20 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MATiCTI 27, 1921 SITUATIONS WANTED MAIE. SWEDISH-AMERICAN houbtnan-buOerl Im not afraid of work; wishes position In private family; ha had 8 -ears' expe rience ; Cud serve bis diniier parties, make all kinds of salada. Is willing to Jo everything in the house; has the very best city. Washington. 1. C. eastern references; will start $00 per month. O 509. Oregonian. 3VANTED CARE OP OFFICE BUTLD , ING, APT. HOUSE OR SMALL HOTEL, CAPABLE, RELIABLE; REFERENCES. ADDRESS C. W. W., 409 llTH ST. N. OOM 230. liY FACTORY SUPERINTENDENT with 15 years exp. as factory executive in tractor. . automobiles, sheet metal and specialty mfg.; married; age 43; best of references and would consider any loca tion. Address S 514. Oregonian NEWSPAPER man. 12 years in charge of live week lie. 8 veara as Dractical printer. linotype operator, desires position as editor-manager of weekly or semi-weeaiy newspaper with future. Satisfactory references. Address V 505, Oregonian VOUNG man wants steady work; some ex perience In automobile and eiectr'cal shop work; not afrald of hard ' rk: not particular as to kind or worn, must be steady; no short job. Phone Marshall f8S2. ask for Edmonds. . YOUNG energetic married man, high school education, wishes position with wholesale house, willing to start at the bottom. What have you? I mean business. Write G. E. Legs, Beaverton, Or. R. F. D. No. 4. BY MARRIED man, work on ranch; will work for wages, on shares, or will rent ' ranch. Any reasonable proposition con sidered. Thoroughly experienced farmer, good with Mock and team; references. r o4. oregonian YOUNG man. well experienced in faii..iiig and stork raising, wishes position n a good farm; will consider working by the month or year, but I prefer running a farm on shares or commissioa badis Ail 42. Oregnnlan DENTIST of middle age. married and ac quainted here. I have had 25 years ex perience In laboratory and operating. I wish a position where i can apply my skill. BC 521. Oregonian. m KXPEUlENCED dairyman dnslrea position as milkhouw man; can handle truck and milk: neat and clean: state wages in first letter; single, middle age, Amer ican. AL 4.1., Oregonian WORK of anv kind wanted by married . cx-ervice man: 31 years old, Rood health; ran patchwork plastering. Phone Broadway 4202. Ru KS repaired at any t ime, rain or shine; all work guaranteed ; eave troughs cleaned and repaired. Portland Roof Repair & Paint Co. Main ft.-". CiET YOUR painting kalsominlng and paperhanglng done before the spring rush. Earl Vance, 733 Washington st Main H23. PRUNING of trees and shrubs, garden work of all kinds; fertilizing; now is the proper time to do IL Call up Woodlawn J! 4 1 . A' ANTED By experienced hardware man. a permanent job; 2K years' experience. Address 22 78th st. S. E. Phono Tabor 4176. . . iOOD reliable young man with kitchen and office experience wishes job Will start at small salary If chance for ad vancement. AP Orcg onian. STEADY, reliable, middle-aged gentleman wishes position; artistic, . fancy card writer and window display man. AG 5;i!r, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS custom cutter wants situa tion; quick and up to date. Address K. J. Ryan. 3240 23d st., San Francisco. t ai. KNERGETIC young man. 26. experienced clerk, general merchandise or grocery store, needs work, im or out of town; beat of references. J f17. Oregonian. COOK will take mill boarding house or camp to run by contract or salary; many years' experience; with references. K 619, Oregonian. t PERT landscape gardener ; law ns, prun ing, spraying, all kinds of garden work; lawns taken care of for the summer. Phono East 12. XA N DSCA P E and planting : hlgh-nlass work. tree furnished if desired, for estimates call or write Bechtie. 144 11th. Troad way 32w3. SPRINTER EXPERIENCED office mana ger and advertising manager, wishes permanent position; might buy Interest. AV 342. Oregonian. . , VoUNG man. experienced washman, en gineer or fireman, wants work in laun dry. ' Best recommendations. W. G. Marrlonald, Cadillac hotel. THOROUGHLY competent linotype oper ator, floor man, desires position in or near Portland. References. Address V R01. Oregonian. FILIPINO, experienced, wants posir.on. waiter hoarding house, hall boy. hotel. club, bus boy, dishwasher, janitor apt. Phone 517-80. LAWN MOWERS sharpened. We cail for nn Mnniluv and deliver Friday within 2- mlle circle; keys filed, saws filed and g enera 1 repairs. Phone Main 002. BAKER, all-round, can bake anything, figure Cost ; long experience; in or out of city. P " Oregonian. , . n OA RDENER wants spading, lawns, etc. Phone your street and number to Fitnk Kahlfeld. Marshall 3013. 370 First st. PRINTER Ad and Job man, with several years' experience, desires position; perm anent. AV 343. Oregonian. HAULING contract wante'd. 3-ton truck and 5-ton trailer, equipped for logging or lumber. S 644. Oregonian. KX-SERVICE man desires work from 6 to 12 P. M.: clerical, mecnanlcal or otherwise. O 51 0. Oregonian. VI LL take tare of gentleman's place evenings from 4 P. M. on. W 509. Ore gonian. , . HACH INKS overhauled or minor adjust ments; any make, work guaranteed. $1 per hour. East 8QT4. 11 0 CSE palmed, $50 to $85; rooms tint ed, $l-$5; papering, 60c roll. Wdln. 6084. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic, 13 years, all makes of cars; references: want po sttlon. Phone Woodlawn 4282. felNGLE man wants position on dairy ranch. Can operate any kind of milk ing 'inahJneBDi MAN AND WIFE want position as working managers in apt. house. AL 532, Ore gonian. Js'lGHT WATCHMAN E-s rvlce man de Flres place as night watchman. V 507, O re go nian. EXPERIENCED commissary man and timekeeper; ex-service mau. Box R 526, Oregonian. COLORED man wishes to get janitor work or tending furnace of any kind. AL 525, Oregonian. 1'Ol'NG married man wants jobfarm mill, section or anything out of city. A K "132. Oregonian. GARDENER, year-round grower of vege tables and' flowers; references. V 617, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants contracts; will figure labor or will furnish plans and specifi cations. F. West., Marshall 3086. VaXTED Employment by a fair re ceiving clerk and Spanish-English translator. AL 427. oregonian, Si AVE YOUR garden work done by expe rienced men; no Job too small, .no job too large. Phone M. 0375. Mr. Baldwin. PAINTING, kalsominlng, for furnished or unfurnished apartment. Call after 5:30, Tabor bold. CARPENTER, new or repair, day or job contract; building estimates. Phone -1 PAINTING, tinting, enameling; prices rea sonable, Inside work preferable. Chaa Barnes, Woodlawn 2216. YOUNG couple, both good cooks, will work on farm or camp or In city; need work Immediately. R 527, Oregonian. CARPENTER, finisher, Al, quick, prac tical, doors and windows adjusted. Bdwy. 716. TfOUNG MAN studying accounting wishes position as assistant bookkeeper. For a ppo t ntment phone Woodlawn 5i05. CEMENT and concrete work of all kinds by day or contract. Tabor 1321. UILKER, Swiss, experienced, wnnta work on farm. Rene Matten. P. O. Box 601. PLUMBER, first-class work dun quickly and reasonably. East 4S52. BHINGLBRS When you want reshingling done call Woodlawn 5200. HOOKS For reshingling or roof repair service call Woodlawn 3."!8- REGISTERED chauffeur desires position w 1 1 n private, ianuiy. m, uregonian. PAPER HANGING, painting and tinting; im pernanging avc ron. amrsnau PAINTING and papering, work guaranteed, at lowest prices. East 37ffl. JAPANESE schoolboy wants to work pri vate family. Call 511-53. PAINTING and papering done In exchang for rugs or furniture. East 37l. WICKER furniture cleaned, repaired, re- flnished just new, ouwy. no. ALL-AROUND kodak and dark-room man wntsposition. Main 3212. mornings CARPENTER work wanted by day or con tract. Phone Kaal 31. VS. iiARDENBR wants situation; handy with tools; oarn. - ". '"""- CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS. TA BU K tvv. BAKER'S helper, day work, delicatessen preferred. W13 Spokane ave., city. CARPENTER work wanted by day or contract: firyt-rlass work. Bdwy. 23flU. jjoi'D all-round butcUinifit want sHuaUou. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE. STEADY, dependable man with past ex perience as traveling salesman and gen. mgr. desires connection with growing concern, either the mfv. or selltnr end or both; can manage men and adapt self to any conditions; willing to tackle any hard proposition; satisfactory references and a clear record, w nat nave you AL 404, Oregonian. FARM ER with years' of experience in most modern diversified farming Is open for position on big farm; well recom mended from Dositlon as herdsman, bookkeeper and last years as manager lor big farms on coast : Knows tana clearing and machinery. AV 450, Ore- ! gonlan. CKEUlT AND COLLECTION CORRE SPONDENT. Practical experience covering several years; capable to intelligently nanaie credits and successfully write collection letters that retain good will and pro mote business; young hustler. Address A K M3. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 25 years old, desires per manent position ; graduate mechanical engineer now taking extra year In east ern university; 3 years' practical experi ence, drafting, construction, and office administration; available July 1st; best of references. AV 833. Oregonian. FATHER AND DAUGHTER WANT WORK OF ANY KIND WHERE WE CAN BE TOGETHER. AGES 45-18; CAPABLE, RELIABLE, HANDY IN DINING ROOM OR KITCHEN. AD DRESS AC B3S. OREGONTAN. RELIABLE farmer, experienced in grain, stock and general farming, also experi enced in handling men and all kinds of farm machinery. Prefer job taking charge. Will furnish reference. AE 525, Oregonian. RELIABLE man understanding farm and orchard work wants position about April lo. Permanent place where house and some extras are furnished. State wage and particulars in first letter. Refer entes. AP 541. Oregonian. IF YOUR business does not require entire time of a bookkeeper, competent, re liable man will care for your books in his spare time, day or evening, for very moderate charge. H 604, Orego nian. WANTED MANAGEMENT OF OFFICE BUILDING, APT. HOUSR OR SMALL HOTEL. CAPABLE. RELIABLE. REF ERENCES. ADDRESS C. W. W.. 409 U'TH ST. N. ROOM 23!. WH PAINT anything between earth and sky; finishing new and old houses, stores, automobiles; prices right. SEE STANFIELD & LBAVELL. Phone East 813!. BY EXPERIENCED dry goods and cloth ing man, capable of taking full charge of store management, best references. Interview by appointment. AR 633, oregonian. M I DD I.E. AG E D MA N. EXPERI ENC ED, WOULD LIKE WORK ON SMALL FARM. CAN CARE FOR CHICKENS AND GARDEN. WAG ES REASON ABLE. AR 534. OREGONIAN. POSITION WANTED By man of 15 years' gen. merchandise experience. Can take charge of store or will work as clerk. Will leave town. . Work reason abie; age 38. Call Sell wood 2460. MAN AND WIFE cooks and two helpers would like work in work camp. Man will work outside if necessary. Can give good references. Main 4107. Room 14. YOUNG man desires position, experienced In Ford parts: good reference. Driving instructor. O. T. Center. No. 2. Limoges, France. Phone E. 3773. R. Walker. YOUNG man, understands oil burner, handy with tools, understands refriger ating; would do some janitor work; wishes position in city. H 502, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants job d7ivlng truck, service or, private car. Will care for machine and furnish references. Phone Broadway 2tfft4. apt. 6. MAN AND WIFE want work on wheat . ranch; will do chores for wages; middle aged couple: will go to any state to work. AE 527, Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged man, to buy half interest in small poultry ranch or will work on same for reasonable wages. N 501. Oregonian. BA R BER wants steady job in country town; wfll work under percentage. Ad dress A. Schuessler, 8528 61st ave., 86th st. P E. IN AUTO garage or agency; have experi ence In several makes of cars and will take medium priced car as part payment in wages. H 50ft. Oregonian. BARBEll wants permanent place in town of 5000; must be good, steady job for reliable married man. Address J. D. Smith. 562 Gliran st. Broadway 42ft5. PRINTER Hand compositor. job. ad, makeup and stone man, years of ex perience, non-union, moderate wages, married, steady. AC 522, Oregonian. COOK, all-around hotel or restaurant man, wants work out of town or camp: 2 4 years in last place. Geo. A. Thomas, 221 Vj Morrison st. Automatic 521-07. FRUIT or garden; have experience; am past middle age; have daughter; living wage and steady work. Phone Colum bia 12.r.0. Address 1824 Courtney st. A YOUNG married man wants position, understands thoroughly driving and me chanical auto work. Address Ed Belo deau. 335 Caruthers ?t.. Portland. MARRIED man wants any kind permanent work, 8 years' experience chauffeur; 4 years barber. Marshall 1322; room 17. EXPERIENCED Ford driver; can handle 1-ton or touring model; also knows city from A to Z. R 504, Oregonian. WANTED Apartment by couple in email apartment hnue in exchange for serv ices. East 6858. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic, five years' experience, with references, wishes po sition in city or country. AV 261, Ore- eonian. ELDERLY man wants place year round, slashing, surface clearing, wood cutting, etc.: short wood preferred. T 516, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED grocery, and gen. indue, man, 10 years' experience, wishes per manent position. Address apt. D., 407 V4 E. Couch. YOUNG married man studying higher accounting wishes office position where knowledge can be gained and services rendered. AV S50, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants position as milker about April 15. Good references. State wages and particulars In first letter. AF 537. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED truck driver wishes po sition with truck or touring. Address apt. P., 407H E. Couch. PAINTING, paperhanglng and kalsomin lng, better work for less money. Phone Main 7836. CARPENTER work, will make screen doors, window screens to order. Furni ture made to order. White. Sell. 38S2. PAINTING, PAPER . HANGING AND K ALSO MINING ; ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. EAST 118. GEN" ERA 1 house painting, also interior tinting, first-class work, reasonable prtcen. estimates given. Bdwy. 4182. ALTO SPRING fitter wants work. Nine years experience. Box S, Oregonian. 742 Market, San Francisco. HOTEL clerk, day or night position; mid dle aged, experienced, ex-service man. A P 521, Oregonian. YOUNG man. married, w ith 4 : ears' e'.ec trlcal experience, wishes position; have references. Phone Eaat 7298. EXPERIENCED gardener; also arrange baskets and window boxes. K 503, Ore gonian PHARMACIST, registered in Washington and Idaho ; ten years' experience. Lock box 89, Moscow. Idaho. YOUNG married man with family wishes employment as salesman, truck driving or clerk. Call Auto. 640-19. GARDNERER WANTS STEADY PL VCE, FAIR WAGES; BOARD OR BATCH. F 612. OREGONIAN STRONG, active man wants work by the day. Can do any kind of work; mar rled. AE 521. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED orchard foreman wishes to take full charge or rent place on shares. H 503, Oregonian. CARPENTER- New or repair, day or job contract. Building estimates. Phone Automatic 227-16. POSITION wanted by neat, active elderly man as caretaker of small place; A-l gardener and farmer. T 630, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man, experienced janitor and porter. Active, energetic AR 532, t)regonlanJ HANDY MAN wants work or any kind. Wright. Main 7257. JAPANESE wants job In store or whole sale house. K 444, Oregonian, YOU furnish paint and tint; will put It on for reasonable wage. Auto. 522-79. PAINTING, papering and kalsomining, pre-war prices. Tabor 2325. WANTED- Position. dentist laboratory graduate. BP 550, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work job or day. Satisfaction assured". Wdln. 3477. YOUNG man wants Job on farm. bo28 61st ave. 86th st 3. E. PA 1 NTiNG. kalsominlng, 3 room up. EXPERI ENCED fry cook wants position R.i cook or waiter. AE 536, Oregonian. YOUNG man lit. would like work; can d rive any make of car. Wdln. 2326. TRUCK driver, wants work; experienced. Tabor 4802. FOR GRASS cutting on Laurelhurst. Phone Ta bor 2926 Paterson. . BAKER wishes position on Dread and rolls or as helper. H 505. Oregonian. CARPENTER, first-class finisher, wants work. Phone Mellwood 424. apartment 8. fTrsT-CLASS f nisher and stair builder. contract or day work. P 501. Oregonian. BRICKLAYER. buildings, boilers. flre- placaav aoyUUiif la brickwork. tftC&X SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. RE YOU ioking for a man who is capable and qualified to be trained for a responsible position In your business? I am & university and business college graduate. 32 years old. married, two children; In addition to business ex perience, have had experience along other lines; beginning salary no con sideration if position is permanent and offers opportunity for advancement: good references. Address, AV 420, Orego nian. ADVERTISING MAN. Young man thoroughly experienced, capable of planning and executing. Write sensible, productive, logical copy with well-balanced layouts: understand catalogue, booklet and folder making; can take full charge of sales promotion work; handle- effectively publicity and sales correspondence. Will gladly pre sent myself for a 'close-up" at your con venience. Address AK 641, Oregonian. LUMBERMAN 36, 12 years' coast ex perience, saw and shingle mill and woods, retail yard as manager, account ant or salesman. deires to make change; consider opportunity with good concern more than salary. Excellent references, go anywhere. Address 508 Alsace apts.. 815 Pike. Seattle. Wash. OFiCi executive, expert accountant, do si res perm an en t co nnuc t ions, goin g cor poration In Portland. Lumber, grocery, oil and railroad accounting experience, also auditing; will tnvest small amount. References furn. AV 310. O-egonlan. MARRIED man wants steady work on ranch, have children that go to school, handle big team, truck or tractor; for experience, raised on grain ranch. In reply state salary nd conditions. W. F. farmoth. 375 Cable St., Portland. POSITION by married man with experi ence In hardware, plumbln-g and heat ing. Can furnish best of references. Will accept nominal salary to start. 637 E. 52d st. X. Tabor 8466. KOOFS repaired and painted and gutters cleaned before you paint your house. Roof Security Inc. Mfg.. WEBFOOT Paint, Main 571. Res. Main 5644, Col. 605. OVERSEAS man wants place on ranch where things are furnished. Write what you furnish and state wages; married, with small family. Chas. Leach, 2414 Queets ave., Hoquiam. Wash. HOMES of anj( type and cost designed, up to date; save fancy architect fee. Call on F. C. Rose, architectural de signer. Main 7805, 64 Mill. WANTED By experienced married man, position as salesman retail lumber yard. Can handle all details. Any western sate. A M 5H. Oregonian. BENSON electrical student wants work in electric store after school and Satur days to learn business. AC 526, Orego- m nian. WANTED Situation by plumber and sheet metal worker; can handle any kind of work, 15 years' experience. BC 531, Oregonian. CA RPEXTER and cement work altera tions, new building, reasonable; 20 years in city. Main 7Oo. 264 Mill. PIANIST and drummer have openings for few evening engagements; reasonable. Phone 523-67. CARPENTER contracts new building or alterations. Knows how. Saves you money. Manny. Sellwood 2421. WILL build that bungaiow or Uo your al terations reasonable. Tabor 2580. WANTED -Position by experienced man as Janitor or watchman. Tabor 8779. BooKceperw, Stenugnp ers. Office. OFFICE man, aged 30, single, good educa " tlon with varied experience in credit and collection work, costs, accounting, bookkeeping and familiar with general office routine, formerly connected wit h large mercantile and music houses in Chicago. desires permanent position with responsible firm ; good correspond ent and can write collection letters that have a "punch" ; best of references. Call Marshall, Broadway 2618, or write D 510, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady lesires re sponsible position as bookkeeper In bank or office: able to do typing, operate past ing and adding machine and general of fice work; references; no oojectioi to going out of city. L 505. Oregonian. EXPERT accountant, extensive experi ence, will sudit your books, straighten tangled accounts, including estates; it your books only require part time to keep, let me save you money. Account ant. Main 2178. OFFICE man, familiar with the machine shop and foundry line, experienced as stock clerk and purchasing agent; good knowledge of bookkeeping, desires posi tion; single man. can go anywhere; best of references, ti wn, uregonian. EXPERIENCED commissary man and timekeeper desires position with mil or logging camp: will keep books if neces sary, open for position after April 1; can furnith bet of references: mar; led. e Dig. urt-Bmiiaii, BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER drtires position where honesty and character are recognized; am capable of taking charge of office; will accept any kind of Cleri cal work. T 505. Oregonian BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced lumber, both manufacturing and whole sale, open for position; consider coun try: excellent references. AN 645. Ore gonian. COMPETENT accountant will install and keep single systems; give an time neces sary to keep your records up to date; reasonable terms. Call Main 6048. EXPERIENCED accountant, now em ployed by .firm of certified public ac countants, desires permanent connection with future. A 474. Oregonian. - BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, ex tensive experience. In or out city; tem porary or permanent. O 508, Orego- nian. AN EXPERT accountant wants a few small sets of books to keep. Rates rea- sonahle. E. 6758. YOUNG married man wishes clerical posi tion ; experienced and reliable. S ?0o, Oregonian. COUNTRY CLUB bookkeeper acsires posl tion. club or hotel. E 515. Oregon Ian. A SMALL set of books to keep by ac count an kA4i 80, Oregonian. Sales mm. SALESMAN who has sold autos. tires and stock with success and is through with doing all the gambling alone, wishes to connect with a concern who will gamble with him at least to expenses. Salary and bonus or salary commission propo sition. Can show you. BJ 528, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED wholesale and retail truck and passenger car tire salesman. Would consider any good line for out-of-city work. Can give good references. AE 524, Oregonian EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wants po sition; one who can deliver the goods. Address Hobart Linn, Eatacada. Or. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE. ELEVATOR operator position wanted by lady. Seilwood 3434. EXPERIENCED eievator operator wishes position. Marshall 4061. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work at HOUSEWORK by the day. Call afternoons or evenings. Broadway 3253. WANTED WORK BY HOUR. BROADWAY 168. ROOM 228. PLAIN sewing and- cleaning by the hour. Call Woodlawn 4962, WANTED Day work for Tuesday or Fri- day by experienced woman. Tabor 64i. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants day work or chamber maid. Tabor 7976. WILL care for children by day or To ning. Broadway 2740. room 211. LADY wanis housewor by the day. Wdln. 4604. COMPETENT woman wants cleaning or cooking by day or hour. Sell. 2032. LAUNDRY done beautifully at my home. Main 9132. EMERGENCY HELP with the sick; .-are of children evenings. Mar. 349. WILL take care of children afternoons and evenings. Main 988. WASHING wanted. Will call for and do- liver. Mrs. P. Lee, BOB Miss, ave. GOVERNESS desires position with refined family. Phone Seilwood 2682. WIDOW wants store or housework by day or hour. BJ 521. Oregonian. " WILL cook and serve dinners, luncheons, teas. Splendid references. Tabor 132-9. HOUSEKEEPER, capable of managing a h o me. wishes position. 2930 51st s t. S. E. GIRL wiahes housework for coupia ra- ployed. Auto. t4i--j WoMAN wishes day work, houae cleaning. Automatic 626-36. RELIABLE woman wants day work; will do anything. Mar. 8013. room 3. WILL care for children at my home after noons and evenings. Main 2703. EXPERIENCED woman wants work clean ing. etc.. full days. Main 5237. apt. 8. GOOD laundress wants washing about six hours. 40c hour. Woodlawn 4752. FLOORS waxed, windows and all kinds houfe cleaning done. Woodlawn 2063. WOMAN wants work, 50c hour. Broadway 2594. apt. 20. Car far, lunch. LADY wants to learn hemstitching; can -. -e no w i r maenme. i aoor . YOUNG .woman wauia work by the hour. Wood'nwn 28?ft. RKLlAUi.fc- iaoy wisnes aay work. Phone East SOTi. Mrs. Thompson. MEN'S washing, silk shirts. 126Vt ltiib St. North. Broadway 469. HAND laundry ; prices reasonable; bouse work by hour Woodlawn 524. WANTED Swiping, cleaning, by day. C-ll -rm H A. M. to 1 P. M. Main 50 77. MOTHER and daughter wants janitor wo rk . exneHrnced. Wdln. 2328. IF YOU wUh good work done by day ca.ll Broadway 3502. apartment IS. WOiU-ii waoia 4&x work. Main SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. AMBITIOUS young girl wishes to be a private or social secretary, desires a position; studying and wilting to learn; high school ed ucation. Some experience in sten ography ; good references. AC 636, Oregonian. WANTED Off ic position at Seaside or any beach resort, by young lady, book keeping, typing and general unite war; beat of references. C 518, Orogonian WOMAN of refinement and culture do sires position as housekeeper in home of employed couple appreciating serv ices of an individual possessing auove qualltications; where light duties - are required will accept like remuneration; DO YOU WANT TO IJO A WA Y Two thoroughly reliable ladies, mother and daughter, will care for home fo- in definite season; prefer place with fruit, berries and where can raise garden and chickens; best references. BC 4S7, Ore- gonian. EiLDERLY woman wants a place as a mother helper. I ca-n bake. cook, sew some. Care for children, do housework, A good home more than high wagee. Call telephone Seilwood 6t& Write tiitf Franklin st, EXPERIENCED PRIVATE EXCHANGE OPERATOR WANTS POSITION ; CAN ALSO DO GENERAL OFFICE WORK AND TYPING; CAN FURNISH REFER ENCES. " CALL BROADWAY 3760. A NEAT widow would like position in well-to-do home; prefer place where there is a child; no objection to country if surroundings are congenial. BJ 526, Oregonian. A SALESMAN traveling through Oregon In a car would like a light side line of Oregon product suitable for lady to handle. Salary or commission. Address AV 358. Oregonian. MATURE young woman desires position where extended experience among all types of people as an interested teacher will be of value. Part time work ac ceptable. M 510, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dental nurse desires po sition with either dentist or physician; understands all office details such as bookkeeping, typing, collection, etc AG 54 8. oreg o nian. . MARRIED woman, without children, would like care of apartment or rooming houe lor apartment, lurnltihed or unfurnished. AK 545, Oregonian. POSITION in a home where the services of a refined girl will be appreciated; have executive ability and fond of chil dren. AC 511, Oregonian. POULTRY woman, 7 years' experience manager and operator of poultry and hatchery plant, wants manager' -position. M 505. Oregonian ' ' YOUNG WOMAN WITH SOME EXPERI ENCE WOULD LIKE POSITION IN PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE. PHONE MAIN 9370. MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for chil dren afternoons and evenings while mother is absent; best references. Ta bor 1531. MIDDLE-AGED, refined, educated woman desires position as housekeeper or com panion to lady. Marshall 160. AM 548. Oregonian. . WANTED Position in doctor s or deu tiM's office as doctor's assistant bv a nurse ; best of local references. Pnone East 21W2. , WANTED Care of old lady, elderly couple or convalescent. Good home and wages. Phone Monday. Sell. 1700. LAD V wants noutw-cteaning, wasning or Other work ; good wor. guwwitaei Woodlawn 6305. LACB AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS aone up like new WUl calL East 851S. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work or half days in apaiLovenu Phone Auto. 527-30. LACK CURTAINS. ALL KINDS. HAND i-Al'NUKnED; 11 YEARS' EXPERI ENCE. EAST 6196. JAPANESE girl wants steady work as first-class hand embroiderer. Y 604, Oregonian. GIRL wants work. Experienced in an swering phone and waiting on public. AJ 54t?. Oregonian. WOMAN wants work, housecleaning a specialty; reliable references. Bdwy. 4046. Call morning or evening, EX-P" 1MARY teacher will care for chil dren afternoons and evenings; best ref erences. Eaat tHH. YOU.NU lady wishes ca-iering in private family evenings. Call Main 5279. Satur- day 2 to p. WOMAN would do plain cooking and housework and o&re for infant. AP 545, Oregonian. LADY wants position, housekeeper to ho tel or manager of apt. or rooming house. R 528. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED By neat col. maid; housekeeper or chambermaid. City reference. Call Tabor 954 in A. M. GOOD reliable elderly lady desires light housework in refined home; good ref er e n ceG509(5rejronian WUHK by woman, business aoility; also good cook. Must have good wagesand willing to cam uifnt. "I""- " ' " GoVEkJs'ESS or companion, French lady desires position in refined home. Auto. 327-Q9. or write 351 Wheeler st. RELIABLE experienced young woman wants general kitchen work ; country hotel or camp. A J Q-i. uregonian CAPABLE business woman withes position as manager of apartment or rooming house: Splendid ret. BJ urpgoman LADY wishes position caring for elderly people. Call Broadway 4369 between 8 and 5 o'clock. VXRY experienced woman wants all around day work: expert laundress; fancy ironing a .specialty. East 2034. EASTERN graduate haa new elx week's piano course for beginners; 25c lesson. AF 535. Oregonian. , EXP. CHAMBERMAID, or combinai ion woman wants short hours, small hotel or restaurant. Auto. 519-13. Mra. Im'iuff. tiooKeepcrx. Stenographers. Office. Flits r-CJUrt&o sLeiiutfi apiier, private sec retary, desires permanent connections with firm in Portland. References fur nished if interested. AV 301 Oregonian. POSITION wanted by expert, well-educated stenographer, capable of taking full charge of office; Insurance expe rience. E. 4710. BuuivKEEi-'Eit, 15 years' experience,, wishes books to keep requiring part time only; expert accountant, install systems, etc.; best of references. Bdwy. 2732. EXPERIENCED young ladv vants op tion as dictaphone operator, typist, filing clerk or any kind general office work. Phone Oak Grove 18-R. AN EXPERIENCED calculator or comp tometer operator desires position in or out of city. BF 527, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, well edu cated, wants permanent position; refer ences. Main 7464. EXPERT stenographer desires secretarial position; references exchanged. AC 512, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher desires permanent position, Wdln. 1506. EXPERIENCED bookkepeer and stenog rapher desires permanent position. Wood lawn 1506. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desires half -day position. Phone Sunday or evenings, Marshall oi.o, THOROUGHLY competent stenographer and office woman desires position tem porqrv or permanent. Tabor 2258. POSITION wanted by experienced stenog rapher; personal interview solicited; ref erences. Mar. 2414. REFINED young girl wishes office work; typing, some stenography; small office preferred: references. Auto. 64 1 -21 LADY wants position, assistant bookkeeper, familiar with posting and billing, some typing. Phone Main 5070. STENOGRAPHER, knowledge of general office work and bookkeeping, desires po sition. Tabor 2335. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES POSITION. TEMPORARY OR PERMA NENT. M 519. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED Competent typlsi wants home work, copying, addressing, circulars, anything. Phone Tabor 94 5W. THOROUGHLY capable stenographer Is open for position, at moderate salary; bestlocal references; East 3321. HIGH SCHOOL girl would like work after school and Sat. Prefer office. 247 Dixon St. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-stenographer, now employed, desires to make change; references. AL 542. Oregonian. WANTED Position as assistant to dental surgeon, dentist or physician; best ref erence b.AL 641, Oregonian. WANTED A position as stenographer; some experience; willing to start with 55 per month. Woodlawn 2326. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher desires permanent position. Wood lawn 1506 WORK In office, tiling, typing, etc.; no stenography. Main 2236. . A YOUNG lady wishes position in doctor's or dentist's office. Phone Mar. 3042. STENOGRAPHER desires position, per manent or temporary work. Main 15.(0. LADY wishes bookkeeping and general of fice work; experienced. East 1004. Al STENOGRAPHER. 8 years' experience, wishes Position. AC 527. f 'reeonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants set of - book? to occupy part time. Mar. 1522. COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper stenographer. references. Main 3384. Ai S TEN UG K A 1 HiiR, 1U y ttfjr' euca. Tabor UQ. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. ltook.ee pers, Stenograpuerp, Pit ice. WANTED Office position at Seaside or any beach resort, by young lady, book keeping, typing and general oifice work; best of references. C 518. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY with experience In general office work and book keeping, desires position; best of references. Marshall 3287. POSITION by young lady, bookkeeping or . asst. bookkeeper, typing and general office- work; best of references. Ta,bor 2582. OFFICE position wanted by bookkeeper stenographer with experience In bank, insurance, abstract and general office work. Can also operate comptometer and ledger posting machine. F 510. Oregon la n. A'HO NEEDS A REFINED. WELL-EDUCATED YOUNG LADY IN THEIR OF FICE. CLERICAL OR CASHIER? EX PERIENCED: REFERENCED. O 513. OREGONIAN. LADY, several years' experience book keeping, stenography and general office work, desires position where initiative qualities are appreciated. AK 547, Ore- gonian. BOOKKEEPER and general office posi tion; 8 years' experience; understand manufacturing and cost systems; good references. Mroaq way oi.io. COMPETENT young, lady wants position, wholesale office experience. Filing, ledger posting, clerical; no stenography. Reference.". Tabor 258. COMPETENT young lady wants position wholesale office; experience filing, ledger posting, clerical; no stenography. References. Tabor 258. A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE GEN ERAL OFFICE WORK, TYPING, FIL ING. AND ANSWERING THE TELE PHONE PART DAY OR ALL DAY. TABOR 6 562. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with knowl edge of shorthand and typing desires permanent position. Marshall 1413. GENERAL office work, understands type writing. shorthand. Call 620-50. Drefep makers. PETER PAN organdie collar and vests made to order rn anv color at short notice. yj. The Glad Shop, lOOI Broadway building. Main 5354. ENGAGEMENTS by day. thoroughly perienced dressmaker; remodeling and designing reasonable; work' guaranteed. Broad wa v 1 567. EXPERIENCED dressmaking and taiior ing. also remodeling. $4 per day. Tabor DRESSMAKING work guaranteed; prices reasonable. 311 Central bldg.. Tenth st Main 348. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by day. rea sonable; references; alterations. East 7663. SPRING sewing, remodeling by day in homes ; reasonable. Tabor 9305. Ref erence. DRESSMAKING al reasonable rates. :15 Commercial st. Wdln, 1835. Mrs. N. Zumwalt. EXPERIENCED dressmaker dt-sires few more engagements by the day. East 1786. MODISTE, recently from New York, will design and make your gowns and frocks at a reasonable price, ('all Main 3164. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.50 a day. CallTabor 6205 Sundays and evenings. DRESSMAKER, formerly N. Y city; 4 day to introduce. Auto. 225-10. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress will sew by the day. East 7778. ALL KINDS of knitting and fancy hand work to order. Tabor 9376. EMBROIDERING and beading of gowns Automatic 218-21. DRE.-sSM AkING, embroidery, infants and children a specialty. Woodlawn 2366. GOWNS, suits, coats made to order. Lelan Hatchlnson, 827 Morgan bldg. DRESSMAKING All kinds. reasonable. 422 H Morrison St., room 6, upstairs, EXPERIENCED dressmaking or sewing by the hour. Phone Main 1657. f litST-CLASS dressmaking and designing. Gowns a specialty. Call Main 230i. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wan is sewing by day. Aut. 223-53. DRESSMAKING done at home or by day; also remodeling. Mar. 3619. 300 Clay. DRESSMAKING, alterations, all kinds, reasonable prices. 195 11th st. SEWING and millinery doue, reasonable prices. Call Tabor 41 5 1 . DRESSES, suits, soats; satisfaction guaran- teed. Woodlawn 2665. PLAIN sewing by the day. Call Marshall 2822. EXPERIENCED dressmaking, work guar anteed. 6l0 Waggit st. Seilwood 2840. Nurses. RELIABLE man with some selling aol-ity to help handle exclusive sales in Oregon; largest aid best proposition ever offered: requires $2500 cash; monev secured; must have quick action on tills. Ca- 23 Union ave. Sunday 10 to 4 or week das 8 to 4. Mr. Gage. YOUNG ladv with stenographic experience desires responsible position; understands general office work ; -fair knowledge of bookkeeping. Tabor 1071. EXPERT infant nurse, with long experi ence, best of references, wants perma nent position to care for one baby. G 529. Oregonian. EXPERI ENCED, practical nurse desires maternity cases, or position In private maternity hospital. Tabor 6 820. PRACTICAL nurse will take confinement caes and do housework for a reaon- a''ie price. HOwy. 44M3. TRAINED nurse will take all kinds of cases, very reasonable. Call East 849, room 18. A PRACTICAL nurse, well experienced; prefer maternity cases. AP 531, Ore gonian. GRADUATE nurse wants case, hospital or office position; massage, hydro- therapy. East 3S51. WANTED Position by capabie. Dract.cal nurse: best references. Tabor S424. NURSE takes maternity cases in her home, best of care; reasonable. E. 86&: V&NTED Practical nursing, day or week, prices very reasonable. Main 7484. PRACTICAL nurse wants to take care of invalid. Woodlawn 937. BY TRAINED nurse, daily or weekly nursing: any kind; reasonable. Mar. S49 RELIABLE dietitian and child's nurse. Address Edith Pottort. 60S Marion ave. M ousekee pers. REFINED woman under middle ag would care for widower's home, man age apartment house or work in board ing bouse : experienced ; city references. AN 547. Oregonian. , YOUNG woman will keep house for fam ily or cook tor men; no salary, just hus band's board; must have work at once. AP 542. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes position as housekeeper in some good widower's home: more for home than wages. AF 531, Oregonian. J MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes housekeep ing for a respectable gentleman. Phone Columbia 1326 or write Mrs. C. Y., 1765 Druid st., city. LADY with boy 5 years wishes housekeep ing in hotel or apartment house; 3 years' experience; In or out of clty beach pre ferred. AK 544. Oregonian. WIDOW woman wishes position as house keeper where daughter can share home with her; city or country. AF Oreonlan. LADV with little girl 3, will give mother's care to another small child in exchange for pleasant rooms in modern house. A 519, Oregonian. " REFINED middle-aged woman wishes po sition, housekeeper and companion or - nurse and comp., C. S. preferred. Main 2709. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like a posi tion as housekeeper for a gentleman or elderly couple; no objection to out of town. 493 Montgomery st. Main 3310. WIDOW of refinement wants position as housekeeper in small family or as cora panion to Invalid. AM 516. Oregonian. NEAT, economical lady wants place to keep house for man with children. S 650. Oregonian. NEAT, economical lady wants place to keep house for man with children. S 550. Oregonian. RELIABLE housekeeper wants place cook ing, 3 or more men, prefer ranch. Call Tabor 858 or 25 E. 52d at. N. PO8ITI0N as housekeeper and care of children, have girl 14 years retereuces. BJ 47, Oregonian. EASTERN elderiy woman wishes house keeping for old gentleman; good hame. Emma Hunter. Aberdeen, Wash. POSITION as housekeeper for refined el derly gentleman with home, by lady of like character. C 520. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER, reliable, old couple or widower's home, small wages for light work, city or out. BF 512. Oregonian. WIDOW wishes housekeeping for wid ower with child. Main 3022. POSITION as housekeeper by ret'ined, capable lady. BP 533. Oregonian. Domestics. BUSINESS college girl wishes to ex change light services . for board and room and $15 month where she will not have any responsibility of children; ref erenccs. O 511, Oregonian. STRONG woman lor houe cleaning and SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Ho utec lean I u . HOUSECLEANINQ. House cleaning, window washing, carpet cleanir g by expert workmen. floors waxed, furniture polished. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman at. Phone Main 1157. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER & FRANK'S I Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Sixth Floor. GIVE US YOUR HOUSE, IF FOR RENT. We have several responsible people who want to lease modern, well located furnished or unfurnished homes from 6 to 10 rooms. Broadway 4880, Mr. Miller with THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE, LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotei. Phone Broadway 3715. WANTED to rent or lease, with option to purchase, modera house of 7-8 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors and built-ins; good residence lo cation, reasonable rent. AF 4.70, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RENT, APR. 1, 4 OR 5 ROOM FURNISHED OR PARTLY. B UN -GALOW,- FLAT OR APT.; REASON ABLE RENT; RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. BEST REFERENCES. R 507, OREGO NIAN. WANTED By refined couple, with girt 6, 5-room flat or bungalow partially furnished, in good location. Will guar antee best of care and will be perma nent. Please slate rental. J 516. Ore gonian. WANTED To rnt by responsible party by April 10, a 6 or 7-room strictly mod ern House vtith garage, Uesirabic ncign borhood, near school, west side pre ferred, will lease for"a year. Call Ta boi 8471. Sunday. WANTED To rent or lease unfurnished modern house, six to eight rooms. goo location west side, two in family, no children. Apply to W. H. Dunckley, P. O. box 1 150. WANTED By reliable couple, furnished house, four or five roonu or larger; close in on east side; rent must be reasonable. Permanent if satisfactory. Call East 8777. ' WANTED By May 1, furnished or partly furnished house, garage, west side, re sponsible couple, no children; prefer long lease; will consider buying; best refer ences. Main 7600. RESPONSIBLE couple desire to rent or lease modern bungalow on east side, about May 1st; will guarantee excellent care of premises; best references. AL 468. Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room furnished, modern bungalow or house, responsible, middle aged couple; best of relerences: would lease fur six months; rent not over 950. AG 488, Oregonian, WANTED Modern house or flat, 6 or 7 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Good district, garage preferred. Will lease and pay tf months' rent in advance. Best of care. J. C. English, Woodlawn 58i. RELIABLE couple want to rent about April 1 to 15. -4 or 5 modern unfur nished rooms, flat or house ; east side, near M. A. or W. A. car lines; no child ren. K 518. Oregonian. MODERN furnished house of 6 or 7 rooms desired by family of 3 adults for imme diate or May 1 possession. References exchanged. Phone Automatic 226-76. WANT to lease modern unfurnibhed eight to ten-room home, good residence dis trict; will pay $100 'to $200 per month. Phone Broadway 411, room 708. WANTED To lease June 1st. for 10 months, small furnished house. 2 adults only: references; describe property and location. L 627, Qregonian. WA.1 fc.D To rent, by April 12. five or six-room modern house by responsible family of adults; Alberta district pre ferred. Call Woodlawn 1951. WANTED By 3 adults and a baby, a flve or six-room house, modern, in a good district; prompt pay, good care; refer ences if desired. AP 549, Oregonian. COUPLE want modern furnished bungalow in good district; references; state rent and location in answer. C 445, Orego nian. WANTED About April 1, we.l-fuinlsi.ed, clean, comfortable home for four grown. Telephone Palmer, Main 7683. 1305 Yeon bldg 3 OK 4-KOOM unfurnlsnea or partly fur nished house; must have bath; Penin sula district preferred. Call Woodlawn 5307. MODERN bungalow, 4, 5 or 6-room. lease for year; man and wife only: best refer ences. April 15 or May 1, BF 549. Ore gonian I WANT to rent a turnished cottage close to car line; rent must be reasonable; two in family; references. Phone Main 9453 this afternoon or any Time jiommy. MODERN house, preferably on west side. ly May 1. Would buy part furniture. Main 6 OR 7-ROOM modern house, permanently; not over $25 per month. Call Marshall 485 Monday. WANTED Small house, furnished; no ob jection to an infant child. B 506, Ore gonian. TO RENT A small house of 4 or 5 rooms on east side: no children. Phone E. 4837. AL 526. Oregonian WANTED To rent by May 10 6 or 7 room house with garage, clos to school. Call Tabor 8027 SMALL house in Monlavilla or East Mount Tabor district, furnished, unfurnished or will buy furniture, taoor jh A RESPONSIBLE couple must have a modern 6-room unfurnished house by April l; good location. r.ast mat IN lRViNG'i'ON, tlal apt., or small house. Phone East 4205. WANT to rent 3-room house. Tel. East 300, apt. No. i. & OR 6-ROOM modern house; references furnished. hone Tabor 6604. 4 OR 5-ROOM modern bungalow, by April 1 to 15. Phone Main 4137. WANTED 5 or 6-room unfurnished house or flat. Woodlawn 2843. WANT lease six or seven-room, modern with garage. 'laDor ouj, WANTED To rent modern unfurnishec nouse near car. Phone 227-24. WANT to rent bungalow, best of care. Chas. Ringler, 225 Henry bldg. WANTED Modern 6-room cottage. No children. Phone East 8ft03. sltr ALL HOUSE, furnished or partly fur nished. AM 506, Oregonian. WANTED 8 or 10-room house, furnished complete. Automatic 232-10. FURNISHED residence wanted for 6 mos. 4 bedrooms. AE 533, Oregonian. HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished, good residential section; 3 bedrooms. Ta. 2840. Apartment. WANTED BY LADY EMPLOYED, SMALL APARTMENT IN PRIVATE HOME. FURNISHED OR PARTLY FURNISHED; REFERENCES EX CHAN GED. BP 535. OREGONIAN. WANTED About April 1, clean, comfort able apartment for married couple, . grown son and daughter. Telephone Pal- mer. .Main iwj. ian icon ("uSj WANTED By responsible couple, 3-room furnished' modern apt. by April 1. near St. Johns car line. L 511. Oregonian. WANTED By April 1, 2-room apt. within 5 blocks of Sixth and Everett st. AL 527. Oregonian. LADY desires 3-room apt. or flat lu ex change for general cars of other apts. Seilwood 1048. WANTED- -APAKTMEN'T. EAST 6853. Rooms. LADY employed wants furnished or un furnished room In private family : reastiable; references. AM 4S3, Ore gonian . . WANT a comfortable, clean room, by young lady employed: west side pie ferred: state price. B 518. Oregonian. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2 or 3; have two infant children. O 519 Ore gonian. , WANTED Two unfurnished or furnished rooms, hardwood floors preferred. B 510, O re go nian. WANTED Quiet room near Good Samari tan and St. Vincent hospital. L. 614, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED To board 8-months-oId baby in private refined home; mother works and also wants to board and room. Au tomatic 315-20. WOMAN with one child wishes board and room with refined family, close In, ' where child will be cared for while mother works. Main 7173. COUPLE employed want board and room and care for girl 7 going to school; near garage if possible; kitchenette. 521 DcKum ave. LA DY wants board and room. Portland Heights or good residence district. D 514. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants room, vicinity Sunny side or Hawthorne; garage. BJ 531, Oregonian. YOUNG woman employed desires room and board in private family. Main 4349. ROOM and boaxd by 3 refined a dulls on yest tide, M, 1S OregoiLLaflu, WANTED TO REST. Rooms W ith Board. REFINED younn couple, both at business, desire room with breakfast nd dinner in strictly private family: want p'ace within walking distance; weat side pre ferred; will not consider place wiere tnere are other boarders. AG 549, Oie- gonian MAN AND daughter, employed, wish room and board in private family; east side, Hawthorne district preferred. Call Mar shall 2486 Sundays or evenings. Housekeeping Koomn. RESPONSIBLE, permanent cupie ned 2 or 3 rooms. Apr4 1 or May 1. tor housekeeping: west side; references. A N 53 1 . Ore g on i a . BiiKlneSH Vlacefc. WANTED To lease a small room or building, suitable for automobile repair shop. West side preferred. Phone Main 63M BARN suitable to handle 15 head of mlich cows, also mllkhouse. Phone Broadway 1050 or apply 121 North 6th. t CHEAP warehouse or shed wanted; traek age. C. H. Kahle & Co.. S4 Lewis bldg. Miscellaneous. WANTED For gardening, lot in vicinity of Killingsworth and Albina ave. Bdwy. 3352, call mornings. FOR RENT. NICELY" furnished rooms, comfortable and homelike; private family: walking dis tance. Main 8471. 777 Irving st VERY" clean sleeping, also houseKeeping; 1 sleeping porch- 655 Wash st. No children. t-urnished Rooms. I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL, AT 92 NORTH THIRD AND FLAN DERS, IS NOW READY FOR BUSI NESS. We have 127 light and airy rooms that have been thoroughly cleaned and nicely furnished and we are in a position to satisfy the most exacting persons witn our service at pre-war prices. We are catering to gentlemen of high character and will guarantee them that if they give us a trial they will not be disappointed in their expectations. ED F. GODDARD. Mgr. RECTOR HOTEL, Broadway and Ankeny St. TRANSIENT ROOMS, all new and modern, single cr en suite, with or with out private bath; rates to permanent guests. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington 'at 13tn; rates by the week, $5.50 nd up; hot and cold running water, hot water heating system; heat 4 nours a day, tun ana unown YOUNG MAN WITH WELL-FURNISHED 3-ROOM APARTMENT. SLEEPING PO RC H , EXCELLE N T LOG A T I ON. WALKING DISTANCE, WILL SHARE WITH ONE OR TWO OTHERS; REA SONABLE AC 525. OREGONIAN. HOTEL FABIAN, Rooms by day or week. $4 per week and up. 489 Wash. st.. bet. 14th and 15th. Broadway R6!!. HOTEL BAR It. 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day. $5 per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat- Free phone and bath. A SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. HOTEL LENOX. Corner Third and Main St. Attractive rates to discriminating permanent guests. HOTEL MATTH1ESEN. 204 COLUMBIA. Steam heat, hot and cold water In every room, elevator runs day and night; rooms 75r, up. It's a high-grade brick LARGE, clean, comfortable room, with connecting bath, lower floor, modern conveniences; walking distance, handy to car; no other roomers. 408 College st. Mutn 2il. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st.. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel, digni fied and refined; $1.20 per day and up; $6 pr week and up. HOTEL TA IT, Corner 12th and Stark Sts. Modern, all outside rooms. Per week without bath. $5, 6. $7; private baths, $8.56, $10. $12 per week ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington St.. jarge lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room; rooms with or without baths; 5.&0 week up; excellent home-cookd meals next door. R1T4 HOTEL. Morrison and Park streets. New. fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. FOR RENT 6 rooms, furnished, down stairs, modern; plenty of fruit and gar den; no children; elderly people desired. Seilwood district. AL 420, Oregonian. MODERN, newly furnished. attractive rooms, running water in rooms, exclus ive use of kitchen If desired. 7fl Lucretia St.. bet. 22d and 23d sts. Marsnau -thSa. PLEASANT front sleeping room, furnished, nice and clean. 3 windows; price right, for quijt gentleman. 451 10th St. S., corner Jackson. ATTRACTIVE front room, all conven iences; cheap to worklngman. 81 N. 14th sL m ONE SUITE of sleeping rooms and private bath, for two gents, in downtown apt.; rer. exenangea. .Marsnau o.n. ST. PAUL liO'iEL. JiO Fourth St. Cl-a respectable, modern; transient. $1 up Rates to permanent guests. $2 5 A TTR ACTIVE, clean front room for 2 or 3 men In modern apt. house near S n I p y a rns. ot4 rirm. nawinorne apis t- w -! I t A 0 1 - nmi i tn -ant hv Anril 1 In one or two young men; reference. Bdwy. 4552. WEAVER hotel. 7!8 Washington st. Nice ly furnished room with baih; rates rea sonahle. by week or month. SLEEPING porch, upstairs, comfortably f urn tailed, eif-ctrlc heater, bath, walking distance. 755 Uoyt. NKJELY turnished room; steam neat; walking distance; rent reasonable. 330 Weldler st. East 22S3. HOlEI- OCKLEY. Morrison at Tentft Rates $1 day up; weekly $5.50 up; free phone and baths; steam heat. FURNISHED, with or without piano, suit able for office or studio. Call 312 Flied- nf-r bldg. LAUGE desirable rooms; modern. 327 S'xth St. NICE light front room, close in; call morn ings and evenings. East 5818. BUSH MARK Wash st. tor. 17th. cita. modern, respeciaoie . per wa. up STEAM-HEATED rooms, bath and phone, S3. 50 Per wee K up. I'JQ .tiarnson hi. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, b'.wm heat, hot and cold water. 2rt'.M &tn sr $1 DAY, $3 WEEK, up; clean: baths free. Hotel Cadillac. Third near Jefferson. FURNISHED room for rent. Chetopa apt. 33. 1 St n ana r :anner. pri'imwH) PLEASANT large front room, suitaoie lor two. 480 Jefferson St. WARM, clean sleeping rooms, close in. west side; quiet piace. -uo i i lu, MANOR HOTEL, 271 Morrison, cor. 4th, Slf-ping. by day or we.k.. H. K. FURNISHED room, clean and comfortable, 115 per lliontn. annugumtij FURNISHED front room for rent. 528 Fianders st. MAPLE rooms. 70 N. 17th, near Wash. $:V;mI per wees; ana up. ONE SLEEPING roqmJI 15. 527 Taylor st. FnralhedRnoin in Private Family. FURNISHED bedroom In apartment, suit able for nurse, as close to all west side hospitals. Cail Broadway 3087 evenings. ROOM, phone, gentleman, west side, walk ing dist., ret, izv oiisan. jiarsnau ama. pleasant room. mod. home, young gen tleman. west side. Ref. Bdwy. 1426. WIDOW lady wishes to share home with ladies Auto. 526-54. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, walk- jng distance. .:au oi cast rine at. FURNISHED room, all modern conven iences. 143 N. 24th. Main 3S23. LARGE front room; fireplace and tele phone. u2 X. 16th St. Broadway 52G6. NICELY furnished sleeping room for two girls at UU iovejoy. NICELY furnished. Nob Hill, west Side 12 per mo. .viarsnai i vio. NICELY furnehed room, bath, and closet; $14 montn. -:m oienn ave. taoor o.o. ROOM in home with mother and daugh ter; can give oreaKiast. a.uio. WARM, clean sleeping rooms, right down town. II '-g imn st. LARGE, comfortable homo for working man. $8 per week. Wdln. Ji329. NICELY- furnished sleeping room. 404 Clay st. ; 26!) 14TH ST. Choice room, modem con venlences. walking distance. Main 3St3. LARGE front room in residence, suitable for two gentlemen. East 3SS.y FURN 1SH ED room for gentleman, bath and h'-at. S63 Fargo st Phono 32? 63. LA RG E, well furnished room for two. Broadway 1W5. 52tf Everett. rRIISHED h. k. room near Broadway bridge. 434 Larrabee. East 5914. FURNISHED room for business woman, reasonable. 434 10th. Main L06. ONE ROOM with sleeping porch with use of front room. 700 Hoyt. ROOMS Walking distance, $2 up. 282 Holladay, corner Adams. FURNISHED sleeping rooms. 290 Colum bia st. NICELY furnished room i-n modern apt. for business girl. East 7084. NICELY furnlBhed room, walking distance; ady prprerren .via:-, wvz LARGE room, suitable fur 1 or 2 gentle men: board if desired. 725 TlUftm ook st. NICELY furnished rooms. Main 7005. .-ftl.-iA.T rDflma uT XtiL. 1 Gtrt hg W, MMi FOR KENT. "KurnUhcu Koonm in I'rtv a to tmully. LloHT, clean, well heated, newly fur nished, connecting room, double and twin beds. May be rented singly or to gether. Suitable tor 2 or 4 gentlemen. References. Ready for occupancy April 1. Marshall SSiU after Sunday. Johd- pon st.. near 24th. AN EXCEPTIONALLY well-furnished cor ner bedroom with running water, phone, furnace hat. hot water, kitchen privi leges if desired; walking distance; con geti.ai surroundings. East 2143. 32tt Grand ave. COMFORTABLY furnished room in a swell private home, suttaole (or youug man. Rent $12. 71 Trinity place. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. liMi7 Yeon Bldg. NEWLY furnished front room, hall, bath, phone and light kitchen privileges, uit able for 1 or 2 ladies employed, $10 per month. East 8005. 256 E. 27th St N. TWO FURNISHED rooms, steam heated, close in, for gentlemen ; one room suit able for two. 307 Eleventh St., apart ment K, Marshall 481. FURNISHED room for one or .v,u jtc.aie men, refitted home; board If desired: walking distance. 46 Harrison, m.al side. DESIRABLE rooms, furnished or unfur nished, kitchen privileges if desired, private home, walking distance; refer ences. Marshall 3735. S.UALL room, steam heat, hot and coid water in room, large closet, walking distance. 30 East 8th North. Tel. East 7183. CLEAN, furnished sleeping room, private family, walking distance, fine district, private bath, use phone, reasonable rent. Main 4761. IRVINGTON Bedroom with sleeping porch and garage fur rent; suitable tor 2 men or man and wife; on Broadway car. Phone East 2612. NICELY furnished large front room with board, very reasonable; also single room, 375 Chapman at., bet. 18th and lDth St., near Mill st. FOR RENT Furnished front room with kitchen privileges, employed people pre ferred. Address 251 Dupont St., East 7682. COMFORTABLE room for employed man. all conveniences, walking distance. 518 East Couch, near 10th. East 64 IX). $12 month. N iCc-L. i turnished outride room in apart ment; phone, bat h. separate entrance ; eatiy walking distance; one or two busi n'SM women. Broadway 4715. CLOSE in, desirable room wit h private bath for one or two gentlemen, break fast and all home comforts. 469 Clay st. Main 2228. IN MODERN 1 rvinglon home, near car line; very nicely furnished room to party who is m ployed during the day. BD 632, Oregonian. ONE OR TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms with family ; steam heat. bath, phone, use of porches; near Campbell hotel; references. Main ISfW RENT. Furnished rooms for 1 or 2 persons; phone and piano. East A LARGE room, private lavatory, atrictly private family, fine location, homo mod ern, guragf if desired. all Tabor 3-.I OfE SLEEPING room, walking diatunce, , 1 in. block from Wash. St.; preior gentleman. Alain t4. DESIRABLE large room; also single, in private steam-heated brick apt., W. side, walking distance; ref. Marshall 2402. IRVINGTON. Large front room in beautiful home. East 4442. Til REE nice basement rooms, furnished ; private bath, and toilet, 126 E. 34th. Phone Taitor M88. CLEAN, airy fruiit room, first fioor, down town district; desirable for one or two men: reasonable. 40N Alain. VERY tine modern furtilsiied room; gentle man only ; no other roomers. 444 wd st. west side. t l ii.n !.si,D room t rent; steam heat; suitable for a nurse. Call Broadway aiot. 66S K "ii rnny. FU UN l Mi ED mom with heat, nice loca tion, reasonable, employed adults pro ferrej. 403' 12th st. HANDSOMELY furnished room in ex clusive, modern home; men only; refer ences required. Main 4711. A GOOD room, west side; please nt sur roundings; respectable parties only, Mar tha. I 4701 . NICELY furnished sleeping room, walking distance; all conveniences. 60 i Ev erett st. NICELY furnished rooms, also attic, with all home conveniences; nicely loca-ed. 741 Hoyt. ; Lai.GE furnibhed room for 1 or 2 youug gentlemen, beat, light, use of bath, west side Phone Broadway 3405, Sun. A. M. PLEASANT sleeping room for 1 young man ; breakfast If desired ; home privl le g e i. Phone Mar. 25 15. 428 Mi Mill. 1 CLEAN, nicely furnished room in walk ing distance; gas plate. 734 Hoyt. Mar. iUl. FURN LSHED bedroom; all conveniences ; 15 minuted ride on car to town; rent reasonable. Tabnr 0315. ROOM in private family. $:.5u pet w:ek; ail conveniences; gentlemen only. Mar. 1865. ROOM Husiness man or woman; Clean; all conveniences, Sunday after 10. 3251 Tenth st. 111 PER MONTH Nice clean furnished front room, walking distance. 411 East Pine, near Grand ave. FOR RENT Furnished front room and one H. K. apt., reasonable. 135 2JJ st. N. Main JJ543. , LIVING ROOM and sleeping room, piano, hot and cold water. reaonable for two. Bdwy. 2651. 675 Flanders. IN IRVINGTON. A comfortable, warm sleeping room for $12. East 825W. TWO NICELY furnished rooms with ga rage. cloe in ; references. Phone Main 7750 or cail at 427 5 d st. NICELY furnished room; home privileges; breakfast optional; pleusant netghbor hod : H. A. car line. 315 Glenn ave. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; convenient for nurses; breakfast if de- sired. Mar. 3521. 211 N. 23d st. LARGE peasant room, one or two ladies employed. Two car line. Marshall 41 6. ' ROOM with private d-eslng room, run ning water, in steam -heated apartment. LARGE, clean sunny room, close in, mod ern, 1 or 2 men. 454 E. 8th and Market; free phone. LARGE, light, well furnished room, walk ing distance. 707 Flanders St. DOUBLE room la congenial home, ail home comforts. Marshall 3008. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND lluVT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or witnout bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or mouth. Meals served to transients. JEANNE D'AtiC Furnished rooms wita or Without board for business girls and lady tourists. permanent or transient. Special feature within tha liinltatxa of the minimum wage earner; $z pr week and up. 265 14th st Main 4119. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland s downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or iing:e. with or without board for families and business men aud women. We give you all the comfort of a buine, reasunable rates. Ruojti aud board at the .Lorraine- lor em ployed people, accustomed to refined place, with hiRh-c.aas cooking and "plen ty of iL 20th at Lovejoy. Broadway 3465. NORTON HOTEL. 12TH AND MORRISON. Residential hotel, rooms en suite or single. Meals served transient. Raws reasonable. ROOM and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences, walking distance; 5 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E 7th st. ROOM and board for working men Montgomery Ward; home cumf jvJ. Auto. 522-81. MEN TO board and room; $10 per week. IM? Sherman. .War shipyards. . CHILDREN board and room, upervuioa ot a nurse. East 7106 452 MORRISON, corner 13th, large rtfl. suitable for 2. modern conveniences. W ANTED I! gentlemen to room and board. 340 E. 8ih st. S. Phone E. DiSl. KtHiniR WitU Board In Private KOOAi and board vur reasonable. lo4 X. 1 6t h t. Broadway 4403. NICE front room, all conveniences, home cooking. 840 East Taylor. Ea-st 6M2. ROOM and board at 223 20 lli, cor. Salmon. Phone East sow. FRONT room with privute family, good ., hi - tr .. ., Owl;-. I OCa tlOn. riiuiic rid.n ROOM aud board. Montavil home urivi- le gc. lur two yuuna -n. Tabor 2 ST. BOARD and room for children, prices rea son ableJAutomatjcSJJ2 ELBKIDGK apts., 274 N. 21st st.; 3-room furntfhe.i apt. Broadway 47.10. WANTED Two refined people io board and room. East 4178. FURNISH ED bedroom, with breakfast, 251 Dupont st.. East 7682. GIRLS wanted to room and board; home privileges; roa-sonable prices. Tabor s.'i.V), WANTED Congenial young lady to share a p artinetil. aiarwn an i. K'liLY f urnistied room and board. 601 E. Main, corner 15th. East 8403. v ROOM and hoard, 574 Ladd ave., near E, 12th and Hawthorne. East 5145. Cll 1 LDREX will receive best of care In rdcHwant suburban r'dence. Sell. 27!:t. WOULD care for baby, la iter luuuLU, AuHnnttno 31io,