.v.-: Cvr.v" - f--Z:'Tt V 24 TTIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX; PORTLAND, MARC1T 20, 1921 4 1 business opportunities. Jlutelw and Koominc Koumm. SOME GOOD MONEY MAKPRH 40 modern apartments, 194 rooms, 47 private baths, white pressed brick build ing lea6 24 years at $.100; everything modern. This place pays net Income $!MM per month. Can be increased fllUKXi; lo.ouo down. 84 apt. brick building, 2-year lease at 1401); fine location, net inrim IMftil everything up-to-date, $21,000; $12,000 - 7-room transient hotel, net $1200 per moffth: rent $.V0. Good location. Can oougni rignt. 40- room transient. nf InMm ir.ftn N. W heat; fine location; rent $275; a iinr Duy. 1 8 housekeentn rnnmi 'nh Will Inns. tlon, furnace heat, elect. Hunts, water in all apt., furniture and rugs In good condition; rent $70; net income $160 yvt uiunin, uu; ikki a own. 20 rooms. H. K.. rent 160. net in come $125. and 2-room apt. for self; fine west side location, $2.VH; terms. AIro have several fine flats that can be bought right. We have all kinds ana an sizes, come In and look them over. E. S. KERR, Phone Marshall 6,i04. or call at 311 YAMHILL. 67A EIGHT ROOMS itftft. Rent $30; Johnson St.; furnace heat; , good furniture. $1350 14 rooms In two-room apart ments; rent I46.20; clean, corner build ing; net $100. $1700 15 rooms. Al ihano. two and t h roe-room apartments, all full, corner nuuaing; terms, $1000 down, balance 40 per month. 2wi 30 rooms, downtown, single and light housekeeping: nets owner $200 per month; terms, $1000 down, balance monthly; rent $M). G. Y. EDWARDS A CO., 610 Henry Bldg. Sunday Phone Tabor S7S6. WE HAVE three rooming houses at prices ranging from SlOoO to $1675. These are all well furnished and have a good Income. We con sider them exceptionally good buys. XETXAS' A PARKHTLL, 210 Lumbermens Hldg., 8th and Stark Sts. NORTH END TRANSIENTS. 31 rooms, all on one floor, hot and cold water, brick bldg., lease: it takes all cash but is a money maker. R0 rooms, steam heat, low rent with lease; 32 rooms, modern, some private baths, good buy; 70 rooms, fine Income, modern, fair price, some terms; 40 rooms, not entirely modern but good; clean ; nets $.100. Many others. Come and let me tell you about them. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bids. TWO GOOD BUYS. NEAR AUDITORIUM. S3 rooms H.' K., fair 'rental, clean all the way through; pretty good furniture, low expense to operate; nets $150; al . ways full. $2500; terms. Then 10 rooms housekeeping, nts $150; turns people away dally; this will run itself. Only $2500. Buy the two, quit work and worry both. Terms of course. J. El'OKN'K HEDHES. 201 W. PARK. DOWNTOWN HOTEL. $11,000 70 rooms, all furnished, about one-half housekeeping rooms, others tranMtent; lease two years, $200 rent. Income about $ 1 200 mon t h ; a rare bargain ; come and get it. J. E. HUNT, 626 Chamber of Commerce. 1583 n road way. 11 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, WEST SIDE. Frame building, stove heat, rent $5. clearing $00 besides 2 lare rooms for owner; garage; very well furnished; prlre $1300; terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. B05 Onk. 4: KNIT IX BARGAIN. 70-room real apartment house, brick bid?., cUtse in; good furuniture. and car pers, nice liRht apartments, making over $500 a month profit. $0000 handles lU A. J. De FOR EST & CO.. 320 TT.-nrv B'dir. Bdwy. n3!0. RESIDENTIAL hotel; ideal W. 8. loca tion; 31 rooms. 2f private baths; $200 rent, long lease; nets $450. Jn addition profits from dining room. Low price " and terms to soft. O. H. SKOTHETM COMPANY, 40S-411 Couch Hldg. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment bouse of any kind, anywhere, eee F. Rierdon, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ?nt-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment and room ing houne with us. Your interests will . always be protected. We have cash buy ers waiting for your propositions. See Urs. Keller. CEO, T MOORE CO.. 1007 Tenn B?dg. STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. Brick building, 4-year lease, rent $550 per month; 2fl 4-room apartments, 5 3 room apartments: clearing $750 per mo.; price $17,000; terms. , RKLI RLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak. ONE 10-ROOM apartment house in very fine location, long lease, nice brick bldg. clears $700 to $800 a month. Price $17,500, terms. . , A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bid. Bdwy. PBflO. (10 ROOMS $1350, TERMS. Long lease, brick bldg., newly fur nished a few months ago: you can clear $400 per month here. Hurry for this barcain. J. BRUCE QOPDAHD. B01 -2 Coiich bldg. 40-ROOM HOTEL. 40-room hotel, a money maker, very close In; we think price $500 under the market: $5500 cash will handle, BI H R -CAREY, Main 7487. FURNISHED FLAT. ROOMS. $700 will handle 9-room furnished flat; rood west side location; close in. Price " $1100. Call Hlnman. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON. 2QQ Ore-gon Bldg. Broadway 165S. 18-ROOM. 18-room hotel right close-in on Wash ington, a money-maker, shown by ap pointment only. BIHR-CAREY. Main 7487. WANTED Furniture and lease house keeping rooms; good furniture, clean place: 20 to 40 rooms; close in, east side preferred. 44 E. th st. N. MNK rooms, west side, dandy locaiion. good income and home, rent reasonable, $tJ50 handles. See this Monday. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg Bdwy. K5ft0. 52-ROOM, HOTEL, netting $iioo per month, close-in location. Low rent and lease. N W. heat. Good furniture. Takes $10,000. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, Couch Bldg. A COUNTRY HOTEL Only hotel in good valley town on rail road; a money maker; owner's death cause of sale. Varticulars 511 Railway Exchange hldg, . jlftMU IB FURNISHED rooms. Would make good boarding house; across street ' from large factory; 2 blocks from car barns; near Montgomery Ward's. O 503, Tl'iiOHIW II. lti HOUSEKEEPING rooms on Wasiung ton st., clone In. rent $75, big money maker. Price $2050. terms. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bid. Bdwy. 55fK. 85 ROOMS, $5oo0 ; 4 -year lease, brick building. Northwestern heat, good in come, right downtown: $4000 will handle. 3o.V Commonwealth bldg. Am. 512-41. I HAVE a 10-room modern hotel for sale; best location and money maker in city; price $3000. Address owner, M 506, Ore gnnlnn. APARTMENT HOUSE SALESMAN. Young man with auto, 2 years' ex peri ---ence. wants to get In with good relia ble firm. X 485. Oregonlan. 18-ROOM apartment house, modern, west side, well furnished, low rent, priced to sell. Call 163 West Park st. Ander son Clark. WHITK TEMPLE. -11 rooms and 2 kitchenettes, all H. K., ' income S205; all furnished, piano; price $J100: terms. 128 14th st. 81 ROOyS, $47.50, cheap rent; brick, team heat, water In all rooms, down town location. 305-6 Commonwealth bldg. Auto. 512-4L 14 ROOMS, furnace, elec. Hunts, will clear $115 p-r month; price $2300; $1000 down. ' 128 14th St. ft-ROOM on Washington; eit-c. lights; rent only $25; nicely furnished; can rent t"o room: price $rt50. lgn 14th st. HOTEL for rent. Furniture of 27 bed rooms, dining room and kitchen for sale. S.ivier street, corner 15th. WILL exchange 14 acres all in cultivation for furniture of. equal value. K 3U2, Qregonian. BUY FROM owner. lC-room ant. house strict lv clean : some new furniture . a bargain If sold at once. 820 4th st. FOR BEST bargain in apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yaus Realty Co., 245 4th sL BOOMING HOUSE wanted, worth $1000 to $2000: will give city lot and cash. AtC 403, Qregonian. LEARN what $500 will do. Buy a good west side rooming house, giving both a home ann sn income, uan amin iai.. 42 ROOMS, rent $175; 4 years lease: $4500 cash, small balance In payment bSft Grand ave. " FOR SALE By owner. 22 H. K. rooms, in South Portland. Price $1700. small amount of cash. Anto. ,t2:i-20. BARGAIN for cash, small, well-paying -rooming house. Broadway 42Q5. 22 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $1500 handles, net lncoma i2u. ruone aiar. zui. BUSIVF.SS OPPORTUNITIES. Hutela and Rooming Houses. S5 ROOMS, nicelv furnishi. uressed brick hotel, more . than 2 dozen bathrooms, cheap rent, long lease. One of the oesi west side locations in jroruana iu daV for l.'iO IIOA nma trm 50-room hotel, nicely furnished and clearing $Iloo net a month: Northwest heat. Full -price $l,0oo. Some terms. 1 00-room annrtmpnt house. '211 private baths, low rent, long lease and clearing over $noo a month, steam heat, smciiy modern. Full price $1B.000, with g-ood terms. 4u-room hotel, nicely furnished : low rent, good lease, and a splendid income. ideal washington-st. location lor i.uuu. $10.(o4cash. 51 -room apt. -house, nicely furnished, cheap rent, long lease; strictly modern, for $14,(mh. Some terms. . 30 rooms, mostly H. K., brick bldg., cheap rent, with lease and good income, west side; $2850, good terms, 25 rooms. H. K.. netting $275 a month, close in, west side location, for Ji.m. Terms. 24 rooms, part sleeping, reasonable rent, with lease. Income about $;H0. North end location for $3000. Some terms. 20 rooms, good furniture, cheap rent, with lease, close in west aide; clearing $200 a month. 17 rooms, all H. K., $2200, good terms, "White Temple district. 15 rooms, good furniture, cheap rent, nice Income, west side location for $2O00. 2 flats, one of 7. the other of 8. both nicely furnished and adjoining and to gether. They show a good Income, $2000 for bom, with terms. 0 rooms, all H. K.. for $000. Vk cash, low rent. Income $140 a mo. 8 rooms, all H. K., for $S00, soma terms. Close in. west side. 7-room, exceptionally well furnished, strictly up to date, reasonable rent, and a classy Uttle home for S1250. TRY-US REALTY CO.. ICtt West Park. A11 to. fi 1.3-4 S. . 37-ROOM transient hotel, close in, on west side; good furniture: lnconu close to $800 month; rent $175, with lease; full price $0050; some terms. 19-room transient hotel, close In on Washington st.; extra good furniture; running water In part of the rooms; rent $75 month; price $2050. 34-room transient brick hotel, cen trally located on west side; hot and cold water in each room, with water heat; practically all new furniture; this Is a real snap at $0700. SIMMS, 141 Lnwnsdnle St. Broadway 2M7. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TIAVINO PURCHASED THE RTGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF FRANK McATEE IN THE RELIABLE INVEST MENT CO., 305 OAK ST., WE HAVE REORGANIZED, AND NOAV HAVE ON OCR FILES THE LARGEST LISTINGS OF BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES, DWELLINGS AND SUBURBAN HOMES, AND WE INVITE YOU TO CALL IN AND SEE US. 22 ROOMS, 10 APARTMENTS. Good location, rent $00 with lease, clears $175 net; price $2500, terms. "We also have several small places from i to 12 rooms that can be bought reason able and will make you a good home and Income. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Hnry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. DO YOU WANT A NICE little flat, cheerfully furnished : clean: 5 rooms, move right In; or do you want to go on paying rent of $75 to $100 for two or three poorly furnished rooms; rent only $45, Including steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, garbage free; $850 cash, or at $00O and $550 down. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 20 1 W. PARK. MILLME.VS HOTEL. 30 rooms, building, ground and fur nishings, located between two big mills. In live town 45 miles from Portland; will accommodate 50 men. Good money maker for right man. Steady boarders and transient trade. Price $0000, terms. Call Talwr 0392 or write 2tl Glenn ave., Portland. Or. LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE. If you have $10,000 cash, we can' show you an apartment proposition offering a wonderful opportunity; building con tains about 200 rooms; lease can be had as long as wanted. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. M. E. LENT COMPANY. S23-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. NIFTY HOTEL M rooms, elegantly furnished, private bath connections to every room, fine cor ner brick building, big supply linens, beautiful ground-floor lobby; clearing over all expenses $1000 month. For fur ther particulars see Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ii Y O W.' bH 20-room housekeeping and apartments; clean all the way tnrougn; good furniture; no expense to operate ; Northwestern heat; nets $225 per month; always waiting list; two blocks from Portland Hotel; good terms. Call Mar Shptl 1322. . lu-ROOM. 15-room. light housekeeping, landlady keep 4 rooms, clears over $100 each month, lease for 2 years at only $70 per month; $1700 cash will handle, balance by the month. BIHR-CAREY. Main 74S7. WITH OR WITHOUT FURNITURE. A 22-room house and lot for sale: lot 30x100. east side, walking distance; al ways full. Be your own landlord; pay the Installments like rent to yourself; $:i500 handles this. See owner. 44a E. 4:td. T:ke Hawthorne c?r. BARGAIN. 11 rooms, all h. k. : best 'ocatio i In city; running water some rooms, bath, two toilets: good furniture aHt gas ranges and. think of it. net Income $80 v clear all for $J50. No Information phjne. 203 5rh si. . 6-ROOM flat. Nob Hill, good furniture. good location, unusually low rem in cludes heat, phone, water and garbage; very attractive home; this will go in a hurry. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Fergu son, Gerlinger hldg. ARE YOU A FIXER? To you know a good thing when you hear of it? Listen to this: 38 rooms housekeeping: rent $100, lease: worth $4500 when fixed: now $3200: half cash. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 53 ROOMS. Part housekeeping and part sleeping; frame building, 2Uj-year lease, rent $225 per month; clearing $550; price $7500; terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak. FOR SALhi BY OWNER. 29 rooms, neat and clean: fairly good furniture: running water in some rooms; mostlv transient: in heart of business section: brick building: good lease. Call M a i n 1124. t ail after i" a. jm 44 ROOMS. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. Brick building, 5-year lease, rent $123 por month ; this place Is close in and always full; pet income $350; for price and particulars see RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak. I HAVE BUYERS WAITING to be located in rooming and apartment lupuses. if you want to sell yours, call Main 4557 and list it wfth .1 BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bMg 03 ROOMS, steam heat, running water. very well furnished ; rent $.i.; crtara $500 a month, $4500 cssh handles. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500 APARTMENT HOUSE $43,000; will take some trade; located Nob Hill. Modern and a producer. Mr. Parsons. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 40H-411 Couch Bldg. K ROOMS. Frame building, furnace heat, very welt furnished, on the corner of 21t and Washington; price $1400, $1000 cash. RELIABLE INVEST!! EN T CO., 305 On k FAINT, soap, plus knowing how to uo things should net you a thousand dol lars on this 23-room house at $1500. Rent oniy $50. O. H. SKOTHEIM COM PAN'Y. 40S-411 Couch Bldg. NEAR 14TH AND JEFFERSON. 20 H. K. rooms, low rent, yes; good furniture; attractive Income, $2500; terms. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. A GOOD BUY; For $2100 cash, furniture 20-room brick building, all- full, on one floor; steam heat; rent $35. Good income. Owner, 202 Vi Wash. st.. Vancouver, Wash. CHOICE AND HIGH CLASS. 2 apartment houses for sale, west side, monthly Income $5u-$450 respec tively; $15,000 to $20,000 cash required for each. AP 478. Qregonian. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS CO.. INC HOTEL BROKERS HOTELS AND APT. HOUSES. COUNTRY AND BEACH HOTELS. List with ua 714 COUCH BLDG. 18 ROOMS, large sleeping porches, fine house, grinds and location, cash or terms, owner, no agents. Mr. Graham 1M1 12th st. Main 7343. WANTED To lease for the summer, large house or small rooming house at Sea side. Address 7625 50th ave.. Southeast. Give particulars first letter? 15-ROOM H. K. house, modern, west side. good furniture, low rent, lease. Price $1050; terms. Bargain, call 103V4 West Park st. Annerson v winm. 0-ROOM H. K. house, west side, good fur niture, rent $40; price $000; terms. Call 1fl8 4 West Park st. Anderson A ClarK. CASH TALKS Must have a rooming house with about 20 rooms. Mrs. Staf ford. Main 157B. PJliCED for quick sale, 7-room flat, fine furniture, lour rooms pay rent. 24 Vk N. 10th st. ' PRIVATE HOME in Nob Hill district, ele gantly furnished: Tine income and home $2100. Mrs. Stafford. Main 157fl. WE HAVE a good apartment house for sale, well located and easy terms. Call room 437 Chamber of Commerce. business orroRTuyiTrE8.ra Hotels and Rooming Houses. APARTMENT HOUSE "SPECIALS. 32-room brick apartment; clears over $230 month, rent $85; nice place; $5900. terms. List 115. IS apartments, fine location, good little place; $7500, terms. List 140. 10 apartments, 8 sleeping rooms, brick, good place; $7500, terms. List 90. 22 apartments, 61 rooms, brick, fine location, good modern house, lease; $15,000, terms. List 138. COUNTRY AND BEACH HOTELS. 14-room hotel, plcely furnished, and 4V& acres rich land; good town south of Portland; nice place, building, ground and furnishings, ' including all equipment, $b000, terms. List 127. 25-room modern brick, good town central Oregon; building, ground and furnishings, $20,000, terms; . some trade. List 120. Two nice beach hotels, open year round; nice places, well fur nished; particulars and photos this office. Lists 40 and 50. 31-room modern apartment ho tel; busy town on coast; fine place; 6-year lease; price $5500, terms. List llti. 30-room hotel, good Washington town; building, ground and fur nishings, $18,000, one-third cash. List HUiw 02 -room fine modern commercial hotel; good live town on highway; fine view Columbia river; doing large business; fino proposition; particulars and photos this office. List 47. MODERN BRICK HOTEL SPECIAL. 76 rooms, good corner, modern brick, 6-year lease, bargain, imme diate sale; transfer to Japanese; fine place. List 79. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY. 42-room apartment house, fine corner, dandy home, nicely fur nished; building, ground and fur nishings, $28,000, easy terms. List 110. 21 apartments, 4-story modern brick; good income property; building and real estate, $45,000, terms. List 128. 50 apartments, very superior, high-class apartment house, swell locution, large income, attractive ly furnished, wonderful proposi tion ; building, ground and fur nishings, $300,000, one-third cash. List 1S4. , 25 apartments, high class, fine location,, big income, fine furni ture, $65,000, one-third cash. List 87. High-class.modern brick hotel, about 100 rooms, big income, ex cellent proposition; building, ground and furnishings, $150,000, one third cash. List 72. We are In close touch with best hotel and apartment house buys in Portland. Consult our brokerage department. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS, BROKERS, 714 COUCH BLDG. M) MODERN 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; o-year lease, low rent; line west siue brick corner: alt light, airy rooms, well furnished and very clean. Price $20,000. eay terms. 2S modernapartments. very close In, west side: brick corner, no dark apart ments; extra well furnished, big money maker. Price $ 17,500. terms 72-room hotel in heart of towa. mod ern brick building; several private baths. Northwestern heat: clean, good furniture. Price $18,000. terms. 80-room hotel, in center of retail dis trict: ground floor lobby, several priv ate baths, etc.. swell looking brick cor ner: rent $G50, 3-year lease. Price $15,000. 40-room hotel, brick buildin-g in best transient district: hot and cold water in all rooms, electric lights, etc.; good furniture, rent $250 per month, lease. Price $11,000. term 24 h. k. rooms, corner house, only 3 blocks from Morrison st ; electric lights, stove heat, water In all suites; clears $170 per month. Price $.750, eajy terms. H h. k. rooms; rent $40; located on Yamhill st.; electric Hsrhls. gas, stove heat; extra well furnished, very clean. Price $lloo. terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 2 A 5 Fo ii r t h &t. TWO EXCELLENT BUYS. 21 rooms; income $240. rent $i0: fur nace, electric lights, good furnlshir.gs, sinks and running water in all but two apis.; bargain at $2o50. some terms. 13 rooms, al! h. k. ; White Temple location, hot water heat, electricity: in come $1Gf and two 2-room apts. free; $1M0 cash. See Mr. lull. Main 30.; 8. C. E. BOW DEN CO.. SI5 Cnsmber of Commerce Bldg. BIG MONEY-MAKER. Oft-room hotel, 5-year lease, beautiful white pressed brick corner building, won derful ground-floor lobby, bath connec tion to every room. Northwestern heat, elevator, exceptionally well furnished; net profit about $2500 month. Call at our office and talk this over. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HOTEL BARGAIN. 34 rooms, all finely furnished, four private and two public baths, hot and cold water in all, steam heat; three years lease; $500 profit every month; $0500, part terms: good for woman to operate. J. E. WWT, 2C Chamber of f'ommerce. Brondwpy 15S3. A GOOD BUY. 00 -rooms, 24 apts., modern and well furnished throughout, nice corner, brick bldg., best west side location; rent $350, with 4-year lease; net about $850; $10,000 -will handle this. SEE T. A. MADDEN, 512 Henrv bid. Bdwy. 54 ST. SWELL WEST SIDE LOCATION. 94-room apt. house, 21 3-room apts., 7 4-room apts., all with private baths and phones; 3 1-room apts. Cor. brick building, full 4-year lease; clears over all expenses about $700; $10,000 will give you possession. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR YOUR INFORMATION. When looking for a rooming house or apartment, you can find some vry good propositions to consider at Realty Sales, 331 Railway Exchange bidg., ,3d and Stark- It may pay you well to come in. - TRANSIENT HOTEL. More than 100 rooms, white pressed building, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, phones, elevator: 3 years lease: nets more than $1000; $15,000 handles. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Fer- guson. Gerlinger bidg. 10 ROOMS, right down town, housekeep ing. $1250; 12 rooms, 2 baths, h. k. apts., nts $100, $24150; 14 rooms, unusually good furniture, $2500; 15 rooms. Nob Hill, large, light rooms, clean and at tractive, $2000. Mrs. Albaugh. with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 42 APARTMENTS, 134 rooms, net $1000; modern, close in. 52 rooms, private bath In each apart ment, brick, 4-year lease, rent $225. The iiiont sightly location in the city for an apartment house, close in. 534 Chamber of Commerce hldg. 10 ROOMS, $250 CASH, balance easy; all housekeeping, very fair furniture, rent only $25, lease; west side, good income, always full. You will al ways find us with the bargains. Peters, of course. ! Nortn 'irtn st. ALL RBALU TO KEEP HOUSE. We have the dearest 4-room flat, all complete and newly furnished, never been used. Price $425. Flat renttf"W0. SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 22 ROOMS, RENT $30. AH on one floor, electricity, bath, well furnished, housekeeping a'pts., dandy in come, always full; only $1405, easy terms. You can't lose with this rent. Peters.' IS North Fifth st. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. ' 12 large, beautiful rooms, completely furnished, all in fine condition, lovely corner house; price $1600, liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 36 ROOMS. Do you want to Invest $1000 and make $200 a month? For anyone wanting a boarln house In an Indus- .' trial district, this cannot be beat. Grays Exchange. 387 Taylor. ROOMING HOUSE, 10 rooms, fine close in location, all outside rooms, fine money maker, well furnished and clean, snap, $850. Terms. H. W. Garland, 201 Third st OVER 40 rooms, apartment house, brick, 3-year lease, for $05; nets over $450 per month ; good location ; good shape ; ex clusive listing. Reasonable price. 191 Park. S..25, TERMS, BUYS 4 ROOMS of swell furniture in west side brick nts rent with steam heat onlv $30: Immediate possession. Peters, 15 North Fifth street. is HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ON 11TH ST Very well furnished, clearing $150 per montn; ror price ana erms see RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak. 4U. ROOMS. SO00O; cheap rent: lona lease: $000 income ; modern ; in business dis trict. oOti-tt tommonweaun -tsiag. Aut. 512-41. ; - WANT SMALL ROOMING house: have 1919 5-passenger auto at $750 and possibly some cash as down payment. rnone wain .-.t.mi. uwner, 5 YEARS lease. 40 rooms, brick bldg., $225 rent, possession May 1; transient hotel location. - MRS. THOMSON. ft20 Henry Bldg, GROUND 100x200, with apartment house, x G7 rooms, west side; will sell or give lease, ain ureifunian. - BUSINFPS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming House. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. 8 ROOMS H. K. -8 rooms, H. K., rent $25, electric lights and ga ranges, furniture and rugs fair. Price $850 cash. A . II ROOMS H. Kg 11 rooms, H. K., S sleeping porches, rent $35, nets $100, good furniture and rugs. Price $17oo, terms. 11 ROOMS H. K. 11 rooms. H. K., in "White Temple district, nets $130, clean and homelike; price $1600, terms. 15 ROOMS H. K. 15 rooms. H. K., rent $50,-nets $169. electric lights, gas, stove heat, furniture and rugs fair. Price $1700. terms. 1 18 ROOMS H. K. 18 rooms. H. K., nets $150, can be made to net more, furniture and rugs very good, fine location. Price $2650, terms. 14 ROOMS H. K. 14 rooms, H. K., Nob Hill district, elec tric lights, hot water heat, furniture and rugs very good. Price $25O0, terms. 18 ROOMS H. K. 18 rooms, H. K., White Temple dis trict, furniture and rugs very good, good income. Price $3000. terms. 22 ROOMS H. K. -22 rooms. H. K., nets $145 to $165. water in most rooms, stove heat, furni ture very good. Price $2650; $15o0 cash. 36 ROOMS. 36 rooms, H. K., rent $50, lease, elec trio lights, steam heat, furniture and rugs fair. Price $2500; $1500 cash. 17 ROOMS H. K. IT rooms. H. K.t White Temple dis trict, good net income, furniture and rugs, very good, makes a lovely home and good income. Price $3500, terms, WILL TRADE Oldsmobile six. 1019, Al condition, to trade for rooming house of 12 rooms, good furniture. GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY". $2700 Grocery and confectionery, do ing a good business, good location. $2500 Grocery, well located, income $200 a week. $2000 Cigars, confectionery and light groceries, nets $225 per month, rent $20. $4500 Restaurant, nets $100 a day, fine location, easy terms. We have many other bargains. Call and see us or phone Bdwy.. 1534 and our car will call. 8ee Mrs. Nicholson, with E. M. Rob erts, 320 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Wash Ington. Bdwy. 1 534. A MONEY-MAKER. 105 -room apartment house. 2- and 3 room apartments, with-, private bath; well furnished, nice corner brick building;- net $1400. Price $15,000; $7000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG, 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. f47. 2-ROOM rooming house, best location in Portland, close in, west side, always full of good paying steady tenant; rent only $250. making better than $500 a niontn profit. Price $7500; easy terms. Mrs. McLeod. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. REAL CLASSY. 20 ' rooms, beautifully - furnished throughout; 4 bathrooms, running -water in most rooms, all in housekeeping apts. This place makes a net profit of $250 a month. SEE MRS. KELLER, C.KO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. NOB HILL. lfl-room apt. house, right close in. this will be shown by appointment only, clea over $2K a month. BIHR-CAREY. Main 7487. NORTHWESTERN HEAT. 68 rooms, 20 apts., all with -private bath, well furnished throughout, won derful downtown location nice corner building. Price, $12,500. $8000 -cash. SEE T. A. MADDEN. JHJ Henry bldg. Bdwy. 54: 66 ROOMS, apartments and sleeping rooms, private baths, hot and cold water in brick corner bldg., clearing over ail ex penses $600. month; price $10,500. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon BTdg. List your hotels, apartments, rooming houses and homes with ua. We have cash buyers waiting. A. M. HAUG CO.. 512 Henry hldg. Bdwy. 5487. TRANSIENT HOTEL. GROUND FLOOR LOHT. Lon? lease. Net income around $1000; $10,000 will handle this. Mr. Saliger, MA GOON & SPENCER. 517-10 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 6127. HAVE YOU READ A BETTER BUY? 20 room no better location on west side; nets $200 monthly; fine building; rent $85; lease; $2500 handles; S3350. Main 7511. In Sunday also between 12 and 3. FOR SALE By owner. 20-room apart ment house, close in on west side; run ning water, furnace heat; income $240 and three rooms for owner; rent $60: $2.uO; $1750 cash, balance terms. BF 541. Qregonian. $500 IS ALL YOU NEED to pay down on this nice little residen tial place of the housekeeping order; lent $40. will clear you $60 month and give good place to live. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch bldg. $i4MiO W1L-L HANDLE. MODERN APT. HOUSE." 62 RMS. Rent. $30; net income, $550. MA GOON & SPENCER. 517-10 Cham, of Com. Bldg. $g0 8-RM. H. K., rent $25; income. $60. Good furniture, elect, light. Call to day. 50S Davis street. Mrs. Wilson, Monday. Main 6127. $425 FINE furniture, terms; 7-room house or rent, $25. 2lf4 N. 18th. No Hirents. TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Well fur nished, water, and bath. 068 E. Pine. Cheap rent to right party. HAVE a .rooming house for $600 cash. 101 Park. 5-R. FLAT, close in, west side. Rent, H2.ro. Price $550. Main 01 27. WANT a rooming house. Phone Main 784. LOST ANT FOUND. WILL party who took cloth of-gold bag by mistake from Auditorium Thursday night please keep money and return bag and other contents? Valued as gifts. Mar. 4670. MARCH 9. near 11th St.. one tan suitcase containing ivory toilet set. silk kimono, box of handkerchiefs and embroicdry work. Finder pleasseturn to Den daui ti'.rlum. Reward. LOST, strayed or stolen. English bull pup. answers to name VToughy" ; brindle mark. Liberal reward. Call Bdwy. 1402 or Broadway 1279. LOST On Alberta car ur along Killings worth ave., March J 7, a black pocket purse containing gold watch. Finder p!e:ise call Woodlawn 1"40.' Wl LL the lady who took green umbrella off from R. C, car at ISth st. at 2:30 P. M. Saturday please send same to 600 53d st. N or phone Tabor 4020? LOST A string of pearls on Williams ave. between Portland blvd. and Killings worth. Reward. Call Emerson apts., No. 26. Woodlnwn 3163. WILL party who found purse In telephone booth at M. & F. please return to com posing room" Oregon Journal? Reward. No questions asked. R. Wlckham. LADY" who picked up navy blue silk um brella. Ltpman, Wolfe's. Friday, return to lost and found dept.; has identifica tion. LOST In Alberta Friday night. Eversharp pencH with ring, silver. Finder please call Marshall 4736 Sunday or Main 611 M on d ay. LOST A gold crescent pin. has lion head in center with chipped diamond in mount, 6 small pearls each side. Finder cat! East 44S0. Reward. LOST Pocket book containing a check by name Albert Courlot and receipts; w ill be very much appreciated if it is re- turned to Angela htei. LOST A string ot pearls between 13th and Market and Third and Oak valued as keepsake. Notify Main 647 ; reward. LOST A white crochet shawl, about 2 weeks aeo, in Rose City Park, near 72d st. N. - Reward. Tabor 5858. LOST Large brown fox fur in auditorium March 17, valued as keepsake. Finder kindly call Main 7052. LOST Friday morning, ladies' purse con taining change and car tickets. ' Call Bdwy. ifM Monday. FOUND Wrist watch at Public Audito rium Saturday night, March 12. Owner call East 7H70. LOST $11 between 32d and Vaughn and Montgomery-Ward's. Main 6476; Re ward. LOST A brown and white stayed female dog; collie fox terrier; license No. 2133. Tabor 4508. LOST Friday night. suitcase marked A. M. W.. containing lady's wearing apparel: reward. Phone Tabor S2 LOST Octagon wrist watch, valued as a keepSake. Reward if returned to 213 Failing bldg. Main- 57fl4. fa.TOl.EN I-ady's wrap Saturday night from Murlark hall. Avoid trouble by re turn i n g immediately. You are known. LOST Vellow and white pup from 815 Loveloy st. Reward. Main 3078. LuST brown dog, short hair and bob tail. Phone Col. 117. uo&'i' Persian cat, mottled, dark and yeJ Inw. $15 Reward. Call Sellwood 701. LOST 3 pairs new rompers on Alberta. Plaase call Woodlawn -4382. LONG gray siik beaded purse lost., no con t en t s. Reward. Tabor 8260. f LOST Gold Eversharp pencil. FlQder please call Wdln. 4618. Reward. FOUND Lady's brooch; prove property. 23 Union ave.. room 20. - FOUND Pointer 187-ft 4th fft. - dog. Owner call at LOST AND FOUND. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT & POWER CO., Lost Article Department. First and Alder ats., Portland, Or. The follow ing articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., March ,18, 1021: -19 umbrellas, 1 lunch "box, 3' purses. 8 pins, 2 suitcases, - 1 handbag, 1 pair gloves, 1 single glove, 1 ring, 1 knife, beads, 1 muff, 15 pack ages, 2 money sacks, 2 pairs rubbers. 1 bucket, 1 i. 1 check book. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder street station. PARTY who tooic ladies' suit, shoes and umbrella from basement 145 Park'sL, Lang & Kruse restaurant, please re turn as girl cannot afford to lose same; $15 reward. No questions asked. Leave money any place mentioned. N 460, Oregonlan. LOST Black and tan dog. part coilie; large pointed ears and long tight lair on tall, that curls to the right Reward for return or information. 134 N. 16th or call Broadway 2224. . LOST Blue silk umbrella. with tan handle; amber top and blue leather strap, left in ladies' waiting room. Peo ples theater, Friday afternoon. Finder T'eaa call Wdln. 330: reward . LOST Tuesday P. M., a pair of horn spectacles in case, between 25th and Wilson to 23d and Petty-grove; leave at Fisher's store, 24th and Thurman sts., or call 515-10 on Monday. Reward. WHEELBARROW Party who took wheel barrow from Rodney ave. a-nd Holman Is known; return; avoid prosecution. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that Multnomah county warrants, classes 63," "64" and '-48-B," the same having been drawn upon the general fund, and that were presented and In dorsed "not paid fqr want of funds," from December 30, 1020, to January 31, 1021, both dates Inclusive, will, if prop erly indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the county treasurer; interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland, Oregon. March 21. 1921. JOHN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. roHMti Im In vited. PROPOSALS INVITED. In the district court of the United State for the district of Oregon, in the matter of L. Worrell, bankrupt: Re quest for bids I will receive bids for the following property of the a cove named bankrupt, location In the Pittock block, Portland. Oregon, up to and In cluding 12 o'clock Wednesday, March y.ii. 1021: Stock of merchanldse consisting of ladles' blouses of the inventory value of $1!H6. and fixtures of the inventory valus of $20. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered muyt accompany each bid. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office. 511 Fen ton building, and the property inspected upon appoint ment. Bids will be opened at A. M. Cannon's office. Title and Trust build ing, at 12 o'clock noon Thursday. March 24. 1021. The right is reserved to reject any and all bid's submitted. H. W. SITTON. Trustee. MiM'etianeoub. " PLEASE present all bills against furni ture in 331 5th st. S. at 322 Railway Exchange Bldg. John Brown Co., Realtors. . WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Anna E. Lehr ha&s, after March 18. 1021. H. A. LEHRHASS. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my husband. Charles D. Stewart. MRS. BESS STEWART. BARGES for rent. Main 8&, FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE . WE FURNISH -THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND AND MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. WE WANT a man to take an Interest In a going concern that is now being re organised, capitalized at $100,000 fully paid up; must have at least $5000 cash and will draw a salary of $3041 a month and a commission on all safes made In Oregon; must have sales ability and best of reference which will be ex changed. Give references and former occupation as well as name and address in your answer and an appointment will be made If found satisfactory; strictly confidential. S 500, Oregonjan. WE WANT a man with from seven to ten thousand dollars to put his money In with us and take up a sales contract on one of the best selling propositions in the west; can take an active or inactive part in the organization. We have a five-year contract for the state of Cali fornia and in an absolute necessity, shows tremendous profits and absolute safety of investment. Give name and address in your answer and an appoint ment will be made. X 453. Qregonian. A LOCAL financial firm with very broad connections and trained force ot secur ity salesmen will consider applications of established firms requiring additional capital. Business must be solvent and hve demonstrated earning capacity to insure proper protection to stockholders. Will consider either pref. or com. stock issue. All replies treated confidential. Address AN 461, Oregonian. IS THE sale of your stock issue dragging? Have you the right selling organization behind it? Is there something wrong with your financial setup? Does your 'selling plan lack the clincher to get the mimey? If such is the case you need our services. Interviews will be ar ranged by addressing AM 462, Qrego nian. WANTED $2500 to extend operations of an established business investment, fully secured. Party must have some finan cial training and be - good correspond ent and have good ref. Company 5 years old. Replies confidential. Box AN, 450, Oregonian. OUR EASTERN correspondent has re quested us to submit a desirhale Pacific coast investment offering, one where added capital will insure success. No Insolvent companies or those of ques tionable business standing need apply. Box AN 4H0. Oregonlan. WE H.iVE inonty to loan on improved city or farm property; current rates. Mr. Sirard. NORTHWEST MORTGAGE CO., S37 Chamber of Commerce. WILx maae loans on cattle, datiy herds, etc., to farmers in vicinity of Portland. F. B. Bowman Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce bldg. li 1GH -GRADE business man with quali fications to handle salesmen; a real op portunity is open. See F. A. Smith, room 2119 Oregon bldg. IF YOU have ."u00 tu loan on building proposition we will pay interest and Dart of profit; quick turnover. AC 4U2, Ore gon ian CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore gon. H. H. Noble, 316 Lumbermen's hldg. WE BUY first anu second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 3026. iiUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewla blog.. 4th ind Oak. Money to Loan on Real testate. fiOO $1000 ltU0 20UU AND UP. No delay, we are loaning our own money; loans rulckly closed. F. H. X ESHON, 015 Cham, of Com. LONG EST A it. RELIABLE SERVICE. MORTGAGE LOANS -on unproved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD., 300 Piatt bldr. - Main 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. . Attractive repayment privileges, A; H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. $30U. $400. $500. 600, $1000. 11200. (1500. S2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action, pay off (100 or more at any Irterest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370.. $1350 AND $2500 to loan, 1, 3 years, on approved Portland property. Geo. E. Englebaxt, I HAVE clients waiting to make mortgage loans from $2000 up to (10.000 at low rates. Improved city property preferred. Fred 9. Williams. 506 Panama blag. kuiiTGAUii! loans in sum tu suit; city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY, WILLIAM 0 BBCK, 215 Failing bldg. HAVE $700 to loan at 8 per vent on im proved city property; no agents. BD 475. Qregonian; $11,000 PRIVATE funds in hand for Im mediate loans, divide to suit. Call 520 Henrv hldg. Broadway 5s5y. iit'Ntii to loan on real estate securitv at gotng rate of interest. Otto A Harkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce, I HAVE $4000 to loan on good farm prop erty. Weston & Co.,-1206 Northwestern HitnK . oing. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Saloman & Co.. 307 Ry. Exch. bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbet t bldg. $500 TO $2000 private . money to loan. Phone Woodlawn 5325. PRIVATE party wil! loan on improved citv property, rnune cast Pio. HAVE $3500 to lend; want close-in real estate: 7 per cent. T 513. Oregonian MORTGAGE money 7 per cent. Title ex- pense only, warn. 4U? tipaiding bldg. $10,000 ON IMPROVED city property, well locHted. will divide. Main 2010. Monday $500. $5000 ON IMPROVED city or su , b urban property, lowest rates. East CS2U. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Kstate, RESIDENCE LOANS. Seven per cent, 5-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and re duce interest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 7 per-cent. You pay half of 1 per cent account principal monthly: for example. $2000 loan you pay $10 month ly and interest; you have privilege ox paying $100 or any multiple hereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. Five-year period, 6 per cent; excellent repayment privileges. BR1CE MORTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 8308. CITT LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On improved property or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or ' ' $16.17 per month for 06 months pays m -loan of $1000 and interest. - Loans of other amounts In same pro portions. . Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate; 7 and uo COMMISSION on choice loans, long time, short time; monthly payments; pay s you can; sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages, bought. 725 Gasco bidg., 5th and Alder st a. Ce 1 1 a rs- M u rt on Co. WE HAE funds available lor good resi dence loans, also insurance money for business property, at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. -Main 2631. Wilcox bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. 64 AND 7 PER CENT. v INSTALLMENT LOAN'S 1 to 16 Year UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4TH ST.. HENRY B LDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amounts at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET, 622 Corbett bldg. Main 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $506 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. " MORTGAGE LOANb On farm or cUy property. Prompt and helptul service. I beral repayment prlv leges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley tarms; no commission, no delaya OEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth st., Portland. Or. PLENTY of money- to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security is ample. Edw. 1'. Mali, 301 Chamber ot Commerce. $300, $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger- man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADID ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY, VIC TROLAS, PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. v DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MvDB ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up jud advance you more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession snd you can repay us in small monthly payment WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Kates reasonable. Private officea All business serict ly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED.) 806-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 3286, S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS."" WB LOAN MONEY. On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transaction strictly continental. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Wa also loan on household good, pianos, etc, CALL AND INVESTIGATE, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 218 FA I LING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. On goods In storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth st. Opp. Multnomah ho tel. Phone Bdwy. 3715. KK GILT-EDGE 7 and 6 mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment Mortgage. Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. QUICK money to salaried ptvie on un secured note; confidential investigation. 316 Cham, of Com, bldg. Licensed. MONEY to loan on dianw-.trs, jewelry, legal rates; articles held a year; estab lished 1SS;. Dan Marx & Co.. 313 Wash. MONEY loaned on salary ; small uiiinunts on short time loans. Call Auto. 235-00 evenings MONEY to loan on uia:n-.as, jewelry; strictly confidential service. Zell Bros. 4k. Co., bonded brokers, 2o3 Wash, su MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc.. legal rate; articles held 1 year Vines, Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl ture. legal rates. 208 Washington bidg. LmnH Wanted. I HAVE several good loans from $2000 , to $.1500 on new bungalows in Laurel hurst, Irviugton and Rose City Park. C. J. Johnson. 313 Henrv bldg. FIRST MORTGAGES l-'UH SALE ON IMP. PORTLAND PROPERTY. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OK COM. LONG EST A B. RELIABLE SERVICE. WOULD like to borrow $1000 on first - mortgage on bungalow In Alberta. Want to borrow from lender, so agents do not answer. X 462. Oregonlan. FOR SALE o.'00. iirst mortgage. 7 per cent on fine home. $650, first mortgage. 8 per cent. Call at 725 Gasco bldg. Mam 112. ' LOAN 'ot $u0 wantud from private party to improve - two-story home vauled at $3500: will give first mortgage on above property. Marshall 247H. $ou AT H per cent. $40 at S per cent, $1050 at S per cent. $1200 at S per cent, all city property. Fred W. German Co., 7.'i24Jham. Com, bids. WANT a loan of $looo on west side in come property. Will pay 7 per cent. Expense of loan but no commission. X 4U6. Oregonlan. $14U0 WANTED tor 3 years on new home In Hawthorne district. X 467, Orego- WANT to borrow $60U0 on good west side security. Address Helmut h Fischer, H 5"H, Oregonlan. WILL pay 8 per cent for $12,500 loan on farm just across Columbia; value $50,000 to J75.0O0 T 514. Oregonlan. WANTKiJ $1500 on ttrst mortgage on a $10,000 apartment house. City prop er tySOS-OLejvisBIdg 1RVINGTON 3 or 4 best homo loans, $3500 to $4500; very conservative; 3 yrs., 7 per cent. R. T. Street, Irvlngton agent. IF YO'J have money to lend, write us. We pay 10 per cent interest. Ford Jersey Diilry. Vancouver, Wash. ' WANT $HHK at 8 per cent on o-room bungalow, corner lot. just soid for $26o0. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark -t. I WOULD like to borrow $12, 000 at 7 per cent on west side real estate which I vnlue at $50.00'). S 543. Oregonian. $1500 ON NEW bungalow, Montavilla car line, responsible, borrower; principal East 6321. $3500 AND $2500 LOANS for client; se curity, Portland residence. E T T AGO ART, 1101 Spalding bldg. WANTED from private party, about $1200 on close-in quarter block at 8 per cent. AR 4u4, Oregonlan. WOULD at II two A-l first mortgages, $500, $1000; payments come in to yield over S per cent. ' i-. oregonian LOAN WANTED $2750 for 3 years, se curity 10-room house value $6600 cash; no commission. AE 402. Oregonian. I WANT loan of $2350 on R. C. bungalow. Phone after 6:30 P. M.. Tabor 2706. $2500 ON VALUABLE Olympla propeity. 8. Owner. W 475. Oregonian Ji.tiTGAGli CO $2000 ON FIRST mortgage on Laurelhurst nOPI. prim II"1" urn., w T l, uirsiiiimii WANTED A building loan n a new bun gaiow in Rose City Park. Call Tab. 4647. $4tM0 ON IMPROVED business property to enlarge building, W 515. Oregonian. WANTED, direct, 3250 on new Irvington home. 621 Gasco bldg. Main 66. flHOO GOOD security, pay 8 per cent. 617, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Loan Wan tea. TX)ANS WANTED. $1200 at SVi; security worth $ 3500. $2wto at 7'; security worta 7500. $2750 at 79e; security worth 62v0. $4060 at 7; security worta 10.0O0. $6000 at SOc; security worth 15.000. OTIS C BECK. "12 Years Without a Foreclosure. 525 Henry Bldg. $000 ON WELL Imp. business property. $1200 on modern dwelling. $17O0 on modern home. $J5n0on modern dwel., Holladay add. $25tH on modern dwel.. In Piedmont. $25(K on modern dwel., E. 50th st. N. ( $27oO on new modern Alameda pk. home. $4000 on dwel.. 12th and Hall sts. F. H. DESHON. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. INVESTORS INVESTIGATE. - Is your money invested in liquid se curities and making you large returns? Do you know that money is bringing a higher premium than at any other time in history? Why not get the benefit of actual earning of a dollar under present conditions. I can show .you how. X 464. Oregonlan. BETTER THAN BONDS. PORTLAND RESIDENCE MORTGAGES. $it.00O on $22,000 property. -3.5t0 on 8,0o0 property. 2,250 on O.O00 property. 1,250 on 2.500 property. HERMAN MOELLER REALTOR. 1025 Gasco hldg. Main 14SQ. FRANK L. McGL'IKfi with m ears of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, is in a position to safeguard your every interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logte Richardson, manager of loan department. Abin?ton oiog. Main UK). WANTED $10.000 to $100,000 to loan on real estate in Jordan valley territory. Malheur county; southeastern Oregon; low-priced land, good values; also want livestock money; good opportunity for loans or Investment at this time. Writs a' once to JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING & LAND CO.. Jordan Valley. Or. WANTED To borrow, direct from pri vate party. $1506 3 years, 8 per cent, on home on the Oregon City paved highway, near Oak Grove, consisting of 1 acre, all under cultivation, good ft-room house, garage, barn and chicken house. Prop erty valued about $4000. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED To borrow, direct from private party, $1800 for 3 years. 8 per cent, on home on Oregon City carlline, consist ing of 1 1-3 acres of good garden land. Improved with modern 5 -room house and large new chicken house; property val ued over $4000. McClure & Schmaucb, Co.. 30t Railway Exchange bldg. LOANS WANTED. $2000, 3 years, 7 per cent, value $4506 $5000, o years. 7 per cent, modern resi dence: west side; ground 75 by 100. $5000. 3 years. 7 per cent, modern 8-room house. I rvington. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO.. ::i! Ry. Exch. Bldg Main 675. WANT LOAN of $3500 at 7 per cent on residence property located East 52d st., value $S006; house good as new. Also loan of $15i0 at 7 per cent on E. Stan ton, near 6Sth st., value of house $3om, lot $500, house 4iew. L. R. Bailey Co., 024 N. W. Bank bid?. WANTED To borrow, direct from private party, $4000, on large, modern, beautiful home In Laurelhurst, lot 50x100, with all Improvements in and paid. Valued $10.4KK; moral risk first-class. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED To borrow, direct from private party, $2500 for 3 years. 7 per cnt, on modern 6-room home in Laurelhurst, Mix 100 lot, all improvements In and paid. Valued over $5000. McClure & Schmauch Co.. 306 Rntlway Exchange bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. J20OO. 3 years at 7 per tent; value Of property $5500. $700. 3 vears at 8 per cent; value of property $1 SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXIT. WE HAVE chance to place three loans. $1600. $2000 and $35110 and good Interest, payable eml-annually. Prefer to loin for private parties. No brokers. Sunset Realty Co.. Henry hldg. I HAVE a Until of $15,000 fulling due un business property on a main street Just across the Morrison bridge; will pay 7 per cent for new loan ; value $50,000. S 542. Oregon is n. I WANT. 10 borrow $2000 for one year. Will pav 10 per cent interest. I am in busi ness in Cn llfornia and want to expand further. Will explain details In per sonal interview. HP 464. Oregonlan. WANTED to borrow direct from private pHrty $3500 for 3 years, 7 pr cent, on modern Laurelhurst home; street hard surfaced. McClure & Schmauch Co.. 300 Railway Exchange bldg. WANT loan of $2600 on 13t acres of unlin . proved farm land, will pay 10 per cent Interest, pay Vi of principal in one year and balsnce In two years. Box 86, Scap pnnse. Or. FOR KALE. $750. 8- note secured by first mort gage on $2500 house snd lot. Geo. E. Englehart, 624 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5173. WANTED $2500 lor 5 years on a first mortgaere on the Commercial hotel, worth $S0O0, In Molalla, Or., by A. E-W-her. $1000 AT 8 ON' best security for 3 years. D475, Oregonian. PERSONAL. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. Camouflage and adjuncts foreign to this principle only add time and imme diate expense to later despair.) Dr. McMahon, Macleay bidg., Port land Is a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a H0 per cent chiropractic specialist, with highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the best; n!so from western and local patients having unfortunately had less than 100 per cent chiropractic else where, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 per cent chiropractic philosophy, long experience snd superior skill demonstrated In consultation, ex aminations, easy, careful adjustments, -rates, and finally results. Eleventh year In this city. Chronic cases taking lime, , 31 adjustments. $25. Extended time, 31 adjustments. $15. Acute cases. fever, lumbago. any doubting Thomases, etc., less time, less expense. Phone, wire, write, come. Main Office. 4th and Wash. Vw Home. 647 East Salmon St. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can pet positive Information on how to cure It at home without the least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant surprise in store for vou if you will write. No charge what soever. Tell others; It will help us all. Address Dr. Rock, Box X-737, Milwau kee. Wis. LADIES. ATTENTION! A denionmratlon of the most wonder ful complexion beautffler on the market will be given fre of charge all this week at 326 and 327 Fleidner bldg., Washing ton at Tenth. The Clo Cleete Co., wliich stands behind this product, absolutely guarantees it to do just what 'hoy claim for It. . C It and be convinced. ELECTRIC MINERAL STEAM BATHS stop colds, rheumatism snd jiervous troubles; violet pav. scientific body and scalp massage: both sexes treated; hours 10 to 6. evenings by appointment. Netti Benson. D. P.. Main 77SO. 304 Dekum b'dc. corner Third and Washington sts. P.UY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S Remember we sell you any model of Victrola, Edisnn, Columbia or Bruns wick up to $125 on payments of $5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 MdT st. WANTED Customers for beauty treat ment, in their own homes, marcelling, facial, scalp treatment and manicur ing, by experienced operator. .Phone Mrs. Balrd. Main 2350. WILL PARTY who spoke to stranger Wav ing car at Grand and Hawthorne 6 P. M. Wednesday kindly communicate, J. R. West, eeneral deliver v. STEAM baths, massage and vibration, lady ahsistant. Open 12 to 6 P, M. Sundays 2 to 4 P. M. 322 Fliedner bldg., 10th snd Washington. ELECTRIC cabinet baths, massage and chiropractic. Dr. A. B. Calder, Irene Stoy assistant 711 Swetland bldg. Main 77S6. j MANICURING, shampoos, face and scalp treatments. 605 Raleigh bldg. Mar shall 3376, FEET SVRE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacrv, pedicuring anfl foot massage; 10 A. M., 7 P M. 605 Ralele-h bldg. PA Y BOR information whereby I can sell FordT Woodlawn 1704. DOLLY NORTON. MANICURIST, 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. I'RlMEl'A BALM, formerly called Balm of j.-jgs. c. i-ii. '-rL. mornings. POESN'T Tom Dick or Harry pay you? See Viereck. collectors. Dekum bldg. F. LA PLANTE mineral for sale. 41? Swetland bldg. PR. ETHEL GRIFFITH bteam baths, vl bratlon. scalp treatments. 417 Swetland. FACE, scalp treatment, manicuring eleo trolysts. 211 Vi Morrison, room ft. JUNICIDE will cure rneumatlsm or money back 408 Dekum bldg WA NT E D Home for tw in boys 6 yea rs old- AN 487. Oregonlan. WANTED A home for a 2',i -year-old boy. Inquire at 703 hoou s t. MR. McBALN": Call E. 7131. Ask for Don ald. " ' " PERSONAL. CET WELL. FREE. FREE. FREE. Every day, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.,. and evenings from tt to & and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any other way are In vited to investigate Chiropractic metn ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOTJ WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease, CHIROPRACTIC wJJt permanently cure 95 per cent of allVilseases. CHIROPRACTIC remove the causa health returns. The above service Is all free to you. at the college building and may be bad in private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park and YamhilL Tel. Main 1014, HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most season able rate In order to show what Chirov practlc can do. PR. O. W. ELLIOTT President. 160 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and adiuncts foreign to this principle onlv add time and im mediate expense to later despair lor patients.) Dr. McMahon (Mc.ManJ him self. Macleay bldg.. Portland, u a chiro practor of experience, a past amateur, a, 1007 chiropractic specialist, with highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the b-su. also from western and local people (doctors, lawyers, judges, ministers, priests, teachers, parents and children), having unfortunately had leas than l0O chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief physically and financially. Men and women are fullv j-atlsfied with my 100 chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill dem onstrated in consultation before taking courses of treatment, and later in ex aminations, easy, careful and beneficial adjustments, lowest rates and fMuily results. Eleventh year In this city. . Acute attacks, colds, fevers, lumoago and "doubting Thomajsea" least U'ne, least expense. Chronio conditions 'ull, month rates. The rich can pav mere. Extended time 31 adjustment?, $10. Phone, wire, write, walk in. Main office. Fourth and Washington u New home. 647 E. Salmon st. THE TRAGEDY OF FAT. The misery of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, colds, etc. ; my scientific ap plication of water, light, heat, electric ity and massage, together with a vane and sensible diet, will remove the causa of these troubles. Treatments are plea ant and health building; consultations free Monday, -Wednesday and Friday, women only: woman assistant. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday men only. Brown's Hydrophalhic Institute, Stevens Bldg.. downstairs. Main bGHO. Over Six Years Same Location. CALL A WOMAN WHO KNOWS. "Oak Balm'' so quickly relieves distress peculiar to women that many find the help they seek in u mere trial treatment, which is given freely to any woman call ing on or writing to A WOMAN WHO KNOWS at Portland. Or.. 6.17 Depauw st. Mrs. Chas. Haskell, registered mem ber, of the INTERNATIONAL WOM EN WHO KNOW CLUB. SCENARIOS RECONSTRUCTED. Every person has one good story. Writ- yours, if yuu want money and fame. The movies crave them. Yours may be "a diamond In the rough." I'll poIi3h, reconstruct it, and supply the "kick for you. Let iu help y.u. I'll show you how to protect your ideas and turn tl 1 into real casli. Positively not a school ! lam limiest. Martha Lord, Scenario Reconstruction Studios, Holly wood, Cal. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless dentistry, by the iier e-block-ing method, without after effects. I nrako X-ray examination of teeth. 1 specialize iu first-clans dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3205. DR. A. W. KEENE. Majestic Theater Bidg. Wash. WELTHMER SYSTEM SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. The latest and most up-to-date sclencs practiced, if you have failed with others, try us. Drs. Ayers & McKinstry, 71 j DeKum Diog. Main yiu. Nervous and chronio diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't be come discouraged, but give me a trtal. Dr. Ada N. Scott, U6 lath St., bet. Aider a n d Wash. Broadway 6. i ANY PERSON knowing th- present ad dress of Katherin McHale. who for merly conducted an apartment house in this city, and later of Salem, will be re warded by communicating with box 48, 'ortlanu. ALLEMANG Would like to hear from R. E. Alleni ang or A. A. Alleinaug. Last heard from In Portland, Oregon, 1112. Would appreciate any in format ion re garding them. Address I. E. Alleniang, De Vein Hotel. Tulsa. Ollta. WRITE sung, poem, love, mother, hume, comic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publication. Send worus. Edward Trent, 7l2, Reaper block, Chl cago. Ciii no PR AC TIC. BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic, vi bratory and electric massage. Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 2li Swetland bldg. Hea- B;n;ible prices. IF YOU ARE tired and nervous you can rejuvenate your nervous centers and pour circulation by having a scientli'io body massagu. Dr.' Ovtdia Larsen, 6ii4 Morgan bidg. Main 1000. ALL the latent remedies sold at lue Ciein euson Drug Co.. -UO Morrison at., St Charles hotel corner. At this drug store you get just what you call for. We have no substitutes. GALLSTONES Free dook leiU or im pioved method ot treating lni lammatiuo of gall bladaer and bile ducts. Write today. Dr. Paddock, box UW-Ol, Kansas City, Mu. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needle method; consultation free. 504 Swot land bldg., 5th at Wah. wt. Main 13U8. 1AKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a nothing, cleansing, healing germicidal and Invigorating douche, a great aid in fe..ialu disorders; M and $1 per box. Portland hotel pharmacy. "" BODY MASSAGES. VIOLET RAY. ' 41u BUCHANAN BLDG.. WASH.. BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH STS. 10 A. M. TO 0 P. M.. ALSO SUNDAYS DR. J. S.I 1TH, drugless physician, suc cessful treatments uf acute and chronic diseases of men, women, children. U14- 1S Fliedner Bldg.. loth and Washington. $1 GETS buLn feet Ilx-d up at Dr. Eaton S , the CHIROPODIST and AKCH SFLST. WuO UUOBu k ituth jwu a j 1 b. ucre cxtim. free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wasn. Bdy. lio' 4, h'dk SALE U. S. circuit court of ap peals reports, 171 volumes complete. Attractive price. 4iJ Abington bldg. Mnln UOL UR ADU ATE nurse and chiropodist, sci en title massage, magnetic treatments. Re moved from room 20o 4 to room 216 Albjky bldg.. ad and Morrison st. itBi'LACEi th wear and tear on human system with electric treatments and body massage. 10 A. M. to H P. M, daily. 45(J Jorgau umti- mm itfitf. DR. EMMA PLOWMAN, mineral steam baths, chronic and nervous ailment treated by drug less met nods. 417 Swet land oiog. jfEiiVET & HANEBUT, leading wig and loupe makers, linest stock human tiai. goods; permanent and marcU waviiiK . acaJp treatment. 340 Alder. Mnln 646 1 .kt Jjit. GEORGE RUBENSTE IN, the veteran optician, be your optician. He is expert lu luting eyegiasaes and his charge nrt very reasonable --6 Munisun si. TOBACCO or suuif habit cured or no ia. i "if cured. Remedy sent on trial u- perba Co. W. :H4. iaamrnore, yia. POST vGE stamps for collectors, bought and" soid. Columbia Stamp Co.. U4 N. 16th t. Hroauway FOR CORRECT time call Alain 3i;i). For Bcientlfic watch repairing oe Miller. next door to Majestic theater. v a l tL Gina lo learn beauty culture. Hours to suit. Z-M FlWdner iildg. Hdwy. 11-57. , m WISH to hear from some one going east that has selling or canvassing proposi tion HOyregoniau; FblTRSC enlarged glands; cuie yourself. jT it Strachun, route 0, iiillsooro. Or. No agents or representatives. WHY BALD heads, dandrufr, eczema or falling hair? There a reason and a remedy. Try 814 Macleay bldg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles warts, removed bv 10-needles method; trial free. Justs ffniv &l4Busb A Lane bldg. Main oaa. SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ray nd vibratory treatment, 46 Clay. Mam KmU A. M. to 6 P. M. piXES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Ds. Dean. . oc- onu GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 6 or by appointment. Phons Main ivta. " MASSAGE BATHS, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. Dr. Elna Horensen, drug lesa phya. 608 Panama bldg. Main 50sQ. OPALINE Mrs. Summers' remedies for women, positive relief. Main 1470, 216 Lincoln. CEQRUii--Your- idc is-wrong . See iu.