TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 20, 1931 A, CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. IWMJ sunlay realtor Main 7OT0. KWI-HS Advertising- Department. ..Main 71170. 5i0-M Superintendent of BldK. .Main 7070. 000-85 A AMtSEMKNTS. OBPHBUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. This afternoon anil tonllsht. BAKKR Morrlon at Eleventh) Baker Stock company In "Pollyanna." Thta aft ernoon and tonight. LTRIC (Broadway at Morrlson Musical comedv, Pinched for Hpeedin-." Three ahowa daily. li, 7 and 9 P. M. H1PPODROUB (Broadway at- Tamhlll) Vaudeville and movlnic pictures. 2 to 0. 6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and Mondays, continuoua. 1:15 to 11 P. M. PAXTAOM (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Tare ahowa daily. 2. 1 and :0 P. M. AUDITORIUM (Third at Clay) Municipal concert. 8 P. M. . Congress Asked to Recognize "World's Path. Through the medium of the Orefton delegation, to whose members they will present personally the appeal of the Atlantic-Pacific Highways and Electrical exposition. Gut W. Talbot and Franklin I . urn fltb, now on their way to Washington, will urge that congress officially rec ognize the next great world's fair, to be held in Portland during 1925. Sen ator McNary, it Ib planned, will pre ent to congress the memorial per talninir to the exposition, and the tn- tire delegation will support him In requesting recognition. Mr. Talbot, as president of the Gas Sc. Coke company, and Mr. Griffith, as president of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, will attend a conference of the federal water power board with the various public utilities of all sec tions. Interested la hydro-electrlo de velopment. Insurance Men to . Meet. J. E. Dunne, manager of the Hazelwood Tee Cream company, will be the speaker of the day at the regular monthly meeting of the Fire Insurance Exchange of Portland, tomorrow at the Benson hotel. He will talk on "What I Think of Fire Insurance Agents." C. L. Graden, secretary of the Associated Retail Credit Men, will also deliver an address relating to the objects and scope of that organiza tion. Several subjects of importance to fire insurance agents will be dis cussed. The newly elected president, Howard L. White, will preside. New Lacrelhurst Completely Fmt jnsEEU Home. If yon are looking for a home, all ready to move Into, see ur artistically furnished home; very highest grade of furniture and fur nishings, all new; house absolutely new and modern, consisting of five rooms, bath and large floored attic; large garage and solid cement drive; beautiful lawn and shrubbery; choice location; two blocks from park. For ale by owner, terms. 1233 East Pine street. Second house from the northeast corner of East Pine and Forty-first street. Adv. Honor System Adopted. At the last meeting held by the sophomore class of the North Pacific Dental college the honor system was adopted, with approval of members of the faculty, and a committee Is now busy working out plans for putting the system into practice. This committee la composed of William Hurley, II. W. Merrill, William Race, M. Mower, J. A. Butler, L. P. Arthur and M. A. Loug-hbon. The class numbers ISO members. Grand Ball Slated. The Samari tan Social club has announced that It will give a grand ball Saturday, May 7, to provide funds to send a member to Hot Lake, Or., for his health. The ball will be held at the armory. Among the many features avt the affair will be a county fair, club drills by members of the Rebekah lodges, singing by the Mignon chorus, under direction of Mrs. Ella H. Tripp, and other attractions. Suit of Clothes Stolen. An un identified Mexican broke into the room of W. D. Bryan, 249 Va Holladay avenue, and stole a suit of clothes, bo me time Friday and disappeared Into Sullivan's gulch, according to a report made yesterday to the police detective bureau. John Matheson, landlord of the place, followed the Mexican for several blocks but was nnable to capture him. f Private Garage Robbed. A man and woman broke into the private garage of Thomas Autzen, 1843 Wil lamette boulevard. Friday night and stole a blue dress which had been placed In an automobile preparatory to being taken to a cleaning estab lishment. Several automobile tools also were stolen. The pair left be hind several important clews which may lead to their capture. Censorship Hearino Friday. Con sideration of the proposed motion pic ture censorship ordinance will be given by the city council next Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The ordinance was scheduled to come before the council last Friday but because of the presence of the Chicago city officials on that day, the council deferred the ordinance for one week. Campbell's American Concert Band, Ruth Gillespie, soprano, and Orpheus Male ChTbrus. Inc., W. M. Wilder, director, In concert at the auditorium' Wednesday, March 30, 8:30 P. M Aus pices Portland Co-operative Labor Temple association. Admission, tn- wuunig la-x, ouc. AUV. Next Sunday Is Eastkr b.j rheery greeting to each-of vnnr friends. It will make the rtv for you and for them. We -are show tag a charming variety of Easter greeting cards. The Irwin-Tlotison Company, 387 Washington street. Pit tock block. Adv. Socialists to Celebrate Commune The socialist party will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Taris com mune this evening in Alisky hall. Third and Morrison streets. W R. Snow of Chicago will be the speaker. Do Not Forget to call up East 3088 when you want the Salvation Army auto truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture etc. Address 24-26 Union ave Major John Bree, district officer. Adv. . For Sale. 7-room house, 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, cement basement, fireplace. Overton street, near 22d; J5500, J3000 cash necessary. Immediate possession Polndexter. Main 1S00. Adv. Easter Speciai Our ,18 photo for 14, made with the same care that give our photos that mark of dis tinction. Hamilton (Grove studio) 839 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 339-1 Adv. Dissatisfied with your present po sition, income or surroundings? If so. write for "Looking Ahead ' Pa cific Chiropractio college. Park and Yamhill. Portland, Or Adv. Rheumatism Too Fat No Pep' Then , you need these famous treat menu at Brown's Hydropathic Insti tute, Stevens building-, downstairs Adv. Bay City Market now located with the Pacific market In New Central market building, corner 4th and Xam hllL Phone Marshall 10 Adv. Gus H. Cramer, Jeweler, 712A Sell ing bldg. M. 6028. Expert diamond setting, manufacturing, repairing Adv. Sripherd's Hot Springs. Carson, Wash., cures rheumatism and stomach trouble. John E. Kelly, manager. Adv. Tired, aching feet can be relieved; consult Dr. Ingalls, Knight Shoe Co-. juornson, near iiroaa way Adv. Perfection Plaster Wall Board. cheapest and best. Timms. Cress A. Co., 184 Second st. Adv. Oriental Ruoi repaired, wash -clean-ad. linlhanian. 465 Wash. st. Br. 2870. Adv. Troutdaub Prepares for Smelt Run. Troutdale residents are prepar ing; for the annual event of the pretty little hamlet on the Columbia river highway or Sandy road, if you choose to be particular. It is that time of year when the myriad col umns of smelt are expected to run Into Sandy river, summoning fisher men from all sections of the Willam ette valley. In preparation for these guests Troutdale has cleaned up the big camping site above the wagon bridge, and has otherwise manifested Its desire to hang out the "welcome" sign., The smelt run has not failed for four years past, though previous to that time it occasionally skipped a year. But old-timers assert that the signs are right for a record run. Automobile Ownership in Doubt. Did Mrs. Ada Powers give her ex- husband, Charles Powers, a 12000 au tomobile purchased with money left her from the estate of her first hus band? This was the question a Jury in the court of Circuit Judge Tucker could not decide yesterday, bringing in a report of hopeless disagreement in the case of Powers, oharged with larceny by bailee. Mrs. Powers ac cused her husband of stealing the machine. Powers declared that his wife had given It to him when they were happily wedded, but had changed her mind and wanted it back after their recent divorce. Special Rates Granted. Portland delegates who attend ths national foreign trade convention at Cleveland May 4 to 9 will be granted special rates of a fare and a half on round trip tickets, according to advice re ceived by Frank Ira White, of the foreign trade department of the Chamber of Commerce, from J. G. Hammond, secretary of the Cleveland chamber of commerce. The lower fare action was taken by the Central Passenger association and the Trans continental Passenger association to facilitate attendance at a conference which is of great importance in the world of commerce. Memorial Hospital Plans Filed. Plans were filed yesterday by Law rence & Holford, architects, for ths proposed T. B. Wilcox Memorial hos pital. This building, which will he. It is said, one of the most modern of hospital buildings on the Pacific coast will be located adjacent to the Good Samaritan hospital. It will be three stories In heighth, 40 by 60 feet and of fireproof construction. The cost will be $100,000 according to esti mates. Buildtno Examine Rxsiana. Fred- erick W. Eichenlaub, chief plan ex aminer in the city bureau of building yesterday submitted his resignation to Commissioner Barbur to take effect April 13. Mr. Eichenlaub is serving his service with the city, which has extended over a course of ten years, to accept an important post with Parker & Banfield, general contrac tors. His sucatsaor has not yet been chosen. Horse Stealing Reported. Fron tier days were revived yesterday when the police detective bureau re ceived a report of horse staling. A. McMillan of the National Laundry company stables. East Ninth and Hawthorne avenue, reported that a horse thief had entered the stable Friday night and stolen a "flea-bitten" gray gelding, 12 years old and 1300 pounds in weight. Bogus "Cop" Fined $10. Charles Gardner bought himself a tin police badge and was having the time of his life bossing a dance at the Broadway dance hall Friday night in the role of a police Inspector. A genuine cop caught the impostor and sent him to Jail. He was found guirty in police court yesterday of Impersonating an officer and was fined 10 by Judge Rossman. Beggars Wear Police Stars. D. A. Morris, 365 "Victoria street, reported to the police yesterday that two dif ferent men wearing faka police stars had called at his home during the past week begging for funds for a widow with several destitute children. Morris gave the first caller some money but his suspicions became aroused when he was approached for the second time. Camouflaged Still Owner Fined 8200. William Selle, who won the ad miration of arresting officers through the ingenuity of a .disappearing still in his rooms over a First-street "tin shop, was fined 1200 by District Judge Deich yesterday and admitted to pa role on a Jail sentence of six months. He was arrested by federal revenue men on March 12. City Clubs Receive Thanks. City Commissioner Pier yesterday issued a statement in which he thanked the various organizations and the indi viduals who assisted in entertaining the Chicago aldermen while in the city Thursday and Friday. He gave especial mention to the Kiwanis club of Portland and the Portland Cham ber of Commerce. City Attorney Files Opinion. A formal opinion to the effect that the public service commission lacks au thority to grant applications for the installation of spur tracks on Port land streets, and that such permits must be granted by the city council was filed with the city auditor yes terday by City Attorney Grant. Youthful farmer Arrested. Louis Beckner, 21 years old, a farmer of Monroe,' Or., was arrested at the Multnomah hotel early yesterday morning by police detectives and is being held on a statutory charge. His eister ,ime, ugeu id, aim anumer gin, janess Aiayes, aged la, are Deing neia as material witnesses. Suburban Home Robbed. Six eilk shirts, a .38 caliber Smith & Weston revolver and a pair of men's brown shoes were stolen from the home of Mrs. L. E. Mead at Taylor's Ferry and Baird road during her absence on Friday, she reported to Sheriff Hurl burt yesterday morning. Deputies are investigating the robbery. City Bonds Sold Above Par. City officials are enoouraged over the oversubscription of the bond offering Friday when, despite the present bond condition, a block of (262,539.72 of improvement bonds were sold above par. The oversubscription amounted to practically 8200,000, it was announced. Plat Study Class to Meet. The play study class of community service will meet on Monday evening at room C, Central library. The play "'here But in America," will be read and dis cussed. Mrs. Edwin A. Guiver will be leader for the evening. The public is invited and there is no charge. Efficiency in Artificial Teeth. Through improper arrangement and sett'ng of the teeth many plates fail to give the wearer the ability to thor oughly masticate food. Dr. E. C. Rossman, the Plate Specialist, gives especial attention to this important part. Journal Bldg. Adv. See Drs. Hartley. Kiesendahl and Marshall for painless extraction of teeth and better artificial teeth. Fill ing and other dental operations also without pain, by our nerve-blocking method. 307 Journal Bldg. Adv. Farmers. We havo an Invincible argument. Our insurance costs less The Old Reliable Farmers' Mutual Fire Relief Assn., Stock Exch. bldg. Adv. Lewis-Stenger, Morrison at Tenth, grftid razors, scissors, knives perfectly. Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co., mine agents. East 1188. Adv. John T. Richardson, C. P. A., has returned to Portland. Adv. Safety Boxes, lc daily. 284 Oak. Adv. FACULTY .IN HIGH PLAGES rXlVEJlSITT OF ORBGOJf EDU CATORS ACTIVE ELSEWHERE. Conspicuous Positions Held by Many Professors In National and State Organizations. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, March 19. (Special.) Conspicuous positions in public life ars held- by 19 university facultymen and wom en, who are contributes; to the in tellectual life of ths state of Oregon. Eric W. Allen, dean of journalism, is vice-president of the American Association of Schools of Jounnallsm and a member of the committee on research. He is at present attending the convention of the National Edi torial association. Miss Lilian Tingle of ths household arts department is vice-president of the national council of administrative women in education, while Elizabeth Fox, dean of women, is a member of the executive council of this body. Miss Mabel Cummlngs, head of the school of physical education for wom en, has been appointed by the State Teachers' asosciatlon to make an amendment to the state compulsory physical education law and Is also chairman of the committee on health and physical education. Dr. James E. Barnett, professor of political science, la a member of the board of editors of the American Political Science Review and asso ciate editor of the National Municipal Review. The Oregon Council of English Teachers is headed by Dr. Ernest Sutherland Bates, head of the depart ments of rhetoric and philosophy. Other positions held by Oregon fac ulty members are: Professor F. S. Dunn, head of the Latin department, officer of American Institute of College Professors and organizer and secretary of the Classical Association of the Paclflo Northwest; Dr. John F. Bo vard, dean of the school of physical educa tion, vice-president of the western division of the American Physical Education so ciety; Bills F. Lawrence, dean ef the school of architecture, president of tha Oregon chapter of tha American Institute of Architects; Dr. Edmund Conklln. head of tha department of psychology, member of the committee of three to Investigate delinquents In Oregon; Dr. John Lands bury, dean of tha school of muslo, member of the national oommlttee of publio school music; R. C. Clark, professor of history, member of coast branch of the American Historical association; Timothy Cloran. head of the department of romance lan guages, local organizer of the American Association of University Professors; Dr. B. W. De Busk of the school of education, member of the Oregon child welfare com mission; Robert C. Hall of the school of Journalism, vice-president of the North western Association of Teachers of Jour nalism; Dr. H. D. Sheldon, dean of the school of education, organizer of the Ore gon Teachers' association; Airs. W. F. G. Thacher of the school of music, national advisor to Mu Phi Epslllon; Professor F. G. Young, dean of the school of sociology, secretary of the American Historical so ciety and seoretary of the Oregon conser vation committee; Miss Grace Edgington of the department of English, national or ganizer of Theta Sigma Phi. Originality in Jewelry Designing In the designing and manufacturing of special mountings we offer a service that is unusual. Individual expression is attained in beautiful and artistic fashion. We are fortunate in having m our employ one of the most skilled man ufacturing jewelers on the coast. Consultation Invited Our $100 Diamond Ring Is Portland's Best Value Jaeger Bros. Jexoelers Silversmiths 131-133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING Portland's HALLMARK Jervelers TOURISTS HUE ATTRACTED PACIFIC XORTHWEST PUBLIC ITY' GETS GOOD RESrCTS. E IS DISCOVERER OF GALLICS! IS . ASKED TO PORTLAND. Dr. Koerning, Believed to Have Found Only Deposit on Whole Continent, May Visit. Mining men of ths country are In tensely interested in ths reported discovery of gallium, one of the rarest of metals, in the old mining district of Lynn, 2 miles north of Carl in, Kev. The discoverer is Dr. Ben R. Koerning, metallurgist and chemist of Bait Lake City, who has spent some time In ths district and believes this Is the first discovery of this metal on the North American continent. An Invitation has been extended to Dr. Koerning to attend the international mining convention here April 6 to 9, and it is probable that at this session the public will be informed, for the first time, in regard to the details of the new discovery. Henry M. Parks, director of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology, is very much in terested in the discovery because of the rare qualities of the element, and has Invited the discoverer to attend. According to the information from Salt Lake City, the mineral causes a reddish slain, that has been regarded locally in the Lynn district for many years as iron stain. This was ac cepted also by mining engineers who did not analyze for the presence of the little known metal. Thorough test has revealed that it is a mer cury stain which carries not only gold, tin and vanadium in extensive quantities, but the rare element, gal lium, and in smaller quantities, bis muth, platinum, ruthenium, selenium, tellurium, thorium and uranium. Gal lium was first discovered in a zinc' plant of the Purrifite mine in the Argiles valley, Pyrennes, France, and its name Is derived from Gallia, the Latin name for France. It is also found to occur in the zinc ores of Westphalia, Germany and a few other places in Europe. It is the only metal that gives a white precipitate in an acid solution upon the Introduction of hydrogen sulphite gas. Its most remarkable property Is its low fusing point, 30 per cent centigrade, which means that it melts with the heat of the hand. Portland and the North west's finest hostelry. Rates 52-50 and Up Splendid grill and fa cilities for entertaining private parties. Portland, Oregon . 'l&Z L& - i -J t. A MADDEN Soprano). WITH THE APOLIO CLUB, AUDITORIUM Tuesday, April 5, Prices 2. $1.(50, 1, TSc. SOc No Tax. Sale opens April 2d. Orders with checks mailed now to 615 Abington building, filled In order of receipt and before public sale. BATES $1.50 A DAT AND CP. Our brows busses meet all trains. WE INVITE TOO TO EAT AT THB SEWARD HOTEL THS "HOUSBJ OF CUSEK" and we believe our Cl.m BKEAKFA8TS and onr I.TNCHKOMS, 40c. SOc, and our DINNfcKS. 60r, ?Sc, 11.00, and ear SUNDAY TABLE D'HOTE DIN'. KEB, (1.00, are nnequaled. We have finished our new dining room, which almost doubles our former ca pacity, and -we are now able to take excellent care of small banquets and parties. W. C. CULBERTSON. Proprietor. WHEN YOU GO TO SAN FRANOISCO roe uT-l ATIHb I1UI C : I your mark IT is most important that your product have your trademark, name or some means of identification upon it. You are not taking advantage of a wonderful means of adver tising. . WE manufacture LOG HAMMERS STEEL TOOL STAMPS BRASS STENCILS BRANDING IRONS SEALS and RUBBER STAMPS "Everything for the Office" Printing- and Engraving Fifth and Oak Sts. 'cSuiJootrf'b Mar. 6080, Auto. 565-43 STEWART ' il; (Sim Gas, Wood or Coal Heats This NEW LANG'S C7! East Indians use butter made from the milk of buffaloes- and stored in Jars, where it keeps for years. Advertising Campaign Results in Travelers Returning Through the Aorthwcst. There are as many as 50 replies a day coming from California to the Pacific Northwest Tourist association as the result of a short spring adver tising campaign carried on by the association designed to direct tour ists now in California to return bosne through Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. The association this spring, as far as funds would allow, has carried out a very Incisive campaign. Through its agencies it has been able to secure the names of a large number of people going to California for the winter I before they left home, and has written to each one asking them to make the trip to or from California via the Pacific northwest, and has sent them each one of its handsome illustrated books on the Pacific northwest. It has 'had a copy of one of Its folders, "Vacation Suggestions." with an excellent map, distributed to these tourists after they have arrived in j California, and is now carrying three or four-column advertisements occa sionally in the principal newspapers. The officers of the association say that it is hard to estimate just how many winter tourists this campaign will induce to visit the Pacific north west while on the coast, but, apart from the direct object of the cam paign! it is having a wonderful effect on the people of California them selves. "The California people have been attracted by this advertising to such an extent that inquiries are pouring in every day asking for all kinds of information about the Pacific north west, and stating that they will, not may. but will, make the trip this com ing summer," says a statement from the association. "We need now four things: First. to put our highways into splendid ! condition; second, to make our hotel and restaurant facilities of the very best and as extensive as possible; third, to establish auto camps and to improve those now established, to provide ordinary conveniences for camping automobilists, and last, but not least, excellent local information bureaus." ACHESON'S Store is at 213 Pittock block. Every woman in Oregon should have one of the wonderful skirts that I am mak ing from my elegant tailor cloth. Made not outlandish, but what a sen sible woman wants and will wear. I also have a lot of splendid coats and suits. Adv. INCOME PROPERTY. We have for sals Irvtngton four family apartment. Finest Income property in the city. F. B. BOWMAN tt CO. 2X0 C. OF C. BLDG. MAIN 802. Adv. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in monthly Installments and really own your home. See us about your renewal. Special proposition. Port land Trust Co., Sixf and Morrison streets. Adv. Commerce Safe Deposit Vaalta. II Third street. Both phonea Adv. S. & H. green stamps for cash. Bolman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Main 153 660-21 Adv. TBCST TOCB EYES TO US. ci7ntilic Optical Service N DlSAnUEi. GOODMAN ' ks. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted. Trur particular case will recelv the Individ ual attention of one of our exprt Satisfaction assured. Modera'a ajiarsea 165 Morrison bt. Main S3S7. Portland Or. HAZELWOOD SUNDAY DINNER Served 11:00 to BiOO P. M. S1.2S SAMPLE; ME-VTJ. Cream of Chicken Corn Soup or Chicken Broth in Cup. Ripe Olives. Celery. Choice-of Head Lettuce, Roquefort Dressing or Shrimp Salad. Choice of Roast Tounjr Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Iveg of Lamb, Mint Sauce. Roast Prime Beef au Jus Roast Leg of Veal With Dressing, Stewed Chicken and Noodles. Choice of Baked or Mashed Potatoes. Lima Beans. . Baked Hubbard Squash. Cream Corn. Creamed Cauliflower. Rolls or Bread and Butter. French Pastry, Pudding. Ice Cream or Choice of PI. Tea. Coffee. Hot Chocolate. Milk. Hazelwood Sunday Plate Dinner 75c Sample Mrn. Cream of Chicken Corn Soup. Choice of Salmon, Halibut or Chicken Fricassee With Noodles, or Roast Veal With Dressing. Creamed Cauliflower, Lima Beans, Mashed or Baked Potatoes. Tea, Choice of Pie. Pudding or lea Cream. Coffee. Milk or Buttermilk- Vegetable Dinner 40c Baked Sweet Potatoes, . Creamed Cauliflower. Lima Beans, Baked Squash, Bread and Butter. Tea, Coffee or Milk. THET(azGlcDOod Qj VCONFECnONEKf &RESTAURAN1 388 Washington Street 127 Broadway Music at the Washington St. Hazelwood 6:00 to 8:30-9:30 to 11:30 On Geary St, just off Union Square, Close to everything worth while. Good accommodations at moderate rntes. Breakfast, 60c, 60c, 76c; Lunch, 75c; Dinner, 11.85 (Sundays, $1.50). Muni cipal car passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make res ervations in advance of arrival. tja-aWW-S-STiWi-'-"'' -J.ISX. Office Furniture Complete Outfits ia Dependable Grades We Will Take Old Desks in Trade. Pacific Stationery & Printing Co. 107 3d St., kt- Waak. Sad Stark St a. Combination Range WITH SOLID POLISHED TOP One gas burner does the same work as wood or coal. No moisture or odor from the gas burned in this range. Have it demonstrated. Your Old Range Taken in Exchange REASONABLE TERMS F.S.Lang Mfg.Co. 191 Fourth Street, Near Yamhill f "Limp In- ' j m AS" HimTHA ('V Walk Out" C0AL 4 C. Leave Yoar Foot , ICE DELIVERY CO. ff Troubles at 1115 Selllag Building. Bdwy. 4280. B33-4S. L KJ D. W. Elrod IT Z , A , . "viC- Mulm 433 Phone Your Want Ads to u ' Main 7070 Automatic 560-93 1 jtfl mr-t.-HSfrS CHET OWENS AND ' FAMOUS ORCHESTRA DA NCI NO 6 TO 8 AND sSO TO 13 If You Appreciate Refined and comfortable sur roundings with metropolitan serv ice and unexcelled cuisine You Will Enjoy Tour evening; dinner or after-theater supper at THB ARCADIA! GRILL MULTNOMAH HOTEL One of the largest and most at tractive restaurants In ths west. MI.LK, ALB.VE M At FIN In clas sical dances Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. top the Waste Motion The Needless Words Continual Instructions and Questions Button Pushing and Running Around The Auto-Desk Companion All Executive Busy Business and Professional Men can pro fitably use this combination. Thousands Use It It is easier, quicker and more convenient to reach in this file than to call, wait and delay you save the time of others. t'-t:'jii:,r',f'lif!S .1 ft S-5 LET US SHOW YOU THIS EFFICIENCY FILE IRWIN-HODSON STATIONERS PRINTERS UTHOGRAPIIERS Furniture Department, 391 Stark St (Near Tenth St.) Stationery Department, 387 Washington Street, Mfg. Plant, 15th and Glisan Phone Broadway 434