY to loan on diam.,asi Jewelry; strictly confidential service. Zell Broa A Co., bonded brokers, 288 Wash. st. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture, legal rates 208 Washington bldg. Loans Wanted. WILL PAY 8', on $3000 on first mortgage, well improved. W 507. Oregonlan. WANT $1000 at 8 on close-in quarter block. Smith. Main 3854. WANTED $2000 on 2 houses, good secur ity: good Interest. Tabor 7Q88. WANT, from private party. $600 and $800. Al residence property. Call Main 5429. WILL discount $2000 certificate of deposit to net 9 per cent. AH 421, Oregonlan. ' SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Com.. Fourth and Stark. WANTED direct. $3250 on irvington home. 621 Gasco bldg. Main 66. WANT $3000 (8H 160 acres near Port land value $15.000. Owner, Main 6479. $1500 ON NEW 5-room bungalow, Wood- lock car line; value $3500. Butt e329. FINANCIAL Loans Wanted. $900 ON WELL-LOCATED business prop erty. $1200 on modern home near Williams ave. $1500 on modern home. 41st ave. $25iH on modern home. Rodney ave, $25O0 on modern home, E. 50th st. N. $27O0 on modern home. Alameda Prk. $3000 on full lot atd dwell.. 12th and Hall. F H. DESHON. 615 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BT.DO. wanted jiu.uou to $100,000 to ioan 00 real estate in Jordan valley territory. Malheur county, southeastern Oregon; low-priced land, good values; also want livestock money;, gaod opportunity for loans or Investment at this lime.. Writs at once to JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING & LAND CO., Jordan Valley. Or. $8000 ON FLAT building In choice loca tion, valued at $18,100: $7,000 on flat building valued at $16,900; both loans to run three years at 7 per cent: the val uations are conservative appraisals on a prewar basis and are much lower than actual values at this time. Annual in come from each property exceeds $2500. Phone Main 3067 or call at 91 Third st. FRANK L. McGUIRE with his years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, is In a position to safeguard your every Interest In locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans Of fice of personal aervice Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department. Abinglon bidg. Main 1068, LOANS WANTED. $1,800 at 7 per cent on $4,500 home. $2,750 at 7 per cent on $0,250 home. $ll,0OO at 7 per cent on $:ui,ooO brick. New applications every day. OTIS C. BECK. "12 Tears Without a Foreclosure." 523 Henry Building. $1500 FIRST mortgage on new mod ern bungalow; good district, good moral risk. All 526, Oregoniao. $1500 WANTED, vS PER CENT Very elegant little new bungalow, 4 rooms; 100x100 lot; property recently purchased for $3230. Take Woodstock car to 56th ave., walk 5 short blocks east to 4602. Marshall 746. $20O0 WANTED, 7 PER CENT 6-roorn modern residence. Just sold for S4230; hardwood floors, furnace, full cement basement. 60x100 lot; paving, sewer paid. Call SK4 E. Seventh st. North. IF YOU wish to put your money out on high-grade 8 per cent mortgage paper, please write how much money you wish to loan out and I will Immediately sub mit proposition. BJ 484, Oregonian. LOAN WANTED $300, 6 months, sub ject to renewal, on livestock and farm implements. Located near Castle Rock, Wash. Worth $1000. R 513. Oregonian. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IMP. PORTLAND PROPERTY. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OK COM. LONG ESTAB. RELI A 11LE S E RV1CE. $4000 LOAN for 3 years, security down town business building 100x100, worth $20,000. on loased ground. AC 524, ore gonian. WANTED Loan $3500, 7 per cent: prl.'ale money; no commission : new seven-room bungalow. Rose City Park, $7500 valua t.on. L 5mJ. Oregonlan. BUSINESS man .with family and own home wishes loan of $500 from private party; will pay back in monthly installments with 10 Interest. AF 340. Oregunian. lOh GILT-EDGE 7m and sv mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment 4c Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED By private party, $2200, will pay good rate of interest; good b-room modern residence for security. Call Sellwood 1523. 8 1'ER CENT. Want $750 loan on good lot and 4 room house worth $2250. Geo. E. En glehart. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry bldg. WAA'ltu 1JJO0 loan on Al v est Broad way, properly; private party preferred; strictly first-class security. BJ 634. Oregonlan. Al FARM MORTGAGE for $2400; will sell so It will net you 8 per cent. George Howard. Main 8931. 1115 N. W. Bu.uk bldg LOAN WANTED $20oo, 7 per cent; best possible security; will not pay commls- sion. AG o.o. uregunian. WANTED $1800 on iirst mortgage real estate; city property. Marsh & .McCabe Co., A22 railing oiog. aiar. avvj. W A N T ED Small sum of money to com plete a song publication. Good security and big Interest. BJ 338. Oregonian. v i r.u truin private party. iwwi' on a UUfi4IUff JUS, CUUIieLCU 111 ,lll"l. 1215 X. W. Bank bidg. Marshall 2245. WANT to borrow $13oo on first mortgage 3 to 5 years; principals only. W 608, or egonlan. LOAN of $1800, 3 years, on improved 40 acre farm, 26 miles from city, 8 per cent. Tabor 2223. 1151 E. Lincoln st. $2000. 7 PER CENT; best possible secur ity; will not pay commission. Phone Tabor 9151. WILL allow full value for liberty bonds and pay 7 or 89b for use of money tor J years. AM 517. Oregonlan. $1500 WEST SIDE property, worth $7500, 7. No commission. BD 537, Orego nian. $1200 ON MODERN Rose City bungalow on pavement, uear car; value $4500. AJ 550. Oregonlan. , $1500, 6, wanted on muderu Irvington residence, security 3 to 1, Principals only. Tabor 3332. WANT loan on my 8-room residence about $2800. 3 yrs. at S'o. Prefer direct please. P 5o., Oregonlan. $1400 CONTRACT, will discount 13 per cent: Rose City Park district. BD 447, Oregonian. WANT $1000 at 8 per cent from private party; best security, good moral risk. Mr. Smith. Phono East H228. $2DOO AT SVi on real estate security. AJ 543. Oregonian. 10 OFFERED for funds "n very best collateral security. A u o:n, oregon'an. PERSONAL. KANSAS CITY, Mich., 1905. What Prof. Peasley did for me: For 18 years 1 had Buffered with stomach, female and nerv ous trouble, had tried 13 doctors with no relief, the last two gave me 30 days to live; bad been kept on crackers and milk and water for the last year; for 3 months on water and crackers, as the milk would curdle and come up as soon as I swallowed. When 1 heard of Dr. Peasley's cures on Dec. 1, 1901, I called him, and he said he could cure me at the third treatment. 1 asked him If 1 coull eat a baked potato and he said yes.'eat anything you want. Thar night, as soon as he left 1 baked a small one. and ate ll. The next morning I baked 2 large ores; after 4 treatments ate corned beef and cabbage; 4 weeks from the first treatment did my own washing. 1 took three months' treatment, aad from that day, 3 years ago, have never had a sick day. 1 w-eut from 180 pounds down to 86, and today I weigh 162 pounds Mrs. Alf Wlnton. Prof, leasley. 490 Morrison st-. Mar. 260. Portland, Or. Hours 12 to 5:30 P. M. Will go to the heme to give treatments. FOR YOUR name and address I will tell you how to be rid of thai disfiguriug, distressing, DANGEROUS, GOITER. Dr. M. E. Stratton, Apt. 206. 689 Irving St.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 1930. INVESTIGATE system which brings re sults; testimonies can be had at my office. What has been done for others can be done for you. Dr. J. Smith, drug less physician. 214-15 Flledner bldg.. 10th and Washington st. WILL the parties who found lutlers, Jan. 25. addressed to Mrs. Anna Hawn de liver same at once, as they are needed as evidence in lawsuit? Call Broadway 8406 before 8:30 A. M., or address AG 526, Oregonian. STEAM BATHS with shower and massage; lady assistant. Open 1 to 7 P. M. : on Sundavs 2 to 4 P. M. 822 Fleldner bldg., loth and Washington. SAVE your wife; send your laundry to the Snow Flake Wet Wash. Clothes washed snowy white in separate com partments. Phone East 84:13. GRADUATE nurse arid chiropodist, scien tific massage, magnetic treatments. Re moved from room 203 to room 216 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, oo- ond anaaorrisou. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, eto. HOUrB to V "l "7 n,n,ii..iiiciii. rilVUI Main 1049. Office 808-C Third st. BLAKE'S constipation tablets. 8 months' treatment, 50c. Dr. Wilkinson, chiropo dist and lierbspehiljsrJ3iJFManderss ANYONE knowinjr the whereabouts of Mr. or Mrs. James N. Jackson, formerly of 328 Main st. or 504 Miller kindly notlfj AC 50. irregonian. RESPONSIBLE party to care for healthy bright baby 2 years old while mother works. C 508. Oregonlan. MASSAGE BATHS, Kidneys, constipation, .honmattam. Dr. Elna Sorensen. drug- leas phya. 308 Panama bldg. Main 3086 FRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 morninga DOESN'T Tom Dick or Harry pay you? gee V lereca. CPuectoin. caum um DR. ETHEL GRIFFITH Steam baths, vl bration. scalp treatments 417 Swetland. PRIVATE Investigation and shadowing; can get resulta K 520, Oregonlan. JUN1C1DE wlil cure rneumaLisji or moue back. 408 Dekum bldg DOLLY NORTON, MANICURIST. 415 BUCHANAN uuuu. HIR combings made up. S. F. Plexue, a K-illingsworLh, Wdln, 4380, . . rERSONAL. GET WELL. FREE. FREE. FREE. Every day, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.. and evenings from 6 to 8. and Sunday from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are In vited to Investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC ' DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you, make e complete diagnosis of your case ant. direct your treatments WITHOUT AN V COST TO YOU ' WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTiC is the safe, sane sure and modern science of curing am preventing disease, CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure 95 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cans, health returns. The above service Is all free to you at the college building and may be hat in private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may als . be had In college building by member of the faculty, by either lady or aiL practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of park and Yamhiii. Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most reason able rate In order to show what Chiro practic can do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, President. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflages and adjuncts foreign to this principle only add lime and im mediate expense to later despair In patients.) Dr. McMahon (Mcilan) him self. Macleay bldg.. Portland, u a chiro practor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 chiropractic specialist. will. highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the bst . also from western and local peopm (doctors, Iswyers, Judges, minister-:, priests, teachers, parents and children), having unfortunately had less than 100V chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course corresponding disappointment in delayea relief physically and financially. Men and women are fully satisfieu with my 100 chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill dem -onstrated In consultation before tailing courses of treatment, and later in ex aminations, easy, careful and beneficial adjustments, lowest rates and ILialo' results. Eleventh year In this city. Acute attacks, colds, fevers, lumbago and "doubling Thomases" least tlim, least expense. Cbronio conditions lull month rates. The rich can pay mere. Extended time 81 adjustments. $15. Phone, wire, write, walk In. Main office. Fourth and Washington st New home. 647 E. Salmon st. THE TRAGEDY OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, colds, etc.; my scientific ap plication of water, light, heat, electric ity and massage, together with a sane and sensible diet, will remove the causo of these troubles. Treatments are pleas ant and health building; consultation free Monday, Wednesday and Friday, women only; woman assistant. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydropbathlc Institute, Stevens Bldg., downstairs. Main 8630. Over Six Years Same Location. FREVENT DISEASE OF FUMS. Do you know that tartar scales, im perfect fitting crowns and bridges, over hanging fillings, irritating gums, all contribute lo pyorrhea, pus of gums, in flammation ot gums, loosening of teeth and finally loss of teeth T 1 specialize in first-class dentistry; X-ray examinations. - DR. A. W. KEENE. Majestic Theater Bldg., 33114 Wash. Ft. ANY READER of this paper suff.irini: from goitre (big neck) can get positive information on how to cure it at hotn- without least trouble or discomfort. There is a pleasant surprise in store for you If you will write. No charge whatso ever. Tell others, it wlil hi'ip us all. Ad dress Dr. Rock, Box X-737, Milwaukee, Wis. ELECTRIC MINERAL STEAM BATHS stop colds, lheumatlsm and nervou.i troubles; violet ray. scientific body aui scalp massage; both sexes treated; hour-- 10 to 6, eveuings by appointment. Nettle Benson, D. P., Main 7789. 304 Dekun bldg., corner Third and Washington sts WELTHMKR SYSTEM SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. The latest and most up-to-date science practiced, if you have failed with other try us. Drs. Ayers & McKlnstry, 71.'. Tekum bldg. Main 2979. BUY YOUR 1'iloNOGRAl'H AT HYATT'S-' Remember, we sell you any model o ' Victrola, Edison, Columbia or Bruns wick up to $125 on payments of $3 pe -month. Hyalt Talking Machine Co., 35 Alder street. DKUGLESS PHYSICIAN. Nervous and chronic diaeuses a spe cialty, if others have failed, don't be come discouraged, but give me a trlu . Dr. Ada N. Scoit, 136 13th St., bet.-Aide. -and Wash. Broadway 565 2. DRUGLESS PHlBiCiAN. Nervous and chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't be come discouraged, but give me a trial Dr. Ada N. Scott, 136 13th St., bet. Alde. and Wash. Broadway 3052. CHIROPRACTIC. BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic vi bratory and electric massage. Dr. Alar garet Haynle. 215 Sweliand bldg. Rea -sonable prices. ALL the latest remedies sold at the Clem -enson Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st., st Charles hotel corner. At this drug stor you get Just what you call for. W nave no substitutes. GALLSTONES Free book teils of im proved method of treating lnf lammatibr. of gall bladder and bile ducts. Writ today. Dr. Paddock, box VU201, Kansas City. Mo. . IF YOU ARE tired and nervous you ca'i rejuvenate your nervous centers an: poor circulation by having a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovidla Larsen. 63 . Morgan bldg. Main 1999. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple need., method; consultation free. 504 Sweilem; bldg . . 6th at Wash, st. Main 1308. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER la r soothing, cleansing, healing germlclda. snd Invigorating douche, a great ai in female disorders; 60c and $1 per box. Portland hotel pharmacy. THE .WILBUR REST HOME, 3ii4 Eaa 48th it North, ext'-nds Us services t convalescents and those In need of quiet home life: terms reajiiable. Automali. 111-703; BODY MASSAGES. VIOLET RAY. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG., WASH., BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH STS. 10 A. M. TO P. M.. ALSO SUNDAYS. I FOR BEAUTY work call May Coulter, manicuring, shampooing, scalp treat ments, facial and care of feet. Apt 4. J efferaonlan, 312 Jerlerson st. Main 6132. MEN FOR scalp treatments, manicuring, facials, from 6 to 8 evenings; appoint ments made. Broadway 2257. 326 Fleid ner bldg. ANYONE knowing the present where abouts of John or Alex MacWaln klndly rotlfv Edw. P. Leonard, South Tacoma, Washington. ELECTRIC baths, massage, scalp treat ments aud chiropractic; gentleman oper ator. Irene Stoy. assistant. 711 Swetland bldg. Main 7786. MANICURING, shampoos, face and scain treatment, hair dresslTg and dyeing. WILLIAMS & ROBINSON. 802 Broadway Hldg. Main 1985. ii GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra here; exam. free. Globe bldg.. 11th at Wain. Bdy. 2824. j3J KMMA PLOWMAN, mineral steam baths, chronlo and nervous ailments treated by drugleea method. sU7 Swet land bldg. iTeBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hat. goods; permanent and marcel waving scalp treatment. 849 Aider. Main 54' VEET SORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacry. pedicuring and manicuring; lo A. M. to 7 P. M. 605 Raleigh Building. Mar. 3376. LET DlC GEORGE RUB EN STEIN, tin; veteran optician, be your optician. He If expert in utting eyeglasses and his charges ,r, very rcaaoimmc. - - .uuinnun st. W'RITB song poem, love, mother, home, comic or any subject; I compose music and guarantee publication. Send words. Edward Trent. 792. Reaper blk., Chicago TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay. II if CUreo. rteiiieujr uu ina-i. du- perba Co. W. 314. Baltimore, Md. Columbia Stamo lo bl v 16th st. Broadway 2019. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579. For ,...i,i. watph renalrinsr im XTItlu- next door to Majestic theater. ' OPALINE Mrs. tjummera remedies for women, positive relief. Main 9470. 246 Lincoln. GOITRE, enlarged glands; cure yourself. A. R. Strachan, -route 5, HUlsboro, Or. No agents or representstlvea i HERE for 30 days; will write; siso take up business soon; other expenses tusl; visit soon as I can. M. M. nj i, v BALD beads, dandrufr, eczema or falling hair? There's a reason and a jgjjgiV Try 814 Macleay bldg. vit-O-NET baths, violet ray treatments, body massage: 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. dally. jMorgan bldg. Main 7579. J SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles warts, removed br 10-needles method: trial free, Josle Flnley, 614 Bush at Lane bldg. Main 6308. "THE WAYFARER S DREAM." " wait song, by Roy S. Sorensen, can now he obtained at music stores. SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 424 Clay. Main 359, A. ii. to 8 P. M. l' -' t - i - k' r t L J.