oo TTTTC STJXD'AT ,OHl?ROXTAVi rOTTTLAXD, MARCH 20, 1921 FOR RENT. rUxmi-t With Iiiurd. MOKTOMA iiUTiU I'ortland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suiti or sinKle, with or without board, for families and business men apd women. Wo give you a.L the comfort of a borne, reasonable rates. l-lGHT, piea.nl room with hot and cold water.teainheal, good board. 33 loth. Rooms With Board in Private' Family. 1IIVINGTON SITTING ROOM, SLtKP 1NU PORCH, EXCEPTIONAL BOARD; AL.SO SITTING ROOM AND BEDROOM. 2 SINGLE ROOMS, GARAGE. LAUN DRY PR1V1UKOES. EAST 45. ROOM, board, 2 gentlemen, man and wlte employed. Private family, large front room, separate beds if desired. Home privileges; modern conveniences. 710 h. Kurnside. East 80;t, LARGE front room In -strictly modern oruj, well furnished, suitable for 2 peo ple. Excellent meals served and all homo privileges given. No other board erg. 141 E. HrnaJway. East 0243. CLEAN room and bath, good board, tl) pur week, gentleman only, wilh . con genial family of 3 adults. H. 12th, near Washington. Phone East 100. sICEL.Y furnished front room and board, very reasonable ; also sing le room. 375 Chapman, between 18th and ltfth su. nsar Mill st. COMFORTABLE front room with board, suitable for 2 gentlemen or couple em ployed; also use of piano, Ob J K. Bdwy., cor. 14th. ItoOM anu two mtala, $30 u. month or $7 a week; walking distance; desirable for working girl. 3o7 Beuton st. .East 7045. A NICELY furnished trunk, room In re fined L.aureinurt noine for 2 gentle men or man and wife, employed. 1002 ti. riannrs. Auto. Z.M-rf. LAKGE I runt parlor, good home cooking ; for two gentleman or man and wife em ployed. Phone. A real home. 3l0 Jack son Bt. WALKING distance - desirable rooms with private bath. All home comfort., including breakfast. 400 Clay st. Main 2'2'J.S, litV INGToN Attractive room, all mod ern conveniences, home privileges or board If desired; small family; use of piano, etc. Broadway car. -" E. -1 at N A REAL home for 1 or 2 refined people, west aide, large front room, modern, piano, breakfast. 447 11th st. Mat V-T.3. Sunday and Monday. V ILL burd children reasonable :iear Shattuck school by people jyno iovi children; best of care ; good reference. 5 i -b. . WANTED To board two little girls, pri vate home; pleasant surroundings. Wood iawn 3Tus. JslCKLV furnished rooms with board. Private home, near Broadway bridge. IPS Benton. . CLEAN room and board for 'J or 3 men; home privileges. 3 K. 14th st. N. Call before noon. . NICE country home and mother's care for one or two children. References. Tabor tlAHt. WANTED Lady boarder. Room and board $20 a month. Ella Finney, Route 2. Gcrvais. Or. KOOM and board for 3 men very reason able In private home Auto. UZV-22. i3uif 00th st. BOARD and room for working couple, front room, nice bungalow, home privi leges. Call Tabor 3001. 1(J..Y furnished looms, private lamily, home privileges, walking distance. -Aut. ."l-7fl. WANTED Boy to board, exceptional home, splendid earn, near Couch school. about 8 years preferred. Bdw y. 5447. LNCELLENT board, good room, private family ; 10 a week. 2 meals. 208 Ivy st. Phone Woodiawn 1002. UOOM 2 meals a day and laundry. In private home, $12.00 per week. Auto in- ItOOM and board in private family. 5o-5 E. lllh st. N. Nice front room. East 7n:t. . BOARD and room in private lamily, suit able for 2 people ; all home privll ;ges given. A rt'al home. Auto. 213-70. ItOOM and board in private family, all home conveniences. Woodiawn 0703. 760 Krby st. DKSl it A LiLE room with board in refined private family ; home privileges; suit able for one or two. Tabor 33-S. BOARD and room warned by young man In private family; ii) minutes' walk to S. P. & S. depot. V BIO. Oregon. til. CH 1 Ll J U EN UECL1V l excellent cars in suburban home of responsible party. Sell. 7Q3. 1C E tront room, suitable for 2; real home-cooked meals; very reasonable. Phone East '.'00. BuAKU and room for-chil lreii; price rea sonable. AutoniHltc 312-00. CHOICE room, 2 meals, home privileges, walking distance. Ka:;t 8302. GOOD board and room, homelike, suitable jinglfj or two. Woodiawn 2340. TtOOM and board for reliable people. 101 North 23d .tt. Marshall 3 374 . LA RGE. well-f urn iabed room with board- 701 Irving .street. W A l.kINU distance, bat b, telephone East WOO, 15 K. lh and Ash, private family. I'KONT room in modern home with board. Good loratlon. Phone E. 3NS5. ROOM and board in private home. 371 Lnreh wt.. Ladd Add. E. 50. WANTLU 2 refined people to board and room. East 4I7S. IN AlONTA VILLA Home privilege lor two young men. Tnbor 2.S. l:uo.t it li meals in private family ; splendid food; sleeping porch. Main Ml. NICE front room, home cooking arm home co into r t s. S4Q E a gt Taylo r. E ast oS'.2. FOR ROOM and board in private famiiy phone Woodiawn 2PQ3. PLEAS A NX room and board reasonable, near car. Tabor 451. ROOM and board in private family. 035 E. 11th sr. X. Nice front room. Ea.it 410. PRIVATE home for children by day or month. 714 Everett st.. Mar. 2102. Uutj .M aim uu.u'u in new b an jfaiow. Call Woodiawn 4!s7. iio.viE COOKING tor a gentleman in mod ern home. Close in. East M7. VILL GIVE best of care to child 4 or 3 years old. 502 Morrison. LIGHT ROOM FOR TWO MEALS. FREE T ELK I'll' NE. CALL WHI.S. 000.. LOOM and board lor gentlemen; private, cloe In. 504 Hoyt. LA RGE room, 2 b us, nic; home, nea r Multnomah club. Reasonable. Main 221P. I'urnKhed Apurtmentft. tiTKLWLN. 106 St. Claire Ct., Corner Washington. Hlgh-claas. very beautifully furnished outside front apartment and sleeping porch; white enamel woodwork; every thing very modern; also 1-room apart ment and kitchen, a ui table for 2 re fined gentlemen or ladius employed ; 1 single room; references required. Mar Khali 2s;:o. f 0( COM E and Inspect this newly reno vated and turntahed 0-room a pa rtmeiu, 2 bedrooms, clean as wax. You'll like It sure. Walking distance; location not fashionable, but alt right. Hawltwino A pa run en is. 004 First at. LOVELY furnished 3-room apartment In private home, walking distance ; place for garden, fruit nnd berries: will rent at $10 per mo. if you purchase furni ture. Phone Main 47ttS. KINGSBURY APTS., 180 VIST A. Nice large, 3-room apt., furnished in wicker, 2 disappearing beds on uut strtr? balcony, from $75 up. Adults only. Call Main 3MR3. Iil'KNA VISTA. Ptrfctly modern 2 and 3-rm. apts., $00 and up; adults. 434 Harrison st. Main 1002. MONEY TALKS. 4 rooms and bath; furnished apart ment $000, terms. Kent 30. Main 0127. BEAUTIFULLY furnished apt., suitable for 8 employed women or gentlemen, "72 Marshall Street. ELEGANTLY furnished bix-ruom apart ment to responsible people; X adults, west aide only. M 520. Oregonlan. CITY HALL APARTMENT. 2 17 V Fifth M.. bet. Main and Mudi rn; 1. 2 and 3 h. k. apt. KICK apt man and wife only; gas. lights, water, phone free; on car line; $32.00 per month. Tahor 004. i-KOOM apartment vacant, the 22d; steam heat. 1H7 17th st. MODERN 2-ROOM apt. Leeds apts., 210 Market street. A NICE, clean, modern 2-room, apartment. 414 4th St. Marshall 21IM. 3-ROOM furnished apt., all outside rooms. private bath. Bast 31H2. 2 FRONT furnished apts. for rent. Inquire 2 MS Washington st.. Denver Hotel. 2-Roo.M apartment, suitable for 2 people cm ployed. Call afternoon. BOOH Bd wy . 3-ROOM furnished apt., beat, light, tele phone. jiii per month. 147 N. 21 at N. . 3-RM. KITCHKNBTTE, bath, well fur nished: reasonable 349 N. 23d St. 8-itOOM apartment. 2 beds, bath, nice for family or working girls to divide rent 203 13th. , Mar. 1413. fl-TtOOM APT. 227 MARK FT STRFKT. WANTED Young woman to share nice fnt. Manager Juliana apts. Mar. RS3 . 1 2 AND 1 4-ROOM furnished apts. Wel lington court. Broadway 4218. EST SIDE 1-room apt. for bachelor or lady employed. Phone Main 2030. D EN N I SON APTS.. 1027Va Belmont St.; 3 -room apt., furnished. 2 ROOMS or 4 rooms, upstairs, with balo. 4SI W. Park. Marshall 4003. 2-ROOM apartment. ' 746 Hoyt. ' TOR KENT. Furnished A piu'tnienta. LOVELY FRONT FURNISHED APART MENT, 4 rooms, complete; modern, new, clean, nice enough for anybody, suitable for family of 2 to 4 people; rent $70; other apartment houses ask as high as $100 per month for no better apart ments. "THE COLUMBIAN," 11th and Columbia. Main If 1 1 JAEGER APARTMENTS, 701 WASHINGTON ST. One three-room furnished apartment; vacant April L . APARTMENT TO LEASE. Five rooms over stores, other occu pant dentist; on Grand avenue; can be leased for one or two years. A. W. LAMBERT & SON, Southeast Corner Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS residential apL. desirable for two. Three rooms (one a sleeping porch), kitchenette and bath; clean, light and cozy. Hardwood floors. Inlaid linoleum. French doors, old ivory finish, f ir place. Garage accommoda tions. Main 8542. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes" walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surround. ngs, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3-roor- furni-shed apts., out : ide. with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. PORTLAND Heights residential apartment, desirable for two: three rooms (one a sleeping porchL kitchenette and hath; clean, light and cozy ; hardwood floors, inlaid linoleum. French door-j old ivory finish, iireplace. garage accommodations. Main R042. WANTED Refined, congenial young lady between ages of 18 and 21, employed, to share an apartment with two other young ladies. References exchanged. Call Main 7051 between 12 and 1 noon afir Sunday. 5-Koull beautifully furnished apartment in new Gordon Court apartments avail able for not less than four months. No small children. Call Marshall 303 be fore 11 or after 2 Sunday for appoint ment. PAGE APARTMENTS. Bast Eighth and Burnside. 3 rooms, white pressed brick, thor oughly renovated; $35, including tele phone. Adults anly. BENSON APT.. 203 N. 20th. 3-rm. fur nished apt., including all linen and sil ver, all outside rooms, dressing room and bath; ndnlts onlv. B 4418. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Well furnished 4-room corner apart ment, modern, phone, $70. Call luin 2000. IN OWNER'S home, modern couven., fur nished apt., suitable 2 adults. 210 llth st.. cor. Salmon, 1 block central library. Main S7S. 1 HE ELM WOOD. Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room apta., $00 and up; adults. 415 10th st. Main OfiuO. THE DAYTON April 1, 3-room base ment apt. $25. Party who will do light janitor work, no fires. H 517, Ore gonian. THE GRANDEST A APARTMENTS. OS Grand ave. Nicely furnished 3-room corner apt., and also court apartment, rent reasonable. THE JLFFKKSUXJAX, JOth and-Jefferson. 2 and 3-room apartments, larg; pleosant rooms, usual conveniences; no children. YOUNG widow will share cozlly furnished apartments with congenial girl, $25 per month your share. Why not save ex penses In this way? M 300. Oregontan. TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, ground tioor. completely furnished ; hot water heat; $1S.OO per month. Auto. 314-U6. MSI Keiby. NKWLY decorated and well furnished 2 room apartment, private entrance; free lights, heat and. phone; adults only; $35. 507 Clay st., near 10th. HiSLOP HALL APTS. 410i Hawthorne ave.. near Grand ve.. beaut liuliy clean auc strict iv modern 2 and 3-room apts.. $40 up. Kaat -ROOM Furnished apt.; bath, toilet. Dutch kitchen; nttwly papered and paint ed in old Ivory. Lse of porch and jard. Adults. 071 Oantenbein. PENINSULA APTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments. 1130- Athlna avenue. CLEAN and cozy 4-room apartment with bath. Westminister apts., 0th and Mad ison. Main 05S2. 3-HOO-u lurnisiied Juliana Apartmenti Marshall !iS3. apartment, $02.00. , 40 Trinity Place. NICELY furnished apartment for rent; one large furnished front sleeping room for rent. 7 1Q Lovejoy. FRONT room, largo, very light kitchen, sleeping porch, bath. 2 closets. East Yamhill, bet. 12th and 13th. East 1710. THE GiiOVEJ: Nicely furn. 2 large rooms. 2d Moor front. 1S1 Grover. st.. South Portland. Main 1'jS -ROOM apartment. including private bath, wood, heat, electric, gas. G2S 4th. Main 2.S7 4 HKICRSTON APTS.. 418 UTH ST. Nb-ciy furnished 2-room basement nirtment. -UuUM apartment 2 beds. bath. Nice for familv or working girl to divide rent. 203' 13th. Marshall 1413. KING ALBERT APTS. Three rooms, strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. llth and Montgomery. 07 12TH ST. One-room apartment, kitch enette; strictly modern; everything fur nished but gas. PLEASANT lurniahed room tor elderly gentleman. 2 meals If desired. Main 3 i::o. THE LEONCE APTS. Furnished 3-room apt., 22d, near John son stret t. ' Marshall 2250. CUTE, clean, coy apts., 2 rooms. $12 -to $20 per month; quiet house; industrial cen ter. 414 N. 10th st. . COLLEGE 3 room a. modern, gleam heal. 1 1 ee phoi.e. new furniture; close in. $ 1 &0U. Third and College. Mar. 5000. A 3-ROOM furnished apt. with heat, close to bath; only $30. 142 Shaver st. Phone Woodiawn 1184. N I '.;. V lurnisiicti 3-room trout apta., outside; private phone and bath. Bdwy. 1007. FOR RENT Furnished apt., 3 rooms, dressing room and bath, in nice brick a pt. house. Phone E. 3782. 4-mO.i iiiini.-litd apartment, no niall children; references. $80 per month. Broadway 4M.1. S.M ALL furnished apartment. Private entrance; lower floor; sink, hot water; reasonable. JNl 1 7t h st.. cor. .If rVrson. FL'RNITUItE for sale in four-room apt. ; rent' $30; possession at once. T 500, Ore gonlan. NICE, clean lurnished 2-room apartment, reasonable rent. Call East 5180 after 0:3. 2-ROOM and 3 -room apartment, Haw thorne car. ' Murrymead car. 300 E. 2Hth street. MUl'KK.N furnished apt.. 2 and 4-room, $20.00 and $45. Kerrigan, 52 E. 6th st. N. Phone bast 1 1 jo. TWO ROOMS or 4 rooms upstairs with -KM. APT., newly tinted and painted, also sleeping rooms. H4 13th wt. M. 3509. 2-ROOM tAPT., gas, lights, phone and heat, $30 per mo. Bdwy. 3H5. 4-ROOM apartment, all outside rooms, price $00. Bdwy. 2071. FURNISHED apartment on first floor; 1 block from carline. 347 Hall Street. ELBR1DGE apU., 274 N. 2Lsl U 3-room front furni.'ht'd apt., $00. Fdwy. 4730. TWO-ROOM apt., Mib E. 28th, near Harri son. Murraymead- Par. Will take child. MORTON APT. 3-room furnished apt. 0!7 Washington at. Main lo-2 1'ORTNOM AH S rooms, sleeping porch. hardwood floors; adults. 200 E, 13th. 3 R OOM"o u t s i d e apt.. $oo! SouthHa7np- ton Apts. Marshall 2205. FIRST CLASS modern furnished apart -mcnts for rent. 3 US 11th at. 2-ROOM apartment, newly renovated. Fair mont apts.. 2S0 llth FURNISHED 3-room apartment $60. Han over apartments. Marshall 2o01. FURNISHED apt., steam heat, private bath. 8404 Mississippi ave. LNjuI a V b. anu Ki.iiUgaMUitn, ii. ail complete, concrete build 1 n g. 3-ROOM furnished apartment for rent! CS Grand ave. COZY 3-room apartment. Heat, light, gas and phone. Main 4849. TWo-KOO-u. lurnisiied apartment. $22.00; handy to the shipyards. 614 4th st. FIRST floor front, large 2-room apt walking rHstcejaltiJtaB 02 Glisan. BASEMENT apt., suitable (or bachelor, $27.50. Call Main 1008, Monday. TWO OUTSIDE rooms, $20 month. Jef fery apts.. East 1504. Russell and Klrby I nfnrii'Mied Apartment. $.;0 4-ROOM steain-heated unfurnished apartment. Cottei Drug Co.. First and Sherman sts. THE WHEELDON APTS. Very large unfurnished apartment Main 664 L GA RFIK LD. 4 rooms, hardwood floors. 361 E. Fa lung, b i k. west mion FOR RENT on April 1. 5-room apartment HUO AIMna ave. Phone Wdln. 3043. ONE 4-ROOM unfurnished apt. Welling ton Court. Broadway 4218. 3-ROOM apartment at 17th aud Belmont, $20 month.' Last 11191. FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments- 0 ROOMS, new fiat, entire floor, separate back andfront entrance, hot water heat and janitor service, nice . yard, large porch, gas range and linoleums, lease; $05 to responsible party. Call Tabor 0188. Call on premises. 126 E. 34th. GORDON COURT APT., 630 Montgomery drive; very at tract vie new 5-room un furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath; walking distance, beautiful view. tt.i.ilA Al'Ahi'jit.NTS, 22a and Gusun. A few choice three-room unrumlshed apartments; newly decorated, like new; rent $45 to $50. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Pleasant 4-room corner apartment, modern. 05. Call Main 2006. UNFURNISHED apt., 3 rooms and bath, water, light and phone paid, $20. Wdln. 5041. READY about March 30, 3-room apart ment, splendid location; adults. Apply i85 East Market. Sunday, THE MORDAUNT, 18th and Everett, large 4-room modern unfurnished apartment, refinlshed. take children. Auto. 527-10. DURFEY APTS. 3-room apartment with bath, steam heat, telephone. Auto. 22N-5S. LORENZO APTS.. 427 Salmon St. Phone Main 8678. Unfurnished 2-room front apt.; water, light, phone. Adults. IONIAN COURT, ISth and Couch. 4-room modern front apt., newly painted and tinted. $07.50; adults. Phone Bdwy. 2701. Flats. 6 ROOMS, new flat, entire floor, separate back and front entrance, hot water heat and janitor service, nice yard, largt porch. ;m range and linoleums, lease; J(i0 to responsible party. Call Tabor 61b3. Call on premises. 126 E. 34th. FOR RENT Two new flats, one 5-rooms the other 4 rooms; every modern con venience; central location; good neigh borhood ; rent, 0 rooms $00 ; 4 rooms. Call 747 E. Burnside Street. FIVE ROOMS Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, gas stove and water heater; Nob Hill district; rent $50. Must take year lease. East 4792 after 9 A. M. 5-ROOM modern upper flat, newly dec orated, within 5 minutes' walking dis tance from business district. Apply 404 ftth st. l'OUit nice large rooms and large sleep ing porch: modern, with furnace heat. Auto. 230-15. FLATS for rent, furnished and nnfur nlshed. Take Irving ton car. 327 East 10th N. $20 3-ROOM nat. 021 Overton west side. wat e r. gas for bath. East 1104. A FIVE-UOOM clean flat; gas, electric lights and phone; rent $22. 55 E. 27th st. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat, lOttf Union, ave. North. FLAT 4 rooms, to party buying furni ture. No children. 04 E. 14th sL N. MOUEKN 3-room flat. 700 East 7th St. S. Near phon. Sell wood car. 6-HOOM'modern upper flat. $20 per month. Phone Monday, Sell. 2873. Furnished Flats. $30 MODERN furnished flat. 0 rooms and bath, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch and every convenience; close n. for rent April 1 or about 20th Inst, if desired: adults only and references: rent three months In advance. S 4H0. Oregonlan. $30-37.00 TWO lower flats, nicely fur nished, stove heat, gas and wood ranges; prefer adults. 152 20th, near Belmont, SS car. Call Sunday 2 to 4 P. M 6-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale; can rent 3 rooms if so desired; walking distance. Tel. Main 7132 or call 427 0th st. . FOR RENT G-rm. steam-heated flat on Wash. St.; furniture for sale; 3 rrus rented. Automatic 024-40. 5-ItOOM furnished modern flat Tor rent, $37.50 per month, at 700i,4 Haw:horne. Call after I:30 A. M. 4 ROOMS, nicely furnished, lower flat, good location, walking distance, rent $50. East0237. NOB HILL. 7-room modern flat for rent, furniture for sale; reasonable for cash. Call Main 4848. 6-R. MODERN lower flat, A-l condition, 300 Jackson, west side. Furniture for pa le. CHsh. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room flat; 0v2' Love joy utreet. between 2 1st and 22d. Kent .'U a montn. tfiiyy. am. GirtL employed Co share Hat, walking dis tance; Protestant ; references, desirable. Main 8018. 3 H. K. ROOMS, $20 a month. East 1304. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 495 ; Williams ave. VERY pleasant front suite, running wa- ter. heat, use of bath, phone, laxjor. rUUMatiKii AiODEKN HOL'SiSKEEl'lNG ROOM. 331 FOURTEENTH STREET. FOR RENT Purnished 5-room flat. In quire Ool l E. Morrison, cor. 15th; adults. GlKL employed to share flat, walking dls tance. Protestant. Reference. M. 3018. 347JEFFEPSON' Partly furnished 4-room Mat. Inquire 2 7 3 ; B r o a d w a y . FIVE-ROOM flat lor rent; stam heat; furniture for sale. Broadway 22r5. FURXiTURE of 8-room modern flat for s;il at sacrifice. o-'OS Park Street. A FURNISH E-D 0-room modem fiat for reMt: i::iS. Corbet t Street. 0-ROOM furnished flat, west side, walk iiiK distance. Main 2083. NICEA' lurnhed. six. rooms, sleeping porch. Nob HHi Mar 3402. FTPNITURE of 6-rooru for sale, flat for rent. Mnr. 245. FOR RENT 0-room flat, furniture tor sale cheap for rah, 31iv Fifth st. LOWER floor of my residence, suitable for two. 243 E. 17th. near Hawthorne. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. 713 Kearney, nvnr 22d. Main 1003. MODERN 4-room furnished flat. 010 Com mercial st. Phone 310-01. Jloiiciee plug rnwmiH. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. suitable for workingmen, close in. Bdwy. 1432, after 11 A. M. . TiiE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur ni&hed h. k. rooms. $15 up including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. CLEA AN single h. k. rooms. h$7 to $12 a nth; men or women; batli and lobby; ites, $12 to $20. 414 North 10th st. mon HOUSEKEEPING rooms, heat, light, hath and phone, reasonable. 403 Mont- eomery. aiain .t.titi. IF YOU are looking for furnished H. K. rooms and want something good, call at 12 14th Ft. JUST LIKE hot ne; 2 rooms nicely fur nished, housekeeping; all conveniences, 002 H Thurman. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown district, 2tc. Sun. service. Bdwy. 244ft. TWO LIGHT, clean h. k. rooms for girl employed. No car fare. Phoue Broad way 3010. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms on car line. A ihiams ave. 1 FURNISHED housekeeping room with b 'CtwsiSdhb itousekcepiiig rooin lor rent. 430 E. Pine sc SINGLE lurnisiied housekeeping rooms. ! Jefferson s. 3 NICE unfurnished H. K. rooms, private hath. 048'. Thurman. apt. E. Mar. 4701. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, single or double. Auto. 211-27. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, running water. 541 Morrison. Bdwy. 1044. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping apt.. $30. 329 Montgomery. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with running water at -uu mn sr. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms rent at 17 i fin hi LARGE 3d floor H. K. roo, suitable for 2 men. 151 No. 18th. : FURNISHED housekeeping rooms to rnt reasonable; gas and lights. 200 Market. CLEAN rooms, single and in suites, 508 A Ider. ; EXTRA tine mmseaeepiug rooms, 414 Mill sfr.et. ZORN'S -0th and Morrison ; nice 14. K. rooms, most centrally located. BASEMENT JL K. rooms. $15; all con veniences. 507 Olaj' street. LARGE FRONT H. K. rooms in white; everything furnished. Main 5081. ONE FURNISHED h k. room, close in. Call after 4 P M. 527 Taylor. LIGHT, clean, housekeeping rooms, 201 12th street. . ' FOUR, rooms for rent, furniture lor sale; bargain. 570 5th st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 167 North 22d. M ain 3771. ' FURNISHED rooms for light H. K.; every- th I ng furnished. 103 H 2d st. DON'T search; 2 rooms, gas range, elec tric M glUB , CPU pic JW t V II Bt. TWO 2-ROOM light h. k. apts., nicely fur nish dJ40E;34th?8L NICE single rooms for 1 or 2.; hot water always. 655 Flanders st. CLEAN, single H. K. and sleeping rooms. steam, heat: reasonanie. ii iotn st. 1, 2 AND 3-ROOM. h. k. apts. 335 Clay, cor. Broadway. - 3 NICELY Furnished H. K. rooms with private nam, ispor joti or win rteimonT. FUfLNISHED Housekeeping rooms; two; 37" Twelfth street. and .. 1 SINGLE room for light housekeeping. i3 i;un street. war, j 4 1:;. CLEAN H. K. room. Babies allowed. 227 CLEAN, Light, airy housekeeping rooms; close In. 327 West Park Street. FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. $2 PER WEKK AM) llf. iil'O K1HST ST. TWO r tre apartments for rent. E. 3514. ONE 2'-Ii.OO modern apt. 4Jtt arkoL. j FOR RENT. HouteKeeping itoopuu BEAUTIFUL SITE Near river, mile south Milwaukie; two acres, chicken yards, fruit tree etc. ; fine modern eight room house, sleeping porch. M 463, Oregonlan. NICE, neat clean outside housekeeping room with kitchenette; rent cheap; in heart of city: 195 13th St., corner Taylor. Phone Marshall 720. 60 E. MADISON 8T. ONE H. K. ROOM for rent, $30 month, with gas, light and heat, and one small Bleeping room, $4 week; adults only. 233 10th st and Main. . FOR RENT 3 well-furnished H. K. rmi; West Side, at $25 a month, including both phone, light and cooking gas. 018 Q'.ilmhy Street. Automatic 514-10. ONE CLEAN, well-furnhvhed h. k. room. also one sleeping room, suitable for 2 - gentlemen, walking- distance. 57 Trinity piace. croaaway I7HU. LARGE, light, front room, large closet, hot and cold water, electricity, gas, steam heat, walking distance, 2 blocks from Htn ana Montgomery, not Harrison. EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant front room, also side room: both rooms convenient and clean; with or without light house keeping. 302 12th st. Marshall 828. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, gas range, electric light; middle-aged couple; west side. No children and do other roomers. 532 Clay st. $5 WEEK UP Completely furnished h. k. suites, absolutely clean, every conven ience, hot water at all hours: save car- lare. I .to Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. . 2 FURNic.j ED JL K. rooms, gas range. electric light, middle-aged wouple. West sine, i-io children and no other roomers. 532 Clay street. SINGLE and two-room suite, neat and clonn, just remodeled; also bachelor room in basement. 01H Everett st. FURNISHED housekeeping room for rent, close In. Phone Broadway 3000. Mar shall 4066 after P. M. ONE-ROOM kitchenette, private bath, steam heat. h. and c. running water; elec, private entrance. $30. 53 N. 18th. 0 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, bath, lights and phone. 49U Montgomery ft. .Main 3.510. C-KAN, nicely furnished single room for housekeeping or sleeping. Adults only. 405 12th st. a. ICE CLEAN room close in; liv ng, kitchen, alcove; reasonable; call 164 W. Park street. CLEAN housekeeping room, cloue in: elec tricity and bath; $4 per week. 200 N. x tat. i NICE, large, airy room with kitchenette on Jd nour. suitable for young laay em p-oyod. Auto. 2.10 -1 o. TH I S will suit: 2 nicely furnished h. k. rooms, heat, light, water, phone; choice location. Montavilla car. 31 East 28tn. DESI RABLE housekeeping rooms, com pletely furnished, electricity; close in. ot Aonn Tsintn. Housekeeping Kooms in Private Family. FOR RENT With private family, two large front rooms, nicely furnished for light housekeeping, suitable for four adults; np children. 424 3d st,, corner Mail. Phone Main ss.io. TWO FURNISHED H. Iv. rooms, watT, electric light and gas for cooking; also garage for rent: close in. 603 Haig st. Phone Sell wood 518. FOR RENT 2 nice clean II. K. rooms, furnace boat, electric lights, gas, use of bath, phone, walking distance. 124 E. 10th. Phone East 4004. ONE SMALL h. k. room. $20, and one nice sleeping room. $22.50 p-sr month ; in private home; Nob Hill. , Phone Marshall 3300. . 2 NICE H. K. rooms, everything furnished, walking distance, good car service, nice location. 355 Hancock st., near Union. East 840 Sunday and evenings. ONE LARGE furnished housekeeping room, heat, lights, water, phone and gae for cooking furnished. 343 10th st, corner Market. DOWNTOWN housekeeping suite, well fur- nished, hot and cold water, light, gas and heat included. 350 Salmon, near Broadway. , FURNISHED outside housekeeping rooms private family, walking distance. 46 Union avenue North. BEAUTIFUL furnished room wilh kitch enette and breakfast room combined: gas, light and heat, $37.50. Aut. 524-51. FOB RENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms: gas. Light and phone furnished. No children. Tabor 1457. 2 GOOD cieaii 11. K. rooms - In private home: also 1 good front sleeping rm. !l K. Couch East 008. iiULoHN room and kitchenette, light, heat and telephone; $15; close In. East 5300. SPLENDID 2-room H. K. apt., walking . distance, everything furnished, $24. 080 East Main street. A SUITE of two beautiful H. K. rooms, large and light; gas range, electric lights and phone. Close In. Mar 3214. 3 ROOMS for 2 or 3 people; no ob jections to children. 205 E. 32 d. Auto. 233-40. LA KGE front housekeeping room, suitable for two. w ith sleeping porch 224 14 th. in private family. WELL furnihhed housekeeping Vooms in modern home. East 2300, or 321 Eugene k SU $30. 2 NICELY Furnished housekeeping rooms; employed couple or gentlemen: $18 a month. .ri Kearney. Bdwy. 7S3. FOR RENT 3 modern furnished house keeping rooms, $25 per month. No ob jection to baby. Bp'. E. loth st. South. DESIRABLE rooms. 1 furnished, 1 unfur nished, kitchen privileges, refined home, v"t .'ide. references. Marshall 3730. 2 WELL furnished H. K. rooms reason able, close iu, working girls preferred. E. 7279. SUITE FURNISHED, h. k. rooms, walk ing distance, lights, water furnished. ."!; Grand ave. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance. East 0707. Mrs. Wllco::. 3 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms. 507 E. Yamhill st. No children. LARGE CLEAN H. K. rooms in private family. 271 N. 21st Street. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, no objections to children. Marshall 2656. 54ft 6th st. THREE desirable h. k. rooms; 2 adults. 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. . NICE h. k. room, walking distance; refer ence. 3t!0 Benton t. East i081. T WO HOUSEKEEPING rooms in back, light, bath. 501 Clay st. . $10 FOR 4 housekeeping rooms in private family. S0 Grand ave. N. 2 FRONT h. k. rooms, 1 light h. k. room, reasonable, near Y. M-. C, A. Main 1070. 3-KOOM h. k. apt.. 4th gt. 2d floor front. 320 TWO LARGE, clean, furnished h. k. rooms. 2 adults. 70 E. 19th st. N. 2 OR 3 furnished H. K. apts. 501 Everett. Aut. 52!-l. - 2 FRONT H. IC rooms. 1 light U. K. room, reasonable, near Y. M. C. A. Mar. 1670. CHEERFUL, light, clean front 11. K. rm. ; downtown district, reasonable. 408 Mam. 2 OR 3-ROOM d. modern; walking dU taroe; near Broadway. 382 E. lt st. 2 SUNNY, clean, furnished H. K. rooms Adults. 13 E. 7th street. East 1920. 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 352 San Rafael; walking distance. 2 LARGE connecting H. K. rooms, run nlng water. 187 Chapman. Main 2008. 2 N ICELY furnished H. K. rooms, suit able for 2 or 4 people. HM N. 17th. H. K. ROOMS. 684 GlUan. Phone Mar shall 107. - FRONT 2-r. H. K. suite, sink, H. and C. watfr. electricity, phone. 300 12th at. 2 LARGE, clean front rooms, walking dis tance, flft E. 12th, corner Washington. HOUSEKEEPING rooms at 432 Jefferson. rXont. 4-ROOM plastered hou.se, $13 per month. Fred V. Spear, 6Hth st., S. of 60th ave. Auto. 610-10. SMALL 4-room huose. partly furnished, for rent. 1305 Boston a c Phone Wood lawn 61(03. 1RVTNGTON 8 large, light rooms, E. 19th N.; furnace, ti re place, etc; $60. Keys at 711 Thompson. MOVING Piano, furniture ana long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 512L WHEN moving, city or country; get the best at lowest price. Green Trans. Co Main 1261. 2024 Alder st. VIM TRANSFER CO. Phone East. 6434. Furniture and bag gage hauled at reasrnable rates. FOR RENT 5-room cottage; immediate posesslon. 644 E. Salmon. Phone Wdln. 3034. ' 6-ROOM house in good repair; bath, elect., gas, close In; adults only; rent $25. N. S. cur. Call 140 Whltaker st. WILL SHARE telephone and re-nt small office with separate entrance In my suite. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Call. FOR RENT East side of double house, 6 rooms. 502 East Main st. PARTY WILL share modern bungalow In Trvlngton. East 4P7. FOR- KENT 8-room house; 770 Hoyt St., near 23d. Call 778 Hoyt or Main 5724. MODERN COTTAGE, partly furn shed; $20 per month. ,S8 E. Washington Street $10 CLEAN 5 rooms and garage; furnl- FOR KENT 5-room cottage, close to S. P. shops. 842 E. 23d St., phone Main 292L 5-KOOM house, $H. April 5. Inquire 41 East - - a ana rine. 5-KOOM house for rent, electricity, gas, bath. 235 Curry, after 12 P. M. 0-ROOM house for rent; 644 Alblna ave. Inquire 000 Borthwick. eorner Monroe. il-KOOM huusu for rent,; 644 Alblna hvo., iii(uire 605 -Bur til wick, -corner Monroe. FOR REST. Houses. 8-ROOM bungalow In good condition, lot is 125 front, loo feet deep; has garage, small chicken house and park. All kinds of fruit and berries lor family use. Also roses and shrubbery. Located at 1110 South Syracuse St., 4r blocks from car line, 3 blocks from Willamette blvd. Owner will be on premises from 11 o'clock Sunday morning until 4 in the afternoon. v NOW AVAILABLE. Beautiful modern home, six rooms, on lOOxlOO corner; fruit; fine locality; white enamel tlnish; furnace, fireplace; SEE THIS TODAY. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR, 301 PANAMA BLDG. FOR LE.VSE Hawthorne district, good 0 room house; 3 lots, plenty of fruit, ber ries, close in; lease tor two years. $65 - month, lust six months' rent to be paid in advance. For further information call ERNEST WELLS COMPANY, OOttCouch b:dg. Main 0820. Open Sunday. LAURELHURST Real nifty bungalow, with garage ; never been lived in : ex ceptionally large living room ; hard wood floors, fireplace, modern kitchen, furnace, etc.; rent $85. Call Sunday morning after &. 1027 Multnomah St.. near Sandy. LIGHT. AiKV 0-ROOM FLAT IN GOOD WEST SIDE LOCATION FOR RENT TO PARTY BUYING FURNITURE; FURNI TURE INCLUDES A. B. COM BIN A TION RANGE. ALMOST NEW, ALL FOR $000, TERMS. AUTOMATIC 524-00. 5 ROOMS, new fiat, entire floor, separate back and front enti-ance. hot water heat and janitor service, nice yard, large porch, gas range and linoleums, lease; $05 to responsible party. Call Tabor 5188. Call on premises, 126 E. 34thJ FOR RENT $45 per "month, with twe years' lease, eight-room suburban home; electric lights. Bull Run water; located Erol station : about- nine acres, barn, small orchard. Whitmer-Kelly Co., 414 Pittock blk. FOR RENT 0-room modern house, every thing up to date, furnace, garage, chicken house; lot 00x100; full cement basement, etc.; adults only. 1075 Divi sion, het. 3."th and 36th. Tab. 8410. $25 A MONTH For rent 2-story house. 0 rooms, suitable for 2 families. 241 Miles st. Phone Broadway 3506, ask for Mr. Slrard. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO.. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH STREET. FOR RENT 1-room bungalow, partly fur nished, with garage. $24 705 Yale St., near Portsmouth ave. and Wilamette blvd. 10 to 4 Sunday. FOR RENT S-room house all modern im provements; rooms newly tinted; nice neighborhood; else in; rent o. tan and see owner 747 E. Burnside Street. HALF ACRE with 0-room house near Multnomah station, for lease C months at $20 a month. Call on Ben Rela- larto. 404 K:att mng.. n rarit st. FOR RENT West side. 4th ana Ham ilton; good five-room house, lots of fruit, small barn, chicken house; cheap.. Call Aut. 518-03 mornings: permanent. PIANO and furniture moving, experienced men; local and long-distance hauling : aut os, horses, Mlers-Bockenfeld, Main 5h48. . FOR RENT To reliable people only, well located 5-room bungalow. Open today (Sunday) after U. 621) E. 55th st. N. 0-ROOM modern, furnished or unfurnished house, west side, choice location, clos& in. Maln'OOSl. IRVINGTON Duplex house, 8 large light rooms, on E. 10th N. Key at ill lnomp son. 4-ROOM cottage and acre for rent. Lake Grove, on the S. P. Electric. AH 418, Oregonlan. 8-ROOM house, with large lot and fruit; St. Johns district, $30 per month. See Mr. Bochin. Bdwy 1Q.8. 209 Oregon ping, 3-ROOM cottage for. rent. Bridge ton. Or. Take Vancouver car. Inquire at gro cery store. Furnlf-bed Iloutv MODERN 6-room house, completely fur nished; clean, sanitary; gas plate and laundry trays in basement ; furnace ; table and bed linen; very desirable loca tion; 'garden space: within walking dis tance; near two carlines; adults only ; reasonable rent ; references exchanged. Owner home Sunday. 10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. 716 East Davis. Tabor 1295. WIDOW, living alone, will rent first floor of house, furnished for housekeeping, re serving small separate part for own use. Private front entrance halt for tenant; bath, basement, pantry, porches, lawn, garden spot, gas range, wood, cooking stove, washing trays, electric lighting. Call Tabor 04S0. A VERY fine beautiful mahogany Chick ering grand piano tor rent to private home where Instrument will have best of care; terms, $15 per month and the cartage, but discount given if taken for reasonably long term. See Oregon Eilers Music House, second floor. 287 Wash, st.. or phone Main 1123. ONE OK THE moat beautiful homes in Portland on corner; double-garage; Or iental rugs: concert grand piano; vlc tro'.a; silverware and linen ; oil paint ings: hot water heat. $100 per month. Phone me Monday lor further informa tion. East 0732. HERE'S your chance. 5-room partly fur nished house, modern, garage, corner lot, good location, only $3000, $500 down, balance like rent. A. J. De FOREST & CO. R0 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 5090. CLEAN, nicely furnished seven-room house in bst part of Irvington. reasonable to right party. References required. Call - Sunday afternoon or weekday evenings from 4:30 to 5:30. 285 E. 16th N. Tele p h one East 1305. - 8-ROOM house, furniture for sale; rent $30: furniture $075; suitable for light housekeeping; 3 rooms now rented; west side. Sunday, Tabor 6786, week, days Broadway 2872. FURNISHED houseboat; 5 rooms, large porches, city water, electric lights; foot Nevada St.; rent $25, or sell $000, easy terms. CHAS. RTNGLER. 225 Henry Bldg. MODERATELY furnished 6-room house for rent for the summer, very reasonable; near Montgomery-Ward's : immediate possession. P 4'.4. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 0-room furnished house, ex cept bedding, at 11 East 6th st. N., near Ankeny st., $35 per month. Will be at houe 8 A. M. Sunday. $24 5-KOOM partly furnished or un furnished house at 742 4th street ; lo minutes walk to Morrison. Take S. & car to Hooker street. 3 AND 4-room stone bungalows, com pletely furnished, with garage. Emraotus. Jennings Lodge. Telephone Oak Grove I20X. ' LEASE t rooms, furnlsned. 80. large living room, oak floors. 803 E 20th. near S. P. R. R. shops: sp'endid for boarders, 6 bedrooms. Phone East 3220. A fl-ROOM well furnished modern house, 5 bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, player piano, garage; close In; adults only; rcf. Rent $120 per mo. East 2173. COlY O-R-.L furnished bungalow, garden and fruit trees. Call after 12. Wain. 3008. NICELY furnifihed 6-room houe. modern. $00. 247 East 23d. between Main and Madlpon. Phone East 7467. NICELY furnished modrn house. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, clean; adult; ref erence. 308 Knott st. 6-ROOM house, partly furnished, not mod ern, back lot for garden, cheap rent to right people. Inquire 201 3d st. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, furnished neatly, near Franklin high school. Call Tabor 8338. 5415 Powell Valley road- STONE bungalow completely furnished, with garage, on Willamette river and Oregon City carline. Call Main 47S. HAWTHORNE SECTION BY OWNER. 6 rooms, with sleeping porch, garage, furnace., fireplace. 1076 Arnold, nr. 37th. ONE 2-ROOM furnished house and one 4 room furnished house. Inquire 527 Mar ket st. 5-ROOM modern, furnished or unfurnished house, west side, choice location, close In. Main 0081. FURNISH ED bungalow, 5 rooms, tor rent at 3823 East 42d street. Call at 1231 Francis avenue. References. MODERN 4-room cottage, oak floors fire place, near Brooklyn car shops, $40. Phone East 3225. MODERN 4-room cottage, oak floors, fire place, near Brooklyn car shops, $30. Phone East 3225, 4-ROOM furnished bunrnlow, Rose City car, only 35. 670 E. 72d st N. Owner there Monday all day only. FOR RENT furnished 0-room bungaiow, garage, sleeping porch; all built-in con veniences. Auto. 010-78. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent at 2-KOOM shack, furnished; adults only. 14 so Omaha ave. 5-ROOM house, modern, adults onljc 1486 Omaha ave. Kenton car. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, 314 Marguerite ave. FURNISHED house for rent, just right for two; modern in every way. Col. 854. HOUSB Five rooms, $45. 343 E, Glisan, corner E. 2d st. 4 ROOMS, $30; modern. 5330 Powell val ley. Mt. Fcott car. NICE modern home to- responsible people. sen. 4M. Huu for Rent Furniture for Sale. FURNISHINGS for sale of small house on West Side, south: cozy, scenic, camp like; low rent. Mar. 2822. o ROOMS complete; this Is quality, not quantity. 04 Eat 82d st, after 5 P. it. or call all day Sunday. 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture fur sale, 703 Hood - - - FOR RENT. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE of 0-room house; some wood, coal, canned fruit, canned goods, sugar and flour for $275 cash; 11 blocks from Oth and Morrison Sts. ; rent $26 in tludlng water. V 020, Oregonian. 180 EAST 28TH ST. Si., four-room cot tage, complete; a home place, including sewing machine and davenport and wood range; rent only $15, with small garden. Come Sunday. Week days Broadway 3584. MODERN 0-room cottage tor rent, $25 to party buying furniture, 4 rooms fur nished with solid, oak.. 804 Hood st., or Marshall 2206. FURNITURE FOR SALE ft-room house for rent, $20. Would trade furniture tor light touring car, Ford or Chevrolet. ln quire 613 East Chicago St.. St. Johns. Summer Reports. WANTED to rent by the year, at Seaside, near sea front. 4 or 5-room furnis'ied house: no children. E. G. H 40 Royal ave. Tabor 3077. CASCADE COTTAGE, op. Hotel Seaside, for season, completely furnished, $450. Box 284, Seaside. MODERN 7-room furnished house, sleep ing porch, sun parlor. On ocean ridge at Gearhart. N 378. Oregonlan. btorea and bunn.ru lace. WAREHOUSE SPACE. 5000 to 8000 square feet available April 15; light main floor of concrete building, spur track, sheltered loading platform; part of this space suitable lor office. Call Bdwy. 4062. STORE TO LEASE. Desirable store, centrally located cen tral east side; fixtures for sale; present lease can be taken over, has 2 Mr years to run. A. W. LAMBERT & SON', Southeast Corner Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. FOR RENT Auto repair shop, 20x100, with all necessary machinery, lathe, drill press, emery wheel, line shaft, weaver press, dolly and twin jacks, completely installed. Good location. Inquire City Hall garage, 4th and Jefferson. Main 7970. FOR RENT About half block of ground and some sheds, 50th and Ha'wthornc avenue, with rail switch. Will be let for any business except fuel or lumber. Apply Boring Wood A Coal Co., 50th and Division. Phone Tabor 1742. WAREHOUSE: SPACB wlth side track, close In. to lease. H. N, BURPEE, Wilcox Bldg. NICE light, steam-heated basement space In Hotel Clifford with entrance on East Morrison St., suitable for printing, bil liards, bowling, storage, baths, etc. Rent $20. Inquire Fred H. Strong, Hotel Clifforo SALESROOM, suitable for automobilrs or trucks, west side, downtown district; cheap rent on lease to responsible ten ant. Speedwell Garage, 35 North 14th st. MACHINE shops and warehouse on track, can give you any amount of 'space you want; very low rates. Immediate poa session. J. F. Staver. Macleay bldg. STORE for rent, suitable for delicatessen and lunchroom or hardware. Apply J'inl tor Waverly Court. East 20t'i and Clin ton Sttf. STORE FOR RENT 292 3d St., near Jef ferson, 18x60. plate-glass front, $30; look at it. Cox. StocK .xcnange oiog. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof warehouse phone Bdwy. 3710. CORNR STORE, 304 1st st. Apply at 202 Stark Ft. LOCATION for nie.t market, have eoJip ment. east side preferred. GS1 Clinton at. . Office. ONE ROOM, subdivided suitable for den tist, tiled operating room, located in the heart of the business district. This Is an excellent proposition for some young dentist. AG 4S3. Oregonlan. PRIVATE OFFICE with telephone, recep tion room, best service. In financial Dldg. Investigate; give references. L 607, Ore gonian. ONE .SMALL suite of rooms in modern public office building, suitable for com mercial purposes. Address AC 484, Ore gonian. m m OFFICES for rent, outride. Fliedaier bldg., 10th and Wash, sts. FURNISHED office, homelike, with op without piano. Call 312 FHedner bldg- WINDOW and office space for rent, ground floor. 240 Washington st. DESK room in otfice. 212 Railway Ex change bide. Main 967. WaNTED rtinall furnished or unfurnished office. AP 40S. Oregonian. OFFICE suite to rent, some furniture for sale at bargain. Main 0. DESK in or lice, Morgan bldg., $13. Main 2035. 822 Morgan bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. WANTED Young man with advertis ing ability to handle advertising and assist with interviewing prospects. Will guarantee $200 to $0OO per month straight salary to one that can qualify. This requires a cash investment of $0000. which is fully secured. No inqui ries answered unless name, address and former business connections are given in first letter. .BJ 530, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY For man or woman with $500 for half Interest and to take full charge of office proposition as distributor in Oregon for article that creates own demand and without competition : don't answer un ls"' you have money and can stand prosperity, as earning possibilities are unlimited; answer, giving phone, X 500, Oregonian. GROCERY BARGAIN, $040 for one of the neatest and cleanest stocks in the city; good fixtures, some furniture, 4 living rooms; a good trust ness. The first real buyer to see this will Invest. Peters. 10 N. Fifth st. $895 TAKES FINE GROCERY. GOOD, CLEAN STOCK AND FIXTURES. SODA FOUNTA IN. GOOD LOCATION ; ON CARLINE. 4 NICE LIVING R OO M S. CALL AT 4412 WOODSTOCK AVE. OWNER. GROCERY and confectionery, with foun tain. $700; fixtures; invoice stock about $1000; rent $35; living rooms; terms on fixtures if desired; dandy place for man and wife. Keipper, 410 Railway Ex change bldg. ONE OF the best equipped auto repair shops in the heart of the city, work ing four men; will stand Investigation; sell for Invoice price; rent $00 per ino.; XK00 will handle. East 7249. iIav b. clients lor small stores, pool rooms, garages and shops. TO BUY OR SELL. PEE A. W. ESTES, REALTOR. 905 Chamber of Comnv-rce. Auto. 514-63. HAVE client for 5 or 6-room modern bungalow: $00 cash, large monthly pay ments: prefer Hawthorne district. .1. P. McKenna Realty Co., Belmont at 30th. Tabor 0493! GROCERY store, good district, rent $20: lease; price $2800, would consider good acreage in exchange. See Mr. Lewis, P. M. oi7-l onam. oi tom. oiag $20UU GROCERY with 4 modern living rooms, first time offered for sale; old age; 5 years' lease. Quick Sales Co,. 4O0 Couch bldg. WOOD and coal business for sale, oue of the best locations in city for handling big business, central location, water front, side track. East 2220. LOOK. $1850 and $S00 first mortgage contract. 7 per cent interest; will dis. liberally. W 4 1 1 , oregonian SMALL grocery, 4 living rooms, rent $20: price $000: this is good. See Mr. Lewis. 517-10 Cham, of Com. bldg. after 2 P. M. $850 RESTAURANT, nice location for two people cannot be bent; half cash. $15 QV 1CK SALES CO.. 400 COUCH BLDG. $1200 LIGHT grocei y and confectionery, has bakery equipment in connection; some terms, has good business. Quick Sales Co.. 406 Couch bldg. t;y0 WEST-SIDE cafeteria ; exceptional location, good business. See this Mon day morning before 11 o'clock. Call 322 Falling bldg. $1050 LIGHT grocery, confectionery and soft drinks, two nice living rooms on a busy street; some terms. Quick Sales LADIES' and genLs furnishings and shoe . tr nrtrf lnrtion : must b nold on account of poor health: will take some trade. Address 4Q7 East Morrison. $900 GROCERY snap; living rooms, nice clean stock, good fixtures, and doing more cash business than most larger tores. Cobb Bros.. 203 Oak st. STAGE RUN, with two seven-passenger cars: should clear $500 a month; $1000 handles. Knone t,aKt r.:r. 11000 CASH and city lots for good grocery T . Xf i- l.oorl- ' r M K17.1Q on am per ui v)iinrn,r u'nf GAS ENGINE machine Bhop, situated on river, doing good business. N. M. Ben son, foot of Iron at. . BARBER SHOP Nets 250 each month, also living rooms, garage; for price and terms call 513 Artisans bldg. HALF INTEREST of my business open for a good, honest partner; $300 will handle. AC 531. Oregonian. FOR SALE Stock in reliable bonding company and established stage run. AG 536, Oregonian. : $1700 GROCERY store, -2 living rooms, close in, cash-and-carry. See Mr. Lewis, 2 P. il., 617 -Cham. -of Com. bid. BUSINESS PPORTCNlTIKfl. 4000 CONFECTIONERY; very good location. $1600 Keaiaurant; heart of city. $1100 Barber shop, three white chairs; rent $20. 32700 Pool room, soft drinks, cigars, $50hi Confectionery; rood corner. $2000 Restaurant; cheap rent. $100O Shoe thine; good business. $2000 Restaurant and confectionery. $850 Shoe shine; good location. 31000 Grocery; four living rooms. Terms on all this. SEE MR. RAHOUTIS, 837 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. 840 ACRES, 3 miles from station; 500 acres plowed; 141 acres fine fall grain; twt sets buildings; Dewo- light plant; 14.0OO gallon cement reservoir from large spring; 3 acres winter banana apples; family orchard: 5 miles woven wire fence, 23 Durham cattle, registered Dur ham bull, 5 big brood sows. 20 big shoats, complete farm outfit, including tractor, horses, combine everything; 2 sets fur niture; over $10,000 worth personal prop erty; $30,000; $0000 will handle. Long terms. Best buy in Northwest today. Smith fc Nelson. Goldendale. Wash. HALF Interest In a good paying garage clearing better than $200 per month. About 00 cars In stor age; 0O0 worth of tools. Account sickness will sell interest for $050. A money-maker. NET LAM & PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark Sts. WANT party who has decision to grasp an opportnity and business judgment to know one when they see it and one who If they earned $1000 per month would want to earn $2000; to such party can offer an equal interest with me in agency that Vill bring permanent In come of at least $1000 per month; $10O0 capital required, will bear strictest in vestigation. Please don't answer tin i.mm vnu ran fill requirements. Give phone. AK 490. Oregonian. HALF INTEREST IN GARAGE AND GENERAL AUTO HEPAIK GALLON GAS TANK. BOWSER PUMP, 4 OIL TANKS. GOOD LINE OF ACt ES cni K I? w VT ti MO NTH WITH LONG LEASE; GOOD ESTABLISHED BUSINESS IN THE HEART OK THE B I G G EST LITTLE TO W N IN T HE WEST. FOR FILL KUtuuMvo, WRITE T. C. AMMON9. 630 COTTON WOOD ST., PENDLETON, Ort MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRICT AGENTS WANTED. Vorrhantn in all lines need it and buy on demonstration; sells at $10. you make $0; something new; experience unneces sary; must have enough capital to lay In a small siock; write iuu " tory wanted. American Sales Co. Ltd. 4S7 Broadway, New York City. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. A good little store on East Morrison, doing a good business, not open Sunday; t -ri,.H living ronmi and bath, complete ly furnished, including piano; rent W0; 91500 buys an. SIMMS-KEITH CO., 610 Henry Bldg. Ai-ASAA offers wonderful opportunities fr 1 rtrm nmfltii in sea-food products. I have a going staple business ready for expansion, neeu aaumonai capita-, trtinr nnd safe, nlan for investors. big or little; will stand closest investi- . i- .. n a Krr.it H riinm 0. Ore gon bldg fc T R A ! fcXTHA! EXTRA! E XT it A ! u I rfi i T L'Ull M P TtllMV WPS side downtown location. This is worth $7000 or more; seats vu peopie; rem -uv. good lease. Making money now and can bo made a hummer if you know your i j D.I. t'J-.AO SIM MS-KEITH CO.. 010 Henry BMg. REPRESENTATIVE wanted by estab Us bed manufacturing corporation: open local office. Meritorious proposition sold to merchants, wholesalers and re tailers. Should net $10,000 annually; about $1000 capital required. President, 822 Reaper bloetv. :mcago. A PORTLAND manufacturing company has permission to sen iu,uuu in pie f.rrcrl tok. fullv secured, with -livi deuda guaranteed; money lo be used to increase output;, need business man who can invest, for responsible position. O 530. Oregonlan. i v-kw :i:i.im H CO. PAID 12200 vnViv 'dividends on each one hundred dollars iuvesied. Court records prove this. Let me show you somenim and nfe. Strictest Investi gation invited. Installments or cash. T 012, Oregonian u.ivivn I'll 'T 1 ! Vt V. SHOW. Up-to-date suburban show house, fully equippeu, ntrttt! -.--j, - chines. 2-B; clearing $700 per month: a swell organ: good lease; price SI 1.000. Anchor investment Co.. 45 Panama bhlg.. corner 3d and Alder sts. GARAGE aud repair snop in country town ..r, Tualatin highway, now being paved; n.Pna mc-hHtiica busy at pret-ent. 'our i-. .,.mr' rent, liirht competition being sold to dissolve partnership; price $2.H0. NO agents. .vuuiwi Oregon la. ;v WILL Vol ACT if 1 show- you a clean huin reoulrinsr no special experience netting from 00 to 100 per cent on your cash investment. aosoiuic s-eui..j ,.n io.t-.ii ii fniinh hide.. Fourth bet Wash, and SLark. Sunday or first three rlRVs of weeg ESTABLISHED company wants state dis tributor, open on ice now. m.. " - - uriiu needed by every mer chant and factory. Big proposition for rtsht man; $000 to $1000 required. Con tract Manager, 171 N. Dearborn St., Chha-o. FOR SALE V.ry aura.-live needlework shop in excellent location, established 4 years; stock and patterns new; rent low and price very reasonable. Illness in iwmilv onlv reason tor selling. Inquire 039 Alberta St. Sunday and Monday CASH AND CARRY grocery, aparl.nent house district, doing nice business, nv- ine rooms; invoice stoca, uy-w date fixtures, will sell or lease. A. J. De FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. FOR SALE Cheap If taken at once, first class blacksmith shop with steam ham mer and boiler. Also practically new 16-in heavy duty American turning lathe. AV 307, Oregonian a r.iRAOK PARTNER WANTED. Choice west side location; large ga rage, very profitable business, stand full Investigation; must be reliable. Room 51 1 Railway Exchange bldg. WOOD AND COA L. Established business, clearing $J00 mo. the year round, have 2-ton truck, a 2' ton truck, woodsaw, etc., all for $2o0. Room 41 QeKum piug BY OWNER Two-flat house of 12 rooms. I.,, ion nnur in. naved street ; uresent income $100 per month, $2700 cash, includes furnishings: baiancenkt rent, lone time at 0 per cent. East (014 "A SAFE. PROFITABLE ENTERPRISE. Party wants man with $20OO to $.000. your money secured by real estate. proiUs divided. Tlmi.er Land Bureau. Hoard of Trade bldg.. Portland. Or. OPPORTUNITY for all round printer. Well equipped small shop. Only job shop in town of 0tO0. Other business reason for selling $1500. $000 cash, balance to suit. AV 303. Oregonian ........ i." 1 K.T IT A C'P.Bl 1 tW. garage. IOOxToo 2 stories, doing about simu per month business; rent $300; 3 fc year lease: price V2JM. ha t cash KKI.IA ni,r. . v r..-, i ' iuK L1SASB-Kirsl-tlaii. automoullo shop. Hudson, Bull and Chevrolet agencies to draw from. Only thoroughly qualified man need apply. Eastern Oregon Auto Co.. vai r - V I'.tDlilli' Well located, good storage and repair trade- must nee to appreciate; aome terms-to right party. Room 611 Railway U1JN .wun y. for tli Is tailor hop and dresiAiakliiB " ith furnished living rooms, doing fin. buainess; rent ;10. leaae. This i. hear. Clearing 10 daily. E. F. Xlrhnlaon. Main T'-4:'. Su". P. M. GROCERY" and' confectionery. Best of lo cations Doing a wonderful hualncss. Call Tabor dlSU for appointment. By owner i'uh SALK lec creJini. creamery plant in good country town; well eslatilished retail wholesale business: making good mnnev. P. O. box -'"-', Portland. Or. ' I. AWN a. Now lawns built and old lawna re modeled; pricei right; by the hour or contract, l'none -on. f WA N'T a good dairyman to go halves with me In a good dairy: this dairy also retails the milk to the customers. V M R. Oregonian CONFECTIONERY", cigars, 3 pool table, card tables; rent $25; 2-year lease. 4 liv ing rooms: live town, j0. Woodiawn S0". Call 2 to 4. IF YOU have tl."00 cash you can buy cash-and-carry grocery from owner; expenses low good trade; no agents need anawei. AM 4Til, oregonian. t-000 LIGHT nifg. business, fast selling Ford accessory, big profit., fine chance to get into good thing; I am very sick. must sell. p tnt. urcBiHu.u. TRANSFER and general dray, also ex press, mall and grocery deliveries; no competition, good town. . Address box OH. Harrlsburg, Or. BLACKSMITH shop for sale in White River valley, 16 miles from Seattla. For particulars address 415 Harrison St., Kent. Wash. ' SUBURBAN grocery, living rooms, low rent big business. Ransom, Main 1S76, or 409-411 Couch bldg. puli SALE Tire shop, below invoice for cash; reason, ill health. Address V 61-, Oregonian. LlENTifeTRY equipment at Broadway lo cation for sale. $800. Home terms. N 37H. Oregonian CLEANING and pressing shop, one block I Xrom Portland, hotel. lb'J Turk. f BCSINESS orroKTt'xiTir DO YOU WANT TO TRADE? Have -room fine home, five choice lots; good barn, cement walks, can rent for $3i or 40, S4A00. llrlck store, 2bxb.i. leased JS0; o000; 11 acres choice bottom land; high state of cultivation; acra choice everbearing strawberries; IcH al falfa; all choice garden land; can every thing raised, lutHMt. This all lies at Goldendale. VVaso., where the big East ern and Western Lumber company have purchased a million dollars worth or timber. Will trade for modern place with acreage near Portland. See me at Imperial Tuesday afternoon. O. C el- son. . $41100 STOCiv AT PAR FOR SALE. THIS CORPORATION IS A GOING CONCERN WITH WONDERFUL POSSIBILITIES. THIS STOCK IS PART OF THE PRESI DENT'S SUBSCRIPTION AND IS MORE THAN HE CAN TAKE UP. RICH MEN ALWAYS GET THE GOOD THIMA HUT HERE IS ONE CHANCE IN A LIFE TIM IS FOR A FEW INVESTORS OF MODERATE MEAN'S. REFEREN CES REQUIRED. CHAS. G. ATKINSON, MI7 SPALDING BLDG- FOR SALE. HARDWARE, FURNITURE, IMPLE MENTS An old established and suc cesslul business. Present owner Is ready to retire and will sell one-half interest or all to reliable person or persons. This is a real business nnd In a good farm ing and fruit country that Is getting better every year. Will Invoice about $7uuu. cheap rent and no buildings lo buy. AV 3115. Oregonlan. . SUBURBAN POOL HALL. BRICK BLDG. 3 pool tables, back and front bar lunch counter, root beer barrel, lots of other fine fixtures: doing a good busi ness. Rent only . good lease. fr quick sale only lli30. We have other places we would be pleased to show II you have $'.60. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 8115 OAK ST. - THOMSON He THOMSON, Realtors. BUISNESS CHANCES. We have grocery storts, confection eries, cigar and fruit stands, rrstuurants, bukerles, tailor shops, shoe shine and hat cleaning places. Priced from $o00 up to $10,000. See Mr. Mllner, with Thomson, 6J0 Henry H!rg POOL HALLUP-TO-DATE. Four pool tables, billiard tables, back, and front bars, place fully equipped, show cases, good lease, cheap rent, old established place. Price J-'UW, Uoo will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 411.1 Panama Bldg., Corner Third and Alder Streets. CONFECTIONERY, CiGAKS AND LUNCH. One of highest class west aide places In the cltv in a wonderful location snd getting better. Doing over I00 a day now. You don't even have to be a Mve one to clear up here this summer; 4-year lease: I30OU cash will handle. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 'il Henry lllrtg. IS0( POOL H A LI BRICK BUILDlNli ON CORNER. FREE HEAT. LIGHTS AND WATER. A complete place, west side, doing a good business, rent JH.'i. good lease. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 4(r Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder Streets. ' WEST SIDE CLEANING AND PRESSING. Fully equipped, finest up-to-date place In city, nice living room all furnished, rent You will have to hurry. All for li5i. Some terms. We have other places we would he pleased to show. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 OAK ST. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable men to open branch office and manage salesmen; J300 to .'( neces sary: handle your own money; exclusive rights: patented article: money-making-. possibilities unlimited; will pay exnpenses to Baltimore If you qualify. Mr. L;m nier, UU3 N. Euiaw St.. Baltimore, Mil. MODERN DAIRY I.UNCH. Business. ia." per day. lease $100 per month; located in west side modern brick; this is one of the nicest aud best arranged places in Portland. H. F. KELLY, 71. Swthind TSI'lg, COV1PELTE stock of inolurcyci s. bicycles, pans slid supplies; fine stole fixtures, shop tools, etc. Will invoice over $ll.oO'i. Will sell for $7."'" and take part In city or country real estate. Sickness in my family demands my attention c.so where. D "'"7. Oregoninn . u h:iij:ri ik interior decorator lid painting contractor wants business man partner: experience unnecessary; season Just . opening: prospects never better; chance lo get big business lor litt,e money. A.I 4r.ll. Oregonlan. FOR SA LE. Grocery, auto accessories, hardware and feed stock. Invoke JllitUt), SRles. $l!0Mt per month: splendid small town near Eugene; rent $10 per month. Box ID.i, Butrene. Or. DOWNTOWN CIGAR STAND. In large office bldg.. fine fixtures, good lease. $."0 month; doing about $40. price aDoui ,oo. SIMMS-KEITH I'll.. Bill Henry Bldg. WOULD you like to make lft"o a iin.iiin. That Is the income from a high-class brick apartment house, lesse and fur niture: select patronage. West side, ace Mr. Parsons, wilh O. H SKOTHE1M CO.. Couch Bldg. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. Light grocery and cafeteria, west side, brick building, large living room In rear, rent $:0 per month. Price fl.lcKi RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. :tll5 OA K ST. SEVERAL small down-town lunch counter restaurants, nicely equipped, good daily Incomes; priced from .-. to unu for quick sale. Mr. Milner, wilh. Thomson. J Henry ping. CASH grocery anil confectionery, clean stock, good fixtures, two living rooms, low rent, good cash trade. Just the place for lady alone or man ar.d wife, i-oo Hawthorne ave. l, l 1111.!.' S 1 1 I 1 ! ' One of the best and oiliest shops In the city lo settle an estate; half price; tv0 N 1 C Vl L P OX. i27 Chain, of Com. Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, new and used furni ture business, 2-room building, good lo cation, nice stock; cheap for cash. Phone auto. (ii'l-Sl, or write Barker, sun mth st. s. K. EXCEPTIONAL Investment "P"'rl''";'- for one or more persoui,, .... v to $111,000 more to put Into a sea food proposition: will pay big and bear the close.t Investigation. K Pregoni.m. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for you lo ac quire small hotel doing good business In prosperous eastern Oregon community. Will sell outright or exchange for Port l.o.l nronertv. A.I 4NH. Oregonlan. HI DUO STOCK general hardware. Nil o. i..-. a f liirnt ftvertYfMifl neat, cnean piace. .c,j .-.----expense. Will sell at pr, sent market price. Invoice. Room 4o7 Cham, of Com. PARTNER, with $'.'K or $00" cash to take interest in truck business. Onlr those with cash need apply. Man who can drive truck prclerred. K oUh. Oro- C SH-A.VD-CARRY grocery, select neiKn borhood: good, clean atock . long ease; price n" I' taken .Monday; will In voice Call Monday, room 400, Swetland bldg. A DRUG stock and fixtures, up to dato in every respect; terms, or other propertj taken; correspondence solicited. ul llidwel! ave. FOR SALE One of the best buys lu the confectionery and grocery business on the west side: doing a dandy business. good lc;ise. :i-'" Arnsan im.ik. SACRIFICE restaurant goods of chairs, counter, linoleum, dishes, showcase, cof fee urn; will sell for '4 of what they cost. L. L. Stevens. P-'fl Belmont. PARTNER wanted fit established offic business: must bo reliable; references exchanged; prefer man with car. 1 ir' tirulars .Ml Railway Exchange bldg. WANT partner In established woodwork ing faclorv; prefer man capable of lak Ing superintendent's position; Investment $:tn0O. jl M -l.il. 'H-mMM."- WB HAVE a good contract lo offer to right parly having lour or nv- i,u... ..... lars to invest; city work: will stand strict investigation. 47.', Morrison at " 'FOR RENT. Best location on west side for daylight bakery; a years' lease. BJ 4il, Oro- gonisn. -prrrj s ,,.; A WATER POWER FLOUR AND FEED MILL. CHEAP R CAH. OR WILL I A K r, A r jm c i.. UNDERTAKING business that will bear Investigation, excellent location, good reason for se'lllng Phone Main 6031. or call or write 'Jin West Park. Portland. GROCERIES, feed and notions 42.000-a- vear business; win in....o Ford and fixtures ' $1100. M 302. Ore- conian IriKKE-CHAlR barber shop. All chairs running doing goou dubihw. ... V"' $30 a month with lease. Will sacrifice. Hrt Sixth st. A GOOD substantial bustmss hauling freient Dy auio i rucn wu k'" c can clear $20 to $30 day. $:!5O0 handles it. rtoom to i "'"f- AUTO repair shop for sale at invoice: do ing good DUsiness; '-v win ikimu.o w. Room 5)1 Railway Exchange bldg. W AN T fcU) Good live grocery, from flOUO to $-500 cash at invoice, and lump fix- tures. Avnat nwv- you: i. v. ni.-i. WE Ht" X anil aeil new ana seconu-nmia barber furniture. fiet our prices and will save you money, imxtq at. Invoice: gooa scnooi iraue. o-o Arti MnV bldg. 8-CTIAIR, barber shop for aale. Second street. . CLEANING and pressing shop on W ah- r1 I 9'